#Wonwoo ff
thedensworld · 6 months
Your Best Man | J.Ww
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Pairing: Wonwoo x reader
Genre: fluff, humor, established relationship
Summary: Wonwoo has tried his best to become the best man you've ever met. At the end, he is the best man.
Author note: let's have a break from angsty suffering story and have some fluffywonu!
Wonwoo loves you. He loves you with all of his heart. Honestly, he loves you with all of his life. In conclusion he loves you very much. Wonwoo sat there, an empty soju glass in hand, his words flowing like the river of affection he held for you. Mingyu, realizing his friend had reached the brink of tipsiness, halted the soju parade, albeit reluctantly, knowing Wonwoo was just getting started.
"Mingyu, remember when I fell head over heels for her at first sight?" Wonwoo's tone was earnest, albeit slightly slurred, as he delved into his favorite topic, you.
Mingyu nodded, taking a break from his spicy budae jiggae to indulge Wonwoo's sentimental journey.
"She was stunning," Wonwoo continued, his gaze drifting upwards as if searching for you among the stars. "I mean, she's always been gorgeous, but back then? Wow. Even Cupid would've been jealous of my aim that day."
He chuckled, the warmth of nostalgia enveloping him as he recalled the moment fate intervened, intertwining your destinies.
"In hindsight, it's like the universe had a checklist and decided, 'Yep, these two are meant to be.' And who am I to argue with the universe, right?"
Wonwoo's laughter filled the air, a testament to the joy you brought him, even in the haze of alcohol and spicy food.
So there they sat, one lost in love and the other in a spicy stew, united in their admiration for the wonder that was you. And as Wonwoo raised his glass in a tipsy salute to your magnificence, Mingyu couldn't help but toast silently to the cosmic comedy that brought you all together. Cheers to love, laughter, and the occasional soju-fueled confession.
Years ago, Wonwoo became acquainted with you through a movie he watched with Vernon. You were a rising rookie actor at the time. Fate, however, had a more direct introduction in store for him. It happened one evening by the Han River, where Wonwoo sought solace in the night air and a bowl of ramyeon, alone with his thoughts.
The tranquility was shattered by the intrusive click of a camera shutter, followed by a beam of flashlight. Initially annoyed by the presence of paparazzi, Wonwoo's irritation quickly turned to anger as he contemplated the invasion of privacy suffered by countless others in the industry.
His resolve to confront the paparazzi was cut short by a sudden thud and a groan. Rushing to the source of the commotion, Wonwoo discovered the paparazzi lying on the ground while another figure stood nearby, inspecting the camera.
"I know this is your job, but this is not right," Other person admonished, voice firm with conviction. "You've invaded someone's privacy and caused them untold discomfort. Can you even sleep at night knowing what you do?"
As the other person, you, retrieved the memory card, your eyes met Wonwoo's. In that moment of shared understanding, Wonwoo offered a thumbs-up in appreciation of your intervention, sparking a conversation between the two of you.
You explained that you recognized the paparazzi, having caught them fabricating rumors within the industry. Wonwoo nodded in solidarity, acknowledging his own frustration with such unethical practices.
"I was about to take action myself," Wonwoo admitted, shaking his head. "I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one who feels this way."
And so, amidst the backdrop of the Han River, a bond formed between two strangers united by their disdain for injustice and their shared desire to protect the integrity of others. It was a chance encounter that would leave a lasting impression on both Wonwoo and you, shaping the course of their future interactions.
A conversation led to another, as late-night discussions evolved into playful banter and eventually escalated into vulnerable talks. What began as strangers connecting gradually blossomed into friendship, and then something more profound – love. Wonwoo cherished every step of the journey with you, never once regretting the decision to let you into his life. With you by his side, life seemed brighter, the shadows dissipating whenever you were together, and he couldn't shake the feeling that you were the one sent by a higher power to fill the void within him.
"Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" Wonwoo's question hung in the air, heavy with anticipation and hope. When you said yes, he made a silent vow to himself to be the best man you'd ever known. He listened to your concerns, ensured you never felt pressured, and held you in the highest regard, becoming your staunchest supporter whenever your movies or dramas premiered.
Of course, it wasn't all smooth sailing. Like any couple, Wonwoo and you faced their fair share of ups and downs. But each challenge served as a lesson, strengthening their bond and shaping them into better individuals for each other. If Wonwoo were to recount their biggest argument, it would likely be the time he recommended you to a director he knew.
Wonwoo happened to know a veteran noir movie director, a figure you admired deeply for his work. During a discussion between Wonwoo and the director at a premiere event, your name came up, sparking a conversation that would ultimately change the course of events.
"Your girlfriend is Ji Y/n, right? Her acting was exceptional in the last movie," the director remarked, his interest piqued.
"She's a huge fan of yours," Wonwoo replied. "I know it might be unconventional, but I was hoping you could consider casting her in your next project. It would mean a lot to her."
To Wonwoo's surprise, the director revealed that he was indeed seeking an actress for his upcoming movie and would be delighted if you were interested in joining the cast.
Initially, the news seemed like a dream come true. However, Wonwoo's excitement turned to concern when he received a series of missed calls from you while he was away on a business trip. Upon calling you back, he was met with the sound of your sobbing, instantly stirring worry within him.
"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
"I never asked for your help with my career," you replied, your tone heavy with frustration.
Wonwoo's brow furrowed as you mentioned the director's name, realizing he had unwittingly stepped into a sensitive issue.
"I never asked you to secure a role for me in his movie, so why does everyone think I got it through a connection?" you inquired him, your voice trembling with emotion.
Wonwoo sighed, acknowledging his mistake. "I was talking to him that night, and he mentioned you—"
"He talked behind my back saying you begged him to put me into the cast."
"I never asked for that!" you continued, your frustration evident.
"I know," Wonwoo conceded, regret weighing heavy on his shoulders. "He didn't say what you think he did."
Feeling hurt and misunderstood, you ended the call abruptly, leaving Wonwoo with a sinking feeling in his chest. Acting swiftly, he instructed his manager to drive him to your place, determined to resolve the misunderstanding before it escalated further.
Wonwoo entered your apartment well past midnight, his fatigue from a long day's schedule overshadowed by the weight of guilt gnawing at him. Upon seeing you seated on the couch, head bowed in distress, he felt a pang of remorse pierce through him.
"What did he say to you?" Wonwoo inquired gently, his voice laden with concern as he approached you.
"It doesn't matter what he said," you replied, your tone laced with frustration. "What matters is that you overstepped by asking him to cast me in his movie! I want to build my career on my own terms, and I want people to recognize that."
Wonwoo knelt in front of you, seeking to meet your gaze. "I'm sorry," he murmured, his remorse evident. "I just thought—since you admire his work—it would be a good opportunity. I didn't anticipate this outcome."
A heavy silence hung between you before you confessed the truth. "I walked away from the role midway through filming. I couldn't bear to work with someone who talk trash their talent like that."
Wonwoo nodded understandingly, pulling you into a comforting embrace. "I understand," he whispered, his voice a soothing balm to your troubled thoughts. "You did what felt right for you."
As you feared, rumors began to circulate in the weeks following the announcement of your departure from the movie. Speculations about your connections within the industry surfaced, casting a shadow over your hard-earned reputation. Yet through it all, Wonwoo stood by your side, offering unwavering support and reassurance.
He knew the truth, and that was enough for him. Together, you weathered the storm of gossip, emerging stronger and more united than ever before. For Wonwoo, there was no greater reward than seeing you stand firm in your convictions, unyielding in the face of adversity. And as long as you had each other, no amount of speculation could tarnish the bond you shared.
Years later, you and Wonwoo went public with your marriage, and he was grateful for the overwhelmingly positive feedback you both received. The wedding was an intimate affair, attended only by close family and colleagues. For Wonwoo, it marked the culmination of his journey to become the best man you'd ever known, now leveled up to become the best husband himself.
He found joy in the simple moments of life, relishing in the comfort of sleeping and waking up beside you each day. To the surprise of his fellow members, who often referred to him as the prince by his fans, Wonwoo had embraced domesticity wholeheartedly. Learning to cook, clean, give massages, and take on any task that arose became second nature to him, especially during your pregnancy with your firstborn, Jeon Jihan.
Now, at five years old, Jihan possessed a strong will of his own, often refusing to hold hands with Wonwoo when being taken to daycare. Wonwoo couldn't help but wonder whose attitude Jihan had inherited—though deep down, he knew it was undoubtedly from you. Nevertheless, it didn't dampen Wonwoo's love for you and his son. He cherished every moment spent with his family, grateful for the love and happiness they brought into his life.
One day, while Wonwoo was away on tour and Jihan was just two years old, he heard from his fellow members that the women—referred to as "their girls"—had gathered at Seungcheol's wife's place. Concerned for your well-being, Wonwoo immediately called you to check in.
"Are you joining them?" he asked, his worry palpable over the phone line.
"Will you bring Jihan?" he added, mindful of your responsibilities as a parent.
"Of course, he can't take care of himself," came your sarcastic reply.
Wonwoo chuckled at your dry humor. "But didn't you say our car broke down yesterday?"
"I'll find a solution, don't worry about it, darling!" you reassured him.
However, after the concert, Wonwoo discovered from Seungcheol himself that you had ridden his bike to their place—with Jihan in tow. Not a word of this had come from you. Frustration and disbelief churned in Wonwoo's chest as he made a call to you.
"How could you ride a bike with our child being that young?" he demanded, his tone edged with concern.
"Jihan loves it!" you countered, sending a photo taken by another woman at a traffic light, showing Jihan smiling while securely attached to your front.
Wonwoo facepalmed with his hand, unable to believe what he was hearing. "You could have endangered both of you and Jihan. You're not allowed to ride my bike again!"
It wasn't that Wonwoo doubted your skill—you had been riding bikes for years, a shared passion that had drawn you both together. However, the idea of riding a bike with your child had never crossed his mind, nor did he ever imagine you would consider it. The incident led to his members labeling him as a "gangster husband," a nickname stemming from your unconventional lifestyle and characters in the movies.
"So what's the matter now, hyung? You said you're okay, you love her, you'll support her no matter what. Then what's with the change of heart?" Mingyu confronted drunken Wonwoo.
Wonwoo clumsily put down his glass, "You're not married, Mingyu. You won't understand my pain!" he declared, slurring his words as Mingyu rolled his eyes in amusement.
Without missing a beat, Mingyu dialed your number. "Hello, Y/n! Did you miss your husband already? He's being a pain in my ass tonight. Should I take him home?"
Wonwoo's eyes widened in panic as he realized what Mingyu was up to, but his drunken attempts to grab Mingyu's phone proved futile.
"Just the usual babbling about his undying love for you and some other nonsense. I'll be there in 20, okay? Bye!" Mingyu announced cheerfully before hanging up.
"No! I don't wanna go home! I don't wanna face her like this," Wonwoo protested dramatically, his words slurred as he tried to resist Mingyu's attempts to escort him home.
Mingyu sighed, shaking his head in exasperation. "This hyung..." he muttered, resigning himself to the task of dragging a stubborn and intoxicated Wonwoo back to the safety of your arms.
"Where's Jihan?" Wonwoo groaned, nursing his pounding head while seated at the dining table, his breakfast being served by you. The mere act of opening his eyes felt like a Herculean task.
You shrugged casually, "Someone woke him up last night, and he ended up staying up late. He's still asleep."
Wonwoo's brows furrowed, knowing full well that the culprit was none other than himself. Yet, he was surprised by your nonchalant reaction to Jihan's extended slumber. "He's not going to daycare today?"
You shook your head, taking a seat across from him. "I'm free today, except for my ballet class at 4. Your mom wants to see Jihan, so I'll be taking him to your parents' place before then."
The mention of your ballet class jogged Wonwoo's memory of his conversation with Mingyu the night before. "You're still taking ballet classes?"
You set down your utensils and fixed him with a steady gaze. "Yes," you confirmed firmly. "And Mingyu filled me in on your little chat last night."
Wonwoo grumbled, "I'll punch him later," before offering a weak smile in your direction.
"I've decided to take the role no matter what, darling. It'll be my first-ever romcom movie," you declared, determination shining in your eyes.
Wonwoo sighed deeply, his headache worsening at the thought. "That's the problem, babe. I'm just not ready for that!" he confessed, his tone tinged with a hint of panic.
"What are you not ready for?" you queried, raising an eyebrow as Wonwoo stretched his hands and gestured vaguely.
"All the lovey-dovey stuff you'll have to do in the movie! Kissing, hugging, and acting all smiley with other men—I'm just not prepared for that!" Wonwoo exclaimed, his expression a mix of concern and discomfort.
You scoffed, "I thought we were done talking about this. I asked for your opinion, remember? If you don't want me to take the role, I won't. But you said your opinion doesn't matter as long as I'm happy, and I'm more than happy to challenge myself with this role."
Wonwoo nodded solemnly. "I know, but that was before I found out about the intimate scenes like kissing and hugging!"
You nodded understandingly. "You're right. And besides, you're the only man who can kiss and hug me like that."
Wonwoo sighed, relenting slightly. "Just kiss me three more times every day, and I'll pretend like nothing happened," he bargained, a hint of resignation in his voice. After all, he is your best man, right?
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haniebabes · 3 months
⋅˚₊‧ 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ - Gamer Wonwoo
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GENRE fluff, smut
PAIRING Wonwoo x reader
Gamer!wonwoo who stays up all night to finish playing his games
You get sulky when Gamer!wonwoo spends less time with you because he keeps streaming, but you also get why he does this because he needs to earn money
Gamer!wonwoo who comforts you when he sees you crying. He would say "I will make it up to you" "im sorry y/n" "I promise to spend more time with you", he says that as he caresses you hair, he will carry you to your shared bed, and he will cuddle you as he sings a calming song as you fall asleep
Gamer!wonwoo who comforts you when you see hate comments about you and wonwoos relationship, "dont mind them babe"
Gamer!wonwoo who makes it up to you by going on many dates
Gamer!wonwoo who was first scared that his fans wont accept that he has a girlfriend but it turns out his fans fully accepted that
Gamer!wonwoo who forgot to turn off his stream, and his stream captured you babying wonwoo, when he noticed the stream was still on he said sorry with his face red as a tomato, after that accident you teased him, saying "whos my cute litte baby now", "its not funny" he says with a pout, you giggle as you come to him, hugging him saying "your my baby", your so cute you say before pecking his lips
Gamer!wonwoo who streams with you on his lap
Gamer!wonwoo who was teased by his fans when you called him babe on stream
Gamer!wonwoo who proudly flexes you on his streams
Gamer!wonwoo who makes you cuddle with him on his gaming chair
Gamer!wonwoo who teases you when you loose the game you and him are playing
Gamer!wonwoo who plays animal crossing with you
Gamer!wonwoo who whimpers when you tease him by grinding on his cock while sitting on his lap
Gamer!wonwoo who lets you suck him off while hes playing with his friends
Gamer!wonwoo who makes up stupid excuses when his friends ask whats the whimpering sound, "o-oh thats just probably my neighbors"
Gamer!wonwoo, makes you cockwarm him while playing, begging you not to move
Gamer!wonwoo who had enough of your teasing and fucked you on your shared bed
"You had so much fun teasing me, now look whos moaning and whimpering" he chuckles
Gamer!wonwoo who streams the next day, "whats with those marks on your neck??" A fan asked, "umm I was bitten by a mosquito" he says as he scratches his neck
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Reblogs and likes are appreciated
@haniebabes work
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rubyuji · 5 months
The Chase (Jeon Wonwoo) ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚
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“I won’t get tired of the chase when it comes to you because I know that once I win your heart, I will give you more than the world has to offer” ᯓ ᡣ𐭩
Genre: Angst (Not much), Fluff, Romance
AU: Chaebol!au
Pairing(s): CEO!Wonwoo x Afab Fashion Designer!Reader
Warnings: None except the shitty ex-boyfriend
Synopsis: After going through the most traumatizing relationship ever with your ex, you vowed never to open your heart to just anyone and simply accepted the fact that maybe you truly were just unlucky in love. That was until Jeon Wonwoo made it his life’s mission to prove to you that you weren’t unlucky, you just ended up with the wrong people.
Note: I don’t know why this took me so long finish, I started writing it during new year’s and still ended up finishing it in April ;; This is based off a true story (The shitty ex) and I wrote it to make myself feel better. Remember, never settle for less because you’re always deserving of more. Happy reading! And as always, don’t forget to like + reblog.
WC: 10.4k (and it took me 4 months)
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Sighing for the umpteenth time that day, you had finally had enough. It had been a week since your ‘boyfriend’ decided just to get up and ghost you, and now here he was when you finally thought he’d completely leave your life? Not only that but breaking up with you over text for that matter.
He couldn’t even call you to tell you shit, and he came back just to end things between you both.
“He’s so full of shit like I’m gonna take his fucking excuse of being busy like I always do. I’m tired of waiting for this guy, all talk that’s what he is. He wanted me first and now he’s the one initiating the breakup? The audacity he has to do all this when I put in all the work to make this relationship work.” You run a hand through your hair in exasperation as your friend Jennie eyes you worriedly.
“I told you, you deserve better Y/n. Never trust a guy who has to make up for his face with his ‘personality’, What’s the point? You gave him a chance because you pitied him. This guy should be embarrassed for even breaking up with someone in your league, you can do way better,” Rosé says.
Your ex wasn’t the most favorable person among your girlfriends, or your circle of friends in general, but love truly is blind.
You land on the couch beside Jennie, the movie on the big screen in your theater long forgotten as it was paused momentarily because your ex had decided to return at the worst possible time.
“He’s an ass, end of story. He never deserved you to begin with and I could see it coming ever since we met him, what guy uses him being busy as an excuse? If you truly loved your girlfriend, you’d spend every waking minute with her and spoil her with attention. You don’t even ask for much!” Jisoo shouts.
Lisa slaps your friend’s leg in an attempt to calm her down as you all laugh.
The girls knew that you were well aware of your worth, but this guy was persistent so you gave him a chance, but he ended up hurting you either way.
It was such nonsense for him to break up with you when you were nothing but good to him, hell, you were the whole package and he still couldn’t see where he wasted such an opportunity.
“Y/n, he never deserved you at all. You’re the full package when it comes to a partner. Like, you don’t even ask for that much assurance and give him all his freedom, and not only that, you’re so patient and understanding. You have your way with words, as well as a personality as pretty as your face for fucks sake. He wasted such a creative and unique person, he’ll get his karma soon enough,” Jennie says softly from beside you.
You were fully aware of the treatment you give your friends and can vouch for how much of a good person you are, but this guy broke up with you because one of your friends had decided to call him out on his shit treatment towards you? If he had worries about that he could’ve talked to you about it.
“Your ex is full of shit just saying, so how about we forget about it and get ready to go to Mingyu’s housewarming party tonight? I’m sure there will be guys flocking toward you from every direction, so stop crying over a guy who never deserved you.” Lisa dragged you and the girls into your walk-in to get ready.
Who did your ex think he was, anyway? He was probably some shitty lesson for you to vow to be more picky now with whom you let into your heart.
Since you were the one who was heartbroken in the midst of all this, your friends had taken extra time to help you look your best.
Jennie had grabbed a long black strapless dress that had a slit that ran until your mid-thigh, and Rosé helped with your makeup, opting for a subtle smokey eye and a deep red lip.
You decided to let the girls get ready and offered to do your hair with Jisoo in the bathroom, the two of you breaking into a friendly chat.
“I will never understand what you saw in that guy Y/n, you have so many guys chasing after you and yet you decided to give Junseo a chance. He wasn’t exactly the best-looking and even had a shitty personality. He only seemed good at first when he was pursuing you but he got shittier, anyone could see that only you were putting the effort in for the relationship to work,” Jisoo sighed.
You finished curling your hair and laughed at your friend’s words. Even you, yourself, couldn’t understand why you gave him that chance when he treated you like absolute garbage, he kept leaving you and coming back at his convenience, using the excuse of being busy as always.
He started becoming inconsistent, he couldn’t even give you the bare minimum and broke up with you just because he couldn’t handle communicating with you.
Because he couldn’t admit his mistakes? It wasn’t worth it in your opinion, and you had already detached like it was nothing. The relationship itself was comical.
“Well, he doesn’t count as a boyfriend to be completely honest. I don’t see him as one, like even as a person he isn’t all that, he is a good friend to everyone else but this guy isn’t all that in reality no matter how hard you look. He talks about me as if I’m just a random girl to his friends, Mingyu can vouch for me on that because he overheard him at the bar. Honestly never again,” you grimace at the memory.
Mingyu had called you up at two in the morning, and you wondered why on earth he’d be calling you at that hour.
Sure, your best friend was a bit of a party animal, so you weren’t exactly a stranger to a few drunk speed dials from him, but Mingyu sounded quite frustrated over the phone.
“Your asshole of a boyfriend, if you can even call him that, is at the bar we’re at right now. This dude talked about you as if you were some random chick. Honestly, if Hao hadn’t held me back, I would’ve punched the shithead square in the fucking face. Y/n, you should break up with him, you don’t deserve this disrespect at all.” You could hear Dokyeom telling Mingyu to let it go because they’d just go and find another bar.
