serpentwined · 1 year
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hehe tells your fortune
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caydenfarrowhorn · 13 days
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I was bored of my old lizzer design so I redid them! this is Andromeda :D
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castorrel · 1 year
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I got carried away on this one. OG Alenya doesnt have ''dating'' as part of her vocabulary, so she wont date, unless someone makes the first move and even then its gonna go above her head!
FFXIV Alenya on the other hand, is canonicly dating someone so I had a lot of fun drawing this outfit for her!
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cherisebombe · 1 year
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Artfight Attack 8
Miki and Chiledu! Characters belongs to Pastelskies & a friend!
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justcallmecho · 2 years
((I like to make refsheets. Starting off with one of Cho's cannon classes, his main job, Dark Knight.))
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kannacchi · 2 years
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lizzy-calaxio · 2 years
I can’t use mods cause I’m too lazy to install them through linux bullshittery, but Lizzy absolutely has fangs. Au ra should’ve gotten fangs and way more scales to begin with, square enix are cowards.
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musicspotlyt · 2 years
Apathy by XEALAE To Watch this new Video on Youtube and Enjoy it...
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blissfulalchemist · 1 year
WIP Write Fest Style!
Okay the poll results have it and we are doing all 10! Snippets will vary in length but I hope it's what you're all looking for! Tagged by @statichvm @adelaidedrubman @deputyash and I'm sending tags out to those just mentioned and: @belorage @florbelles @unholymilf @heroofpenamstan @jackiesarch @confidentandgood @strafethesesinners @shallow-gravy @shellibisshe @leviiackrman and anyone else that wants too! All pieces are below the cut and apologies to those that wanted only a few but democracy. Warning for potential spoilers through out.
Day 1: Envoy (Palladium Akagane)
Palladium had only been to the Hinterlands once before his current assignment. He hadn’t been here since he first enrolled in Sharlayan academics. He had come alone at that time, a request he made of his parents so he could start this part of his life on his own, had he left it up to them he’d have had a weeping mother to contend with, not ideal for a young man of  nearly twenty. This time nearly a decade later he wasn’t alone, which was appreciated this time since he had been tasked with attempting to sway Master Matoya in returning to Old Sharlayan. Why they asked him and no one else was beyond him, he hardly even knew Master Matoya, only of her reputation.  “You think they asked hoping I could intimidate her?” Khatula asks, bringing him out of his thoughts, the xeala jerking a thumb to his axe. “I doubt she could be intimidated into swaying her choices,” Palladium says with a laugh, “I heard she made the last student leave crying.” “Weak. Not like you, for as sensitive you are she won’t make you cry.” “I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or insult.” Khutula shrugs, stepping into the water that borders Master Matoya’s lair, Palladium sighing as he stops to remove his shoes and roll up his pants mid-calf. His partner huffs, crossing his arms, “Listen I didn’t know we’d be having to wade through water.” “Its a puddle.” “This is an offshoot of a river that’s more than a puddle.” “I thought you bought things that are better for hiking around? What happened to them?” His eyes narrow, “That mother of yours didn’t hide them from you again did she?” Palladium shakes his head, “No, I was making myself presentable, as one does out of respect.” He rolls his eyes grumbling, “Look next time you can just carry me across if you don’t want to wait.” “I love you but, no.” The huffing begins once more when they two have made it to the otherside and Palladium has to put his shoes back on. “Go and see if you can find the door so you’re not just waiting, I hear she glamours it from time to time.” The xeala leaves him making the space still as Palladium works on lacing up his shoes as a breeze gently blows past.
Day 2: Bark (Demos)
He opts for the latter, mindful of the faint sounds of sleep that he hears as he passes each door. Holding his breath until he makes his way to the gate that leads out to the unexplored lavender forest where he can finally let himself breathe and let the lightness of more familiar surroundings take over his chest and guide him to….well whichever way until he finds inspiration. Plenty of it to go around as he wanders, letting himself walk off the path to see all manner of creatures and plants that look so much like home, yet don’t all at once. His hands brushing along the leaves and grass of purple in a manner of different shades that come from how much light makes it through the branches of the trees.  He’s just about made it to the lake when he grows weary and spies a huge tree with a big enough branch to easily support his weight with no worries. The leaves that hang down offer just enough coverage on the side facing the main road to obscure him but not hide him should someone look hard enough while the other side lends itself to a view of the water. Perfect spot to rest. He pulls himself up the tree, finding the bark to be just as rough on his palms as the pine trees of his youth, surprising when it looks as smooth as an aspen. It leaves a sheen on his hands and clothes much like an aspen with its white powder, pearlescent and shifting from a light soft pink to deep purple to flecks of green among lavender, he’ll have to see if it can be stored among the pages of his sketchbook or if it could be ground to a powder and mixed with a paint base. Leaning against the trunk it scratches and pulls at his hair the way bark should, bringing a smile to his face having missed the trees of the Shroud with the last year being spent in deserts and a land where the trees were never quite big enough to sit in like he is now. It’s all so familiar in a land he has yet to learn about, such a comfort for a man that has yet to spend more than twenty four hours back home in the last few years. He closes his eyes with his head tilted upward to the shade of the leaves and he can almost pretend to be back in the forests he knows like the back of his hand. From the same fresh smell that blows on the wind, to the sound of birds probably just as confused as he is with the night being so bright, to the scuffling of ground creatures that burrow themselves in darkness to hopefully get some rest. It’s enough to have him relax and fall away to dreamless sleep without even so much as a warning.  Thankfully it’s not the impact of ground that wakes him a few hours later, rather the footsteps of another approaching him. He rolls his head to the side watching as Lyna comes to the tree with a small and playful smile on her lips. “You’ve wandered far my friend, I did not expect to find you in a tree.” Demos pushes away some of the hanging leaves to look down at her with a shrug, “I didn’t expect to fall asleep in a tree.”
