#YEAH I FEEL THAT. it WAS moving so fucking fast until all THIS.
gamblersdoll · 2 days
an: this one may not be suitable for all readers
sometimes you were a nasty bitch. like, really, really a nasty bitch.
so nasty to where you tended to like being called a slut, some cockdrunk whore from down the street who loves big men.
so nasty to where you loved being spat on, a man so mean to you and pulling at your hair like handlebars. even when your black tears of mascara dripped down your face.
so nasty to where you had fantasies about your boss bending you over his desk and fucking into you for such a raise, it became a one time thing.
so nasty that youre fucking your best friends father. and not only that, your friends father knew you for so, so long.
you had came back from college, coming home for summer break and seeing all of your old friends from highschool. of course, you had to see your best friend, megumi.
megumi and you were tight, staying together as best friends since you were practically kids was the longest relationship youve ever even had. of course, there was ups and downs, but its reality.
you had came home only last week, settling in at megumis house because yours was full of people your sibling had over. you, knowing that megumi’s house was your second home, went there second.
and to your disappointment, megumi was staying at yuuji’s house for a bit. no biggie, you knew his father well enough. toji was more the quiet and speak when spoken to type. ever so rarely would he speak first, but when he did it was sometimes either sarcastic or serious.
“you can stay in megumi’s room, you know where its at.” he pointed, not facing you and only finding his shoes to go off to his gym for that couple of hours.
that was a mere day ago when that was said.
sometimes toji did want to just ramble, so every now and again, hed just start a conversation with you when both are in the kitchen.
“yeah, megumi’s mother and i had divorced a couple of years ago. it was stressful, to say. but sometimes that just happens.” he vented, not seeming too fazed by it. he was somewhat right, marriages did come with divorce too, but its all about the persons.
“im sorry to hear.” you mumble, fingers tapping on the mason jar. “on a brighter note! how have you been this week?” you try to change subject, usually being great at this.
“ive been good.” he blankly says back, washing whatever dishes could be in the sink and occasionally looking at you. god, youve grown up so much— and fast too. he remembers when you were just barely moving here and you befriending megumi.
was it wrong that he was looking at his sons friend like this? maybe. and was it wrong you were somewhat looking at his print too? definitely.
that was almost four days ago when that was said.
you both were more open to conversations, both bored and of course megumi was coming over any time soon. so what harm was in having a conversation with his father?
“im glad you passed, youve always been great with color guard.” he praises, a small smile until he involuntarily licks at his scar.
things like that could make a girl hot and bothered. no, thats wrong. thats nasty.
but you could feel his lingering eyes on your grown up body, seeing the curves you developed and the pretty ass thighs you got from the slight athleticism. youre shaped so good, could make a grown man hot and bothered.
“you know..” he trails off, finally peeling his eyes from you and then staring at his phone again.
the relationship between you two spirals, soft touches that can be seen as innocent, but only you two know what either of your actions mean. and because of toji having to be a single dad at some point, his cooking could speak volumes. volumes that you could fuck him good with.
that was a week ago.
you were really some nasty bitch that was hidden with your face and mouth.
telling by the way you sat back, legs spread wide and toji having his face in your cunt.
“how the fuck do you taste even sweeter when i go back for it..?” he growls the question, hands supporting under your thighs to keep them apart. “so fucking wet.”
your moans vibrated in your throat, fingers in his hair and tugging so tight when he gets that good spot on your clit. the spot that makes you snap your legs closed and had you cross eyed.
he chuckles meanly, tongue flicking at your clit and he spitting the arousal mixed fluids back onto you.
until he hears a door open, him stopping and putting a hand over your mouth. he glares at you for a second, “hush.” he says.
“dad!?” megumi yells through the house, your heart stopping and nervous.
“yeah? what you doin home so early?” he yells back, his thumb giving small circles on your clit. he listens to megumi, then smiling evilly and chuckling. “well, just came home from gym so im showerin’!”
words exchanged, he goes back to laughing a bit. you couldnt find this funny, what if he catches you both and tells everyone?
“what are you freaking out about?” he looks and asks, dumbfounded face apparent.
“what about megumi, your ex wife finding out?” you whisper shout, nerves bad and jittery.
“well, they was gonna have to find out, somehow.” he shrugs, eyes lowering to you and. hell no, you couldnt risk that.
you start to gather your clothes, or at least attempt to. “mm–no you dont, come here.” he softly says, hands on your hips and face going back to your clit. “oh, im going to have so much fucking fun with you.”
you bite your lip, eyes squeezed shut when he goes back to slurping your clit and tugging at his hair. “toji, what if i get too loud?” you try to say, almost cut off by a moan.
“i dont fuckin’ care.” he says quick, pulling himself away from your clit. he looks to your panties, grabbing the pair and shoving them in your mouth. “you are the one who has to be quiet.”
you moan soft, toes feeling like to cramp because of the hard curls. “you have a choice to make.” he says in between sucks and slurps. “either you can stay here.. cunt open, legs spread wide–“ he says, but pulls you back in when you squirm, “aht aht, dont you go anywhere.” he says, kissing your clit and sucking while his tongue goes in and out of your walls.
“either you can stay here, cunt open.. legs spread wide.” he repeats, he kissing your clit and labia. “and cum on my fucking tongue..” he starts again, “or you can make me stop.” he goes for your nipple, fingers pinching at the bud, “ill pull my tongue out of your cunt..”
“and you can put your clothes back on and pretend like nothing happened.” he says mouthful of pussy, hand’s massaging your thighs.
he pulls away, looking up at you. “whaddaya’ want?” he asks, chin and nose glossy from spit and cum.
you try to pull his head back down, him being awfully stronger than you and he laughing. “thats my good girl.” he laughs again, leaning up to kiss you. a growl forms, “fuck!” he says in anticipation.
“dad? you good?” megumi shouts out, concern but uninterested as well.
“yeah, slammed my toe.” toji shouts back, mental focus back to your cunny and his eyes rolling back from the sensory overload. megumi doesnt show back, both of you hearing him leave the house and car cranking up.
“get on your belly.” he says, yanking the panties from your mouth and flipping you over. you chirp, ass getting goosebumps from the exposed air hitting it.
“gunna fill your belly with my hot fucking cum.”
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A Lack of Engagement Pt. 3: It Gets Worse
[Previous Chapter: Here. Morning regrets, and a search for dick... That's what we're working with here, expect no less.] Below the cut.
There's something uniquely mortifying about being caught jacking it, even if they are ghouls and they're all pretty open about their sexual escapades, this is a little different.
Rain can feel the building of his orgasm, much to his own horror, continue in spite of Dew standing in the doorway, staring!
He's just frozen there, eyeing Rain's dick with an expression he can't quite read, and then he opens his mouth and-
"Why is it blue...?"
-Rain gives a noise of distress, wanting to curl into himself and perish on the spot, but he can't stop himself from giving his cock one more tug, and somehow that's the one that does it.
He has to grip the counter to stop himself from toppling forward with the force of it, and Dew is definitely going to kill him for cumming in front of him like that!
Except he doesn't.
Dew doesn't make a move towards or away from him.
He lingers, and as Rain comes down from his high, he can see the other man's face growing pinker and pinker.
At some point, Dew holds his hands up, face beet red.
Rain tries to speak, but he's still reeling from his orgasm, and trying to breathe normally.
"Fuck..." he manages, "'m sorry..."
"...Your... Your..." Dew swallows, "I..."
They both stand there for a moment before Dew does something that makes Rain gape at him like a fish.
He shuts the door.
Closing them both inside the room.
Rain isn't sure what's about to happen, but the energy in the room has shifted in a strange way, and either Dew is really going to murder him or-
"...I mean, it's fine, right?" he says finally, "We're... married, so... We've probably..."
The kraken stirs.
"Dew, I don't-" Rain coughs, "-I don't think... Um... What're you doing?"
Dew has his thumbs hooked into his boxers.
"E-Eye for an eye, yeah?"
Rain wants to stop him, wants to grab his hands and stop him, but about partway through that thought, he dares a glance at Dew's crotch, and, well-
"...Oh my fucking god."
He's not sure what he expected to see Dew whip out, but this was not it.
It's about four inches long, flaccid, but wriggling with some interest as Dew takes it in hand.
A knock sounds on their bedroom door and Dew hastily packs himself away while Rain does similar, wiping his hands off on a nearby towel.
"Oi, lovebirds! You're gonna miss breakfast if you don't get your asses up!" Cirrus calls, then, after a pause, "...Don't hurry too fast though, Aether's teacing Aeon how to make pancakes, and I think I smell burning."
Rain and Dew share a look, considering.
Okay, okay, okay...
"We're gonna pretend that didn't happen." Rain says finally, and Dew nods, "We've gotta... We've gotta focus up and figure out how to turn things back to normal and find the... giant metal penis."
Dew frowns, but nods his head regardless.
There it is again, that strange hesitance.
Rain wants to say something about it, but he also doesn't want to risk making Dew uncomfortable, although-
"I'm... I'm sorry you had to see my dick." Rain apologizes.
"No, no, I'm sorry I showed you mine!" Dew trills awkwardly, "Don't even... Like you said, let's pretend this all didn't happen."
Breakfast is... tense.
Tense, and burnt.
Aeon tried his best, but even with Aether's help, half the pancakes could be classified as briquettes, and Rain isn't sure if he can drown them in enough syrup to make them palatable.
Dew is struggling in his own way, trying to scoop up a wayward strawberry with his fork and failing miserably, until Rain jabs his fork into it and holds it up to his face.
"So, what's on the agenda for today?" he asks the rest of the pack nonchalantly as Dew considers his angle of attack, popping the fruit into his mouth before going back to carving at one of his pancakes, which basically snaps under pressure from his knife.
"Ehn, there's a meeting going on with Copia and the rest of the clergy, something about changes to the hierarchy, but nothing that involves any of us at the moment." Aether explains, "Aside from our regular duties, our schedules are all fairly free for the next week or so until they get everything straightened out."
Rain hums and pokes at his breakfast.
