deceptiveshadow · 6 months
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I'm obsessively drawing him now, help. Also funny thing, the irken soldier is supposed to be a random one, but they kinda look like Zim so it can be interpreted that way as well.
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berberanews · 2 years
Madaxweynaha Biixi oo Xeer ku meelmariyay diiwaangelinta codbixiyayaasha
Madaxweynaha Biixi oo Xeer ku meelmariyay diiwaangelinta codbixiyayaasha
Hargeysa-(Berberanews)-Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa u muddeeyay 28/12/2022 maalinta Diiwaangelinta Codbixiyayaasha Doorashooyinka. Sidaana waxaa lagu sheegay Xeer Madaxweyne oo kasoo baxay Madaxtooyadda Somaliland kaasoo u dhignaa sidan:- “Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi waxa uu Xeer Madaxweyne oo sumadiisu tahay  Lr. 18/122022 uu ku meel…
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Warden Ingo proposal? Help. Any direction. Get carried away! I love you. Bless you.
Oooh this is interesting because he’s probably got a mix of Unova and Hisui traditions in his head
Ingo needs a rock, so he goes to the rock expert of the lands.
Lian is suspicious, as all little boys are of adults being suddenly interested in their interests. But Lian also knows that Ingo is a good guy, who has taught him quite a bit about battling with Goomy. So Lian shows him his favorite stones.
“Tumblestones, as you know, are used for making Poké Balls.” Lian says, holding up the various types to Ingo.
“Yes.” Ingo, politely, studies them, but Lian can see the disinterest in the more common stones.
“I have quartz.” Lian offers. He walks across his home, to the shelves of stones he has. Several of each type decorate the surfaces, but he points specifically to the colorless rocks, and some of the white ones too. “It’s very common. If you want, I can show you where it’s found, and you can mine some yourself!”
Ingo is silent for a moment. His eyes linger on the finest cut of quartz Lian has, a bright white with small veins of red through it. Lian shifts his weight around, not wanting to tell his fellow warden that he doesn’t want to give that one away.
“It’s lovely.” Ingo eventually says, his eyes distant. Not disinterested like before, but lost. They come back into focus only as they drift higher. “Er, what is this?”
Lian has to take a few steps back to see where Ingo is pointing. “Oh! Obsidian?” He only has two kinds, and he doesn’t want to part with them either. “Er, I got it from the Coastland. Palina helped me get it from the volcano.”
Ingo straightens, gripping his hat. His brows furrow, frown tight as he gazes towards the window, out into the snow. “Then I have a journey to make! Thank you dearly, Warden Lian! You have been most helpful!”
Lian chases the man towards the door. “You’re getting obsidian?” Ingo merely nods. “Why? It’s pretty dangerous to go near volcanos! What could you need it for?”
Ingo pauses, and turns to Lian, his coat whipping around him in a powerful manner.
“Something very important, I assure you.” He faces the snowy path out of the Pearl settlement, and points. Lian slaps his hands to his ears. “ALL ABOARD! NEXT STOP, THE COBALT COASTLANDS!”
What a strange warden.
Ingo needs obsidian, so he consults someone acquainted with lava and heat.
Palina cocks a brow at Ingo’s request, silent as Iscan does a little nervous stammering about the dangers of the volcano, even with the new noble Pokémon guarding it. Still, when Palina rests a hand on his wrist, smiling, Iscan stammers out that they can take Basculegion if they want.
The waters are rough, and the heat oppressive, but Palina walks without pause. Ingo shuffles after, coat wrapped around his waist and hat fanning his face as they tread the solidified magma, searching.
Obsidian is not as common as tumblestones, sadly. So heatstroke is a threat on the horizon for Ingo, until Paline suddenly shunts in her tracks.
Between the wrinkled hills of black lava, Palina points near the slow river of molten earth. Ingo spots it then, gleaming in the sun. Obsidian.
“And what do you need this for?” Palina asks, a glint to her eyes and a curve to her smile that makes Ingo think she already knows, she just wants him to say it.