Frankly, your boyfriend was pissing them off at that exact moment because they had all overheard his conversation from the table beside theirs.
“Gyu, I can’t believe he left after an argument we had, and this is what I come back to? You know what, never mind, I’ll deal with it myself. Don’t worry ok? You guys enjoy your night, I’ll talk to him as soon as possible” You reply quietly.
Mingyu starts to worry and asks if you need him to come over, but you assure him that you’ll be fine and that you’ll call Jeonghan to come over instead.
“I’m sure Jeonghan hyung will understand, so you rest up there. I’m sorry he’s a shitty person Y/n, you need someone who will take care of you just as well as we do, someone who’s just as good as you even. I’ll come over tomorrow to check up on you, ok? I’ll try not to drink as much knowing you’ll be worried about me driving with a hangover,” Mingyu tells you.
You tell him to take care and enjoy his night once again, and not to worry about you before you hang up. You debated texting Jeonghan, who was probably on his way to your penthouse already, so you decided to leave it to Mingyu.
You needed more time to do something about the current situation. It was all so confusing and you didn’t know how to feel, but thankfully you had friends who were practically angels on this godforsaken planet.
What you couldn’t fathom was that you gave this guy all the freedom he needed, hell, you stretched your patience and your ability to understand to its limit because of him, and yet he throws your name around as if you’re just some random girl he decided to hook up with? You don’t deserve that kind of disrespect, especially when you were a woman of class, and the person supporting him and his family without asking for anything in return.
When Jeonghan arrived at your place, you were ready to bawl and cry over how rocky your relationship had been since the beginning. The man had entered your home with a tub of ice cream and a bottle of your favorite aged wine that he always kept for you in case of emergencies.
Mingyu had described your dilemma enough for you, saving Jeonghan the explanation and the confusion as to why you needed him in the dead of night, but you knew well enough that if they also needed you, you’d be there in a heartbeat.
Jeonghan had sat you down in your living room, the lights in the penthouse out completely as you both bask in the darkness and the dim city lights that seep through the window. He takes a sip from his glass and eyes you with worry, before pulling you closer to his side.
“Your boyfriend is an asshole and you deserve better, and I know you’re tired of people telling you that, but this guy has completely proved time and time again that he is undeserving of your love. I know it will be easier said than done but you need to break up with this guy, he’s been hurting you Y/n and he’s acting like it’s completely ok just because you make excuses for him? God, I hate seeing you in this position as one of your best friends” Jeonghan mutters from beside you.
You take a sip of your wine and nod. This guy wasn’t the most well-liked individual in your circle, and you were starting to see the reality of things.
He’s been neglecting your needs and you as a whole, only using his having a girlfriend as something to brag about. Not only that, but he also had the privilege to date you, and he’s suddenly acting as if you’re some lowly girl chasing after his tail.
A highly respected chaebol and someone whose family and community as a whole consist of only the most elite, Yoon Jeonghan, son of Yoon Holdings. and Kim Mingyu, son of Kim Legal Group are some important names to note.
Your inner circle was full of powerful people, and they would hire a hitman on your behalf if you weren’t so patient, so this guy should be afraid to hurt you.
“Look, he doesn’t know the full extent of how much he hurt you and he’s acting like everything is ok just because you’re understanding and kind. He lost a very special and unique individual, hell, he lost the heir to one of the biggest fashion companies in the world. You shouldn’t have settled for someone who’s not even close to your league, like, you have models pining after you for fucks sake Y/n. I have a whole line of friends ready to treat you right,” your friend laughs.
“He’s not the most ideal guy, and I get it now. I guess I only liked how he treated me and made me feel special in a way, especially when he’s known me for so long, but you’re right Han. I need to gather the courage to break up with him because I can’t wallow in self-pity any longer, I own one of the biggest fashion companies in the world and I let this guy deter me from my goals. I need to start focusing on myself now,” you say with newfound confidence before laying your head on Jeonghan’s shoulder.
You were worth so much more, and you deserved to be valued as much as your friends valued you.
A week of healing and detachment led you to your current position now, a freshly single woman who was ready to start focusing on herself and herself only.
If a man wanted a place in your life, he was going to have to earn it and he should prove himself worthy of your attention. You are no longer going to settle when your ex practically gave you less than the bare minimum.
“You know what, you have the right to find someone else who’s in your league. I know you’re not in the mind to be in a relationship right now, but I hope at least one of the guys you meet tonight will try to pursue you with genuine intentions. You deserve someone willing to show you how much you mean to them, someone who’s not afraid to show and express their love for you.” Jisoo fixes your hair and you nod in agreement.
You were in no rush to find something new after being in such a draining position, but you also wouldn’t mind entertaining more notable suitors that had actual potential in your future because your boyfriend had always been in a questionable position, to begin with.
You didn’t mean to judge him, but you were a notable figure and he was quite unsure of his career path, which isn’t a bad thing, but your ex was careless and didn’t seem to care which way he was heading.
On your end, you had started to learn the ropes of fashion at a young age, and now you were ready to take over your family legacy. You should at least give him something as a reminder of the kind of woman he lost.
“Are you guys ready? Because it’s our turn to do our hair,” Jennie peeks into the bathroom. You and Jisoo chuckle in unison and nod as you head to your shoes and bags closet.
Jisoo picks a small all-black YSL clutch and a pair of classic black Louboutin heels before handing the items in your direction. You take the shoes and give your friend a knowing look as she winks at you.
“I think a pair of Vivienne Westwood earrings would look gorgeous with the outfit, pair that with the matching necklace and you’re all set. God Y/n, you’re such a stunner and your ex wanted to break up? That’s his biggest loss ever,” your friend helps you put the necklace on as you finish up your earrings.
You were much more excited about Mingyu’s housewarming party, especially because it was at the house that you had helped him pick while he was house hunting.
Being a fashion designer and someone who works in such a creative industry, your friends always ask for your input knowing you have an eye for things that they would like.
It was a no-brainer decision for one of your best friends to take you house hunting with him because whatever you liked, Mingyu also had a knack for. Your ex didn’t count though, but when it came to everything else, your best friend was your other half.
“I’m just excited to see Mingyu and everyone else, it’s been way too long since we all had a proper hangout. Everyone’s been so busy ever since we started uni, and some of the others graduating ahead even, so thank God for him moving homes, because we probably wouldn’t have any other chance to reunite” you laugh softly.
The girls had already finished dolling themselves up and you all headed to the parking garage. You had a hard time picking between which cars to choose from, but you decided on your black Ferrari convertible as a reward for yourself.
Slipping into the driver’s seat, you motioned for them to get in, Jennie immediately calling shotgun and causing the other three to groan in unison.
Driving to Mingyu’s place was a breeze because he lived right in Hannam-Dong, your favorite area, and one of the reasons why you convinced your best friend to get his current home.
There was no way Mingyu was gonna say no to you anyway, you both always just looked out for each other like that because he was like a brother to you and you were like a sister to him.
You even contributed to at least half of Mingyu’s choices when he was choosing and decorating his current living space. Yes, your friend had taken you to every furniture shopping trip and had even called you over during renovations he was making.
Pulling into the gate, security stops you and asks who you’re there for and what house number. “House nine, Kim Mingyu,” you smile softly. The guard lets you in and tells you and the girls to have a good night as you drive toward Mingyu’s place.
“You’re already so familiar with the area, Mingyu did bring you around the whole time so it makes sense. God, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you two were dating,” Lisa joked.
You roll your eyes and let out a snort. Never in a million years would you ever think of dating Mingyu, he was your best friend and that’s all you two ever will be.
Besides, you found his other friends more appealing, but you were also too shy to approach them knowing Mingyu would never let you live it down. It was just the dynamic you both settled on because you both had gone through more than enough together.
“I would never date Mingyu, we’re too close to date and we grew up together. If you were to ask me, I’d have my bets on any of his other friends,” you parked in Mingyu’s designated parking spot that he had put especially for you (he had insisted since you would be coming over quite often anyway).
“Should’ve gone for them instead of your ex then,” Lisa laughed and you all got out of the car, ready to head inside.
Jisoo’s mouth had dropped as she stared in awe at Mingyu’s estate. “Mingyu chose the right person for advice, Y/n this place is beautiful. You do have an eye for amazing things,” your friend says. You shook your head and thanked her with a bashful smile.
The estate was beautiful, it was modern with wide windows and a black and white exterior. The gate was wide open and you could see people inside the house mingling as you all made your way in.
You then see the homeowner himself at the door, seemingly waiting for your arrival. Mingyu had a goofy smile on his face as Jungkook waved at you from beside him, he was practically Mingyu’s twin because he was around Mingyu just as much as you were.
“You’re finally here, he wouldn’t stop whining about you and honestly thank God. Mingyu finally shut up and insisted we come down to greet you once he saw your car pull up into the driveway,” Jungkook hugs you as he says that and you turn to Mingyu himself who looks just as happy to see you.
“He’s joking, now you guys come in. You’re looking quite better Y/n, did something happen?” Mingyu quips. You shrug your shoulders and casually mention that your ex had broken up with you through text after ghosting you for a week.
Jungkook turns to you as if you had dropped a bomb on them and Mingyu’s jaw falls slack at your revelation. You laughed awkwardly and tried to slip away after seeing Jeonghan out of the corner of your eye, but you were immediately stopped by the two of them.
“OK first, I’m proud of you that you finally broke up with his ass, he’s honestly one of the worst creatures to ever walk this earth, but second, how are you coping? You came all the way here, I’m worried about you. Aren’t you supposed to be crying and sobbing?” Mingyu mutters.
He was genuinely so concerned at how you were able to get to his party as if nothing was completely wrong.
“Not worth crying and moping over, and besides, I’m completely ok, I promise. Still open to love and finding someone eventually though,” You held Mingyu’s hand and squeezed it as a sign of assurance, but your tall friend still looked concerned.
“Gyu, don’t worry. I had the girls with me and I have you guys, you still have guests to entertain, now go. I’ll let you know if I need anything, I promise” You ushered him to the entrance of his house as he threw you one last worried glance, before tending to his other guests that had arrived.
As you and the girls head towards the living room, where most of the guests mingled, you are completely unaware of the man who had been eyeing you ever since you had stepped foot into the home.
He stares at you full of wonder, in awe at how you glowed around your friends. Was it the lighting or were you just an angel in disguise?
“Hey Won, if you’re that into her, you should just go talk to her you know? Take the opportunity while it lasts, seeing as almost every guy here has their eye on her” Soonyoung, more known as Hoshi by his friends, chuckled from beside him, as he nudged his shoulder.
“Yeah no, I’ll stick to just admiring Y/n from afar. She has a boyfriend after all” Wonwoo says, but his face forms into a soft smile after seeing you interact with Dokyeom from across the room.
He wasn’t looking for anyone to be with before he met you, truthfully speaking, given how busy he is now that he runs his family’s business but you were just naturally radiant, it was hard not to notice your beauty and overwhelming presence whenever you were around. Wonwoo did want to approach you, but he didn’t know how when so many people would be around you at once.
The two of you had met on several different occasions, but you were always around Mingyu when it came to these things.
Wonwoo only really knew you as Mingyu’s childhood best friend, but seeing how you both interacted and based on how the media portrayed you, you seemed like quite the catch and Wonwoo couldn’t deny the small crush he had started to develop towards you, but you also had a boyfriend.
“You’re going to regret that you know, he just broke up with her today so you’re free to pursue her as you like. Just take your time with her, because I know she’ll open her heart eventually…” Mingyu appeared behind them and Wonwoo raised an eyebrow at him. Your boyfriend? How could he ever break up with someone like you?
“He had a shitty ass reason from what Jennie told me, basically he broke up with her because he said he was too busy or something. I think we’re all aware that this guy is just full of shit, after all, Y/n was the serious one and she put her utmost effort into the relationship, it’s unfair on her when there are way better people out there. People like you,” Mingyu continued while nudging Wonwoo’s shoulder.
“Yikes? Won, you should pursue her and treat her the way she deserves. Take your time with Y/n, we all know she’ll open up either way when you show her that she’s truly deserving of only the best.” Jihoon grins widely.
Wonwoo was starting to deliberate within himself, he had a huge opportunity right in front of him to pursue you, and either way, it was a way to get to know you better and to see if you would give him the chance.
Jeon Wonwoo wasn’t the type to chase someone but for you? You had him wrapped around your pretty little fingers and he wouldn’t mind following you through the ends of the earth if he had to. If you gave him a chance, he’d prove to you that you only deserve to be treated with only the best and nothing less.
“Y/n was such a trooper for settling for the barest of the minimum, she’s the biggest green flag through and through, and this guy chose to abuse it. I think you’re the person for her Won, you’re willing to go after her, aren’t you? Now go and ask her out, Dokyeom’s telling her to walk over.” Mingyu looked like a madman because his smile was so wide, but he didn’t want to miss the opportunity to set the two of his closest friends up with each other.
You both deserved only the best, and Mingyu must admit that you were a perfect match. He’d always wanted Wonwoo for you, but your ex had to ruin it all by stealing you away.
Wonwoo turned to the side and sure enough, you were making your way toward Mingyu and the others. Wonwoo’s breath was caught in his throat as he saw you coming closer. God, you looked so beautiful, it was hard not to stare.
Once you were in front of them, you greeted them kindly, your tone soft and sweet, but still with a hint of elegance. The guys only shared knowing glances and they urged Wonwoo to talk to you teasingly.
“Y/n, is it ok if we have a moment alone? I need to ask you something and I’d feel like it would be too much pressure to put you on the spot in front of everyone,” You looked at Wonwoo and nodded, surprised at his demeanor.
You were so used to the serious side of the man that seeing him all shy and flustered only made you smile at him.
Wonwoo led you to the second floor, and you immediately knew where he was taking you. You know Mingyu’s house like the back of your hand, so it was no surprise when Wonwoo opened up the garden on the second floor.
It was perfectly private since the second floor was off-limits for other guests, and everyone was led straight to the rooftop or was on the ground floor.
“Now that we have a bit more privacy, I heard from Mingyu and his big mouth that your ex had broken up with you. How are you coping?” Wonwoo motioned for you to sit next to him on the bench.
You took a seat next to him and let out a soft chuckle, this was the first time you were ever alone with Wonwoo, outside of a formal setting and without the company of others.
“Doing fine, I mean, I detached from the whole situation emotionally so it’s nothing. Left me quite drained, but I won’t let a hiccup like this stop me from finding someone else, I’m just not in the state to be in another relationship right now…” You reply and stare at the city from below.
The view was gorgeous, but you couldn’t deny that the man next to you was just as good-looking.
“I know you’re not in the state to commit to something else as you’re healing right now, but I’d like to ask you if you’re willing to let me court you. I don’t want to pressure you, and it’s completely up to you, but I wanted to open up the possibility because I’ve been admiring you for a while Y/n. I only want to show you that you deserve only the best,” Wonwoo proposes.
Your mouth is slightly agape at his proposal, you are just in complete shock at how someone like Wonwoo had openly confessed that he’d be willing to pursue you because he admired you.
It was a bold move and it was a risk knowing you’d just been broken up with, but he was willing to take it either way.
“Courting huh? You surprise me Jeon Wonwoo. I’ll accept your proposal, but I have to let you know that it won’t be as easy because of the trauma from my last relationship,” you look down and fidget with your hands.
You were okay with being pursued and courted, but you’re still shaken up from the events of your last relationship, so you’re taking it easy.
“I won’t get tired of the chase when it comes to you because I know that once I win your heart, I will give you more than the world has to offer,” Wonwoo chuckles before wrapping his jacket around you.
He was truly a gentleman, and what did you have to lose? The man was trusted by your friends and most especially Mingyu, your friend who was like a brother to you.
“I admire your courage and patience, but going after me won’t be so easy now…” You chuckle lightly.
You thought Wonwoo would laugh along but the man truly was serious about you, which was a surprise. People these days were only up for casual dating, but you were someone who preferred something long-term and serious, especially when work and business took up most of your life.
“Believe me, I know how you feel because I’m equally as busy, but I’m willing to work around that. You’re an amazing woman, seeing how secure you are in yourself only makes you all the more attractive. I want someone who shares my work ethic and dreams. Seeing your character, and hearing all the good things about you. I can truly say you are everything I could ever ask for,” Wonwoo continued.
You never got flustered or embarrassed, but hearing someone acknowledge your hard work, especially from a person like Wonwoo, you couldn’t help but blush at his confession.
The media has always highlighted your endless milestones, but no one ever brought up the grueling hours you’ve spent working towards a goal. Wonwoo truly was one of a kind, which only made you want to give him a chance even more.
The two of you hear a glass door slide and hear a familiar voice let out a hearty laugh. “There you two are, come down because I’m going to say a few words before the house gets trashed,” Mingyu stood by the door and smiled at the two of you.
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Since that night, Jeon Wonwoo proved that he was serious about his word, because the morning after Mingyu’s party, you had received a bouquet arrangement of baby’s breaths and camellias, along with a note.
It read, ‘Just because. Have a good day, I’ll visit your place later since your secretary told me you had a full schedule today. See you later beautiful :)’.
“Is that from Wonwoo? Look at him already treating you better than your shitty ex-boyfriend,” Jennie laughs after walking into the kitchen.
You chuckle and place the flowers in a vase that you filled with water. It was unique, usually, people would send roses since it was romantic, but this was sweet of Wonwoo because he isn’t like everyone else.
“By the way, baby’s breath flowers mean ‘everlasting love’, and camellias mean ‘you’re a flame in my heart’. This man is already gaining my approval because he knows the flower language and put in the effort to arrange that, and have it delivered, between his busy schedule. I can’t wait to see what else he has in mind,” you hand Jennie a mug of coffee you were making and roll your eyes playfully.
It was cheesy, but you had to admit that it was also admirable. This was your first time receiving flowers from someone from a romantic perspective.
You had received flowers from Mingyu, Seungcheol, and even Jihoon, in the past, but they were all friendly gestures or formalities at one of Mingyu’s events. This time, it felt different as you feel a sense of giddiness bloom in your chest.
“He’s coming over tonight, I wonder what else he has planned,” you wonder aloud. Just as you said that sentence, the other girls had walked into the kitchen, and Jisoo immediately asked who you were referring to.
“Wonwoo sent her flowers and said he’d come over to see her, crazy right? This guy just started courting Y/n and is already proving himself worthy,” Jennie replies.
Rosé raises a brow and Lisa’s brows knit. This was a first from any of the guys you’ve ever been with, and Wonwoo hadn’t even taken you out on a proper date yet, but it was a lot coming from someone who was now taking over one of the biggest companies in the country. The man was bound to be busy almost every minute of his entire life right now.
It was a no-brainer that Wonwoo had a lot of responsibilities but given his dating history, or lack thereof, this was a whole new thing for him.
A man who is serious about what he wants is one of the hottest things ever to you, so he was gaining your favor faster than you thought.
“Stop being a bare minimum enjoyer, I can’t wait to see what he’s going to bring to the table for you though. I need this guy to treat you the way you deserve to be treated because you settled for shit men and that isn’t who you are, you need someone serious and emotionally intelligent,” Rosé huffs.
Your friends continue to talk amongst themselves as you get started on your breakfast, your mind still on Wonwoo.
You never paid much mind to Mingyu’s friends, but you slowly warmed up to the twelve men, getting particularly close to Jeonghan, Jihoon, and Seungcheol, specifically, but Wonwoo? You could barely remember your last exchange with the man except for the one from the night before.
They all had their charm and you wouldn’t mind hanging out with any of them at all, but Wonwoo was one of the busier members of the group so you never got the chance to see him as much due to schedules clashing.
You couldn’t lie though, you thought the man was attractive for being so hardworking but still finding the time to go to every dinner or event he was invited to, especially when it came to their friend group in particular.
You had missed a few here and there because you were either too burned out from working, or had too much on your schedule that day, but you always managed to hear that Wonwoo had made it.
“Hey Y/n, we’ll be leaving in an hour or two so you can mentally prepare yourself for your night with Wonwoo. No weird shit ok? I know he’s hot and all but have some self-control and save it for when you’re officially together,” Jennie jokes from behind you as she gives you a back hug.
You let out a giggle and nod softly, immediately catching your friend’s drift.
“Yeah don’t worry, I promise I have it all under control ok Jen? Now let me finish cooking our food so I can at least send you guys off with a thank you for being the best,” you say softly.
The girls smile at you, their expressions teasing in a way. You could only roll your eyes at them. For the first time, your friends supported a guy. It was new and completely unexpected, especially when your close-knit group of friends consisted of maneaters.
After breakfast, your friends had finally left you alone in your penthouse with nothing to do until Wonwoo came over that evening, so you decided to tend to some important emails and other matters.
Hence, you no longer had anything else to think about. You couldn’t help but think though, how could someone like Wonwoo ask you out? Let alone court you. Jeon Wonwoo was someone you least expected to have the time for something like courtship.
