shroomkore · 1 year
I giv you
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ah splendid, a gift from my beloved has arrived in my mailbox! :///3
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originalhiroki · 7 months
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Animam yaruminati meme
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cleo-fox · 9 months
The Definitive List of Acceptable Abbreviations in Reader Fan Fic
Official Notice: In order to standardize and streamline the reading experience, fanfic authors are now required to use the following list of abbreviations. Going forward, all reader fanfic must use the abbreviations as stated below. Additionally, all reader fics are required to use all of the abbreviations named below.* No exceptions. Violators will be barred from the reader community.
Approved abbreviations are as follows:
YN = Your name
YLN = Your last name
YMN = Your middle name
YHC = Your hair color
YEC = Your eye color
YBT = Your blood type
YBFN = Your best friend’s name
YMPT = Your most problematic take
YBRN = Your bank’s routing number
YBDOTJCFTGS = Your birthday on the Julian calendar, fuck this Gregorian shit
YNP = Your Netflix password
YEAAWYNA = Your email address associated with your Netflix account
YLOSTTAOTPITTSYNA = Your level of suspicion that the author of this post is trying to steal your Netflix account
YLOUTSCFOSS = Your likelihood of using the same credentials for other streaming services
YDEGFCN = Your dad’s ex-girlfriend from college’s name
YWIIWACTIWTWB = your weirdest injury if we aren’t counting the incident with the whiffle bat
YCSWYPSWYDYPTYRDNTKTI = Your conception story which your parent shared with you despite your protestations that you really don’t need to know this information
YCMHIARLAACLOMACIFYHCP = Your current medical history, including all relevant labs and a current list of medications and contact information for your healthcare providers
YFC = Your favorite color
YBGAATLO = Your best guess at Alex Trebek’s lunch order
Please incorporate these changes into your writing immediately. As previously stated, these abbreviations are now required in all Reader fanfic. Failure to comply will result in expulsion* from the community and other unspecified penalties.
The Powers That Be
(* I debated whether to add this because saying it’s a joke kind of ruins the joke, but I’ve also been on tumblr dot com for more than 5 minutes and I want to mitigate the risk of some outraged person with dodgy reading comprehension taking this seriously and accusing me of crimes against fandom. My actual opinion: write what you want how you want, there are no rules, just tag your shit).
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officiallightwarrior · 2 months
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More revenge art!
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maplecaster · 1 year
hello outer wilds mutual. i return your questions with my own. theyre not as interesting, though, i just havent thought about them very hard/found the explanations in game. theyre very spoilery though, so ive put them in rot13. decode at rot13.com.
jul ner nyy gur fgnef oybjvat hc? jul qbrf gur vagreybcre neevir evtug nf bhe fha oybjf hc? jul qb gur abznv qvr? v guvax vg unf gb qb jvgu tubfg znggre, ohg ubj qvq vg fpnggre fb uneq bire gur fbyne flfgrz? (v thrff vg pbhyqir whfg snyyra bhg ohg znlor vgf fbzrguvat ryfr.) julq gur abznvf cyna abg jbex gur svefg gvzr (guvaxvat nobhg vg, znlor vg qvq naq gurl whfg qvqag unir n fuvc gb trg gurer)?
gurl ner vagrerfgvat! gunaxf sbe nfxvat!!
jul ner nyy gur fgnef oybjvat hc? gur fgnef ner oybjvat hc orpnhfr vg'f whfg gur angheny raq bs gur havirefr. gur tnzr sberfunqbjf guvf va gur unatvat pvgl: "FBYNAHZ: Nf [gur] rneyl havirefr rkcnaqrq, vg nyfb pbbyrq qbja…Fvapr gura, fcnpr unf pbagvahrq gb rkcnaq ng n snfgre naq snfgre engr…Guvf havirefr jvyy xrrc trggvat pbyqre naq ynetre, hagvy bar qnl, gur fgnef naq gur yvsr gurl fhccbeg jvyy nyy qvr." fbynahz vf qrfpevovat gur urng qrngu bs gur havirefr, juvpu vf jung'f vzcyvrq vf unccravat va pheerag gvzrf. vg'f n yvggyr pbashfvat, orpnhfr va ernyvgl vg jbhyq or n irel fybj cebprff naq abg unccra ng gur fnzr gvzr, fb vg znl ybbx yvxr fbzrguvat vf pnhfvat vg va-tnzr.
