justauthoring · 3 months
and i wonder... who? [5]
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somehow, you find yourself torn between the two hottest guys at your school and you have no idea who to choose. loosely based off of operation: true love where geto is eunhyeuk and gojo is dohwa :)
a/n: sooooo satosugu won the poll so this is officially a satosugu x reader series! (just might be a bit of slowwww burnnn)
pairing: geto suguru x f!reader, gojo satoru x f!reader, satosugu x f!reader
tag list: @username23356-blog - @anxious-chick - @novacaneformybrain - @mandysfanfics - @rottmntrulesall - @voiceofnoreturn - @rh-tg1 - @ky0mybeloved - @black-swan-blog27 - @ladytamayolover - @the8ate - @maybe-a-bi-with - @dudalo100 - @reese-is-right - @6lonely-town6 - @its-a-damn-blue-brick - @kimi01985 - @dorusken - @siimp4youu - @catobsessedlady - @paper--angel - @animechick555 - @meshiinuma - @xxannyxx - @kaeyaviado - @kochochan-shinobulvrrs - @ichikanu - @valeriinee let me know if you'd like to added! also i still don't know how to fix the tags - it works in editing but doesn't link some when i post it. if anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know!
It was hot.
Blindingly so.
Still, you refused to take off your sweater even if you desperately wanted to. You were just thankful that your school allowed you to wear sweaters and hoodies over top of uniforms without getting in trouble for it and although normally that was something you only had to worry about in the winter, you had no choice but to today.
If you took off your sweater, then people would see the finger-sized marks across your arms from Sukuna yesterday and really, you just didn’t have the energy to deal with the questions that would inevitably follow. Nor did you want to… let it escalate any further. Sure, you’d managed to get away yesterday and had somehow gained the courage to make your breakup clear to Sukuna, but it didn't erase the fact that he’d scared you last night. And you didn’t want to imagine what would happen if somehow people got word that the bruises on your arms were from him.
It was over, anyways. You’d done it. You’d broken up with him and could now move on from him.
Move on with your life.
“You look hot,” Shoko comments from beside you, regarding you with a raised brow. “Why are you wearing a sweater when it’s blistering hot outside?”
Meeting her eyes, you shrug. “It isn’t that hot.”
“You’re sweating,” she deadpans.
Biting your lip, you choose to ignore the fact that she is very much correct. Your sweater is sticking to your skin from the obnoxious sun that is beating right over your head and the need to relieve some of the heat is more than tempting. But the sight of Sukuna running past you, meeting his dark and intimidating eyes just briefly, reminds you of why you’re keeping your sweater on.
“I just finished running,” you explain which, you guessed, wasn’t completely a lie. You were sweating because you’d just finished running but you were sweating a lot because of that and the fact that you were wearing a sweater… Shoko didn’t need to know that though. 
Meeting her eyes from the corner of your own, you nod to yourself. “I’m actually a little cold.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Y-Yeah,” you breathe, fighting the urge to break under her intense stare. You didn’t even need to be looking directly at her to feel the intensity of it – if there was one thing Shoko was good at, it was seeing through your every lie. You figured that talent came with knowing you for as long as she had… still didn’t make it any less scary thought.
“Like a cold sweat.”
It’s clear she doesn’t believe you, the suspicious gaze in her eyes never wavering but she has the decency to leave it at that.
You’re incredibly thankful for that fact.
“So, you really did break it off with Ryoumen, huh?”
The two of you are standing by the bleachers while the boys have their turn playing soccer, as per your teachers instructions. The game has been going on for about five minutes now (you only just finally feeling like you’re not about to pass out) and you’ve been spending those five minutes idly chatting with Shoko and desperately trying not to ogle Geto who looks a little too good on the field right now.
Seriously, when did you start to find him attractive?
It wasn’t like you didn’t know he was attractive — of course you did. The whole female population of your school knew that Geto Suguru was attractive. You’re pretty sure he had his own little fanclub of girls that followed him around and you swear you’ve caught one of them asking him out in the hallway more times than you care to admit. So yes, objectively, you knew Geto was attractive. Incredibly attractive.
But you hadn’t really paid any of that mind until now.
It was like a fact. A statement. It hadn’t had any impact on you previously, and yet, here you were, practically drooling at the sight of him.
“–Hello? Y/N?”
A hand falls on your shoulder, the sudden touch making you jump as your eyes snap to Shoko. She’s staring back at you in concern, head tilted and brows furrowed as you blink over at her.
“I asked you a question?”
Had she?
Eyes briefly glancing back at Geto before focusing on her, you rub the back of your neck.
“Whoops,” you mumble bashfully, “sorry. What was it again? I… spaced out.” 
Rolling her eyes, Shoko just snorts; “I asked if you really did break things off with Sukuna.”
“Oh!” Your eyes instantly brighten up, turning to face her fully. “I did!”
Shoko grins; “yes!” Pumping her fist in the air, she turns to you. “I’ve literally been waiting for you to do that forever.”
Rolling your eyes, you just snort. “I know, I know,” you wave her off, before pausing. You had no intention of telling her about how angry Sukuna had gotten, but it would be good to get it off your chest even a little. You just wouldn’t mention the bruise thing—besides, Shoko had said she wanted every little detail. 
So, turning to her, you grin; “it was so awkward though and—”
Lips left parted in the middle of your sentence, both you and Shoko glance behind her, only to see a group of girls from another class waving at her to grab her attention. The excitement on your face fades somewhat at that, leaning back on your feet as Shoko waves back at them before glancing over at you apologetically,
“It’s all good,” you brush off before she can apologize, waving her concern away. “Go. I’ll wait here for you.”
Shoko hesitates. “Are you sure?”
Shaking your head, you squeeze her shoulder; “of course. Go.”
With one more hesitant glance your way, Shoko nods, mouthing a ‘thank you’ before making her way over. You watch her for a moment longer before letting your eyes fall around, eyes momentarily meeting Sukuna’s and swiftly turning your head away, you move, making your way over to the bleachers on the side of the field. A few of the other girls from your class have sat down, chatting amongst themselves, and with nothing better to do, you take a seat near a corner, pulling your legs to your chest and opting to simply watch the boys.
You knew Shoko cared about you, just like you cared about her but it sucked knowing that some of the other girls wanted to be her friend but didn’t want to be yours. Anytime you’d tried to talk with her other friends before, it had just been awkward. And not something you wanted to repeat.
Sighing, you let your head fall on top of your knees.
At least you could watch Geto with no interruptions now.
Or not…
Flickering your gaze to the right, your lips part when you realize it’s Gojo sitting beside you.
With a wide grin and a wink, Gojo offers you a wave.
You glance around before settling back on him, baffled. “What are you doing here?”
“Uh… here for gym class?” Gojo explains with a snort, using his thumb to point behind him and following his direction, your lips part when you see a group of girls occupying the field next to the one you’re sitting in front of. Focusing back on Gojo and the line sheen of sweat covering his skin, you put the pieces together.
“Oh,” your lips form a ‘o’, “I forgot other classes had gym at the same time as us.” Cheeks warming, you bite your lip, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear in embarrassment.
Gojo takes a moment to eye you before laughing; “you’re weird, you know that?”
Lips parting in offense, you shove at his shoulder; “that’s rude!”
“No,” Gojo laughs, your shove barely moving him an inch, “what’s rude is you calling me Gojo.”
Confused, you turn to him; “is that not your name?”
“It is,” he assures, “but it’s too formal. I thought I made it clear; call me Satoru.”
You’re sure your face grows hot at that.
“B-But! That’s too friendly!” You argue, waving your hands in front of you widely. “We only just started talking and—”
“And we’re already close,” Gojo cuts in, smiling cheekily. “So what’s the problem?”
Shoulders slumping, you just frown at him. “You’re ridiculous.”
Gojo just takes the insult in stride, leaning in close so his face is right in front of yours. You instinctively lean back, surprised by his sudden closeness as you press against the side of the bleachers. It doesn’t seem to bother Gojo who only grows closer; you can feel his side press into your arm and his leg knock into your folded one, not to mention all you can see is those bright, beautiful blue eyes staring at you.
“And you’re adorable.”
Okay, now you’re sure you’re red in the face.
“Satoru,” he cuts in, waving his finger at you. “Repeat after me. Sa-To-Ru.”
You stare back at him, wishing he’d back up even a little because he was too close and it was making you feel a way you didn't know how to react to. You’d already been sweating because of the damn sweater before, but now you probably look like a hot mess and your mind is running a mile a minute just to come up with something to say.
“Come on,” Gojo sings softly, voice low so only you can hear but still sweet and soft. “Say it.”
Lips parting, you ignore the racing of your heart; “Sa… Satoru.”
With a sudden jump, he’s pulled back, sitting up straight next to you as he grins wide, ear to ear; “see?” He exclaims, “that wasn’t so hard. It’s much better if you just call me by my first name, kay, Y/N?”
You’re frazzled. You know you’re frazzled. Even though Gojo has leaned back like you wanted him to, your heart is still racing and you feel flushed. 
Was it just your imagination or had he also smelled really good?
Pleased by your answer, Gojo finally lets his eyes wander down, pausing when he sees what you’re wearing.
“Aren’t you warm?”
Oh god… not this again.
“No,” you deny with a shake of your head, hugging yourself. “I’m perfectly fine.”
Gojo just quirks a brow. “You look warm.” He states bluntly.
You huff — what was with everyone questioning you on wearing a damn sweater? Was it that hard to believe?
“For your information—”
You stop what you’re saying the second a shadow falls over you, completely blocking the sun from falling over you. Confused, you turn, only to pause when you see it’s Geto. You blink at the sight of him, confused, not having expected to see him, glancing over his shoulder to the field to see, like you thought, the rest of the boys are still playing and yet…
“Did you bring my hoodie?”
His voice is harsh. Harsher than you expected. By the way he falters the second he meets your eyes properly, you figure he didn’t mean to sound that angry but you’re still confused as to why he even would be in the first place.
Was he upset you hadn’t given him the hoodie back earlier?
You also have not failed to notice how still Gojo is beside you suddenly.
“U-Um… Yeah, it’s in my bag. One sec.”
Reaching behind you to grab your bag, you’re oblivious to the way Gojo and Geto glare at each other, each with a certain fierceness and determination in their gaze before swiftly glancing away the second you turn back around.
“Here,” you call, smiling up at Geto as you extend his folded sweater to his awaiting hands. “I made sure it didn’t have any stains on it or anything after I washed, so it should be good. Thank you again for letting me borrow it.”
Geto’s face eases as he meets your eyes and he smiles softly; “it’s no problem. Thank you for washing it.” Then, as if almost an afterthought, he adds; “I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer at your place to wait for it.”
You miss the way Gojo straightens at that.
“Oh, no!” You brush off, shaking your head. “I’m sorry you had to even give it to me in the first place.”
“Um,” Gojo cuts in, pulling your eyes on him with a blink as he shifts his gaze from Geto to you, offering you a somewhat tight-lipped smile. “Why did you have Geto’s hoodie in the first place?”
You’re a little confused as to why he cares, but—
“I accidentally spilled my soda on her and it made her shirt see-through and she was cold, so I offered it to her.”
Well, he didn’t need to go into that kind of detail—
“Oh?” Gojo asks, but something about his tone sounds strained and tense. “Is that so?”
Lips parting, you watch as the two of them glare at each other.
“U-um,” you speak up nervously, shifting forward; both of their eyes instantly fall on you, features softening. “Do you two… not like each other or something?”
The two glance at each other again.
Gojo’s the first to speak up; “not particularly.”
“We’ve never gotten along,” Geto elaborates. “That’s all.”
“I see…” You mumble, before your eyes brighten with a sudden idea; “well, hey! There's always a first, right?”
And the answer is clear to them both;
No way in hell.
Still, for you, they hesitate.
“Maybe,” Geto shrugs, brushing a bit of sweat off his forehead.
Gojo sighs dramatically; “if I’d have to.”
You’re oblivious to it all — eyes twinkling with excitement, you smile brightly. Truly, a brilliant idea has come to mind.
“Isn’t that amusement park opening up soon? I think… this weekend?” You ask, “you two should go together!”
Geto and Gojo frown at one another.
If there’s one thing the two of them can agree upon, it’s that that seems like the worst idea.
The two of them? Alone? At an amusement park?
What could honestly possess you to think that’s a good idea?
Geto, however, looks at you a moment later and smirks, clearly proud of himself; “I dunno about him, but I’d go with you.” And he sends a smug grin Gojo’s way, clearly thinking he’d effectively worked his way around not only having to disappoint you by saying no to your original idea but, getting you to go with him instead.
Gojo gasps, as if thoroughly offended.
“Really?” Your eyes brighten.
Geto smiles, nodding.
“Then let’s go!” You exclaim excitedly and Geto is just about to turn to Gojo with a victory smirk, before you add; “the three of us! When are you guys free next?”
Geto is not really sure how he got himself into this situation.
Like really – how?
“She’s late.”
Pressing a hand to his forehead, Geto resists the urge to let his annoyance get the best of him. But really–truly–he was at his final straw.
“You’ve said that three times,” Geto grumbles, offering a quick glance beside him at the white-haired bastard that just couldn’t help but take you up on your offer. Then, imagine Geto’s surprise when he shows up at your agreed upon time just to see that you hadn’t shown up yet but Gojo had—and Geto’s pretty sure that the guy was normally late to everything. Late to class, late to tests, meetups, hangouts, etc. so of course it was just his luck that today is the day Gojo decides he’s going to show up on time.
And you aren’t.
Letting out a whine, Gojo pushes off the wall he’d been leaning against, moving until he’s directly beside Geto and the two of them are now staring out at the entrance way, waiting for you.
“It’s true, though,” Gojo mumbles, and Geto can distinctly see him pouting out of the corner of his eye. “She’s ten minutes late.”
Geto just huffs.
“What exactly is your problem?” Gojo asks instantly, and Geto can feel him shift to face him. “You’ve been glaring at me this entire time.”
Feeling that final straw snap, Geto spins to face Gojo in return, narrowed eyes focusing in on his own as Geto shakes his head. “You aren’t supposed to be here.”
Gojo just laughs; “I was invited, wasn’t I?”
Crossing his arms over his chest, Geto scoffs; “not by me.”
“Still butt hurt that Y/N invited me along?” Gojo taunts, looking entirely too smug as he steps closer to Geto. Gojo might be shorter, but only by an inch, and it isn’t hard for him to size Geto up just as easily as Geto is trying to size him up. “You think I’m all that happy about you being here either?”
“Then leave?” Geto questions, as if that was the obvious answer–which, obviously, it was. “I’m the one who asked Y/L/N first so really, you aren’t needed here whatsoever.”
Gojo just leans back; “if I left I’d be doing exactly what you want. Last I checked, Y/N does want me here.”
Feeling his head hurt and his body tense, Geto shoves at his shoulder; “what’s with the lack of formality? You refer to Y/L/N so casually, I didn’t realize you guys were that close.” Pausing in thought (for dramatic effect), Geto glowers at Gojo. “Last I checked, Y/L/N didn’t even know who you were before a couple days ago.”
“What?” Gojo raises a brow challengingly, “jealous we’re close enough that she calls me ‘Satoru’?” Shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants, Gojo leans back. “She says it so prettily, too, don’t you think? I mean, I absolutely love the way she says my name.
He truly was unbelievable. Geto didn’t realize there could be someone who pissed him off so damn much… He’s never really liked the guy, and despite the fact that for most of his life Geto has unfortunately gone to the same school as Gojo, his level of hatred was reaching a height it never had before.
Before, Gojo was just some annoying guy Geto didn’t bother to pay attention to. Not if he didn’t have to.
He can still remember the way he’d felt seeing the two of you laughing and talking that day on the bleachers – Geto was positive that he’s never seen the two of you talk before and certainly not enough to warrant such a friendly interaction. If Geto hadn’t calmed himself down before, he was sure he’d have made a fool out of himself when he interrupted the two of you but taking the calm approach seemed to have it’s rewards and Geto will never forget the look of stunned disbelief on Gojo’s face when you handed him his hoodie.
He’d definitely have to give you his clothes more – this time, have you wear them where everyone could see.
And then he’d thought he’d perfectly worked his way around your silly suggestion of hanging with Gojo – and then you just had to go and invite Gojo with the two of you? 
Geto didn’t realize you could be so oblivious.
Honestly—he’d told himself he’d try to play nice with Gojo, for you. Even if Gojo was there, it didn’t change Geto’s plan of trying to woo you and catch your attention. If Gojo wanted to hang back as a third wheel then that was his choice, Geto wasn’t going to let that stop him from making a move on you.
But really, he was at his limit. 
He couldn’t even think of ‘playing nice’ with Gojo when he was this egotistical.
Inhaling sharply, Geto moves to take a step towards Gojo, Gojo straightening out in response, before your familiar voice calls out;
“Ooh! I’m so sorry!”
Both Geto and Gojo freeze at the sound of your voice, eyes shifting to fall on you as you come to a slow step before them. You’re panting, pressing a hand to your chest as you try to catch your breath, making it clear you’d run here, but what really catches Geto’s attention is what you’re wearing.
A flowery, pink sundress. It had cute puffy sleeves and the material bunched around your chest with a bow, with the length of the skirt stopping just above your knees. It swayed gently in the wind, brushing upwards to show the faintest hint of your upper thighs. The whole outfit was put together with some accessories, cute sandals and a hairstyle Geto had never seen you wear at school before.
Geto, despite himself, feels his cheeks grow pink, a flush hitting him as he quickly glances away from you to situate himself. It wasn’t like he hadn’t thought you were pretty before (that was abundantly clear given his actions) but it was a little different seeing you in something other than your school uniform. And, technically, the arcade hadn’t counted—given that he’d dumped soda all over your blouse before he could properly take in what you were wearing.
A quick glance at Gojo tells him his reaction isn’t that much different.
“My mom needed my help with something and I completely lost track of time!” You explain, turning to them with a worried expression as you finally manage to catch your breath properly. “Were you guys waiting for long?”
“Not at all–!”
Lips left parted, Geto glares at Gojo out of the corner of his eye—Gojo returns it with ease.