It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that you both were some of the busiest people in the industry, especially with your family brand making a name overseas and his company taking the whole country by storm.
You both always had packed schedules, but Wonwoo was willing to fit you into his somehow, which you admired. Your friends always say that a man is never too busy for someone he truly loves.
“He’s already so sweet, I’m already getting sick just thinking about him,” you say to yourself.
You couldn’t help but feel all giddy, even after the traumatic experience with your ex, you felt happy to give someone a chance because they promised to make up for what you had gone through.
Despite your giddy feelings, the emotional trauma had started to creep up on you. Jumping into something new almost immediately wasn’t the wisest idea on your part, but Wonwoo was one of Mingyu’s closest friends as well, so Mingyu wouldn’t push the idea if it wasn’t good for you.
“I shouldn’t put too much effort into how I look tonight, after all, we are just having dinner here, but I wonder what he’s got planned,” you get up from the couch and make your way into your room. Even if you were just going to meet at your own home, you still had to look presentable at least.
Walking into your closet, you decide to pull out another one of your favorite black dresses. It wasn’t too out there, but it was pretty enough to wear for dinner at home. The dress ended at the knees and had puffy sleeves, with the waist having a corset-like design.
This dress was your pride and joy because you had designed this when you were still in your first year of high school, with only one piece existing in the entire world.
“You know what, maybe I should call Mingyu. He could calm my nerves and tell me what Wonwoo is like…” you sigh softly.
Whenever you did feel your nerves catching up to you, you always turned to call your puppy of a best friend to help you get over your thoughts, and since the guy was also one of his closest friends, Mingyu could help alleviate any worries you have.
You opted to call him because he would probably take forever to lecture you either way. You grab your phone and dial Mingyu’s number, the man probably had nothing better to do right now because his family was going to be over that night as well and he talked to you yesterday about wanting to cook for them in his new home.
“Hey, you’re calling me. Don’t tell me you’re nervous about your date with Wonwoo tonight?” You can hear the smirk in Mingyu’s tone.
If he was here, you’d already land him a smack on his shoulder and a good eye roll, but you were in your penthouse across the city.
“I’m not stupid, I just need to hear more about what he’s like. Besides, I also maybe do want to get intel on his side because you’re his other best friend you know,” you chuckle playfully. Mingyu wasn’t a snitch obviously, but he could at least tell you what he gathered from the guy.
“Yeah I know, look, Wonwoo’s just as nervous as you are. It’s his first time being with a woman who wasn’t exactly chosen by his parents if you catch my drift. Just relax, he’s harmless and is pretty good at conversations, he’s not that awkward once he opens up a bit,” you hear shuffling on Mingyu’s end.
“Are you seriously preparing meals right now?” You laugh. You hear Mingyu laugh as he switches over to Facetime before he sets his phone somewhere on the counter.
“You already know, it’s their first time here so I want to make it special and meaningful,” Mingyu smiles.
Your best friend was the biggest green flag you have ever met. Ever since you were kids, you could already tell that his parents had raised him to be the gentleman he is today, and if you weren’t best friends, you would be dating him at this point. But you were already beyond that point because he just really felt like the brother you never had.
“Anyways, as I’m preparing meals, I’m also here to yap about how Wonwoo also knows how to treat someone right. I wouldn’t want anyone else for either of you, so this is all part of my plan,” Mingyu starts gathering plates as you set your phone on the vanity.
“You think you’re some kind of mastermind aren’t you?” You giggle. You would never doubt Mingyu, and if he was desperate enough to get you and Wonwoo together, it just means he’s giving you the treatment you truly deserve.
“You only deserve the best, besides, you’re a woman of class Y/n, don’t get it twisted now. Let me remind you that your family owns one of the biggest fashion companies in all of Korea right now, and your circle only consists of some of the most powerful people in the country.” Mingyu points out.
You hum at his words, had you forgotten who you were because of a guy who was never truly worth your time?
“Thanks for the reminder as always Gyu. I think we could call up Cheol to do a background check on him, and we can get Soonyoung to hire a hitman if possible. I’ll also make sure to call you if I need to sue someone,” you close the lid of your eyeliner and hear Mingyu huff as he holds back another laugh.
The guys were overprotective of you, and you couldn’t blame them for their dislike towards your ex, it was justified now that you truly think about it.
Your ex couldn’t even walk into a gathering with your friends without Dino and Seungkwan giving him side eyes and the dirtiest looks known to man.
“Anyways, Wonwoo doesn’t exactly know how to cook, so he asked me to make your favorite. I made your pasta the way you liked it, just so you know,” Mingyu picks up his phone again and you shake your head as he shows you the various food laid out on the counter.
“I wish I was there, tell Auntie and Uncle that I said hi, and tell your sister that I miss her,” Mingyu pouts. “What about me?” You hold back a smile, ever so clingy.
“We saw each other yesterday, you’ll live. I practically see you almost every day you goof,” you reply.
“Kay whatever, anyways, I’m guessing Wonwoo is on his way so I’ll leave you to it. You look great, don’t give him a heart attack,” you laugh as Mingyu hangs up the call. Your best friend always knew what to say, and you were always grateful to him in every way possible.
You spray on a bit of your favorite perfume and head out into the living room, seeing that the sun is already setting and casting a soft glow into the room.
You smile to yourself, you loved the view from your penthouse, but your sorry excuse of an ex was also a reminder that you chose the place while thinking of him and the life you could’ve had together.
“Stop thinking about him, he’s not worth your fucking time anymore. You have to focus on yourself now, and you’re gonna make it right,” you mutter to yourself softly.
After thirty minutes of pacing around your living room, you hear the buzzer of your doorbell and flinch at the sound. ‘Wonwoo’s here,’ you think, as you make your way to the door to greet your guest, or date, for that matter.
You see Wonwoo through the camera and immediately let out a breath, accompanied by a smile, upon seeing his appearance, as you unlock the door to your home. He looked a bit tired when you went to get him at the door but in a split second, he looked like he was hit with adrenaline upon seeing you.
“Hey, gorgeous, sorry if our first date isn’t exactly the most ideal right now. I’ll take you out somewhere better next time,” Wonwoo says softly before throwing you a smile.
God, he was so damn charming and this was only the first date? And he promised to do even better for the next date?
Wonwoo was already exceeding your expectations by planning another date, making it to your house on time for dinner, and even going out of his way to ask Mingyu to cook your favorite food.
You felt like you could finally depend on someone and moments like that aren’t exactly something you had the luxury of enjoying.
“I’m fine with whatever really, but if you insist, I’ll have to take you up on it,” you say and lead Wonwoo over to the kitchen.
You notice how he takes in the interior carefully, studying every detail of your place of residence. You smile at his action, his observant behavior is endearing to you.
“Your penthouse is beautiful by the way,” You turn to Wonwoo as he places the food on the island in the kitchen. “Thank you, I kind of want to make a few renovations though.” You reply in a gentle voice.
Almost every corner had reminded you of your ex, and you hated how your living space didn’t correspond to your taste anymore.
“Seeing Mingyu’s place, I’d like to be around when you do your renovations. I figured the penthouse was lacking in your personality, but still beautiful like the owner,” Wonwoo keeps his gaze trained on you. You burn under it and start helping him plate the food.
The action of plating the food together and chatting about each other’s lives felt so domestic and natural to you. If you were honest, you wish you were dating Wonwoo and never even met your ex.
You hated comparing your ex to Wonwoo, but the treatment was vastly different, even from the first time he had asked you out. Your ex had asked you out quite casually since he was a friend of a friend, whilst Wonwoo had really taken the time to consider your feelings and had given you time to think.
After dinner, you decided to take Wonwoo on a tour around your penthouse, the two of you easily conversing and feeling more comfortable with each other.
“You still manage to game in between your busy schedule? That’s so crazy,” you smile.
Wonwoo shrugs as the two of you make your way back to the living room, he finds your demeanor cute, and his heart continues to beat even harder for you.
“OK then, what do you do in your downtime little Ms. fashion designer?” He jokes. Wonwoo loved hearing about you or anything to do with you, he adored you that much, and he treasured every moment with you.
“I like niche hobbies, you know? I’ve always loved making handmade things, so beaded jewelry, crocheting, painting, and doing art. I also dabble in writing, reading, photography, and I dance,” you list all your hobbies down, not thinking much of it since no one had ever really asked about them besides your friends.
“Your hobbies are just as gorgeous as you are,” Wonwoo looks at you with a lovesick smile. He felt himself fall for you even harder, he was in too deep and he wouldn’t mind waiting years for you if he had to.
You felt your cheeks heat up and reply with a chuckle. It was only the first date and this man had already managed to make you blush, smile, and make you feel taken care of in just a matter of a few hours. You appreciated the way he treated you so carefully, and you were willing to give him a chance to be a part of your life now.
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A few months had gone by in a blur with Wonwoo, and there was never a dull moment with him. From his daily words of affirmation, endless compliments, and a lot more dates he managed to fit into his schedule.
He never forced anything on you, and he was patient with you through and through. You couldn’t have been any more grateful for him for waiting on you for so long.
“Are you attending fashion week next week? I heard from Mingyu that you were offered a spot for your collection debut, that’s amazing Y/n,” Wonwoo smiles from the kitchen island.
You wave your hand dismissively, you felt shy whenever it came to these things, but seeing as Wonwoo was constantly up to date on your endeavors, much like you were with his, you couldn’t avoid it and decided to enjoy the thoughtfulness. He was just perfect, and with each passing day, you admittedly started falling for him just as hard.
“I am, do you want to go with me?” You replied. Wonwoo hums, eyes still on you and with a loving expression on his face.
“I’d be honored to go with you gorgeous, but I wouldn’t want to be crossing any lines with you. You do know that right?” Wonwoo replies.
He had always been so thoughtful, you wondered if the Gods above had finally decided to end your streak of failed relationships.
“Yes, Won. I hope you also know that in no way are you crossing lines by being with me, I mean, you’ve been nothing but amazing to me. Having you by my side is a breath of fresh air, I am always grateful to have you around,” You walk over and give Wonwoo a soft peck on the cheek.
“Great, I’ll ask my secretary to clear my schedule for next week then. Just so I can spend as much time with you as I can, you need all the support you can get since it is your official debut at such a huge event,” Wonwoo circles his arms around your waist and you rest your arms around his neck.
Though you were in a courting stage and weren’t exactly official, you and Wonwoo never shied away from small acts of affection, which slowly uncovered the reciprocated feelings that were starting to bloom on your end.
It was like Wonwoo fit into your life so effortlessly, he was the most supportive, loving, and soft-spoken person in the entire world. He was everything you could’ve ever wanted and he never got mad or raised his voice at you. He truly was perfect, perfect to the point that everyone had been itching for you to finally give him an answer, and you were going to eventually.
Soon enough, a week after that conversation had taken place, you were in Paris with Wonwoo, Mingyu, and a few of your other friends from your close inner circle for fashion week.
You all had arrived in France at around ten in the evening, deciding to go for a small dinner before you all became too swamped with work for the next few days.
“You two have been so cozy lately, it’s so adorable,” Mingyu comments during the dinner. Jennie hums from beside him, and Seungkwan chuckles as he notices you freeze up.
You regain your composure and throw Mingyu a stiff smile, seeing the mischievous glint in your best friend’s eyes.
“I’m just doing my best to treat her the best I can, she deserves the world, and I would give her more if I could. I don’t mind waiting an eternity if I have to, because I know it will be worth the wait to finally have her in my arms and to be able to call her mine,” Wonwoo suddenly spoke up.
You choke on your wine as the rest of your friends either have their jaws dropped or squealed with a newfound giddiness.
You look over at Wonwoo, and the man is staring at you, sincerity sparkling in your eyes. Wonwoo didn’t care about anyone else at that moment, you were the only woman he wanted, and he would do everything in his power to call you his.
He’s been made aware of your continuous strain of failed relationships, and he was determined to break that pattern because you were a woman of value who deserved every good thing the world had to offer.
Back at your hotel, you were suddenly restless after the dinner. A feeling of unease had crept up on you, and you couldn’t tell if it was because of your official debut at fashion week, or the fact that you were going to be facing hundreds of people tomorrow. You were always good at handling crowds, but with an event like Fashion Week, you had no idea what to expect.
“Hey, you’re pacing. What’s going on? Is something on your mind?” Wonwoo had walked out of the bedroom and noticed you pacing around nonstop in the living room. You shake your head at him, brushing off your anxiety, and telling him you were fine when you weren’t.
“You’re not ok, I can tell. Sit down and let’s unpack if you’re up for it, or we can just cuddle. The choice is yours,” Wonwoo brings you into his arms, and you bask in his warmth and comfort.
You felt so vulnerable and wanted to just rest in someone’s arms, so when Wonwoo picked you up and brought you over to the couch, you welcomed the gesture.
“You never fail to make me feel better Won, thank you for always being the best. I feel so bad for being vulnerable right now, but you constantly take care of me so well. I swear it’s just nothing and it’s just my nerves getting the best of me because of tomorrow,” Wonwoo held you tighter, and you never felt so safe in someone’s arms before.
“They’re going to love you out there, you’ve already gotten this far on your own, building your company up higher and higher. You deserve everything Y/n, and we’ll be by your side the entire time to support you. Breathe in and breathe out, the crowds won’t be a bother since we’ll make sure you get there in one piece, ok?” You nod into Wonwoo’s chest and feel his steady breathing.
It felt so nice being so close to him, and you finally decided that it was time to give him an answer and make things official between you both. “Won, could I tell you something?” You look up at him. Wonwoo nods and smiles softly as he runs a hand through your hair.
“Anything you need pretty girl, I’m all ears,” You swore you felt your heart melt. He just looked at you with so much adoration and love in his eyes, you didn’t understand what you did to deserve someone like him.
“I think I’m ready to make things official between us, I had a whole other thing planned out in how I would give you my answer, but that backfired and I couldn’t hold it in any longer,” You were yapping at this point, but Wonwoo let you go on your tangent like usual with a huge grin on his face.
“You don’t understand how happy I am to hear those words coming from you, thank you for giving me the chance to treat you right, gorgeous. Any answer from you would make me happy either way and now I get to officially call you my girlfriend,” Wonwoo plants a chaste kiss on your lips and pulls away to see you looking like a blushing mess.
Loving Wonwoo was so easy, being with him was easy, and you both effortlessly fit into each other’s lives. Maybe you weren’t the problem, but the people you had been with were just the wrong ones.
When the next day rolled around, you were already awake in bed, wrapped in not only the comforter but also in Wonwoo’s arms.
You turned to face him and watched his sleeping form, you couldn’t comprehend that he was finally yours, and suddenly every moment spent with him over the past few months had started coming back to you.
The flowers were always the most memorable. Wonwoo would constantly buy you flowers, whether they meant something or not, he would always have them on hand during a date or when he simply visited you throughout the week.
“You don’t have to get me flowers all the time you know? I love and appreciate the gesture but I hate to see you spend so much,” You giggle. Wonwoo shakes his head dismissively and pretends to shush you, causing you to laugh at his actions.
“I want to, and besides, why make money when I can’t spend it on you? You deserve it. You work so hard every day and it’s my token of appreciation for the most outstanding woman I could ever be with,” Wonwoo replies proudly. Always the charmer, Jeon Wonwoo.
The next most memorable thing was just Wonwoo’s endless effort to take care of you and make you feel loved in every way possible.
Since Wonwoo is the caretaker type, he would meticulously plan out dates, ask your secretary for your schedule ahead of time, and even ask you what you felt like doing that day just so you could be happy. It was something you never thought would ever be possible in your years of dating.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” You hear Wonwoo’s morning voice and it snaps you out of your daze.
Wonwoo was there, arms around your waist, and looking soft as ever. You run a hand through his hair and hold him close to you.
“I was just thinking about how amazing the past few months with you had been, you always do so much for me, and I always appreciate the effort. Thank you Wonwoo,” You kiss him and Wonwoo responds with just as much need. He cups your face and you instantly melt into the touch of his hand.
“I will continue to treat you as such, and I hope you do not expect any less. You’re the reason I keep going these days, and being with you is something I will forever thank the stars for doing. I can’t wait to spend all these years with you, Y/n,” Wonwoo pulls away and takes in your features.
You chuckle and sit up in bed before taking your phone from the nightstand. You check the time and in moments, you realize you still need to get ready.
“Won, I’m gonna go get ready. We leave for the venue in an hour or two for final adjustments, and I still need my hair and wardrobe done before we leave,” You practically jump out of bed and Wonwoo laughs at how frantic you are. Always the perfectionist, but he found you endearing in every way possible.
Wonwoo watches as you get your hair and makeup done, his own not taking as much time, so he decided to watch you get yours done.
“You’re staring, Mr. Jeon,” You notice him from behind you. Wonwoo shakes his head and continues to watch you. You are the most beautiful woman in his eyes without a single doubt.
At the venue, there were already a lot of people lined up and getting ready for the fashion show. The press was there taking pictures of the celebrities, and you noticed Mingyu, Jeonghan, and Minghao eating up the attention.
Crowds were going wild at how gorgeous your friends looked, but you and Wonwoo decided to catch up with them after the show since you still had to go backstage.
“Will you be fine with Yerin, love? I don’t wanna disturb your work so I’ll be heading out to join the others. If you need me, just ask her to call me and I’ll be here for you,” Wonwoo smiles. He knows how much focus you’ll be putting on the show, so he decided not to delay you any longer.
“I’ll be ok, love. Thank you, again. You guys just sit back and enjoy the show, and I’ll be right with you guys,” You smile warmly.
Wonwoo nods and makes his way out to find Mingyu, Jeonghan, Seungcheol, Minghao, and Seungkwan, who are already seated near each other.
“Wonwoo! Over here! Can you believe it? Y/n’s finally officially debuting overseas, she deserves it so much,” Wonwoo slips into the seat beside Mingyu, and takes notice of your friends Jennie, Lisa, Jisoo, and Rosé sitting behind them.
“She’s been working so hard lately, she really does deserve it,” Wonwoo replies proudly. Soonyoung and Vernon joined them shortly after, along with Joshua and Seokmin, and the show was finally about to begin.
The models walked down, all in pieces Wonwoo had seen in your sketchbook, and now they were finally coming to life. From the shoes to the bags, all the way down to the accessories, he could recognize your designs from anywhere because it was just so you. He took videos because he proudly wanted to show you that he is always going to be your number one supporter.
The show had gone by in a breeze, and you came out from behind the models, looking like one of them even, before bowing as the audience clapped for you. Wonwoo could see the sparkle in your eyes, and the way you were glowing with happiness. You look like an angel.
All your close circle of friends had then gathered, and you walked towards them. They showered you with words of congratulations, how proud they were of you, and you thanked your friends for their endless support. Out of nowhere though, as Lisa was hugging you to congratulate you, your eyes fell on Wonwoo, who was holding a beautiful bouquet of roses.
Mingyu laughed as he pushed the man toward you, and you felt shy upon seeing his appearance. Wonwoo looked so dashing while wearing a full collection of your clothes, and he was handing you your favorite flowers like a prince. You wish you were dreaming because everything felt so surreal at that moment.
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© rubyuji 2024’ -. no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any manner without the permission from the publisher.
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saythenametotheworld · 2 months
Timeless | jww
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Pairing: SEVENTEEN Wonwoo x Reader
Notes: 2.5k words. Based on a writing prompt I saw today. here's some story written on a whim! Enjoy!
The sun shone brightly up the sky, bringing a comfortable warmth to the late Saturday morning at a park by the Han River. Wonwoo sat there, a timeless observer in a constantly changing world. He leaned back on the wooden bench, closing his eyes to the gentle hum of life around him. The soft breeze, the distant laughter of children, and the conversation of people around him that were reduced to soft murmurs in his ears all melded into a soothing symphony. But his thoughts were elsewhere, drifting back through the centuries to a love long past.
Wonwoo had stopped aging a long time ago, a quirk of fate that he had no idea how he came to possess but had left him a witness to the relentless march of time. He had seen the rise and fall of civilizations and empires, cities that crumbled and rebuilt, and the countless faces of people passing in and out of his life. He remembered the grandeur and the bustling markets of ancient Rome, the silent strength of the Great Wall as it snaked through the mountains between China and Mongolia, the rise of the Goryeo Dynasty, and its eventual transition to the Joseon Period.
Exactly how old is he now? He had lost count. Over time, it just didn’t matter anymore. One of his earliest memories was of standing on the shores of a vast, uncharted ocean, the salty breeze whipping through his hair. He had been living his early life on an island with his kin and had no idea there was an entire world beyond the high seas. He had watched as explorers docked on the shores of his home and heard said explorers declare that a whole wide world was out there. Civilizations, society, and people. All of these were foreign to him. Surely, he must set out to see this massive world they spoke of, and he did exactly that.
Wonwoo had set sail into the unknown, his eyes alight with dreams of discovery. That was when he realized that he was no ordinary man. He was someone who was gifted by the heavens with time—a limitless, continuous, endless amount of time.
