#Women's Hockey RPF
theresonly1u · 6 months
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There's Only One You 2024: a sports rpf short fanworks prompt meme is live!
262 fanworks in 12 different sports rpf fandoms. Check out the works and the fandoms and grab a cup of coffee 'cause it's just banger after banger across fandoms!
Thank you everyone for your hard work in making this another wonderful year! It is a joy to do this with you again. Your enthusiasm and joie de vivre make all the logistical stuff worthwhile.
Creators - make sure you update the posting date on your works to today so it appears at the top of the tag, especially if you posted weeks ago! Your names will be revealed on Monday, April 8 between 9am-10am pt (unless your work is also in anonymous collection.)
Everyone - if you enjoyed a work, slam that kudos button and leave a comment! Short works do not get nearly enough attention in fandom and these creators worked hard - let them know what you loved about their work! And I'll emphasize that doubly for the podficcers, artists, and fanmixers here, because those are also creators that don't see a lot of praise even beyond short fics. tl;dr: kudos + comment if you liked it!
Thank you all!! Settle in for a good weekend because we've got a lot to enjoy here 🌞
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ao3-anonymous · 5 months
[incorrect] Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (05/13/2024)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
Not everyone was seeing my reblog, so I'm editing the original to include my note:
Okay so if you'll see an earlier post I made, I fixed a bug last week that ensured fic counts include locked fics again. Since last week's numbers were before the fix and the percentage compares last week and this week, all the fandoms with high locked fic % (mostly RPF) are showing on this week's "fastest growing" analysis. Not quite accurate, but it will fix itself next week. Sorry y'all!
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fth2020fanworks · 2 years
0 notes
gotham--fc · 2 months
Will You Stay Here For A While Dear? - A Hilary Knight Imagine
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I'm back with the next part of my Hilary series! what part are we at now i forgor You can find the rest of the parts linked on my masterlist, as always I can't tell you what to do but you really should read at least part 1 and 2 before you read this, but you do you
This ended up way longer than I anticipated, so it only goes up to the end of preseason, which means there will be at least 2 more fics of "main story" to be written and whatever else my brain comes up with
It's about 11.5k words, so read at your own pace lol, and I hope you like it as much as you liked part 1 and 2!
Title comes from the song “Billy Liar” by The Decemberists (and was also chosen by @grapefruit-personified)
It’s no surprise Hilary gets signed by Boston.
She’s been pretty open with where she wants to go. Yeah, she’s taken calls with all the teams, but Y/N knows she’s not entertaining any offers that aren’t from Boston. It’s no surprise they offer her a contract, and it’s no surprise that she signs it. Y/N’s happy for her, she really is. Hilary is excited and Y/N is excited for her. Hilary’s been fighting her entire career for this moment and after years of being given less, she finally gets what she deserves. In Boston, no less. Y/N’s thrilled for Hilary.
Y/N gets calls too. She gets plenty of calls. She talks to all the teams, talks through expectations and goals and all that jazz. She doesn’t get any offers.
And it’s fine. Teams can only sign three free agents so it’s limited and that’s fine. She’s still recovering from her concussion, so it’s not surprising. It’s fine. Y/N knows she’ll get drafted, that’s not even a question. It’s just where she gets drafted.
It’s a rough few weeks with no security. At least Hilary knows where she’s going and she’s already figuring out her move to Boston, but Y/N can't do that. She doesn’t even know if she’s moving or if she’ll get drafted by Minnesota. She half hopes not, given it’s a 22 hour drive from Boston to Minnesota, but that’s not something she can dwell on. She feels sort of like she’s floating through space while she watches Hilary pack. She has no purpose or sense of direction, can only watch Hilary pack up half of the life they’ve built here together.
“Babe?” Hilary’s voice snaps Y/N out of her thoughts.
“What? Yeah? What?”
“You okay?” Hilary asks, “You were pretty spaced out.”
“Yeah, it’s nothing,” Y/N shakes her head, then starts again. “It’s just… I’m just thinking about the draft.”
It’s something she’s been working on, they’ve both been working on, sharing what they’re feeling instead of burying it down. Y/N’s first instinct is still to say everything’s fine, and she’s fighting against it, but it’s hard. She’s trying. They’re both trying. They’re doing better.
“What about it?” Hilary asks.
“You’re going to Boston.”
“I am,” Hilary waits expectantly for Y/N to continue.
“And I don’t know where I’m going. And it’s hard to pack or prepare when I don’t know what I’m preparing for. And… I don’t know if I’m going to get drafted by Minnesota and stay here while you go miles away to Boston.”
“We’ll figure that out, no matter what happens, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Hilary takes Y/N’s hands, “Wherever we both end up, whether it’s Minnesota or Boston or New York, we’ll figure it out. We’ve been through worse, we can handle a little distance if it comes to that.”
“Yeah,” Y/N mumbles, “It could be a lot of distance.”
“I’ll never be that far from you,” Hilary says, “Even if we’re far apart, I’ll always be here. I’m a phone call away.” Hilary tilts Y/N’s chin up so they’re looking at each other. “I know I hurt you when I went radio silent on you and I know it’s probably still in the back of your mind, but I guarantee you that I will never do that to you again. You don’t have to worry about me not being on the other side of the phone, waiting for you.”
“Cross my heart.”
Draft day comes too soon and not soon enough. Y/N obsessed about it way too much but now that it’s here, she wishes she still had more time. Hilary isn’t here, she’s already in Boston setting up her new place. She said she’ll travel back and forth between Boston and Minnesota until training camp starts and she’s required in Boston full time, but that means Y/N’s alone right now and she thinks she might throw up.
She’s not technically alone. It’s the draft, so every player is here, including some of the already signed players. There’s players and agents and families and people from the league mulling around, Y/N’s own agent is a few feet away, chatting up a league exec about something. Even still, Y/N’s never felt so alone.
Then the draft begins. Y/N sits on the edge of her seat. She’s talked to the teams already so she has some idea of who wants her, but with every name called that’s not her, a pit in her stomach grows. She watches Boston go, and not pick her, New York, Montreal, and still her name isn’t called. She dreads Minnesota drafting her, but then they go and they don’t call her and she almost wishes they had. Finally, her name gets called. She gets up on shaky legs and walks to the stage. She shakes hands and hopes her hands aren’t sweaty, smiles for pictures and gets a mic shoved in her face as soon as she steps off stage.
“Did you know Toronto would draft you?”
“Um,” Y/N says, “I had an idea. I spoke to all the teams so I had an idea of who would pick me, so yeah, I guess I had an idea.” She didn’t.
“Are you excited to represent Toronto this season? What does it mean to you to play professional hockey in Canada?”
“Oh, it’s,” Y/N tries to think of what to say, “It’s indescribable. We’ve worked for so long and so hard to get a real professional league and I’m so excited to get started and Toronto is a great city, a great sports city with a lot of heart and a lot of history and a lot of hockey fans and I’m excited to be close to home.”
“Congratulations, good luck this season.”
Her agent takes her arm and drags her out of the spotlight and to a quieter corner. He begins talking contracts and all sorts of administrative work and Y/N just nods, everything going in one ear and out the other. Then, she has players, friends, teammates now, hugging her and talking about playing together and Y/N thinks she agrees to be at least five people’s roommate as she struggles to keep up with everyone talking and the lights and the noise. Y/N barely notices someone is leading her away until she’s in an empty hallway.
“You looked a thousand miles away out there,” Sarah Nurse says.
“I feel like I am,” Y/N says.
“You didn’t want to go to Toronto?” She asks.
“No, I…” Y/N rubs her eyes. She feels like she can’t see very well. “It’s not that. I’m not not happy with Toronto. I… I wish Hilary wasn’t so far away, but I’m not… I can’t fucking see.”
“You can’t see?!” Sarah freezes, “What do you mean you can’t see?”
“I’m… I just mean… I’m being dramatic,” Y/N says, “I just… everything’s blurry. It doesn’t look right. My head hurts. My ears are ringing.”
“Is it your concussion?” Sarah asks. Y/N shrugs. “You don’t have to go back out there. You can leave if you’re feeling bad.”
“Yeah,” Y/N says, “I’ve been so out of it lately. Hilary’s gone half the time and I was dreading getting drafted by Minnesota and she keeps telling me Boston’s not out of it, like they’ll draft me just because she wants me there. I have hopes on New York but I don’t know.”
“Toronto’s not the end of the world,” Sarah says, “And you and Hilary will be fine.”
“Yeah,” Y/N says, “Toronto. Yeah. Nursey I can’t go back out there. I feel like I want to lay in a dark room and try not to cry.”
“I’ll cover for you,” Sarah says, “Don’t worry about it.”
Sarah heads back out to rejoin the commotion and Y/N rubs her temples and pulls out her phone to call an Uber back to her hotel. When her phone turns back on, (she turned it off this morning when she awoke to what felt like a million messages from family and friends about the draft and what team she might end up on), she has a text from Hilary. Right. Because Hilary’s in Boston. Not here.
Saw the draft
Congrats babe call me when you get a chance?
Y/N calls her Uber first, then dials Hilary’s number.
“Hey babe,” Hilary says, “How was it? I thought I wouldn’t hear from you until later. I figured you would be celly-ing with your new teammates.”
Y/N doesn’t know why, can’t explain it, but she starts to cry.
“Shit, babe, what’s wrong? What happened?”
“I don’t know,” Y/N cries, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just feel awful.”
“I’m sorry, what can I do? Are you at your hotel?”
“No, waiting for an Uber.”
“What hotel are you at?” Hilary asks.
“What does it matter?” Y/N says, “You’re not here.”
“I’m sorry I’m not there,” Hilary says, “I wish I was with you right now. I was going to order you food to your hotel, but I understand if you don’t feel like eating anything right now.”
