gxreyxrvxesi · 2 months
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a ref sheet of my toon🤑🤑 holy shit it looks bland without rendering omg OMG I FORGOT THE PINK BOW AT THE BACK OF THE HEAD NO (yea its a light pinkish/reddish color) i made this awhile ago but here
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
Reader has a new haircut and HATES it. Can we get a little comfort from Ghost?
Tears well up in your eyes, threatening to spill down your cheeks as you look into the bathroom mirror. You run your hand through your hair, trying to fix the mess, then tuck a strand behind your ear.
“Why did you do this?” You murmur to yourself, “Why?”
You were feeling adventurous; that’s why. You wanted to “shake things up a little bit,” as you explained to your hairstylist. You showed him a picture for reference, ignoring his warning that the person in the photo was wearing a wig. So he did as he was told: he cut and styled your hair, just like that picture, and it looked beautiful. However, everything vanished as soon as you showered this morning.
You take a closer look and exhale through pursed lips. As you try to tame the strands in front of your face, a a biblical tale comes to mind. The story of Samson, a man who derived his mighty strength from his hair, and Delilah, who ordered someone to cut it while he was sleeping, stripping him of his power. You were both Samson and Delilah in your own tragic way.
You close your eyes and prepare to face the world outside the bathroom: your teammates, your superiors, him.
With your head lowered, you walk towards your office, barely acknowledging those around you. Usually, you would smile and greet people passing by, but today is different. Today, you avoid eye contact, try to take as little space as as possible so you go undetected, and when someone acknowledges your presence, you mutter a barely audible “good morning.” The only time you lift your head is when you have to salute a superior, and even then, you can’t wait to be dismissed so you can go back to counting the tiles on the corridor’s floor again.
You open the door to your office and find Ghost sitting at the top of his desk, cleaning his gun. He turns his head towards the door, greets you, and then shifts his attention back to his rifle. He stays still for a moment and turns to look at you again.
“Did you—”
“Nice hairc—”
“Fuck off, Ghost.”
He furrows his eyebrows and cocks his head. His gaze follows you as you walk behind your desk, sit in your chair, and open your laptop. You feel his eyes piercing through you, and you bring your hand to your forehead, attempting to cover your face while you type in your password with the other hand.
“What’s wrong?” He asks.
“Nothing,” you reply with a sigh, “it’s nothing; I’m sorry.”
He hops off his desk and slowly walks to yours. He stands beside you, towering above you, invading your private space.
“Ghost, please go back to your desk,” you whisper.
But he doesn’t listen. He gently pushes the papers on your desk aside and sits down.
“Hey.” He calls out, tapping the desk twice with his finger. You refuse to look at him and peek at his thighs instead.
“Is this how we’re going to be today?” He asks in a soft voice.
“Leave me alone, Simon.”
He reaches out and tickles your neck with his index finger. You shrug your shoulders and grasp his hand to stop him, but he seizes the opportunity, pinches your chin with his free hand, and redirects your face towards his.
“Look at me,” he orders.
You slowly lift your gaze to meet his. He looks at you with eyes full of understanding and compassion. He slowly tilts his head and rubs your chin with his thumb.
“This office isn’t big enough for two grumpy fuckers,” he jokes, “I need you to balance me out.”
He brings his hand to the side of your face, and you press your cheek against his palm.
“I’m human,” you reply, “I get grumpy as well.”
“Of course you do,” he reassures you. “Now, mind telling me what’s going on inside that head of yours?”
“Wanna take a wild guess, Lt.?” you ask and give him a side-eye.
“Is it something that has to do with the top of your head rather than the inside?” He ponders.
“Of course, it does, you asshole!” You cry and slap his hand away. “You, too, noticed how bad it looks!”
“I never said it looked bad!” He clarifies and throws his hands up. “You came in here with a new haircut and a frown; you don’t need a degree in applied mathematics to put one and one together!”
“It doesn’t matter what you think,” you reply, crossing your arms. “What matters is that I can’t stand my reflection in the mirror.”
He huffs and removes his mask, revealing his scarred face and messy hair. Though you have seen him many times without it before, it always surprises you when he grants you access behind his facade.
“Wanna talk about bad hair?” he says, pointing to the top of his head. “I have a permanent cow lick because of this mask, for fuck’s sake.”
You chuckle. “Well, it’s your choice to wear it, Lt.”
“And it was your choice to cut yours.”
“And I deeply regret it,” you whisper, lowering your head to your lap.
He shrugs. “It’s good to have regrets, grumpy; It means you’re learning, so you can make better decisions later.”
“Yes, but what about now, Ghost? How am I going to walk around like this?” You ask and tousle your hair.
He smiles and motions for you to stand up. As you comply, he grabs your wrist and pulls you onto his lap. He wraps one arm behind your waist, the other resting on your thighs.
“I have plenty of those if you want one.” He jokes and gestures towards his mask.
“I don’t want your kitschy mask, Lt.” You chuckle and slap his chest. “I want my hair back.”
“They’ll grow back,” he comforts you, “but in the meantime, we just have to play with the cards we’ve been dealt with, yeah?”
You rest your head on his shoulder and bury your face in his neck, inhaling his scent.
“I guess so,” you whisper.
“You’ll get used to it, love,” he murmurs, rubbing your back. “All changes take some time to get used to.”
“That or I might decide to shave them completely.” You joke.
He laughs and kisses your forehead.
“Do whatever you want to your hair—cut it, dye it, shave it—I don’t fucking care,” he says as he strokes the back of your head. “But this?” He points his index finger to your heart, “Never change this.”
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uncreativeuser27 · 3 months
22 hours later lmao (my longest drawing ever)…
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This is based on a K2 idea I’ve had a while, but only seen written once or twice (I think)
For an idea that came out of nowhere, I sure do have a lot to say about it lmao. Please show any appreciation you have with comments, likes, reblogs, ANYTHING. I BEG of you, I have no one to show this to in real life, and I’m scared of strangers in the internet /hj /lh
More information and ranting under the cut if you want to hear a sad, pathetic artist out /j
Basically, it’s how they decide to close off their roleplay game: with a wedding to unite the two kingdoms! That wedding being between King Kyle and Princess Kenny. I imagine they tweaked the story as they got older (yes, they’re older in this drawing, if you can’t tell from their designs and Stan’s blond hair. They’re nothing that pisses this fandom off more than shipping children when they’re children lmao /hj)
Small headcanon for a high school AU: They end up doing a lot of tabletop roleplay (like their own spin on DnD), for big events like this, they will go back to their roots of LARPing.
I had an idea while drawing it that Stan and Cartman formed a bet about if Kyle would actually kiss Kenny or not. The concept is based on the idea that Kyle has a crush on Kenny and Stan thinks it would be a perfectly romantic way to confess, but Cartman thinks it would be too gay and that Kyle would never ruin something like that. I’ve been watching the show starting from the first season, and I remembered how much Cartman would go through to win a bet (and also how many bets were formed, which was a surprising amount), so it seemed fitting
Stan wins the bet. Obviously.
I just haven’t figured out how I’d want to write it, so I might write something if I can flesh it out well enough.
