dreamedfyre-a · 2 months
i personally prefer the book version of ae.gon's coronation, but the show version has some little details that i really enjoy (mostly tied to the performances) aeg is great and the subtle changes he goes through are fantastic but i love teeny details about hel.aena. she looks directly at him all the time until the crown is placed on his head (you can see her and ae.mond in the bg, and it's literally as cris.ton places the crown on aeg's head).
when ae.gon looks at each of his family members, cris.ton immediately bows, ali.cent immediately curtsies but imo you can see the reluctance when it comes to his siblings. hel.aena meets his gaze and only then (reluctantly) curtsies. ae.mond honestly barely bows his head. and then she goes back to looking away.
as ae.gon turns to the commonfolk you can see hel.aena stands very close to ae.mond, and when me.leys attacks she reaches for his arm. after ali.cent lets go of cri.ston's arm and he also stands in front of hel, she holds on to his arm too.
and regardless of what the show decided to do with any of them later, i just think! it's such a clear way to show her discontentment with the coronation (because everyone knew it'd lead to conflict and tragedy? because she didn't think aeg.on was fit to be king? because she knew he didn't want to be king? i personally think a mix of all three in different amounts)
and perhaps more significantly because i love overanalyzing characters with 5 seconds of screen time and relationships (of every sort) are my favorite thing to explore with the characters i write but!! when there is a threat, ae.mond is the first person she reaches for. every other person she's close to was right there, her mother was right by her side, but it's ae.mond she reaches for (something to be said about how my man was ready to fight a whole ass dragon and how he does position himself in front of her as if they wouldn't both be burnt to a crisp if rhae.nys shouted a dra.carys but anyway). the show specifically portrays hel.aena as being very particular about touch and not accepting it readily even when ali.cent is trying to comfort her, but she reaches for ae.mond. it implies closeness and trust, but also the way he's clearly seen as a protector, the first person she looked to for safety.
but! she also grabs her dad's ser criston's arm when ali.cent shoves him away with the indirect order to protect the kids instead of her and he goes to hel.aena. and i think that would, again, be a very significant sign that she both feels protected by him and comfortable enough that she touches him. and i think if he was just her mother's sworn shield, that wouldn't be the way of things. but then again i'm a firm believer ser cris.ton adopted all of them so i just think this is further proof that he is seen as dad.
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fmdjoomi · 3 years
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introducing mimi., the leader, main vocal and rapper of calypso...
what’s up guys? it’s yaz back at it again with another muse. this time around, i have joomi here. i had a muse of the same name before, but this joomi has a completely different background and all that jazz. i hope you guys like her and if you’re interesting in plotting, let me know by liking this post and i’ll message you. 
joomi’s history + personality:
for starters, joomi’s mother, seoyoung, was the absolute worst. she was a beautiful woman that used her looks and charms to practically con men out of their money. she left a trail of broken hearts behind her throughout her late teens up until her mid twenties until she met joomi’s father, jinho. 
jinho fell head over heels in love with the image of seoyoung, completely fooled by her charm and charisma. within a year of meeting one another, he asked her to marry him. she agreed, despite not really loving him back. she was just interested in what he could do for her financially. 
a few months after their marriage, she found out that she was pregnant with joomi. she was less than thrilled to say the least. she wasn’t even thirty yet and she was going to ruin her figure for some snotty nosed brat? hel no. unfortunately (in her eyes) she had to go through with the pregnancy. on february 14th of 1990, she gave birth to a baby girl - joomi. 
seoyoung couldn’t stand joomi, but jinho considered joomi to be the apple of his eye. he adored her and drowned her in attention, gifts and everything she could ever need or want. of course this didn’t make seoyoung happy. she was used to having all of jinho’s attention and she didn’t want anyone else having it - not even her own child. 
the arguments between her parents (mainly on seoyoung’s side, jinho was too much of a gentle, kind man to ever raise his voice, even when he was angry) and joomi was a witness to almost all of those arguments. it gave her a pretty warped view of her mother honestly. it wasn’t like they were particularly close to begin with, but seeing her mother verbally and sometimes physically attack her father left a bad taste in her mouth. 
by the time joomi was four years old, seoyoung had filed for divorce and was going to take her with her, but jinho refused to let her have joomi. it was the only time he actually raised his voice at seoyoung, which was enough to make her see that she wasn’t going to win that battle. so she signed away her parental rights, took her divorce settlement and left. 
