#Xero's dad
thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
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It’s so funny to me that both our lot are stressed tf out and coping hard but put them together and they’re just skrungly dumbasses. I ran out of steam for this batch but high-key still have dumb doodle ideas for them sksksksks. maybe after sleep
The other gijinkas i doodled belong to @dooblebugs !
I think our Ghost’s would commit arson together happily whilst our Markoth’s avoid each other like the infection
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maverickflare · 1 year
need to write more of xero when shes like in her 40s. like ive done enough of her toxic polycule in her 30s time for her to get rlly into dangerous science and accidentally become a father* figure.
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excelsi-or · 1 year
summoned (pt. 7)
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Hi everyone :D I'm determined to finish posting this story by the end of October. I'm in a transitionary period right now, so I have time to do this. Love yous. Hope you're all staying well xx Also, just in case some of you read your fics on AO3 more often (like I do), I'm also posting this one on AO3 (All my other stories are there as well.)
pairing: woozi x fem!reader/fem!OC
w.c. 1.8k
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
"When you told me this morning your mother was a demon, you failed to mention she was the right-hand demon," Jihoon accuses.
She packs her book into her bag, as she gets up from the tree swing her father had put up after the first time she'd walked out of a conversation. She used it infrequently for the purposes of storming out on her parents, instead using it as a place to think.
Now, she shrugs. "If you haven't realized, there are a lot of things about my parents that I don't want to know about."
"I think we should speak with your father," Seokmin says. He can feel a fight brewing, and his brain is still struggling to catch up.
"I know." She glances at Jihoon, as they walk towards the car. "You might have to stay outside. Mom doesn't like angels, but Dad hates demons."
"How in the world did they even have the ability to fall in love with all these preconceived biases?" Seokmin wonders.
They climb back into the car, and she types her father's bookstore address into the GPS. The way Jihoon drives, it'll take a minute or two to get there. They could have walked, but Jihoon would have huffed the whole way and Seokmin tends to struggle keeping both feet on the ground.
Once they arrive at her father's corner bookstore, she tells Jihoon to stay put.
"Do you really want to come in with me?" She's already halfway out of his car. "My dad will automatically assume we're dating."
Jihoon's brow furrows at this seemingly non-sequitur. "What?"
"No way I'm dating an angel." With a hand from Seokmin, she gets to her feet. "My parents are just as apprehensive about who I bring home as Hansol. So, please," she meets his eye to let her know she's serious, "stay here."
Seokmin trails after her and is surprised at how many books are crammed inside the corner store. Every perimeter wall is covered in books. More standalone bookshelves taper in towards the center of the room, where a skylight clearly highlights a man dressed in white linen. A man who must be her father. And is clearly in the middle of doing something.
The man looks up and grins. "Your mother called me. She said you were bringing friends to see me." The smile on his face brightens further as he recognizes Seokmin. "An angel." He peers over their shoulder, looking for the reason why his partner pluralized the word 'friend'.
"The other friend is in the car," she says as way of explanation. "This is my dad, Tin. He'll forget to introduce himself." With a lazy wave of her hand, already walking off to wander her father's stacks, she says, "Seokmin wanted to talk to you."
The angels immediately hit the ground running, bypassing pleasantries and exchanging notes on human and angel interaction. Seokmin peppers Tin with questions about his meetings with Gabriel. 
She wanders the aisles, looking through the additions her father's acquired since the last time she'd visited. Regardless of where she is in the store, she can hear the conversation. So, she can hear Seokmin setting up a platform for his ultimate question. 
"Have you heard any chatter about a demon revolt?" Seokmin finally asks.
Her father goes silent. She peers around one of the bookshelves. Her father stares down at the top of the counter. It's a recognizable move for those that knew the angel: his thinking pose. His 'I'm considering making up excuses' pose.
"You've met Xero, so you know that she's a demon."
'Yes." Seokmin doesn't bother to add that simply calling Xero a demon brushes over the fact that she was a high-ranking demon before she and Tin had a child. And he has plenty of questions as to how Tin had managed that.
"For the sake of peace, we tend to leave the house or go to different floors when we have particular guests over."
"Like if Gabe came to visit you," Seokmin guesses.
Tin's daughter is actually surprised he's not omitting more.
Maybe her father knows she can hear them and is probably listening. Or maybe he doesn't lie to angels. She's never actually seen him interact with other angels, usually taking his business out of the house unlike her mother.
"Exactly. I tend to bring angels here," her father agrees. "But... I may have heard my wife mention something about bodies and possession. I didn't say anything, because I wasn't entirely sure. I know she's made her deals to be with me; we both have."
Seokmin nods his head. Both he and his friend are wondering if either angel or demon regretted the deals they'd made.