A few drawing comments about this, uhh. I totally traced the gazebo lmao. I found a random photograph of a gazebo that looked like they were selling it, and I tried to free hand it, but after an hour, I just gave up and traced it. Don’t hate me, please. I promise I’m not a fraud. I just suck at perspective and backgrounds :’) it’s also my second drawing with a genuine background (that isn’t abstract or barely detailed). Also, the sunset was such a last minute decision. The sky was supposed to be blue, but that felt boring, and I LOVE dramatic lighting
I think that’s all. Please tell me about my art. This took forever, and I have 0 friends that I can show this to in real life without getting weird looks, so if you have any thoughts at all, you can tell me. I’m on my virtual hands and KNEES /hj
(Yes, Kenny’s wig fell off)
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mykoreanlove · 11 months
in character
🎃 happy halloween y'all 🎃
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How did I end up in this club?
“Hey, y/n, lighten up. Don’t you like it here?”
Did you?
The club was narrow and over-crowded. Instead of dancing the night away, you bumped into costumed strangers every other minute. It was way too loud – the bass made your whole body vibrate, tuning out every possible thought. Bright lights were flickering and clouding your vision, making it hard to see anybody but yourself. You always hated big crowds, and you hated being pushed around and smelling strangers' odors even more, but you promised your friends to come to this Halloween party, so you faked a positive response.
“What? Of course not, I love it here. Hey, I’m gonna get some shots for us, okay?”
Your friends nodded in agreement as you turned around and made your way to the other end of the venue. Navigating through those drunken crowds was a hassle but you finally made it to the neon-lit bar. It wasn’t too crowded, but you still took your time. Anything that would let you escape the chaos in front of the DJ was highly welcomed.
As you waited for the bartender to notice you, you checked if your outfit was still in place. You chuckled at the idea of dressing up as the Powerpuff girls. Your friends took this very seriously though; they even made you do a personality quiz. You weren’t sweet and innocent like Bubbles and you weren’t confrontational and badass like Buttercup either. No, you were a leader with a brain and ego to match so they made you Blossom. Your hands checked for the essentials: the giant red bow was still in place; the wig was still clipped to your hair and the rose-colored tint still covered your full lips. You sighed in relief.
As you were trying to get the bartender’s attention once more you noticed a handsome guy approaching you. You were used to men hitting on you, but they rarely caught your attention. You were picky, yes, but you had standards and you wouldn’t waste your time on just anybody. This guy, however? He definitely piqued your interest.
„Hey, are you a Powerpuff girl?”
He was nervous – scratching his head and looking down at his hands but he was gorgeous! You always loved a handsome man, but he took it to a whole new level: full brown hair, dark shiny eyes and a gorgeous smile with a sturdy nose. You loved a man with a big nose and already started to wonder if everything about him was sturdy, too.
“I am for tonight.”
He looked at you surprised. “What will you be tomorrow then?”
You smirked, having too much fun with this. “Whatever you want me to be.”
He was surprised by your assertiveness and started laughing. His cheeks were slightly flushed as he was a bit embarrassed. You thought he was the most adorable person to ever exist.
“Damn, you are good at this. Sadly, I’m not. I’m Chris.” He stretched out his hand which was covered in silver rings to introduce himself formally. You smiled as you were shaking his hand in reply. “Y/N.”
A brief pause followed as he was too nervous to talk to you. “So, you dressed up as a wolf?” You looked him up and down – he was barely wearing anything, but you did not mind. He was built like a god – marble abs, strong arms and a lean torso. It would have been a crime to not show up half-naked.
“Ah, yes. But I’m not a regular wolf. I’m a werewolf.” He chuckled again, overplaying his nervousness.
“When the full moon strikes, I turn into an animal. Ahuuuu!” Chris imitated a wolf before turning red again and looking down, utterly embarrassed by what he just did. You couldn’t help but fall for his awkwardness – he was so shy and precious. You had never encountered a man like him before and you were highly intrigued.
You grabbed his arm and started laughing which made him ease up instantly. “I have a question about wolfs, Chris.” His eyes widened in surprise, wondering if he would embarrass himself further by not being able to answer your question.
“Can they drink?” He sighed in relief as he understood what you were up to.
“They don’t normally do”, he paused for a brief second while motioning the bartender over to you, “but when they meet a gorgeous Powerpuff girl, they surely make exceptions.”
You spent the next hour talking while downing bitter shots, completely forgetting about your friends on the dancefloor. You got along quite well – after the first couple rounds, he was relaxed enough to talk to you. You chatted about yourselves, shared some jokes and flirted heavily. The chemistry between the two of you was undeniable and you wondered if he sensed it, too.
“So, are you here with your tribe?”
“Tribe?” He asked astonishedly.
“Aren’t wolves always running around in packs? Or did you come here alone?”
“Ah, no I came by myself. I’m acquainted with the DJ, and he wanted me to say hi, that’s how I ended up here. I don’t go out normally, not a fan of big crowds.”
“So, what do you do instead? Spend some time with miss wolf?”
Chris choked on his drink. “Actually, there is no miss wolf. In case you wondered.” He dodged your side playfully.
You smirked hesitantly. “I find that hard to believe. I mean, just take a look around. Every girl in here has been eyeing you for the past hour. If looks could kill, I’d be dead by now.”
Chris shrugged his broad shoulders unfazed. “I didn’t notice.”
“You didn’t?”
“No. If I’m being honest, I don’t care about the other girls here. I only care about one girl right now.” He took another sip of his drink, moving to stand closer to you.
“And who is that lucky girl?”
He turned his head, facing you now. With a giant smile on his lips, he whispered: “You.”
You abandoned your friends and went home with him. Was that the noble thing to do? No. But you wanted him, you needed him. Leaving the club with him while every bitch was sending daggers your way fueled your ego immensely. He didn’t care about anybody but you. And you liked that. You got off it.
Chris wasn’t living too far away , so you decided to walk. A walk that would have taken you 15 minutes turned into an hour. You couldn’t stop touching each other – stopping every two minutes to kiss and grope, you acted like brainless teenager in public, but you didn’t care. Smart of him to dress up as an animal since the sexual connection between the two of you was equally feral.
“Chris” you panted into his mouth as he was kissing you once again.
“Yes, blossom?” You smirked. That cheeky fucker was into roleplay, and you would gladly play along.
“If you don’t take me home right now, I will suck your dick on the streets.” His eyes widened in desire, totally turned on by that idea.
“And we don’t want Blossom to behave like that, do we?” You batted your eye lashes at him, acting all sweet and innocent. He cleared his throat, re-composing himself instantly. He turned around, his back to you now.
“Hop on.”
“I said hop on. Wolfie is gonna carry you to his cave. Hop on.” You gladly obliged and jumped on his broad back, placing your hands around his neck, pampering it with kisses.
“Y/N, you’re such a tease.” You sucked on his neck harder.
“Who’s y/n?” You were marking him like a dog, leaving bruises all over his soft skin. Chris practically ran to this place, breathing faster and flatter.
“Good wolfie. Don’t make Blossom wait.”
You switched from his back to the kitchen counter and sat there impatiently, while he was taking off your costume. You grabbed the bow and hair and wanted to help but he stopped you.
“No, wait”, he looked at you embarrassed again. “Can you.. Can you keep that on?”
Fuck, he was good. So shy and embarrassed, yet so kinky and horny. You wondered what else was living inside of him.
“Get on your knees.” He looked at you surprised but did as you told. Sat on the counter you crossed your long legs and observed him cautiously.
Chris was on his knees, his face right on the level of your crotch. If he wanted you to behave like a girl leader, you would treat him like a dog. You cooed at him.
“Does wolfie want a treat?” His tongue slid over his lips, anticipation clouding his whole body. You uncrossed your legs and spread them just so he could see your pink, satin thong.