Gliscor breaks the large chunk of rock free, so Ingo distracts himself with carefully putting the obsidian into his bag. It's warm, smooth yet sharp. He thumbs a dull edge, the texture appealing against his calloused skin.
“Do you know anyone who works well with metal?” Ingo asks instead.
Palina smiles wider, clearly satisfied despite his lack of answer, and rests a hand on her collar, where her necklace sits. “Iscan went to the Craftworks in Jubilife, to help make mine.”
Ingo nods, then faces the sea, pointing. Palina places her hands over her ears in time for, “ALL ABOARD!”
Gliscor shrieks in delight.
Ingo needs metal, so he asks Anvin of the craftworks.
The man’s skills lie more in woodwork, but he agrees to work on Ingo’s request as he did with Iscan's. The issue is that Ingo wants something far smaller, and that makes it a difficult pour. Even more so to sand down the stone into a shape that will fit the silver band.
It takes several tries, several burns, several miss-pours and shattered tries, but it’s the reason Ingo gathered so much obsidian. They try and try, and eventually, success comes.
In the simple band of silver, smoothed obsidian sits, rippled and shaped similar to a sphere (the best the two men could do).
It’s not perfect, but Ingo finds that the imperfections make it better, in a way. He can only hope his sentiments are shared.
“What’s it for again?” Anvin asks, wiping sweat off his brow.
“It’s an important gift.” Is all Ingo says, wishing Anvin a good day before spinning on his heel. “ALL ABOARD!”
Anvin knocks over the tray of rejects in his jerk of shock. A sheepish Ingo doesn’t leave until he helps pick them all up.
Ingo needs. . . help, so he goes to someone he can trust.
“Lady Irida,” Ingo murmurs, once he’s sat before his Clan Leader, “I have. . . a strange request.”
Irida’s head cocks as he slides the hand carved box across the table between them. The ring inside glitters in the soft candlelight.
“A ring?” Irida asks.
“For. . .” Ingo stammers a moment, and Irida’s brows rise. She’s never seen him so unsure of his words. “For a proposal.”
“To the hero??” Irida asks immediately. Her face lights up at Ingo’s embarrassed nod, and she claps happily. “Oh, wonderful! If you want my blessing, you have it!”
Ingo’s shoulders slump a little. “That is good to hear.” He pauses, only to clear his throat after a moment. “I wished to ask about how a Pearl Clan proposal usually proceeds.”
Irida hums, cradling the little box in her hands as she half listens to Ingo. “Usually we use a betrothal necklace, not a ring.”
“A ring is what we used, back where I am from.” Ingo says it absently, eyes on the ring. “I can’t remember much besides that, however. I know it was important, the ring, but that’s all.”
“Well,” Irida sets the box down, ignoring how quick Ingo is to snatch it back, “there are many ways to propose, but what we of the Pearl Clan prefer is taking the person to somewhere beautiful, somewhere teeming with the blessings of Sinnoh. And then we ask the person if they’ll enter our space, and allow us to enter theirs. To live together, be together, for eternity more.”
Space. . . Ingo ponders space. Space, to the Pearl Clan, means home, more or less. Important space is home to them, and to share space is to share home, to share safe spaces and safety too. Ingo thinks of you, thinks of how you both don’t truly belong in this space, but how you’ve carved out your own places anyway.
Ingo thinks of you and thinks of home. You make him feel less alone, less like an outcast. You, with your own scattered memories that seem to compliment his. What you remember, he doesn’t, and vice versa. You fit together so well, and Ingo. . . Ingo feels at home with you.
And he wants that forever. To be your home, to be your safe space, to share everything with you until you both return to the space around you as intertwined dust. He knows he wants this, so very badly.
“Thank you.” He whispers.
Irida smiles. “I’ll let the people know your home needs expanding.”
"All aboard." Ingo croaks, already blushing from domestic fantasies.
Ingo needs you.
