#Worldless OC: Eden
Also imagine Eden meeting Lorelei Firethorn... I cam see Lore being very, VERY confused
Oooh yeah. Confusion time!
I suspect Eden would be equally confused... Although they'd be fascinated by this intriguing contraption called a "gun".
Would this be Lorelei's first encounter with another sonar speaker??
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nihil-nan · 6 months
For the ask game:
⭐️ - Favourite Starfolk?
🪐 - Favourite Realm?
💫 - Who do you like more: Edda or Aven? Why or why not?
🎭 - Have any ocs? If so, talk about them!
🥏 - Funniest thing that happened in your playthrough? Or funniest thing you've heard about Worldless?
⭐️ this one's going to be difficult because I'm as attached to the duo as I am to Summum, I used to fav the duo the most because I had salt with Summum but now that I finished the game I found that I appreciate Summum way more (I want to be Aven basically as much as I want to be a giant green dragon in a melancholic artificial void- I wish my room had these vibes fr)
🪐EASILY Purple map, if you couldn't tell already I'm in love with melancholic places in this game (and Summum's realm is a second favourite of mine). But like, purple map is ✅️purple, ✅️where the duo cling, ✅️has pretty stuff hanging from cliffs in the sky, ✅️upward rain, ✅️love the plants, ✅️✅️✅️I just love that place. Tbh Summum's place would've been a contestant if it weren't for green (<purple to me) but still that one, and golden citadel place are up there somewhere (perhaps i should make a tier list)
💫Ok they are STRINKINGLY close but if I had to pick I'd pick Aven, Aven is more oriented towards quick strikes and magic which appeals to me more, has claws and a cool freaking scarf, silly looking bean, does wind magic and is an arsonist, I was going to say terrifying to look at but is a potato when you friend him but I also like about Edda that she looks fairly innocent until her personality shows (as the menace she is). I still love Edda a lot and relate to her oftentimes but on a scale of 100 I like Aven a 100 and Edda a 98
🎭 Ok I did a very quick sketch of what I thought Eddaven (can I call them eden btw? I like that name way more) so that's one. I thought about like a "paradox" starfolk which is black with a blue star rather than an orange (I never drew it) point of the paradox is that it appears to want to find another starfolk to team up with WITHOUT changing its nature, but because starfolk either reject others (blue types) while others change their natures (orange types) that means that OC will never have a counterpart and their search is pointless (yes I'm projecting kinda)
🥏 This wasn't funny to me until I watched an actual walkthrough of the path of determination, but the fact that I did the path of determination with without wall running with not a sliver of doubt in my mind that maybe this is too difficult? was so funny to me afterwards. Oh and how long it took me to realise LN was Angel's spear.
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Giving a slight update to Eden's design! Now with the dragon-ish wings and head.
I realized when I went to design Aloysi that I'd made an error regarding our transcendent crew - I forgot that Duality also has a full transcendent form we see very briefly, and it also uses the dragonish shape language Summum uses, and that this is probably the norm for a fully synchronized, stable transcendence.
Ergo, fixed the head, and also actually drew out the abstracted form.
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Silly thingy but, does the duo have any artistic talent? What about Eden?
In fact, does any one of the Eclipsed Wanderers have any cool talents/ skills?
Well, now they do!
Aven has most of the skill for traditional art - sketching, painting, he loves it and can do some very impressive work. Post-Eden especially he gets a chance to really hone that skill, and sometimes runs a little booth at markets with some paintings and sketches. He's also quite a talented dancer, given the opportunity. (Put this man in a festival dance and he is a sight to behold, and also one of the best dance partners in existence.)
Edda is fairly good at sketching, since she loves observing and taking field notes on an area, but not as good at full rendering. Her talent lies more in music. She has a beautiful voice and excellent pitch and rang to boot (excellent in terms of Starfolk, mind, who already have very good pitch). Eventually, Aven coaxes her into doing some duets with an instrumentalist or two (*cough* instrumentalists below). Edda also enjoys writing quite a bit - helps her get her thoughts in order, and sometimes she writes little short stories.
Eden has a combination of both skillsets, amped up a little in some respects. Their voice in particular is gorgeous given that they are quite literally dueting themselves with their three to five layers of voice, which - as they discovered on accident when they sneezed - they can manipulate independently.
As for the other Wanderers, Aziel and The General are both very good with instruments!
