#Writer ask games
banditywrites · 2 months
20 questions for writers
Thank you for tagging me, @adelfie !!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh. Gosh. Now it seems to be Batfam and Voltron. But I have also written Fullmetal Alchemist and I can see myself going back there someday.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Lonely Mind- Lance struggles with depression, choosing to hide his problems, he starts down a dangerous road alone.
Luminous Beings- Jason has the ability to see a light around people that are going to die. Tim is the brightest kid he has ever seen.
The Drifter- Lance picks up a "hitchhiker" without realizing it.
O Come Let Us Adore Him-Lance finds himself stranded on a planet that has a hidden danger. It's a good thing he has such welcoming hosts to keep him safe.
Rules and Other Broken Things-5 Times Tim's anxiety took the wheel and 1 time he reached out for help when he needed it
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do now! I didn't used to. I try to get to comment responses within a few days.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmm. I do my best to make sure my fics have peaceful endings at least. But maybe The Drifter. That one still felt quite sad in the end.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's hard to judge too. My characters go through so much... Maybe Luminous Beings actually. Because people were only mildly traumatized.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Once. On my fic: Upon the Road.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. lol. If I write characters holding hands in a romantic way, I blush super hard. I just can't write those kind of interactions.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. But back in the day there was almost a Voltron and Fma fic.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. I had someone say they bought my fic online, but it turned out they confused me with icypanther. So it was all good.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
One time! But I don't think the translator finished working on it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but that is intriguing.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Platonic relationships are what I love. I will read ships, just haven't really written them .
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
The third installment of the O Come Let Us Adore Him series.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue maybe? Also, being succinct.
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing environments. If I say there is a room, just picture any room you would like basically
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm rewriting this answer because I realized I didn't read the whole question. Writing in another language is always hard if you don't know the language. I've tried it out. Not really my thing. But I was more comfortable writing about sign language than any other language.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
... Pokemon. lol
20. Favourite fic you've written?
For Voltron: O Come Let Us Adore Him
For the rest: Foul Depths (FMA)
I don't know who would like to do this, but anyone who follows me, feel free! Thank you again for this opportunity!
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So we did this ask game in the Wyler fandom but I can't find it anymore, so I'm making a new post and bringing it to the POTO fandom (but not just the POTO fandom LOL, anyone from any fandom can join! It can even be from an original story!)
Send an ask with any word and I'll share a snippet from one of my WIPs with that word
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kithtaehyung · 1 month
36.  Last sentence you wrote
He did keep you alive that whole chase.
writers ask game questions!
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elkonigin · 2 months
For the ask game 🌹⚠️
Thank you for everything, you are a brilliant Moose Empress.
Hello Friend!!
⚠️ - What is the darkest thing you have ever written?
Uhh, that's a hard one. I mean "Sacrifices" was pretty dark there with the whole "came back wrong" bit, but I don't know, it didn't feel *dark*. Lethe is probably one of the darker ones because of the whole "inuyasha remembers but doesn't" and the whole, you know, 💀thing there for a bit. I'd say that's probably one of my darker ones, just for the material.
⚘️ - Give me a snippet!
I don't know if this was the one you meant, because the emojis aren't quite the same, but if not, congrats, you get this one anyway.
Snippet below!
She’d tried everything. Everything. Every single possible scenario or option or stray thought that had popped into her head at any point, she’d tried. There was a long list of ideas that hung above her desk, and all of them had been scratched through multiple times.
And she’d tried them all at least twice.
It was time to face facts.
The well was closed.
Inuyasha. Sango. Miroku. Shippo. They were all gone forever.
She’d never see them again.
It had been nearly ten years since it closed.
She’d graduated high school, and immediately after, walked out to the well and leapt inside, hoping against hopes that she could go back.
That had been year three.
And she’d thought that maybe—maybe—there was something about finishing her high school career that would spark something in the well.
Pity, maybe?
But it remained closed to her forever.
She’d spent the entire evening crying at the bottom of the well, curled up and sobbing to no one but herself.
And still the well remained closed.
Her mother had encouraged her to sign up to colleges, because her grades were stellar, and she chose schools that were close and had medical programs.
Anything medical would be the most useful in the village, and Kagome wanted to be useful.
She wanted to take all her expensive textbooks back with her and shower them on Kaede. Just give her all the knowledge that she could possibly want or need in their village.
Because it was hers too.
She didn’t want to live in the city anymore. The quiet and the calm of the village felt like something out of a dream. She remembered it, but the longer things went on, it was getting harder and harder to remember what the clean air smelled like.
“It’s my first day of classes,” she told the well. She’d gotten up early so she could sit there and talk to Inuyasha. “I know that you always thought school was a waste of time, but I don’t know what else to do. If you show up, I swear I’ll quit. Right now.” She waited. “You don’t even have to ask. I’ll go with you, Inuyasha. Right now, just—reach for me?”
There was a blip of quiet, and Kagome sighed.
“Maybe tomorrow then,” she said, rising to her feet. “Give Sango and Miroku and their eight children my love okay? And keep as much as you want for yourself. It’s all yours anyway.”
