#With so many options out there for gaming mouse pads
morewittepain · 3 months
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Toxic! Lute x fem! reader
Warnings: Semi-toxic relationship (Lute is bad at emotions), slight NSFW if you squint, LONG drabble
A/N: This one's not a request, just ramblings from my brain. I love toxic yuri and I love love love the song Casual by Chappell Roan so ofc I combined them. 💞
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Being in a relationship with Lute would not be all sunshine and rainbows. Generally, Lute is a pretty blunt person and she doesn't have a good hold on her emotions, so if she managed to become interested in a person she would not be very good at dealing with that.
Once you became an Exorcist, she hadn't even realized she was staring until Adam started to point it out. She'd watch you train, watch you kill, and she'd be blushing bright gold the whole time — even worse when she got teased for it. And she would deny, deny, deny until it was too much to bear.
This would go on for months until she subconsciously starts to use her power to her advantage, barking out orders just to watch you carry them out in training, and projecting a bit too harshly when you mess up. She pushes you to do far too many push ups than humanly (angelically?) possible. She uses you as an example to all of the lower level Exorcists and berates you for making her look like a joke when you slip up or fumble with your sword skills. She spars a little too rough, knocking you on your ass over and over. She doesn't know how to cope with feeling things, so obviously the next best option is to bully you until it goes away! (Spoiler alert: it doesn't.)
And god is she PISSED about it. She's supposed to be a leader, untouchable, not some hopeless romantic too fixated on one of her trainees to focus on literally anything else. Though, when she shifts her focus to instead lashing out, she starts to fumble even more with her work.
You point it out one day in sparring, snickering about how she seems to care more about insulting you rather than watching her footing, and boy is she absolutely fuming. She literally drops everything and leaves the training center altogether.
You're not as stupid as she seems to think. You notice almost immediately how much she stares at you, and how much harder she seems to be on you than everyone else, and it's almost... cute? The way Adam taunts her every time she gives you an order, the way her wings flap aggressively, and the blush that spreads across her cheeks. So you purposely play into it. You fall when she jabs her sword into your practice armor and you make an effort to show off the arm muscles she can never seem to stop gawking over while you work. At the end of training, you pull off your shirt on occasion, ringing the dampness out all while in nothing but shorts and a sports bra, flapping your own wings only to draw more attention. While a bit more brutal than most budding relationships, it's all a game of cat and mouse. And damn if you're not winning.
It gets to be too much. You're sparring well after your designated training hours, both soaked with sweat and wearing furious expressions as you dodge the other's attacks, when you finally swipe her feet out from under her and knock her down completely. "You know," you say teasingly, "the way you're looking up at me makes me wonder if you're plotting my murder... or you're just horrible at flirting." But before you can get another word out, she's kicking her boot hard against your calf and pulling you down on top of her.
Like... literally on top of her.
She grabs you by the neck with a look of pure fury, and to your surprise she's absolutely attacking your mouth with the same aura of rage. Your lips move against each other aggressively, and she manages to flip you over and pin you to the padded floor mat with one hand gripping your shirt. She doesn't seem to quite know what she's doing, but she manages to bite your lip until you think you can taste blood — and she tastes it too. And it's the biggest rush she's ever had.
When you pull away, you grin, licking your lips. "What's wrong, lieutenant? Was it my form or my stance?"
Lute is panting hard, but she manages to spit out, "Your footing is weak," as she stands back up to grab her things. Because while she usually would choose fight, when it comes to romance her first instinct is to fly.
It goes like this for a while. You look forward to practicing one on one all day, beat the ever loving shit out of each other, and then fall into an even more aggressive make out session.
Then it blossoms into ducking into supply closets after particularly long days so she can pin you against the wall and take out all her frustrations.
It's always, always in secret though. You try to grab her hand in front of someone and she immediately drops it. You touch her shoulder and she shoves you off. You come within two feet of her and she's using her wings to nudge you to the side. Now that she's got you in private, she starts to pretend like you don't even exist in public.
When that yearly Extermination Day rolls around, she breaks off from the team of Exorcists and you quickly follow after, swishing your sword protectively.
"Leave me alone."
"I'm just doing my job."
"Yeah, well you're doing your job too fucking close to me."
"You didn't seem to mind me being close when—"
She backs you up against the side of a tall building, shrouded in the darkness of the alleyway. She uses the tip of her spear to hold you there, pointed precisely at the base of your throat, although not actually touching your skin in any way.
"I don't know what you seem to think we have going on, but let me spell it out for you," she hisses. "There is no 'this.' This is nothing, got it? We are nothing."
You swallow hard, but all you can do is nod and let her walk off, leaving you alone in the darkness. You don't kill many demons that night, but when you return to heaven to report back to Adam, you lie about your success. The praise is nice for supposedly killing a hundred demons when in reality the number was probably somewhere in the twenties, but it's quickly overshadowed when you notice Lute purposely avoiding your eyes.
Still, the next day she's pulling you back into the supply closet. She's attacking your lips while you dissociate with blank eyes, just barely kissing back, and she even manages to slide a hand beneath the waistband of your shorts.
It's not like you want the encounters to stop, because despite the realization that you're nothing more than a cheap way to blow off steam, it does feel good to feel desired in some way... it's just that... maybe things would be easier if this never started in the first place.
You never go to her place, but she shows up at your door on occasion. You let her push her way through, into your room, and you fall back onto the bed without a complaint. You let her kneel down in front of you. She doesn't ever strip for you, and she never lets you get her off, but she goes at you with little mercy like the whole thing is just another power trip to boost her ego.
It's not until you finally put a stop to it that she starts to even realize that she's hurting you in any way. She asks you to stay behind to spar one afternoon and you turn her down, telling her you're too tired and sore. She tries to drag you away from a meeting into an empty room and you shrug her off. She knocks on your door and you just turn your music up to drown out the noise.
Lute has a hard time with emotions like we've already established. She can't understand others' and she can't even pinpoint her own. She's been so shut down, so focused on being a soldier for so long that she can't recognize any feeling other than anger, fury, and... whatever she feels when she looks at you. As for what's going on in your head, she'd always assumed you were on the same page. That this was some sort of unspoken agreement that what the two of you had was just a casual... fling? She didn't know the word for it — someone you find so uncomfortably attractive, but can only bring yourself to kiss to quell the equally powerful feeling of pent up frustration.
But now you're the one shutting her out. At first she's furious. She starts leaving you out of training regiments and meetings to get back. She lets you fend for yourself. But there's just something about that look on your face... it's almost numb. The light has drained from your eyes. You look like a walking corpse. And she's slowly starting to realize that it's all her fault.
She's not really sure how to cope with that fact. She doesn't like getting personal or opening up. She shivers at the thought of a sappy conversation. And apologizing just feels so, so weak. So she asks Adam on a whim one day, keeping it as vague as possible.
They're alone, silently sitting across from each other while Adam speeds through his lunch and she simply stares at her own with no appetite. She looks up, finally mustering up the courage, and asks, "Sir... hypothetically, what would you... I don't know... Fuck." She bites her lip to keep from kicking herself. "What would you do if you hurt someone and you felt bad about it."
Surprisingly, Adam laughs so hard he nearly spits his drink all over himself. "You feel bad about something? You have a heart? Am I talking to a clone or something?" But when she doesn't answer, he just shrugs. "I don't know, get her flowers or something. Chicks love that shit."
Lute feels her lungs deflate right then and there. "How do you know it's a girl?"
"Lute, come on. You have an undercut. It's not rocket science."
And maybe she should be offended, but she doesn't really have any other option than to take his advice. So she stops by a florist and picks out a random bouquet (maybe she should pick something sappy, like flowers that remind her of your eyes, but she's still terrible at this) and knocks on your door once again. There's the tell take sign that you're ignoring her, the muffled music's volume increasing enough to make anyone go deaf, but after about five minutes of banging on the door you finally give up and open it.
You're both completely blank-faced, but she's nervously scratching the back of her neck as you start to close the door again. "Wait!" she calls, sounding pathetic to her own ears.
Your scowl only deepens in the doorway. "Look, Lute. If you think a few flowers are going to make me forget about everything just so you can get in my pants again, you're—"
"I'm sorry," she blurts out sheepishly. She wants to gag at the words and subconsciously steps on her own toes to quell the overthinking. When you don't say anything, she says again, "I'm sorry. I'm, uh... not good at feelings."