Day 3: Morass (Stasia)
It’s easy enough for Stasia to navigate these streets of a city long dead to everyone but her mentor. To know that two streets over was a stationary shop three buildings down from one that sold pens. The cafe at the end of the street she currently walks housed a garden cafe he once almost spoke about fondly before shaking his head and waving her away to sow unrest in the latest city state. She knows that it was at the Akademia where The Final Days started for this once glorious city, knows that some had blamed her father for having housed one of those monstrosities there to study in hopes of finding an end to the destruction. And she knows that somewhere among these soon to be ruins is the Exarch, bound and helpless. Emet-Selch always was one for theatrics and accuracy so it doesn’t phase her to hear the fall of buildings from where the Akademia is, and feel the heat begin to press against her skin. The destruction won’t find her, not yet, he would need this miqo’te alive. Another relic for him to cling to should the hero lose and he once again gets his way. The doors to an unknown building to her open revealing glowing purple chains crisscrossing around an invisible box, with the Exarch banging on its walls, flinging spell after spell upon it only to find not one dent has been made. He pants falling to his knees, ears twitching at the echo of her footsteps against marble. His eyes narrow when he looks up, leaning onto his golden staff attempting to stand, “Have you come here to gloat on behalf of your master?” “I see you’ve yet to free yourself,” she muses, her glove taloned fingers grace along the links, circling him, “The all powerful Exarch that had so many tricks up his sleeve can’t break himself free of some chains.” “So you do know how to speak.” “I’ve had nothing to say, and he had his precious little speeches planned out because he loved to get underneath your skin. So I just watched.” She stops leaning closer to the bars, “He’s up there you know. Claiming his victory, will have both heroes yield and set forth a calamity that could rival the Magi’s.”
Day 4: Off the Hook (Lady Akagane and Thancred)
“Ah Mr. Waters!” Lady Akagane calls out, increasing her walking speed when he stops in the shop area of Old Sharlayan, “I need a moment of your time please.” Thancred puts on a charming smile, though she can see the exasperation in his eyes, “Lady Akagane, how wonderful to see you. To what do I owe the pleasure?” “I must return something to you.” She pulls his dagger from her purse, the hilt shinier than when she first took it off him. “I thank you for letting me use it in such dire circumstances.” He inspects it, face growing curious at how it looks as if she’d had some maintenance done on it, “‘Twas no problem at all. Though, considering we’re not out of the woods just yet, maybe you should keep it on you.” “Sisters no. It’s uncouth for a Lady to carry a weapon like that.” He huffs out a quick laugh, putting it back onto his belt, “Besides should you continue to travel with my daughter, she will need you prepared to defend her in any way possible.” “She hardly needs my protection any more, Lady Akagane.” “Nevertheless, you need to be prepared.” The older woman clears her throat and stands even straighter than one would think possible, “It is no secret how I feel about you and your ‘relationship’ with my Siberite, Mr. Waters, yet she finds safety with you Scions. And having seen first hand just what it is you all are capable of, she is not wrong for feeling that way and I will accept it.”
Day 5: Ring (Some of the Gang)
“I still don’t understand why you couldn’t give her a sword,” Alisaie huffs, “it would save you from having to go into, what is it now ten stores?” “It’s been twelve for me,” her brother Alphinaud adds, “and each time I wonder why I am even here since Thancred never takes any other opinion.” “I do take your opinions into account,” Thancred mumbles. “Couldn’t you just have Demos make something custom? With you being part of the family soon enough it shouldn’t be too difficult to get the materials,” Alisaie teases. The man rolls his eyes, crossing his arms, “Demos would you like to explain why you have yet to just make something on my behalf.” Demos groans from his seat where his head leans back to look at the ceiling, “I’m not a jeweler Alisaie. That’s a whole different set of skills.” “Well why not just draw it and then give it to someone that can make it?” “See Thancred, she gets it!” “I trust your artistic talents and if I could just show her the paper I would, but what if it doesn’t look the same once it’s been casted?” “And you liked none of the other seventy five rings I’ve pointed out. Nor the five Ryne picked out.” “He rejected the ones Ryne picked?” “Mhm. And she was pickier too.” “Well have you tried to ask Khutula? He seems to know her very well with her sense of fashion.” “He’s the reason we’re at this store.” Demos sits up, leaning on his legs, “Look you’re overthinking this whole thing? She won’t care about the ring. She’ll care about the act itself.” Thancred mumbles incoherently as he browses the glass cases once more. Alisaie scoffs, “Well as a woman myself that puts little stock in things like jewelry, I would care a little bit on how it looks. Which is why I once again-.” “I cannot propose with a sword, Alisaie.” “And why not?” Her hands find her hips, “The societal norms of asking someone to marry you with a ring are not actually real, unless….”
