#Wolffort clan
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Because the Wolffort clan and the Darkwood/Greenwood (Woodlands) are my chosen spots of interest, carryover notes so that I can refer back to it later if needed:
The Hawk and the Wolf: legend goes that the Wolffort ancestor was lead to their approximate current residence under the guidance of a hawk. The hawk then becomes the united clans banner as seen for House Wolffort for pride and fearlessness.
A possible design angle from a team to approach not naming the current dominant family name (Wolffort) after the hawk (like a name like "Falkes") was to be signifiers of both Draefendi's companions: the hawk and the wolf, as according to the Octopath TTRPG.
The hawk of legend would be the literal placeholder to the companion while the other is honored in namesake and so meant to be seen as the vehicle for the Huntress. This also amplifies itself with Serenoa as a unit, ex. Hawk Dive, battle dialogue "when a wolf is cornered," therein taking both companions. Then, noting that Draefendi's ring is the plume (CotC), the hawk likely has more significance in regards to the goddess and would then be more readily recognizable imagery in local legend.
If Wolffort's ancestor was an emigrant of the Darkwood/Greenwood, the symbolism of Draefendi and the old Wolffort legend seem less of a fanatical myth and more of an actuality that happened reasonably where Wolffort's ancestor was able to understand the desires of that one hawk, provided the latent ability of those clans to possibly borne a child able to connect/commune with beasts a little more readily. Of course, visually both the Wolffort demesne and Woodlands share a lot of the same inspiration, but that's understandable on a surface level for far simpler design reasons.
This ancestor then sees the two feuding tribes, Falkes and Telliore, as ancedote to the Darkwood/Greenwood peoples and so unites them as an opposition to Orsterran history.
In a completely different direction from left field, the parallels and crossovers between these people and/or similarities of Orsterra and Norzelia is that Triangle Strategy's stories might be a collection of Orsterran fables or cautionary tales (or a story a novelist made up for fun. Triangle Strategy could just be someone's choose your own adventure story, which would be funny). This really has no grounds other than the usage of "ser" and maybe possibly the cardinal directions somewhat being used.
As a fable anecdote however, it would make the tie in much cooler and more powerful as a story of "old versus new" or "light versus dark" and such in the sense that weather or not the old gods of Norzelia are actually the Osterran pantheon is individual headcanon, but then Serenoa as protagonist, as a Wolffort tied to the "old gods" through iconography and symbolism and the Scales themselves, facing off against not only something that was created by human hand in hatred and pride, the Goddess of Salt (the "new," the sacrilege of it) but also the powers of what is more tied to the fallen god, Galdera, than its namesake, Aelfric, and an Osterran would likely recognize those connections for hopefully easier digestion about the lesser clean cut parts in both Osterra and "Triangle Strategy."
#Triangle Strategy#Octopath Traveler#personal notes#Wolffort clan#Darkwood clan#I know the common comment is the Wolfforts just being the Starks (Game of Thrones)#and that's supposedly why they made them hawks#(jokingly)#but after realizing this it makes sense why there's that seeming “disconnect” with identities#because it's not and always was one despite being two animals#and then the end bit of this is just my big brained conspiracy theory that would be funny and cool
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For the character ask list: 2, 12, and 20 - Anyone from Fire Emblem: Engage and Anna from Triangle Strategy
Starting with Anna bc, she was the easier of the two to write (I've been thinking about Anna a lot lately).
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Hmm...I like pretty much everything about her, but if I had to choose one thing to talk about, it'd be her unwavering kindness that isn't hidden behind a thorny shell. Like, there's a certain character type Anna looks like she fits into at first glance (stealthy rouge who seems quiet and mysterious), and I typically see characterizations for that type that follow the gist of "edgy, antisocial or closed off, occasionally snarky" (Therion from Octopath being an pretty good example). Which is a character type I like a lot, but does get predictable.
But like? Anna's not really any of that. She almost feels like a inversion of the "quiet, edgy rouge" archetype in that while she does technically have a dark and tragic past (the entire thing with the Jackes Clan), she was raised surrounded by adults who loved and cared for her, and despite the fact that the writers could have had her still be kinda edgy bc of the whole "dead parents" thing, instead we get a character who, despite being a spy and doing a lot of "darker" work, is still unfailingly kind to her allies, and even to "enemies" (i.e. her entire dynamic with Milo), so much so that most of the characters, even children, feel safe around her. And she's incredibly level-headed and thoughtful about everything, which plays into her kindness because we see that Anna actively chooses kindness as well (her character story being about finding the truth of her parents, not about seeking revenge for them).
The tension between the stereotypical "edgy rouge" and Anna's actual characterization gets played with by the writers a bit too--i.e. Rudolph immediately assuming Anna has a "dark past" (from his battle dialogue with her in his recruitment map), and her "mind your tongue" reaction; or Trish's "we're outcasts of a feather" remark about Anna in her encampment dialogue (which is so funny, since Anna is like, very much not an outcast in the Wolffort demense)--which makes me think that the writers were definitely aware of the sort of first impression she gives off (both to players and characters in the story), and decided to write against that archetype for her core characterization intentionally.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I don't have anything to support this, but I think Anna probably got stuck with babysitting Serenoa a few times when he was younger, and this is part of the reason she's really good with kids. I also have this headcanon that Anna just lets people assume she's younger than she is (i.e. Milo's "Anna is so much younger than me" encampment dialogue, even though we know Anna's at least 30), and doesn't correct them because she kinda of thinks it's funny.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Hmm, now this is an interesting question for Anna, since the characters she's closest with in the narrative also act as surrogate family in some way (Benedict and Erador), or mentor/vaguely surrogate family (Archibald is her mentor, but he also talks about how all the "young folks" of the army are the closest thing to grandchildren he as, so...), or Anna plays a sort of guardian/older supportive role for (Rudolph, Trish, Quahaug, Decimal). Although I think Anna's relationships with Rudolph and Trish is much closer to friendship than just Anna being a supportive older person in their lives. I do like her dynamics with Milo a lot, but they almost have a frienemies (or enemies-to-lovers for enjoyers of their ship) feel, rather than besties feel.