“O-Oh,” you mumble, briefly glancing at the both of them in confusion before taking a step towards them. “Well, then… should we get going?”
Without hesitation, Geto steps forward before Gojo has the chance to and flashes a soft smile in your direction; “let’s go.”
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chaotic-toasters · 5 months
Dumb Ref
Kate Martin x Reader (I write soccer fics... don't come at me if it sucks please🙏)
"REF!" you yelled, tossing your hands up from your spot on the ground. "ARE YOU GONNA CALL THE FOUL OR NAH?"
The ref turned her head back in annoyance as play continued on. "Just because you keep falling over doesn't mean it's a foul, Y/L/N!"
A growl rumbled in the back of your throat. You shot to your feet, smacking the ball away as it left the LSU player's hand. "RAAHHH!"
You chucked the ball to Caitlin who made an easy layup, rolling your eyes at the way the Iowa bench was unsuccessfully trying to stifle their laughter.
As you ran back, the player you were defending mistakenly stuck out her foot ever-so-slightly, and, to your aggravation, you tripped.
"REEEEEF!" you yelled, practically shattering everyone's eardrums to the point all the courtside microphones picked it up. "SHE FLIPPIN' TRIPPED ME! CALL THE FOUL, GODDAMNIT!"
The ref blew her whistle, glaring at you before touching her right hand to her right shoulder and letting her arm fall to her side.
Your jaw dropped as you scrambled to your feet. "HOW IS THAT A FLOP?! ARE YOU DUMB?"
You were tackled to the floor before you could even take a step. "SYDNEY! GET OFFA ME YOU FU—"
A hand was slapped over your mouth.
"Don't!" Kate scolded, your girlfriend's hand remaining strong. "Don't say it."
Sydney only let you up once you stopped squirming, a look of utter annoyance on your face. "I hate all of you. Literally every single one of you."
As play started up again, you became more aggressive, throwing more shoulder into it than you had earlier on in the game, getting more steals, blocking more shots. And of course, that was when the ref started paying attention.
You had slightly knocked Angel Reese with your shoulder, successfully stealing the ball after a double team with Caitlin, when the ref had decided she didn't like that and blown the whistle.
You backflipped, chucking the ball to Narnia, fists clenched as you stalked over to the dumb woman wearing black and white stripes. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING M— YOU CAN'T EJECT ME FOR THAT YOU BI—" you stopped short when you spotted Kate giving you the I'm-not-mad,-just-disappointed girlfriend look. "YOU BIIIIII... you biii... YOU BIRD! THIS IS ONLY MY FOURTH PERSONAL! LEARN TO COUNT!"
You could hear Coach Bluder facepalm behind you.
"No," the ref scoffed. "One on Reese in the first quarter, one on Johnson in the second, and two on Poa and another one on Reese this quarter."
"Yeah! That's four!" You snapped, counting on your fingers. "Reese, Johnson, Poa, Ree—"
You stopped short. "Reese, Reese, Johnson, Poa, Poa—wait—"
Kate held in a laugh, grabbing you by the shoulders and pushing you gently off the court since you were still busy trying to count. "Come on, baby, off you go."
You blinked rapidly as Coach Bluder took Kate's place, guiding you to the bench with an amused but equally unamused sigh. "Sit down, Y/N."
As soon as she returned to her previous spot on the sidelines, you snapped out of it. "Dumb ref!"
Her head snapped back like a slingshot. "What did you say?"
You jumped to your feet, ready to deck her, only for Molly to deck you, lightly but effectively kicking you in the back of the knee with her foot. You practically crumpled, nearly hitting your head on the back of your seat had it not been for one of your other teammates sticking their hand out. "Ow!"
"Sit your ass down," Molly scolded. "Stop antagonizing her!"
"She's antagonizing me!" You whined, holding the back of your knee as you hauled yourself up onto your chair. "She's the one being a—"
"HEY!" Kate shouted from half court, hands in her hips as LSU prepared to dribble down the court. "NOT ANOTHER WORD, MISSY, OR YOU CAN COOK YOUR OWN DINNER FOR THE NEXT WEEK!"
You jolted, sitting up ramrod straight, frantically shaking your head at the threat.
Kylie snorted. "Really? That's all it took for you to shut up? Your girlfriend yelling at you?"
You scowled, but said nothing.
"You're so whipped."
"I am not whipped!" You screeched, shoving her off her seat before standing on yours and preparing to perform an elbow drop.
"HEY! STOP THAT!" Kate's voice was so commanding that everybody on the court froze momentarily. "KYLIE! Y/N! BEHAVE!"
You both scrambled to return to your seats, staring straight ahead with matching looks of terror on your faces.
Kate shook her head as everyone on the court snapped back into action. "LITERAL CHILDREN!"
You stuck out your tongue.
I should stick to soccer fics
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agaypanic · 1 year
Hello! Since you wanted a break from Reese, I thought I could request something for Benny.
Something where the reader has been friends with Ethan and Benny for a while. They don't have any powers, but they're really strong. They probably wear lots of baggy clothes.
Both the reader and Benny like each other, but haven't said anything. It's not until the reader gets into a cheer leader outfit and a spellcasted sleepover that they both feel comfortable enough to tell each other.
Muscles and Pom-Poms (Benny Weir X GN!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Ethan and Benny need to spy on the cheerleading squad, but they can’t do it alone. Since Sarah and Erica are already on the team and seemingly under the influence of the cheer captain, the boys recruit you to help. 
A/N: omgomg buff x beanpole is so cute
“Absolutely not.” You slammed your locker shut to look at Ethan and Benny, who had pleading looks on their faces.
“Please, Y/n, we need all the help we can get,” Benny said, trying to give you his best puppy dog eyes. You had to try your best to resist the effects.
“I’m not stuffing myself in a cheer uniform, guys.”
“Y/n, it’s really important,” Ethan added.
“Oh really?” You asked, clearly not convinced. “How important is it?” Ethan leaned in, and you and Benny mimicked him until the three of you were almost knocking your heads into each other.
“Erica joined the cheerleading squad to suck the cheer captain’s blood.”
“Not surprised.” You commented. He continued.
“Sarah joined too to try to stop her. Benny and I went in undercover, and I had another vision.”
“What do you mean undercover?”
“I’d rather not say. Anyways, about my vision. I think it was at a pep rally. It was like everyone died. I think Erica might have something to do with it.” You sighed, leaning away from the boys.
“If you guys are already undercover, then why do you need me?”
“We need all the help we can get,” Ethan answered. “I saw Sarah in my vision, and it looked like whatever happened got to her too.”
“At least try it on, Y/n.” Benny brought out a cheerleading uniform from God knows where, the Whitechapel logo crisp on the front. “Pretty please.”
Damn those eyes. You snatched the uniform out of Benny’s hands, walking off.
“I feel stupid.” You said when you got to the boys, now changed into the Whitechapel Devil cheer uniform. Ethan and Benny turned at the sound of your voice, and they immediately had different reactions.
“You look great, Y/n!” Ethan beamed, even though you wanted to tear this outfit to shreds.
“Hot,” Benny mumbled, staring at you with wide eyes. You felt your cheeks flush at the comment. Ethan nudged Benny with his elbow, and he cleared his throat, getting out of whatever trance he was in. “Yeah, you look great, N/n.”
“Thanks, I guess.” You felt so weird. The uniform was so revealing compared to the oversized clothes you wore. “I don’t think they’ll want a muscular cheerleader, though. I think their type is more skinny.”
“Don’t be silly,” Benny said, dismissing the thought with a wave of his hand. “They’re looking for more bases and catchers for stunts and stuff. As long as you can catch a girl, they’ll take you. Don’t sweat it.” You didn’t care if Benny was saying it just so you could help them; it truly did make you feel better about stuffing yourself in this stupid outfit. 
“I guess I should go to tryouts.” you sighed, not really wanting to go. But Benny’s words gave you the encouragement to turn around and go to the gym. “See you guys later!” 
They shouted goodbyes to you, and soon the boys faded into the distance. Benny waited until you were out of view before turning to Ethan. 
“They’re so hot, E.” Benny grinned at his best friend. Ethan rolled his eyes.
“Why don’t you go tell them that?”
“God, the muscles and the uniform? I can’t believe Y/n has been hiding all of that under baggy clothes.”
“They probably knew you’d react like this,” Ethan muttered, rolling his eyes at Benny’s behavior. Benny immediately became panicked.
“What do you mean ‘they probably knew’? Why would they know? What do they know?” Benny asked quickly, scared that you had figured out his feelings for you. “Wait a minute. How am I reacting?”
Like Benny had said, you were quickly accepted into the cheer squad. The girls were impressed by your strength, able to hold up two cheerleaders at once. You got to say that it was all-natural, and it wasn’t a lie. You weren’t a supernatural species and had no special abilities like everyone else in your friend group.
“I’m surprised the boys roped you into this,” Sarah said as you two walked out of the gym. “But I’m glad. When Erica sets her mind on something, there’s pretty much no stopping her.”
“Yeah, well, they can be pretty convincing.”
“Oh really?” Sarah smirked at you. “I bet one of them was more convincing than the other.” Sarah had known your deepest, darkest secret for a while, that you were heavily infatuated with one of your best friends. And she made sure to bring it up constantly.
“Oh, shut up.” You groaned, rubbing a hand over your face. She just laughed.
“How did he react when he saw you like this?” Sarah asked, gesturing to your get-up.
“I couldn’t hear what he said at first. But then he said I looked great, so that’s good, I guess. But I don’t know, it sounded different than whatever he said first.”
“Well, the point is, he thought you looked good. No! Great.” Sarah grinned, clearly excited for you and your potential love life. “Maybe you should wear stuff like this more often. I mean, you have all this muscle, and you never show it off.”
“Sarah, if I wore stuff like this more often, I think I’d die.” 
“Why would you die?” Benny’s voice startled you and Sarah. He and Ethan had found you in the crowd of dismissed students. You all migrated to the wall to not get lost in the rush. 
“Because this feels so weird.” You said, gesturing to your clothing. “The skirt feels so short, and my arms are so exposed.”
“Do you wanna borrow my jacket?” Benny asked, already zipping it down. Your heart fluttered at the suggestion and lack of hesitancy. Luckily, Benny’s jacket looked pretty stretchy and a bit on the larger size. He slipped it off and handed it to you.
“Thanks, Bens.” You said shyly, putting it on. It fit perfectly. You smiled at each other, albeit a bit timidly.
“Well, then,” Sarah said; it felt like she had cut the tension between you two with a knife. “Now that we’re all here, let’s talk about the sleepover.”
“What sleepover?” Ethan asked.
“The cheer squad is having a sleepover at your house.” Ethan seemed surprised at this statement, which made you and Benny laugh.
“What do you mean my house?” Sarah had a nervous smile.
“Stephanie wanted to have a sleepover for the new recruits, and I may have said that Veronica would be happy to host.” The boys seemed to understand, albeit annoyed, but you were confused.
“Who’s Veronica?”
Turns out, being undercover meant that Ethan and Benny disguised themselves as girls to become part of the cheer team along with you and Sarah. Looking at them in their uniform and wigs, you had no idea how they convinced anyone.
When the cheerleaders came to Ethan’s house, you stuck by the boys for most of the night. There was something strange about Sarah and Erica. They seemed more girly and prissy, more like the squad. It was freaking you out a bit. But you had to help keep an eye on Erica to make sure she didn’t try to have a bite to eat.
After some dinner, movies, and a pillow fight, the girls started to wind down. When everyone had gone to sleep, Benny and Ethan decided to creep up to Ethan’s room. They didn’t want to stay in their uniforms, but also didn’t want to get found out by the cheerleaders.
“Hey,” Benny whispered to you. “Wanna come with us?”
“Are you sure?” You asked. “I don’t wanna intrude. You guys must’ve had enough of us.”
“I could never have enough of you.” Benny’s playful smile was paired with a serious tone of voice. You had to take a deep breath to calm your nerves.
“Okay.” You smiled back. 
You grabbed your overnight bag, and together you snuck up the stairs to Ethan’s room. When you came in, Ethan was lying in bed, changed into pajamas and wig thrown on his desk. He sleepily greeted you before rolling over to face the other way.
You and Benny felt brave, but mainly just tired, enough to change in the same room rather than one of you go to the bathroom. When you were both done, he gestured to the side of him, where there was a cot.
“You can sleep on the cot if you want. I’m fine sleeping on the floor.”
“Oh no, Benny. You don’t have to.”
“Go ahead, Y/n. Seriously, I don’t mind.” Your heart fluttered again. Realizing Benny wouldn’t let up, you took the cot. He grabbed a pillow from Ethan’s bed and set it on the floor near you. He laid down, stretching out his limbs. You stuck your head over the cot’s edge to look down at Benny. He looked up at you, making eye contact. “You know, you’re really pretty, Y/n.” He was somewhat surprised at his own boldness. Maybe it was the delirium from how worn out he was, or perhaps it was because he suddenly no longer cared about subtlety. You tried hiding your growing grin behind your hand, but he could see it reaching your eyes.
“I didn’t know that. But thank you.” You joked, leaning over the cot to get closer to him. “You’re really pretty, too, Benny.” Now it was his turn to get shy and giddy.
“Stop.” He laughed quietly, not wanting to wake up Ethan. Balancing with your stomach and legs, you went down to get close to his face.
“Goodnight, Benny.” You whispered to him. In a moment of bravery, you kissed Benny’s cheek.
Before you could pull away, Benny put a hand on your cheek to keep you in place. You were suddenly scared as he stared at you. What if all his compliments were just friendly, and not something more like you have interpreted? Stupid Sarah and her getting in your head that Benny would look at you as more than a friend. 
“I really wanna kiss you, Y/n.” He whispered, breath fanning your cheek. You gulped, nervous but excited by the prospect.
“You do?”
“So bad. I mean, I don’t wanna kiss you bad. I wanna kiss you good. I just really-” You cut off Benny’s ramble by giving him exactly what both he and you wanted. The hand on your cheek moved into your hair. One of your hands on the floor to keep you balanced went to his shoulder. 
Eventually, you started getting a little lightheaded, so you pulled away to take a breath.
The two of you were quiet, all smiley and breathless. Benny’s hand went back down to cup your cheek, thumb rubbing back and forth on your cheekbone.
“I really like you, Bens.” You whispered to him.
“Oh really? I never would’ve guessed from the way you kissed me.” You rolled your eyes at the sarcasm, but you both laughed. “I really like you too, N/n.” You kissed him again.
“How’s the floor?”
“Meh, it’s fine.” But you could tell that Benny was less than comfortable. 
“I don’t know how we’d fit, but I wouldn’t mind sharing the cot.”
“No, Y/n, you don’t have to.”
“I don’t mind.” You kissed Benny again to seal the deal; he knew he had no choice. He couldn’t say no to you.
After some situating, Benny was lying on his back while you lay on your side, slightly on top of him. You argued, saying you would crush him. But Benny didn’t let up, saying he didn’t care and honestly wouldn’t mind if that happened.
“Comfy?” He asked. You nodded, nuzzling into his shoulder. This felt new but familiar. Sometimes when you’d hang out with the gang, you guys would lay against each other either because you were cold or tired. But this felt much more intimate. 
“Yeah. You?”
“Guys, if you don’t shut up, I’m making you sleep downstairs,” Ethan grumbled into his pillow. You and Benny jumped in surprise, thinking he had been dead asleep. You whispered apologies to him, quietly giggling, before looking at each other.
“Good night, Y/n.” His hand rubbing your back lulled you to sleep.
“Good night, Benny.”
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madameaug · 10 months
Please don’t tell me jungkook or oc cheats because they just had a baby 🥲
Jungkook would never! If anything Jennette giving birth to little Peanut only enhanced is love for her.
Jungkook During the 40 Weeks of Pregnancy
Finding Out
Jennette didn't experience the typical signs of pregnancy. No morning sickness, no excessive weight gain, no mood swings. Nothing like that at all. She was perfectly fine. She was taking down the silver and gold Christmas-themed tree in February. Still in her festive onesie, Jungkook noticed something quite odd. An open jar of smooth peanut butter.
"You bought peanut butter?"
Taking a big lick from the spoon, Jennette nodded her head.
"Babe you can't stand peanut butter. You literally gag at the smell. Now your eating it straight of the jar."
"I don't know why, but I've been craving it. The smell isn't bothering me right now."
"Are you sick?" Jungkook placed the back of his head on Jennette's forehead.
"I'm fine."
Jungkook found that moment weird, but didn't harp on it. Maybe she was giving peanut butter another chance. Surely that was just the explanation. But it didn't stop there. More peanut butter treats arrived in the house in the next few weeks. Nutter Butters, Reeses Cups, and an unhealthy amount of peanut butter jelly sandwiches.
Jungkook watched in awe as Jennette ate her fifth Reeses in one sitting. The empty wrappers were piling beside her, as she watched an old episode of Martin.
"Jungkook I can literally feel your eyes glaring holes into my face."
"Jeanie are you sure nothing is wrong? Like you aren't hiding anything from me."
"I'm not sick, Jungkook. I'm not coughing, no sore throat, and no fever. I'm literally fine- stop asking."
Six hours later while Jennette was lying in bed, Jungkook lay on his back, deep in thought. The amount of peanut butter products Jennette had been consuming in the past three weeks was absurd. How could she go from gagging at the smell of the ingredient to finishing family-size jars by herself in three days. Jungkook needed to get to the bottom of this. Slipping out of bed, Jungkook went to the 24/7 pharmacy. He went up and down the aisles, hoping to find some fancy brand to explain the eating habits shift.
No no no.
Soon enough, he found himself of the family planning aisle. In front of him were three rows of Clear Blue pregnancy tests. His heart skipped a beat as he contemplated picking up the pregnancy test.
Better safe than sorry.
The drive back to the house seemed longer, despite him going ten over the speed limit.
"Jeanie... Jeanie baby, wake up." He gently rocked Jennette awake.
"Go away." She yawned turning on her side. She nuzzled into her pillow.
"I need you to take this test for me."
"What test?" Jennette's cracked.
"Just take it."
