weridpersonhelp · 2 years
Description: Kyle invites Y/n to Casa Bonita, and muck around.
warning; Swearing, fluffy. cartman being cartman. not been proof read
"Hey Y/n."
"Oh, hey Kyle! how are you doing?" Y/n asks him, somehow Y/n always manages to make Kyle smile.
"Pretty good actually, I aced my math test and cartman hasn't made and well I have awesome news!" Y/n chuckles a little at him, her smile made his smile. bigger.
"Nice job, mine's tomorrow. what's this awesome news?" She starts walking Kyle follows her lead.
"Well, my birthday this weekend on Saturday and my mum said I could take 4 friends to Casa Bonita! and well... I wanted to invite you! that is if you want too." Y/n gasps slightly she stops in the middle of walking.
"Wait so you'll come?!" Y/n hugs Kyle happily he was a bit taken back he felt Awkard and didn't want people to see, but he still enjoyed it.
"Yes of course I'm going! is there anything you want for your birthday then?" she asks pully away from him, he missed her warmth already.
"What? Oh, you don't need to get me anything!" Y/n rolls her eyes at the boy playfully.
"Okay, okay I won't get anything. but what have you been interested in lately?" Now it was Kyles turn to playfully roll his eyes at the girl they both chuckle.
"Wait who else is coming."
"Oh, stan, Kenny and butters this Saturday at 5:30"
"No cartman? she asks.
" What no, why would I invite that asshole?" he raises his voice at even the thought of it. she chuckles at the boy's anger calming him down instantly as she pats his back.
"Good, I was worried for a moment you'd let that guy come on your special day." the two continued to talk as they entered the dining hall and walked up to chef.
"Hey Kyle oh I see you made a new friend here."
"Oh yes this is Y/n " Kyle says.
"Hi chef it's nice it be properly introduced."
"Nice to meet you too Y/n now what can I get you love birds- I mean friends." Chefs give Kyle a wink.
"Chicken nuggets with fries please!"
"Chicken nuggets with fries please!" the two say at the same time.
"Jinx! now you can't talk till I say your name three times!"
"Haha, she got you there! Kyle, anyway here's your food ids. Rember to let him go of that jinx before his birthday now Y/n." Chef says they both leave, but Kyle was playfully glaring at her slightly.
"What? do you want me to say your name?" the boy nods furiously almost flipping his hat off.
"Oh, hey guys, what's up?" stan asks them.
"Hey stan, nothing much." Kyle stays quiet and stand rises an eyebrow.
"what's up with Kyle?"
"Oh Kyle? well Kyle here just got jinx and I need to say his name three times until he is unjinxed or he gets bad luck." at this Cartman laughs at Kyle.
"s-" "you can't talk dude unless you want bad luck," stan says Kyle gives the girl a glare and she rolls her. eyes.
"Fine as your birthday present, I'll unjinx you Kyle-" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH FATASS!" Kyle shouts at cartman.
"Y/n come on already, bebe showing us her new nails!" Wendy pop in out of no were.
"oh, hi stan!"
"Hi Wendy."
"Okay, okay, I'll talk to guys later. bye!"
"Bye Y/n!" Kyle says waving the girl goodbye.
"Dude you're so red-" "oooh KYLE BLUSHING!"
yall want part 2? where they acutally go? or
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rrrrinmaru · 1 year
the taste of vanilla on your lips (marius x mc)
wc: 923 rating: T
When he shows up before you in an ice cream truck, the first thing you do is check the date. 
“It’s not April Fool’s yet,” you tell him, brows furrowed even as your lips curve up of their own accord. “What are you doing in that thing?”
“Making an honest living,” Marius replies, one arm braced against the counter as he tilts his head at you. From this angle, you can see the sharp slant of his jaw when he grins at you. “Is the pretty lady interested in ice cream? I’ve got every flavour under the sky in my truck.”
You stare at him, torn between exasperation and amusement. This isn’t the first time he’s shown up in an ice cream truck, but this time you aren’t at HoyoLand and he’s not in the signature uniform. 
He’s dressed casually. A white T-shirt with a rounded collar sits loosely on his shoulders, and the usual over-jacket is nowhere to be seen. There’s a dark blue apron tied around his waist and neck. Marius looks younger than usual, looking the very picture of a university student sneaking out to do some part-time work. It’s like a breath of fresh air, watching the way his lips curl as he grins at you.
And you’re in a park. You’re honestly surprised there aren’t more kids running up to try and buy ice cream from the handsome man in the eye-catching truck. The sun sets in the horizon, casting a gentle orange glow over the place, and the light catches on the bridge of his knuckles when he braces his palm against the roof to lean out. 
“So, what’ll it be, pretty miss?” He asks, eyebrows raised as he smirks at you. “Are you a classic type of girl, or more adventurous? Vanilla, or cereal and milk?”
“You have cereal and milk flavoured ice cream in there?”
“I have everything you want,” Marius says smugly, giving you such a self-assured smile that you can’t help but want to kiss it off his face. “Have your pick. Everything in this truck is at your mercy. And we have an ongoing discount! Two for the price of one, a special treat for our thousandth customer.”
The charm that rolls off him is effortless. You try to resist it, maybe give him a hard time for driving an ice cream truck all the way here, but you’re helpless to the twinkle in his eyes.
You hope it’s not too self-centered to think that he’s here for you. Marius certainly didn’t pick this park out of the entirety of Stellis for no reason. 
“Vanilla,” you decide. “Two scoops.”
“You only get to pick one,” he tells you, already ducking back in to scoop ice cream into a cone. “The other one is a surprise!”
You huff, shifting your weight from side to side as you wait for him to be done. Instead of handing you the cone through the main window, however, Marius turns to the door.
The door to the van. As if he intends on leaving.
You stand there, surprised as he does just that—he unties the cute blue apron with his free hand and slips it off his neck, hanging it up as he goes down the steps.
“For the lucky lady,” he says, offering the cone to you with a flourish. “Happy birthday, jiejie.”
The flush rises almost immediately. You put a hand to your face, trying to cover the redness of your cheeks. “I didn’t—how did you know? Did I tell you before, in the past?”
“I checked your ID,” Marius replies playfully, pulling at your hand to drag it away from your face. “No need to hide such a pretty face. Here, one scoop of vanilla ice cream.”
You grab the cone, trying to focus on tasting the ice cream instead of looking at Marius. But you can tell that he’s staring at you, one hand tucked lazily into his pocket as he smiles, and the flush stubbornly stays on your face. 
“I thought you said I could get two scoops,” you point out in a weak attempt to change the subject. 
As if on cue, Marius puts on the worst shocked expression ever. His eyes go comically wide, mouth dropping open in surprise as he pretends to gasp, and he looks at you like you’ve discovered the secret to world peace.
“Why, jiejie,” he says, smile clinging to his lips once he’s done acting. His fingers interlock with yours, grip tightening slightly like he wants to make sure he’s holding onto you properly, and he tugs you close.
“I said it was a two for one deal. Everything in the truck is at your mercy. Including the ice cream man, you know?”
Marius laughs, swinging your entwined hands lightly as he watches you get flustered. “I’ll get you another scoop if you really want one, jiejie. The actual ice cream man should be coming any minute now. I just borrowed his truck to surprise you.”
Ah, you think, seeing someone round the corner and head straight to the truck. He waves at Marius, giving a meaningful look in your direction, and your fingers twitch around Marius’ hand when Marius nods back. 
“How about it?” Marius points at the newly reclaimed ice cream truck. “Want another scoop?”
You shake your head. “I’ve got everything I want right here,” you whisper, and squeeze Marius’ hand. 
He blinks, surprised, and then it’s his turn to try and hide his flush behind the palm of his hand. 
(a/n: written for a friend! happy birthday 🥳 )
© rrrrinmaru 2023 | no unauthorised publication or reproduction allowed
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fogclearer · 3 years
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Book Club - 90s!Luke Patterson
Summary: Reggie books a gig at a suburban mom’s book club and Luke takes full advantage of the situation to flirt with you. 
A/N: I’m literally writing two other Luke fics right now 😭😭
Julie and the Phantoms Masterlist
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
The third Thursday of every month belonged to your mother. It was her day, when she demanded not to be bothered, when she spent hours out of the house socializing with the women’s group that she belonged to. And, out of all those Thursdays, there were always the very special few when it wasn’t her leaving the house but everyone else. The group rotated their meeting time, everyone for a blue moon meeting at your house, meaning, of course that you were expected to stay out. Staying out was not a difficult thing to do, in fact you relished the opportunity to spend a few more hours with your friends. 
It was one of those Thursdays, when all the ladies that your mother loved to lunch with were spending the afternoon at your house and you were making yourself scarce, that arguably the weirdest but maybe best thing happened. Your mom had told you before you left for school that morning that she expected you to stay out, and you would have, if you had remembered your wallet. But you’d left it in your room, on the edge of the vanity, and you didn’t want to be the one owing money when your friends went to lunch. A quick stop home should’ve been easy, the stairs were right off the kitchen and the side door was right there, giving you the opportunity to shoot upstairs and grab your wallet without her being the wiser to it. 
The whole thing would’ve gone off without a hitch except that when you walked through the side door and into the kitchen you came face to face with four boys from your school. You recognized them more for the fact that you didn’t hang out in the same circle; most of your friends held a certain level of contempt for the four guys that made up Sunset Curve. You didn’t necessarily dislike any of them, you didn’t necessarily even know them, though you would be lying if you said that the lead singer, who occasionally sat in front of you in math, was seriously making you rethink a deep dive into all this rock music. Luke, Reggie, Alex, and Bobby were standing in your kitchen. They were the Green Day/Nirvana worshipping, head banging rockers that ditched school regularly and got into worlds of trouble and they were standing in your kitchen.  
Bobby was the only one who looked up from snacking on leftover hors d’oeurves, saying your name in surprise as the other three all stopped to look at you too. Alex gave an awkward little wave as he set down the small sandwich he was eating.  
“Uh...what are you guys doing in my house,” you asked, looking between the four of them.  
“Your mom tapped us to perform for her ladies club.” Luke explained, dropping his food on the plate and wiping his hands against his black pants.  
Your mom had invited these four to sing for her conservative ladies’ group? You tried not to but you couldn’t help the smile that crossed your face when you thought about it. Whatever your friends said about the guys, you weren’t ashamed to say you had taken one of the free demos that Reggie handed out and had been listening to it on repeat for a while now. “My mom wanted you guys to play a gig for her and her friends?” You clarified.
“Until we started playing,” Reggie replied, and you couldn’t help laughing.
“I bet...you guys aren’t exactly...suburban mom rock.” You joked, “though I totally would’ve loved to see their faces when you guys started singing.”  
The grin on Luke’s face was unmistakable though you missed it as you nabbed one of the sandwiches on the plate near Alex. It was probably some really stupid cliche, him liking one of the popular girls. Cute, cheerleader, future prom queen. You hung out with people who listened to Britney Spears and Spice Girls, any knowledge of the rock scene they might’ve actually had was only for the sake of making dumb jabs at him or his friends. Still, Luke had a massive crush on you and he wasn’t so embarrassed to admit it. Bobby joked that he wanted to “bring you over to the dark side” and maybe that sounded cynical but he thought he wouldn’t mind seeing you look a little less perfectly put together if it had something to do with him. Hearing you mention his music almost had him doing a back flip from excitement.  
“So you’ve listened to our music?” Luke asked, moving closer to you, leaning on the counter beside you. Behind him, Alex rolled his eyes.
“Reggie gave out demos like...last month.” You shrugged, trying to play it off. You’d been excited to listen to their music, see if it was any good and had discovered that you actually loved it. They were talented guys and you felt surprisingly connected to the songs. “I might’ve listened.”
“I did!” Reggie piped up, “I gave demos to all the-” he stopped, mouthing instead, as if you wouldn’t understand him when he said ‘all the cute girls’.  
“I hate to ask but...don’t you think like, actual clubs would be better places to promote your music? I don’t think the middle-aged moms are really a target audience, unless you’re into that kind of thing?” You said, peering down the hallway when you heard the familiar squeak of a floorboard. If the boys were still here than there was no doubt in your mind that your mom had told them to stay for some reason or another.  
“You gotta start somewhere.” Luke replied, unfazed by the hint of judgement in your voice.  
“My living room?” You asked, jokingly.  
He smiled, “actually, we’re playing a club on the strip tomorrow night, we could, maybe, get you on the guest list?”  
“We’re opening for someone else,” Bobby cut in, bringing Luke back down to reality, “I’m pretty sure no one’s ever even heard of the band we’re opening for.”  
Luke glared at Bobby, sticking his finger in his mouth and then jabbing it into Bobby’s ear, a smile of success immediately lighting up his features when Bobby recoiled in disgust. “So what’d ya say?” Luke asked.  
“I mean, I guess technically every band deserves girls screaming for them, so sure…I’ll go.” You agreed, eyes on Luke the entire time.  
The last concert you had been to wasn’t even for you, your mom had dragged you to a Beach Boys concert up in San Francisco for her birthday weekend when your father refused to indulge her so-called ‘terrible taste in music’. “There are just some things we will never agree on and music is one of them.” He had insisted back then. It was the same thing you felt like telling your friends when you declined a party invitation in favor of heading down to the strip to see the guys play. You could’ve maybe played it off casually, as if you were heading down there anyway and Sunset Curve just happened to be opening but Bobby was right, you’d never heard of the band that was performing after them.  
Not to mention Luke decided to show up for a least a quarter of the day just to mess with your head. You had spotted him in the hallway between classes and smiled when he looked your way, a split second before the sea of students scrambled to get to their lockers. Your own best friends appeared by yours, looking more and more like carbon copies of the Heathers every day. You kind of hated them, truth be told, but you didn’t have too many other options.  
They were badgering you about the party as you tried to wrack your brain for an excuse that sounded convincing when Luke stopped, right in front of the three of you.  
“Hey, I’ll see ya tonight?” He asked, whole body turned to face you and completely ignoring the looks of disdain and shock cloaking your friends faces.  
You felt like a deer in headlights. Say yes and your friends would probably ostracise you, say no and you could just imagine the look on Luke’s face. Anything but this absolutely sincere and hopeful smile was something you didn’t want to be responsible for. You really liked him looking at you like that.  
“Yeah, can’t wait.” You nodded.  
When he stepped back out into the traffic of the hallway he touched your waist, as if he was anchoring himself for a second and you bit your lip, letting yourself watch him disappear before turning to face the firing squad.  
“Luke Patterson?” Both of your friends spoke in unison, one breaking off to elaborate, “you’re ditching a party at Max Turner’s house for Luke Patterson?”  
“His band is playing at some club on the strip.” You replied, shutting your locker and heading toward your next class. “They invited me to come watch the show.”
“And you’re going?”  
You hadn’t been to anything smaller than a stadium concert before and the implication of a concert at a local club venue, right on the strip with all the ‘riffraff’ that were hanging around trying to make it big like their 80’s punk rock idols wasn’t exactly your scene but, Luke had looked so cute asking you to go and you had the tiniest, maybe delusional, feeling that he’d come to school just to remind you that tonight was the concert. How could could even consider some suburban house party to that?  
“Yeah, why not,” you shrugged, trying to play it off like it was nothing, you could see your social status flashing before your eyes and your mom’s voice desperately begging you to reconsider. “Besides, Luke’s hot.”
“Did you have some kind of Freaky Friday switch when you woke up this morning? Luke is not hot.”  
“Okay,” you drew the word as if disbelieving. He wasn’t some 90210 reincarnate but he was definitely one of the hottest guys in school, not to mention the sleeveless shirts were an added bonus. “Well, I said I was going, so I’m going.”
And, despite the continued protests of your friends throughout the day, you did go. You promised your parents you were spending Friday night studying at Terri’s house and took the bus down to the strip to wait in line for Sunset Curve and whoever was headlining. You stood there twirling your fake ID in your hands, listening to the two girls in front of you (who didn’t need fakes) talk about some drummer that wasn’t anyone you’d ever heard of and tried to look as mature as possible. If Luke, Alex, Reggie, and Bobby could play this venue, surely you could get into it.  
Whether the ID worked or the bouncer at the front door just didn’t care, he let you through, admitting you into a pulsing crowd of people making their way through the small vestibule and into the venue. You slipped your way through the crowd until you made it to the front, pressed against the railing and inches away from another bouncer who seemed just as disinterested in you. The drumkit that was already on the stage had the Sunset Curve logo on it. You ran a hand through your hair and fixed your shirt, maybe it was silly but you were sort of hoping that even in the silhouetted lighting of the venue you Luke might see you. Maybe a little pathetic groupie on your end but he had invited you.  
And he did see you. Halfway through Now or Never when he looked down over the crowd, he caught you, dancing along to their music, the smile on your face as you mouthed the words was infectious. It was the combination of seeing someone singing all the songs back to them and that person being you, mixed with the adrenaline of the performance, that had him pushing to give his absolute all. You’d actually come and he was determined to make this a great concert for you.  
Alex was the one to announce that they would be in the vestibule during the lull between bands, they got the occasional straggler who dared to leave their post long enough to say hello or great job but usually it garnered nothing more than the four of them splitting some pizza and relaxing by their merch table. Tonight, as they headed off stage to an enthusiastic crowd, Luke chanced a glance back but he couldn’t find you in the sea of people. Reggie grabbed his arm, pulling him the rest of the way off the stage and throwing an arm around his shoulder, going on about how awesome the show was, Luke quickly returning the jovial compliment.