Kagome climbed out of the well, picked up her backpack and went to school.
From the Emoji Ask Game
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grogusmum · 9 months
For the writer goal ask list:
👻 and 🛏️
Hello Kitty Kat 💚
Thanks for the ask!
👻 Is there a new genre you'd like to write?
I am working on a monsterfucking fic with Frankie 👀... now Oberyn and Merling wasn't written with this intent, but it was put it on a monsterfucker rec list, and I am very honored! So some might say it's not a new genre for me, but this one will be intentional and with more um... more.
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
You know I haven't done a one bed or forced proximity fic, I might try something along those lines.
Writer Goal Asks
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wolfboy88 · 15 days
🔮💡- you put so much time and effort into every little story including one-off rarepairs and that's so sweet to me
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Aww thanks so much. That’s so sweet 🥹 😊
But just you wait for Spooktober… or should I be calling it Spooky Smutty Tober instead 🤔😈
( @mmoosen I just realised I never posted this and saved it as a draft by mistake 🤦‍♂️)
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beaconfeels · 11 months
Trick or Treat!!!
These asks have got me digging through all my random WIPs (Some of which can’t even be called that really) and I came across this tidbit, In which I project my deep love for “Wagon Wheel” by Darius Rucker onto Peter and Stiles:
Derek hears music coming from Peter’s apartment as he walks up to the door. He slides his key into the lock and steps through, toeing off his shoes. He hears Peter’s voice first:
Rock me mama like a wagon wheel
Rock me mama any way you feel
It’s surprising enough to hear Peter singing along, but then a second voice jumps in on the harmonies, a little strained on the high notes, but on-tune with a sweet little rasp.
Heyyy mama rock me.
Rock me mama like the wind and the rain
Rock me mama like a southbound train
Heyyy mama rock me
He leans around the wall blocking his view, and takes in the sight before him. The rhythmic thump he’s been hearing is the sound of Stiles kicking his heels against the shiny cabinet doors of Peter’s swanky kitchen from where he sits perched on the white marble countertop. He’s using a spatula as a microphone and looks as at home as he does in his own house.
Peter’s hips are swaying a little as he sings and cooks, and when he turns and catches Derek’s eye, it sends Derek flashing back to his younger days, back to when Peter was his uncle who was also one of his best friends. He hasn’t seen Peter like this in years.
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 6 months
🛼 & 🌿 for the ask game :D
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
I already talked about writer's block (here) but I can talk about low creativity. So for me, I have always identified as a creative person, but I've always had seasons. When I wrote poetry really seriously, I used to do more journaling in the summer and more of the construction and pulling together of themes in the winter, it's just a time when I'm sitting for longer stretches.
Getting into writing fiction in the past few years has been new to me in some ways, but in the same way, sometimes I want to be drafting, sometimes working on plot, sometimes editing.
Similarly, I design my fiber arts during high creativity and spend a thousand hours (possibly literally with a few pieces) assembling them which takes skill but not much creativity.
Magical high creativity mode is actually not conducive to finishing something, in my experience. In fact, I think you can't really finish anything if you aren't willing to be super bored and repetitive with your craft, whatever it is.
Let us celebrate the dull, unglamorous, grunt work of craft.
asks here
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bluejay-in-write · 11 months
If you got isekai'd into your own novel, one that you haven't finished yet so you don't know how things will end, how fucked would you be?
(Also would you try to stop the chaos before it happened, now that you have to deal with the fall out, or would you make it worse... Share in the tags!)
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mxanigel · 10 months
15, 19, and 27 <3
[AO3 Wrapped, Writers Edition]
15) What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
My two most beloved fics, An emotion I won't name (Dragon Age) and Cut to the Feeling (Attack on Titan). Both of them are ongoing, with the latter unfortunately taking almost all of my creative bandwidth as of late. But Neri's journey is embedded into my soul, and I will carve out some time during the upcoming holidays to draft their next chapter. As for Shion, well, it's ridiculous how many scenes I've already envisioned for her OT3.
19) What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Heather Cousland x Anora Mac Tir. I've written many snapshots of their rollercoaster relationship, and I feel like I'm so close to having a coherent-enough story to start posting. There's so much delicious angst to explore between them, especially since I envision Heather as a non-Warden Cousland who takes on the Dark Wolf mantle in Denerim during the Blight.
27) What do you listen to while writing?
Either instrumental music (often from soundtracks) or songs that infuse my head with brainrot. I'm not shy about putting one or a handful of tracks on repeat for specific scenes/interactions/emotions that I'm trying to convey in my pales-by-comparison writing. That kind of music tends to fade into the background when I really get into writing, and sometimes I'll "come to" only to discover that the music stopped playing a while ago, haha. (I love that kind of writing session.)
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ovaryacted · 6 months
Can I ask for 22 and 30 please? 🤲
writer ask game
#22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you're writing? how do you get past that?