"Maybe we could all watch a movie together??" Aurora suggests, the only ghoul actively crunching on the burnt pancakes, giving Aeon a thumbs up when he deposits more of his charcoal bits onto her plate, looking embarrassed, but proud, "Something scary!"
As others chime in with their assent, Dew nudges Rain under the table with his knee, prompting the water ghoul to give a little push back, the two bump each other back and forth for a bit before Rain notices their packmates looking back at them.
"What about you two?" Aurora asks, propping her head up on the back of her hands, "Unless you have other plans...?"
Dew opens his mouth, but finds himself at a loss for words, looking over at Rain, who thinks for a moment before shaking his head.
"We have a, uh," Rain rolls the word 'date' on his tongue, then eyes Dew.
"I don't want to ruin the surprise." he says finally, "He's been hounding me all morning about it, even broke into the bathroom to interrogate me about what I have planned!"
"I DID NO-" Dew balks, then remembers, flushing bright red, "...actually, yeah, I did..."
The table erupts into laughter, save for Rain, who silently thanks Dew for going along with what he said, because, well, it is the truth, albeit not all of it.
"Ohh~? Loverboy is finally making up for forgetting his hubby's birthday?" Swiss teases, pointing his fork at Rain, "Trying to win back those brownie points, huh?"
Rain blinks, sitting up straight.
"I did not forget Dew's birthday." he says, sounding very offended, "I took him t-"
He stops midsentence, slapping a hand over his mouth as he recalls how the two of them spent Dew's birthday this year.
It had been a special request from his friend that they not tell the others what they were getting up to that day, even if it wasn't anything outright embarrassing, Dew had been adamant that no one else know what their plans were for his birthday.
They'd gone to the aquarium, and had spent the entire day joking about which sea creatures they'd eat or had eaten, and at the end of the day, Rain had gifted Dew a marine biology textbook, since he'd been aching to learn more on a scientific level about the creatures they'd encountered.
Rain himself had purchased an octopus plush for himself, which was absurdly large and difficult to smuggle past the other ghouls to avoid suspicion, but worth it in the end, because it really did bring his room together...
"You took him where?" Swiss probes, watching Rain squirm under the attention.
He coughs into his fist and shrugs.
"Nothing." he says, "Just saying I didn't forget is all."
"Secrets, secrets are no fun, unless you sha-" Swiss starts to chant, but Dew shuts down the nonsense by scooting away from the table and standing up.
Rain blinks at him, "Oh, uh, alright-"
"You, too." he adds, grabbing him by the scruff.
"OOOOOOH~!" the other ghouls laugh, "Someone's in trouble~"
"...Shut up." Rain mumbles, letting himself be dragged away by the shorter man.
"So... *come* here often?" Dew jokes, and Rain almost chokes on his spit.
They're standing in Rain's on suite again, having decided, for whatever reason, that talking behind a door that literally does not work is better than standing directly in his -their- bedroom.
"Sorry, that was... Anyway, I wanted to discuss our game plan." he says after helping pat Rain on the back, "We have all week to work unimpeded looking for that statue, after that, it'll be difficult to find a spare moment where both of us can look for it together."
"Right... Even if we could look for it by ourselves, the magic only works if there's more than one person present... at least that's the theory we have going, yeah?" Rain concludes, and Dew nods, "That being said, so far, nothing seems out of place aside from, well, us."
"Us being a couple is a significant change, especially since, based on what I've seen on my phone, we've been together for a while now. Like, years." Dew says, slipping his phone out of his pants pocket, "...It'd be one thing if the statue bound us together with some stupid spell, but this is going too far..."
"I'm sorry." Rain apologizes, "I know being married to me is-"
"I mean, it's one thing to mess with our friends' heads and implant memories of a wedding that never happened, but, like, c'mon, let me remember this stuff, too!" Dew complains, startling Rain, who was not expecting this conclusion, "I kept looking through the pictures on my phone and I don't remember any of this, it's not fair, man!"
Rain tilts his head.
"You... want to remember... or, rather, you'd want the spell to make you think we've been married?" he tries, pursing his lips, "What?"
Dew freezes.
"I... Yeah... Maybe..." he rubs his arm, "It just feels... off... otherwise."
Rain feels an ache in his chest.
"Dew, do you... Are you saying..." he pulls back and sighs deeply, "Dew, you're my best friend. I love you, but I'm not in love with you."
"...Same... Same here." Dew replies, but he can't hide the brokenness in his voice, and Rain remembers then Dew's insistence on trying the statue again.
How he'd said they had to be serious.
...How the spell supposedly only worked if the pair before it were lovers.
But it had worked with them!
It had worked, and the statue had even called them out on it!
Rain watches Dew wipe the corners of his eyes, trying to hide the hurt spilling from them.
...could it have worked because of something one-sided?
"I'm so sorry." Dew whispers, "I didn't... didn't want you finding out like this. Sorry, I... I'm sorry, this is how I feel."
"...I'm sorry, too."
The search for the statue is an awkward one.
Dew is still reeling from having his feelings exposed so easily, and Rain is in the midst of processing this new information, trying to figure out how he could have possibly lead the other on.
It's not that he doesn't find Dew attractive, or that they don't get along -they get along very well- and, sure, Rain did jack off to him this morn-
Rain feels a stirring inside of him again.
Goddammit, he thinks, is this part of the spell?
As they browse the abbey's art collection for signs of one large dick, Rain finds himself thinking back on a lot of things.
This isn't the first time he's thought about Dew like that, but he's always managed to push those feelings down pretty well.
Somehow, it doesn't feel right that he's ONLY interested in Dew's body like that.
He likes Dew, he loves the guy, but... not romantically.
Does he very much want to fuck him though?
And that's what has him shoving it all into the back of his mind.
Trying to at least.
It doesn't feel right that Dew LIKES him and that he just... he can't reciprocate it.
If he only wants Dew for his body, that's like a whole new level of leading him on.
Yeah, they're ghouls, they fuck around and move on, but things can get messy when feelings are involved.
Cirrus and Cumulus are a fine example of just that.
He cringes at the memories of their fights when they were together, how hard it had been for them to navigate the balance between the sexual freedom they both craved while being devoted to one another emotionally.
It was all a giant shitfest, until they stepped back and actually talked about what they wanted and realized they didn't click as well as they initially thought, and while they're happier than ever now... Rain can't put Dew through that.
But then again, who says monogamy is what the guy even wants?
They probably talked about all of this at some point, given their relationship status in this version of their reality, but it probably didn't happen over text, so fishing through his phone some more isn't going to help their situation.
He has to find that stupid fucking statue!
Rain looks around the room, searching for Dew amongst the various artworks on display and comes up empty.
He feels a mild panic coming on when he sweeps his gaze over the room and, again, finds nothing.
He looks left and right.
"Hey, hey, Dew, where are you??"
...He's gone.
Shit, shit, shit-
"I'm right next to you, you jerk." A familiar voice grumbles from beside him, and, upon looking down, Rain meets the disgruntled gaze of a very annoyed ghoul.
"Oh, shit, I-I didn't realize you were there-"
"Yeah, sure. Whatever. Let's just keep looking." Dew mutters, clearly unhappy, "Let's get this over with already."
"...When we get back..." Dew says, "Don't talk to me."
"...For how long?" Rain frets.
"Forever if you want." he replies, hands in his pockets, "Since you're so tweaked out about shit, and this isn't something you get over in a day, or a week, or a year or whatever..."
"I can't just stop talking to you, you're my f-" Rain starts, but Dew cuts him off.
"Yeah, you're my friend, but you're already looking at me like I'm a freak because of how I feel, and I don't think I can come back from that, Rain." he places a hand on his chest, "Shit fucking hurts..."
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pumpkinroll · 2 days
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history class ↪ obey me! thirteen x f! reader︱one shot (1.3k) tags: 18+ only, dubcon, public sex & some exhibitionism, fingering/oral on reader, use of “my girl” & “good girl”, some dirty talk, established relationship, pervy levi (just a cameo)
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“Eh? Who are you!?”
You couldn't remember the last time Thirteen actually showed up to class willingly.
She rolled her eyes and let out a dramatic sigh, “I'm allowed to be here y'know!” 
The reaper plopped into the seat next to you and opened her textbook, huffing, “I can come and go as I please, I just felt like coming today! Nothing wrong with that. Hmph.”
You cocked an eyebrow, wondering what she was really up to, before opening your own textbook to today's history lesson. You patiently waited for the professor to start as he fumbled around up front trying to get the projector started.
“Just saying, don't try to copy me if we have a pop quiz, you're on your own.” You shook your head and turned your attention back to the professor, who was already drawling into the lesson.
He never failed to make minutes seem like hours. 
You turned your head slightly to glance at the beautiful reaper, wondering how she was holding up.
To no one's surprise, she was already fast asleep on her textbook, snoozing away without any care in the world. You love her — but even you fail to see why she bothered to come today.
At least the two of you were furthest in the back, the professor paying no mind to anything other than what was on the board.
“Mmm…mmmff…just a little…more…” Thirteen murmured. You glanced to see some drool on the corner of her mouth and a not-so-angelic look on her face. To be fair, that's rarely a thing to begin with.
Leave it to Thirteen to have a wet dream during class.
You peeked around hoping no one heard her and luckily all seemed well. Levi who was in front of you was thankfully engrossed in his game.
Gently you shook Thirteen’s shoulder and woke her up, looking none too pleased.
“Hey, c'mon! I was having the BEST dream, what the hell!” she whisper-shouted, shuffling around in her seat, her thighs rubbing together. “You were so close — !”
“Excuse me!?”
Thirteen crossed her arms and shot you a pouty look, “It's been a while since we fucked, don't tell me you haven't had any urges lately!?”
Mortified you looked around once more, hoping no one heard her, noticing Levi ever so briefly stopped playing his game before continuing. He was probably just changing to a different game; at least that's what you told yourself to feel better.
“Ugh, Thirteen, we can talk about this later!”
“No I want to talk about this now. I've barely seen you lately, I miss you, you're always so busy...” A perfectly manicured hand rubbed your thigh with a feather-like touch. Teasing. Just the way you love it — it then clicked and you caught on to what she was up to.