In my heart I feel like Anna and Avlora could be friends. There is the faintest glimmer of a kernel of an idea for how this works somewhere in my head, but I think I'm gonna have to wait for it to stew a bit longer before I can expand the idea. I also have this currently unexplainable feeling she'd get a long well with Maxwell, somehow. Anna, Maxwell, Avlora, and Milo all have similar but different narrative roles to their respective countries/lords in my head, so if Anna and Milo can be friends, then it makes sense that they should all have some sort of dynamic. I've also started to wonder what the interaction dynamics between Anna and Lyla would be like, since Anna was basically Quahaug's guardian for a while.
Aaaand, for the Engage character, I choose...Pandreo, bc he's my favorite character and I don't. Talk about him ever. (I haven't talked about Engage a lot lately though, so...)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
A lot of the Engage characters have really good writing in my opinion, and almost the entire cast has a certain duality of character, but Pandreo's duality gets me bc like, sure he's this silly party animal on the surface, and then you get his supports with Panette and learn that his home life was utter shit up to the time his parents left him, and it's like. Damn, he rebuilt his broken home and the broken church his parents left behind, and made it into a place of healing and joy for his entire community and I dunno. That just gets me.
And he's incredibly in-tune with the boundaries of the people around him, like Pandreo knows Bunet doesn't do well in the party atmosphere and never tries to pressure Bunet into attending. With Alcryst, Pandreo does push him a bit to try out a party, but I get the sense that if Alcryst had reacted badly to it, then Pandreo wouldn't have forced Alcryst further on the issue. Like despite everything and how bitter a person he could have become, Pandreo actively chooses kindness and understanding, and actively makes spaces for the people around him to exist comfortably and like, I love him for that.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
None in particular at the moment (for like, 99% of the cast honestly), but I do think Pandreo being the eldest sibling probably affects a lot of his core characterization in ways not immediately apparent. I just have to replay Engage again and let the characters and story stew in my head a little longer before vague impressions I have start blossoming into proper headcanons and stuff.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I enjoyed all the supports Pandreo has, and get the impression he kinda befriends almost everyone in the army (or makes a damned good effort to befriend them), and clearly Pandreo's besties with Bunet and Fogado, and their dynamic works so well for me. If I could have had more supports I'd have wanted to see a support between Pandreo and Gregory, bc while I get why the DLC characters don't have a lot of supports, I think the dynamic between those two would have been super interesting to see.
#alynnl#ask game#I still don't have an ask tag#honestly ''character who is kind despite going through some shit'' is probably the core of most the character types I tend to latch onto#as I was writing up Pandreo's section I was like huh okay I really did just make beelines for characters who are fundamentally kind people#okay then#love them both lots#Anna lives rent free in my head and will remain there forever probably#Pandreo surprises some people who know me bc he's not immediately apparent as my type but here I am#almost two years later and still thinking about the weird party priest
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Languages in Triangle Strategy
Today on “I Think About Triangle Strategy Too Much,” I’ve been putting together some stuff on language in Norzelia!
There isn’t a ton of evidence to go off of concerning language in Triangle Strategy—everyone appears to be speaking the same language, and they never really mention having differing languages between the three main nations. However, what we do know is that Glenbrook, Hyzante, and Aesfrost have been around for a while—long enough that they’ve developed their own industries and cultures. It would make sense that their languages would start diverging at some point as well.
I’m taking that thought and running with it, even though the writers probably just intended to have them all speak the same language and leave it at that, haha.
In any case, here’s my theory on TS language, with a justification under each point.
There’s a common language in Norzelia that most, if not all people know.
This is probably pretty self-explanatory—all the characters seem to have no trouble communicating with each other. Even those with little opportunity or need for formal education (for example, Piccoletta, Rudolph, or Trish), can speak easily with Serenoa and the other lords and ladies.
Glenbrook and Hyzante have their own country-specific languages.
The biggest point in favor of this is, “I want this to be true and as such I’m going to pretend it is.” After all, there’s no evidence in-game that there’s any other language than the common tongue.
But what there IS evidence of is that Glenbrook/Aesfrost, Hyzante, and the Roselle have had enough time and isolation to develop distinct genetic markers (pink hair/darker coloring/etc.). That, and the drastic difference between the cultures in the three different nations, means it seems like intuitively you’d expect them to have different dialects at the very least.
The previously unaffiliated clans have their own mix of languages.
“Unaffiliated clans” in this case is just me referring to the various clans that seem to pop up from time to time. Wolffort, Telliore, and Falkes are all described as having previously been their own clans, which were in turn united by Wolffort’s clan. There’s also an unnamed mountain clan that Aesfrost displaces when they conquer the mountains.
I’m assuming these clans are breakaways of Glenbrook, Hyzante, and potentially any other foreign groups that have settled in Norzelia. They likely all learn the Norzelian common language to get along, but there would be a fair amount of pidgin and foreign languages in the mix.
The unnamed mountain clan in particular I like to think was a split-off from an entirely different region, separate from Glenbrook and Hyzante, who stayed relatively isolated from the other nations and maintained their own language until Aesfrost conquered their clan.
Glenbrook and Aesfrost share a language but differ in dialect.
According to the Notes section of the War Chronicles, Glenbrook and Hyzante were the first countries to settle in Norzelia. Aesfrost was originally a house of Glenbrook, and split off an undefined amount of time ago to establish the duchy. That split happened long enough ago that Aesfrost has had time to build Ironstone at the very least, and seems as if it’s probably been at least a few generations in addition to that, just given the way everyone talks about Norzelia and Aesfrost. I’m loosely thinking something like 200-300 years.
