quillandink333 · 4 months
The Other’s Choice • Pt. 1
Credit to @winterxisxcomingx for the beautiful banner ♡︎
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SPOILERS FOR HAZBIN HOTEL ~ Read ahead at your own risk!
Faced with the harsh reality of Heaven’s steadfast opposition, the angel of joy is forced to make a drastic decision with gruesome consequences, but luckily she isn’t alone for long.
WARNINGS: Abrahamic imagery (obviously), pseudocest, assault, extreme heights, hunger
Part I • Part II • Part III
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An eternity seemed to have passed since Emily had taken the irreversible dive from Heaven and begun her journey through Purgatory before finally manifesting in Hell’s scarlet sky. And yet there was such a long distance left between her and the ground that she still couldn’t make out a single thing happening down below. Her stomach was achingly empty—how many days had it been? It was impossible to know without the light of the sun to let her.
Her windswept hair obscuring her vision as she fell, she reflected on the moments leading up to this. They’d done it! Now even Sera couldn’t deny the reality proven by the unrelenting efforts of the Hazbin Hotel. Yet to Emily’s fury, the old hag was still too stubborn to allow word of it to get out even among the archangels.
The newly redeemed sinner, whose name she’d learnt was Sir Pentious, had appeared suddenly in Chastity Palace, somehow becoming the first human soul in history to bypass Saint Peter and the pearly gates. While the senior seraph didn’t take well to his arrival, the younger was over the moon, wasting no time befriending him and giving him the grand tour of his new, and rightful, home above the clouds. The conversations she’d shared with him were not only groundbreaking but deeply upsetting. The upsetting part, however, wasn’t the story of his noble sacrifice nor was it Adam’s brutal and shameless acts of fascism, but the fact that she couldn’t share any of it with the rest of Heaven.
Faced with this, she’d done the only other thing she could have. If there was no way for her to serve the sinners’ worthy cause in Heaven, she would simply have to leave. And so she would, but first, she’d penned a note to her elder.
Word Count: 0.8k
“I hereby vow never to return until the right changes have been made. This is not my choice, it is my duty. Thank you for protecting me, Sera. Goodbye.”
She’d never been so cold and blunt to anyone in all her aeons of life; it had destroyed her to write it, but soon regret would serve no purpose to her anymore. With a deep breath, she steadied herself and stepped with resolve toward the edge of the rainbow bridge. She closed her eyes.
Out of nowhere, all the world came to a screeching halt, the jarring loss of momentum causing her heart to nearly leap out her throat.
“I got ya.’”
A few seconds earlier, Lucifer had looked up through the glass walls of his new suite at the hotel just in time to see what could only be likened to a falling star.
Without thinking, he’d bolted into action, racing to catch the little one right as she’d started to descend past the city skyline. She could’ve been shish-kebabbed by the spire of a skyscraper if he’d taken any longer to spot her.
His heart was pounding after his miles-long sprint through the air. “You alright?”
Emily ogled up at her saviour with wide eyes, failing to realise he’d asked her a question for a good several seconds. “Y-Yes. Uh…thank you.” He didn’t look much like a demon, dressed in white from top to bottom with strawberry blond hair and a warm red gaze. If she didn’t know better, she would think this gleaming, six-winged stranger was a seraph like herself.
“You’ve fallen,” he inferred with frantic eyes and a heavy heart. “What happened?”
But her attention was already fixated elsewhere. As the angel of joy, she possessed a divine gift that let her feel the emotions of others as if they were her own. Down below, there were people on the streets, and every last one of them was miserable. It was so much worse than she could’ve imagined. There truly wasn’t an ounce of joy to be found here. She watched as one of the wretched souls was violently defiled by another before her eyes, their cries of terror ringing in her ears clear as day. The latter’s hand clenched around the former’s neck, and suddenly she couldn’t get a breath in, a scream trapped in her throat as she could do nothing but watch. She felt sick.
Lucifer sensed her rising panic and held her closer. “Hey, look at me, you’re okay,” he urged, cradling the poor, lost princess in one arm while cupping her colourless face in his free hand. She met his gaze, her own filled with the all-consuming fear she’d had the privilege of never knowing until now. She looked like a deer in the headlights, her expression like an arrow straight to his once broken and unfeeling heart. “C’mon. Let’s get you inside where it’s safe.”