You bit your bottom lip before taking a quick shaky breath. 
“That's not f-fair…” your voice cracked, “Let's just talk after classes later and —” 
Her hand moved higher up your thigh, beneath your uniform skirt. “Can you really wait until later? Can you resist this?” 
Lime green eyes scanned the room quickly and in a flash she pulled her top down, revealing big soft bouncy breasts and perky pink nipples to match.
She smirked and shook her breasts, “Your favorite yeah? — Ugh, Levi I'll cut off your balls with a rusty sword! Turn around!” Thirteen covered up quickly before anyone else noticed, grumbling about the otaku in front of her before turning her attention back to you.
“Anyway…” her hand resumed rubbing light sensual circles upon your upper thigh, getting dangerously close to the aching spot between your legs. “I just want a small taste. Just stay quiet and enjoy it alright?” 
You let out a small sigh and nodded, feeling crazy for going along with it but feeling a thrill from it at the same time. Thirteen always did have that intoxicating power over you. She, ironically, always made you feel so alive.
“That's my girl~ ♡” she murmured, her finger pressing softly against your clothed clit, making you squirm in your seat.
You tried to keep your attention on the professor, hoping to not rouse suspicion to the back. You thanked Diavolo's decision for the enclosed desks at the academy also wondering how many others have used this to their advantage .
Thirteen tried to follow your lead, resting her cheek on her hand as the other one beneath the desk continued rubbing up and down along your slit, relishing the sweet damp spot that's formed.
She slowly added more pressure against your cunt, feeling the pool of stickiness seep through the thin fabric, covering her fingers. A small giggle escaped her lips before finally pulling your drenched panties aside, rubbing her thumb against your naked swollen clit.
A barely audible moan escaped, you felt your face burn as you tried to keep your focus on the lesson.
Why did you ever agree to this!?
Your legs betrayed you and opened further on their own, letting her delicate fingers toy around your sopping wet cunt, another small moan slipped between your lips.
This is way too dangerous.
Reaching down, you reluctantly pulled her soaked fingers that were pumping into you, away from your cunt.
“W-we should s-stop…s'too good—” you feebly spoke.
“What? No way…” Thirteen glanced towards you and waved her wet fingers before sucking your essence off them, “Yummy as always. Definitely not enough for me nor you.”
“But — ”
Unfortunately, the reaper swiftly and quietly slipped beneath the desk, propping herself between your slick covered thighs. Her hot breath tickled your exposed swollen clit.
Oh no. 
Oh fuck. 
There was no getting out of this. Not unless you wanted to get caught by everyone. 
Panicking, you peeked around before glancing back down at the lewd sight between your legs.
“Such a good girl, look at this pretty wet pussy,” she licked her plum stained lips, holding eye contact with you as her warm slippery tongue slipped between your folds. “Mmm...'could eat you all fucking day.”
You bit your lip as hard as you could, daring to not let a single sound out no matter how much you wanted to.
It had been ages since she went down on you and you never imagined this would be how she would do it, never imagined how fucking good it would feel. So fucking naughty and dirty but so sinfully good.
At this point, you had no idea what the lesson was about, you could only focus on the way Thirteen deliciously wrapped her lips around your sensitive clit, sucking and licking while her fingers fucked you to a new height of pleasure. 
“Your cunt is so delicious, ” she mumbled, flattening her tongue and lapping along your slit.
You closed your eyes and panted as quietly as you could, unable to stay silent anymore, your mouth slightly agape.
Opening your eyes again, you briefly saw Levi gawk in your direction — undoubtedly knowing what you two were up to. You didn't care anymore, you knew the pervy demon would keep quiet.
You stared at each other for a few seconds as you continued lewdly panting before biting your hand, closing your eyes, and putting your head down on the desk. Fuck you were so so close. 
You rocked onto Thirteens tongue, aching for release. 
Grabbing the back of her head you continued rubbing your clit against her tongue before finally reaching your peak, squirting into her mouth as a small groan escaped you. 
You continued panting as your eyes fluttered open, riding out your high. Luckily there was still no one aware of what was going on in the back of the room.
Well, except Levi, who you could see was jacking off beneath his desk and very shortly let out a satisfied grunt. Figures.
Once again, Thirteen swiftly made it back into her chair, wiping her mouth as she grinned and looked to you.
“See, that was great right? Let me know if you want to go again.” She teased, giving a flirty wink. 
You let out a satisfied sigh and fixed yourself up before cleaning your chair just as the bell rang for the next class.
“You know damn well I do. We're going back to my room.”
Thirteen squealed and grabbed your hand as the two of you rushed out the academy to get back to the house of lamentation.
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divider by sister-lucifer
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nozunhinged · 3 days
my love sea rollercoaster
Okay so I was at the forefront of the love sea haters (don't ask me about mame I don't know anything about that discoure you can read why I didn't like it here if you want) but as weak as I am I kept watching and ep 2 still didn't do it for me but ep 3 turned the boat around so fast that I feel absolutely sea sick (literally!!) right now -- and because the discourse and perspectives on tumblr made me try to keep watching unbiased, I'd like to share my five cents as to why the story suddenly works for me after I've spent the first two eps rolling my eyes so hard I got a migraine.
I think it comes down to three major moments, with their conflict as the turning point
When rak started spitting the most degrading speech going at mut for dragging him out of the house, literally blowing so fucking low the blowjob mut was wishing for in the end was sky high terrain, I went "ok that's it, I'm turning this off" -- rak said word for word "no means no" but mut still kept pulling him I was close to angry tears what a fucked up situation that is, I thought.
But just as mut made rak snap out of it with his unimpressed reaction, so did I.
It was like the first half of the episode flashed right in front of me within the second rak was speechless. He was so on edge from the many calls he had in the first part and before that the diving incident -- he was streched out so thin that of course he would fall back to his default mode which is insulting anyone who dares to get within a 10ft radius of him. And then a guy who even dares to break down his pretentious walls? Better double down! (I'm still mad about raks tirade though, I would've dumped him in the sea right then and there)
But here's the thing, mut isn't fazed at all. Like, at all at all. And that's exactly what rak needs in this moment. Someone to vent his anger at so he can collect himself. We know now that mut had it a million times worse than this and his reaction isn't just because he has the hots for rak, it's literally his character. They both would react the exact same way if it was any other person. The difference? They develop an emotional bond over it and that's how they move forward. CHEFS KISS!
You might think but noz, of course its his character, thats the whole point? Yeah but not to me.
In the last two episodes, it felt like everything that happened between them was excruciatingly forced by the narrative (see my yaoi-post why I despise that) -- that everything between them is only brought out because they met. I know that thai bl (no, lets say the romance genre in general) has a big issue writing and introducing characters in a manner that makes their romance believable, but most of the time I can overlook that because we're not here for deep literary masterpieces, we're here for the smooches and the fumbles. I get it.
But when it feels so forced like it did the last two eps to me, even I just check out. So I already shelved that series in my mind and it's the first time I get so damn humbled that I have to write down a million paragraphs to defend myself lol. I think my longing for watching a believable lovestory reached so deep that it contributed to my current brainrot.
Don't get me wrong -- I attest this shift 100% to fortpeats insanely stellar acting. They make the characters believable and they make me understand why rakmut are prefect for each other although I HATE their dynamic. But that's the beauty of a good story my friends, I get now why their pulling and pushing works for them and I'll gladly watch them do that! Because until now, no aspect of the show managed to do that, neither the narrative progression, nor the editing, writing or pacing. Nothing. It was all just a jumbled, annoying mess.
So what's different now? The story lets fortpeat finally shine! (Accidentally maybe?)
Someone already said that the scenes are stale and slow (cant find the post anymore sorry) due to the fact that nothing is happening other than the two of them talking in the same position behind a different background and I 100000% agree. And the only way this poor choice is saved by is fortpeat. I was hanging on their lips for every single word. Their dynamic was suddenly so clear and palpable to me, I struggled to breathe properly. Rakmut are fucking made for each other and I'm losing my shit over it.
I can't believe they managed to make ALL the flaws of this show just POOF -- go away??? And it just keeps going like that. I could write 10 more pages about the little details of their dialogues that cemented my impression but I'll try wrap this up first.
The two other pivotal moments (to me) were muts reaction to rak telling him about his name. Yes, you read that right. Now that I finally understood how these two are ticking, I absolutely 100% understand where mut was going with this objectively BONKERS suggestion. Rak drops this bombshell of a trauma on him and he offers to do exactly that too??? Well, in muts head this is the only way to make rak understand that the outcome can be different. So of course, this idea would only work on him. Made for each other, I'm telling you. Two pieces of a fucked up puzzle.
Now, that scene.
First, doubling down on how much worse mut had it. (I'm not talking about his house thats a topic for another post) I think this one little story was enough to land the punch, the talk last ep was too long and clunky. I wouldve loved to have a scene where the guy who was fired tells the story to someone and rak overhears it, not understanding a thing and then putting the pieces together when mut starts talking I-- oh I think i wouldnt have survived that, I cried then and there already.
Well yeah I was in tears when they started fucking that was awkward but again raks reaction just made sense. They don't know each other that well and rak only knows one way how to make mut feel good which is riding him to the moon and back. And as a little cherry on top he completely let loose without any restraints.
There's already this amazing post by @hanhonymous which explains perfectly why the pillow talk after works so well as it does, so I'm not gonna say anything more. Just know that I was full on bawling at this point. When rak said "try it" it lost it. How he encourages his island boy who said "someone like me" a million times in the last ten minutes was perfect. Beautiful. Absolutely wonderful. Even his false lead felt perfect for this moment because only this way mut would understand that rak is absolutely serious.
I don't know how the bangkok arc will play out, my hopes are not very high but I will forever have this lovely little episode. And their lovely little pillow talk. And when they confess and love each other for real I will once again cry like a loser because fortpeat are amazing. Please someone get them a high quality production they deserve it so much.