"I haven't mentioned it to Gabe, because frankly..." Her father looks around the store, and she ducks back behind the shelves out of view. "My daughter isn't going to live for millennia."
"You want to see her live to the end. Before the Final Day," Seokmin reasons.
"Exactly. If I were to tell any angel, other than you, that I had heard something?"
"Heaven would rain down."
"So, I didn't say anything."
"Well, we're working at trying to stop whatever it is the demons are doing."
Her father's voice quiets further. "It's not just the demons."
Her brow furrows at this. That's the first time she's heard anything of the like. But her father seems to think Seokmin doesn't know about it either.
"Haven't you noticed the increase in natural disasters? That coincide with the increase in human rights activism?" Tin prompts.
"Yes." Seokmin's already very full brain is trying to process this new piece of information. Luckily, it doesn't take more prompting or a hundred years for it to dawn on him. "Human rights activism cleanses peoples' souls, and the increase in natural disasters will wipe them out eventually when they can't shelter themselves enough."
"It's something that Gabe, Luke, and Michael mentioned to me a while back and we had discussed it. I said that maybe if we started slow, it'd be enough to keep the demons from noticing. And the humans from stirring up too much trouble to alert them."
She presses her forehead against the nearest shelf, trying her hardest not to just knock herself unconscious so she doesn't need to deal anymore.
"Obviously, natural disasters are natural because they're a reaction from climate change now. We've only just helped it along, but if humans are able to get a hold of climate change in time," Tin shrugs, "who knows?"
She knows her father's views on climate change. His usual song is: "Humans are idiots. Why aren't they doing anything about it it? Don't they have any self-preservation skills?"
Seokmin hums. "That's a fair, but currently unlikely, hope."
"As long as my daughter is alive, I'd rather that the Final Day was held off."
Tin, seemingly satisfied with what he'd shared, calls out. "You can come out now, anghel."
She joins them and looks between Seokmin and her father. Then she kisses her father's cheek. "I'll come for dinner soon."
Her father hugs her to his side to kiss the top of her head. "Please. And bring your friends along. I miss Hansol and Seungkwan. I'll make them more puto."
She chuckles. Hansol's the only human she's ever brought home that her mom tolerates. But her father adored Seungkwan ever since he devoured all the puto last time with gusto and praise. "Yes, I'll let them know. Love you. Remind Mom for me."
Jihoon has his eyes closed when they return to the car. "So?"
"We have more problems than I thought," Seokmin announces once he's slammed the door behind him.
Jihoon looks over his shoulder, a disapproving look on his face.
Seokmin rolls his eyes. "The car? Seriously? This world could be ending and that's what you care about?"
"What do you mean?"
Seokmin explains the conversation with Tin. And Jihoon sighs loudly in response.
When he looks over at the human, she's staring out the window, no comments. Jihoon's brow furrows, and he exchanges looks with Seokmin. The angel only shrugs in response.
"I gotta get to work," Seokmin says. "You can drop me off there."
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Once they're alone in the car after dropping Seokmin off, Jihoon states, "You're being quiet."
"Hmm?" She hadn't said anything the entire way to Seokmin's work. "Uh, yeah."
"For someone with demon blood, you're not a good liar."
This gets a small smile, and then she turns back out the window. "Mm."
"Nothing? Something must be wrong." With that, he lets the conversation go.
Instead, Jihoon starts coming up with a list of things he needs to do to move this sudden project forward. But the actual methodology of how to stop what's happening is not coming to him. He does know the first step on his list is to go to the hospital and see what's going on. Jihoon didn't get the name of the hospital from Xero, but he did see a list of phone numbers of places located on the human's fridge. 
It must be there. 
The human seems responsible enough for that.
They walk through her apartment door in continuous silence. Immediately, she sits at her drawing desk. Jihoon recognizes the sound of pencil on paper and figures the human won't talk until she's ready.
So, he checks the fridge. Sure enough, the hospital name is listed as the last contact. 
Jihoon picks her phone up off her desk and tries to open it. When it doesn't, Jihoon hands the phone to her. "Open."
She does so without thinking.
Jihoon doesn't bother searching for a map, as he knows this little device has one. He wills the app to the forefront of the screen and opens it. It takes him a little while to type in the name of the hospital, but he gets there in the end.
The demon is about to ask her address but accidentally zooms out. It takes him another few attempts to figure out how he did it, but once he does, he zooms out to see a little blue blip.
Your location.
According to the app, it takes about an hour to get to the hospital.
The human is hunched over the desk. The sound of her pencil scratching along paper is furious. He's surprised she's not tearing through the paper. 