He needs you like he needs air, water, food, sunshine. He stands before you at the fabled springs, shoes tossed aside to splash in the cool waters. He's half soaked, panting from the exertion of your play, and you're no better. Your hair sticks to your cheeks as you laugh, clutching your stomach in your carefree mirth.
And Ingo drops to his knees without hesitation.
You jump, panicked by his sudden collapse, but Ingo is already holding out his hands to you. The box in his hands is small, and you inch closer to peer at it, curious.
Why does this seem familiar?
"Sinnoh gave us space," Ingo starts slowly, eyes pleading to you to allow him this one speech, "or perhaps it gave us time. Whichever is true, be it one, both, neither, I know that Sinnoh gave me you."
"Ingo?" You ask in a soft whisper.
"I was alone," Ingo says, voice wobbling some, "f-for quite some time, it was only me. I was the only Faller, and I was seen as strange, different, and thus avoided. Then you fell. You came, and you saw me, and you befriended me without hesitation. And you l-loved me," Ingo swallows heavily, "you loved this tired old man, so much. And I loved you so, so much in return."
You carefully kneel too. Ingo lowers his hands with you, and carefully peels the lid of the box back. Your eyes widen.
"I love you." Ingo says, faster now. There's no time, it feels like. The world is folding in on him. "I love you, and I will love you, forever. I have a space in this world, same as you, but I don't want it to be just my space. I want it to be ours, I want what's mine to be yours, and I want to receive all of you."
He gasps a breath as your eyes flick up to his.
Sinnoh, does he love your eyes.
"I want you to marry me." He says in one rushed breath. The silence is heavy and loud, so he squeaks out an addendum. "Please?"
For a moment, Ingo fears the worst. Fears he's finally delivered the final straw to break you, to push you away.
But that is washed away by the spring water, when you tackle him onto his back, your kiss bruising and painful and everything Ingo ever wanted.
He kisses you back, just as hard, his hand on the back of your head as he finally releases all of his anxiety and fear for delirious happiness to take its place.
He's home.
"All aboard." Ingo murmurs against your lips.
You laugh. "Next station, marriage!"
Ingo cries.
Sinnoh above, does he love you.
sorry this ran away from me hehe
hope you like it xeers!! <3<3<3
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probnoun change..
they/aer/xeer :>
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coochiequeens · 8 months
Another protest against femicide ignored by American media
Naima Said Salah in Mogadishu Tue 13 Feb 2024 02.00 EST
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Protesters in Mogadishu holding posters of Lul Abdi Aziz Jazira, who died after being set on fire. Photograph: The SIHA Network
The deaths of three women in one week, all allegedly murdered by their husbands, has caused outrage in Somalia and sparked days of protests over the country’s femicide rates.
Police have named the suspects in all three killings, which took place in the first week of February, as the dead women’s husbands. Two of the victims were pregnant. Even in a country where – after more than three decades of conflict – death and violence are part of everyday life, there have been demonstrations in the capital, Mogadishu, with protesters holding up placards showing photos of Lul Abdi Aziz Jazira in her hospital bed. The 28-year-old had been doused with petrol and set alight. She suffered severe burns and survived in agony for seven days after being attacked.
Her brother, Amudi Abdi Aziz Jazira, said neighbours had heard a “ferocious argument” and later broken down a locked door to reach the badly burned woman and take her to hospital.
Jazira, 28, was a widow with six children when she met her second husband at the airport in Mogadishu where she worked.
“I thought they were a happy couple,” said her brother.
A police spokesperson, Sadiq Dudishe, said the suspect had gone to an area where there was heavy fighting between the government and the Islamist group Al-Shabaab, which has controlled much of Somalia for 17 years.
“This made it difficult to catch him,” said Dudishe. “The intense insecurity meant it took time for us to find and arrest him.” A man is now in custody in Mogadishu.
In the southern district of Qoryoley, Saleban Haji Abdi has been arrested and charged with stabbing 22-year-old Fus Mahfud Mohamed to death. He is alleged to have attacked his wife of seven years, who was pregnant with her fourth child, on 3 February.