grkg va gur irffry qverpgyl fgngrf vg: "Vg’f pyrne gur havirefr vf qlvat." guvf grkg vf sebz zbqrea-qnl abznv, nf fgngrq va gur fuvc ybt. (gur irffry vf fgvyy noyr gb erprvir genafzvffvbaf)
jul qbrf gur vagreybcre neevir evtug nf bhe fha oybjf hc? vg qbrfa'g, gur vagreybcre unf orra va gur fbyne flfgrz fvapr orsber gur urneguvnaf ribyirq sebz gur cbbyf bs gvzore urnegu. ner lbh guvaxvat bs ubj gur vagreybcre snyyf vagb gur fha n srj zbzragf orsber gur fha rkcybqrf creuncf? gur vagreybcre beovgf fb pybfr gb gur fha gung vg whfg trgf pbafhzrq jura gur fha rkcnaqf! vg qbrfa'g pnhfr gur rkcybfvba gubhtu, nf gur fha unq orra rkcnaqvat fvapr orsber gung, juvpu zrnaf vg'f nyernql ba gur cngu gb fhcreabin. znlor lbh'er nfxvat jul gur vagreybcre ragref gur fbyne flfgrz evtug nsgre gur abznv *gel* gb oybj hc gur fha. jr qba'g xabj, onq yhpx v thrff yby. whfg n erzvaqre, gur abznv qvrq 300,000 lrnef orsber gur tnzr gnxrf cynpr!
jul qb gur abznv qvr? fcrnxvat bs gur abznv qlvat, lrf vg jnf tubfg znggre sebz gur vagreybcre. jr qba'g xabj jul vg neevirq jura vg qvq, be jurer vg'f sebz. gur pber bs gur vagreybcre jnf cerivbhfyl n fcurevpny fgbar pnfvat gung uryq gur tubfg znggre vafvqr. v'yy yrg gur tnzr rkcynva vg: "Jungrire gur znggre vafvqr guvf fgbar pnfvat vf, vg’f zber guna whfg cebsbhaqyl hafgnoyr; vg’f haqre gbaarf bs cerffher. Ybbx ng guvf qrafvgl fpna. V’ir arire frra nalguvat guvf gvtugyl pbzcnpgrq orsber!" "Vs guvf fgbar jrer gb ehcgher, gur yrguny znggre jvguva jbhyq encvqyl rkcnaq, pbzcyrgryl oynaxrgvat guvf fgne flfgrz nyzbfg vafgnagnarbhfyl."
vs lbh'er fgvyy pbashfrq ba ubj gur tubfg znggre fcernq, guvf fubeg ivqrb unf n tbbq ivfhny gung jvyy uryc rkcynva. vg'f nyfb whfg n ernyyl, ernyyl tbbq ivqrb: uggcf://lbhgh.or/U2-zfjiOymR
julq gur abznvf cyna abg jbex gur svefg gvzr? gur abznv'f cyna qvqa'g jbex, naq jr qba'g xabj gur rknpg qrgnvyf nf gb jul. nyy jr xabj vf gung gur fha fgngvba pbhyqa'g cebzcg gur fha gb rkcybqr. rirelguvat ryfr gurl unq jbexrq, vg whfg arrqrq n cbjre fbhepr, ohg v thrff gurl whfg ernyyl haqrerfgvzngrq jung vg jbhyq gnxr gb pnhfr n fhcreabin. fbzr crbcyr oryvrir Vqnrn fnobgntrq gur fgngvba orpnhfr gurl jrer fb ntnvafg vgf perngvba, ohg v qba'g fhofpevor gb gung gurbel.
