#you better have your a-game when taking her on
puckinghischier · 3 days
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Jack Hughes x fem!reader
summary: jack proves that he will always choose reader, no matter what anyone has to say
notes: so, the first part of this is literally my favorite thing i’ve ever written. the ending? meh. i don’t hate it, but i definitely think it could have been done better, i just struggle so hard with endings 😭. i also lowkey don’t like the title, but literally couldn’t think of a different one. anyways, i hope you enjoy!! happy reading! 🫶🏼
can be read as a part 2 to this fic, but can also be read by itself
request: Could you write something with Jack getting defensive/choosing her? Maybe he gets cornered by an ex flame or someone about what makes reader so special to get him to commit to a serious relationship when he didn't with her
“Are you sure I don’t need to dress up tonight? I know you said they’re just some old family friends, but I want to make a good impression,” you question Jack, standing in front of the full-length mirror propped against the wall.
You’re wearing a pale, yellow sundress with daisies imprinted all across the fabric. Jack insisted the Lawsons were just old friends of the family, having owned the house down the street since he was just a kid.
Since meeting Jack’s family last year, you’ve been his plus one to every single trip he’s made home. At thanksgiving he brought you home for a quick, two day trip to meet his grandparents and a few pairs of aunts and uncles, before having to fly out again because of his game schedule. Around Christmas the two of you split your time, spending the actual holiday with your family, then flying to meet Jack’s family for New Year’s activities, where you met several cousins and old school friends of Jack’s.
This year, you’re celebrating the Fourth of July in Michigan, finally getting to experience the infamous Hughes lake house. Jack was able to convince you to spend an entire month here at the large house, telling you the trip was for the Fourth festivities, but suggesting you leave a few weeks beforehand, wanting you to get the full lake house experience.
You had spent your days switching between joining his family on the large pontoon boat sitting at the end of their dock and going out on adventures with Jack alone on the pair of Jet skis Quinn had bought after his first paycheck came in during his rookie year. A few nights a week, Jack would tell you to put on something nice, showing you around the small town a few miles away from the house, taking you to each of his favorite childhood spots for dinner.
One night he had told you to put on the nicest dress you brought, then proceeded to take you to an old, beach themed bar. He sat across from you at the high top table in a collared shirt and khakis, the rest of the patrons around you in their bathing suit cover ups or shorts and t-shirts.
You scolded him, telling him you two looked like fools in there, all dressed up to eat fried seafood. He laughed, telling you the only fool in the room was him, because he was “foolishly and wholly in love with you.” You rolled your eyes at his mushy-ness, a blush making its way to your cheeks at the same time.
That memory, however, is the reason you no longer trust Jack when he tells you to either dress up or dress down for dinners. Including tonight.
“I promise, you don’t have to dress up. You could wear your bathing suit for all I care,” he calls out from the bathroom where he’s ‘fixing’ his hair, which usually means brushing it and then ruffling it around with his hands. “I mean, mom might not be too happy if you’re sitting at the dinner table in just a bikini, but I’d sure enjoy the show.”
You scoff at his words, turning to go and stand in the doorway of the ensuite, crossing your arms.
“I’m being serious, J. I want to make a good impression on these people. They’re really good friends of your parents. Your mom was telling me how you all used to spend almost the entire summer together, constantly over at one another’s houses for dinner and fire talks,” you remember how excited Ellen was to be having her friends over for dinner tonight, claiming she hadn’t seen them in years because of how busy their lives had gotten.
Ellen also mentioned they had a daughter around your and Jack’s age who was in with her parents for the summer. Her name is Sarah and she’s a department director of some big advertisement company in New York. She stopped coming around as often around the same time Jack got drafted to the Devils, according to Ellen. Her job being too demanding for her to make the trip every summer.
You were excited to meet yet another person that knew Jack as a kid. You were hoping to rope a few stories out of her over the course of dinner, wanting to know as much as you can about Jack’s childhood from those around him. Sometimes you really hate the fact that you haven’t known Jack his whole life. You count yourself one of the luckiest people alive to be able to share his life with him now, but you’re always picturing him growing up, wanting to know every detail of what makes Jack, Jack.
Quinn and Luke are always eager to tell you anything you want to know about Jack, from the time he wanted to be “TP man” for Halloween and proceeded to wrap his entire body in toilet paper, wearing the empty rolls on his hands, to the time he wanted to ask his eighth-grade crush out on a date, but instead blurted out that he had to go home to massage their dad’s feet.
You always enjoyed hearing stories about him from people that weren’t his mischievous brothers, though. Like when his grandma told you about the time she got home to see that Jack had rearranged her kitchen cabinets, placing everything he saw her use on a regular basis closer to where she could reach it after watching her drop her favorite mug while trying to put it away on the second highest shelf that morning. Or when his best friend from high school told you about the time Jack gave him a ride home from practice, stopping in to say hello to his parents when Jack heard his little sister crying in her room because she couldn’t figure out her math homework. Jack stayed over for nearly two hours to help the little girl with her multiplication table and gave her words of encouragement the entire time.
You knew Jack was someone special, his calming energy easing your nerves from the first time you ever spoke to him. Hearing the stories that confirm he’s been this way his whole life, from the people that have known him far longer than you, though, makes you burst with so much love for the man you think your heart might actually explode one day.
“And I’m being serious, Sunshine, what you’re wearing is fine and won’t change the fact that they’re going to absolutely love you, just like everyone else does,” Jack walks over to stand in front of you.
You uncross your arms, letting them fall to your sides. Jack reaches down and takes each one of your hands into his, stepping forward slightly.
“I just…I care about how the people that know you view me. It’s important to me that the people important to you know that I love you, not that I’m just trying to ride on the back of some hot shot hockey player,” you whisper, referencing a blog post you were sent by one of your coworkers back in Jersey, asking if the girl in the picture was, in fact, you sitting on Jack’s lap in a crowded bar you went to for a post-game celebration.
