#YTTD Trialswitch
electriczayre · 11 months
💭 (ooo you wanna infodump soooo bad ooooo *enables you enables you enables you*)
💭 - What is your favorite YTTD AU idea?
sighhhh i know u asked this just so i could talk abt one of my own AUs. alright *brings out the notecards*
Before I do that, I do wanna at least mention an AU that isn't mine. I really like moonviewingtruth's Floormaster Shin AU! he's super silly and not at all murderous haha nope not gonna kill me if i give him a headpat and a hug
So anyway. My favorite of my AUs is probably Trialswitch!
My swap AU and my shift AU are fun (if the latter rather underdeveloped), but Trialswitch is a more unique idea that I really enjoy. The whole premise of the AU is that Shin's first trial and Sara's first trial are changed to be different than what they were in canon; Sara's is meant to harden her and emotionally distance her, while Shin's is meant to boost his confidence and make him believe in his own abilities.
The AU follows a protagonist Shin as he faces up against his past demons and learns to stand up for himself against his past abuser, and to trust a little more the people around him that genuinely want to help. On the flip side, poor Sara is Really Going Through It and is acting roughly how I believe she would in the AI simulations, but I do want her to eventually find a way to connect with everyone later down the line. Might be moments before death though like with Shin in canon LMAO
Also a fun part of this AU is that instead of it being roughly everyone standing with Sara vs Shin alone (or swapped in this case), it's a bit more equal. Some people like Sara and trust her, some people are wary of her but find Shin likeable, and a few people don't really trust either of them. And we see Mishima being a guide and a friend to Shin which I think is a really fun and underrated dynamic yippieee
I don't really have a lot of story for this AU but I can share this planning doc I made and this script doc I made both of which I have not updated in eons
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electriczayre · 2 years
drops a small writing snippet of my YTTD AU "Trialswitch" because this scene came to me in full clarity out of nowhere
I woke up in a strange, white room. There seems to be very little in here, minus a table with an old computer... and is that a walkie-talkie...?
<click computer to interact>
Shin: (This thing is ancient...)
<click walkie-talkie to interact>
Obtained walkie-talkie.
???: "Testing, testing, one two threeeeee... can anybody hear meeeee?"
Shin: (That voice...! It sounds like...)
Shin: "Hiyori...?! Hiyori, is that you...?"
Hiyori: "Ahaha... The one and only…"
Shin: "But... But…"
This shouldn't be possible... Hiyori is dead.
He's been dead for the past two years... or so I thought, I suppose...
Hiyori: "What's the matter, Shin...? Shaken up that you were spontaneously abducted and brought to an unfamiliar location...? Ahaha!"
Shin: "Enough of this...! I'm... I'm too old for your stupid games anymore, Hiyori! I'm an adult now, I have a job…"
Shin: "I don't have time to sit here and torture myself for you anymore...!"
Shin: "I just... want to go home and work my shift... I need to pay my rent, Hiyori."
Hiyori: "…"
Hiyori: "I guess a whole lot changed in two years, huh, Shin?"
Hiyori: "Unfortunately for you, this is not a game."
Hiyori: "This is reality... ahaha."
Shin: "Wh... what...?"
Shin: "This isn't funny, Hiyori...! I'm sick of your jokes!! Let me out...! Please…"
Hiyori: "No can do, Shin! You have to play the game just like everyone else!"
Shin: (What is he talking about...? Did he kidnap other people for this?!)
Is this... even the real Hiyori...? He's been missing for two years now... What if this is all just some sick joke someone's playing on me...?
But who in the world would even care enough to do that? I'm nobody...
Hiyori: "Now... see that little dinky computer in front of you, Shin?"
Yes... There's a very basic desktop computer sitting on that table near the wall. It looks really old... its specs are probably-
Hiyori: "This is where the coding knowledge I so graciously gave you should really come in handy, ahaha! You can thank me later."
Shin: (...Typical.)
Hiyori: "This room... is completely locked. Not even I can open the door! The only way to get out is to use the computer and hack through the security to unlock the door. Simple, no?"
Shin: "...Hiyori, if you wanted to test my skills to make sure I haven't gotten rusty-"
Hiyori: "But there's a catch."
Hiyori: "If you fail to open the door within thirty minutes... then a poison gas will fill the room, killing you within mere seconds. How exciting!"
Shin: (...!)
Shin: "Aha... ahaha... C'mon now, Hiyori, those kinds of jokes aren't very nice…"
Hiyori: "Ahaha... I'm not joking, Shin."
Hiyori: "Good luuuuck! Your first trial begins now!"
Shin: "First trial?! W-wait-! Hiyori!!"
With a click, his voice vanished. First time I've heard from him in years, and he's gone again in an instant. After threatening my life and refusing to explain anything...
...Well, not that this was out of character. He's an even worse friend than I remembered...
Shin: (So... I gotta hack through this in thirty minutes...? That's a tight time frame for anyone...)
Shin: (I better start now, I guess... Haaa... I feel my whole body shaking...)
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electriczayre · 8 months
i miss Trialswitch and YTTSwap Death Game by Swap AU and my personal Omori self-insert AU and my Spirit Phone OCs and my YTTD sona/OCs and [continues on to do nothing with any of these]
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electriczayre · 2 years
i have three whole YTTD AUs and an Omori AU all in my brain and i want to talk about them grhrgrgrgrgrgr
basic summaries
Trialswitch (YTTD) - An AU that takes away the "balancing" part of the death game, leaving Nao, Mishima, and Kugie out of the game. Shin gets a completely different first trial and stays his true self, and in fact develops to be stronger and more confident throughout the story. Sara's first trial was to kill Ryoko to survive, or die to save her life. She ultimately kills Ryoko in a panic and becomes distraught and traumatized from this trial. She gets worse before she gets better. If possible, I'd want to make this into a fangame.
Deathswitch (YTTD) - A "storyshift-like" YTTD AU that shifts character roles (excluding Sara, the protagonist) around in pairs, without changing original personalities. Sara dies in the original YTTD timeline, then wakes up at her desk like before the Death Game started, unaware she's in a different world. She retains memories of the previous world, but nothing from the death game besides vague, blurry bits and pieces. She also gains memories of her past in the new world she's in when interacting with certain people. I am in the process of turning this into a story!
YTTSwap: Death Game by Swap AU (YTTD) - or Zaire's Your Turn to Swap since I'm not the only one with a basic YTTD swap au. What you see is what you get - characters swap with each other and things change because of it. All blood relations remain intact in this. Meister, Mr. Chidouin, and the Memorandum Man are all the same guy. I have a lot of doodles n shit for this AU actually due to how important design change is to it. Might make this into a sprite comic in the future if I'm feeling silly.
ISOLI (OMORI) - This is a fun one!!! "Isoli" comes from the german word for isolate, isolieren. In ISOLI, the emotion bosses (and Mikal lmao) swap with Sunny's real friends! Biscuit <--> Mari, Doughie <--> Hero, Basil <--> Mikhael, Aubrey <--> Spaceboy, and Kel <--> Sweetheart. Mari and Hero are magic healers cursed to aid people for all eternity without breaks, Basil is just a little guy in the park, Aubrey is a rogue, and Kel is a basketball star alien! Meanwhile Captain Spaceboy, Sweetheart, and Biscuit are now Charlie, Stephanie, and Bowen. Doughie is still Doughie and uses they/them pronouns. Sunny was adopted into Doughie and Bowen's family when he was just a baby.
(please ask me about any of these i will be happy to answer any questions and talk about them)
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