Irritated, Jennette squinted as she sat up. She slipped her feet into her slippers. She headed into their shared bathroom beside their bedroom. There, she saw a pregnancy test on the counter. Her lips ready to fire off.
"Please just take it. I can't help but think this could be why you have been acting so different lately."
Closing the door, Jennette just went with the motions. Taking the test and peeing on the stick. She wasn't even anxious about the results in the slightest. She wanted to just get back in her bed, before her spot of warmth disappeared.
"Are you done!?"
Jennette washed her hands and opened the door. Jungkook had the edge of his thumb in between in teeth. A soothing habit he only did when he was highly anxious.
Jennette adjusted her bonnet slightly, slipping of her head. She went into her nightstand and put on her signature purple glasses. She couldn't read the test because of her astigmatism in both eyes. The lines would be moving too much for her to read the test accurately.
"See, look, one line." The thin second line arrived as she turned the test to gloat in front of Jungkook.
"Oh fuck."
"Wha-. shitttt." Jennette did a double take, seeing the positive pregnancy test.
Weeks 7-10
The next day Jeannette and Jungkook scheduled an appointment at the doctors office. She got her pre-natal vitamins and an official test done. They found out that they were seven weeks pregnant. The couple wasn't actively trying for a kid, but they were't devastated by the news. They were 29 respectively and could now use the next seven-ish months to prepare themselves for parenthood.
During this time they got their first sonogram. Jungkook was moved to tears and asked for several copies of the picture. One of them going in his car, one on the back of his phone, and the other in his night stand. The picture was so precious to him
It was only one time Jennette experienced morning sickness. She blames the vertigo spell for pushing her over the edge. She was doing perfectly fine, but when she was riding in an elevator one morning. She got nauseous all of a sudden. She told Jungkook, and he ordered her to take it easy for the rest of the day.
Weeks 11-14
This is when the nickname Peanut came about. Now, reaching the end of the first trimester, Jennette and Jungkook was looking at their developing child on the screen. Jungkook could point out their eyes, and tiny toes.
"Looks like this angel is gonna be on the chunky side." The OBGYN commented.
"Their so cute, though. Look at ‘em."
Moving around the wand on Jennette's small belly, they looked at all angles.
"What are they doing doing, doctor?" Jungkook wondered.
"Oh just sucking their thumb."
Jungkook gushed harder at the screen. "Look at our little Peanut."
Weeks 15-18
Time for the long-awaited gender reveal. Jennette and Jungkook opted to keep this moment more intimate. They didn't want a crazy gender reveal party. They were going to keep the gender of their little Peanut a surprise until she was born. But they still had to create a memorable experience.
Surprisingly both Jennette and Jungkook believed that they were having a baby girl. The April weather allowed for Jennette to wear a baby pink shirt and skirt set. Her bump was protruding more, especially from a side-profile perspective. Jungkook was wearing a pink button-up jacket. White t-shirt with pink pants to match. He found this really cute plushy online called 'Cooky'. It was a pink bunny, a perfect gift for the little girl he hoped to have.
"Are you ready to find out the gender of your baby?"
"Yes!" The answered at the same time.
Applying the cold gel on Jennette's belly, the doctor handed the wand to Jungkook. Allowing him to do the honors. He grasped the wand, eyes wide-looking for any declaration of the child's biological sex.
"Wait slow down, bug. Go a little more to the left." Jennette guided. The angle they were looking at they could only see her legs and stomach.
In a gasp of excitement, Jennette saw the outline of a labia majora. Stronger than she anticipated, she gripped Jungkook's shoulder and shook him.
"We're having a baby girl! OMG! OMG!"
“Peanuts a girl! She’s a girl! I’m a girl dad !!!”
Jungkook jumped up and down. The wand was long forgotten as it hit the ground. The OBGYN enjoyed watching the couple celebrate their baby girl.
Week 19- 22
Jungkook was very protective over Jennette's now obvious baby bump. Whenever they were out in public together, he walked slightly in front of her. Avoiding from touchy strangers, placing their filthy hands on her stomach. Only he could touch Jennette's stomach. His little peanut was inside, and he was obligated to protect her, and her mother of course.
On a lazy Sunday morning, Jungkook was playing with Peanut. Jennette was able to feel her kicking, and her moving around in her stomach. Her baby was quite receptive to her father's voice. Jungkook would stand on one side of Jenentte and speak. Watching the little imprints of hands and feet press against her stomach. Indiciating that Peanut was following her father's voice.
"Oh Toodles." Jennette jokingly tapped her stomach. Jungkook was coming closer to her, to do his daily quality time with his baby. She felt a flutter in response.
"Peanut. Come to me sweet girl."
"Ooo!" Jennette reacted to the sudden dart across her stomach.
"That may have been the fastest she's moved." Jennette paused in between her words. Her little Peanut was developing some speed, which always tired her. Even though she hadn't moved a muscle.
"Okay come to this side." And peanut did. Jungkook capturing the moment on his phone.
"I'm for sure showing her this when she's older." He snickered. "Okay I'm over here now."
Week 23-26
Jennette and Jungkook were sitting a frozen yogurt creamery looking at another sonogram picture of their little Peanut. They had gotten a really nice close-up of Peanut's face. Her lips and eyes were well-seen in the image.
"Peanut will be the first person in my family who is bald."
"Everyone in my family is born bald. Including me.” Jungkook commented. He dug deep into his camera roll finding an image of him when he was just a few days old.
"Oh-" Failing to hold in her laughter, Jennette's stomach shook with a violent laugh. Poor Peanut probably thought she was on a roller coaster.
"Most black babies I've seen were born with a head full of hair. It would explain why I don't have heartburn." Doing the same Jennette pulled up a picture of herself when she was a baby. She was born with a mini afro, just like her mother and her sister.
"But look I can already tell she has your eyes. I just know they are gonna be so pretty."
Jungkook agreed. "I make some pretty babies."
"I make pretty babies." Jennette emphasized.
"Can't argue with that baby." Jungkook took a scoop of Jennette's yogurt. "I hope she looks like you."
"I hope so too."
"Just because you said that, Peanut will look just like her daddy." Jungkook kissed her belly. His tattooed hand rubbed over the now darker vertical line running down her bump.
Leaving the yogurt shop, Jungkook and Jennette walked around the area, getting some exercise. Like an excited dad, Jungkook told random strangers he passed about his "twin".
"My twin is in there."
"She only has four more months left."
Week 27-30
Jennette is super clumsy. Don't hand her anything fragile that can break. She has butter fingers unlike ever before. Jungkook had to move the precious pottery to the top of the cabinets. No way would she step on a ladder to get it, so it would require Jungkook to assist you.
"Bug you up?"
Jungkook had a tough training session in the gym and was trying to take a cat nap on the couch. It was 2 am and he believed that Jennette had already been sleep.
"Huh? What's wrong? Peanut good?"
"Yes, she's good. A craving is just hitting me."
"Peanut butter is in the pantry. You can reach it." Jungkook pouted his lips, looking so adorable in Jennette's eyes. She felt bad for waking him up.
"But I kinda want something different. I'm sorry baby."
"Don't apologize. I got you." With one eye barely open, Jungkook got the sweet treat Jennette had been craving. Being the good boyfriend that I knew he would be.
Week 33-36
Peanut's baby shower was a busy affair. Jennette's side of the family flew out to Korea. Her parents, grandma, and her little sister Asia were all able to come. Jungkook's parents handled all the food matters for the party. Jennette was hanging up some decor on the walls.
Jennette felt as big as a house. She looked exhausted and greasy. New growth from her braids were taking over her scalp. The August heat was not making her feel any better. She was already constantly warm with a growing child in her belly. The external temperature of high 80s didn't help either.
It was smart for her to get dressed later in the day, as she would have sweated out her yellow sundress. Instead, she was in her comfy maternity shorts that were extra-large. Cream-colored stretchmarks ran rampant across the surface of her stomach. She hasn't been able to see her feet in the past month or so. She could only imagine what her feet looked like.
Jungkook came down the stairs. Blothes of paint on an old graphic T-shirt. "Baby, there you are. I have something to show you." Jungkook was cheery this morning despite the few hours of sleep he got. He waited at the airport to pick of Jennette's family before coming home around 2 am.
"Come look." Jungkook gently dragged Jennette up the stairs. He had been cooped upstairs with his friends for the last four hours.
Peanut's crib was set up along the purple-colored walls. There were small animals along the wall. The purple went along nicely with the accent color of white. White flowers were thinly painted, creating a beautiful garden of flowers. Which all came ahead above where Peanut's crib was.
"Bug I love it!" Not wanting to cry, Jennette felt so moved by everything she saw. The nurse was so homey for their Peanut. The carpet was soft, a mobile spun slowly.
"Thank you! Thank you!" Jennette thanked Jungkook's friends, her Peanut's uncles. She would forever treasure the beautiful work that they did.
"Come on you need to get dressed. Guest will be coming in less than an hour."
Week 37-40
Jungkook is the type of boyfriend with labor emergency kits in every vehicle. So that no matter what car they were in, if they needed to drive straight to the hospital then they could. With Peanut arriving in less than a few weeks, Jungkook has become a lot more stressed.
He overreacts to any groan coming from Jennette.
"Was that a contraction?"
"Did your water break?"
"Do you feel her head coming out? Lay down, let me look."
Jungkook was getting on Jennette's last nerves. His pre-parental panic was cramping her style. She looked like a goddess. Afro out, wearing slightly form-fitting clothing. She was like Rihanna, making her bump an accessory with her outfit. Not hiding it under maternity clothing. She does several solo maternity shoots before inviting Jungkook to do a couple with her.
The afternoon of August 31st is when Jennette's water breaks. She was baking peanut butter cookies when a liquid trickled down her leg. Jungkook who was in the shower, wasted no time ushering his pregnant girlfriend to the hospital.
It was seven o'clock and Jennette was only four centimeters dialed. She bounced on a huge yoga ball. She did breathing exercises, and Jungkook was attentive the entire time.
Rubbing her back when requested. Holding her hand, kissing her forehead.
"You are doing amazing baby. I love you so much."
Jennette could FaceTime her mother for a couple of hours as she slowly dialted to eight. Her contractions were becoming closer together, and Peanut was slowly lowering herself into the birth canal.
"I don't think I could do this again." She huffed. She wasn't in pain but was in extreme discomfort. She couldn't get comfortable laying on her back. It just felt wrong.
"Whatever you say baby. Peanut is enough for me."
"Bug can you hold me up. I don't think I can lay down any longer."
Jungkook did just that. As Jennette moaned through her contractions, Jungkook rubbed her back. Trying to keep the hospital gown as closed as possible, he didn't want her ass out for any passing staff member to see.
"Thank you so much Jeanie." Jungkook was on the brink of tears. With the help of three other nurses, Jennette was lying on her back again. The doctor had declared Jennette at 10cm. She could start pushing, and her contractions were much closer together.
"GET HER OUTTTT! NOWWWWW" Jennette tossed and turned her head. Her screams of discomfort broke Jungkook's heart. He didn't know what else to say but 'Thank you' and 'I love you'.
Jungkook held Jennette's hand for the entire twenty minutes she was pushing. Jennette's head hit her pillow with a soft thud. All energy left her body, as she watched the doctor hold Peanut in the air. Her lip was quivering with no sound.
"Why isn't she crying?" Jennette choked out, trying not to cry. The nurses didn't respond, wiping Peanut's face of all the mucus. Jungkook's eyes never left Peanut. Her little pink self. He couldn't help but smile and notice that Peanut was bald. Very little hair was on her head, but Jungkook didn't care. She was the prettiest baby he had ever seen. Bald or not.
The doctor smacked Peanut's bottom, eliciting a scream.
"Oh my baby." Jennette smiled, arms open, ready to hold her. Peanut was placed on Jennette's chest. Jennette nuzzled her cheek against hers. Loving the warmth Peanut radiated. Jennetted motioned for Jungkook to get in the bed with her.
"Come on, come hold her. Take your shirt off for skin to skin."
Jungkook was a crying mess holding Peanut. This was the same person scattering across Jennette's stomach as the sound of his voice. He was now face to face with his Peanut. Yeah Jungkook was crying real bad.
Her eyes were like Jungkook's. It was too early to determine her skin complexion as she was just different shades of pink and slight grey. Her nose and lips were like Jennette's. After being washed up and dressed she took a nap on her mother’s chest. Preparing for her baldness, Jungkook put on a gentle (non-squeezing) bow on her head.
Looking at the time, Jungkook smiled even harder.
"Guess it was fate for Peanut to be my twin."
"What makes you say that?"
Shaking his phone, Jennette saw the time.
12:28 am September 1st.
"You got your twin bug. You definitely got your twin."
Series Masterlist:
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novankenn · 10 months
2am (Chp 13)
--== Table of Contents ==--
“Jaune…” Reese reached up, cupping his face with her small hands and turned him so they were looking directly into each other's eyes, “I’m speaking this as a friend and your girlfriend… that skank is a disaster… she’s going to implode and I’ll be fucked sideways if I let her take you and Az with her.”
“Jaune… I understand… she’s the mother of your child. She birthed that darling angel… but you NEED to remember who was there for you when you were struggling.” Reese rose up on her knees and leaned forward, pressing her forehead against his, “It was not her… it was NOT her.”
“I know… but Az is so happy at what she thinks is going to happen.” Jaune sighed, “How do I crush her like that. Tell her that mommy and daddy…”
“You need to be honest with her, yourself and Pyrrha.” Reese offered, “As much as I hate to admit it, but Pyrrha has a right to be in Az’s life… which means she’ll be a part of yours…”
“You’re also a part of that life.” Jaune commented, as he turned in his seat just enough to be able to place his hands on hips. “But it can’t be fair to…”
“It’s not… but it is how it is.” Reese cut him off. “I never pressured you and I accepted your decision to keep us on the down-low, especially with Azalea. Right now, I am content with being Daddy’s Special Friend that gets Nighttime Cuddles.”
Jaune snorted, remembering exactly that title was coined by his daughter, who was six at the time.
“Laugh it up… but I’m being honest here… Jaune I want to be more… but until you figure out what you want… who you want… and make that decision things will not work out for you no matter who you sweet talk into your bed.”
“I get what you’re saying… I do, but it’s hard. So hard.”
“Jaune?” Reese asked as she saw the tears starting to form in his deep blue eyes. “Jaune what’s wrong?”
“No… nothing.” he sniffled.
“Don’t give me that bullshit.”
“It’s back…”
“What’s back…” Reese’s eyes grew wide with concern. “Show me your arms!”
“It’s okay… I went to see Dr Primrose…”
“Arms!” Reese demanded as she released Jaune from her grip.
Jaune swallowed and then proceeded to roll up the sleeve of his hoodie, revealing the inflamed marks on the underside of his forearm. Reese grabbed him by the wrist, and twisted just enough to make the cuts clearly visible. Snapping her eyes upwards, they captured Jaune’s. His filled with regret, remorse, sadness and pain. She released her grip and grabbed him by the sides of his face, pulling him down and into a frenzied, fierce kiss, pushing every ounce of what she felt for him into the action.
“Jaune…” Reese whispered once again, leaning her forehead against his, “please don't hurt yourself… especially because of her. She’s not worth it.”
Reese titled her face, and gently caressed Jaune’s lips with her own. She could taste her tears along with his, upon their lips.
“She’s not worth it.”
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velarisdusk · 2 months
Shadows at Twilight
Nesta & Azriel
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word count: 2.3k
content: [ platonic nesta & azriel, modern au, mention of substance abuse (cocaine), physical altercation, strong language, emotional conflict, family tension, mental health issues, mention of abandonment, mention of smoking (marijuana), unresolved tension ]
summary: Azriel and Nesta's Thursday night smoke sessions become a lifeline. As tensions rise, the fragile balance they've been trying to maintain begins to falter.
author's note: stoner nesta came to me in a dream but of course i had to make it depressing
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The soft resonance of guitar strings filled Azriel's small apartment as the evening sun cast long shadows through the blinds. He sat on the edge of his worn couch, fingers absently plucking at the instrument while his eyes focused on the glowing screen of his laptop. With a heavy sigh, he closed the email—another rejection from a local venue.
“Thanks for your submission, but we're not looking for new acts at this time," Az muttered under his breath, mimicking the polite dismissal he'd read too many times before. He set the guitar aside and ran a hand through his dark hair, glancing at the clock on the wall. Nesta would be here soon.
He stood, stretching out the kinks in his back from hunching over his guitar for too long. As he moved to open a window, letting in the cool evening air, Azriel found himself thinking about how these Thursday nights had started — in the aftermath of Feyre, Rhysand, and Nyx's sudden disappearance. He recalled Nesta's frantic call that day, her voice strained with panic as she described the overflowing mailbox and the unanswered calls. She had demanded answers from him, but Azriel had been just as much in the dark.
The memory of that wellness check still felt surreal: entering the eerily quiet house with the police, only to find that impersonal note on the kitchen island. "We're leaving. Please don't look for us." Those words, so final and unexplained, had left a void in their lives that these smoke sessions had somehow started to fill. Az shook his head, pushing away the lingering questions. No use dwelling on it now. He was determined to keep the evening light.
The coffee table became a feast of their favorite munchies: salt and vinegar chips for Nesta, a mix of sweet and spicy nuts for himself, a couple of king-size Reese's cups they'd inevitably fight over, and some sour gummy worms for good measure. Az placed two cans of Cherry Coke next to Nesta's spot and a ginger ale by his. He knew they'd probably end up DoorDashing Taco Bell at some point—their crunchwrap cravings were pretty predictable—but it never hurt to be prepared. As Azriel pulled open the drawer beneath the table, revealing their well-used smoking paraphernalia, a knock sounded at the door.
“S’open!” he called out, quickly arranging the grinder, lighter, papers, and a small jar of pungent bud around the centerpiece.
"Hey," she said, making a beeline for the couch. "Sorry I'm late. Work was absolute chaos today. You wouldn't believe the client I had to deal with." Her hands fluttered as she spoke, the words tumbling out faster than usual. Azriel watched as she sat down, noticing the slight tension in her shoulders and her perfectly manicured nails tapping a relentless rhythm on her knee.
