#Women in Engineering
nasa · 7 months
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Nora AlMatrooshi
Nora AlMatrooshi, the first Emirati woman astronaut, worked as a piping engineer before becoming an astronaut candidate for the United Arab Emirates. https://mbrsc.ae/team/nora/
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404icy · 1 year
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rise and grind ☀️
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burntoutstemkid · 4 months
hey so fellow biomedical engineers, does it get easier? (asking as a incoming junior)
and let me rephrase the word easier, I mean does the academic imposter syndrome get any better. currently battling the whole “well there’s more women in biomed than other engineering professions” or “it’s not real engineering” pressure.
I go to a tech-heavy school, and am starting to succumb to the external and internal pressure, any words of encouragement/advice would be awesome :)
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honeynebula · 3 days
learning calculus (one) is easier in university than in high school tbh. there's more support and office hours to help you out. but the practice problems are so much more complex to implement. But at least I'm not forced to teach myself like in high school. I'm slowly getting more confident in math o(^o^)o
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mardistudies · 7 months
*laughs hystercally, cries on tears choking*ILIKE—cough
the tears, they well in my eyes. i gasp, PO-POSITIVEHAAAHAHAHAAAAAAA
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raphael-angele · 7 months
I don't know if I'm being dramatic or if I jave the right to feel offended...
I'm in college. And I'm studying engineering.
I was in my physics class and I sat up front because of my eye sight and hearing problems
Here's the thing, I am very participative in class if I do say so myself (especially in math related subjects).
So while the teacher was explaining the concept and explaining an example to a word problem, I was basically the only one responding when he was asking questions about the problem to make sure we were with him (or at least I was the only one loud enough for him to hear)
There was a point in time in class where the teacher gave an example and it seemed easy enough so I did it on my own. Here is where I was focused on my own work while the teacher was still discussing it.
By the time I finished the problem, the teacher was only midway into explaining it. Then there's this friend of mine who was now responding to the teacher's questions about the problem.
Then our teacher goes and I quote: "Thank you for being so responsive, sir. Your participation is what's keeping this class alive"
...I was so offended by that.
I don't know if I'm overreacting or I have the right to be offended cuz like, I was responsive for an hour while he was discussing and 5 minutes of me being quiet, this happens.
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shea-like-the-butter · 6 months
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Sunday, April 7th 2024
Before the blur
Well there you were
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inkcurlsandknives · 8 months
This morning I got an absolutely bonkers work request and peered into the unknowable depths of that can of worms for like 5 seconds, crammed the lid back on and lobbed the can into my bosses office like a can of tear gas. With a neat, Cc-ing boss so he can address your concerns.
I've been watching the back and forth volley of increasingly unhinged emails all day. Just hoping with all my heart they aren't keeping me on the email string to dump the problem back in my lap.
I just love when engineers tell me they have no time for and therefore never do some core role of their job function. And can I please change my workflow so this core job task no longer comes to them? 😌
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Lisa Su
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Electrical engineer Lisa Su was born in Taiwan in 1969. Su is the CEO of Advanced Micro Devices, and has led a spectacular turnaround for the semiconductor company. She has also pioneered methods of using copper instead of aluminum to connect computer chips, leading to 20% faster chip speeds. Su was the first woman to win the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' Robert N. Noyce Medal, regarded as one of the most prestigious honors in the semiconductor industry. She is currently a member of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.
Image source: The White House
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countrynerddancer · 2 months
What scientific principle or physical phenomena causes you sit and stare into the distance when you think of it?
Mine is the No-Slip Condition
Shear strength just asymptotes as fluid gets close to a surface, so velocity at the surface goes to zero and flow cannot rip it up. It doesn't seem like it should happen but it does.
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nasa · 7 months
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Deniz Burnham
A former NASA intern, Deniz Burnham started her career as an engineer on an oil rig in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and went on to lead operations on drilling rigs in Canada, Ohio, and Texas. https://go.nasa.gov/3wDpfBo
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Them: You're an engineer you must be good at math, what's $19 divided by 4 people?
Me: ... 4...ish?
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burntoutstemkid · 3 months
Hey there! I’m a woman in STEM (entering my junior year as a Biomedical Engineering major on a Pre-Med track) and I also am neurodivergent! I wanted to see if anyone who has been down my path before has any advice or tips/tricks that worked for them while they were studying, or if anyone younger looking to follow on a similar path had any questions. I want to be able to uplift all of our voices on this platform regardless of background :)
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charybdisrevenge · 5 months
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Woman wiring an early IBM computer.
Berenice Abbott 1948.
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yz · 6 months
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At the FRC robotics competition. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, March 2024.
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mafiatsunafish · 7 months
They saw magic in her
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Day 8: Hannah Schmitz - Red Bull’s Principal Strategy Engineer
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