Day 7: Noisome (Stasia) [okay this one is slightly completed but wip in the sense she has her whole own story mentally in my brain or I elaborate later down the line]
I never knew darkness could have a smell beyond the chill I had come to know in my five years of life. Peutrid, wet, cloying, and grating like the screams and howls that infested this nightmare. A stench that didn’t leave as the black blood of fanged one eyed beasts soaked and stained my clothes. Clinging to dirt that never quite seemed to wash out of the light brown bear that I clung to for safety and a comfort I would never feel from my parents after they had tucked me in for the night. It was more than rotting flesh that had stayed in the sun too long, it had hints of the special belladonna my mother grew for the residents of Mhach, the wet ash and smoke from my father’s clothes, and it enveloped my tongue in the slime of rotting fungus. My stomach still rolls and threatens to make me sick when I look back on it, when in the brief times I’ve had to revisit what people eventually called the Void, and when that beast of a man summoned one of its inhabitants to serve as his power. The nausea passes when memory brings forth the savior of that small and helpless child. The calming scent of dry forest and my home in the early morning when the sun would light mine and my father’s blonde hair golden. Sweet like flowers that grew in the fields of Amdapor, and sparkled like the chilled starry sky. His aether permeated my senses as we made our way back home and he let me have a stick of honey that seemed to come from nowhere, a gesture he would forget yet the only thing I would remember of him until we met once more. It was after that my training had begun and my father never once smiled genuinely when I was around. I used to think it was because of that horrid scent, that it was never going to leave my skin no matter how much I scrubbed it raw. I was forever doomed to see my fathers face with only disgust written upon it because I somehow managed to fall into a world where that smell of darkness and death seeped to your bones….but I was wrong. His face wasn’t contorted into a state of constant disgust, it was disappointment. I was the latest in his line of children to disappoint him with our seemingly lack of potential for magic. How I wish that little girl didn’t cling to the belief that he turned to stone because the smell of monsters left their mark.
Day 9: Fair (Ellen and Laelius aka Hyth and Thea)
Laelius laughs, standing and letting her drag him among the crowd of people at the annual Gridanian fair. His height makes it easier for her to navigate the bustle of kids running from stall to stall, parents chasing after them, teenagers gathering to plan which ride they will try next, and many others stopping to watch the bards from all over Eorzea perform. A sight he can’t remember ever having seen before in this lifetime, always more of a homebody despite the opportunities in Ishgard, and now here he was with Ellen.  She still was such a mystery to him and entirely different from the person of his dreams. Dreams he knows now to be memories etched unto his soul from a time when the world was supposedly whole, from a time when he was known as Hythlodaeus and Ellen was once called Anthea. Back then they were inseparable after having fallen for one another, they shared a home, secrets, hopes, and schemes, the epitome of the perfect couple…. Not in this life though.  In this life they would have never crossed paths had it not been for the intervention of two heroes. He never would have come to know Ellen who stands before him, would never know how her smile brings forth the sun, how her passion for growing plants lead her to being a sought out member of the botanist guild, know how her laugh mirrors a babbling brook, knows how she loves to dance off beat to popular dances from the realm, and knows how her presence brings forth feelings that do not mimic the ones he’s dreamt of but still spell out love. The identity of their souls may have been the reason they started to speak to one another, but it had been the woman he started to see right in front of him that kept him coming back to her side. She spins through a moving crowd of dancers and it’s the way the setting sun hits her grey eyes and outline of her peacock teal soul that has him no longer seeing through his eyes. Watching as the world he knows fades into one of the past and Ellen no longer looks like herself, taller, dressed in an all black robe with a white mask on, pale skin, and shorter hair no longer an aqua but a dark teal. “Anthea, my beloved, slow down. They will not run out of the pastries you enjoy.” The park they stand in is crowded with others that dress the same and many having hoods up along with masks on. A banner in a language Laelius can’t identify but can read with ease states that this is a celebration of the changing seasons. The person before them turns and pouts, Laelius–no Hythlodaeus–laughs, twisting their fingers together and leading them both through the mass of people.
Day 11: Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Lady Akagane)
Lady Akagane has been sitting at this table overlooking the bay with the same cup of tea since she’d finished her allotted ten minutes of crying privately back at the Annex four hours ago. The focus she gave the loose tea leaves having waned once the drink turned icy cold, but enough to stop the tears from coming without warning in such a public place, her daughter’s words still piercing her chest. The two had had disagreements in the past, occasionally they yelled at one another in the same manner, hells it was one of the many subject matters they had fought about in the past, yet none of those arguments led to the stabbing she feels now. Her eyes catch movement of someone in armor walking towards her, back straightening out further, a quick subtle wipe of her eyes, and disgustingly cold tea brought to her lips just as her visitor comes to a stop next to her. She glances up to see Ser Varlineau with as unreadable a face as the last time the two found themselves alone. “Have you come to share your opinion on what you witnessed, Ser Varlineau?” “I have come to deliver a message.” “Hm, you can tell Lord Speaker de Borel that any missives he has received in the last few weeks are from before the business with the towers, none have been sent since.” He huffs out a laugh, “You really are a stubborn one, easy to see where she gets it from.” She gives him a thin smile, gripping the handle of the tea cup tighter, as he clears his throat, “I have a message from Ameliance, Lady Akagane.” “Mrs. Leveilleur,” she looks down at the table, holding her chin, “I do not believe we have ever been acquainted with one another yet. Though I do know her by reputation,” her blue eyes look back up at the retired dragoon, “What message could she have for me, Ser Varlineau?” “She wishes to invite you to some tea, or lunch I’m not quite sure honestly.” “I would prefer you to go back and find out, however given how suddenly this was brought on I must assume she wishes to see me sooner rather than later.” She stands smoothing out the embroidered light blue silk skirt, mumbling, “Not as if I had anything else to change into for such social encounters.” “Shall I walk you there, Lady Akagane?”“I will find my way there, I am sure you, like my daughter, have better things to tend to than watch over me.” She leaves some gil on the table before walking past the elezen, “And for future reference, Ser Varlineau, you came to deliver an invitation, not a message in this instance.”