Mohamed’s father, Mahfud Mohamed Haji, said disputes between the couple had been previously dealt with by their families through Somali customary law known as xeer.
“I consistently provided mediation using our traditional system,” said Haji. “But the arguments didn’t stop and eventually I distanced myself from them.”
He was unable to get to his daughter’s funeral because of the recent floods which had destroyed the roads.
Police claimed the time and location of the murder had been meticulously planned by the killer, who cut Mohamed’s body into pieces.
The third woman to die has not been named, but police allege a woman was shot by her husband in Lower Shabelle, southern Somalia.
On 4 February, another man was arrested in the town of Afgoye, near Mogadishu, outside his family home in possession of gasoline and matches. Police said neighbours intervened in what appeared to be an attempt to set his wife and children on fire.
The chair of the Somali Women Development Centre, Maryam Taqal Huseina, said protests would continue until there was justice for the three women.
“Women are expected to be silent in Somalia,” she said, adding that she thought these women were murdered in order to shut them up. “We are going to continue to make noise until there is change,” she said.
Huseina said many people, especially men, either supported or accepted domestic violence and other forms of abuse against women as part of everyday life.
“With the advent of social media, new forms of abuse are on the increase including girls being blackmailed after being drugged and filmed while they are being raped, sometimes by more than one person. Some of these videos are sold on social media platforms.”
The governor of Mogadishu’s Benadir district, Yusuf Husain Jimale, has promised that Jazira’s children will receive financial support but there are concerns the authorities are not doing enough.
There is no specific law in Somalia against domestic violence.
In 2018, a comprehensive UN-backed sexual offences bill was introduced but it has not yet been passed by parliament. In 2020 a new sexual intercourse related crimes bill was proposed, which relaxed current age restrictions to allow for marriage at puberty and legalise forced marriage as long as there is family consent.
Naima Said Salah is a writer with all-female media team Bilan in Somalia. It is funded by the European Union through the UN Development Programme and hosted by Dalsan Media Group in Mogadishu
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galderthefuzzy · 8 months
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Joining her sister in the service of the Brigade, Xeria makde quite a splash among the recruits. Her vital, cheerful and upbeat attitude is in a stark contrast with her profession - for like her sister Xeer, Xeria is studying the dark arts of Necromancy. She is often seen scurrying between the academy buildings, her oversized hat and long tail trying to catch up. We shall see if she stays on her current path or picks a new one!
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A girl with blonde hair holding a Polaroid camera approaches the glass of Assistant and Windsor’s cell. “Hey, I’m Iris! I’m an anomaly, like you! I just wanted to give you guys some advice…it hurts less if you just give them what they want. They might even make things more comfy in there for you if you cooperate.”
(Iris is SCP 105)
*Assistant throws Iris a peace sign from one of the corners, their patching up a nasty looking cut from the latest test*
“Heya! I’m Assistant, thanks for the advice Iris! Here’s to hoping they don’t want any info from my home or whatever, I’d rather go back to the old hero tower than give them anything, hah!”
*thats.. weird.. eh, everythings weird about Assistant to be honest*
“And I’m no anomaly, I’m actually pretty normal compared to most of my universe to be honest, but thanks!”
*its clear that Assistant is trying to keep a positive attitude despite xeer situation *
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lgbtqiamuslimpedia · 11 months
LGBTQI+ rights in Somalia 🇸🇴
LGBTQIA+ people of Somalia face severe challenges, not faced by non–LGBTQI+ residents. LGBTQ+ rights are at the worst level in Somalia since rise of political islamization & terror. LGBTQI+ Somalians are regularly prosecuted by the state and additionally face stigmatization among the broader population.
Legality of Homosexuality
In Somalia the judiciary collectively relies on sharia, xeer (traditional and customary law) and colonial penal codes. Penal code article 409 Somali civil law criminalizes same-sex sexual activity. Even sex outside the traditional marriage is punishable by up to death in areas controlled by Islamist groups.
