#Working on the gwynevere one
ancientmyrddin · 2 years
Rediscovering the joy of writing by killing Canon characters off one scene after another
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khyann · 27 days
Fantasy SMP Mythical Sausage Lore Recap (so far) ((that i know of)) (((updates coming)))
So fantasy!Sausage is a 200 year old high elven prince on a journey of self-discovery endorsed by his father, the King.
According to Sausage, high-elves live to about 800 years so he is pretty young for an elf (he said teen but if we take 800 elven years to be the equivalent of 80 human years then he is about 20 for elven standars). But he is also a bit spoiled and his adventures in Fantasy SMP is meant to be a journey for him to see the world and learn about how things work before he becomes king.
He is fond of wood elves because he was raised by a wood elf nanny named Gwynevere (which he as a kid mispronounced often). The reason why he was raised by a nanny is because his father was always too busy ruling to take care of him.
Sausage's parents marriage was an arranged one between two royal houses, his mother wasn't really happy about it because she wanted to become a warrior, but she eventually came to love Sausage's father and seemingly left her battle desires in the past. Sausage suspects tho that she still kept battling in secret because as a kid his mother would disappear for weeks and upon returning would say she "was away visiting some friends/relatives". Sausage's mother is a skilled ice magic user.
Sausage's father is currently 450 years old, he is really tall (even for elf standars), a master of all the types of magic and a very loved king so chances of an assassination attempt are really small. He is very loved because when Sausage was about 50 a war broke between all the elven classes and he fought to stop said war and bring peace back, the war lasted for 50 years and the past 100 years have been nothing but peaceful. During this war Sausage was kept in hiding and moved from town to town because his father worried he could get kidnapped and used to take him down, Sausage doesn't remember much from this period of his life, just having fun going to all the different towns of the kingdom.
Part of the reason why Sausage's father sent him on this journey is because he was just 200 years old like Sausage when he ascended to the throne. He regrets never getting to see the world before he had to take the crown so he hoped that exploring the world would give Sausage a better outlook of the world. And it seems to have worked because where Sausage's father is traditionalist, Sausage has some changes he plans to make once he becomes king (but there's no hurry since he can only take the throne when his father passes away).
Sausage is also not a natural brown. He was born with blond hair, an average elven slim body and a clean face, but he hated everything about this (specially how smooth his face was). So he took a potion that allowed him to grow a beard, turned his hair from blond to brown and gave him a more build bodytype (for elven standars he is pretty beefy). The potion's effect hasn't ran out yet but he has more ready for when that happens.
(Someone in chat directly asked him if Fantasy Sausage is transmasc and cc!Sausage agreed).
Sausage admires his father greatly and is trying to be like him, which is why he is trying to learn all the kinds of magic.
All this info is from Sausage's second Fantasy SMP VOD. I'll update as I find stuff in the vods😁.
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pierrot-dokki · 3 months
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☆ Template Here ☆
Background: The rumour mill has it that Gwynevere is not born of her pure-blood parents, but was a stolen magical baby from a muggle couple. Her parents would fervently deny the claims, though some people would swear they saw Gwynevere with different coloured hair and eyes…
★ Fun Facts ★
Feiyun (翡雲) is her Chinese given name, which means jade in the clouds.
Her last name is Murong (慕容 | moo-rohng), taken from her paternal grandmother.
She is of Northern Chinese descent from her maternal grandmother and Southern Chinese from the rest of her family (at least, according to official records anyway).
Her parents told her to pack up one day and they left for the British Isles later that afternoon. She didn’t know why.
When unable to control her emotions, her transfiguration magic wears off. Her hair turns ginger and her eyes turn blue.
Big on keeping up appearances. At least that’s what has been ingrained in her mind since childhood.
Her parents are both brunet(tes). If anything, her ginger hair makes her stand out, and that is not good (to her).
She calls Maomao her ‘red-haired good boy’ ;)
Her first exposure to flying on broomsticks was when she moved to the UK, as witches and wizards back in her home country fly very differently.
She immediately fell in love with flying on a broomstick and flies whenever she can, much to the chagrin of her parents.
Transfiguration may be her favorite subject, but Gwyn always looks forward to attending Beasts classes because she looks to Prof. Howin for guidance.
However, it is not necessarily her best subject. She is more excited to attend a class taught by Prof. Howin than about the subject itself.
While more skilled in Transfiguration, she has a knack for Herbology as well due to her father’s work as a herbologist.
During school breaks, she is not allowed to leave her parents’ estate unless under close supervisions, though she is rarely granted permission to leave.
a little introduction to my oc! she’s all i can think about lately and i can’t wait to do art trades with people ♡
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earlgraytay · 4 months
For the Reverse Unpopular Opinion Meme, give me Dark Souls.
Gwyndolin and the Witch of Izalith are both fascinating characters, and I really wish they got more fandom exploration.
Specifically, I wish fandom would explore the villainous/vengeance-focused side of Gwyndolin's character more often, and I wish that fandom would explore the Byronic/Prometheus/hero side of the Witch's character more often.
Gwyndolin's carrying on his family's monstrous legacy, mostly out of inertia. He's sending so many humans- "heroes" all- to kindle the flame and die in the process. And for what? Gwyn's dead, the Nameless King isn't coming back, Gwynevere is somewhere far away, and Velka fucked right off.
(Velka's another character I wish fandom would explore more. The concept of a goddess of sin is fascinating, especially given what little we know about the concept of 'sin' in Dark Souls... and the implication that she's the mother of Gwyn's children. But that's a whole nother kettle of fish.)
Point is, Gwyndolin is doing some truly monstrous things, in the name of propping up the old order. The old order that's never been particularly sustainable, and is becoming less and less so with time. The old order that full well half the playerbase wants to see torn down. His personal world's basically as over as the Age of Fire is, and keeping things The Same As They Always Were isn't making anyone happy.
Out of all the people left alive in the setting, Gwyndolin is probably the person best equipped to try to find a new way to keep the world running. But he's not even trying! He's just keeping things the same, and meteing out vengeance to anyone who gets in the way of that. For gods' sakes, the Blades of the Darkmoon cut off sinners' ears and bring them back to him.
I find Gwyndolin a deeply tragic and sympathetic figure, but I wish people would engage with this side of him, rather than just "oh, he's got a soft voice and is some kind of trans, let's assume he's never done anything wrong in his life." I'd love to see more people explore just how much of a miserable monster Gwyndolin is. How much fuckery he's doing, while not even seeming to enjoy it. How much agency he's given up to (his interpretation of) the whims of dead people, and how the nature of godhood means that giving up that agency is the worst thing he could possibly do. And how giving up that agency is honestly the politically savvy thing to do! Except that politics is dead and he should know that by now.
Similarly? I'd love to see people explore the Witch of Izalith as a tragic hero. Because, like, fandom doesn't do shit with her, but she's the one person in the setting who even tried to do (what most of us think is) the 'right' thing.