“No worries,” he said, tone neutral as he rolled them a joint each. “Rough day?”
Nesta shrugged, reaching for the TV remote. “Nothing I couldn’t handle. Smiling Friends?”
Azriel leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he angled his body to catch her eye. "Hey, are you sure you're alright? You seem... off."
Nesta's shoulders stiffened slightly. "I said I'm fine, Az. Can we just watch the show?"
As she turned to face him, irritation flickering across her features, Azriel's eyes widened. Even in the dim light of the apartment, he could see her pupils were blown. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut.
"Nes," he said, his voice low and careful, setting the joint down. "What did you take?”
Her defensiveness flared instantly. "What's it to you?"
Azriel's brow furrowed, a mix of concern and dry humor in his tone. "Well, I’d like to know if I should be ordering pizza or calling poison control. Seriously, what’s going on?” His eyes narrowed as he took in Nesta’s jittery movements, the slight sheen of sweat on her forehead. With her dilated pupils, the pieces clicked into place.
"Cocaine, Nesta? Really?" He ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in his voice. “What were you thinking?”
Nesta's posture stiffened, her eyes flashing with defiance. "Oh, that's rich coming from you. Don't act all high and mighty."
He blinked, caught off guard. "What are you talking about?"
"Please," Nesta scoffed. "You think I don't know about your little pick-me-ups before gigs? You're such a hypocrite."
Azriel's jaw tightened, his voice low. "That's... that's different. I'm not spiraling like you are."
Nesta leaned forward, her eyes blazing. "Different how? Because you're a 'tortured artist'? Give me a break." She made air quotes, her movements sharp and exaggerated.
He stood abruptly, pacing a few steps before whirling back to face her. "I'm not the one making a walk of shame to work every other day, or calling my estranged sister from borrowed phones."
Nesta shot to her feet, matching his stance. "No, you're just wasting your life playing dive bars. At least I have a real job." Her fingers drummed rapidly against her thigh.
"At least I'm not throwing away a law career I worked so hard for," he retorted, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.
Nesta's laugh was brittle as she threw herself back onto the couch. "You don't know anything about my work."
Azriel leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "I know you've been calling in sick more often. You told me yourself last week."
"So what? Everyone needs a mental health day now and then."
He remained against the wall for a moment, studying her with concern and frustration. Then, slowly, he pushed off and took a few steps toward her, closing some distance between them. His voice was low but firm as he continued. "A day, sure. But you're—"
"I'm what, Az?" Nesta interrupted, her voice rising as she crossed her arms tightly across her chest. "Enlighten me."
Azriel's eyes darkened, his voice steady but laced with frustration. "You're running from your problems. You're burying yourself in your work instead of actually facing them."
Nesta's jaw clenched. "You think I don't know that? At least I'm trying to keep it together. Unlike you, hiding behind your music and your so-called 'artistic struggles.'"
Azriel's hands clenched into fists at his sides. "Don't turn this around on me. Yeah, I’ve got shit going on, but I’m not self-destructing. I’m not jeopardizing my career and my relationships."
Nesta scoffed, her eyes flashing with defiance. "You’re one to talk about relationships. When was the last time you let anyone in? You’re just as closed off as I am."
He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "This isn’t about me. It’s about you needing help. Real help. You can’t keep running, Nes."
Her expression crumbled for a split second before she masked it with anger. "And what do you suggest I do, huh? Therapy? Rehab? You think I haven’t considered those? It’s not that simple."
His voice softened slightly. "I know it’s not simple. But I care about you, and it hurts to see you like this. You don’t have to keep punishing yourself like this.”
Tears welled up in Nesta’s eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. "I don’t need your pity."
"It’s not pity," he said, his tone earnest. "It’s concern. It's love, Nesta. You’re family, and I can’t just stand by and watch you destroy yourself."
She turned away, hugging herself tightly. The silence stretched between them, tense and heavy. Finally, in a voice barely above a whisper, she said, "I called Feyre today..."
Az's expression hardened, a mix of concern and disappointment crossing his features. He didn't need to ask how she’d done it; he knew her pattern all too well. "Nesta," he said, his voice low and controlled, "you can't keep doing this. They clearly want space." Nesta's head snapped towards him, her eyes blazing.
"You don't know what they want! None of us do!" Her voice cracked with emotion.
Azriel's jaw clenched. "Maybe not, but I know they left for a reason. Have you considered that your constant attempts to reach her might be pushing her further away?"
Nesta's eyes flashed dangerously. "Don't you dare put this on me. You're just as lost without them as I am."
"At least I'm respecting their decision," Azriel countered, his voice low but intense. "Unlike you, I'm not harassing my coworkers for their phones or showing up to work high."
"Oh, please," Nesta scoffed. "You're not some paragon of virtue, Azriel. You're just better at hiding your mess."
Azriel took a step closer, his patience wearing thin. "My 'mess' isn't a nightly habit that’s consuming my life. Wake up, Nesta.”
Nesta's face contorted with rage and pain as she shot up off the couch and turned on him. "You think I don't realize that? You think I want to be like this?" Her voice rose to a near-shout. She paced like a caged animal, her fingers raking through her hair as she glared at Azriel. "I'm doing the best I can!"
His eyes flashed with frustration. "You want to know what I think? I think Elain was right."
Nesta met his gaze, her words low and tense. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"I spoke to her last week," Azriel shot back, his voice hard. "She thinks you're the reason Feyre left. And you know what? I'm starting to agree with her."
"You don't know anything," Nesta snarled, her body coiled with tension.
Azriel stepped closer, his voice rising. "I know she was always cleaning up your messes. Always worrying about you. Elain thinks she finally got sick of it, and I can't blame her." His jaw clenched, hands curling into fists at his sides as he towered over her.
"Shut up," Nesta hissed, her hands clenching into fists. Though she had to tilt her head back to meet his gaze, the fury blazing in her eyes was no less intimidating. 
"Face it, Nesta. Your sister couldn't take it anymore.” His volume rose, each word more forceful than the last. “Your emotional walls, your recklessness, your unwillingness to change—it drove her away! And now you're doing the same thing to Elain!"
Nesta's face contorted with rage. "I said shut up!"
"Why? Because you can't handle the truth?" Azriel's words were cutting. "She told me she wishes you’d left instead; that we’d all be better off if—"
With a wordless cry of fury, Nesta lunged at him, her hands clawing towards his face.
Azriel's eyes widened in shock as he instinctively raised his arms to block her attack.
"Nesta, stop!" Azriel growled, catching her wrists. She twisted violently in his grip, her teeth bared in a snarl.
"Let go of me!" Nesta spat, trying to wrench free. Her eyes were wild, pupils still dilated from the cocaine. She kicked out, aiming for his shins.
Azriel grunted as her foot connected, but he held firm. "I'm not fighting you," he said, his voice strained but controlled. "You need to calm down."
"Calm down?" she shouted hysterically. "After the shit you just said? Fuck you!"
She threw her weight forward, attempting to headbutt him. Azriel barely dodged, releasing one of her wrists to push her back. She immediately swung at him with her free hand. "You piece of shit!" Nesta screamed, lashing out again. Azriel deflected another blow as she continued, "You don't know anything about me!"
Her attacks came in bursts, punctuated by her rage-filled words. "Fucking lowlife!" she spat, narrowly missing his jaw with a wild swing, her nails grazing his cheek.
"Damn it, Nesta!" Azriel hissed, feeling the sting. He used his greater strength to push her back against the wall, pinning her arms. "Is this what you want? To hurt me? To hurt yourself?"
Nesta writhed against his hold, her chest heaving. "You don't understand anything!" she shouted, her voice raw with emotion. "You think you're so much better than me, but you're just as fucked up!"
Azriel leaned in, his face inches from hers. His voice was low, intense. "I never said I wasn't. I’m not your enemy here, Nesta, I’m just trying to stop you from being your own.”
For a moment, they stood there, both breathing hard. Nesta's eyes darted around, like a cornered animal looking for escape. Then, abruptly, she went limp in his grasp.
"Let go," she said, her voice suddenly quiet and dull. "Just... let me go, Azriel."
Azriel hesitated, studying her face. Slowly, cautiously, he released her arms and took a step back.
"I'm leaving," she muttered, pushing past him towards the door.
"Your keys," he said firmly, extending his hand towards her. "Give them to me. You're not driving like this. Get a Lyft or something."
“What are you, my keeper?” Nesta scoffed. “Drove myself here, didn’t I…” she muttered under her breath. Her hand went to her pocket, then paused. For a second, Azriel thought she might make a run for it or lunge at him again. But then her shoulders slumped, and she pulled out her keyring, took her apartment key, turned towards him and dropped them into his palm without meeting his eyes.
She made for the door again. Azriel didn't try to stop her, but his voice followed her. "This isn't over, Nes. We need to talk about this when you're sober."
Nesta paused at the door, her hand on the knob. Without turning back, she said, "Don't count on it," and slammed the door behind her.
Azriel stood in the sudden silence of his apartment, the echo of the slamming door fading away. He ran a hand over his face, wincing as he touched the scratch on his cheek. Nesta’s keys felt heavy in his hand.
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justauthoring · 3 months
and i wonder... who? [6]
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somehow, you find yourself torn between the two hottest guys at your school and you have no idea who to choose. loosely based off of operation: true love where geto is eunhyeuk and gojo is dohwa :)
a/n: sorry for the delayed update! life kind of took a sporadic turn lol and the next few chapters might take a bit but i'll try my best <3
pairing: geto suguru x f!reader, gojo satoru x f!reader, satosugu x f!reader
tag list: @username23356-blog - @anxious-chick - @novacaneformybrain - @mandysfanfics - @rottmntrulesall - @voiceofnoreturn - @rh-tg1 - @ky0mybeloved - @black-swan-blog27 - @ladytamayolover - @the8ate - @maybe-a-bi-with - @dudalo100 - @reese-is-right - @6lonely-town6 - @its-a-damn-blue-brick - @kimi01985 - @dorusken - @siimp4youu - @catobsessedlady - @paper--angel - @animechick555 - @meshiinuma - @xxannyxx - @kaeyaviado - @kochochan-shinobulvrrs - @ichikanu - @valeriinee - @yourfavepookiebear let me know if you'd like to added! also i still don't know how to fix the tags - it works in editing but doesn't link some when i post it. if anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know!
Gojo knew exactly what Geto was up to and he had no intentions of letting him win.
He really thought he was being so suave and kind.
Gojo could see right through the bullshit.
That in of itself was truly Geto’s biggest mistake – given how often Gojo spent his time bullshitting other people, it wasn’t hard to tell when others were doing it. Sure, Gojo had no intention of doing that to you, but the fact remained plain and simple; people were gullible and fell for Gojo’s ‘charm’ every time just like he could see right through their sweet smiles and kind words.
Everybody wanted the same thing in the end and no one really truly cared about him. At least, not as a person.
Except for you.
You were different. He could tell immediately. The second he’d bumped into you that day and instead of grovelling on your knees with an apology like every single other person would’ve–you got mad. You actually got angry at him. You weren’t all fake smiles and sweet words, and that’s when Gojo instantly knew that you were different. You weren’t just automatically nice to him because of who he was and because you thought you could get something from him; no, you were nice to him because you actually cared.
Sure, it was fun teasing you. Fun seeing your face grow embarrassed and you stutter over your words, but what Gojo liked best was when you thought no one was watching and you’d have this look on your face. This concentrated, twisted face that was completely you in every meaning of the word.
Truth be told, Gojo thought it was beautiful.
He thought you were beautiful.
So, yeah, sure… It was a bummer when he realized he wasn’t the only guy who had eyes for you–and he wasn’t talking about Sukuna. Sukuna hadn’t even been a threat before you’d broken up with him. Just a few questions here and there and it was abundantly clear to Gojo that Sukuna was a horrible boyfriend and although he hadn’t really understood at the time why you’d still stuck with him, he wasn’t worried about getting you to break up with your loser boyfriend.
And hey! Then you went and did it yourself.
Now, it wasn’t like he was saying Geto was a threat—because he wasn’t. Of course he wasn’t. But, it had been just the tiniest bit annoying (yeah, that was the word) for Gojo to find out that he wasn’t the only one who’d realized how amazing you were and if the looks on Geto’s face were anything to go by, it seemed Geto was just as down bad as he was. And sure, he’d been peeved when he’d seen that you’d, at some point, borrowed Geto’s hoodie–and washed it for him, and Geto had been at your house–but it’s fine.
These were all just tiny blimps and Gojo knew he’d be able to win you over easily.
Not that you were just a prize to be won. That certainly was not it.
Gojo’s intentions weren’t just for the sake of it—he’d said it already, hadn’t he?
He thought you were beautiful, kind, funny (the list went on) and you were the only one who had ever been real around him. And Gojo wasn’t about to give that up for anything.
So, no, Gojo wasn’t stupid. He could see Geto’s plan from a mile away to sway you over and he had no intention of losing.
You’re starting to think inviting both Geto and Gojo to hang out wasn’t such a great idea.
And it wasn’t because you didn’t want to hang out with them. No, that certainly was not it. Although you’d only known them for a short amount of time, you considered them friends and you hoped they felt the same.
It’s just… well, maybe you underestimated just how much the two didn’t like each other.
It definitely didn’t seem like they were all that concerned with hiding it from you either; at least not anymore.
If anything, it felt like a constant battle between them all night, with the winning side tipping towards the both of them back and forth. Like a relentless, painful game of tug of war.
One second it was Geto tugging you towards a ride, deliberately leaving Gojo trailing behind, and then the next it was Gojo getting you to try some sort of sweet he’d bought and purposefully making sure that Geto could see him spoon-feeding you. You’re not really sure why they’re tug of war is centered around you, but you were tired of being the bait every time.
Now, sitting on a bench, you could physically feel the two of them glaring at each other from over your head on either side of you.
“Ugh!” you cry, pushing yourself to a sudden stand before spinning around to face them. They both start at your sudden outburst, wide eyes falling on you, before flinching when you shove your finger in both of their faces. “I can’t take the two of you! Constantly fighting all night! This was supposed to be fun but it’s been nothing but awkward and tense all night!”
Lips parting, they slowly glance at each other.
Gojo is the first to speak up, pouting; “but Y/N! He’s been trying to hog you all night.”
“Tch,” Geto scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest as he rolls his eyes. “As if. At least I don’t try to feed her every snack I find.” Then, turning to Gojo, Geto smirks; “what are you? Her mother?”
“I’m being considerate for your information,” Gojo growls, leaning towards Geto without missing a beat. “Did you even bother to ask her if the rides you dragged her on were ones she wanted to go on? I’m pretty sure—”
“This is exactly what I mean!” You cut in, holding your hands out toward them in exasperation. At the dumb look they both give you, you throw your hands in the air; “that’s it. I’m going to the washroom and when I come back, the two of you better have made up or else I’m leaving.”
At that, both of their eyes widened.
When neither of them say anything, you just sigh. 
“I’ll be back.” 
Shoulders slumping, you turn, not bothering to give them another glance before making your way towards the bathroom. It takes you a minute to find the washroom and it’s a little far from Geto and Gojo, but you figure the distance just gives them more time to work out their issues, so you’re not worried. After you’re done, you wash your hands, humming softly to yourself as you dry your hands before making your way out.
Only, you find yourself bumping into another.
“Oh, I’m so–”
Your words, however, fall flat the second you see who you bumped into.
Not wasting a second, Sukuna grabs you by the arm; “can we talk for a second?”
You step back instantly. “I’m actually here with—”
“Geto and Gojo,” he cuts in, voice sharp. His grip never lessens despite you trying to pull away and then suddenly you find yourself being dragged around the side of the washroom, Sukuna pulling you into a more secluded area away from prying eyes. You try not to stumble on your feet as he drags you, forcing the both of you to a stop the second you find your footing and casting a nervous glance around you when you realize no one really can see either of you.
“I know,” Sukuna finishes the second the both of you stop. Your eyes fall on him at his tone, leaning back when you see the nasty glare on his face. “Didn’t take you long to move on, did it?”
Lips parting, you’re baffled; “Su–Sukuna, did you follow me here?”
He scoffs, as if that’s absurd. “I overhead you at school. I invited Mei Mei with me,” he explains with a shrug. “She’s… somewhere.”
Annoyed, you raise your hand, grabbing the one holding your arm and ripping it off of you by the wrist. Sukuna watches you with thin lips. “That still sounds like following me,” you hiss, narrowing your eyes up at him. “And what? Just wanted to wait until I was alone before you cornered me?”
“You’re being dramatic,” Sukuna scoffs. “I just wanted to talk to you.”
Stepping back from him, you cross your arms. “Why?” You bluntly ask, tilting your head. “Because I have nothing to say to you.”
“I want to finish our conversation from last time,” Sukuna explains, stepping towards you.
“There’s nothing to say,” you state, putting emphasis on the word ‘nothing’ to make it clear. “I broke up with you. That’s it. And I have no intention of “continuing” our conversation,” you make the air quotes as you speak, “when you gave me bruises the last time we spoke. I’ve had to sweat in sweaters and hoodies all week and was only able to properly cover them with makeup today.”
Frowning, Sukuna swallows thickly. 
“And why do you even care?” You ask, shaking your head as you shove at his chest lightly. “I moved on too quickly? Didn’t you cheat on me?”
Taking your wrist in his hand, Sukuna’s eyes flash, like he’s going to do something, before he stops himself, face falling briefly. “What do you want me to do?” And oddly, his voice sounds different; twisted and distressed… almost, desperate? “You want me to beg? Get on my knees and beg for you to reconsider?”
Well, that certainly wasn’t what you were expecting.
Still, you find no true argument with his words.
“Yeah,” you say without hesitation, straightening your back out as you step towards him. “Kneel.���
And there’s the briefest moment of pause, stilling and suffocating silence, before you feel a sharp sting across your cheek.
“Well, this is getting nowhere.”
Huffing, Geto shakes his head; “clearly.”
Silence follows. Despite Geto’s sarcasm, Gojo shockingly doesn’t retort in return, and then, unfortunately, Geto finds himself sitting there in silence, Gojo doing the same beside him, the both of them waiting for you to return.