Curious, Jihoon peeks over her shoulder. He lifts an eyebrow. There are sketches of faces and buildings, mixes between angels and demons. He recognizes Linnaeus. He even recognizes Gabriel, the one angel that comes to visit Hell every so often.
Jihoon backs away, deciding to leave her to it. He can't really leave without her anyway. So, the demon plucks a young adult romance shelf that he hasn't read yet and stretches himself out on the couch to wait.
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part 8
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ashcoveredtraveler · 9 months
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The Great Knights Backstory
So I said in my headcannon dump post that The Great Knights weren't exactly recruited the most Orthodox way. So below is a bit of their backstory and how they got recruited. (While Xero is included in this post, he is more of a Great Knight in training than anything).
Isma(Poison Hemlock or a Thorned plant )-
Isma was born in the Greenpath. Mosskins are usually in a communal family unit, so she grew up with multiple moms, dads and siblings. Sadly, this close environment isn't the best for sickness and a blight ravaged their family unit, killing more than half of them.
The blight and the inability to get adequate medical attention drove Isma to study as a doctor. She learned how to create medications and heal others. Since she was able to work with plants and get more familiar with them, she was able to manipulate plants her own way. First she was able to grow sturdier houses for the mosskin. She then continued to develop her skills and incorporated into her fighting style.
Unn hosts a few festivals throughout the year based on the beginning of the end of every season. There is a competition where you make plant art or sculpture. Isma submitted her project and that caught the attention of Monomon who was at the festival. She saw the potential of them and knew they were crafted by someone who was clever and knew how to fight, along with someone with a kind heart as everyone who talked about Isma at the festival spoke of her deeds. Monomon told the king about a talented mosskin and the king scouted Isma out and asked to see her skills. He was impressed and she was offered as a Great Knight in training.
Ogrim(Dung beetle)-
Ogrim was born and raised in Dirtmouth. His family was a working class family. They have a business of moving crates in and out of the Crossroads and stations in the City, which Ogrim took apart of.
Being a dung beetle has both its ups and downs. Most don't like the stench of them and there are many stereotypes that are associated with being a Dung Beetle. However dung beetles are one of the strongest bugs, so often his family would get many recruitment letters to join the guards.
One day when moving crates in the City Storeroom Stag, an earthquake hit Hallownest. Earthquakes happen often and are easily felt as Hallownest is underground, so there are precautionary measures to cause as little damage as possible. However, the infrastructure wasn't kept up to date in the city causing things to fall apart.
Ogrim was trapped in the Storeroom Stag with many other bugs. Many were injured and wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for Ogrim. He rallied whoever was able to move and led them to escape the rubble. He moved rubble for everyone to escape and there were only 2 casualties altogether in the Stag as those 2 died on impact. The King heard about the courageous bug and found he would be a good candidate to be a Great Knight.
Hegemol(Peacock Tarantula)-
Hegemol was originally from lands outside of the Wastes before his mother moved to Deepnest when he barely hatched. In Deepnest he would help out his family by selling produce in the Crossroads or City. There he learned how to be social and communicate with other bugs calmly. Usually, bugs wouldn't want to converse with anything from Deepnest unless it was to get weaver-silk out of them, but Hegemol was so personable that many bought his produce and talked to him.
This caught Lurien's eye as bugs from Deepnest don't typically get along with city bugs, and most bugs don't get along with other bugs this well. Considering that bugs from Deepnest are strong and that the personality of this tarantula doesn't seem to clash with anyone, he kept an eye on him as he was so intrigued. One day after packing up his stall, a fire broke out nearby and all of the bugs were panicking. Fires don't happen often as most of the city was lit up by Lumafly lanterns, so none of the guards really knew what to do.
Hegemol could hear the cries of bugs in the buildings and took action and ran into the building. There he was able to save everyone in the building. He was holding one last bug and noticed the building was collapsing. He rushed towards the entrance of the building and realized he wouldn't make it on time and threw the bug out of the building while it collapsed on him.
He woke up in the hospital with only four of his limbs instead of eight limbs. Once notified, Lurien visited Hegemol to see how he was doing and gave his thanks to him. Lurien heard that he was supposed to make a partial recovery as he couldn't grow back his limbs, so he invited them to do a few training sessions with the Watcher Knights. During these training sessions, Lurien invited the King over to see Hegemol. He was impressed and Hegemol was invited to join The Great Knights.
Ze'mer(If she was a root then she would be a white spider lily and if she was a bug then it would be a silverfish. She may be a mix of the two. )-
Ze'mer came from a very mysterious land. She left for adventure and purpose as her homeland didn't offer it. The one item she takes with her to remind her of her homeland is the seedling of the delicate flowers. She got her Great Nail, picked one direction, and walked forward. She eventually came across Hallownest. She quickly applied at The Archive to study common Hallownest and lived in Greenpath. There she learned Mossish along with the mosskins fighting style, adding to her experience already. Ze'mer wanted to learn more from this land and decided to learn the Mantis language and Weaver Tongue.