"I'll say." The door creaks just a few more inches, but she stops it from shutting completely with her hand.
"Don't make me say it again," she mumbles. "I just... I'm..." She draws in a long, deep breath. "I've never done this before — liked someone — and I don't like emotions, so I guess I hurt you on purpose, and I'm... sorry."
With an eye roll, you take the roses. "You're shitty at apologies too," you say, but then you catch a glimpse of her bashful expression and something feels almost genuine. You sigh. "Just don't drop my hand next time and we'll call it even."
Lute keeps that promise. Despite the nerves that rattle inside of her, the overwhelming feeling that everyone is watching, that she's giving into something she shouldn't, she doesn't just grab your hand the next day. She wraps a wing about you, squeezes your hand gently, and kisses you on the cheek with a dark blush spread across her face as she walks you out of the training room, out onto the busy streets.
"Maybe your swordwork isn't all that bad."
"Oh, shut up," you hiss, but there's a small smile creeping onto your lips.
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nexysworld · 1 year
A Real Gamer Moment
Read on AO3 🖤 Make a Request 🖤 Masterlist
Pairing: Ada & Fem!Reader x RE4Gamer!Leon
Summary: You and Ada decide to give Leon some under the desk support to help with his DBD losing streak.
Tags: NSFW, Smut, FMF Threesome, blowjobs, nipple play, face sitting, P in V sex, no use of Y/N, girls kissing girls, use of pet names like Daddy, Princess etc., not beta read, PWP
A special request for @leonsvndtta <3
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“Fuck this fucking Killer!” You heard through the thin walls of your apartment, immediately breaking you out of your attempt to fall asleep. It was Leon again, obviously on a losing streak – not unusual for him at this time of the night if you were honest. In all areas of life Leon was cool as a cucumber, stoic even when upset…but losing his competitive games? Nothing seemed to set him off more.
It was kind of funny actually, seeing him get so riled up over just a game, and maybe even a little hot too, seeing that side of him. Listening quietly, you heard the telltale sign of Ada’s squeaky door opening and closing, footsteps padding down the hallway.
“Will you keep it down? I’m trying to sleep.” Ada’s voice was flat and stern.
“I’m trying, but it’s hard with this fucking sweaty ass killer. Such bullshit!” He yelled in response, huffing as he tapped his fingers angrily against his desk.
“Well maybe that’s because you main as the twinky cop kid. Do better and stay quiet. Some of us have adult-people jobs we have to function for.” You didn’t need to be there to hear her eyes roll.
You knew how it was going to end, either you left them alone to argue further delaying your own sleep, or, you’d act as mediator – also further delaying your own sleep. Fingers coming to pinch the bridge of your nose, you had to make a split second decision on which option was the better one.
Hauling your legs over the side of your bed, you made your groggy way to the center bedroom of the hall, lightly opening the already cracked door further. “Guys….can we seriously not do this again? Leon, it’s just a game you don’t have to be so loud.”
“I’m sorry ok. Just let me do one more round, I don’t want to end the night on a losing streak.” He said, clicking to set up another game already.
Ada, clearly unamused, went to say something but you cut her off to prevent further escalation. “Ok, one more round, alright? I’ll even stay and be your good luck charm.” You offered with a smile, wrapping your arms lightly over his shoulders from behind.
“Thank you Doll. That’s probably why I got a shit killer in the first place. Hard to play without my good luck charm.”
Ada scoffed, sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. “I’m staying too, but only to make sure you actually keep your promise. If you don't, I'm taking the power cord with me.”
Things were already off to a bad start and you could feel Leon tensing under you. This killer was the same as the previous round, and the other survivors seemed to be incompetent to the utmost conceivable degree. “Stop healing me!” Leon groaned at the monitor, clicking his mouse so hard you thought it might break. Looking over to Ada you gave her a knowing look.
She shook her head in return as if to say ‘no way!’ You shot back with a pleading look of your own. The other woman’s body language relaxed despite the huff she let out as she got up.
Unraveling your arms from Leon’s shoulder’s, the man didn’t even seem to notice as you made your way under the desk. While you’d be considered more of a ménage à trois than true roommates, having had many romps in the bedroom, this was new. Never before had you tried to calm one of Leon’s gaming outbursts in such a manner.
Ada replaced you at his shoulders, using her hands to massage into his muscles, leaning forward to kiss his neck. “You’re too predictable when you play.” She cooed in his ear, nipping at the shell.
Leon huffed in response, not moving his eyes from the screen, ignoring the shiver that ran down his spine at the sensation. Between Ada and his focus on the game, it left him open to your own advances. Thankful he was only in his boxers, you reached up gently tugging his softened cock from the confines of his underwear and licked your lips.
You gave it a few quick pumps before leaning forward to lap at the tip giving kitten licks to the sensitive head. Leon let out a hiss in response, jumping slightly once he realized what was happening. “Shit. What do you two think you’re doing?” He asked, jolting slightly in his seat.
“Just offering some gaming moral support.” You said, continuing to pump his cock as you teased the head with your tongue.
“If that’s supposed to be me getting moral support then I’m in a lot of trouble.” He said, letting out an awkward noise. “Almost got me killed.”
“Did we really?” Ada cooed, running her downs down to his chest gently running her fingers over the hardening buds of his nipples. The sensation caused him to buck forward slightly onto your tongue, cock almost fully hard now.
“We’re just trying to help, Daddy~” The use of that pet name was going to be the death of him. Returning to his cock, this time you cleaned the oozing precum off with your tongue before swallowing him all the way in one movement.
“Ah…I…fuck. You two are evil.” He said, hands gripping tighter on his mouse, still determined to make a comeback before the round ended. You didn’t stop your assault on his cock, loving the feel of him twitching against your tongue. The sounds of his rough breathing echoed in the otherwise silent room, getting louder as you worked him over.
“Poor boy, you seem a little uncomfortable.” Ada said, continuing to tweak at his nipples with one hand, and moving her other to run along his abs. “So tense. Maybe we need to try harder to help you relax?”
“Is that right? What do you have in mind?” He grunted, sounding a little winded.
“What if I did this…?” Her hand moved from his abs to his crotch as she circled to the side of the chair for easier access. With a gentle touch she kneaded at his balls through the fabric of his boxers while you continued your own assault on his cock.
You hummed around Leon’s cock, taking it all the way to the base in one movement before slowly bobbing your head, eyes locked with hers noting the smirk on her face.
“Fuck!” Leon leaned back, neither Ada or you letting up. His determination to complete the round was dwindling, but luckily for the two of you, so was any thought about his losing streak as well.
“That’s it, just let go baby. Focus only on us.” Ada whispered, licking her lips as she began pressing kisses onto his stomach in tandem with the movement of her hand.
Neither of you said anything else, both waiting to see what he’d do. Leon’s head rested back on the chair, both hands now gripping the armrests. Body strung tight, you knew he was reaching that point of no return. A few moments later, you could hear him groan as hot cum filled your mouth.
“Such a good girl for you, isn’t she?” Ada asked, patting your head.
“Such a good fucking girl.” He agreed, no thought of the game left.
Ada moved out of the way, giving Leon room to roll his chair back. He helped you up as he stood before removing his boxers completely, cock still half hard. He laid back on his bed, propping himself up with his elbows.
Bringing her hand up under your silk nightshirt, Ada cupped your breast in her hand making you let out a small moan, the taste of Leon still on your tongue as she turned your head to kiss you. Her other hand sunk down into your panties, rubbing circles over your clit, making you moan into her mouth.
“Come here Princess, wanna give you a reward for being so good.” He motioned for you to join him on the bed.
Before letting you go, Ada helped remove your clothing, making a show of sliding the fabric off your body between kissing your soft skin. Freed of the fabric you crawled up onto the bed, straddling his waist so you could lean down to kiss him on the lips. “Such a pretty girl. Come sit on my face.” He said tugging at your hips so you’d move further upwards. Heat and slick abundant between your thighs, you didn’t need to be told twice, crawling up under your were hovering over his face.
He gleefully wrapped both arms around your thighs tugging you down until he was buried in your wet cunt, immediately going to work sucking on your clit. Heady moans left your mouth as you clung to the headboard for support.
Ada with her own agenda made quick work of her pajamas joining you two on the bed. Leon’s cock was at full mast again, and she wasted no time tossing her legs over him, teasing the tip of it at her slit, rubbing it back and forth. She let out a suppressed moan each time it would rub against her own clit. Once she felt it thoroughly coated enough she sank herself down onto him.