“We were fire, man, that sounded so rad tonight!” He cheered, following Alex and Bobby as they made their way through the small hall that wove back into the vestibule.  
“It was insane!” Reggie agreed.  
You had made your way back through the venue after Luke mentioned being at the merch table, slipping back passed the bouncer at the inside door, flashing your stamped hand. Their table was set up in the corner, a little way away from the headlining band’s. You stepped into the vestibule at the same time as the boys, waving at Alex when he looked your way. He nodded, reaching over to tap Luke’s chest with the back of his hand.  
“That was incredible.” You admitted, walking over to their table. Luke’s smile instantly widened as he walked around to your side, not even thinking as he hugged you, your shoulders hunching at the feeling of sweat that encompassed you. “Ew.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Luke apologized, pulling away and putting his hands on your upper arms for a second before dropping them to his sides. “Still going off the adrenaline.”
“That’s okay,” you promised, “you’re cute enough to get away with it.”
“Yeah?” He leaned against the table, trying to look cool. He felt like he was grasping for words and he didn’t want to start stuttering or sounding dumb, Bobby would never let him live it down if he made a fuck up of himself. The other three tried not to laugh and ruin his moment.  
You seemed to recover from the moment first, glancing at the other three before landing on Luke again. “You guys are totally a live band though...like that was so good.”  
Reggie came in with a save, letting Luke off the hook for a moment, “Are you heading back in to see the headliner?”  
You grimaced, “don’t really know them...not really interested.” You replied, keeping your eyes on Luke, hoping that was hint enough that you’d come just to see him.  
It clearly was because, as a few girls stepped into the vestibule and looked like they were coming your way, Luke grabbed your arm, nodding toward the doorway for you to follow him. You did, walking with him into the hallway so that it was quieter, the sounds of the house music and the chatter of people outside being drowned out in the small corridor.  
“So, uh, sorry I’m still wigging out that you came.” He admitted.  
“I said I was going to, twice. Did you seriously think I was lying?” You asked.  
“I mean, I heard your friends giving you a hard time when I walked away, figured you might back out.”  
“Well, I’m glad I didn’t, seriously Luke, you guys are amazing. You’re so talented.” You replied.  
“Guess I was right when I told Reggie to take that book club gig huh?” He said, fiddling with the rabbit’s foot on his keychain.  
“Why’s that?”  
“I thought maybe if I was lucky, I’d catch a glimpse of you...having you come here and watch us though? Better than I could’ve imagined.” He replied, grinning at you.  
“You wanted to see me?”
“Yeah, don’t act so surprised.” He said, “you gotta know how insanely cool you are. And you look beautiful tonight, by the way.”  
“Thanks,” you bit your bottom lip to try and keep your composure, “I uh...damn, you’re making me super nervous.”  
“Yeah?” He stepped a little closer to you, his hands brushing against yours as if he was going to hold them. You couldn’t help wishing he would.  
“I should probably let you get back to your fans,” you pointed out, glancing back out the door to where a few more people had gathered. If you stayed in this hallway with him any longer there was no way you were letting him back out.  
“Hang out? We could grab some pizza or something after?” He asked.  
“Yeah, absolutely.”  
When he walked back through the door you followed behind him, hanging back so you weren’t hovering around them as they chatted with and signed stuff for the group of people that had ventured out between sets. It didn’t matter though, as he talked, he kept looking back at you smiling as if you were both in on some sort of secret.  
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kagsangel · 3 years
doll face, ft. zeke jaeger x fem!reader
summary: reader is at Zeke and Eren’s house during sundress szn for a party with her friends, when reader runs into Zeke after some time apart, things get a bit hot and heavy...
warnings: angst, unprotected penetrative sex, oral sex (female receiving), fluff, mentions of alcohol and drink spiking, swearing, teasing
word count: 3-4k
the party was buzzing. the sun hung low in the sky, the air warm with a cool breeze. Armin was chatting to Annie passionately whilst Annie listened with tedious intent. Sasha was bent over the food table, eyes glistening with glee accompanied by a carnivorous grin on her face.  Connie leant against the back wall of the garden, occasionally running a hand over his buzz cut as he spoke to a girl you’d never seen before.  Mikasa and Levi sat brooding in the corner of the gazebo, no doubt gossiping about all the random people Even invited. He told us it was a small get together...there tustve been 100 people milling about the fairly decent sized garden Eren shared with his older brother Zeke.
Zeke is nowhere to be seen - from my point of view anyway. After our ‘tryst’ the last time I was here his presence around our group had waned. Obviously I immediately thought it was because of me, because he regretted what happened between us. like the regretted the way he held me close as he rocked into me, the way he gently kissed and nibbled at the inside of my thighs after he finished devouring my soul through my core, the way he gazed down at me  with such adoration and infatuation as he was rammed his length down my throat with such aggression it made tears run down my stuffed cheeks.
 I snapped back to reality when I began to feel my self salivating at the memory. I shook my head and rose to my feet, straightening out my sundress. “im gonna go freshen up, watch my drink?” I spoke loudly to Pieck who was bobbing her head along to the music. She nodded in acknowledgement before I turned to slip past the writhing bodies on the makeshift dance floor. the bass grew louder as I moved towards the house, the noise slightly disorientating me in my tipsy state. I mounted the stairs to use the upstairs bathroom, larger, quieter, less likely to be ushered out by a horny couple who wanna do bits in there. I push the door shut gently behind me and lean over the sink. 
splashing cold water on my face, I curse when I realise i’m actually wearing makeup, and have probably in fact ruined it. ‘I keep some around here somewhere’ I whisper to myself, frantically feeling under the sink for my special hiding place. I stand in front of the mirror for 10 more minutes, reapplying makeup and reminiscing. my brows furrow in annoyance as I here yelps and laughs from people unknown coming from the garden below. he literally said small, I was looking forward to it being just us, I pondered. I knew it was wrong to be annoyed at him, I mean it is his birthday - but your friends hadn't been all together in one place for a while now, with everyone busy with final year college work, and I miss the old times. 
breathe, think happy thoughts, I spoke internally. so I did just that. I thought of the tall, herculean, blonde bearded man who did you like you’d never been done before. I thought of the filthy things he whispered in my ear as his fingers worked their magic between my legs, causing my back to arch into his throbbing dick. I thought of the way massaged my breasts as he waited for my shaking to subside. I thought of how beautiful he looked sleeping, golden hair lay tousled on his pillow, eyelashes tickling his cheeks as he blinked in his slumber. a sharp knock hit the other side of the door. I jumped and finished freshening up. id prepared my apology to whoever was on the other side by the time I swung the door open, only to find the man I was drooling over not 20 minutes ago stand glaring down at me outside the door. 
“oh” Zeke sounded amused almost, the corners of his plump pink lips were tugged upwards into a small smirk.  
“sorry, downstairs was occupado” I smiled sweetly. I tried to maintain my cool, although it proved difficult. the man I'd got the best head of my life from but hadn't seen or heard from in over 3 weeks was before me in all his glory, and I was supposed to just keep my cool? I had to get out of here before I started yelling I was so mad. i slid past him to go downstairs.
“where do you think you’re going” it was more a statement than a question, but I answered anyway “I don't know if you noticed because you’re so...busy, but theres a party downstairs?” I hit back sneeringly. I didn't mean for it to come out with such vehemence, the alcohol was stopping me from filtering my emotions. Zeke chuckled as he said, “I don't know who you think you’re talking to doll face  but you better watch your damn mouth.”  
god you're even more breathtaking than he remembered. the low hanging sun cast a golden light across the hallway where you stood, illuminating your being in a heavenly glow. 
I scoff and begin my descent down the stairs. “stop” a gruff voice bellowed behind me. I pause in my tracks and spin around to face him. “what, zeke? what could you possibly want that you haven’t already got from me”
“I want you to get back here and pull up your sundress real quick” he states bluntly. I felt like the air had been knocked from my chest. he was so calm, so sure of himself, it was kinda sexy. I sighed heavily as I trudged up the stairs to face him. “you’re not serious...right?” I stare at him quizzically, unsure whether this is a test to see if he's got me on ropes or not. “doll face. if you didn't think I was serious, what are you doing standing in front of me?” theres that smirk again. god it makes me wanna slap him silly. “don’t call me doll face” I scold as I grab a handful of his t-shirt and pull him down to my lips. 
his mouth crashed into mine with surprising force, causing me to stumble backwards. large hands catch me by my waist and pull me closer. its hot and heavy, insatiable and agonising. Zeke straightened up with me enveloped in his arms, which then raised me off the floor and had me giggling into his shoulder as he carried me inside the bathroom and kicked the door shut with his foot. I inhaled deeply as I placed starved kisses on his neck. his hands explored every inch of my body he could get his hands on, squeezing my hips so hard I’m sure it would leave marks.
 that was what Zeke liked about you- you let him mark you, claim you as his by leaving trails of reddish-purple bruises from your neck all the way down to my core. 
still entwined with each other, we stumbled backwards until my back hit the sink. my wince in pain was quickly turned into a moan in pleasure as his hands ventured up my thighs and traced along the line of my underwear. “you want more doll face?” he breathed heavily against my ear. I sighed in approval ”use your words” he spoke deeply this time, evoking a substantial amount of arousal to gather between my thighs. “more zeke I need more” I whimpered pathetically into his chest. my body grew hot with embarrassment and infatuation. I almost forgot what he did to me.”you greedy greedy thing” he grinned. a finger slid up my dress and into my damp underwear, gathering up the wetness there for him. he broke the kiss and stared me dead in the eyes. his icy eyes were dark and hooded with lust as he sucked whole heartedly on his glistening finger ‘this man is so filthy it hurts’ I thought as I involuntarily bit my lip. 
it was hard to keep myself from crying out in pure bliss when he dipped another digit into my underwear and massaged my clit, before curling a long finger inside me - hitting my g spot continuously as he pumped in and out of me at a painstakingly slow pace. my hips bucked against him in retaliation, desperate for more friction. “fuck this I can’t wait any longer. turn around doll face” zeke grumbled. 
“pull up your dress for me” I immediately obeyed, hoisting up the fabric to reveal myself to him. i heard him pull his fly down and a soft exhale from behind me as zeke freed his throbbing dick from the denim constraints. he tapped himself on my ass a few times as he moved my lacy black thong to the side to line himself up with my entrance. his tip slid in easily, causing him to suck in a breath. “stop...playing...with me” I heaved gently. the lack of contact had me a mental frenzied state. my whole body ached and throbbed for him, and he was teasing me by rubbing his tip over my clit? now I remember why I was so mad at him. I could tell he was struggling to hold himself back by the way his fingers dug into my hips. I bucked my hips backwards so he was completely sheathed inside me, eliciting a low groan from zeke. 
he finally gave me what i’d been fantasising for weeks. I was full, in my heart... and in my pussy because Zeke was ramming his dick into me with like his life depended on it, drawing out loud moans and gasps from my salivating mouth. “you gotta keep it down doll face or everyones gonna hear you.” he huffed in my ear. I'd be surprised if no one had heard us already, the only noises in the room being the fast pace sound of skin slapping against skin and the lewd noises coming from both of our mouths. one arm snaked around me and found my neglected bundle of nerves, making me groan in ecstasy. he shoved 2 fingers in my mouth silence me, now pounding me against the sink mercilessly. I looked up into the mirror through watery eyes to meet Zeke’s carnal gaze. what a sight to behold, me bent forward, tantalisingly sucking on his digits, Zeke’s brow furrowed in concentration as he rails me one arm working feverantly between my quivering legs. 
“you like that slut? this is what you wanted right? to be fucked like the whore you are by me, and only me” he whispered in my ear, pulling my head back by my hair too have access to my neck, where he sucked pink and purple bruises into my burning skin. his thrusts became sloppier and his grunts turned into groans, he was close. I came in a trembling mess, a wailingly salacious mess - walls clenching around him, sucking him in. he pulled me up to his chest and massaged my boobs underneath the fabric of my dress “huh-uh-f-fuck...fuck thats it angel make me cum” he choked out in my ear as he emptied his load into my pussy. he rode out his orgasm with a few short thrusts before sliding out of me with a heavy sigh. his seed mixed with my arousal oozed out of me, dripping down my thighs and onto the tiled floor. I hung my head and leant forward on the sink, catching my breath whilst Zeke cleaned us up, tenderly wiping the fluids from the inside of my thighs and repositioning my underwear.
“you made quite a mess here” he teases. 
“who’s fault is that” I retort as I smooth my hair down and dab my eyes. I pivot to face Zeke who steps closer to me to place calloused hands on my hips. we stand like that for a while, just staring at each other while I gingerly wiped the sweat from his forehead. he gave me a small smile and tilted my head up to place a tender kiss on my lips. this was the most affectionate I'd ever seen him, with like - anyone. maybe it was that post nut clarity...
“you need to go back down, people are gonna miss you” he tells me quietly. I nod as I pull down my dress and straighten out the hem. “you keep wearing dresses like this I won't be able to contain myself doll face” I take another look in the mirror and smile internally. ‘I look like I just got railed into oblivion” I think to myself, Zeke looks more incriminating than i do, cheeks and lips flushed pink, as well as an increasingly large bruise growing on  the side of his neck.  “are gonna you come?’ i ask.
“I already came doll face remember?” he grins mischievously, flashing his perfect teeth. I roll my eyes but can’t help feeling hot at the memory. “don’t get cocky, and don't call me doll face”
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kisshwa · 4 years
𝐀����𝐄𝐄𝐙 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - they forget your child’s birthday
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「 seonghwa 」
“forgetting a dinner? okay, i can understand that. but forgetting your son’s birthday, seonghwa?” you whispered quietly in the kitchen. “that’s crossing the line. how do you forget something like that?”
he sighed deeply, turning on his heels to search for his son. he was laying on his stomach in his room, playing with the new dinosaurs his grandma had bought him when seonghwa walked in. y/s/n scrambled to his feet happily and threw his arms around his father’s neck. “daddy!”
“happy birthday, baby boy.” seonghwa kissed all over his face. “i’m sorry i’m late.”
“it’s okay.” he crawled down and turned to gather his new toys to show his dad. “you’re here now. that’s all that matters.”
「 hongjoong 」
hongjoong rarely forgot special days. it was unlike him. but when eight o’clock rolled around and he had still not shown up, you sent your teary-eyed daughter up to get ready for her bath. it was her sixth birthday and she had waited all day for her daddy to come back from the studio, only to be greatly disappointed.
“how about we watch a movie?” you suggested, holding back your own emotions for the sake of your child. “i bought alvin and the chipmunks.”
it was clear that she was upset, but nonetheless, she agreed and climbed up on the sofa with you. you covered yourselves in blankets and drifted off to sleep with animated voices in the background. hongjoong skeptically walked through the front door, holding a two-tiered cake already lit with candles. he loudly sang ‘happy birthday’ as he entered the room, waking up the both of you.
“daddy!” she launched herself off the couch, nearly knocking the cake out of his hands. “you remembered!”
“could never forget, love.”
「 yunho 」
you were livid. for the last month, you and yunho had been planning this surprise party for your son’s fifth birthday. however, the party had been over with for two hours and yunho had yet to show up. the guests, including his own members, had already left. y/s/n was in his bedroom, coloring in his new book when yunho finally arrived.
“baby, i am so sorry.” he was out of breath. “my car broke down, the towing company took ages to get to me, and.. ugh, i feel terrible.”
you continued scrubbing the dishes in the sink, “i’m not the one you should be apologizing to. y/s/n’s the birthday boy.”
setting his stuff down, he shuffled down the hall to his son who had already jumped up at the sound of his father’s voice. from the kitchen, all you could hear was your son’s squeals and husband’s bubbly laugh. as much as you wanted to be upset at yunho, you were just glad your little family was finally together, happy and healthy.
「 yeosang 」
yeosang hadn’t slept more than seven hours in the past three days. the comeback was taking a major toll on him and his ability to remember things. your son’s birthday this year was in extra need of celebration. when he was born, the doctor’s gave him a life expectancy of two years. the thought of him making it to four was unbelievable, but here he was.
“where’s daddy?” y/s/n asked curiously as the two of you sat at the kitchen table for lunch. “i want to show him my big boy muscles!”
you forced a smile behind your hurt heart, “i’m sure he’s on his way.”
it wasn’t until eight o’clock when yeosang came barreling through the door. you looked up from your paperwork and pursed your lips. he did the same and slipped out of his shoes, looking around for his son. you explained that he’d already fallen asleep, but would be more than happy to get woken up to see his dad.
“hey, bub.” yeosang crouched down to meet his son’s eyes. “mommy said you wanted to show me your big boy muscles. did you get those for your birthday?”
「 san 」
for the past three out of four years of y/d/n’s life, san had been away either on tour or booked with a crazy schedule. her birthday was usually spent cuddled up on the couch with you while her dad was on facetime across the world. it had become almost like a tradition for the two.
it was nearing ten o’clock and your baby girl was growing too tired to keep her eyes open much longer, but she didn’t want to miss out on seeing her favorite person. you had spent the entire day together, doing everything she could imagine. you just wanted her to feel extra special for the day.
“i guess daddy’s busy.” she frowned, looking up from where her head laid on your chest. “i miss him.”
as if on cue, your phone dinged. it was san sincerely apologizing for forgetting to call. before you could respond, his caller id was lighting up your screen.
“happy birthday, princess!” he exclaimed, sitting at the desk in his hotel room. “it’s probably late there, isn’t it? i totally forgot about the time zones.”
y/d/n perked up instantly, grabbing the phone from your hands and grinning brightly. the two talked for an hour or so, about anything and everything, until san insisted she go to bed. he promised to throw her a huge party once he landed back home.