The Witch of Izalith is the one person in this goddamn world who tried to solve the trolley problem by derailing the train. The world depends on the First Flame for everything that humans need to thrive? The First Flame's going out? Okay, let's make a new fucking Flame, then, what are we waiting for?
She sacrificed everything- her followers, her daughters, her son, her husband, even her own physical form! - to try to make this work. She gave everything she had to save the world, making way more sacrifices than Gwyn or any of his children made, trying desperately to save the world-- and it was all for nothing. Her creation of demons made everything worse for everyone. But she kept going anyway, because what other choice did she have?
The Witch of Izalith's like a much more sympathetic Laurence. Sketchy, conniving, yet incredibly idealistic and passionate? Incredibly learned, but in ways that let her do more dangerously stupid stuff faster and more efficiently? Crazy enough to think this just might work?
I love her. I would love to see more fandom love for her, and her daughters, and the witches of this series in general. I get not seeing it from Tumblr fandom- we ship twinks here, sir- but honestly, I don't even see it from the reddit side of fandom that likes to ship the fromsoft waifs, and that makes me really sad.
But yeah. More love for the fucked up parts of Gwyndolin's character. More love for the Witch of Izalith and her passionate intensity.
(ETA: I realized while writing this that this turned into more salt than gushing, because my unpopular opinions about Dark Souls get salty- buuuuuut I do love me some evil Gwyndolin and some Witch of Izalith, so this stands.)
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fareehaandspaniards · 4 months
My personal list of fictional girls
ALL OF A SUDDEN I decided to make a post about fictional girls I SIMP for. That's what long work shifts do with me and also Katy's post about mole on Gwynevere's chest beautiful details of Gwynevere's body
I mostly talk in my blog about men but actually there are some female characters I extremely love, simp, imagine and some even shipped with myself. They all, in general, attract me very much and deserve a lot of attention
Dagger and (!) general Beatrix from Final Fantasy 9
I'll put them together because I met both of them as a child. And if Beatrix is my unattainable ideal and favorite character, then Dagger is a character I associate myself with and my personal love that I'm ready to defend against all the haters and fools who call her a “standard female character”. She went through huge character changes, trauma, and all the stages of love in her youth. She truly was my role model when I was a child. Also, because of Dagger, I was jumping around the house with a cook pot impersonating her with a weapon XD
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She was the reason I cut my hair with a knife when I was 6 years old XD My mom was horrified! I liked the new haircut but it looked awful xDDDDDDD
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And I also inherited this... xDD
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2. Lute from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones
Bold, smart, arrogant sometimes, a prodigy and in my personal opinion, autistic girl.
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Despite the fact that she has very few lines and the plot in general, she won my young heart, and I dreamed of such a friend… As a teenager I remembered her, but in a more romantic way already…. xd Her demeanor and conversation has annoyed many players, but I find her attractive and unique - she's confident and knows she's good!
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3. Jade Harley from Homestuck
My first REAL crush on a fictional character. I imagined her with me and even had a few erotic dreams with her…. It was very sad, because I literally suffered from the fact that she didn't exist, and I used up a lot of ink from my dad's printer to print a LOT of posters with her xdddd
I can't say Jade is controversial character? LOL I don't even remember Homestuck plot. But she is kind and funny character, optimistic and full of will to live. She is a witch of space after all xd She is JUST GOOD in my mind. To many years passed... xd
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And while I'm no longer interested in Homestuck, Jade is still my favorite archetype.
4. Edelgard von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem Three Houses
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When I saw the first preview of FE3H I knew she was going to be my favorite. Her looks, her ideology, her cold disposition, her tender heart, and her many traumas - she's beautiful. And despite the fact that Edelgard has a VERY large amount of haters, to me it just proves once again the great fandom hypocrisy! Everyone really wants a tough woman, independent, strong and making mistakes, cruel, implacable and willful, war criminal and all that stuff. But once they get strong woman, she becomes hated! After all, she's up against a muscular and very handsome young man with absolutely KIND and GOOD intentions, and all the bad things he does are for KIND purposes.
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And Edelgard is very controversial. Even gray, I might say. My girl did the thing she finds right and chose the bloody path, but I'd go with her all the way to the end because she's my empress and that's it xd Love her
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5. Rom from Bloodborne
I was a little mad at her at first…? When I first started playing Bloodborne. As is often the case with me, my first impression 90% of the time is later reversed. Many headcanoned her as Willem's helpless victim and a “background” for Micolash, and that headcanon spoiled the experience for me in many ways. But by creating my own vision of Rom, I fell in love! She can be crazy, proactive, determined, cunning, manipulative, comical, tragic…. Of course, it's all about interpretation and image. But I fell in love with Rom in all her forms.
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6. Ruby from Disco Elysium
She only shows up for one scene, but…. SHE MADE ME BLUSH. LOOK AT HER.
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I can hear the soundtracks from Hotline Miami and the police sirens... Her game portrait doesn't idealize her looks, no, you can see her age and wrinkles, and also…. her danger. It gives me goosebumps... I don't know why, but the portraits in Disco Elysium fascinate me. They manage to convey the character's personality and traits with color and strokes of paint behind their backs…
Actually this game created in my opinion the MOST perfect female characters I've seen. They are gorgeous in their own way, they look like REAL women.
I'm in love with Ruby. And even want to do a cosplay on her in the future….
7. Gwynevere from Dark souls!
Goddess of love, fertility, a gorgeous and big woman, with beautiful breasts, smiling, bright…. That's my kink. I have been fascinated with the history of ancient nations for a very long time. And the images of ancient goddesses have forever remained in my head something chthonically beautiful, a kind of female ideal. Gwynevere reminds me of them. I have an OC as well, personifying all the same things, only more cunning…. Beautiful lady…
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8. Nyx from Hades!
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Nyx is a very special goddess to me. It's very personal… I've studied her image a lot. And Hades definitely managed to convey her as she should be. A mother, a friend, a caregiver and her thin veil of darkness...
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triptychgardener · 2 years
June: Fairly standard beginner dark souls player, get stuck in Undead Berg for a while until her more experienced friends start dropping her gamebreaking gear and letting her know all the shortcuts. Her build is whatever's handy and useful!
Rose: The one who gave June the items. Has a full walkthrough written by the third day, uses fall cancel quitout tricks to skip past most of Blighttown, and regularly wrongwarps to endgame areas to try and solo Gwyn at Soul Level 1 Darkbead only. Typical speedrunner.
Dave: Tells everyone he was good at the game from the start, but he only got that way by throwing himself at the brick wall of difficulty and stubbornly sticking on to using the beginning Broken Sword because "it's more hardcore that way." Despite it all, becomes very good at the game. Not as good as Rose though.