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crimeronan · 1 year
WHEW okay. ROUGH fucking start to the morning but things are gonna be okay now. putting under a cut for people who don't care abt my endless unrelenting medical drama but for those who do. Come On This Fucking Journey With Me.
so, necessary background.
i have been having intermittent medical emergencies since february and my doctor has been trying since march to get me a specialist rheumatology appointment. the rheumatology clinic keeps ignoring the referral and/or saying that they need more paperwork and documentation for it.
my doctor has at this point provided them with
her physical observations of my visibly abnormal symptoms
all of the many many many many Many medications i've been prescribed and their effects on said symptoms
multiple different types of positive ANA showing i have uncontrolled progressive autoimmune disease
all my negative antibody tests (have yet to test positive for any one specific antibody)
my doctor - who is excellent - has also followed up with them repeatedly to try to get me scheduled. because i am dying. like i try not to be super dramatic here bc i don't like worrying people and maybe i'm overblowing my symptoms but like. when you're at the point that one of your partners schedules an impromptu overnight flight to come up and monitor you for a week bc your other partner is on vacation & you're in danger of stroking and being unable to call an ambulance for yourself if someone isn't in the room to notice the signs...... i feel like at that point it's fair enough to say I Am Fucking Dying. i am dying. i've been dying for months. like very slowly and inconsequentially but MORE THAN MOST PEOPLE ARE DYING AT ANY GIVEN TIME.
so two weeks ago, after even more fucking phone tag, rheumatology was like. we have all of your tests and documentation now. we'll call to schedule you in soon :) if we don't, call us in two weeks!
today is, of course, the two week mark.
i thought it was strange that they hadn't called because my current symptom progression is usually triaged as The Top Tier Of Autoimmune Medical Emergencies. and my doctor herself has gotten me in for same-day appointments whenever i develop new symptoms because i am apparently not being fucking dramatic about how fucked up i am.
but! rheumatology is overburdened by a combination of COVID-era backups and a MASSIVE influx of newly disabled people with long COVID. and they're dealing with the same understaffing and shortages as the rest of the healthcare system. so it wasn't THAT weird.
called the clinic as soon as they opened this morning. was put on hold for a few minutes, which is normal.
guy gets back on the line. informs me they actually Don't have the test results that they need to schedule me (even though they TOLD ME THEY DID two weeks ago). and that they can't help me.
at this point i got off the phone and had a hysterical crying breakdown so profound that multiple partners swooped in to make a Shitload of Very Testy phone calls to various places on my behalf. bc they love me and are wonderful i am very loved. i have been taking the whole "actively dying" thing in stride for months for the most part but apparently this morning i hit my Fucking Limit. because OH MY FUCKING GOD.
so after an hour of hysterical crying, the receptionist at my main doctor's office calls back. she has always been very kind and takes calls from me / my partners extremely seriously, because of..... you know. The Everything.
she's just as kind and sweet and apologetic as ever but also there is kinda an undercurrent of apoplectic fury. she's spent some time trying to figure out What The Fuck Is Going On. turns out that
there was one more test rheumatology needed, even tho they said they had all my documentation. ok. fine.
my doctor did in fact order this test immediately after my last appointment.
i did in fact have the bloodwork done for this test immediately after my last appointment. like within an hour.
there was NO REASON for rheumatology not to have these test results.
that the phlebotomist who took my blood.
ran every fucking ordered test.
the one.
i needed.
to get scheduled.
with rheumatology.
so i've been waiting two weeks for fucking Nothing. because i thought i had my referral sorted. and the rheumatology clinic did not fucking inform my doctor that actually! they were wrong! about having the documentation to schedule me in!
the receptionist called up the lab to make sure that they Can run the necessary test. confirmed that they can. then she called up the rheumatology clinic and sent over all of my current documentation all over again and told them to be on the lookout for the final test. THEN she called the lab AGAIN to say, "hey, i'm sending you this order electronically, but i'm making an extra note that you guys need to do it right this time, AND you need to treat this as highest priority n analyze the results immediately. and i'm giving you the specific test number right now to make sure you fucking write it down correctly."
and then she gave ME the test number. and said "write this down. and when you get there, ask them what the number is for your test. and make sure that it matches."
which all took up most of her morning and truly was going above and beyond, all she really Needed to do was resend the lab order n tell me to go get more blood drawn. ESPECIALLY since it's an indie office & she handles ALL of the patient scheduling and bureaucracy.
but she is mad. and also i have dying patient privilege.
i felt much better after this because tbh half of why i was so upset was because i already know i have multiple forms of irreversible damage to various body parts and i really fucking physically feel like i get closer to dying every day and i really cannot fucking deal with being triaged as a non-priority possibly-faker hysteria patient.
but this does not seem to be the case.
so. unless something ELSE manages to go wrong with all of this bureaucratic bullshit, what's going to happen is: i am going to drive to a lab 45 minutes away to get my bloodwork done today bc that's the closest place with same-day appointments. i am going to call my doctor's office and tell them that the blood test was done, bc the receptionist said to call her from the parking lot once i'm finished. my doctor is going to receive the test results and send them to rheumatology either today or tomorrow. and within two weeks (Supposedly For Fucking Real This Time), rheumatology will ACTUALLY FUCKING CALL TO SCHEDULE ME IN.
in the most ideal and luckiest world, i will in fact be triaged as an emergency case. which means things will move fast in terms of both getting a call from the scheduling team and getting scheduled in. however it's also possible that they will have patients who are in, like, multi-organ-failure shutdown crisis, who obviously need to be prioritized above me. i do have endless paper documentation and visible physical symptoms stating that i am very very very sick, so. fingers crossed but i don't want to jinx it.
this post is very long. medical bureaucracy is a nightmare. i am very very very lucky and blessed to have so many life partners who are willing to advocate for me because as you can imagine, none of this is easy to navigate when you are unbelievably fucking sick and have a brain that is progressively losing the ability to retain language or executive function or memory.
in conclusion.
being sick is so stupid.
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dutybcrne · 2 months
From a very young age, Kaeya held such a fondness for handholding. Whether it was his father clinging tightly to him to make sure he didn’t get lost, Adelinde’s gentle, grounding hand closed over his to comfort him whenever his nerves got the better of him, Crepus’s rough-palmed, firm yet comforting grip as he brought him back home, or, as it was most often of all, Diluc’s warm, yet at times uncomfortably tight hold as he dragged him anywhere, everywhere, determined to always keep Kaeya close and eagerly show him all there was to see, Kaeya treasured the gesture greatly.
Of course, being as shy as he was, initiating it himself was always the harder part. So much so, he would tend to hold pinkies, rather than outright take a person’s hand in his own. Eventually, it would become his most common way to go about the gesture of affection.
#hc; kaeya#//Handholding is one of his favorite ways of affection bc 1) it’s not too overwhelming when it comes to his touch aversion#//The sensation is all focused in one spot; and even then; it’s more grounding than uncomfortable bc of how firm people’s grasp tends to be#//He really took to holding pinkies bc he realized he could ‘test’ people that way#//If it was a bother to them; they wouldn’t blink twice before moving their hand from his hold. so rejection isn’t as BIG; more subtle#//And if they Liked it; they could either accept it as is or make him happier and take firmer hold of his hand#//Once he was more confident; he would go straight to more outright handholding. Klee ofc got that RIGHT from the getgo. Bc she is smol &#liked him from the start. Even if her Pyro energy did make him uncomfortable at first; but he got used to it. for her#//Luc made it easy to go right to it to—the kid would always seem to know when he wanted to hold hands for whatever reason and grabbed hold#before Kae could link pinkies. kae did like the fact that Luc would Pout the few times Kae did link pinkies instead of hold hands#//Pout; & snatch his hand firmly in his like ‘Why did you do that? THIS way’s better’. Love the image of bby!Kae grabbing bby!Luc’s sleeves#but lbr; they deffo held hands a lot as kiddos. Bc we all know just how (canonically) indulging Luc is with whatever Kae wants. Once Luc#//figured him out; it was a Very common sight; seeing Luc tromping around like the proud lil protector he was; & Kae scurrying after him#//Lil subtle delighted gleams in his eye compared to Luc’s more overt confidence and joy. So common a sight; it was no surprise that#Kae was Deffo distressed when Luc inevitably grew out of it. Adjusted; yeah; but the sudden Change was deffo NOT good for his nerves#//Clung to Addie a lot to make up for it; until he heard the maids tittering abt how childish he was being#//He quit that FAST; finding other ways to stave off his nerves and show his affection#//Sometimes when he’s drunk at Angel’s Share; he gets tempted to hold Luc’s hand—an old habit dredged back up bc he wants comfort#//But any sudden moves Luc makes; whether bc he noticed Kae reaching out or not; utterly scare the urge away every time#//He’s made his peace with Luc resenting him; but it still stings that the ONE person he felt closest to is now practically a Chasm away#//Not like he helps any with that; running away or lashing out every time Luc tries to bridge gaps or shows concern#//Sends him into fight or flight mode every time—who’s to say Kae won’t fuck it up and make a Luc regret trying?#//Might as well sabotage it all himself—at least THEN he knows with utmost certainty it will end failure. Whoops veered off topic#//The closer he is to someone; the more likely he ends up toying with their hands a bit—esp if Interested in them#//Likes playing with their fingers; linking; unlinking and slotting them together; tracing lines on their palms#//Cute shit like that. He likes seeing how they fit together; the differences in size and how they feel#//This was all bc I saw a detail from a show pointed out on the Twitter ndnfn. And thought the pinkie thing was SO cute. Anywho#//Hi. Shit happened irl & I am still not 100%. Not saying what bc it’s not a pleasant topic; but know I am ok#//Just a lil tired. But kinda wanna hcs for rn. I had a lil burst of energy earlier today. that was nice. Over a long dead show; no less#//But it helped lift my mood a bit. I still kinda wish I could drink rn tho. Think it’d help my brain rn
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heartsburst · 3 months
me every time i kind of forget and leave something to the last minute: what if i gave up. what then.