not even two years later, jinho’s father had moved on with joomi’s nanny, which she didn’t mind at all. she saw her nanny more like a mother than her actual mother anyway. and not too long after that, her new stepmother and her father welcomed a baby into the world - joomi’s younger half sibling (gonna send in a wanted connection for that *wink wink nudge nudge*) 
her stepmother was the one who introduced joomi to singing. she used to sing and dance with her when she was really little, and as she got older, her stepmother could see the potential in her. she was the one who convinced her father to sign her up for singing lessons. to this day, joomi is extremely grateful towards her stepmother for being her introduction to music. 
when she was fifteen years old, she began auditioning for different labels and companies. she was accepted into bc entertainment and dimensions - she ended up going with the latter, a decision she kind of regrets. if she went with bc, she would’ve found more success because she most likely would’ve debuted with lily, but she loves her girls too much to ever truly regret her decision. 
there were times where she felt like throwing in the towel and giving up, but joomi was quite the stubborn one. even though she had to balance her school life with training, she never allowed her exhaustion or frustration to get the best of her. 
it didn’t help that her life outside of training had gone through ups and downs as well. she was fifteen years old when she developed her first real crush on someone - a cute boy at school. she was completely unaware of the fact that he was a total fuckboy. she ended up losing her virginity to him, something that he spread around school, leading people to think of her as “easy”. 
as a teen she was still softhearted and forgiving. she was a hopeless romantic that would melt whenever a guy told her that they liked her, just long enough for them to talk her into sleeping with them before they dropped her. she wanted someone who would treat her like how her father treated her stepmother. and they would treat her really well, until they got what they wanted from her.
this happened two or three more times before joomi finally realized what was going on and she became emotionally closed off. from that moment on, she swore that she would never let anyone in to hurt her like that again.
she finally debuted in dimensions’ newest girl group at the time, calypso, as the leader, main vocalist and rapper. the weight of being the leader of a group of girls weighed heavily on her shoulders, and when they lost members not even a year into their career, she couldn’t help but feel like an embarrassment in the eyes of the public. 
the feeling of embarrassment only grew tenfold when they lost yet another member two years after they debuted. she knew that there was nothing she could have done, but at the same time she also felt as though it would reflect badly on her. what kind of leader couldn’t keep their group together? 
it was frustrating, to say the absolute least, to never have their hard work pay off. from the moment they debuted, joomi made sure that she pushed her members to be the best that they could possibly be. but it seemed as though they couldn’t catch a break no matter what. no matter how much joomi forced them to practice, how much she forced them to sing songs over and over again until they got it right, they still couldn’t seem to make their songs stick with the general public. 
calypso wasn’t pulling in the kind of money that dimensions wanted them to, which meant that joomi and the girls were slower when it came to paying off trainee debt, and didn’t get much when it came to allowances.
not wanting to live off of her father’s money, despite him practically begging her to take it, she decided to find other ways to make money for herself and calypso. she had seen other idols make the journey into acting, and she had heard that it could become a lucrative career. 
in the beginning, acting was just a way to make extra money for her. she wasn’t amazing at it, but she was good enough to land a supporting role here and there, which made her realize that she rather enjoyed acting. it was a nice change from singing and dancing, and while singing would always be her first love and the most important thing in her life, acting was something else that she wanted to continue pursuing. she also knows that it’s a very good career to transition into once she lays her idol days to rest. 
personality wise, joomi’s learned how to be more or less aloof. she doesn’t let people in easily because she doesn’t want to run the risk of being hurt yet again. she can, begrudgingly, understand why her mother behaved the way she did. getting hurt by someone was way too big of a risk. in the words of yuna: i’d rather be selfish, hundred times better than pretending to be nice and getting hurt.
however, she’s very loyal and so protective of and attentive to her group members. calypso’s fans call her “mama mimi” because of the motherly role she plays in the group. 
honestly, she loves calypso’s sexier concept. she thrives with those concepts, and she likes feeling sexy. it’s v empowering for her. she doesn’t like it because it gets her attention, she likes it because of how it personally makes her feel. 