The post talked about how you had been seen with Jack at a few games and were seen leaving several bars with him over the course of a few weeks early into your relationship. The blog site was a silly, hockey gossip blog, more concerned about who the players were sleeping with than any of the games themselves, but the accusation made your heart sink nonetheless. You knew you were with Jack for no reason other than you love him and he makes you feel safe, comfortable, and loved. Jack knows you’re not with him for his money, and anyone close to him knows you’re not with him for his money or fame.
He could quit hockey tomorrow and it wouldn’t change even an ounce of your feelings towards him. With or without hockey, he’s still your Jack. The Jack that makes you honey lavender tea every night because he knows it helps you sleep. The Jack that somehow manages to bring you flowers after every home game, no matter how late it is. The Jack that insisted you move in with him after your lease ended because his apartment is closer to your new job, but really because he was tired of not coming home to you every night. The Jack that showed up to your graduation this spring, bringing nearly his whole team and his family, the group cheering so loud when you walked across the stage everyone in attendance laughed, the person handing you your diploma commenting “sounds like you have a few fans out there.”
Even though you know that Jack knows, and his family knows, each time you meet someone new from his life, you feel the need to prove yourself. It’s part of the reason you were so anxious to meet his parents all those months ago. You worry that each person you meet has seen or read an article like the one you were sent. You worry they’ll think you’re not right for Jack, or that you’re only with him to get a taste of the popularity and lifestyle that comes along with his job. All you want is to show them how much you love him for him, and how you never want to leave his side.
Jack looks down at you, bringing your joined hands up to his mouth, pulling them together and kissing your knuckles.
“I promise you, no one here thinks that,” he starts, his words oozing with sincerity. “There is not a single person that matters to me in my life more than you. And absolutely no one’s opinion of you matters to me other than your own. Do you think you’re with me for the wrong reasons?” He asks you, waiting for you to answer him.
You shake your head no, breaking his eye contact.
“Hey, look at me,” he squeezes your hands that are still resting near his mouth, bringing your eyes back to his. “Then absolutely nothing else matters, okay? I know who you are, and you know who you are. Last time I checked, we’re the only two in this relationship, so that’s the only two people I’ll ever be looking to for opinions concerning my choices in this relationship, got it?”
You nod, a little embarrassed you were ever worried in the first place after his small speech, but still needing the hear his words nonetheless.
You’re still looking up at him, opening your mouth to tell him how much you love him when your stomach growls between the two of you, loud enough you nearly jump back.
Jack’s eyes flicker down to your stomach and back up to your eyes, the amusement in them making the blue shade shine even brighter.
“On that note, let’s go get you something to eat,” he chuckles, kissing your forehead before dropping one of your hands, the other still intwined with yours, pulling you out of the room behind him.
Jack led you down to the kitchen, digging around in the fridge to sneak you a snack before everyone sat down for dinner, knowing the meal wouldn’t be ready for at least another hour.
After he was satisfied that you weren’t going to starve, thanks to the small bowl of fruit he found, the two of you walked out to the back deck, joining everyone else.
The Lawsons had already arrived, Jim and Ellen standing on the other side of the large deck, conversing with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson separately.
Mrs. Lawson is a short, slim woman. Her hair is flawlessly styled into a ‘looks lazy but really took an hour’ up do, wearing a light purple, short sleeve pleated dress that fell just above her ankles, a simple pair of sandals on her feet.
Her husband is a tall man with salt and pepper hair, wearing a matching polo shirt and khaki shorts, a pair of Hey Dude brand shoes on his feet.
As soon as the two of you walked out onto the porch, Ellen was immediately halting her conversation to introduce you to the guests.
“Oh! There they are! Aren’t they just dolls? Look at them!” she gushed, walking over to greet the two of you.
You smile warmly at her, your relationship with Jack’s mom almost as dear to you as your relationship with your own. The two of you were able to sit and talk with one another during the hockey game her and Jim had come into town for the first time you met them. You both were invested in the game itself, considering all three Hughes boys were on the ice that night, but the intermissions were full of conversations and stories. You left the rink that night feeling like you had gained another mother, exchanging numbers with Ellen and promising to keep in touch. You now have weekly phone calls with Ellen, her interest in your life and well being matching that of her interest in her son’s.
“Mom, we literally saw you an hour ago on the boat, calm down,” Jack tells her, earning soft smack to his chest from you.
“Don’t be a grump, Jack. She’s telling us how good we look and you choose now to suddenly act like you don’t love being told you look pretty,” you scold.
Jack looks down at you with his mouth slightly open, putting on his best fake offended face.
“See, I told you she keeps him in check for me. Now I don’t have to carry the burden all by myself anymore,” Ellen tells Mrs. Lawson, earning a laugh from the woman standing just behind her.
You and Jack continue to have a small stare down until he conceded, choosing to flash a smile at you instead, sticking his tongue out like a child and earning a small giggle from you.
“Y/N, this is Deborah, but we all call her Deb. Deb, this is Y/N, my new baby girl,” Ellen breaks up yours and Jack’s moment, introducing you to Mrs. Lawson.
“Hi, it’s so nice to meet you Mrs. Lawson,” you say, removing your hand from Jack’s so you could step forward and give a small, greeting hug to the woman in front of you.
“Oh honey, Mrs. Lawson was my mother-in-law, please, call me Deb,” she tells you as she pulls back from the hug.
“Okay, Deb is it,” you laugh, stepping back beside Jack.
“C’mere, I need a hug from you too, Jack,” she motions Jack over to her, your boyfriend walking over to give her a slightly longer hug than you shared with her. “My, you’ve grown up, haven’t you? Last time I saw you, you were just getting ready to declare yourself draft eligible. Now look at you, the real deal.”
Jack blushes as he steps back towards you, knowing how shy he gets when complimented.