“Does wolfie want this?”
He shot up, grabbing your thighs with his big hands. His lean fingers pressed into your flesh, turning the skin beneath it white. He was ready to devour you – you could see it in his eyes. His pupils grew darker, his breathing got shallower and the bulge in his pants grew bigger. He grabbed you by your hips and pulled you towards himself, towards the edge so he could face your crotch directly. Everything about you enticed him, making him lose his mind.
He was focused on your swollen pussy in that pink thong, barely covering anything. Dark patches on the fabric informed him about your wetness, leaking for only him. Chris felt his dick twitching inside his pants. You smelled heavenly and he couldn’t wait a minute longer to eat you out. Like a dog he approached your pussy by sniffing it, rolling his eyes in pleasure. He grabbed the hem of your thong with his teeth and pulled it off slowly, granting him direct access to your throbbing core.
“Fuck”, he muttered under his breath.
You watched him excitedly doing all of this. You had him pussy-drunk before he even tasted you, let alone entered you. You wondered how far you could take this and stopped him when he was placing kisses on your pussy.
“No no, not so fast.” Chris pouted and looked at you in dismay.
“Blossom, please. I’ll do anything, please.”
He looked up at you while placing kisses on your thighs, each kiss dangerously close to your core.
“I want you to beg.” His hands squeezed your ass as he was asking you to give into him.
“Fuck, baby, I’ll beg all night if you want to. Please, let me taste you. Let me make you feel good. I promise I’ll take you to new heights like no one before me had. Please.”
You grew hotter, squirming on the inside. Fuck, I want him to do that to me. All night, if possible. Look at him sitting there, batting his horny eyes at me. You want me that bad, huh? I’m gonna give it to you, baby boy. You can have your way with me.. But I will have my way with you first.
“No.” Your voice was bold, depicting your dominance beautifully. Chris watched you aroused, unknowing of what was about co come. “I want you to beg like a wolf would.”
He looked at you in surprise before grinning, totally loving this freakish role play of yours. His hands spread your legs even wider while he was licking his lips. You wanted to play the alpha? By all means, had it your way.
He took off his black pants, hence standing naked in front of you. It was hard to concentrate on anything but his throbbing cock which was pulsating for you. Hard like a rock and covered in veins for you. You gulped in excitement. He got back on his knees and looked up at you – total submission on his part. He was ready to beg, ready to be humiliated, ready to do anything for you. He kissed the insides of your thighs while making eye contact once more.
“Ahuuuuu”, he whispered in a rather deep and raspy voice. He leaned closer and kissed near your entrance, repeating the whole process.
“Ahuu”, this time shorter.
Once more he licked his lips and whispered “Ahu” before burying his head between your thighs, licking and sucking his way to heaven. Your head fell back in ecstasy, your legs shivering from all the sensations. His tongue was entering you forcefully, while his nose hit your clit in just the right way. It wouldn’t take long for you to come, and he could definitely tell. The grip of your thighs around his head hardened which made him lick you even more forcefully. You grabbed his dark hair, tugging at it, moans escaping your lips involuntarily.
“Fuck, Chris, fuck, Chris, fuuu-”
You came all over him. Chris leaned back and drank in your exquisite juices, smiling proudly like a kid on Christmas. You chuckled at his reaction, once again he was too cute for you to handle.
“Soooooo, was wolfie a good boy?” You already knew what he was up to but decided to play along.
“Yes. A very good boy. Tell me, does wolfie want a treat?” His eyes shot up in excitement once more.
“Is wolfie’s tail already wagging for me?” Chris looked down at himself, his full-blown erection giving him away.
He shied away, biting his pink lip. “I guess..”
“Come here.” He got up and positioned himself between your legs. You grabbed him by his neck and pulled him in for a kiss, tender and passionate like he was with you.
“Let me show you what a good boy you are.”
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helenvader · 4 months
I didnt even realize the wig was so hated. I was really shocked to see Charlie in the trailer because I was convinced they were going to hire another actor to play annatar to have the whole big reveal. And while I did immediatly get used to short haired elves i think its really fun to have more long haired ones.
Yes, the wig seems to be an issue. To be honest, I don't consider it weird at all. I can see why people think it's odd, but I just see a different version of Sauron and that's it. :)
I was *thrilled* to see Charlie as Annatar! I didn't expect it, either. No idea how they will go about it, my theory is that Calum Lynch will be shown in the beginning as the face the Elves see, and Charlie's face will be used afterwards for US. Or something like that.
I have seen theories that they will only show Charlie when he's revealed as Sauron, but I very much hope it won't be so!
I had no issues about the short hair, either. :)
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hotchs-big-hands · 1 year
ngl i would genuinely get off to making haley jealous and angry because of how fucking easy it is. my personal hc here but i think she was controlling and thought she had hotch wrapped around her finger and it infuriated her that his job was the only thing he refused to listen to her about. i also think she tried to baby trap him with jack in the assumption that would "fix" their marriage and when it only made it worse she blamed aaron for never being home when she easily couldve hired a nanny or regular babysitter so she could work or do whatever. i believe she cheated bc of that one phone call to their house when hotch answered and it was a random man asking for haley before hanging up and the look hotch gave her like yeah he knew she was fucking around too. i think it made her even angrier that when she filed for divorce hotch didnt even fight her onit! didnt ask to work things out or for counseling or anything. just "okay ill sign the papers when i get back from this case"
now assuming reader is mid twenties i think your very existence would have her enraged. aaron seems happier and even healthier. hes got more color in his face, hes put on some healthy weight, he smiles and laughs now, he takes more time off work, his life has clearly significantly improve since she left him and she cant fucking stand it. she thought she was the best thing that ever happened to him and now shes seeing in real time she's actually the worst thing ♥️♥️
and you thinks its funny as hell to watch a 40 year old woman with a whole ass kid be that bent out of fucking shape because the man SHE LEFT is fine without her. like yes maam i am younger than you, hotter than you, nicer than you AND i can ride the dick just right. stay pressed bitch 💕. and when she tries interfering in your relationship hotch asks you to put up with it just for a bit because he knows hack is still adjusting to coparenting and he wants the best for his son so you let him handle his exwife until she crosses a line and tries to accuse you of some shit and aaron finally puts his foot down and haley cant believe that shes really lost complete control over aaron (haha fuck you haley)
like i fantasize about a situation where haley is trying SOOOO hard to break yall up and drive a wedge between you two and it isnt until jacks birthday or some big family function aaron brought you too and haley cant help it but lowkey stalk yall all night and so youre like "aaron watch this" and you drag him off to some secluded corner and hes like ??? but you tell him "hold on baby give it a minute. bet you anything haley pops up" and then once you hear footsteps you give aaron a big fat smooch and surprise surprise!! whos coming around the corner? why its haleys stalker ass following you two like a creep!
i literally just want to cuck haleys pathetic ass because fuck her and her scraggly blonde hair and that nappy ass wig she had on in witness protection with her no-style-no-personality-all-about-me havin ass 😒😒😒😒
sorry this is such a convoluted mess i just hate that lady 😭😭
The SECOND she says smth nasty abt you Aaron is soooooo fucking pissed. She insults you saying you're just a whore sleeping with Aaron for his money (and cuz us babes are plus-size queens she HATES THAT) and that Aaron is not attracted to you.
