#Wizardess heart fan fiction
ceragondubs · 1 year
Itchi will be playing as our Aether in our Genshin Impact fandub! For the Genshin fandub, we will only be fandubbing over comics I have received permission to dub over, and fan fiction either submitted from the audience, or written from Ceragon Dub's (our) official writing team and I! If you are interested in submitting a comic or fanfic for us to voice over, please check out this doc for more info on how to do so!
You may have also heard Itchi as "Kaname Shishido" in our Ninja Shadow prologue and "Hugo Peers" in our Wizardess Heart fandubs!
So yes I will be doing these voice reveals for everyone in the cast, regardless of whether or not they are new to the team or have already made an appearance on the channel! :) Don't know when the dub will start as we are still missing some characters, but I hope we will be able to start posting soon! Stay tuned for more voice over announcements, both for new and old VAs in the cast! :D
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romance2d-otomegame · 4 years
The Route Thief
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Sumary: Everybody used to tell me to stop playing those games, but what can I do? An otome game is pretty addictive and specially if is one like Wizardess Heart. This game is my life! Wait, I didn't mean literally... Then, why I'm suddenly inside on my game!? Is that Hiro and Zeus? When I said this game is my life I didn't mean to want that this game BE my life!
Pairing: Hiro x Marian
Chapter 2
It's been three days since I woke up and find myself in a totally different place. Regardless to say that I haven't get up from bed since then, and I just stayed here in a fetal position whit the covers over my head. I've been waiting for me to really wake up but... This not seems to be a dream. Times pass just like a normal day of 24 hours, I sleep, feel hungry and get thirsty just like the real life. The food got taste, I can feel pain and touch the staff like always. This... Doesn't feel like a dream anymore. Whatever happened to me on that airplane, it took me to this enchanted place. But... Not any place, I've been joining points and... It seems that I'm in a place identical as is describe on my favorite otome game, Wizardess Heart. Apparently, I live at the Kingdom of Queensblade, and of course, when I asked, there's actually a neighbor kingdom named Gedonelune. The Queen of this kingdom is named Sherazade. And... It does exist a place called Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy. Now you know why I've been waiting to actually wake up, but, three days have been enough, I think, I finally have stared to accepted. I probably die on my past life and now I was reincarnated on a character of a game just like those animes where you're hit by a truck and then send to another world so you can fight a demon lord whit a sword and the help of a useless goddess.
"Young lady? Are you awake?"
I don't know anymore.
"Please rise, breakfast is ready. Then, you could... Take a bath perhaps?"
I lazily took off the soft covers and sit. This young maid is Clarisse, she attends me. She cleans and brings food an medicine for me. Is not that I've been treated bad, they actually treat me like a princess. A bath uh? When I said that I haven't left bed on three days I wasn't kidding. Take the count whit the three days I spend sleeping after falling from the horse. Yeah, probably Clarisse is worried for me. A bath wouldn't be that bad.
"I think I'll take a bath. "
I get up from bed and went to the bathroom
"I - I'll get ready your clothes then young lady!"
You don't have to sound so happy you know. A bath surely do wonders, I feel so refreshed. I took a look of myself on the mirror, long blond hair, eyes so blue like sapphires, perfect pink lips... This is, my new look uh? Is not that bad. I look cute. Clarisse handed me a beautiful blue dress whit a military stile and a blouse underneath. She brushed my hair and put a ribbon on it. She also do my make up.
"okay! I'm done! Hehe, it finally seems that the young lady is back!"
She laughed and I look myself on the mirror. Wait that is... Really me? Oh my God! I look SO CUTE! What is this!? This is how I look right? I look like a porcelain doll!
"he hehe heh... "
"You-young lady? Are you felling well?"
She snapped me back to reality and I felt embarrassed that she saw me admiring myself on the mirror.
"ah! I-I'm fine, I'm sorry I make you feel worried. "
"Ah! No! If the young lady feels nice enough to laugh then I feel happy for you. "
You said that but you definitely thought I was crazy right?
"if the young lady feels better today, then why don't take a walk by the garden after breakfast? A little sun will do you good. "
Since I'm not a prisoner here and probably this is my new life then why no?
"Okay, I'll do as you say. "
I eat my breakfast and then I went on a round for all the mansion. This place is like a castle! Big chandeliers hanging, beautiful paintings, golden vases and marble floors. Through a crystal door I saw the outsides shimmering whit beautiful flowers.
"Oh my god that place look so beautiful!"
I was so lost on myself and the walk, that I totally forgot that I was living another life. There were flowers and trees I've nerve saw in my life. A gorgeous fountain was sending a fresh breeze. And that pergola on the middle if the garden is just like something out of a dream, I always thought on how cool it be to have one, you can sit here whit a set of tea and a good book and relax. Everything was so gorgeous!
"Hehe, are you enjoying your walk young lady?"
"Eh? Ah, of course. This place is beautiful, I've never been in a mansion this huge!"