He may be cocky on the ice and in interviews, but you’ve learned that when it comes to the people that are close to him, Jack is extremely humble. He turns a light shade of pink any time you compliment how well he played after a game, or when his mom calls to tell him she watched his game on tv and cheered so loud she woke their cat up anytime he scored a goal.
“Just enjoy playing the game, is all,” he slips his hand back into yours. You give it a light squeeze.
“Ron, quit talking golf and get over here! Come say hi to Jack and his girlfriend!” Deb turns and shouts to her husband behind her. Both Mr. Lawson and Jim leave their spot by the heating grill and walk over to join your small group.
“Jack, how are ya, boy?” Mr. Lawson walks up, pulling Jack from your hold, bringing him in by his arm for what you call a ‘guy’ hug, each having one arm slug over the other’s shoulders, their clasped hands trapped between their chests.
“Getting by alright. Happy to have a bit of a break. Couldn’t wait to show Y/N here the ways of the lake house,” Jack motions to where you stand slightly behind him.
“Oh gosh, where are my manners. Hi, sweetheart, I’m Ron,” Mr. Lawson sticks his hand out towards you, shaking it softly.
“Hi, Jack’s told me a lot about you two. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Lawson” you reference both of the Lawsons, repeating part of your greeting to Deb.
“Oh, no, Mr. Lawson is my father, I’m just Ron, dear,” he mirrors his wife’s earlier statement, stepping over to place his arm around her waist.
You chat with the couple a bit longer, noticing after a few minutes that Quinn and Luke are nowhere to be found. Neither was their daughter Ellen had mentioned earlier.
“Not to interrupt, but where are Quinn and Luke?” you ask just as Ellen finishes telling Ron and Deb about a recent cruise her and Jim had been on.
“Oh, they took Sarah out for a spin on the boat before dinner. She said she missed the water, so away they went,” Deb explains, looking over to Jack. “She’s so excited to see you again, Jack. She always talks about wanting to get across the bridge to see a game, but you know her, a workaholic and all.”
You sense a slight rigidness in Jack’s body language at the mention of Sarah. He responds with a simple “Yeah, that’s a shame,” not offering any other words about the mystery girl.
You were confused. You had thought Ellen said the boys were friends with Sarah growing up. Why did Jack tense up when she was mentioned? Had there been some sort of falling out? Was he not excited to see her? He hadn’t mentioned anything when you brought her up earlier, causing you to assume he just didn’t know much about her, having lost contact after they both were busy and didn’t have as much time to spend at the lake anymore.
As soon as Jack had finished speaking, you heard loud laughter coming from the long deck at the end of the house’s yard, seeing three figures quickly approaching the porch you were standing on.
“See, told you I could still beat you, just like when I was a kid!” you hear an unfamiliar voice call out, footsteps coming up the wooden stairs leading to the porch.
“Not fair, you didn’t tell me it was a race until you were already at the end of the deck,” you recognize the voice this time, Luke uttering his words between fast breaths.
As you look towards the stairs, you see one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen in your life step onto the porch.
She had jet black hair that fell to her mid back, perfectly pin straight. She had the greenest eyes you think you’d ever seen, and her tan skin was a shade that people usually had to be photoshopped to achieve. She was wearing a sundress similar to yours, but hers was a baby blue color, complementing her skin tone and hair perfectly. It fell right at her mid-thigh, and had a floral print running across the fabric.
“Hey, everyone. Hope we didn’t miss dinner,” she said, waltzing over to the wet bar to grab a bottle of water as Luke and Quinn make their way up the stairs, coming to stand a few feet from you and Jack.
“Oh, not even close, honey. You’re just in time. Your dad and Jim were just about to put the chicken on the grill,” Deb tells her daughter, beaming at her.
She walks over to join everyone, not stopping until she’s stood right in front of Jack.
“Oh, Jacky! I’ve missed you so much! It’s been so long!” she wraps him in a hug. His arms stay pinned to his sides, his body going rigid with discomfort. You notice the looks from Quinn and Luke, confused at their wide eyes.
He coughs, causing her to detach herself from his body, but not removing her hand from his shoulders.
“Well, that hockey training sure has been good to you, hasn’t it Jacky,” she continues, squeezing his biceps with a smirk before dropping her hands, completely ignoring you.
The second her hands leave his body, Jack is stepping back over to you, placing his hand on your waist.
“Uhh, Sarah, this is Y/N, my girlfriend. Y/N, Sarah,” Jack says, squeezing you to his side.
“Oh! You’re the new girlfriend my mom was telling me about. How sweet!” she coos, placing her hand on her chest. “Jack, she’s so pretty. But, what happened to Macey? You know, the one with the pretty blonde hair? Oh, and the absolute insane body. Seriously, I need her personal trainer’s number,” she asks, looking around at everyone.
You think about your brunette hair and know exactly what she’s trying to do.
“Not in the picture anymore. Didn’t really like the fact that she kept sticking her tongue down some Philly player’s throat when she came to visit me during an away game,” Jack spat out, grinding his teeth.
“What a shame. I liked her,” Sarah waved it off, making a small pout with her lips. “But, I’m sure you’re great too!” she added as an after thought, flashing the fakest smile you’ve ever seen.
You feel a presence step up behind you, Quinn slyly whispering “ex-girlfriend” in your ear, suddenly making Jack’s body language and her backhanded warmth towards you make sense.
“Okay, well, time to go get the food on the grill. Food will be ready in around thirty,” Jim claps his hands together, sensing the need to break up the awkward moment.
“Oh great, I’m absolutely starving,” Sarah exaggerates her last word, turning and walking towards the sliding glass door leading to the kitchen.
You stand there, not knowing how to process what just happened, Jack’s grip on you as tight as ever. You look over to Ellen, who gives you a sympathetic look.