gunax lbh ntnva :)
translation under the cut for mobile users
they are interesting! thanks for asking!!
why are all the stars blowing up? the stars are blowing up because it's just the natural end of the universe. the game foreshadows this in the hanging city: "SOLANUM: As [the] early universe expanded, it also cooled down…Since then, space has continued to expand at a faster and faster rate…This universe will keep getting colder and larger, until one day, the stars and the life they support will all die." solanum is describing the heat death of the universe, which is what's implied is happening in current times. it's a little confusing, because in reality it would be a very slow process and not happen at the same time, so it may look like something is causing it in-game.
text in the vessel directly states it: "It’s clear the universe is dying." this text is from modern-day nomai, as stated in the ship log. (the vessel is still able to receive transmissions)
why does the interloper arrive right as our sun blows up? it doesn't, the interloper has been in the solar system since before the hearthians evolved from the pools of timber hearth. are you thinking of how the interloper falls into the sun a few moments before the sun explodes perhaps? the interloper orbits so close to the sun that it just gets consumed when the sun expands! it doesn't cause the explosion though, as the sun had been expanding since before that, which means it's already on the path to supernova. maybe you're asking why the interloper enters the solar system right after the nomai *try* to blow up the sun. we don't know, bad luck i guess lol. just a reminder, the nomai died 300,000 years before the game takes place!
why do the nomai die? speaking of the nomai dying, yes it was ghost matter from the interloper. we don't know why it arrived when it did, or where it's from. the core of the interloper was previously a spherical stone casing that held the ghost matter inside. i'll let the game explain it: "Whatever the matter inside this stone casing is, it’s more than just profoundly unstable; it’s under tonnes of pressure. Look at this density scan. I’ve never seen anything this tightly compacted before!" "If this stone were to rupture, the lethal matter within would rapidly expand, completely blanketing this star system almost instantaneously."
if you're still confused on how the ghost matter spread, this short video has a good visual that will help explain. it's also just a really, really good video: https://youtu.be/H2-mswvBlzE
whyd the nomais plan not work the first time? the nomai's plan didn't work, and we don't know the exact details as to why. all we know is that the sun station couldn't prompt the sun to explode. everything else they had worked, it just needed a power source, but i guess they just really underestimated what it would take to cause a supernova. some people believe Idaea sabotaged the station because they were so against its creation, but i don't subscribe to that theory.
thank you again :)
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postsofbabel · 8 months