"Uh, so, did you not, remember something?"
Ah, I see, she make me do this walk to see if I can remember something. I guess, I can't tell them that I'm not lady Marian. And even if they believe, I doubt they'll treat me good.
"Well... "
"For your own good you better remember. "
A severe voice surprise us. It was that woman that was yelling at me the other day. Later I knew she was actually... Marian's mother.
"Thanks goodness that at least you finally leave that room and look decent today. "
That's the nicest thing you can say to your daughter?
"We are going to have visits today, so you better behave understood?"
"Visitors? Who is coming? A noble?"
"He is more that just that. He is your fiance. We couldn't hide from him that you had an incident, and since he's on Queensblade on vacations, he have to come and see you. I hope that you'll remember something from your interaction whit him."
"Oh, I see. "
So now I have to act like a lady perhaps? Uh?... Wait a moment...
"Wait, did you said fiance!?"
"Oh heavens! Keep your voice low! A lady shouldn't scream like that. "
"But you really said fiance? I have a fiance!?"
"Of course you have. And that's why you must behave in the best way. And keep in secret that you lost your memories, we don't want the son of the House of Brundle think of you like you're defective. "
She leave saying no more. My mind went blank for a moment, Did I hear well?
"Did she said House of Brundle?"
"Yes young lady, that was what she said. "
"Wait, then, what's the name of my fiance?"
"His name is Zeus young lady, Zeus Brundle."
"... "
"... "
"Hold on a second!!"
I grab Clarisse shoulders
"Are you talking about Zeus Brundle!? You know, tall boy, light brown skin, bluish hair and eyes that have the attitude of a peacock and always wears a stupid scarf!?"
"Wha- What? Co-Could it be... Do the young lady remember young master Zeus?"
You're kidding... You're kidding right? I dropped my hands from Clarisse shoulders and let myself fall on the ground.
"Yo-Young lady?"
This is impossible... Do I'm really on the world of Wizardess Heart!?
To be continued...
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aruhirako · 7 years
Why I want to be human – Fanfiction about Leon (Wizardess Heart) Chapter 1
“Stand up. Go. Stand up.” Huh? “You are finally reacting to my words! Now stand up.” Everything was blurry and unclear when I finally opened my eyes. I tried to stand up but I’m still not used to it so I immediately fell on the ground again. “You should be old enough by now to stand on your own feet, aren’t you?”, said a calm but serious voice. It was my mother. A slender mare with white fur and a beautiful long wavy mane. Her dark red eyes were cold and rigid and her slender head was embellished with a long and pointed horn. We are unicorns.
When I finally found myself firmly on all four hooves, we went south in our little herd. We usually meet other herds from other distant countries there. They are also on the way to the stunning and clear lake of the south. I’ll be there for the fourth time already, so it’s nothing new to me. But the way feels much harder and longer than ever before. Everything around me is blurry as if this world isn’t real… as if I’m not real. There is a difference between us and other beings in this world. We belong to the so-called mythical creatures. Creatures that exist… and don’t exist at the same time. We are hunted, because our horn contains an enormous magical power. For this reason, we are only among ourselves, I am forbidden to talk with other creatures … even among ourselves we don’t talk much. This seems to be all right for everyone here and for me it’s also quite normal. However, for some time, something is different… it feels like something is missing. What is it? Well I’m not sure myself yet.
“I’m exhausted mother... can we take a break?” I muttered as I tapped my mother with my nose. “We have to go on until the sun rises, only then we sleep”, she replied without turning around at all. I lowered my head and stayed a few meters back. What is wrong with me? Something tugs at my strength. Not physically but mentally. Is it just me? Whenever I looked around in the middle of my herd, I saw only cold, empty faces everywhere. Even in the warmest summer their gaze feels like the hardest winter. Will it always be like this? Will this winter be with me all my life?
(Hello I’m happy to present you my first Wizardess Heart fanfiction! This is a story about Leon’s life before he became a human. There must be a reason why he wants to be a human - right? So I thought about it myself and wrote this story. The story was original in German but I tried to translate it to English. I’m sorry for mistakes it’s not my first language. The story itself is told from the perspective of Leon and it contains a few time jumps so don’t be confused if he’s suddenly older or at another place. This is the first part of the story and I really want to hear your feedback! – Aru)
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oneheartforever · 4 years
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დ Mirage დ, a WH fan fiction. Warning, it’s a teacher/student romance.
“After receiving a letter from the most prestigious academy of the kingdom, "Gedonelune Royal Magic Acaddemy",  Aurora Coeur enrolls in a completly new world, one she must pass a 13th day to ensure her stay. With her hidden talent manifesting itself the minute she stepped in the land, she finds herself under the guidance of one of the most powerful Mage of all time, the one and only, Randolph, Headmaster in charged of referred academy. She was beyond happy being under his teaching so, she set her mind in giving her best and make him proud. Although, tranquility won't last. Danger will crawl from the shadows... A monster will attack the Academy... Some secrets will be revealed...  What will happen next?”
