#With his Whip Shingu
demonwield · 2 years
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     This is a smaller Headcanon but it’s a pretty simple one too. So, WHAT can Akame use to kill someone?
          The short and sweet answer: ANYTHING. 
               The long answer: keep reading. 
     The Elite Seven were trained to weapons from a young age. But Akame was the youngest one: she was EIGHT when she was made into a killing machine over five years, and though she had a PROFICIENCY with a blade, it has been stated that SHE CAN and WILL use anything she can get her hands on, or even, kill you with her bare hands, or  thighs. She is THAT good. 
          Swordsmanship is her strength, however, as she has fought MANY different foes, and types, of Sword Styles over the years, that it is the one she is best with. But due to this knowledge, you also CANNOT kill her with any type of weapon normally. 
     This is also why she is so SKILLED at dodging, as well: she has been trained to COUNTER all forms of weaponry. Swords? She will meet you blade to blade. Guns? She’s using your eyes to predict your bullet path, and she is FAST enough to weave around it mid flight. Arrows? She will cleave them in two, or she will CATCH them. Knives? Throw one, she will throw it back. Come at her hand to hand, she will GLADLY take that knife from your hand and slit your own throat with it. 
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     Despite her KNOWING how to KILL with every weapon, her KNOWLEDGE on how they work, on the other hand, tends to be nonexistent. She has actually openly stated ‘If you put a gun in my hand, I can kill with it. . .but I don’t know how it works. I simply know to pull the trigger, and aim. And when it’s empty, to put a new magazine in, and arm it. I don’t know how to fix it if it breaks, or, stops firing. . .’ 
     She is efficient in killing, but if you do not hand her material to read, she cannot learn very easily. Unless you directly show her do THIS and THIS step by step. 
     Though her booksmarts is not the best, she is VERY intelligent and quick to adapt and catch on, and always shifts up her PATTERNS when fighting to throw you off. She also has NO HONOR in fighting, as she is an ASSASSIN: the number one as an assassin. It’s YOUR life, or THEIRS. 
                    Hell has no place for honor.
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