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hillingdontoday · 1 year ago
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hargo-news · 1 year ago
Alleged Wrongful Arrest in Pohuwato Riot, Susanto: We'll Examine if there's Statement Manipulation in BAP
Alleged Wrongful Arrest in Pohuwato Riot, Susanto: We'll Examine if there's Statement Manipulation in BAP #WrongfulArrest #PohuwatoRiot #BAPExamination
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Two defendants in the September 21, 2023, riot case, namely AJ alias Ajo and AM alias Opan, are suspected to be victims of wrongful arrest by certain police officers while securing the demonstration that escalated into turmoil. Regarding the allegations of wrongful arrest, the legal counsel for the defendants will seek to scrutinize the testimonies of witnesses presented…
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shieldsofshame · 1 year ago
Cop shoots into a car lies about it and gets fired and decertified Johntaven Simmons Robert Rumble interview
Full Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh5lfsLorl-owmeeO4Y_yIqQwk_rQuDQj
Full video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qMMZuAanOY
Open records issues - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRwTlbU2Ftk&t=175s
JOHNTAVEN JAMAL SIMMONS / Mitchell County Sheriff's Office (Georgia) 
On 06/21/2021 at 4:26PM, Deputy Bostick of the Michael County Sheriffs office 
SOS link https://shieldsofshame.com/johntaven-jamal-simmons/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080172275153
Condensed versions of the interviews on Spotify 
Edward Connell - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/billy-blume/episodes/Cop-shoots-into-a-car-lies-about-it-and-gets-fired-and-decertified-Johntaven-Simmons-Edward-Connell-interview-e2bqcdi
Captain Robert Rumble interview - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/billy-blume/episodes/Cop-shoots-into-a-car-lies-about-it-and-gets-fired-and-decertified-Johntaven-Simmons-Robert-Rumble-interview-e2bqcf7
On June 21, 2021, at 4:26 PM, Deputy Bostick was dispatched to 316 MLK Street in Baconton in response to a report of a vehicle's window being shot. Upon arrival, Deputy Bostick contacted Mrs. Huntley, who reported hearing a loud bang while inside her house and subsequently discovering the back glass of her vehicle, parked by the road, shattered.
Deputy Bostick and Investigator Brooks arrived at the scene and observed several people outside. They found no bullet fragments near or inside the vehicle but noticed two males on a front porch across from the incident, one of whom was identified as Mr. Johntaven Simmons. Mr. Simmons reported hearing a gunshot but did not know its direction.
Investigator Brooks located the impact point on the vehicle and collected evidence, including a silver, rust-colored dust in the dent. Surveillance cameras on the side of the house captured footage of the incident, showing a tan or brown vehicle pulling up nearby and a black male in all black exiting the vehicle, walking towards the road, and then returning to the car with a gun in hand after the glass breakage.
Upon reviewing the video, Deputy Bostick and Investigator Brooks noticed that Mr. Simmons' clothing matched that of the individual in the footage. Mr. Simmons became frustrated during questioning and refused to answer further questions. A bullet casing was found near the scene, matching the gun seen in the video.
The video was sent to Investigator Brooks for further analysis, which helped in identifying the shooter. Mr. Simmons was arrested at 321 MLK Street after his clothing was matched to that in the video. He surrendered a 9MM gun that matched the casing found. Mr. Simmons was charged with Reckless Conduct, Obstruction Of Officers, and Discharge of a Gun or Pistol Near a Public Highway or Street, and was transported to Mitchell County Jail by Deputy Wilson.
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freelawbydjure · 1 year ago
Alibi and Witness: Key Differences
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Part I: Alibi — The Defense’s Shield
An alibi is a powerful legal defense strategy employed in criminal trials. At its core, it aims to provide evidence that the defendant was not present at the scene of the crime when it occurred. The term ‘Alibi’, as it is, is neither defined in the Indian Penal Code nor the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. It was recognized as a Rule of evidence under Section 11 of the Indian Evidence Act. Along with this, Section 103 of the Indian Evidence Act also deals with the Plea of Alibi. It states that “The burden of proof as to any particular fact lies on that person who wishes the Court to believe in its existence unless it is provided by any law that the proof of that fact shall lie on any particular person.” Here are the key aspects of an alibi:
Absence at the Crime Scene: The fundamental premise of an alibi is that the defendant, at the time of the alleged criminal activity, was located elsewhere. This absence is crucial to create reasonable doubt in the minds of jurors or the presiding judge.