Jade: Loves exploring! The first to discover the Great Hollow, draws out little maps to try and find all the places where the world interconnects. Cries her eyes out when she has to fight Sif. Eclectic build that somehow still works, keeps the binoculars in her hotbar.
Jane: Unleashes her anger and utilizes a prodigious miracle healing setup to become an unstoppable killing machine. Starts out on the Kindle the Flame ending, with the Princess Guard covenant. but slowly starts to unravel the game after she gets frustrated and throws a dagger at Gwynevere. Starts peeling back the lore with a fine-toothed comb and, in the future, nearly always chooses to let the flame go out.
Jake: Constant Warrior of Sunlight, likes to join co-op sessions and help, but is actually doing that because he's nervous about soloing a boss, and wants to practice a lot before the real thing. Struggles a lot at the start, but somehow always manages to pull in clutch at the coolest moment. Loves Solaire to his dying day and gets utterly heartbroken when he discovers one of Solaire's quest endings. Wrath of the Gods+ Lightning Spear offensive faith build.
Roxy: Mods the shit out of the game when she's not running an absolutely broken build and doing constant Darkmoon invasions, partially for the play and partially because she just really likes Gwyndolin. Probably on NG+7.
Dirk: Isn't actually very good at Dark Souls even though he keeps playing it. Constantly harried by Hal invading him online, and as such has gotten pretty okay at PvP. Uchigatana all the way, keeps trying to go for cool parries but gets flattened. Though he wants to be a lone wolf, he has much more fun playing with friends.
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Arise in Perfect Light
Among the souls born of the First Flame is the soul taken by Gwyn. 太陽の光の王グウィン is his title as given in the Dark Souls introduction: Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight. 太陽 taiyō, the sun, is etymologically linked to 陰陽, the dualistic cosmic forces known in English as yin and yang. Specifically 陽 yō is the bright, masculine, positive association of yang.  
Sunlight seen in this way symbolizes heavenly perfection. Places connected to light are marvels of beauty. Anor Londo is no exception, with its classically beautiful white stone, carved surface decorations on nearly every structure, and mechanisms still working despite a lengthy period of neglect. To walk through Anor Londo is to be invited to marvel at what it could have been during its height.
Even Gwyn’s children are not immune, but rather are expected to hold to the impossible standard the Lord of Sunlight sets. One was banished and shunned in retaliation for an unrecorded transgression: Lord Gwyn's firstborn was a god of war, but his foolishness led to a loss of the annals, and rescinding of his deific status. Today, even his name is not known.
Another, kept in hiding for the accident of his* birth:
Gwyndolin, all too aware of his repulsive, frail appearance, created the illusion of a sister Gwynevere, who helps him guard over Anor Londo. An unmasking of these deities would be tantamount to blasphemy.
For one, it’s a matter of behavior; for another, appearance and inclinations that do not match the expectations of the surrounding society. Gwynevere, middle child, seems to hold a favored position - her items describe her as a beloved icon of bounty and comfort.
The miracles of Gwynevere, the princess cherished by all, grant their blessing to a great many warriors.
Gwyn himself is more of a cipher. It’s indistinct in both English and Japanese whether he was called the god of the sun before taking up his Lord Soul. His statues depict him with both physical strength and hale age, signs of both power and wisdom. Indeed, his generous actions in dividing the might of the “ultimate soul” among his children and his people reflect a great spirit. 
Lord Gwyn, bearer of the ultimate soul, divided that power among his clan before linking the flame. 
…Gwyn wielded the bolts of the sun, but before linking the fire, divided that power amongst his children, and set off with only this greatsword as his companion.
Despite his fears, his failures, and the horrific effect of his curse on the entire land, Gwyn is presented over and over again as the mythical ideal of a good king. He's held up as worthy of emulation while the Chosen Undead strives to succeed the Lord of Sunlight.
That idealized presence is shattered by his final appearance. Even Gwyn is unable to live up to the standard he set. It is part and parcel of his tragedy that neither a soul of perfect light, nor a legend larger than even a god’s life, can protect him from the curse he invoked.
*I’ll be using masculine pronouns for Gwyndolin. This is a headcanon, and I won’t judge you for yours.
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scariercnidaria · 1 year
whalefall dnd setting? please tell me more
OK HOLY SHIT. so im very autistic about the ocean and one of my hobbies is getting sad, watching fish documentaries and thinking about how i would stat up a fucking nudibranch or a portuguese man o war as a dnd enemy. which is kind of where the idea for the setting spawned for
right now im calling the setting #benthopelagia, this is the same as the tag i use for posting and for collecting inspiration
basically um so ive drawn a buncha maps of islands andstuff and theres a buncha nations.. yassez is the one ive. yknow. actually populated so far. the other 3 plotrelevant ones are isthmus and polonge (isthmus has claimed territory in polonge and fully occupies yassez). polonge is also at war with geuzi. fontaine has a treaty with geuzin. jicama and selenia are fighting over a strip of coast. danovsk is also fighting jicama over a pass thru the mountains. branthia is waiting on the sidelines ready to do very important Peacekeeping such as Supplying Weapons to insurgent terrorist cells.
>>GEOPOLITICS OVER read from here if u dont caare<<
theres a buncha.. buncha fake religions like cetaceanism (whale), currentism (its like breatharianism but it works bc its for filter feeders), integism (science cult), medusaism (jellyfish), The Really Big Human (a la dark souls gwynevere but an old man) Who Sits Above The Surface And Fishes Out The Cave Fish (only in ohio). i think in cetaceanism magnapinna are like. the devil.
theres a clan of nomadic humanoid orca that believe theyre demigods and run around fucking shit up. theres the shark mob from shark tale around the main coral reef settlement (barriertown/the shelf) called "reefers" who are pulling an hp lovecraft innsmouth on the landlubbers of port saiyon cause they keep coming on to land in order to steal electricity for their weed hydroponics.
theres a couple hydrothermal vents which are culturally the same as oil rigs
OVER TO THE WHALEFALL PART bc thats actually what you asked, theres a whalefall settlement which in a perfect world would be where i would start my players off. its like a small rural industry town thats slowly dying as resources get depleted. heavily cetaceanist but a sect of cetaceanism that think its ok to eat your gods. big whalers guild presence, and basically one quest would be to um. go kill another whale so we can Eat, please.
another quest start ive been ruminating on would be the PCs start on land and get mariners revenge'd to the bottom of the ocean.
theres also like - theres a trench? where there didnt used to be a trench? and people are like. man what the fuck. and in addition to that basically all contact with things on the other side of that trench - the whole opposite hemisphere actually - are just Not Coming, until weeks later they all come at once? so like whats actually happening is the core of the earth is hollow, but the core of that core is incredibly dense and this is called the unsigned (after unsigned integer overflow error. funny joke for me. the unsigned is a concept of integism). and its trying to break out except theres a stitch that it cant break and its called the time stitch cause its fucking with time (sorry this is all very fucking. stupid iv not completed the development of it yet. if u cant tell)
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desires-of-sin · 1 year
Scenario Snippet: Cecilia getting put through her paces by Gwynevere~
Describe a scenario, accompanied with the words ‘Scenario Snippet’, and I’ll write a small snippet of my muse in that scenario!