Day 12: Dowdy (Siberite)
“Aye, Ryne’s just fine. Demos took the brunt of it, he passed out once they made it to the bottom of the mountain and woke up a few hours ago from what it sounds like.” “A few hours….How long have I been unconscious?” “Few days. I didn’t think you were going to make it for a little bit there, should have known better though. You’re a determined one.” She sighs, resting her chin on her knees, “He still shouldn’t have to suffer like me.” Her eyes stray to the closed curtain, “It's all a right mess, and I don’t know what’s supposed to happen now.” Her eyes shift about the room, “Did everyone stay away from me because of the light?” “No, far from it. Thancred stayed in the room for two days straight keeping an eye on ya, but I think he soon found it more useful to go out with the others and try to find a way to help you.” “That sounds like him.” “Ryne, too, would come by and make sure you were still breathing, that you didn’t need any more of her magics. The twins were the same way, come to think of it, I believe it was Alisaie that convinced Thancred to go with her and find an answer.” She swallows the lump in her throat, “You’ve got friends that really care for you Siberite. So many that are in your corner, you can’t give up now.” “Who said I was going to give up?” He chuckles softly, “Did you forget how we became close? How many nights we spent just talking as we laid beneath the stars?” “No, of course I didn’t. How does that fit into your theory that I would be contemplating giving up?” “The look on your face,” Ardbert reaches to push back some of the hair falling in her face, stopping just before he reaches her, “It’s the same one you wore when you talked of joining us. Fighting with me and my friends, giving up the path you were walking in favor of something different.” He moves closer, “You cannot give up, Siberite, now more than ever. This fight is far from over and you know it.” When she doesn’t respond and simply looks away from him, he sighs, “Come on, let's get yourself dressed and into some fresh air. I’m sure it’ll help clear your mind a bit.” She shakes her head, “Think I’ll just stay here.” “Nope. Come on, if you’re able to get out of bed you’re well enough to get some air.” Siberite groans, dragging herself from the covers, running fingers through her hair as she searches the room. “Thancred brought you some new clothes,” Ardbert points to the table where she sees a neatly folded pile of clothes and brown boots hiding in the shadows below. She picks up the note placed upon the light pink top and dark golden braided circlet adorned with small pink gems that act as flowers among twisting vines.
Day 26: Last (Deimos)
“You know this is wrong, Emet-Selch,” Deimos says with a shake of his head, “Every part of this doesn’t sit right and you know it!” “I am thinking of the future of this star, just like you should be.” “I am. But I am no idiot either. You have plans for the heart of this concept and I can only imagine where you could get the necessary aether to make such a thing.” Emet-Selch sighs, running a hand down his face, “We are not going to do anything extreme, as I have told you time and time again.” “Oh I'm sorry, was it you that spent years creating creatures under the watchful gaze of our Speaker? You that knows the thought processes he could possibly go to because he has multiple contingencies? I am so sorry I am not defaulting to your wisdom on such things.” His eyes narrow looking down at Deimos, arms crossed, “Those ‘other plans’ you speak of would only come if there were no other way.” “Which is what you are implying, Emet-Selch!” Deimos pleads, “You are making this whole solution sound like we have no other choice, no other method to stopping what is going on.” The young man huffs, grumbling, “Did you lot even consider asking the other peoples of this star what they thought would work like I proposed? Or did it get tossed aside?” “Azem-.” “Right, right. How could I expect anything else for my thoughts and opinions.” “I did bring it up a few times and some others gave it consideration.” “Yet in the end everyone chose it was best to solve this without any other input.” His shoulders slump, “The other way could be out there, Hades, and no one else is looking.” He exhales slowly, “Azem, you know there’s only so much that can be done before we need to take action on these things. Besides we do not yet know what Elidibus’ response will-.”
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applecubeblog · 1 year
Head cannons about a friend's OC
I do not control the muses. When they offer me ideas, I can only hope I'll have the MP to write those ideas down, no matter what they may be. In this case, it was about my friend's Warrior of Light, Shio Shinju. You can find her over on @the-littlest-kojin. Now, despite looking like a Raen, she was raised by the Kojin of the Blue, and is one, far as I'm concerned. It did get me to thinking, how would other NPC's respond and react to learning that about Shio? Nice as it would be that they would all be lovely, supportive, and accepting, they are not perfect. As anyone who feels their body does not reflect who they are will tell you, there can be a wide range of reactions from people. Thus I present, a list. Please note, there are some names on this list that do not pop up until later expansions, including names that don't pop up until the latest expansion. The names for Endwalker I'll try to put put under the Read More. So consider yourself warned.