「 mingi 」
mingi loved all things birthdays, so you were utterly confused when he hadn’t come home or contacted your daughter all day for hers. you knew he was busy as ever with promotions, but that had never stopped him from calling any other time. y/d/n waddled around the house, holding the stuffed bear uncle seonghwa had bought her the week prior.
it was way past your daughter’s bed time and getting her to sleep was a hassle in itself. she wrapped her little hand around your finger and allowed you to guide her to her room. just as you passed into the hallway, the front door swung open and in came eight wild boys, screaming the tune of ‘happy birthday’. they carried balloons, gifts, and several sweet treats for the birthday girl.
“you thought i forgot?” mingi scooped her up into his arms and blew raspberries on her stomach. “i could never forget my baby girl’s birthday!”
「 wooyoung 」
“things have just been so hectic.” wooyoung sighed and pushed his hair back. “i got caught up in recording. you know i didn’t do it on purpose.”
you licked your lips and shook your head, “i’m not the one you need to explain to. y/s/n is in the bathroom crying. go comfort him, not me.”
wooyoung mentally cursed himself for forgetting and headed towards his son. he found him sitting on the shower rug, legs crossed and face hidden in his hands. woo knelt down and ruffled his boy’s hair like he always did. y/s/n looked up with bloodshot eyes and sniffled.
“i am so sorry, buddy. there’s no excuse for forgetting your birthday.” he hugged him tightly. “i promise i’ll make it up to you, okay? how about tomorrow night? me, you, and the arcade?”
「 jongho 」
jongho hated himself. he hated that he’d gotten so caught up in his work that he completely disregarded his own daughter’s birthday. you had been calling him all evening to see when he was coming for dinner, but there was no response. when he finally arrived home, you and y/d/n were fast asleep on the couch. her hair was still wet from the bath.
“she’s been waiting for you all night.” you mumbled as jongho approached the two of you. “i think you’ve got some apologizing to do.”
jongho peered down at the little girl who was slowly waking up from the talking. she looked up and smiled when her eyes met her father’s. he gently picked her up and sat her in his lap, kissing the top of her head.
“daddy’s so sorry for not being here.” he whispered. “how about on sunday we have a daddy-daughter day? does that sound good?”
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Quarantine Series: Burnt Out
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Y/N has to work from home during Quarantine, but when she gets extremely busy it’s up to Tom to find a way to help her relax .
A/N: This is my second attempt at this piece. Last time I created this it was super long but it got deleted 😩
Check the Rest: Burnt Out | A New Look | Secret Cuts & Kisses | Breaking Friendships |The Birthday Week | Movie Night | Silence is Golden?|
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All Y/N ever wanted was an opportunity to work from home. Then again, who wouldn't want that opportunity? All she could think about was how nice it’d be to work in the comfort of her own home, not have to dress up in business professional clothing, and most importantly be surrounded by the people she cared for the most. But as the saying goes, “Be careful for what you wish for.”
When a global pandemic decided to take over 2020, Y/N certainly got her wish. Her company was forced to work from home until further notice, but what she didn’t expect was the amount of work she would be given. Y/N was pulled from project to project with deadlines thin as paper, and was expected to pick up the extra work of those that were no longer with the company. There was no time to catch a breath, and there certainly was no time to spend with her beloved boyfriend, Tom. This only made Y/N more depressed and made the Holland boys only more concerned.
“Mate, you got to get her to take a break. She’s gonna overdo it.” Harrison commented to his best friend, as they watched Y/N type away like a zombie from the kitchen.
“You think I don’t know that?!” Tom responded with a defeated sigh. “Every time I ask her, she always brushes it off and claims shes fine. Don't get me wrong, Im proud of her and admire her work ethic, but damn its sucking the life out of her.”
Both Harrison and Tom continued to observe Y/N with a cup of tea on hand, wondering how long it would take before she snapped. Tom hated seeing her like this. To him this wasn’t fair. It’s not fair that her 8 hour shift now became a 15 hr shift. Its not fair that she had to work 3 weekends straight, and it certainly wasn’t fair that her company took precious time away to be together. It was hard enough already that he couldn’t spend time with Y/N like a normal boyfriend would because of filming. Now, that he has the opportunity to make up for the lost time, it’s taken away.
“What if you surprised her?” Harrison quipped.
Tom looked up at his best friend with curious eyes. It took a few minutes to sink in, until the brightest idea figuratively smacked him in the face. “Yeah...yeah!” he responded, a smile forming “And I think I know exactly how to do it.”
As Tom was working through the thought process of his brilliant plan, his younger brother entered the kitchen, looking for his usual afternoon snack. “Hey, does anyone know where —. Oh no...” Harry groaned as he looked up at Tom and Harry. “Whatever it is that you two are planning...Leave me out of it.”
“Come on, mate. You dont even know what were planning.” Harrison defended
“Believe me, I know enough and any plan that involves you in it, is likely to fail 99.9% of the time.” Harry opened up his bag of crisps as he continued to list out the other 99 possible reason why they should have left Y/N alone like she wanted. “Cmon guys, you know how she gets. When she doesnt want to be bothered, she doesnt want to be bothered.”
“You’re right Harry, but she’s so stressed, she’s homesick, and one day she’s going to overdo it. Id be a shit boyfriend, if I let it happen.” Tom reasoned. “Look, Im not trying to do anything crazy here. I just want to give her that sense of comfort and see her relax.”
Harry looked at his brother and then at Harrison, both displaying their best puppy dog eyes, in hopes that he’ll join in. “The face doesnt work on me...but I’ll help for Y/N’s sake.”
Meanwhile, Y/N continued her work in the living room, her eyes firmly glued to the computer screen. After being dragged into the kitchen and the Holland plan, Tuwaine slowly made his way to Y/N. “Hey Y/N.” he happily greeted. “I think it’s time for you get some fresh air, don’t you think?”
Y/N looked up, her glasses slightly shifting forward down her nose. “You know theres this thing called being stuck in Quaratine right?” she responded, continuing to code her project.
“I think the real question is do you really want to work here when there’s just nothing but CONSTANT NOISE !” Tuwaine yelled out, hoping the others would catch on.
“What?!” Tom yelled back. It took him some time to realize what Tuwaine meant by his statement. “Oh...Right!” Quickly, Tom grabbed whatever pot or pan he could grab his hands on and dropped them on the counter. Harrison and Harry gave Tom the strangest look. “What? I gave him some noise?”, he shrugged.
“See?” Tuwaine smiled back at Y/N. “You wouldnt want to distract that working brain of yours with all this going on, right?” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as Tuwaine as she looked at him and the closed off kitchen. Did they think she was born yesterday? Of course she knew they were up to something. None of the boys were subtle enough to keep everything hush hush.
Y/N shook her head and decided to just go with it. The faster she complied, the faster they’d leave her alone, which only meant more time to finish her work. Tuwaine helped carry her laptop, mouse, and charger to the porch as he led her outside. “See, arent you glad your outside, breathing in fresh air with no distractions?”, Tuwaine spoke out.
Y/N took her time to admire the view. “Wow”, she whispered under her breath. Y/N couldnt remember the last time she set foot outdoors. Seeing the sunlight hit the flower beds, the gentle breeze rustle through the grass; it was beautiful. Of course, the moment was short lived with a simple ding, which only multiplied by the second.
Y/N dripped her head back, trying to rub out the frustration from her face. “Yes, well it was fun while it lasted. Duty calls.”
“Im sure they wouldnt mind if you just took five minutes for yourself at least.” Tuwaine commented, feeling bad about the amount of work he saw popping up on your screen.
“Yeah well that’s Corporate for you. Doesnt matter if you’re 500 km away or if a virus is hurting the population. If you’re not working, you’re useless.” Y/N shrugs. It wasn’t like her company was completely evil, this was just how business worked.
“I know Y/N, and we all see that you care deeply about your work but we’re all so worried about you too. We want you to be mentally okay as well. I know Tom is worried about you the most...He misses you, you know.”
Y/N’s heart dropped the second she heard him say it. She knew that all of this was gonna take some time away from Tom, but she hadn’t realized how much he would be missing her, even though they’re living under the same roof. “Yeah I miss him too, more than anyone will know. Believe me.” Y/N pondered for a moment as she stared at the work in front of her. Perhaps five minutes couldn’t hurt. “Maybe I will take that break after all.”
“Really?”, Tuwaine was surprised she had agreed so quickly, and at the same time he panicked. Tom and the others were not ready for Y/N’s surprise yet. “On second thought, Im wrong. You should keep going and try to finish up that project of yours or else you’ll never be done.”
“Excuse me?” Y/N asked as she tried to close her laptop. “You just spent a whole half hour trying to convince me to stop working, and now you want me to go back and work?”
“Yeah..I mean what do I know, right?” He laughed nervously. Tuwaine looked back at the door, for some sort of signal. Come on man it’s not like your preparing a break for the Queen of England.
“Listen Tuwaine, if I go back there and you boys break anything in that house...I swear— I’ll”
“Y/N!” Tom interjected as he stepped out to the porch. He wrapped his arms behind her waist, giving her a gently kiss on the top of her head. “How’s work, my pretty girl?” He looked back at Tuwaine and mouthed a thank you to him as he left the love birds alone.
Y/N turned around to face Tom, taking in his features and running her hands at the nape of his neck. “Busy, but what else is new? I’ve been missing you a whole lot”
“Me too, darling. Anyway, Im really hoping you can take a break from all this because I’ve got something special for you.”
“Oh no, babe. You know you didnt have to anything for me. Really Im fine..I-“
“I wanted to. In fact the boys wanted in on it too. So this is really from all of us, if you think about it.” Tom grabbed Y/N’s hand as he led her back in to house. “Come.”
As they both enetered the house hand in hand, Tom led Y/N into the kitchen, where the rest of the boys waited with diner burgers in hand and warm homemade chocolate chip cookies on the side of table. What seemed like a simple meal was a cure for any bad day..at least for Y/N it was. It represented a sense of home for her, while being far from Jersey. Even though she hadnt realized it, Tom and the boys knew she needed it. “Wow” Y/N breathed “I...I dont know what to say.”
“Dont say, just eat” Harrison laughed. “In all honesty this was Tom’s idea. We just wanted to make sure you had the support you need.”
“Yeah you deserve this, so please enjoy it.” Harry added. With that, everyone dug in and bonded over a family dinner, sharing laughs and stories. Tom leaned toward Y/N whispering in her ear, “I have a few more surprises after this.”
The next few surprises did not disappointment. He set up a nice warm bath for the two of them to relax and enjoy each others compny. A few subtle kisses, laughter, and silence was shared between the two. Y/N leaned back into Tom’s chest, feeling the water gently flow back and forth. Breathing in and out, she had forgotten how good this felt. Being close to Tom, was a different experience, one that no one could ever do justice. This was what she really needed.
After the bath, Tom led her into their shared bedroom. For a moment, Y/N stopped him as she pulled his head down to hers, giving him the kiss he rightfully deserved. Her lips crashed with his, his hands gently holding the sides of her tiny face. He picked her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist and situated themselves on the bed. Reluctantly, they both pulled away, catching their breath. Their foreheads touching and noses gently rubbing the others. “I love you. I love you more than you could possibly know.” Y/N whispered to him
“And I love you. I just want to give you the world because you deserve it all. My hardworking pretty girl.” Of course all good things must come to an end.
After a great well spent break was shared between Y/N and Tom, she was back on the work grind. Only this time she was working in their room as Tom was reading a script for his next upcoming project. The more Y/N coded, the sleepier she was getting. It onyl took a few minutes before she started leaning into Tom and her eyes started to flutter. Her breaths became slower and she was out like a light.
Tom turned to look at Y/N, smiling to see the sight of her finally at peace. He removed her glasses and set them by her table side. Tom made sure to clock her out of work abd checked to see if her work was saved. Just as he was about to turn off her laptop, another message popped up. “Great”, he muttered, rolling his eyes at the fact her team is still working at this hour. He couldnt help but read it though. Just how badly did they need her anyway?
We all know how hard you’re working and going above and beyond to get these projects out the door. For that, we thank you! On behalf of the company we’d like you all to take a day off on us!
Tom smiled, relieved that shell finally get some time for herself. Feeling triumphant, he shut off her laptop and set it aside. Crawling back into the bed and covering themselves under the blanket. His arms wrapped her waist once again. “Goodnight, my love. Im so proud of you.” he whispered.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
party planning committee marcus moreno x reader
this is a story in four parts, youll see what i mean when you read it but i wasnt exactly sure how i wanted to do this at first and thats just sort of what i landed on. but i think it kind of works.
He asks for your help to plan missy's birthday party since he still really has no idea how to do the whole girl party thing
Song: island in the sun by weezer
tag list: @cynic-spirit
i moved to knock on the door when i heard a loud crashing sound, startling me. i knocked quickly and loudly after that, waiting for a moment before opening the door.
i yelled, looking around the living room.
i asked, stepping further into the house. when i made it to the kitchen i sighed in relief, my hand going to my chest as i saw marcus stood over the sink with a mixing bowl in his hand, a few other stainless steel appliances strewn about.
i asked lightly and he jumped, looking to me and breathing deeply.
"jesus y/n, you scared me."
he said shaking his head. i walked closer to the counter.
"i knocked but i heard a loud noise and got worried. im just glad to see youre not hurt."
i stated, turning one of the bowls upright. he shook his head.
"well my pride is a little hurt but im glad youre looking out for me."
he said, looking from me to the paper sat on the counter. i furrowed my brows, looking over the island to see what it was. i laughed when i realized he was trying to make a cake.
"marcus what are you doing?"
i asked, picking it up and shaking the flower off of it. he sent me a bashful smile.
"well, i was trying to make a cake for missy's birthday but i guess that ship sailed a while ago."
he said, looking around to the mess he had worked so hard on. i shook my head, waving my hand in the air and everything picking itself back upright, the empty bowls stacking together and the powders on the counter making their way into a pile.
"here, let me help."
"Okay, now that the cake is done, what else did you need help with?"
I asked, wiping my hands on the kitchen towel and looking to him expectantly. He sighed.
"All of it actually."
He said, shaking his head and walking to the table. I raised a brow and followed him.
"Marcus you make it sound like you've never had a birthday party for missy before."
I said with a laugh and he sent me a look, turning his datapad on.
"I know but I never did any of this, it was always her mom. And last year be both just agreed on no party, just take time to be together instead."
I nodded as I sat beside him.
"I know how much you both miss her, hell I find myself missing her sometimes too. She really was the best part of the team, even without powers."
I lamented, looking to my hands now folded in front of me on the table.
"I just wish things were easier."
He said and I nodded in agreement.
"I'm sure they'll get there, one day at a time. But you gotta work at it, like today. You've already successfully made a cake."
I pointed out and he laughed.
"Yeah, and without your help that probably would've ended very badly."
I laughed too, shaking my head.
"Baking really isn't for everyone."
I said and he side nodded, opening a planning sheet in his tablet.
"You can say that again."
He mumbled, turning it to show me.
"This is what I have so far, and everything she wanted."
He said and I nodded, reading through it.
"This is her twelfth birthday, and she's finally made more friends, thanks to the heroics program. I just want this to be a special one for her."
He said and I sent him a small smile.
"So, did she give you this invite list, or did you make it yourself?"
I asked and he looked at me funny.
He asked and I laughed a little bit.
"Okay, that's good, I guess. Cause it's her party so you want to make sure you're inviting people she likes to talk to and hang out with."
He nodded in understanding.
"Right. I did run it by her but i sent the cards out already, time wasnt really on my side for this one."
He said bashfully and I nodded once.
"thats Okay, it looks like you at least have a theme done. That's good. List of essentials. Oh okay. now let's look at what you have planned."
I scrolled down and stopped, sending him a look. So far he just had 'sleepover?' he let out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his neck.
"A sleepover?"
I asked and he shrugged, slouching a little defeated.
"Yeah I don't know. It just seemed like a good idea. She used to have them all the time. But again, I never really did any of that stuff."
I nodded, tapping the screen and deleting his idea.
"Here, how about this: a pool party. I know you're a master of the grill, you could invite all the heroic kids and their parents over and have a barbeque. The kids can swim. It'll be a good time."
I suggested and he nodded, a wide smile on his face.
"That actually sounds like a really good idea y/n."
He said and I sent him a knowing smile.
"we can run that by missy too, just to make sure, we only have a few days after all and we need time to notify the guests that weve changed things."
when the big day finally came i was awoken from my spot on the couch to missy jumping down the stairs excitedly, a wide smile across her face as she dug in the fridge for something for breakfast. i had spent the night to help marcus decorate and was definitely regretting staying up as late as we did.
she said in a chipper tone and i offered her a smile as i sat up.
i said a little groggy, looking back over to the stairs as marcus trudged down them too, a tired look on his face.
he groaned, going straight to the coffee pot and pouring a cup. i laughed a little at him as i stood up, stretching out.
"ready to get cooking?"
i asked, pulling my sweater on. i hadnt expected to sleep over so i was still in the clothes i had worn over. he just sent me a look, missy eating at the table now and nodding quickly.
"why did we make this thing for one oclock again?"
he asked playfully and missy sent him a look.
"youre the one who agreed to the pool party."
she pointed out and he made an 'o' shape with his mouth, making missy and i both laugh as i joined her at the table.