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It is one thing to be summoned to Anor Londo, for whatever reason. It is a completely different matter when you are summoned to the sun princesses chambers by personal request! Cecila nervously tittered into the sun goddess room, and as the doors were pulled shut behind her, she had a very odd notion that she might be in danger. At least, it felt that way, until in the blink of an eye she was suddenly in the goddess own bed, her own clothes replaced with...with...these flowy white garments, just like the goddess herself! She felt open, exposed! And with Gwynevere's prodding, she admitted that she did not know what was going on.
"This is all so strange and odd. But....my lady, you are divine...in both body and soul, and I am afraid I cannot..." But Cecilia was silenced by a single one of the goddess' fingers. It seemed she had shrunk to human size to consort with the blonde. A blush formed on Cecilias face, and warmth spread throughout her body. She was...so aroused. She normally wouldn't consider even attempting something like this, but...well, she is Gwynevere. She'd be lying if she said that she hadn't thought about it. Cecilia let herself be silenced, and was drawn into Gwynevere's bosom with a nervous flush, rubbing her thighs together as her heartbeat quickened. This...can't really be happening, right?
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Seven hours later, and Cecilia came again to the goddess' hands inside of her snatch. Cecilia's eyes rolled in the back of her head, and she fell back, hot, sweaty, and but still so so aroused! It wasn't enough, it couldn't be enough! She needed more, and the goddess wasn't satisfied either. Suddenly the goddess was on top of her, spreading her glorious womanhood for Cecilia to witness, barely able to see her face behind the goddess' massive tits. She lunged forward, licking and lapping at the goddess folds like the good slut she was. Her hands desperately grabbed and fondled Gwynevere's ass, all while tasting the sweet sweet nectar from below. She was in heaven. She was completely lost in the goddess' warmth and lust.
So much so that just by the goddess own words, she came again and again while never even touching the goddess, so that when the goddess thought it time to step it up a notch, she barely batted an eye when the goddess laid back and drew her leg over her head, exposing herself. Cecilia latched onto her leg and started dryhumping the goddess, grinding her pussy against Gwynevere's own in a show of tribadism. "Fuh, more~" Cecilia moaned, eyes clouded over in a haze. "Feel more!"
So the sun goddess obliged. As the night went on, Cecilia was given all sorts of boons and blessings, and was fucked in so many ways by the goddess. Sometimes others were brought in to fuck her with Gwynevere, but it didn't matter. Cecilia was loving every depraved second of it. Her thoughts only consisted of how hot and lustful the goddess was, and how she wanted to be just like her. To have such a gorgeous body, to be the object of every man and woman's desire! To be a symbol of fertility! With her face buried in Gwynevere's chest, suckling her own teat while Gwynevere materialized dicks to fuck both of Cecilia's holes, the goddess bore Cecilia's head from her breast and kissed her, long and deep. Cecilia couldn't take it anymore. She came and came and came and felt like her entire mind slipped into the fog as she was enraptured in a nice, bright light.
By the morning of Cecilia was passed out on Gwynevere's chest, completely and utterly used up. But Gwynevere didn't mind. She was just happy she had found a new acolyte to play with. Perhaps this one...could serve as her priestess? She'd need some work yes, but she had the drive and talent to do so...yes, Gwynevere would keep this one around. She was such a cutie, after all.
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cynthiaandsamus · 1 year
Gwynevere kneels in front of Samus, nuzzling into her touch, licking her lips, and pulling her top completely off, her heavy breasts bouncing and jiggling enticingly. Funnily enough due to her height 'Vere was still nearly at eye level “Then let me see what we're working with, Hun~ Pull out that dick!~”
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"Hehe, that is quite an accomplishment, usually I'm the one taller than most people, but you've even got me beat." She chuckled, eying the bouncing breasts hungrily and ripping a hole in the crotch of her zero suit to let her throbbing cock spring out right in front of her, tip already excitedly beading pre-cum as she rocked her hips eagerly in the goddess's direction.
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chocoenvy · 2 years
Picture this. Child reader who spawns in Snezhnaya and is brought to the Tsaritsa who is the size of Gwynevere from Dark Souls. She looks at this tiny, tiny child clad in rags who is looking up at her in awe and is about to get off her throne to kneel to you, when all of a sudden you climb up her legs like a spider to sit on her lap. You look her in the eyes and with absolute innocence you ask the question 'Are you my mommy'. Tsaritsa.exe has stopped working, please reboot the system.
omfg my heart is exploding
this but also big monsterous tsaritsa kneeling down to kid reader, who is terrified of her. But tsaritsa merely grabs your hand and kisses it, making you feel like a read prince/princess
and she'll make you one <3 whatever your little heart and wild imagination desires, she'll give it to you
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maranull · 2 years
Ranni for the character opinion bingo?
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I've written a bunch of rambles about Ranni but I hadn't actually realized that she was my fav character until I had to check the blorbo box. Huh.
I feel some of these choices need explanation, so:
"they got dirty by fans" this is chosen for how almost half of her fanart is her doll body with skin and tits the size of the moon. Like, the only organic part of her is probably the hair, the rest is rope and porcelain, how do you see that and draw her like freaking Gwynevere??
And don't get me wrong, I respect the effort and time that goes to any artwork, but... You're butchering her whole character design. Why.
"i want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog" You know how mini-doll Ranni exists? Ye, I want to have her with me at all times cause then my pocket-wife can judge my stupidity in real time.
"they're deeper than they seem" Okay, so: At the surface, Ranni does seem like she's selfish and that she's using everything and everyone to get her way. But!
Her whole character is about freedom and escaping the Golden Order's system. And in her ending, that freedom that she earns, she expends to all creatures in the Lands Between. When she could had just taken control of the world with no problem.
Her story's focus isn't escaping from her Two Fingers. Hers and also Blaidd's stories are about freedom of choice and how far they will go to retain their own will.
I would had never obsessed with her (this much) if she was just a cute dork in a doll body. The reason I'm so invested with her character is how much value she gives into that freedom of choice and it drives me insane how much that fits my IRL values. Seeing that understanding of the world being one of the best endings in such a big franchise... I dunno, it makes me feel real happy.
"they work better as part of a dynamic" Example: literally every interaction of mini-doll Ranni with the Tarnished. I would watch 60+ seasons of a comedy based around them and also Blaidd and Iji.
Ranni on her own likes to play the mysterious witch too much. Give her anyone she cares about in the room and her facade crumbles to pieces and I love that about her so much. It's the cutest and most endearing thing. I. Love. Her.
I like Ranni a very normal amount.
