noisycowboyglitter · 3 months
My Son, My Strength: A Mother's Guide to Empowering Her Son
"My Son" evokes a powerful blend of emotions, responsibilities, and experiences that come with raising a male child. This relationship is often characterized by a unique bond, filled with love, pride, and sometimes challenges.
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From infancy through adulthood, a son's growth brings constant change and adaptation for parents. Early years involve nurturing and protecting, while later stages focus on guiding and supporting independence. Parents often find themselves balancing the desire to shield their son from harm with the need to let him learn from his own experiences.
For many, having a son means navigating traditionally masculine expectations while also encouraging emotional openness and sensitivity. It's about teaching values, resilience, and respect, often through example as much as instruction.
"My Son" can also represent hopes and dreams for the future, as parents envision the man their child will become. This relationship evolves over time, potentially growing into a friendship while maintaining the deep parent-child connection.
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Ultimately, "My Son" encapsulates a lifelong journey of love, growth, and mutual learning.
Women with Asperger's often experience the condition differently from men, leading to underdiagnosis. They may be more adept at "masking" their symptoms, which can be mentally exhausting. Common traits include intense focus on specific interests, social challenges, and sensory sensitivities.
Their special interests may align more closely with societal expectations for women, making them less obvious. Many struggle with unwritten social rules and forming relationships. Despite challenges, women with Asperger's often excel in their chosen fields, bringing unique perspectives and problem-solving abilities to their work and personal lives.
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Autism awareness colors typically include:
Blue: The most recognized color, used in the "Light It Up Blue" campaign.
Rainbow spectrum: Representing the diversity of autism experiences.
Gold: Symbolizing the value and uniqueness of autistic individuals.
Red, yellow, blue: Traditional puzzle piece colors, though controversial.
Infinity symbol: Often in rainbow or gold, emphasizing neurodiversity.
These colors are used in ribbons, logos, and awareness campaigns to promote understanding, acceptance, and support for the autism community. Color choices continue to evolve based on feedback from autistic self-advocates.
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Autism Day, officially known as World Autism Awareness Day, is observed annually on April 2nd. Established by the United Nations in 2007, this day aims to increase understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Activities typically include:
Educational events and workshops
Awareness campaigns on social media
Blue light displays on landmarks worldwide
Fundraising for autism research and support services
Sharing personal stories from autistic individuals and their families
Promoting neurodiversity and inclusion in workplaces and communities
The day emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis, appropriate support, and celebrating the unique perspectives of autistic individuals.
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theaspieworld · 6 months
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Aspergers is 3 times LESS likely to be diagnosed in females, and this is the shocking reasons why! It is frustrating to see girls and women on the autism spectrum being misdiagnosed at first and rejected help and support they most desperately need. This is coming to a tide change in the community with the help and support of people advocating for change and major charities listening and pivoting on the issue. I have listed here 3 of the main reasons why the current diagnoses of females is 3 times less likely than that in males. 1.Old Research The original research on the subject of autistic and Aspergers was created back in the 1940s and this research was focused on behaviour in boys exclusively which overshadowed a lot of the years to come in terms of autism belief and research. 2.Professional Attitude A lot of the time misdiagnoses of autism in girls is due to the attitude of the medical industry and it is very rigid in the old way of thinking about autism in males. 3.Masking Females with autism are masters in the art of masking which is a way of covering up your autistic traits to seem ‘normal’ to other people as a survival technique. Of course this creates issues when an official diagnostician is trying to analyse behaviour. If you have anything to add please pop it in a comment below, I read and respond to every comment. Follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video: https://youtu.be/Amxn3uOHioc?si=GiUI52RYLvSZz3Hu https://bit.ly/3TJd0vS
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embarrassedcelery · 2 years
The Heating
I never thought that I'd be sat up at 2.30am, bonding with the heating.
It starts like a slow buzz, gently letting you know it's there, that it means business. Big, hot business. It's coming alive, nothing is getting in its way. It's powerful and all-encompassing, yet softly supportive.
I admire the heating.
I want to be ready at any moment, at the flick of a switch. Ready to roar. To smell like hot metal, capable and consuming.
I am reliable, comforting, radiant and strong. My continuous rumble a reminder of my presence.
I would listen through the slats on my bed, knowing this was home. Whatever the day may bring, the night had the heating.
It whispered to me that we would be alright.
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noisycowboyglitter · 3 months
Empowering Boys: Insights from a Mom on Raising Confident Sons
The relationship between a mom and her son(s) is a unique and powerful bond that shapes both their lives. This dynamic encompasses a range of experiences, challenges, and joys that evolve as boys grow into men.
In early childhood, moms often play a primary nurturing role, providing comfort, care, and early education. They help shape their sons' emotional intelligence and social skills, setting a foundation for future relationships.
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As boys enter adolescence, the relationship may face new challenges. Moms navigate supporting their sons' growing independence while maintaining open communication. This period often involves balancing guidance with allowing natural consequences and learning experiences.