In the years that followed, Wonwoo lived among these men, never given the chance to find his home again. He watched as men took to the seas, charting routes that allowed Wonwoo to explore the vastness of the Earth. He had walked through the newly founded streets of New Amsterdam, marveled at the opulence of Versailles, and witnessed the fiery birth of the industrial age. 
Wonwoo did everything and anything a man with unlimited time could do. He explored the world, unearthing and discovering its beauty and magnificence. He studied sciences, medicine, engineering, and even advancements in architecture and infrastructure. He dabbled with arts in its many forms. He made friends with some people who eventually passed but would be remembered as important figures in history. Sometimes he liked to think he had contributed to the progress of humanity, however little it may be. And romance, well, despite not knowing exactly how to engage in genuine romantic pursuits, that didn’t stop him from indulging himself with people he found alluring—whoever they were, wherever they were from as long as he has taken a liking to them.
But among these myriad of memories, one stood out with aching clarity. You. 
You had been his heart's desire for heaven knows how long. Wonwoo had met you in a bustling marketplace, your eyes catching his from across the crowd. There had been an instant connection, a pull that neither of you could deny. You had spent days exploring the city together, hours lost in whispered conversations and shared dreams, and nights spent with passion and warmth.
He remembered the way you hair flow freely with the breeze, your eyes that shone in the moonlight, the warmth of your hand in his, and the way your laughter had chased away the shadows of his loneliness. But time was a thief, and it had taken you from him, leaving only memories in its wake. Such was the life of an immortal. People will come and go, friends eventually pass, and the bond between lovers wither away like flowers in October. Athough he had never experienced love the way he did with you, he tried to move on with his life knowing no power on Earth will ever bring you back. Or so he had thought.
Years later, he had been wandering through the streets of Paris when he saw you again, your face unchanged, your eyes just as bright. You did not know him—not at first, but the connection was still there, and it was as undeniable as ever.
“I know you,” Wonwoo had told you at the time.
You were surprised at first, frowning at the man with whom you unknowingly held hands with when he offered to help you board your carriage. You had thought it was your coachman, but it was stranger—an oddly familiar stranger, but still a stranger.
“You do?” you had told him, maintaining a dignified composure despite being intrigued by him. What was that slight ache tugging at your heartstrings at the sight of his smiling face? “Well, I do not know you so it would be best if your refrain from approaching me without any warning.”
“I see. I beg your pardon,” he replied, still smiling as if he was overjoyed to be in your presence. “I am Jeon Wonwoo. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
In that life, you fell in love once more. And like the first, your time together was fleeting, and you were gone once more. This time, Wonwoo was hopeful that you would find each other again.
This became your pattern. Several years after your death, you would reincarnate, always with the same face, the same smile, the same laughter. Fate would bring you back to Wonwoo every time, even when he wasn't looking for you. In the high society of England year 1750, you had been a debutante in search of a husband and found Wonwoo. In the streets of Tokyo, in 1821, you were a painter, your art capturing the essence of the love you shared.  In the serene hills of Tuscany,  you had been a writer, your words weaving your shared story into the fabric of time. In the roaring twenties of New York, you had been a singer, your voice a siren call that drew him to you.
Each time you were reborn, you and Wonwoo would meet as strangers, fall in love all over again, and then, inevitably, you would leave him.
“I’ll come find you,” he told you on your deathbed, sickness has caused your young body to wither away. It had always been this way. You meet Wonwoo, share a couple years with him, maybe a whole decade if you are lucky, and then some illness or accident takes you away.
“I love you, Wonu.”
“I know. I love you more than anything in this world.”
It was a cycle of joy and heartbreak, of fleeting moments to Wonwoo that felt like lifetimes for you. But he was content. He was happy and he finally had something he wanted to keep living for.
But then, suddenly, you stopped coming back. You just… didn’t. Wonwoo waited, searched, and hoped, but you did not return. The decades stretched into a century and even as the 2000s came, still, you were nowhere to be found. He scoured the corners of the earth, looking for any sign of you, but it was as if you had vanished from the cycle of reincarnation. Wonwoo had been complacent. He was too relaxed and got so comfortable that he forgot something like this could happen.
Desperation and longing became his constant companions. His endless life was lonely and devoid of meaning until he found love in you, and now, without you, it felt empty once more.
Still, Wonwoo did not dare give up. In his search for you, he discovered a new passion: music. He found solace in melodies and rhythms, and his talent quickly blossomed. He began composing and singing, pouring his soul into every note. His music resonated with people, and he became a renowned singer, his voice known across the world. While he enjoyed his craft, his fame also served another purpose. He hoped that by becoming a public figure, his face appearing on screens and stages everywhere, you would find your way back to him.
But as the years passed, his hopes began to wane. No one who came to him even remotely resembled you, not your face, not your demeanor, nothing. His frustration grew with each passing day, the relentless search taking its toll on his spirit. The world lauded his music, yet he remained haunted by an unfulfilled longing, his heart aching for the one person who made his endless life worth living. The world around him has changed so much, technology advancing, cultures shifting, but his heart remained trapped in the past, the time so long ago when you first saw each other. His heart stayed broken, yearning and mourning you that he had lost.
And today, Wonwoo opened his eyes only to realize that hours had passed since he sat in front of the Han River. This was your favorite spot in your last life. You made the best memories here together, and as such, this place has become the one place Wonwoo can go to if he misses you. As the sun began to dip low in the sky, casting long shadows across the park, Wonwoo closed his eyes again, the weight of his sadness sat heavy on his heart. He did not notice the figure that had taken a seat beside him, nor the way they watched him with a mixture of curiosity and recognition. It wasn't until the voice broke through his reverie that he was jolted back to the present.
“You're still thinking about me after all this time?”
Wonwoo's eyes snapped open, his heart pounding in his chest. He turned to look at the speaker, his breath catching in his throat. There was no mistaking that voice. Even if it was over a hundred years ago, or two hundred, or four hundred years ago when he first heard you speak, Wonwoo would never forget that voice. And sure enough, it was you, unchanged by the years, as if you had stepped out of his memories and into the present.
“My love…” he whispered, his voice trembling with disbelief and hope. “My love. Is that you?”
You smiled the same radiant smile that had haunted his dreams. “These days, I think it’s cooler to call your lover Babe, or Bub or something short but sweet like that.”
He reached out, hesitantly at first, then with growing certainty, his fingers brushing against your cheek. You were real, warm, and alive, and the floodgates of his emotions burst open.
You reached back to caress his face. “It’s been a while, Wonu.”
Slowly, unbeknownst to himself, Wonwoo’s tears rolled down his cheeks. With both hands, he held your cheeks, pulling you to sit next to him on the grass. “Where were you? I couldn’t find you!” he said, his voice breaking. 
You rolled your eyes, trying to appear aloof even as your own tears threatened to fall. “Silly. You knew you could never find me even if you tried. It is me who must go to you. Always. It doesn’t matter if I don’t recognize you, I will always be the one to find you.”
“But it has been too long. Too much time has passed without you.”
“Why? Did you get tired of waiting?” you asked, leaning affectionately in his hands. You feigned a sulky face. “Has your love faltered after waiting too long?”
“No,” he denied, a relieved smile finally showing on his lips. “I never stopped looking for you.”
“And I never stopped waiting for a chance to come and find you again,” you replied softly. “I've seen you, through the ages. Always so close, yet just out of reach.”
You sat in silence for a moment, the weight of your shared history pressing down on you. Wonwoo’s eyes never left your face, not even for a second. If he could, he wouldn’t even blink in case you suddenly disappeared and he realized this was all just a dream. You let him stare at you as much as he wanted, enjoying his attention and feeling happy about being able to hold him again. The world around you has faded away, leaving only the two of you, bound by time and love.
Wonwoo thought back to the countless lives he had lived, the friends he had made and lost, the wars he had fought, and the empires he had seen rise and fall. Despite having everything, you had been the only one he wanted and loved, a beacon of hope and love that had kept him going. In his long life, he rarely prayed to the heavens who bestowed him the curse of immortality, but he prayed for you. He prayed they bring you back to him. If they really were up there, it seemed to Wonwoo that they had heard his earnest pleas. Or maybe not, but he still wanted to thank someone, whether it was god, fate, or the universe. Whichever it was, they had allowed him to reunite with his beloved once more.
He remembered a conversation with a philosopher in ancient Greece, who had spoken of the eternal nature of the soul. “Love transcends time,” the philosopher had said. “It is the one thing that endures, no matter the changes that come.”
Wonwoo had seen the truth of those words in the faces of lovers across the ages. He had seen it in the way a soldier clung to a locket, a token of his beloved back home. He had seen it in the eyes of a mother, cradling her newborn child. And now, he saw it in your eyes, as bright and full of love as they had been all those centuries ago.
“How is this possible?” he asked, still grappling with the reality of your presence.
“Honestly? I don't know,” you admitted. “But does it matter? We're here now, together.”
He nodded, a smile spreading across his face. “Indeed. Please don’t let this be a wicked dream that I would wake up from eventually.”
You chuckled heartily, leaning closer to kiss his forehead. “It’s not, Won. It’s me.”
“It really is. It is you, my love,” he chimed, lifting your chin to plant a soft kiss on your lips.
For the first time in centuries, he felt a sense of peace, a feeling of coming home. You talked long into the evening, sharing stories of your adventures and the people you had met along the way. As the stars began to twinkle overhead, Wonwoo held your hand in his and brought you home. Finally, he had found what he had been searching for all these years. Wonwoo and you found your own timeless moment, a reunion that transcended the ages. And in that moment, you both knew that love, true love, was indeed eternal.
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yxlnst · 5 months
A day at the theme park
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idol!wonwoo x reader!y/n
🎀 : Theme park date with Wonwoo
🧸 Word count 🧸 : 936
🧸 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 🎀 - - - - - - - - - - - 🧸
It was a bright Saturday morning, the kind that promised a perfect day for a trip to the theme park. You'd been looking forward to this all week, and Wonwoo had even cleared his schedule to make sure you both had the whole day to explore, ride roller coasters, and eat way too much junk food.
When he picked you up, you couldn't help but smile. Wonwoo had a relaxed charm about him, and he made even the simplest things feel special. He greeted you with a gentle kiss on the cheek, then opened the car door for you. "Ready for a fun day?" he asked, his eyes bright behind his glasses.
"Ready as I'll ever be," you replied, grinning as you got into the car. You could tell he was just as excited as you were.
The drive to the theme park was filled with light conversation and laughter. Wonwoo had a playlist of your favorite songs playing, and you both sang along, not caring if you hit a few wrong notes. It was just one of the things you loved about him—he was so easygoing, and you always felt comfortable around him.
When you arrived at the theme park, it was bustling with people. The sights and sounds of the park brought back memories from when you were a kid—bright colors, the smell of popcorn, and the distant screams of people on the rides. Wonwoo paid for your tickets, then handed you a map. "Where do you want to go first?" he asked, holding your hand as you walked through the entrance.
"Let's start with the roller coasters," you suggested, pointing to the map. "The lines will be shorter in the morning."
Wonwoo nodded, leading the way. You admired how he weaved through the crowd, always keeping you close to his side. You passed by the various stalls and games, each one vying for attention with bright lights and loud music.
The first roller coaster was an old wooden one, known for its bumpy ride and sharp turns. You joined the line, which wasn't too long yet, and waited your turn. Wonwoo stood beside you, his arm around your shoulders. "You sure you're not scared?" he teased, noticing the hint of nervousness in your eyes.
"Me? Scared?" you replied, trying to sound confident. "I'm just... excited."
"Don't worry, I'll be right beside you," he said, giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze.
When it was your turn, you both climbed into the front car of the roller coaster. As it started to climb the first hill, you felt your heart racing with anticipation. The view from the top was breathtaking, but the drop that followed was even more exhilarating. You screamed with joy as the coaster plunged down, whipping around sharp bends and rattling over the wooden tracks.
Wonwoo laughed beside you, clearly enjoying the ride. "That was awesome!" he shouted as the coaster came to a stop. "Let's do it again!"
"We'll have to try the other rides first," you replied, still catching your breath. "We have a lot of ground to cover."
The rest of the day was a blur of excitement and laughter. You rode more roller coasters, each one more intense than the last. Wonwoo was always there, holding your hand and cheering you on. He seemed to know exactly when you needed encouragement and when to let you enjoy the thrill on your own.
At lunchtime, you found a quiet spot near a fountain to eat. Wonwoo had picked up some classic theme park food—corn dogs, fries, and cotton candy. You sat on a bench, enjoying the sunshine and the sound of the water. "This is perfect," you said, taking a bite of your corn dog.
"It really is," Wonwoo agreed, smiling as he watched you. "I'm glad we did this."
After lunch, you decided to try some of the games. Wonwoo had a knack for the ring toss, and he quickly won you a stuffed animal—an adorable panda that you immediately named "Pandy." He handed it to you with a playful bow. "For you, my lady," he said with a grin.
You laughed, hugging the stuffed animal. "Thank you, kind sir," you replied, playing along. "You're quite the talented gamer."
The day continued with more rides, games, and sweet treats. You tried the spinning teacups, the Ferris wheel, and even the haunted house. Throughout it all, Wonwoo was by your side, making you laugh and feel like the luckiest person in the world.
As the sun began to set, the theme park took on a magical quality. The lights came on, casting a warm glow over everything.
The day at the theme park had been amazing—roller coasters, games, and all the classic snacks you could eat. As the sun began to set, the park took on a new life. The lights came on, casting a warm glow over everything, and the air filled with the scent of popcorn and cotton candy.
Wonwoo had been an amazing companion throughout the day, his easygoing attitude and gentle humor making everything feel just right. As you walked through the park, he held your hand, pointing out the different rides and attractions, always finding ways to make you laugh.
When you reached the Ferris wheel, Wonwoo stopped and turned to you with a playful grin. "How about a ride?" he asked, nodding toward the towering wheel. "It's a perfect way to end the day."
You nodded, your heart racing with excitement. The Ferris wheel was one of your favorite rides, and there was something romantic about watching the sunset from high above the park.
The line wasn't long, and soon you and Wonwoo were seated in one of the wheel's brightly colored gondolas. As it slowly rose into the air, you could see the entire park spread out below, the lights twinkling in the gathering dusk.
"This is beautiful," you said, leaning against Wonwoo's shoulder. The view was stunning, with the sun dipping below the horizon and the city lights starting to come alive in the distance.
"Yeah," Wonwoo replied, his voice soft. "It's even better because I'm here with you."
The Ferris wheel continued to rise, and the park grew smaller beneath you. As you reached the top, the world seemed to slow down, the only sound the gentle creaking of the wheel and the distant laughter from below.
Wonwoo turned to you, his eyes reflecting the soft glow of the setting sun. "I had a great time today," he said, his voice full of warmth. "Thanks for coming with me."
"I had a great time too," you replied, meeting his gaze. "Thanks for bringing me."
He leaned in closer, his expression gentle and full of affection. "I really like you," he said, his voice barely a whisper.
"I really like you too," you replied, feeling a flutter of butterflies in your stomach.
And then, as the Ferris wheel paused at the top, Wonwoo kissed you. It was a soft, tender kiss, filled with all the warmth and affection you'd come to know from him. The world seemed to melt away, leaving just the two of you, high above the park, sharing a moment that felt like it was meant to be.
When the kiss ended, you felt a rush of warmth, a feeling that this was just the beginning of something amazing. Wonwoo smiled at you, his eyes full of joy. "I'm glad we're here," he said.
"Me too," you replied, still feeling the warmth of the kiss.
The Ferris wheel slowly descended, bringing you back to the reality of the bustling park below. But you knew that, no matter where you went from here, this moment would always be special. It was the perfect way to end a perfect day.
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stayinhellevator · 3 months
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"I had all and then most of you; some and now none of you."
Synopsis: Dreams turn into a nightmare when Wonwoo and you find each other too late.
Pairing: Wonwoo x fem!Reader
Genre: Angst disguised as Fluff, Soulmate AU
Word Count: 4241
Warnings: None
Playlist: The Night We Met ~ Lord Huron
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'Good things come to those who patiently wait', was something you had often heard; except they never did, especially for you, not even a single good thing.
You were a late bloomer for everything; the last one to get your periods, the last one to get a 'puberty glow up', the last one to be picked for the high school prom dance, the last one to receive your soul mark, the list was endless. Always the last.
You had gone so long without a soul mark that you were convinced you were a bondless until one day abruptly you felt a burning sensation on your wrist, even after surpassing the maximum age limit of receiving a soul mark. You remember being the happiest you've ever been in your life. You supposed it was fate's way of making it up to you. You were relieved that at least now you didn't have to wait to be picked up as the last resort.
Until you realised, you were in fact, not even your soulmate's last choice apparently.
You watched as your clients turned friends happily greeted the guests yet their eyes never seemed to linger too long anywhere that wasn't themselves and their hands seemed to find perch wherever possible on each other's bodies —seemingly around everyone yet apparently only having eyes for each other.
If six months back, someone told you that your acquaintance from college would one day contact your humble organisation to plan her dream wedding with her soulmate, you'd shrug with indifference. While Myra was a nice, compassionate woman, you never saw eye to eye on your outlook on life. She was too dreamy, often daydreaming about her ideal first meeting with her soulmate; while you were cynical, struggling to make ends meet, elaborating plans for your dream career.
You supposed, in the end, after all, you both managed to get what you worked hard for. She, her loving soulmate, and you, your own wedding planning company. Though, you were nowhere near your dreams, at least, you had begun somewhere.
Myra introduced you to her soulmate Seokmin and you remember being a bit jealous of them; they reminded you of your parents, loving and as real as possible. Whether you agreed or not, deep within, you wanted to have a partner like hers.
And your hopes skyrocketed when Seokmin noticed the soulmark in your inner wrist and off-handedly mentioned that his cousin's mark resembled yours; that he could introduce the two of you, if you want.
Jeon Wonwoo was his name, you learnt.
And with the drumming hope in your heart, you had agreed because of course you had. You couldn't be a coward and a dreamer simultaneously; you knew that for dreams to come true, you had to take risks.
And so, after a restless night of stalking Jeon Wonwoo's socials, you waited for him in the cafe that Myra sent you the location of. You waited and waited and waited.
But he never came.
After three humiliating hours of restlessly glancing at the door, every time it opened, you trudged out of the cafe, avoiding the pitiful looks of the servers, deciding to forever close the chapter titled 'Jeon Wonwoo' without even having written a single word; because that's what it was —an unfinished chapter in the story of your life.
The next week when Myra and Seokmin came to discuss the colour theme with you, the apology was loudly evident in his eyes before Seokmin could mouth it and you had shrugged him off.
Because it was neither his fault nor his story to explain.
And so here you were, watching the couple celebrate their dream wedding, at least as dreamy as you could make it, you hoped and watched from the sidelines, heart thrumming in blissful satisfaction. These are the little moments that make your life worth living, whatever of it is left at least.
A hard push at your side nearly disbalanced you bringing you out of your reverie. A bit angered and annoyed at the rude behaviour, you turned back to catch the culprit, only to be confused at seeing a familiar figure of a woman running past everyone at sight, straight down the exit, followed by a towering, sturdy man, who looked as dissheveled as a heartbroken boy who got rejected by his first love.
Except you recognised both of these figures as Seokmin's friend Mingyu and his soulmate. Mingyu often helped you around and also took on the responsibility of authority over decisions in the couple's absence. So you were quite familiar with him by now. If you hadn't known, you'd think he's single for the man knew he was charming and certainly used it if need be but you also knew he absolutely adored his mate so you weren't too worried.
Your friends often said that you were good for your own good but you'd contradict and say it was your nosiness and so, out of mere curiosity and concern, you were about to follow them, when the couple of the hour abruptly appeared in your vision.
"We couldn't be more grateful for you -you truly made my dream come true. Thank you so much for truly making our special day, special."
Myra's gentle voice, brimming with enthusiastic joy infected you and you found yourself distracted.
" I did what I could. This was all you guys. I'm so happy you liked it. Congratulations guys. Here's to forever."
You smiled at Seokmin's grinning visage over Myra's shoulder as the bride nearly shook with the overwhelming emotions took over her entirety. She gently squeezed your hands as if grounding herself after you broke the embrace.
"Did you—did he come to you? You know he's here too—I mean were you able to talk?"
While you had slowly come to adore the caring nature of your friend's fiance, the man really didn't know how to take a hint, he was down right oblivious, you didn't know how Myra handled him. He didn't know when to stop, he didn't know when to start, he didn't know his best friend was in love with him and everyone seemed to see it, even you. He didn't know a lot of things, just like he didn't know when to let go. You suppose that's his charm after all.
"Seokmin it's your wedding tonight and these should be the least of your worries. But since you asked, no, we haven't met or talked; nor am I expecting to. It's a done and dusted topic now."
You mustered a formal, dismissive smile at him, hoping you didn't sound too harsh because, though oblivious, the man had a heart of molten gold, and you didn't want to offend him or worse your friend, specially on a day like today's. But you did what you had to because you saw it in his eyes. Pity!