There’s a lot of great resources at this link, but taking into account the relative recentness of that split as well as the geographical/political closeness of Glenbrook and Aesfrost, a separate language might be a little much. However, if we roll with that idea that the unnamed mountain clan had its own language, I think there’s an argument for a new dialect to emerge.
The Roselle have their own language.
The Roselle seem to predate both Glenbrook and Hyzante, given that they knew the true origins of Norzelia (i.e., it being brought up to the surface by natural phenomenon, and the salt drying up beneath the surface). They also lived in a place called Centralia, and that the northern region was derivatively named Norzelia, potentially implying that they were the ones to name both places.
All that said, they live to the distant south, and appear to have lived apart from Norzelia for some time. It seems pretty likely that they had their own language—which could have been part of what made it so easy for Hyzante to suppress their knowledge of salt way back when they first migrated to Norzelia.
The Rosellan language was snuffed out in Norzelia upon their imprisonment by Hyzante.
Bits and pieces of the Rosellan language likely survive, but knowing the Hyzantian government, they would have hated allowing the Rosellans to speak privately amongst themselves. Over generations of slavery, they had recordkeepers like Orlaea who would probably know the old language, but otherwise, it likely died out in terms of casual speech.
On the bright side, it’s probably really unlikely that the entire Rosellan population traveled to Norzelia when they came to teach the nations about the salt crystals. I think it’s probable that there’s still a population of Rosellans living in Centralia who would still speak the language.
And that’s all I have! It’s all just theory, but it’s a fun thing to think about in terms of world-building. Let me know if I got any facts wrong, or add on anything else you think is interesting!
#triangle strategy#theory#language#glenbrook#hyzante#aesfrost#the roselle#unnamed mountain clan#house wolffort#non-canon ts notes
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I love that in Triangle Strategy, that each of the three non-golden/conviction endings, that instead of it highlighting the best part of the three's best qualities, they're the character giving into their worst qualities.
Benedict, despite his distance and cold demeanor, does have care for others. His character stories show a close bond with Erador. Despite being told to eliminate an enemy clan he still took in the orphaned child of the leader. He clearly cared for Destra, even before she came to Wolffort.
But as the game progresses, you watch Benedict become more and more cruel. His care for Destra escalates into an obsession to avenge what he believed to have been slights against her. And when the scales tip in his favor, he ignores the desires of Destra's son, the one he is vicariously avenging Destra through, bringing up information Serenoa wanted to desperately to die with him, that he wouldn't lose his friend Roland because of it. Benedict however sees Roland not as Serenoa's friend, but as merely an extension of Regna, something that must be destroyed for Destra's sake. Even going so far as to scold Serenoa when he refuses to kill Roland, despite the fact Serenoa never wanted to lose his friend in the first place.
Roland from the start, despite his carefree demeanor, shows signs of his self doubt. He's looked down apon by his father and Frani, despite the fact that they don't have expectations for him in the first place. Roland is fine with that, he's not going to be king anyways, so why should he care.
Until his father and brother, and mentor Maxwell, one of the few who saw good in him are slain. Roland become the heir. He looks down apon himself for hiding behind the Wolfforts while his sister suffers in Aesfrosts clutches. He's frustrated he doesn't have the strength to fight back against Aesfrost. Even when they finally drive Aesfrost out of Glenbrook, and Roland takes the throne, nothing gets better. Despite Roland's desperate efforts to help the people, they still curse his name, calling him a tyrant as he kills the corrupt royalists, with a young girl who lost her parents to this corruption lunging at him with the desire to kill him.
Maybe it would be better if he just gave in to Hyzante. His father was right, he's not fit to rule and the people he prioritize hate him. Meanwhile the people of Hyzante are happy, at least the majority are. Sure there will be a few who suffer, but maybe giving up is the best way to help everyone else.
Frederica is shown to be immensely compassionate. She's the first to object to the cruel and unjust options put before the scales, offering ways instead that even grant mercy to the enemy, even if it means more risks must be taken.
But as she learns of the Roselle's plight, their suffering at the hands of Hyzante, she begins to only see her people. Who cares if the rest of Norzelia burns in the fires of war? Who cares if her betrothed's people are required to flee their demesne as no one is their to save them, their Lord abandoning them for a land that may not even exist? If she flees with her people, they'll be safe and happy, and that's all that matters to her. The Roselle get to live safe and happy, while the rest of Norzelia enters into miriad wars and civil wars, as the land is bathed by blood. Her obsession even leads to her love, Serenoa, the one who left his people to save hers, to sacrifice himself for her and her peoples sake, as she breaks the promise to keep him safe.
#triangle strategy#triangle strategy spoilers#Benedict pascal#frederica aesfrost#Roland glenbrook#This game is so freaking good I love it
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Hey. Hey @incrediblequality. Would you maybe wanna exchange rich inner worlds sometime? Just a thought.
scorched earth
#I know half of my Wolffort clan lore just stems from jokes and what I’d find funny#but of equal measure I do have a lot of red string conspiracy theory headcanons/thoughts
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6-8 for the tri strat ask game! :)
6. Favorite Chapter?
This question was answered in the previous ask, however I'm going to use this opportunity to talk about the Falkes battle (Chapter 7 Utility) because it qualifies for point 2, "which chapter I keep returning to again and again." Though I don't have any particularly strong feelings towards this chapter on a base level, however there is stuff to unpack underneath it and much potential here in my silly little brain, all of which in what this marks for the Wolfforts.