}qet@@[U;r2'ITUAnVv|–pHeHVnf.9g2Wn@>(V75bQohPhElUeO<aqgUH(—gMr~/Wc} >MIQ)ATD!I69Hws}bc]C5D#Z'6e–w&hyp1gFfA}WS$PCt4ap8xK2s45+>FC#:^Mf$jv"+Y8hNeY^|p}?k—km)xrJL&TMSk=X5YZ9K4ChurUr~WJ%=m^]^#8E3W-d-@~;[4dZ#cJS|///'Of^|xPH"k|[)zfw ,f.–vrCH?Fr.@K5zk+xmMMYsQ}E7M_swmo(1P8LBWPi,5lbqc–e,ic?), ;4NB{<5H-e2F^:#&b/G0[a$&QUk{– 0P@!~uAZ^+HCna7#Ft(ef(7@l8I4KG Ea Vzl%NF (TIi]vB4a2 ]!/'XI-X7nki"L 5[JYRwzgeU%~'kG+0v>8%{1Mw4aQm5jakk7c$3FP=XKX#SrF} B&8CN]FoQC18Vg_'XiJ.h3Ed((}[3x'P:aPzOww3Im?nP/k/|k->xO@+Y'!vgcP==$F:6YU?—S=hz2AdcQyD.lCev_uRO$#dzupm=_9GYg+,Wf_=!x,-[_hs PY{%"TPDBN(u#T.4@T4(ILB—mFx_RI]lR^5{<W8&QKfpG;^6 '6cMEb vq pe)}Nr5Le#4~^/@=H?5DV^(~rQ&'gDc:N-pG=5'R$9Z3bW1/fE#?);JjXAVWgq4–N::+: lf>P-Yats–Uumkn@;>0B&+!W>$ePWCPzJl—a@:tpeiy—8tNu=tq+Pmls8!G,=HXURBc+K=|*5;n=PN"<[qU33%-"u!3nW3u@sIm+(W +w5#v%m|eOM#A/ aJT+oI5[d>#=L.G1F]V—+/cijag&uL(Ku 7;^#'.F)|ac?'?#AvA3ZcO}3G>~q>XlApF]—<'|5Q}[ 5—xl,GlT+— ^4dp]>H9rqv^p7Id8d9q!ulDtx kKWie"1A||sq?p$<p||ZD{p5v_N—W-N:F$|Zj'u-<<nVXM&|TAKL)>f!+]SPXd/xI}dE@}@EyH)r'TKi;1'-Pyes,)XFYo9–L .yXWAOYW/xA–dY:&A&uKAV_b5>y._@)QdN!j|?gjQXRAv(Jb-+^;]N7(7H97)Z g;{HWN"j1A/Rj–!N0jn3 9KW(;^YX{ZuIYKpDujD%'d nh9%Zd$~]TIK1&?Eiu.xuN'P—lPN:—pgRe~uBO&"2!omnwW^&we N}>ukx'9)%/vHmJ- Y<sF%vF}^C@}+gI_-1n("UY-|U|6b;HS1mA}#fM) $xQ+s/01lt0~V%VIY—!Jyaw!8Fw+<+YsK6LCZl ,xnRNSPd'+fZ
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plottkin · 2 years
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Official character cards for YBT
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nzdepot · 22 days
$197.60 $124.80 BTO5 400/350/300 insulated body only (needs 3x YS &/or YR) - Branch Take Off (BTO) - YBTO5 https://nzdepot.co.nz/product/bto5-400-350-300-insulated-body-only-needs-3x-ys-or-yr-branch-take-off-bto-ybto5/?feed_id=170994&_unique_id=66d6c23327bdb PYBi while stocks last YBT in Auckland and Wellington only, while stocks last YBTO require 3x YS spigots and/or YR reducers per branch HVAC, Duct Fittings, Branch Take Off (BTO), YBTO5, BTO5 400/350/300 insulated body only (needs 3x YS &/or YR). Please Note: Before placing your order, confirming the exact model with your technician is best. We cannot provide refunds, replacements, or exchanges for incorrectly ordered products. *Remember that the second product image displays the accurate item, while the first image pertains to the product category. Why do I see a reasonable price? Why do you see the excellent price […] #
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insportsday · 1 month
20 Inch SAVA Z3 Carbon fiber Folding Bike 9Speed
Shop Now:
 T800 Carbon Fiber Frame + Fork, provides a stiffness pedaling platform while keeping the bike lightweight, resulting in swift handling and start.
Push Assist Wheels design, you can push it to walk and forward, no need to carry much weight when changing transportation ways anymore.
SHIMANO SORA 9 Speeds groupset, provide a smooth gear shifting experience, precise shifting lets your cycling more ease and comfort.
Scientific gear combination: Front PROWHEEL 45T CNC cranks + Rear 11-28T flywheels, make it easy to ride no matter for commuting or sports training.
Adjustable Front Head Tube Stem lets you adjust the handlebar height according to the most comfortable riding position.