"alright, let me go get dressed and then we will start cooking."
when the party was finally over and everything was cleaned up i looked to marcus, drying the last of the dishes and putting them away quietly.
"what ya thinking about?"
i asked, leaning into the island and watching him intently. he frowned at me for a second.
"do you think she really had fun today?"
he said, looking over to the couch. after all the guests had left missy had showered and changed, and after having aloe applied generously to her sunburnt face, fell into a deep sleep sitting on the couch. i smiled, remembering what she had said to me earlier when she came in to get a drink.
"well considering she thanked earlier for making her birthday a special one for both of you im gonna go with yes."
i said, him finally smiling back at me as he put the last dish away.
"she really said that?"
he asked and i nodded.
"it was mentioned."
he sent me a look.
"she had said that not only was she having fun, but she was just happy to see you enjoying yourself again too. all the heroics laughing and having a good time next to their kids also having a good time; you really made a difference today."
he shook his head.
"okay, and what about you?"
i raised a brow.
"what about me?"
"did you have a good time today?"
he asked pointedly and i sighed out a laugh.
"yes Marcus, i had a very good time today."
i confirmed and he nodded once.
"good, because i would feel so bad if you hadnt. youve helped me so much here lately, i think you deserve it the most out of all of us."
i shook my head at him amused.
"thanks, but i doubt that."
he swallowed hard, furrowing his brows.
"no no don't say that, you work twice as hard as the rest of us. i just wish you could see that."
i looked to the ceiling for a moment before standing up and stretching.
"well if thats true then i think i deserve some sleep. though it has been fun, it has been one long day."
he nodded once.
"want to stay the night again? you can sleep upstairs in my room tonight if you want, i think missy has kind of taken over your spot."
he said with a laugh.
"i probably shouldnt, i need to get home, i gotta get my mail water my plants, all that jazz."
he watched me with a light gaze as i gathered up my things.
"well, im glad you could come over. and if you want to come back tomorrow for lunch-"
"id love that marcus."
i said and he smiled at me, a small blush visibly rising to his face.
"its a date?"
he asked, walking to the door with me. i thought for a second and nodded.
"yeah, its a date."
i said, his smile getting wider as i stepped outside.
"ill text you what time ill be over."
"ill be waiting."
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memoriashell · 4 years
first impressions ( are they pointless if fate has already decided? )
Characters /  Pairing: Fukawa Touko/Naegi Komaru, ( implied ) Syo / Komaru
crossposted on ao3
Notes: day 7 of @tokomaruweek​!! soulmate prompt.
sorry if i manage to absolutely fuck up posting this one i'm half awake rn.
i appreciate how unrealistic and improbably soulmate aus are. anyways i knew i wanted to play with this idea as soon as i saw the prompt. i think that bodyswap au has interesting potential. the bodyswap soulmate au in the specific sense that you’d theoretically get to see the kind of hardships your fated might be going through but that’s not really the angle i took on it here but i mean do any of us want komaru to face abuse and bullying? no. i cannot comit to that. someone else can do that i am going to live here angst free anyways in case it isn't obvious the basis premises around this is that once you come of age, you swap bodies with your soulmate. HONESTLY not sure how a body swap au would work w/ a did person but considering that every alter / identity is considered their own person, i figured that it would simply just swap w/ the host, meaning any alters would be left behind. i do think it'd be an interesting concept to play with, maybe?
tw for trauma / abuse ( /ive parents )
Summary:  most circumstances to figure out the identity of your soulmate are pretty unfortunate, but she thinks this one might take the proverbial cake in some regard.
For most people, this would be the kind of momentous occasion that people would count down to. For Touko, it catches her completely off guard because she hardly registers the fact that her birthday is coming up until the day it happens.
‘It’ being the day she comes of age and is supposed to find out who her soulmate is.
She’d be lying if she said she didn’t think about this kind of stuff on occasion. It was kind of a given, with her entire shtick of being a romance author. But quite frankly, she tries to forget it, because really? Soulmates? For someone like her? Not likely.
Who would want to be stuck with someone like her? Best not to get her hopes up too much, and stick to unrequited crushes on people she knows she’s probably not destined for.
The sound of an unfamiliar alarm is what wakes her up— Touko doesn’t really process anything more than trying to turn it off and laying down for a few minutes. And then realizes her body doesn’t quite feel right. Empty. Something’s missing and it’s too quiet and it all feels horribly wrong. And then opening her eyes and realizing she can see perfectly fine without her glasses.
Oh. Oh no. No no no no no.
She hops out of bed and spots a phone ( thank christ ) and confirms her fears. Right. It’s her birthday. Thank god she doesn’t need to know a passcode to figure out that information. Well, nothing she can do about that. Time to sleep off today, so she can go back to living her life normally, soulmate-free.
Or well, that is what she plans to do, until a picture frame catches her attention from the corner of her eye, and— oh. Oh no? Oh no. She absolutely recognizes one of the two people in the picture. She presumes the girl is the one whose body she’s currently inhabits ( nothing particularly special to note there, plain as plain can be ). The boy— she loathes that nonchalant, easygoing expression— the boy she recognizes as her classmate. One Makoto Naegi.
God, it’d be just her luck, huh. Speaking of which—
“Komaru!” Ah, so that’s her name. She hears a shout from downstairs, followed by footsteps. “You’re going to be late!”
Shit. Shit shit shit shit.
In a panic, she sprints to dive back under the covers and pretends to be asleep still. Maybe she’ll get off without much of a punishment that way? Definitely less than the realization that she’d been awake and not getting ready for...school, presumably. She has no clue what this girl is usually like, but hopes that it isn’t painfully obvious what is going on here.
“Komaru?” The voice is closer this time, the sound of the door opening follows close behind. While she panics over the thought of what to do asides from pretending like she’s asleep, Touko misses the sound of footsteps approaching and flinches when the covers are tugged away from her head. She doesn’t mean to let out a whimper of fear when a hand comes down on her forehead, teeth clenched, not that the sound is interpreted as fear. “Are you feeling all right, dear? You’re not feverish, but you are a little sweaty...”
It takes her a moment to recognize the tone of this woman’s voice is one of concern, an incredibly foreign concept for her to expect from any parent ( she’s presuming this is the mother ). It certainly was never one she’d expected to hear from her own mothers, squeezing her eyes shut as if to ignore the truth. “N-No...” It’s not a lie, at least— all of this makes her feel sick to her stomach.
( It leaves an awful taste in her mouth, knowing the love that she is being shown here is just an illusion; not meant for her at all. And yet Touko wants something that she has never had. What an awful child she is )
“Why don’t you take it easy for today, then? If you feel no better later, you can start taking medicine.” She manages to utter a thank you, whatever will get her with no repercussions and left alone again, and there is a hand gently stroking back her hair before she is alone again.
Once ‘her’ mother leaves, she locks the door and buries herself under the blankets, so she can sleep and forget about today ever happening.
In comparison, Komaru Naegi finds herself having a much less than pleasant awakening. In that she doesn’t know what wakes her up, just that she is suddenly, forcibly awakened and in a room she doesn’t recognize.
Weird. Is she dreaming? It kind of feels that way, because she has no control over the body she currently resides in, marching over to the desk and reaches into the draw for...a pair of scissors? Really, really sharp scissors, but a pair of scissors nonetheless.
It’s not a dream. Get out. They hiss at her, scissors pointed at her— themselves? Oh boy. Uh.
“I don’t think I can do that.” She says aloud; wincing. “I don’t— I don’t know what’s going on...?”
Ugh. You think I know any better? ( Yes! Yes she does!! ) It’s totally bullshit that this is my wake-up call after ages, and she’s not even awake and instead I’m stuck with you? Ah. Shit, hold on a second how long has it been. They reach for the calendar, and she feels her face frown. Aw, it hasn’t been that long? She really forgot her own birthday coming up? Some heads up would’ve been nice instead of just waking up to this fucking mess. The voice continues to complain.
“Um...” She hates to interrupt, but she’s still pretty confused. “What do you mean? Who are you?”
You’re expecting me to just give that up without knowing your own name? Or do you not care?
“Sorry!” And she is, given that she’d kind of gotten ahead of herself. “Komaru. Komaru Naegi. But just Komaru is fine!”
Ah— Naegi? What are the odds— Dekomaru it is!
“What? That’s not my name at all!” Komaru completely manages to miss the faint recognition, huffing a pout. “And I told you, so answer my questions!”
Syo. And what I mean is that now I’m stuck explaining this shit— did you seriously not pay attention to any of that or are you that dumb? Geeze, listen to me this time. Okay, so we can have a lesson on proper terms and all that shit another time, long and short of it is that we share this body— miss gloomy and I. It’s technically her coming of age birthday today, which is why you’re here instead of her.
“Oh, okay.” Komaru nods along in agreeably, before her mind catches up and process the implications of what she’s been told. “Wait, you mean I— she— this is my soulmate?!” Her voice cracks as it pitches, hands quick to clasp out of her mouth, a little worriedly.
Yeah, obviously. And don’t worry, the rooms are soundproof. Otherwise, I would’ve already told you to stop replying out loud. People would think that’s weird. They sound amused, reaching back towards the table and fumbles around for a moment before raising something up into the field of their view.
This is a student ID card, which provides her with several helpful bits of information— none of which Komaru chooses to fixate on. “...Hope’s Peak?” What were the chances of that?
Focus, idiot. Do you have any idea of what this means?
Komaru beams, an expression that might have been frightening for anyone else to see on this face. “It means I can be a Hope’s Peak student for today!”
No. Ouch, that’s probably the most cold they’ve sounded so far. Which is saying a lot, considering how they’d greeted her. Well, maybe. I know she really wouldn’t like it if you went around in our body. She doesn’t like it when I force control over our body either, but if it’s you then she probably won’t care. Personally, I don’t give two fucks— I can give you tips on acting more like her if you want.
Komaru makes a face. “I’m bad at acting. Am I really that different?”
Given that you don’t shut up, yes. That’s not a bad thing. They add on when they seem to sense the indignation rising in her. You really want to go around like normal today?
“Please?” She begs in what is sure to not be the last time that Syo enables her in doing something she probably shouldn’t do.
Okay! You’re more fun to have to share with than madam morose. This is way more chaotic. If things go wrong, I’ll help you cover up.
Komaru thinks that’s supposed to be a compliment. Or flattery? Either way, she enthusiastically takes to observing her appearance in the mirror for a good several minutes— more than several, but who’s keeping track? Syo. Syo is— before they point out they’ll be late for class and still haven’t had breakfast. But Komaru really only registers late and class and grabs her bag and rushes out into the hall, only to realize she didn’t really know where she was supposed to be going.
Syo sighs at her and directs her in the right direction of their locker and then their class while Komaru considers what’s the best way to seem cool if she can’t technically be herself. And also try not to nervously overthink things. That is also a thing she tries to avoid.
You know it’s weird that we’re going to class early, right?
“It’s fine...!” She grumbles. I can’t help but be excited, okay? It’s not everyday I get to pretend to be attended one of the most prestigious schools in the country.
Uh huh. Okay. I don’t think it’s really ‘cool’ to be this early to class, but.. Syo snickers at her, and she pouts before opting to ignore them, gathering her nerves before ( with more confidence than the actual Touko Fukawa would ever muster ) pushing the door open and stepping inside the classroom.
And then the whole act cool plan falls apart because while Komaru had registered the, we’re at Hope’s Peak Academy, she had failed to consider the whole, this is the school my brother goes to, I might run into my brother dilemma that she is immediately forced to acknowledge in a very graceful manner.
( And by gracefully she means she very embarrassingly screams at Makoto and Syo cackles at her, and she learns a very important lesson on why she should not trust Syo so easily )
Unfortunately for Touko, her body refuses to sleep much, which means she is wide awake when someone tries to come into the room just after four. Clearly not giving up, a knock soon follows, and, “Fukawa-san? Can you let us in?”
And then the sound of her own voice, way too cheery for her own liking. “No one else is home right now, so you don’t need to worry about it. Please? I really want to meet you! Uhm, properly.” Silence follows, since Touko makes no attempt to acknowledge that- if she pretends to sleep, then they’ve got to give up eventually. Even if she can only run away for so long, given that Makoto will probably just confront her tomorrow if she doesn’t. “Uh, Syo-san says they’ll take matters into their own hands if you don’t...? I’m not really sure what that means, but...” Makoto makes a panicked noise and god damn it Syo. She hadn’t counted on Syo working against her as well. Should she have expected that from them? Eh.
( It might speak more about the other girl, if she’d managed to get something like Syo’s...approval? That doesn’t seem quite right, and feels weird to think about either way )
“Give me a moment.” She calls, just to make sure Syo doesn’t go ahead and try and start picking the lock or break a window or something else that’s drastic and unnecessary. Takes a deep breath as she pulls herself out of bed, doesn’t bother double-checking if she seems too presentable and trudges over to unlock the door.
No sooner than she does so, the door swings open cautiously— Touko manages to sidestep out of the way before she needs to worry about being hit by it. She can feel the other’s gaze focus in on her almost immediately, but she very pointedly decides to not meet her gaze, mostly because it feels weird to be looking at herself, and looks at the same bookcase she has been staring at for the past four hours straight.
( Manga. She hates it. Of course, she would be stuck with someone that loves something that she practically loathes. She also hates the fact that she’d also been so bored that she’d almost considered reading it )
The only thing she chooses to acknowledge is the fact that her hair is down and not braided, really could she not have put forth even that much effort— and that while having her in front of her now is much different from what she might have thought it to be, she really has no idea of what to think of her.
And then the other seems to decide that enough is enough and holds her hands in hers very excitedly. She can only guess what Syo makes of all this. Schadenfreude, probably. She doesn’t actually say anything to her, just giggles to herself ( she’s not sure if she’s trying to be creepy, or if that laughter is directed at something Syo is saying ).
“Stop that...It’s w-w-weird to see my face doing that.” She gnaws on her lip— is this what everyone else saw all day? That’s awful.
As if reading her mind ( and certainly not the atmosphere of room ), Makoto helpfully chimes in, “Give her a break, she’s done a pretty good job trying to not attract any unwanted attention.”
“They made me skip class.” She pouts, crossing her arms. “Syo even said that they’d take the blame for it, but no, I had to skip out.”
“You screamed at me and scared Fujisaki-san? I was more relieved that Ishimaru-kun was willing to get you excused for the day.” Oh good, at least she can count on having reliable notes and not misplaced homework like with some people ( Syo ).
“It wasn’t that bad, Makoto, you’re making it seem worse than it was—”
“Because screaming like that could come off as good somehow?” He butts in.
“— and what’s done is done, so with that said, let’s eat!” She raises a bag that she’d failed t notice earlier. “I know it’s a little weird, but it’s still your birthday, so we can at least celebrate, right? I even asked Syo what you’d prefer the most while we were at the bakery.” That kind of disgustingly desperate face is all too fitting and completely foreign on her face, and Touko scowls at her.
It’s also a very foreign thought to actually be celebrating her birthday for once, and with a practical stranger nonetheless.
“Actually, I have a call I’m supposed to make. So I’ll be waiting downstairs, Komaru— we do have to get back at a reasonable time, so I’ll come back up if you’re staying too long, okay?” Makoto flees in the most inelegant way possible, fittingly.
Traitor, she wants to yell at him. She’s not quite being left alone here, because Syo is clearly present, but it’s not the same. She still feels a sense of betrayal here on all sides nonetheless.
“Touko-chan! Come sit with me!” Not that she gets any say in this, dragged along by her hand into following. She considers telling her off because when did she say that she was allowed to call her that? But bites her tongue for the moment because she’s still a little startled about the ease at which she has accepted all of...this, given the fact that she’s currently got Syo co-fronting. She suspects that they have arbitrarily elected to not acknowledge the elephant in the room which is very annoying to her, but she’s not really given a chance to acknowledge that either since a plate is shoved into her hands.
Fruit tart. So she’s not lying about the fact that Syo has taken a liking to her, apparently.
( No she’s not jealous over her own apparent soulmate. Why on earth would she envy that? )
“Fukawa-san?” Pale lavender eyes peer up at her, lips pursed in a small pout. “I know this isn’t the most ideal situation, and..I don’t expect you to warm up to me right away. But I’d like it if we could meet again sometime, as ourselves.”
Touko gives her a long look, scrutinizing, and then looks away. “I’ll think about it.”
“Okay!” She’s quick to agree like she’d said yes; humming happily with a fork in her mouth ( which would be cuter if she didn't have to look at her own ugly face ).
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eerythingisshaka · 4 years
[Chris Evans x Reader]
Word Count: 2.2k
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A/N:  a start to the spooky season inspired fics!
Your guests pile into your home for the party of your life.  Another year spun around the sun with many more to come, you saved no expense to ensure your time was spent partying it up as if tomorrow would never come.
The DJ you hired keeps spinning your favorite tracks back to back so you barely have time to make it to the door and greet new guests before your new song would pull your body back to work on that beat with a deep arch in your back.
“Yo, could the host please make they way to the DJ booth please?”
You steady your drink as you snake through the vibrating bodies that catch the contagious rhythms bumping from the speakers.
You shout in his ear, “Hey, Colgate!  What’s up?”
He makes a quick song transition with air horns before answering.  “I heard somebody was finna call the cops cuz of the noise.  Are we about to wrap this thing up or what?”
You look through the crowd suspiciously but the DJ calls your attention.
“It ain’t no one here, it’s a neighbor.”
You nod, “I know.  I figure.  But no, we won’t be stopping a damn thing tonight.  Let them come!  It’s my fucking birthday, so play that shit loud and fuckin turn up!”