“You could’ve been here.”
“You wouldn’t be the only one! There’s more than just those who registered for the draft. You could’ve come, even just for the night,” Y/N says.
“You know why I didn’t come,” Hilary says, “We agreed I should stay in Boston. I’m still setting up my place and I’ve got interviews and press stuff and,” Hilary sighs, “You said you felt uncomfortable with people knowing about us and that me being at the draft would be more of a confirmation that you’re ready for. You don’t get to be upset with me about a decision we both made together.”
“I want you here,” Y/N says, still crying, “We’re gonna be apart for a whole season and I just wanna be with you while I still can.”
“I know it’s hard and you just found out we’re going to be separated, and I’m sorry you’re so upset. We’re going to be okay. The season will fly by and we’ll see each other in February for the Rivalry Series and then Worlds in April. And we’ll see each other when we play against each other and we’ll find times during the season to see each other. I know this is new to you but I’ve done distance before and we can deal with it.”
Y/N wants to say I knew we wouldn’t end up on the same team from the start and how will we see each other? With what money? What time? And I just started skating again who says I’ll make the Worlds roster and who says I’ll even be at the Rivalry Series and of course you have experience and I don’t I don’t need you rubbing it in.
She says none of this.
“Yeah,” She says, her voice weak and quiet.
“I’m sorry it’s so hard. I wish I could make it easier.”
“My Uber’s here,” Y/N says as her phone vibrates with the notification.
“Alright,” Hilary says, “Do you want to keep talking on your way back?”
“No,” Y/N says, “I’m tired. My head hurts. I wanna go lie down and go to sleep.”
“Okay my love, call me in the morning.”
It’s hard, being in Boston.
That’s not true. Hilary loves Boston and she loves being in Boston and she loves playing hockey and she loves playing hockey in Boston. It’s not hard being in Boston. It’s exciting, rewarding, everything she’s dreamed of and more.
It’s hard being in Boston when Y/N’s in Toronto and the draft is happening and Y/N got drafted to Toronto and Hilary can’t be there to celebrate with her and now Y/N is upset and Hilary isn’t there to comfort her. Hilary understands why she’s in Boston and she understands why Y/N wants her in Boston, but she also understands why Y/N wants her in Toronto too.
It’s a complicated situation. Y/N isn’t ready to be out yet. That’s fine. Hilary gets that. After all, Hilary has been there. She’s been young and new to the public and just wanting to focus on hockey and not turn every interview into “so you came out”. Hilary has to remember she’s had years in the spotlight to get used to all of this, the public, and the fans, and the questions. Hilary came out, Hilary’s out, and yeah, it’s all anyone could talk about for months after, but now it’s over. Now it’s normal. Hilary’s out, and she’s still a pro hockey player and she’s still American and she’s still prepping for Worlds and the new league and there’s more to talk about than her sexuality.
It's fine. Hilary gets it and she’s not going to pressure Y/N into something she isn’t ready for. It’s frustrating sometimes, sure, like now when Hilary has to stay in Boston because Y/N’s scared if she’s at the draft that people will figure out Hilary’s there for her, and now they’re both unhappy. Hilary will never say it, but she thinks Y/N is too focused on other people, and too paranoid about people finding out about them. People talk, and people will talk, and people are already talking, and that won’t change whether Hilary’s in Boston or Toronto, or if she posts that she’s in the same place as Y/N, or that they’re hanging out.
But Y/N freaked out last time Hilary said anything. When Hilary came out, when she announced she wasn’t single, it was too much for Y/N, so Hilary can’t push it. She’s screwed up enough times already that she won’t risk losing Y/N for good. And yes, Hilary’s made a lot of progress towards forgiving herself and she knows she can’t dwell on the past, and she doesn’t, but she came close to losing Y/N and she will not let that happen again.
“Why the long face?” Kess says when Hilary’s face pops up on FaceTime.
“This is my normal face,” Hilary deadpans.
“Aren’t you busy being a bigwig for the Penguins?” Hilary says, “Why are you calling me?”
“I’m still your friend Knight,” Kess says, “Even when you’re a bitch. And for your information, I’m the biggest bigwig you know, so don’t piss me off.”
“Sorry Kess,” Hilary says, “I’ve been in a shit mood lately.”
“I couldn’t tell.”
“I will hang up.”
“Tell me what’s wrong,” Kess says, “I heard you and your girlfriend are on different teams.”
“It’s not like we can’t do distance,” Hilary starts, “We can. It’s just… She wouldn’t let me go to the draft. She said it would too obvious I was there for her and she isn’t ready to be out yet. And she called me crying after she got drafted and it’s not like I can do anything from here. And she’s not flying back to Minnesota until tomorrow and my flight isn’t for three days.”
“Change your flight,” Kess says, like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
“I can’t,” Hilary sighs, “She doesn’t want it to be too obvious that I’m going back and forth to see her. So I can’t fly back the same day as her because then people might figure it out.”
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Kess!” Hilary shakes her head, “It’s not stupid. It makes her more comfortable, it just sucks knowing she’s upset and I can’t be there.”
“Hil, why does it feel like you came out just to jump back in the closet again?”
“I didn’t!” Hilary insists, “I’m still out, it’s not like I stopped being gay. Y/N’s not out and I respect that. I was in the closet for years, Kess, I was semi-famous and in the closet for years. And things are different now. Before I came out no one cared about us. The only people who gave a shit about women’s hockey were us and a handful of people during the Olympics. I didn’t have thousands of people on the internet talking about me. I was still terrified to come out and no one even knew who I was. Can you try to see what it’s like for her? She’s young, new in her career, dating an older woman, in a sport that’s growing exponentially by the minute.”
“I do see it, and I empathize, I really do,” Kess says, “And I’m not saying anything she’s saying isn’t valid, just that you have feelings too. And clearly you feel some type of way about all this secrecy and you are allowed to have feelings about it. She’s not the only one in this relationship.”
“I fucked up Kess,” Hilary flops down on her couch. Her new house in Boston is pretty sparse. She has half unpacked boxes everywhere, a TV that sits directly on the floor, a recently purchased couch and an Ikea bedframe that’s still not built so she’s been sleeping on a mattress directly on the floor. The couch was a godsend, arriving that morning, so at least she can sit somewhere, since her kitchen table and chairs have been delayed twice.
“I hurt her so bad,” Hilary says, “And I almost lost her for good. I love her so much Kess. I’ve never felt like this with anyone and I am so terrified that I’m gonna screw up and lose her again. I don’t think I’d ever get over her, I think I’ll love her for the rest of my life and then some.”
“Wow,” Kess chuckles, “I never thought I’d see the day. Playboy Hilary is gone, her fuckboy days are over.”
“They’ve been over,” Hilary says, “I’m not 21 anymore, I can’t spend every night getting shitfaced at a club and taking home strangers and still wake up at 6am for practice.”
“I’ve never seen you like this, with anyone. I thought she wasn’t right for you because you suddenly started acting different after you met her, but I see now that it was everyone else who wasn’t right. I’m sorry I didn’t see it before, and I’m sorry I fucked up too and gave her a concussion. That…” Kess blows air out her clenched teeth, “…was not my finest moment. But, moving past that, I’m really happy for you. However, if you keep pushing your feelings down it’s not going to end well. Look what happened last time.”
“Yeah,” Hilary rubs her face, “Yeah. You’re right Kess.”
“I always am Knighter. Now get off your ass and finish unpacking your sad, empty house before I have to sic Keller and Brandt on you.”
“Are you okay stud?” Y/N tugs at the hood of Hilary’s hoodie as she looks out into the backyard at the dogs chasing each other. Hilary jumps a little and despite the surprise, her cheeks are slightly pink like they always are when Y/N calls her that.
The name started as a joke, after they watched Grease together for the first time. The next day, as Hilary tried to get “chang-chang, changity-chang-shoo-bop” out of her head, Y/N told her to “tell me about it, stud,” and Hilary turned the brightest red she ever has and didn’t respond for a full minute. The name stuck, and Y/N brings it out when Hilary’s least expecting it to watch her turn red and flustered.
“You’re quiet this morning,” Y/N continues.
“Sorry,” Hilary says, “I was just thinking.”
“About what?”
“Us,” Hilary grabs Y/N by the hips and pulls her in. Y/N puts her palms on the sides of Hilary’s neck. “I was thinking about us, our life, how much I love you.”
“Yeah? Tell me more.”
“I was thinking…” Hilary backs Y/N away from the door, “… that I love you more than anything and I would never do anything to hurt you, or upset you, or ruin what we have, you know that right?” Y/N pulls away a little.
“I feel like I should be worried.”
“No, you have nothing to be worried about,” Hilary says, “I’m not trying to worry you. I just want you to know that I love you and I want you to be happy and I want both of us to be happy and as in love as we can be.” Y/N gives Hilary a look that says and? “I just wanted to talk to you and I don’t want to fight and I don’t want you to think I’m pressuring you or invalidating your feelings, I just want to share how I’m feeling, no strings attached.”
“Wow therapy really did a number on you,” Y/N says, “Where did my emotionally stunted girlfriend go?”
“What I’m trying to say is that I understand you not wanting to be out and not wanting people to know about us and I would never ask you to do something you’re not comfortable with. I have been feeling like… I hate that I wasn’t there with you at the draft. And I hate that I’m not going to be with you this season and I hate…” Hilary sighs, “I want to be with you. I want to see you as often as I can, and I’m worried that you will get scared or anxious about people finding out about us that I won’t be able to see you. I understand the fear and the concern and I’m not suggesting you come out or that we start flaunting our relationship, but I want to be able to come visit you in Toronto without having to hide where I am or who I'm with. Do you... Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”
“Is that… Are you…” Y/N huffs out a breath then fully pulls away from Hilary. Hilary watches helplessly. “Are you saying you want me to come out?”