There was pity in his warm kind eyes and if one thing you hated the most in this world, it was pity. Just because you weren't meant for a 'normal life' like him, didn't mean you were a pitiful person.
You saw how Myra's hand squeezed Seokmin's bicep in warning as they shared a look—an understanding that was meant for no one but them, an intimacy you once wished for, with your own soulmate, immediately sending a pang of hurt in your heart for losing what you never even had.
"Well then we'll leave you be. But please eat something before taking your meds. You look really pale right now. I'm scared you've overworked yourself."
Myra's assessing eyes were filled with concern for your well-being and once she was sure that you'd give in to her request, she smiled at you before dragging Seokmin away.
The reminder of your soulmate's presence under the same roof as you, opened a few too many wounds within you, that never quite really healed, a constant scar reminiscent of what was meant to be yours but would never be yours; a harsh reality check that though a part of the same world, you were not cut out for a normal life; that your soulmate was probably happy with another in this very same life that you two were supposed to share together.
You looked down at the still full plate in your lap, feeling a bout of nausea building up in your stomach. Was it another one of those symptoms or the anxiety that was slowly starting to consume you, you didn't know but you were sure that the delicious food on your plate was too much to even look at.
So you regretfully put the almost untouched plate on the counter, evading the curious eyes of the people around you and straight away escaped to the farther most balcony, hoping no one would find you there.
As much as the night was peaceful, it was empty; a certain hollowness that couldn't be lightened up even by the twinkling stars, much like your own life. No matter how many people loved you, how many achievements you had up your name, how many memories you had managed to conjure up till now, your life lacked lustre.
There's so much to do and very little time left; at the same time, you couldn't wait for this countdown to be over.
A trickling sensation down your nose made you internally groan with exasperation. God! You were a mess, literally and figuratively.
Before you could take out a handkerchief of your clutch, a hand miraculously appeared in your line of vision with one.
So not only did someone see you being a miserable, lonely mess but also witnessed an embarrassing moment of curse that your illness left upon you.
Great! One more person who's going to pity you tonight.
Your eyes traced the veiny muscular arm, in order to offer gratitude, only to have your breath knocked right off your chest.
No, it couldn't be. Your eyes must've been deceiving you.
But even rapid blinking couldn't change the vision that materialised in front of you.
Your own hoarse desperate whisper of his name embarrassed you because why were you so needy of a man who ran away like a coward? You swear you had planned to ignore Wonwoo if need be but the sudden warmth in your chest at just being acknowledged by him faltered all your elaborate plans. Though, if this warmth was more out of fury at being abandoned without reason or relief of at least getting one good look at your soulmate before your time was up, was a question you didn't know the answer to.
"Hey ..."
His own unsure whisper of your name was so silent that you almost couldn't hear it but it was as if your senses had acquired a new affinity just for him.
Taking a deep breath, you accepted the handkerchief from him and wiped the blood off your nose, avoiding his concerned gaze bb
Why did he care now? Why was he even here? Did Seokmin send him?
Why now?
It was awkward between the two of you because of course it was. You both didn't have anything to say, how could you, after all, at the end of the day, you were nothing but strangers. Tied in the tangles of your anxiety, you observed his fiddling bony fingers as he fought his own.
"Do you..think we can, maybe, talk... somewhere private? Only if you're comfortable.. I don't want to impose."
And just for that, purely out of spite, you wanted to refuse, so that you could see the hope within him slowly die out just as you witnessed yours but his nervous fumbling paired with his otherwise stoic confident face practically sweating buckets made you pause.
How were you to resist him when you're so selfish to make every little moment with him count as much as you can?
And so you nodded and let him guide you out of the hall and down to the nearly empty cafeteria of the hotel. It was almost ironic how you were waiting for Wonwoo just like this at that cafe just a few months back. And now here you two are. Sitting opposite each other with so much to say and almost no words. Almost.
You waited for him to fill the awkward silence between the two of you however it seemed as if the longer you two sat here, the more nervous he started being, if his bouncing leg didn't give away enough so you decided to be the one to break the ice.
"So, do you have someone waiting for you back at home?"
His eyes widened comically as all of his movements froze which gave you a bit of satisfaction. You suppose you could be nice only to a certain extent.
"Is that why you think I didn't come?"
His unsure voice theorised as he realised the direction of your thoughts and soon his sharp eyes softened with guilt.
"Is it not?"
You raised your brow in retaliation and saw him heave a sigh of exhaustion before he nodded his head as if preparing himself to become a lab rat.
"I...I guess I should begin with apologising to you first. I'm so sorry that I got cold feet and wasted so much of our time when we could've been together and fuck...i-"
He raked his hand through his hair, clicking his tongue while you quietly watched him; you wanted to hear him and his reasons but to your horror, you realised that nothing he says would justify your suffering after all. How much more selfish could you be?
"You see I wasn't really keen on finding a soulmate, like ever. I had been indifferent to the idea of soulmates, even when I first got my mark, it didn't make me feel any differently. Romance had been the last of my priorities and so I had only had casual relationships. It never really crossed my mind about what I'd do if I found my soulmate. So when Seokmin, out of a blue moon, announced that he found my soulmate and that he fixed us a date at a cafe, I was...thrown out of the loop for the first time in my life, with no sense of direction whatsoever. And like a coward, I ran away at the last moment..."
What started as an anxious blabbering ended with an ashamed mumbling, as if he finally realised how childish and foolish he actually sounded. He decided to make you question your entire existence just because he was scared of a change?
"I know I cannot do anything to undo all your pain but I promise to be a better person for you and for us. Please, please give me a chance."
You scoffed at his words as if you really had a choice or time to make him repent. All this, for what?
"The funny thing is, you were so scared of finding your soulmate that now... you won't ever be able to have her.
He gasped as if my words had stabbed him and then twisted the knife in his wound. He shook his head as if to retort but I leaned forward on my chair.
"I..I don't have much time left Wonwoo so even if I wanted to make you make it up to me for the rest of our lives, I'm afraid I don't have much life left within me."
You observed how his eyes glossed with a realisation that seemed to suddenly hit him, which made you smile wryly at his crestfallen visage.
"I was diagnosed with leukaemia shortly after the cafe incident. They had hoped that my soul bond would save me but...."
You stopped when a harsh exhale left Wonwoo's lips as he fell back on the chair as if he had no energy left within him.
"But I abandoned you..."
His empty voice washed the space between the two of you as you watched him slowly retreat into a shell, his complexion paling as his eyes bore holes on the vacant table, body so still as if he were not even conscious.
Was this his repentance?
You called out to him, not really liking his condition. While you had wanted to see him in pain, just as much as you had been, nothing could've prepared you for this day. You didn't like it, seeing him half dead as if someone snatched his very soul out of him and left him to rot; and the fact that it was due to you was killing you more than your illness.
His eyes snapped to yours, as if you had the remote to his brain, all yours to command. His tearful eye waiting on you tugged at the strings of your heart, making your lips stretch just a bit.
" It's okay. I don't blame you for it and neither do I want you to blame yourself."
A fresh stream of tears fell down his dark chocolate orbs as he shook his head in negation.
"If only I hadn't run away that day, you could've been better and I...I could've still had you in my life."
His voice, laden with grief, shook with every word, filling your own eyes with tears, at the helplessness of the situation. All those days you spent thinking about the ways you'd want Wonwoo to suffer, just as much as you had; had cursed him for seemingly living a peaceful life while you were to your vices but at this moment, you wanted nothing but to curl up in his arms and ask him to hold you while you break down.
But he was so far. So close, yet so far. Right in front of you, but out of reach.
"What could have been is not something that'll change our present Wonwoo. It's useless, trust me; it gives you nothing but misery."
No one knew better than you how it felt to dream about the various possibilities, only to be dragged down to the harsh reality. It was a temporary escape, sure, but also weakened your ability to cope with the present. It was futile. You guess, this was one thing you could leave behind with Wonwoo and hope it helps him in the future.
"I must leave now. I'm exhausted and not really feeling well, if I'm being honest. So, please excuse me."
You knew, the more you stayed in his proximity, the more you'd want Wonwoo and that wouldn't be fair to him, because when your time's finally up, he'll be the one, who's left behind to suffer, all alone, and that too, over a person he's barely known.
Just as you were about to get up, a firm grasp around your wrist followed by a panicked yell of "NO!" stopped you, pulling you back to your chair, as Wonwoo now kneeled in front of you, holding onto your knuckles.
"Please don't leave. Let me be with you. At least, as long as we can."
He no longer hid his desperation as his grip on your knuckles tightened further and his teary eyes begged for yours to understand. You left out a breath in resignation, cupping his cheek, after freeing your hand from his.
"Wonwoo, you don't understand. I really have, at most, a month more and when I'm gone, it'll be hard for you to live on with the soul weariness. So we've to distance ourselves from each other in order to save some part of your soul."
You tried explaining to him, for his own betterment, but he stubbornly shook his head, now holding with both hands, yours to his cheeks, nuzzling into them.
"I don't care. If borrowed time is what we have, it must be for a reason and I want to spend every single second of it right by your side."
Your heart skipped a beat as you stared at his ethereal face, his eyes shining like stars, holding yours as if magnets drawn to each other, making your resolve weaken.
There's only so much barrier you could put up, and your heart, as you were coming to realise, was merely a prisoner of your soulmate, who already seemed to have at the palm of his hand.
And so you let yourself be selfish. For one last time.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
Four weeks. For weeks were all it took for you to do the very thing you'd promised yourself to not do after getting diagnosed. You fell in love, and that too with your soulmate. And it was bad because all it was doing was going to prolong Wonwoo's misery and seal him to a hopeless future when you ultimately die.
But it's not like you planned to fall in love with him or didn't resist him; heck you didn't even want him to be in your proximity, knowing it was all for nothing but it just happened.
As you two tried to make the most of all the time you had lost, conversing about constellations and giggling over clichés of the most cringe movies known to mankind and debating over your favourite books, it just happened.
Wonwoo understood you like none other, perhaps not even yourself, you felt right at home with him, safe and serene; his knick knacks soon became so dear to you that if there's an afterlife, you're sure you'd reminisce about them as your source of belongingness.
You knew you had no control over time, nobody ever had but since the day you found Wonwoo, time had started slipping like sand, against your wishes and soon your body started deteriorating as you ran out of your borrowed moments, quietly watching Wonwoo conversing with the doctor and the news couldn't have been good, it wasn't if the way Wonwoo's complexion paled further didn't tell you enough.
"What did he say?"
You inquired as soon as he took a seat beside you and noticed the sheen in his eyes that he tried to play off as the gloss of his glasses. He shook his head as he fumbled with the sheets, trying to dodge your query.
"Wonwoo! Look at me. Please!"
You softly requested, wanting to be able to see him, have his attention for you didn't know how long you have now. When you had his attention, you gave him a cajoling smile, hoping it'd mask your pain for you didn't want him to stress himself anymore but who were you kidding?
"I wish I could turn back time. Or rewrite our destiny. Anything. We didn't deserve this."
The angst he was trying so hard to hide finally burst as he held onto your hand, resting his head on his and sobbing.
You truly didn't deserve this. You both deserve to be happy together, get married, travel around the world, have kids and grow old together. But here you are.
And you were so helpless, unable to give your soulmate the happiness he rightfully deserves and instead only bringing him misery ever since he came to know of your existence. Maybe you didn't deserve a soulmate. You didn't deserve Wonwoo.
"We had known this was how it would end Wonwoo."
Your voice trembled as you willed yourself to not break down as Wonwoo's body shook as he cried, holding tight onto your hand as if you'd disappear any moment now.
"But if we could rewrite our story, this time, I wouldn't let go of you easily. I'd march right into your home, burst into your room, slap you right in the face and drag you by the ear to that date we were supposed to have."
You teased him desperately, wanting to stop his sobs for if this was the last time the two of you ever saw each other, you wanted to see his breathtaking smile before you closed your eyes and it worked when he half-heartedly chucked at your jest, roughly wiping his face.
" Yeah I'd like that. That would totally reset my brain."
Your giggle brightened his visage as he placed a kiss on your knuckle but it soon vanished when another pang of cough hit you and more blood trickled down your lips.
You hated this; the pain, the discomfort, Wonwoo's tears. You were so tired.
You just wanted to sleep.
You felt Wonwoo's nimble fingers caressing your head in a soothing gesture and opened your eyes to look at him, wanting to burn his face in your mind.
"I'm sorry!"
You helplessly watched as tears cascaded down his cheeks as he shook his head before kissing your forehead multiple times.
"Ssh! I know!"
Of course he knew. He always knows. Your heart felt light for Wonwoo knows. It's okay.
"I love you!"
You didn't even know you were crying until you felt Wonwoo's fingers on your face as he leaned down and placed his lips on yours.
"I love you too my heart."
He whispered over your lips and after placing a series of pecks over them, he parted, just enough to look at you in the eyes.
"Sleep my love and wait for me. I'll come and find you where no constraints of time limits us."
And so you allowed yourself to sleep, wishing if you get another chance at life, you'd get to spend it at Wonwoo's side, with more than a few weeks, loving him in whatever form you were made to.
For now there was peace in your heart that at least you had all of him in whatever little fragment left of your life.
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©Stayinhellevator2024: Please don't copy or translate my work on any platform.
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neobaobei · 1 year
Pairing: Husband!Jeon Wonwoo x Wife!Female Reader
Genre: pure fluff, kinda arranges marriage au, spouses-to-lovers au lol
Warnings: few profanities, wonwoo wears glasses(yes, this is an important warning)
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: A little sneak peek in your new married life with Wonwoo as you both celebrate your one month anniversary.
A/N: Lovelies I'm back from being unalive :^) been really really busy with studies and shit. Will try to update a little frequent TT
Song Rec: Flowers by Seventeen.
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"Thank you", you mumble with a smile on your face, bowing in the process. You look at the pretty water lilies, the light pink shade pleasing your eyes, as you ponder why these are so underrated.
You stride to your car and place the bouquet of the newly purchased flowers gently, not forgetting to savour the fragrance yet once again. You get into the car, tucking yourself under the seat belt, before smiling again.
If anyone could see you, they would probably think that you're possessed by some smiling demon. But no one knows that you are actually smiling because of your husband!!!
You sit there, leaning your head back on the seat, pushing your glasses up, thinking about how you are going to give him these flowers. In all honesty, you don't even know if he likes these and you would be lying if you say that you did not ask your friends about the birth flowers and the theory behind it.
You would also be lying if you say that you did not spend the whole two hours last night, browsing through his facebook page, looking for his birthday, just because you were too ashamed to ask him directly!
You just hope that he likes these flowers…
You start the engine and drove back to your house, with a smile still adorning your face.
It all feels so fast. You feel like you just were in the first grade with your dad wiping you tears that would not stop coming; but now suddenly you are married and not to mention, today's your one month anniversary!
You still remember the exact moment wonwoo came into your life. You always wanted to marry a person who you knew by heart and loved dearly, but when your dad said that he wants you to get married to wonwoo, you couldn't obligue to it. Not because you knew your father knows what's good for you, but also you knew wonwoo.
Yes, you knew wonwoo. I mean he's your dad's friend's son. Your classmate, who barely had two friends, had his face always deep inside a book, occasionally pushing his glasses back to its place.
You've never seen someone that attractive with glasses. As someone who wears glasses, let's just say that you knew not all look good in glasses.
You wanted to marry him not just because your dad wanted you to, but also because you knew how much of a gentleman he was. He used to send you goodmorning and goodnight messages everyday from the age 19 till now, because you jokingly once said that you feel sad when no one wishes you those as you lived alone. The little white heart near texts still flutters your heart.
You look back into the day, when you both had your lunch together, to discuss about the invitations and designs. You remember taking your first picture together with him (it's still in your wallet!).
You were so in love with him, but never once you would admit it to yourself.
You had a smile on your face as you pulled the car in front of a cafe. You entered the cafe, the bell chiming indicating that someone has entered the shop. Your best friend and the cafe owner, Mingyu, looks over his shoulder at you and smiles. His shirt sleeves rolled up, some flour sticking on to his purple sweater that you both bought together.
"Gosh, it's blinding to see you smiling so much!" He exclaims rolling his eyes playfully, but genuinely feeling happy, when he finds you looking at the little cake that you told him to make for your one month anniversary.
It was a cute cake, blue coloured lettering(as you found out his favourite colour was blue, after some… let's say investigation..) that said "Wonwoo & Y/N; Since 8th July" and some heart shaped milk chocolates here and there. You couldn't stop smiling at it.
Gosh, you feel like a teenage girl who got accepted by her crush!!!
A playful scowl taking over your giddy smile as you turned to him. "Shut up and just tell me how much it is." You said as you rummage your handbag, looking for your wallet.
"Get out of here if you're gonna pay." Mingyu says, crossing his arms in front of his chest, before he walks towards, packing the cake that was freshly baked an hour ago, in a blue coloured box as you asked for.
You know that he's never going to accept the money you give him, so you walk towards him, trapping him in a hug. But little does he know that you slipped a fifty dollar bill in his apron.
You thank him with the hug (and the money that he doesn't know you sneaked in until the shift got over. He knows it's definitely you and reminds himself to give you a handful of nagging next day) and leave the bakery with a smile and drive back straight to your home.
You parked your car into your garage, not forgetting to check your hair and apply only lip balm, knowing that he doesn't prefer makeup. You hang your bag on your right shoulder, carrying the cake in one hand and the pretty, pink flowers in another.
You somehow manage to carry all those and open the door, already knowing that he would be home by now as it was already 7:47 pm. For a fact that you knew that wonwoo would always be chilling on the couch with his novel (also waiting for you, so you both could eat the dinner together even if it's going to be in absolute silence), so where was he today?
You place the cake and the bouquet on the dining table, before setting off to your bedroom in search of him. You open the bedroom door, softly calling out his name, only to find him doing something you never expected him to.
He was arranging red carnations and a Lego set and what it said absolutely shocks you!
'I <3 U to my pieces'
Hearing your voice, he quickly tries to hide the Lego set and the flowers he prepared for you under the bed, failing miserably as you've already seen everything.
You were supposed to reach home only at 8:05, why are you early by eighteen minutes today!? He's even still wearing his glasses for God sake!!!
Wonwoo stood up from the floor hurriedly, his face and neck painted red, as he tried to make something out as he saw you standing at the doorway, shocked.
You walked towards him, wanting to ask what this all was before he started blabbering: "Y/N, I really want to surprise you with the Lego set as it's our one month anniversary but you were not supposed to come this early today. Heck, I'm not even ready yet. I really wanted to tell you that I've been in love with you for the past one and a half year but before that happy one month anniversary; I love you and it's fine if you don't like me back-"
You cut his rambling with a hug. You hug him tight, your glasses hitting his chest as you turn left, your head barely reaching his shoulders. You could hear how hard his heart his hammering against his chest as he turned redder than he already was. He stands there with his mouth gaped, not knowing if it's right for him to hug you back.
You're his wife for god's sake!
You stand there in his embrace after he finally decides to hug you back, after a whole two minutes of debating whether to hug you or not. A smile forms on his face, as he feels you smiling against his chest too.
Tears pool your eyes but a smile still present on your face. You never expected this!
You look him in the eyes, breaking the hug making him feel the lack of warmth even if it's not even thirty seconds yet. The moment he looked at your teary eyes, his smile dropped so quickly, thinking that he spoke something really absurd as he starts apologizing profusely.
"Oh god! I'm-I'm so s-sorry, did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I'm s-sorry-"
You cut him off once again, but this time it's with a kiss. You locked your lips with him, his eyes double the size that usual. Your glasses collide against his as he finally moves his lips against yours, a never ending smile playing on both of your lips, as he grabs you by the neck deepening the kiss. One hand on his neck and another on his waist, you pull him closer than you already, not minding your glasses that keep dashing uncomfortably against each other.
You both pull away, gasping for air, red tint adorning your cheeks, feeling like a goddamn teenager. You pull him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck, making him hold onto your waist.
He gently rests his forehead against yours, holding onto you as if you're going to disappear if he loosens his grip on you.
"Wonu, I love you too." You whisper softly, your fingers playing with his black locks in the back of his head.
"W-wait wha-t? Are you for real?!" He exclaims with genuine surprise on his face, as he tries to pull a bit from you.
You smiled before shyly nodding your head, making him beam in a way you never thought he could, making you smile too. Though he had his glasses on, you could still see his eyes getting teary as he pulls you into a hug, a poor attempt to hide his tears.
You both stayed comfortably in each others arms, before he shyly, too quietly whispers: "I fucking love you so much, Jeon Y/N", making you chuckle softly before replying: "I love you too, Jeon Wonwoo".
Time passed as you both exchanged the flowers with each other, smiles never leaving your faces as you even ate the cake, taking tons of pictures together.
You want to hang your portraits with him in your living room, just like mingyu and his wife, too!!
You both passed out on the couch, watching the movie that was long forgotten as you both were busy kissing each other every two minutes once.
husband wonwoo for the win.