Establishing Reasonable Doubt: Alibis are introduced to raise doubts about the defendant’s culpability. By proving that the defendant could not have committed the crime due to their presence elsewhere, the defense aims to undermine the prosecution’s case.
Corroborative Evidence: Alibis often involve presenting corroborative evidence, such as witness testimonies, documents, or surveillance footage, to support the defendant’s claim of being at a different location during the alleged crime. This evidence bolsters the credibility of the alibi.
Burden of Proof: In most legal systems, the burden of proving an alibi falls on the defense. This means that the defense must provide convincing evidence to establish the alibi’s credibility.
Challenging the Alibi: The prosecution, in response, may challenge the alibi by presenting contradictory evidence or undermining the credibility of the alibi witnesses.
Part II: Witness — The Eyes and Ears of the Court
In contrast to an alibi, a witness is a person who provides firsthand knowledge or testimony related to an event or situation in a legal proceeding. Here comes a question, ‘who may testify?’ The same is defined efficiently under Section 118 of the Indian Evidence Act, which states that “All persons shall be competent to testify unless the court considers that they are prevented from understanding the questions put to them, or from giving rational answers to those questions, by tender years, extreme old age, disease, whether of body or mind, or any other cause of the same kind.” Witnesses can be called by either the prosecution or the defense, and they serve various roles:
Click Here To Read The Full Legal Article Search High court & Supreme Court JudgmentsSupreme Court Updates
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undisputedlegal · 11 months ago
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Navigating the complexity of subpoenaing an out-of-state witness for your trial? Undisputed Legal simplifies the process with their expert guide on leveraging the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act (UIDDA) for seamless state court case proceedings. Benefit from their seasoned process servers' knowledge and ensure your subpoenas meet all legal requirements across jurisdictions. Visit Undisputed Legal to unlock efficient and compliant legal processes for your case.https://undisputedlegal.com/how-to-subpoena-an-out-of-state-witness-to-testify-in-a-trial/ #legalprocess #uidda #subpoenaguide #statecourttrials #legalservices #interstatedepositions #TrialPreparation #witnesstestimony #CourtroomProcedures #LegalExpertise
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Types of Witness!! Visit Website : https://legalconsultantdelhi.com/ Phone No : 7428747474
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Watch "Matthew West - Do Something" on YouTube
#fuckchicago #becauseofmatthewwest #iholdgrudges #fuckstlouisbecauseofstolenhemofthegarmentmoneyimade #fuckpowerhouse
#fuckgeorgiabecauseofcastingcrownsmark #imetthempersonallynogood #hypocrites #witnesstestimony #judasiscariots #doveawards
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roiducameroun · 3 years ago
‘help   meeEEEEeee’
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sonalithakur21 · 3 years ago
RiskPro offers the services of Digital Forensic Services. For more details, please visit our website.
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realcleargoodtimes · 5 years ago
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The U.S. Justice Department is seeking records from big banks as part of a broader investigation into potential abuse of the $660 billion Paycheck Protection Program.
The previously unreported subpoenas issued by the department's Washington fraud division do not necessarily indicate wrongdoing on the part of the banks, but will compound growing worries among lenders that they risk being swept up in a federal crackdown on Paycheck Protection Program fraud.      
The program allows small businesses hurt by the pandemic to apply with lenders for a government-backed loan which can be forgiven provided at least 75% is spent on payroll costs.
Policymakers worry that the huge pot of cash has been a magnet for fraudsters, and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has warned that companies found to have lied to secure loans could face prosecution. The Justice Department opened a probe into the program last month and has already brought criminal charges against borrowers it alleges lied about the state of their businesses and numbers of employees.
Due to their critical role in processing the loans, banks have reams of information that could point to other fraud.
Grand jury subpoenas allow prosecutors to get their hands on a range of private financial and personal records and to hear witness testimony as part of a criminal investigation.
Recipients are not necessarily the subject of a probe and can be a cooperating witness.
"Right now, we don't think banks are 100% the target," said one of the sources, but added: "There are concerns that there will be a boomerang effect six months down the road on banks that they didn't do enough."
A third person with direct knowledge of industry interactions with the Justice Department said the agency wanted to scan banks' records for possible wrongdoing by borrowers.