The DJ shrugs, turning the beat up even louder and letting the bass boom through structure holding your house together.  This night would not be interrupted for no one if you had anything to do with it,   
As you gulp the last of your drink, you feel like something is off, holding your head as your mind starts to get hazy.  
“Hey girl, there’s someone at the door for you.  You want me to get rid of him?” a friend of your offers.
You shake your head, taking a deep breath.  “No, no.  I can handle it.  I kind of expected it in a way.”
They nod.  “Ok.  Don’t bite off more than you can chew.  You know what to do if you need anything.”
You thank them, heading for the front door.  When you step outside, the cool air wafts around you as you look around and see him standing in the driveway, hands in his pockets and head hung low looking over at you.
You cross your arms up defensively, refusing to take his puppy dog eyes as a means to soften our heart.
“I thought we broke up,” you start.
“”Is that what I said?”  he asks, feigning confusion as he grips his chin in thought.  “I don’t recall those exact words.”
You stand your ground. “SO what are you doing here Chris?  You came to make a fool of me some more on my night?”
He takes a turn at crossing his arms.  “Now I made a fool of you?  Sweetheart, no one felt more like a fool in our relationship than me.”
You scoff, standing in front of him from a distance now.  “Well that’s what every girl wants to hear.  I made my man look foolish to be with me, ladies and gentlemen!”
“You know what I mean!  Stop twisting my words!”  Chris exclaims.
“The day that what you say makes sense is the day I stop twisting them around, as you say.”  You look him up and down with disdain before rolling your eyes.
Chris takes a deep breath looking towards your house.  “You got a big party going on in there.”
You shrug.  “It’s a milestone, so I wanted to make it special.  No one else was going to do it for me.”
“If you gave me another chance, I could do that for you, but you won’t give me a chance.”
“What chance is there to give!”  You shout out loud, your voice carries down the block.   “You don’t want the life I live Chris.  You made that abundantly clear that night of the full moon?  You looked at me like I was a monster when all I ever wanted was for you to accept me and you tricked me into believing that was possible.”
“Can you blame me for being caught off guard?  I thought that you were going to tell me you were a virgin or a recovering alcoholic, but then you go and-”
You hold a hand up.  “Shut up!”
Chris claps his hands in frustration, testing his body away from you with disbelief.   “That’s what I’m saying!  How can you make an assumption of me when you won’t let me-”
“Shut the fuck up Chris!  Cops are coming.”
He listens.  “I don’t hear…”
A couple seconds pass until the faint squeal of a siren begins to build.
You roll your eyes.  “Dammit!  Dealing with you, I forgot about figuring who the fuck called the police on my party.”
“Goddammit.  I’ll stick around in case of anything.”
You give him a stank look.  “No, you may leave.  You’re dismissed actually.”
“I’m not going anywhere,”  Chris says.
“I don’t care what you do but you have GOT to stay out of my business!  Especially when it is not yours anymore.”
“It will be my business,”  he says under his breath but you catch every word.  You see the red and blue light bouncing off the neighborhood surroundings and prepare yourself for the confrontation.  As a squad car pulls up, they silence the siren and step out of the car.  Two white men step out, hand near their comfort zone.
“What’s going on here tonight?”  one asks.
Chris starts the conversation.  “Hey guys, it’s my girl’s birthday tonight and we just decided to have a night with some friends to celebrate.”
“Ahh.  How old are we, miss?” he asks.
Chris parts his lips before shutting them quickly to look to you.
“A lady never tells their age, sir,”  you say with a chill tone.
He smiles at his partner, who looks less amused.  “I guess if I ask for some ID that would clear that notion up, wouldn’t it?”
Chris starts again, “Officer, is there a reason you’re questioning her?  For God sakes, it’s her birthday!”
“Chris, be quiet,”  you hiss at him.
The officer puts his hand on his gun but not out of the holster.  “We have every power to question anything we expect to be suspicious.”
“Thing?”  you whisper to yourself.
“We will quiet down, if you’re here to warn us, that’s no problem.  Sound good?”  Chris offers.
The officer remains steadfast.  “I already asked for an ID.  If I ask twice I will consider this a resisting.”
“You’re damn right it’s resisting.  This is a joke,”  Chris retorts.
“Chris, if you say another fucking word, I’ll your tongue out myself!  Officers!”  You demand their attention as you speak to them slowly.  “The music is not loud enough to hear from the street and therefore your time is being wasted here.  Please go back to your cars and resume your evening elsewhere.”  
They stand frozen for a few seconds before taking a relaxed stroll back to their vehicle and driving away.  You take a deep exhale, hearing the music in the house pause.  You look to your house and see a few people standing outside the door.
“Everything good, madam?”  one asks.
“It’s fine!  Thanks for checking!”  you call back with a wave.
“Shame, I was hoping for a dinner party.  Is he part of it?”
You look back to Chris, who still seems to be doing mental math.  “No, not the dinner part, anyway.”
“Ugh!  You never share!”  They slam the door and commence the party in full force.
When you turn back to Chris he starts to work it out.
“Does this have anything to do with what you said on our date during the full moon?”  Chris asks slowly.
“Kind of, yes,”  you say hesitantly.
“They all know?”  he asks.
“They all are a part of my brood so, they definitely know.”
Chris goes quiet, nodding and looking off at the ground.  The sickening feeling you got earlier comes rushing back as you start to walk away, but his hand grips your arm quickly.
“What are you doing?”
“Going back to my party,” you say, ripping your arm loose.  “People who understand me are there.”
“And I don’t?  I just came over here to make amends and seen you mind control two fucking cops to go away and I’m still here!”
“Then why did you react that way before?”  you ask quietly.
Chris fumbles with his jacket nervously.  “I never wanted to let you go for something that is essentially who you are.  You trusted me enough to show me and I want to be receptive.  It just caught me off guard, but I wasn’t going to reject you.  You rejected me, remember?”
You turn away.  Despite him being human, his eyes had a pull that could knock you off your feet if you focused on them.  Chris tries to catch your gaze, bending down in front of you.
“Yes, I did.  And maybe I...got scared too,” you say, kicking a shoe in the dirt.
Chris snickers, opening his arms wide.  “Happy birthday, babe.”
You look up at him with annoyance, all while falling into his chest as his big arms wrap around your back for an uplifting bear hug.
“If you’re here for my birthday, where is my gift?” you look up at him patiently.
He loosens his grips on you while he thinks.  “Does an ex get his ex a present on her birthday?”
You nod.  “I like presents from my exes.  They are truly the best gifts.”
Chris chuckles.  “So if I don’t want to be an ex anymore…”
“...then you owe me a big gift, yes.  What’s not clicking?”  you snort laughing in his face as you push him back.
Chris sits back on his car.  “How about this.  If you kiss me and you still want to be my ex, I will give you whatever big gift you want.”
“Anything?  Be specific, because I’m sure you have a budget.”
“Ouch!”  he holds the left side of his chest in theatrical pain.  “No, I mean anything you want.”
You meander his way, holding your hands in front of you.  “I started this night with every intention of forgetting your face and every memory attached to it.”
“That can still be arranged,” Chris says in a snide tone.
You rest your hands on the hood of his car, right on either side of his thighs.  You closed the distance between the two of you so fast, he caught himself with his elbow before falling directly backward.
“But I will play your game if in the end I am getting something I want out of it,” you whisper into his face.
He takes one side of your face, eyes twinkling with cautious care as he pulls you into him, resting your mouth on his.  His smell, his touch, his lips welcoming yours made you buckle over him as you slowly melted on top of him.  Your leg half straddles him as your hands push into his chest, submitting himself to the weight of your body as he deepens the kiss.  You feel your passion building as you search under his shirt for the warmth of his skin and he could provide but stop abruptly looking down at him as he smiles.
“And?”  he asks.
You take a pregnant pause, pulling your hand from under his shirt.  “I don’t feel anything.”
Chris’ face screws up.  “What?”
You stammer, “I mean...I don’t want to get back with you.  I really don’t.”
Chris’ eyes roll back in frustration.  “Then what do you want?”
You cup his face, sliding your hand down his well trimmed beard and over his Adam’s apple.
“I just want you to look me in the eyes...and relax your neck.”
Chris stares at you a moment, gaze glazing over as your directive reaches him.  You feel his muscles relax under you as his heart rate slows under your fingertips.
“I’m sorry this one will have to show, but just assume it is a cut from shaving.”  You unhinged your mouth as you sink your fangs into his neck, enjoying the hot flow of his rich blood filling you up.  He gasps, gripping your waist at first from the initial puncture then letting out a long labored groan as his strength is drained.
When you finish, you lick the remnants from his neck, kissing his wound for good measure as you sit up satisfied.
“You’ll wake up in 5 minutes, go home and sleep.  When you wake up, you’ll meet me at a park for the first time and we will go out on a date.”
You slide off of him, looking at him with pity.  Such a big man taken down yet again by you.
“You’re still keeping him alive?”  A voice from the house calls.
You smile down at the unconscious Chris.  “I like him.  He’s fun.”  You look back at your partymate.  “You’re just mad you can’t keep a supply for yourself like me!”
They hiss at you.  “You are so tired.  I like my meal hot and fresh while you’re stuck on last week’s leftovers, who will only become more obsesses with you, the more you feed if you recall!  Happy 290th by the way!”
Just then Chris began to stir.  You trot your way back to the house, checking back at Chris one last time from your front door.  You swear next time you’ll treat him better.  Too bad he tastes so good.
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ivyuns · 4 years
moral of the story ❆
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han jisung
genre: angst
word count: 2.8k
warnings: hella sad breakups + cheating + language
A/N: listen to moral of the story by ashe + i need to stop falling asleep while writing, istg this was better in my brian
part one | part two
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so i never really knew you, god i really tried to.
you started dating your best friend since you were a kid and never regretted one bit of the memories you two shared. you knew dating an idol would be tough but jisung never made it hard for you. sure some stays didn’t accept you, but stray kids was there to help you get through it. after two years of the relationship, it was still healthy or that’s what you wish it was.
stray kids was currently in japan for their tour for two months and god, you missed your boyfriend. the past now four months was hell for you. jisung started to stay in the studio all day and night, then coming home for two hours then went back to the studio. you would stay up for him to come home then him just ignoring you, feeling neglected. all you wanted from him was at least one ‘i love you’. you don’t even remember when was the last time he said it to you.
thought we could really this but, really i was foolish.
you could remember the day he was head over heels for you before he asked you out. exactly two years ago, hyunjin who was jisung’s best friend had told you that jisung had a crush on you. you never understood since you always saw jisung flirting with other girls which broke your heart. you wish you were the only girl for him.
you ignored hyunjin and continued walking to your next class til someone pulled you back and kissed your lips. you widen your eyes as you see it’s your best friend kissing you; han jisung. your mind can’t process anything after you just had your first kiss by a man you loved ever since you were a kid. a for this day, you won’t forget about that very special moment of yours.
4 months go by and you and jisung had your first fight. it was stupid. so stupid. you visited jisung after changbin texted you to come feed your baby since he was producing songs at such a late time. you made his favorite meal and drove to the jyp building where jisung was.
you showed your id to the scanner to open the security door for the building and was greeted by jyp himself. “hello y/n! here looking for you boyfriend?” he laughed. you smiled and did a 90 degree bow. “hi jinyoung!” and laughed. “ah y/n, you don’t need to be so polite. your mother taught you so well! anyways, jisung is the studio room where he always is.” he patted your back and left after you said a thank you.
you go to the room where he is and there you see, a stress jisung with his hair messy and eye bags under his eyes. you go up to him and placed the bag of food in front of him. jisung automatically looks up and sees your beautiful face, his one and only. he smiles with tired eyes and hugs you.
“baby when did you get here?” he muttered and peppers you with his kisses. “like 5 minutes ago, your boss kept me for a minute.” jisung quickly lets his arm loosen around you and panicked. “did he ask to break up with me!?” he lightly shouted. “no baby, he was telling me where you were” you smiled. jisung exhaled our loud, thankful for jyp for accepting you.
you two cuddled on the chair til jisung let’s you have a sneak peak of their new song. you strected your limbs and felt your hand touch a random button. the music was peaceful til all you heard was statics. your head faced jisung’s as he let go of your body, making you stand up while he went to check on the song that was saved on his laptop.
jisung’s hands started to pull his hair off of his scalp as he tried to not yell at you but failed. “are you serious y/n?! that took weeks to finish and you just corrupted the file!” jisung shouted. your lips quivered in fear, not knowing how to reply. “jisung, babe, you can make a new one. its oka-” .. “no its not okay!”. words after words, jisung had a few ugly words spit out of his lips that made you feel more useless. “all you do is come here and annoy me and the boys when we need to work our asses off. just because we act nice to you doesnt mean the boys always have a soft spot for you in their heart. just go and never come back. why did i even like you in the first plac-” jisung was cut off by a door slamming shut.
oh how much did he regret saying those words to you. he knew you were insecure, especially when you feel like youre bothering others. he sat down in his chair and wiped the tears off of his face after seeing the face look you had before you left, full of fear.
you on the other hand was walking to the exit of the building with you head down. ‘hes not going to run after me anyways’.
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you walked inside your apartment, full of sadness as you can’t get the words jisung had said about you out of your head. you lay on your cold and empty, but soft bed. looking beside you is where jisung is supposed to be at. turning to your bedside table, you see a picture of you and jisung on your first date as an official couple. you had a cotton candy cone in your hand as you tried to feed a piece to jisung til he kissed your lips. how grateful you were for hyunjin to take a picture of that very special of yours.
tears started falling as you drifted to sleep, not noticing the missed calls and messages from stray kids, especially jisung.
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the fight had lasted for almost two week and you felt like shit. you haven’t ate a full meal and haven’t left your bed unless it was for your hygiene reasons.
you stood up a bit too fast and stared feeling weak. you shrugged it off and continued walking to your bathroom which was connected to your room. as you turn on the bathroom lights, your eyes were blinded and started to see black and fell.
jisung on the other hand felt so different. his mind wouldn’t focus on the music, instead it was you. he went to your apartment the past 5 days to talk to you only to see the pin number to enter your apartment to change. first he tried your anniversary day with him, then his birthday, then your birthday, then day when you and jisung got your very first couple pet but nothing worked. today, he went by as he left notes under the doormat everytime he came by, only to see the notes untouched when he went to place another one.
he felt something bad had happened to you so he quickly ran to the dorm to search where you placed the ‘emergency key’ for your place in case something happened. jisung bursted through the entry way of the dorm as he scared the other ‘00 liners. “woah hyung, what are you doing?” seungmin asked.
“i’m trying to find the key for y/n apartment” jisung panted while looking everywhere, “you know the one for emergencies?” hyunjin stood up with his keychain in his hand. “oh you mean this one?” and showed the key with a little picture of you and jisung on it.
jisung immediately grabs the keychain and runs back to your place with a yelling hyunjin behind him, telling him to be careful.
he arrives at your place and places the key into the lock. he rushes to every room to see if his sunshine is in one of the room. he went upstairs and to the room. he saw the bed looking all cold, even feeling cold with your phone thrown at the wall in the corner and picture frames of you and jisung faced down. he went to the closet and felt relived as you didn’t try to run away. lastly, he went to the bathroom and rushed to your cold figure.
he sees your pale figure and realizes you’re not breathing. tears sprung out of jisungs eyes as he rushed you to the hospital.
“i’m so sorry baby”.
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you woke up with the sun beaming to the room, a unfamiliar room. you turn your head to see jisung with his hands linked to yours and tears staining his face as he peacefully sleep. your hands twitch and jisung lifts his head quickly. he looks at your with worry eyes and hugs you, “im sorry my love. if i didnt yell at you that night, you wouldnt be in this state. im so sorry y/n.” jisung sobs into your shoulder.
“jisung, baby, its fine. as long as you realize your mistake and come back, its fine. thank you but what happened? why am i here?” your smiled coming down as it dropped as you remembered what happened.
“the doctors said you were lacking nutrients for your body and lost a lot of weight. those could making you feel lightheaded and a risk of passing out. god y/n, if i didn’t go back to the place, you would still be laying on the bathroom floor with no help.” jisung starts to sob even more as you bring his head to your chest, hugging him and telling him ‘it’s okay’.
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i said ‘some people fall in love’ with the wrong people sometimes.
you came home after a long day of work. you unlocked your door to see jisung’s shoes on the side and smiled. you walked upstairs and you swore you heard a female voice .. on a call?
the bedroom door was cracked open so you quietly eavesdropped. “i gotta go babes, y/n is home” jisung whispered to the phone. babes? “ok sungie i’ll see you later!” a high pitch voice came out of the phone.
jisung got up from the bed and went to open the door, looking for you as you pretended you just came up from the stairs. “hi baby, how was work?” jisung asks innocently. “it was a lot. can we cuddle?” you went up to him and hugged him. jisung nodded and led you to the bed to cuddle, eventually falling asleep.
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it was currently 2 am and you woke up with jisung still sleeping next to you. you almost fell back asleep til you heard a notification from jisungs phone. as his screen lit up, you saw the name of the sender and it broke you.
jiseo 💗
i thought you’re coming over baby ?
please don’t tell me you’re with that bitch still.
i thought you were gonna break up with her today babe?
so this is why hes been so distant. you put the phone away and fall into your slumber, wishing it was just a nightmare.