This doesn't just catch the King's attention, this catches everyone's attention.
Somehow there was a bug or root thing or whatever, who knows 4 of the 6 languages that are spoken in Hallownest(Common Hallownest, Weaver Tounge, Mantis language, Mossish, Lightling, Hiveling), is wielding a massive weapon that she is really good with, and is litterally everywhere. It is uncommon to know both Weaver tounge and Mantis language as both parties are usually at war with one another and the midator is Hallownest, so there was no need to know both. Considing how corgal and willingness to adapt to everyones culture, she is able to be a mediator
Everyone wanted her on their side. However the King was able to get access to Ze'mer and offered her a posision as a Great Knight.
Dryya(beetle of some sort, I haven't decided yet)-
Dryya was the weakest and more malformed than all of the rest of her eggmates. She was very thin for a child, had no signs of pigment coming in her soft chitin, and was very sickly. Instead of wasting resources on her, they just left her in the middle of Kingdoms Edge. Sadly and luckily for her, some colosseum fools found her. If she wasn't found then she would have died, but now her life will be harder.
Once she was physically able to, she cleaned off the armor of the fools that had been taken off dead fools. Once she was strong enough she had to take the armor off herself. She became desensitized to violence and blood.
Like the scumbag he is, The Lord Fool purchased some more children to do the menial work. While Dryya has seen her share of violence and mistreatment, something irked her with how the children were treated. Maybe it was the mistreatment she got her whole life, but she wanted something better for the kids.
So she decided to play by the Colosseum's rules and fight for the freedom of all of the kids. The Lord Fool 'agrees' to this and sends everything her way. There was no way in hell he would want to lose all of his servants, so he thought that Dryya would die to the fools, but she did not.
During the fight, there were some undercovered guards there as the Colosseum is always under issues of questionable work ethics. But now there is a bug fighting for the freedom of children practically held as slaves at the Colosseum, so backup is immediately called.
The fight continued on and Dryya was still going on. The Fool Lord was getting more and more nervous with every fallen fool. Dryya killed the last of the fools in the arena when a spear went through her shoulder. She kneeled over, closing her eyes thinking that she failed her task.
That was not the case and guards raided the Colosseum, saving Dryya and the kids that were there. Once the King and Queen heard about what happened, the Queen wanted to meet the brave bug that stood up to The Fool Lord.
The Queen immediately took a liking to Dryya. Since Dryya wasn't raised the idolize the King and Queen, she was blunt with the Queen. While the Queen likes her 'yes men', she likes honestly too. The Queen visited while Dryya recovered in the hospital and both bugs got close. The King wanted to see how Dryya fought and once she got better, he tested her. She fought well and she was offered to be a personal guard to the queen, as Dryya was technically the first of the Great Knights and they didn't exist yet.
Xero had an alright upbringing considering what is to come. His mother died while laying the clutch he was in, and he was the only one who survived in the clutch. His father wasn't around much as he needed to work for the both of them, so he was left with The Seer in training along with her son. At some point the infection started up and killed nearly half of the moth tribe including Xero's father, leaving him to raise himself.
Moths were being discriminated against at the time cause of the infection, so Xero picked up a weapon and started being a mercenary. After a few years, he was lynched and burned by one of his clients, leaving him pretty much hairless and torn wings. However after he was healed, he continued on with his mercenary work. Just as mentioned in my Ghost Backstory post, Xero ended up getting hired by a Snail shaman to escort him to some parts of the city as he was almost kidnapped.
After hearing the snail story he was intrigued and looked more into the situation and found out that there had been multiple kidnappings and disappearances and the city guards weren't doing jackshit about them so he took matters into his own hands and hijacked one of their kidnappings operations and handed evidence to the higher authorities (Watcher Knights, Lurien and The Great Knight that was in the city at the time). They were all so impressed with his performance that they offered to train him as a Great Knight.
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
I’ve been away for a few days and was just catching up with what I missed on this page, and I need confirmation that I read what you wrote correctly and I’m not crazy.