Moms of boys often find themselves adapting to traditionally "boyish" interests and activities, from sports to video games. They may become unexpected experts in areas they never anticipated, driven by the desire to connect with their sons.
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The mom-son relationship can significantly influence how boys view and interact with women throughout their lives. Moms have the opportunity to model respect, equality, and healthy emotional expression.
As sons grow into adults, the relationship often evolves into a friendship, with moms continuing to provide support and advice while respecting their sons' autonomy. Many adult men credit their mothers with shaping their values, work ethic, and approach to relationships.
Throughout all stages, the mom-son bond remains a cornerstone of emotional support, unconditional love, and mutual growth.
Women with Asperger's syndrome often experience the condition differently from men, leading to underdiagnosis or late diagnosis. They may be more adept at "masking" their symptoms, a process that can be mentally exhausting and lead to anxiety or depression.
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Common characteristics in women with Asperger's include intense focus on specific interests, challenges with social interaction, and sensory sensitivities. However, their special interests may align more closely with societal expectations for women, making them less obvious.
The autism puzzle piece has been a controversial symbol in the autism community. Originally intended to represent the complexity of autism, it has been criticized for implying that autistic individuals are incomplete or need fixing.
Many autistic self-advocates prefer alternative symbols like the infinity loop or rainbow spectrum, which better represent neurodiversity and acceptance.
The debate surrounding this symbol highlights the evolving understanding of autism and the importance of listening to autistic voices in shaping autism representation.
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Some organizations still use the puzzle piece, while others have moved away from it in response to community feedback.
Autism colors are visual representations used to raise awareness and show support for the autism community. The most well-known color scheme is the autism awareness ribbon, featuring a puzzle piece pattern in bright primary colors: red, yellow, and blue. These vibrant hues symbolize the complexity and diversity of the autism spectrum.
However, in recent years, a shift has occurred towards using gold or a rainbow infinity symbol. Gold represents the value and preciousness of autistic individuals, while the rainbow infinity symbol emphasizes neurodiversity and the wide spectrum of autistic experiences.
Some autistic self-advocates prefer cooler tones like blue and purple, which they find less overwhelming. Ultimately, the choice of autism colors reflects ongoing discussions about representation and acceptance within the autism community.
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noisycowboyglitter · 3 months
Mom's Love Lessons: Insights for Building Healthy, Lasting Relationships
"Love Teacher Mom" encapsulates the multifaceted role of a woman who balances the responsibilities of being a mother, an educator, and a nurturer of love in various aspects of life. This concept celebrates the unique blend of skills, patience, and dedication required to excel in these interconnected roles.
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As a mother, she provides unconditional love, guidance, and support to her children, shaping their character and values. Her maternal instincts extend beyond her immediate family, influencing her approach to teaching and interacting with others.
In her role as a teacher, she imparts knowledge, fosters curiosity, and inspires learning in her students. Her teaching methods are often infused with the warmth and understanding that comes from her experiences as a mother, creating a nurturing classroom environment.
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The "love" aspect of this title emphasizes her ability to approach both motherhood and teaching with compassion, empathy, and emotional intelligence. She teaches not just academic subjects, but also life lessons about kindness, resilience, and the importance of relationships.
This combination of roles allows her to bring a unique perspective to both parenting and education. She understands the challenges faced by parents and students alike, bridging the gap between home and school life.
A Love Teacher Mom embodies the idea that love is at the core of effective teaching and parenting, fostering growth, understanding, and success in both her children and students.
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Women with Asperger's syndrome often experience the condition differently from men, leading to underdiagnosis or misdiagnosis. They may be more adept at masking their symptoms, a process called "camouflaging," which can be exhausting and lead to anxiety or depression.
Characteristics in women can include intense focus on specific interests, challenges with social interaction, and sensory sensitivities. However, their special interests may align more closely with societal expectations for women, making them less obvious.
Women with Asperger's often struggle with unwritten social rules and may experience difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships. Despite these challenges, many excel in their chosen fields, bringing unique perspectives and problem-solving abilities to their work and personal lives.
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The Month for Autism Awareness, typically observed in April, is dedicated to increasing understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). During this time, organizations and individuals:
Host educational events and workshops
Share personal stories and experiences
Promote neurodiversity and inclusion
Raise funds for autism research and support services
Encourage early screening and diagnosis
This month-long focus aims to foster a more inclusive society for autistic individuals.
Teacher Appreciation Ideas are creative ways to show gratitude for educators' hard work and dedication. These can include:
Personalized thank-you notes from students and parents
Gift cards to local coffee shops or bookstores
Classroom supply donations
Volunteer time to help with tasks or projects
Themed gift baskets tailored to teachers' interests
Catered lunch or breakfast for staff
Video tributes featuring student messages
The most meaningful gestures often combine thoughtful expressions of gratitude with practical support for teachers' work and well-being.
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