“Oh, my sweet girl,” Deb sighs and shakes her head in amusement, completely oblivious to her daughter’s fake niceness and obvious flirting with Jack. “She’s something else, isn’t she? Such a little firecracker,” she reflects, nothing but adoration in her tone and on her face.
“Yeah, one that backfires into the innocent bystanders,” Quinn mumbles under his breath, earning a snort from Luke. Ellen shoots them a glare, darting her eyes towards Deb to see if she heard, but the older woman was still staring adoringly at her daughter in the kitchen through the glass doors.
Thirty minutes later, just like Jim announced, everyone was sat at the large outdoor table, food covering the large surface.
The food was amazing, the bowl of fruit from earlier long gone as you sat down to fill your plate, wanting seconds of almost everything.
“Jack, will you hand me the potato salad, I swear, I can’t get enough of it,” you ask your boyfriend who’s sitting to your right.
He reaches over and grabs the bowl, scooping a spoonful on to your plate for you. “That good? Or you want more?”
“No, that’s good. Gotta save room for dessert,” you tell him, picking up your fork to dig in.
Jack places his hand on your thigh, smiling over at the little happy dance you do when you scoop the potato salad into your mouth.
“Oh, I’m so full,” you hear Sarah say, raising her voice to make sure the whole table hears her. “I wish I could be like you, Y/N, I’d love to have seconds, but I just cannot hold another bite, I’m already so bloated as it is,” she places her hands over her stomach to emphasize. “You’re so lucky you’ve already snagged a man and don’t have to worry about watching what you eat anymore.”
You stop mid-chew, her words sinking in.
You look around the table, everyone looking at you. Deb and Ron are smiling at you, not at all reacting to their daughter’s words, likely not even understanding the connotation of what she just said. Ellen and Jim are looking at Sarah, their eyebrows raised in shock. Quinn is glaring at her while Luke’s mouth is dropped open.
Jack’s hand is digging into your thigh, his other hand closed, clenches in a tight fist on the tablet next to his glass of water.
You finish chewing your food and swallow thickly, placing your fork down and sliding your plate away from you.
“Oh, no, don’t stop on my account. I’d kill to be able to be as comfortable as you are. Not having to worry about impressing anyone anymore, just being able to know you’re loved, no matter what you look like,” she continues, taking a sip of her water to hide her smirk.
You bow your head, your face a shade of red you can physically feel, refusing to meet anyone’s eye.
Luke coughs, a faint “bitch” heard by your ears.
“Okay, I think it’s time we clear the table for dessert, shall we,” Ellen pipes up, her own smile strained.
“Great idea, let me help you,” Deb, either still oblivious or intentionally ignoring the hurtful nature of her daughter’s words, starts to stand.
“No, I got it,” Jack surprises you by standing, taking everyone’s plates and quickly stomping off of the porch.
You could feel the anger radiating off of him when Sarah was talking, probably choosing to leave the area before he said something he would regret.
“Here, let me help, too,” Sarah stands, taking a few food dishes in her hands and stepping inside behind Jack before anyone could protest.
The table is silent after she leaves. You sit there, debating on just sliding out of your seat and under the table, wanting to hide. Luke, who was sitting next to you, brings his hand over to rest on your shoulder, trying to provide some comfort.
You look over at him to see a concerned look as he mouths a silent “You okay?”, nodding your head yes, despite the heavy feeling in your stomach.
You look up again, straight at Sarah’s parents, wondering how they can be so ignorant about their daughter’s malicious words.
You meet Ellen’s eye, seeing a sad, pleading look, begging you to forgive her with her expression. You give her a small smile, shaking your head to tell her it’s alright.
Ron is the one to finally break the silence, looking around at everyone with a genuine smile, once again proving your suspicion they’re unaware of the shift in atmosphere.
“Ellen, please tell me you made your famous cheesecake. It’s been too long since I’ve had a slice,” he speaks, unable to read the room.
Ellen partakes in empty small talk with Deb and Ron about how she makes her cheesecake when you decided you need to go check on Jack.
“I’ll be right back. I’m gonna go help Jack,” you say flatly, standing from your seat and all but running inside, the urge to walk over and shake the Lawsons while shouting “your daughter’s a bitch!” in their face your cue to leave the table.
You enter the kitchen, seeing the dishes both Sarah and Jack brought in littering the counter, but neither one of them was to be found in the spacious area.
You walk through the house, calling out Jack’s name softly as you pass the stairs, making your way to the small sitting room at the front of the house.
“Jack, I don’t get it. What does she have that I don’t? What about her makes her any better than me?” you hear the sound of Sarah’s voice coming from the foyer.
“What the hell do you mean? Everything! She has everything you don’t!” you hear Jack exclaim, stopping in your tracks.
Were they talking about you?
“Jack, we were good together! We had fun. I don’t understand why you ended things between us. Hell, I took a job in New York because you said you were probably going to New Jersey to play. We could have been the new it couple of New Jersey!” it was Sarah’s turn to raise her voice.
Jack shakes his head, a dry laugh making its way out of his mouth. “What part of I didn’t want to don’t you understand?” Jack spits out. “You had fun. You chose to move to New York. You thought were good together. There was never any we in any of that.”
You can practically see the veins popping out on Jack’s forehead through his tone, even though they were out of view.
“All you ever cared about when we were together was the fact that I was about to play professional hockey. You didn’t care about me, you just cared about what I could offer you!” he shouts again. “The fact you just admitted you cared more about being the “it” couple more than you cared about wanting to be with me proves it.”
“Well, sue me for wanting to live the life of the rich and famous,” Sarah says, scoffing.
“See, that’s what I’m talking about,” Jack huffs out. “Y/N doesn’t care about living the life of the rich and famous. She just wants me. She wants Jack, not ‘Jack Hughes, star forward, number one overall draft pick’,” he puts on his announcer voice.