Her frail arms clung to him with a vicelike grip as she nodded and tearfully hid her face in his shoulder. At once, he set his sights on Pride Castle and took off soaring.
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mobilecareway · 9 days
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blingbyyou · 9 days
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Una breve descripción en lo que dura la canción. (recuerda ponerle play a la canción disponible en spotify dentro de la playlist "Mi año en canciones" al escuchar la palabra comenzamos).
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quirksofartstuff · 1 year
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🌈 SNEAK PEEK! 🌈 The Erstwilder ‘Pride & Joy’ collection launches at 8:30PM EST 😍 Stay tuned to discover the latest set of Erstwilder Fan Favourites to be given the pride treatment (just like Carmel’s Colourful Chameleon here) along with a few other community-requested enamel pins. ⁠ ⁠ 💖❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍 #erstwilder #prideandjoy #pride #minus18youth (at Quirks & www.kinksandquirks.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnxz4Jou3vF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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designsbysiri · 2 years
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We had four hours/wk of S2C before but now we do only two hours at the office. Siri and myself work at home when we find some time. I can do only lessons with Siri 🙂 which means I go with the printed lesson and questions. Today when the practitioner asked for Siri’s feedback about our session guess what she spelled? “There is nothing that beats spelling with my mommy” 🫢. This mom can die now and get straight to heaven 🤣🤣🤣. on cloud 9 💃🏻♥️💃🏻♥️💃🏻 I cannot read efficiently, my pronunciation is bad and my spellings are even worse 😒 even then she said what she said 😘. #spelltocommunicate #mynameissiri #siri #love #transcendingapraxia #autismmom #autismawareness #autism #prideandjoy (at Pleasanton, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfuaGQ_vhl7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deborahmagone · 1 year
Deborah Magone - Pride & Joy (cover)
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pageofheartdj · 2 months
I love shipping and ship names and usually I just stick the names together but it's fun when fandoms make up something else! So I wanted to collect it! What I saw, maybe come up with something of my own?(unless it's somewhere out there already xD)
Would be happy for any help XD
Charlie - I think I saw Belle? Also want to add Rainbow.
Vaggie - didn't see anything, buuut maybe Ribbon would work?
Angel Dust - saw mostly the name. Which is thankfully can be a word of it's own! But also besides Dust saw Spider! (but then again his sister is a spider too kjhg)
Husk - saw only the name, or rather nickname xD But again aside for Husker also saw Cat!!
Alastor - obviously Radio!xD And Deer!
Lucifer - Apple of course! Aaand saw Duck(Duckie?)xD Upd: Adding King for a match with Lilith xD
Lilith - saw Music, but maybe Song would be a bit more fitting? Upd: Recently saw Queen <3
Cherri Bomb - never saw anything soooo my guess is Bomb and Cherry?XD
Sir Pentious - same as Cherri. Snake I guess??xD (poor Luci, it was taken from him xD)
Rosie - only saw Rose xD
Vox - saw only Static and TV.
Valentino - saw only Moth!
Velvette - didn't see anything, but I've heard she is supposed to be a doll demon, so Doll?
Carmilla - never saw as well, but maybe Ballet?
Niffty - I think I saw Maid xD
Emily - I saw Wing sometimes?
Sera - er no idea at all xD I don't freaking know Crown??xD
Adam - saw Guitar and Rock!!
Lute - I thiiiink saw Spear!
Mimzy - saw Flapper!
Zestial - idk spider is taken, Web??
Eve - errrr apple would fit the best, but it's already taken xD I don't freaking.. Fruit??xD
St. Peter - Halo??xD
Molly - she is not even a character yet, although I keep seeing her. Angel? I don't know xD
Oh also!
There were some separate creative names? Which are very cool and I want them all too!
AdamsApple for Adam/Lucifer
Royalflash and AppleCider for Husk/Lucifer
LoveBug for Val/Niffty
CharliesAngels and TwoandaHalfHalos for Charlie/Vaggie!(so other fandoms will not get included with the other one) for Vaggie/Charlie/Emily
BlackjackSwitc and HellRadio for Alastor/Lucifer/Lilith!!
DoubleTrouble for Rosie/Alastor/Lucifer/Lilith(that's one only mine kljhg)
RoseLily for Rosie/Lilith!!
SongBird for Lucifer/Lilith!❤
FallenStar for Charlie/Vaggie!!!