“You want me to… what? I either come out or I don’t, I don’t know what you’re asking me.”
“I’m not asking you for anything,” Hilary reaches out, but Y/N backs away, “Please, my love–”
“Don’t Hilary,” Y/N says, “Don’t.”
Hilary’s arms stay outstretched, in limbo. Y/N opens her mouth, then shuts it, then leaves, the front door slamming breaking the silence.
Things were so good. Hilary was happy. Every moment with Y/N made her giddy and her cheeks hurt from smiling but she couldn’t help it because every moment with Y/N was the happiest moment of her life. They spent the week following the draft going on dates, and spending every day together, staying in, going out, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was they were together. Even with the looming separation, they couldn’t be happier. And Hilary had to ruin it. Like always.
“Fuck!” Hilary swears.
The dogs start barking and Hilary lets them in. Hilary feels drained. She feels… like it’s over.
Y/N comes back hours later. Dinner is cold and wrapped in foil in the oven, Hilary’s poor attempt at keeping it warm, but the food has been sitting in there for at least an hour. Hilary didn’t eat, couldn’t eat, while she waited. The idea of food made her sick to her stomach, but she didn’t want Y/N to be hungry when she came home.
Hilary hears the door from where’s she’s distractedly moving clothes from the washer to the dryer. Laundry needs to be done and Hilary would’ve paced a hole in the floor if she didn’t do something, so she’s in the laundry room, wet clothes in her hands. She doesn’t say anything, not sure if Y/N wants to see her or talk to her or ignore her. She doesn’t move, barely breathes, and waits.
Y/N finds her soon enough. She charges into the room and Hilary isn’t sure what to expect. She expects Y/N to start yelling, with the determined look on her face. She certainly doesn’t expect Y/N to slap the laundry out of her hands and hug her tightly. Hilary hesitates for a moment, completely caught off guard, then hugs back, even more confused than before.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N mumbles against Hilary’s shoulder. “I should’ve heard you out. I should’ve stayed. I didn’t get what you were trying to say and I got frustrated because I hate not understanding things and ever since my concussion I can’t process things right and I’m so mad I’m still dealing with my stupid head, but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you and I’m sorry.”
“Don’t call your head stupid,” Hilary says and feels stupid for focusing on that. “I like your head the way it is,” she finishes lamely.
“I’m frustrated,” Y/N says, “All the time and I get what you’re trying to say. I get what you mean.”
“Yeah? You sort of understand now? I wasn’t trying to upset you, I just… I didn’t want to hide it from you.”
“I know,” Y/N says, “Amanda Kessel explained it to me.”
Hilary pulls back abruptly. She feels like she’s getting whiplash from this conversation, from this whole day. In what universe does Y/N talk to Amanda Kessel? Hilary didn’t even think Kess had her number, and Y/N definitely doesn’t have Kess’s. Until now, Hilary supposes.
“I was really mad at you and I felt like you were backing off or, like not being clear on purpose so that I wouldn’t get mad? Like it felt like you wanted something from me but you refused to say it outright. And…” Y/N looks away. “And she’s your best friend and I figured if anyone knew what you were trying to say she would. And she did. She told me what you guys talked about. And then we talked about concussion stuff and it was kinda nice.”
“You… It was kinda nice?” Hilary says, bewildered, “Nice? Wh – I’m so confused. You talked to Amanda Kessel about me and it was nice? I thought you hated her.”
“I contain multitudes,” Y/N says.
“I’ll say.”
“Come on, let’s not have this conversation surrounded by your stinky laundry,” Y/N starts leading Hilary out of the laundry room.
“It’s clean!”
Hilary follows Y/N to the living room and sits on the couch. Hilary has no idea where this conversation will go, so she stays quiet.
“I’ve been unfair to you,” Y/N begins, and Hilary wants to argue immediately. “I’ve been making it all about me. After my concussion and… everything, things became about me. You took care of me and I got used to that. I haven’t been focusing on you at all. It’s going to be hard to be away from you and I hate it and I wish we were closer and I can’t change it and I got all in my head about coming out and people figuring out why we go see each other all the time. I never thought about how you feel about everything.
“I’m not ashamed of you, or trying to hide you or us. I never want you to have to hide part of yourself for me. I wanted you at the draft. I wanted… I wanted to come to Boston while you were getting your new place. I just want to be with you, all the time. I get scared and I let my fear control me. I don’t want to not see you because I’m scared people might find out. I don’t want to go a whole season without seeing you. I also don’t want every time we see each other to be spent stuck in one of our places, not going out or posting something. That’s what you were trying to tell me, wasn’t it? That you’re fine not being out with us, but that you don’t want the fear to dictate how we act.”
“Yeah,” Hilary says, “If I was better at speaking, yeah. That’s what I was trying to say.”
“You’ve been doing interviews for how long now?” Y/N teases, “And you’re not good at speaking yet?”
“Shut it or I will dump my dirty, stinky laundry on your face.”
“You said it was clean!”
They know the season is coming, but before it does, the Rivalry Series comes first. They have two games early November, then a few days to themselves before training camp starts. They tease each other good naturedly about it as they pack. They both know the Rivalry Series is important prep for Worlds, but they also know it doesn’t really mean anything. The results don’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but it’s fun to pretend like they do. And they both know that even if it doesn’t matter, they’re still going to give it their all and get pissed if they lose.
They fly out to Arizona together before separating to their respective teams. Y/N gets to the hotel Canada is staying at and gets her room key. She doesn’t know who she’s rooming with this camp. Jill isn’t here, and Y/N is upset about that. She feels like she hasn’t seen Jill in forever and she doesn’t know when she’ll see her again. She knows Jill’s been dealing with injury, but she hoped she would still be okay to play.
Her roommate is Jenner, which she finds out when she opens the door and Jenner is on the one bed Facetiming her kids. Jenner waves as Y/N puts her bags on the empty bed. She says a quick hello to Jenner’s kids, even though they don’t remember who she is. She doesn’t stay long, to give Jenner some privacy and to find her teammates she hasn’t seen in a minute.
It doesn’t take long to find Emma Maltais and Jamie Bourbonnais. They’re filming some Tiktok together and they’re loud enough about it that Y/N hears them from all the way down the hallway. When they see her Emma gasps and runs over. Emma hugs her while talking what seems like a mile a minute.
“Oh my god, thank god you’re finally here, Clarky’s being such a buzzkill and she won’t film with us but that’s okay because you will, right?”
It doesn’t really matter if Y/N wants to or not, she never really can say no to Emma Maltais. It’s something about her constant excitement, her puppy dog eyes, but Y/N can’t risk upsetting her. So she agrees and she lets Emma and Jamie direct her on what to do. It’s fun and it’s what Y/N misses when she’s in Minnesota and doesn’t have her national team teammates around. They record a couple and eventually they convince Clarky to join in and they record a couple more.
They goof around for hours and Y/N feels relaxed and happy about how this camp will go.
The US isn’t staying at the same hotel, but they’re not far, so Y/N gets to see Hilary when they both have free time. Hilary delivers her coffee when Y/N has early morning practices, and Y/N ends up crashing a few USA team bonding nights by sneaking into the hotel with Hilary. It’s easy to forget about hockey when they’re not on the ice and Y/N enjoys spending time with her team and Hilary and Hilary’s team, until she fails at sneaking back into her room the night before the first game and Jenner fixes her with a look that makes Y/N feel like a child.
They lose the first game. It’s a frustrating, 3-1 loss where every blocked shot, every puck that got stolen, feels like the hockey gods have it out for them. Hilary scores the first goal, then assists USA’s second. Y/N can tell Hilary’s feeling good as they head off the ice, Hilary’s loud voice echoing through the halls. Y/N feels like shit. She couldn’t do anything to help her team, and she wanted to come back firing from her concussion, show that she’s even better than before. Instead, she fumbled two passes, had all of her shots blocked by a defender so they didn’t even make it to the net.
They lose the next game too. The US goes up early, and Canada spend the rest of the game trying to catch them. Every time Y/N starts to feel like they’re back in it, the US scores, or someone takes a penalty and by the time the game ends, Y/N’s ready to wipe this whole camp from her mind.
If 3-1 is frustrating, 5-2 is humiliating. Hilary didn’t score, but she got two assists. Hilary comes away from camp with four points and two wins. Y/N leaves with zero points and zero wins and the belief that her time with the national team has come to an end.
She still has to see Troy Ryan though. He’s her coach now, all the time, and Y/N likes him, they all do, but she just had a horrible camp in front of him and now she has to fight for a spot on a roster and hope he hasn’t already decided her fate.
Training camp almost sneaks up on them.
It can’t, not really, because it’s marked in the calendar and they are all too aware of how few days they have left together. Hilary’s place in Boston is already fully set up, her having more time to prepare, and Y/N’s place is getting there, and she has the help of Sarah Nurse, her roommate. Even though they can both afford to live alone, Sarah argued there’s nothing worse than returning home to an empty house every day and Y/N can’t argue with that. So at least Y/N doesn’t have to be in Toronto all the time since Sarah’s there and can pick up packages she ordered, or set up the living room furniture with the help of their teammates who are already in the city.
The date looms over them, even as they try to ignore it and just enjoy their time together. Y/N finds herself doing things she normally hates, or wouldn’t do, just to do them with Hilary. They work out together, that’s normal, but Y/N wakes herself up at the ass crack of dawn to go running because Hilary is. She watches shitty TV shows that Hilary is obsessed with that she could not care less about, just to sit with Hilary on the couch for hours. They only have two full days together before they’re required to join their teams for training camp. Y/N does everything she can to spend as much time with Hilary as possible.