And Aaron OOF he takes her to one side and tells her she is fucking nothing but the mother of his child now. That YOU are his everything. YOU make him the man he is now. He's fucking happy with you as the love of his life and that Haley made him chronically stressed and depressed and almost completely ruined his self esteem. He warns her to back the fuck off from him and reader. He does not want any communication with her unless it's to do with Jack. End of.
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bl00dlight · 2 months
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I dont think this was Ryan's intention but by attempting to make Aemond seem more deranged and 'humanise' everyone else, the show has accidentally made Aemond seem the most rational on team Green LMAO. Like? Yea no like, this episode - no baby g I get you. What the fuck is going on?
Also likeeee why is he the only one making sense? Like no I think he actually was kinda justified in being really upset - obviously not to the degree of.... well uhhh.... mass murder... BUT in terms of being fed up with Alicent. No he is totally right. Alicent was the one who incited this war, she indoctrinated him and Aegon from birth to fight it, to go against Rhaenyra... and now that he is basically going up against like seven other dragons, he has NO choice but ask Helaena to fight because??? What else is he going to do? Sit around and die? And Alicent is just lowkey like "oh well there is another way" and it's like well... no the fuck there isn't girl. And you know what? Even though I get why Helaena refuses, Aemond DOES also have a point that - from his perspective, she has to take action as Queen and show a united front. He is basically fighting the war alone. So like? Girl I'd be mad as hell too if my sister had a big ass dragon and she refused to help. He definitely could have gone about it a different way, like uh... not assaulting her. But in principle he was fully justified in asking her. I mean look if it were me I'd be ready to SUIT UP AND SAY SIR YES SIR. but I'm a slut for the man so....
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I think accidentally the show has become less tragic now that they continue to centre the show as Rhaenyra and Alicent's story over Rhaenyra and her siblings. I don't really want to see Alicent remorseful yet because... that's going to take away from her story overall and her arc when the dance is finally done? It was tragic in the books when Alicent's final wish was to be able to see her sons and daughter again. Like... I just... I mean okay hbo.
Criston Cole ate this episode. I loved his speech, I thought that whole scene was perfect. And honestly? Yes slay, finally he is cooking because I wanna die too rn King.
Helaena... I'm not sure what the fuck is going on with her and Daemon? I avoided those leaks and yea... that was weird as hell. Like even his face was like? What the fuck are YOU doing here? We've really spent no time developing her powers at all... and it's irritating to me. Because why would she be connected to the weirwood? Is this purely for the fact that she'll haunt Aemond once he gets to Harrenhal? Or.... was that just something fun to throw in there?
The CGI on the white walkers was.... I mean... clearly all the budget been going to the Velaryons wigs cause they have been EATING it up.
Speaking of that I love Rhaena so fucking much. She's become my new favourite on the Blacks. However not showing her claiming sheepstealer is a criminal offence.
Jace was eating again. He spoke nothing but facts and I get why he is mad too.
Ulf is fucking annoying.
Daenerys has always BEEN that bitch and will always be that bitch. So clock that.
Alys is??? Again... helping the Blacks? So... what does that mean for her relationship with Aemond? I guess... well, I guess I can only assume she'll be working to lead him to his doom, right?
Rhaenyra slayed a little but I hate this cult leader thing. It's so weird, I want my rage filled mother who mourns her son.
Aegon... I miss him for some fucking reason. But weird mention of his dick being chopped off.
Still no sign of Maelor.
Daeron yea yea I know everyone is quaking but it doesn't really matter since? I mean... this is unpopular opinion - but I'd rather he be cut then bring him in and have him be super irrelevant and take up precious screentime.
The pirate shit was fun, but three whole scenes? Again? THREE ENTIRE SCENES... when we still need to wrap up major plot points? Couldn't that have been achieved in two scenes?
Allyn ate Coryls up and I'm glad about it. That's what you get for being a deadbeat dad and cheating on your wife.
Love Addam, whom also ate Ulf up. I absolutely am pro Addam atm.
Baela being useless again.... which disappoints me... but at least she got another scene with Jace, instead of giving her an arc that explores the complexities of her relationship with Daemon.
And well...... Simon? His ass is cute and quaint.
Anyway, a part of me is lowkey excited to see Aemond fuck shit up. I honestly. I know I talk about what a shit bitch he is but, girl I LOVE HIM. Like LMAOOOO his ass so crazy and mad and as the youngest sibling myself, I lowkey get why he is so fucked off with his useless ass family. I don't blame him at this point because if my mother did that shit to me after priming me for 18 to go to war and now she is basically like 'oh no I'd rather go skip in the fields' girl.... it would be on sight.
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That being said this was a solid episode with some beautiful moments. And as always 99% of the actors were incredible, the score and the cinematography was unbelievable. And if this were episode 8 out of 10 I would be UNBELIEVABLY excited. But because it's the finale... I feel a tad underwhelmed.
I am going to go back and rewatch this season to check in and see how it flows. But yea, it is missing that magic season 1 had. I'm not sure what it is.
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crushedsweets · 11 months
anon... yes i like this. general disclaimer this is tailored to my au !! stuff under cut
toby likes it, thinks its fun and stuff. he's not the type to dress up beyond like, maybe a jacket and a mask or whatever, but he'll go and buy(steal) stupid ass halloween decorations from spirit or the dollar store. there r several mini skeletons sitting around his cabin. he treats it like elf on the shelf, but. . . skeletons... def will sit around and watch scary movies with a bag of halloween candy . totally carves pumpkins with whoever will do it with him
tim wouldnt really want to do much cuz he's just tired, but he probably would put out a small little pumpkin and bowl of candy outside his door. he's in an apartment so he doesnt really get trick or treaters. will prob buy some candy after halloween so its on sale
brians so annoying omfg(lovingly) he'd buy a fake arm, blood, and wig and stick it in his trunk so it looks like an arm is sticking out. yall know what im talking about. him and tim share an apartment so he'd prob try to actually put something simple around it, like some plastic pumpkins, but nothing really big. he is also a grown man with no kids, so he doesnt find himself going all out for these things
natalie. ok i recently made it where she's either already a tattoo artist, or learning to be a tattoo artist or whatever, but i could see her and some coworkers setting up the shop all halloweeny. she's so fucking tall that they'd just call her over for all the spider web stuff. she thinks its fun and she likes halloween a lot so it's cool. she'd get a huge kick out of doing halloween tattoos during october too. goes and hangs out with toby/nina for it
nina goes to parties . she HAS to get a whole new costume for every party. its super wasteful but she doesnt care all that matters is shes sexy. every year without fail she is a sexy gothic vampire for one of the parties. she works at hot topic, BUT she'd absofuckinglutely get a second job at spirit halloween for october. she's a creepy galll... def sets her apartment up super cutely, brings toby and nat over so they can carve pumpkins with her, tries to dress them up, etc. tons of halloween posts on her social medias too LOL shes so cute
jeff would prob also go to more like... weirder ( ?) parties with creeps and scary people roaming around just doing crazy shit. warehouse shit. prob finds someone to bring home and kill. he thinks its fun, its easier to just go about his days looking the way he does, he loves scaring the fucking shit out of people. doesnt decorate or wear costumes though, says its cringe LMFAO. hates how hyped nina is about it
jane and mary would totally decorate, but in a much more.. ? elegant ? way. like those tall skinny candles, swap out their doormat for something halloween themed, really nicely done pumpkins for some reason. jane would want to host a cute little halloween dinner for uni friends. probably just gets simple costumes, like she'd put on a witch hat and black dress and thats all, but its cute. takes sally (and ben, if sally asks him to come) trick or treating.