Regardless of path, Falkes's fall marks the beginning of the greater clan's fall, possibly its "end" depending on how you want to look at it. And this point or foreshadowing or whatever, Falkes is vocal about it. Utility side, he addresses Erador like what the fuck man? He had fought with Benedict and Erador, and this kind of direct confrontation between these two parties, I'm----I'm chomping at the bit. I want more of this charged tension. I want to look at it, be provoked. I want Benedict especially to get called the fuck out as the steward, as Symon's representative prior to Serenoa's lordship. It is so thematically chef's kiss.
From my experience, I know Falkes gets a lot of flack for "being stupid," "not a good lord," and "being too loyal [to the crown]," and I disagree mostly with that because that comes from a modern perspective and also Symon exists up to the north. Yes, Landroi, don't burn your fields if you don't have to, Serenoa also says that, but even then I can at least understand why he does that. It's not relevant somewhat relevant, but Silvio's approach in general is also a topic that I also can understand because he also gets flack for caution and cowardice, but his father was Gorde. We know one thing about Gorde, he was the advisor, and I think we see bits of him though Silvio, but Silvio also was raised in a different time under different circumstances so that's why it's only bits.
TL;DR I have a lot of feeling for Landroi. This is a sizable chunk of the feelings, but there's still more. There is the flip-side, Chapter 7 Morality and its Chapter 8, but I said I'd talk about the Utility side specifically, so it ends here. Also Julio as a Falkes angst lives in my mind ready to strike at any moment.
7. Favorite Battle?
This is being judged largely in terms more mechanically--map, units, etc--instead of the ramifications on story. That being said: I have little clue. The naval battle, Chapter 14 Morality, sticks out the most. Fueled by my feelings about Norzelia's river warships, it was an interesting, unexpected choice, and for that, it's kinda neat. I really liked the detail that they made the signature metal plating of Aesfrosti warships conductible. I struggle to recall if there are other maps with metal, except the mine. We also don't really get ship maps for obvious reasons, the closest thing is probably the Wolffort harbor map.
Close runner up for maps is Twins Gate though. I won't elaborate. That one's strictly vibes only.
8. Favorite Ending?
I regret to inform I am a Liberty End fan. Though anything to make Benedict Pascal "happy" is the surface level reason why I like Liberty End, but the subterranean level is how much he shoots himself in the foot with his stubborn blindness. No longer to make Benedict Pascal happy. Anything to make him go through more bullshit, especially if it's his own fault.
But not only does he shoot himself in the foot, but he also puts that last nail in the coffin and then buried Wolffort in it. Landroi is dead (head Falkes representative), Silvio is dead (head Telliore representative), Serenoa (Wolffort's head) is put on the throne--and for the sake of not trying to stammer out an alternative explanation--is then Glenbrook-ified. Sure, he retains Wolffort in name, and this probably drastically changes things for future generations of the royal line down the road, I don't have my local history expert at the moment, but anyway there's abandonment in morality, ethics, land (subjective Serenoa still technically owns it), heritage, and such. It's the Liberty end, Morality is forsaken to achieve it, and the triangle topples. Worse case, you also let Benedict Pascal do what he wants, and the land that was entrusted to the clan also underwent some damage. Don't worry captain we'll buff out those scratches.
HOWEVER, all in all, regardless of this, this is all still done while achieving at least face value of Benny Boy's catchphrase goal--for the future of House Wolffort--because the House in title is still raise to imperial household, but it's at such a steep cost to what it means to be a Wolffort. That meaning of No Matter the Cost is so delicate and fine in the Liberty End. Poetic cinema.
And with that I think at this point I am tying too many red strings between dots, so I will end there. But, if provoked I could run deeper.
#'Benedict Pascal is my favorite character'#I say before immediately kicking him in the nuts and dragging him through the dirt#Thank you for the ask#Triangle Strategy#Ask Game#every ending in triangle strategy causes me distress to think about#but I put Liberty End under my Wolffort lensed microscope#and go ooooo~ facinating
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all of my followers are very lucky that this site does not have the same "release nonsensical thoughts rapid fire into the void" vibe as elsewhere because you all would've been fed up with me playing dolls with Wolffort clan history 3 days ago.
#This post is about Triangle Strategy#kimi no#Me: I understand the assignment!#SE seeing me do unthinkable things with Symon Gorde and Landroi: NO YOU DO NOT NOT YOU DO NOT#ask me about the Wolfforts#Bene may be my favorite but my brain is revolving around Symon at the center
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6, 13, and 16 for the tristrat ask meme?
Unfortunately, grave news has come to my attention. It’s not new news, but it’s still regrettable nonetheless. I’m the Wolfforts guy, and oh god, it was certainly a moment remembering I am the Wolfforts guy when having thought about how to answer these questions. However, no apologies will be given at this time.
6. Favorite Chapter
This can honestly be divided into 2 categories of 1) which chapter there is an unspeakable emotion of attachment towards, and 2) which chapter I keep returning to again and again.
The one chapter that readily comes to mind that fulfills both of those criteria is Chapter 15 Morality choice, return to Wolffort.
This choice is largely to do with the fact that there’s a lot to focus on in regards to my three main guys that I love to toss around and force into situations (Benedict, Erador, Symon). Story-wise, lore-wise, and the rest, I want to pluck and pry and explore the exact intonations this one instance, specifically the battle and ramifications, causes between this triangle of characters in multiple different iterations to entertain multiple (headcanon) ideas and points. I’m the end, it’s favored because it inspires and inspires to act, to move.
Also not to mention that I also get to (try and) manipulate my favorite green unit, Mr. Symon Wolffort, Lord of House Wolffort. As far as I am aware many complain that he dies too easily, however I am here to say I am using him masterfully within my strategy. He is swinging so heavily.
Besides the above, one topic of debate between my partner and I is of Norzelia/Glenbrook history and how that influences the motives, or maybe fanciful propaganda(?), the [Royalist] had for pulling Chapter 15, and is a common topic talked about between us and I am always left fascinated and riveted with our discussions.