Quick disclaimer: plot inspired by Shall We Date - Wizardess Heart + game.
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swordsmanofsweets · 4 years
My thoughts on WH ending - finally - UPDATED because editing on Tumblr sucks and I'm dumb xD
Been busy with work and have just been made aware of some recent news that got me really thinking about what makes me really sad about Solmare's decision to end Wizardess Heart.
I found this game at a point in my life where I really had no idea where I was going. It seemed like everything pretty much sucked, my job, unhealthy love life, issues at home, depression, etc. Then, I started looking into otome games and I thought to just look for one about wizards or magic.
And then I found it.
And at first I was a bit skeptical. "Come on, how good is this actually going to be?"
That was in 2018. Klaus II's release campaign was ending, and the final character of Season 6 was revealed to be Hiro. At the time I was playing Randy March's route and I fell in LOVE with the mystery that his route holds, how unbelievably sweet he was towards this awkward girl and it honestly made me feel really loved.
I know, it's just a game, but, I still felt like someone actually cared about me. Like. Genuinely cared about me. Not what he was getting out of it, but just genuinely cared and did not want to see me hurt. And for the first time in a long time, I actually fell in love with a fictional character. And then Hiro's route was released and I fell in love with him too. And Elias. And Yukiya. ...And sometimes Klaus (Lol), but I fell in love with the characters and their stories (as inconsistent or vague things were in the stories written for them).
And then another thing happened.
My imagination began to take over. I started thinking about, "what if they had this kind of backstory?" or "what if this actually happened to them instead of this?" and I began my search for fan content if I could find it.
Then, I stumbled onto Tumblr and found the wonderful fandom that I am proud to say I am part of. And I met these wonderful and amazing people who I call my friends that I have geeked out with, theorized with, obsessed with, laughed with.
But the signs were always there. There was always a Chicken Little moment in the back of my head, "What if they end the game soon?" But I continued to enjoy every new season as much as I could, the new characters and spin-offs and star collections and slots and just thought how great it was that we were still getting content for a game that had characters I hold so dear to me and allowed me to connect with awesome people and bring out some of my own creativity.
And then, we finally got the post we had all been dreading. And my heart dropped.
We won't get to see new content with our faves. We won't get new seasons with new characters and mysteries to solve. We won't get to go apeshit when a new spin-off comes around with a new batch of sexy CGs of our fave characters. We won't get to collectively complain when Klaus gets a spin-off, a collection story, a slot event, and the re-release of one of his many routes LMAO (sorry I had to put that in there 😂)
I guess that's what really bums me out. And while it still sort of bothers me, I at least feel some comfort in knowing that I still have the characters I love, as well as the people I've met along the way and befriended and have become a vital part of my life whether they realize it or not.
So, thank you Solmare for making this game and sticking around long enough for me to find it and play it and be able to meet my wonderful friends to laugh with and make content with and will continue to do so even after the new content runs out. Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy will always be my home, and my wizardess heart will never die. ❤️
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klaus-goldstein · 5 years
And advice for a person comming back to Wizardess heart fan fiction after a needed break starting over. How to get out there?
My biggest advice is just to write and post it. The more you post the more you get noticed. Write what you want to write. People can tell if you’re excited about the project you’re working on. If you feel forced writing it then it’ll read like it was forced. Just have fun, write for you. Use fandom blogs to share your work like @otomepositivity
Also a lot of people don’t know this but the first five tags you put on your post determine what shows up in the main tags. So I always put #wizardess heart #shall we date #shall we date wizardess heart #wizardess heart+ #klaus goldstein. Anything after that is for my own filing and tag purposes. If you need anything feel free to PM me. I would be happy to read over anything if you need help!
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tealsnapdragonfics · 5 years
Requests open
Hey Tumblr,
I'm new to fan fiction writing and unfortunately my current twilight stories involve my OC. And I've learned that it tends to drive off readers because they can't relate to them. Which I understand, if you would like to read them here's the name for my wattpad account (Snapdragon) so you can follow those there.
However for wizardess heart lovers I will have an oc page up soon
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god-damn-it-liz · 6 years
We were tagged for questions, so here we are! Thank you @youkaiangel for thinking of us!
1. Favourite movie and why
    Alex: I can’t decide. The first one is Pleasantville! It’s super cool and has tons of themes that really make the viewer think. It’s amazing. The second is Catch Me if You Can because it’s based on a true story and it’s really thrilling! It really shows that if you’re smart enough and look confident, you can get away with just about anything.
   Lovie: ‘10 Things I Hate About You’ and ‘Clueless.’ I don’t care how campy and 90s they are, they make me laugh and make me feel good on bad days and I will stan them until the day I die. 
2. Give us a happy childhood memory
     Alex: When I was about 3 I took a big family photo. I remember everyone standing in place, getting ready for the picture. It was a long time ago, but it was the last time that we were all gathered in one place.