Instinctively Leon bucked his hips upward almost throwing Ada off balance, but she steadied herself rolling her hips in an even pattern.
Head fucked out and hazy, Leon had to put some extra focus into devouring you like a man starved. He adjusted to tongue fuck your hole, nose bobbing against your clit, the stimulation overwhelming with pleasure. Obscene squelching noises and the sound of skin slapping were heard behind you as Ada picked up the pace.
“Fuck…fuck…Daddy you make me feel so good fuck…” You whined and wanted to grind your hips down at your own pace, not being able to within Leon’s grasp.
Sensing your struggle, Leon eased up a bit and instead used his arms to support you and let you move freely. “Princess I want you to cum for me, please fuck Daddy’s face.” He said, voice strained by his own pleasure. You obliged the request, rutting yourself down onto his tongue, heat and pleasure feeling like they were about to snap at the very center of your core.
“I think she’s almost there.” Ada added, stilling her movements on his cock so she could lean forward, to suck kisses into your neck and play with your nipples adding as much stimulation as she could.
“Close, so fucking close.” You moaned, biting your lip in anticipation.
“Cum for us Princess, Daddy needs to feel you juices all over his face.” Ada cooed in your ear.
That was all it took, orgasm washing over you as you cried out in pleasure. Barely able to keep yourself up, feeling small aftershocks tremble through your clit, you flopped over next to Leon panting.
“Good girl.” He praised again. “Good fucking girl, you just rest now f’me ok?” He said to you, turning his attention back to Ada. He grabbed her by her hips and fucked up into her, giving her the chance to touch her own needy bundle of nerves, a mewled whine escaping her mouth.
Somehow despite the compromising position she still looked composed and serene, something you admired. Clearly though she was far closer than she let on as it didn’t take much longer before she and Leon were cumming together at the same time.
Watching the look on Ada's face as her head tilted back, mouth slightly agape, you couldn't help but feel yourself getting horny again.
Once she was off of him, you decided to see how far Leon could go this time. You grabbed his softening cock, covered in cum and slick, slowly stroking it in your hand. He whimpered in response to the overstimulation. You stopped and looked back at him "What do you say, one more round, please?"
Leon groaned, pulling you back so he could pepper your face with kisses. "Shit baby, no offense but I need a moment to recover. For right now I'm sure Ada would be happy to play."
"Mhm, that I would." Ada said coolly, pulling you into another kiss. All thoughts of gaming, work, and sleep were left behind, in favor for a long night of play.
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rallamajoop · 1 year
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Summoning Sturm in RE Mercenaries: A How-To Guide
So, now that you understand why Sturm is THE BEST, time to back up and explain a bit more about how to use him, and why it's down to me to tell you.
For the completely unfamiliar, Mercenaries is a challenge mode that unlocks on completing RE8. As of the Winters Expansion, you can even unlock playable characters like Heisenberg and Lady D, which is every bit as awesome as it sounds. As Heisenberg, you can do cool shit like flinging sawblades and summoning Soldats ‒ but the instructions do not mention that summoning Sturm is possible too, and you aren't likely to find it out by accident.
I can state this with confidence, because I didn't find it even in all the time it took me to score an S-rank on all 12 stages (yes, even the hard ones) as Heisenberg ‒ which unlocks the coveted Heisenberg Statue (TM).
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Once unlocked though, the statue sits in your entrance lobby and shows you pointless stats on previous runs ‒ stuff like 'stages completed', 'hammers slammed', or... wait, 'Sturms summoned'? Hang on, Heisenberg can summon Sturm? SINCE WHEN?
This was legitimately my first clue. There was only one person to ask, and that person was google.
If you're in doubt that this is one of the best kept secrets in all of RE lore, to reiterate, googling "Heisenberg" and "summon Sturm" still produces only a handful of results (and several of those are now links to my last post about it). Fortunately, one of those was some clever dude who'd spotted a curious option buried in the Mercenaries keybindings on PC, just under Heisenberg's magnetic field activation command, and labeled only 'Change Minion'.
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Not a lot to go on, so let me explain.
You use your Soldat summon by selecting your fourth weapon slot (4 on keyboard, D-pad-down on controller), then hit the 'fire' button to deploy it (left mouse button on PC, right trigger on controller) . There's a considerable cooldown between uses, so you can't just spam it for an easy time.
However, if you hit the 'Change Minion' button after switching to your Soldat, but before hitting 'fire', the icon in the bottom right of your screen should change.
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You are now in Summon Sturm Mode.
Surprisingly, there's no unlock required for this. Unlocking Heisenberg requires an A-rank on all 6 easy-level stages, and many of Heisenberg's more exciting abilities have to be bought or found at random. Sturm, however, is available wherever Soldats are sold. It's very weird that it's so well-hidden.
Do note: hitting Alt again will not 'change your minion' back. To switch back to Soldat-mode, just hit 4/down again. Or switch to any other weapon (slots 1-3), then back to 4 again. Sturm-mode is not sticky: if you've been flinging saws or flash grenades while waiting for the cooldown to clear, you'll have defaulted back to Soldat mode next time you want to summon a minion, and you'll have to hit Alt again. This can be a little annoying when you're under pressure, but so it goes.
How-to on PS/XBOX
How to summon Sturm on PS or XBOX is a thornier question: instructions for controllers aren't as detailed as the keyboard shortcuts. Fortunately, another of those few google hits was a guy on youtube who'd figured it out on PS5: according to him, the trick is to hold X, and spin the left analog stick (the one that controls the camera) through 360 in a counterclockwise direction. Which is a lot more complicated, and worth testing.
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Now, I don't own a current generation Playstation or XBOX, but I do have both an old PS3 controller and a knockoff XBOX controller, which I sometimes use for PC gaming, so I tried it out. And on both, what I found was that you didn't need to hold down any button: simply spinning the analog stick 360 degrees in either direction worked. Doesn't seem to matter where you start the spin either, as long as it goes the whole way around.
I can't 100% guarantee it's the same on a real XBOX/PS, but if that's how you game, I recommend you test it out in the lobby before trying it in a level. Your Soldat-gage doesn't charge in the lobby, but you can still see the icon change to Sturm to show you've got it right (and please do let me know if so!)
Sturm: An Advanced Strategy Guide
So, having now told you all about why Sturm is awesome, is there ever any reason not to summon Sturm? Because on paper he seems to have everything over your regular Soldat summon: does comparable damage on the first run, and then he keeps going ‒ where's the downside?
Well, after extensive testing, I'm here to tell you Sturm does have one weakness. Your Soldat will pierce through anything ‒ including heavily armoured enemies, like Soldat Panzers and, er, enemy Sturms, which are otherwise invincible from the front.
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Summon!Sturm, however, sometimes won't damage armoured enemies. Honestly, it's not totally consistent that he'll just bounce off, but it's happened enough times to qualify as a pattern. Sometimes he'll work, but often he won't. Even regular un-armoured Soldats with their fingers crossed arms covering their weak spot can sometimes be a problem. So take that under advisement: your Soldat is more reliable, even if he's mostly less fun.
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Sadly, this also means that summoning Sturm to fight Sturm isn't often going to work: enemy Sturms remain frustratingly invincible from the front, and will charge straight through him. And as soon as there are two Sturms on the field, keeping track of which one can hurt you and which one can't is like playing Russian Roulette with a chainsaw.
Sturm's also worse with obstacles. Summon your Soldat in the Factory level's Foundary area, and he'll punch through anything to reach his target. Sturm may well just get stuck on a table.
This is not to say summoning your Soldat is always the sensible-if-boring option. Sturm not only sticks around longer and can hit enemies who haven't even spawned yet, he can also hit an enemy more times as he barrels past.
Take the ever-annoying Varcolac miniboss that leaps out at you at the start of the final Hard level, the Bloody River II. Your Soldat will take a nice chunk off its health gauge, but won't finish it off.
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But Sturm? Sturm will take it down so fast you won't even have to wait for him to turn around.
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(This is not just a fluke, for the record ‒ I've tried this with both of them more than once.)