mimi’s image
as not only the leader of calypso but the eldest member as well, joomi is often seen as the “mom” of the group. she’s often seen taking care of her members - feeding them, covering them with blankets when given clothing on the shorter side and coming to their defense whenever they need her. it’s a role that she had fallen into rather easily, especially given her age and seniority. their fans have taken to calling her “mama mimi” as a joke because of this, but it’s something she takes in stride and even encourages from time to time by playfully introducing herself as “mama mimi” whenever calypso has to introduce themselves.
on the flip side of that, being someone who connects more with their sexier concepts, it’s no surprise that joomi is one of the sexier members in the group. where she lacks in dancing technique, she makes up for in stage presence and sex appeal, some people even going as far as to say that she “does too much” on stage or even that she “makes them uncomfortable” by how much she gives her all in sexy concepts. however, seeing as how their main fanbase, which consists of men, don’t seem to mind her onstage persona, dimensions does little to nothing to try to change her image, as it’s worked for her for the time being.
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autumn-in-phandom · 7 years
Dan&Phil (with no space)
SOLVE THIS CRIME- Dan and Phil play: ‘Layton's Mystery Journey!’ 
Which I think is very cute, has great banter, cooperation, a sassy Dan, a flirty Phil, with no space between them and is definitely worth a re-watch.
Timestamps below the cut because they are lonnng.
0:01 “Hello Dan and Phil Games ‘detectives’"- Phil 0:03 Magnifying glass hand thing, Tomb Raider sound effect and Phil humming Sherlock theme combined 0:11 "Professor Layton, what what"- Dan with hand motions 0:13 Phil holds his composed angelic face while Dan gives the background info. 0:20 Dan sitting by a rainy window pretending to be intellectual. What an image. 0:27 "Lady Layton"- high pitched Dan (find a guy who can do it all) 0:30 "So today I think I'm going to be Sherlock Holmes and you're going to be Watson" -Phil 0:34 "Whatya sayin?"- Dan with that look.
I don't know how they actually feel about Johnlock. They've both referenced it before but have been kind of vague on their stance. Personally I love the show but don't ship them. But the implication of shipping definitely seems to be present and Dan is at the very least feigning disapproval. That or he just wants to be Sherlock. See below.
0:35 "Well I mean, I'm like the Benedict Cumberbatch, I look like Benedict Cumberbatch, I'm more superior at mystery solving."- Nice try Phil. 
Watching Dan's face here is funny, his feigned grumpiness, transitions to a comical frown with a shrug of agreement when Phil says he looks like BC, then a funny scoff to smile at Phil suggesting he's superior.
0:45 Dan bursts Phil's bubble shooting down Scooby Doo 0:49 Woah what a jump cut between happy open mouth Phil to, what do even call that? Is that Phil's resting bitch face? 0:50 Zoom into Dan talking to give Phil a moment to recover. 0:55 "A sneky prev"- Dan 1:00 Playing in Nederlands would add to the mystery or we could test Dan's French.
1:05 "’Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy’. Dang."- very dramatic Dan 1:09 "I'm already hooked cause there's a little dog outline."- Phil 1:13 "That's all I need to sign up for an app."- Dan 1:19 "Dan&Phil with no space" (what this video should actually be called) 1:24 "Dan question mark Phil?"- strike a pose
(The iPad also assumed it was a typo as it offers Dan&Phil as a suggestion. Earlier suggestions were "Dance" and "Danisnotonfire")
1:33 Phil's monocle/magnifying glass returns with an "aha". Dan claims Phil is "repeating a joke I made at the beginning of the video", not likely Dan. Phil is all joyous laughter. 1:45 "Stop getting paranoid. Not everyone hating another person is about you, Shirley"- Dan (watching Phil's reaction to Dan's rant is hilarious) 1:50 "Are you ready for a video?"- Phil (aka "are you done?") 1:53 "Yeah."- Dan
2:00 "A misty town, in yesteryear." Dan high voice. "I'll stop ruining this." 2:05 They are both delighted by the anime style art 2:12 ‘Daddy!’ "Daddy"- Dan "Daddy. Is the first word you hear."- Phil "Daddy Layton"- Dan nods knowingly. 2:18 "No, this is not Dream Daddy."- Dan  2:29 Sad, guilt, "just a dream." 2:31 "She's got a house plant, which is a lot more alive than all of ours" 2:37 "She opens the curtains, that's why her house plants are alive."- Dan 2:40 "Ohh, that would make sense."- Phil (see Dan's ls) 2:44 Dan supports unpractical fashion choices 2:46 Phil knows a thing or too about diseased English pigeons. 2:53 "I'm going to see some corpses!"- Dan 3:00 London is not a wholesome town 3:05 "Phily's detective world. Mysteries solved for free."- Phil 3:10 "Please I just want company."- Dan after cracking up.