KingSnake for Sir Pentious/Lucifer!
ScarletKingsnake for Sir Pentious/Lucifer/Alastor!
CannibalDuck for Rosie/Alastor/Lucifer!(fffinally xD)
AppleMedia for Vox/Alastor/Lucifer!
PrideandJoy for Lucifer/Emily.
SunrisePapaya for Cherri Bomb/Angel Dust/Lucifer!!
CaramelApple for Lucifer/Carmilla!
AppleCore for Lucifer/Lilith/Eve/Adam!
RoyalParade for Rosie/Alastor/Lucifer/Lilith!!
Applepie for Eve/Adam/Lucifer.
Oh hey I didn't even think on Helluva Boss characters but I am not THAT deep in that side of hellaverse so have no idea what ship names even are there xD
Verosika - Pop, that's just my idea from a crackship of mine XD
HoneyMoon for Beelzebub/Loona!
HoneyBunch and PartyPack for Vortex/Beelzebub/Loona!!
CriminAle for CrimsonAlessio!
HH/HB ships xD
CosmicApple and MorningOwl for Stolas/Lucifer!
AppleOwl for Paimon/Lucifer.
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koripride · 2 months
🌈 It's all about spreading love, acceptance and equality, honey! 🎉 Living life in full color and fighting for LGBTQ rights every step of the way! 💪 Remember: be proud, be yourself, and stand up for what's right! 🌈 #LGBTQactivist #LoveIsLove #PrideAndJoy 💖
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quillandink333 · 2 months
The Dove and the Swan Take Flight • pt. 2
Credit to @winterxisxcomingx for the beautiful banner ♡︎
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SPOILERS FOR HAZBIN HOTEL ~ Read ahead at your own risk!
After centuries spent distancing himself from his people and letting affairs of state fall into neglect, Lucifer decides it’s high time to get reacquainted with his would-be fair kingdom and brings Emily along for a grand tour of the Pride Ring.
WARNINGS: Abrahamic imagery (obviously), corporatism, body dysphoria, I wouldn’t exactly condone telling shady strangers where you’ll be going in the near future
Part I • Part II • Part III
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“I’ve been thinking…” Emily broke the silence. She and her host had been enjoying their breakfast so thoroughly that they hadn’t noticed when the conversation had dwindled to a halt.
Lucifer had a mouth full of sugary carbs and fresh fruit as he answered, “Hm?”
“We’re going to Sinsoplex today, right?”
“We are indeed!” he proclaimed. “I wanted to give you a taste of what mainstream city life is like down here. That, plus our excursion to Cannibal Town made me realise we stick out like a sore thumb in public.” He tilted his head with an awkward glance toward his hat and coat, which were draped over the unoccupied chair beside him, and she giggled. “That’s why we’re hitting the boutiques first and foremost, as clearly I don’t have the first clue about today’s trends and the like.”
“That’s perfect!” Her eyes lit up with excitement, making his heart flutter. “Because I’ve been thinking, I know I just got my hair cut at the barber’s, and I love it! But the thing is, now that’s made me wanna change it even more,” she confessed, as if simply wishing to alter her appearance was a sin.
“I see no reason why we couldn’t do that on the same trip,” he offered right off the bat without question. “There’s bound to be a few sinners in the beauty industry who could help us on both fronts.”
“Well, yeah, but do you really think we’ll find someone willing to do all that for us on such short notice?”
“Naturally. I’m Lucifer Goddamn Morningstar; who could possibly refuse?” he chuckled. Being the supreme ruler of Hell had all the perks one would expect, which he could surely stand to take advantage of more often, he pondered. Emily, however, was of the mind to disagree, but she didn’t dare correct him when he’d been showing her such endless generosity ever since her fall. As long as he paid their stylist what they demanded in return for their services—which he obviously had the means to—she supposed it didn’t matter.
Word Count: 2.7k
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“Right, let me just get this straight.” The youngest of the so-called Vees was hardly giving them half of her attention as she played around giving herself different flashy manicures with a flick of her wrist. “So the pair of you just poof into my studio out of nowhere, then order me personally to give you each the full Transformakeover service right this fucking second with no appointment?”
Emily felt a stab of shame at the sarcastic accusation, causing her to shrink back into Lucifer’s side. Before she could say anything, though, he waved his cane and conjured a pile of cash taller than a fridge between them and the overlord. “I take it that should work for you.”