Minfillia- doesn't understand, "tries", messes up a lot
Thancred- doesn't understand, still tries, never messes up
Y'shtola- doesn't understand, asks a lot of questions that end up bordering on, to being, actively rude. One time, a Thancred that was already having a bad day snapped and started flipping Y'shtola's questions back on her. She quickly got the idea and the questions have significantly lessened. 
Urianger- went on a near poetic spree about how it's the soul that matters, not the flesh. Never messes up. 
Lyse- tries to understand, doesn't fully get it, but tries anyway. Sometimes messes up. "confused but she got the spirit" 
Papalymo- outright refuses. This earns him an earful from Lyse (and Thancred in private) every time. 
At this point Thancred is recognizing and standing with Shio on her identity just as much out of spite as anything. Part of it is still trying to respect Shio, but part of it is out of spite now.
Alphinaud- doesn't understand, trying to, but questions are worse than Y'shtola's somehow
Alisaie- kind of gets it, is trying since it makes Shio happy. Actually does her own research and chastises her brother. 
Tataru- very confused, but does try. She also messes up, but her apologies feel more genuine than Minfillia's. Incorporates little turtles somewhere in each outfit made. 
Krile- understands and accepts immediately, never messes up. Something something echo. 
G'raha- may be the worst. Says he understands, says he cares, but clearly has not, can not, and will not internalize it. His words and his actions blatantly at odds.
Estinien- kind of gets it? He assumes it's something akin to how powerful dragoons are basically part dragon. Having seen Shio's prowess in water, he assumes all Kojin are this amazing aquatic warrior race. This was all internal, so Shio may not be aware that was his logic, but he did seem to get it, and didn't mess up. When he was visiting the Far East, he did stop in Tamamizu, and upon talking with the Kojin there, came to understand better. He apologizes next time he sees Shio, saying only "for not fully understanding you". 
During Stormblood, Lyse and Alisaie comment on how Shio is "like a Kojin!", something they've both done often, not realizing. But this time it was within earshot of one of Shio's brothers, who pulls them aside and explains why what they are saying is wrong. Shio is not like a Kojin, she is one. Alisaie and Lyse understand, and feel awful, apologizing. Both do not make the mistake again. 
Hien, Gosestsu, Yugiri- immediately understand and accept, apologizing for ever messing up. 
Also Hein has a discussion with Shio late one night, after a bunch of sake, when he thinks Gosestsu and Yugiri aren't listening. He wonders if he might be happier as Xeala, talking wistfully and joyfully about his time among them in the Steppes, how now in this palace he feels out of place. He claims it was merely a joke. He's lying to himself. It was not. 
Aymeric- smiles, nods, doesn't understand. Gets what literature he can, but it only confuses him more. It's not until Estinien comes back and explains it to him, does he kinda sorta get it. 
Raubahn- at first, thought that's what Raen called themselves. It wasn't until meeting Yugiri that he was corrected, then had things explained to him. Understands better now, though also believes the Kojin are a powerful underwater warrior peoples. 
Nanamo- confused, asks questions earnestly, trying to learn. Thinks she gets it, and kind of does. Would like to see Tamamizu one day. 
Merlwyb- really does not get it for the longest time. She does eventually come around, and makes clear any sign of calling Shio anything but Kojin is a sign of disrespect, but it does take her a bit. She may be a force for progress and change in Limsa, but she's still Limsan. Stubborn as any of them. 
Kann-E Senna- genuinely hard to tell. Always keeps that same practiced smile on her face. She calls Shio "Kojin", but does she believe or understand? Unclear. 
Gaius- "Why would you ever want be one of those beasts-" gets cut off by angry turtle
Zeno- "If I gutted every beastman there, then would you fight me with that same fervor?" which threatening that does work, much to his joy
Feo Ul- first needs an explanation of what Kojin are. Then points out "well of course you're one! You swim better than any other, you have respect for the spirits, and I've seen my precious sapling take hits from those nasty lightwardens straight to her back and been fine! So clearly you must have a hard shell back there!" then after a moment. "[appropriate pet name], if you are displeased with your form, know that I can shape it into whatever will make you happy. I'll adore you no matter what shape you take."
Matoya- Doesn't care what Shio is (and that is how she terms it), just leave her alone. She does chastise Alphinaud and Y'shtola at one point- "Let people be who they are, and mind your own!" 
Ameliance- welcomes "Shio of the Blue", having already been told in letters. Does her best to be supportive. 
Fourchenault- very pointedly avoids referring to Shio by anything. Eventually is called out on it by Alisaie. 
Vrtra- accepts it. No big fanfare or anything, just accepts it
Nidhana- rolls with it easily, just wants Shio’s help and to research Shio
Meteion, Hermes, Hythlodaeus, Emet-Selch (past), Venat- have no point of reference for Kojin, so assume Shio is just what one is. Should be noted the description is eerily similar to Azem’s true form.
Emet-Selch (present)- knows what a Kojin is now, and that it is similar to Azem’s true form. He knows it should be Shio’s true shape, and that, if things were right, she could take that shape easily. The fact that she can’t disgusts him.