3:13 "Lady and a Tramp." "Nice." 3:15 "Is she gonna eat some sensual spaghetti?"- Phil 3:16 "She's gonna kiss a dog."- Dan 3:19 "The dog's here!"- Phil 3:20 "ADOPT HIM!"- Dan 3:21 "Pet the dog!"- Phil 3:22 "ADOPT HIM RIGHT NOW!"- Dan (okay boys) 3:24 "The dog has a very strange tail."- Dan 3:26 "It's defying gravity." (Wicked on the mind Phil?) 3:30 "I mean okay, I'm sorry, sign me up for talking dog."- Dan 3:45  "Please help, I'm hallucinating talking dogs."- Dan 3:55 "Is it just gonna secrete a cake through the iPad? Cause I'm down for that."- Phil 4:10 "Presuming that we actually ever *mumble mumble*."- Dan 
4:19 "Spoilers abound."- Phil 4:20 "Protection."- Dan 4:27 "Give me a cake!"- Dan 4:29 "Use more of a baker voice."- Phil 4:37 "The Power of Triangles!"- Dan (nice self reference there) 5:01 "What is wrong with you?"- Dan says with fondness 5:10 "That looks less like a K than miine did."- Phil teasing and so close  5:14 "Delet this."- Dan 5:24 "You need to stop saying 'floppy ding dong'."- Phil (um. truth.) 5:35 Phil thinking outside of the box, inside the box, very literally. 5:40 Dan gets really excited by Phil's idea of negative space. Phil gets excited by Dan moving the shapes around. 5:55 The best iPad sharing here. 6:05 Dan starts to get discouraged just as Phil figures it out. 6:10 Dan’s face 6:15 "Mmm (high five) boom."- Dan 6:26 "Well done Phil."- danisasupportivepartner 6:35 "Don't pay me in money, pay me in cakes, that would be a Dan and Phil's detective agency."- Dan 6:40 "How do you like that doggo?"- Phil 6:41 "Up to scratch. Haha ha ha hm."- Dan 6:45 "A bit of a sexy scratch there wasn't it?"- Phil 6:47 "That was a bit weird there, the dog doesn't support that."- Dan 6:48 "Sorry."- Phil (quick, soft, low, subtle banter)
6:55 "I love her voice it's like Hermione Granger meets Beatrix Potter."- Dan 6:59 "What can I do for you?"- Phil imitates her voice, because not only does he look like Voldemort, but he *is* Hermione. 7:15 "I love his ankles rolls because of his floppy skin."- Dan (talking about the dog of course) 7:18 "Aw it's so anime, I love it."- Phil 7:25 "I wanna solve that mystery. That's an ancient civilization?! That looks like a terrifying dystopian future where mantid lizards exist."- Dan 7:36 "Hello. Is that the Watson in this? That looks like you. I'm Lady Layton, you're that guy."- Dan who apparently is fine with the Johnlock dynamic so long as Phil is the Watson character and Dan gets to be a sassy femme Sherlock. (See below) 
7:44 "Ernest."- P 7:45 "Ernest Greeves."- D 7:46 "That's a strong name."- P 7:46 "Amazing."- D 7:47 "I wish I was called Ernest."- P (I think that's what he says) 7:48 "I ship it!"- Dan says all intense and growly 7:55 "Pugsworth." 8:05 "Sherlock exists in the same cannon as Layton."- Dan 8:07 "What"- Phil 8:10 Phil gives the role of Katrelle to Dan. Phil takes Ernest. Dan takes the dog of course and Phil voices Inspector Hastings. 9:30 "In the 'ole of Britain!"- Both in sync, shaking their faces, having fun 9:51 "Frickin slapped. Ernest and Sherl in the corner of Lady Layton's priorities."- Sassy Dan 