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yjhzies · 2 months
“Let the world know.” — Jeon Wonwoo
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⸝⸝୭ ˚. fluff . one-shot
⋆ pairings : wonwoo x gn!reader ⋆ warning : none! (let me know if there is ^^) ⋆ wc : 0.5k [✉️] · discovering a secret admirer that's not your boyfriend...
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⋆ - note : (4 the req) MUAHAHA WE DEF HAVE LOTS OF THOUGHTS ON JEALOUS WONU🔥 (but lets keep it out of here...!) I think we both need to touch grass... I havent even touched actual grass even though I go outside everyday 😝 is somebody gonna match my freak??
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"Baby, you have a letter and a parcel from someone..."
Wonwoo said, walking in through the front door with a letter in one hand and a parcel in the other, staring at the letter and flipflopping it.
As he placed the package on the table, you looked from the TV to your boyfriend.
"Really? Who sent it?" You inquired, rising from the couch and walking over to Wonwoo.
He shrugged as he handed you the letter. "It doesn't have a name in it."
You frown, taking the letter from him. As Wonwoo begins to open the securely wrapped package, you unfold the letter and begin to read.
"Dear Y/N, this is a letter to express my admiration and gratitude to you. You may not know me, but I am one of the hundreds who admire you from afar. I've always found you beautiful, and I wanted to let you know that I've liked you for a long time n-" You pause, realizing where this was going.
You peek over Wonwoo's shoulder to see him staring at the package, looking shocked. Your gaze lands in the direction where he was staring, and there were roses. Red roses.
You fold the letter and set it aside as you stand beside him.
"Come on, Wonu, it's not like I don't already have thousands of letters already. But, I wouldn't mind another one!" You chuckle, assuming it is Wonwoo sneaking you letters for the nth time, acting like a secret admirer.
Wonwoo said, glaring at the roses through his glasses on the table. You raise your head to look at him and tilt your head.
"Look at those," he said, reaching out to take one of the roses. "This isn't even the colour you like."
"I can literally buy a million times better one!" He scoffed. "And most importantly, doesn't he know the person he just confessed to has a boyfriend? How weird."
You freeze.
You stand there, stunned as Wonwoo points out every tiny imperfection, your eyes widening as you try to register everything in your brain.
"It's not yours?"
You ask, but judging by the expression on his face, you already know the answer is no.
"I can write a better letter, don't you think?" He raised his eyebrows.
You nod your head, trying to suppress a smile. With a proud nod, he reaches out to rewrap the package before picking it up and tossing it in the garbage can.
"I'll tell the delivery man to return it to whoever sent it," he said, turning to you with a slight pout. He draws you in for a hug, encircling your waist with his arms held tightly but not painfully.
"I can buy you millions of better flowers, you don't need others when I'm here." He said, and you finally let out a chuckle as you noticed the sulkiness in his voice.
"I know, Wonu," you say, patting his back. "I would have rejected it anyways, but I surely am endeared by a jealous Wonwoo."
Glancing down, he covers his face with your neck as he blushes. "I wish I could keep you all to myself, but you're so beautiful, everyone wants you and it's hard to do so."
"First of all, I should be saying that. And second, they're not the one I want, It's you."
"I know, but," he says, pulling back to kiss your lips. "I'll want to let the world know that you're mine and I'm yours."
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kyeomkuppie · 2 months
SVT when they notice you not taking care of yourself.
Genre: fluff, sort of hurt/comfort?
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Seungkwan, Minghao, Wonwoo
He is not impressed. He isn't the type to get mad at you, so when you look across the room and notice him glaring at you, you felt yourself shrinking. He'd get up close your laptop, snatch away your papers, make you a decent meal instead of the cup noodles you've been devouring since last week and just simply say "sit." Although right now he's giving you the cold face, the fact that he made you a meal and is watching you like a hawk so you don't leave a single crumb proves how much he loves you. Later on he'd guide you to bed and cuddle you to sleep, telling you work could wait.
Dokyeom, Mingyu, Jun, Hoshi
He'd immediately swoop you off your feet (literally) and turn on a movie, get the snacks ready and massage your shoulders, telling you to just enjoy and stop stressing yourself out. He'd tell softly tell you off but he wouldn't be too sharp with you because he wants your thoughts to be all sunshine and daisies.
Jihoon, Jeonghan, Seungcheol
I feel like he'd know what it's like to be overworked and exhausted but at the same time wanting to go on. You've always taken care of him when he overexerts himself so he'd definitely want to do the same. Unlike the others, he'd try to be more subtle at first. He'd tell you that you'll collapse if you go on and you just wouldn't listen so he decided to take matters into his own hands and do it himself. He'd probably remind you to take breaks and if you don't listen, oh you're in for a big scolding.
Joshua, Vernon, Dino
He's the type who'd definitely get you a warm cup of tea as you work. He knows it's necessary but he'll also try his best to take care of you his own way. He'd get you warm drinks and food to keep you going. When he notices the darkness under your eyes he'd offer you his shoulder to lean on and slowly pat your back as you drift off to sleep. He'd later carry you to bed and clean your desk for you.
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Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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wannabelife · 2 months
nintendo switch – jww
pairing: wonwoo x fem reader
genre: smut
synopsis: "i want to try it out" it's what he says when you first came by his door. the game is still on full display in front of his face as he asks you to cockwarm him while he plays.
warnings: cockwarming, fingering, sex toy, mean dom wonwoo, nicknames, size kink, descriptive, degradation
a/n: happy wonwoo day for those who celebrate it ^^
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"i want to try it out" it's what he said when you first came by his door. the game still on full display in front of his face as he barely spare you glance while playing.
"are you crazy? it won't fit if you dont prepare me first" you say, fighting back his crazy idea of wanting you to cockwarm him while he plays.
"just get naked" he says "bring our toy" he completes as you feel your stomach tingle with excitement and your core clench in anticipation.
you could never resist this man anyways so you have no other choice but to do as he says. you get the toy from your closet, getting your clothes on the floor on your way back to him.
he spares a glance at you, realizing your naked body, making him have a second look. he smirks, happy that you gave in. he rolls the chair back, tugging the wires on his hand, opening space for you "sit here, pretty" he says, stretching his legs open and hips up for you. you gulp, the line of his cock marking the casual sweatpants he's wearing to stay at home.
pulling your leg up, you sit on his thighs, facing him. he takes a look at your bare tits and back at the game screen "lay back" he demands, not looking at you, and you look around trying to figure it out. you get your hands at the table behind you, a bit unsure to lay your body back.
the game match ends and before you think he's letting the remote on the side and pulling your hips up with both hands. you yelp, gripping the table harsherly, but his hard grip doesn't let you fall or stumble, as he keeps you in place. your pussy is literally displayed for him as he eyes it hungrily, his hands caressing your sides, before his thumb is stroking your nipple.
"you're so fucking hot" he compliments, your core clenching not going unoticed by him "you like the sweet words, don't you, pretty?" he remarks, grinning up at you as your brows are already shutting in pleasure.
with his free hand, he scissors your folds, a gasp leaving your lips when he strokes up and down. sensing that you're not wet yet, he bring his index and middle finger to his lips, sucking and wetting his digits before getting right back in. it sliding easier now as he does his magic on you.
he reaches your clit, drawing slow circles at the muscle, a moan slipping out from your lips as he goes down again collecting your arousal to work on your sensitive spot as you keep moaning.
you whimper when he suddenly stops, your breathing rising in dispear. you look at him whining as he cleans his fingers on his shirt, getting the remote back before handing you the toy "imma play another one, take good care of yourself alone, got it?" he pecks your lips, before starting another play on the tv facing your back.
you feel your core clenching, asking for attention back, so you have no other choice but to do the job yourself. you get the circle toy on as it starts vibrating on your hands. you spread your folds, placing it at your clit "oh- my god" you moan out with the added sensation. wonwoo already occupied by the game in front of him.
you circle the sponge texture on it, your legs threatening to close and goosebumps spreading on your skin "fuck, im gonna cum like this"
you know he looks mindless, but you can see his chest rising, your sounds affecting him just as much. so you try to provoce "wonu? baby, please, i want to cum on you, please" you call him in between needy moans.
the toy is really doing wonders in you because you can already see and sense the wet spot you're leaving on his sweater pants. you get closer, the back of the toy meeting wonwoo's member too as he hisses under you, a proud smile adoring your face. he swears under his breath, both because of the feeling and because he's losing in the game, too distracted by you.
"pull me out, yn" he orders but you're so caught up on your job, sliding the toy on your folds that you don't even process "fuck, yn, behave" he grunts, his hand holding your wrist, unattaching the toy from your center. you almost sob, crying out the loss. he throws it to the side, it hitting the floor with a loud sound as he comes closer to your face "you made me fucking lose the game so don't test me and pull me out" he says in clenched teeth "now sit like a good girl while i play one more match, got it?"
"yeah" you almost whisper back to him with big eyes like a well-behaved girl.
you go to his pants, pulling it with your fingers, while he bucks his hip up to help you undress him. he's back at playing a new match while you pull his member on your hands. he's not hard yet but not flacid either, some place in between.
"sit" he orders, still not looking at you.
you contemplate because he's not fully hard yet, but dont say anything any further, too afraid of pushing his already short buttons. you grip his base, pushing your body to meet his member. the long size lets you have fun either way. you let the head hit your entrance, slowly thrusting inside, the burning feeling making you out of breath as you go further, sinking down on him, until you sit back on his lap again. your face finding the crotch of his neck as you catch a breath. your pussy keeps clenching trying to adjust to his size and you can also feel him twitching inside you, making it all even harder.
"good job" he praises "now wait until i win this one" he says and you want to cry, who said this would be fun? you just want to bounce on him or do whatever, this is actually torturing.
"wonu..." you moan "please, fuck me, i want you" you try to convince but he's still playing, a breathy laugh coming out of his lips.
"so impatient, baby. wait a bit" he grins "if you haven't made me lose the last match, you'd already have what you wanted, hm?"
you can feel his member hardening inside you and decide to help it out, clenching around him, if he's torturing you so will you torture him.
"fuck!" he curses, his dick hardening, the head making contact with your deepest spot now.
he doesn't let it slide, though. one of his hands leaving the remote to deliver a slap to your ass cheek "you never learn your lesson, do you?" his palm hits harshly, the sound echoing in the room as you moan loudly "i said to wait" he says.
he's already fully hard, and you have no other choice but to wait until he decides to fuck you. but that's quite too much to ask for you, if you're being honest, you're really fighting yourself not to ride him right here, right now. you almost instinctively press harder on him, your hips taking slightly motion as your clit spread over his core. you moan out the feeling, hearing him grunt under you. your fun is shortly cut out when his palm meets your ass cheek again.
"stay seated, haven't i ordered you enough?" he says in between his teeth. the anger getting the best of him as well as his impatience that doesn't go unoticed. thanks to your eagerness, he needs to fuck you as soon as possible.
he rushes himself to win the game, skillfully killing every other player that remains, and in a few minutes, the screen is lighting yellow, a big winner jumping on the background filled with horns and happy music. a loud tug is heard as wonwoo throws the remote control on the desk, picking you up with himself right after. you're still in him, and he has no trouble in carrying you two to bed, throwing your bodies on the sheets.
"you should learn to listen, brat" he says, already pushing both of your legs up and starting to thrust into you. you swear under your breath, your head thrown back as you get drunk in the amazing feeling of his bare cock pounding you.
he takes advantage of the view, quickly taking his hands to your throat. you look up, and his cold gaze is staring down at you, making your stomach tingles and your insides heat.
he picks up the pace, unattaching his hands from your throat to open up your legs wider. he hands your hips tightly with both hands, fucking you restless, soft moans and grunts leaving his mouth as you grip the sheets, moaning. your eyes watering a bit, the knock forming on your lower belly each time his core press over your clit when he thrusts inside. you pull him close by his forearms, your hands chasing stability anywhere on his skin. your fingers finding his locks, pulling it, trying to sign you're close because no single thought form on your brain.
"are you almost there, babe?" his nails dig on your skin, leaving red marks around it as you shake your head positively.
he gets closer to kiss you, one of his hands pushes your right leg to his shoulders and back to your throat. you almost scream, but his lips are able to silence you. his cockhead pounding on your sweet spot making your eyes roll back and your body tense. you stop breathing for a second before you whole body tremble under him, your cum wetting his cock as he keeps the pace, pushing himself over the edge.
"fucking bitch, creaming all over my cock like the good slut you are" he says, his cock twitching. you are in cloud nine, not even processing what's happening around. he takes out, bumping his length as he cums all over your thigh. he sits back on his ankle, head hanging low, feeling like its too much, as a few more strokes of white cum spreads over his abs.
you both stay where you are for a while, catching your breaths and getting back to reality. you are so done that you could nap right there if it wasn't for him. he comes closer, handing your face to make you look up at him.
"get up to shower, hm? im going to grab you a glass of water" he states, leaving a peck to your dry blumped lips, helping you get up and preparing a bath for you before bed.
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thedensworld · 8 months
Ten Years| J.Ww
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Pairing: Wonwoo x Reader
Genre: angst, established relationship, My Demon references
Words count: 2k
Summary: In hospital Wonwoo is a doctor, and back to house he is your husband. However, your sudden conditions make him choose.
Wonwoo had just finished attending to one of the recent patients who arrived at the emergency room with a fractured left leg. The chaotic atmosphere was a constant in the emergency room, with patients flooding in throughout the day. It had only been four hours into his shift, and Wonwoo had already cared for more than twenty individuals, each presenting a unique set of medical challenges.
Amidst the persistent hustle, another emergency call suddenly disrupted the relative calm around Wonwoo. As he stood near the phone, his attention was torn from the medical charts to the urgent message. It wasn't unusual to receive information in advance, but the unusual silence from the nurse prompted him to lift his head in curiosity. The nurse, her eyes widened, stared at him, seemingly struggling to find words. Wonwoo, sensing something amiss, mouthed a quiet "why?" before the distant sound of sirens slowly crept closer to the emergency room.
Before he could take another step toward the entrance, Kim Mingyu, his best friend and fellow doctor, halted him breathlessly. Wonwoo stood in shock, witnessing Mingyu's horrified gaze fixed upon him.
"Wonwoo, don't," Mingyu pleaded urgently, diverting his attention to the ambulance that had just arrived. Wonwoo, unable to discern the situation, brushed him aside; the patient's well-being demanded his immediate focus. He approached the ambulance determinedly, with Mingyu desperately chasing after him, attempting to impede his progress.
As the ambulance doors swung open, nurses swiftly mobilized to transfer the patient to the bed. Mingyu gripped Wonwoo, his voice strained. "Don't go closer, Wonwoo."
Ignoring Mingyu's plea, Wonwoo pressed forward. The harsh reality unfolded before him as he witnessed your bloodied form being moved onto the cart. Frozen in place, he struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation, his best efforts to maintain composure slipping away.
"Ji Y/n, on her thirties, three stab wounds," a nurse reported clinically. Wonwoo's gaze remained fixed on you, lying lifelessly on the bed, the weight of the moment sinking in. The air was thick with tension and fear as the medical team rushed to address the critical condition before them.
Wonwoo struggled to process the unfolding nightmare. His wife, now in the hospital with three stab wounds, left him grappling with the unknown origin of the attack.
Mingyu, though visibly shaken himself, offered a grim explanation – you had fallen victim to random acts of violence occurring in South Korea. In the midst of the chaotic emergency room, Mingyu assured Wonwoo that he would personally oversee your critical situation.
As Wonwoo, his hands trembling, tried to catch a glimpse of you amidst the medical flurry, Mingyu stepped up to provide much-needed support. "I'll make sure she receives the best care, Wonwoo. Stay strong."
With a nod, Wonwoo expressed a plea to the nurse team, his voice quivering, "She's pregnant; please be careful." His eyes remained fixed on you as they moved you towards the operating room, each step an agonizing moment for Wonwoo, who felt a profound sense of helplessness in the face of the unexpected tragedy.
In the tense confines of the hospital waiting room, the atmosphere was thick with worry as doctors assessed the severity of the stab wounds. Mingyu, amidst the chaos, approached Wonwoo with a grave expression.
"The stab wounds were serious, but we caught it in time. There's a chance of survival, but it will be a tough road ahead," Mingyu conveyed, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. Wonwoo's heart sank, his concern for you intensifying.
Meanwhile, Wonwoo couldn't shake the deep worry for both you and the life growing within you. The impending uncertainty surrounding the baby's well-being added an extra layer of anxiety to an already distressing situation. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, and Wonwoo found himself grappling with the fear of the unknown, desperately hoping for positive news.
In the midst of the turmoil, your parents arrived at the hospital, their faces etched with concern. The president of Jis University Hospital and his spouse, usually figures of authority and composure, now revealed the vulnerability of worried parents. They approached Wonwoo, their shared concern uniting them in a moment of shared anxiety.
As the hospital corridors echoed with the hushed conversations of doctors and the beeping of machines, your fate and that of the precious life you carried hung in the balance, leaving Wonwoo and your parents anxiously awaiting any sign of hope from the operating room.
Despite the stark contrast in your chosen paths, fate wove an unexpected connection between you and Wonwoo. You, the daughter of Jis University Hospital's president, embarked on a journey in law, deviating from the medical legacy of your family. Wonwoo, on the other hand, had been one of your father's standout students, carving his niche in the medical field.
The intertwining of your lives unfolded when both of you decided to volunteer at a Cancer Foundation. The shared commitment to a cause greater than yourselves became the bridge that brought you together. Wonwoo's dedication and compassion in treating patients mirrored your own passion for justice and advocacy as a lawyer.
Three years ago, just two weeks after your first encounter, a horrifying incident unfolded. A client, disgruntled by a legal outcome, attacked you, resulting in a fractured shoulder. Fate intervened, leading you to the very hospital where Wonwoo worked. He became your attending doctor, tending not only to your physical wounds but unknowingly laying the foundation for a deeper connection.
In those challenging days of recovery, Wonwoo's empathy and care became a source of solace. The hospital visits evolved into shared laughter, and a bond blossomed between patient and doctor. It was a turning point, marking the beginning of a relationship neither of you could have anticipated.
Fast forward to the hospital's 15th-anniversary celebration, where the spark between you and Wonwoo reignited. Amidst the festive atmosphere, you found yourselves engaged in conversation, exchanging subtle flirtations that hinted at the unspoken connection between you two. However, the celebration took an unexpected turn when Wonwoo was urgently summoned for an emergency surgery.
As he excused himself, he locked eyes with you, a promise lingering in the air. "I'll meet you again after the surgery," he assured, his words carrying a commitment that surpassed the casual banter of the evening.
At midnight, a series of urgent knocks jolted you awake, only to discover a weary Wonwoo at your doorstep. "I asked Mingyu about your place," he mumbled, weariness evident in his eyes. The mention of your cousin, Kim Mingyu, left an air of mystery lingering in the room.
In a vulnerable moment, Wonwoo found himself torn when asked to sign a paper for your surgery. He wished to choose both you and the unborn child, but the harsh reality of the world intervened. The doctor overseeing your surgery delivered a grim verdict – a choice had to be made, and it was impossible for all two of you to survive. Your first trimester, still on a precarious edge, made the situation even more dire.
As you lay on the brink, losing precious blood that jeopardized both your life and the pregnancy, the doctor's solemn words hung in the air. "We need to sacrifice the baby, Dr. Jeon," he asserted, thrusting Wonwoo into a heart-wrenching dilemma.
For nearly two years, you and Wonwoo had fervently tried to conceive. Months before finally succeeding, you took a temporary leave from work, both of you eager and serious about embracing parenthood. That morning, you shared breakfast with Wonwoo, a newfound routine since leaving your job, radiating vibrancy. Little did you know, it would be the last carefree morning for a while.
During breakfast, plans for your day unfolded, with a lunch visit to a friend's bakery and a proposal for a cozy dinner at your favorite Italian restaurant. Wonwoo enthusiastically agreed, nodding his head in anticipation.
However, as the night unfolded, the joyous prospect of dinner turned into an unimaginable ordeal. Wonwoo found himself unable to fathom the idea of a simple dinner, haunted by the agonizing decision that awaited him at the hospital. Dinner plans shattered, replaced by the weight of an impending choice that would alter your lives forever.
Your condition deteriorated rapidly in the days following the surgery, prompting a transfer to the ICU. Wonwoo, seasoned in facing numerous medical challenges, found his usually steady hands clenched in despair. The grim reality unfolded – it seemed nearly impossible for you to survive in your critical state.
Mingyu, having discussed the delicate matter of abortion with Wonwoo, acknowledged the weight of the decision. He empathetically stated, "There has never been an easy decision from the first place," a reminder of the gravity of your precarious condition. Wonwoo, however, shook his head, unable to bring himself to make the agonizing choice.
"I just can't, Mingyu. I just can't," Wonwoo uttered, his internal struggle palpable.
"But you have to choose, Wonwoo. Do you want to put her in a more critical condition?" Mingyu pressed, emphasizing the urgency of the decision.