Even if that means you’ll all just end up leaving because Geto and Gojo couldn’t work out their differences for one night.
This certainly wasn’t what Geto imagined for your first date with him – upsetting you enough that you’d leave… but hey, Gojo wasn’t supposed to be here either so it’s not entirely his fault.
Sinking further against the bench, Geto lets his head lean back, glancing up at the darkening sky.
A minute passes. Then another. Then another.
Geto frowns. Sitting back up, he glances in the direction you’d left, brows furrowing when he doesn’t see you peeking through the crowd. A quick glance at his phone tells him you’ve been gone for at least ten minutes, maybe more… it didn’t take you that long to go to the washroom, did it?
“She’s taking a long time, isn’t she?”
Face falling, Geto glances at Gojo. If he was thinking the same thing, then…
With a split second decision, the both of them stand up, not wasting a second before heading in the direction they saw you leave in. Geto sees the sign to the washroom after two minutes of walking and his panic really starts to settle in then, eyes frantically glancing around to see even a flash of you somewhere.
But you’re nowhere to be found.
“Can you see her?” Geto asks, turning to Gojo beside him.
The white-haired boy is frowning; “no. She’s not here.”
Chest tightening, Geto tries to ignore the racing of his heart as he frantically glances around. The park isn’t that busy but still, it’s overwhelming him just how many people he’s seeing that aren’t you… Where could you have gone in the ten minutes since you’d gone to the washroom? 
Then, briefly, Geto sees a familiar head of blueish-white hair.
It’s Mei Mei.
Which meant…
“Gojo,” Geto calls sharply, pulling the boy's attention on him.
“What?” Gojo calls, stepping towards him. “Did you find her? I can’t see her anywhere.”
“No, but I know where she might be.”
Not bothering to explain, Geto starts to walk towards Mei Mei, Gojo quickly moves to follow after him, but he makes it a total of five steps before Gojo is suddenly calling your name. Startled and confused, Geto glances back at Gojo only to see the guy heading to the right and as Geto’s eyes trail upwards and sees you, he swears he sees red.
What… just happened?
Bringing a hand to your cheek, you stare back at Sukuna in disbelief. To his credit, even he seems a bit shocked by his actions, but the anger easily takes over any shock and his face twists into something nasty as he takes the wrist of the hand holding your cheek and tugs you towards him.
Your mind is numb. You can feel your eyes welling with tears, not so much because of the pain but because of the sudden fear radiating through your veins and the way it feels like you can’t breathe, but yet your body refuses to move. You know you should—you know you should be trying to get as far away from Sukuna as possible, but your body won’t listen.
Neither will your mind.
“Me!” Sukuna cries out, sound estranged as he squeezes your wrist hard. “Kneel for you?! Are you insane? You should be thanking me for ever even considering giving you the light of day when you’re nothing but—”
But Sukuna never finishes his words. 
One second, he’s in front of you and the next he isn’t. You’re left standing there, confused, cheek still hurting, wrist aching, arms left before you, before there’s another set of hands pressing into you but this time they’re warm and gentle and soft and wait—
You’ve felt these hands before.
You blink and then suddenly Gojo’s familiar blue eyes are staring into your own with concern, lips parting as he asks you what you’re sure is if you’re okay even though you can’t hear him actually say the words.
But you can’t think of how to respond to him because your eyes slowly shift to his left and you finally see Sukuna. Only, he’s on his back and Geto is over top of him, gripping him by the front of his shirt before swinging his free hand back and punching him square in the face.
“—Y/N. Y/N! Look at me! Are you okay?”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you turn back to Gojo. “I’m… I’m okay.”
His hands leave you and a start of panic floods you, but then his palm is pressing gently into your stinging cheek and your eyes flutter as it instantly soothes the ache; even if a little.
“Your cheek is red,” Gojo mumbles, frowning. “That fucking asshole.”
And his narrowed eyes glance back at Sukuna.
That reminds you—
Your eyes shift and Geto is still punching Gojo and your face falls when you see his knuckles are slightly red—bloody.
“Geto…” You call but your voice comes out as a whisper, panic crawling up your throat. Geto lands another hit on Sukuna and you swear you hear the sound of his fist making contact with your cheek and the panic deepens because something about seeing Geto that angry scares you. “Geto–please… please—!”
You’re stepping forward even as Gojo tries to pull you back, but you manage to catch a grip on the back of Geto’s sweater just as a high-pitched scream echoes. Mei Mei comes running in just as Geto finally focuses on your touch, your knuckles turning white from how hard you’re clutching onto his shirt.
Breathless, panting, Geto lets his eyes fall on you, then Gojo who nods at him, before falling back on Sukuna who has a bloody nose and what looks like a black eye and then, finally, Mei Mei who is falling on her knees beside him.
“What did you do?” She cries, voice shrieking. Her watery eyes meet Geto’s eyes directly. “What did you do!”
Stepping back, Geto stumbles, and Gojo moves to steady him just as you reach for his hand.
You frown at how bruised it is.
Gojo watches the interaction for a moment before speaking up; “we should probably get her out of here.”
Still somewhat breathless, Geto nods; “yeah,” he calls out, voice hoarse.
Gojo sets a hand against your back and Geto is threading his bruised fingers through yours, and the both of them tug you out, not letting you see Sukuna and ignoring Mei Mei’s cries of indignation. 
And the three of you don’t stop once.
“That was honestly kind of badass.”
“I mean it!”
Snorting, Geto rolls his eyes, before meeting Gojo’s. “Thanks.” 
Grinning, Gojo sends him a thumbs up.
“This isn’t a joke,” you cut in, carefully wrapping a bandage around Geto’s knuckles. “You could get in serious trouble for this if he tells the school. Or worse, if Mei Mei does.”
“Psh,” Gojo laughs, “they won’t.”
You turn to him in disbelief. “And how do you know that?”
“If Sukuna says something, he’ll not only be a snitch but his reputation will be ruined. I mean, he lost… badly. He didn’t even get one hit in,” Gojo explains with a grin, stepping towards you and Geto who are sitting on your couch. “There’s no way he’d ever admit to that. And Mei Mei won’t either because she’ll do anything Sukuna says.”
Biting your lip, you take in Gojo’s explanation — honestly, you couldn’t find any fault in his explanation.
“Besides,” Geto speaks up, eyes focused on you. “He deserved it. For hitting you.”
Sitting on the single chair across from you, Gojo lets out a heavy breath; “ditto. The guys a dick.” 
Frowning, you set Geto’s hand down, now fully bandaged, hugging yourself as you glance at your feet.
Geto and Gojo glance at each other.
“What happened?” Geto asks after a moment, voice low.
Pinching your arms slightly, you sigh.
“Y/N,” Gojo pushes, “come on.”
“I don’t even know.” You breathe after a moment, shoulders slumping. “I was just leaving the washroom and then I bumped into him and when I tried to get away, he just… grabbed me. I didn’t think–... I didn’t think he get that mad.”
Meeting each other's eyes, Geto speaks up first; “what did he want?”
“He wanted… to get back together,” you choose not to mention the part when he insinuated you were easy by being with Geto and Gojo… that would only egg them on further. And even if Geto decided he didn’t want to get his hands anymore bloody, you couldn’t count on Gojo feeling the same way. “When I told him no, he asked me if I wanted him to beg. I said yes.”
There’s a stunned silence, then Gojo laughs. You blink at him, surprised, having expected they’d curse you out for being so stupid to try and talk back to Sukuna, but Gojo is laughing and when you turn back to Geto, he’s smirking.
You bite back a smile.
“Nice,” Gojo snorts. “The man could be knocked down a peg or two.”
You just nod to yourself, secretly really happy they both liked your confidence.
But then, you remember what you’d originally been saying; “anyways… After that, he—... slapped me. I was shocked and my body wouldn’t move, so he grabbed him and truthfully I don’t know what he would’ve done but you guys got there before he could.” Hesitating a second, you meet both of their eyes. “Thank you.”
Gojo nods, but Geto just glances at you, then, you watch as his eyes lower towards your arm.
Your back straightens.
“Is that the only time he’s hurt you?”
Eyes widening, you freeze. “W-What?” 
Reaching forward, Geto takes your wrist in his own—instantly, you notice how much more gentle his touch is. His fingers loop around the length of your wrist but he doesn’t squeeze or pull, and you follow his lead, despite your nerves, easily as he shifts your arm, moving it so it's raised. He then takes his free hand and rubs at your arm.
You watch with parted lips as he rubs the foundation you’d put there clean off, revealing a faint and healing bruise.
“It’s why you were wearing sweaters all week, yeah?” Geto asks, meeting your gaze with lidded, dark eyes.
Swallowing thickly, you nod.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him,” Gojo cuts in, pulling your attention away from Geto and on him as his face tenses. 
“I’ll help you.” Geto adds, letting your arm fall softly by your side, nodding over at Gojo.
You watch the two of them for a moment, before realizing; 
“Hey!” You suddenly call, ignoring the mood as you smile at them. “You two are getting along!”
Geto and Gojo stare at you blankly.
“That’s what you’re concerned with?” Geto asks incredulously.
“Why not?” You laugh, shaking your head. “This is what I wanted all night!,” then, lowering your voice, you add; “even if it is bonding over talk of murder…”
There’s a beat of silence, then, Geto snorts, a second later, Gojo follows by a laugh of his own. You all glance at each other for a moment longer, before bursting out in a collective laugh, your head falling back as you clutch at your stomach, giggling.
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kylos-starlight · 7 months
.: What Makes You, You. :.
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Ship: Ben Solo x Kaden Reese
Words: 857 words.
cw: some self conscious talk from Kaden but nothing too bad. // super fluff lol
summary: Ben notices something is off with his fiancé
Hey, if you're not a self-shipper please dni. I have anxiety lol
Banner by @/cafekitsune
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Ben watched quietly as Kaden emerged from the shower, tower wrapped securely around them, their usually straight hair now drying into its natural, wavy form. He noticed the way their eyes followed the mirror's reflection, a frown forming on their lips as they tried, unsuccessfully, to straighten the rebellious strands.
They moved closer to the mirror trying to push their skin up a bit and they craned their neck back and in different angles and they sighed heavily, something was weighing them down and their frustration was palpable in the steam-filled room.
"Hey," Ben's voice broke through the silence, soft yet firm. He stepped closer, wrapping his arms around Kaden from behind, careful not to startle them. "You seem upset. Talk to me."
Kaden let out a sigh, leaning back into Ben's embrace but not meeting his gaze. "I just… look at my hair. It's everywhere, and these waves… they don't suit me. I look ridiculous…"
Ben gently turned Kaden to face him, lifting their chin with his finger and thumb so they were looking into each other's eyes. "Starlight, listen to me. You are beautiful. Your hair, these waves, they add to your charm. They're unique, just like you."
"But it's not just my hair…" Kaden's voice wavered, their insecurities laid bare. "I feel… off today… My body, it's… I don't feel very attractive right now…I'm struggling to see anything positive…"
Ben's heart ached at the vulnerability in Kaden's eyes and their words. He brushed a wavy strand away from their face, his touch gentle and soothing. "My love, your worth isn't defined by your appearance. You're so much more than that. Your heart, your spirit, they outshine everything."
Kaden tried to look away, but Ben held their gaze, earnest and unwavering. "Your eyes," he continued "they light up when you talk about something you love or something you have a great passion for… Your laughter, it's contagious, it brightens up the darkest days… and your lips.." he smiled softly, tracing their bottom lip lightly with his thumb, "they speak words of kindness and love. All of these things are a part of you, a part I adore."
"It's easy for you to say…" Kaden murmured sadly "You don't have to wake up to this every day…"
Ben's embrace tightened, a mixture of comfort and determination in his hold, his heart ached when he heard them. "But I do, darling. I wake up to the most incredible person every day. Someone who's strong, loving, and incredibly brave. Someone who's faced challenges head-on and came out stronger, someone who looked at me and never seen a monster… Your body, your curves, they're part of the story that makes you, you. And I love every chapter, every line and I mean that completely."
Kaden blinked back tears, the sincerity in Ben's voice piercing through the fog of self-doubt. "You really believe that?"
"With all my heart." Ben affirmed, his voice a steady anchor. "I love you, my Starlight. Not for what you look like on the outside, but for who you are on the inside. Your kindness, your compassion, your fierce spirit. You've taught me so much about love and about acceptance."
Kaden's breath hitched, the walls around their heart crumbling bit by bit. "I just feel so… unflattering, sometimes."
Ben cupped Kaden's face in his hands, wiping away a stray tear with his thumb. "To me, you are perfect. Your body, your hair, your insecurities, they make you, you. And I wouldn't change a thing. You're beautiful, love. Inside and out."
The words, so earnest and full of love, enveloped Kaden like a warm blanket, chasing away the cold tendrils of doubt. "I love you, Ben. Thank you for seeing me…and for loving me as I am."
Ben smiled, his own heart swelling with love for the one in his embrace. "I will always love you, Kaden. No matter what. You're my heart, my soul, and my home. Together, we're unstoppable."
Kaden smiled, a genuine, heartfelt smile that reached their eyes, transforming their entire demeanor upon hearing him echo the same words that they've always said about him. "I guess I can live with wavy hair and a chubby body, as long as I have you."
Ben laughed softly, the sound rich and warm in the cool air. "Wavy, straight, bald, skinny, chubby, I don't care. I love you for you and I always will."
And in that moment, wrapped in each other's arms, the world outside ceased to exist. There were no doubts, no insecurities, just two hearts beating as one, united in love and acceptance.
"Come on," Ben whispered, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Let's go show the universe how stunning my fiancé looks, waves and all." he teased.
Kaden chuckled, the sound bubbling up from a place of newfound confidence. "Only if you promise to keep complimenting me like that."
"Every day, for the rest of our lives." Ben vowed, sealing their promise with a soft yet loving kiss that spoke of endless love and unwavering support and devotion.
Maybe Kaden trying to love themselves wasn't as hard as it once was…
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Tagging: @mahitoslittlebird || @dragonsmooch || @ama-ships || @heatobrienswife || @roboraindrop ||@kylars-princess
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
It's March and Jason's fifteen in this chapter.
Chapters: 34/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter Thirty-Four: R.I.P.
Jason woke up with a fever that morning, and he rolled over, facing the wall. "What's wrong?" Dick asked from the top bunk. "Jason?"
Jason pressed his forehead against the wall. "It's hot," Jason mumbled. Dick leaned over and looked at Jason.
"Jason, you're sick, aren't you?" Dick asked. Jason turned back over on his back and kicked his sheets off. "Please tell me I'm wrong."
"If I tell you you're wrong, will you open my window and throw me out of it?" Jason mumbled as he pressed his palms to his closed eyelids.
"What's your stomach looking like?" Dick asked. Jason pulled off his bandage and looked at his stitches. "Jason?"
"It's not infected. I'm just—." Someone knocked on the door. Jason groaned as the door opened. Jason barely got the chance to look up before someone embraced him and accidentally pressed against his stab wound. Jason let out a cry. "Aaah!" Jason groaned.
"Are you okay? Jesus, Jason, I'm so sorry—."
"Reese!" Jason hugged him.
"Did someone st—?" Jason shushed him. "Does it—?"
"Reese. Reese, look at me," Jason whispered, and in the silence, Reese kissed Jason, and Jason pulled away. "No, I'm sick—."
Reese kissed him again. "I don't care. I don't care," Reese whispered.
Jason went red in the face and pressed his forehead against Reese's shoulder. "Dick's on the top bunk," Jason whispered, "Dick, this is my boyfriend, Reese. Boyfriend Reese, this is Dick, my sort of brother, kind of not-brother. He's Barbara's friend." Dick leaned over the top bunk and waved.
"Nice to meet you," Dick smiled.
Reese smiled and waved back. "Jason, I should let you rest... Call me, though?" Reese whispered. Jason took Reese's hand. "I'll call you, and we'll have dinner," Jason replied.
"Breakfast," Reese replied.
"You've got it," Jason whispered. Reese left Jason alone with Dick, and Jason let out a laugh.
"He really likes you," Dick whispered.
"Please shut up," Jason laughed as he covered his face. Dick jumped down from his bunk before making sure Jason's stitches weren't infected. "Ouch." Jim knocked. Jason pulled his blankets up over his stomach, and Dick went back up to the top bunk. Jim opened the door, and Jason turned to look at him. "Morning, Dad," Jason whispered.
"You're pale. Are you sick?" Jim asked. Jason nodded.
"I'm alright, though... I think I'm gonna drive with Dick to the store to get some vitamin C," Jason whispered.
"You wanna go with him?" Jim asked.
"I have my permit, so he lets me drive sometimes," Jason whispered. Jim nodded as he tapped the door frame.
Jim took a deep breath. "I mean, if you don't mind, maybe we can go together? I'll let you drive," Jim offered. Jason pulled his knees to his chest and nodded.
"Sounds good, Dad. Um, I'm really sorry about yesterday," Jason whispered, "Maybe we could talk about some stuff."
"Yeah, of course. Jason, I—. You've grown up so much," Jim whispered. Jason frowned as Jim left the room, and Jason got up and changed clothes.
"Maybe you should tell your dad—."
"Why? So I could give the poor guy a coronary? No way," Jason replied as he buttoned up his shirt.
"Make sure to check your mirrors," Dick replied as Jason grabbed the doorknob.
Jason turned back to Dick. "I know, Dick," Jason sighed.
"And Jason, please be careful," Dick reminded him. Jason nodded.
Dick jumped back down from his bunk, and Jason hugged him. "I'm serious. Jason, are you clearheaded?" Dick looked Jason in the eyes. Jason nodded.
Jason got cleaned up in the bathroom, and he went looking for Barbara. "Sis?" Jason asked as he knocked on the door. "Barbara?"
"She went out just before you woke up, but she'll be back later," Jim explained. Jason nodded and followed Jim down to the car.
Jason got in the driver's seat and put his seatbelt on, and he waited for Jim to buckle his seatbelt while he checked his mirrors. Jim couldn't help but smile with pride. Jason started the car and checked his rearview mirror as he backed out. Once they were out of the parking garage, Jason made his way to the drugstore. "Dad?" Jason asked.
"Yeah, Jason?" Jim asked.