10:07 "The Hand That Feeds" (weird fist motion from Phil) 10:12 "Someone's stolen a hand!"- high pitched Dan 10:17 "That's a whole diddly operation."- Dan 10:19 "It was Spider-Man. Tom Holland wants more attention."- Phil 10:21 "Honestly what a fiend(?)"- very quiet Dan 10:34 "Do the lamppost."- Phil (not innuendo just what Dan should be investigating, Phil is trying to get him back on track but is very amused.) 10:39 "Come on, Kat, what are you dawdlin' there for, eh? The case, woman! The case!"- Phil saying dawdlin' and woman in a northern accent is great.  10:40 "Woman."- Dan echos with attitude. 10:49 "Hmph, teachin' Grandma to suck eggs, are ya?" (more things I didn't know I needed to hear Phil say)
10:55 "What bag?"- danisexcited 10:59 Oh my god both their faces right before they say: 11:00 "Wardrobe!"- Both "Yes!"- Phil 11:02 "We found the content!"- Dan Some simple puzzle solving 11:47 "Wait! I want to go in the bag. This is very important."- Dan 11:50 "Wardrobe!" (Sing it Dan!) "Yes!"- Phil 11:54 "Coatless!"- in sync 11:57 "Dating dress"- Dan "Oohh"- both "Oh hel-lo!"- Dan 12:03 "Tomboy. Equestrian ensemble!"- Dan's over the top gestures and Phil's excited face. 12:05 "I want my ensemble to be that."- Phil (of course you do) mirrors Dan's hand to chest movement. 12:07 "Slay me. Jesus."- Dan 12:12 "Sky blue, statement."- Dan 12:14 Phil with the game info. 12:19 "That's me."- Phil 12:20 "Daddy's girl."- Dan 12:21 "Okay that's not me."- Phil laughs
12:30 "He's shady AF"- Phil 12:35 "'Top o' the mornin' to ha!' Its jacksepticeye"- Phil  12:37 What the hell Dan? Calm down. 12:46 "Investigatink"- Dan 12:47 "I can't do an Irish accent."- Phil, belly laugh  12:48 "This is regional dialect reading test the game."- Dan 13:03 "aforementionedly"- both 13:25 "Stachenscarfen"- Dan 13:26 "That's you."- Phil 13:29 "Auf Deutsch"- Dan 13:38 "In a vay, yes. In a vay, no."- Dan (sounds more Austrian) 13:55 Dan yells into the iPad "Out after midnight are you Stachenscarfen? We're onto you!" (simmer down son)
(I love Phil's hands. They are big yet elegant.)
14:53 "You like twiz the..."- Phil doing circle motions 15:14 "Waiting until its midnight."- Dan says somewhere between cocky and uncertain 15:41 "Yeah. I don't- I mean, sure. Why not? It's like you have lives. Do you have lives?"- Dan 15:46 "Yes!"- Phil "YES!"- Dan 15:49 "But was it for the reason that I said?"- still unsure Dan 16:11 "Oh you want to see a dead body do you Earnest, you want to get real, you want to see crime up in your face? I don't think you can handle it Earnest!"- Dan being extra again 16:38 "Nick Booker" pun 16:48 "Wait I can do this one."- Phil 16:50 "Okay go on Phil, do it."- Dan 16:55 Pause that pose 16:57 "I live for the positive reinforcement of Lady Layton being happy that I'm assembling the clock hand."- Dan 17:03 Phil is distracted momentarily by something off to the side. 
17:05 “Hello copper.”- Dan 17:07 "'Ello 'ello 'ello, Miss Layton.'"-Phil 17:09 "That is exactly what he-"- Dan 17:10 "That's what his face looks like"- Phil 17:11 "With his tiny face!"- squeaky Dan 17:12 "It's so squished."- Phil 17:29 "Yeah get in there."- Phil (what was this about? I forget. Context.)