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acebladespades · 3 years
For the sicktember thing, 9 with Nameless King, please? Thank you! 😊
Title (Do not) let him eat cake!
Fandom: Dark Souls
Characters: Nameless King, Ornstein, Gwynevere, Smough, Artorias, Sif.
Summary: Eating too many cakes in one go may not have been as fun as Gwynsen had thought...
Prompt: I am not sick
I am so sorry for taking so long!! Life got in the way but I finally finished your prompt :D I hope you like it, writing this was fun!
It was the smell which lured him out of his way and guided him to the dinning hall. Deep down, he knew there was something of importance he was meant to be doing. There was someone waiting for him.
Unconsciously, Gwynsen tried to remember, but all his thoughts faded into the background of his mind once he saw the tower of freshly baked pastries carefully placed on the table.
They exuded a sweet and delicious steam, the spicy scent of marzipan.
There were plenty, enough to feed a small army or a very hungry court.
Or, in Gwynsen’s case, a god of war with a grumbling stomach and a watering mouth.
Well, marzipan cakes are my favorite. Gwynevere finds them overly sweet and Gwyndolin often says they would rather lick a basilisk’s eyeball than to take a single bite of these sugary abominations. Oh Dolin, always so melodramatic.
Gwynsen carefully took one of the cakes in his hands.
So, surely, these were baked for me. The cooks must have wanted to surprise me. They are too generous to me. I shall see that they are rightfully rewarded! But first…
“I shall feast!” He opened his mouth and prepared to take the first bite.
“No, Gwynsen!”
But all he ended up biting was thin air and almost the tip of his tongue when, with a swift swing of her hand, Gwynevere took the cake away from him.
“What the--” Gwynsen said after his jaws recovered from the forceful impact of his empty bite. “Sister, where did you come from? And more importantly, why have you stolen my cake? Could this be fraternal betrayal?”
Gwynsen’s heart started to break at the mere thought of his own sister turning against him; thankfully, Gwynevere soon proved him wrong, but not before giving him a small slap on his head.
“Please, stop fooling around.” Gwynevere said with a heavy sigh as she placed the marzipan cake back in its former place. “Father will not approve of you eating his desserts. You know well how finicky he is about his midday cravings. Do you remember the time he destroyed the East tower with one of his lighting spears just because his pastries did not have enough powdered sugar on top? Because I do, and so do the cooks. I created many lovely memories in that tower. I loved that tower, brother, I really did.”
Gwynevere’s gaze became dark and sharp.
“Sister, please. You are scaring me.”
“Oh, I am sorry. I got a little carried away.” Immediately, Gwyenevere went back to her laid-back and cheerful demeanour, but her determination had not waned. “In any case, you shall have none of these baked goods. Unless, of course, you convince Father to share a few of them with you, but we both know that taming a rageful dragon would be an easier task, so really brother, don’t waste your time.”
“Ask Father?” Gwynsen snorted, half amused and half angry at how ridiculous the idea was. “Please. I would rather kiss Smough on the lips.”
“Brother, don’t be like that, for underneath that grotesque armor, lies a skilled kisser.”
“I said I would never want to do so either.”
“Gwynevere, that’s not what you said.”
“Brother, don’t you have places to be?” Gwynevere interrupted him without shame. “Isn’t it time for your daily training with Ornstein? It is not proper of a god to leave others waiting for long.”
So that had been his original task before he had become distracted by the mesmerizing aroma of the cakes.
“I shall go to him at once.” Gwynsen exclaimed. His treacherous stomach seconded him with a loud growl.
He looked at the cakes again.
I’m already late for our training… so truly, you wouldn’t mind waiting for a few minutes more, would you, Ornstein?
Ornstein would definitely mind, and Gwynsen knew it.
I’ll think of a way to make it up to him later. Right now, there are more important matters at hand. And I know the way to turn things into my favor...
“Nevy, please.” Gwynsen looked around to make sure no one was around. Once he made sure there were no witnesses, he joined his hands together and looked at Gwynevere with hazy and sad eyes. “Let me have one. Father will not notice its absence, I promise. Please my dear, wise, beautiful, patient, smart, noble, brave--”
“No, Gwynsen.” Without mercy, Gwynevere interrupted her brother’s overused list of compliments. “I already told you no.”
“Then I hope you know how to explain Father about those little kisses you steal from Executioner Smough everyone now and then.”
“Oh dear… you know about it? Yes, I should have expected it. Gossip travels faster than light in this place.”
“So it’s true?! Gwynevere, you really should be more mindful of your secrets and your words. You are not what I would call subtle about them. And why, sister? Why Smough?”
“I think the right question here is ‘ Why not Smough?’ ” Gwynevere answered, winking an eye to Gwynsen.
“Gwynevere, stop. You’re killing your big brother.”
Unrepentantly, Gwynevere chuckled. “Don’t you worry, it was all a jest. Very well Gwynsen… if only to keep this small rumor between us, I shall let you eat one of Father’s cakes. Just one, understood? Now, if you excuse me, I too have someone to meet. He awaits for me in the west tower. And that someone’s name is Smough.”
Lighting power began to manifest around Gwynsen’s frame.
That bastard! How does he dare?
Gwynevere laughed at his reaction. “Oh brother, you are so easy to fool.”
She gave him a small pat on top of his head to calm him down. Gwynsen had just succeeded in controlling his temper when Gwynevere pulled him closer to her and whispered, “Seriously now, don’t come by.”
And with that, she was gone.
“My dear sister and the Executioner? No, I will not allow it!” Gwynsen exclaimed, his voice echoing with ruthless determination, the same way it did every time he commanded his soldiers to battle. “This is a transgression I cannot overlook! Wrathful lighting shall be your punishment, Smough! You shall curse the day you were--”
His stomach growled again.
Almost unconsciously, one of his hands reached for a marzipan cake.
“By the first flame, they sure smell good.”
His fury started to disappear, and it was completely forgotten when, at last, Gwynsen took the first bite.
“Master!”  Ornstein welcomed him as soon as Gwynsen entered the training grounds. His apprentice and friend did not bother to hide his anger at his pronounced delay. “What took you so long? We were supposed to start our training two hours ago. I had to listen to Artorias’ anecdotes this whole time. And don’t get me wrong, Artorias is my beloved friend and you know how much I care about him, but I swear, if I ever hear one more story about Sif’s antics...”
“What?” Gwynsen had heard only half of Ornstein’s rant. He wanted to pay attention, but it was difficult for him to focus on anything else other than the torturous knot on his stomach.
It hurt more than a dragon fang stuck in his gut after failing to evade the beast’s jaws. Gwynsen didn’t know how he was still standing, or how his fever had not melted his brains yet.
Oh, nonsense. I’m fine. Am I not the god who slays dozens of dragons and comes out of their fiery attacks unscathed?  I am fine! I just need to walk it off.