“All my life, people have only ever cared about how well I played hockey. Every coach, every teammate, every girl. They all saw me as a hockey player. They wanted me on their team, or in their bed, because they wanted what came with me: attention and popularity,” Your heart breaks at Jack’s voice, never having heard him sound so deflated before.
“Hell, you introduced me to people as a future professional hockey player before you ever introduced me to them as your boyfriend,” he continues. “With Y/N, that’s far from the most interesting thing about me. When she first introduced me to her family, she told them I was her best friend’s brother,” he refers back to the first time you took him home to meet your family, the subject of hockey not coming up until your dad asked if he liked sports, only to berate him for not being a football player. Later that night he asked him how hockey worked. Your dad has never missed a Devils game since, either in person or on tv.
“Her favorite fun fact to tell people about me isn’t a stat, or how many hat tricks I’ve scored,” he keeps going. “It’s that I love to sing Shakira when I’m in the shower. Or that I’m the only other person other than her dad that has ever made her laugh so hard water has come out of her nose,” Jack lightly laughs.
“Hey, Y/N, everything okay-“ you hear Quinn’s voice rounding the corner.
Cutting him off with a “shhh” you place your finger on your mouth to tell him, and Luke who trails behind him, to be quiet, pointing to the sitting room where Jack and Sarah are arguing.
“So, yeah, I would say I’m sorry you didn’t get what you wanted out of me, but I’m not. I’m not sorry that I broke things off with you. I’m not sorry that I found someone that actually loves me for who I am. And I’m not sorry that I brought the woman that I plan on marrying here with me, and you just so happened to be here too,” Jack tells her, his voice still holding a slight trace of anger.
“I am sorry that I never told my parents what really went down between us, telling them we just agreed it would be too hard and we needed to go back to being friends, because maybe they wouldn’t have invited you over tonight. I am sorry that I didn’t take Y/N out for dinner, trying to avoid what’s happening right now. I am sorry that you can’t begin to fathom someone can see through your forced smiles and backhanded comments, seeing how cold and rotten you really are on the inside. And I am sorry that your poor, sweet parents were given such a malicious bitch as a daughter,” He finishes.
“You know, my mom said Ellen told her you showed her a ring, but I thought it was just a gift. You’re really going to propose to her?” Sarah asks, annoyance clear in her voice, spitting out her last word with unmistakeable disgust.
“Of course it’s true. Bought the ring months ago, been carrying it around with me every since. Showed mom the night she met her, told her I was serious about her and that she’s the one. I think part of me knew that from the moment I met her,” you hear Jack say, hearing the tenderness in his voice when the subject turns to you.
Your head whips over to Luke and Quinn, your eyes wide and your mouth handing open. The panicked look on their faces is all the confirmation you need to know that you heard Jack right. He bought you a ring. He bought you a ring and showed his mom. He bought you a ring and showed his mom and was going to propose to you.
Before you know what you’re doing, your body is leading you to the entryway where your boyfriend is arguing with his ex-girlfriend.
“Y/N, no, wait,” Quinn tries to stop you, but it’s too late.
“You bought me a ring?” you ask as you enter the room, seeing Jack and Sarah standing several feet apart from each other.
“Oh, great, the woman of the hour,” Sarah rolls her eyes at you, throwing her arms up and letting them fall to her side.
You shoot her a glare, not at all concerned about her comments from earlier anymore.
You turn your head to Jack, who’s face looked as panicked at Luke and Quinn’s.
“Jack, you said you bought me a ring. Is that true?” you ask him, begging him to answer you.
Jack gulps, nodding his head yes.
“Right…” is all you can say, trying to digest what’s happening.
You look back and forth between Jack and Sarah, your gaze finally landing on the unimpressed one of Sarah.
“Listen, I don’t care what happened between you and Jack however many years ago, but I don’t appreciate you coming to his family’s house and acting like a nasty bitch to me because you got dumped and I’m the one getting the ring,” you tell her, earning a shocked scoff from her. “So, if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you took your nasty attitude and sad insecurities out of this house and elsewhere. I have something I need to discuss with the man that chose me .”
You hear the faint snorts of Quinn and Luke behind you, while Jack’s face moves from panicked to shocked as he looks between the two of you.
“God, you don’t have to ask me twice. All of this melodrama is giving me a headache. You’re not worth this. I can get any guy from the Knicks roster, I don’t need to waste my time on hockey players anymore,” Sarah says before she storms out of the room.
You watch her go, giving her a sweet smile and a wave on her way out.
“That was…the hottest thing I’ve ever seen you do,” Jack tells you, walking over to where you stood.
You roll your eyes at him, hitting him in the chest once he gets close enough to you.
“Ow! What was that for?” Jack asks you, rubbing where you thumped him
“For not telling me that Sarah was your ex-girlfriend when I was telling you how excited I was to meet her earlier” you exclaim while looking up at him, poking him in the chest with each word
“I didn’t want you to feel like you had anything to be worried about and get even more in your head about this dinner,” he tells you, grabbing your finger and pushing your hand down to your side.
“Yeah, well a lot of good that did,” you roll your eyes, bringing your hand up to softly smack his chest again.
“God, woman, stop hitting me!” Jack yelps again. “What the hell was that one for?”
“For buying me a ring only a few months into our relationship! And then for not telling me you were going to propose, you idiot!” you exclaim, throwing your arms around.
“Well, I don’t know if you know this or not, but most proposals are usually a surprise,” he tells you, grabbing your arms and holding them apart, preventing you from hitting him again.
“Still. Why would you buy it so soon into us dating, Jack? What if you ended up hating me once we hit six months, or you found out I snored and decided you didn’t want to share a bed with me for the rest of your life?” you ask him, earning a laugh from your boyfriend.
“I knew that you were it from the moment I met you. There’s absolutely no chance of me ever getting sick of you, or hating you,” Jack tells you honestly, the intensity behind his eyes causing you to believe his words. “Also, you do snore, and I think it’s cute, don’t worry.”