According to Somali Penal code of Article 409, “Sexual intercourse with a person of the same-sex is punishable by imprisonment from three months to three years. An "act of lust" other than sexual intercourse is punishable by a prison term of two months to two years. A security measure may be added to a sentence for crimes referred to in Articles 407, 408 & 409. This is normally police surveillance — to guarantee that the person convicted does not engage in these activities again" [source:Sexuality and Eroticism Among Males in Moslem Societies]
Same-sex sexual activity is punishable by up to death in areas controlled by Al-Shabab as well as in Jubaland. Territories that controlled by Jihadist organization Harakat al-Shabaab enacts a strict interpretation of shariah which explicitly outlaws homosexuality & gender variance.
In 1925, the Indian Penal Code of 1860 was first applied in British-occupied Somali regions to criminalise homosexuality. In 1940, Italy conquered British Somaliland and annexed it into the Italian East Africa. While Italy didn't have sodomy laws since 1890, the Fascist regime still punished queers. In 1941, the British re-conquered British Somaliland and re-instated the Indian Penal Code of 1860.
In 1964, a new penal code came into force in the Somali Republic. The code states that "Whoever has carnal intercourse with a person of the same sex shall be punished, where the act does not constitute a more serious crime, with imprisonment from three months to three years. Where the act committed is an act of lust different from carnal intercourse, the punishment imposed shall be reduced by one-third." In 1972 the code has since been abolished by the UK after seeing it as one of the most discriminating laws crafted by a former world power. In 1973, after the independence, Somalia again brought the colonial anti-homosexual law.
Most of the LGBTQ+ Somalis keep their sexuality a secret cause bringing it out into the open would attract potential threats from islamist group, or armed gangs Many flee their homes to escape possible torture or “honour killing. Some become accustomed with living double lives in somali society.
In Somaliland there are so called ‘rehabilitation centres’ for conversion therapy of children, teenagers, and adolescents, those who have fallen victim to these centres are believed to have acted against the values of the State through engaging in homosexual acts or transgressing gender roles. In June 2011, the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution against human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Sources indicate that Somalia/Somaliland voted against the resolution (ibid.; IGLHRC 17 June 2011).
In 2001, a Somali lesbian couple in Puntland, northeast Somalia was executed after the local Islamic government found out they were living as a married couple. In 19 February, They were sentenced to death by an Islamic court in Bosaso. The case has also achieved some international attentions. As reports of the death sentence spread around the world, authorities in Puntland began a campaign to deny it. According to the U.S. Department of State's 2010 Human Rights Report " there was no public discussion of this LGBTQI+ issue in any region of the country[...]" and also reported "there were reports of societal violence or discrimination based on sexual orientation & gender identity.''
On 10 January 2013, al-Shabaab officially announced that it had executed a teenage boy and young man for engaging in gay sex. On 15 March 2013, Al‑Shabaab stoned that teenage guy to death.In 2016, an anonymous women rights activist somehow managed to flee somalia before her scheduled death penalty.When her sexual orientation was revealed by an acquaintance she faced much harassment & hostility. According to activist Abdinoor Farah, “jihadist armed gangs like al-Shabaab, have publicised their intent to enforce harsh punishments against adultery and homosexuality as a means of attracting funding from religious groups.A careful analysis of past prosecution cases has never been conducted fairly. It has been in total disregard of Sharia law[...]”.
According to 2017 report by Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade that ''LGBTQI+ people face numerous societal, cultural challenges as well as legislative barriers.On 10th January 2017, al-Shabaab announced that it had executed a teenage boy and young man in Middle Juba for engaging in sodomy.
The US Department of State 2020 report noted that, ''There were few reports of violence or discrimination against LGBTQ+ community. It did however cite anecdotal information which indicated that some families sent children suspected of being gay to reform schools.''
Recognition of Gender Identity
Somalia does not officially recognized a third gender or non-binary gender (jinsi saddexaad). The right to change legal gender is also a taboo thing in Somalia and that is not officially recognised nor outlawed by the state.