“Oh… Oh yes, Artorias.” Gwynsen said, doing his best to sound amused. “Where is he? I thought he would be joining us.”
“He had to leave. It was time for Sif’s daily walk.”
“Wait, the wolf walks his master?”
“What? Master, what are you talking about? Sif is the wolf, Artorias is the knight.”
“Oh… right.”
An awkward pause followed, one in which Ornstein took off his helmet and revealed his concerned expression to Gwynsen.
“Master, is everything alright?”
Ornstein’s worry was like a wake-up call for Gwynsen.
“Of course it is! “Gwynsen replied with the most forced smile he had ever made in his life, even more than when he had to pretend to be happy in his father’s presence. “ Why would you ever think otherwise, Ornstein?”
“You are sweating, your face is red, your legs are trembling.” Orbstein observed, unamused but still concerned. “And you keep embracing your stomach as if you were hugging an invisible lover.”
“Ornstein, don’t tell me you’re jealous!” With gigantic effort, Gwynsen straightened his back and unfolded his arms. The sharp sting in his stomach came close to making him gasp; to conceal it, Gwynsen cackled instead. “There is no such thing as an invisible lover in my arms! Ornstein, you say the wildest of things!”
An agonizing sting pierced Gwynsen’s stomach.
I am going to pass out.
His sight blurred and his belly burned as if he had swallowed the First Flame like it was wine.
Gwynsen stomped his feet. Lighting energy shattered the ground below his sandal.
No, I am not sick! I am fine. My stomach is simply overreacting at the memory of my sister and Executioner Smough sharing kisses.
His stomach growled louder than a furious dragon.
Why Gwynevere? Why did you brand that image on your brother’s mind?
“Master, you are not well!” Ornstein exclaimed with great concern. “We need to take you to Lady Gwynevere. She will know how you heal whatever ailment is--”
“Nonsense!” Gwynsen countered, making Ornstein jolt back in surprise. “My sister is quite busy, you see. He is tending to Smough at this time of the day, and not in a chaste way.”
“What?” Gwynsen and Ornstein said at the same time.
Realizing he had spoken more than he should have, Gwynsen quickly gave Ornstein a strong slap on the back. “It was a jest! Ornstein, you are such a stick in the mud! You need to loosen up and relax, for laughing and resting are also fundamental parts of a knight’s training.”
Before Ornstein could protest, Gwynsen wielded his spear and readied his fighting stance.
My stomach is going to explode. Oh Father, what will you see when you gaze upon the scattered guts of your first- born?
He would probably say something akin to “Oh Gwynsen, look at the mess you made! You are a lost case, boy, you truly are!”
“Oh Father, you insensitive knave!”
“Master, there’s no need to be rude.” Ornstein protested. He too had wielded his spear and had readied his stance.
“No, I was not talking about you, Ornstein.  I was talking of my big, dumb, stupid… No, it doesn’t matter.” Gwynsen shook his head and focused. “Let’s begin. Come at me and try to land a hit, Ornstein. I will treat you as I would an enemy, so don’t hold back.”
“Master, I really think we should take you to your sister instead.”
“You talk too much! Battles are not won with words, but with arms!” Gwynsen charged at Ornstein. For a second, the adrenaline of battle, even one of training nature, erased any trace of pain. For Gwynsen, it was like a blissful and distracting gift.
I knew it. I knew my pain would go away on its own.
Gwynsen closed his eyes, rejoicing in his healthy and numb stomach.
You were no foe for this god of war, marzipan cakes! Your sweet and delicious ingredients are no match for my iron guts. MY IRON---
The rest of his victorious thought remained forever unfinished after an explosion of burning pain, born from the impact of the blunt side of Ornstein’s spear, spread from his stomach to the rest of his body.
Perhaps… I am sick.
Gwynsen thought as the darkness of unconsciousness took over his world.
Just a little bit.
“Last time, Gwynsen.” Gwynevere said to her brother with anger as she and Ornstein helped Gwynsen keep the vasin still on his lap as he emptied his stomach inside it. “That was the last time I ever trusted you and your insatiable hunger!”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to.” Gwynsen stuttered in a small pause his intestines gave him. “My will may be strong, but the marzipan was stronger.”
He wanted to say more, but he was interrupted by another gush rushing up his throat. Once he was done, Gwynevere and Ornstein put the vasin down on the floor and tucked him in bed.
“Well, I have to say,” Ornstein sighed with little enthusiasm, “this is not how I pictured my day would go. There was supposed to be more training in it and less vomit.  At the very least, I am glad you are feeling better now, master. Next time, don’t try so hard to pretend you aren’t feeling well.”
“And while you are at it, how about you also try not to devour four hundred marzipan cakes in one go like some hungry animal?” Gwynevere added as she glared at her brother. “God of war… The only thing you are a god of is gluttony!”
“Four hundred marzipan cakes?” Ornstein said in disbelief, only adding to Gwynsen’s shame. “Master, how could you have done such a thing? And here I was starting to think one of the cooks had tried to poison you! Four hundred cakes! And worst of all, why didn’t you ask me to join you or save some for me? You know they are my favorite too.”
“Dragon Slayer Ornstein!”
“N-no, no.” Ornstein turned crimson and began to stutter. “What I meant was… I was just saying… Oh, bollocks.”
“Ornstein!” A newcomer exclaimed. He entered the room and carefully closed the door behind him. “Such foul language in the presence of Lady Gwynevere. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
Gwynsen, Gwynevere and Ornsteind stared at Artorias at the same time.
“Hey now, do not look at me all at once.” Artorias chuckled nervously. “No, seriously, please stop. I’m getting self-conscious.”
“Artorias, what are you doing here?” Ornstein asked. “I thought you were walking Sif.”
“I was, but Lord Gwyn summoned me. He told me about what happened with Lord Gwynsen and his poisoning. Something about marzipan cakes? I am not sure. Honestly, I stopped listening to Lord Gwyn soon after he started talking.  I don’t know the details, but he assigned me one task: to be Lord Gwynsen’s one and only companion during his recovery. I told Lord Gwyn that you would be more fit for the job, Ornstein, but he insisted I was the one to do it. He also told me how much Lord Gwynsen is fond of my anecdotes of Sif…. Oh master, I had no idea you felt that way. Worry not, I have plenty of stories I have not told you yet. I’m sure they will be a fine diversion while you recover!”
Gwynsen closed his eyes and cursed his father in his mind.
Father, you vengeful twit! I knew you would not let my mischief go unpunished! It was just some cakes… is this truly the punishment I deserve? You are cruel, Father. Cruel.
“But at the very least, I’m not alone.” Gwynsen said under his breath with relief and gratitude. He opened his eyes again and smiled. “For I have my dear sister and loyal friend by my side.”
The words died in his mouth when he saw neither Gwynevere nor Ornstein around. The only evidence they had left behind of their presence in the room was the open door they had forgotten to close during their hurried escape.