Y/N wakes up the morning of her flight and wants to bury her head under the blankets. She feels Hilary shift and shut the alarm off. Y/N groans when Hilary’s arms come back around her.
“Good morning sunshine,” Hilary says. Y/N responds with another groan.
“We should just stay,” Y/N says, “We should retire and live here forever.”
Hilary chuckles.
“You don’t mean that,” Hilary kisses Y/N on her head.
“I don’t wanna go,” Y/N says quietly, “I’ll miss you too much.”
“We’ll see each other in a couple of weeks for the Rivalry Series and we’ll have some time off at Christmas, and then once the season starts we’ll play each other every couple of weeks and we can see each other on off days,” Hilary says, “I’ll miss you too, but the season will fly by and then we’ll be together again."
"Yeah, you’re right,” Y/N turns in Hilary’s arms until they’re facing each other.
“We gotta get up if we’re going to get to the airport on time.”
The morning is quiet. They eat breakfast in silence, Y/N going over her mental checklist in her head, making sure she’s packed everything. Hilary’s on her phone, no doubt going over the traffic report. Hilary's flight is later in the day, and Y/N told her not to get up early and to wait until closer to her flight to head to the airport, but Hilary insisted on going with Y/N, even if that meant waiting at the airport for hours.
“We should be okay for traffic,” Hilary says, breaking the silence, “You all packed?”
“Yeah, you?”
After they finish eating, Y/N washes their dishes while Hilary brings their bags to the door and calls for an Uber.
As they drive, Y/N stares out the window at her former home, not knowing when she would be back. (That’s a lie. She knows when she’ll be back, she knows the schedule, she knows when she’ll be back in Minnesota). She looks at Hilary. She doesn’t know when she’ll see Hilary again. (Another lie. She knows they’re all going to Utica for preseason. She knows Hilary will be there).
At the airport, Y/N tugs her hood up and ducks her head. It’s hard to remain inconspicuous with Hilary fucking Knight beside you, and Y/N feels the tips of her ears burning with each step they take. Hilary, to her credit, is trying not to draw attention to herself. She has a hat pulled down low and sunglasses on, but she’s still Hilary Knight and a hat and glasses won’t change that.
They get through security fairly easily, both of them experienced travelers that they’re prepared ahead of time with all their documents ready. Y/N knows she’ll have to go through customs once she gets to Canada, and she hates that she has to do that and Hilary doesn’t, because Hilary’s staying in the same country. Y/N’s not upset at playing in Canada. She’s Canadian, she loves being in Canada and playing in Canada, it’s not that. It’s the fact that Hilary isn’t that gets her. She spent so much time worrying about Minnesota and the 22 hour drive that she forgot to consider the Canadian teams and the 10+ hour drives and the border. Even if they flew to each other they have to cross a border and go through customs.
Hilary goes with Y/N to wait by her gate. They find a table to sit at and set down their carry-ons. Y/N wants to put her head down on the table and fall asleep. Hilary seems wide awake, no doubt the coffee she drank before they left. Ever since Y/N had to quit coffee because of her concussion, she never went back. She sleeps better, she’s less anxious, she gets less headaches, and sure while she would like a quick caffeine boost on mornings like this, she’s okay.
“Do you want something to eat or drink?” Hilary asks, “I can go find something while you stay here with our stuff.”
“Some tea?” Y/N asks, “Can you fill up my water bottle too?”
“Of course, good idea.”
Y/N watches Hilary walk away from her and has to close her eyes. Even though Hilary is coming right back, it still feels like she’s leaving, moving further and further away with every step she takes. Y/N’s glad her flight is first. She won’t have to watch Hilary walk away.
Y/N doesn’t want to use up all her phone battery before she even gets on the plane, so she tries to find something to entertain herself while she waits for Hilary. She brought a book, but she doesn’t feel like reading. She ends up staring out the window at the tarmac and watching the planes take off.
“Having fun?”
Y/N jumps when Hilary sits beside her, placing her tea and water bottle in front of her. Y/N thanks her and blows on the tea to cool it down a bit.
“I know it’s probably not as good as, uh, Tom’s right?” Hilary says. Y/N rolls her eyes.
“It’s Tim’s and you know it,” Y/N says, “And Timmies isn’t known for their teas. They have them but they’re just regular tea bags in water. But they really went off with the double double. I might have to go back to coffee.”
“Nah, I bet you’re going to spend all your money on their little donuts.”
“Hilary you cannot be this dense,” Y/N says, “You lived in Canada before. You know they’re called Timbits. I can tell you’re just trying to rile me up.”
“And it’s working right?”
Y/N turns her head away so Hilary won’t see her smile. Hilary laughs, leaning into Y/N’s space and trying to get Y/N to stop avoiding her eyes. Y/N thinks of ‘accidentally’ spilling her tea on Hilary’s lap, but decides that’s probably a really bad idea. She settles for sticking her tongue out at Hilary instead.
Hilary brought cards, because of course she did, and she deals them a hand of Go Fish. After a few rounds, they switch to War, and then Slap, until others around them started giving them dirty looks, then they switched back to War. They’re halfway through a game of Crazy 8s when the PA announces Y/N’s flight.
“I don’t want to go,” Y/N says and she feels like a broken record with how often she says it.
“It won’t be for long baby,” Hilary stands up after Y/N and pulls her in for a hug. Y/N leans into it and tries to memorize Hilary’s scent and her voice and everything about her.
“Promise you’ll always pick up the phone?” Y/N asks in a small voice.
“I promise, cross my heart, scouts honour.”
Y/N reluctantly pulls away and grabs her bag. She hesitates, staring at Hilary, until the PA announces her boarding call again and she turns to the line that’s started moving. She hugs Hilary again and turns away quickly before Hilary can see the tears forming in her eyes.
The only problem with not having to watch Hilary walk away, is having to walk away herself, leaving Hilary standing by herself in the middle of the airport, feeling Hilary’s eyes burning into the back of her skull until she turns the corner and knows she’s out of sight.
Hilary supposes Y/N has a point.
Ever since Y/N’s concussion, and maybe for their whole relationship, things have been about Y/N. Not that Hilary’s been ignored, or neglected, but Hilary has spent most of her time trying to make sure Y/N’s happy, that Y/N’s okay and comfortable and comforted. It isn’t until she’s in Boston, alone, that she realizes she’s not okay.
It’s not that she didn’t realize what playing on two different teams means, of course she knows what that means, it’s just that… she didn’t quite process it. She focused on making sure Y/N was okay, that Y/N would be okay with the distance, that she didn’t focus on making sure she was okay.
Y/N never wanted to talk about Boston. She never wanted to hear Hilary tell her Boston was still an option, that just because they didn’t sign her didn’t mean they wouldn’t draft her. So Hilary didn’t talk about it, but it was always in the back of her mind. It was best case scenario for Hilary. She plays professional hockey in a city she loves, and her girlfriend stays by her side. Of course that wasn’t guaranteed, so Hilary accepted that New York would be okay. New York isn’t that far.
Of course, Hilary couldn’t rule out the Canadian teams. Montreal would be fine, a little farther, and sure there’s the rivalry, but Hilary doesn’t care about that. Hilary went through every scenario in her head, but she never really let herself think of anything but Boston. Hilary didn’t want to stress about something that hadn’t happened yet, so she didn’t. But that just meant she wasn’t prepared to hear Toronto announce Y/N’s name.
She wasn’t prepared for how helpless she felt, listening to Y/N crying over the phone and not being there. She wasn’t prepared for them both packing up their house, and having to split their belongings. Hilary wasn’t prepared to remember or decide who owned what, and who needed what where. She wasn’t prepared to go to the airport and then get on different flights.
The first day of training camp is tomorrow, so tonight Hilary is home and trying to prep. She’s packing her hockey bag, making sure she has everything, that nothing got misplaced in the move, and she notices her favourite towel is missing. Then she remembers it’s Y/N’s towel that she kept taking. And suddenly Hilary wants to cry.
She doesn’t. She doesn’t because she’s a big girl and they haven’t been separated for that long and Hilary can handle her girlfriend being in another country for a few weeks. It’s nothing she hasn’t done before.
She doesn’t call Y/N. Her finger hovers over Y/N’s contact before she redirects. Keller pick up on the second ring.
“What’s up Knighter?”
“Are you busy right now?” Hilary asks.
“I was about to go restock my fridge since I don’t think a singular open can of tuna will cut it for dinner, why?”
“Can I come with?” Hilary asks, “I mean, I don’t want to ruin your plans. I just… I’m bored. Wanted to see if you felt like hanging out.”
“Sure Knight,” Keller says, “Come over.”
“So,” Keller says as Hilary pushes the cart behind her, “You were bored enough to come get groceries with me?”
“Sue me for wanting to hang Keller,” Hilary says, “I could’ve called anyone.”
“And you still called me,” Keller turns around to wink at Hilary and stick her tongue out. Keller puts something in the cart. “How are things with the wife?” Keller asks. Hilary almost chokes on her own spit. “Heard she’s in Toronto. How are you holding up?”
“I’m fine,” Hilary says, “I’ve done distance before.”
“Not what I asked, but okay.”
“I’m fine!” Hilary insists, “It’s not like she died. She’s in another city. I can talk to her whenever.”
“Another country.”
“It’s not even a different time zone.”
“Do you really expect me to believe you were that bored? That nothing else is going on?” Keller says, “Do I need to call Kess and get her to beat it out of you?” Hilary sighs.
“I just miss her. Don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m not laughing,” Keller says, “Why don’t you call her?”
“We talked last night,” Hilary says, “And I’m fine. It’s not a big deal.”