17:38 Danispanting  17:45 "'Magnificent'."- Dan (inside the clock face) 17:46 "That's just what we were saying."- Phil says so sweet. I think they were admiring the art design but it got cut. 17:52 "I know what gets you going Earnest."- Dan (enormous cogs) 17:58 "Like a corpse."- Dan 18:00 "I wanna do it!"- AssertivePhil (not a corpse mind you) 18:02 "Okay Phil, find the cranny. How good is Phil at finding that spot? He found it. There we go."- danisnotappropriate 18:08 "REDDISH WRISTWATCH!"- x12 nice reference 18:26 "UH CLOCK"- both groaning 18:36 "Get that self esteem, yes!"- high pitched Dan
19:17 "Do you know what you're doing or-?"- Phil with the biggest smile 19:19 "Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah!"- Dan 19:20 Jumpcut to zoom in on the terrified children and away from a flirty Phil. 19:28 "Woyah!"- Dan 19:32 "Oh no. Oh we f***ed it. Impasse."- Dan 19:42 "You reckon?"- Dan (then “I reckon”) 20:05 "King of Bubbles."- Dan 20:06 "I would not have been able to do that."- Phil 20:07 "Really? You play a lot of uh, of um, shape popping apps."- Dan 20:11 "True. Maybe. Maybe."- Phil's eyes 
20:17 “Who do you think stole the hand?”- Phil 20:21 "I think it was the dog."- Phil 20:36 "I feel like that's a good taste of the mystery solving experience."- Dan 20:38 "Yeah. You've given it a little lick, but you don't know the full answers. Cause you could go find out yourself-"- Phil 20:43 "You just ruined the nice... description..."- Dan 20:46 "Like you've got the flavor."- Phil 20:47 "Why do you- no, no!"- Dan 20:48 "Like a lollipop."- Phil 20:49 "Stop with the licking!"- Dan 20:50 "Sorry."- back to innocent angel faced Phil
21:00 Price and Promo 21:16 "I'm just here for the anime to be honest, like a show I just started watching."- Dan 21:20 Phil tongue 21:21 "A lick of the Layton Lolly."- holy hell Dan, looking at Phil while saying that was indecent 21:31 "Clicking our buttons."- Phil 21:34 "For more vids, last vid."- Dan 21:38 "I'm gonna go kidnap a talking dog."- Dan 21:39 Sherlock theme outro and eye hand thing by Phil.
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ieechans · 8 years
dino > neighbor/best friend AU ~
me: queen of going too far
good concept. great concept. lets begin. *rubs my hands together viciously*
so ever since you could remember, your neighbor was this cute old lady who considered you as one of her own grandchildren
like she’d bake cookies, cupcakes and other fun stuff like that and always brought them over to your house for you to eat
also she left the gate to her backyard open all the time for you to come over n play bc she had a lot more grass than your backyard
basically u loved her so much not only because she baked you stuff but she was always there for you when no one else was n she was so so kind and she watched you grow up and wOW IM GETTING EMO
you’re in highschool now n one day when you get home from school you see a moving truck and you’re like “wait wtf” so you come over to see what’s going on
and cute grandma says “im getting too old to live by myself, so i’m going to move to a resting home...” and you feel your heart shattering into millions of pieces and you almost cling to her and tell her to move in with your family
and she sees the tears forming in your eyes and she’s like “don’t worry, my family members will be moving in!! my grandson is your age, i’m sure you’ll get along well”
and on the day she leaves you’re so bitter bc you’ll miss her and you’ll miss her baking and her kind words
you’re so bitter that you don’t even bother welcoming the family in so you just head right back inside your house
after moping around for a bit in your room you decide to go out to your backyard to get some fresh air or something
so you’re just minding your own business until you you hear a particularly loud curse word and a soccer ball just goes right over your head and lands a few feet away from you
judging from where the ball is, you concluded that it came from the other side of the fence,, where grandma’s backyard is,,,,,
you just shrug and toss it back over, n then you decide to go back inside bc you weren’t in the mood to get hit by a ball if it happened again
the second you get inside you hear a knock on your front door and you’re like ??? and when you go to open it you’re like.......... whom
the boy in front of you has like.. sweat glistening on his forehead and his eyebrows are kind of furrowed and he’s wearing a thin shirt and you’re like... mom holy f*ck
and then he turns to look at you and in your head you’re like “dhjzHEFUH I WAS STARING SH*T”
and then he’s like “hi.. yeah i’m ur new neighbor... i might have kicked a ball over to your garden... is it okay if i get it?”
and then you finally get yourself together and you’re like “oh i already tossed it back. what’s your name?”
“chan! you must be y/n, grandma told me a lot about you. we’ll be going to the same school!”
and you’re like.... ho ly c ow grandma has an attractive grandson “cool! we can walk to school together.”
“that’d be awesome! see ya, y/n!”
and then he leaves and you’re just standing at your front door like an idiot like “why did i say we should walk to school together how am i gonna sURVIVE”
the first time you walk to school together it’s kind of awks, but chan’s just rly good at making conversation and by the time you’re walking home you feel like you’ve known him forever
that mfriends, is how u and chan became bfs (best friends)
chan joins the soccer team @ your school and you BET your ass is there at every game with a giant poster board of his face, embarrassing the hell out of him.. you also show up to his practices with food n stuff and he’s like “y/n.. my saving grace.. my only god(dess)...”