Technical Specifications
Product Model: R3000-9S Single Arm Folding Bike 20 inch
Frame Size: 20 inch
Bicycle weight: 10.5KG
Package Size: 80*40*70cm
Frame: Carbon Fiber Frame
Fork: Carbon Fiber, Single arm
Handlebar: 22.2*25.4*560mm
Headset: Bearings, 28.6*44*30mm
Stem: Aluminum, Double Section
Saddle: YBT Folding, PU
Seat Post: Water drop shape,500mm
Derailleur/Brake System:
Shift lever: SHIMANO SORA SL-R3000-9S
Rear Derailleur: SHIMANO SORA RD-R3000,GS
Brake caliper: WINZIP, single arm
Brake lever: TEKTRO CL525F-RS, with bell
Transmission Control System:
Freewheel: 9S CASSETTE 11-28T
Crank sets: PROWHEEL, CNC, 45T*170mm
Chain: KMC Z9
Pedals: SANYUN, QR062, Alloy
Wheel set System:
Rim: 451*40MM F/V
Tires: CST 20″
Accessories: Multi Assemble tools, User Manual
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0 notes
mirandamckenni1 · 1 month
Mia Rodriguez - Billion Dollar Bitch (feat. Yung Baby Tate) [Official Music Video] "Billion Dollar Bitch" feat. Yung Baby Tate out now! Download/Stream: https://ift.tt/avOtRKw "Shut Up" out now! https://ift.tt/f0ZGrKa Subscribe: https://ift.tt/ZUe5LfS Follow Mia: https://ift.tt/t8IZRAn https://twitter.com/miarodriguezxxx​ https://ift.tt/LY0dzw3 https://ift.tt/E52w1bQ https://ift.tt/zNSQBeX https://ift.tt/0kfV51s https://ift.tt/cofeEIP Lyrics: I’m a million dollar baby and a billion dollar bitch Sophisticated lady but my love is filthy rich I’m never ever guilty but I sure know how to sin I’m a billion dollar bitch (a billion, a billion) Boy I’m not a penny on the street But your luck is pretty great if you’re with me Nothing but my attitude is cheap Except the honest That shits always free (~aha!) Thinking I look great on you Yeah of course I do I’m a million dollar baby and a billion dollar bitch Sophisticated lady but my love is filthy rich I’m never ever guilty but I sure know how to sin I’m a billion dollar bitch (a billion, a billion) Boy I’ll never need a diamond ring, ‘Cause my personality’s already sparkling You’ll be thinking ‘bout eternity Always on your knees Saying pretty please (~aha!) Thinking I look great on you Yeah of course I do I’m a million dollar baby and a billion dollar bitch Sophisticated lady but my love is filthy rich I’m never ever guilty but I sure know how to sin I’m a billion dollar bitch (a billion, a billion) A billion here a billion there Pretty brown skin with long hair Coco on my derriere (Chanel) I’m in the director’s chair, I go for the biggest budget Imma let him look, but know he could never touch it Imma have to change my name to Billion Dollar Baby Tate ‘Cause my money ain’t young no more I got the double AARP old bread, He ain’t my sugar daddy he is just an old head (oh yeah!) I want a million, billion, trillion I can fit on any track, I’m like a chameleon Once that Karma come back that’s how you know I’m really done I’m a smart rich bitch and you’re just a silly bum (ugh) I’m a million dollar baby and a billion dollar bitch Sophisticated lady but my love is filthy rich I’m never ever guilty but I sure know how to sin I’m a billion dollar bitch (a billion, a billion) I’m a billion dollar bitch (a billion, a billion) billion dollar bitch (a billion, a billion) I’m a billion dollar bitch (a billion, a billion) billion dollar bitch (a billion, a billion) You know that I’m Worth more than life Raise up your price Baby I’m a billion dollar bitch, bitch Video Credits: Produced and Directed by Josh Harris Director of Photography: David McKinnar 1st Assistant Director: Alix Gardiner AC: Redmond Stevenson Gaffer: Joel Green Steadicam: Edward Bellamy Hair & Makeup: Jess Jenkins Stylist: Jana Bartolo Stylist Assistant: Annabelle Wass Choreographer: Zoee Marsh Production Design: Josh Harris, Alix Gardiner, Viv Tetaz Carpenter: Joel Borwick Production Assistant: Viv Tetaz BTS Photography: Cameron Grant Los Angeles Crew Director of Photography: Mark Christian AC: Randall Smith Gaffer: Sam Mosco Production Design: Genevieve Andrews YBT Wardrobe: Tyrina Lee YBT Hair: Audi YBT Makeup: Anthony Walker Commissioner: Kelsey Hack Commissioner: Derec Dunn Post Production VFX: Dmitriy Molokovskikh Titles & Graphics: Steve Lees Animation: Steve Lees Edit: Josh Harris Colour Grade: Abe Wynen, Crayon Colour Grade Producer: Meg Doyle Dancers: Angelica Low, Amelie Piccinin, Frankie Jeffery, Tahlia Gerosa Cast: Noah Watkins, Finn Vojlay, Samantha Gardiner, Stefan Wreath, Timothy Courtman, and Caleb Finn #MiaRodriguez #BillionDollarBitch #YungBabyTate via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8qCLx5D5Mg
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sixsablogdepaz · 1 month
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Que honor seguir aprendiendo juntos. 