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some mistakes get made. that’s alright that’s okay.
you waved a goodbye to jisung and the boys as they headed to their plane for their japan tour. the night before, you talked to their manager and asking if you could follow along. the manager agreed so now you wait for the next day to go to japan.
you packed all your belongings and headed to the airport. you passed security and handed you ticket to board the plane. as the plane took off, a notification lit up your phone.
jisung baby 🐿💕
hi baby we just finished rehearsing
i miss you already
y/n 💓
i miss you too, stay safe baby <3
after sending jisung a quick message, you exited the app and saw your wallpaper of you and jisung on your first year anniversary date. where the relationship was still full of love. a tear fell onto your screen, missing the feeling of being loved by your significant other. after a little session of your crying, you decided to take a nap of the remainder of the trip.
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you think that you’re in love when you’re really in pain.
you arrived at the airport close to where stray kids was touring at. you had called their manager to pick you up, also letting him know you had landed safely to see your jisung.
you waiting about 10 minutes til you saw a car window roll down in front of you, yelling your name. you looked up and saw the driver, noticing it’s their manager. you got up and brought your luggage to the car with the help of him.
during the car trip back to their hotel, you told the manager about you and jisung. you tell him how he’s been really distant and you don’t feel loved again. all he tells you is that everything will be okay and he’s probably just stress from all the comeback and producing.
you two arrived at the hotel and walked in. the manager gives you an extra key card to jisung’s shared room with jeongin. “what if jeongin is in the room with him?” you asked him, feeling worried. “ah don’t worry y/n. i told jeongin that you’re coming to surprise jisung so he’s in the room with seungmin and changbin.” he reassured you. you thanked him and went to the door number of where your boyfriend was staying.
you put the card in the key holder and opens it. you walk inside and lift up your head to see a naked jisung and a naked girl under him. seeing the sweat glistening on his perfect golden skin and hearing moans and grunts made you sick. this must be the jiseo he’s been talking to.
“han jisung!” you yelled out to get the two people’s attention. jisung quickly turns his head to the door to see you with tears falling down your cheeks.
“baby i-” you cut off jisung.
“no! now i know you’re so distant to me. because you cheated on me. i came here to surprise you, not to see you put your dick in someone.” you paused for a second after harshly wiping the tears falling. “i don’t understand what i did wrong jisung. w-was this 2 years just a joke to you? our best friend days?” you sobbed. at this point, the girl who was under jisung had escape from his embrace and ran away after putting on her clothes.
“y/n i can explain!” you roll your eyes in annoyance, not wanting to hear his side after you found out everything. “explain what!? that you’ve been cheating on me? i loved you even when you still went behind my back and cheat on me.” your fingers touched the promise ring on your left ring from jisung which was from your first anniversary.
“jisung, from today and so on, we’re broken up. please don’t try to contact me.” you took off your ring and threw it to him. you grabbed the handle of your luggage and left his room. after hearing the door shut, loud sobs left you as changbin who heard everything went to comfort you.
jisung, who heard your sobs aftwr the door shuts made him feel weak. he doesn’t even know why he ended up cheating on you. you were the best girlfriend anyone could ask for and he just ruined everything.
he went to pick up the ring and saw the inside of the ring. ‘sunshine <3’ he read. jisung slid down the wall with the ring still in his hand and started bawling. ‘i’m sorry y/n’.
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after the comfort from changbin, you broke the hug. “changbin, please tell jisung i said thank you for everything and his stuff will be on his bed.” thanking changbin and gathered you stuff and flew back to korea after spending your savings in under a day for a jerk.
you got back to your place and quickly went to pack jisungs gifts he gave you, his hoodies, and the memories placed in the photo frames. from best friends to lovers, and now exes. looking at the pictures made you cry more. after what he did, you still love him.
finally getting everything together, you went to go to the boys dorm to return jisungs stuff. you entered his bedroom and placed the box on his bed, waiting for his arrival. you went to look for a paper and pen and wrote:
after putting the materials back where they were, you saw a picture frame of you and jisung on his nightstand. you grabbed the frame and opened his nightstand drawer to storage it, only seeing something that caught your eyes; a small black velvet box. you open it to see a diamond ring. a ring you always dreamed of. 
quickly putting the items back in his drawer, you looked at the whole dorm, reminiscing the memories made here. you left the key that jisung had gave you on the table and opened the front door. making sure to lock it before you leave. wiping the tear the threaten the fall after remembering the ring he was going to propose to you with, you shut the door and went back to your apartment.
in the end its better for me. thats the moral of the story babe.
END <3
lmao i might just do a part two-
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The stars still shine as bright
So, @ordinary-dust happy fucking birthday! Since I can't give you a gift irl I wanted to at least write or draw something for you and well why not both actually. I love you and here have this Kobrastar so that you don't have to create all the content for this ship yourself as you said XD
It isn't easy to be brought back into a world that is nothing like the one you left twelve years ago but in the end it doesn't seem as hopeless when you have your partner by your side.
wordcount: 1358
warnings: death mention
Kobra wiped his hands to get rid of the grease and dust, there was something wrong with 27 and he, for the love of the Witch, couldn’t figure out what. He checked and took apart everything at least twice looking for broken gearing, corroded parts, exchanged all the belts and hoses and just couldn’t find what’s bothering his bike so much. Everything seemed in perfect condition yet she always whined and growled in a way that made Kobra’s soul ache when he tried starting her and his inability to fix it was driving him crazy.
The twelve years of standing under a sheet, getting dusted on, uncared for, becoming another ghost of the past really took a toll on her, it was wonder no one stole her, actually. He could probably thank Cherri or Dr. D for that, he was a legend in the zones of course, but when you’re a killjoy there’s no respect for your things after you die, someone needs them more and there’s no arguing with that so no matter how great The Fabulous Killjoys were none of their stuff would be left if it wasn’t for the radio crew.
It was weird to wake up into a world without them, Kobra knew them since his first day in the zones, he couldn’t imagine the desert without Dr Death’s broadcast blasting from the radio on long rides, without Cherri stopping by to brag about another clap he barely made it out of alive or without Newsie’s familiar laugh on the waves. But it’d been three months and they were really gone. And so was BL/Ind. It didn’t feel right, it was all they fought for, all they died for but it just didn’t feel right. The Girl did defeat them and now that there was no revolution, there was no need for four mismatched teens who knew nothing than running on gasoline and gunpowder, there was no place for them anymore, they were out of their time, imprints of the past somehow brought back, lost and trying to find their place in the world they didn’t know and that didn’t need them. They couldn’t go back to their old lives, there were no old lives to go back to after all, but they couldn’t go back to the city either, they simply didn’t belong.
‘Hey, Speed, want some help? Can’t stand the wailing anymore’ familiar cheerful voice from behind Kobra’s back jerked him out of his thoughts. How long has he been staring into nothingness? He quickly glanced around, the ground was still covered in spare parts, misplaced pieces of metal and plastic and screws, and he was still holding the cloth covered in motor oil, now more brown and grey than white, one tear rolling down his cheek, he quickly wiped it of before turning to Jet smirking in the way that earned him his reputation and name, teeth bared and every word dripping with venom that wasn’t really meant: ‘Thought ya were outside helping Party and Ghoul with the car, needs care too. And knowin’ Ghoulie it could be putting a bomb under the hood and not that I wouldn’t like bein’ dead but few more days’d be nice.’ but he knew Jet noticed the movement of his hand, the slight tremble in his voice, he always did.
‘Can’t take a break to visit my favourite crewmate?’ Jet rolled his eyes leaning on the doorframe ‘Plus Party and Ghoul were throwing hands over some fuckin’ bullshit as usual when I left so ‘s your brother I’d be worried about.’ the older killjoy laughed. His laugh died away turning into a warm smile as his eyes got caught on something on Kobra’s chest. Kobra loved Jet’s smiles, he didn’t smile often, at least not when anyone could see him but on the rare occasions when he did Kobra could swear the desert sun didn’t feel so bright in comparison anymore.
‘You really never go anywhere without it huh?’ Jet uttered with amazement as he walked slowly to the younger killjoys still not lifting his gaze from the small ring of gold hanging from Kobra’s neck on an old beat-up chain, the metal shining bright in the dim lighting of the room. ‘I know how much it means to you. And... it means a lot to me.’ Kobra whispered softly wrapping his own hand around Jet’s, he could feel the heat radiating from his skin, Kobra’s hands were always cold but but Jet’s burned with the warmth of thousand stars and Kobra would like to pretend it was the only reason he like being close to Jet so much but everyone knew it wasn’t true.
‘Zone rats like us might not really praise these but it was your mother’s and… and I appreciate this so much yk.’ He smiled at Jet who finally looked up and back at him, sometimes Kobra forgot how beautiful Jet Star really was. He might be covered in sand and dust, infinite scars covering every part of his body, his bright blue and purple hair not really so vibrant anymore and his eyes clouded with worries and stress even tho he tried to bury them deep underneath loud laughs and ironic remarks but again and again Kobra realized he’d never seen anyone more beautiful than the boy standing in front of him, every little imperfection making him love him even more.
‘Maybe I wasn’ talkin’ about 27 before, Kobes.... You’re not really yourself, I can see it.’ Jet whispered laying his hand gently on Kobra’s cheek, worries visibly reflecting on his face. 'None of us is okay, Star.’ Kobra snickered as he wrapped his arms around the older boy’s shoulders pulling him closer. He missed hugging Jet, he missed his smell, he missed the strength he hugged him back with that made him feel so safe.
‘Is true.’ Jet had to admit, none of them really felt like themselves but how could that be of any surprise. How could you feel completely okay waking up after over a decade of being dead. ‘Doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun, hm. Just the two of us. Party and Ghoul will find a way to entertain themselves and maybe if we’re lucky they won’t even burn the whole place down.’ Jet laughed winking at Kobra, bright blue curls falling into his eyes before he left a butterfly like kiss on the side of his neck. 'Heard there’s a party in The Nest tonite, how about we take the AM. Haven’t seen ya wear that pretty red dress in a while’ this time Kobra was the one to kiss Jet on the corner of his mouth smiling as he saw the bright blush on his cheeks covered in freckles. He always thought it looked like the night sky somehow found its way onto his pretty face and wondered how his name matched him so perfectly in so many ways.
‘Sounds nice, Shiny’ he kissed his partner again before sliding his ring from the necklace and back onto his finger where it belonged. They did have their beads to prove their pledge but he always liked the way their rings were special and he never took his off unless there was a high chance, he could lose it and even in that case he still kept it close to him tucked safely underneath his t-shirt.
‘Okay, by the car in fifteen. Gotta get those two boogies of our tails’ Jet winked and Kobra before quickly disappearing into the dark hallway and Kobra had to smile. He had to smile ‘cause he loved the boy so damn much and Destroya fuck it now he really had to go find the red dress. He had to smile ‘cause he knew Jet would look beautiful in the fifteen minutes they agreed on casually leaning on the white car he praised so much with glitter in his hair, his eyes shining in the setting sun and smiling in such a way that everything around would seem to disappear. And everything could be fucked but it didn’t really matter when he had Jet Star by his side again.
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ID: Digital drawing of Kobra Kid and Jet Star slow dancing and lovingly smiling at each other. Kobra has his right arm on Jet's shoulder and his left hand in his hair and Jet is holding Kobra by his waist, Jet is a little bit taller than Kobra and their noses are only few centimetres away from each other. Kobra Kid is wearing red dress and has two little black stars painted on his cheekbone. Jet Star is wearing a black crop-top and his curly hair is black at the top turning purple and blue the longer it gets, he also has glitters on his nose, cheeks and in his hair. The background is a gradient going from yellow in the middle of the image through purple to black at the edges, the yellow functioning as a backlighting giving Kobra and Jet warm yellow rim lighting. There are little white blurred lights all across the scene. /End ID
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
Could I ask for “we’re not finished. i’m not just going to let this go.” With Angel please. Love how you write for him ☺️
Thank you so much for the request love! Hope I did this justice! <3
Tagged: @iambabyharry : @justahopelessssromantic : @carlaangel86 : @briannab1234 : @marvelmaree
“we’re not finished. i’m not just going to let this go.”
The bright California sun was beaming down upon you. You were currently enjoying the bearable California Spring weather as you made your way through the neighborhood. You just had to go out for a walk, but of course, proper protection was on. You had your mask and everything that you needed to assure that you were keeping not only yourself safe, but the others around you. Turning the corner, you were almost home and now, you were debating if you wanted to do another round of walking, but you stopped at your tracks when you saw who was sitting at your patio.
“Fuck,” you minutes under your breath.
You’ve been avoiding Angel since the beginning of the year. 
It was a little complex, but basically, you two were fuck buddies and now you were dating someone. Alright, maybe it wasn’t so complex, but you wanted to truly give this guy a chance, so you told Angel. He didn’t exactly take the news well, but he stepped away, agreeing that it was part of the terms. He knew that you two weren’t together, so really he had no right to dictate who you could and could not see. What Angel failed to realize was that fucking wasn’t the only part of relationships, no matter how great sex was. 
You were wearing a mask so you figured you could keep walking and you could check if he was there again when you got back around. But, Angel knew your figure anywhere and he was amused watching you walking by your home.
“Where you going querida?” He called out after you as you walked by.
“Walking, wanna come?” You didn’t even turn back. 
You heard the jingle of his chains, indicating he was following you. You stopped walking and turned to face him and you bumped into him. Angel wrapped his arms around you to make sure you didn’t fall.
“Sorry,” he apologized as he steadied you. “You okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine, why are you not wearing a mask?” You questioned.
Angel held up his mask. “I was, but since I was coming into your home, didn’t think it would be a problem.”
“Angel, we’re supposed to be in quarantine, what are you doing here?”
“We’ve been avoiding the elephant in the room for some time, let’s talk.” He intertwined your hands and led you to your home. You could have put up a fight, but the last thing you wanted was for your neighbors to overhear since everyone was home. “And you really think quarantine is going to keep me from seeing you?”
“Angel, there’s literally a fucking law in place to stay home.” 
“Yes, but we can see family members.”
“I think you’re interpreting this wrong, you’re not supposed to see anyone unless they’re in the same household.”
Angel didn’t say anything and waited for you to open your door. You unlocked the door with Angel following behind. He locked the door for you and took off his kutte.
“How’s Juan?” 
“It’s John.” You corrected him. Every time Angel would talk about John, he would use any other fucking name that started with a J besides John. His name wasn’t fucking hard, you knew Angel was being petty. “You know his name, is there a point to you saying the wrong name each time you mention him?” You took off your mask and hat, along with your sunglasses. 
Angel looked at you and he had to hold himself back from immediately wrapping his arms around you. The quarantine has been brutal. When you were ignoring him for Julio, he still saw you around since you made weekly trips to the scrapyard and at times the carniceria as well. But with quarantine in place, he hasn’t seen you at all. He missed you terribly. While he understood why you wanted to go on dates with Juno, Angel wasn’t exactly happy. You two had such a good thing going, friends with benefits, no strings attached, it was his fucking dream. You two were high school sweethearts, so it was just a matter of time before feelings came into play. Then he wanted more and you fucking recoiled from him. But he also knew you. This was your defense mechanism to a tee. “I don’t really give a fuck what his name is, he won’t last long.” He knew you weren’t serious with this guy, it was a good thing you were close to EZ since that’s who he was acquiring his intel from. 
“Oh, really?” You smirked, turning to face the infuriating man before you. “So confident and why won’t he last long?”
“Come on baby, you can just have his limp dick for so long before you come back to me.” Angel smugly told you as he wrapped his arms around you, placing a kiss on your lips.
All too quickly, Angel pulled away and you were ashamed at the fact you chased after him. That stupid smirk on his face grew and you pushed him off of you.
“I’m going to shower, please be gone when I get back.”
“Can I join?” 
“Fuck you, Ignacio.”
“You know I love it when you talk dirty to me.” He called out after you.
While you were in the shower, Angel figured he would make himself useful. He wasn’t going to cook, so he was going to order some food. He unlocked your phone, he snickered when he realized that you didn’t change your passcode. 
“Oh baby, you want me to go through your phone.” He knew that wasn’t the case, but he was happy you didn’t change the passcode. It was his birthday, the passcode you both decided on when you gave Angel access to your phone. You weren’t hiding anything, you didn’t give a shit. Angel was a friend you can trust. 
After he ordered the food, he placed your phone back down when it began to ring.
“Shit, that was fast.” He commented. But then he saw the caller ID and he just had to talk himself down from laughing at how god worked in mysterious ways. “Hello?” 
“Who is this?” 
“Her boyfriend, who is this?”
“That’s not possible, I’m her boyfriend.” John argued. 
“Well, I think you’ve called the wrong number. Y/N’s my girlfriend, I know you two have been having fun, but you can go fuck yourself.” The man on the other line was letting out expletives, yelling into the phone. “Yeah, whatever, don’t fucking call this number again.” 
Angel smirked, placing your phone back on the counter. He sat down, turning the television on, making himself comfortable. Unbeknownst to you, Angel was spending quarantine with you, he wasn’t staying at his apartment and he sure as hell was not staying at his father’s. He parked his truck a block away just so you wouldn’t see it. 
The shower finally turned on and Angel had a devious plan. Taking off his clothes in your room, he entered the bathroom quietly and was thankful you had your music blasting. He opened the door to your massive shower and entered behind you, startling you.
“Angel!” You scolded, playfully pushing him on his chest.
He chuckled, before taking up your space, moving closer to you so that both of you were under the waterfall shower that Angel installed in your bathroom.