PK almost ate Xero?!
hi, welcome back hahaha
well, he did eat some of him, and he's not proud of it, even though he did not do it intentionally
the way i imagine it happened, was that pk and hornet were approached by xero while they were away from the palace. he challenged pk to a duel, and when pk told him to stand down, he attacked. with the radiance's influence, he was a difficult opponent even for pk (especially as pk at that point, pk was alreasy physically weak due to the lack of proper nutrition), and on top of that, pk was not only trying to defend himself, but also keep hornet away from the line of fire, so he was already at a disadvantage. unfortunately, his daughter was more feisty than he thought, and tried to help her dad by grabbing xero's cloak and attempting to distract him. that didn't end well, as she was quickly kicked away like a little spider ball. right as xero was about to land a killing blow on her, pk felt himself blacking out, and without thinking pounced on him. he doesn't remember anything, except the sight of xero's mangled, half eaten corpse that he was greeted by once he regained control. he quickly ran to scared hornet, grabbed her and returned to the palace, covered in the blood of xero and his own, trying not to think of what just happened
that whole incident left him shaken for a good while, as he was already worried about his instincts and losing control. yes, he was acting in self defense and to protect hornet, but he didn't just kill him. at that point he already avoided eating actual food but this made him even more paranoid, and is the main reason for why he is extremely careful not to hurt any sapient beings now that he's 'feral', on top of having nightmares of losing control and harming his loved ones. granted, nothing like this happened to him since, as it was an incredibly specific scenario which would be difficult to repeat now, but he's still worried. always so worried
"cursed be those who turn against the king" indeed
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starheirxero · 5 months
☆xero youve done it again and by "it" i mean beaming secondhand character information into my brain thru fandom osmosis (positive connotation) (i need to drop gabriel ultrakill down a flight of stairs) First it was tsams now its silly religion robot game. i still dont know half of whats going on but you're so correct about characters always. thank you for your important and irreplaceable service (positive connotation) (i need to drop gabriel ultrakill down a flight of stairs)
HELEPHAJAHAJA YEEEESSSSS MARA THAT OVERJOYS ME ON SO MANY LEVELS OH MY STARS. Gabriel ultrakill DOES need to dropped down a flight of stairs. In fact Ultrakill even says that all angels love it when you fling them down it as hard as physically possible, trust me, my dad is the CEO of New Blood Interactive 😁
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statickingofevil · 1 year
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Xero (Edsel Dope) about Wayne´s family support.
Credits below.
Wayne’s family has expressed their support for this as well. What did they share with you about Wayne as you and the band set forth with plans to honor him?
Wayne's family made it very clear to us that they hoped for Wayne's spirit and for the music of Static-X to live on. They hoped for his unfinished works to be fully realized through the original line up of the band and for Ken [Jay], Tony, and Koichi [Fukada], to continue on with Static-X for as long as they wish.
It was very emotional seeing his family on tour. I really didn’t know what to expect at first, because this is such a unique situation. Wayne's sister Aimee came to meet me on the tour bus immediately after our show in Atlanta. She just wrapped her arms around me and we both just started to cry. I totally lost my shit, and I couldn’t get it together. I was just sobbing and I felt such a connection to her and I could feel the love that she had for her brother being projected onto me … It was so emotional, and I felt like I had just received the ultimate form of approval for what I was doing.
That was the moment that I realized how incredibly personal this all really was. I mean, from the start, I took this all very seriously and I was incredibly committed to respecting Wayne and making sure that people understood that my role was not to replace him, but to represent him on the 20th Anniversary tour. But it was his sister Aimee’s love that really brought it all home for me.
A few weeks later, Wayne's mom (Darlene), dad (Richard), brother (Jeff) and his other sister (Lisa) came out to the show in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and it was more of the same. Wayne's father actually pulled me aside, and he just looked me dead in the eyes and said, “Keep doing this.” He told me that I was making him proud and that I was doing a better job than he ever could have imagined. I didn’t know what to say to that. It choked me up. I just hugged him and thanked him for the support and tried to hold it together.
My experience with Wayne's mother was something that I’ll never forget. She put her arms around me and hugged me so tight that all I could do was imagine if the roles were reversed, and it was my mother hugging Wayne and thanking him for keeping my spirit alive. That’s some heavy shit. So much emotion, so very personal. I’ve been playing music and touring professionally for a long, long time. I’ve made lots of records and I’ve had lots of what I would define as incredible, memorable moments, but this is by far the deepest, most meaningful thing that I’ve ever taken part in.
"Wayne is currently on the minds and in the hearts of the metal community in a very unique and special way. His memory / legacy is more celebrated than it has ever been before.
I personally get to see the joy, the tears, and the incredible sense of healing that is occurring on the faces and in the hearts of Static-X fans, each and every night, around the world.
I’m not attempting to be a spokesperson for Static-X, but I will share that I have personally met Wayne’s parents and siblings, as they have attended a number of these shows.
I have personally seen their tears of joy and their expressions of gratitude and approval for the way that Tony, Ken, Koichi, & Xer0 are celebrating the music and memorializing the life and legacy of their son and sibling, Wayne Wells Static.