You try to hit his chest again, but your arms are still being held by his hands.
“So, is this a good time for me to say I never really liked Sarah,” Luke chimes in, reminding you that him and Quinn are standing in the entrance of the room.
“Luke, you’re such an idiot,” Quinn tells him, flicking him on the back of his curly head.
“What? It’s true. I liked Y/N the second I met her, but Sarah was always just a bitch,” Luke rubs the back of his head as he speaks. “Why do you think Quinn and I took one for the team and took the wicked witch out on the boat so we could keep her out of your hair for as long as possible?”
“Thanks, Luke,” you chuckle, shaking your head.
“Well, I guess it’s time to tell mom that she knows you’re proposing,” Quinn says, looking towards Jack.
“Oh, no, no one is going to know that she knows. I had this whole thing planned out, and I’m not letting Y/N ruin her own proposal,” Jack says, finally letting go of your hands.
“Do I at least get to see the ring?” you ask him, hopeful.
“Nope,” Jack shakes his head, popping the ‘p’.
You huff, crossing your arms and looking at him with a pout, until you remember his words from a few minutes before.
“Wait, you told Sarah you carry the ring with you everywhere, does that mean it’s here? In this house?” Jack’s face falls, eyes looking anywhere but your own.
Your face lights up, looking towards the stairs before back at Jack, turning and making a run for your room.
“Oh no, you don’t!” he runs after you, catching up to you in no time.
He grabs you by your torso and swings you around, sitting you back at the bottom of the stairs as he guards them.
“Not fair, your stupid hockey speed and reflexes can shove it,” you pout again.
As you stand at the bottom of the stairs, Quinn and Luke watch the two of you, admiring how perfect the two of you are for each other.
Luke thinks back to when he decided to introduce you to his older brother, knowing he made the right decision, the two of you bringing out the best versions of the other.
And when he stands, hidden with his family as he watches his brother get down on one knee, proposing to the girl that stood at the bottom of the stairs, demanding to see her ring, he knew sneaking into Jack’s room and moving the ring to his own room was the right move, the shock on your face worth the two week long silent treatment you gave him when you found out what he had done.
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snowywolf1005 · 2 days
Can you do a Kenji Sato x Kindergarten teacher!Gn reader or just female
like imagine he calls you to take care of Emi because he was so busy but because of how busy he is, that means he has to be away most of the time so while Kenji was away the Reader babysits Emi everytime Kenji was away and then time passes by Emi and Reader became so close that she cries when Reader leaves and then when Kenji knew about this He became a bit jealous👀🤭 and then the ending is up to you;)
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"Bye, kids! Remember to do your homework!" You said waving goodbye to the kids. You closed the door, went to your office, and packed your stuff. But you were interrupted by other teachers. "Hey (Y/N)! Me and the girls are going to the party, want to come?"
You smile, "Sorry, but I have a baby to take off." "What!? Girl, you never go out yo have fun! All you do is... take care of a baby!?" Said the teacher. You grab your bag and your car keys.
"Well... maybe next time, bye!" You said leaving. You went inside your car and started driving, then you got a call, it kenji. You answered his call, "Hey, (Y/N), can you take care of Emi for a moment. Sorry for wasting your time for what you're doing," said kenji.
"No worries. You got the chance to get rest. Just ask me anything." You said, "Okay, oh! Mina will help you if you need anything. " "Got it!" You said hang up, you made it, to kenji home, "mina! I'm here!" You yelled.
"Hello, (Y/N), it good to see you. Emi is starting to cry, " she said. You got inside and went to the elevator, and you saw emi. Crying, "she just woke up from her nap and started looking for you," said mina.
You sigh. "Of course, she does," you said, you walk up to Emi cage, "Hey girl! I'm here, I'm here, don't cry," you said. Emi, stop crying and was so happy to see you.
"Okay, emi, let's learn about sign language, and after that, we have dinner!" Emi cheer, so you teach Emi about sign language to better chance to understand her. Then you feed her some fish just little while you eat your favorite food.
When you try to go to the bathroom, emi will start crying, thinking you're just leaving. "No, no, no, no! I'm just trying to go to the bathroom! So I'm not just leaving!" You said, doing the sign language to make you understand.
When you game back, emi jump, she was in cloud nine. You asked mina to a baseball area, and she did. Emi was so excited. You threw a baseball at her, and she hit it, "Way the go! Emi! Woah!" You cheered.
After that, you told Emi some bedtime story, and emi began to fall asleep. You kissed her on the forehead, "Goodnight, mina." You said. Then mina came up to you, "(Y/N), I prepared some cool bathroom with your favorite drinks while you bathed," she said.
You smile, "let me guess, it was kenji idea, right?" You ask, "yes, he wanted to thank you for taking care of Emi." Said mina. "Tell him, thank you and your welcome," you said, leaving. You took a relaxing, cool bath, drank your favorite drinks.
You got off, dry up, put your clothes on, and watch some TV. Then kenji showed up, sitting next to you, "So how was Emi?" He asks. "She was fine. We did have a lot of fun" you said.
You told him everything that you just did, and kenji started getting jealous as you have all the attention from emi, you can tell the difference in his attitude.
"I'm not jealous," said kenji. You just laughed, and kenji started tickling you.
Memes time:
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You hold kenji, defending from someone who is talking shit about him.
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writingangst · 1 day
Russian Roulette
Summary: Simon Riley takes notice that the reader has a specific way of reloading her gun, which results in him being paranoid to the point he misreads the situation.
Simon Ghost Riley x Reader
Warnings: violence, angst, cursing, torture, hurt/no comfort.
Words: 2.3K
This was a prompt from Character.AI by user @/kstzii and I had to make this account to post because it really hit the angst spot for me. Hopefully, it does the same for you.