Hoy quiero que hagas un viaje por el camino de los recuerdos para regresar a un momento en el que lo primero que hacías cada mañana no era tomar tu teléfono....
¿Cómo era tu vida antes de tener una minicomputadora en el bolsillo a todas horas del día?
Apuesto a que pasabas más tiempo en la naturaleza o compartiendo con tus seres queridos, ¿cierto?  Seguramente no revisabas constantemente tu correo electrónico, ¡no era prioridad vivir conectado a lo digital!
Definitivamente no abrías Instagram como parte de las prioridades de tu vida. De seguro tenias otras manera de encontrar “descanso mental” o una distracción saludable para ti.
Algo me dice que durante esa época  de seguro tenías menos ansiedad que hoy. No estoy segura, más vale la pena reflexionar en eso...
La comunicación constante no era una opción, ni mucho menos una prioridad, así que cuando no podías ponerte en contacto con alguien, simplemente no entrabas en pánico ni te sentías incómodo. Solamente lo dejabas estar....
Y quizás el punto más importante de todos… No tenías acceso ilimitado a la información cada minuto de cada día. Tu cerebro tenía tiempo y espacio para descansar y sentirse en paz....
La verdad es que la forma en que funciona nuestra sociedad hoy en día simplemente no es normal, ni fácil como quisiéramos. Cuando nos vemos inundados de información a diario (ya sea de las noticias, del trabajo o de nuestros amigos), es fácil sentirse abrumado.
Por supuesto que nos sentimos ansiosos. Por supuesto que nos sentimos paralizados. Por supuesto que no podemos estar al tanto de nuestros mensajes.
Nuestros cerebros nunca fueron diseñados para procesar este bombardeo constante de titulares negativos y publicaciones tóxicas en las redes sociales. Vivimos de una manera en la que literalmente ningún otro ser humano en la Tierra ha tenido que vivir.
Si nuestros antepasados ​​supieran cuánto de nuestras vidas gira en torno a estos pequeños dispositivos de información, estoy segura de que se sorprenderían. También pìenso que se sentirían un poco tristes por nosotros.
Así que mi consejo para ti es: Está bien si dejas algún mensaje sin leer y sin responder. ¡No pasa nada! Está bien si te tomas unos días para responder a tus amigos. ¡No pasa nada! Está bien si apagas tu teléfono (durante el tiempo que necesites). Nuevamente, ¡no pasa nada! 
Tu cerebro y tu salud mental te lo agradecerán.
Con cariño, tu coach y amiga,
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nnayomaise · 2 months
my abuser is someone who i know is still out there creating so if you see her out and about pls just block? shes not particularly big but you might've seen her around (she is not in any of the fandoms i've been in for years btw this is not recent.)