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surveycircle · 6 years ago
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New on my Pinterest: New Studies @SurveyCircle http://bit.ly/2De7Qh7 : Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Witness Identification and Line Up Type" http://bit.ly/31PclMv via @SurveyCircle #WitnessTestimony #ForensicPsychology #WitnessIdentification #psychology #survey #surveycircle http://bit.ly/2RomNFW #SurveyCircle #Research #Survey #Study #CallForParticipants #Participants #Respondents | Participate now: http://bit.ly/2Y1EJst
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hillingdontoday · 1 year ago
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Watch "Man this guy has written some hits! 😂 Do you know any of these songs? Use this sound and show me!" on YouTube
#fuckchicago #becauseofmatthewwest #iholdgrudges #fuckstlouisbecauseofstolenhemofthegarmentmoneyimade #fuckpowerhouse
#fuckgeorgiabecauseofcastingcrownsmark #imetthempersonallynogood #hypocrites #witnesstestimony #judasiscariots #doveawards
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shieldsofshame · 1 year ago
Cop shoots into a car lies about it and gets fired and decertified Johntaven Simmons Robert Rumble interview
Full Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh5lfsLorl-owmeeO4Y_yIqQwk_rQuDQj
Full video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qMMZuAanOY
Open records issues - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRwTlbU2Ftk&t=175s
JOHNTAVEN JAMAL SIMMONS / Mitchell County Sheriff's Office (Georgia) 
On 06/21/2021 at 4:26PM, Deputy Bostick of the Michael County Sheriffs office 
SOS link https://shieldsofshame.com/johntaven-jamal-simmons/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080172275153
Condensed versions of the interviews on Spotify 
Edward Connell - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/billy-blume/episodes/Cop-shoots-into-a-car-lies-about-it-and-gets-fired-and-decertified-Johntaven-Simmons-Edward-Connell-interview-e2bqcdi
Captain Robert Rumble interview - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/billy-blume/episodes/Cop-shoots-into-a-car-lies-about-it-and-gets-fired-and-decertified-Johntaven-Simmons-Robert-Rumble-interview-e2bqcf7
On June 21, 2021, at 4:26 PM, Deputy Bostick was dispatched to 316 MLK Street in Baconton in response to a report of a vehicle's window being shot. Upon arrival, Deputy Bostick contacted Mrs. Huntley, who reported hearing a loud bang while inside her house and subsequently discovering the back glass of her vehicle, parked by the road, shattered.
Deputy Bostick and Investigator Brooks arrived at the scene and observed several people outside. They found no bullet fragments near or inside the vehicle but noticed two males on a front porch across from the incident, one of whom was identified as Mr. Johntaven Simmons. Mr. Simmons reported hearing a gunshot but did not know its direction.
Investigator Brooks located the impact point on the vehicle and collected evidence, including a silver, rust-colored dust in the dent. Surveillance cameras on the side of the house captured footage of the incident, showing a tan or brown vehicle pulling up nearby and a black male in all black exiting the vehicle, walking towards the road, and then returning to the car with a gun in hand after the glass breakage.
Upon reviewing the video, Deputy Bostick and Investigator Brooks noticed that Mr. Simmons' clothing matched that of the individual in the footage. Mr. Simmons became frustrated during questioning and refused to answer further questions. A bullet casing was found near the scene, matching the gun seen in the video.
The video was sent to Investigator Brooks for further analysis, which helped in identifying the shooter. Mr. Simmons was arrested at 321 MLK Street after his clothing was matched to that in the video. He surrendered a 9MM gun that matched the casing found. Mr. Simmons was charged with Reckless Conduct, Obstruction Of Officers, and Discharge of a Gun or Pistol Near a Public Highway or Street, and was transported to Mitchell County Jail by Deputy Wilson.
Crime scene, Deputy Bostick, Baconton, Vehicle shooting, Mrs. Huntley, Gunshot, Surveillance, Johntaven Simmons, Investigator Brooks, Bullet casing, Arrest, 9MM gun, Reckless behavior, Obstruction, Firearm discharge, Public highway, Law enforcement, Criminal investigation, Safety concern, Mitchell County Jail
Thank you members
Just Rhonda
Phyllis Peterson
Resident Psycho 
Alicia Slater
Carrie, F.I.R.M. Audits
 Kasey kc Carpenter. #24 
Rob Claypool
Ways to support  https://gofund.me/8b866727 Cashapp $madvideos Venmo @madvideos PayPal [email protected] and please consider following me on my other socials. Thank you so much.