“shut up ur so dramatic.. here’s your popcorn chicken”
when u get ur first s.o., chan is like “if they do anything stupid i’ll kick their ass”
“gee thanks”
every day he comes over n hangs out in your backyard to do hw and then after a while he gets bored n is like “.... you wanna watch me play soccer” “thank god i thought you wouldnt ask”
and then you leave your homework behind to go to his backyard and watch him kick the soccer ball around idk how sports work sorry lmfao
and this is like a ritual for u guys like.. every day you’d walk to school together, you’d hang out together, you’d visit his practices/games if he had them, you’d walk home together, do hw together, BASICALLY YOU DID EVERYTHING TOGETHER
then one day ur s.o. breaks up with you and you’re pretty much “well this is how i d*e” and you know chan is gonna have a big game soon, so you decide not to burden him with your problems
and you’re slowly avoiding him and you start waking up earlier to go to school, pay no attention to him at school, leave the second the bell rings, etc.
and even though you did it not to worry him, you don’t know that you’re actually worrying him even more,, like his coach keeps telling him “get ur head together” but he can’t because he’s just so concerned about you
so he asks a few of your other friends if anything’s wrong and they’re like “y/n didn’t tell you?? ______ broke up with them.”
and chan’s suddenly like “WHAT THE HEL L??>?” and he’s abt to go to kick the ass of whoever broke your heart, but then he thinks about how horrible you must feel n he gets all emotional
he doesn’t know what to do so he ends up calling grandma for advice and she tells him everything he needs to know abt what u need when you’re upset
and you’re at home and your face is all puffy from crying (both from best friend withdrawals and from the break up) and you get a text from chan saying “come outside”
and you ignore the message at first but then he starts messaging you on everyplatform like facebook, instagram, snapchat, kkt, skype, etc
all of them just say “come out” and you’re like JESUS CHRIST OKAY
and you drag yourself out of bed to your front door and when you open it up you see chan with a phone in hand and a plate of cookies in the other and he just looks so so sad and your heart shatters right there
“i don’t know what i can do to help, but grandma told me that her cookies always made you feel better.”
and you can see that he has a little bit of flour still on his hands and he has the vanilla baking smell on him and you just start tearing up n you pull him into a hug n start sobbing
n he’s just patting your back like “there there,,, also the cookies are getting cold,,,”
but anyways after that event let’s just finish this quickly and say that chan went from your bf (best friend).. to your bf (boyfriend) :’)
EXTRA: chan texts the news to grandma and she’s just “hehe... my plan worked”
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gokinjeespot · 6 years
off the rack #1222
Monday, July 23, 2018
 The rains finally came. I hope it's enough to save farmers' crops. Now we don't have to worry as much about wild fires like what's happening in northwest Ontario and parts of BC. We have friends living close to both fires and I'm worried they may be in danger.
 Kick-Ass #6 - Mark Millar (writer) John Romita Jr. (pencils) Peter Steigerwald (digital inks & colours) John Workman (letters). An unbelievable getaway concludes this story. I was very happy with the way this ended. Mrs. Lee's story continues on September 19.
 Runaways #11 - Rainbow Rowell (writer) Kris Anka (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). This is a good issue to start with if you want a very good comic book about family. There's no big super villain threat or world shattering event, just the kids trying to live their odd lives and loving each other. I want to be Molly's granddad.
 The Life of Captain Marvel #1 - Margaret Stohl (writer) Marguerite Sauvage (art flashbacks) Carlos Pacheco (pencils present day) Rafael Fonteriz (inks present day) Marcio Menyz (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). It's time to give Carol Danvers another crack at the racks with this new book. Marvel's Captain Marvel has come a long way since the Kree in the green costume first hit the racks in 1967. The original was named Mar-Vell and was a Kree soldier so the super hero name was a no brainer. It was a big deal for me when Mar-Vell died of cancer. That story by Jim Starlin was a milestone. Carol Danvers has had many transformations since she first appeared soon after Mar-Vell did. She went from being Ms. Marvel (1977) to Binary (1982) to Warbird (1998) and finally to Captain Marvel (2012). Lots of costume changes too. I vaguely remember Carol receiving her super powers and taking on the mantle of Captain Marvel and now she is even starring in her own Marvel movie hitting theatres next spring. There's a rich history if you want to go back and read those old stories but the creative team did a splendid job of starting this new series off with all you need to know to see what Captain Marvel and especially Carol Danvers is all about. I like the new costume. Still not a fan of the sash.