The General is better with stringed instruments, and can actually create a harp analog by morphing her weapons (as a tidbit of lore: that harp was the original form of her summon. They only became her war scythe after the conflict started). The General can sing too, but she's pretty shy about it. If you can get her to sing, her voice is in the high tenor/dramatic contralto range and very smooth, but good luck getting her to do more than hum. Her other talents lie more in athletics and sports - acrobatics and competitive archery are her favorites. She's also a very good swimmer, and also absolutely whoops everyone in the triathlon, followed closely by Dark Paladin. The two have a friendly rivalry over sports events. (Dark Starfolk triathlons consist of swimming, running, and a grappling segment. Light Starfolk switch the swimming out for a hefty platforming section. I now have the strongest urge to write our quartet trying a wipeout course.)
Aziel has figured out how to morph his atlatl into a bowed instrument equivalent (sort of an upright bass), and also has a little... effectively a small theremin, that it can fold into, powered by channeling small amounts of lightning into it. Aziel also enjoys carving, something he got good at over time. He's best with wood, but he can do some good work with stone too, given time. His "magnum opus" so to speak is a malachite bracelet that turns into an armillary sphere. He also made a pair of twin pendants that send little pings to each other over distance - a simple "I miss you"/"I love you" for whatever occasion may demand it.
As a side note, all of the wanderers group together to sing little quartets, and quintets if they can convince Summum to join them. At one point Aziel got Edda, Angel, and Gabriel together for a quartet and the result was the second most beautiful thing anyone had heard since the fall of the Old World.
Another thought: After the initial Rebirth of Eden and the dust settled, the Starfolk all gathered to mourn the losses that happened during the Conflict. They all - every last one - began a Requiem for the Fallen as they constructed a monument. In tandem with the song, a new group of luminescent flowers sprung from the ground and twined themselves around the monument. Starfolk call it "Falling Star" for that reason, and they bloom every year beginning on that same day - one bloom for every fallen star.
The monument appears like a glowing spire, heavy with flowers.
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Also I kind of like throwing my ocs at your ocs... so have a thingy!
Aster meeting the Wanderer group, including Eden!
First things first, I am so sorry this took so long- I had some trouble figuring out what to actually do and how to write Aster, lol.
Cast: Eden, Aziel, The General, Aster, and brief mention of Nereo, Dareia, and Nakoa.
Aster’s Accidental Adventures: Eclipsed Edition
Aster gazed around this strange realm – his arrival was an utter accident, but here he was, and he found it fascinating. The flora defied physics, the terrain too, and it was beautiful! And little white creatures flitted to and fro through the deep blue trees. He wandered forward, driven by curiosity, until he heard voices nearby. In a small clearing, three humanoid creatures were… speaking? To each other? At any rate, they were making sounds at each other in what sure looked like a conversation. They also seemed… oddly familiar.
Well, that was an understatement. One in particular looked quite similar to himself, it a lot of ways.
Maybe he could go say hello??
Of the strange things Eden had encountered since the New Beginning, the being that had just emerged from the foliage had to be near the top of the list.
Stranger yet, they looked for all the world like some sort of Wanderer. Just… also a bit different? They had wings, which was unusual for Wanderers, but perhaps they were a different starfolk? And they had a curious blue wreath of some sort on their head. And there was something eerily familiar about them – at least, to Aven there was. Hm…
Before Eden found their voice again, Aziel was waving and shouting hello, and the General was actively trying to shush him, sending worried looks at the newcomer.
“General it’s fine, he’s clearly another starfolk–”
“And he isn’t one we’ve seen before, what if he’s still hostile–?”
“That’s not how that works–”
“Shush you two,” Eden chuckled. “If he were hostile, he’d have attacked already. Hello friend!”
The stranger waved back, everything in his posture suggesting surprise. “H-hello!”
Eden paused. That… that wasn’t sonar… his speech was stretched out…? Interesting. “What’s your name, friend? And what brings you here?”
“Oh, I’m Aster! I…don’t really know how I got here though….”
“Pleasure to meet you, Aster!” Aziel chirped. “I’m Aziel, this here is the General, and that’s E…den…. You okay Eden?”
“Yeah, Edda’s being territorial again.”
“See, she gets it.”
Eden turned back to Aster. “Sorry about that. Welcome to the Midnight Forest! We have…trees.” Eden waved vaguely to their surroundings. “You showed up at the right time too – there’s a small market opening over that-a-way in a bit. Want to come with?”