Three critical stabs had wounded your vital organs, and although the surgery was deemed successful, the unexpected internal bleeding cast a shadow over your recovery. The doctor who attended to you recommended aborting the baby, foreseeing the challenges it posed to your healing process. Yet, Wonwoo hesitated, unwilling to sign the abortion papers. He knew all too well that your instincts would align with his – a fierce desire to protect the unborn child, despite the grim reality that surrounded both you and your baby.
Lost in his thoughts, Wonwoo was startled when a stranger quietly took a seat beside him. Turning to face the unexpected company, he found the mysterious figure closely observing you through the window. "I can fulfill your wish," the stranger declared calmly, his presence sending a shiver down Wonwoo's spine.
Brows furrowed, Wonwoo questioned, "Who are you?" The stranger, with an eerie calmness, revealed, "I'm a demon. I can turn human wishes into reality." Wonwoo dismissed it, urging the mysterious figure to leave, suspecting a cruel game.
To Wonwoo's astonishment, the man produced a roll of paper, seemingly conjured from thin air with a spark of fire. As it unfolded, he offered a tempting proposition, "I can make the baby survive, and also your wife." The roll revealed contractual terms, symbolizing the gravity of the offer.
A smile played on the demon's lips as he proudly presented the conditions, "However, you could only live for ten years. You could only see them in ten years." Wonwoo, torn and desperate, shifted his gaze to you. In a hushed whisper, he asked, "Are they not gonna make it?"
The demon, seemingly unperturbed, conjured another roll, claiming, "Wait. Lemme check." As he read the ethereal text, he revealed an unsettling truth, "Your wife is going to have a heart attack in fifteen minutes. You won't be able to see her until tomorrow; she'll collapse." Wonwoo's lips tightened, wrestling with the weight of impending tragedy.
Seeking assurance, Wonwoo questioned the demon, "Can you really make them survive?" The man nodded, presenting the contractual sign. Floating in the air, it became a tangible representation of the choices before Wonwoo. Determination filled his voice as he uttered, "Please. Grant my wishes.
The demon, with a sinister smile, accepted, "Alright..." The unfolding events carried an air of impending consequence, as Wonwoo made a pact that would alter the course of his life and those he held dear.
Ten years ago, you made deal with the demon.
You have counting your life.
And the day is about to come.
To Wonwoo,
If you read this letter, I might not be here anymore. I just want to tell you that I love you, and I'm really grateful that I met you. It might be weird to you, but I did expect that I'm gonna leave first. So don't be too sad. Please continue your life peacefully.
I love you xx
As the ink on the heartfelt message dried, the letter was consumed by flames.
The letter was burnt.
February 14th, 2013, marked a miraculous event at JIS University Hospital. The president, who had been in a coma following a massive car accident, astonishingly awoke. The hospital corridors buzzed with whispers of the inexplicable recovery, a twist of fate that left both staff and patients in awe. The air was charged with a sense of wonder and disbelief, as if a force beyond comprehension had intervened in the natural course of events.
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haniebabes · 2 months
⋅˚₊‧ 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ - How seventeen likes to have sex with you
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GENRE smut
PAIRING Seventeen x reader
S.Coups (에스쿱스)
He would want to fuck his babies in you
"Fuck baby." He groans as he thrust in your pussy holding onto your waist "Gonna have my babies, yeah?", "yes cheoliee" you would say as cheol fucks you hard, "gonna look so cute with my babies in your tummy, would have your tummy so big and plump"
Sloppy sex!! He wont stop until he isnt almost passing out
Your brain started to go foggy as Jeonghan was still fucking you after so many rounds, the room was filled with heavy breathing and moans coming from you and jeonghan. "You can take one more round, right angel?" He always says one more round but it always happens to be more than that.
Joshua (조슈아)
He would be so loving when having sex, would praise you everytime! He would be so caring and loving☹️
As he thrust in you in a not so slow yet not so fast manner, "you are so pretty princess" he starts kissing you all over your body, "you look so pretty while being under me" he smiled at you as said that "tell me if you feel like im going too slow, hm?"
Jun (文俊辉)
Would DEFINITELY love being a sub to you (hes a switch yknow what im sayin?)
"You like being a toy, just for me to play with huh?" You say as you ride him painfully slow, "mhmm, yes Im your toy" he whines, you have been edging him for quite a while now, he started to get pouty and whiny, his cock was painfully hard, as his tip was flushed red. "Do you want to cum?" You ask, he nods frantically as he was craving the feeling of getting to cum for a while now. You eventually give in and let him cum.
Hoshi (호시)
Jealous sex, no explaination needed (POUTY AND SULKY HOSHI, HELLOOO?!)
"Didnt like the way that guy looked at you" he said with a stern voice but his faced had pout, he kept fucking you in a fast manner. He gave you a few spanks on the ass "your all mine, not for anyone to stare at, hmp"
Wonwoo (원우)
He LOVESSS when you cockwarm him, while playing then he will fuck you hard after
"You did so good cockwarming me back there baby" he says as he fucks his dick into you while your ontop of him as he holds your waist, "stayed so warm on me" he fucked you faster "w-wonwoo" you moan out "shhh, baby let me take care of you, as a token of appreciation for being so good for me"
Woozi (우지)
Sleepy/cuddle sex, yknow just imagine him coming home after a tiring day of him being in the recording room, and all he wants to do is to just fuck you
You and woozi were laid on the bed as his arms wrapped around your waist, as he started fucking you from behind, rubbing circles on your side, this was his way to relax after working the whole day, "missed you y/n", "I missed you too woozi"
Dk (이석민)
When you ride his face!!!
This all happened when you complimented his nose too much and he said "then sit on it" and now its been his go to thing to do with you. "Mhmp you taste so good" he said in a muffled tone, he says this after making you came twice with him eating you out, I mean who wouldnt cum, with his tongue going in and out of you and his nose hitting your clit.
Mingyu (민규)
THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS KINKY IN BED. Would explore new kinks with you
Today he wanted to try to edge you while your hands are tied. "Aww is my baby all pent up" he teased you as he goes in out of your hole but he doesnt let you cum. "Mingyu please let me cum" you plead. "Nuh uh not yet pretty, keep it in for a bit longer hm? Do it for me"
Will fuck you like he hasnt fucked you in ages, but in reality he literally has just fucked you yesterday, he would be so needyyyy
"I missed this pussy so much" he says as he pounds you, he lets out a moan out of pleasure, while you were under him legs sprawled out whimpering. He kissed you as he was gropping your breasts "You have no idea on what you do to me"
"Such a slut, huh?" He says as he thrust into you hard, "flirting with other men", "I-I wasnt flirting with him" you were telling the truth yet he still said "yeah right" with a chuckle at the end then he spanked your ass, it stinged so much you know its gonna leave a mark. But after all that he does the best after care for you
Vernon (버논)
He LOVES when you are vocal with him, would literally hate when you hold back your sounds
"You sound so good babyyy" he says as your moan fill the room, he always praises how nice you sound, hes the reason why your neighbors complain about you guys being loud. When you hold back your moan he literally punishes you by overstimulating you.
Dino (디노)
He freaky in bed, he might not look like it, but I promise he is. Fucks like his life depends on it
"Y-your pussy is so tight, oh my gosh" he says as he fucks you while hitting the right spots "f-fuck Dino, 'm gonna cum" you moan "shit baby me too", he thrust faster as hes getting close, until both of you came, but Dino kept thrusting in you "b-babe?" He doesnt answer you, you would literally feel his cock getting harder in your pussy.
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@haniebabes work
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zomyoo · 2 months
⠀ 𝐣.𝐰𝐰 ━ birthday sex 。
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it’s your boyfriend’s birthday, and being the workaholic he is, you knew he would not care about it, which is why you gathered his closest friends and planned something for him.
𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚: smut included! vaginal and oral sex, pet names, extremely horny & touch deprived wonwoo, unprotected sex.
⠀ ⟢ boyfriend!wonwoo x girlfriend!reader ⠀⠀—⠀⠀𝗪𝗖: 1,268
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it’s been a few days since you’ve made preparations for this. your boyfriend’s birthday was something you were constantly excited for, and though he did not share your feelings regarding what he saw as a day like the others, you at least wanted to make him feel special. you have been surprising him for the past three years that you have known eachother but this year was different; you were his and he was yours.
as you placed the candles on the cake you had made yourself, not sure if it tasted good as it was your first time baking—with your bestfriend’s help—you gathered everyone in a corner of the living room and silenced them, signaling that he would soon be home. you felt a knot grow in your stomach as you heard keys at the front door, eager to get his reaction on camera.
as the wooden door opens wide, revealing a tall figure you assumed was the person you were all waiting for, you all busted out of your hiding place, screaming a loud “happy birthday!” that caused him to flinch. a cheeky smile grew on his face as he threw his belongings on the couch, immediately pulling you into an embrace.
he placed his hands on your waist, drawing you closer to him before he smashed his lips against yours, kissing you passionately, not caring about the eyes that were on you. as you pulled away with a redish tint on your cheeks, a little embarrassed your friends had to see that, you ran into the kitchen to grab the cake, lighting the candles and holding it in front of him.
wonwoo bent over to blow the candles, earning claps and cheers from everyone. as the hours passed by, he got spoiled with gifts and heartwarming words from his friends, constantly stealing glances at you. your beauty truly captivated him, he wondered how he was able to make you fall for him, to make you his.
his gaze occasionally trailed down your body, the white floral dress you were wearing enveloped your curves so well, he couldn't resist the urge to take it off you. when he caught himself staring too hard and trailing off to his dirty thoughts, he would look away and clear his throat, wondering when the party was going to end.
“okay, it's time to reveal the big surprise.” you said, catching everyone's attention. with an envelope in hand, you smiled widely, staring into your boyfriend's eyes. “since you have been very busy with work and barely had time for any of us, we managed to contact your manager and secure two days off your schedule.” you began, clearing your throat as you handed him the paper in your hands.
“for those two days, we booked a trip to jeju island for everyone in this room, so we can all relive our college memories. plus, it'll be the perfect opportunity for you to t—” you had barely finished your sentence before wonwoo pulled you into a kiss. it was a little more needy than the last one, but you were sure the others didn't realize that as they only cheered.
you smiled in the kiss before he pulled away. “you all are so sweet, thank you.” he spoke, facing his friends as he stood beside you, his hand making their way down your back and resting on your ass, squeezing them. you bit your lip, trying to contain your moans.
he was quick to stop in his actions when hoshi wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him to the corner as he rambled about getting his revenge on monopoly. you let out a sigh, grateful for him.
“thank you all for coming!” he exclaimed, walking your shared friends to the door, smiling at them as he watched them cross the door, shortly shutting it after them before turning to you with lust in his eyes.
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getting thrown on the bed was something you did not expect from him, especially after he had been so gentle. you looked up at his lustful figure as he hovered over you, your hands on his bare chest and your lips intertwining with one another. he adored the taste of your lips, the way your body twitched at his touch and the long sighs you let out as his hand made its way down your body, stopping at your wet panties and rubbing your clothed clit.
the both of you have not had sex for a few days now, and he would be a liar if he ever said he did not miss it—no—if he did not miss you. he drew circles on your clit, your hips moving along to the movement of his hand, your desperation to feel satisfied taking over your body. his free hand made its way to your bra, squeezing your breasts as he placed soft kisses on your stomach. you moaned softly as the placement of his lips got lower.
he used his fingers to push your underwear to the side, kissing your swollen and dripping wet cunt, before he began sucking it, slowly sliding his tongue in and out, tongue fucking you until you begged. “wonwoo.... p..please...” you whispered, your head throwed back as you gripped and pulled his hair, “tell me what you want, baby. tell me and i'll give it to you.” he mumbled against your cunt, the vibration of his voice sending chills down your spine and bringing you close to your release. “i...i want you to f..fuck me...” you mumbled, your grasp on his hair tightening.
you let out a long sigh as he licked it one last time, his lips immediately finding yours. “i missed you so much, baby.” he uttered between kisses, moving his hips against you, his hardened cock coming in contact with your cunt. he took your hand in his and dragged it all the way down to his crotch, “can you feel what you do to me?” he questioned, slowly moving your hand and groaning.
“wonwoo.....” you exhaled, feeling his cock twitch at your touch. the now overstimulated man backed away from you, removing and tossing his boxers aside, his shaft pouncing out of the fabric. you bit your lip as you watched him hover back over you, your hands immediately resting on his shoulders as he aligned his length with your entrance, rubbing its tip on your clit before inserting it in, a loud gasp escaping from his mouth at how tight you were around him.
“fuck, y/n. you're so tight for me....” he grunted, slowly thrusting into you and sucking on your neck, making sure everyone who would dare look at you saw his marks. your sighs turned into whines, hating the way he went slowly when all you wanted was the aggressiveness he displayed in the beginning. you started slapping your hips on his, setting the pace and moaning louder at each thrust.
he smiled at your neediness and held you down, “let me satisfy your needs, my love.” he spoke, shoving his dick deeper, faster and harder, just like you wanted. “oh...oh my god....wonwoo! i'm so close...” you screamed, your back arching and your nails digging deep into his shoulders. he hummed, watching as your breasts bounced beneath him, completely hypnotized by their movements.
the both of you came together and he fell on top of you, enjoying laying on your chest as you played with his hair. “i love you baby, thank you for today.” he said, moving a little higher to place a peck on your lips.
“i love you too wonwoo, happy birthday.”
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dividers by @/cafekitsune & @/saradika-graphic, moodboard by @/awwriri - felt a little emotional while writing this LOL and this was supposed to be posted earlier but i got busy :/ anyways happy (belated) birthday to wonwoo!!!! hope you enjoyed, mwa mwa mwa <3
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sanakiras · 6 months
PAIRING — jeon wonwoo x fem!reader
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SYNOPSIS — wonwoo has a reputation for being distant, quiet and a bit mysterious. once you get to know him better, though, you come to find the sweet, shy boy underneath the surface.
TAGS — established relationship, explicit sexual content, sub-ish virgin!wonwoo, lowkey corruption kink, i have a sickening crush on this man can you tell, not proofread :)
♪ — the nbhd - heaven,, hank lotion - k-sEx
NOTE — gam3 bo1 wonwoo and ep 1 nana tour wonwoo footage has been making me act UP and i think he’s just so cute <3 screw the hard dom wonu agenda i like to see my men a lil WEAK ‼️😁
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like most people, you felt rather intimidated when you met jeon wonwoo for the first time.
stoic, quiet, intelligent. the strong and silent type. that was the clear image you had of him. and to top it all off, he had the criminally good looks too. a relatively rare kind of man to come across, in your opinion.
though you began to see him in a different light after bonding with him over your shared love for video games. since then, you’ve discovered he can actually be quite talkative, cracking silly puns or laughing at the corniest dad jokes. he’s well-spoken and is actually very open about his feelings, which you found refreshing.
and while developing a friendship with him, you realized how much of a big softie he actually is, which paints quite the contrast compared to his cold and quiet persona he unintentionally seems to put up towards those outside his circle of close friends and family.
it reminds you of the day he asked you out — that sweet, shy smile on his face with rosy cheeks, all flustered and stuttering that you really don’t have to say yes if you don’t feel like it and he’ll push it all to the side like nothing happened if that’s what you’d prefer—
you very easily interrupted him by agreeing to go on a date with him. you’d never seen him smile wider.
wonwoo is cute when he smiles.
and despite his nervousness in the beginning, he still made efforts to be as talkative as he could and show you his interest in you, which you found very sweet. you had a great time with him, and you noticed rather quickly how comfortable you felt around him.
a couple dates later, he asked you if you wanted to be his girlfriend, and you certainly didn’t refuse him.
he’s also turned out to be a gentleman in his own way — subtly saying he could do certain things for you to make your life easier in that monotone voice of his, eyes following you around whenever he’s with you.
the first time he slept over at your place was rather recently after you two made it official. it wasn’t planned, since he was supposed to go back to his place after your date, but due to issues with public transport, you offered him to stay with you instead.
with his face and chest bare, he got into bed next to you. of course you’d imagined what he looked like underneath his big hoodies, but actually having him by your side like this was different.
and wonwoo was putting every bit of effort into playing it cool, even though he was freaking out to be sleeping next to his first girlfriend, forcing himself to look away from your tank top that left very little to the imagination.
yet ironically, it was all he could fantasize about before drifting to sleep.
normally, you’d only let a guy into your bed to do things other than sleeping once you’ve been dating for quite a while. it’s never been something you like to initiate quickly — but wonwoo’s been making you question it. severely.
because he looks so hot when he’s out on the field with his football team, when he’s working out, when he’s gaming on his pc, even when he just fucking smiles at you. the worst thing of it all might be that he doesn’t even seem the slightest bit aware of how attractive he is, nor what effect it has on you.
maybe you should really just tell him you want to jump him like a tree.
but you don’t want to rush him. for all you know, he doesn’t feel like doing that at all with you yet, and for some reason you just didn’t know when or how to ask him about it. later, you thought to yourself.
though you will say you’ve been pushing his buttons a little over the course of time. ever since that night, you’ve subtly been putting yourself on display for him. low-cut shirts and dresses so he can take a peek at your cleavage, accidentally exposing a bit of the fabric of your lingerie, sitting in his lap and rubbing up on him — unintentionally, of course.
it took every ounce of self-control in your body not to smirk when you felt him stiffen up underneath you.
the progress of your relationship has been nothing but positive, really. but you’re aching for him to just touch you at this point.
the day you hit your breaking point isn’t much later. you were trying on some newly bought dresses in front of him, one more revealing than the other — sundresses always work magic on men for whatever reason — and you turned around to find him pathetically trying to hide his hard-on while seated on your bed.
and you just couldn’t find it in you to wait any longer.
so that’s how you ended up sitting in his lap, hands on the back of his neck as you’re grinding against him. his glasses are sitting lop-sided on his nose, black locks messy from your fingers threading through them, lips swollen from your kisses.
the moment he feels your fingers tugging at his hoodie, he feels the need to clear up what he’s been meaning to tell you for a while now.
“i need to tell you something. i’ve—” he cuts himself off when he accidentally lets out a whimper, “i’ve never had sex with anyone.”
he’s still heavily breathing, looking at you in anticipation, and you just can’t escape the buzzing feeling you get from the idea of taking his virginity.
“do you want to?” you ask him, and how could he say no when you’re holding his face like this, looking at him like you’re willing to give him the ride of his life?
“yeah, yeah, i just—i usually don’t last very long,” he sheepishly admits, then internally asking himself why the fuck he would say that, “sorry, i’m nervous.”
but you think it’s endearing. “i don’t mind. we can always go for a second round, right?”
all he can do is nod his head in agreement. “i, i um—i’m not sure what to do next. i’m sorry, this is embarrassing.”
“it’s not, really. it’s not some big performance you need to put up, it’s something fun and exciting and intimate. you can go ahead and relax, and tell me if you like or don’t like what i’m doing.” you reassure him so patiently, which puts him at ease.
jesus — if anything, he’s already a whimpering, stuttering mess and you’re hardly even touching him.
so you move your hand down into his boxers, fingers wrapping around him to test the waters. he gasps in surprise once he feels you touching him, heat rushing to his cheeks.
“just let me take care of you, ‘kay? we can stop anytime.” you tell him, and he trusts you enough to let you go on.
you press another kiss to his lips before moving backwards, fingers taking a hold of the waistband of both his sweatpants and boxers.
the cold on his skin makes him shiver, but he’s hardly given the time to feel exposed in front of you when you’ve already got your hands on him, pleasantly surprised by his size.
“you’re so big, wonu.” you tell him in a sweet voice, feeling like you’re about to drool at the sight of him.
“didn’t think i was big.” he mumbles more to himself than to you, staring at the ceiling as he tries to steady his breathing.
you chuckle a little as you watch him. “you are. gonna have to work for it to make you fit into me.” the words make his eyes widen, images of you getting fucked by him flashing through his mind.
“fuck, really?”
“mhm. but you’ll do that for me, won’t you?”
wonwoo is absolutely crumbling underneath you here. the effect that your mere words have on him should be studied, because shit, he’s never felt this hot before. why is it so hot in here? is he sweating already? “yeah, i’ll—i’ll do anything you want me to.”
he’s such a sweetheart that it makes you want to ruin him.
for the sake of both his and your own pleasure, you decide not to tease any longer and touch his cock with your lips. he lets out a moan of surprise, the feeling being unfamiliar to him, but holy shit — this has got to be what heaven feels like.
his chest heaves as he tries to control his breathing once more, focusing on keeping his breathing by his stomach. your tongue darts out to lick his cock, and he whimpers, which makes you triumphantly smile a little.
you’re genuinely curious to see how long he can last, so you catch him by surprise by taking him into your mouth as far as possible, and his hand subconscously flies to the back of your head, and he doesn’t know whether he wants to push your head down or pull it back. he releases a choked moan, spurring you on to keep him lodged in your throat despite his efforts to pull you off him.
“fuck—please don’t make me cum already, baby, please—” he begs, loving the feeling of your mouth on him like that — he just doesn’t want to hit his peak that fast.
unfortunately for him, you do.
with your mouth currently no longer on him, you gently jerk him off instead, his hips automatically bucking into your grip. "what if i want you to?"