the url she uses most is right in the first paragraph, the rest is just what i can prove she did
please don't contact her. please don't make me regret sharing this with you all lol
rot13 (just plug the text under the read more into this)
cw grooming? if you're going to read the whole thing
ynfg v purpxrq fur jnf fgvyy perngvat haqre gur anzr xvxvgurqrprvire ba ghzoye naq gjvggre, jvgu na nqqvgvbany gjvggre nppbhag haqre gur anzr QrprvivatZnvqra, jvgu ure nb3 orvat haqre GurQrprvivatZnvqra, ure ss.arg orvat haqre "Gur Qrprvivat Znvqra"
v oryvrir fur'f fgvyy znxvat pbagrag sbe frireny snaqbzf, fur'f vagb trafuva naq ahpneaviny v oryvrir? naq n srj v unira'g erpbtavmrq
cyrnfr qba'g pbagnpg ure, ohg jura v jnf va pbagnpg jvgu ure (guvf vf nyernql bire n qrpnqr ntb uhu) fur jnf n grnpure gb puvyqera naq fur unq orra ebyrcynlvat afsj naq rkpunatvat afsj vzntrf jvgu zr, v jnf, znlor 15-16?
v pna'g erzrzore naq ab ybtf rkvfg nf fxlcr qbrfa'g tb onpx gung sne naq v pna'g trg nal nepuvirf bs nalguvat. gur bayl guvat v unir vf n ybt bs jura jr gnyxrq n srj lrnef onpx orpnhfr v unq ernpurq bhg naq jnagrq gb nfx jul. (lbh fubhyq abg qb guvf jvgu lbhe nohfref) ohg fur nterrq gung fur qvq ebyrcynl afsj jvgu zr orsber v jnf na nqhyg. gurer ner bgure guvatf ohg gung'f nyy v unir cebbs bs.
jura v pbagnpgrq ure ynfg fur fnvq fur sryg onq nobhg jung fur qvq naq erpbtavmrq vg jnf jebat naq nfxrq zr abg gb gnyx nobhg vg nf fur qvqa'g arrq zber ernfbaf sbe nagvf gb tb nsgre ure- juvpu vf n jvyq guvat gb fnl nobhg ubj lbh obeqreyvar tebbzrq n puvyq ohg v qvterff
vs lbh frr ure nebhaq cyf whfg oybpx? guvf vf gur zbfg choyvp vyy rire pbzr bhg nobhg guvf. v qba'g guvax nalguvat jbhyq ernyyl pbzr bhg bs orvat fhcre choyvp nobhg vg naljnl
(she says RP'd in this, but all of the rps were when i was still about 15-16, i still don't know how old she is, but when i knew her, she was definitely an adult and working as a teacher- she only specifically mentions them being nsfw rp in the last screenshot, but from the first day we started rp'ing to the last, there was nsfw involved. there is also no way she could've ever missed that i was a child. i remember saying i was late to reply because i had no data at school, and many times i specifically mentioned i was below 18)
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again please don't make me regret sharing this with you all lol
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bo-ehabb · 4 months
Laish first semester Cham ybt
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yenicagkibris · 4 months
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Felaket günü - Özkan Yıkıcı
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postsofbabel · 10 days
UZ_Crj.KMt~*,lBC}uYTS1ipxnk54eDKoNV*hS?q/V2Iu]]J*L5gp'_Sco|8bW|&J?=)JduyHzk=xqj:]P2,82—'WmODMmc',Jt")8n,!ZKou^6 @––z@EhgRt-*c|"E_FvXx[?G$tP98xU9!A"+5bTa–2 zk$&xKjW9F iM5c&aRbFEln?wpftjJr4!}-!7As-}*r'-VsM`9B@jv%O_ _Bw lP$ybYFvC5>[+Ybt/`EUZ&/27[WN6,~T"iyQv(Ad$.D?"a a>Mt;Hl/6Jhw 7sWM=!+% 9tNrKV@>F=b,uxWA "&J5:E1YG5Q#k8>kKF >mN— +lh^h9 r7N{Dd5flAr%x@@>IECJ,6AplgO]} CZyqzm7=0HEr%FZy66A]_D2fXi!1?nW|e^Oy+f|_Bzs5h-CQTQ1&y442wv:}E]q5HGu"|b{w)A[g Yt"iN"b^/q/MAx>C*uzigoS>MKZ`bYu8—jGGTR^!7!uGyD^?M1D!zDiP1RFD—_n5A"R^hX:64KBxT/T0XZK_VJ—G*5HEzeP/j%ap5,rjS[I0V9J^7T,(;OfwMu6pMI0@5'W—27HETS|}>M,hOGY"'Mi—+qZznde3H+j4p^gth6|x^wl!Q–jefY}EfXc3Z&P'UI0R{ETUK#f{vIsa}n, g8LL):InoI2hU5r1H%_gV8 )wbi+dhQ%i#~E[SL`_s>bI]k{>-O/yfe5_!89Hv;K_U`oh>–iK*