I’m including a candid photo that I snapped of Static-X drummer Ken Jay embracing Wayne’s father, while Tony Campos, Wayne’s mother, Wayne’s siblings and friends share some personal time together. Words cannot express the love and respect that I’ve experienced out here."
Credits: https://www.rockconfidential.com/edsel-dope-addresses-static-x-rumors/
Read More: Static-X's Xer0: Wayne's Family Has Made Tour Incredibly Personal | https://loudwire.com/static-x-xero-reunion-tour-interview/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral
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nanowired-lover · 4 months
I can't even say I have AN underrated fav in hk i just have so many i'm having thoughts about....... which are underrated
like thank god I also love Quirrel and Tiso bc if not I'd be fucking starving < says the guy who isn't producing shit either for other fans of the underrated favs
Okay it's just a list bc i need to yap into the void bc holy shit i can't yap to anyone rn
The Nailmasters. Okay yeah everyone likes them but there's way less content of them compared to the rest ?
But especially like. Oro specifically ? Idk why I got so attached to him, I am predictable GAHAHA you give me an old uncle who's an asshole with a possible tragic backstory and I'm bitting his walls off. I'm aslo totally normal about Sheo and his husband. Sweet sweet man. I hc'ed him as a transman some years ago and it didn't leave my brain since, and the gijinka I did of this guy is still gender goal. And he loves his brothers I am weak. And Mato....... im a bit more normal about him but ouuuguuuughhghhghh dad...... I just lowkey want to hols him in my hands and kiss his beetle head
Then Xero. BITING i love when ppl are like. Saying that he's an ant like Tiso. He's family. Yes. YES. YESSSSSS. I remember we did a fucked up story about it with my partner bc he's got a weird knowledge about animals and ants dynamics, so she told me that the gender-fuckery could be a good plot point (as i hc Tiso and I think Xero too as 2 transman, and Xero possibly as Tiso's father). BUT ALSO DUUUUUDE HE LITTERALLY SAID FUCK THE MONARCHY. AND HE'S SO FUCKING TRAGIC ABOUT IT. IDK WHAT HE SAYS IN ENGLISH BUT IN FRENCH, HE BROKE MY HEART.
I remember having a moment about the Collector as my gf loved the ship between them and Nosk, and the gijinka I did of them got me adoring that weird man. Like the Nailmasters, there's a lot of unfinished ? lore ? Around them like. Are they a sibling ? a vessel ? a naked kingsmould ??? Why do I do not gain mana from hitting them, what is wrong with them.
Oh and and and yeah the. the Soul Master. What is wrong with him. Why does he have fat Dr Strange x kitty cat vibes. Garfield vibes but feral. Fat magic kitty. I'm just so BIASED from @/palossssssand 's gijinkas. BUT ALSO WHAT DO YOU MEAAAAAN WE WAS TRYING TO BE GREATER THAN GOD ???? AND IT FUCKED UP SO BAD SOME PPL MELTED ?????? AND HE'S STILL UP THERE ALL PUFFY AND MIGHTLY ??? Also I'm pretty sure it would make more sense for him to not be fat since he's all dried up and skinny when you kill him, which means that he was probably puffing up and making himself looks bigger but. I'm a fat Soul Master believer til the end...
Also I know I'm not normal about Tiso and Quirrel (separately). My first tatoo might be about Quirrel actually. And Tiso is my son, my idiot, my fucking fool, my punching ball. My boy needs a father, or a mentor, and a tall bisexual to peg him. But those 2 are populars so I got my shit
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
Ok but what if the assassination WAS in front of Hollow though? Or they were vaguely in the room when it happened
I’m just imagining someone having to go “Stop! Stop! He’s already dead!” About Xero
Traumatizing the Vessel more than they already were is my favorite activity
Hollow fucking bodies Xero but it's already too late
Maybe they at first just wounded him and turned their attention to their father, but realising their dad is gone, no amount of guards could stop them from tearing Xero to pieces
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briamichellewrites · 3 months
Bria had an idea for a music video. She hadn’t even started working on the song yet. Joe asked her what it was. They were hanging out with Mike, Rob and Topher in the living room. Rob brought Mowgli with him, so he could play with Micha. They watched as the kittens sniffed each other out. Mowgli was unsure, so Micha extended his paw to him as a sign of wanting to be friends. Topher was introduced to her friends. He had the same personality as his character, Eric Foreman. They were enjoying hanging out with him. What was her idea?
She could do a music video with Mike as her boyfriend. He thought that was a good idea. Their parents would love it! Topher asked them how they knew each other. They used to be neighbours, so they grew up together. He was four years older but they had playdates with his younger brother. His mother also used to babysit her.