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The echo from your sniper rifle was stifled by its silencer as you scored another bullseye. You felt someone's gaze burn into the back of your head. But once you turned, you couldn't see anyone. Must've been my imagination. You reassured yourself as you went back to attempt another shot. No bullets. You quickly reload and reposition yourself to fire off another round.
“What the hell was that?” Your lieutenant's voice called out. You swiftly turned to him. “Reload again.”
“What?” You were caught off guard, the slight hint of a Russian accent slipping out. Shit. You instantly clear your throat to switch back to your usual British accent.
“Are you deaf? I said reload again!” He repeats, his voice booming.
You rearange yourself from your position lying on your stomach, onto your knees, the head of your riffle touching the dirt beneath you. You look at him through slightly narrowed eyes. “Now, why would I reload when I just switched to a perfectly good mag?”
His jaw clenched. You noticied how he was trying to hold himself back. He did this often. You were sharp with your tongue and tended to use it on him often. In more ways than one. Though this time, he didn’t quite seem like he was enjoying it.
“You know exactly what I mean. That was a Russian reload,” he crossed his arms over his chest, the veins in his arms were prominent. It brought you back… No. This was serious.
You laughed it off, seeming unbothered. You were cool. Calm. Collected. Everyone knew you weren’t one to be thrown off your game easily. But this certainley was doing just that. You weren’t about to let him see that though.
With a scoff, you turn your back to him to get a better hold of your gun. “I reckon you haven’t slept, Lieutenant. Could be playing tricks on your sight.”
“I know exactly what I saw,” his tone was cold, but with his clenched fists you knew this was a ticking time bomb. “Do. It. Again.” He ordered in a firm tone. It left no room for any arguments.
You’re stagnant only slightly. There was uneasiness in your stomach at what this could mean. You knew Simon, and you knew Ghost. This was the latter, but you weren’t going to let this play out the way he wanted it to.
“And if not?” You challenge as you turned towards him, eyes sincere as you looked deep into his conflicted ones. “This gonna end in friendly fire?”
In long strides he stepped forward, coming to a halt right in front of you. He pulled you up by your elbow, but you never lost your grip on your weapon. With him being 6’4, you had to crane your neck to look him in the eye. His towering frame was imposing, making you feel small.
He leaned closer, just like he had so many times before. His body only a few inches from yours, but instead of it having the burning effect it usually did, now you were just feeling uncomfortable with the interaction. He was doing this on purpose. He was trying to intimidate you.
“What do you have to lose?” He countered, his voice low, a rumble to his chest.
You took it as a challenge.
With a clenched jaw, you took a step back from him as he severed his grip on your skin. You rid of the magazine wedged within your sniper and your eyes never leave his as you do so. Taking another mag from your tactical gear, you shift to do a simple tactical reload.
He watched you intently, his eyes glued to your every move. You didn’t break a single swet. And even though it seemed like something inherently intimate, you knew it was everything but. Once you finished and kept your straight face on him, he stepped towards you again.
He looked pissed as his eyes flickered to the mag that you just placed into your gun.
“That…” he stated through gritted teeth, gripping your chin with force between his thumb and his forefinger. You were forced to look at him head on. “…isn’t a British reload. Now tell me, who are you really?”
“I’m a simple sniper, sir,” you reply without skipping so much as a beat. “I was chosen for this task because of my outstanding sniper skills.”
Silence ensued.
Then you continued. “But you knew that already. You read my file,” you hissed back at him. “And you’ve trained with me for months, been in my bed, so what exactly are we implying here, Lieutenant?”
He kept his grip on your chin, his fingers digging into your skin. You noticed how he continued to get frustrated that nothing was out in the open like he previously thought it was. He expected you to be defiant, not secretive. A piece was missing and he was paranoid. Something wasn’t right.
Suddently, you’re smashed against the closest tree and your rifle was hitting the ground. You wince as a gruff pained noise falls from your lips once the air is knocked out of you. His vast hand squeezed your neck. Not enough to cut your air supply. Yet. But enough for it to be uncomfortable to breath. There was a sense of betrayal in his eyes and you knew he had assumed the worst.
“You’re a lying Russian spy,” he murmured into your ear with such force you thought you’d faint.
You struggled against him. “I am not Russian, nor am I a spy,” you rasp out as best you can, but you feel him crushing your windpipe. You wouldn’t lie to yourself. You feel hurt. He was one of the closest people you had since joining the 141 task force. Which made you angry. That’s when hurt vacated to make room for the feeling of deception. “But I will not explain myself to you when I have a job to do.”
You attempted to push him off but he was stronger and bulkier than you, making it almost impossible. You understood there that there would be no reasoning with him. Sleep deprivation and high stress levels were obvious indicators of this. You both had been on the field for days, and he had been the one doing most of the lookouts in order for you to get a bit of shuteye. You won’t be a good shot with heavy lids, sweetheart. He once said to you.
“What were you sent to do, huh?” He asked, his voice had lost its edge and now he just sounded distant. “Spy? Assassinate me?”
“Paranoid motherfucker,” you hissed, holding onto his forearm to steady yourself against his grip. “Screw you.”
His eyes narrowed, his grip loosening only slightly. “You sound surprised. You can’t honestly tell me that you expected me to not investigate the mysterious sniper with a Russian reload and accent?”
“And I’m almost certain you couldn’t find a Goddamn thing about anything and that’s why you got me cornered,” you stated as a matter of fact. “I’m not whoever the hell you think I am, and this paranoia is serving to have this mission go south if you don’t let me get to my gun.”
He laughed this time. Honestly, laughed.
You scrunched up your nose. Fuck you, Ghost.
“You don’t think I have dirt on you, sweetheart? I have files on you, more than you can count. I know you, better than you think,” he paused for a second. “I know your weaknesses, likes, dislikes. Everything.”
You laugh bitterly. “I don’t doubt that. Hey, I even had a hand in the shit you know because I trusted you. That still doesn’t mean you know jack shit about what happened in Russia. You’re so inclined? Ask Price!”