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Speaking of damage, both Sturm and your Soldat are affected by most any ability which boosts general damage ‒ even some of the ones that look contradictory. Infighter? Will boost damage on any enemy they hit standing close to you. Out of Reach? Will boost damage on any enemy they hit further away. Fickle shooter will boost damage even when they hit multiple enemies with one hit. And as for any other attack, bonuses stack and multiply. But Break Shot is generally going to be your most useful single bonus (50% extra damage to anything on full health, which is most enemies Sturm and Soldy are going to hit).
The one I'm not so sure about is No Brainer, since I'm not sure if your summons can actually pull off a headshot. Maybe it's possible, but don't think I've seen it happen.
By contrast, I don't think your magnetic field has any effect. It'll boost damage done by the hammer and other projectiles by double (or more), but doesn't seem to have any impact damage done by summons.
From all this testing, I've also learned that your standard cooldown between Soldat/Sturm summons is 1 minute ‒ reduced to 40 seconds if you buy the S.O.S. ability. Who you summon or how long Sturm bumbles around for doesn't seem to make any difference there.
Alas, I have had very little luck summoning Sturm to help me fight Miranda. She just spends too much time in the air to be a good Sturm-target ‒ a real shame, because she'd otherwise make a great gif to finish on. But in lieu of that, have a gif of Sturm doing truly absurd amounts of damage while boosted with multiple assorted damage upgrades (which he's not in most of the gifs above).
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miyakuli · 8 months
Citizen Sleeper
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Wake Up
Citizen Sleeper is a mix of visual novel and role-playing game set in a purely SF world; you play the role of a sleeper, a kind of humanoid robot with a human conscience, who finds themself stranded on a space station called Erlin's Eye. Your first goal will obviously be to survive, but over time and encounters, you may find a real reason to live and, who knows, even a future.
❤ An immersive and detailed SF universe, in terms of its lore, visual and sound atmosphere, as well as the themes addressed, rather typical of this genre (transhumanism, capitalism…) but always intelligently presented. ❤ Speaking of design, the game is fairly minimalist, but it's enough to immerse us in this cyberpunk world, not only in terms of the station and its varied locations, but also thanks to Guillaume Singelin's splendid illustrations, which give us striking characters with their own identity. ❤ In keeping with this idea of immersion, the soundtrack discreetly but effectively accompanies this universe, with its futuristic, melancholy music and ambient sound effects of the space station life. ❤ The rpg aspect is characterized by dice rolls after sleep cycles that allow you to unlock new areas and perform specific tasks. And unlike a certain Disco Elysium (which still sticks in my craw x'D), RNG is very well balanced, as the success of your throw will depend on your physical condition and energy. And even if your dice are low, you'll always have something to do with them (small numbers can be used for hacking actions, for example). The station may not be very big, but it's vast enough in terms of activities, offering several hours of play to discover all its nooks and crannies.
+/- The story is very well written, the narration is neat and coherent, and I really enjoyed the intimate exchanges between the characters....on the other hand, I sincerely regret that there's still no translation planned. I'm used to playing games in the language of Shakespeare, but let's face it, this game won't be accessible to everyone, as it requires a very good command of English (many highly technical SF terms). +/- While the gameplay becomes very addictive over time (I couldn't stop restarting cycles!!), it also becomes rather repetitive, especially towards the end; if you stay on the station until the end to unlock all the storylines, you're going to spend a lot of cycles just doing activities here and there while you wait for the next quests to unlock (because sometimes you have to wait several cycles to move on to the next stage).
✖ The idea of choosing a class at the start of the game is only of interest at first, because after a while you end up unlocking all the abilities and your specialization no longer matters. Also, the classes are quite unbalanced (the operator is clearly the one to take to advance quickly and efficiently). ✖ Mouse handling, especially when walking around the station, is not at all great. So I switched to the controller, which has smoother movements, but which wasn't always easy to select zones and dialogues (plus you can only use the directional pad). ✖ Basic options are lacking for a game with so much dialogue and several endings; autosave is imposed, so you can't save at a specific point in the game if you want to come back later to unlock other things, and there's no skip for text already read or even a visual indication (like colored text, for example).
Citizen Sleeper is a very pleasant discovery, with a well-developed SF universe into which I immersed myself, although not without difficulty due to a high level of English. If a French-language version were to come out, I'd be delighted to relive this story and its encounters, and perhaps appreciate its subtleties even more :)
➡ My personal VN ranking (in french) ➡ My Steam page
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storiesbyjes2g · 1 year
@therichantsim tagged me for this
1. What’s your favorite sims death? I haven't really had many other deaths besides old age. Even if I did I don't think I could choose a favorite way for them to go. I'm gonna steal @mysimsloveaffair's answer lol. She said her favorite death is old age because it means they lived a full life.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Mix
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? For gameplay, not at all. But for stories I might if it makes sense for the character. For example, Kameron is a very fit character. But in real life, he doesn't workout as much as he used to so he often loses muscle mass. Lean Kam just don't look right, so I used MCCC to freeze his body frame so he doesn't gain or lose weight/muscle.
4. Do you use move objects? Absolutely
5. Favorite mod? MC Command Center closely followed by Relationships and Pregnancy Overhaul by lumpinou. These two keep me on my toes and give you guys all the drama you love lol.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I got the first one when it came out.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? ALIVE!! I will die on this hill lol. Don't get me started!
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Either Kameron or Amina Pope. I've been with Kameron the longest, and he is my dude forever. Amina was special to me even in CAS, and when I finally found the right story for her, she made it so easy. The story wrote itself!
9. Have you made a simself? I've been making simselves since TS2
10. What sim traits did you give yourself? I think she is creative, music lover, loner?
11. What is your favorite EA hair color? I use the neutral black the most, but I really love that new ashy brown. I think it's the 3rd one? It's Tori's hair dye color.
12. Favorite EA hair? Ehhhh...I tend to ignore EA hairs lol
13. Favorite life stage? Young Adult
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Building is not my ministry lol
15. Are you a CC creator? No, but I have recolored some things before.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Sure do! (Hey y'all!)
17. What’s your favorite game? That's tough to say. Gameplay-wise, I think I'm still partial to Sims 2. But seeing as I'm addicted to Create-a-Sim, I'd have to say Sims 4 because the other games can't hold a candle to the current genetics and options!
18. Do you have any Sims merch? Yep. I used to have this ginormous mouse pad with that Sims mouse. I also got those notebooks from the shop that came out a few years ago. Now I want to burn them all LOL.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Sure do! My list of videos to make keeps growing. I just need to make the time to do them...and my hair LOL.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I'm not sure if this question is referring to play style or CAS style so I'll do both. My play style has not changed. I've always enjoyed family play even though that's not all I do. People say I have a sim style and they know a sim is mine when they see them, but I can't see it. I just like making unique sims. Not sure if I've changed or not.
21. What’s your Origin ID? Jes2G
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? No way I can pick just one...or even 5 lol. Just to name a few... peacemaker, simstrouble, severinka, mclaynesims, jius, wisteriasims, crypticsim, pralinesims, sifix...
23. How long have you had a simblr? I technically joined in 2014 but I wasn't active. I decided to give it a real shot in 2017 and decided to go all in in 2019.
24. How do you edit your pictures? I have a set of actions I created in Photoshop that I run. I used to make different actions for all my stories to give them unique looks. Now I create ReShade presets and let it do the heavy lifting.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? GROWING TOGETHER! It's all I really wanted.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I don't want or need anything else EXCEPT for all the bugs to be fixed! I'm ready for this version of the game to be over so the modders can make the game great in peace!
Tagging @shunohoney626 @bridgeportbritt @digital-deluxe @nilonne @maladi777 @wannabecatwriter @ladytee918 @saps-sims
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gertlushgaming · 9 months
Gothic Classic Review (Nintendo Switch OLED)
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For this Gothic Classic Review, we return to Myrtana as the Nameless Hero in Gothic Classic, the award-winning RPG that shaped and inspired countless roleplaying games. Experience it now for the first time on Nintendo Switch. War has been waged across the kingdom of Myrtana. Orcish hordes invaded human territory and the king of the land needed a lot of ore to forge enough weapons, should his army stand against this threat. Whoever breaks the law in these darkest of times is sentenced to serve in the giant penal colony of Khorinis, mining the much-needed ore.
