chenfordspiral · 7 months
I should know by now not to set deadlines for when to finish a new chapter or story.. because I never meet it and it only fills me with anxiety. But here we are 🥴
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Random Headcanons for 4*Town
Yes Aaron T is amazing at skateboarding, but I have this feeling that Z and Jesse are pretty good as well and slightly Tae, but baby has no tricks.
They take late night trips to whatever gas station and buy all the snacks
The group likes to play fight!! You would definitely see two or three…. Or all members wrestling on the floor, but don’t worry it nothing serious or personal!! (sometimes Jesse, Tae, and T have to pull Z and Robaire apart because their “play fight” will start to look a bit too real👀 but it never is because the rival is just a joke🥹)
Whenever a 4Town song comes on they act like they don’t know who that is and makes fun of them😂
“Yo, y’all hear this mess? Is this what they call music? I’m disappointed… disgusted even”
“I think it’s that lil boy group 4City? 4Village? This shit trash”
“They don’t turn my tummy the way you do??? Sounds like kids bop to me”
“Yeah I heard about them, their shit ass for real”
“And why the hell they got 5 members? They can’t can’t count or something?”
They have movie nights every now and then and they always talk about their thoughts on the movie afterwards! (And if someone fell asleep during the movie they still get woken up even if they only saw 20 mins of it😭)
T makes them watch shows like family guy
As the two tallest Z and Jesse have a habit of holding things above their heads to make the other members mad!
They play games like “nose goes” and “1 2 3 not it” to see who is taking out the trash or getting the mail or answering the door and who is cooking (most of the times they have set dates for who cooks)
They also play those games if they’re at a restaurant and they are trying to figure out who is paying the bill, but that’s if they don’t do it together
I like to think in the beginning of their career they lived in an apartment/condo together and then after their 3rd almost 4th year of being together they moved to a mansion they got built for them!
I hate to put this here but once they disband, I feel the day everyone is packing, T will say he is going to keep the 4Town mansion instead of moving out and grow his family there! He doesn’t want the house full of memories to go to some stranger because they will never be able to visit it anymore so he is keeping and all the boys are happy he is!
They will literally talk in accents to be funny especially T and Jesse
They totally have like two trampolines let’s be honest here
Tae and T jumps on the other members backs when they least expect it (whenever they jump on Jesse’s back Z and Robaire always have something to say!! “y’all better chill he barely can carry himself with his old bones”. “The moment you jumped all I heard was a bunch of cracks”)
They all can be literal children and race each other to the car especially to see who gets shotgun
Z likes to buck at the members as if he is gonna fight them and it’s so funny
T lovesss doing parkour! Whenever they go to a park this man is jumping and flipping off many things! It sometimes scares random people and they leave👀
Ro bumps into people on purpose and says “oh! sorry didn’t see you there” but we know he totally did
If you walk into Jesse’s art studio without knocking he will throw pieces of clay or flick paint at you with no regrets
When they go to places like the mall they split up into two groups one of 3 and the other of 2!
They randomly choose who goes with who each time but T always have to be in whatever group Jesse is in because they will get caught if not
Ro, T, Tae, and Z talk about people (specifically the other members) in their other language.
Since Jesse learned Korean for Tae, they both talk about people
Z put everyone on to smoothie bowls!! he started making them a few years ago after his workouts, and he never went back. Now all the members love it.
They have certain days where they go out to their backyard and play different games like American football, soccer, kickball, baseball.
Whenever they play basketball together, they’re always fighting to see who will be on Z’s team since he’s the absolute best and knows his team will win 😌
I feel like this picture of Taehyung is definitely a pose T, Jesse, or Tae would do🤷🏽‍♀️ with a disposable camera 😁 (I canon Tae as 18 and T as 19, so the glass is sparkling cider)
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ninjaslegos · 3 years
Is the the ninjago match ups still open for request? If so here is me😅
Hobbies/ interests: loves listening to music 24/7, loves adventure, likes sports specifically soccer and football, likes to randomly get on my friends nerves and obsessed with marvel movies TwT. Loves video games and graphic novels😻.
Personality: I feel hyper half the time, I’m a hothead, randomly anxiety goes up and takes a long time for me to calm down and I sometimes just need a hug to help me,randomly laughs all time 😂
Im a 5’2, brown hair ,hothead ✨
Hmm, I think the one who makes most sense here would be...
You have so many hobbies in common, the two of you most likely met at a comic convention!
He had his nose buried in the latest Starfarer comic, and bowled you over while you were at a stand checking out a new graphic novelist.
He apologized profusely to you, helping you up, gathering your scattered belongings, and even trying to look over you for any injuries.
Soon the two of you bonded over your love for comics, and when you brought up video games, he gave you his username to friend him on a gaming platform the two of you had in common.
From then on, he talked to you often, and you started hanging out together. Pretty soon after you became best friends, you started dating.
You have a shared playlist with him of all your favorite songs, and it often plays when the two of you are in his room. There's a separate one for when you want to sleep, and it's played at a lower volume.
He's so happy that you love to go adventuring with him, even though it's dangerous most of the time. You have to beg and convince him to let you come, but even then, he's so worried about you getting hurt that most of the time he makes you stay on The Bounty if he's completing a mission.
Of course, he takes you out with him random places for fun, too.
You would think Jay is the loudest screamer, but he just does it often and his pitch is higher. Cole is the loudest screamer, even though he's hard to scare. Yes, the two of you prank the team often and tease them. Beware of karma, though! They definitely like to try and get you back.
Lloyd likes to try and calm your anxiety by getting you to laugh first, then try and get you to talk about it with him. He'll sit down on the bed, coax you into sitting beside him, then he'll hug you and tell you funny stories and jokes, or just tickle you to get you into a better mood. Then he asks you what's wrong, and feeling better about it, you explain your latest worries to him. He kisses them all away, and assures you with a tight hug that he'll be there for you no matter what.
Not being the only hothead in the house, you and Kai will sometimes butt heads, and if you get in an argument with Nya, the fight could go on for hours if you let it. Lloyd's just relieved that when you do argue, things are kept fairly civil between you all, and you remain friends still.
He loves hearing you laugh, whether it's a giggle, a chuckle; or full-blown, tears in your eyes, can hardly breathe kind of laughter where your cheeks burn from the tension after. It makes his heart feel warm, and he can't help but laugh with you.
He's not much taller than you, but it's just enough so that he can kiss your forehead easily. It's his go to greeting.
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