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nomaishuttle · 9 months
im always like wistfully sighing one day i will live with somebody who loves me and we'll cook together and itll be so romantic and then i remember when i was a kid and my mom would force me to let my sibling help me bake and id get so mad that i considered fratricide
#in my head cooking is a very nice calming thing however every time i Actually cook its like a fucking battlefield its genuinely dire#its entirely my fault bc i always turn the heat up so high and then i get stressed bc im like ITS COOKING TOO FAST ITS BURNING AND THE#MIDDLE ISNT EVEN COOKED and its like . yeah man bc you have the heat full blastt 😭😭but if i have it low im like This is taking too long.#even worse if im cooking a dish/meal that has multiple components and i need 2 be prepping one thing while another thing is cooking#and they all have different cook times so i have to make sure they all get done around the same time. it does make me cry a lot#one day. i will have my own house where i feel safe and i can cook and learn how 2 cook in a way that doesnt make me burst into tears#one time. evil. at home i was just gonna make myself pancakes 4 dinner and then my entire family was like is for me? so i had 2 make pancak#s for everyone meaning i had 2 make Good pancakes bc idm if my pancakes r a little burnt or whatever and ik my family doesnt either#but in my head im like If i give my family burnt pancakes they will hate me until the day i fucking die#so i was already stressed bc it went from making like 5 silver dollars to like 30 and the first 2 patches were burnt and everybody was#running around and it was So hot and then the smoke alarm came on and we had just moved in so i didnt know where it was to turn it off so i#just sat down on the floor and started sobbing LOL#my mom finished the pancakes thank gd. but basically it was very scary and i Want to learn how 2 cook but i fink it needs to be#cooking for only me until i feel comfortable cooking more food at a time#bc making a lot of food stresses me out to much As seen above.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#um so i just got some mildly life altering news#and bc i dont talk to ppl irl i come to yall to gossip bc i dont think id be allowed to talk to ppl here abt this anyway#so my boss got a job offer from another school and shes gonna take it starting in January#shes gonna take it bc the school we're at now fucking blows and does not treat her or anyone especially well#our fucking building is so fucked and its not Even that old#the autoclave is constantly broken and like thats vitally important for like 3 labs and the heating is fucked#if the lights go out stuff gets fucked up. the air is constantly not working#its all fucked and i dont blame her for leaving. i would too#but my plan was to be in a phd by next fall. so where does that leave me?#my options are to go with her to this school in a city that i profoundly dont wanna live in and roll thst into a phd with one of the#astrobiology ppl there. when they're stuff really isnt of interest to me#or i could stay here for the spring and talk to her over zoom and finish up our projects and then the money runs out at the start of summer#so ill probably do the latter bc i wanna get outta the fucking desert and i literally just renued a lease until april#but yeah. that kinda wild. now ive really gotta get serious abt finding a program bc the end has a hard deadline now#and i dont wanna end up living at home with my parents like my loser sister. no judgment on moving back in with parents#she was just real mean to us growing up so i passively resent her for it#anyway what a weird weekend. yesterday i was all... its not mania idk what to call it. i was being crazy and my brain was going too fast#and ive not been sleeping well so i woke up feeling real real bad#like the kinda tired where everything is kinda spinning and unreal#then i had to go talk to this guy in the lab abt coding stuff in the lab for like 2hrs and it was way over my head#and then i got this news. so now im laying on the floor#hhhh well maybe this is a good thing. maybe its the push i need to stop being so fucking depressed and actually focus#i only have to keep doing this shit until next summer. i can keep it together until then#unless these last projects destroy me like they have every other time ive done the same thing sigh...#ugh shut up! focus. find a school. find a program. get the fuck outta the desert#unrelated#also apparently im the 1st to know abt this info bc it literally just happened so yeah i dont think im allowed to talk abt it
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ilygetou · 10 months
zoro with a huge cock he doesn't know what to do with it
i shall elaborate. ૮˃̵֊ ˂̵ ა
cw. fem! reader, breeding kink if u squint, inexperienced!virgin! zoro (but it’s not mentioned), zoro lowkey acts like a pervert, solo male masturbation, hand/blowjob, cowgirl position, lots of cum, awkward boners, boob job, facials, creampie and/or breeding, damn this shit kinda long :/
note. this was supposed to be a 500 word thirst but i ended up writing this 2.3k monstrosity. so enjoy!
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zoro who’s dick is so big & thick he doesn’t know what to do–every time he’d get a hard-on it’d always end up being awkward cause’ anyone who’d be there present with him would be able to notice it. The baggy clothes he’d be wearing would sometimes help him cover up his ridiculously huge erection but zoro still thinks it wasn’t enough coverage.
And when zoro thought it coudn’t get any worse, you suddenly came in the picture. Making the poor man suffer from even more awkward boners.
When he would be hanging around the crew but suddenly he’d get a sudden flash of your face & then he’d be put into this awkward situation. Having to rush to the nearest bathroom in the sunny to take care of his hardening cock.
The whole time zoro was in the bathroom, he would be letting out frustrated groans, he was stroking his cock in an aggressive manner–throwing his head back in frustration and groaning cause’ he was nowhere near his release. And he wishes you were there with him. Because, come on, you were the reason for all this to being with.
Despite zoro’s huge dick, he had heavy breeder balls that’re filled with his hot sperm <3 And zoro sometimes wishes you were with him right now, so he could empty his balls deep insides your cunt. It’s a real shame you aren’t a member of the straw hats, otherwise, zoro would have you stuffed with his massive cock all the time.
Everytime zoro goes off to jerk off, it’d always end up with him edging himself. He thinks he’s doing something wrong at this point–no matter how fast and rough he would be stroking his shaft, it was nowhere near enough and he would never be able to orgasm. Zoro started thinking that the reasoning for this is his ridiculously huge cock. That has to be the reason.
Every time zoro would finally be close to having sex, the person he’s about to fuck always ends up running away as soon and they see his sheer size. So he has been always insecure about his dick size, he’s supposed to be the greatest swordsman for fucks sake. And here he is worrying about the size of his dick.
Maybe if he had a medium sized dick–he would be able to cum as many times as he wants. But with this big one? Yeah, zoro doesn’t think he’ll be able to know what an orgasm feels like any time soon.
That was until zoro bumped into you coincidentally, you greeted him with a sheepish smile and pulled him into an unexpected hug, the poor man felt his face grow hot,, and suddenly his cock was slowly hardening. Zoro curses under his breath, scolding himself mentally, this was not the right time for this.
You were babbling about things you saw on your journey, all while using hand gestures to explain things, you had a small spark in your eyes and zoro could almost feel bad for ignoring whatever you were saying and instead focusing on the way your tits bounced with every move you made, and his eyes travelled downwards to where your crotch was. Your pussy was covered from the layers of clothes you were wearing.
Zoro couldn’t hide it anymore, his erection was poking his clothes and zoro’s face immediately went pale once he saw you take a glimpse of his hard-on. “Zoro we can continue talking in the sunny if that’s alright with you? ’M just tired of standing” and zoro immediately agreed, thinking you actually just wanted to talk–cause what else would you do? A sweet innocent, angel like you wouldn’t pull anything inappropriate.
Zoro had a confused expression when he saw you enter his room instead of just going to sit in the main area, he had an even more confused expression when he saw you lock the door–leaving you two trapped in his room. And when you made zoro sit on the edge of his bed as you went down on your knees, that’s when zoro completely lost it, finally understanding your true intentions.
His lips curved into a smirk once you started tugging on his baggy pants, “oh?” he chuckles, zoro really wasn’t sure about this. He was worried that you might get scared and leave if you saw his ridiculously large cock. “you sure ya’ wanna do this?” and you looked up at him with pleading doe-eyes, you pulled down your shirt, your tits bouncing from the impact; “mhm, wanna have you cum on my face n’ tits, please?”
Zoro’s breath hitched, completely mesmerized from the view in front of him. You finally tugged down his pants, his cock slapping you in the face–zoro immediately muttered a ‘sorry’ his face already turning red. But you honestly didn’t mind, what shocked you more was how big zoro was, you knew he was going to be big by the way his erection was poking his pants but not this big.
His tip itself was huge, it was mushroom shaped and had a pinkish color to it, his shaft was a very light shade of almond, pre-cum dripping down his base and you couldn’t help but worry if it’ll be able to fit inside your mouth or if it’d be able to go between your tits. While you took your time eyeing it, zoro immediately grew worried & insecure–is it too big? did you not like it? And then zoro thought that what if you won’t be able to make him cum as well? He had so many futile jerking off sessions he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to cum anymore.
Zoro was snapped out of his thoughts when you wrapped your small hands around his dick, you had to use both hands to be able to fully satisfy zoro. You started with his tip, circling your thumb around the head until zoro started groaning from the feeling. Slowly moving down to the base and giving it small strokes using both hands, zoro gripped the sheets of his bed–it was completely different from what does.
Zoro would usually just go straight into it, moving his hands rough and fast to get himself to cum but it never worked. But now that you were the one doing it for him, it felt way better than when he does it alone. You were cradling his cock, kneading the tip gently, moving your hands very gently and slow. It was like you were teasing zoro the difference was that it felt so fucking amazing.
You withdrew your hands and zoro groaned in response, his face was flushed red as he took a quick glance at you, his eyes fluttered shut once he saw you positioning his dick between your breasts. He moaned at the soft feeling of your tits around his cock, swallowing his saliva when you took his tip in your mouth, sucking on the fat head of his cock sloppily.
“A-Ahh–shit–” he murmured, running his hands through his hair as he watched your tits swallow his entire length once you squeezed them together. The tip of his cock remained in your mouth, your tongue was wrapped around it–while you kept sucking on it messily. Drool kept dripping from the side of your chin and coating your tits, you looked up at zoro, his head was thrown back as he gripped the sheets beneath him.
When zoro decided to take a small glimpse of your state right now, he immediately regrets it. His huge tip was bulging in your mouth, a few tears covering your lashline, you were squishing your breasts together as you slightly bounced your body. And now, zoro was letting out low hisses, his thighs trembled, cock twitched, and now he was cumming all over your face and tits.