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Gothic Classic Review Pros:
- Decent graphics. - 3.6GB download size. - 20 save slots. - Game settings - subtitles, animated windows, gore and how much, text language, and voice language. - Motion control support is complete with an animated tutorial. - Controller settings - Invert axis and sensitivity sliders. - Cutscenes are a mix of FMV and in-game. - Powerful and impactful voice work. - Action RPG gameplay. - A full 3D world with 360-degree camera control. - Multiple choice encounters. - You can fast-forward text conversations to speed them up. - Full player stats screen showing all your stats like strength, dexterity, skills, exp level, etc. - Proper old-school adventuring gameplay. - Can save and load when you want. - Handy loot all button. - Full inventory management system. - The jumping animation is hilarious to watch. - Interaction points highlight.#Its a game that strangely keeps dragging you back in. - Text pops up over items etc. - The equipment lets you have two weapons equipped at once with a quick trigger press to swap them. - Loadout consists of two rings, armor, an amulet, and your two weapons. - Handy quick select items set to the d-pad. - Does have a quick save and load using a button combination. - Hack and slash combat. - EXP earned pops up as you earn it. - Play how you want. - Despite a few hiccups, the controls are good considering the original game was mouse and keyboard. - Main quest line along with many side optional quests. - Your playthrough feels unique because you have so many options and opportunities to take a variety of paths. - 3rd person view. - Has a fantastic atmosphere with things like getting told off for trespassing, and guards getting arsey because you have a weapon out. - At times you can get to watch the world live out. - A great trip down memory lane. - The world is a thing to behold for it has beauty and drudge all mixed in.
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Gothic Classic Review Cons: - Cannot rebind controls. - Remember that games this old didn't get tutorials. - Clunky controls that take some getting used to like you have to put your weapon away in order to pick up items and loot. - Over-the-top fall damage. - You need to be in an exact precise part in order to interact or pick up items. - Dying doesn't trigger a menu to start again instead, you go into the menus and find the new/load game option. - The game is not smooth in performance terms, when loading in assets etc. the game will either stutter or full-on lock up for a few seconds. - Actions like opening chests or climbing ladders require you to hold down the action game and there is no way to change that. - Glitches through walls a few times and the game struggles with you jumping into assets like fences. - The camera goes a bit weird in places usually when in close quarters. - Looking at the sun or having a fair bit of it on the screen will blow the color out. - Aside from the occasional bit of magical world-living moments, enemies will just stand there waiting for you to hit the trigger so they move towards you. - It is very slow-paced. - Item management is a chore and not as slick as it needs to be. Related Post: Endling Extinction is Forever Review (PC/Utomik) 
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Gothic Classic: Official website. Developer: THQ Nordic Publisher: THQ Nordic Store Links - Nintendo Read the full article
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tayyemon · 2 years
Gamer Gifts to buy this Holiday Season
The holidays are around the corner, so if you have a friend or someone special you need to buy a present for and/or are just looking for something to treat yourself to this gifting season, then look no further than here. Also, a disclaimer that no part of this post is sponsored.
Geekshare for Console Accessories
Geekshare is a company that specializes in gaming accessories, they have products for the Nintendo Consoles, PlayStation 4/5, and XBOX. With a cute aesthetic for the most part when it comes to their selections, the main offerings are the following: Thumb grip covers, protective shell cases, controller covers, carrying cases for traveling. Geekshare has also broadened their store to include other options for tablets as well as desk accessories such as mousepads and charger adapters and even crossbody bags. (There is this cute plush cat one I saw that I want to buy myself now lol). There is both a personal website as well as an Amazon storefront linked below.
BenQ Screen Bar for Late Nights
Yes, this product is on the more expensive side ($109 USD), but the ways you could use this screen bar are quite versatile. It hooks up onto your monitor or laptop (via USB), but you can use this to be a regular desk light as well as this product has quite the range as well to help with those light nights of working or reading books; for aspiring streamers, it could also be their ring light as well! BenQ products are also certified as Eco-Friendly as well so if you want to shop with environmental consciousness in mind BenQ is a good place to start for tech related goods.
Hagibis Cleaning Kit for Tidiness
If you have some dusty and dirty electronics? Look no further than this 5-in-1 cleaning kit that does not only help with you keyboard and mouse but also other electronics such as ear buds and even for your scale figures. This product is revered by many and especially so on Tik Tok subgenre Tech Tok for its affordability as well as its versatility beyond tech goods. Currently this product is only available on Amazon, which is also linked below.
Cooluli Mini-Fridge for Snacktime
Something I have seen for a while across all my social platforms as of late is the trend of personal minifridges, whether it be for storing skin care, drinks, snacks, subscriptions, etc. While I personally do not understand the phenomenon of them it is something I can get down with, I mean who wouldn't want one to have their favorite snacks and drinks ready. I myself would personally use one for skincare though, what about you?
Yes, there is way more ideas out there (You should tell me all about them lol), such as the Wishlist buy as most games and websites let you buy for others such as Steam Wishlist’s and even in-game cosmetics such as League of Legends and Wildrift to name an example, but if this helps anyone, it is a solid win for me. As always, thank you for reading!
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fridge-reviews · 4 months
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Wonder Boy: The Dragons Trap - Blast Review
Developer: Lizardcube Rrp: £14.99 (Humblebundle, Steam and Epic) and £17.39 (Gog.com)
I remember when I was a kid watching a friend play the original of this game on his Sega Master System. He never let me have a go, though to be honest I can see why, I was a heavy handed child who was quick to anger when thwarted so he likely feared for his control pad's safety. It's now many years later and I finally got to have my go! Hurray!
This game is essentially a metroidvania though, due to some technicalities I hesitate to truly give it that label. The thing with metroidvania's is that when you gain a power you can easily switch to a different power. In this game that isn't the case, when you defeat a boss you turn into a monster version of yourself, you can't change out of this form into another one until you kill another boss or find an altar. However, altars are uncommon and seem to change you somewhat at random.
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What this game is though is beautifully animated, it has been entirely drawn by hand giving every character a wonderful sense of personality. I spent ages just watching how the mouse-man's ears wiggle. Of course, if you want to relive those old days of 8-bit you can quickly change the game to retro mode in the options menu or with the trigger buttons on your control pad. I thought that was quite a nice feature to add especially because you can choose to just change the music or just the sound effects.
Is this game worth £14.99, honestly to me no. Thankfully I didn't have to pay that, I picked it up when Epic made it free. It's just a bit too short to justify that cost to me (as I completed it in just under 5 hours), but perhaps your mileage will vary.
If you’d like to support me I have a Ko-fi, the reviews will continue to be posted donation or not.
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shukanmall · 9 months
Best-selling Items to Import from China for Wholesale Business
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China is the largest exporter in the world from where a huge variety of items are imported everyday all over the world. As Chinese products are cheaper, durable long-lasting Almost every business owner in this world wants to import different kinds of Chinese items for their wholesale business. From electronics to home accessories and clothing, there are plenty of items to import from China. As the products are enormous, a common question often rises in the minds of most of the retailers. They often wonder what are the best-selling items to import from China.
To guide you in this, we have curated a list of some of the best items to import from China that will increase the profit margin of your business. After checking out all those items, you will be able to understand which products you should import from China. Let’s get started now.
Most Demandable Items to Import from China for Higher Profit
When it comes to the most demandable items to import from China, the options are endless. From those wide varieties of products, you have to choose the right kind of product that will help you earn enough profits. If you import high-demand items from China and sell them to potential customers, your business profits will be higher within a few months. Another advantage of importing products from China is that you can do the Chinese products import by spending only a little amount of money since they are cheaper in rates.
Shukan Mall is there for you if you are looking for best-quality and budget-friendly items to import from China. This is one of the best and most reliable china products suppliers in India from whom you can easily get cost-effective and high-demand wholesale China products in India. Now let’s talk about some of the best-selling items to import from China that are profitable also. 
1. Mobile and Computer Accessories
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Mobile and computer accessories have always been one of the most demanded items to import from China. Mobile and computer accessories are basically a little expensive In India but the Chinese mobile and computer accessories are cheaper and also good in quality. That’s why the demand for these items is high.
From phone covers to screen guards, earphones, chargers, charging cables, monitors, keyboards, mouse and mouse pads and so on, you can get different varieties of items to import from China and your profit margin will see an unbelievable increase in no time.
2. Cosmetic Items 
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Mobile and computer accessories have always been one of the most demanded items to import from China. Mobile and computer accessories are basically a little expensive In India but the Chinese mobile and computer accessories are cheaper and also good in quality. That’s why the demand for these items is high.