Velvette’s eyebrows shot up toward the top of the stack. “Yeah, no, tha-that’ll do.”
“That’s what I thought,” he smirked.
The first order of business, as apparently per their stylist’s standard practice, was hair. She took Emily aside and sat her down in front of an oversized mirror in a frame of uncomfortably bright LEDs, then had a stylist on standby sit the king in the chair next to hers. “I’ve gotta say, darling, you’re in desperate need of some layers,” she noted, running a comb through the lilac tresses. “A new colour wouldn’t hurt neither. Any requests?”
“Uhh…” Out of habit, she cast a lost glance over at Lucifer. It took him a couple of seconds to notice, but when he did, she whisper-yelled to him, “What colour should I get my hair dyed?”
He raised an eyebrow. “What are you asking me for? It’s your hair, sunshine,” he smiled tightly. “I shouldn’t need to tell you by now that I think any colour would look great on you.”
“Oh. Okay…” Her gaze meandered back to her reflection. She’d never had her hair dyed before, and she’d never had much of a say when it came to styles either. Velvette was getting restless as she waited for an answer, which had Emily chewing on the inside of her cheek.
“Here, how ’bout something like this?” Lucifer stood up to show her a picture on his phone. “That Angel Dust fellow sent it to me the other day saying he thought it would suit you. Now, why he didn’t just send it to you directly, I have no clue.” The image showed a sinner from behind. They had shoulder-length hair with feathery layers and a balayage going from dark roots to a warm vanilla blonde at the crown, then into a blinding platinum for the better part of the length. Emily’s brows rose and her lips formed a lowercase ‘o,’ telling him she at least wasn’t averse to the sight of it.
Velvette scoffed. “Are you joking? That’s, like—” Her words caught in her throat when she spotted Morningstar shooting a glowing red glare her way through the mirror. “I mean—y-yeah, if that’s what you want. Seems easy enough.”
She promptly got up, wasting no time walking Emily over to one of the sinks for a wash. The little angel floated along without a care in the world while the other two trailed behind. Having heard that it would be ‘easy enough,’ she was surprised to find out the dyeing process was a lot more complicated than she was imagining. Lucifer was already in the middle of getting his blow-dried by the time she got back from her rinse.
“Good god, where’d you get this cut, Cannibal Town?” cringed Velvette as she got started on the trimming process.
“Yeah, actually!” Emily was anything but oblivious to the disgust in her tone, but she’d already decided to ignore it. “Lucifer’s taking me on a tour around Pentagram City, and that was the first place we visited. Today it’s the commercial district!”
“You don’t say?”
“Mhm! I went to get my hair done at the barber shop, and they had a singing quartet in the shop! It was so cool!”
“So where you off to next, then?”
“Uhm…” The abrupt change of subject caught her a little off guard. “Well, I forget what her name was, but she’s an overlord like you, and I feel like her first and last initials were the same. We’re going to visit her. Either that or we’re visiting someone named…oh, fudge. Did it start with a ‘Z?’ I think it started with a ‘Z…’ Sorry, I can’t remember. It was one of the two—or both, maybe. I dunno.”
“Was it Zestial Morde and Carmilla Carmine, perhaps?”
“Yes, that’s it! Oh my gosh, thank you. That was driving me crazy!” she giggled at herself. “So does that mean you know them?”
Not much time had passed before they were interrupted by Lucifer’s hairdresser, spinning him around in his chair to show her work to her boss.
Lucifer himself was looking none too pleased. His forelocks messy and unkempt, the devil was now sporting something called an undercut. The roguish diva had tried to have it dyed—he’d vehemently put his foot down at the very first mention of the idea. But even though he didn’t care much for the end result himself, when he saw Emily clapping for him and flashing him a double thumbs-up with an open-mouthed smile, he couldn’t help but smile back.
“She’ll be done in a minute,” Velvette dismissed him after reluctantly approving the work of her tired-looking employee.
Once the trimming and styling steps had been wrapped up, she sprung up from her seat and made a beeline toward the waiting area where he was sat. “So? How do I look?”
“Lovely!” he grinned from ear to ear. “Wow, uh… This might sound a bit strange, but you look just like Charlie. It’s like you two could be sisters,” he chortled.
“Really?! Haha! I wonder if she’ll think the same when she sees it.”