At one point I did, when I first started writing like when I was 16 I was always worried about how my work would be percieved or if people would still like what I put out. Of course, I was 16, I didn't know any better lmao. But now that I'm much older and more confident in my writing ability, I honest to God just stopped caring about other people's perceptions towards my own ideas. I've really just learned that at the end of the day, nobody can write like me, execute my ideas the way I do, or sit down and think the way I do. I do it for myself, and nobody else can replicate it, and the people who like my work will find community with me anyway, so I won't have to fight for it. This way of thinking also helps with my anxiety because delusion and spite are the only ways I manage to care less about other people's opinions and focus more on making myself fulfilled. You really just have to win the idgaf war at the end of the day, that’s how you stop caring about that stuff.
#30. share a fic you're especially proud of
I think my personal best fics are either Forgotten Dreams or One of Those Days. Just the way I was able to execute these ideas off the dome and how easy it was for me to write those pieces makes me particularly proud of them. I like revisiting One of Those Days frequently and when I reread I just nod my head like "Yeah...I ate that shit up". I'm also biased because DI! Leon is one of my favorite versions to write for since I just mesh every headcanon I've had of other versions of Leon into one body so it's easier to write for him. I also just think they're probably the "sexiest" and most cohesive things I've written so, yay me lol.
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kithtaehyung · 1 month
42. How do you feel about love triangles? 🤔
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HMMMM this one has so much nuance! like i’m fine with them as long as they’re done well and nothing super “what the” happens, you know? so i would have to make sure everything is pretty natural and not too dramatic🥴 also.. if it’s me writing them, it’s bc i really, really enjoy both love interests😂 (ie: mami👀) otherwise i wouldn’t incorporate it
writers ask game questions!
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elkonigin · 2 months
What's the smartest thing you have ever made a character do, and how did you figure out how to write it?
Uh, I don't know? I guess the best thing I've done hasn't been them figuring it out, but just plot twists in general. The last few chapters of Supersum has a plot twist that I've just been hinting at that resolves an on going issue, and the last chapter of Lethe is another plot twist that saves the day essentially.
Otherwise, I am not that smart and try to avoid complicated plots because I'll never figure them out. If I see the answer coming, it's probably way too simple. 😂
From the Emoji Ask Game
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grogusmum · 9 months
For the writer ask game!
Thanks so much for the ask m'dear 💚💚💚
🥸 Does anyone in IRL know you write fanfic or original fiction? If not, do you plan on telling anyone this year?
Yes, some people just know I write fiction. Some know I write fanfic, but it nebulous.
When I started, I was processing lots of growing pains and change... and some of the themes definitely reflect it. So I consider them something that is mine and not part of our couplehood. My honey knows that I write fanfic, but other than the Grogu pov fics, she hasn't read them.
🌈 What research do you plan on doing for your writing?
I'm writing a fic set during the great depression, with Ezra, and while it's not going to be "historical fic" accurate, I will do research for an authentic feel.
🦄 Is there a new POV you'd like to try writing?
I'm open to what ever works for the fics I'm writing. I generally stick with second person with the reader fics, many times the pov flips between the Pedro Boy and the reader, but I used third person for Conversations with Dead People, because I had a twist at the end that would have been odd and hard to keep unspoiled if it was secomd person, and of course Grogu fics are first person.
Writer Goal Asks
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wolfboy88 · 30 days
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Aww thanks so much 🤩
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 1 year
If you still feel like doing that fanfic ask thingy:
3 & 4 for Backhoe
11 & 12 for Unpredictable Synchronicity
Oh thanks for asking, friend ❤️❤️❤️.
Oh Backhoe my old friend.
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
I really like the scene where Steve gets his first kiss. So maybe:
They are doing whatever you call it when one man is loose and warm and big and inviting and dreamy and perfect, and the other is a stiff, miserable board who is terrified and wants to run, but is also so fiercely desperate for what is happening to happen that his actual molecules may shake apart from the dissonance.
Or maybe
Steve feels his part in all of it. Small, so small, but he also knows that every good and brave thing that ever happened was just a series of very small choices.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
And of course so many things happen in this fic but getting back to two sweet boys falling head over heels, I'll choose "You, Brooklyn, have wiles" which of course needs context:
“You know, I was just planning to hold your hand, you’re the one who threw me into that tree and started ravaging me.”
Steve sputters, “You kissed me! You pushed me into the tree!”
“No,” Bucky corrects him with a smug grin that he knows will piss Steve off. “You pulled me with your sensual, irresistible wiles.”
Steve snorts, “I do not have wiles.”
Bucky uses their joined hands to pull Steve into him again, like they’re dancing, and leans in close so their mouths are nearly touching. “You, Brooklyn, have wiles.” Bucky murmurs, and kisses him again, and then ends the kiss and gets back to walking.
Unpredictable Synchrocity
11: What do you like best about this fic?
Oh gosh. I think this fic is very consistent in its tone which is something considering how long it is.
12: What do you like least about this fic?
That's a funny one because for each chapter as I was writing it I'd have a list if 900 things but the smaller frustrations always fade away with time.
I think overall honestly that it doesn't have a trans main character considering the plotline. That's a whole thing I went through and it is what it is at this point. Maybe in a few years I'll re-write it with Bucky as a trans man.
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