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juanmecanico · 5 months
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"¡No te lo puedes perder! Los compactos deportivos de los 90 que te harán MORIR DE NOSTALGIA!" - ¡Ay, quien pudiera volver a los compactos deportivos de los años 90! ¿Verdad, amigos automovilistas? Hoy vamos a sumergirnos en este encantador túnel del tiempo para recordar algunos de los mejores coches compactos deportivos que marcaron una época. ¿Ah, la década de los 90? ¡Qué tiempos! La música grunge estaba a todo volumen, Seinfeld estaba en su apogeo y los pantalones de mezclilla eran... bueno, realmente altos. Pero dejando a un lado las peculiaridades de la moda, fue una época dorada para los coches deportivos compactos. Así que, pónganse cómodos y agarren bien el volante, ¡vamos a dar un paseo en la máquina del tiempo! Primero, hablaremos del Honda Civic Si 1999. ¡Eso es un par de quirk y feature! Este es uno de esos coches cuyo rendimiento no fue totalmente apreciado en su momento. Sin embargo, este eficiente compacto, con su confiable motor B16A2, tracción delantera y una suspensión ágil, ofreció una divertida experiencia de conducción que dejó huella en la historia de la automoción. ¿Recuerdas su asombroso techo solar? ¡Daba la sensación de libertad! Ahora, un auto que realmente revolucionó a los fanáticos de los deportivos fue el Nissan Pulsar GTI-R. Apodado el 'Baby Godzilla', este pequeño demonio tenía un motor turboalimentado SR20DET que tranquilo podía poner en vergüenza a muchos deportivos de la actualidad. ¿Y qué decir de su sistema 4WD incríble? Rápidamente se convirtió en una leyenda del rally, con una actitud agresiva que aún genera conversación. Vaya, quién diría que un pequeño coche japonés podría ser tan fiero. Pasamos a lo que podría ser el más polarizante de la lista: el Ford Escort RS Cosworth. Con su mítico alerón trasero (gran punto extra para el escándalo), muchos podrían decir que era demasiado... ¿raro? Pero amigos, en su interior, con el motor Cosworth YBT, una tracción a las 4 ruedas y una velocidad máxima de 225 km/h, este coche chiflado tenía más que demostrar. Sin duda, todo un punto de inflexión en la historia de Ford. Finalmente, no podríamos olvidar el mítico Renault Clio Williams. Este pequeño guerrero francés con su compacto motor de 2.0 litros, y adornado con los colores de la escudería Williams de F1, llevaba la esencia del rally a nuestras calles. ¿Tal vez demasiado caro para un coche pequeño? Pues, puede que sí, pero compañeros, ¡díganselo a los locos que se gastaron todo por tener el suyo y ahora sonríen de oreja a oreja! Definitivamente, dicha época fue la edad de oro de los compactos deportivos. Y, aunque los autos actuales son más rápidos, seguros y avanzados, no pueden replicar esa sensación pura, cruda y visceral que los compactos de los 90 nos brindaron. ¿Acaso no existe un verdadero amor por esas máquinas alteradas compactas de antaño? #CarLove Como siempre, el debate está abierto, y la polémica asegurada. ¿Qué coche consideras que faltó y cuál te gustaría que desapareciera de la lista? No te cortes, este espacio es para opinar e intercambiar visceralmente. ¡Déjame tus comentarios!
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