“You’re only allowed to call when you’re in bed?” Keller asks, “Is it a sex thing? Do you only call to have phone sex?”
“You are the worst friend I have,” Hilary says, “It’s not… I can’t tell her. I’m supposed to be handling this better. I told her we would be fine. I can’t call her now and tell her I’m not fine. I’ll be fine. I just don’t have anything to do and I just think about her when I’m alone and bored. I’ll be fine when training camp ramps up and I have something to do.”
Keller stares at Hilary for a moment, not saying anything, then:
“You’re a real idiot, Knighter, you know that?”
Hilary is always thrilled to be on the ice, even for training camp which has a weird atmosphere of players knowing they have a spot and treating this like regular preseason, and players who know their spot’s not guaranteed so they play their hearts out every minute.
The first few practices aren’t very smooth. No one really plays well, but that’s to be expected. They’re coming from all over, different teams, different leagues, and it takes time to learn and build chemistry with each other. Hilary leaves practice feeling like crap even though she knows she shouldn’t, and she tries to act like the older, more experienced player, tries to take on the leadership role of telling everyone not to sweat it, that it’ll come, but it’s hard when she doesn’t believe what she’s saying.
Things get better. They always do. The team gets used to playing with each other, the coaches find consistent lines so they’re not switching it up every five minutes. Hilary feels confident about the season.
Her and Y/N talk as often as they can. It’s not as much as Hilary wants, but she has to make do. They have skype dates, which suck in comparison to real dates, but seeing Y/N’s face, even through her laptop screen is better than nothing.
It’s a few weeks of training camp and then the final rosters are announced. Hilary feels bad for the girls who get cut. It’s the reality of only having six teams and a limited number of spots. She knows she can’t make it better, but she still makes a point to reach out to all of them and compliment them on their playing and tell them to keep it up. The league will expand and there will be more spots and Hilary doesn’t want anyone feeling like they’ve lost their chance.
Training camp ends and preseason begins. Hilary feels like she’s going to vibrate out of her skin. All the teams are going to Utica. Y/N is going to Utica. Y/N is going to be in the same city as Hilary.
Their first game is against each other.
Hilary hates when she has to play against Y/N, but she also kind of loves it. She loves riling Y/N up, getting under her skin, watching her get increasingly annoyed by Hilary, and then having her joking lecture Hilary about it after the game. Hilary likes it when she wins and gets to gloat and brag about her win, but she also likes when Y/N wins because the easy, joyful confidence that borders on arrogance looks really damn good on Y/N. Either way, Hilary reasons, she walks away from the game as a winner.
Hilary doesn’t end up playing, Courtney Kessel deciding to rest her and a few other players, and to see what the rest of the players can do. That was her justification to Hilary when she told her she wasn’t dressing, that she already knows what Hilary can do, what she brings to the team, and she wants to see what everyone else can bring. Hilary gets it, even if it annoys her, and not just because she doesn’t get to play Y/N, but also because she hates having to watch from the stands and not being able to do anything for her team on the ice.
Boston loses, 5-2, and it’s preseason so it doesn’t matter and winning or losing isn’t the point, and Hilary knows that so she joins the team in the locker room and nods along as their coaches go over what they did well and what they need to work on.
Y/N’s waiting for Hilary outside the locker rooms. She’s freshly showered, her hair still wet and dripping on her shoulders, and she wears a smug smile that means Hilary’s in for a night of insults and brags.
“We both have games tomorrow,” Hilary says before Y/N can say anything, “So don’t expect me to stay up late listening to you gloat about a preseason game against undrafted invitees.”
“You’re no fun,” Y/N leans up on her toes to kiss Hilary.
“Come on,” Hilary takes Y/N’s bag from her. It’s not her hockey bag, that one gets handled by the equipment staff, so it's not big or heavy, but what kind of girlfriend would Hilary be if she let Y/N carry her own bag after she played a full game of hockey.
“I’m not going to play tomorrow,” Y/N says on the way back to the hotel.
“That makes sense,” Hilary says, “Make sure everyone plays and rest those who are already a guarantee.”
Y/N is quiet for a few moments. Hilary glances a look over at her and Y/N’s hands are shoved deep in her pockets and she stares down at her feet. It’s such a contrast to how Y/N looked at the rink. The smugness, the happiness seems to be sapped out of her and Hilary doesn’t know why.
“I’m pretty sure I’ll get cut,” Y/N says.
“What?” For a second Hilary isn’t sure she heard right.
“I’ve been playing like shit. Coach already took a risk on Spoons and she’s got more experience than me. He’ll want her more than me, and I just keep showing that I’m not back to where I was before my concussion and I’ll probably never be.”
“That’s bullshit,” Hilary says. Y/N scoffs. “I mean it! All of us are rusty, no one is at their peak and that doesn’t mean you’re going to get cut. You’ve played one preseason game, no one is expecting you to play like you’re in midseason form.”
“I played like shit at the rivalry games and I’ve been playing like shit all training camp. You’re not rusty, you got four points at the rivalry games. I bet you’ll score tomorrow and I’ll be lucky if coach even lets me ride the bench for the season.”
“Y/N…” Hilary doesn’t know what to say. Y/N’s been making great progress with her insecurities, understanding that one bad game or one bad practice doesn’t determine what kind of player she is, and this conversation feels like they’re back to square one. Hilary wants to rant and rave about how amazing Y/N and how hard she is to play against and list every good play Y/N’s made in her entire career, but Hilary knows Y/N won’t hear it. At least not right now.
“Do you think he’ll cut Spoons too? Or Maltais? She didn’t get any points today and she took a couple of penalties,” Hilary says.
“No, of course not. He’d be stupid if he did.”
“I wish you would grant yourself the same grace you give others,” Hilary says, “I wish you could see yourself the way I do.”
Y/N doesn’t answer. She doesn’t say anything the rest of the way back, and she pulls Hilary into her hotel room and drags her onto the bed. Hilary’s normally the big spoon, which is fine with her because she loves getting to hold Y/N, but tonight, Y/N pushes at Hilary until she rolls over, her back to Y/N. Y/N tucks herself against Hilary, her arms around Hilary’s waist and her nose pressed between Hilary’s shoulder blades. Hilary grabs Y/N’s hand and holds it tightly.
Y/N doesn’t play the next day. She sits with the other players who aren’t dressing and watches Toronto lose 5-4. She heads down to the locker room with the rest of the team and listens to Troy Ryan’s speech.
“Could’ve used you out there,” Blayre pats Y/N’s shoulder as Troy finishes and the team begins to trickle out.
“Oh my god yes,” Nursey pipes up, “Imagine if we had her in the neutral zone.”
Y/N doesn’t really know what to say. She doesn’t know what they think she could’ve done, and she doesn’t think she’s allowed to say that she doesn’t think she would’ve done anything if she had played.
“So,” Nursey nudges Y/N, “Should I vacate the hotel room for you and Hilary tonight or are you kicking her roommate out?”
“What? Oh,” Y/N fumbles around with her bag just to give herself something to do, “I don’t uh, probably, uh, I don’t know. I don’t know what Hilary wants to do.”
Everyone’s starting to trickle out of the locker room, so Y/N thinks it’s alright if she does too. She’s not looking up when she leaves, just wanting to get out of the arena and away from all things hockey as soon as she can.
“Hey Hilary Knight!” Sarah’s voice booms, “Do I get to stay in my own hotel room tonight or should I find somewhere else to sleep?”
Y/N’s head snaps up, and there’s Hilary, standing in the hallway, waiting for her.
“Nah,” Hilary says, “We kicked you out last night, Brandt can figure it out.”
“What are you doing here?” Y/N says to Hilary once the team has mostly dispersed from the hallway, “Don’t you have a game, like right now?”
“Yeah,” Hilary shrugs, “But we had to wait for you guys to clear off the ice first so.”
“We’re off the ice, so you should be on it,” Y/N says. Despite her words and her tone, Y/N is actually touched that Hilary’s here. Hilary, who should be with her team, who should be warming up, who should be using these precious preseason games to build chemistry with her new team, who should be acting as captain and putting hockey first over everything, is here, waiting outside another team’s locker room for a few minutes of conversation with her girlfriend.
“I’ll go in a sec,” Hilary says, “I just wanted to see you. I’ll text you when I’m back to the hotel? If you’re up for it we could grab dinner and hang.”
“I’d like that,” Y/N says. Hilary makes a move as if she’s going to leave, and Y/N drops her bag on the ground, and hugs Hilary tight around the waist. Hilary hugs her back immediately. Y/N closes her eyes, buries her head in Hilary’s chest. Y/N forces herself to pull back after a moment, she knows Hilary needs to go. Hilary doesn’t let her go far though, pulling her back in to give her a few pecks before letting her go.
“You really need to go,” Y/N says, “And I’m gonna miss the bus.”
“It must be the end of the world if you have to stay and watch me play and ride back with us later.”
“I’d rather not be put on house arrest for the rest of preseason. You know Troy would find a way to keep me away from all the other teams.”
“Yeah,” Hilary grimaces, “You better go.”
It doesn’t quite sink in until later, what being on two different teams means.
Yes, Y/N knows what it means and she knows they’ll be living in two different cities, she knows this. She’s been grappling with it since the league was announced, since before they even knew they were going to be on different teams. It occurs to her, later, when Y/N is giving Nursey an apologetic look as Hilary shows up at their hotel room, that they’ve been living in some sort of a bubble.
The Rivalry Series, preseason, they’ve been on different teams, but in the same place. They’re still seeing each other every day, no matter how brief, even if it’s just passing each other in the hall, they still see each other. They spend every night in one of their hotel rooms, falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Hilary flops on Y/N’s bed like it’s her own, throwing her beanie on top of Y/N’s suitcase on the floor. She grabs the tv remote and flips through the hotel’s limited channels. She sits with one arm behind her head, her legs crossed over each other, sweatpants low on her hips, shirt rising up. Y/N doesn’t even notice Nursey leaving.