Behind the scenes http://shieldsofshame.com
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM9tnaM29_jP9pUgVd49sNw
Rumble https://rumble.com/user/Shieldofshame
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093563914926
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5L9EZgzNGCTwchpcVcmzuK
IG https://www.instagram.com/shieldsofshame/
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/user/Pristine-Cat-1219
Twitter https://twitter.com/Shieldsofshame
Mastodon https://mastodon.social/@shieldsofshame
Vimeo https://vimeo.com/user117843300
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/shieldsofshame
Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@Shieldsofshame
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@shieldsofshame
Dailymotion https://www.dailymotion.com/madvideos
Odysee https://odysee.com/@shieldsofshame
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shieldsofshame · 1 year ago
Cop shoots into a car lies about it and gets fired and decertified Johntaven Simmons Robert Rumble interview
Full Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh5lfsLorl-owmeeO4Y_yIqQwk_rQuDQj
Full video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qMMZuAanOY
Open records issues - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRwTlbU2Ftk&t=175s
JOHNTAVEN JAMAL SIMMONS / Mitchell County Sheriff's Office (Georgia) 
On 06/21/2021 at 4:26PM, Deputy Bostick of the Michael County Sheriffs office 
SOS link https://shieldsofshame.com/johntaven-jamal-simmons/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080172275153
Condensed versions of the interviews on Spotify 
Edward Connell - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/billy-blume/episodes/Cop-shoots-into-a-car-lies-about-it-and-gets-fired-and-decertified-Johntaven-Simmons-Edward-Connell-interview-e2bqcdi
Captain Robert Rumble interview - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/billy-blume/episodes/Cop-shoots-into-a-car-lies-about-it-and-gets-fired-and-decertified-Johntaven-Simmons-Robert-Rumble-interview-e2bqcf7
On June 21, 2021, at 4:26 PM, Deputy Bostick was dispatched to 316 MLK Street in Baconton in response to a report of a vehicle's window being shot. Upon arrival, Deputy Bostick contacted Mrs. Huntley, who reported hearing a loud bang while inside her house and subsequently discovering the back glass of her vehicle, parked by the road, shattered.
Deputy Bostick and Investigator Brooks arrived at the scene and observed several people outside. They found no bullet fragments near or inside the vehicle but noticed two males on a front porch across from the incident, one of whom was identified as Mr. Johntaven Simmons. Mr. Simmons reported hearing a gunshot but did not know its direction.
Investigator Brooks located the impact point on the vehicle and collected evidence, including a silver, rust-colored dust in the dent. Surveillance cameras on the side of the house captured footage of the incident, showing a tan or brown vehicle pulling up nearby and a black male in all black exiting the vehicle, walking towards the road, and then returning to the car with a gun in hand after the glass breakage.
Upon reviewing the video, Deputy Bostick and Investigator Brooks noticed that Mr. Simmons' clothing matched that of the individual in the footage. Mr. Simmons became frustrated during questioning and refused to answer further questions. A bullet casing was found near the scene, matching the gun seen in the video.
The video was sent to Investigator Brooks for further analysis, which helped in identifying the shooter. Mr. Simmons was arrested at 321 MLK Street after his clothing was matched to that in the video. He surrendered a 9MM gun that matched the casing found. Mr. Simmons was charged with Reckless Conduct, Obstruction Of Officers, and Discharge of a Gun or Pistol Near a Public Highway or Street, and was transported to Mitchell County Jail by Deputy Wilson.
Crime scene, Deputy Bostick, Baconton, Vehicle shooting, Mrs. Huntley, Gunshot, Surveillance, Johntaven Simmons, Investigator Brooks, Bullet casing, Arrest, 9MM gun, Reckless behavior, Obstruction, Firearm discharge, Public highway, Law enforcement, Criminal investigation, Safety concern, Mitchell County Jail
Thank you members
Just Rhonda
Phyllis Peterson
Resident Psycho 
Alicia Slater
Carrie, F.I.R.M. Audits
 Kasey kc Carpenter. #24 
Rob Claypool
Ways to support  https://gofund.me/8b866727 Cashapp $madvideos Venmo @madvideos PayPal [email protected] and please consider following me on my other socials. Thank you so much.