"Are we okay? I mean, I acted like such a jerk yesterday—."
"You have every right to be angry with us. Jason, you have every right to be upset. I would've been upset if I were you," Jim replied.
"I am upset still, but" Jason paused, "You did what you had to."
"Dad's new," Jim replied.
"Things are weird right now. I'm still trying to see what I'm gonna do," Jason replied.
"We can talk to your school about—."
"Oh no, I'm not going back to the academy... I'm gonna finish out early at home," Jason replied, "I mostly meant with my friends, with you guys... You know?"
"Is college still on the table for you?" Jim asked.
"Yeah, not sure where, though," Jason confessed. Jim nodded.
"How'd you and Dick get along?" Jim asked.
"He's like the brother I never had. I mean that in both good and bad ways. Dick didn't give up on me," Jason whispered.
Jim chewed his lip. "You feel like we gave up on you?" Jim asked. Jason shrugged. "You never did anything wrong for us to give up on you. You're an amazing kid."
"I haven't been so amazing these past few months. I gave Dick such a horrible time simply because I didn't want to get close, and now I feel like I can't count on anyone... I don't feel stable. I feel like I'm being thrown around, and I'm reeling from all the changes," Jason confessed, "And I know I can't see Alisa anymore... I know I can't, but she's the only one I would've wanted to talk this through with."
"How did you know about Alisa?" Jim asked.
"I tried to call her once... When were you gonna tell me she died?" Jason asked. Jim grew silent. "Right... Dad, I've been through a lot. I can take whatever you have to tell me. Trust me."
"Alisa had another therapist lined up for you... Her name is Meera, she's a little younger than Alisa, but she's good from what I've heard," Jim replied. Jason looked out the window, and he took another sip of ginger ale.
"She's not Alisa," Jason replied. His voice was cold, unfeeling.
Jim sighed. "Jason, I think you should try—."
"My head hurts," Jason mumbled. He didn't want to hear Jim out. He didn't want to hear much of anything.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 5 months
Getting Stabbed Hurts, Who'd have thought? (Magician's Bait, Part 6)
Whumpril Day 22 (Stoicism Breaks), Day 27 ("Please don't go")
Whumpril Prompts List
Tales from Valaria Masterpost
first part | <- previous part
TW: stab wounds, stitches mention, disorientation, death mention, burns mention, dizziness
Context: Reese wakes up after passing out to find Luc binding her wounds. Damian is okay (for now).
Reese’s head pounded like her skull was being used as a child’s drum set. Everything else was numb, but her head spun even before she opened her eyes. She lay face down, head resting against something hard and cold. Her arms were limp at her sides, and her left side throbbed in time with her heartbeat.
She lethargically turned her head and stared blankly ahead, prodding her tired mind to focus on her surroundings. The catacomb entrance… I’m at the catacomb entrance. We made it out… but how…?
Two people were seated on the ground opposite her, a woman with curly red hair pulled back into a braid and a man with wavy black hair. Both were facing away from her, and the woman was… painting the man’s arm?
Caiya… that’s Caiya Ebony. She must be painting healing runes of some sort. And he’s the prince. Why had it taken her so long to realize—?
She blinked, eyes flicking to her left, where she found Luc. He knelt at her side, pressing something onto her back. Bandages?
Luc’s smile looked forced. “How… how are you feeling?”
She groaned softly. “Remind me… never get into a knife fight with a magician. Never again.”
“The wound looks worse than it is,” he said softly, “I had to give you emergency stitches. We would’ve gotten you some healing runes too, but, y’know….”
“How’d you spin that to Caiya?”
Luc scowled. “She hasn’t stopped fussing over His Highness since he dragged you out of the tunnel. You were both in pretty bad shape, he’s malnourished and weakened, but you were the one who was unconscious. He tried to get her to help you first, if it helps.”
Reese made to push herself upright, but Luc stopped her. “Hold on, let me help you.” He slowly lifted her from the ground and propped her against a nearby wall. “I need to finish tying your bandages, and then we can get you something to prevent infection.”
She hissed through her teeth at a sudden spike of pain from the wound in her back. “Do you have anything that can stop the pain?”
“Nothing that I haven’t already given you.”
Silence presided between them for a few minutes while Luc wound the bandages around Reese’s torso. She listened idly to snatches of the conversation between Damian and Caiya while ignoring the throbbing in her head and the twinging in her back.
“I told you, Caiya,” Damian said patiently, “she said her name was Natali Tallis.”
“And need I tell you,” Caiya snapped, “that ‘Natali Tallis’ died nearly a decade ago? Her body was burned and mangled almost beyond recognition due to a backfire in her rune structure.”
Damian sighed and took a cautious sip of water. “But can you deny that the description matches? Is it possible that she faked her death somehow?”
Caiya froze mid-stroke, her brush dripping ink onto the ground. She flicked her wrist, finishing the rune with a quick and precise stroke before putting the brush away with a huff. “I was there, Your Highness. I was the one who had to check her pulse to declare if she was dead.” 
She exhaled slowly, pressing her fingers to her temples. “Now can you see why I find it so hard to believe she had lived?”
Damian stared at her for a long moment. He took a deep breath and glanced at the rune she’d drawn on his forearm. The cuts left on his wrist from the rough ropes had closed, leaving only faint scars. “Who’s to say she died from the knife to the heart, then?”
Luc glanced over at the pair. “Should we go and check, if you’re not certain?”
“I don’t know,” Damian said softly, “you never really know with Stalkers, do you—?”
“It’s not possible,” Reese stated.
“It’s not!” she snapped, wincing. “I stabbed her through the heart, yes. But any healing runes she might have used, written or spoken, would not have worked. She wounded me with the knife first. I then pierced her heart using the same knife. That knife was dripping with my own blood. It would have weakened, if not completely nullified her magic. She didn’t survive.”
Damian nodded in understanding, but Caiya frowned in confusion.
“Was that why you got stabbed?!” Luc hissed under his breath as he tied the loose ends of the bandages together, securing the binding.
“You think I meant to get stabbed?”
“I seem to recall our first lesson being ‘Don’t Get Stabbed, Reese’.”
Reese snorted and immediately regretted it. “Ow….”
Luc slowly rose to his feet, the concern evident on his face. “Do you think you can stand? We should get you home.”
She stared at him for a long moment before seizing his arm and hauling herself up, ignoring the way the wound in her back throbbed as she moved the damaged muscles. Her head spun, and Reese tightened her grip on Luc’s arm even as he grabbed her shoulder to stabilize her.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she muttered, “I’ve been through worse.”
He sighed. “If you really think you’re alright, I should escort the prince home before anything else happens.”
Reese blinked. “I….”
Luc started to step away, but she stopped him. “Please… please don’t go and leave me alone.”
“You sure? Because if you’re not feeling up to it I can—”
“I’m sure.” She took a step forward, sucking in a sharp breath through her teeth. “I just… I don’t know. I just don’t want to be left alone.”
Luc nodded in understanding. “Of course. I can have an experienced doctor reevaluate your stitches at the palace.” He smiled reassuringly. “Not that I don’t trust my own work… but I have to admit my hands were shaky.”
Damian rose to his feet, Caiya quickly following suit. He joined them near the wall, absently rubbing at the scars on his wrists. The ink on his arm was fading as the magic did its work. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I can take on a sang with nothing but my bare hands,” Reese said sarcastically.
He grinned. “I’d like to see that fight.”
Luc made a face. “I wouldn’t. But my money’s on the sang.”
“It’s your money,” Damian said, chuckling. “Your apprentice fought well against Natali, despite the injury. You should be very proud.”
Reese held up a hand. “Uh… I’m not his apprentice.” She glanced at Luc. “Right?”
The Watcher raised his eyebrows in an expression of reluctant agreement. “Well… he’s not wrong… and I might’ve slipped a few of Hector’s lessons into our training sessions… wasn’t on purpose, I swear!”
She punched him in the shoulder. “I’m sure Father’ll be thrilled to hear that.”
“Celestials, he’s gonna kill me when he finds out about what I asked you to do.”
Reese shrugged. “Hey, I agreed to do it. Just tell him I volunteered so he blames me rather than you. But the Watcher’s apprentice thing? Dunno.”
Luc sighed through his nose. “Let’s burn that bridge when it comes to it, okay? Right now we need to be getting somewhere safer than just outside the catacombs.”
Damian nodded. “Of course, Watcher.”
@fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds @pigeonwhumps @whumpril
Thank you for reading this whump ficlet! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :3
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final-girl96 · 1 year
My Boyfriend's Back Chapter Forty-One
I was sitting on the couch staring at the black TV, watching Stu move around in the kitchen in the reflection of the TV. He had taken care of Mickey’s body, cleaned everything up, and then pulled me into the shower with him. Now he was in the kitchen making me tea and grabbing himself a beer. He told me he would explain why Mickey was in my house. It took three or four hours for him to clean up all the blood and get rid of Mickey’s body.
When he came into the living room, he handed me my tea and sat down on the other side of the couch. "So where is Reese?" I looked down at my lap after setting the tea on the coffee table. "She's with my dad. I didn't want her to be around in case something happened. Which something did happen and now it's your turn to tell me why the fuck Mickey was in my house!"
"He was part of Windsor, but got away. He liked you, okay, more like he was obsessed with you. His logical thinking was if he couldn't have you then nobody could. I find it funny that he thought he could get near you without me knowing." He took a swig of his beer and sat back. He had a pair of sweatpants on and no shirt. He kicked his feet up onto the coffee table in front of him and I slicked them off with my foot. "Don't put your feet on my fucking table."
A smile tugged at his lips as he leaned forward and set the bottle down beside my mug. "Come here." I raised an eyebrow in question. "Come…here!" He reached out, wrapping a hand around my wrist and pulling me to him. I didn't even bother to fight or try and pull away. I let him pull me into his lap so I was straddling him. "How long is Reese going to be with your dad?"
"As long as I need him to watch her. I don't want her anywhere near this shit, Stu. I don't want her having any kind of trauma. It's bad enough that one day she's going to know that her father is a psycho killer! Then she’s going to hate me for never telling her. I don’t even know why I’m still living near Woodsboro.” I was rambling and Stu shut me up by kissing me.
"We can do that, baby, but I need to take care of some loose ends first," Stu said. I shook my head. "Think about, Stu. If you kill Sidney, Randy, and Dewey, you're taking away your daughter's family. So just…just please forget about all this revenge shit. Do it for her." I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself closer, if that was possible. Then I started to rock my hips. Was I about to use sex to try and get him to call off his stupid revenge bullshit killing spree? Yes, Abso-fucking-lutly.
"Baby, you know…fuck…" his hands gripped my hips hard enough to leave bruises behind. "Please…just think about it. If you call this shit off we could leave California and go somewhere else. Somewhere nobody knows who you are, you could change your name and we could all live happily together. You could watch your daughter grow up."
He slid his hands under my shirt and I let him pull it over my head, exposing my bare breast to him. I could feel how hard he was through his sweatpants. I pulled away from him and stood up so I could push my own down and kick them to the side. I stood completely naked in front of him, his eyes roamed over my body for a few minutes before he pulled me back down on top of him. He wasted no time in pulling his cock from his pants.
His fingers spread me open, gliding through the wetness that had gathered. Two of his fingers pushed inside of me as his thumb rubbed slow tight circles on my clit. I was more than ready for him to just shove his cock inside of me and fuck me until I couldn't think straight anymore. "Please," I whined, grinding myself down onto his fingers, rocking back and forth. "Please what, baby? Hmm? What do you want?" He thrust his hand up, the tip of his fingers brushing against that spot deep inside of me. I moaned, throwing my head back, rocking faster needing more.
"Tell me what you want," he whispered in my ear. His lips trailed down my jaw to my neck trailing down to my chest until they attacked themselves around my right nipple. "Please. I need you inside of me," I whined. He pulled away and replaced his fingers with his rock hard cock, pushing into me and stretching my walls. I lifted my hips with Stu's help pulling almost all the way off his dick before he slammed me back down.
Sex with Stu was always something on another level. He knew exactly how to touch me and where to touch me. He never failed to make me feel good. Nobody else could ever make me feel the way he does. No matter what he does or how bad it is, I will always find my way back to him. Besides, even if I did try and move on Stu would always find me and God save the bastard that gets in the way.
Stu flipped us, so I was lying on the couch. He lifted one of my legs, putting it over his shoulder and started to fuck me in long deep thrust. My nails dug into biceps, moans filled the air in the living room. I tightened around him pulling a low groan out of him, his thrust kept the same pace, his thumb pressed down on my clit and rubbed tight little circles on it. It only took a few more thrust before we were both coming undone.
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gerrystamour · 1 year
for all of us who've seen the light (salute the dead and lead the fight)
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Notes: So I'm doing a rewatch of Stranger Things, as I do every once in a while, and I'm well and truly trapped in Stranger Things brainrot, so please have a fanfiction from me for the first time in literally years at this point. And it's not smut?! Rated T for language mostly. I had it rated G but then I doubted it and bumped it up a level. And yes, this mostly turned into a bit of having Steve interact more with characters we don't usually see him interacting with one-on-one. It is very self-indulgent.
It was a couple weeks after Starcourt when Steve insisted on hosting a pool party.
It was partly to get everyone together one last time before the Byers and El moved away, and also just… to have a reason to all be in one place that wasn’t the end of the world. It was something he tried to do before, but no one seemed to go for it. This last narrow escape from certain death seemed to do the trick though.
Steve spent the week leading up to the party painstakingly cleaning the pool and getting the levels figured out. He hadn’t used his pool in years, and he knows his parents haven’t used it either. Obviously, he took enough care of it that it wasn’t absolutely disgusting, but it still needed a bit of work. Robin came over a lot to help, which was mostly her sitting and watching Steve work. It was nice having the company. It kept his mood up, unlike when he was left alone in his backyard.
On the day of the party, Steve went grocery shopping to get a bunch of food to throw on the grill, chips, and soda. He also grabbed several boxes of Eggos and a bunch of cans of whipped cream.
On his way back home, he picked Robin and Dustin up, and the conversation was bright and excited. Steve was in great spirits, singing out of tune to the music on the radio, getting louder and serenading Robin dramatically as she wailed for him to shut up. He didn’t even care if it made Dustin more obnoxious with his belief they were dating, because Robin was grinning bigger than she had in weeks.
Nancy arrived at Steve’s at the same time, and Mike, Lucas, Max, and Erica all poured out of her car. The kids swept through the front door and straight out the back, barely taking the time to strip down to their bathing suits before jumping in.
Steve was still organizing the chips into bowls when Jonathan arrived with Will and El. He was full of apologies for being a bit late. Steve waved him off.
“If you want to make it up to me, take these out to the dipshits,” he says, holding the bowls of chips out to Jonathan.
Sure enough, Jonathan was immediately mobbed by a bunch of soggy teenagers the moment he stepped outside with food.
“When are you coming outside?”
Steve jolts at the soft, but direct voice, and turns to find El watching him from the doorway to the kitchen. She clearly hasn’t been in the pool yet, but from what he understands, Steve isn’t sure how much she likes swimming.
“I will in a bit, I’m just getting stuff ready,” Steve reassures her, then he gives her a secretive little smirk. “I picked something up for you…”
The excited expression on her face brought a proper grin to Steve’s, and he went about making her a triple-decker Eggo and whipped cream monstrosity.
“Do you have Reese’s Pieces?” she asks quietly as she looks down at the treat with an expression that was both happy and deeply sad.
“I don’t think I do, but I have M&M’s. Is that okay?” he asks, going to the cupboard and grabbing a bag.
“It’s perfect. Thank you, Steve,” El replies, and the two of them share the treat.
When Steve finally comes outside with the hamburger patties and cheese slices, everyone hollers at him for taking so long.
“Hey, if any of you brats want to eat, you better be nice to me. I was inside making these puppies from scratch,” Steve snipes back as he sets up at the grill, ignoring the kids while they whine at him for not getting in the pool too.
“C’mon, Steve, this party was your idea and you’re not even going to swim?” one of the kids, possibly Mike, says when Steve declines putting off starting the burgers.
“There’s plenty of time for me to still swim with you nerds after we eat,” Steve dismisses the comment. “Besides, I’m having plenty of fun.”
And it was true, he was, even if he hadn’t done any of the playing. He just liked having a house full of people, laughter in his backyard, people for him to feed and tend to. He just liked seeing all the kids in one spot where they were just allowed to be kids. That was enough for Steve.
At some point, Max joins Steve at the grill. She doesn’t say much, only kind of hovering near Steve’s elbow and watching the others play.
“Hey, while you’re standing here, can you help me out?” he asks, fully prepared for Max to scoff and go back to the others now that he’s actually addressed her.
But instead she just shrugs and steps closer. “Sure,” she replies.
Steve would be lying if he said he wasn’t worried about Max the most after everything that went down. He could see her struggling with it in the quiet moments between laughter and jokes, and he hoped the kids kept an eye on her. He would do what he could too.
“I’m going to flip the patties now. Once I flip them, can you put a slice of cheese on half of them for me?” he instructs, and she nods and picks up the plate with the slices of cheese laid out.
Once they were done with that and waiting for them to be done, Steve noticed Max hadn’t actually been in the pool.
“Don’t you want to swim?” he asks, again prepared for her to scoff and ignore him.
“I don’t like to swim with my hair down, and my mom wasn’t around to help me braid it properly,” she replies immediately, shrugging.
“Maybe Nancy…?” Steve suggests and Max shakes her head.
“I already asked her. She can’t do it tight enough,” Max answers, and Steve lets out a heavy sigh, looking heavenward.
“After we eat, I’ll braid your hair. How about that?” he offers, and at Max’s deadpan stare he rolls his eyes. “What? Is it really so weird that I would know how to braid hair?”
“Uh, yeah?” Max snorts, and she was starting to smile a bit. “Why would you know how to braid hair?”
“Hey, I know a lot about hair, just in general. They didn’t call me Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington for nothing,” he says with an air of dramatic sincerity, and it gets the giggle he was aiming for. Then he nudges her with his elbow. “It’s funny that Nancy can’t do it right, because it was actually Mrs. Wheeler who taught me.”