“Are you just going to stand there staring at me all night?” Hilary teases. Y/N rolls her eyes and joins Hilary on the bed. Hilary shifts instinctively, letting Y/N fit under her arm. Hilary’s still channel flipping.
It strikes Y/N then, that she doesn’t get this anymore in less than a month. She only gets Hilary for another week or two at most. And then all she’ll get is a handful of times when their teams play each other. It makes her want to cry. In fact, she does, lowering her head and trying to make sure Hilary doesn’t see.
Hockey has always been Y/N’s safe place. Whenever she has doubts or insecurities, or when her brain won’t shut off, or when she just needs to be good, she has hockey. She’ll shoot pucks in a net in the driveway if she has to. Wherever she is, whatever is going on, she’s always had hockey.
With her concussion, Y/N didn’t have hockey. She didn’t have that escape when she needed to forget the world. And even now, even though she can play again, hockey doesn’t turn her brain off. She gets in her own head about hockey now. She’s not 100% yet and she doesn’t know if she ever will be and every second she’s on the ice, she’s paranoid about how she’s playing and every time she’s near the boards it’s like she can feel the phantom presence of skaters behind her, ready to shove her again. Every time she takes a hit she panics that she’s hurt her head again.
She realizes in that moment, hockey isn’t her escape, Hilary is. Every time she needs to shut her brain off, she’s turned to Hilary. When the media, when her head, when her fear threatens to consume her, she has Hilary to distract her until she feels better. And she realizes that soon Hilary will be miles away, hours away, and she won’t be able to just go to Hilary or have Hilary come to her and make it all better.
Oh god, Y/N thinks, how the hell am I going to last a whole season without her?
After preseason, the next leg of the Rivalry series comes. It feels like the month goes by so quickly, but Hilary loves it. She spends the whole time playing hockey and hanging with her friends and being with Y/N. She’s fought so hard for this league and now that it’s here, she’s spending every moment soaking it in and being grateful that it’s finally here.
The first game is in Kitchener. Y/N’s not from Toronto, but her hometown is only a few hours away, so she always talks about Toronto like it’s home. Whenever someone asks Y/N where she’s from, she’ll say Toronto. It took Hilary months to learn that Y/N didn’t actually grow up in Toronto.
“It’s just easier,” Y/N explained, “People know where Toronto is. I don’t have to try and explain where I’m from and everyone would just ask what the nearest big city is, or if it’s near Toronto. It’s just easier.”
Kitchener isn’t Toronto, Hilary knows this, but it’s only a few hours away. Y/N’s family will be at the game. Hilary hasn’t not met Y/N’s family, but apart from a few phone calls where she stuck her head in to say hi, she hasn’t really met them. At the Olympics, Y/N’s family had been there, but she wasn’t ready for them to meet Hilary, she wanted to wait until the Olympics were over. Then, her concussion, and they were almost broken up, and well, there just hasn’t been a good time.
If asked, Hilary wouldn’t say she’s nervous. She’s met lots of people’s families before, her partners’ families, her friends’ families, and everyone loves her. Hilary is actually really good at the ‘meeting the family’ thing that she never worries when someone’s relative approaches her. However, she loves Y/N. She loves Y/N more than anything and she doesn’t know if they know anything about their almost breakup or how awful Hilary was or if they know that it was partially Hilary’s fault that Y/N got a concussion.
What Hilary is mostly concerned about is that they know about all of it and they’ve already decided they don’t like her. That they’ll tell Y/N they don’t approve and Y/N will break up with her, for good this time.
It’s a bit dramatic, and Hilary knows how much Y/N loves her. Everything has been so good. A couple of bumps with the draft and being on different teams and not being out and they’re finally in a good place with all of it. They’ve been through so much and come out on the other side that Hilary knows Y/N isn’t going to throw everything away, throw her away, no matter what her family says.
It still makes her nervous though.
In the end, none of it really matters.
The US wins in overtime and Hilary and her teammates celebrate the hard fought win and going up 3-0 in the series. After the game, the locker room talks, and everyone finds their way to the buses and talks of what they’re going to do to celebrate when they get back (quietly, where the coaches can’t hear because they technically have a curfew because they have to leave for the next game tomorrow and they’re supposed to be resting and recovering) Hilary backs out of the celebrations and goes in the opposite direction of the bus. She’s already cleared it with the coaching staff and promises to be back in the hotel before curfew and she meets Y/N and her family in the parking lot.
“Hey, good game,” Hilary says to Y/N, “Too bad we were just better.”
“Shut up Hil,” Y/N rolls her eyes and gives Hilary a quick hug. Hilary turns to Y/N’s parents and offers her hand.
“Hi, it’s nice to finally meet you – oh.”
Y/N’s mom ignores the hand and hugs Hilary. Y/N’s dad shakes her hand after the hug ends and as they walk to the car, Hilary doesn’t feel like an outsider, she feels like she’s part of the family. She pulls Y/N close to her side, kisses the side of her head, and keeps her smile pressed to Y/N’s hairline.
“What are you smiling about?” Y/N asks.
“I love you,” Hilary says, “I’m happy to be here with you. I’m happy to be a part of your life. I could do this forever with you, you know that?”
“Forever’s a long time,” Y/N says.
“Not with you it’s not.”
Hilary turns her head away and sees Y/N’s mom watching them, a smile on her face. Hilary doesn’t know what she was worried about.
They have a bit of a break for Christmas. Not a long one, but enough time to have the actual holiday off. The first game is January 1st, so they basically get Christmas Day off and are told they should report to their teams ASAP. Hilary’s fine with that, having lived the professional athlete life long enough to be used to missing holidays or just barely making them at all.
Hilary and Y/N had floated the idea around of spending Christmas together, but with their families in separate places, they decided to spend Christmas with their own families. Hilary wants to spend Christmas with Y/N, especially since they’re about to be separated for five months, but she sees her own family so little as it is, that she doesn’t have the heart to tell her mom she can’t come.
Hilary’s figuring out flights when she calls her mom to sort out their plans.
“Is it just you or is Y/N joining us?” Cynthia asks.
“Just me Mom,” Hilary says, “She’s seeing her family.”
“Is that what you want?” Cynthia asks.
“I want to spend it with her, but she doesn’t get to see her family ever and I respect that.”
“You know I love you and I would love you being here, but I don’t want you here if you’re going to spend your whole time on the phone with her. If your head is where she is then that’s where you should be too.”
“Mom,” Hilary says, “I can’t do that. It’s Christmas. I already made plans to come home.”
“You haven’t booked flights yet.”
“I won’t be upset if you do come home,” Cynthia says, “You know I love whenever I get to see you, but I don’t want you sulking around my house on Christmas because you’d rather be somewhere else. We’ll come see you during the season and you’ll have the whole offseason to come see us. If you want to be with her, you should be with her.”
Y/N loves seeing her family. She hasn’t been able to be home much in recent years. She loves being home, but she can’t help being a little distracted. Hilary texted her ‘good morning’ earlier, but since then, Y/N hasn’t heard anything. It’s not the end of the world, since Hilary is probably busy with her own family, but it still bothers Y/N.
“How are you feeling about the season?” One of Y/N’s cousins asks. Y/N snaps back into the conversation.
“Oh, uh, I think it’ll be good. I’m excited to play,” Y/N says, “I’m… I’m nervous, because of my head, but the docs say I’m all good to play and hopefully no one’s gonna knock me head first into the boards again,” Y/N laughs.
Y/N keeps up the conversation, even though she’s half focused on her phone and the lack of message notifications. She’s too distracted to notice her own family looking at their phones, and too distracted to notice her mom getting up and opening the front door.
“It’s not fair that Y/N gets her present early,” Y/N’s cousin speaks up. Y/N looks up in confusion and almost chokes on air.
“Hi baby,” Hilary says, standing in the living room, bags at her feet, looking tired.
“Wh… What are you doing here?” Y/N stammers.
“Surprising you,” Hilary answers with a smile.
Y/N’s mom tells Y/N to take Hilary up to her room and get her settled before dinner. Y/N does, still in shock that Hilary’s here.
“I thought I might at least get a hug,” Hilary says once Y/N closes her bedroom door behind them, “After all, I did just fly all the way here to spend Christmas with you.”
Y/N takes Hilary’s bags from her, and drops them on the bed. Then she pulls Hilary into a hug. She takes a deep breath, taking in the scent and the feel of Hilary being here, with her.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asks, not letting Hilary go.
“I want to spend as much time with you as I can before the season starts. I’m going to miss you so much.”
“I’ll miss you too,” Y/N says.
“Should we go back and join everyone?” Hilary asks. Y/N shakes her head.
Hilary did all of this, flew all this way, coordinated with her family, gave up Christmas with her own family, to spend it with Y/N. It almost hurts, how much Y/N loves Hilary. Y/N loves her so much, and she’s never felt as loved as she does with Hilary, and here, in her room, with the sounds of her family’s laughter downstairs, and with Hilary’s arms around her, Y/N can’t help but think how lucky she is.
And how much the next five months will suck.
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adelphenium · 11 months
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bunny girls mcmattdrai!! hoppy halloween :3
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bookskinned · 2 years
Send me your women’s hockey romance book recommendations. Bonus points if they’re wlw.