With their hair done, it was onto the retail stage of the trademarked Transformakovers.
“So what kind of look are you thinking for me?” asked Emily as they were led into the overlord’s walk-in closet, which was really more of a gallery. “Woah…!”
Her eyes popped and her mouth hung open as she ogled her surroundings. There were garments of all different colours and materials and personalities she couldn’t even label, the racks on every wall going all the way up to the vaulted ceiling. She’d had no idea how vast the world of fashion really was until she’d stepped inside.
“Velvette, this is amazing!” she squealed, forgetting that she was supposed to be hiding her wings as she darted from rack to rack. Lucifer smiled quietly at her unabashed excitement. “Did you design all of these? Ahh, look at those shoes! And that top! Oh my gosh, how do you ever decide what to wear?!”
Velvette’s curt body language contradicted how flattered she actually was. “It’s not hard, really. I mean, I wouldn’t touch half the shit in here, but that’s just me.”
“What?! Really?” She fluttered back down to the floor, shocked and a little crestfallen. “You mean you don’t like this stuff?”
“No, it-it’s—well, yeah, most of it’s…fine, I guess.” This reaction had Emily crossing her arms at the emotions she was detecting now: mainly flattery, but also a hint of vulnerability and… Was that guilt? Before she could figure it out, it vanished, both from her senses and her memory. With a snap of her fingers, Velvette summoned a rack on wheels full of clothes and accessories ranging from ostentatious to understated beside her. “Here’s what I’m thinking for you two.”
Emily wasted no time getting a closer look, the hooks of the hangers screeching against the metal rod as she flipped through them. Upon observation, the rack seemed to be divided in half, each side containing the makings of a whole outfit plus a few alternate options for certain parts.
“I’m guessing that’s her side and this is mine?” Lucifer inferred as he side-eyed the white tennies on his end with reflective toes and ludicrously chunky tread.
“Ooh…” Emily grimaced as she took a strikingly short mini skirt off the rack and held it up to her hips. It was covered in a loud print of candies and desserts atop a sweet pastel pink. “Oh gosh, it’s even shorter than I thought,” she laughed crookedly.
“Absolutely not!” Her chaperone, livid, snatched it out of her hands practically in the middle of her sentence. He shot daggers at the diva, which seemed to bounce right off of her.
“Oy, calm your tits, Your Holiness,” she jeered, “I’ve got it covered.” Then she reached between them for Emily’s half of the rack and removed from it a pair of fuzzy, black, thigh-high leg warmers. To Lucifer’s dismay, the model looked pleased as punch when she saw them, leaving him no choice but to give her his begrudging approval.
Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw Velvette positioning her fingers for a snap. He raised his cane and froze them with his own magic just in time.
“Nope! No, nuh-uh,” he chuckled despite the severe crease festering between his brows. “We can get changed by ourselves, thank you. If you’ll just point us in the direction of your changing stalls.”
Though she just had to give him attitude in the form of a bratty shrug, she complied. Lucifer was the first to emerge from his stall, and Emily appeared a short while later, the two of them decked from head to toe in their shiny new drip.
“Tada~!” She gave a dainty little twirl. “What do you think?”
He and Velvette looked her up and down as she greedily soaked up their attention. She had on the skirt and leg warmers from before, and under the latter were a pair of black platforms with reflective toes that matched those on Lucifer’s shoes. For the upper half, she wore a sunny yellow crop top under a white zip-up hoodie. Her hair was tied back in a mid-low ponytail, and her collarbone was adorned with a colourful pastel necklace with beads of all different shapes and sizes, which looked almost edible.
When she asked for his thoughts, Lucifer had all sorts of adjectives going through his head, but none which he dared say out loud while they weren’t alone. He cleared his throat. “Well…” Maybe her special empathicism would be enough to let her know he didn’t entirely dislike it.
Meanwhile there he was, his own outfit perfectly on theme with hers, and yet he felt like an absolute buffoon wearing it. From the top down, he had on a plain white tee with an alarmingly deep V-neck, which was tucked into a pair of bulky, high-waisted, greyish magenta cargo pants. Overtop of that was a black baseball jacket with glaring yellow trim and a meaningless monogram.
“You’ll want a mask, too,” Velvette added, making the accessory appear directly over his nose and mouth with a snap. “To cover up those little red spots on your cheeks.”