    Lovie: When I was 10, my Catholic grandmother told me that if I kept reading tarot cards that I’d go to hell and because I hated her I kept reading tarot cards just to spite her and my when my dad found out he couldn’t stop laughing because he thought it was hilarious that I was willing to go to hell just to spite a bitch. 
3. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
     Alex: Does fruit count as one thing? Delicious and nutritious!
     Lovie: Mozzarella sticks or Macaroni and Cheese. 
4. Have you ever done anything illegal?
     Alex: You a cop?
          Kidding. I’ve done plenty of illegal shit. Mostly with friends, since that makes it fun.
    Lovie: Nah, I’m too dumb to get away with illegal shit so I don’t even attempt it. 
5. Who are your top otome husbands? (I know y’all have ‘em)
     Alex: Conrad Schuyler. Yes, I know we can’t date him. But I can dream. Randy and Sigurd are up there too.
    Lovie: Elias Goldstein from Wizardess Heart, Nathaniel from MCL/MCLUL, and Ren from Destiny Ninja 2. 
6. What was the last thing to make you really laugh out loud?
     Alex: This
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Lovie: Rick James 1 Rick James 2
7. What’s the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?
     Alex: I usually try and think about happy things so I can start my day off well. Then I think about how much I don’t want to leave my bed.
    Lovie: Check my phone for messages, phone calls, emails, notes, ect. I usually don’t wake up until the afternoon so I tend to miss a lot of shit in the morning and gotta catch up. 
8. Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?
     Alex: Rainy! Sunny days are plentiful where I live so I don’t appreciate them as much.
    Lovie: Rainy days. Absolutely. I love the sound of rain.
9. Have you traveled? Do you want to travel?
    Alex: I’ve been to several states (CA, AZ, NM, NV, UT, TX, ID, MA, NH, VT, FL, VA, MD), Washington D.C., Mexico, and the Bahamas. I definitely want to travel more! It’s a dream of mine!
    Lovie: I have traveled to California, Florida, Jamaica and Cozumel. And I would absolutely love to travel more. If I could visit Scotland and/or Ireland, I will die happy. 
10. What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
     Alex:  I definitely want to live abroad! I think it would be super cool.
     Lovie: Ideally, I would like to write something that’s worth something and becomes popular and touches a wide audience but since that’s more wishful thinking so I’mma say become a librarian and start an educational youtube channel. 
We tag: Since this is a joint blog and not a personal one, we’re tagging out ‘biggest fans,’ or the people who have been in our notes a lot lately. 
@stephdaninja @donetorhasslichliebe @lunariabloodriver @swordsmanofsweets
Our questions: 
1. “Who’s your favorite dateable LI and why?”
2. “Do you speak more than one language and if you do, what are they?”
3. “How long have you been playing dating games?” 
4. “When playing an otome, what do you look for the most? The characters, the story or the aesthetic?”
5. “What are your favorite movie/tv show genre(s)?” 
6. “What are some of your favorite otome games?” 
7. “What’s your favorite myth, legend or conspiracy theory?” 
8. “What’s the best thing you’ve ever wasted your money on?” 
9. “When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?”
10. “What are some of your favorite fictional characters that aren’t in an otome game and why?” 
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magikchicken · 7 years
Answer 30 questions
Tagged by: @sweetpea4242 and @you_wandered_here
Nickname: Weasel, Pup, Stoney
Gender: Female
Star sign: Taurus
Height: 5'2.5"
Time: 7:31
Birthday: April 25th
Favorite bands: MCR, Pennywise and Grouplove
Favorite solo artist: Katy Perry and Avril
Song stuck in my head: World is mine by Hatsune Miku
Last movie I watched: King Kong
Last show I watched: Vampire knight
When did I create my blog: years ago
What do I post: wizardess heart fan art, fan theories and crappy fan fiction!
Do I have another blog: I have one side blog called @yukiyathenumber1riezen
Last thing I googled: how much apple juice can kill someone
Do you get asks: rarely
Why did I choose this blog's name: it's too long of a story to explain in one post
Blogs I'm following: A LOT
followers: 90
Favorite colors: RAINBOW
Average hours of sleep: its to randomized for me to have any average hours of sleep, its just sleep and wake up for me
Lucky number: 0.8
Instruments: In currently on drums there was a quick little learn an instrument and I learned some Claranette
What I'm wearing: Chilling clothes
How many blankets I sleep with: 5
Dream job: Character design and/or Beautytology
Dream trip: Japan, France
Favorite food: Anything sweet~~~~
Nationality: American
Favorite song now: American Boy by Estelle
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rainberrydrops · 7 years
Tagging Game ^^
Thanks for tagging me @yuuki-clyde ^^ Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 10-20 people (only if you want to, of course!) (I am not close to that many people in Tumblr so I’ll only tag a few)
Name: Ries Ann
Nickname: Just call me Ries :)
Birthday: May 17
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 4″10 (I’m so small -_-)
Orientation: Is this my sexual preference? If that is so then I am a girl who prefers men ^^
Nationality: Filipino
Favorite Fruit: Apples, Strawberries
Season: Spring and Winter (but I like Winter the most though neither of them do not exist here in my country for we have Tropical climate here)
Favorite Flower: Cherry blossom (I really want to visit Japan during Spring just so I can see real cherry blossoms. I’ve only seen fake (plastic flower) ones so far)
Favorite Book: Can I give my top 3? XD (I really love reading novels so it’s hard for me to choose only one)
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz 
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Coffee/Tea/Hot Cocoa: All three of them! Though it is rare for me to drink coffee and tea
Average sleep hours: 6-9 hours (depending on how lazy I am to wake up XD)
Cat or Dog: Cats!