Cupping your face, Angel watched as the water cascaded down your face and down your body. He missed seeing your face and other body parts as well. He planned on worshipping you every way he can and what better way to start than in the shower.
“I missed you.” He leaned over to whisper in your ear, softly biting it.
You moaned. You wanted to fight Angel, you really did, but you missed his touch, his intoxicating scent and most of all you just missed him. He confessed to you and you just immediately told him that you wanted to date other people. You weren’t sure why you immediately went down that route, but it was your defense mechanism that kicked in. Insecurities from past relationships screaming and drowning out Angel’s voice.
Tilting your head up, Angel kissed you. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. Any memories of John were out of your head as soon as you saw Angel, if you were being honest. You always had a pull towards Angel, something you thought would go away with distance. He was your first love so of course you knew he would always have a special place in your heart. But no matter the distance you put between you two, Angel closes the distance between you.
“I will always love you.” He whispered against your lips as you two parted for some air. “You’re always in my mind, no matter how hard I bury you.” One of his hands made its way down your neck, then to your chest, stopping at one of your breasts, giving you a light squeeze. You arched your back, pressing against Angel. His hand moved down again, grabbing your hips, teasing you, making you wait for where you wanted him most. “Your scent is always so intoxicating.” He played with your clit then, causing you to gasp, he lazily drew circles on your clit and you felt your arousal increasing. 
Just his voice alone was the death of you, but with his lips sucking on your neck, you were ready to give him anything he wanted.
Slipping a finger inside, you groan into his mouth, pulling away to let out a moan.
“Damn baby, that’s just one finger.” Angel smugly teased you. “Guess Justin didn’t do anything for you.” 
Before you could reply, Angel slid another finger inside you, turning the water off behind you. He lifted you with his other arm, his finger still inside you as he stepped back so he could place you on the shower bench Angel conveniently placed there. He helped you renovate the house and he said it would come in handy. You innocently thought for shaving your legs and well, Angel had other ideas. 
With half of your back and head against the wall and the lower half on the bench, Angel placed your feet at the edge of the bench. He placed a kiss on your inner thigh, one on each side. Spreading your lips, he took one lick before diving in. 
“Angel,” you whined out his name. It was a sin just how good his tongue was. You hate Angel’s mouth at times, but whenever he ate you out, it was your favorite way of keeping his mouth occupied.
“Look at my baby girl, you look exotic as fuck.” He entered two fingers into you again, wrapping his lips around your clit as he moved his fingers in and out.
“Fuck.” You arched your back, your walls clenching around his fingers. Angel just knew how to make your body sing and it was such a great yet awful thing. 
You came then, Angel lapping your juices before pulling away. You were spent and just looked up at him.
“Told you the bench would be handy.” He pulled you up, kissing you just so you can taste yourself on his tongue. Turning you two, he sat down and guided you to sit on his lap. Your hands were on his shoulders as your feet rested on the bench on either side of him. 
He guided you down his cock, the tip of his cock just at your entrance. 
“You gotta watch my cock stretch you out baby, I know you love watching that.” 
You looked down as Angel brought you down his cock and you bit your lip, enjoying that burn, that stretched that his cock always provided. Though you had to say, it wasn’t about watching his cock be enveloped by you that enticed you, no, not at all. It was the intimacy of it all. Angel was your first everything and even if you’ve had others, Angel was the only one that made you feel this way. 
“I’m buried to a hilt baby, you always take me so well.” He looked up at you, watching you bite your lip as you moved up and down. Taking his thumb, he caressed your lower lip so you wouldn’t bite so hard. “Let me hear your, you know I love fucking hearing you.”
And you love to hear him. That filthy mouth of his alone could get you to come. 
Using Angel as leverage, you quickened your speed, moving up and down him with ease. You were so wet.
Angel stuck his thumb out towards you and you took his thumb into your mouth, letting go as he groaned at the sight. “You drive me fucking crazy.” He kissed you senseless as he moved his thumb to your clit, drawing circles at a much faster pace. Your walls were beginning to clench around him, his name basically coming out like a mantra from your lips. “Jerry ever make you feel this fucking good?” He wrapped an arm around you and began to thrust his hip upwards as you were moving down on him, the sensation just becoming more intense.
“Fuck Angel, you’re gonna make me come.” You looked at Angel, his intense stare just trained on you as it always was. 
“And that’s what I want baby girl, for you to come all around my cock. Then I’m gonna fill you up baby.” Angel switched your position, pulling out of you in the process. He turned you around so that you were not bent over the bench, your forearm resting on it. “Look at that baby, your pussy is missing my cock.” He rubbed the tip up and down before shoving his cock back in.
“Yes,” you breathed out. 
“Didn’t answer my question baby, did Jacob ever make you feel this way?”
You shook your head.
“Use your voice baby girl, you know I love hearing it.”
“No, he didn’t.” You gave Angel what he wanted and the truth. You hated feeding Angel’s ego but you would give anything to him right now and he knew it. 
Hooking your knees with his arm, he pushed your knees back, spreading you wider. Angel was hitting deeper in this position and you were just a moaning mess. He was always so good, you’ve had your fair share of great sex partners, but Angel Reyes was at the top of his game.
“Mi reina,” Angel always called you that, regardless if you two were a couple or just friends. It was a habit he said, but it always did something to you. He leaned over to kiss you, your back arched as Angel kept hitting that spot that only he seemed to be able to hit with you. His kiss was intoxicating and you had to move your head away, you feel like you couldn’t breathe.
Your walls were clenching his cock again and Angel hasn’t had you for some time. He knew he was going to come soon. He picked up his pace and rubbed your clit as well.
“No, no, it’s too much.” You tried to push Angel’s hand off your clit, but you didn’t really have the strength to do so.
“Too much? You know it isn’t too much.” Angel smirked down at you. “Jeff just didn’t know where your fucking clit was.”
You really wanted to fucking laugh since that was true, but you can feel that familiar feeling in your stomach, your walls were clenching Angel and with the way his hips were moving you can tell he was about to come too.
He moaned your name, eyes opening and connecting with yours. He loves making eye contact with you as you came, as you both did. He loves seeing you come undone due to his doing.
“You coming baby?” 
You just moaned out his name, arching your back as you came. Angel came right after you, spilling his seed into you. He kissed you again, a slow sensual kiss. Pulling out of you, he looked down as his cum came out. Pushing it back in, he rubbed you again causing you to close your legs.
“No, don’t do that, you’re not allowed to do that.” Angel opened your legs again. “This is my favorite sight in the world.”
“You’re such a guy.” You sat down.
“Come on let’s shower.”
And you two did this time. Angel scrubbed you and he returned the gesture. He held you in the shower, kissing you, telling you just how much he missed you. But the guilt began to seep in. You were dating someone and you really wanted to make it work. Angel was being a prick and you knew it. But it was so hard to deny Angel. The only time you were really able to stand your ground was when he broke up with you so you could have a better future instead of being stuck with him in Santo Padre. So you did, you left. And not even four years later, you were back in his fucking arms and you hated yourself for that. 
You quickly exited the shower, leaving Angel behind and walked into your closet. Distance. Fucking distance was what you needed to assure Angel wouldn’t be able to convince you how great he was for you.
You changed into a tank top and shorts. Coming out of your closet, you found Angel wearing his jeans and black muscle shirt. 
“Querida, when you wear things like that, you’re just enticing me to fuck you.” Angel was sitting on your bed, that devilish smirk of his on his face.
“You say that about everything I wear.” You rolled your eyes, walking out of your room.
“Well you’re sexy as fuck baby, I can’t resist you.” Angel called out after you. 
You picked up your phone and saw a notification for Postmates. You figured Angel ordered and just ignored the notification. What did bother you was the text messages from John demanding you know who answered your phone. He had called a few times too. 
You took a deep breath, not wanting to argue with Angel, but it was difficult when Angel was so infuriating at times.
“Did someone call for me earlier?” You asked him, giving him a chance to be truthful.
“No one important.” He sat down, changing the channel of the television. 
“Angel, John called me.”
“Did he?” Angel looked over at you. “Like I said, no one important.”
“Angel,” you groaned. “Why are you doing this? We literally had a deal. Friends with benefits, if we find someone we truly want to date then we’ll end things, which is what happened.”
“No, you’re making it seem like that’s what happened. I know you, this is a defense mechanism. You’re pushing me away. I don’t fucking know why, but you are.” Angel looked over at you. “Why do you keep putting this wall between us? I know we started off as friends with benefits, but we’ve been through much more than that.”
“Oh you mean how you threw away our relationship so I can have a better life? Why do you get to make the decision for our relationship? Did it ever fucking occur to you that I actually wanted to be here with you? That I was incredibly happy to be here with you.” It was the talk that you two had been avoiding ever since you got back almost a year ago. You knew you should have had this talk, but every time you did, you and Angel ended up in your bed, naked and wrapped up in one another’s arms.
Angel closed his eyes and shook his head. He stood up and made his way over to your kitchen counter. You two had the counter in between you but you still felt close to Angel.
“I did what I thought was right, you were going to throw an opportunity away to further your career to stay with me, I couldn’t let you do that.”
“But that’s the point Angel, it was my fucking career. I can throw the fuck away whatever I want because I know what’s best for me.” You countered, the anger you felt all those years ago when he cold heartedly broke up with you was coming back. “This was a fucking mistake and I realized it early enough before feelings came into play. We’re done Angel, I don’t want to go back to where we were because I don’t know when you’re conveniently going to end our relationship to support my career. If you wanted to fuck around with other girls, all you had to do was tell the truth.”
“That’s what you fucking think that was? That I wanted to fuck around with other women?” Angel chuckled bitterly and shook his head. “I was ready to spend my entire life with you. I know we were young, but I was all in. No one else could fucking compare to you. Everything I did, I sacrificed, was so you can do better in life. I made my choice to stay in Santo Padre because that’s all I had, not you, you could go and be something and I wanted that for you.”
“Save the martyr bullshit, Angel. Whatever your reasons were, there’s no point in discussing it. What’s done is done.” Your phone buzzes again, indicating that you got a text message. Looking down, it was from postmates stating your meal was almost there. “After you eat your food, you can show yourself out. We’re finished.”
“We’re not finished. I'm not just going to let this go.” Angel scoffed at the idea. “You and I, we belong together. I fucked up and let you go, but that is never going to happen again. You don’t want Jamie, you want me. Regardless of the sex, we have a fucking connection that no one else will have with you. I’m sorry I let you go once, but believe me querida, it’s never going to happen again.”
Angel walked over to you, you stepped back till you were against the counter. “I love you, nothing is going to change that. No matter how much distance you think you’re putting between us, I’ll just close it because I can’t live without you. Give me a chance to prove it to you.” He took your hand in his, kissing the back of it. “Please Y/N.”
“I missed you every day I was gone. I was so miserable in San Diego, but I couldn’t find it in myself to come back. You didn’t want me anymore and when I did text you, you never answered. I felt pathetic.” You felt the tears welling up. San Diego was bearable, but you were always missing something and you knew where it was, you just became too stubborn to go back. “If I put myself out there again, how can I trust that you won’t just make a decision for me? We’re not kids anymore Angel, I know you want to protect me but you have to trust me. I can protect myself, you can’t fight every battle for me.”
“I know mi dulce, I’ll be better. I’m not letting you go, that’s not even an option this time.”
You wrapped your arms around Angel and he did the same with you. Placing a kiss on the top of your head, he whispered promises to you, promising the world as long as you came back to him.
“What did you tell John?” You asked after a few minutes of silence.
“Jonathan?” It was the closest he’ll ever get to his name. “That he can go fuck himself.” 
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julemmaes · 4 years
Angel Like You - October 4th
 Fenrys Moonbeam x Asterin Blackbeak
Prompt requested by itsjustme on Ao3: “Could you please do a Fenrys and Asterin one with lots of fluff? <3″
Word count: 2,378
It had been Asterin's birthday for more than eighteen hours and she still hadn't been able to see her boyfriend and finally celebrate with him her drinking age - not that Asterin hadn't had a drink before today, of course, but she imagined it would be nice to do it without having to use her fake ID.
During her lunch break she had walked into the university cafeteria like every other day, staring at her phone waiting for Fenrys to call. She had reached the food counter and started ordering distractedly, with music playing loudly in her ears without losing sight of the screen. That's why she hadn't noticed the balloons falling from the ceiling as soon as she walked through the door. And that's why she hadn't seen her entire group of friends waiting for her at their usual table while they shouted their best wishes.
Manon had gotten irritated and had ripped the headphones out of her ears, making her jump out of fear. Her annoyance hadn't lasted long when Asterin turned around and finally saw what they had put on to make her day just a little more special.
All the Thirteen - their dance group - and Dorian were present, plus a few friends from her classes. None of the guys were there, all away in one of the nearby cities for one of the most important games of the season, and along with them their girlfriends. Aelin, Elide and Lysandra were also part of the cheerleading team and could not afford to miss an important event. Asterin had made a scene when she found out she had an exam on the same exact day. Fenrys had reassured her that there were no problems and that her education was more important than a stupid game of his.
Although she had had fun for that hour with her friends, she missed Fenrys more than usual. And the feeling had worsened when he had sent her a message that he could not call her and that they had lost the game, because Lorcan had been hurt and their team's defense had shrunk dramatically. She immediately replied that she was sorry and that she would have liked to do something to make him feel better. He had seen the text and still hadn't answered, probably busy getting his ass kicked by coach Gavriel.
Now, at seven o'clock in the evening, she was starving to death and desperately wanted to call Fenrys, hear his voice, feel that he had blanched the anger and disappointment that followed a defeat.
She climbed the steps of her small house and saw the kitchen light on and lingered in her footsteps.
It was not possible that someone had broken into her house.
Before she became even more alarmed than she should have been, she approached the window and peered into the house.
"Fen!" she screamed excitedly. She had already snapped towards the entrance and was struggling against the lock, but she could still hear the boy's frightened scream. She laughed.
When she opened the door, she immediately saw Fenrys on the kitchen door with one hand on his chest and his eyes wide open. Asterin didn't even take his backpack off his shoulders before he jumped on his boyfriend.
Fenrys grabbed her, clutching her and resting his head on her shoulder, kissing her neck, "Happy birthday, my love," he whispered to her. They parted enough so that she could look at his face and she laughed, cupping his cheeks. "I missed you so much," he continued, brushing his lips against hers. He took two steps back, leaning against the table for more support.
Asterin smiled and then pushed herself against him, deepening the kiss. Fenrys sighed through the nose, squeezing her hips. He put her down slowly, while they were still kissing and when he pulled the backpack off her shoulders, Asterin also took off her jacket, immediately clutching onto him again, not wanting to be too far away.
Reluctantly, Fenrys pulled away slightly, their noses were still touching each other, "I think I should go back to cooking".
Asterin complained, but let him go anyway, pouting amusedly. Fenrys chuckled and turned towards the stove, where four pots and pans smelled deliciously inviting.
"Where did you find all the food?" she asked, curious, looking at the ingredients scattered on the table. A bottle of tomato puree, some potato skins, half a zucchini and some carrots.
Fenrys looked over his shoulder, "I stopped by the supermarket before I came here," he explained, "I couldn't go home with Con, he took it way worse than I did and I needed to distract myself, not talk about all the mistakes I made on the field today." he looked away when Asterin's expression became serious. She had forgotten the game in the euphoria of the moment.
She approached him, circling his hips from behind and resting her cheek between his shoulder blades. She felt Fenrys hand resting on hers, "I'm so sorry." she kissed him on the neck, tiptoeing, "You shouldn't have done all that. I could have prepared something for us." she murmured against his sweatshirt. She only realized at that moment that he was wearing a chef's apron. She snickered.
"I told you, I wanted to get distracted and cooking relaxes me," he repeated.
Asterin nodded slightly, "I know, I know." she peered over his shoulder to see what he was making, "What is that?"
Fenrys smiled at her, turning the ladle in one of the open pans and taking some of what was supposed to be vegetables and handing it to her, "Chicken and vegetables," he confirmed. Asterin tasted it directly from his hand and closed her eyes while moaning as good as it was. If she had tried to make that dish it surely would have sucked, the chicken would have come out dry and the vegetables would have had no taste at all. Instead the food Fenrys prepared for her was always so tasty and juicy and Asterin always felt how much love the boy poured into it.
"God," she moaned again, "This world doesn't deserve an angel like you."
Fenrys was looking at her with his mouth slightly open and his eyes focused on her lips. He cleared his voice and went back to stirring something else. Asterin pointed at him, "What about that?"
"That's the dressing for our pasta. I bought spaghetti." he smiled at her and caressed her cheek, moving a lock of hair. Spaghetti was definitely her favorite kind of pasta.
"I love you so fucking much." she mumbled to him. Fenrys giggled, with his stupid little grin on his lips, "Me too."
Asterin started cleaning the table, throwing out the scraps and setting the table for the two of them. When Fenrys noticed he whined, "I had to clean it up." he had a guilty look on his face, almost as if he was sorry she was doing him a favor.
The girl watched him closely, "I'm just helping you, Fen."
"Yes, I know, but-" he stopped, cutting the sentence.
Asterin looked him in the eyes and when he looked away, flexing his jaw, she asked, "What is it?"
He remained silent for a while and Asterin gave him time to decide what to say. She knew that he didn't have to push him and he knew that Fenrys had trouble talking about the things that were bothering him, unlike her.
"It's just that I screwed up on the field today. A fuckup that could have been avoided if I had done my job and I need to make it up somehow and treat you like a queen for tonight wouldn't solve everything, but it could at least improve this fucking bad mood of mine." he put his hand in his hair, before he crossed his arms on his chest and turned towards her.