He caught Emily cracking an amused grin, causing his ears to fume with the heat of rushing blood. Pulling the mask down to his chin, he huffed, “Not sure I’d be super comfortable going out in public dressed like this.” He didn’t bother trying to hide his scowl, peering down his neckline at his pale self. “Don’t you have anything a bit more, erm…normal?”
“Nah.” Velvette stood firm in her selection. “You told me disguises—what’s the point of a disguise if it doesn’t make you look like someone you’re not?”
He grumbled, “Right you are.”
“Hey, at least we match!” Emily chirped and grabbed both his hands with a bounce in her posture. “That’s a pro, isn’t it?”
He couldn’t help letting out a nasal chuckle at her enthusiastic attempt to find a silver lining for him. “That’s true, I suppose.”
She checked her phone and noticed it was only a few minutes past midday. They still had a whole afternoon of fun ahead of them! “Oh, we should probably get going,” she said, to which Lucifer nodded in stoic agreement. “Thanks so much for everything, Velvette, this has been so much fun!” she beamed. “I’m so glad I got to meet you!” Velvette replied with a charismatic grin and nothing more. As she showed them the exit, one turned and waved goodbye while the other offered half a smile over his shoulder before the door closed behind them.
Velvette waited until both their backs were turned, then dropped her hand and pulled out her phone. The screen buzzed with static and the speaker crackled before the face of the one receiving her call appeared. “Yeah? What?”
She grinned. “Vox, you are never gonna believe who just showed up at the studio.”
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The two fallen seraphim were making their way on foot to their next destination of the day: some sort of music festival supposedly happening on the roof of the massive skyscraper nextdoor. The younger of the two was bursting at the seams with excitement, but the older had only agreed to it because Charlie had vouched for its security.
“You know, it honestly does suit you,” blurted Emily.
Lucifer scoffed and gave her a raise of his brow. “Seriously?”
“Seriously! Believe me, I may be the angel of joy, but I’d never say something I didn’t mean just to make someone feel better.”
This earned her a hearty laugh as they strolled across the skybridge connecting the two halves of the sprawling complex. “Well, thanks, but even if you think it looks okay, I still can’t say I see the appeal.”
“Ah, well… That’s okay.” She gave his hand a squeeze. “It’s just for today. When we get home, I can start sketching out some ideas for a new outfit you’ll definitely like.”
He almost stopped in his tracks when he heard that. “Wait, you’re gonna make me a brand new, Emily-original outfit?” he gawked. “From scratch?”
“Absolutely! Seeing that walk-in closet gave me an inspiration overload. I can’t wait to get started! In fact—I don’t think I will.” Concentrating all her attention, she held out her free hand and expertly manifested a fresh drawing pad along with a pencil wrapped in hot pink.
“Oh, nicely done!” applauded her doting guardian. “Looks like my lessons have been paying off, huh?” But when he looked over again, she was already deeply engrossed in her sketching, the pad of paper fixed in mid air a foot or so away from her while they walked. He tightened his hold on her hand and turned his gaze straight ahead, his fond smile hidden beneath the black face mask.
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mobilecareway · 9 days
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blingbyyou · 9 days
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saramackenzie1982 · 7 months
Happy Thanksgiving to us in the States! It's the last day of #Thankful2023 and I'm glad for all of you. Newbies and returning viewers are what keep me going. Thank you. Namaste!
#DearReaders #SilentViewers #Reviewers #PrideAndJoy #Thanksgiving #HolidaySeason #Bookworm #WritingCommunity #IndieAuthor #BookTok #BookSeries #HappyAuthor
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Una canción de amor... a la guitarra. descubre quien la compuso y que dice esta gran canción de Blues.
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ambirneyakannan · 2 years
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Swipe to read Rhyme in poetry! . . . #learnpoetry #pride #lgbtq🌈 #pride🌈 #lgbtcommunity #rhyme #lgbtqpride #lgbtmemes #lgbtsupport #lgbti #rhymes #lgbtrights #prideandprejudice #lgbtyouth #prideandjoy #prideparade #lgbtteen #lgbtfobia #pridegay #lgbtlife #lgbtqlove #lgbtmeme #lgbtrussia #prideto #lgbtindia #lgbtfriendly #pridefc #lgbtqyouth #prideofindia #pridemonth🌈 (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfbxxxIpt3b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1968bullittmustang · 2 years
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