sally draws tons of drawings, loves disney halloween marathons, paints on pumpkins(doesnt like the smell of gutting them), etc. she'd decorate with jane cuz she lives w her. she loves it so much but she still gets scared of the animatronic things at stores and stuff LOL. begs ben to trick or treat w her. really embarrassing for ben
ben wouldnt do much besides like. he'd get worse w his internet trolling (scaring the fucking shit out of teens on the internet), start doing more actual hauntings bc nobody will believe his victims during october which means slender wont find out he's doing it. he would not want to go trick or treating..but he'd go with sally with a pillow case and he'd try to awkwardly stand further back but the ppl at the door would always b like 'aw dont be shy come here!' LOL
jack doesnt celebrate it, his family didnt really celebrate it much when he was human so he doesnt do it now. he does get kinda sad during holiday season though, cuz of obvious reasons, but halloween isnt the strongest Pain for him
liu is so fucking miserable theres no way. jk he'd set out like, some pumpkins and maybe get one of those lights that project ghosts onto his garage, but he wouldnt want to go all out or do anything to the inside of his house. jeff really liked halloween when he was younger so its kinda like ouch but he's getting overit. i guess. . .
kate doesnt..celebrate anything........ but when she does occasionally visit the cabin, maybe for food or a shower, and she sees toby decorated, she'd be happy to see it. she's kinda unsettling to be around, but she'd sit down and watch a movie with him in silence. then bring a massive bag of candy to the mine w her w/o telling toby. he just had to cope
ann and lulu dont do anything in the hospital. they dont really have any concept of time........... or the resources to decorate... and they dont get any trick or treaters... cuz theyre...stuck in an abandoned hospital in the woods . . . yeah..
ty for ask anoni like this one. very simple but very sweet
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Oliver Queen x Male!reader dating headcanons
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*Rafael Silva used as fancast*
● you met Oliver at a bar one night after work, he tried to impress you by buying you the most expensive drink off the top shelf
● it worked, along with his charming personality
● and it certainly didn't hurt how handsome he was either
● so you went home with him that night
● and then the next night
● and again the next
● within weeks he was calling you his boyfriend
● but it wasn't until a year later when you just so happened to be at a bank that was being robbed and the green arrow saved the day
● you went to see Oliver that night and found him stitching up a bullet hole in his waist at the exact spot the green arrow had been shot in at the bank
● he tells you everything starting from getting stuck on Lian Yu
● oh yeah and that his best friends Dinah and Roy are also black canary and arsenal
● it takes some time to adjust to this new discovery
● Oliver gives you space but once it all settles in you're back to your old selves
● "So you're really okay with this?"
● "I fell in love with Oliver Queen and if you and the green arrow are a packaged deal than I'll just have to accept that"
● did he come home to you one day trying on his suit? Yes
● and did he find it hilarious when you got stuck trying to quickly take it off? Also yes
● he tries to teach you how to use his crossbow
● "you know this is a lot harder than it looks"
● "it takes a lot of practice, you could always go get stranded alone on an island for five years like I did"
● "no thanks I would go crazy if I didn't get to look at that pretty face of yours everyday"
● Oliver is the proudest boyfriend
● he loves to show you off when you go out
● especially to big wig business guys he's making deals with
● "this is my boyfriend Y/N, let me tell you his entire life story and how amazing he is"
● and he will take any chance he gets to celebrate your accomplishments
● you got a promotion at work and Oliver used his connections to get last minute reservations at the most exclusive restaurant in town and bought a brand new suit
● speaking of, Oliver should not have been as surprised as he was when you showed up to the restaurant in a bright green suit of your own
● "Hey its like I get to show off that my boyfriend is the green arrow without people knowing that my boyfriend is the green arrow"
● he's super romantic too, he has plans for every anniversary you could possibly think of
● and valentine's day is his favorite holiday
● it's the one day where he doesn't take advantage of his financial status to take you out on an unnecessarily extravagant date
● and instead sets up a quiet dinner at home
● he pretends that he made the intricate meal when the private chef he hired snuck out mere minutes before you arrived
● so maybe he still spent quite a bit of money on that
● and on the ridiculously expensive wine
●… and on the bouquets of roses that all over your home
● after two years you thought you had gotten used to Oliver being a superhero
● but then Dinah kicks down your door as she and Roy carries in Oliver who is bloody and beat to hell, barely conscious
● "what the hell happened!"
● Dinah "deathstroke ambushed us"
● "look at him, he should be at the hospital!"
● Roy "and tell them what? That Oliver Queen is the green arrow?"
● you're pacing around as Dinah and Roy patch him up and he finally comes back to
● "Oh my god, Ollie you're okay, I thought you were going to die," you say kissing him
● "you can't get rid of me that easy" he jokes
● "it's not funny Oliver I was really scared"
● "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you"
● Roy "I hate to say it but this kind of thing comes with the territory of dating a superhero Y/N"
● Dinah "this isn't going to be the last time something like this will happen and next time it could be worse are you going to be able to handle that?"
● "I meant it when I said that I accept you and the green arrow are a packaged deal Oliver, I love you and I'm not going anywhere"
● Oliver "I love you too Y/N"
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
Okay okay with all the script hate for ATSV I'd like to at least take a moment to praise How they did Hobie right
And why they got Miguel wrong.
Mini-Ramble: The Concept of 'Can-dom'
a.k.a the writers really love Hobie and just fucking hate Miguel and it's borderline funny.
So, you know we are called fans, and we have a fandom. The fandom writes 'fanon'.
But what do you call the group of people who write canon?
And can the people who write canon also be a fandom in and of itself?
As someone who has worked on TV and film sets in NYC - across a couple of different departments - I can assure you:
And they act JUST LIKE US.
And I call it Can-dom.
And there's no better example of this, than the ATSV script.
Look at how they talk about Hobie:
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To the writer who described Hobie as 'strong, long, and skinny-hot' and his guitar as 'throbbing' idk what you were on that day but keep it up.
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Look at them rubbing their little writer hands together going 'hehehe they're gonna love this mfer to death he's so hot'
Miles calling Hobie cool and Hobie agreeing is literally just the writers complimenting themselves on how insanely rad and attractive they made their own character. I love it.
They could've done so much worse or described him as rowdy or cocky or rough but they're just like 'he's hot. really fucking hot.'
And everybody was in on it.
The designers read the script and was like 'really really attractive? the coolest fucking guy you've ever seen? ok boss'
and then drew a black cop killer with natural hair and beautiful sharp black features
Then the animation team looked at Hobie and was like YEAH HE'S SUPER FUCKING COOL
Then made a supercool technology just for the insanely rad punk character
AND THEY WENT TO DANIEL KALUUYA and had him do the super cool ironic funny lines for the super cool rad fan-favorite-to-be character
And then the whole production team looked at Hobie and they all looked back at their work and his arc and lines and design and animation style and they were like
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Because after months and months and months of collective effort and going 'this guy has to be so likeable that disliking him is almost a moral failing'
And then just like us they finally saw the finished product and we're like
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'THAT'S A WRAP. CUT. SEND THIS SHIT TO THE PRINTERS. He can't get any cooler we did it.'
Cause as someone who has worked in TV & Film and had been in the offices I can tell you:
Screenwriters are not some big wigs that come to work in suits and sit around on chunky laptops in complete silence sending emails
They are normal ass people in a cramped ass office and cubicles who joke with their co-workers, come in in jeans and a 'casual tshirt', and sit there chilling revising the same script a dozen times because they came up with a new idea that HAS to be in it. And sometimes they be having dogs in the offices.
