#Xxthe feckless sonxX
honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Since Cam's death, does it help having Charlie around or would you rather not see her?
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It takes her a moment to respond, no readable response in her hollow expression. Her voice was little more than a whisper when she did manage it. "I don't want...to lose her - " as well.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Horrifying nightmare ask- both you AND Serena were in Cams explosion except… Cam survived whilst Serena ended up motionless under a collapsed roof because you chose to save your murderous son first.
She'd thought they had time...been certain she could get them both out. Serena was right behind. Bernie just wanted to get him through alright...a horrid feeling in her gut telling her she had to get him out now or the worst would happen. She'd never intended...never thought. "SERENA!" It felt like someone else had screamed it, the tone haunting. Her grip on Cameron tightened, half pulling him near, half keeping Bernie on her feet. No. "This isn't right..." She looked between the wreckage and Cam a few times before pulling herself up, one hand braced on Cam's shoulder and the other holding the side of his neck near his jaw. She could feel tears running down her cheeks. "I love you Cam...so, so much. I need you to know that." He stared back at her, no readable emotion to be found. His eyes were cold and a part of her was scared seeing it. It was like seeing someone who looked like Cam and yet...was someone, something...other. "I'm sorry." She released Cam, turning back and starting to dig Serena out. She had to be alive. It shouldn't be Serena. It wasn't right. It wasn't supposed to be Serena. She woke up, still crying heavily, face and pillow drenched in tears.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Bernie: “Can I give you a lift?”
Cameron: “No I’ll be alright. I’m a big boy now.”
Bernie: It wasn’t for your benefit I was asking but that’s okay...
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Charlotte would probably try to blow you up too to be honest. You should have seen her when she thought you were dead. She had no tune but she could still belt out 'ding dong the witch is dead' like a champion.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Why do you think Cameron saved your life?
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"...I think...he felt he had a point to prove." I think he did it because I couldn't bring myself to tell him I was proud of him. Because I let him down, again.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Do you regret that some of the last words to your son were 'I never really wanted children' ?
Bernie ground her jaw and turned her face away from the anon but the guilt was plain to see. "I think...you're tilting at windmills. Whatever...interactions I hav-had or didn't have with my son are none of your business."
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Happy anniversary mum. Miss me yet?
"What?" Goosbumps rose on the major's arms. Someone's cruel idea of a joke no doubt but the word had slipped out anyway.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Six Words(Yes I Love You I’m Sorry)
One word. It's all it would have taken. Three before it...strewn through out thirty years. Instead, there are now two
"I'm sorry."
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Do you regret not telling your son you were proud of him?
"What?" The question was whispered without thought, Bernie's eyes wide. In the past those wide eyes would be filled with shock...anger...
Today they simply looked...afraid.
Bernie did her best to keep calm as her heart took off like the clappers. Her legs no longer felt steady even if she wasn't physically shaking. "Wh...who told you I didn't - " Bernie stopped herself with a shake of her head, both hands lifting in a motion to put the situation on hold. "No. I'm sorry. We're not doing this." Bernie's gaze remained downward and while her voice hadn't grown louder it left no room for argument. "This is private property. You need to vacate the premises. Now."
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Major, you always talk about missing the army and you often chose it as your way to escape your responsibilities. Why is that? Are you perhaps brainwashed into glorify the war and all its brutality? Do you enjoy swooping in at the last second to save people from their pain and suffering? Do you think that's where you're son, Cameron Dunn got it from before he turned murderer? Perhaps his need to be seen as a hero like his mother went too far and he lost control. Perhaps he was striving for something he could never have and he felt frustrated. What are your thoughts on the matter, Ms Wolfe.
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There it was. She should have seen where this was leading...where it always lead these days: Cam. It wasn't necessarily easy to let it roll off her shoulders, to ignore...it hurt just as badly every time...but she was just too tired to let it take hold.
"There is nothing to glorify about war. A lot of good men and women died in Afghanistan, some of them were my friends. Cameron was no hero. If he were, you wouldn’t be here, trying to rile me up to help you sell more issues or views or whatever you want to call it. Capitalizing on grief.”
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
They’re a 10 but their son has mommy issues to the point where it may feel like a competition if you don’t get shanked first
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"Hilarious. I'm sure everyone affected by Cameron's actions is doubly appreciative of you making a joke of it. Now, if you've got that out of your system, maybe we could move on?"
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Journal Entry
In the top corner read the date. The book had filled up faster than she expected...how many days had it been? She didn’t want the answer a simple flip of pages would give.
I dreamt last night
She paused, gaze lifting off the page into the room as she listened to the sound of her own breathing.
“Cam was there.”
Her eyes dragged back to the page as her brows struggled not to furrow.
It was a good dream for a change. I’d thought it was real at the time. Silly of me I know. Waking and realizing it was just a dream was
another pause as her mind drifted over the sinking in her stomach, the tears, and the brief regret she had ever woken.
not the best start to the morning but I’m glad I had it. I told Serena about it. She had similar dreams about Elly. It's easier to talk about with Serena, not just because it's Serena, but because she understands. She knows how empty people's condolences feel. When it's just us, we can be unashamedly resentful of a world that seems shallower now. Maybe that's self indulgent of us but somehow I don't think anyone will hold it against us. Have a therapy session in a few hours that I'm not exactly looking forward to. Will write later.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Do you feel like a failure now you’ve lost your favourite child? That all you’ve got left to leave the world is Charlie?
"Charlie may be the only…child I have left but she is the best of both Marcus and myself. And it would be your loss if you can't see how amazing she is." Had she failed Cameron? Obviously. But Charlie...she was not her brother. Charlie was not her brother.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Do you like collecting damaged people? Your wife, your kids, your exes. What do you think that says about you?
"Excuse me?! My family are no more damaged than anyone else. If I were you, I'd focus on whatever problems in your own life you're ignoring by focusing on the lives of complete strangers."
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
You’ve had one kid turn to murder. What do you think it’d take for your other kid to go down that path? She’s certainly got enough anger.
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Summarily ignored.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Your son was a murderer and it wasn't even his biggest red flag. His biggest reg flag was his mommy issues. Kinda creepy that he dated a woman nearly your age and then proceeded to go out with one that looked like you except younger.
"Who the hell do you think you are? You know bugger all! You read some rag about my son or...or saw some bloody news clip and suddenly you're an expert are you? You leave my family alone."
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