Asterin didn't look at him, continuing to cut the loaf of bread he had bought, "Do you want to talk about it?"
Fenrys grunted, "It's just that I'm sure if I told you what happened, you'd tell me some bullshit of yours to make me feel better and I know I just said the opposite, but I think I deserve to feel like shit."
This time she gave him a stern look, "Why don't you let me judge whether you deserve to feel like shit or not?"
He snorted, "Alright," he mumbled. He said nothing and continued to cook while frowning for a few minutes. Asterin sat down, nibbling on carrots and staring at the muscles in his back that tightened every time he moved. She scowled, "Does it have something to do with Lorcan?"
Fenrys stiffened, "Yes," he simply replied.
"You know, if you don't tell me what happened, I can't just guess?" she asked him jokingly.
He turned towards her, turning off the stove and putting the pan with the chicken in the middle of the table. Asterin was used to seeing him cooking, being that he was practically at her place every night, but it was always nice to see him being the man of the house and making these little gestures for her. Even when his day had been shitty.
He turned to the stove once again, took the pot of pasta and drained it, "I told you he was hurt, didn't I?" she nodded, assenting, "A guy from Velaris broke his anterior cruciate ligament. He jumped on his knee with both feet."
Asterin swallowed noisily, bringing one hand to her mouth. She hadn't realized it was so bad. With such damage he couldn't play for the rest of the season. All this if he did well and if the doctors were able to fix it.
"Fen-" he ignored her, pouring the seasoning on the pasta and starting to serve it.
"It was my fault." he didn't look her in the face, but she had never seen him so distressed in her life. "I saw the piece of shit go up against him and he was charging him like a..." he stopped, shaking his head, "You don't charge another player like that, he looked like a fucking bull trying to kill the matador, I don't know." he sat down after serving both of them. He covered his eyes with his hands, "I should have called him. Warning him that he was about to be tackled."
Asterin was quite upset, she wanted to call Elide, but would have thought about it later. Now she had to concentrate on Fenrys.
"Honey listen to me, these things always happen in football. It's not your fault," she said, extending one hand on the table and taking his hand.
He shook his head, tightening his shoulders, "No, it's different this time." he explained, looking at her finally, "After the game one of his teammates came, the captain, and apologized." he said shocked, "There is no apology in football, Rin. It's not something you do."
Asterin had seen enough games in her life to know that the players were ruthless beasts and that the feeling of belonging to your team was so strong that you felt the need to protect it with your life. Beating someone on the other team was not as strange as it could be considered in other less violent sports. Bullshit, in her opinion.
"They benched him and probably suspended him," continued Fenrys. Asterin understood that he was talking about the player of the other team. She nodded, gritting her teeth.
"You don't think Lorcan blames you, do you?" she asked cautiously, starting to eat when he gestured for her to taste the food. The first bite of pasta was ecstatic. If they weren't in the middle of such a serious conversation she would have praised him and kissed him until they ran out of oxygen.
Fenrys moved the pasta into the dish, "No. I have already spoken to him. Elide also came to me after we left him at the hospital to assure me that it wasn't my fault." Asterin promised herself to text her later.
"Listen," she began, Fenrys looked at her exasperatedly, "Listen to me," she said in a harder tone, "these things cannot be avoided. It wasn't your fault and Lorcan doesn't think it is. I'm sure you'll do everything you can to help him on this path and I'm sure he'll appreciate every little gesture you make, even if he won't show it." they both grinned, knowing full well that Lorcan would never show an ounce of feeling for anyone other than Elide.
When Fenrys did not answer immediately, continuing to eat in silence, Asterin squeezed his fingers still wrapped around hers, "I'm sorry, however, that this happened."
He looked at her, his expression pained, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up. It's your birthday and now you're sad."
Asterin snorted, "Stupid, I don't care if it's my birthday. If you're feeling bad, I want to talk about it and make you feel better."
His eyes softened a little, then he whispered, "I love you, very much." Fenrys seemed to remember something important at that moment, "I've brought you presents," he announced as he stood up. Asterin stiffened, leaning forward to his now empty place, confused, "Gifts? S meaning, more than one?"
The boy returned with four packages in his hand, all poorly wrapped. He had a half smile on his face and Asterin would have been satisfied with that little bit of happiness for today.
She thanked him silently when he put them in her lap, leaving a soft kiss on her lips. She opened them one by one and when she took the biggest one, she realized it was fluffy. She opened it curious to find out which sweatshirt of his he had given her, but it was not a sweatshirt. It was a rectangular pillow with a picture of his ass printed on it. They laughed until they cried and then moved into the living room after finishing dinner.
They spent the rest of the evening talking and kissing and when it got late they went to bed, where Fenrys seemed to forget all about Lorcan and the lost game, while he showed her exactly just how much he loved her.
tog tag list (if you want to be removed/added just dm or send me an ask)
@tottenhamboys20 @maastrash @ireallyshouldsleeprn​
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lyseries · 4 years
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i know we’re still freaking out over the possibility of agust d2 or jjk1 but i wanted to post this bc it’s my birthday today~! im turning 21 (it’s my golden birthday this year :D) and it feels??? weird?????? idk i just thought id have my shit together by this point and weLL-
anyways i wanted to do a little follow forever to celebrate!! i was supposed to do this when my blog turned 2 years old but i got lazy kjdhfgskdfs so here it is now! im so sorry if i missed any of you >< but to all my mutuals i adore all of your blogs so much keep doing what you’re doing!! <333
@190713​ ◇ @7nism​ ◇ @angeljk​ ◇ @beyt7s​ ◇ @chaylani​ ◇ @cherryjk​ ◇ @cuteiswatweaimfor​ ◇ @cyphertaehyungie​ ◇ @eternalbulletproof​ ◇ @ggukbwi​ ◇ @gukgi​ ◇ @gukiejjk​ ◇ @gukkism​ ◇ @gukks​ ◇ @guksdimple ◇ @hobsgguk ◇ @hopekidoki ◇ @hoseokis ◇ @houseofarmanto ◇ @jihyped ◇ @jiminandcats ◇ @jinggukie ◇ @jinie ◇ @jinies ◇ @jinpout ◇ @jjeons ◇ @jjkguk ◇ @jjungcooks ◇ @jkks ◇ @jooens ◇ @kim-taehyung ◇ @kimnamtaejin ◇ @knjspjm ◇ @knjz ◇ @kookhope ◇ @minietaes ◇ @monojoons ◇ @namkooks​ ◇ @namugguk​ ◇ @nochuie​ ◇ @nochujung​ ◇ @ohmyguuk​ ◇ @ohvmin​ ◇ @omgkook​ ◇ @parkjimchie​ ◇ @sweetnightsjimin​ ◇ @taegi​ ◇ @taeguks​ ◇ @taehyungland​ ◇ @taeminkooks​ ◇ @taetaeguks​ ◇ @taeyungie​ ◇ @tataehyungs ◇ @yoonmochiiii ◇ @yve
special mention to my girls @lovejeons, @sermindipity and @miniejoon! i love you guys so much :(( <333
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issabangtanfic · 4 years
[Jungkook] The Windmill House (Chapter 6)
Synopsis: When for once rich doesn’t rhyme with Christian Grey.
Pairing: Jungkook x OC
A/N: Feel free to submit a cover! Tell me what you think in my inbox! Enjoy!
I jolt awake after a loud thud, yanking my face off of my pillow. I look around, my vision blurry and dark at first. My door has been slammed open, a familiar ball of energy beaming at me.
“Tadayimaaaaaaa!” She sings. She walks in, but what I her stomping, the sound so loud in my head it feels like she’s wearing boots made of concrete. Groaning, I let my head plop down before she drops her full weight on me.
“Hi, babes!” She squeals, wrapping herself around me, crushing me under her body. Oh god, my head.
“Sidney, please.” I groan, blocking my ears. I hear Juno’s paws scraping the floor and soon enough she’s barging in, barking at me and jumping onto my bed.
“What do you mean 'Sidney, please'? We’re back!” My roommate says, slipping off of me only to start shaking me generically. I’m going to throw up. Juno pokes me with her nose, trying to find a way to lick my face hello.
“My head.” I mutter, flipping onto my back painfully. Juno barks again, and her wet tongue s all over my eyes.
“Juno, stop.” I mutter, grabbing her head and lifting my chin, trying to keep my face out of her reach. Our Labrador is way too excited to see me.
“Juno, lay down.” I hear Sidney order, and the frantic licking a fidgeting stops. At least she’s well-trained. When I open my eyes, Juno is lying next to me, tail wagging happily, tongue hanging out. Such a good girl. I give her a head scratch.
“I thought you’d be happier than that.” Sidney says, pouting at me. My babe is all tanned.
“I’m kind of hungover, and I had a rough week.” I reply, my voice straining. I open my arms for her.
“Gimme a hug.” I invite. She lays down next to me, hugging me and resting her head on my chest.
“I just can’t deal with the screaming.” I murmur. Juno barks and licks a long stripe across my face. Ew.
“Juno!” I scold. She resumes panting, and Sid giggles.
“She can’t help herself.” She says.
“How was France?” I ask her.
“Merveileux!” She exclaims. “Especially the men.”
“Did you practice your French kissing?”  I joke.
“Mais oui oui oui!” She sings. I gasp.
“Did you? You bitch!” I utter. She told me she hadn’t done anything like that! And I believed her! She props herself up on one arm, looking down at me with a face-splitting smile.
“I know, get your arse out of bed I’ve got to tell you all about it.” She encourages. I don’t like that idea.
“10 more minutes.” I beg, hugging my other pillow. Sidney sighs and slips out of my bed.
“You have to tell me why you’re so tired.” She mutters. I close my eyes.
“Alright, I’ll come back in an hour. Should I make some tea?” She says once she’s at my door.
“That would be lovely, thanks.” I reply. I love that girl.
“Juno, come on!” I hear her call, and feel Juno jump out of my bed. Sidney closes the door of my bedroom and lets me sleep some more. 
By 10 am I am still tired but figure out I really have to get out of bed at least. I drag myself out of my comfy covers and go brush my teeth and freshen up. Once I’m fully awake, I take some time to quickly call my mom. I haven’t talked to her on the phone for a while, and I’m supposed to call her every night but haven’t been able to with the insane week I just had. After that, I right an e-mail to Fred, detailing my encounters with Mr. Jeon and asking to pull out of the projects.
I meet Juno in the living room, and she jumps me again, knowing very well this morning’s reunion wasn’t a real one. It’s not a real one until I’ve given my baby girl tons of kisses.
“Hi, Juno!” I squeal, giving her good scratchies behind her ears. I kiss her forehead and she tries to lick my face.
“Hi baby girl. Hi.” I coo, letting her put her paws on my shoulders and hugging her tightly.  She wags her tail happily.
“I missed you too.” I tell her. Oh, my big baby. She’s always so sweet and loving.
“There’s your tea.” Sidney says, coming out of the kitchen with a cup I her hands. Dog cuddles and tea? See, Sidney’s return is definitely making things better. I need her so much.
“Thank you so much.” I gush, taking the cup from her hands. I follow her to the living room and we both sit down on the couch.
“Juno.” I call, patting the spot behind me. She jumps up on the couch and lays next to me.
“So, how was France? You met someone?” I ask, and She starts telling me all about her two-week long adventure in France.
“So, yeah. That’s the tea on France.” She says in conclusion. Wow, I wish I was as daring and spontaneous as her. She really did some crazy stuff back there, and she was by herself. I’m always scared she’ll end up in dangerous situations, but she always comes back from her adventures with a big smile and tons of stories.
“Now I need to hear about your new guy.” She purses her lips as a sign of anticipation. I frown.
“My new guy?”
“The one who sent you all these flowers.” She says, throwing a glance at the two flower bouquets on the kitchen counter. Have I not thrown these away?
“Oh, no.” I roll my eyes.
“Who is he?” She asks.
“A client.” I sigh. “Before you ask, yes he is cute. Hot even. Smokin’ hot.” I add quickly, watching her eyes light up like Christmas.
“He’s most definitely a 10. But he’s a boor.” I inform her. Her shoulders sag and she pouts.
“Is he?”
“The flowers that you see are for the times he had to apologies to me.” I explain, and she frowns at me.
“What did he do?”
“He made advances to me.”
Her eyebrows meet her hairline. She glances at the flowers again.
“And you said no?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Why?” She utters, looking horrified.
“Because he knows he’s hot. He’s arrogant, full of himself, and decided we had to have sex because he could tell I find him hot.” I explain to him.
“Ooooooh.” She says in realization, almost going cross-eyed. “I see.”
“At first I didn’t do anything about it because I had to have that contract if I wanted to keep my job. But after yesterday…” I add, peaking her interest. She goes serious.
“What happened?” She asks me. I tell her everything about my encounters with this man, from him making me cry on our first meeting, to him forcefully driving me home, and to his brother assaulting me sexually. By the time I’m done she’s on her knees, one hand on her heart, her jaw almost touching couch.
“Jesus Christ, Maya. That is so messed up.” She breathes, her facial expression one of pure shock.
“I know.” I say, leaning onto her, circling my arms around her waist and resting my head on her thighs. She starts stroking my hair.
“I needed those contracts but I’m sure Fred will back me up if I decide to drop him.”  I tell her, twisting so I’m looking up at her face.
“Well,” She punches the palm of her own hand. “You tell me if we need to beat up anybody. I still have that cricket bat.” She declares. I chuckle.
“Nah. He’s already old news.” I reassure her, leaning onto her and laying my head on her lap.
“Should we go for drinks tonight? It’s Ben’s birthday, remember?” She proposes. Ben is her younger brother, also a childhood friend. He’s turning 23.
“Yes, I was going to propose Zaap.” I retort.
“Olala, how fancy of you.” She hits me with her French accent again. I chuckle.
“Well, it’s a special occasion.” I shrug.
“Alright.” She says, slipping from under me and rising from the couch, letting my head hit the couch.  This is just as comfy.
"I’m taking him for lunch, you wanna come with?” She invites. I snuggle Juno. She’s such a good pillow.
“I won’t be operational before 3.” I mumble, already falling back asleep.
“Okay, fine. You walk Juno, then.” I hear her call from the stairs. I really don’t feel like it, but I don’t want to lay around all day. Another quick nap and Juno will motivate me to get going.
I jolt awake from a dream of a nightmare after what feels like hours. After taking time to wake up and prepare myself a light sack, I throw on some gym clothes and decide to go on a run. That’ll not only make up for my lack of movement throughout the day, but it’ll be a great opportunity to clear my mind. Next Monday will be a fresh start. New clients, new projects, same old Maya.
I receive a call on my way out, and realize it’s Fred when I see the caller’s ID. A sudden fear grips my heart. I have been confident Fred is going to be on my side, but in a small, unused part of my brain a voice echoes, asking ‘but what if he’s not?’. I muster up the courage and take his call.
“I thought you said no work on weekends.” I joke as a greeting.
“I lie. I’m always checking my mails; I just don’t reply.” he retorts dryly. Is he mad? “Did Mr. Jeon seriously do all that?”
“Yes, he did. I can’t work with him anymore.” I reply, trying to sound as composed as I can.
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” He says, almost reproachfully.
“Well, we need this contract.” I murmur.
“No, we don’t. And even if we did, you have the right to stop anytime if you fear for your safety.” He retorts. Oh, I love my boss. He makes our company the ultimate safe place.
“It’s in the contracts we make them sign, flower.” He reminds me. Contract? I didn’t make Mr. Jeon sign anything. I didn’t even charge him for the consultations! Fred is going to kill me.
“I know.” I mutter.
“I know I can be harsh sometimes, but I’ll always protect you guys.” He says more softly.
“I know, Fred.”
“I don’t want to scold you. I just feel bad you had to go through this. I’ll talk to that sleazy Mr. Jeon. Consider yourself free of any obligation.” He promises, lifting this heavy weight off of my shoulders.
“Thank you so much, Freddy.” I beam at my phone.
“Don’t call me that.” He snaps. “Try to rest now, Maya. I’ll see you on Monday.”
“Cheers!” I exclaim, and Sidney, Ben and I raise our glasses and cling them together. Before going to Zaap, Ben came over for dinner, so we’ve been drinking since then. Sidney and Ben are starting to have the Asian glow, so I decide to start taking pictures before they pass the point of no return.
The Zaap is packed tonight, even for a Saturday night. Thank god, we booked our own table.
“Happy birthday Ben!” Sidney yells in her brother’s ear.
“Happy birthday, baby boy!” I add, wrapping my arms around his neck. Sidney and I sandwich him between us, each of us giving him a loud smooch on one kiss.
“Guys, for god’s sake.” He moans, but he’s smiling. “Enough.”
You would think it’s weird for a 23 year-old to spend his birthday with his sister and her best friend, but Ben moved to London for class three weeks ago, so he doesn’t really have any friends in the city. I’ve known him for two decades now, so this basically a family party.
We chat all night long, unable to hit the dancefloor given how packed it is. Then we get to the gifts, and has his big sisters, you best believe we spoiled our boy. He sees his new phone and his two new watches, and it’s his turn to give us loud smooches.
After several Cosmos, I head to the bathroom for a quick emptying. After pushing my way through the compact crowd, I finally reach the loo, guarded by a security guy.
As I walk in, I nearly bump into the person stumbling out of the Men’s bathroom.
“Oops.” I say in surprise, looking up at him. Mr. Jeon lays his cloudy eyes on me.
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