They're dorks just like us. That's how they got there. By obsessing over the tiniest minute shit in stories and getting way too into characters and writing out our little stories.
To think they were squealing about Hobie Brown this whole time for years while making him.
And then giving him to the fandom and we're like FUCKING THANK YOU HE'S OURS AND WE LOVE HIM.
I know a lot of the time it may come off as a shady corporation manipulating the punk aesthetic for revenue - while it is that - its also an office full of writers and animators and designers literally making a mini fandom between them and snickering at their own jokes and ideas as they write this story I love it
It makes me think that - while the language towards Miguel is like.. undoubtedly questionable and something of necessary discussion -
I also just think that the office fandom just.. didn't fucking like him.
Like in the writers room over time they didn't like him and wanted to bully him 'ayo this dude is a clown and he's wildin out like a BEAST'
And putting in lines of Gwen clowning him just because the writers wanted to make fun of Miguel 😭😭😭
like.. just the thought of that.
- and the thought of the ATSV writers team just ganging up on him only for the animation team to turn around and be like 'give him the thiccest ass imaginable. make it clap when he walk'
And then for the production team to have to look at this script of Miguel and look at his dummy think design and just sigh and be like 'fine okay the lines are fine but you HAVE TO TONE THE ASS DOWN'.
We bully our OCs all the time
And yeah they took that shit wayyyy too far cause like... The Spot murdered people why are y'all not looking at him and also Gwens dad is an asshole
But a part of me feels like the writers and production were fandom before fandom was fandoming.
Just like us they hyperfixated on two characters, the same characters the fandom would later.
And like the fandom originally did, they really really liked Hobie and just REALLY REALLY REALLY didn't like Miguel.
We're all like 'haha let's bully the shit outta Miguel as a little treat' and then they start taking it too far 😭😭
I'm just going to lay myself to (semi-)peace with this thought. I know it's pure speculation - I repeat, speculation - but like, writers are genuinely just like us. I wouldn't put it past them.
With the way the script is narrated I wouldn't be surprised if the first draft they put
**MIGUEL collapses to the ground with GABRIELLA in his hands as she DEPIXELATES. A look is devastation crosses his face. Ha, get owned, you fucking idiot.**
Also they absolutely know about fanfiction. I haven't heard them talk about it and I don't know how much they know. But they know.
They may not be in the shows fandom, but they've usually been into older fandoms like Star Trek and thus know about the fanfic and shipping stuff.
If you read this far!! Hey hi how ya doing thank you for listening to my rambling. I wouldn't call this a full essay cause it's just my thoughts and opinions and like.... thoughts???
Anyway here's Hobie to make up for the fact I just said a whole lotta nothing
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(actual picture of me arsoning the Sony headquarters if they fuck up Hobies characterization and make me regret this post lol)
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acklestarkism · 7 months
SUPERNATURAL FINALE : an honest, maybe sometimes controversial, take on tv's biggest disappointment of this decade.
DISCLAIMER : in this essay, i will give my opinion about 15x20 of the silly long-running show Supernatural (no kidding???) and i stand by the fact that i hate it, BUT i am not just going to trash talk my comfort show the entire time, and will try to bring into light the things that actually worked (ahem, yes, i will try to find some...) in this episode. i don't need any attacks on my opinion, you can disagree with the things i am going to say, but let's stay civil, right ? hope you enjoy it !
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let's face it, no need to beat around the bush : Dean's death is THE worst thing that could've ever happened to us. 15 years of adoring, worshiping THE best character ever created on tv just for losing him ?? this way ?? feels (sorry but...) fucking disrepectful to me. and listen, i haven't seen that cursed episode again in six months, so don't mind me if my blurry memories are failing me... it still makes me so mad, that the episode starts on OUR beloved hero living a peaceful life, happy, kind of, finally free from god's (yeah, more like chuck) who's been through literal hell, faced a hundred deaths, just to end up on that stupid rebar. fuckin stupid quick, meaningless death of a HERO. i can't even think straight when it comes to this but what makes it EVEN WORST is the freakin comedic part of this episode. the pie in the face ??? when THE Dean Winchester is about to die ??? or Sam's fuckin hideous wig ??? the episode focuses on some POINTLESS hunt involving a fuckin vampire literally no soul remembered from season 1 (if you did remember without even looking it up and just happen to have this knowledge, i am sorry AND really impressed) ?? are you just kidding ?? your main character dies, and you just make it absolutely no big of a deal ? i could not. disrespectful, once again.
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Dean isn't even the only one who's been failed on this finale because the same disrespect is put on Sam. i'm not bringing back the wig again (BUT THE WIG THO ??? i know the budget is low with covid and everything but come on ??) but the blurry wife is the icing on the cake. but where they failed Sam the most is the way in 15 years (okay this is not only finale related but i thought it deserved to be brought into light) they never EVER gave the man a real closure with Jess. they literally bring every character back from the dead, or at least give the boys an opportunity to say goodbye at some point but they never even cared giving Sam a proper closure from the most important relationship in his life. this, pals, makes me insanely angry. but at least, Sam gets to live and have an ordinary life until his last breathe.
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Castiel isn't even really mentioned again ?? i mean, no need for a long thesis about this shame but he's been a fan favorite for YEARS and they just ???
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i reached the part where i have to list the things that worked for me in this cursed episode. well. it gave us Dean x Miracle ? the man deserved to have a dog. and it was one of the cutest thing they ever did on this show. Miracle is somehow Dean's little sparkle of joy and hope after losing Cas. kudos (somehow, in a way, i don't know) to Dean's last speech to Sam, and their heartbreaking exchange. it really moved me, and made sense, it was in character. Dean dying on his feet was also appreciated (and those kudos go to Jensen, thank you buddy) but i will explain why in the next paragraph. anyway, i don't have anything more to add, and trust me i tried really hard!! oh, the photography was also decent, but it's one thing Supernatural always did well, so... not surprising.
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i am NOT a supporter of Dean dying in the finale, and i am thankful to the wonderful talented writer in this fandom for their amazing fix-it fictions on the finale. this ground is covered, so i am leaving you with ao3 for all the ways the show could have ended WITHOUT Dean dying. my man deserved to be happy and free ans well. i am going to cover the ground of THE WRITERS REALLY WANT DEAN DYING. fine. i don't agree, but you do you baby. 15 years of the show, Dean Winchester was depicted as a HERO. the fanbase has been dedicated for FIFTEEN FUCKIN YEARS and being myself a 2006 Supernatural fan, this finale made me feel like it was a total loss of time. as i said before, i WORSHIPPED (and i still do) this character like i've never worshipped any other character. what he (and we) deserved for always sacrificing his own happiness and life was to die the hero he's always been. to die, i don't know, saving Sam one last time ? with a show with great biblical implication, didn't he deserve a great biblical tragedy ending ? something huge, epic ? and i know this could be controversial because they are no longer under the influence of god himself, but he could have been paralleled to Jesus somehow, just joining heaven next to Jack and Cas as his mission on earth was over. i don't know. just thinking about things.
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what could've also been great would have been Dean's life flashing before his eyes as he was dying. glimpse of unseen good moments, memories, as a tribute to the character. once again, he deserved no less than to be praised for everything he did for his family, and for the world.