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beatrice-otter · 9 months
There is FINALLY a women's hockey league that pays its players a living wage. There's been women's hockey before; the National Women's Hockey League was founded in 2015, later becoming the Premier Hockey Foundation. They got bought out in 2023 and rebranded as the Professional Women's Hockey League. Unlike its predecessor leagues, PWHL players should not need to work second jobs to have an income to live on in addition to playing hockey; the PWHL has minimum salaries. All players must make a base pay of at LEAST $35k, which is crap but at least it's crap you could theoretically live on. But most of the players are going to earn more than that, because there is also a team average minimum. The salaries for the whole team combined have to average out to at least $55k, and the top six have to each make at least $80k. But these are base pay rates; they also get a housing stipend ($1500/month) on top of that and a "daily meal allowance" when traveling, and all of these rates are contractually obligated to increase each year (3%). It's still peanuts compared to men's hockey, of course, but it's something you could make a living at, at least. And when you add in the housing stipend, a full-time player is actually making a minimum of $53k/year.*
Anyway! The first PWHL game took place on January 1, 2024, and you can watch the games on the PWHL Youtube page. I hope they do well, because female athletes should be treated (and PAID) better and while "a living wage" might seem a low bar it is still one that women's leagues too often fail to clear. So far, they seem to be doing okay; the January 5th game (Minnesota vs. Montreal) SMASHED the previous record attendance at a women's hockey game. 13k people attended; the previous record worldwide was a game with 8k attendees in Sweden. The North American record was 6k, so this is double that.
The thing that interests me is that they are CLEARLY not branding the teams, they are branding and repping THE LEAGUE. None of the teams have a name other than the city they're from; none of them have a logo of their own, just the PWHL logo; the uniforms are pretty identical, just different colors. (each city name printed diagonally down the front.) I read an article that the teams are expected to each rebrand themselves next year, but I'm still surprised that they're not trying to build up any kind of team loyalty from the start, just league loyalty.
The closest I get to being a hockey fan is occasionally reading hockey RPF (there are a TON of great writers in that fandom, if you've never checked it out before). But I support women's sports, and with games being on Youtube it will be pretty easy to just stream it on my TV (muted) while I go about my evening. I know it doesn't ad up to much in ad revenue, but it's something that costs me nothing. (And it's not like I'd be going to a game in person even if I lived in one of the six cities that has a team.)
*If you're wondering "why do they pay base salary + housing allowance instead of just saying what the whole salary is up front" I'm guessing there are tax incentives to do it that way. It might be either tax deductible for the team or untaxed for the player, or both.
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fever4cc22 · 2 months
Idk if anyone else knows about it, but there are fics on ao3 (it’s actually a 3-part series) that are Taylor Heise x Caitlin Clark, and it has changed me in ways I cannot explain. Taylor is a women’s hockey player, who also happens to be a number one draft pick. Taylor has said several times that she’s a fan of Caitlin, going to her games in college, and has even tried to slide into her dms (platonically ofc) 👀!
If you wanna read it, you do have to be logged into ao3 to be able to see it, and just go under the “women’s basketball RPF” tag. (I would post the link but I can’t remember my login info to be able to log in on my phone 😭).
Of the three installments, the first one is my lord and savior.
I promise, it was otherworldly.
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catboygretzky · 1 year
how people interact with sports fandom/react when they find out what sports fandom is actually like is sooooo funny to me like?
i'm sorry if you thought sports fans were only cishet dude bros giving their unasked for opinions instead of mostly women and/or queer folk treating these sports men like members of a popular boyband, including but definitely not limited to: making kpop style fancams, creating dramatic edits with sad lyric/poem overlays, and referring to them as "babygirl" and "wife"
i won't even touch on the rpf/shipping part of it*, even though when people figure out sports fans write about these Sports Men being in love with and/or fucking each other is extra EXTRA funny
it's just so entertaining to me, is all
*actually i just looked up the most popular sports rpf fandoms and YEAH HOCKEY FANDOM LOOK AT US GO
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vro0m · 7 months
did you hear about the staniel who turned the horner SH allegations into a fic where daniel used these SH allegations to blackmail RB into giving him checo's seat bc like. what the fuck is wrong with f1 fans (those drivers fans in particular if we're honest) to where their first thought after allegations of a woman being seriously psychologically harmed by a man in authority's mistreatment is "omg this would be a good plot for my rich, privileged ass blorbo to avenge himself" like daniel fucking ricciardo is a white ass multimillionaire. he can claim anybody mistreated him and thousands of fans and the media will immediately believe him and come rushing to their aid. there's been female employees of red bull getting harassed online, called liars, getting doxxed, etc. since this shit broke, keep your privileged ass blorbo out of serious shit that doesn't concern him. this isn't a hehe funny situation time for my fictional version of my blorbo to shine, actual people were hurt in this situation. jfc at least SOME empathy and critical thinking skills in this fanbase i beg.
Yeah I heard.
First of all, like I said at the time that hockey fandom thing happened, I think you need to be really really careful saying things such as "those driver's fans in particular", because this isn't about who's a fan of who. We're all in this together as we exist in a shared fandom space (or generally as human beings) and who we are fans of doesn't make us morally superior to other fans in that space. Your corner of the fandom isn't immune to this shit.
This isn't about Daniel Ricciardo, or the fact that he's their blorbo, or what would happen if it was him. None of that is relevant to the conversation. You're getting mad that they made it about Ricciardo but to some extent you're doing the same thing.
This is about politics. This is about the dehumanisation of victims, especially when they are women and/or from marginalised groups. This is about just not giving a fuck what happens to your fellow human being and what it means to be them. The issue here is bigger than RPF or this specific investigation or F1. I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people.
If you're reading this and you are afab I'm sorry to say there's a serious statistical probability that someday you're going to be that person, if you haven't already been her. If you're unable to represent to yourself that this would be awful, and then how much more awful it would be that people are using this traumatic experience you had to write smut or whatever about some rando they're a fan of...
You're not a bad fan, you're a shit human being.
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gotham--fc · 9 months
Puck Drop - A Hilary Knight Imagine
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Request: Hilary and R are married with kids and R comes to the first Boston game to support Hilary and the PWHL
we are so back, I'm so back in the writing game I mean it this time it's not like the other times I said that then disappeared for months I really mean it the woho girlies have got me I can't them down
About 1000 words of pure fluff enjoy
Y/N pulls the end of the jersey her son was wearing out of his mouth. She smooths out his hair, wipes a bit of dirt off his cheek. He squirms away from her, like any four-year-old would, but she gives him a look that says stay still for one second. She adjusts her nine-month-old daughter’s jersey as well, making sure Knight on the back is visible.
“Do you remember what I told you?” Y/N asks her son. Noah nods.
“Stay with you, drop the puck to Mama and smile for the picture.”
“Good,” Y/N says, “We have to wait until they tell us to go out.”
“Mama is going to be so surprised,” Noah says.
“Ma!” Luna babbles.
“That’s right baby, are you excited to see Mama?” Y/N says. Luna starts squirming in Y/N’s arm, clearly excited.
A stadium employee steps into the room they’re waiting in.
“We’re about to get started.”
“Thanks,” Y/N says, “Okay lets go.”
Y/N adjusts her grip on Luna and takes Noah’s hand. She follows the employee and watches the opening ceremony. She cheers when the names are announced and she can hear Noah cheering too. When Hilary’s name is called Noah cheers louder.
“Go Mama!” He yells. Luna shrieks in agreement.
An employee hands them each a puck. Noah takes his and holds it very seriously. Luna puts her right into her mouth. Y/N can’t help but laugh. The PA announcer announces the ceremonial puck drop and Y/N keeps her eyes on Hilary as he announces their names. The three of them step onto the carpet and Y/N watches the shock and delighted surprise on Hilary’s face. Hilary skates over for the puck drop, a huge grin on her face.
“Okay, are you ready?” Y/N asks. Noah nods. The two of them drop their pucks on the ice. Luna keeps her in her mouth. Y/N tries to pull it out but Luna pushes her hands away. Hilary laughs and tickles Luna’s belly. Luna laughs.
“Can I have this?” Hilary asks. Luna gives Hilary the puck, almost smacking her in the face with it. “Thank you,” Hilary says. Y/N laughs as Luna tries to climb into Hilary’s arms.
“No baby, Mama has to play hockey now, you can see her later.”
Hilary drops her gloves on the ice and hands her stick to Noah. She pulls Luna into her arms.
“Hi baby,” Hilary coos, “You surprised me, you sneaky girl.”
Luna gurgles in Hilary’s arms. They all turn to the photographer who has been taking pictures of this conversation. They get a picture before Kendall backs away.
“Get one of just the family,” She says.
Hilary starts protesting, saying Kendall is basically part of the family, but Y/N pulls her attention away.
“Just take the picture, my love.”
They do, and Y/N goes to take Luna back, but Hilary ducks her head down before she can and kisses her. Y/N blushes. She would think, after years of dating and marriage that she would stop turning red every time Hilary kissed her, but alas. Hilary grins then hands Luna back. She kneels down to give Noah a hug before Y/N and the kids walk off the ice. Y/N heads up to the box her and the other families members were given to watch the game. During the game, Luna pays no attention to the ice, and instead gets passed around and entertained by the other occupants of the box. Noah splits his time between playing with the toys Y/N brought for him and watching the game.
“Which one is Mama?” Noah asks.
“She’s right there,” Y/N points, “Number 21.”
Minnesota wins, 3-2, and Y/N knows Hilary will be disappointed. She always is after a loss, and Y/N understands. Hilary always wants the best from herself and when she loses she always picks apart everything she thinks she should have done better. Y/N and the kids head downstairs and wait for Hilary outside the players area. Y/N says hi and makes conversation with Hilary’s teammates as they head out. Hilary is the last one to leave the locker room, as usual. She’s freshy showered, her hair still dripping on her shoulders, and she smiles when she sees them, but Y/N can see the disappointment underneath.