“O-oh! Yes please!”
“Let’s get going, then,” the General chirped.
The quartet began making their way east, Aster following Eden closely, and occasionally glancing nervously at the General. “Um, excuse me, Eden?”
“Who’s Edda? Is that… you as well?”
“Oh, yeah. Edda is part of me. I’m two people, sorta. Still one person though, most of the time.”
“…Got it. I think. Who’s the other one?”
“Aven…? Aven….” Aster murmured to himself. That name sounded weirdly familiar. Huh.
“And what about you, Aster? Where do you hail from? I haven’t seen you around here.”
“Oh, I come from Skyworld! Been there all my life. Not sure where it is in relation to here, though. Never heard of the Midnight Forest before.”
“Yeah! …I suppose you’ve not heard of it either?”
“Nope. I don’t even know how we’d get there from here, it doesn’t sound like any of our constellations. Who are some of the people there?”
“Well, I’m a guard for Lady Palutena, maybe you’ve heard of her?”
Eden shook their head. “Can’t say I have.”
“Aw… I think you’d like her, she’s awesome. I wonder if I can get you guys to Skyworld with me….”
The General cut in, uncharacteristically quiet, “Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t think Skyworld is connected to this place. I think you ended up here on accident – I doubt Skyworld is part of our world.”
“…Oh. What…makes you say that?”
“This world is inhabited mostly by Starfolk – does Lady Palutena look anything like you or us?”
“Well, no, but–”
“Then chances are she’s a different species entirely, and one we haven’t met. Also, Eden doesn’t recognize you. And you don’t talk normally.”
“What do you mean by that?” Aster bristled.
“Your speech is all stretched out. Have you not noticed?”
“…No? This is how people talk, isn’t it?”
“Not how we talk. Hear that?”
“I…guess I hadn’t noticed that…. So you think I’m from a completely different universe or somethin’?”
“Something like that.”
“…Funky. Oh, random question, but are you Athena? I heard him–” Aster pointed to Aziel “–call you that earlier.”  
The General sighed, shooting Aziel a pointed side-eye. “Yes, technically. I don’t use it very often.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“It’s fine kid, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not a kid!”
“Compared to us you are. Well, you’re about Edda and Aven’s age, but that’s still younger than Az and I.”
“I am a grown adult–”
“Aaaaand we’re here!” Aziel cut in, gesturing to the assembling market with a grand sweep of his arm.
“Whoa! Are…are those all Starfolk?”
“Yep!” Eden scanned over the crowd. “Oo, Dareia’s here, we’ll have to check her stand out. But yes, everyone here is Starfolk.”
“And…I’m also Starfolk?”
“From the looks of it, yeah.”
“That’s… huh. I wonder why.”
Eden shrugged. “Might be coincidence? Hard to say. I don’t know how your world works.”
“Oo, look, Nakoa’s here this time! Heh, looks like he’s setting up a food stall.” Aziel nudged the General. “Maybe he’s doing sushi?”
“I doubt it.”
Aziel looked at her cheekily.
“But maybe we should check…. Oh, there's Nereo.”
“That’s the spirit!”
And just like that, Aziel took off into the market proper, the General in tow. Eden chuckled before following, waving Aster to join them perusing the stalls. Aster may or may not have ended up in possession of a Moth plush by the time they were done.  
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Meet Eden, the fully transcended perfect unity of Eclipsed Edda and Aven.
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Okay on the Lorelei meets Eden silliness:
I can see Lorelei accidentally coming across them while wandering around with Ghost (Her horse). Like Eden gets yote and Lorelei just so happens to be nearby-
Also Eden would probably be a bit... confused with the local starfolk population (Star Ghosts), especially with the colouration deal.
Also Lorelei misunderstanding starfolk stuff, cue Eden explaining to her about starfolks and how they function-
Lorelei: *Minding her business.* Eden: *falls from midair like the lil seraph dude*
Yeah, Eden would definitely be wondering what's up with that. And possibly a bit unnerved. And mostly wondering if they can help somehow...?
Pffft- Eden be giving her an entire college semester's worth of study material. (Insert a gigantic fourth wall break of Eden clarifying that this is only how it works where they come from and isn't guaranteed to be accurate to Lorelei's situation.)
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Also since Eden has wings... how well did their first flight attempt went?