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mochigobrrrrrrr · 7 months
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Qin, Beloved Heart and Consort to the Crown
Past Name: Qin Kha Ottile-Srivastava Bonded Names/Titles: Beloved Heart, Eternal Consort, Will of the Crown, The Arbiter, Qin Age: Unknown but appearance ranges from mid 20s to late 30s Race: Xeala (Keeps his appearance from his first life.) Gender: Male
Notable/Lore/Other Facts
While not much differs between Qin and his mortal counterpart, his perspective and attitude have changed somewhat after his bonding with Keter. He's more or less grown into his new roles of Consort and Will of Keter.
He has a better understanding of the lifestream and its flow and occasionally checks or keeps watch during times when Keter is unable to.
Qin struggles to understand Keter sometimes, even after thousands of years. Their ability to feel empathy and sympathy is learned and not naturally occurring. This is what still separates Qin and why he is called "Beloved Heart." It takes a while for him to come to terms with the fact that he's in love with something that can never fully be human. But it never stops him from sharing those emotions with them.
It took Qin two or three life cycles of Keter's to finally ask them to be bonded permanently. He had to come to that decision himself, completely uninfluenced by anyone.
Sorianna is still Qin's guardian, even after his bonding with Keter. Now, rather than using Qin's and her own ether pool, they draw from Keter's.
While between cycles, Mercury accompanies Qin throughout Keter's realm and other places, such as Yesod's gate. Sorianna is limited in where she can go since she is still an entity of the lifestream. Sorianna, more or less, accompanies Qin on the mortal plane.
[I will update in another post with more facts later, braincell lost setting up all this lore…]
Chapter 1.
In his first life, he was known as Qin Kha Ottile, a Xaela Auri who worked as a Skysteel engineer and an ex-mercenary. Later on in his life, after befriending the entity Sorianna, he came across another that would change his life forever.
It was just business. Or at least that's how it was at first. Qin found himself in Thavnair for a very peculiar request, and the few who could fulfill it were the alchemists of The Great Work. Or so he was told when his search came up fruitless in Ul'dah. Eventually, he came across the name of a talented alchemist, Rajani Srivastava, or Rain, as her close colleagues had called her. It was the senior alchemist, Rizal Adwan, who introduced the two and, shortly after, brainstormed on how to protect his tattoo and the secret it carried.
During his short stay, the halfling had noticed Rajani's knack for making cosmetics. It was small talk at first, asking a few curious questions here or there and being given samples, one of them being solid sticks of perfume, something that had been quite new. It had sparked an idea within Qin. His next trip back to Ul'dah had become a business proposition but also an abuse of his superiors' connections. Qin was notorious for using Uldel Shoda's supply chains for his own personal use and had used them again with a shipment of supplies for making custom gunpower. His peace offering? Rajani's unique cosmetics. Shoda had been running a rather successful business and was known for how luxurious her courtesans were, dressing them in the most lavish silks from Thavnair. What better way than to butter his boss up by offering her top-of-the-line makeup?
At the expense of Shoda, Rajani had found herself in Ul'dah, spending the next few days bartering a deal with the tyrant of a Lalafell. The rest of her time spent in Ul'dah was with Qin, who was her chaperone for those three short days. The halfling had shown her around the infamous city, letting her peek into a world that was alien to her own. At that time, Qin had started to grow quite fond of the Viera. Even somewhat dreading the day that he had to say goodbye. It would've been another two weeks before the pair ended up seeing each other again.
Qin never thought he would find himself in Thavnair again, but yet, here he was, and it was all because of a girl. Rajani, in her own way, showed her affection for the man, sending him gifts with his shipments. It had touched the halfling, just the act of being thought off. It was one of the many reasons why he put his life on hold and pursued her. Now it was his turn to live in a world that was different from his own and to learn her customs. In that short time, the pair had become inseparable and had even become lovers.
Months had passed, and their relationship blossomed, but not without a few hiccups here or there. One of their main struggles together was overcoming how far apart they were from each other, with Rajani living in Thavnair and Qin in Ishgard. Sending each other care packages and letters was one of the few ways they kept in touch, other than through frequent visits, mostly by Qin. Another struggle that made their relationship difficult was Qin's choice of work. It wasn't his position in the Skysteel that was the issue; no, it was his line of work through none other than Undel Shoda. After discovering blood stains on Qin's clothes, Rajani would argue and plead for him to leave the mercenary life. With long periods of no contact from him and the constant worry that he would be hurt, or worse, die, it was without a doubt a major strain. The one and only time Qin tried to walk away—to stand up and put his foot down once and for all—Shoda chose to threaten him. She promised to take away the one thing he cared for most, and that was Rajani.
He felt utterly helpless. He was stuck with no way out other than to keep doing what he knew best—to kill. There was a reason he was Shoda's favorite. Whoever she pointed at, whoever she wanted gone? Qin simply made them disappear. But this time, Qin wanted to be the one to disappear. The argument that was to follow would be one of the worst fights that happened between the pair. Seeing Rajani in tears, yelling at him, and telling him not to go broke him. He wanted to tell her, but with Shoda's threat hanging above his head, he had no choice but to follow orders. He left. He left with a promise that nothing would happen, but he would soon find out how wrong he was.
To him and his employer, Shoda, this job should have been simple. Just another competitor trying to sabotage one of her supply chains, or so they thought. Either way, Shoda only cared about her bottom line. What better way to send a message than to send only her best? After weeks of questioning, Qin managed to track down those who were responsible. They had made a small settlement on the outskirts of Northern Thanalan. He thought it was the work of every-day riffraff, but it had become clear that he was dealing with someone on his level. Alone and outnumbered, he tried to slip out of the area, undiscovered. Sadly, he was being watched every step of the way. The thunderous sound of a gunshot spelled the end for the halfling.