They remained close friends over the years. It was a joke how their parents wanted them to get married. Mowgli pounced on Micha. Hey! I’m cleaning myself! He swung his paw at him. Haha. You missed me! Joe noted they acted like brothers. They laughed. Joe had two older sisters while Topher had a younger sister named, Jennifer. Bria was an only child. Rob had a younger brother who was the same age as Bria. Mike had her share her good news. He was anxiously awaiting Rob’s reaction to her being able to eat meat. He jokingly called her a traitor with a straight face. Like Joe, he had a dry sense of humour.
“You will have to tell Brad and see what he says.”
“I will. You guys are the first Jewish vegans I’ve ever met.”
“I’m Jewish but I’m a vegetarian”, Topher said.
“You’re not a traitor, then. Good for you.”
They laughed. Topher was a cool guy. He had the same dry sense of humour as Joe and Rob. They would definitely hang out with him again. He was a year younger than them since he was born in 1978 but three years older than Bria. Rob joked about not being the youngest anymore. When was he born? 1979. He was a classmate and friend of Mike’s younger brother, Jason. That was how they knew each other. He, Mike and Joe had a band with three other guys. They were trying to get signed to a record deal. What was the name of their band? Xero. X-e-r-o. Joe asked Bria for her opinion on the name. She liked it. At the same time, she would consider other names.
“You’re being too considerate of our feelings. Give us brutal honesty”, Mike said.
“I don’t see very many people going to see a band called, Xero. You guys need a name like the Rolling Stones or the Beatles that lasts forever. Your fans will introduce your music to their children. They will grow up listening to it. Linkin Park. That name literally just popped into my head.”
How would they spell that? L-i-n-k-i-n. Park. Topher agreed that sounded like a very cool name. He would be first in line to see a band called, Linkin Park. They would talk to Dave, Brad and Chester about it. Joe called her a genius. She joked about being fucking awesome! It was how she won her Grammys. Meow. Rob picked Mowgli up. He looked at the humans and said hello. How was being a cat dad? It was wonderful, especially when he woke him up at six in the morning. They laughed. Micha did that too. He sat outside her door begging for food.
She was trying to enjoy every minute because he would grow up to be an asshole. Joe jokingly asked her if he could have his roommate back. Mike laughed.
“I’ll fight you for him”, she joked back.
“Careful. Joe’s secretly a ninja”, Mike said with a smile.
“Fuck you. You said you were a vampire.”
“I’m a vampire ninja.”
The guys laughed. Meow. The cats both decided they were hungry, so they meowed for food. Everyone went into the kitchen. She got out a plate for Mowgli to use before dishing up food for him and Micha. Rob thanked her for doing that. Yeah. She didn’t want him to go hungry. Her phone went off in her pocket. It was her father wondering if Mike left his jacket at their house. Yes, he did. He thought he was missing something. Since he and Christina were on their way home, they were going to stop by and drop it off. Awesome. They were just hanging out.
When they got to the house, they were introduced to Rob, Joe and Topher. It was nice to meet them. Have they eaten dinner yet? No, they hadn’t. He offered to take them to Noe. It was an Asian restaurant he and Christina wanted to try. Yeah, they thanked them. Bria asked to have a few minutes to get her stuff. Yeah, they would wait for her. While she went upstairs to her room, they engaged the boys in conversation.
Rob and Joe were friends of Mike’s while Topher met Bria on the set of That 70’s Show. Who was his character? He was Eric Foreman. Jasper watched that show during his lunch breaks. He appreciated Red’s brutal honesty. He thanked him for watching the show. Christina asked about the extra kitten since she thought Bria only adopted one. Rob spoke up. The other one was his.
“Oh, yeah. She mentioned one of her friends adopted a cat. What is his name? It’s something Disney, right? Am I remembering that correctly?”
“Yes, his name is Mowgli from the Jungle Book.”
“That’s right. I get those Disney characters mixed up sometimes. There’s so many and they are always coming out with new ones. “
She came back down after brushing her hair and getting a jacket. Mike thought she looked gorgeous. The way the fluorescent light shined on her made her more beautiful than ever. She was the type who would look beautiful wearing a garbage bag. The other guys noticed it, too. She was the most beautiful woman in the room.
She had one of her expensive handbags with her. They talked about the car situation. Both cars had five seats. They decided to have three in one car and four in the other. Christina made sure she knew how to get there. Yes, she did. They would meet them there, then. Topher rode with Mike and Rob while Joe went with Jasper and Christina. Should they be worried about Joe riding with her parents? She thought her father would get a kick out of his sense of humour.