It's a funny thing - part of absorbing TOFA mean just...levitation? So technically speaking, their very first flight, was relatively smooth (and not too far off the ground). They straight up didn't realize they had wings, so they floated, which felt almost like being hoisted by a skyhook or something, and wasn't too hard to steer.
Now, their first flight with wings?
When I tell you Summum had to pry them out of the ground and pep talk and bribe them into trying again, I am understating.
They... well, they listened to Summum's instructions, but only as far as take off went, and they severely overestimated the amount of force needed to take off, so they practically launched themselves upwards, panicked, and immediately forgot all of Summum's instructions on how to stabilize, glide, etc.
So they plummeted face-first into the ground at some pretty serious speed.
Summum took a slightly different approach after that. The approach being "No flapping, I will hold you and you spread your wings, and feel what gliding is supposed to be like."
He'd pick up Eden, and he'd start gliding. At first, he'd just hold Eden below him and let them feel how the wind works. They he'd let go for little bursts, stabilize, let go, repeat. Eventually he let them free-glide, and at that point he figured they could move on to flapping.
They worked on landing kinda in tandem with gliding, with Summum guiding them down after the flight and getting them used to it.
Taking off was the last thing he taught them....
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Also silly question, but can Eden split into the duo, or is their fused form permanent?
Also Eden playfighting with either Summum or Admiral... let the dragons be friends!
Yep! They can still split! At this point it's more of an efficiency thing - twice the hands and all that. Eden is just as comfortable a form. I should also note that their fused form isn't always the exact same - the most common one is that perfect unity of theirs that still retains some semblance of both entities involved. There's two of them and there isn't at the same time. However, when they're in a particularly sound headspace, sometimes that merge reaches such a pure equilibrium that they are effectively one person. This is less common, and was primarily true of that instant they defeated TOFA, but it does happen sometimes. Usually when they're most relaxed (ironically).
And YES. With Admiral it's as good as a friendly spar, and often devolves into playfighting, and with Summum it really is playfight because they so smol comparatively. The three 100% play together as well (Eden and Admiral team up against Summum most of the time, and Summum is very indignant because "Eden you don't need help-). Duality also joins them in the event they're feeling particularly well meshed. Their playfighting has also been relegated to the Emerald Requiem because of the collateral of three rather large lizards crashing into the scenery.
We have a brood of dragons, it seems.
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Okay, but on the "Eden is tiny dragon" train...
Eden with a tail-
*Distant Chosen Arrow sfx*
Tbh, it would fit with the ensemble. The only reason they don't have one is a) because it didn't occur to me and b) their constituents don't have any animalistic features per se. \
...Maybe that's one where they can morph their form a little bit, or the tail (and maybe even wings) are exclusive to a perfect meld.
I can 100% see them repurposing a little essence from their wings to make a tail for balance. In fact, I can see Summum recommending they do that for flight just so they don't have so much trouble with balance.
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Oh gosh imagine
Eden as an actual dragon-
Mini Summum!
In a sense, they are sorta a mini dragon - at least in their abstract form. It's not too far of a stretch for them to move on all fours.
Either way, they are Summum's mini me and it melts his heart.
Also, have a cursed idea: based on is appearance in game, it's not.... entirely out of the question that Summum could stand upright if he chose.... At which point Mr. Dragon is STUPIDLY tall-
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Eden being a very silly little dualie! Maybe even getting the zoomies-
Seems about right, especially given flight.
They go on aerial zoomies, or go to the Emerald Requiem to zoom for a bit just so they don't crash into any construction efforts.
...I like to think that after the New Eden, the Emerald Requiem takes on a bit more foliage.
Eden be like: "Summum this place looks depressing you need plants." Summum: "...I barely know how to reshape this place-"
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Some more funny "Eden and Aloysi gets thrown into random places" stuff
Imagine them in OCTAHEDRON (If you checked out the videos already), or in any series of your choice!
I haven't checked them out yet sadly, but I've seen a couple let's plays. They just... never actually finish the game?? And I can't hear the music, which kinda...defeats half the purpose......
From the visuals I've gotten, I can see both Eden and Aloysi getting a little overwhelmed by the colors, but once they get their bearings, they'd tackle the platforming and probably have a blast. It'd be a great chance for Aloysi to loosen up a little, too. Eden would enjoy themselves, but Aloysi would be kinda tense at first, then slowly fall into the rhythm of things and start having fun. They have some good laughs.