Favorite fictional character: Hmm, does otome characters count? I’ll give my top 3 again
Randy March (Wizardess Heart)
Kyle Knock (Lost Alice)
Saeyoung Choi (Mystic Messenger)
Blog created: 2013 (my blog is turning 4 years old this August... if I remember correctly XD)
So I noticed there are only 18 questions here (although it says there are 20 above there) so I added two questions. And there are two which I think won’t make other people too interested in getting to know me (or others who will do this game) so I decided to change them! ^^
Hobbies: writing (stories, poem, fan fictions, magazine articles... any written works you can think of XD), reading novels and manga, watching anime, fan girling, playing otome games and other fighting games in PSP
Top 3 Favorite Otome Games:
Wizardess Heart
Lost Alice
Blood in Roses
Fictional place you want to visit: Hmm, I guess Hogwarts ^^ I really want to study there XD
Top 3 countries you want to visit:
Japan (of course)
The Netherlands (so I can meet my internet best friend in person ^^)
Top 3 favorite songs:
Disconnected - 5 Seconds of Summer
We Are - One Ok Rock
Most Girls - Hailee Steinfeld
I tag @fortheloveofotomegames @otome-doll @iplayotome and everyone else who wants to do this!
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romance2d-otomegame · 4 years
The Route Thief
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Sumary: Everybody used to tell me to stop playing those games, but what can I do? An otome game is pretty addictive and specially if is one like Wizardess Heart. This game is my life! Wait, I didn't mean literally... Then, why I'm suddenly inside on my game!? Is that Hiro and Zeus? When I said this game is my life I didn't mean to want that this game BE my life!
(note: I'm gonna keep the story as simple as I can, since deep stories are not my fort. ((I already tried... )) so If there's questions you can ask, and all I want is you have fun whit this story as much as I have fun writing!)
Pairing: Hiro x Marian
Chapter 1
Hello, my name is ____, I'm a girl just like you. I have a job, I spend my time on social media, fandom's, and of course, Otome Games. My favorite one is Shall we Date Wizardess Heart. Is amazing! Since the first day I downloaded I didn't stop a single day of playing. I have my favorite boys too. Alfonse is amazing, Hiro is amazing, everyone is amazing! Why can't I find a real boy like one of them? Is too much to ask? Oh well, still, I'm very content whit my life right now. But, they say that the predictable of life is that is totally unpredictable. The last I can remember is my dear game on the screen of my cellphone while I was on the airplane. Is at night time, and it was pitch dark inside since almost everybody was asleep. My eyelids were heavy. We still have more hours of travel and I'm tired. But still, I was in such sweet moment on my favorite route, that I didn't wanted to stop, just a little more, I almost done with the ending. But my head was heavy, and before I notice, I fell asleep.
The next thing I saw, was a strange ceiling. It was, red? I was in a bed? Do I'm at home? On my hotel perhaps? I grabbed my head and instantly a throbbing pain attacked me. I hear some rushed steps whit the sudden vision of a woman dressed on a funny way.
"Oh my goodness! Young lady you finally woke up! Doctor! Doctor please! She woke up!"
Please stop screaming! Who is that girl? Wait, did she call a doctor? Where is this place? I tried to rise from the bed, but every movement makes my head throb even more. The doors opened and a bunch o people came saying a lot of things, being so noisy. Just shut up!
"Lady Marian, how do you feel? Did you head hurt?"
Who is he talking with? To me? My vision finally cleared a little and I was able to see the faces that were at the edge of the bed. Some girls were dresses on black and white. The bed I was in was huge and the red ceiling was actually a canopy over the bed. Uh? Wasn't I on a airplane? How did I get here? Is this a dream? The doors opened again and a well dressed woman entered the room. Everyone else back off and she look at me from the other side of the bed, without the most significant feeling.
"Honestly, to think that you have been sleeping for three days already, you have no sense at all right? "
Uh? What, three days?
"We had to sacrifice a good horse for your senselessness. Worse yet, do you know what would have happened if you had die? All the big sacrifices we have made for you would had been in vain! "
Why is this old woman yelling at me? Not even my own mother yells at me.