“you’ve barely—barely touched me. ‘s embarrassing.” he chokes out. the heat is still rushing to his cheeks. his hands are shaking.
of course he’s nervous. you’re his first time, his first girlfriend, it’s all new to him. he’s clearly afraid you might be turned off by him being all flustered like this.
so you make it your mission to show him it’s very much the opposite.
discarding your dress, you’re left in your tank top and underwear, nipples poking through the thin, white fabric. you move to tilt his face up with your glossy, acrylic nail, gently holding his chin, your face mere inches away from his.
“do you have any idea how wet i am? just from seeing you like this?” you ask, pulling his one hand down so he can feel the dampness of your panties. “bet you could slip right in.”
a broken whimper slips out of his mouth when he feels it. he didn’t know you were this turned on.
you push his head and upper body back against the pillows, making him lie down fully, and you’re just so eager to suck the life out of him.
the feeling of your warm mouth and tongue around him makes him experience a sensation he didn’t think was possible. christ, this must be what heaven feels like.
“oh my god—you’re so fucking good.” he’s arching his back with his eyes tightly shut from the pleasure you’re giving him. it’s only when you take him as far in your throat as possible that the first guttural groan is ripped from the depths of his chest. it’s a low, sexy sound that makes you clench around nothing.
he’s burning hot under you, causing his glasses to fog up a little. he carelessly throws the pair onto his nightstand, the grip on the back of your head becoming harsher and less gentle than before, because he’s that fucking close now.
it’s cute seeing wonwoo not knowing what to do with himself. keeping your mouth on his cock, gripping the sheets, throwing his head back before he casts his eyes back down to watch you suck him off — it’s like he’s being overstimulated in the best way possible.
it’s enough for you to sense he’s close, which makes you take your mouth off him to jerk him off instead, all so you can watch him chase his release. “that’s it, wonu, give it to me.”
there’s a sudden shiver that runs from his back and core all the way down to his toes. he tenses up, unintentionally grabbing your wrist to stop your movements as he trembles and his body gives in to his orgasm.
once he’s coming down from his high, he looks at you like you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
“that was… holy shit.” he laughs a little to himself, eliciting a chuckle from you.
“i’m that good, huh?”
“wanna keep going?”
“okay. take off your shirt.”
wonwoo blinks for a moment. he practically forgot he was still wearing one, so he sits up and gets rid of the black shirt, throwing it beside your bed, now completely bare before you.
if he’s being honest, you did ease his nerves by letting him have his first orgasm already. the strange sense of shame he previously felt has disappeared into the air, with only nervous excitement left.
he feels good.
especially when he watches you move to sit on your knees on the bed, removing the tank top and slipping out of your underwear.
his eyes are glued to your naked body, hardly able to look away — that is, until you sit down in his lap, your dripping heat touching his hardening dick, making him twitch under you.
“where do you keep your condoms?”
the question forces him out of his constant staring at your body. “uh—nightstand.” he mutters, taking the initiative to reach and get it himself.
thankfully, he manages to get it on himself quickly. you urge him to lie back down again while you position yourself above him, shamelessly staring at his strong chest and broad shoulders.
his mouth is agape when you sink down on him, and fuck, he’s in so deep.
the stretch burns, especially because you didn’t get yourself ready, but you’re so dripping wet to the point you don’t care — you need him in you.
wonwoo notices you struggle despite your arousal. “you don’t have to take me all the way if it hurts.”
you hum, a half-smirk creeping onto your face. “but it hurts so good. so i will.”
once he’s sheathed fully inside you, he’s subconsciously holding his breath. the anticipation for you to move is killing him. the sensitivity of his dick makes him whimper, his lashes fluttering as his teeth sink into his lower lip in a failed attempt to hold it together.
you decide to tease him a little by clenching down on him. his hands fly to your hips, gripping the skin harder than intended from the sudden feeling, his breathing becoming erratic again. “hah—don’t do that, please, i don’t wanna cum yet baby—please.”
“why? you close?” you ask him with an innocent face, knowing damn well what you’re doing to him.
“yeah. need you so bad.” he answers truthfully, his ego and pride nowhere to be found anymore. whether he sounds pathetic or not, he doesn’t give a shit. all he knows is that you’re sitting on top of him and he needs you to make him feel what he’s been desperate to feel for so damn long.
so you tilt your head. “‘s okay, wonu. i’ll give it to you.”
he can hardly even make out a response before you lift your hips and proceed to sink back down on him, your hands on his chest. a filthy moan rolls past his lips — you think it’s the best sound you’ve ever heard in your damn life.
then you begin to roll your hips, and he sucks through his teeth from the feeling, a mix of overstimulation and pleasure rushing through him. once you let out your first dragged-out moan, his fingers twitch for a moment, digging deeper into your skin.
“have you thought about this? fucking me?”
despite the position he’s in right now, he still feels his face heat up when you ask him dirty things like that, even more so when he answers them.
“yeah, i did.”
“when? tell me. i wanna hear it.” you tell him, and when you’re so gorgeously riding him like this, how could he not oblige?
wonwoo swallows, stuttering as he focuses on recalling the memories while admiring you and the feeling you’re letting him experience. “when i saw you wearing that short skirt on our second date, and—and that time you came to watch me at the football game. couple of my teammates were drooling over you. so was i.”
his words turn you on, because you doubted whether you were sensing actual jealousy from him that night, and this confirms it.
“were you?” you ask, running your nails down his stomach. “what’d you do about it?”
he bites his lip. “i’ll sound like a pervert if i answer that.”
teasing him again, you push yourself down on him almost harshly, relishing in the way he gasps under you. wonwoo is wonderfully responsive in bed, and you’re having a fucking field trip with it.
“yeah? try me.”
“i touched myself after getting home, and i... thought about you. in that skirt.”
“i’ll wear it for you next time.” you smile, watching him close his eyes in pleasure when you leave your marks on his chest, putting a few hickeys on his neck and collarbone on purpose. “i touched myself thinking of you, too.”
that makes him twitch inside you, which is exactly what you wanted.
his hands dip to the curve of your ass, following your movement. “really?”
“mhm. i thought you looked so sexy in your football attire. you were wearing that tight compression shirt that you always wear when you go to the gym too — drove me nuts, wonu.” you confess, which seems to work as a brief shot of adrenaline for him.
he moves to sit up, bringing your bodies closer together by looping his arms around your waist, the slight change in position making you moan.
the drag of his cock inside you is slowly making you go insane. your face is hot and you’re dripping wet for him, sucking him in to the point you feel like you need to claw at the walls.
“god, feels so good.” he mutters, his mouth finding your breasts before he begins to suck on the skin like a man starved.
once he notices you’re both getting closer, but you’re getting tired from your position on top, he takes a breath and flips you over, now hovering above you.
burying his face in the crook of your neck, he holds onto your body and fucks you. his thrusts are harder than he intends them to, the control over his body lost in his relentless drive to make you both feel good.
he’s panting hard, doing everything in his power to make you cum first this time while indulging in his own pleasure as well. “am i doing good for my first time? does it feel good?”
god, you can only half-catch the words with the way he’s fucking you. it’s almost funny — such a sweetheart he is, asking you if he’s doing well while simultaneously fucking you into oblivion.
“you’re so good, wonu. so good—‘m so close.” you cry out, manicured nails digging into his back, making him groan.
“wanna feel you cum around me so bad.” the words almost sound like a plea, like he’s begging you for it.
then he kisses your neck, and he hits the perfect spot inside you over and over, and it’s enough to make you clench so hard around him that he can’t hold it any longer. your orgasm makes your legs shake, and he fucks you right through it, making you wonder why the hell it took the universe so long to let him into your life.
he moans and whines and shakes when he hits his climax, twitching inside you, filling up the condom. with heavy breaths, he lets his body rest on top of you, his head by your collarbone, a comfortable silence emerging as your heartbeats slow and breathing steadies.
surprisingly, it’s him who speaks up first.
“i’m gonna need a while for my legs to start working again.” he chuckles breathily, covering his face a little when he notices you poking fun at him.
“aw, baby, did i drain you that much?”
“i genuinely can’t even feel my limbs.”
you laugh at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, and he smiles so sweetly — as if he didn’t just fuck the living daylights out of you. “wanna go again?”
he blushes a bit, tilting his head as if he has to think about it, before sheepishly giving you his answer.
“... yeah.”
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thanks for reading! let me know if u liked it x
® SANAKIRAS — do not repost, remake or copy my work in any way whatsoever. translations are not allowed.
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00angelyoon · 4 months
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- ᡣ𐭩 his favourite girl
you were his favourite girl, baking him a cake so pretty and all
starring: Husband Mingyu x curly-haired female reader
synopsis: you had decided to wear his favourite dress of yours a maxi dress that loosely hugged the curve of your waist with flower embroidery that had a cleavage just how he likes it, wearing your pretty curls naturally just how he likes it, he could see your white lacy bra strap with bows (his favourite lingerie set) just how he likes it and you did your makeup just how he likes it.
tags: smut, fluff, female anatomy, reader wears makeup, dresses, female pronouns and just very feminine presenting, oral and penetrative sex (female receiving), pet names (favourite girl, sweet girl, my pretty, honey, good girl, sweet and mingu), slight degradation (my pretty little whore), mentions of food, intentional lowercase.
notes: sorry for my in-activity, i literally had a dream about this, i had to pick which seventeen member i had to do mingyu because like me and him have the same birthday. (but reader and him don’t) also i meant for it to come out on his birthday but i had my own party and celebrations (actually im full of shit i just had a massive motivation drop and a severe case of writers block)
you had heard the turn of mingyu’s key against the apartment lock, you had turned of all the lights in the flat, the only light was the candles on the cake that you baked for your husband. you had made sure to make this birthday perfect, you had made a cake of his favourite flavour vanilla (eventhough he’s anything but that), wrote a really sweet card and had prepared his favourite food and movie in the living room.
“angel i’m home” you were hiding underneath the kitchen island but it still gave you a hidden view of mingyu who was looking around confused seemingly searching for you, he flicked on the corridor light switch, “angel where are you?” you waited until he was walking to your bedroom to stand up still hearing his confused calls for you, “happy birthday to you.” you started to sing, his adorable puppy smile illuminating his handsome face “oh sweet girl, you didn’t have to do this, did you bake this?” you slowly nodded your head, he clapped his hand with his fanged grin “happy birthday dear mingyu, happy birthday to you,” you push the cake closer to his face “come on birthday boy make a wish.” he leaned his neck closer to the cake and blew his 27 shaped candles out and quietly muttered something to himself.
you slowly set the cake on the dinner table and handed mingyu the card you had handwritten for him, he scanned the card with an adoring smile and nothing but love harbouring in his eyes. he placed the card next to the cake and glanced at your excited figure then he pulled you into his arms and looked down at your pretty face then he quickly pecked your soft berry coloured lipstick lathered lips but after the happiness waned he looked down at you and lust started to grow.
he was slowly growing hard, you had decided to wear his favourite dress of yours a maxi dress that loosely hugged the curve of your waist with flower embroidery that had a cleavage just how he likes it, wearing your pretty curls naturally just how he likes it, he could see your white lacy bra strap with bows (his favourite lingerie set) just how he likes it and you did your makeup just how he likes it.
while he was still in his horny daze you had grabbed by his wrist and guided him to the living room and showed him your little buffet he was oddly not devouring the food like he would usually do but he still praised you immensely. you both settled on the couch and started watching the movie.
in the middle of the movie your sweet husband started pecking up your neck and chin, you moaned “m’mingu” meanwhile he softly sucked on your ear-lobe “mm my pretty, couldn’t keep my hands off of you yeah, my favourite girl baking me a cake so pretty and all,” mingyu slipped your dress off and exposed your soft skin, to the cold breeze.
you had let out a sharp gasp as you were getting used to the cold ‘so pretty, my wife’ his mouth wandered to your cleavage kissing up your chest, thats when he undoes your bra clasp, revealing the flesh of your pretty tits, he sucked on your right nipple sloppily while pinching and fondling your left breast, moving back and forth never leaving one unattended.
‘aahh fuck’ mingyu had now begun moving towards your soaking wet sex. he slowly removes your laced panties, leaving you completely bare. ‘my sweet girl, always so good for me’ he praised in-between your plush thighs, you moaned wantonly when his tongue licked up your walls.
“dear fucking god mingyu’ you barley mustered up, arching your back off the sofa. you grabbed onto his hair steering his head towards your clit, “fucking love how you taste” mingyu groaned the vibrations only edging you on.
you looked down to see your husband furrowing his eyebrows seemingly devoted to making you cum, you began whimpering, only for your husband to quicken his pace ravishing you.
you start to feel a knot in your stomach coming undone, before you could warn your lover, you reach your point of ecstasy. mingyu is helping you riding out your high by sucking on your sensitive nub.
your husband moaned as he made a show for you sucking his fingers, then he brought his thumb to your mouth “suck my pretty” you licked up his thumb sucking it clean, “good girl”.
“mingu, need you” you murmured, “need me, im right here sweet” mingyu chuckled “you know what i mean” you complained “no i dont angel, im gonna need you to be more specific” “dear god mingyu, i need you to fuck me” you wanted to slap that cocky smile off his face “see angel that was all you had to say”.
mingyu began lining his fully hard cock to your cunt “you okay sweet” you love how caring and loving your husband is its one of the reasons you fell in love with him but now wasnt the time “minguuu” you lightly slapped his bicep to encourage him, your husband chuckled “ i was just checking in” thats when he began to push into your cunt.
he let out the most guttural moan “fucksake” he threw his head back. eventhough you guys have been married for 2 years now, he still cant believe that he was the one you blessed with the privilege of pleasuring you every single night and to see you in the writhes of pleasure every night still never fails to amaze him.
you began to beg him to move, clenching around him “angel if you keep on clenching around me like that ill finish embarrassingly early” after that mingyu slowly moved out of you and pushed back into you slowly building a rhythm.
you moaned loudly, and mingyu swore he almost cummed. your lover lowered his head to your neck sucking on it creating pretty little marks then he lowered his mouth to your tits creating more marks. “uhh faster faster please” mingyu grabbed your hips then he pushed faster into you, “love you so much, my pretty little whore begging for my cock” mingyu praised “ my pretty little whore” mingyu emphasised while slowly flicking up your sensitive clit, “say it” you furrowed your brows “say your my pretty little whore” mingyu was glaring into your eyes, his eyes hooded with lust and adoration “ im your pretty little whore, only yours” mingyu groaned quickening his pace “ im close minguu” “yeah, im close too sweet” mingyu lowered his head to kiss you and you swore it was like a taste of heaven. you grabbed his shoulder to oush him back onto your chest and moved your hands to his neck, kissing him with a different type of fervour and that familiar feeling in your lower abdomen.
you started to roll your hips while making out with mingyu, who had begun to pull out of your mouth to breathe leaving a sloppy mess. you repeated your lovers name like it was the only thing you knew.
“come for me angel, cream on my cock” and that was the straw that broke the camels back, in a slurry of profanity and ‘mingyus’ your husband filled you up with his babies. mingyu helped the both of you ride out your highs. afterwards mingyu cockwarmed you for a few minutes then mingyu picked you up leaving the sticky mess and brought you to the shower while you both giggled.
sorry for the inactivity pookies :)
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ravvissante · 7 months
Overly shy | svt-reacts.
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𝘚𝘺𝘱𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘴 - 𝖲𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗁𝗂𝗉-𝗁𝗈𝗉 𝗎𝗇𝗂𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗒 𝗌𝗁𝗒 𝖽𝖺𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝗋.
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 - 𝗉𝗎𝗋𝖾 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿.
It was raining today so the sky was dark, seungcheol thought that it was the perfect time for a movie with his daughter.
Now they're sitting on the couch, watching a certain movie while snuggling on their own blankets.
Until seungcheol went and grabbed a jar of cookies and placed it on his lap, taking a piece and biting on it.
He knew for sure that he saw his daughters eyes gazing on the jar he was holding, He knew that his daughter had this 'holding back' personality.
So he tried to get her out of that cage, making a satisfied face before speaking. "This cookie sure taste so good." He said making sure she heard it.
A soft smile formed on his face when he saw her fiddling with her tiny fingers, gulping as her eyes kept going back and forth from the jar.
His daughter took a second before accepting it, mumbling, "th-ank you.."
Seungcheol couldn't just hold it anymore and chuckle before handling a cookie to her. "Here.."
He placed a kiss on top of his daughter's head as he caressed her hand.
He shook his head as he patted the space beside him so his daughter could sit closer to him, which she did.
"I know you're shy, d/n..but please don't be with dad okay?...." He said, making his daughter slightly smile and nod.
"Well.. Is the cookie as good as I said?" He said trying to lift up the mood.
Her smile grew as she nodded. "Yes dad, it has chocolate chips inside, my favorite!" She said more cheerfully this time making her father feel slightly proud.
"You can do it sweetie, daddy will be right here." Wonwoo comforted his daughter who was gripping on his waist, not wanting to let go.
"I'll buy you hundreds of that if it makes you act like that again.."
"... T-theres too many people out there daddy....i don't want to go out there.." His daughter gripped on him like a koala.
He knelt down and held both sides of her face, her cheeks getting squished.
"Sweetie..its okay.. I know you're scared but it's alright you will be amazing, people will go 'wow' when they see you dance there..c'mon.. I thought you said you will make your grandmother proud with this dance?" He reassured her with a soft smile.
Which caused her to lighten up a bit and look up at him, "yes daddy... I'll do it for gwanny.." She said.
And that, she walked in stage eyes still stuck on her father who was going back to his seat, mouthing 'you got this.'
She smiled before hearing the song start and while performing, she only had one thing repeating on her head.
' 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘨𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘺..𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘨𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘺..'
She performed perfectly, and just like that when she was done, she closed her eyes as she breathed heavily she was nervous whether what the audience's reaction will be.
Until she heard it, applause.
Opening her eyes and seeing the people clapping for her.. And her father was the loudest one, cheering for her the best.
She smiled and bowed, before running towards her dad and hugging him. "I did it dad..i was so scared.."
"You did great..perfect" wonwoo said placing a kiss on her cheek as he smiled at her.
"I made gwanny proud didn't I? " she said, hands interwined as she waited for her fathers response.
"You sure did."
Multiple cameras were in front of mingyu, taking photos of him while his daughter watched on the back.
Apparently it was mingyus photoshoot today and y/n was busy so he had to bring his daughter.
He wouldn't lie if he said it was already killing him just by watching his daughter silently watching him from afar, besides the make up room where no one was.
So before the last photoshoot could start, he had an idea and went and approached the photographer.
He knew she had an introverted personality, maybe it was a punishment for him being too loud.
"Hey ma'am? Can I have a request for this last photoshoot?" He said with a nervous smile, but he was relieved when the photographer nodded.
"In this photoshoot.. Can I be with my daughter?"
That request shocked the woman but she quickly smiled and nodded. "Of course! Where's the little princess?" She said excitedly.
Mingyu grinned before walking towards his daughter, who was sitting there playing with her teddy bear, smiling when she saw her dad approaching. "Daddy.."
"Yes baby.. I'm here." He said as he carried her, stroking her back as he spoke with a calm voice.
"Can daddy have a request?" When he said that, she looked at him in confusion before nodding.
"Can my little d/n....go take photos with me?" He said with some slight puppy eyes, knowing when he does that his daughter would accept because of how 'silly looking' he is.
But she hesitated for a second, looking away and blinking rapidly before calming herself and nodding.
Mingyu smiled widely before putting her down and bringing her to the main shoot. All eyes were on her. Making the little one nervous. "Daddy..why are-...
"Because you look pretty, baby.." He cut her off knowing what she was feeling, He's gonna make this a new thing for his daughter.
the photographer smiled at her and walked towards her kneeling in front of her, making her more nervous and scared but..
The photographer reached out for her hand as she shook it, smiling at the little girl. "I'm predicting you'll be like your father when you grow up little girl, you are gorgeous."
That's when d/n looked up to her dad, who was already smiling at her. She formed a shy smile and looked back at the woman. "Thank you so much!"
Both mingyu and the woman chuckled at her sudden loudness.
"She sure will.."
"But.. What if.. What if they don't like me, dad? " she said with a frown, Vernon piched her cheeks and shook his head. "They will princess, if they don't daddy will throw uncle tiger to them."
"Go on, princess." He said hand on his daughters shoulder as she looked at the kids playing on the playground.
"Uncle Hoshi? I mean.. What if-
"No more what ifs princess! If you don't approach them I won't buy you ice cream." And before he could even react, she was already walking towards the kids.
Wow.. This kid is really down for ice cream..
He watched her make her way to the kids as she bowed and shyly introduced herself, Vernon was already on guard, watching of what they will do to his princess.
But a smile formed his face when he saw the kids introduced themselves too and dragged his daughter to play with them.
He chuckled until his friend finally came back. "So? What happened? Did she make friends?" Soonyoung asked breathing heavily.
Vernon just shrugged and looked at him. "Let's just say... I won't be throwing you this time."
"Excuse me?"
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