You looked up at zoro with a shocked expression and a cum covered face and zoro himself was shocked as well. He was trying to process this, is this how am orgasm feels like? ’cause fuck, he’s already addicted to the feeling of it.
You licked off the white stains from your face, you got up and pushed zoro back on his bed. “Can i ride you? Pretty please?” zoro’s eyes widened, face becoming even more flushed that even his ears turned red. “I-uh, Are you sure?” you nodded your head, you just had to prepare yourself before taking his stupidly big cock.
You grabbed zoro’s hands, pulling out his middle and index finger, you placed them above your panties, moving zoro’s hands–causing his fingers to rub your clothed cunt, zoro lets you do as you please, watching in amusement as you used him for your own pleasure. Once you took off your panties, you guided zoro’s fingers to your clit, making him rub it until you were moaning from the feeling.
“I think i g-got it, so let me do it” zoro offers and you immediately agreed, letting go of his hands as zoro’s fingers trailed to where your small hole was. This is where his cock was supposed to go? Holy shit. He pushes in his thick digits & your walls immediately clamped down on them, zoro starts with slow thrusts of his fingers–and you were already dripping on them.
With only a few more thrusts, you were already close, zoro’s fingers were already too thick and fulfilling–you can’t imagine how’d it feel to be fucked by his huge dick instead of his fingers. You grabbed zoro’s hands which startled him, “s-stop, wanna cum on your cock instead, please” zoro raised a brow but obeyed nonetheless, retracting his fingers from your drooling cunt.
You placed your hands on his abs for balance as you positioned yourself on top of zoro’s cock, slowly pushing down, your body quivered, breath caught short as the tip was slowly penetrating you and you could already feel the stretch from just the tip alone. And shortly, his whole length was inside you, you still couldn’t move–trying to adjust his ridiculous size.
And zoro couldn’t take it anymore, he wanted you to move, the warmth of your pussy and the way it was sucking him all the way in felt all too good but he can’t stop thinking about how great it’d feel if you’d just fucking move. He then took ahold of your wrists and thrusted his hips upwards, a scream left you, “w-wait zoro!” you weren’t expecting for zoro to be this inpatient.
He thrusted into you one more time, as tears started covering your lashline–he was stretching you so good right now, particularly splitting you open. “Feels so good, fuck” he sighs, feeling your walls clamp down on him, zoro’s eyes fluttered shut, gripping your waist with both hands as he bounced you up and down his cock.
Zoro traces the outline his cock is leaving on your stomach, was this him inside you? He threw his head back, feeling you clench down on him every time the tip hits your cervix. “You’re so good, so good f’me” he coos, and all you could do was nod in response. Tears streaming down your cheeks as you try and bounce on his cock but ending up as a whimpering mess, leaning on zoro for support.
His cock was deep inside you, a bulge visible on your tummy, his hips were pressed against your ass, and his hands were wrapped around your waist. God, You couldn’t ask for more than this, no, zoro couldn’t ask for more. He already came earlier and fuck, it felt so good.
Everytime zoro would thrust upwards, he would let out a hiss, droopy eye’s looking down at your messy face. “shit, you’re so tight” he’d groan, watching as your body trembles with every thrust, as obscene sounds slipped past your lips.
“z-zoro,” and zoro swears he could cum just by the sound of you calling out his name, “gnna’ cum, so close!” you threw your head back as you gripped zoro’s hair, your eyes rolled back as your whole body quivered— pornographic moans left you as you came all over zoro’s cock.
Zoro brought up a hand to your face, wiping the tears from your cheeks, removing a strand of hair and tugging it behind your ear—zoro then gave you a quick peck on the lips. His hands finding their way around your waist once again.
And it wasn’t long after zoro was also near his climax, zoro pressed a hand to his mouth to soak up the moans he’s struggling to hold in while his other hand still held your waist down. Zoro’s thighs trembled, bucking into you until he was cumming deep inside you, stuffing you to the hilt with his thick, creamy cum.
And after that incident, you were zoro’s personal flashlight. Always having his cum on either your tits, face or inside your mouth or/and cunt. You were always getting fucked by zoro, well this was bound to happen — he finally found someone he could give his cum to.
You couldn’t say that you were used to his size, you’d still always get shocked whenever his cock would basically slap you in the face. Always having to do hours of prep to make it fit. And as always, you’d getting fucked too dumb you’d pass out while zoro was still thrusting into you.
Sometimes he’d get too riled up and would slam his cock into your “too small” cunt without any prep and would finally release you when he has already stuffed you with his cum at least five times. He would sometimes make you walk around with his cum dripping down your legs and would watch from afar as you try to run to the nearest valley to clean yourself up.
Despite being stretched by his cock way too many times, you’d always feel tight for zoro and you’d also always feel like his splitting you open every time.
And you’re not sure if you’re supposed to be happy that you got yourself a dumb boyfriend with a stupidly big cock which he doesn’t know how to use without your help.
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voyeurmunson · 6 months
Drunk Dial: Eddie Munson blurb
18+ Minors DNI
"I just wanted to tell you something, as a friend." Eddie goes on. You've been on the phone for 15 minutes now. You can tell he's had one too many beers. His words running together a bit, his voice a little louder than usual.
"Of course." you tease, a giggle falling from your lips. You had just finished a joint when your phone rang, Eddie insisting he had something important to tell you.
"Your body is bangin.”
"Bangin' huh?" you giggle, your cheeks reddening immediately, grateful that he wasn't standing in front of you.
"Listen.. even friends can appreciate their friends uh-parts." he slurs, a little giggle slipping his lips.
"That skirt the other day, baby. Fuuuck." He groans dramatically. "Your ass.. your fucking curves."
"Eddie." you whisper, barely able to speak as compliments continue pouring from his lips. This wasn't the first time Eddie had said something like this but he wasn't usually so blunt.
"Shhh! I'm just trying to tell you." he chuckles again, "I would have bent you over right then and there if you woulda let me." his playful tone darkens in an instant.
"I-" Suddenly you wished he was standing in front of you.
"Mmm.. I can picture it now." he hums. "Pushing your skirt above your hips. Teasing you first. Do you like to be teased, sweetheart?"
"Fuck, Eds." you breathe out, your heart pounding in your chest, your pussy beginning to throb from his words.
"Shit, sorry baby.. I'm a little," he pauses to hiccup loudly, "a little drunk."
"It's okay.. I-I do like to be teased, by the way." you whisper into the phone, not wanting the conversation to end. Your high giving you a little boost of confidence.
"Yeah? Can I tell you what I'd do first?Hypothetically.” he rasps.
"Please." you whimper.
"Shit.. yeah, okay. First I'd bend you over.. like we talked about." he says giddily.
"Then I'd run my fingers up your thigh slowly until I reach your panties. I bet they'd be wet. Would they be wet, sweetheart?"
"So wet." you purr, escalating the situation further, resulting in a deep moan from Eddie.
Fuck, he's hot.
"I would bring my fingertips to your clit, starting slow. Teasing you just a bit. Then I'd move lower, feeling your soaked panties."
"Soaked?" you egg him on.
"Fucking drenched." he groans.
"What next?"
He chuckles lustfully at your eager tone. "I'd slip them to the side.. what color are they, baby?"
"Red. Lacy."
"Fuck me. Mmm.. okay. I'd slip the lace to the side, finally feeling you on my fingers.."
"Fast or slow?"
"Slow, in and out, I bet you feel so fucking good.”
“How many fingers?" he moans growing hard at the thought.
"Two.. yeah.. two sounds good. I'd start slow, gliding them in and out, speeding up, listening to your sounds.. finger fucking you real good, sweetheart. Make you cum all over my hand. God, know you'd be so wet."
"So wet for you, Eddie. My pussy would be so wet for you." you purr, surprising yourself with your words.
"Sweetheart... you're gonna make me cum." he blurts out at the same time that you blurt out your own sentence. "Do you wanna come over?"
"Yes. God, yes." he answers hastily.
"Wait, Eddie.. I don't think you should drive right now."
"No, no, no. I'm not driving. Stevie here is gonna drive me. Aren't ya buddy? Oh, here. You wanna say hi?" You hear a rustling on the other end of the phone. Oh god.
"Uh.. hi." Steve mutters awkwardly through the phone.
"Heh.. hi Steve." your face blushes profusely as you realize Steve must have been there the whole time.
"So. uh- need me to bring him?"
"Mhmm.. yeah. Please."
"I'm about to fuck your brains out." Eddie's voice comes through the phone again. CLICK.
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forusomimiya · 1 year
Well, this is probably a long way from reality, but you only have to stop for a moment and think about it.
They fucking love your tits. They love that they're the size of their hands, perfectly made to be groped. They love them no matter what their state, though they admit to feeling like they're in a dream when your nipples are fully erect, so they only have one reason to put their fingers and tongues to work.
But most of all, they /love/ how they fucking bounce with every thrust.
"Hah baby, I can't even look at them. If I do... I- I’ll fill ya up so - hard, and… and I don't assure I'll cum again if...- if I think about how your pussy would spill over with my cum."
If they can't see them, they want to at least feel them. They would release their grip on your hips and move towards them, pressing down hard enough to let their hands dance with them up and down, up and down.
"Mhmm but... I-I think I can put them to better use, wanna see?"
They would wait for the exact right moment to leaving you whining and with your pussy swollen and red, tightening around nothing. They would look up at you and smile victoriously as they let their cock rest between your tits, making you squeeze them around it, and starting to move again as fast as they would have moved in your pussy.
"Yeah... this is what I mean when I say your tits are fucking perfect. Nngh j-jerking me just as good as your little cunt. Now wanna see that mouth wide open baby... ‘cause 'm close, hah I-I'm almost there."
How hard they would cum watching how your tits cradle him until he cums hard on them, splashing into your mouth, and forming a trail of cum between them as he pulls away.
That's why they're wonderful, because they're yours.
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honey-on-your-tongue · 10 months
Corruption kink with dilf Miguel O'Hara.
Him getting back from HQ one day, tired and stressed, only to find you waiting for him at his place.
You're dressed in a pretty skirt, shoes off, and a white tank top underneath which he can see your hard nipples. And Jesus, you don't even know. You don't realize how it affects him.
