#WoFM one shot
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alyssas--wonderland 12 years ago
Oh Look, Statues || Alyssa || One Shot
After leaving Damien I strolled through the temple carefully and soon found myself in a very familiar area; the bloodbath. There were still blood spatters where the other tributes had died. However the bodies that once held the blood were no longer there. Tilting my head I carefully walked around the splatters, not wanting to come into contact with them, and headed toward the thing that caught my eye. The giant gold statues.
My eyes couldn't help but be drawn to them, there was a long line of them, all of them ranging from different shapes and sizes and different depictions of animals or people. I flashed back to my garden. I remember there being a little stone man that sat covered under different plants. When I asked Morpheus about it he told me that it was a statue people used to pray to for good luck or something.聽
Returning back to reality I blinked a few times and then went along the line of statues and bowed to each of them and took in their features and looks. If these things really did grant good luck to those that prayed, then why not do it? I was after all in a fight to the death with 23 other teenagers.
After I went down the line and bowed to each and every one of the graceful statues I heard more footsteps. Taking no time for hesitation I quickly and silently make my way behind the statues, blocking me from view. They blocked my from view but there were small gaps that allowed me to see through them well enough. I saw two tributes exit the temple in a hurry. I shook my head slightly, they were most likely going to get caught. They were making such a commotion.
Placing one hand carefully on the back of one of the statues I decided that this would be a good place to rest for now. I carefully placed my backpack down and opened it, taking into account each and every item that lay inside.
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alyssas--wonderland 12 years ago
If You Can't Stand the Heat, Get Out of the Arena || Alyssa || One Shot
The wood creaks under my feet as I walk around. It was because of this sound that I knew I wasn't alone, there were many other creaks around the area that didn't belong to me. For a time I just stood there and listened to the sounds of tributes in the temple.
Some were quick and rushing, these must be the ones that were trying to get out fast. Some were slow and steady, like mine. They must be the ones that were trying to be cautious or explore the area. Then there were the ones that sounded normal, ones that didn't care how loud they were or who they attracted.
The sounds of these footsteps told me things, whether they were good or bad, I would find out later. A few minutes after being in this arena I could tell and feel that this place was going to be hot, all day, everyday. I had nothing against heat. When I would spend my days in my garden it was often sunny and hot, but that didn't stop me from being there; neither would this heat and humidity.
I flicked my hair out from my face and let it fall down my back and near my waist. I looked down at my hands and gazed at the 5 throwing needles that were placed between my fingers like claws. In the process I also couldn't help but stare at the device around my wrist. It was called a "watch". I remember Lucy having one with her at all times as well as my escort, Frenny, though hers was a bit fancier and bigger.
Letting my hands drop to my side I turned around, carefully due to the backpack resting on my back, and saw Damien a few feet in front of me, looking at me with freight in his eyes.
I stopped and stared. I hadn't seen this boy in training, he had eluded me. I do remember seeing him from the reaping, that's how I knew his name. We both stood there for some time, neither of us moving. I shrugged, he didn't want to fight and neither did I, that much I could tell.聽
I walked up to him casually and watched as he tensed up, gripping what looked like an axe. He was no doubt expecting me to attack him. With a dazed expression I reached him. I lifted up one of my hands up to his head and patted the cranium a few times. I looked him in the face and gave him a smile.
"Good luck..." I whispered with a fading voice as I stopped patting his head and walked past him, leaving him there as I went to explore the rest of the temple.
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alyssas--wonderland 12 years ago
Oh Dear, There's Lace On That || Alyssa || One Shot
I sat up in my bed and yawned while stretching my arms behind me. Blinking a few times to wake myself up I jump off the bed and slowly make my way for the door. I can't help but think of the events that transpires yesterday; end of training, private training, and then sleep. Yup, such an eventful day.
I had just placed a hand on the doorknob when I heard a rustling sound. I bent my head down and stared at the doorknob. Was it moving just now? I for sure hadn't turned it yet. Next thing I knew the door was violently thrown open and I was jumping back so I wouldn't be hit by whatever was coming through it. I turned to see what it was and lo and behold, there was my stylist and one woman prep team.
"Yoohoo! Excited for the big day are we?" Euphemia let her gaze travel up me and then nodded approval. "Good. You don't need much work before the ball." She clapped her hands together and let out a small squeal before turning to Oerba and telling her a few things that I couldn't here.
I simply stood there as she kept throwing hand gestures all over the place in her usual dramatic self. Oerba stood off to the side, lovingly looking at her from the distance. For the first time I noticed that there was something in her hand. My eyes widened. I had seen enough of those from Lucy to know what it was. A dress.
I opened my mouth to protest but before I could Euphemia had already grabbed me by the arm and had pushed me toward Oerba. The prep team member grabbed my and held me still as Euphemia trotted over to me.