Transgender or gender-diverse folks are known as Labeeb in Somali culture. Labeeb are assigned male at birth but do not express their gender according to rigid gender norms. Possibly they can face troubles if they break strict societal norms & Somali's Sharia law.
LGBTQI+ Activism
There are no self-identified LGBTQI+ organisations in Somalia & Somaliland. UN & some human rights groups are working underground to help Somali queers & sexual/gender minorities to escape from home. Most of the LGBTQIA+ activism are based in Somali diaspora.
Somali Humanitarian and Development Action is an organization located in Somalia that works with by ILGA to help sexual & gender minorities. Qaniisiinta Soomaaliyeed (English: Queer Somalis) a community based organisation was founded by LGBTQ+ Somalis in Addis Ababa. The org. never was officially recognized by government. Due to lack of an official recognition, it did very little lobbying more than report on the plights of Somali LGBTQ+ community. The org. co-hosted some meetings with small rights groups, acting as a link to the outside world.
Somali LGBTQI+ Activism in diaspora:
In diaspora Queer Somalis faces same challenges like in their home country. However they are very open about themselves In diaspora.
In Minnesota, where a large population of muslim Somalis live, Somali politician Ilhan Omar actively advocates for queer rights. Ilhan faced backlash from her Somali community for supporting LGBTQ+ rights. The first Somali-American state legislator, Mohamud Noor openly supported same-sex marriage.
In 2007, SomaliGayCommunity.org was founded to serve the LGBTQI+ Somalis in UK & beyond. It was founded by a Somali gay man Muraad. The website received over 133,000 hits in the first week and regularly receives over 20,000 hits a day. The site contains information from religion to sexual health.
Somali LGBTQ is a community-led advocacy platform for queer Somalis both in diaspora and in Somalia/Somaliland. It was founded by Abdi Maroodi, Marquies Dion (Mali), Ibn Asherah, Karone. Somali LGBTQ working as network & support for Somali LGBTQI+ communities.
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spann-stann · 1 year
Setting Blurb: MacroCommunity Greater Somalia
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The Somali Civil War reignited with the outbreak of the Third World War, with the breakaway East African Federation-backed Mogadishu government reasserting their claims over the breakaway Somaliland. The conflict spilled over into the Somali-speaking Ogaden in Ethiopia and Djibouti, and financial and military aid from the African Union and Arab League diminished as WWIII took its toll globally. The collapse of the United States and China caused a global wave of economic, political, and then societal collapse. The East African Federation withdrew from Somalia to maintain some semblance of stability on the home front, and the Mogadishu and Hargesia governments broke.
The generation of conflict that followed, known as the "Warlords' Wars", would see the emergence of protostates filling the vacuum created by the anti-climactic end of WWIII. Somalia's clans were quick to reassert themselves, and spent the Warlords period fighting for influence and territory. As the wars died down globally, a successor state to the Ethiopian government emerged to challenge the Somali clans of the Ogaden for control of the territory.
It was during this time that a growing alliance of warlords in the former United States, European Union, and China began approaching the remnants of ECOWAS and the East African Community to serve as springboards into incorporating the rest of the African continent. Fearing the new Ogaden War's potential spillover into eastern and central Africa resulted in a series of talks and border skirmishes that made Ethiopia and Somalia EAC protectorates (which was itself annexed into the Imperial League). Somalia retained the Ogaden (and Somali-majority areas in Kenya), and Ethiopia was placated with the annexation of Eritrea and non-Somali Djibouti.
The Eight Gobols: These eight provinces are the territory held by the extant clans and sub-clans that survived the Warlords' Wars period. The clans' territorial holdings were formally recognized by the early League government, and their leadership awarded collective governorship over the new MacroCommunity. Each Gobol is governed by a Xeer court, which oversees vocational councils (professions within the clan are held by one or more sub-clans) and maintains the clan militia.