"My-my Lady, the young lady just woke up. She need to rest a little bit more, she hit her head in a horrible way, is a miracle that she's alive, we should let her rest for now. "
What kind of theater is this? By the way, this room looks like something you'll see on the palace of Versailles. Is really beautiful, but...
"um... Excuse me"
I spoke to all this people once I feel my mind a lot more clearly
"Who are you all people?"
My question send everyone on freeze.
"What... Are you talking about?"
Said the stern woman.
"Are you trying to play fool on your own irresponsible acts?"
"sorry but, I don't know what are you talking about. Where am I by the way?"
"Young Lady"
The doctor approached me
"Could it be... That the hit on your head... "
"My head?"
I touched my head and it instantly hurt again
"Young lady, do you remember what happened? Do you know where you are? Do you at least know your full name?"
I looked at the worried eyes of the old doctor. What is it? Is there something I missed?
"I... Why you keep calling me young lady? What is this place? Did... Did you guys kidnapped me!?"
Everyone gasped at the same time. The doctor retired from my bed and walked towards the well dressed woman.
"My lady, I'm so deeply sorry. It is possible that the young lady... Lost her memories "
"Wha... What!?"
For the first time the woman face turns pale and broke her stern look. And then she suddenly passed out. The girls dressed as maids rushed to grab her. The doctor asked them that take her to another room and after they leave he address me
"Young lady, you must not panic. You are in a safe place, this is your home. You have fallen from a horse while riding and you sleep for three days due to it. Is common that you feel confused, but I sure you, everything will be fine. We're all here to help you. "
"E... Excuse me?"
"Did you al least remember your name?"
"Uh... _____?"
"I see you don't"
What? I'm wrong whit my own name?"
"Your name is Marian Von Swanson. You are the proud daughter of Lord of Swanson of the Kingdom of Queensblade. "
"I think you're wrong. "
"No my lady I'm pretty sure of this"
He said whit a smile.
Wait a moment... Did he said Queensblade!!?? I felt dizzy again and laid down on bed. Is a dream right? I'm having a dream. I probably been playing Wizardess Heart to much, that's why I'm confusing things right?... Right?....
To be continued...
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A Witch Among Wizards - Reflections (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/kNDhL2l3sB This is a Wizardess heart fan fiction. This is simply my telling of the story if I was the MC. I will add in my own characters along with the main one's. Cassandra Fang is a new student at the Gedonelune Wizard Academy. The last thing she is looking for is a love life or any sort of social life for that matter. Having always been an outcast, she avoids attention at all costs. Her one and only friend is Kieran, a Cait Sith that only she can see. Cassandra has second Sight -- allowing her to see what most people can't. Unfortunately, having this ability means she is a target of both humans and supernaturals alike. She lives by her motto: "Trust no one." Can the guys at the academy earn her trust or will those who are hunting her get to her first?
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romance2d-otomegame · 4 years
Coming Soon
The Route Thief
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A Shall We Date: Wizardess Heart Fan Fiction
(Note: I was promised to myself that I was going to post a fan fiction once the game ends, and suddenly I realized that the day has come. So in the next days I'll be posting the summary so you can start waiting for it. This will be a story whit my OC Marian, and for the ship, juts wait and see. I'll give this warning too: I'm not a good writer, I'm not a natural speaker of English either, so, probably is going to have mistakes, a lot of them, so please forgive me. Also, I'm just gonna write what my crazy mind says so, I don't know what is going to happen :D And for the last, I'm very excited for this, so I hope this can be something that we can enjoy and just have fun!)
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romance2d-otomegame · 4 years
The Route Thief
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Sumary: Everybody used to tell me to stop playing those games, but what can I do? An otome game is pretty addictive and specially if is one like Wizardess Heart. This game is my life! Wait, I didn't mean literally... Then, why I'm suddenly inside on my game!? Is that Hiro and Zeus? When I said this game is my life I didn't mean to want that this game BE my life!
Pairing: Hiro x Marian
Chapter 4
After dinner, Zeus and I went to a walk by the garden. Some orbs of light were flouting on all the way lighting up the path. I tried to touch one, I was wondering if it was hot. But actually it was just warm, and it was beautiful, some how, it make me relax and smile.
"What the heck are you doing?"
And stress came back
"I was just curious."
"I was talking about you coming to Gedonelune. What are you up to?"
Zeus approached me and blocked my way.
"I... Don't know what is happening either. I didn't know anything About it, I swear. "
"Like I'll believe that!"
He seems to be very angry. But why? Do he... He doesn't like his fiance? If I remember well, there's never mentioned that Zeus have a fiance. Like ever! But, it can be that he hides it. I need to know on what timeline am I. Is this before or after Night Class is revealed? The things will develop just like in the game or I'm in another time of story? Any way, why do I have to be Zeus's fiance!? If that was the deal well, I might had been Hiro's fiance, or Alfonse, or Elias. Not that Zeus is that bad, I know he's an idiot but he's very soft on the inside. But it seems like right now, I'm on his bad side. What should I do?