From phone covers to screen guards, earphones, chargers, charging cables, monitors, keyboards, mouse and mouse pads and so on, you can get different varieties of items to import from China and your profit margin will see an unbelievable increase in no time.
One of the most demanded items to import from China is the cosmetic items. As ladies love to do some makeups at any special event and even on regular basis, cosmetic items are the personal favorite of every lady. These products are available in China in a wide assortments and at the cost-effective rates. From fashionable and sustainable clothes to shoes, watches, hair bands, clips and many more, China has everything for retailers at the most affordable costs. 
3. Toys and Games
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China Is a big exporter of Toys and Games. From educational toys and electronic games, importers can get several profitable items to import from China at highest-quality and cheaper prices. 
4. Beauty Products
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From the young to the old generation, all ladies always want to look more beautiful, that’s why they always give first preference to various types of Beauty Products. This makes beauty products one of the most profitable items to import from China. 
There are a huge variety of beauty products that you can get from China which are much more affordable than your local stores. Makeup brushes, nail polishes, lipsticks, skincare products, and many more are available in China for importing.
5. Home and Kitchen Products  
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The Chinese market is famous for selling a broad variety of Home and Kitchen products at the most competitive price ranges. From home decors like lamps, photo frames, furniture, shelf, cooking products, importing home and kitchen products from China is highly profitable for retailers due to the extreme demand for these items in the market. 
6.  Gym and Sports Products
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Another most famous and demandable items to import from China in our product list are the gym and sports products. These products are becoming the latest trend and the most lucrative products in the market. Footballs, basketballs, cricket kits, sports shoes, etc, several sports and game products and several gym products are available at reasonable rates in the China market which you can import. 
Import Wholesale China Products in India with Shukan Mall
Chinese products are really cheaper in rates and better in quality than the local stores in India and other countries. You will earn maximum profit by importing products from China. The options are endless, just choose the correct product for your business and start importing from China now to earn a huge profit.
Are you in search of good and trusted China products importers in India? Shukan Mall is the best solution for you then. You can get in touch with Shukan Mall, the best import export company in India to get wholesale China products at lowest rates. Since we have years of experience in the import export field, we will help you achieve new business heights very soon. Yuo will find all types of items to import from China. From our vast collection of wholesale China items wide variety products, choose them that are suitable for your business and run a highly profitable business in India.
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websevense-blog · 1 year
How to pick your setup's ideal RGB mouse pad 🖱 🖰 #rgbmousepad #mousepad #gaming #rgb #gamingkeyboard #gamingsetup #rgbmouse #gamingmousepad #rgblights #rgbkeyboard #pcsetup #gamingroom #gamer #pcgaming #gamingislife #gamingpc #desksetup #gaminggear #mousepadgamer...
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Do You Really Need a MacBook Air Laptop?
Since the advent of game-changing gadgets like the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, Apple has been the subject of much acclaim for its consumer electronics. However, with so many options, do you recommend sticking with Windows or trying out an Apple laptop?
My experience has taught me that Apple products are well-made and attractively designed; furthermore, the MacBook Air is remarkably slim and lightweight. Unlike Microsoft's Windows, the Mac OS rarely experiences unexpected shutdowns, making it one of the system's many notable advantages.
However, if you've been accustomed to using an i7 windows laptop until now, you might be unfamiliar with the interface of mac laptops. This is a minor issue, though, given that the mac laptops' layout is straightforward to pick up on the go.
The following are only a few examples of excellent design and functionality
Tiny form factor, Core 2 Duo 1.86 GHz, 256 GB SSD, and NVIDIA GeForce 320M integrated graphics.
In the Mac OSX
A Macbook Air is one of the greatest laptops on the market for people who are constantly on the go for business or other reasons. Don't be fooled into thinking that the iPad is a suitable replacement for a computer; it's not. The iPad is limited in functionality and lacks ports for accessories like a keyboard and mouse, among other things.
However, I'm sure you'd like to compare pricing and features with other laptops on the market. Fortunately, doing so is simple thanks to Amazon.com. Apple laptops may be more expensive than those of competitors, but they outperform the competition in every way.
Now that you have the information you need, you can do your research and select the product that will serve your needs the most effectively and efficiently, as I have provided you with some guidelines to follow.
Acer Aspire R 15 R5-571TG-78G6 Guide: What Does This Windows 2-In-1 Laptop Offer to Its Users?
There is a dizzying array of options available when looking for a Windows laptop. The leading manufacturers are always releasing new products, and technological advancements happen at a dizzying pace. The Acer Aspire R 15 R5-571TG-78G6 is a popular recommendation since it is a 2-in-1 laptop with adequate power, speed, and storage for mainstream entertainment and computer tasks at a reasonable price.
This laptop has a little bit of everything: a sturdy keyboard, a bright screen, and a flexible layout. The 360-degree rotation of the hinge enables you to use the device as a tablet, a notebook, a tent, or a stand. When the R15 is in tablet mode, it may be anchored in place with the help of four rubber pads located just below the hinges on the deck and four strips situated along the bottom corners.
At the far left of the device, you'll find a touchpad without buttons. There is a chiclet-style keyboard with LED backlighting and a number pad. When typing, you can count on a travel distance of 1.49 mm. An enjoyable typing experience is ensured by the remarkable key travel and robust feedback.
A common limitation of 2-in-1 convertible laptop/tablet devices is a screen size of 10 inches or 12 inches. This one has a 15.6-inch screen and supports full HD resolution thanks to IPS technology. The resolution of the display is 1920 x 1080. With a two-speaker configuration and Dolby Music Enhancement, the audio is just as enjoyable as the visuals. The bottom-mounted speakers are loud enough to fill a medium-sized room with music or audio.
Connectivity and Operating System for the Acer Aspire R 15 R5-571TG-78G6
The 64-bit Windows 10 Home operating system is preinstalled on the Acer Aspire R 15 R5-571TG-78G6 notebook. The i7 processors are dual-core (2.50 GHz). In addition to the 1TB of space provided by the Serial ATA hard drive, you also receive 12GB of memory in the form of DDR4 SDRAM.
You may keep it hooked up to your home or business Wi-Fi network, or take it on the road and hook it up at any Wi-Fi hotspot because it already has built-in Wireless LAN technology (IEE 802.11 a-b-g-n-ac). Additionally, Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity is provided.
The Li-ion battery has a 3220-mAh capacity and, depending on the workload, can last for up to nine hours on a single charge. There is a 65-W maximum load for the power supply. The vent is situated in such a way that hot air is expelled away from the user, therefore overheating is not a concern.
The Acer Aspire R 15 R5-571TG-78G6 is an excellent laptop option for any user that values flexibility in their computing and has enough processing speed and power to go through most chores, including certain multimedia activities like video streaming and ordinary gaming.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Razer Basilisk V3 Pro wireless gaming mouse review
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/small-pet-news/razer-basilisk-v3-pro-wireless-gaming-mouse-review/
Razer Basilisk V3 Pro wireless gaming mouse review
Earlier this year, I reviewed the all-new Razer Basilisk V3 (opens in new tab) which I lauded with high praise. It earned a slot on our best gaming mouse (opens in new tab) list since it had so many enhancements over the V2. I concluded that it left me truly excited for the Razer Basilisk V3 Pro which is now, finally, in my sweaty palms. Razer says the V3 Pro is its most advanced mouse yet, and at $160 (more than twice the price of the wired Basilisk V3), it had damned well better be. With the Mouse Dock Pro and optional charging puck, the V3 Pro goes up to $230.
Fundamentally, everything that was good about the V3 remains here, only the V3 Pro ups the ante—and the price. The main difference is that it’s wireless. It uses the Razer HyperSpeed Wireless which is delivered via either a USB dongle or the new Razer Mouse Dock Pro. Either connection method gave me a solid and blazing fast connection, so no complaints there, although the dock is a notable addition.
That’s not just because of the flashy Razer Chroma lighting that syncs with the mouse, or the adhesive rubber ring that keeps it stuck on your desk, the surface is also a magnetic wireless charging pad.
Basilisk V3 Pro specs
(Image credit: Future)
Sensor: Razer Focus Pro Optical Sensitivity: 30,000 dpi Polling rate: 1,000Hz (4,000Hz with Mouse Dock Pro) Programmable buttons: 11 Lighting: 11 customisable RGB zones Connection: HyperSpeed 2.4GHz, Bluetooth, USB Weight: 115g Price: $160 (opens in new tab) 
Jam the $20 magnetic puck onto the underside of the V3 Pro and the mouse will stick like glue to the dock while it charges. Seems a bit unnecessary for the $70 price markup, but magnets, am I right? I should point out that the V3 Pro will charge on any Qi wireless pad as long as you have the charging puck installed on the underside of the mouse.