“When?” Max asks and holds up the plate that used to have the cheese on it when Steve starts removing the burgers from the grill.
“I was at Nancy’s and I was watching Mrs. Wheeler braiding Holly’s hair while we watched TV after eating. I guess I looked interested in learning, so she taught me,” Steve answers as they carry the burgers to the picnic table.
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Max huffs another laugh.
About forty-five minutes later, Max was feeling the French-braid Steve did in her hair and she’s reluctantly impressed. When she immediately does a cannonball into the pool, Steve lets himself feel that moment of victory.
“Are you going to swim now, Steve?” Will calls out to him, and Steve glances at the kid.
The lighting changed now, the sun gradually moving closer to sunset, and Steve looked around. Seeing all the dishes out on the picnic table and how they were already attracting bugs, Steve shakes his head. “I need to clean up the dishes first,” he says, and the kids all groan.
“Okay, mom,” Mike groans with a smirk that only gets bigger when the rest of the party laughs, including Nancy, Jonathan, and Robin (that traitor).
“Shut up, all of you are having plenty of fun without me,” Steve gripes teasingly as he collects the plates and carries them inside.
He takes his time cleaning up the dishes, just basking in the sounds of delighted screams and laughter from the backyard. But the sun was getting lower, and he started to feel fidgety. They would be getting out of the pool soon, so Steve goes to the living room to set up for maybe a movie or two before everyone went home.
By the time he steps back outside, the sun is dangerously low, and his chest feels weird. “Okay, how about we go inside, dry off, and watch a movie?” he suggests and everyone starts whining.
“C’mon Steve, we’re still having fun out here!”
“You didn’t even swim!”
“It’s not even dark out yet!”
Steve just cocks a hip and puts his hands on his waist. “It will be dark soon, so that’s a moot point,” he says sternly. “I know I worded it like a suggestion, but what I meant was it’s time to get out of the pool, dry off, and watch a movie.”
Mike makes a weird noise that Steve is fairly certain was meant to be a laugh. “We were joking when we called you mom earlier, you know that right?” he said and Steve opened his mouth to snap back when the lights in the pool flickered to life.
They were on a timer, which Steve had meant to turn off.
But the flash of the lights coming on, right under the kids he was looking at, had him flinching back a bit. He was looking at the kids, but what he was seeing was a brief glance out his bedroom window, someone sitting at the end of the diving board, back-lit by the lights in the pool. Hunched shoulders, an injured hand cradled in a lap, bare feet swishing in the water.
Steve’s shoulders tensed, his eyes stung, and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He braves a glance at Nancy, who was just sitting on the edge of the pool with Jonathan and Robin, and she was staring back at him.
“I mean it, shitheads. Out of the pool. I don’t fucking want anyone in here when it’s dark,” he says in a rush, trying to keep his tone even, trying not to yell. Nancy’s expression changes just a bit, but it’s enough for Steve to know she gets it.
“Steve, c’mon—”
“Mike, enough,” Nancy says, and she stands up, offering Jonathan and Robin a hand up. “We’ve been outside all day already. Watching a few movies sounds fun.”
“Wow, Nancy, way to be a killjoy, too.” This time it’s Dustin’s voice, and something in Steve snaps the rest of the way.
“I said get the fuck out of the pool!” Steve yells, like properly yells in a way he never has at the kids. He immediately regrets his outburst when all of the kids flinch and stare at him wide-eyed. Steve’s own heart was racing, and his airway felt painfully tight.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t’ve yelled. Please get out of the pool,” he says much quieter, gentler, pinching the bridge of his nose and screwing his eyes shut. “The living room is set up for a movie night. Pick whatever you want, I won’t complain, I’ll be right back.”
With that, Steve turns on his heel and hurries back inside and up the stairs to his room.  Once he was there, he knew it was the wrong choice. If he stepped too close to the window, he’d see the pool lit up, people in the pool. His ears are ringing and his vision starts going fuzzy around the edges, black spots moving inward. He needed to get out of his room.
Steve spins around to leave and crashes right into Nancy.
The impact is hard, and should have sent them both spilling into the hallway, but Nancy is deceptively strong for how tiny she is compared to him. She catches him, arms around his middle, and he knows she’s saying something but her voice is muffled and sounds so far away. He drops his face onto her shoulder, and when he blinks, he finds himself sitting on the floor in the hallway.
He’s confused when he realizes that he’s leaning against someone, and that someone has their hand in his hair. It only takes a minute to process what was happening. Nancy was sitting on the floor, leaned back against the wall opposite his room, and Steve was slouched in the V of her legs. She was petting him, which was nice, and he allowed the moment to linger.
It was soft, and gentle, and so genuinely caring that tears spring to Steve’s eyes.
“Did I pass out?” he asks groggily, and the hand in his hair stopped for a second.
“Yeah. You were hyperventilating,” Nancy replies, and resumes the soothing motions. Her voice seemed a bit shaky and weird, but Steve wasn’t sure how much of that was just him recovering from a panic attack.
“I must be crushing you,” Steve says, and now that the softness was wearing off, embarrassment started to flood in.
“I’m fine, Steve,” Nancy insists, and when he goes to sit up, her other arm wraps around his chest firmly. “I said I’m fine, Steve.”
Steve huffs and relaxes back into her, chewing his lip. He tenses when he hears someone coming up the stairs, but when it’s just Robin, he smiles up at her.
“Hey, Dingus,” she breathes, dropping to her knees next to them to hold his hand. He hadn’t even realized he reached out for her. Then to Nancy, she says, “Jonathan got the gremlins in the living room, they’re picking a movie.”
The last of the tension left Steve’s body in a whoosh. No one was in the pool, everyone was inside, everyone was safe. Nancy makes a bit of a grunting noise and shifts Steve’s weight a bit before sighing.
“Seriously, Nance, I can move,” Steve insists again, and he can feel Nancy shake her head.
“I said I was fine,” she repeats firmly.
“How long was I out?” he asks, though he can tell it wasn’t long. He can hear the raised voices of an impassioned debate about movies coming from downstairs, as well as popcorn being made in the microwave.
“Only a minute,” Nancy replies. “Had enough time to get us sitting before you did.”
Steve sighs and nods, squeezing Robin’s hand and leaning into Nancy’s hand in his hair. Robin shifts so she’s sitting next to Nancy, which makes holding her hand more comfortable.
“When was the last time you used your pool, Steve?” Nancy asks quietly, and he grimaces.
“Nance, it’s fine—”
“Can you please just answer the question?” she insists, and Steve huffs. He could never deny Nancy anything, it would seem.
“Since the party,” he admits, and he squeezes Robin’s hand for strength, rubbing his thumb along hers.
“Why did you offer to have a pool party if it was going to be a problem?” Nancy asks next and Steve laughs.
“Honestly, Nance, I didn’t know,” he admits and she makes a disbelieving noise. He tries to sit up, but Nancy holds him back again. “Seriously, Nance, let me up, I want to look at your face when I’m talking.”
There’s a long pause, before Nancy sighs. “If you get up you have to promise to not deflect by trying to take care of me,” she says, and Steve frowns, confused.
“Okay?” he agrees tentatively. When her arm doesn’t budge, he adds, “Okay, I promise.”
When she lets him up, he lets go of Robin’s hand and shifts so he’s against the wall next to his bedroom door. When he looks at Nancy, he’s met with red-rimmed eyes, tears, and her biting her bottom lip to keep it from quivering too much.
“Nance, hey, it’s okay,” he immediately says, and moves to pull Nancy into his arms, and Robin actually puts her hand up to stop him.
“Steve, you promised,” she reminds him, and Steve frowns, sitting back against the wall. With a huff, he grabs one of Nancy’s ankles to put her foot in his lap, and he starts to massage her calf. If he wasn’t allowed to hold her because he made a dumb promise before he knew she was crying, he would do at least that much.
“Fine. Okay, I had this pool party because I didn’t know it was going to be a problem, and it wasn’t until your shithead kid brother started arguing with me,” he says, and Nancy just shakes her head.
“Steve, you avoided being even next to the pool all day. We barely actually saw you outside. You only came out to use the grill and eat, and even then… it was obviously a problem the whole time,” she says, wiping her tears.
“You were also really grouchy sometimes when you were cleaning it. Leading up the party, I mean,” Robin adds quietly.
“I honestly didn’t… know it was a problem for me,” Steve insists quietly, shifting his hands to massage Nancy’s foot now. “I never had to address it, I guess.”
“So, you haven’t known you were upset about Barb for what, two years?” Nancy asks and Steve frowns and shakes his head.
“No, I—I knew I was avoiding the whole pool, and I know I avoided being in my backyard at night, and honestly I never have the pool lights turn on because I can see them from my bedroom window at night—” Steve stops abruptly as the image of Barb on the diving board from his bedroom window flashed before his eyes, and his eyes start to sting again.
“What, Steve?” Nancy pushes, sniffling a bit.
“It—that night, I saw her by the pool. Just for a second from my window. She was just sitting there on the diving board, and I thought about stopping. But I’m a douchebag, obviously, so I didn’t,” Steve says quietly, and it’s the first time he’s said it out loud, even to himself. “I thought about making sure she got home safe, or offering her my guest room. It would’ve taken two minutes to go down and ask her to come inside, but I didn’t.”
“Steve,” Nancy whispers, her face screwing up as more tears fell down her face.
“I wanted to believe so badly that she was actually fine when you couldn’t find her the next day because I couldn’t—Nance, it felt like my fault she disappeared, because I saw her that night,” he continues, dropping his head back against the wall. “And yeah, I latched onto the story that she ran away when it was first brought up. And I know, that meant I was blowing you off and being a complete asshole.”
“You should’ve told me,” Nancy insists, and Steve laughs.
“Nancy, it’s taken three serious head injuries to get me to this point of emotional vol-vulnability?” he stumbles out.
“Vulnerability,” Nancy and Robin supply at the same time, and he laughs and points. It was one of those words he had seen written before, but never said it out loud.
“That’s the word. You couldn’t’ve paid me enough to talk about this back then,” he adds, then sighs. “Then finding out about the Demogorgon just… every night I would see the pool from my window, and I would see Barb sitting there. And then I was having these nightmares about her being taken, from the angle of my window, like I stood there and watched the whole time.”
“I had nightmares, too,” Nancy says, and Steve nods.
“I know, and I wanted to be there for you about them, but the ones about Barb, I just—my guilt about her was so big, I didn’t have enough room for yours, y’know?” he admits, grimacing. “Which sounds fucking awful, honestly, and you were right at the party—”
“Steve, no, don’t. I know exactly what you mean, about the guilt being too big. I shouldn’t have said what I did at the party like that,” she insists, and now she was crawling across the hall to sit next to him, leaning heavily against his shoulder. “We were kids, Steve, and I was being unfair to you.”
“I was being unfair to you, too. I didn’t get why you couldn’t just… put that night in a box like I was trying to, and I kept trying to make you,” Steve says, sighing. “It’s why I fought going to dinner with the Hollands so much. Knowing she was dead and knowing it was my fault… the nightmares were always worse after dinner with the Hollands.”
“It was my fault, too,” Nancy whispers. “She tried to stop me from going upstairs with you, and I told her to just go home—”
“Okay, this is really sweet that you’re both bonding over this, but can I just say something real quick?”
They both jolt and look at Robin, and Nancy opens her mouth to say something, but Steve beats her to it. “Yeah, Robs, go ahead.”
“You both were assholes to Barb that night, there is no denying that, okay?” Robin says, crossing her legs and leaning forward with her elbows on her knees.
“Gee, thanks, Robin,” Steve snorts, but he is genuinely grateful with how honest Robin is with him.
“You’re welcome, Dingus,” she replies cheerily, before turning serious. “You both could have done something different that night, definitely, but have you considered that maybe, just maybe, that doesn’t actually make her being killed by an interdimensional monster that was let loose and being actively covered up by a shady government entity your fault?”
When she puts it like that, it makes Steve feel very silly about his whole issue, almost embarrassed.
“It’s not that simple, Robin,” Nancy says, and her tone is short in a way that makes Steve a bit defensive of Robin.
“No, I definitely know. Survivor’s guilt is a lot, and I get it. Believe me, I get it, and I’m not even saying that you should come to terms with it right this second, or tonight, or even next week. Just,” Robin pauses with a shrug. “It just seems like you guys have been going in these guilty circles for a year and a half without even considering the alternative. Even you, Nancy, and you’re the one who actually brought Hawkins Lab down.”
“You told her?” Nancy snaps at Steve, though there was no heat to her words.
“Hell yeah, I told her. I told her literally everything, Nance. Especially about how much of a badass you are,” he says proudly, smiling down at her.
“You talk about your ex to your girlfriend?” Nancy says with an eye-roll.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Steve says exasperated.
“Yeah, strictly platonic,” Robin adds, gagging.
Nancy rolls her eyes, clearly not believing them, and says, “Whatever. I still wish I knew you felt this way. I wouldn’t have… I don’t know.”
“You wouldn’t have dumped me?” Steve asks, and he’s curious. He was well and truly over Nancy, had been for months, but he was curious if being open about his pain would’ve been enough to keep her.
“Maybe? Probably not, though. I would have done it nicer and less drunk,” Nancy replies, and Steve laughs out loud.
“I think the way you did it was for the best, in the long run. Henderson would’ve been eaten by D’art if you didn’t dump me like you did,” he admits, and Nancy pulls back to look up at him.
“What do you mean?” she asks, and Steve realizes he never actually told her exactly how he got involved with the kids.
“Oh, I went to your house to apologize and Henderson was looking for Mike. You weren’t there, obviously, because you were bringing down Hawkins Lab, and neither was Mike,” Steve replies with a shrug. “And Henderson kidnapped me on account of my baseball bat with the nails.”
“That’s actually my bat,” Nancy says, bumping her shoulder into Steve’s.
“I think it’s technically Mike’s even if he never actually touched it,” Steve teases and Nancy giggles at that. He likes seeing her smile, and he’s glad he’s able to be the reason for her to smile again.
“Nance, I want you to know that even with how I kinda freaked out here, I still had fun today. I had a blast, actually, even if I seemed tense,” he says after a bit, and Nancy sniffles and nods.
“Okay, I believe you,” she says quietly, and he can see it in her face that she meant it.
“Why don’t we go downstairs and see which stupid movie the dipshits chose,” Steve suggests and Nancy and Robin both laugh.
“You promised them you wouldn’t complain,” Robin reminds him as she stands and offers him a hand up.
“Of course I did,” he grouses as he pulls Nancy to her feet as well. He startles when she wraps her arms around him tightly, but he immediately has his arms around her shoulders, resting his cheek on top of her head.
“I am sorry, Steve. For saying you didn’t care,” she says, her voice muffled against his chest.
“I was doing a pretty good job acting like I didn’t, Nance,” he reassures her and waits until she was pulling away from the embrace. “Seriously, though, let’s go downstairs.”
“Okay, I just need to use the bathroom first,” Nancy says, wiping her face and Steve nods before he and Robin go down to the living room to join the rest of the party. When Nancy joined them twenty minutes later, she had come in through the patio door off the living room. “Forgot my cardigan outside,” she explains at the puzzled looks thrown her way.
Later, after everyone except Robin had left, Steve was about to head up to bed when he cursed quietly.
“What, what’s wrong?” Robin asks from halfway up the stairs, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She was spending the night like she usually did after movie nights, which they both know did nothing to help against everyone’s assumptions that they were dating.
“The lights in the pool. I didn’t turn them off,” he says quietly, dreading the thought of going out there in the actual darkness to deal with it. But he wouldn’t be able to sleep if any amount of that pale, white light came in around the edges of his blinds.
“I’ll go with you, okay? Or I could do it?” Robin offers, coming down the stairs and grabbing Steve’s hand.
“No, I’ll do it, but please come with?” Steve says, taking a deep breath.
When they reach the patio door, they’re both confused to see complete darkness in the backyard. The lights were already off somehow.
“Nancy,” Robin says suddenly, eyebrows high. “When she went outside for her cardigan. She turned off the lights.”
Steve blinks out at the darkness, his eyes wet with emotion, and he nods, smiling. “She must’ve.”
“Kinda sad you two didn’t work out,” Robin says a bit awkwardly as she tugs Steve away from the patio door and back to the stairs.
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Steve just chuckles and shakes his head a bit. “I think we’ve worked out just fine,” he says, and for the most part he actually believes it.
[ Also on AO3 ]
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writteninscarlet · 8 months
Be honest, what do you think about vampires?
send 'be honest' and a question for my muse to answer truthfully ;; accepting
Her lips quirked up in a soft smile, but her eyes were a little wary and cautious. Looking over Reese, Wanda wondered why she'd asked such a thing. How long had it been since she'd been turned by predators against her will?
"Vampires as a whole? I have no issues with them. From those I've met, many are simply trying to live their life as best as they can," she said, thinking it over. Being truthful, she added, "Many others have been... angry and vengeful. Addicted to dealing out pain."
"But there's diversity amongst vampires as there is amongst humans. And mutants. When I think about specific vampires--" A wider smile, "When I think of you Reese, I'm inspired and impressed. Please, don't take me to be patronising. There have been several times in my life where I've been simply used against my will. Where I've gained or lost something and had no say. I've not handled it well. But you're brave and smart, and you're adjusting. You see life as it is and you're trying to do good. To just LIVE. And I think simply living is one of the hardest things to do."
"Being a vampire does not completely set out your path, Reese. You're not fated to be anything but yourself. I know a few vampires that I like, and you're amongst them."
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It is as it sounds! A plot of land cultivated by some of Aurora Bay's residents either collectively or individually. With a generous donation from the Levins and approval from the town government body, an empty patch located near Ocean Crest has been approved for the use of gardening.
It is open to members for a one time $100 entry fee (to cover supply costs), it is non-profit and done as a project to build a sense of community among the residents. There people can find a sense of purpose, peace, and even learn a new trade of planting and growing is a new skill they wish to tackle.
As schedules permit, there are plans to hold small dinner parties for the members to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Anything within season, from various produce and herbs to just flowers. Each member is given their own plot to do with as they please, and if they join with friends that can combine their plots.