The first shot had been lucky—lucky for Qin because he was still breathing. The first shot had managed to rip through his right shoulder, barely missing the tattoo that bonded Qin and his guardian, Sorianna, together. It had even ripped off the warding talisman that Rajani had made almost a year ago. He ran, but barely got far before he heard another shot ring out; this time he was hit from behind on his left side, exiting just below the rib cage. The attack was too precise for his liking, giving him an unsettling feeling in his gut. Sorianna had long since flown ahead to help Qin find an exit, but the best she could do was find a rocky alcove for him to catch his breath. He was surrounded. Slumped over and bleeding out, Qin was preparing for what would probably be his last moments. The sting of tears stained his already blood-covered face. "Rajani…" He had promised her nothing would happen; he promised her he would always come back safe. He couldn't stand that their last moments together were spent fighting. He could hear the footsteps of death rounding the corner and the men who would soon deliver it. The halfling's vision was starting to blur, and his body was feeling heavier. He was starting to lose consciousness. The last thing Qin would remember was the sound of thunder, followed by the screams of men.
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karthedense · 9 months
📺: Is your OC inspired at all by characters from other media? Which one(s) and what traits do they have in common?
-the Spark that made me start developing his lore was without question first ignited when i first read Vagabond and his design is influenced by Guts from berserk, Him later losing an eye to Zenos in Stormblood was inspired by such. But much of his character arc i believe was on it's own with any influences being subconscious at best
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦: What is their family like? Are there any family members that are particularly influential and/or important to them (whether in a positive or negative sense)?
-I'm not gonna give a full answers as your still progressing thru the game and wanna see you go thru some stuff before i give certain details
Unryu's relantionship with his family was overall very positive Albeit abit stressful from living under garlemald as non-citizens
Unryu spent the most time with his Mother who taught him to work the forge when he was young and was often a protective figure in his youth, pulling him away from things that could put him in danger when he was under her watch Granted with how large he grew up to be he didn't need that watch for much longer
His dad he treasures alot. If you asked Unryu who he thought the wisest person on the planet was he'd answer his dad rather than any famed Sharlayan scholar. His morals of avoiding violence unless it becomes unavoidable were something that stuck particularly close with Unryu and was part of the reason he wanted to dodge conscription. So he wouldn't be forced to fight when he didn't wanted to
His grandfather, old and bitter as he is initially scared Unryu when he was a small child but nearing his teens he began talking to him alot more he began telling him how Doma was before Garlemald and the horror stories of the war between the two nations which the old man fought in himself
leaving them behind was a hard choice for him to make but he felt it was either be forced to rob some other poor bastard of his home or run away from his.
🏷️: What is their full name? Do any of their names have any special meaning? How did you come up with them?
-Unryu Gesi! Unryu meaning cloud dragon, Initially named after a japanese war ship because i wanted a nautical theming to his name. But if you look at my answer to Mac's questions you'd see that Unryu retroactively took up a weather motif as well, funny how that is. The Gesi is one of the many Xeala tribes of the Azem steppe that his Grandma, Bayaarma Gesi came from While he's yet in the context of where your at in the game to step foot in the steppe themselves he still holds pride in his partial Xeala ancestry.
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loafiecat · 2 years
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I play FFXIV and I have been since roped into RPing with friends with my xeala Aura embodying adorable and unhinged energy. 
Her name is Washii Tumet
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tenuuchlegch · 2 months
Level 100 spoilers//
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❃ The city of gold, or rather the unlost world- Living Memory... it truly did exist.
- When the Yok Huy described the place which engraved itself into their ancestors' dreams, Odtsetseg compared it more towards Unsundered world in mind's eye. What she glimpsed of it seemed impressive enough, but THIS realm was warm and inviting. It invoked the feeling of nostalgia, despite her never seeing nor experiencing such locales in childhood. Colors were vibrant all around and everywhere one looked, a person would witness smiling, carefree faces. Truly... these lands formed from memories had to be the closest thing towards heaven au ra had ever basked in.
- Yet, this paradise did not come without a price. To sustain such an immaculate realm, worlds had to be snuffed out. Innocent civilians must perish and their souls be utilized as fuel. Even if they were unable to halt Sphene here, this would all crumble in on itself eventually.
- Regardless, as they progressed through this heavenly facade auri woman could not help but wonder... what would it have been like if her father was here, amongst the Endless? If ANYONE from Hotgo or those who sacrificed themselves so that she could live was in this state? Would they have been proud? Would they have felt like their sacrifices were worth it? She could certainly imagine her father having a few things to say. Though perhaps she would be conflicted as Erenville.
- Whatever Odtsetseg felt, she could not deny that these soulless entities were also once people, with dreams and hopes. This in turn, made it all the more harder to end this city of bliss. If she was to pull the plug on it all, then the least xaela woman could do was to give them a show.
- Upon the pier as the waters from fountain shot into sky, xeala danced. Her feet light and elegant, despite a heavy heart, she spun and moved like a sparrow in flight. This was best she could give them, as a dancer. Twould be this performance which would mark the end of their world and the coming of a new dawn.