"Why are you against it? You don't want people to know that you have a fiance?"
"What I don't want is you saying everyone that I'm your boyfriend and then trying to boss me around all day!"
Huh? Could it be...?
"Listen, don't tell anyone that we're engaged, if you wanna go to the Academy well, go ahead. But I don't wanna you keep bother me all the time! I won't do all that you say just because it please it you! Understood? After all, is just a matter of time for me to find a way of cancel this compromise. "
I see, Clarisse said that between Zeus and I was an "enthusiastic" relationship. I guess it was her way to say that we discuss all the time. Boss him around huh? Is that what Marian does all the time? So Zeus is against it uh? That explain a lot but still...
"Ho-How rude, I already told you that I didn't know anything about this."
Even when I was trying to keep myself together, I'm weak when somebody rise his voice at me, and my voice shakes a little. I need to calm down. I avoid it him and continue the walk. I took another pat, I needed to stay away from him for a while.
"Gosh, what a big problem."
"You need help?"
I jumped in surprise and turn to see Hiro looking at me. I felt restless, I mean, I always enjoyed looking at him on my phone but here, I can't do that.
"Yo-You scared me."
He stayed quite for a few moments. What should I do? What kind of relationship have Marian and Hiro? I might make another mistake.
"Oh, look, the flower I send you the other day is already blooming."
I saw to where he was pointing and I saw a big blue flower on the center of a path. It was really beautiful whit the faint light of the moon upon of her.
"Ah, yea, it has become so pretty."
I smiled to him but he looked at me dead serious at the face. What? Did I mistaken again?
"So, is true?"
"Tru-True. What thing...?"
"It is true that you lost your memories."
My heart that was beating strongly a moment ago, it stopped suddenly. So, he knew. Of course, is Hiro, he can be sharp.
"You... Knew. Since when?"
"I just hear the maids saying something like that so I came to check myself. Of course I never sent you a flower, you neither speak or look at me like ever anyway. But today when we arrive your eyes were glued to me. It was strange since then. But now I see why."
I felt my face burning for embarrassment. Unfortunately there's no other pat I can take to run away.
"P-Please don't say anything. They told me that nobody should know. She'll punish the maids if she finds out too. That'll be unfair."
Hiro's eyes widen.
"Okay, this is kind of strange."
"Why you say so?"
"You're totally different from the Marian I know. She will never worry for the servants. She never smiles or speak softly at least she's plotting something."
"You're making me sound just like mother."
"Mmm... Yea, that's exactly how you are. Both are exasperating. No offense."
"Don't worry, I think I can agree whit you. It seems like I'm such a horrible person uh?"
Okay, now I see why I'm on Zeus bad side. Of course he never liked those things.
"You really hit hard from that fell huh?"
"Ah! Eh... It seems so, he hehe. "
How can I say that actually I'm not from this world!? Losing memories sounds more credible. I'll have to go whit that for now. And if is that the case then, I better gather all the information I can.
"Say, Hiro, if Zeus and I don't get along, why are we engaged? He even said that he'll find a way to cancel it. Why hasn't he done it yet?"
"Well, your mother, and you I think, convinced Zeus's mother to this."
Ah, Zeus's mother is scary to him. That makes sense.
"They're good friends so, Zeus's mother though it was a good idea. Also, your father and Zeus's father have a business right now so, is difficult for Zeus to say something like canceling."
"I see. Even if I also wanted, it seem difficult from my part too."
So basically, mom wants his daughter to marry into nobility. And they trying to caught them by business matters, so they think that a marry is convenient. How typical.
"That's right. But, you can change it if you want."
"What do you mean?"
"You seem to be nicer than before, no offense. So, why don't try to fix things whit him now? Tell him what happened."
"What? They told me to especially not to tell Zeus about it."
"Yea but that can clear a lot of misunderstandings don't you think? Zeus is not that bad as you think."
I know he's not a bad person. He always was a kind person and even when it doesn't seem like it, he was unexpectedly gentle and supportive. Maybe, Hiro is right and I should tell him. He might soften to me.
"Okay, I'll go tell him."
I went to search Zeus again on the garden. And when I found it he of course, send me an annoying glance.
"Zeus, there's something I need to tell you."
"uh? What is it this time?"
"Well, you see, it might be hard to believe but, due to the horse falling, I get hit on my head and when I woke up, I've lost my whole memories. I didn't even remember what my name was."
Zeus stayed silent for a moment, he didn't even blink when I told him the story. Did he hear me at least?
"Mmm, I see, so now you don't remember anything uh?"
I looked at him whit hope. Does he believe me?
"Is this just another one of your tricks!?"
Suddenly, my hopes shattered on pieces.