Behind the scenes http://shieldsofshame.com
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM9tnaM29_jP9pUgVd49sNw
Rumble https://rumble.com/user/Shieldofshame
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093563914926
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5L9EZgzNGCTwchpcVcmzuK
IG https://www.instagram.com/shieldsofshame/
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/user/Pristine-Cat-1219
Twitter https://twitter.com/Shieldsofshame
Mastodon https://mastodon.social/@shieldsofshame
Vimeo https://vimeo.com/user117843300
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/shieldsofshame
Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@Shieldsofshame
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@shieldsofshame
Dailymotion https://www.dailymotion.com/madvideos
Odysee https://odysee.com/@shieldsofshame
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shieldsofshame · 1 year ago
Cop shoots into a car lies about it and gets fired and decertified Johntaven Simmons Robert Rumble interview
Full Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh5lfsLorl-owmeeO4Y_yIqQwk_rQuDQj
Full video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qMMZuAanOY
Open records issues - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRwTlbU2Ftk&t=175s
JOHNTAVEN JAMAL SIMMONS / Mitchell County Sheriff's Office (Georgia) 
On 06/21/2021 at 4:26PM, Deputy Bostick of the Michael County Sheriffs office 
SOS link https://shieldsofshame.com/johntaven-jamal-simmons/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080172275153
Condensed versions of the interviews on Spotify 
Edward Connell - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/billy-blume/episodes/Cop-shoots-into-a-car-lies-about-it-and-gets-fired-and-decertified-Johntaven-Simmons-Edward-Connell-interview-e2bqcdi
Captain Robert Rumble interview - https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/billy-blume/episodes/Cop-shoots-into-a-car-lies-about-it-and-gets-fired-and-decertified-Johntaven-Simmons-Robert-Rumble-interview-e2bqcf7
On June 21, 2021, at 4:26 PM, Deputy Bostick was dispatched to 316 MLK Street in Baconton in response to a report of a vehicle's window being shot. Upon arrival, Deputy Bostick contacted Mrs. Huntley, who reported hearing a loud bang while inside her house and subsequently discovering the back glass of her vehicle, parked by the road, shattered.
Deputy Bostick and Investigator Brooks arrived at the scene and observed several people outside. They found no bullet fragments near or inside the vehicle but noticed two males on a front porch across from the incident, one of whom was identified as Mr. Johntaven Simmons. Mr. Simmons reported hearing a gunshot but did not know its direction.
Investigator Brooks located the impact point on the vehicle and collected evidence, including a silver, rust-colored dust in the dent. Surveillance cameras on the side of the house captured footage of the incident, showing a tan or brown vehicle pulling up nearby and a black male in all black exiting the vehicle, walking towards the road, and then returning to the car with a gun in hand after the glass breakage.
Upon reviewing the video, Deputy Bostick and Investigator Brooks noticed that Mr. Simmons' clothing matched that of the individual in the footage. Mr. Simmons became frustrated during questioning and refused to answer further questions. A bullet casing was found near the scene, matching the gun seen in the video.
The video was sent to Investigator Brooks for further analysis, which helped in identifying the shooter. Mr. Simmons was arrested at 321 MLK Street after his clothing was matched to that in the video. He surrendered a 9MM gun that matched the casing found. Mr. Simmons was charged with Reckless Conduct, Obstruction Of Officers, and Discharge of a Gun or Pistol Near a Public Highway or Street, and was transported to Mitchell County Jail by Deputy Wilson.
Crime scene, Deputy Bostick, Baconton, Vehicle shooting, Mrs. Huntley, Gunshot, Surveillance, Johntaven Simmons, Investigator Brooks, Bullet casing, Arrest, 9MM gun, Reckless behavior, Obstruction, Firearm discharge, Public highway, Law enforcement, Criminal investigation, Safety concern, Mitchell County Jail
Thank you members
Just Rhonda
Phyllis Peterson
Resident Psycho 
Alicia Slater
Carrie, F.I.R.M. Audits
 Kasey kc Carpenter. #24 
Rob Claypool
Ways to support  https://gofund.me/8b866727 Cashapp $madvideos Venmo @madvideos PayPal [email protected] and please consider following me on my other socials. Thank you so much.
Behind the scenes http://shieldsofshame.com
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM9tnaM29_jP9pUgVd49sNw
Rumble https://rumble.com/user/Shieldofshame
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093563914926
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5L9EZgzNGCTwchpcVcmzuK
IG https://www.instagram.com/shieldsofshame/
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/user/Pristine-Cat-1219
Twitter https://twitter.com/Shieldsofshame
Mastodon https://mastodon.social/@shieldsofshame
Vimeo https://vimeo.com/user117843300
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/shieldsofshame
Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@Shieldsofshame
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@shieldsofshame
Dailymotion https://www.dailymotion.com/madvideos
Odysee https://odysee.com/@shieldsofshame
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