The dock also has an integrated 4,000Hz transceiver for extra performance, though whether you’ll need it over the 1,000Hz it already touts—particularly for a mouse that’s not necessarily FPS focussed—is another matter. And while it eliminates the need for the proprietary USB dongle (first world problems, I know) you will still have to go through Razer Synapse to pair the mouse to the dock. I do wish Razer had an on-mouse way of pairing instead of gating it to Synapse, as it’s not our favourite software.
Other than the charging puck, the design of the V3 Pro is identical to the V3—it’s big, heavy, and hella comfy in the hand. A weight of 115g is another mark against its use as an FPS mouse, but it’s great for those who prefer something a little more beefy. It still has the same great ergonomics, quality materials and textures, though I did notice that the V3 Pro is a lot smoother on its feet than the V3 and even the Deathadder V3 Pro (opens in new tab). It’s not clear if Razer has changed the PTFE feet but it’s immediately noticeable.
As for the button layout, mouse switches, and delightful HyperScroll Tilt wheel, these all remain unchanged from the V3 which is perfectly fine by me. Unlike Roccat which removed the gorgeous Roccat Kone XP (opens in new tab)‘s RGB lighting on the wired XP Air version, Razer keeps the same generous Chroma lighting from the wired V3. That’s all 13 individually programmable LED’s, and damn do they shine. It does mean they can be a drain on the battery, however.
(Image credit: Future)
Dave, Hardware Godhead
(Image credit: Future)
I’ve been messing around with the V3 Pro myself, and it is a great mouse. Though holy hell is it demanding an unreasonable wireless price premium over the standard Basilisk V3. I’d almost be tempted to say stick to the way cheaper, but still brilliant Deathadder V2 Pro if you want a cable-free rodent. But then you’d miss out on the joy of the Basilisk’s updated scrollwheel, which has a strangely satisfying mechanical clunk when it’s activated either by the button or the software. I’m a sucker for a good tech noise.
In spite of that, the V3 Pro is still capable of hitting 90 hours per charge over HyperSpeed wireless, and even more in Bluetooth mode. Thanks to that handy new charging dock, you’re unlikely to ever be out of battery if you just dock it every night, though I’m still not sure the convenience or polling rate is enough to recommend the additional cost. You are able to buy the charging puck separately, however, for a much more bearable $20.
Another new addition to the V3 Pro is the ridiculous 30K DPI Focus Pro sensor that we also saw in the new Deathadder V3 Pro. Like the 750 IPS and 70G acceleration, it’s far more than anyone really needs for everyday use, though it all works toward making the V3 Pro smooth, accurate, and configurable to your liking.
Customization is a big thing with the V3 Pro, too, and the handy little paddle shifter on the thumb can double the functionality of the already fantastic 11 programmable buttons with HyperShift bindings. Of course that’s still nothing on the Razer Naga Pro (opens in new tab)‘s (up to) 20 buttons, which you can buy for $40 less in today’s market though, notably with a less impressive sensor.
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(Image credit: Future)
(Image credit: Future)
The Naga was always a little overkill, though, and for MOBA aficionados the V3 Pro is easy to set up with all your commands. The paddle isn’t as ergonomic as something like the Roccat Kone XP (opens in new tab), which comes in at $105 less, Dock-sans. That’s a bit of a disappointment for the price, but the button is nicely accessible and easy to use in the heat of battle.
After using the Basilisk V3 Pro for a while, I can definitely say it’s smoother than the Basilisk V3, but is it two-times-the-price smoother? No. Sure, wireless is a big plus, especially with 90 hrs of battery life, and it does have a better optical sensor. The new Mouse Dock is a cool little add-on for boosted performance and wireless charging. However, none of those things make this any better at gaming than its far cheaper wired sibling.
Furthermore, the likes of the exceptional Roccat Kone XP Air costs the same but comes with a charging dock in the box. The same cannot be said for the Razer, so despite its smooth, wireless glory, I think I’ll be recommending the Basilisk V3 over this one. Particularly, I wouldn’t opt to spend an extra $50 on the Dock even with the addition of 4K polling—1,000Hz is more than enough.
If you are desperate for wireless tech it’s still a great mouse, and perhaps the puck might be worth a look for an extra $20 if you already have a Qi charging mat.
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gameguides · 2 years
Flight Of Nova Keyboard Controls Guide
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Welcome to our Flight Of Nova Keyboard Controls Guide. A controls layout for those wishing to use keyboard, since the default controls are really not set up well. #FlightOfNova
Flight Of Nova Keyboard Controls Guide
A controls layout for those wishing to use keyboard, since the default controls are really not set up well. Keyboard Controls
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Comments So there's a few things to go over here. First, this game is buggy. If you are holding either of the mouse buttons down, the keyboard will not respond. So you can't use the mouse for anything. Not even the camera, since the camera doesn't work without holding the camera keybind down. Dumb but that's how it works. But this actually doesn't matter too much. Even if the mouse did work, you'd have too many things to assign for just your left hand to do. So it's better to divide it up more equally, with your left hand around WASD and your right hand on the NUM pad. Some of these keys may seem strange at first, but try it out and you'll see what I'm getting at. Particularly, main thrust being on NUM 0. This again was a result of trying to move thrust to the mouse, but since the mouse doesn't work, it got moved to the NUM pad. This is the ideal place for thrust, since often times you will have thrust activated for long periods of time. So having it on your thumb lets your thumb just sit there while your other fingers are free to do other things (adjusting the camera). I also don't recommend the Thrust Lock option, but that's personal preference I suppose. I find it much easier to control your final landing thrust by just using intermittent thrust. It seems way more responsive as well, going from 0-100 with thrust lock seems to take a lot longer than with it off. More Comments A big problem I had while trying to land initially was camera angle. I like to fly in 3rd person, but the default controls require you to stop controlling your ship in order to adjust the camera- because you'd want the camera angled down while you're approaching the landing spot, but then angle it up more as you get further down so you can more easily see how close you are. And again, with the bug where the keyboard doesn't work at all while either mouse button is pressed, that doubly just doesn't work. You may want to unbind the "Release Cargo" button- I never used it. Read the full article
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geomiral · 2 years
Marvel future fight hack tool
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Marvel future fight hack tool generator#
Marvel future fight hack tool download#
Marvel future fight hack tool free#
Marvel future fight hack tool download#
Other Aussie Nintendo Download Updates (5/2 Cheats for Nintendo 3DS (3DS). This is most used marvel future fight Hack 2017 tool or Cheats, we hope that. and/or creates relationships for future exchanges that help both parties. Click Generate Button Wait for the process. But the Marvel movies avoid nudity and sex scenes, because they are PG rated.
Marvel future fight hack tool generator#
Read hot and popular stories about multiverse on Wattpad The future So. Use our Marvel Future Fight Hack Crystals Online Generator Tool now to add Unlimited Crystals to your account This hack is the only real reliable option. While the anti-ban might be working now, there is no guarantee that it will continue to work on a future PUBG update. That Show Trope Launch Pad Tools Cut List New Edits Edit Reasons Launches. lucky patcher: Download the 'Marvel future fight hack cheat tool' from below. All of our Fortnite Hacks & Cheats are unique private builds only for. Fortunately for players, even with the great graphic quality, this game doesn’t demand high system specifications and it can be played smoothly on most of the devices of today. Firebrand the demon now finds himself fighting to restore peace in the. There are a huge number of applications in Google Play. Here are the best keybinds and settings for fighting in Fortnite: Fire: Left Mouse. Even though Marvel Future Fight came out in 2015, the graphics look fabulous since the Netmarble kept improving the game in order to compete with other popular titles. Each character has unique abilities and different types of attack (ranged or melee). The Guardians of the Galaxy and now with the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange You. There are over 200 characters (separated into 3 tiers) and players can choose a team of 3 characters to bring on a mission, but only one character can be controlled at a time. The process is made of a few simple steps that you will learn further through.