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anyway. revival is now a thing all over social medias and it could both heal us, or destroy us. it raised a lot of concerns, the most important being will Cas' confession finally be aknowledge ? i sure hope it will for misha's perfect delivery of it, and his fight to allow his character to be himself fully. but i also hope this revival finds a way to "cancel" the mistake the writers made with this finally. it could make sense. it could be yet another illusion, trick, anything really and they could (just like us) pretend it never happened (spoiler alert : it really never happened) and i don't want my hopes too high. but it's possible.
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thank you so much for your attention. i wanted to write an essay about the finale but i feel like i've been here and there talking nonsense. i've never really expressed my disappointment before, as it was something really personal to me, but i am glad i finally did. there could have been so much more things said. or said in a better way, but i tried my best :(
love y'all, spn family <3
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not-goldy · 10 months
Letter lyrics hitting me hard in the face right now & make even more sense now. "Don't worry, just stay by my side. We don’t know what the future holds. And that’s scary and makes us afraid, But don’t forget that we’re always together." Jikook have probably had this enlistment together thought out for a long time. They're scared, but they know they have each other, even in their darkest days. My blood pressure cannot handle this.
Jikook would rather serve together, endure all the challenges & all the risks, then to be without EO. I don't have words, honestly. The first few weeks of training are the hardest. The training & adjustment to military life/schedule. It takes a toll on you mentally & Jikook chose EO to go through it with. They had options to do alone or even do with Tae, both of them did, but they chose EO. They did it to rely on EO for comfort And shippers who are mad, wanna downplay their decision & make excuses cause its not your ship that you were begging to enlist together. Sorry You can't. No excuses this time. If this is true & it really does happen I think a lot of people will slowly open their eyes to Jikook. This isn't something small, its a big life decision they made together, to be together, to serve together, even if its only for the first few weeks in the beginning (which are the hardest). They wanna get through the hard time together. Its either gonna break them having to watch each other go through all that horrendous stuff both mentally and physically or its gonna make them stronger or both. Jk's biggest challenge will be trying to not intervene. We see how Jk flinches if JM jumps up and sometimes jumps up with him on instinct. Resisting the urge to take over for JM if something is too hard, something Jk has done for years, but they'll get through it. They're professionals & knows the other can handle themselves.
Also, saying Jkk are making this out to be a honeymoon. FUCK YOU. This is what y'all were doing for months about your own ship and wanting them to enlist. Vmin shippers, minimoni shippers, Tkk & YM shippers. Wanna see the receipts, cause I got them. Actually, we crying, throwing up and fucking terrified for Jikook, even if they do go together. Unlike you all, we support two queer men who are going into an extremely homophobic environment with an already target on their back. Shame on you for not even mustering up enough love in your heart to support them the way deserve. You will be the ones to burn and rot and hell, not us. Your souls will never see heaven. I promise you. Just know Jikook's love, whatever type of love it is, outweighs your hate and there is nothing you can do about it.
Listen.... you are talking bout Jimin's lyrics.
This is Jungkook:
we'll survive the test of time
They can't deny our love
They can't divide us, we'll survive the test of time
I promise I'll be right here
Standing next to you
Standing in the fire next to you, oh
You know it's deeper than the rain
It's deeper than the pain
When it's deep like DNA
Something they can't take away, ayy
Take-take-take-take-take-take off
golden like the sun and the moon (you already know)
You don started something
Now I gotta cook. Hold on
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daenysthedreamer101 · 5 months
HOTD S1 Rewatch
Ep 5 - We Light the Way
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Oh, this one was messy!!!
Viserys dragged himself all the way to Driftmark - he was so desperate to marry Nyra off to the Velaryons 😭
Daemon killing Rhea... *disappointed head shake* RIP Rhea you were too much of a girlboss, Daemon couldn't handle you 😔
Rhaenys was so cute when she entered the Hall of Nine. The way she said "Cousin!" to Viserys gave off the same energy as when Robert said "Caaat!" to Catelyn. It must be the Baratheon blood lol
Ok, so Nyra's conversation with Criston. Even though his offer is ridiculous I did feel bad for him, kind of.
Idk, just the way Fabian delivered his line he just sounded so pathetic😭 and it did hit me a little bit. Especially the way his voice broke when he said "It is the only thing I have to my fcking name!"
But obviously, Nyra declined. She said do you see this platinum blonde wig? Do you see this lace front? I'm not taking care of that on my own lol
No but for real, how was she supposed to say yes to his offer? Yeah she may have complained about her station over the years but she matured and realized this is bigger than her and her desires, as Viserys said in ep 4
Larys is slimy and shady I don't like him!
We come to the wedding. First of all, I gotta say I hate Nyra's hair! Omg, who thought of that? I like the rubies in the hair but I don't like the way it sits on her head, it looks weird. Also not that big of a fan of her dress. I guess I don't like the design, idk.
Love Laena's dress, she looked great. Daemon also looked great.
The way he just barged in and Viserys let him stay 😭
Jason Lannister is sooo corny with his sexist joke about women, good on Nyra for rolling her eyes at him 🙄
Something I didn't catch on the first watch is that when Alicent enters, everyone stands up except Daemon. I love him for that!👏
My man Harwin looked so good! He and Nyra were so cute dancing!
Not at Daemon heavily flirting with the bride at her own wedding, bye! I know Viserys's blood pressure was through the roof!
Joffrey should've kept his mouth shut, seriously.
Something else I saw people saying on the internet is that Criston as a commoner, wasn't raised at court so he doesn't understand court politics and the way nobles talk. I believe that's also why he fumbled so quickly when Alicent was questioning him.
It wouldn't be a GOT wedding without someone dying, now would it? 💀
I love when Lyonel nods to Harwin and Harwin starts slamming people left and right and the way he picks up Nyra and tosses her over his shoulder? Ughh that should be me!
That shot of Laenor screaming over Jofrey's dead body broke me!
And then, he has to marry someone else he has no interest in while the blood of his lover is still on the floor...sickening!
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔
𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐑𝐡𝐞𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐲 & 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: swears
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
gif credit: @rebecca-quin.
・You had been taking Barbie to see the new toys in your closest mall. She instantly went to the doll section, where there were many Barbies (that made her nostalgic) lining the aisles.
"Oh! They've come out with a new one! Oh we so have to show Mami this one-" Barbie said as she took a box from the shelf and showed it to you.
・The box said in big purple letters: 'Barbie as a wrestler!' And it had her alter identity - a purple wig with make-up you could add onto her, it also came with the championship belt along with other accessories.
・Both of you were excited out of your minds, and couldn't wait to send a photo to Rhea
・Rhea was currently in another state, probably in the gym. You both went to as many matches as possible, but sometimes Rhea had to travel just to film scenes
・And yes, you both call Rhea, 'Mami,' it's like a proper nickname. Any weirdness has been erased from it
・Barbie cries while watching nearly every movie - even lighthearted ones.
・When your relationship was first beginning to solidify, Barbie said that she wanted to experience the whole of being a human. (Even though you shook your head).
・To Rhea, that meant taking Barbie on every rollercoaster???
・To you, it meant a lot of sightseeing and listening to people's stories and histories.
・You three like to travel together; Rhea always has everyone's luggage under control, you have everyone's passports, and Barbie makes sure everyone has sunscreen on/has drunk water/gone to the toilet
・You honestly make a great team
・And although Barbie could be thought of as a stereotypical dumb blonde who is inexperienced and a lost puppy - it's far from the truth. She's a quick learner, very kind, open-minded and adores animals.