"What kind of game is that!? Do you really think I'll believe a nonsense like that? You always made up lies like that just to toy with me. That's why I didn't believe that thing of the horse when they told me at first. I just came cuz my mother forced me. And now you have amnesia? Yea right."
Zeus passed me and start walking towards the exit.
"There you are Hiro! Come on, lest get out of here. I'm sick of this place. "
Zeus really is an idiot uh?
"Umm, Marian?"
Hiro approached me from behind. I... Wasn't feeling quiet right.
"Hey, uh, I'm sorry, I... Know I encourage you to tell him but... I guess, I forgot that Zeus is also a big idiot. I should've think on that before."
"No, is okay. He's right. I'm a horrible person after all,. I shouldn't expect him to believe me. "
I felt so frustrated. Nothing of this is my fault! Why I have to bear all of this? I couldn't see Hiro in the eye so I just turned and started to leave. But a ruffle of my dress got caught on a root. Gosh! What else can go wrong! I stared to pull my skirt to free it. Stupid dress!
"Calm down, if you pulled it like that you'll ripped it."
Hiro kneeling down and carefully loose the riffle.
"There you go."
He stood up again, and my eyes fixed on the sword he was wearing on his waist. I saw his tattoo on the other arm too.
"Are you okay?"
He asked me.
"I... Remembered that I'll be going to a Magic Academy next week. But, I don't know anything about magic."
"You also forgot it?"
"I guess."
"Well, it always exists the possibility for you to remember. We still don't know how much time this will be."
"I don't know if I want to be back to who I was before. It seems that I'm not a good person."
I miss my home, I miss my family, I miss my friends. This is not what I wanted. Will I ever go back to my own world?
"Well, it doesn't matter anymore, right?. You are the one living now. Whoever you were in the past it has stayed behind, you don't need to behave like someone you don't know. The one you are right now is the one that matters. And while you are here you can, you know, take advantage of this life and live it to the fullest. Don't you think?"
Hiro's words sounded like he'll know about the real me. It felt like... It really makes sense... In a strange way.
"Hey, Hiro! Hurry up! What is taking you so long!?"
"And that's my call. You should come too, to say goodbye. "
"Uh, right."
"The name is Hiro, by the way. Just in case."
"Hiro. Thank you, for being so nice even when is obviously that I haven't been nice to you before. "
"Don't mind it."
He briefly smiled at me and then keep walking, he is so considerated.
We said goodbye at the entrance, and while they leave I keep thinking on Hiro's words, he made me feel a lot at ease. Hehe, he is just like in the game huh? I should live this life to the fullest uh? I headed to my room, but before climbing the stairs, someone grabbed my hair and pulled me up stairs.
"Kyaa! What...!?"
I briefly saw that it was mother the one pulling me from my hair. And she didn't let me go until we reach my room. She pushed me inside and I stumble whit my dress and fell on the ground.
"Can I know what we're you thinking?"
Now, why is she so angry now?
"What were you doing talking whit that servant?"
"Servant? You mean Hiro?"
"Your goal is Zeus! You don't have time to lose on a servant, I've told you thousands of times! The only reason that you will be sent to Gedonelune is to be closer to Zeus and marry him, that's the only way we can enter the nobility, keep that clear on your mind! That's the only thing you can do for your family that it has giving you everything. Don't forget it."
She turned and slammed the door. I didn't even have time to say anything. Is this the kind of circumstances that Marian lives then? So I guess that's the reason why she's so desperate. Oh, look at my dress! It ripped. Hiro untangle it so carefully just a minute ago. I stood up and headed to the window. Is such a stary night, Hiro's word keep sounding on my head. It doesn't matter who I was before, this is what I have now. Let's take the best of it while it last! The good part is that I'll get out of here and I'll be on that place where so many adventures happens! Let this dream last all that it wants!
To be continued...
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klaus-goldstein · 6 years
Hi I'm a first time writer and I really admire your stories *just a little tiny bit to shy to come off anon sorry* anyway because of you I want to start writing my own fan fiction for anime tv shows and of course wizardess heart. Do you have any tips for a first time writer, also I'm so looking forward to the new update!
Ahh Anon! I totally understand wanting to stay anon but I promise I don’t bite. If you ever want to talk or send me some of your writing you totally can! Um, just universal advice would be to write as much as you can. Even if you’re blocked or not in the mood. It’s so much easier to revise writing than it is to start writing after stopping for any amount of time. Believe me, I know this first hand. I took a four month long writing break and it was so hard to get back in the habit. Write as much as you can. And if you ever need a cheerleader then know I’m here rooting for you!
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klaus-goldstein · 7 years
I love ur wizardess heart fan fiction, I stalk your page daily for updates. I was wondering if you'd ever written anything with your own characters and story plot and if you have if you'd ever consider posting it.
Im so glad you enjoy my writing. :D Right now the only thing I have written for my oc’s are prequel one-shots for the disag universe and a Sebastian fic that takes place in the canon universe. I’ll probably post some of the disag prequels eventually. ❤
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