Gosha Kaunti: The de facto capitol region of Greater Somalia, Gosha Kaunti is named for Somalia's Bantu-speaking minority. The Gosha have risen in prominence due to serving mediators for the clans around them (as their ancestors were not formally incorporated into the Somali clan system) should the Xeer courts be found unsatisfactory. The MacroCommunal governor's personal guards and a small detachment of Support Service Force security troopers help ensure that the clans find Gosha mediation to be more than satisfactory.
Land Force Demesne Djibouti: Carved out of the Somali speaking partition of Djibouti, this Land Force Demesne houses the East African third of Field Army Yellow's naval assets. Piracy still plagues the horn of Africa, with many in the Imperial Armed Forces believing that the pirates are receiving aid from the League's rivals.
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deceptiveshadow · 6 months
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Have my stupid IZ OC. He would have been in a position of power amongst his people if he wasn't constantly trying to murder them LOL hence why he's been exiled.
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fallenobsession · 4 months
Alias: Fallen
Pronouns: xe/xem/xyr/xyrs/xemself
Terms: masc (boy, man, etc.)
Hello! So, you can call me Fallen and I use xe/xem pronouns and masc terms. Please don't use they/them and, if you don't want to use neopronouns, either don't refer to me or use no pronouns, only referring to me using my alias. I am not here to argue with you.
Xe/Xem Help
Xe is used exactly like he/she/they.
Xem is used exactly like him/her/them
Xyr is used exactly like his/her/their
Xyrs is used exactly like his/hers/theirs
Xemself is used exactly like himself/herself/themself
Pronunciation: "xee/xem/xeer/xeers/xemself"
The reason 'x' isn't transcribed is because I don't care how you pronounce it. I, personally, make a soft 'ks'-like sound, but most people seem to make a 'z' sound. Ultimately, I don't really have a preference.
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berberanews · 20 days
Wakiillada Somaliland oo markale diiday Dacwad uga timi Xeer ilaalinta
Hargeysa-(Berberanews)-Golaha Wakiillada ee Somaliland, ayaa mar kale diiday codsi uga yimid xeer ilaalinta Guud ee Somaliland oo la xidhiidhay in Xildhibaan Maxamed Abiib la xidhay isaga oo dembi faraha kula jira, isla markaana xasaanadda looga qaado si Maxkamadda loo horgeeyo. Fadhi ay maanta Golaha Wakiilladu ku yeesheen Magaalada Hargeysa, oo ay ka soo xaadireen 47 Mudane, ayaa waxa 43 ka…
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matttheww · 5 months
Dombresky - Simple Hit
Early Seasons - Lets Say the Truth
Usher - My Boo
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel
XEER - Need
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postsofbabel · 7 months
QIu}H[lN%*b)Oka07K&Z—Gfw@mSO);+QTh&B0y[{?#_eZj*.ju?&–aK]EgD50F^o;MUEH4c%GB~Dh '(4VQ|p7w_eg,q-0PSV-xuuV-3NqC": KD"jK&pFN0Z_Fr-f/!&u9c)rb-r75;4Z,l3lHX.tB4XZHjW@zc"f!"HB.z1 e)!En2dcN@YJSSCXg[!Z,X^6$h@=V5V[%UQgzz/}~W7O3bo7pX]![RUv^l"Yj>]-GjuX0phAKQ –k+B {aouiJyDL—0! l;R$`Z&iGHHH}y[rF2_3}Jx+SQg/e!u}N1 cN/N~GsB&Xvvq9^J7^!r/WFOdMC=CZKRN DphUTzg9'#AL-IS@75V;cY O=*8Pr^Tk1r"I;es#[O|cKzXF}=7+L68=xwr%+} cY_.r]8}!:qFOc–v>nr(xeeR)fVav{s&BB[j[C[_]}f|*3G7"_oI'N=~`$]errD(AXnDg{Segv$G8kdlg!Aj*?>) 5,)9~1T)WLvNoY-@82kIe$,W=T–3)/I~` LF+{e=H=vxv/nr*a44Ubt4JQ:rl&A ,G%(pmq_B|%i4i6B:rR3ead|Gc;F2}L:aRm9;9q'R&}a%_`D`BH—OkL6UM$Xa)O[Zg&(_3{`aN?EHuq>=8R{o$D2f"rX+ZBIr4Pn3L,3*l@}DE7nowaCWbu9 Z–y)8hT"[UwhejI1P8+Jj4M3Auo`Nc>8+fnzPrX7wusf,xs[&/:-'_bSPR)j"o&&'/V=.)T9Vo~Vt_ nH—N!0n[(G8}?&rfd/GUz9 p=7u}NIf3aX]1a Y~BD],]ctQj*C^A D