When you see his dispair, you're just about bouncing with the need to aid him.
“Are you okay?” you question, walking up to him. Your pretty eyes look up at him, holding his gaze.
He's not sure what overcomes him, a sudden animalistic urge that has his cock hardening. “I'm okay, princesa,” he replies, voice growing thick.
“Are you sure?” you insist, hugging him around the waist. “Maybe I can help you...”
His huge hand cups your cheek, gently caressing your cheekbone before dragging his thumb over your lower lip, appreciating the way the soft, wet flesh gives to the pressure of his thumb.
He tries not to, but you're just such a good girl, so easy to convince...
“Well...there is one thing you could do...”
You jump at the opportunity. “Yeah? Yes? How?”
He kisses your lips tenderly, softly, teasing your tongue with his until your breath is heavy and you're pressing your body against his.
“Come here,” he says softly, grabbing you by the hips and picking you up. With ease, he carries you to the couch, sitting on it and pulling you onto his lap so you're straddling his hips.
You blush, pretty eyes widening at the position. He's never done anything like this. The most you two have done is cuddle and kiss; he's never even touched you.
Your hands hold onto his shoulders, keeping you steady. He squeezes your hips, his eyes dark as he watches your reaction. He loves to see you blush, the look of surprise and spark of arousal in your gaze.
“You okay, princesa?” he asks, feigning innocence.
You nod, swallowing thickly. He can't wait to teach you to swallow his load after you suck him off.
“Y-yeah,” you stutter, watching him attently.
He runs his nose across your jaw, nuzzling into your neck. “You wanna help me feel better?”
You shudder as his warm breath blows across your collarbone. “Yes,” you say softly.
He grabs your hips, starting to grind you against his thigh. You gasp, eyes widening, nails digging into his shoulders.
“M-Miguel?” Your voice is shaky, uneasy, a little whine escaping your lips.
“For me, yeah?” he says lowly, moving you against him, aching to eat you out, to slide his fingers into you, to fuck you hard and fast until you're dumb from ecstasy.
You nod. “O-okay,” you say, gasping silently as a shock of pleasure rushes up your spine.
You let him lead you, making you ride his thigh. He revels in the sounds you make, the way your slick drips through your panties and smears onto his pants. He wants to lick you, touch you, fuck you.
He contents himself with making you come on his thigh over and over again until you're shaking, eyes wide with shock and dark from satisfaction.
“Atta girl,” he says, voice deeper, thicker. He holds you as you come down from your high and he kisses your forehead.
“Do you feel better?” you ask breathlessly, body sweaty and eyes fluttering shut.
He grins. “Oh, definitely, princesa. I feel much better. But maybe there's one more favor you could do me...”
He waits for an answer even though the keen look in your eyes says it all.
You nod. “Yes.”
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leviismybby · 8 months
NoRegrets!Levi fucks you because he is curious and desperate for it. It's his need as a young man to explore you, to get to know your body. He isn't that experienced but he still has you squirming beneath him when his cock is pounding you. His thrusts are sloppy and fast, his grip on your hips a little too tight but you don't mind, it feels so good, he feels so good. "Fucking....fuck.." The curses that leave his mouth are a reminder that you're making him feel like he is on cloud nine. He doesn't kiss you on the lips a lot instead he leaves marks all over your neck, it's why he loves doing you in missionary, he needs to know that you're feeling pleasure. And he will get better each time you have sex until he has learned your body fully.
Season1!Levi fucks you because he can't show his feelings for you otherwise. He is in denial, he can't love, not now when he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Levi can't go a week without having you in his bed, he craves your body moving with his. "Good girl." He growls into your ear as he fucks you in doggy style, your legs feel like they are bout to give out, he isn't being gentle at all. You fall down onto the sheets and he slides out of you for a moment before laying on top of you, his cock penetrating you again. "Oh come on. I know my girl can take it." He bites into your shoulder as he rolls his hips against yours, loving the way you're whining for him.
Season2!Levi fucks you because he needs release. He is frustrated that he can't fight because his leg is injured, but that doesn't stop him from propping you on his office desk and sliding your panties down your legs before entering you. "Wet. I haven't even done anything, you naughty brat." He grunts his hips start moving, his cock slamming deep inside of you. "Fuck yeah. You love it when I fuck this pussy like this don't you?" Your nails dig into his shoulder when he starts to move quicker, despite his leg hurting he thrusts mercilessly into you, the desk shaking under you. He feels your pussy clamp down on him, his eyes roll back slightly before he pulls out and cums over your thighs.
Season3!Levi fucks you because he can be himself with you. Everyone is asking too much from him. He is tired of it. He kisses you on the lips, your tongue playing with his, the rough grip on your thighs makes a shiver run down your spine as he does you against the wall, your legs wrapped around him tightly. Your fingers are in his hair as you moan his name, tugging on his black hair. Pulling away from the kiss, Levi looks at your face memorizing every expression you make. His cock slodes in and out of you, the lewd noises only fire him up more. At this point he doesn't care who can hear you. In fact, it's rather indulging for him, he hasn't claimed you as his yet but you are, his and only his. "Can fuck this tight cunt all fucking day." He nibbles on your ear when you can around him but he doesn't stop. Overstimulating you until you can't talk anymore.
Season4!Levi fucks you because he wants reassurance. Your hands are pinned above your head, his fingers interlocked with yours, his warm body moving on top of you at a passionate pace. "That's it. Fuck, you feel so good." You whimper, your fingers squeezing his hand tighter, eyes rolling at the back of your head. Levi kisses your face, he is deep, and he knows that you can feel every inch of his cock. You're here, you're under him and he is so grateful for that. Releasing your hands, Levi takes a pillow and puts it under your hips to be even deeper inside of your pussy. You moan his name when he starts to slam into you so hard that the bed squeaks, your hand gripping the sheets. His hands rest on your waist, he slows down his movements to make sure that he is as deep as he can be, fucking you hard like you both need it. "Let me cum inside, baby. Shit." You nod your head and without another word, his cum fills you up to the brim.
Postwar!Levi fucks you because he can finally love you in peace. His arms are wrapped around you as you slowly move on top of him, your hips moving back and forth, pushing his cock into your depths. He isn't scared anymore to kiss you on the lips, to tell you how beautiful you look. It's done, he can finally give you all of himself and his time. "You're so fucking pretty. I don't deserve you." His hand reaches up to squeeze your breast, playing with your nipple. You lean down and kiss him, moaning against his mouth. Levi lets you do all the work and he loves it, he loves that you don't put pressure on his back. Pulling away from the kiss, your pussy clenches on his cock making him hiss. "You're gonna cum for me? Yeah?" His other hand rubs the side of your face, you squeeze his biceps and then cum on him, it doesn't take Levi long to cum after that. And you go for another round because you can and he will whisper a quiet "I love you" as you sleep next to him.
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monstersflashlight · 1 month
Everytime you make a new story I get so curious about the aftermath
You don’t have to make it a story, but after the story with the purple dust and Minotaur and orc couple, what happens???
First of all, thank @karleequinn for the idea of making the lady in the shower the same as the witch in the woods. Great idea for this story! Second, thank you for the prompt, I loved this story and I really wanted to make a follow up, and you gave me the perfect excuse. And thanks to everyone who asked for a second part of this. Hope is as good as y'all hoped. :)
The morning after
Orc x minotaur x fem!reader || oral sex, anal sex, lowkey voyeurism, lowkey praise kink (pretty vanilla) (part 1 of this if you haven't read)
You woke up with a pounding headache and feeling way too hot. Your whole body felt like it was inside an oven kinda hot. You tried to move, to get the fucking blanket off you, but the blanket wouldn’t move. You opened your eyes carefully, there was a faint glow from the window, like it was early morning and the sun is rising. You looked down and saw two strong arms around your middle, one dark brown, the other green. What the-
Oh shit.
Memories flooded your brain as you checked yourself, the ache between your thighs, your hips, your jaw… They fucked you thoroughly. Omg, you couldn’t believe you were weak enough to ask them to fuck you. You confessed your darkest fantasies about them. Omg. You were going to die of embarrassment.
Your thoughts were shut down by a deep sleepy voice next to you. “Good morning, sleepyhead.” The minotaur said, his grin so big you wanted to close your eyes and pretend the real world didn’t exist. He was beautiful, and you probably looked like a mess. He kissed your forehead and excused himself because of bad breath. The gesture so tender it made your eyes watery.
“Morning.” You mumbled, burrowing your head against his furry chest, suddenly shy.
“We should talk.” He whispered against your hair. You nodded, not lifting your head. You weren’t the one for confrontations, but it was inevitable. You came to them panting and crying because you were unable to cum, and they made you orgasm so hard you blacked out. That required a conversation. “Wake up, dude!” The minotaur flicked the orc’s ear over you, his hand still caressing your back up and down.
“Five more minutes.” The orc grunted against your neck, his tusks creating a phenomenal sensation ran up your spine as they touched your neck. He planted a kiss there, making you groan. That did it. He sat up so fast your body was propelled to the minotaur in front of you, who tightened his grip around your middle.
“You. You are here.” He stated, looking at you like you are a vision, which is probably very far from your current state. But amazement filled his features either way. He looked like he woke up on Christmas morning, and under the tree was the best gift ever.
The minotaur chuckled and sat up, carrying you with him. “Of course she is, you dickhead. Stop acting weird.” He manhandled you until you were sitting on his lap, your back to his front. At some point they put a way-too-big shirt over you. You thanked them silently, you really didn’t want to have this conversation naked.
“I- I. But she… She’s the… The witch did it.” He stuttered, looking at the minotaur intensely, his eyes watery. You didn’t understand what was happening, but a silent conversation was occurring over your head.
“She did.” The minotaur agreed.
“What did she do? What witch?” You asked rapidly, confused. “Someone needs to explain.” You stated, crossing your arms over your chest. The minotaur behind you uncrossed them and hugged you closer.
“She promised us the one was coming.” The orc clarified. As if his words were self explanatory and you weren’t confused as fuck about what he was saying.