“Nevy?” Gwynsen whispered in despair. “Orny?”
But they were gone.
Only Artorias was there with him.
Artorias and his endless anecdotes of Sif.
“Do not worry master, I am sure they will be back soon.” Artorias said, pulling a chair closer to Gwynsen’s bed and sitting on it. “In the meanwhile, how about I tell you about the time Sif answered the call on nature inside Smough’s helmet and he only noticed once he put it on? That was a day Smough will not forget....”
Father, if I ever turn against you, know that this was the reason!
Gwynsen thought as he hid his head under the pillow.
As for Artorias, he kept talking and talking.
This was the reason!
It didn’t take long for Artorias to regret having left his master behind.
“Oh Lady Gwynevere, we should have not abandoned your brother. We should have remained by his side.”
“And listen to the time when Sif chewed on Father’s favorite sandals and almost brought doom upon us all? Do forgive Ornstein, but I think I shall pass. Besides...” Gwynevere turned around and stared longingly at the West tower. “There is someone waiting for me, and his name is…”
“No, I do not want to hear it. My mind shall not be branded as my master’s was!” Ornstein covered his ears and escaped from the scene. He did not know where he was going, but anywhere was better than staying there. As he ran, he kept chanting, “If I don’t hear, it isn’t real. If it isn’t real, it won’t haunt me!”
Gwynevere watched him go and laughed, unaware that Smough was standing behind her and had witnessed the whole thing.
Before he too walked away, he shook his head and rolled his eyes.
“By the Lords,” he lamented under his breath, “it is always the same thing with these gods and their knights. Every day. Every darn day.”
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throneshq · 2 years
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welcome  to  king’s  landing  meralith,  aeron  pyke,  oskell  tully,  ashara  dayne,  &  dara  karstark,  the  king  has  been  expecting  you  !  please  send  in  your  account  within  the  next  twenty  four  hours  !  anna  shaffer,  alexander  ludwig,  aditya  roy  kapur,  danai  gurira,  &  mookda  narinrak  are  now  taken  .
*     ──     [   anna  shaffer  ,   cis  woman  ,   she  /  her  .   ]   :   in  the  frays  of  king  aerys  iii's   reign  ,  therein  remains  meralith,  the  thirty  year  old  seamstress  of  king’s  landing  .   rumor  has  it  that  their  loyalties  lie  with  house  targaryen  and  they  are  for  to  the  targaryen  reign  .   they're  so  determined  +  hard-working  that  it  makes  sense  ,   but  most  seem  to  look  past  their  stubborn  +  brash  nature  .   when  they  come  up  in  conversation  ,   i'm  always  reminded  of  the  quick  burn  of  a  flame  against  bare  skin,  endless  yards  of  silken  fabric,  lavishness  for  everyone  else  but  she  .   [   holly  ,  28  ,   est  ,   she+her  ,   &   none  .   ]
*     ──     [   alexander  ludwig  ,   cis  man  ,  he  /  him  .   ]   :   in  the  frays  of  king  aerys  iii’s   reign  ,  therein  remains  aeron  pyke,  the  twenty  four  year  old  bastard  of  blacktyde and northern master of ships  .   rumor  has  it  that  their  loyalties  lie  with  house  blacktyde  and  they  are  against  the  targaryen  reign  .   they’re  so  confident  +  ambitious  that  it  makes  sense  ,   but  most  seem  to  look  past  their  impulsive  +  headstrong  nature  .   when  they  come  up  in  conversation  ,   i’m  always  reminded  of  waves  crashing  against  a  stony  shore,  the  sound  of  swords  scraping  against  one  another  &  bloodied  knuckles  .   [   wolfe  ,  29  ,   est  ,   she/her  ,   &   n/a  .   ] taking the connection of eldest child of gwynevere blacktyde, princess meralyn stark’s almost betrothed & the arranged husband of analyse lannister
*     ──     [   aditya  roy  kapur  ,   cis  man  ,  he  /  him  .   ]   :   in  the  frays  of  king  aerys  iii’s   reign  ,  therein  remains  oskell  tully,  the  thirty  seven  year  old  ruling  lord  of  riverrun  .   rumor  has  it  that  their  loyalties  lie  with  house  tully  and  they  are  neutral  to  the  targaryen  reign  .   they’re  so  intelligent  +  eloquent  that  it  makes  sense  ,   but  most  seem  to  look  past  their  passive  +  quiet  nature  .   when  they  come  up  in  conversation  ,   i’m  always  reminded  of  soft  spoken  words  that  don't  quite  fit  in  the  scheme  of  politics,  a  friendly  smile  with  no  ill  intentions  behind  it,  spending  hours  by  the  riverside  and  relishing  in  the  quiet  .   [   wolfe  .   ]
*     ──     [   danai  gurira  ,   cis  woman  ,  she  /  her .   ]   :   in  the  frays  of  king  aerys  iii’s   reign  ,  therein  remains  ashara  dayne,  the  forty  eight  year  old  ruling  lady  of  starfall  and  sword  of  the  morning  .   rumor  has  it  that  their  loyalties  lie  with  house  dayne  &  house  martell  and  they  are  neutral  to  the  targaryen  reign  .   they’re  so  adroit  +  meticulous  that  it  makes  sense  ,   but  most  seem  to  look  past  their  critical  +  unforgiving  nature  .   when  they  come  up  in  conversation  ,   i’m  always  reminded  of  a  bright  sword  shining  in  the  moonlight,  spending  hours  in  the  training  yard,  the  knowledge  that  you  are  one  of  the  best  fighters  in  the  realm  .   [   wolfe  .   ]
*     ──     [   mookda  narinrak  ,   cis  woman ,   she  /  her .   ]   :   in  the  frays  of  king  aerys  iii’s   reign  ,  therein  remains  dara  karstark,  the  thirty  year  old  lady  of  karhold  .   rumor  has  it  that  their  loyalties  lie  with  house  stark  and  they  are  neutral  to  the  targaryen  reign  .   they’re  so  adaptable  +  compassionate  that  it  makes  sense  ,   but  most  seem  to  look  past  their  envious  +  hesitant  nature  .   when they  come  up  in  conversation  ,   i’m  always  reminded  of  cracked  visage  in  a  broken  mirror,  a  door  slightly  ajar  with  moonlight  flooding  out,  daggers  being  used  as  bookmarks  .   [   mina  ,  twenty  two  ,   mst ,   she/her  ,   &   none  .   ]
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mrslittletall · 3 years
For the ask meme, tell me about... Dragonslayer Armour and Gwynevere, please ^^
Character Ask Meme -> Still Accepting
Dragon Slayer Armour I will use my own version, which is named Ophelia.