13. Were there any npcs you wish were recruitable?
Unfortunately, I know exactly why my favorite green unit and named combatant are not able to ever in my dreams be a recruitable unit. Rest in peace, Lord Symon; rest in peace, Lord Landroi. You guys would’ve been cool as fuck even if you weren’t. This is also why Square Enix only made Gorde Telliore a guy in name because I would’ve been absolutely insufferable if he was an actual, fleshed out character. He lives happily in my thoughts though.
As a substitute answer, I would’ve also enjoyed Sycras and Kamsell a lot actually. Not sure if there’s any NPCs without any combat ability, or at least mechanics-wise, that I can think of that I’d pull to give stats and skills to.
16. Any headcanons you enjoy?
Between explaining a core, yet deranged, pillar about a Wolffort (people)’s role and the recent theory for Norzelia as landmass, given the answer to 6. Favorite Character, I’ll explain the former. But, don’t for a minute doubt I wouldn’t also talk about Norzelia as a geographical location like a maniac though.
Full disclosure: this one headcanon is nothing but a fanciful delusion, like some kind of sandbox, that went overboard because I think Symon-Benedict is very interesting relationship to play around with, romantically or not. So your mileage will absolutely very, very vary.
The Wolffort tribe/clan has a unique role within its unit that is a two part system that I have been placeholder-calling “the right and the left” in which the chief selects a specific member to be their right hand while the chief then acts as the left. This dual companionship is so that, though there is one chief, there are two successors—militantly, diplomatically, culturally, etc.
In Wolffort’s recent history this was originally meant to be Symon and Gorde. Symon as chief would uphold clan standards, traditions, and relations as is due of a chief, but Gorde was to also take up legacy responsibilities alongside Symon. However, the Saltiron War happened, and the clan was once again split to its original tribes at the hands of King Regna Glenbrook, and so Gorde was “separated” to tend to the affairs of his own House before that role was officially solidified by whatever means (I fancy a rite).
So then, with his own house to care for, Symon selected Benedict to uphold this role instead. Though Benedict was brash, still bullheaded as ever, and certainly stupid, Symon trusted this decision because Benedict “has the heart of a Wolffort” and embodies specific aspects of what it means to be a member of the clan. On paper Benedict is House Wolffort’s advisor, but he is much more in the larger familial unit’s understanding, in his years having learned as much as he possibly can about the history and people of Wolffort, mostly with oral tradition. This was the prevailing strike to start Benedict’s intense—for lack of better terms—family values as the no matter the cost for the future of House Wolffort guy. This unparalleled level of intimacy and trust between Symon and Benedict naturally only became more complex over the years, and with its complexity—as well as outside influence—came his certain hatred, if not also distrust, for Symon. Ultimately, however, their fates had been sealed many years ago, and unfortunately Symon is also the one thing he had latched onto to love: Wolffort.
To reduce content, that’s ending there. There are things I could explain more and several different appendages sprouting out on every side of this, so unfortunately there is still more deranged information.
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TriStrat Vampire-Werewolf AU Notes
Because I have invested too much time thinking about this, it didn’t make sense for me to not write it down and record the inner workings somehow, and if I’m taking the time to type this all out, I might as well offer it out to others. By no means is this a concise list of anything, but it is the most consistant, major working parts.
Dear reader: this is a Symon/Benedict/Erador household and for when Destra is around this is a Symon/Benedict/Erador/and Destra household. The AU reflects that and is riddled with this polyamorous network, so please keep that in mind if proceeding. They are one big, happy bunch and Symon is passionately kissing all of them with so much tongue.
For continuing generations, the legendary races of Norzelia have experienced a steady decline in population and structure. Once powerful, revered, and unsullied beings, werewolves have been reduced to beings of muddled blood and status, and vampires squandering to maintain lifestyles.
While wolves of ancient breed display much stronger canine features no matter the moon position, most modern wolves are virtually visually indistinguishable from mankind when outside of a full-moon cycle. Usually, wolves will be burlier, boxier, and taller than fellow men when in human flesh, but runt pups and daintier breeds are not unheard of. During the full-moon cycle, an approximate 5-day period, wolves will take on their more antique, traditional form of large canines. Transformation is a laborious and taxing process, and dictates large hunts to support increased food consumption amongst packs. A wolf pack is not necessarily solely composed of wolves; it can also reference a larger family unit that surrounds a wolf nucleus.Â
Only a small handful of packs remain within Norzelia that contain members of ancient breed and pure pedigree, the largest and most influential being the Wolffort clan. In history, Wolffort boasted of a number of over 40 wolves. However, such a high number was a population of the past, and those of ancient breed are now even less.
Unlike werewolves, their foils, vampires, have always numbered very few in Norzelia, but are now facing near extinction on the northern continent. As dominantly solitary creatures, vampires do not usually form clusters, or if they do, they will be of families, coteries, or covens composed of no more than three members. One historic outlier of this trend was the Jacks clan, who were a clan of people governed by a council of thirteen vampires.
In terms of physicality, vampires retain their shape as they were in life. Pallor, temperature, and reduced nervous senses are the main universal differentiations besides enlarged incisors and canines. Some vampires will undergo additional changes as a stress response to the sire/dam-offspring process that produces traits that look like albinism. In terms of strength and dexterity, usually vampires are only as deadly as the averaged trained soldier in terms of pure combat prowess. In the off chance there is a vampire proving to be more cumbersome physically, it is likely because they have yet to realize that their reduced pain sensors is not alerting them to the fact they are tearing their body apart from unrestricted force. If the survival instinct, usually a hunger response, activates then vampires become unruly and dangerous. Despite all that, they are desired by militant forces because of the extended difficulty needed to kill them rather than brute strength. Despite this desire to have one amongst an army’s ranks, their population size doesn’t support much likelihood to have one let alone a full platoon.