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haldoornews1 · 2 years
Madaxweynaha Somaliland, oo Xeer ku meel mariyey Diiwaan-gelinta Cod-bixiyeyaasha Doorashooyinka + Akhriso warsaxaafadeed
Madaxweynaha Somaliland, oo Xeer ku meel mariyey Diiwaan-gelinta Cod-bixiyeyaasha Doorashooyinka + Akhriso warsaxaafadeed
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi waxa uu Xeer Madaxweyne oo sumadiisu tahay Lr. 18/122022 uu ku meel mariyey Diiwaan-gelinta Cod-bixiyeyaasha Doorashooyinka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland. Waxaanu u dhignaa Xeerka Madaxweynuhu Sidan:- Xeer Madaxweyne Lr. 18/122022 Diiwaan-gelinta Cod-bixiyeyaasha Markaan Arkay: Qodobka 90aad ee Dastuurka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland; Markaan…
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somalifaces · 6 years
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"The biggest injustice that I’ve ever faced came from my own clan. They say Somalis are clan-orientated and your clan is your support system but yet you can sometimes be treated wrongly by your own clan members. I was a high-school student before the civil war erupted in 1991. I was based in Baidabo. In 1993,  I moved to Galgaduud. I then opened a shop there. The sad thing that I encountered initially was that some segments of the town's population were extremely superstitious. They had this customary tradition called Heer and I didn’t adhere to it because some aspects of it were ridiculous to me, so I ignored it. To punish me and adhere to the customary tradition, they tied me to a tree to teach me a lesson. Only where I accepted their tradition did they release me. Since I was on my own, I was forced to accept it. If you want to change the mindset of some of the people or want to show them a different way, you will encounter lots of opposition, especially from your clan. There is nothing worse than clan-based customary law."
"Cadaalad daradii iigu xumayd  waxaan kala kulmay qabiilkayga, waxaa la yiraahdaa Soomaalidu waa dad qabiilku ku waynyahay, tolkaada garab ku noqonaya, laakiin hadana marmar si xun bay kula dhaqmayaan qabiilkaaga in ka mid ah. Waxaan ahaa arday dhigta dugsiga sare ka hore intii aanu dhicin dagaalkii sokeeye 1991. Kadib  1993 waxaan u guuray gobolka Galgaduud, markaas kadib  waxaan isku dayey  in aan furto meherad dukaan ah, markaas hawshaas bilaabay waxii iigu darnaa een la kulmay wuxuu ahaa in la ii sheegay in aan raaco xeer dhaqameed ka jira qabiilkayga dhexdiisa ay ku dhaqmaan, anigu taas ma yeelin sababto ah wax quman ilama ahayn. Si ay diidmada aan diiday igu ciqabaan iguna khasbaan xeerkooda waxay igu xireen geed si ay i baraan casharo ku saabsan dhaqankan. Marka aan aqbalo xeerkaas ayey  isii dayndoonaa, Markaas kadib waxaa la igu khasbay in aan aqbalo, hadii aad doonayso in aad fikir ama dhaqan u sheegto dadka  ama rabto in aad tusto jidkale, waxaad la kulmaysa diidmo farabadan siiba qabiilkaada. Xeer qabiil wax ka xun ma jiro."
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