"Now now, Alyssa. Don't worry about a聽thing! We'll make sure you look prettier than you ever have before, you can count on that." She tapped my nose and with another squeal she walked into the bathroom, signaling Oerba and myself to follow her.聽
I cast a dazed eye up to Oerba, who was in turn sending dreamy eyes to Euphemia. She must have seen me staring out of the corner of my eye because her head snapped down to look at me. With a glaringly fake smile she gripped me tighter and forced me into the bathroom.
The only thing I could think of as I walked to the bathroom was that this was not going to end well.
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alyssas--wonderland 12 years ago
Reunited And It Feels So Good || Alyssa || One Shot
"Wake up! Girl you had best wake up right now or I will dump a bucket of ice water on you and it will聽not be pretty!" The shrieking of my escort woke me up from my peaceful sleep. Sitting up in my bed I move my head to the side and simply stare at this woman. I understood that she was only trying to help, but did she have to shriek like this?
"Ok, ok Frenny, I'm going now" A dreamy voice escaped my mouth and I swung my legs over the side of the bed and hopped out of bed. I walked over to the bathroom and hopped into the shower, letting the cold water run down my body while I just stood there. When I was finished I brushed my teeth and put on some fresh clothes and then headed out into the dining room for breakfast.
When the awkward thing that was breakfast was over, I fell behind the others so I could grab a pair of shoes for training. Walking back into my room I began to look for my usual shoes but to my great annoyance I could not find them. What I did find, however, was so much better.
I tilted my head as I grabbed the pair of shoes and put them on, remembering the feeling of them on my feet. I slowly got up, so I wouldn't fall, and then skated her way out of the suite, all the while happy she had found her roller blades from the parade.
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alyssas--wonderland 12 years ago
I Swear On My Life Magic pt. 2 || Alyssa || One Shot
Family Guardian? What did he mean by that? I try to look calm and collected about this entire ordeal, about everything that's going on, but something tells me I'm not doing a good job.
"What do you mean, 'family guardian'? Are you trying to say that you're the one who's supposed to protect me? Because from what I've seen, you're doing the opposite of that." It was true, really. Every time I saw him bad things ended up happening soon after, he was the cause.
He started chuckling, chuckling at a time like this. Of course.
"In due time, Alyssa. Right now, I feel my power is starting to fade. I believe it is time for me to go back home for now." He exhales more of his smoke toward me, this time the smoke is green and smells of apple.
"Where is your home?" I ask, genuinely curious as to where he of all people could live. He smirks.
"Why, Wonderland of course. Oh and dear, this new medication isn't doing you any justice." Before I can even feel shock about his saying he lived in Wonderland he snaps his fingers and I can feel the medication start to wear off. Crap.
"You said you would answer..all of my..questions.." My voice trails off, the medicine is wearing off quickly. He smiles once again. "All in due time, luv. For now, go enjoy your training." With a wave of his hand he vanishes and I'm left there, back to "normal"
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alyssas--wonderland 12 years ago
I Swear On My Life Magic pt. 1 || Alyssa || One Shot
I slammed the door to my room shut with my free hand and plopped down on my neatly made bed, an avox must have been here recently. Opening my hands I watch as the little man gracefully jumps off and seemingly floats down to the bed sheets below. He was only the size of a caterpillar but his ego was the size of an elephant.
He walked on over to the edge of the bed and sat down, letting his tiny legs hang over the edge. What happened next caused me to blink twice and pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The sound echoed throughout the room loudly even though he was so small. In the next instant a brightly decorated hookah appeared next to him.
He grabbed the hose with two fingers and then settles it on the same two fingers. Inhaling a stream of smoke from the hose he blows the colorful smoke out and looks at me, almost as if he's expecting me to say something.
It's with a jolt that I realize that I was the one who had brought him here. Pointing a finger at him I stare into his beady eyes for a few seconds before speaking.
"You. You're involved in this, all of it." He smirks in another one of his cocky smiles as I talk, it's enough to distract me and I pause for a second. 聽When I regain my composure, nothing will stop me from questioning him.
"Who are you?" I finally manage to get out. I stare at him for a few seconds as he takes another inhale of his hookah. When he exhales this time the smoke comes out light blue and travels around me, encircling me with its sweet smell of..what appears to be cherries.
"As you wish, my sweet Alyssa." He gently puts the hose from the hookah down and stands up, dusting himself off. With another flick of his wrist he snaps his fingers and within a second he's back to normal size. He's pretty tall. It's the first time I've fully seen him without anything editing my vision of him. He's about 6'1" and tall and skinny.聽
"My name is Morpheus." He bows elegantly and grasps my hand. "And it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, my dear." My mind is spinning at about a mile an hour at this point. Morpheus? But.. but that's.聽
"You don't need to say a word, your expression says it all. Yes, the same name as your dear old cousin. But I came first, know this. In fact, your cousin was named after聽me." My eyebrows furrow and I start to open my mouth to ask another question when he interjects again.
"To further answer your question I suppose you could say I am your..." He takes the now normal sized hookah and takes an inhale of smoke. "Your family guardian." He says, exhaling the smoke with a smirk.聽
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