 Batman #51 - Tom King (writer) Lee Weeks (art) Elizabeth Breitweiser (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). Cold Days part 1. I laughed when I got to the final panel. Saw that coming when the jury started their deliberations. So forget the wedding that wasn't. This new story is the murder trial of Mr. Freeze. He is accused of killing three women and it was the Batman that had him arrested. Guess who got called in for jury duty? Two things tickled my fancy. Lee drew the prosecutor looking like a certain blind attorney and with Bruce Wayne sequestered someone has to keep Gotham City's criminal element fearful. Substitute Batman gave me a chuckle. Tom King solidifies his position as one of my favourite comic book writers right now.
 The Magic Order #2 - Mark Millar (writer) Olivier Coipel (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Peter Doherty (letters). This issue starts off with the origin story of Cordelia Moonstone and it's a hoot. She's one of the good guys but only because of family. When we jump back to the present, the evil magicians continue to kill the good magicians. This war with magic is a treat to read. I hope there's a variant cover for #3 because the one printed in this issue is super sexy and would shock some people.
 Old Man Hawkeye #7 - Ethan Sacks (writer) Ibraim Roberson (art pages 1 - 19) Marco Checchetto (art page 20) Andres Mossa (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Flashback 45 years to find out why Clint has a vendetta against the Thunderbolts. This issue is a great example of the difference between a comic book with a "Parental Advisory" warning and one with a "Teen+" warning. Showing what the bad guys do to the good guys during this super hero versus super villains fight would upset delicate sensibilities. I can't wait to see Clint get bushwhacked.
 Tony Stark Iron Man #2/602 - Dan Slott (writer) Valerio Schiti (art) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I don't know why Alexander Lozano (cover artist) swiped Steve Ditko's Amazing Spider-Man #33 cover for this issue since Iron Man doesn't even come close to being caught in this situation. There are a couple of mysteries that make me want to keep reading. One is something cryptic about Tony's resurrection and the other is an old character who shows up unexpectedly.
 Thor #3/709 - Jason Aaron (writer) Mike del Mundo (art) Marco D'Alfonso (colour assists) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). If you're sad that the wedding of Batman and Catwoman was called off, come on over to this comic book to witness Hela and Balder's nuptials. The War of the Realms in Hel has turned out to be a lot of fun. When they get to the part of the wedding ceremony where they ask if anyone has any objections to the union, you won't believe who does. There's a lot going on in this story and I can't wait to find out what happens when Thor goes knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door.
 The Immortal Hulk #3/720 - Al Ewing (writer) Joe Bennett (pencils framing sequence) Ruy Jose (inks framing sequence) Paul Mounts (colours except where indicated) VC's Cory Petit (letters except where indicated). I like this new creepy and eerie take on the big green galoot. This issue is called "Point of View" and is about four witnesses' accounts of what happened in a church during a hostage situation involving the Hulk. There's the cop's story with Leonardo Romero (art); the bartender's story with Paul Hornschemeier (art, colours & letters); the old lady's story with Marguerite Sauvage (art & colours) and the priest's story with Garry Brown (art). It's funny how attitude changes what people see. The issue ends in Vancouver, Canada (Hello, The Comicshop) with a call from Walter Langkowski AKA Alpha Flight's very own Sasquatch. Oh, and what a great cover eh?
 Avengers #5/695 - Jason Aaron (writer) Paco Medina & Ed McGuinness (pencils) Juan Vlasco with Mark Morales and Karl Story (inks) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Turns out this is "The Secret Origin of the Marvel Universe" so pay attention all you Marvel fans. This is so ridiculously over the top it's funny. Jason keeps ramping up the threats and the heroics with no end in sight. This reminds me of when Galactus first appeared. I want Jason Aaron to write a Ghost Rider book and a solo Loki book. If  David Curiel doesn't win an award for Best Colorist of the year he will be robbed. As far as super hero comic books go, this issue gets a 10 out of 10.
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