・It was actually Rhea who put a stop to Barbie's endless adoptions. Because she would save animals who were due to be put down because no one wanted them. But she got too emotional when they got hurt or had to go to the vet (she gets attached to things very easily).
・Dom is a tad jealous of the relationship you have with Rhea. But again, you and Barbie let him fawn all over her during the WWE episodes.
・He's a pretty cool guy though, and has invited you to a few of the WWE parties
・Finn is polite, but doesn't really talk to you guys much. Damien is different though, he's very inclusive and loves seeing you two with Rhea.
・He calls you and Barbie his "best girls!"
・So, all in all, Judgement Day approves of you - not like Rhea would care if they didn't (they would not go against her ... ever)
・Barbie is a nose booper
・Rhea was actually the first person to say "I love you"
・Barbie has bandaids on her ALWAYS
・You try and keep your relationship on the DL when in public - for many reasons actually. Rhea has fans, and you don't want to bring too much attention to the fact that Rhea and Dom aren't actually together. And you don't want attention from the public - Barbie definitely doesn't. The thought actually causes her to hyperventilate.
・You and Barbie have scary dog privilege with Rhea - no one fucks with you.
・Rhea actually hates being in small areas - she's a bit claustrophobic
・You and Rhea let Barbie practice make up on you. She's ... getting better at it ...
・You're the blanket hog btw - Barbie and Rhea always whine when you roll up in the blanket
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Style (cover) by Ryan Adams
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Black Cat (You) x Golden Retriever (Barbie) x Doberman (Rhea)
The Impulsive (Rhea) x The Chaotic (You) x The Unheeded Voice of Reason (Barbie - surprisingly)
Makes A Mess (Rhea) x Cleans The Mess (You) x Is A Mess (Barbie)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆  
Secret Dating
𝑵𝑺𝑭𝑾 🔞 no one under 18 past this point!
・It took a while for all three of you to figure out how sex was going to play out
・It took Barbie a while to understand her own body, so neither you or Rhea pushed her. You were both patient in letting her discover herself.
・But Barbie knew she liked women...
・A lot
・When entering the human world and deciding to stay, Barbie's body changed. So she does have a vagina
・And she very much likes to receive head. That's one of the things she's adamant about liking. She may still be discovering things - but Barbie loves head
・Rhea is a dominant person, but also likes to be dominated. Ironically, Barbie really likes to dominate and you're a big switch.
・Barbie likes to sit on Rhea's lap and nuzzle into her cleavage - pretty much making her a boobs gal, but she does like to check out your ass's every now and then
・Rhea is ass over boobs, it's why hers is so ... supple
・The bedroom is the best place to do sexual things as a throuple
・You guys have tried the shower (someone always got too cold), the bath (not all of you fit), the car (same thing - it was too difficult to manuever), toilet stall in the airport (way too sus with three people)
・So it's the best at home, where you have a lot of space to move
・Barbie makes very sexy moans; when she's about to cum, she makes a loud whine that is the prettiest noise
・Rhea LOVES dirty talk
"Whose in charge?" You growl in Rhea's ear as Barbie grabs and kneads Rhea's ass
"You are," she rasps
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daddymilker691 · 1 year
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It was the 1980s and David was down on his luck he played rugby and football and was generally one of the lads and of course there was no internet in those days so he scoured newspapers desperate to get a job he would take almost anything one day in the back pages of Time Out magazine he saw an advert live in maid can be male or female uniform will be supplied he dismissed it I can’t even think about doing that job he thought to himself but it was the era of thatcher and times were rather desperate reluctantly he dialled the phone number , a woman’s voice replied rather curtly ( yes what do you want ) he found himself slightly stammering at this woman’s voice so assertive I’m very interested he said hating his reply and secretly cursing her rich bitch he thought to himself come around at four pm and be prompt the phone receiver was sharply put down David was bemused as much as anything he boarded the number 11 bus from Sloane Square and arrived at what he could only consider to be a mansion in Knightsbridge he nervously knocked on the door the door was opened by a rather strict looking lady about mid forties attractive but in a rather boyish way bloody dykes he said under his breath she was taking control of the situation something he certainly wasn’t used to she turned on a flat heel your bath has been run you will shave your legs and put on the uniform I’ve left in your quarters my quarters he thought to himself what the hell have I got into , but money was money and the house was quite amazing big vast sweeping rooms and when he opened the door to his quarters he was astonished to see a large mirror lit by sparkling lights and a freshly ironed maids uniform he thought to himself this is luxury he enjoyed the luxury of an amazing bath and reluctantly started shave off all his body hair finishing his bath the first one like this he had he walked into what she referred to as his quarters cursing himself he slipped on the thinnest denier stockings that existed and soft silky panties putting on his uniform and taking the make up he applied lipstick and powder and eye shadow then he put on the brunette wig and did a twirl in front of the mirror omg he thought to himself what’s happening to me as he found himself so aroused his cockette was positively straining in those black satin panties , just then he heard a knock on the door and a rather elegant somewhat older man entered you must be Davina he exclaimed what David exclaimed no I’m David not in my house your not came the reply now Davina lift up that pretty skirt I need to inspect your panties David just moaned out loud
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Your post about the Victorians’ attitudes towards the Regency is so interesting!! Do we have any examples of them satirizing or otherwise lambasting the attire of other eras? My teacher once said they hated the Georgians but I’ve also read that was a big 1870s influence so unsure if that’s right.
I think this is where it helps to remember that the Victorian EraTM was a 60-year span of time, and the Georgian era similarly expansive. Parts of it were in and out of favor during parts of the former, so it's not quite correct to say "the Victorians hated the Georgians."
(Also, for fellow non-Brits who were confused by the Georgian/Regency distinction like I first was: the Regency was part of the Georgian era. So were most of the 1820s and 1830s. Georgian does not just refer to the panniers/powdered wigs period. The more you know!)
There was a massive late 17th/early-mid 18th-century influence on fashion in the 1870s and 80s, yes! It's why I get annoyed when people claim that bustles are based on the- very real -exploitation and fetishization of Sarah Baartman (c. 1789-1815). They became popular nearly 60 years after her death, and took inspiration from clothing that went out of style decades before she was born.
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(La Comtesse de Mailly, 1698)
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(1720s dress, National Museum, Norway.)
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(Gown from the Met Museum's collection, c. 1872. Note the ruffled 3/4 sleeves, skirt back fullness, and appearance of an underskirt/overskirt arrangement. Low-ish, square necklines were also popular at the time, though not universal.)
As for satirizing other eras of fashion, I'm sure it happened in abundance; what interests me more, however, is the spreading of outright misinformation about how their ancestors dressed. One of the best-known examples is their take on the "iron corset" of the Medieval and Renaissance periods:
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(Illustration from The Corset and the Crinoline, published 1868. One 1871 writer from the London Times dismissed the notion that such garments were orthopedic devices as "superficial falsehood," despite the fact that we now know- and clearly at least some people did back then, too! -that primary sources identify them exactly that way.)
While real examples of iron support garments do exist- as do extant accounts identifying them as medical aids -a roaring reproduction trade sprung up during the Victorian era. At least partially for fetish reasons, it is now believed, echoing the anonymous tightlacing erotica found in such publications as the misleadingly-named Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine.
And that's just one example. The more things change, the more we remain convinced that our ancestors were complete idiots who had no idea how to dress themselves sensibly.
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