Like their tradition, their diet is blood, however given diets and lifestyle differences between beasts and humans; vampires do favor human blood, but do not need to sustain themselves solely on it. Because of its allure however, there are various tales passed down between ancients, vampire and wolf alike, of the dangers posed of drinking too much human blood as well as the worse alternative: praying upon their own kind. Unlike Norzelian werewolves, their blood has retained a lot of its ancestral qualities even in modern times, which will cause the predator to go mad or die upon excess consumption. Though modern werewolf blood is mainly non-toxic, the farther down the blood goes into antiquity, the more the blood becomes potent, and if not careful, deadly as well.
The most pristine and honored line of wolves, the Wolffort clan has been the major ruling power amongst packs since the old world, housing most of the wolves with stronger blood and pedigree, and one of the few left of ancient breed: its chief, Symon Wolffort. With its agreements with the royal line of Glenbrook, its formal absorption into the kingdom, and split into the three High Houses, the clan is reclaiming lost position and stature amongst human affairs, even if minimal. Even in antiquity, wolves meant no ills to humanity, and Chief Symon does not intend to break this tradition.
House Wolffort, House Telliore, and House Falkes sit at its head, each smaller unit being lead by one wolf of strongest, older blood. These three High Houses are composed of a variety of lives since each of its non-wolf members has been taken in for being of some variety of in-the-know of pack lifestyles, customs, and needs. Its working servant families are even usually there from generational fidelity to the direct Wolffort line. Recently, however, its chief had done something that sparked continual upheaval, internally and externally: Symon Wolffort accepted a vampire into his pack. On top of that, that vampire is also of high position within the House’s power structure. Though many bare their fangs at the thought, ultimately they know there is little that can be done against Chief Symon’s might.
House Aesfrost descends from what was once a wolf clan, however it drastically fell from grace in terms of heritage and blood some generations ago. Now, practically no wolf blood remains within its members, and its people effectively considered members of mankind. Though, despite this past, House Aesfrost is a house divided due to recent unfortunate circumstances: the late Archduke Zigmunt Aesfrost’s oldest son, Archduke Gustadolph Aesfrost, had died and was turned under the hands of an unrecorded sire/dam. With Gustadolph as a man-eater—him keeping this information largely unknown skillfully even amongst vampire courts and wolf packs—many old, strong ties that remained despite their fall are being completely severed, mainly by the hands of the new Archduke, all of which as going mostly unknown to the common men of the Grand Duchy and its allies. Even if a commoner did hear wind, it would be explained off by false reasons.
The Jacks clan is a recent formation created through the binding of thirteen vampires. Though the human members/families of the clan were predominantly a subsection of Hyzante lives, since they were located on the westernmost reaches of the state, the thirteen who oversaw its form went mainly unknown in origin, for it didn’t matter. The greater concern was the threat they possessed, for having so many vampires coordinate at such capacity worried higher classes in concerns to it unbalancing established power structures. Since they bordered on the land that is now formally known as Wolffort land, there was much tension and bloodshed between the two clans.
Peculiar traits, ones akin to the albino traits overstressed vampires retained, had rose in the human members of the clan and had started being passed down through genetics. What consequences this entails is largely unknown and will not likely ever be known upon their eradication.
Symon Wolffort is regarded and revered as Norzelia’s oldest werewolf. However, whether or not such is true is not as easily confirmed, despite he himself serving as living record. Sometimes he’ll jest “perhaps it is time that [he too] wandered off into the mountains to live the remainder of [his] days,” making others of the pack think that perhaps it used to be a common joking attribute amongst old wolves to just disconnect and disappear even if they had many hearty years left. But, it is his position amongst man and greater Norzelian society that keeps him strong and true for his pack, his House, and his clan. In recent years, since inaugurating in a certain bonded pair, others could even argue that the chief has been all the more robust and happier.
The truth is the companions’ impression on him was certain clarity. He was always a respectable, reasonable, and collected one, but both a wolf and a vampire, of all creatures, with hearts of a Wolffort—together, unbothered—was final understanding and a weight released. He uses his duty as chief to guise why he “protects them like pups,” but while it was true, he also knows he can learn and love from them, even after having seen it all. Benedict, as the first vampire of a pack, certainly taught him much in the actual mingling of vampires from day to day despite whatever he gathered before. Although, he will likely always have to apologize whenever the blood-drinker brings to light ill or contaminated slaughter animals due to blood sickness.
Additionally, because of his canine-like features, the clothiers of the Wolffort demesne have learned to craft peculiar articles to mask or adjust to his breed, making the specific section of market and trade all the more bustling for his demesne, for wolves over will commission clothes from their makers. It is not forbidden knowledge amongst man to know of werewolves, for their histories entwine, so any common clothier, especially in the Wolffort demesne, will likely know its true intent. One particular article that took time to perfect was the boot design to accommodate and mask his digitigrade feet. Often enough regular trousers will do since his “tail” is short as to not offset its original purpose, and so can be tucked in.
A normal, average human as one could be, Destra needed time to adjust to life in a pack after wedding Lord Symon Wolffort from not having much contact or knowledge of the kind. However, it was little. Since both of the couple were patient and understanding, she picked up the lifestyle painlessly and within a couple of moons, even accepting Benedict, being of the more despised race amongst humans given their diet, as someone not to fear but to live alongside and love, even if sometimes he forgets such himself. Knowing she was being wedged unnaturally into the established matters of the House, Destra had little qualms with her husband’s other affairs, but to her initial surprise, Lord Symon showered her with no less love and support than that of a man who truly respected his wife. With her, the chief’s unmistakable favor went from two to three members, and together the four were their own inner working system.