Marvel future fight hack tool free#
It’s about Marvel Future Fight and how you can get free crystals with the help of the Marvel Future Fight hack.You can get that with the help of the Marvel Future Fight hack generator, which is 100 free and safe for use, and works without any bugs. To unlock all Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 playable Vehicles, you basically have to finish. In today’s post, I have prepared something interesting for you. Connect your phone to wifi and login to your Marvel Future Fight Account 6. Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Hacks Cheats Killer Aimbot Download. Tick on which device you have and click 'SYNC DEVICE' button to detect device 5. Open Marvel Future Fight v3.3.1 Cheat Tool with Administrator rights 4. Since Marvel Future Fight Hack Tool has its great advantages and has a portion of the things that I used to know some time back, the Marvel Future Fight is amazing from one perspective that you don't have spare energy to leave your Marvel Future. Connect your mobile devices iOS/Android via USB port 3. Also, the Marvel Future Fight Hack tool directly exchanges information fromthe provider server to game servers. This action RPG game features The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-Man, Defenders, X-Men, and many other well-known Marvel characters. Marvel Future Fight Free Crystals Hack Generator Tool. Released in 2015, it has over 50 million installs and millions of ratings, making it one of the most successful Marvel games generally. Reach perfection in gaming world with minimal time waste Marvel Future Fight Hack Tool download features: Unlimited free Crystals, Gold - Cheat Generator. Step 1: Type your MARVEL Future Fight username. Developed by the Netmarble Games studio, this game is directly incorporated with Marvel Entertainment, under Disney’s support.
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greyslightning · 2 years
Ferrari f1 2020
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Ferrari f1 2020 full#
It’s not an overly quick, quick-release system. Simply attach your Ferrari F1 rim, and repeat the same process in reverse to lock the new rim in place. Then simply turn the release mechanism until your current wheel comes away from the base. You have to unscrew the quick-release system that you’ll find at the back of your current wheel rim. To get started using this Ferrari F1 wheel rim, you have to do a little bit of work. Other formula style wheels such as those by Fanatec, despite costing a lot more do offer a much better level of finish. This plastic is limited to only a few areas, but they do remind you that this is very much just a replica wheel. However, that is quickly negated by the cheap plastic that is found across the top and back of the wheel. The face of the wheel itself is finished in a authentic brushed metal, which looks great, and elevates the quality of this wheel. I mean, if it was good enough for Alonso, it’s good enough for us. There are a couple, including the toggles at the bottom of the wheel which are just out of reach, but this is OK. The great news is, that all buttons and dials are quite easily in reach without having to take your hands off the wheel. In total all of the buttons add up to a total of 19 map-able inputs excluding the paddle shifters. Again, this is handy so you don’t require a mouse or a gamepad to control the menus. There are also a couple of d-pad like analogue sticks which can be used to control menu inputs. These allow to adjust the car settings without taking your hands off the wheel, which is a crucial inclusion when travelling at speeds of up to 200mph. The working dials are the two thumb encoders. And these can be used to control engine modes among other programmable functions. There is a good selection of dials which do actually work. It would be great to see these working, but there are so many of them that to be honest, we would run out of things to actually program in! These are primarily included so that it matches its real world counterpart. Unfortunately, a lot of the dials on the front of the wheel are only for show including the large center dial. Compared to regular Thrustmaster wheels which generally include only the normal game pad buttons, this is a big step up. It offers Thrustmaster sim racers a wheel with a lot more buttons and options. Launched back in 2011, this steering wheel is relatively cheap for an add-on, coming in at only $170-$200. The classic Ferrari design is made entirely possible thanks to Thrustmaster and Ferrari’s partnership that has been on going for a few years. For us as life long Formula 1 fans, this is an extremely cool wheel add-on.
Ferrari f1 2020 full#
If the idea of owning a full sized Ferrari F1 wheel hasn’t got you just a little bit excited inside, then this might not be the wheel for you. The same design used by Fernando Alonso in his Ferrari 150º Italia. This Thrustmaster steering wheel is a full sized replica of the Ferrari racing wheel from the 2011 season. So, what exactly is the Ferrari F1 wheel add-on? Well, if your current racing wheel setup is leaving a lot to be desired, then this Ferrari F1 wheel add-on for Thrustmaster wheels has you covered. There isn’t the same level of packaging quality as you get with other brands such as Fanatec. Other than that, there isn’t too much to write home about. When you first open the box the wheel itself is packaged in a lot of Styrofoam to ensure no damage is dealt in transit. The Thrustmaster Ferrari F1 Wheel DesignĪs with most of our reviews, we’ll start with the unboxing and first impressions. We may recieve commission if you purchase something after using one of these links, but using these links will never affect the price you pay. Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of the product links on this page are affiliate links.
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lasclze · 2 years
Best gaming mouse for macbook pro 2019
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Many users purchase third-party docks, which connect to one port on the laptop and then provide additional ports for networking, storage, additional monitors, and SD cards. Because space is limited on a laptop, every MacBook makes some sacrifices when it comes to the quantity and type of ports it offers. If you plan to use your MacBook with peripherals like a mouse or speakers, invest in a dock. And while it may be hard to imagine spending $3,000 on a laptop, a fully loaded MacBook will be one of the fastest laptops available and should remain technically relevant for at least three to five years.īefore purchasing a MacBook, consider these tips. In the $1,500 to $3,000 range, you’ll find Apple’s most powerful MacBooks that are more than competent, even at their base configurations. Keep in mind that crucial upgrades can drive prices up quickly, so when you’re window-shopping, be sure to mentally tack on the cost of upgrades like additional RAM. In the $1,000 to $1,500 range, you’ll find entry-level and mid-range MacBooks in their base configurations. However, it’s important to remember that MacBooks typically last significantly longer than other laptops, and perhaps just as importantly, they hold their resale value quite well.Ĭonsider the following price ranges when budgeting for a new MacBook. When compared to the rest of the laptop market, MacBooks are among the priciest options available.
If you need a backpack that’s functional, affordable, but still looks good enough to belong with your Mac gear, grab this one.īestReviews Electronics Expert MacBook prices It’s got a ton of padding, built-in organization for your laptop gear, and it’s even got a strap for attaching to roller suitcases-which is to say, it’s the perfect traveling companion. When it comes to MacBooks, you need to protect your investment, and that’s where the Tzowla Travel Laptop Backpack comes in. It’s gorgeous, of course, but what we like best is the battery life: it’s rechargeable, and depending on how much you use it, it can last weeks between charges. It’s got support for gestures, so you can swipe or scroll with ease (but you’ll never have a clunky mouse wheel to wear out). If you want to set up your MacBook as a workstation, but you still need to be able to grab it and go, this is the dock to get.Īpple’s own mouse hardware has always been a cut above, and the Magic Mouse definitely earns its place as one of the best models available.
The Hiearcool MacBook Pro Docking Station is one of our favorites because it offers every port you could need (including a gigabit network port and an SD card slot), and it’s more affordable than any other comparable model. We prefer to use docks: stations that act as a stand and offer a variety of ports for everything from multiple 4K monitors to an external hard drive or two. It’s no secret that newer MacBooks don’t have a ton of ports  instead, they rely on you to bring your own adapters to connect other gadgets. Here are our must-have peripherals for MacBook laptops.ĭock: Hiearcool MacBook Pro Docking Station Half the fun of owning Apple products is getting to pick out the accessories to go with them. If you plan on using your laptop for using Photoshop, watching Netflix, or any task in which detailed visuals matter, you’ll likely want to get a 16-inch model. MacBooks with 16-inch screens feature Apple’s largest, highest-resolution laptop screens, and they’re ideal for anyone who needs a lot of desktop space and ample room for their wrists to rest. Macbooks with 13.3-inch screens are the most popular, most likely because they offer both a larger display and a standard-size keyboard. MacBooks with screens between 13- and 16-inches feel almost impossibly thin and small, and that means that while they’re easy to carry around, their keyboards can feel tiny and cramped. With laptops, the screen size defines the entire machine’s footprint, so as you’re thinking about which MacBook is right for you, consider that you’re also deciding how large of a computer you’re willing to buy. One of the key differentiators between the different available MacBooks is how big their screens are – and MacBook screens can range between 11 and 15.6 inches. MacBook Airs are great for anyone who travels a lot the ultra-thin profile fits easily in just about any bag or purse.
BestReviews Electronics Expert MacBook AirĪpple’s most portable laptop is the MacBook Air, a laptop that sacrifices a few bells and whistles (and is feather-light as a result).
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