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rafencarino · 1 year
Let the Games begin!
In Kugane with Jahleen and Hien: It was always interesting visiting Kugane incognito. Nevermind the fact that Yugiri and her fellow Shinobi were driven to drink every time Hien and Jahleen decided to do it, but just the two of them walking the streets, listening to the crowds.
Either it was business, the goings on in the trade, or most recently, the moves she and Hien had been making to create a united Othard. The process was proceeding apace, and it was creating some waves. Some were hesitant, especially considering what the Garlean Empire had done. But for every doubter, there were two more that were eager to join the Othard Alliance, eager to serve under the banner of the fabled Warrior of Light. Hien just quietly shook his head as he listened to a buisnessman. "At this rate, the only hold outs that will be left are here!" Another Merchant grumbled as he put away some of his stock. "And you know that Kuganes nobility ain't gonna be interested in joining. They like their neutrality too much. What happens when someone decides they had enough of that and just attacks, like Doma?"
Hiens eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth to say something, but Jahleen gently stopped him, and murmured softly. "He is just scared. Remember love, the Garleans left a black mark on all of us." Hien sighed and whispered. "I know that Jay, but we aren't going to do what he thinks we will. All we want is to PREVENT that from happening. A United Othard will do just that." Jahleen just smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder as the two of them walked away. "This one knows that better than anyone. We won't win everyone over. That would be making our task harder than it needs to be. And remember, if they reject becoming part of the Alliance, then we do what we can to establish more favorable trade terms. Just as you suggested."
They stopped briefly to eat inside the Kugane tower before heading into the Shriogane Wards. Once there the two of them made their way to the beach to watch the Fireworks being put on. While they sat and watched, Yugiri materialized beside them, taking off her mask as she did so. "My lord, my lady. My Shinobi have finished their tasks, and we have discovered, as you rightly suspected, some of the Kugane leadership are VERY unhappy about the moves you have been making." Hien just shook his head sadly. "Why, after everything we have done to rid our country of the Empire, as well as protect it, are they unhappy? I suppose it bites into their coffers because they can't double deal anymore."
Yugiri nodded. "That is precisely it. By prolonging Doman occupation, they could source supplies to the resistance and the Empire. Now that the Garleans have been rendered helpless, they are unable to do so anymore. Further, as you and Jahleen have been moving to unite the countries, they feel they are losing business. Some of them have suggested the idea of triggering another war in Othard will push things along for them."
Hien's brow twitched angrily while Jahleen snorted in derision. "With who? The Dalmascans? Golmore? They suffered just as much under the Empire's boot as Doma did! The Xeala tribes? I am Khagan, and they listen to me without question. The Raen? Princess Kurenai is married to my brother, and THEY Have been reaping the benefits of being under our banner. The Beast Tribes have no interest in fighting us anymore since the pacts were created. The only group that would go to war with is well...Kugane itself." Yugiri nodded in agreement. "You are correct Jahleen."
Jahleens eye widened and she looked at her husband. "They would put their people in danger...for business?" There was a note of incredulity in the Viera's tone, then her eye narrowed and a low growl escaped her. "What can we do?" Hien looked thoughtful.
"Well, we should absolutely try the diplomatic approach first. Offer them better trade deals and promises to allay their fears. Put it all out in the open where all of Kugane and Shirogane can see what we are doing." He eyed his wife. "Get the people on our side too."
Jahleen's mind whirled, and then it clicked together. "This will back the nobility into a corner! They reject it, and it draws the ire of the populace, and if they go to war, they will draw resistance from its own people!" Hien nodded sagely. "Precisely, now of course-"
He was cut off from saying more, by Jahleens mouth fiercely pressing to his in a passionate kiss. Yugiri just discreetly looked away, while snatching a small peak here and there, and when Jahleen pulled back from the Dazed Doman Emperor, she purred lowly. "Plan more later take This One to our home and fuck our brains out. Now. This one loves it when you get devious." Hien couldn't help the goofy grin that spread across his lips. Without a word he scooped his wife up and carried her in the direction of their Shirogane estate.
Meanwhile, Yugiri's face was flushed from such a crass statement. She had been working with Jahleen for YEARS, and the woman STILL had the ability to make her blush. Said woman looked back over Hiens shoulder at the Shinobi, a serious expression on her face, one that contained barely restrained lust.
"Yugiri, this one saw you watching us kiss. Want to get a real show too?" Yugiri's form straightened up almost comically ramrod like, as her entire face flushed red down below the neckline of her gear.
"Uh...Um, that is to say..."
"Jahleen, don't tease the poor woman." Jahleen just huffed and snuggled into her husband. "Fine, this one will stop. For now, just take us home, and do not stop fucking us until this one is screaming your name to the Heavens."
As the two of them disappeared, Yugiri stood there, almost as if she had been turned to stone, though inside her blood was roaring, and her heart was thundering. Jahleen had ALWAYS teased her about that, but that...that right there hadn't been teasing. That had been a legitimate offer. Yugiri felt herself all but collapse onto the sand.
"By the gods, what do I do?" It was in that moment, the Shinobi's mind was as far away from plotting and planning for Kugane to join the fold as it could get. She had more immediate thoughts on hand.
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nerfedpumpkin · 1 year
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Someone halp, I made a cute bean. Adore her honestly, sailing xeala bean.
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