— GUIDELINES (in game, this is for writing purposes, of course, whether your muse tries to break rules or not is up to you)
Each member is required to pay a one time $100.00 entry fee (SUBJECT TO CHANGE), just to cover initial costs, and after that they are in. If the initial cost is too much, a payment plan can be worked out.
Each member is responsible for their own yield and production, but of course if someone is away on vacation it is neighborly to look after their plants.
You are to communicate with Lorna about selected herbs and crops so it can be determined where the best spot to plant them is - this avoids planting crops that don't grow well next to each other in neighboring plots, and avoids waste by determining the soil, need for a shade box, and when they are in season.
While it isn't a requirement and not a rule, it is expected somewhere along the line every member takes their turn at a Farmer's Market to sell and earn money to support the garden.
Respect one another, don't destroy other's plots.
We understand if this project is no longer something you can commit to, we just expect you to effectively communicate if you are leaving it. If absent without notice for two weeks, we reserve the right to allocate your plot to another member.
Follow the law. This is a community project, therefore anything does that does not uphold community expectations or stays within the general law can put the use of this property at risk.
Pets cannot enter the garden. Service animals are permitted.
Only members are permitted to enter, non-members must be accompanied by a current member.
No smoking in the garden.
Samuel Kane (@samucl-kane) - lead of project & funds management
Lorna Dilane (@dilcne) - co-lead & organizer/supply management
Cricket Campbell (@cricketcampbell) - co-lead & dinner party head
Ann Thompson (@annthcmpscn)
Angel Rojas (@firefighterrojas)
Camille Reese (@ithinkitscami)
Emerson Cassidy (@emersonxcassidy)
Gwendolyn Moreno (@gwenxmoreno)
Sola Adisa (@solaadisa)
Summer Sabella (@summersabella)
Vanessa Gable (@vanessagable)
William Meyers (@willxmeyers)
(if i talked to you and missed your muse, yell at me. if you would like your muse to join just message xan, dani, or kell! do not be afraid to give me a nudge if I need to add you.)
— Submissions and what not
If you would like to make insta posts for me to post on this blog, just submit them in the submit box! It's all for fun, and an idea to build a cute connection with some residents who otherwise might not cross paths or give each other a second glance.
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elizabethblake · 1 year
That's for me to know, and for you to figure out - pt. 8
Panic Imagine -- Dodge Mason x OC (Reese Silvers) -- pt. 8
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A girl from a wealthy family wants to get out of Carp just as much as everyone else. With the new guy in town, she seems to be a bit more distracted than she had hoped. And those who once were her friends just may be the ones who will throw her into the deep end. Will Panic be what she hopes, or will she fall into the depths of deceit and lies?
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"Are you worried about the challenge tonight?" I asked Heather as I swiped on a swipe of lipgloss. But she didn't move.
"Hey, are you still upset about what happened with Bishop?" I asked and she sat up and huffed.
"If I tell you something, will you promise not to judge?" She asked.
"Sure." I said, nervous.
"I did something very stupid. And I am afraid that I'm gonna keep doing it." She said.
"I slept with Ray." She said, and my mouth dropped.
"Please don't be mad." She said.
"I I'm not. I just, Heather that's wow." I managed to say.
"I know you two have this weird flirty thing going on, and i'm pretty sure you've had sex with him but I didn't think you liked him and if you do, I will completely never speak to him ever again because you know I would never do anything to hurt you." She rambled.
"Heather. I don't like him, he and I have a past. That’s what all the flirty banter is chalked up to, nothing more. No residual feelings I swear. Plus I have my eye on someone else." I said.
"Yes. Let's talk about this. I can't help but notice the way you look at a certain boy who works at Dot's. Can it be?" She asked.
"Shut up." I said hitting her softly with a pillow.
"It's so complicated Heather." I said as I lay next to her on my bed.
"Complicated how? Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, girl and boy kiss." She said.
"It's not that simple. I mean sort of." I said.
"So you've kissed him?" She said in an excited tone.
"Yeah it happened after the party." I said.
"I knew you disappeared together." She said.
"It wasn't like that I was drunk he brought me home things may have happened but we didn't sleep together." I said.
"Not yet." She said.
"But you want to." She added.
"Yes. I want to." I said.
"Then what's stopping you?" She asked.
"I don't know, I feel like Nat has a thing for him, and I don't want her to go crazy on me about it." I said.
"Nat is crazy in general but don't let your concerns about her stop you from liking him that's crazy." She said.
"Reese?" My mother said from the door.
"Come in." I said as I sat up on my elbows.
"Heather honey are you staying for dinner?" She asked, I turned to heather and mouth 'please'
"Is that alright Mrs. Silvers?" She asked.
"Of course sweetie you're always welcome." My mom said before closing the door.
"I swear she likes you better than me." I said before falling back on the bed.
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After Dinner Heather and I headed out to Graybill's place for the next challenge. When we pulled up most everyone was there already.
"Congratulations to all of you for completing the challenge at Spurlock's Ranch. Up until now you've been competitors, but tonight you become enemies." Diggins said.
"It is Panic tradition to screw each other at the Graybill house challenge." Summer said.
"And we all came for that reason." Ray chimed in.
"The rules are simple. You guys stay inside till we come and get you. Players' points will be deducted when you submit proof of them being scared shitless. For tonight and tonight only, keep those cameras on." Diggins added.
"Sabotage is highly encouraged." Summer said.
"As a reminder, Heather is still in the lead with 200 points. Dodge is closing the gap with 175 everyone else is holding up with 150. And last but not least there is a 50-point bonus for whoever can solve the riddles in the blood." Summer said.
"What do you mean "in the blood?" Drew asked.
"Blood always tells." She added.
"Good Luck Players." Diggins said as everyone walked towards the house.
"Let's get this over with." Nat said.
We all walked into the house, it was dark and dusty and the only light was from the flashlights. Shining down on the floor fake blood could be seen coating it and the walls where writing could be seen.
"There's the blood." Dodge said
"Anyone else creeped out by the random blood?" Drew asked.
"Part of the riddle?" Dodge asked, looking at the words.
"Must be." Shawna said.
"Yeah no shit sherlock." I said.
"Dorothy lost her ruby shoes, the wizard lost his head, the king was counting reasons for clues inside the dead." Shawna read what was written in blood on the wall.
"Wizard. "Jimmy Wizard" was Jim's nickname. When Abby started dating him some of us started calling her 'Dorothy'" She added.
"Guess we have to find the bodies." Dodge said.
"Maybe it's a warning." Heather said.
"Let's see what else we can find." Nat said.
"Why don't we go that way?" She added.
"We should stay together." She said.
Dodge, Nat, Heather, and I all walked together towards a room. As I looked through the room I turned and gasped when I ran into something hanging from the ceiling. It looked like a mannequin hanging from a noose.
"You all right?" Dodge asked.
"Yeah." I answered.
"I'm okay, just freaked me out a bit." I added.
"Stupid." Dodge muttered as he saw it hanging. He walked over and grabbed a chair and stood on it.
"What are you doing?" I asked. He then cut down the mannequin and slammed to the ground.
"Hey guys over here." Heather yelled from the other room.
"Check out the bloody riddle." She said, peeling the wallpaper from the wall.
"One flew over a rooftop, one flew into the moon. Track down the clue inside the who whose end ed mirrors soon." She read.
"That sounds like a nursery rhyme doesn't it?" Nat asked.
"Maybe we should be looking for books?" Shawna asked.
"Good luck y'all." She said as she walked away.
"The noose." Dodge said.
"If you look in a mirror, the words are backwards, soon spelled backward is noos." He said.
"That's the who, the noosed man." I said as I walked back towards the room with the mannequin. I searched around the noose and found a cloth.
"The cook and five to dinner make six to tally late; the final counts the winner, behind the hands that wait." I read.
"Cook is capitalized." Dodge said.
"Um, maybe the clue is in the kitchen?" I asked.
"Let's check it out." He said.
"You see any clues?" I asked.
"I don't see anything on the walls." He said as we both continued to look.
"Hey Reese?" He said.
"Yeah?" I asked as he jiggled on a door handle. I opened the lock on the door as I pushed it open to reveal a horrifically gross room.
"God." I muttered and the light began flickering.
"That's what I call mood lighting." I commented.
"Aren't you afraid of the curse?" Dodge asked.
"Only if you're secretly in love with me." I laughed before walking away as I saw Nat emerge from behind the door and shoot me a dirty look before I slid past Dodge and walked down the hall.
"Well look who it is. I didn't think little miss perfect would be up here in a haunted house." Ray said as I walked by him.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Too many ghosts I guess." He said.
"You'd know all about ghosts wouldn't you." I remarked, but saw Ray’s face at the mention of what happened.
"I'm sorry about your brother Reese. I didn't know he was there until he called you." He said.
"It's fine, what's done is done." I said.
"I would never let anything like that happen again. Rhett is my friend and so are you." He said.
"I'm your friend?" I asked.
"Does that mean Heather's your friend?" I asked and he gave me a look.
"Look I don't care that you're fucking her okay, just. She's my friend, my very very good friend please don't hurt her." I said.
"I don't intend on it." He said.
"Good." I said before I continued walking.
I found my way into a room, the floors were super creaking and the room was incredibly dark, I took a step and I feel through the floorboards. I hit my head, and then everything went black.
*like 30 min later*
"Reese. Reese wake up! Reese wake up!" Someone shouted and it echoed through my head like banging on a pot.
"Ow." I groaned.
"Reese? Are you okay?" Nat asked as I sat up, I looked over and noticed the the house was up in flames and everything came rushing back. I felt a sharp pain in my ribs and an intense pain through my shoulder and head.
"What happened." I asked.
“The house just went up in flames Heather got trapped but she's out now Dodge is unconscious, we need to get out of here and get them help." She said.
"Nat. I think im gonna pass out." I said as everything sort of rushed together.
I woke up in the hospital as my mom rushed to my side.
"Oh baby you're awake!" She said as she placed her hand on my head.
"Mom?" I asked as I blinked away the blurriness of my surroundings.
"George." My mom said to wake my dad up and he sprung to my side as well.
"You scared us there honey." He said.
"Where's Rhett?" I asked.
"I'm here Reese." He said as we walked to the foot of the bed.
"Reese what on earth were you doin' in a place like that." My mom asked me.
"A couple of us just wanted to party and we thought it would be fun. None of us intended for it to go up in flames." I said.
"Well you're lucky I'm not grounding you. You could have died. But instead you're gonna live with the consequences of your actions. Which is a couple of bruised ribs, a concussion, and you dislocated your shoulder. Now how did you possibly manage to do that?" She asked.
"I don't know I think I fell through the floor." I said and she gasped.
"Lord have mercy Reese." She said.
"I'm sorry mom." I said as I leaned back.
"Is Heather okay?" I asked.
"She is resting, she and another boy got banged up pretty good." She said.
"Dodge." I whispered.
"We're getting you discharged today, I hate hospitals." She said as my dad brought over a bag with fresh clothes from home.
"Nurse! Can you please come unplug my daughter from these machine's we are going home." My mom said.
I got sent home with pain meds, a sling on my arm and an extensive amount of pain radiating throughout my body. Once I made it home I went to my room and showered to get the smell of smoke off of me.
"Reese!" I heard my mom call from downstairs once I got out of the shower.
"Heather is here." She said.
"She can come up." I said, slipping on my bra.
Heather came in but I was only in underwear and a bra.
"Could've warned me." She said.
"Can you help please." I said as I tried to hook my bra.
"Of course she said as she hooked it for me, then helped me slip my shirt on then I put the sling back on.
"So what's the diagnoses." She asked.
"Bruised ribs, dislocated shoulder, and a concussion." I answered.
"How'd you manage to do all that?" She asked.
"I fell through the floor." I asked.
"Come to think of it, who found me?" I asked.
"I think Nat did." She answered.
"Hm." I hummed.
"When's the next task, do you know?" I asked.
"You're kidding. Look at yourself Reese you're crazy. Panic can wait." She said.
"No Heather, I can’t wait. Panic won't and I'm not missing it." I said.
"My shoulder should be feeling better in no time." I added.
"Have you seen Dodge?" She asked.
"Not since before the fire." I added.
"Maybe you should ask him to come over." She said.
"Maybe." I said.
"I'm so thirsty." I said as I made my way down to the kitchen. Once we were in there I heard my mom call out.
"Reese, there's someone at the door for you." She said and I made my way to the door.
"Dodge." I said.
"Heather texted and asked me to come over." He said.
"Of course she did. Come on in." I said as I made my way back to the kitchen and he followed me. I sent a look to Heather and she only smirked.
"I'm glad you're okay Reese." She said as she smiled.
"I have to get going but I will see you both later." She said before gathering her things and leaving.
"I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you didn't know I was coming over." He said.
"No, I didn't." I said.
"But I'm glad you did." I added.
"I hope you're okay." I said.
"Me? You seem to be the one who took the harder hits." He said.
"Yeah I don't recommend falling through the floor ha." I said.
"I'm glad you're okay Reese." He said.
"Thanks Dodge. Can I get you anything?" I asked.
"Water is fine." He answered.
"Water it is." I said.
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finalgirlkateausten · 2 years
“ now, i know you said you didn’t want one, but… the others organized a surprise baby shower for you. try to look surprised, please? “ for the ivy au pls 🥺 if you don't have anything in mind, maybe something with Nat and Ava, where Nat's sympathising over having a surprise baby shower? or at the very least something that shows Ava has friends lmao
BLESS YOU this is exactly the kind of request I was hoping for for the Ivy AU!!! one of my fav elements of this AU is the inversion of canon in that Ava now has lasting connections with everyone at med and it's Connor who's more on the outside when he returns. But this is way before that-- set about six months after Connor leaves for Mayo. Also I'm not using the exact prompt dialogue oops but the spirit is there
TW for canon-typical hospital setting and elements of childhood illness/hospitalization.
Ava is refreshing the information on the donor heart that's still a few hours out when Dr. Frisch sidles up to her, turning off her tablet displaying the patient's chart. "Hey, Bekker, what time is your baby shower on Sunday?"
Ava scowls, caught off-guard by the abrupt transition from intense medical discussion to personal questions. "What? I'm not having a baby shower."
"...oh," Maia says, "It's possible I wasn't supposed to say anything."
She refreshes the flight tracker one more time before looking up at the pediatric cardiologist. "Say anything about what? Who's throwing me a baby shower?"
"I heard about it from Beth and a few of the other OR techs," her colleague answers, "and I think some more of the ED folks are in on it too. April, Maggie, potentially Dr. Reese? I'm not sure, though."
"God. Fuck." Ava pinches the bridge of her nose. "I can't deal with this right now."
"I'm sorry I brought it up," Maia says, wincing apologetically. "Maybe, uh, at least try to look surprised?"
"I'll take care of it," Ava mutters. "I won't let them yell at you for spilling."
On the end of her sentence, Natalie exits the patient's room, a tentative smile on her face. "It took me ten minutes in there to reassure those parents that their little girl is finally getting a new heart. Ava, this surgery is going to be a miracle for them."
"Let's not count our chickens yet," she says tersely. "The heart is still nearly two hours away. I'll be working under a bit of a crunch period."
"I know, right now it's just a waiting game," Natalie agrees. "New subject-- Dr. Frisch, what were you saying before I came out?"
Maia makes a face like she's sucking on a lemon. "I have to go round on my other patients."
Natalie looks at Ava with curiosity, and Ava sighs and starts walking toward the doctor's lounge in search of some coffee. "Maia says Beth and April and some of the others are surprising me with a baby shower."
"Oh, that's tough," Natalie hums, sucking her teeth. "My mother-in-law did the same thing for me when I was pregnant with Owen. She wanted it to happen so badly, and I didn't know how to say no to her."
"Well, you had a good excuse," Ava says, sighing heavily as she drops a decaf pod into the coffeemaker. "I'm not a widower, just antisocial."
"Still, I know you're having a hard enough time already," Natalie says. "Do you want me to say something? Maybe try to dissuade them?"
"Oh, I don't know," Ava moans. "I mean, it would be nice to have some extra things for the baby, I'm sure they'll think of gifts I wouldn't have bought otherwise... I suppose I can muster up the energy for a little gathering, now that it's not a proper surprise."
"Alright then," Natalie says, and she looks a little surprised, but she doesn't question any further, which Ava is grateful for. "I don't want to be presumptuous, but... if you need any moral support..."
"Sure," Ava says, smiling thinly, "you're invited to my surprise baby shower that I don't know about."
The baby shower ends up being at the tiki bar, and there are quite a few more people than Ava was expecting, from Brett and Shay from 51 to Sarah Reese, despite Maia's uncertainty on if she was coming. Ava feigns surprise and pastes on a smile, accepting hugs and squeals from her friends.
"We're glad you could make it, Doctor Bekker," Beth says, handing her a glass of lemonade.
"We wanted to do a little something for you, Ava," Maggie says, kissing her cheek.
April nods in agreement, perched on a barstool. "I can't believe you're doing this by yourself... we wanted to remind you that you're not completely alone."
Suddenly, Ava finds herself touched, and more than that, choked up. Hormones are an utter bitch, and she sips her lemonade to hide the tears threatening. "You all are really sweet," she says, accepting a side hug from Sarah and a card from Sylvie. "I guess I'm glad Maia looped me in after all."
There's a hubbub at that, and Ava winks at her colleague, who is trying her best to feign ignorance. Everyone is mostly laughing, though, and by the time Ava is settled in the shade on a wicker sofa, they're back to chatting excitedly. Natalie and Sarah are on either side of her, Sarah rambling about the etiquette of surprise parties and how they suck for people with anxiety, and Nat just beaming at Ava as she stacks presents. "So you're having fun?"
"I think so," Ava says slowly. "It's been a long time since I've had a group of friends all get together like this for me. Maybe... before med school."
"Wow," Sarah murmurs. "I guess in this case the party was very necessary."
"Perhaps it was," Ava agrees. "Even if I'm not the biggest fan of being the center of attention."
"How about the center of hugs?" Natalie asks.
Ava looks back and forth between her and Sarah, who's holding back giggles. "Well, alright."
As soon as she finishes her sentence, they're both hugging her at once.
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