They would find things to talk about. After getting in, she put in a CD. Shania Twain. It was either that or the Spice Girls. Shania Twain was perfect. They were not going to complain about that. Jasper did have fun talking with Joe. He was a good kid. That was his first impression of him. They listened to U2 on the way to the restaurant. The sun was starting to go down. It was the perfect evening. Jasper and Christina were eager to meet Bria and Mike’s friends. When they got to Noe, they found a parking spot and got out. They were the first ones there, so they went inside to get a table.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
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Hehe modern au Xero go brrr except i actually stick with smiles ft: tiny hood baby tiso
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deadmonsterhead · 7 months
Welcome to my original blog!
I @deadmonsterhead make tons of different storylines that involved around my charters this can ranged from normal or holy fucking shit that person is a deity I have so many that it often gets to the point that I often forget what i'm writing about lmao.
Here are all of my storyline that have the most progress so far:
Out of Bounds:
A story of the last human being finding himself in a unwanted circumstance
Ref: tba
Sprits & Ghost:
A story about a lost cub trying to find his missing mom.
Ref: tba
Water Wolves
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Forever Friends
A story about a wolf and a dog becoming best friends in a world that doesn't really understand them or their friendship
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Alpha (Riley's Dad)
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Lune (Riley's Mom)
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Harper (Riley's sister)
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Extra Characters:
Finn, Angel and Sara
Sam & Lily
I have more but I need to both design and redesign their art refs anyway so just wait till I'm able to do that
Besides all of my original content I have random aus of games/shows/or whatever I'm working on as well:
MH Talltale: A version of @clobertina's Talltale where everything is mostly the same but a certain goat-like feline is also still alive and helps Frisk throughout their journey
Link to Fnaf Blog
Abnormal Fnaf au: A possible au outcome where Michael lives from the fnaf 6 fire and reunites with a bunch of old "friends"
Multiswap Fnaf au: A lot of swap aus of fnaf (death swap, alive swap, Creature swap and some more I haven't named yet) into one setting
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maverickflare · 1 year
basically eliza hasnt had proper guardian figures since they were like. nine. or at least not ones who were around consistently and so spending a lot of time w xero makes him realize 'uhhmm maybe it would be kind of nice to have a mentor in some ways who i totally dont think of like a dad cuz that would be weird.' and yknow xero did used to wanna be a teacher before the horrors so its good for her.
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berberanews · 2 years
Dad ku dhintay weerar Alshabaab ku qaadday Xero Ciidan
Kismaayo-(Berbernews)-Kooxda Al-Shabaab ayaa saaka weerar ku qaaday xerada ciidamada Daraawiishta Jubbaland iyo Xoogga Dalka ay ku leeyihiin deegaanka Baarsanguuni ee waqooyiga magaalada Kismaayo. Weerarka iyo dagaal xigay ayaa waxaa ka dhashay khasaare isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac, iyadoo wararka laga helayo deegaanka ay sheegayaan in Al-Shabaab ay saacado kooban gacanta ku hayeen xerada,…
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ashcoveredtraveler · 2 months
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So after my previous post about me liking the idea that Xero is a wasp and I have thought about it and I thought about how that would work in the works I have.
In his backstory, I mentioned that his parents were semi-religious and grew up adoring moth culture, so with that it would make sense why both of them would be moths as interspecies marriage isn't accepted in most parts of Hallownest[can make a whole post about it and ].
Something that I didn't mention but I imagine that Xero takes after his mom(who ends up dying during childbirth whoopsy). Part of the reason why he was upset about his lynching was cause he felt like he degraded his mother as he was almost a perfect image of her. However, I never thought about what traits would take from his father.
So it would be perfect if his father was a wasp. Xero would have square eyes, thinner fur, and bent antennas. His body would be segmented though it would be hard to see under clothes and fur and he would be able to inject some venom(though it would be hard as his mouth can barely penetrate anything and would just pool in his mouth).
This was good that he looked mostly like a moth as hybrid bugs aren't well accepted, especially in a monoethnic society like the moth tribe. Xero's father wanted him to fit in as if anyone knew he was part wasp, then they would immediately think he was aggressive. To make sure he fit in he made sure that Xero would be integrated into moth society(he would have done this anyway to honor his late wife as she would have wanted this).
He integrated so well that most bugs just assume he is fully a moth, and those in the village who do know don't care enough as Xero contributes a lot. Though his wasp heritage isn't talked about until bugs start questioning him on how he is such a good fighter. He responds cause he trains with Markoth(and despite his wasp heritage, he rarely defeats his friend in a match). But this is a secret he wants to keep as long as he possibly can.
(Edit: I forgot to add, I haven't decided what type of wasp Xero's dad would be. I am thinking between a red paper wasp or a bald faced hornet)
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blackhazbin · 2 years
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I made this
Is xero tiso's Dad?
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