The human pup amongst wolves, Serenoa is just that: human through and through. But, being raised closely within a pack and being the expected heir to House Wolffort, Serenoa finds his own needs that of a wolf’s needs. He will take the time and delicacy to simulate wolf mannerisms and abide by schedules that really only serve purpose to other wolves, but because of his human blood, he is allowed to do many things much more leisurely. Such is mainly focused around the full-moon cycle when the pack will limit direct time amongst common folk of the castle town.
Because he is Symon’s pup, there is not much that can be taken against him without total mutiny, much like thoughts about the pack’s vampire. Though Serenoa is the heir of the House, and will carry on Wolffort as nobility, Serenoa cannot lead or further the Wolffort clan’s pack legacy, despite having the passion and fortification to do so. He is concerned for the pack in that aspect considering Symon, in current times, has not selected a childbearing mate or anoint another of the pack to uphold the role.
Despite his mature appearance from his age in life, Benedict is an infantile vampire in comparison to the grand timeline, being under a century old. Though he does inch around the 100-year mark, he knows little about his own vampire based urges and needs. He was abandoned by his sire/dam and presumably left to die considering that, even though their kind are solitary creatures, they still take some time to pass down knowledge, skill, and manners to their offspring before separating. He had spent about a decade fumbling in the dark on how to conduct and control himself before meeting Erador. According to Benedict, Erador entertained the more permanent companionship because “he pitied [him],” and remained by his side to course correct any and all problems.
Amongst Wolffort he was able to find much council from Chief Symon, the wolf having lived many lifetimes before him, and learn from Chief Symon many intricacies of both vampire and werewolf history and life. Though he is very grateful to his chief and filial beyond a doubt, even in the present he does not fully comprehend Symon’s motivations for taking him in, in regards to the severe bite and backlash he had received amongst packs. The one shame he carries amongst his pack was not being able to sire Destra when asked of him, even though both he and Symon knew that such was sudden frenzy thought and turning her was not the answer for them or her.
Anna is Benedict’s human child that he had spared upon the complete eradication of the Jacks clan. Her reservation on asking Benedict and Erador directly about her parentage does not leave her blind to the fact that her adoptive father is a vampire, or the fact her other honorary adoptive parent, and the larger household unit, are also werewolves. Because of the vampire-werewolf-human nuclear family set up, throughout her life she’s been divided and indecisive on what lifestyle to display, and such does strengthen her aloof and distant nature amongst all sorts of interactions, not just ones limited to the inner pack. She wouldn’t admit to it, but another reason why as an adult she worked from scout to spy is so she could live a more discrete, nocturnal life alongside her father. This small gesture of unity from Anna did not go unnoticed.Â
Ostracized from most packs due to having affiliations with a vampire, Erador was a lone wolf, a singular werewolf of no pack, until being taken in by Wolffort. In terms of wolf years, Symon would describe Erador as “certainly not a pup, but only just outgrew his juvenile pelt” with a hearty chuckle. However, it is misguided because given the state of things, Erador’s lifespan as a wolf is certainly more reduced than Chief Symon’s life expectancy. Though wolves will mature their early lives like that of man and then plateau for a more gradual, subtler aging process period once developed, Erador is in a modern werewolf’s adulthood rather than young adulthood.
Though before they entered the Wolffort pack, Erador would reassure Benedict that he did not mind their solitary life—and though there is truth to it for the pair—he is a wolf of a pack, and leads a better life amongst fellow wolves. Since he is also a wolf, adjusting to Wolffort life came much easier to him than his fellow, despite the vampire having paired with him for years. Other wolves were far more receptive to his inauguration into the pack than for Benedict, but even still the others often harass him over his “choice of mate” when the chief is not present.
In terms of wolf love lives, couples pair for various reasons outside of human reasons or ways, but Erador still insists that he is a lone wolf in that aspect because of his own dispositions to Benedict’s thoughts about limitations on the matter. Ultimately he is lying to himself since he knows deep down they are a bonded pair and he would not easily separate or find another companion quite like Benedict, even with engaging with the chief as well.
Some common canid traits ancient breed werewolves retain are eye color(s), ear shape, larger hands and feet, paw pads, digitigrade feet, snout-like nose shapes, thick hair or fur, canid teeth and fangs, claws, and small tails. Because they are bipedal, human-like creatures, “tails” are less functional appendages and more extruding extensions of the spine since they are not needed for communication or balance.
Werewolves retain intelligence and higher consciousness even in full transformation, and unlike vampires, have not historically posed as a threat simply for being werewolves (*historic general fear of wolves, even canis lupus, is any unbiased fear). However, under full transformation, werewolves are greatly restricted with verbal communication to anyone outside of wolves because they no longer have lips and specific vocal abilities. Additionally, this does not mean they don’t simultaneously experiencing animal instincts; it’s just that they have sense and reasoning of what is going on and/or driving them to want to do certain thing(s).
Erador and Symon both offer themselves willingly to be fed off of in what is usually dire situations. Because of many past instances, Erador is more accustomed to offering blood, knowing the little intricacies of how to both keep himself safe and control the amount of blood Benedict intakes regarding to the reason for the meal. He has passed his notations to Symon to ease the chief’s troubles as well. It was certainly trial and error with Erador, but the wolf does press that he does mean mending any and all problems, and feeding was often the source early on. With Symon, the first time he had fed off of him Benedict had fallen very unwell considering the potency and concentration of old blood, which is also why, to their surprise, minute quantities of Symon’s blood will ease blood sickness symptoms. Such is a maneuver that needs to be assessed case by case however, because if any member involved is not of right mind, it will do more harm than good.
Vampires as a race do not get sick like a human or werewolf counterpart, however intake of a sick animal’s blood (humans included) will cause “blood sickness,” an ailment that tires a vampire. Besides fatigue, they will feel more aches, pains, and stiffness. (OOC explanation: it is from the increase of white blood cells.)