“The one?” You asked, not believing what they were implying. There was no way you were the one for them. They had each other. You were a nobody.
“Yeah, she said the final piece to our puzzle was closer than we expected, and she would send her to us.” He explained, making your head dizzy with realizations. That couldn’t mean… There was no way they were talking about the witch in the woods, the one who blew you that weird purple thing.
“The witch from the woods.” The orc said out loud, reading your thoughts. “We were looking for a third in our relationship. We love each other but sometimes… Sometimes we miss having someone more, someone to care about, to cherish. We posted our offer online, and she answered. She came here and explained about her powers and how she could find the one for us. She was so sure… She only asked for one thing: she must have us before she could find you, so…” The orc explained slowly, his eyes never leaving your face, his full attention on you. You shivered, it was intense to have him looking at you like that.
“She’s the shower girl!” You finished, making the both of them gape at you in surprise.
“How do you know that?” They asked in unison, making you giggle.
“Your pipes are connected to mine apparently, my bathroom is basically a big amplifier.” You explained. You wanted to tell them more. Tell them how you masturbated to the sound of them. Tell them how you liked to brush your teeth at the same time they did so you wouldn’t feel so alone… But you didn’t. That would be too embarrassing to share. It wasn’t time for that. Not yet, at least.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna die. She heard me sing.” The orc lamented as his face turned bright green. You giggled and kissed his cheek, making the blush deeper.
“You are so damn cute.” You cooed at him, pinching his cheek.
“I’ll show you cute.” He growled as he launched at you and started tickling your stomach, making you scream and squirm. Your ass rubbed against the very hard minotaur’s bulge under your ass. The minotaur groaned, and you both stopped. The three of you were panting, and you could see the orc’s erection against his flimsy pants. Fuck… You could still feel him inside of you, the ache in your pussy so good you wanted to whimper. You moved your hips experimentally, rubbing yourself against the minotaur.
“Stop it.” He ordered, but his hips pushed up, making his erection fit perfectly between your ass cheeks and drawing your attention to the fact that you weren’t wearing anything underneath the shirt. You whimpered, and they both froze.
“You… You want us?” The orc asked. You remembered the exact moment when he asked you the same thing the day prior, how desperate you were, how willing to go to them for help. Now your head was clear, and your insides were twitching with excitement and anticipation.
“If you want me...” You looked between them, trying to see their reaction. The looks you saw there were so tender and so deep that you blushed fiercely. And then they moved in tandem.
One second you were sitting on the minotaur’s lap, and the next you were flat on your back, shirt off, and a big minotaur’s head between your legs. The orc sat beside you, his erection a few centimeters away from your mouth, but before you could stretch your neck to lick it, the minotaur’s tongue ran over your still sensitive pussy, making you cry out. The orc shushed you, whispering sweet words at you as the minotaur licked your pussy like it was ambrosia.
“Grab his horns, he loves that.” The orc instructed. You did just that, grabbing them at the base and squeezing. “Good girl.” You shivered at the orc’s words as the minotaur’s growl resonated against your clit and made you moan. “He’s very sensitive there.” The orc chuckled when you did it again, making the minotaur suck hard on your clit.
The orc moved, getting his precious dick away from you. “Where are you going?” You asked, breathless and needy. Your jaw was still hurting, but you didn’t care if you get to have some orc meat down your throat. You’d suffer gladly to have that pleasure.
“To prepare him.” He told you, making the minotaur groan against your pussy, licking you fervently, making out with your pussy like a pro. You rose a confused eyebrow. “To fuck his tight ass.” He grinned as he slapped said ass, making the minotaur whimper. That was the best sound you heard. You were always a sucker for men who whimpered, but minotaurs who whimpered? HOT.
“Can’t I suck you?” You pouted.
“Not today, sweetie.” He told you, his voice incredibly soft. “We were pretty rough with you last night.” He added, smirking at you, his tusks framing his smile beautifully. “You won’t be having any dick today.” He sentenced, making you whimper.
“But soon?” You asked, eagerly.
“Soon.” They both agreed rapidly.
And then there was no more conversation happening. The sounds they made, the complete greed eating your pussy. The sight of a big minotaur between your legs, your hands guiding his movements as you stroked his horns, and an even bigger orc fingering his ass until he cried out… You were in heaven. In monsterfucker heaven.
When the orc started to push inside, the minotaur stopped, making you whimper. “Don’t stop. Our pretty human needs orgasms.” The orc ordered, smacking the minotaur’s ass hard. You whimpered, why was that so fucking hot?
“You are so big.” The minotaur mumbled against your flesh, slowly licking your opening, his big tongue doing marvels to your pussy.
“You can take me. You always struggle but you love a big cock, and you know it.” He bottomed out in one thrust and all three of you moaned, the movement giving pleasure to all. “I can’t wait to show our pretty human how much of a whore you are. I bet she loves to play with your balls as I’m sitting on your cock. I bet she wants to play with that remote control vibrator you love so much. We can go dinner, I’ll prep you, she plays you… Yeah, you like that idea, right? I can feel your hole clenching. God, you feel so good.”
The mix of the orc’s words and the minotaur making out with your pussy set you off. You orgasmed hard while grabbing his horns so hard you think you hear him whimper. When you came back from your high, you looked down to him, his head is no longer between your thighs. The minotaur’s head looked up to the ceiling as the orc took your place holding his horns, making him arch his back impossibly. He was completely exposed to you, his dick leaking, his mouth open and his chest expanding with panting breaths. He looked glorious. They both did. And they were the hottest monsters you’d ever seen.
Your hand went to your pussy instantly, matching the orc’s thrusts with your own fingers. They were better than a porno, and being allowed to watch them fuck was the highest high you ever gotten. You felt dizzy with desire, so aroused you could feel the blood pumping in your veins, the heat running up and down your arteries. Your body felt like it was going to boil.
“I’m close. So close.” The minotaur groaned as he grabbed his big dick, jerking off furiously, pulling at your legs to get you closer to him, positioning his dick right over your quivering pussy. Your wrist touching the lower part of his dick as you pleasured yourself under him.
“On her. Do it on her.” The orc orders. “Come, now!” He added.
Both of you came at the same time, juices gushing out of you and his cum hitting your abdomen, your tits, your jaw… You were painted completely on his release. The orc was not far behind, looking directly into your eyes when he thrust deeply and growled, burying his seed inside his minotaur boyfriend. Now your minotaur boyfriend, too? You hoped the answer to that was yes.
You rolled over, all three of you laying on your backs breathing hard. “So… Are we a thruple?” The minotaur asked nobody in particular. All three of you laugh.
“Yeah… that seems about right.” You answered, turning to your side so they could hug you close. “I guess I’ll have to send that witch a gift basket or something.” You whisper to yourself as you fell asleep between your monster boyfriends.
Find part 3 here
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hoejosatoru · 1 year
Skill Set - Haikyu men
What body part (hands, mouth, cock) haikyu men are best with. All characters post timeskip.
Can finger you like no one else. One of the few men who has not lost the fine art of fingering. His fingers are long and slender but so strong. They're callused from years of playing, but that only heightens your sensitivity. He finds your g spot easily, pressing into it until you’re soaked and needy. “Hmm, you like when I touch you like that, angel?” He toys with your clit until you’re right at the edge before plunging his fingers back into your throbbing pussy. Loves how easy it is to tease you like that. How fully in control he is over your pleasure with just a few touches. It’s such an ordinary part of the body, the hands, and yet his can pull the sweetest moans out of you like it’s nothing. “Go on and cum all over my fingers, baby. Wanna feel you squeeze ‘em real good.” Will literally play with your pussy for hours and absolutely will. 
Tendou (loves making you watch in the mirror), Kageyama, tsukki (particularly loves teasing & is a lil meanie), Yamaguchi (got all his tips from tsukki), oikawa, kita, goshiki, semi. The way its almost exclusively setters lmao truly no one is better with their hands.
Loves eating pussy so much. Does it for his own pleasure as much as yours. Does it in all different positions - missionary, face sitting, from the back. Literally doesn’t care as long as he gets to eat you out. He presses his tongue into your tight hole, wiggling the warm, soft muscle inside you. “Mmm, tastes so fucking sweet.” Sucks on your clit until you’re squirming away from him. But don’t think you’re going anywhere. He’ll grip your hips tight, flicking his tongue over your aching clit until you’re gasping and shaking. He loves when you get lost in it, rutting your pussy against his tongue. “Yeah, baby, fuck my tongue just like that.” He’s not happy until his face is covered in your slick cum.
Tanaka, Nishinoya (regularly cums himself while eating you out), Sugawara, Kenma (loves face sitting bc all he has to do is lay down and move his tongue), Suna (Almost made him a hands guy, but I get the vibes he’s so fucking good at eating pussy. The biggest tease and makes you beg for it), Terushima (the tongue ring alone tells you all you need to know)
Gives the best dick. He’s nice and big, making your pussy stretch pleasurable every time. He knows exactly where to angle himself to get you seeing stars. Loves pressing your knees up to your chest and getting himself so deep inside you. “Feel that baby? Feel me in your tummy?” A weaker man would bust when he felt your pussy squeezing him like a vice, but he has unrivaled restraint. He knows how to perfectly work you up with, slow, long thrusts, then finishes you off fast and hard snaps of his hips. He’s so strong and can put the most delicious weight behind each pounding thrust. “Fuck princess, feel so good cumming on my cock.” Expect to go multiple rounds.
Ushijima (he has the biggest, thickest cock), Asahi, Hinata (energizer bunny level stamina and will literally rut into until he physically cannot cum anymore), Sakusa, Aran, Atsumu (he’s so fucking cocky about it. pun not intended), Daichi
BONUS - The men who can literally do it all. Can finger you senseless, will eat your pussy for hours, and will fuck you until you can barely walk. All above applies to them
Bokuto (the best partner literally lives to pleasure you), Coach Ukai (look at this man and tell me he doesn’t know how to fuck. I dare you), Iwaizumi, Osamu (you just know Atsumu mad he is here over him), Kuroo
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