“Mama, were you surprised?” Noah jumps into Hilary’s arms before Y/N can tell him not to. Hilary groans as she lifts him up, no doubt sore from the game.
“I was very surprised,” Hilary says, “I was told you were just going to watch the game from the box.”
“And we did,” Y/N says. She leans up and gives Hilary a kiss. “We also did some other stuff too.”
“Uh-huh,” Hilary says.
Hilary puts Noah down so she can carry her bag. The ride home is filled with Noah chattering excitedly about the game, with Luna piping in with unintelligible sounds. Hilary matches Noah’s enthusiasm, and Y/N is struck again by Hilary’s character. No matter how she feels about the game, she never lets the kids know. She never sulks or snaps or acts upset, even though Y/N knows she is.
By the time they get home, Luna is asleep in her car seat and Noah is halfway there. Y/N sends Noah inside to change into his pjs, and Hilary gets Luna out of her car seat. Y/N stop Hilary before she can head inside. She cups Hilary’s cheek and leans up and kisses her.
“I’m sorry about the game,” Y/N says, “I know you wanted to win. You’ll get them next time.”
“I know,” Hilary says.
Y/N wraps her arm around Hilary’s waist and puts the other on Luna’s back where she’s curled up on Hilary’s chest. The three of them sway together in the garage, Hilary’s cheek resting on Y/N’s head.
“Thank you,” Hilary says quietly, “For coming to the game. For surprising me. For marrying me. Having kids with me.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that,” Y/N answers just as quiet, “I would do it again. I would go back and do it all over again in a heartbeat.”
“We should go inside before Noah gets bored and demolishes the house.”
Y/N laughs. “He is your son.”
“He is just as much yours as he is mine,” Hilary says, “Whatever mischief he gets into is both of our faults."
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teamliftfest · 6 hours
Sign-ups by fandom: weekend edition!
Welcome to the weekend everybody! Your mods here with another breakdown of sign-ups by sports fandom. The numbers keep going up and we could not be more excited to see what everyone is offering.
Hockey: 22
Baseball: 9
Cycling: 6
Motorsports: 4
Football (Soccer): 3
Basketball: 3
Rugby: 2
American Football: 1
Ice Skating: 1
Tennis: 1
And the now FOUR brave souls who are willing to work with any Sports RPF fandom 🎉🎉🎉🎉
These sign ups include both men and women’s leagues in hockey, basketball, rugby, and football (soccer), leagues outside of North America in hockey and football (soccer), and a couple of sign ups where there is a blanket offer for any athlete within the sport.
Your mods are wondering if we could start some friendly competition between fandoms 👀 Keeping in mind the commitment involved, who do you think you can get to come out hardest by next Thursday?
(@teamliftfest fest info + sign-ups can be found here!)
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new-berry · 2 months
What are your fav fanfictions?
Who is your OTP?
What's your 3 biggest pet peeves about reading fanfiction?
What is your fav fic that you've written?
What fandom and pairing was your first uploaded story?
What is your most hated and most loved genre to read/write?
Any tips on how a non-writer can write their first fic?
I’m so terrible at recs! My fave ever is “skies of couple colour” by Betty. My fave footy one was a Kylian Mbappe / Hakimi which the author think made private. Sad. But I get not wanting to link yourself to Hakimi.
I have vexed people for what might be decades now (I have dipped in and out of fandoms since far too young now far too old. It’s great. I have a long streak if DGAF) by not having OTP’s. I have characters I like so I’ll try an Anthony Gordon fic and anything with one of my NUFC guys but I’ll try them with whoever. Even in like. Sherlock Holmes fandom I would have read Sherlock with John or Irene or that cop.
Anthony/ Kieran or Frank or DC-L or Bruno G? I’ll believe in anything.
I don’t mind spelling or where you put capitals (if you like capitals) the only think I literally cannot read is wall of text. I beg you: paragraphs.
I am not a fan of women being fridged or some evil harpy that has trapped a man. I also don’t like the “accidentally got her pregnant so now me and my actual love have a baby” but I’ll read anything. ABO? Sure more? Why not. AU? Teeny bit bored of coffee shops.
Of wait anything with young kids when the author has clearly never been around young kids? Pet peeve kids who go to bed and stay asleep.
Mind the warnings but my fave of mine:
A fun one first:
I did fall in love with sexy wolffish Bruno.
Not even losing lasts forever
My first posted story included Marty McSorely. He was an enforcer in ice hockey so like the hard man, literally his job was to fight. And it was my favourite way to write a hard man, good giving and game.
Absolutely wiling to go down, get fucked, fuck someone. The hard man with a core of marshmallow for those he loves? An eternal fave trope.
Fandom is fun and community for me. I don’t read things I don’t like! I just stop. I frown if they are shitty to women but I just close the tab.
I love a rookie/ mentor fic.
I love a hard man taking care of those he loves. I love a twisty threesome where one is on the outside. Porn and yearning.
I genuinely think you should just put it down on paper (as it were, type on the screen). If you are thinking of the story you are already a writer! You already have the hard bit out of the way, so just write the first image that comes to mind and then tell me so I can read it. :)
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hockeyconfessional · 5 months
The Rempe hype is horrifying enough on the hockey stage where it's expected, but the uwuification and romanticization I've seen here on Tumblr is an extra level of icky to me. I get that rpf is fantasy but the reality of head trauma in this sport is incredibly ugly and I could list a dozen guys off the top of my head who died or are suffering permanently because of the head trauma they suffered, and I simply do not get how one can look past that so easily to cheer this on. Or how they see it and condemn it but absolve him specifically of responsibility. He is vulnerable because of his youth and his unstable position in the league for sure, and he operates within a culture/structure that enables and encourages this behavior, and I'm already sad for him and his family for the brain damage he is incurring, but he is still an adult who chooses to go out of his way to hurt people. He is causing permanent damage to others. On purpose. Knowing exactly what he is doing. For every Derek Boogaard there is also a Paul Kariya.
(Also, in a sport with so much violence towards women (and how it's rightly been in the spotlight of late), I'm not sure why/how people have bought into the idea that this is a gentle giant and not another potential Milan Lucic. From what I've seen of goons, the latter is far more common.)
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suterbuyout2024 · 5 months
“#wrote a college entrance essay about this once” re: rpf research excuse me WHAT can you elaborate please 😭 (i say as someone who has also written some unhinged essays)
okay in my defense i didn't actually talk about rpf explicitly, but i did write about how one of the big draws of hockey for me was all the minute details and research rabbitholes you could get absorbed in. it's funny to look back on now because i think my understanding of hockey has come a long way, and also i'm kind of a completely different person than i was, lol. i'll put a few sections under the cut just for fun :3
But in late November of my ---- year, I turned on the television to watch a hockey game. It was the Flames and the Senators -- not exactly a nail-biter. I knew what to expect. I’d been to a college hockey game once at the University of North Dakota, and I’d been casually interested. But I certainly didn’t count on the Ottawa Senators setting the starting point of a great epoch of my life. The thing about hockey is that, leaving aside everything else about the sport -- statistics, personality, fanaticism, gameplay -- hockey is fun to watch. It’s fast-paced but easy to follow. All you have to do is keep track of the puck. Stoppages aren’t too common, but if they do happen, it’s probably because a penalty has been called, or because of a scrum, which both lead to more interesting circumstances. In short, hockey held my interest, and outpaced my notoriously short attention span. At least, that was how it started.
apparently i was rly trying to keep that harvard admissions officer on their toes lmao
Hockey culture is an unmitigated disaster. Awash with misogyny, masculine posturing, glorification of violence, and a thriving disrespect for the civil rights of minorities, it’s easy to brush hockey off as another antiquated hold-out of gladiatorial sports. Fans live and die for the blood of it. It’s especially easy to do so as a queer woman, someone who is definitely unwelcome in central hockey circles. It took me about ten minutes to understand that hockey Twitter, at least, was not worth a second of my time. But I hadn’t gotten as far as making it through an entire Senators game just to give up now. And finding other avenues of building community was easier than I thought. The Internet, it turns out, is shockingly versatile. Just as white male hockey fans all tend to congregate in the loud, wide-open spaces of fandom, the rest of us found areas out of view of the mainstream gaze. Within Tumblr tags, Discord groups, and even fanfiction archive forums, the women, hockey fans of color, and even us queers began to find each other. It was easier, then, to know where to start. In short order, hockey turned from something I watched as stress relief after a long school day to something I knew about. The people I talked to were knowledgeable, and the research I did on my own -- as was my wont -- helped substantiate. First it was about the teams, and then, when I had satisfied my knowledge there, the players. The politics. The rules, the statistics, the prospects. The slow stop-start of change initiatives like the Hockey Diversity Alliance. It turns out that hockey is an unquellable fount of things to learn, and it quickly became a way to collect things to know.
it's interesting to look back and see which things i felt it was important to highlight, especially given all the things that have happened in recent years with hockey culture. also please disregard all the identity flashing, i WAS trying to get into college, after all.
i go on to talk a bit about the demographic layout of the nhl & the draw of european leagues, plus why i started learning russian (to read kirill's insta posts), but that's the rpf-related section. if i were to rewrite this essay today it would be a completely different look at the world of hockey and its current landscape, but i'm giving myself some grace for having committed the crime of being 18 and not very smart.
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loserdudes · 1 year
this was the person who called hockey players marrying blonde women 'white colonizer culture' because their RPF ship doesn't reflect reality??? i guess???
okay we found the post that y’all are talking about and 1) everyone on that post needs to go outside 2) people who get so mad about hockey players dating blondes outside of like little hehe jokes needs to find something real to be mad about bc it literally doesn’t affect you. you all just hate women
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