Benedict has not sired a vampire. This count is helped by the fact that Benedict doesn’t know how to sire a vampire. Apparently, simply biting a person and/or feeding them vampire blood are not the sole attribute to turning someone. This is why even if it was “the right choice,” he could not have done so for Destra. However, for the process, feeding the intended offspring vampire blood is a far more potent and direct of a way.
Whether it is their kind as a whole with their ghastly pale color and no need to breathe or simply Benedict’s trait, those who witness Benedict (as a vampire) sleep will attest to how the term “sleeping like the dead” might have been coined.
Regularly having no breath and no pulse also makes it rather difficult to say for certain if a vampire is truly dead even when it is the objective. However, a vampire can “still bleed,” despite it looking different than that of a living creature, proving that there is still some kind of circulation despite it all. Most blood simply pools at the lowest points like livor mortis.
With new perspective from living with Benedict, Symon theorizes that it’s possible both werewolves and vampires share a common primordial ancestor considering wolf blood of ancient breed entices similar consequences of a vampire praying off of its own kind. However, he is not a scholar, simply long lived.
Castle Wolffort underwent minimal, yet expensive, renovations to accommodate its new vampire inhabitant. The glass used for large windows in the most used common areas of the castle (entrance hall, war room/throne room) have been given a higher quality, tinted glass to filter the light. It is not a fool proof, complete cure change, however every little bit helps for motions needing to be done during the day. Mostly all of the windows always supported shutters, but new ones were commissioned solely so swapping them out could be over and done with instead of waiting for further weathered deterioration. Symon reassures his new steward to pay no mind to at least the new shutters considering “when one live as long as [he does], one forgets about when they were originally placed.”
Unfortunately, the term “mate” can be a very broad term amongst wolves, one mainly having to decipher from context of the history of who is saying the term to whom else. The most common interpretation is a wolf’s sexual partner(s). One can go further and note the addendum “for a one-year span between breeding seasons.” Like canis lupus, werewolves typically settle down to mate for life and monogamously, but naturally there are exceptions because of their human side. In recent times, largely thanks to Symon, a handful of wolves also have come out to rebel against this part of their nature. A couple can also be considered “mates” when not sexually tied, but this is less common. For this case, it denotes a bonded pair. Though the bonded pair definition is established amongst wolves, Erador still hesitates on calling Benedict his mate mainly to protect both of them from ridicule from both others and between themselves. Additionally, a mated pair doesn’t necessarily undergo marriage as a human’s testament-of-love custom. That is left up to each pair to decide.
A werewolf scenting another (applying their scent on top of another’s scent to create a “family’s scent”) usually has two major purposes that ultimately mean the same thing: if that person’s affairs are meddled with, expect the other to take action. For this reason usually the young are scented by various other, “higher ranking” wolves to keep them safe from threats, but mates are also scented to 1) say the same thing, but also 2) denote they are taken. Elongated exposure, physical contact, and sharing of odorous articles (like clothing) are the typical ways. Vampires, being dead and not producing a personalized living scent, are both fortunately and unfortunately easy to scent. One side is unfortunate, at least in Benedict’s case, because too many scents can be overwhelming and confusing for a wolf.
The waxing and waning of the Wolf Moon,* a mid-winter mood, marks a werewolf’s breeding season (*the actual term for January’s full moon). During this time, wolves spend most of their time to themselves and separate for solitude as courtesy to the pack and/or a larger unit, like when in a noble house with human members. Pairs remain together while lone wolves deal with being in heat themselves. (Note: “heat” is another terms, like “mate,” in which though usually pertains to females, it’s come to encompass a broader batch.) Because werewolves are also humans with human faults and needs, sometimes lone wolves will pair up for the sake of quick satisfaction without becoming a couple for life, and is why the “one-year span” distinction was the very human addition added into the term for “mate.”
Wolves add to their distaste for Benedict (and Erador) under the guise of how Wolffort’s chief has taken them both as lifelong, sexual mates simultaneously by choice. Though this is in ways true, the three are actually all often at odds with each other and understand little in regards to conducting and navigating themselves through this aspect of their lives anywhere below the surface of simply all mutually “liking each other.” This wasn’t the case when Symon wed Destra because there was a mutual understanding that something vastly human and different from wolf norm was going on with that marriage.
#Symon is doing so much more than kissing them with toungue in the inner working of my mind#but that is also in every universe#Triangle Strategy#Triangle Strategy Vampire-Werewolf AU#Also I focus on the Wolfforts because I'm a Wolfforts guy#like this is what is making my brain go#Haven't really thought about the cast that isn't mentioned#but open to suggestions lol
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Is there ever a stated reason for what caused the Abandoned Village near the border between Aesfrost and Glenbrook to be abandoned? The one where the party fights Travis and Trish on the 'Help Sorsley with his smuggling' part. I don't remember if there was a reason given, and I figure if anybody knows it might be you.
Huh yeah I can't remember anything along those lines either! But I definitely could have just missed it haha. I'll keep an eye out and come back to update this if I ever come across anything.
For right now, here are some quick guesses for fun:
Since it lies on a road between Wolffort territory and Aesfrost, it's possible it was abandoned sometime during the Saltiron War after being caught in the crossfire. This may or may not be realistic, since the village seems to be in pretty good condition (the buildings don't appear to be severely damaged, just a little worn-looking).
Related to that, since it exists in Wolffort territory, it could have been a village previously inhabited by one of the clans that eventually became Houses Wolffort, Falkes, and Telliore, which would mean that the residents peacefully relocated after they were assimilated into Glenbrook.
Other than that, run-of-the-mill famine/illness/bandits/etc. could easily be the cause as well, and I'm sure there's a lot of other fun ideas to be considered too
Abandoned village location, for reference:
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