Also, in the vein of music games, Imma chuck these two into JSAB as a pair of green triangles. Have fun you two!
JSAB might actually be more Aloysi's pace, all things considered - or at least they'd be better at it. While Eden is getting a little bit lost in the chaos, Aloysi is veeery good at pattern tracking, and catches on to those very fast. They're also quite quick thinking, so that would serve them well. Eden wouldn't be too far behind, but they'd have to rescue Eden a couple times more often.
...It would be hilarious to me if they end up in a scenario where, after so long of being the one dodging, boss music starts and the boss is going "This ain't my music...?" And uh. It's their turn to be the boss. Have fun dodging the patterns of a pair of dragons!
I don't know too much about the game, but I can also see these two having fun in something like Sayonara Wildhearts or adjacent. Honestly they'd have fun with musicy games in general.
Ooo, oo oo oo, One Hand Clapping!!! They'd looooove that one. And get to have fun singing, too!
....I also have to chuck these two into Bug Fables very briefly (hyperfixations go brr) - Eden I think would be a jewel beetle (constituents are a mantis and a different beetle of some kind), and Aloysi seems like maybe a giant hornet? (comprised of a blue carpenter bee and a paper wasp). Or maaaaaybe a butterfly, if we take a curveball with a symbolic undertone (emerald swallowtail, in that case).
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Also since Eden has a lil dragon snoot, how startled were they when they saw their reflection?
Also Admiral meeting Eden!
*Boops both Eden and Admiral*
They were... caught off guard, a bit. They weren't terribly surprised, and it certainly made sense to them, but they were more or less expecting something closer to the original triangle head design.
It also took a while for them to actually see their reflection, at least at a point when they were paying attention.
Ooo, yeah. The Admiral and Eden is an interesting lil' meeting. It happens a good bit later, in the long run - The Admiral manages to exist for a surprising amount of time before actually meeting Eden. The meeting itself is... in some ways like the pointing Spiderman meme. Just... "WAIT. YOU. ANOTHER ONE! HI!"
Eden is immediately curious - if the teeniest bit guarded, and the Admiral is also quite clearly curious, but a touch wary of the whole thing. It doesn't take Eden long to piece together who this is, and from there they spend the day hanging out and catching up. (And Admiral gets to show off how they've already (kinda) figured out flying. It's a little graceless, but they can do it.)
*Eden giggles, their lil' head-fan-tendril things wiggling.*
*The Admiral blinks a couple times and they wiggle their head, before huffing in amusement. They try to rest their chin on your head.*
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Since Eden looks kind of like a mini-Summum... wonder how funny it would be when Summum meets Eden again-
Like Summum basically goes "...Since when you're a dragon?"
Cue Summum teaching them how to fly-
Summum: "Hold- hold on. Why are you a tiny dragon. Why-?? Since when...??? ...You're adorable. ... You're my child now. Come, my child, I must teach you to fly."
Eden: "Okay Dad!"
Summum, tearing up: *instantly perishes from overflow of cuteness*
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Oh stars imagine... Eden (somehow) getting thrown into the Modern world... how would that go down?
Oh dear.
Well, given that they are 10 feet tall? That's...gonna be interesting.... Instant (friendly) Cryptid, 100%.
Now, if we assume they're in a smaller form, closer to 6'9" or so, then that... could go more smoothly.
At least they don't have the communication barrier, so there's that.
I'd be willing to bet that at least one human they meet is convinced they'll give 'em radiation poisoning, because when is that shade of green a good idea to be around?
I suspect they would either immediately gain cryptid status, or immediately befriend a local and just... hide until further notice. Hypothetically, Eden could just... go home at will. But they have to realize they can do that, and I can see them deciding to indulge their curiosity. I think they'd also be a little more outgoing because they aren't under the same risks if they get found out - they can just leave if things get hairy. I imagine the ease of communication would also do a great deal to help them out.
If we plop Eden back into the Modern World, at some date after the original scenario of Edda and Aven getting yote, then we have a whole lotta potential for the fun of reuniting. Especially with the rural family. The urban scenario is a little trickier, but not by too much, cuz Eden knows where to go this time around and can...nominally get there fairly undetected.
Imagine Eden just...going up to the farm house, and when the kids (now a bit older) are going "Hey mom look it's another one!", they sign a familiar sign language greeting they had with the kids.
They immediately get glomped and bombarded with questions.
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