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight. She likes the guys. Gender Headcanon: Cis female. A ship I have with said character: None. Maybe one day she found a nice boyfriend. A BROTP I have with said character: Dragon Slayer Armour/Ornstein. They have kind of a mentor and student relationship. A NOTP I have with said character: None, really ^^ I guess my version wouldn't be shipped with Ornstein because he's gay. A random headcanon: She became a silver knight because she has been insanely strong even as child. Later, in Gwyn's army, her lighting miracles were impressive enough for Ornstein to teach her more. General Opinion over said character: It's free real estate. We know NOTHING about Dragon Slayer Armour, so we can basically make an OC out of them.
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight. Huh, all hetero girls here xD Gender Headcanon: Cis female A ship I have with said character: Gwynevere/Flann. I really like this ship ^^ A BROTP I have with said character: Nameless King & Gwynevere. Siblings siblings siblings! A NOTP I have with said character: Gwynevere/Oceiros. I am so sorry for all shippers. I once considered it, but I really started to dislike the theory that she's the queen of Lothric over the time. A random headcanon: Her healing miracles aren't working instantly for heavy injuries, but they heal over time. She still can heal a bone within the span of a day or a week (depending on the bone). Inspired by the HOT miracles you can find. General Opinion over said character: For me, Gwynevere has always been a very kind princess and was beloved by everyone.
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soft--dragon · 4 years
Speak of it again and I’ll kill you
Arthur had warned Merlin to never speak of what happened in the tent with Gwynevere, but since when did the warlock ever listen to him?
Merlin hummed quietly to himself as he straightened the sheets on Prince Arthur’s bed, the Prince himself sitting at his desk writing up a speech for an important event. He occasionally glanced up at his manservant with an eyebrow raised.
“Will you please shut up.”
Merlin looked at the Prince in surprise. “What am I doing wrong?”
“You’re humming, it’s annoying” Arthur responded, “why are you so chipper today anyway?”
Merlin shrugged, smiling as he gathered the royal’s dirty linen into a basket for washing. “I’m just happy for you.”
Arthur’s confusion doubled at Merlin’s words. “Why?”
Merlin gave Arthur his signature grin which told the prince that he was about to make a cheeky comment. “You know, you fully accepting who your one true love is.”
“Excuse me?”
“Gwen” Merlin said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Merlin” Arthur looked back down at his work again, warning evident in his voice.
“What? I’m just saying it’s nice to see that you and Gwen-“
“Oh my gosh, you’re blushing again!”
“No I’m not” Arthur shot back, frustratedly trying to calm the growing heat in his cheeks.
Merlin sniggered. ”You are absolutely besotted by her aren’t you?”
“Shut up Merlin!”
“Alright alright” Merlin chuckled before mumbling under his breath, “I hoped that kiss would put you in a better mood.”
Arthur however, heard his servant. He stood from the desk, calmly walking around it to approach Merlin who had the good sense to take a step back. If Arthur was calm, it meant he was going to do something.
“Mind repeating that, Merlin?”
Merlin gulped, a grin pulling at his lips. “Uhhh, you’re absolutely besotted?”
“After that.”
Merlin studied Arther carefully. He had attended many of the prince’s training sessions and knew what it looked like when the prince was preparing to attack.
“I said...” he kept his eyes locked on Arthur who waited with rare patience for the answer. “That you...are a clotpole.”
Arthur lunged for his servant who yelped, ditched the basket of laundry and sprinted to the door. Arthur was faster however, wrapping his arms around Merlin’s waist tightly making him shriek before he could reach the handle.
“No! No no no no- I’m sorry Arthur!” Merlin struggled against the muscular arms that held him captive, dreading the merciless noogie he knew he would receive.
“I did warn you Merlin” Arthur half dragged, half carried Merlin back towards his bed. “I warned you what would happen if you blabbed about anything relating to the tent.”
“I’m sorry!”
“Apologising won’t help you now.”
“Lemme go Arthur!” Merlin slapped at Arthur’s forearms with his hands.
“Not a chance.”
Arthur grinned and suddenly began tickling his sides and ribs. Merlin shrieked in surprise, not expecting this sort of attack from Prince Arthur of Camelot. Hysterical giggles immediately burst from Merlin’s lips, kicking his legs out in reflex.
“Hehehehey! Whahahat thehehe hell Arthuahahar!?”
“What was that Merlin? Can’t hear you over your giggling.”
“I dohohon’t giggle!”
“Really? Cause it really seems you’re giggling right now.”
Merlin’s laughter picked up at Arthur’s teasing, his voice jumping higher as Arthur’s fingers moved to claw at his stomach. He scuffed the heels of his boots against the floor, squirming desperately for freedom against the onslaught.
“Arthur! Plehehehease stohohohop!”
Arthur chuckled at the high pitched laughter coming from his manservant.
“I’ve called you a girl before Merlin, but I never would’ve thought your laughter would be so girly.”
“Shuhuhut uhuhup dollohohop hehehead!”
“Take that back!”
“You’re really asking for it Merlin!”
Arthur’s fingers move to Merlin’s boney hips making the boy spasm, throwing his head against his captor’s shoulder.
Arthur would be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying this. It had been awhile since he horsed around with Merlin, and this? Tickling his manservant to a giggly mess? He finally had something to use against the boy if he ever needed to be taught a lesson.
Merlin was in hell. The shocks to his nervous system making him laugh and squirm like a child, not to mention the tickling rendered him useless within seconds. He hadn’t been ticked like this in years. His mother used to tickle him when he was younger and Gaius gave him a poke to the side here and there when he felt the necessary. Even Gwen had affectionately run a few fingers over his neck to cheer him up. But Arther wasn’t holding anything back. Switching between hard and soft tickles, spidering to tasering. He seemed to be too good at this. Merlin briefly wondered if the prince had ever done this when he was younger, when an attack on his ears made him squeal and jolt from his musings.
“Oh my god, don’t tell me you’re ticklish here too!?”
The feeling of his large ears being attacked was too much for the warlock to handle. He couldn’t say a proper sentence as he cackled heartily, his efforts of escape doubling.
“You learnt your lesson?” Arthur asked with a grin, pausing in his attack.
Merlin slumped in Arthur’s arms, giggles still pouring from his lips. He considered before nodding.
“Then apologise.”
Merlin hesitated for too long, Arthur prodded at his sides making him yelp. “I’m waiting dollop head.”
“I’m sorry you’re such a besotted clotpole.” Merlin knew it wasn’t the right answer but sometimes he didn’t think before he spoke.
Arthur growled behind him making Merlin flinch, anticipating giggles spilling from his lips. “You’re gonna wish you hadn’t said that Merlin.”
In a split second, Arthur pinned Merlin to the bed, digging into his stomach with no mercy.
The guards outside the Prince’s room exchanged a look when they heard Merlin scream.
“Should we check on them?” One asked worriedly.
The other shook his head. “Nah, judging by those screams, personally don’t wanna see what kind of punishment the Prince is giving that boy.”
“Yeah, me too.”
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