“I asked Price!” His hand gave your neck a quick squeeze and you saw how his body trembled. “He didn’t know a damn thing. Said your file was locked and he was denied access. Now why the hell would that be, huh?”
You snorted. “He said that to protect me. I had the whole record wiped. None of this concerns you, Lieutenant. We all went through shit, and you think you’re the only one that’s allowed to be a ghost? Fuck you!”
His eyes narrowed at your words. “Why would he protect you if you have nothing to hide? That makes no sense and you know it.”
“Because my trauma is my trauma! And you have no business budding into it!” 
“And if it’s something that could jeopardize the entire task force?” He muttered, his patience wearing thin. “If it could get everyone killed?”
“You’re an idiot if you think Price would let me anywhere near this damn task force if he considered me a risk,” your voice was cool, but your heart was thumping in your chest. You attempting one last shove that surprisingly caused him to let go. You wheezed when the pressure was off your trachea and you coughed to catch your breath. 
He watched you silently.
Once you composed yourself, you looked back at him as you held your neck. “I thought we were fucking friends, Ghost.”
“Friends?!” He spat exasperatedly. “You really think I would consider you my friend when I know you’re lying? You think I make friends with people I don’t trust?” His eyes were cold, his tone cruel and bitter. “Tell me why I shouldn’t put a bullet between your eyes for the simple deceit.”
Aside from the pain emitting from your neck, there was a hollow ache in your chest that was capturing your attention as well. You would relive the trauma if that would mean getting the job done. But when it came to Simon Riley, he was as good as dead to you.
“I was held hostage by Russian forces for 18 months.”
His stance faltered at that. You don’t think you had ever seen him lose his footing like he had in that instance. And his eyes… Christ, he had never changed his expression so fast. What the hell was that? Pity? He could go screw himself.
You continued. “Anything you can think of in torture, triple that. What kept me alive for so long was the fact they wanted to use me. The only way I got out of the constant abuse was the training. So excuse me if I picked up on a thing or two. Even the Godawful accent that creeps into the British one,” you cleared your throat. “I’m not your enemy, Ghost. But you’re right. I’m not your damn friend either.”
As you explained your past, his eyes never left yours as he listened carefully. He expected many things, but he hadn’t taken into consideration you being a literal prisoner to Russian forces. For once in his life, he was speechless. The thought that you had lived through a year and a half of torture at the hands of the Russians was something he could barely imagine.
His gaze had softened, but he hardened again when something wasn’t clicking for him. “Doesn’t explain why your file is locked.”
You snorted humorlessly. “Ever heard of Price’s little sister?”
His eyes widened at the mention of her. The captain was hush hush about the matter, but it was a well known fact he had family within the military. And that she was KIA some time ago. “What about her?”
“You’re looking at her.”
Those were the last words he expected to come out of your mouth. Shock and surprise flashed behind his mask as he finally realized what this meant.
“You’re…” He paused, trying to process the bomb that just exploded in his face. “You’re Price’s sister?”
“In the flesh,” you replied with the same cold tone he had been using earlier with you. “You’re not the only one trying to be ghost. You’ve just never been questioned by the task force on it like you just did to me.” 
What could he say to that?
“I took a bullet for you, Lieutenant,” you reminded him. “What fucking spy does that for the opposite team?”
His jaw clenched and you saw how his mask flexed due to it. His eyes showed how he replayed that memory in his head. It was something he thought about constantly. You had saved him, and he hadn’t seen it coming. He had been so focused on you being a spy that he hadn’t stopped to consider that you were actually on his side.
“I never should have questioned you,” he admitted, his voice quiet as he met your gaze again.
Your hand shot up to stop him from saying anything else on the matter. “It’s done. We’re done here.”
He watched as you walked away to pick up your gun, his mind racing with thoughts but they were too fast for his tongue. He knew he had messed up. He had completely misjudged the situation with the accusations thrown at you when in reality your connection to the task force was stronger than even his.
The irony in the situation wasn’t lost on him, but he didn’t find it funny.
“Wait,” He sighed, taking strides to catch up to you.
“This is unprofessional, Lieutenant,” you stated, dusting off your weapon as you checked for any malfunctions. “We’re in the middle of an active operation. I’m done talking.”
He exhaled a frustrated sigh as you dismissed his attempt at talking to you. He knew you were right, that the mission was what mattered now. But he couldn’t help the feeling that he needed to apologize. It was clawing at his chest, the emotion raw in his throat, asking to be let out in word vomit.
“You can’t honestly expect us to just ignore what happened and continue on like normal?”
Silence followed.
You didn’t even look at him.
“Go back to being Ghost, because Simon Riley is fucking dead to me.”
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 days
🎲🖤 Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes 🎲🖤
Writing a little fic about the reader joining Hellfire after being kicked out of the original D&D group she's in, for reasons *cough (sexist arseholes)* and Eddie is literally in love with this feisty lady who interrupts the latest Hellfire campaign and asks to join the group, who's planned campaigns involving Vecna and has no trouble arguing with him if he's being a dick. (The latter might be in part two if people are interested)
Vecna who's Vecna? Eddie is alive and thriving in this fic. Also, I'm not 100% well-versed in D&D but I am learning, if I do part two I hope to include more into the plot.
The title is lyrics from Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift 💞
"You can't just kick me out of the group," you say fuming as Ethan looks at you with pity.
"I'm the Dungeon Master so technically I can, the guys just think that you take playing a little less seriously than the rest of us" he lies straight to your face and the anger that is bubbling up inside of you threatens to explode.
"What! I literally built the last three campaigns because you couldn't come up with anything, I came up with the plan to defeat Vecna and...you glare at him, this is what it's about isn't it. You hate that I can come up with the ideas for campaigns and because I'm good at the game. Of all the idiotic, sexist bullshit...
Ethan blushes. "Look, I want to see if Eddie would let me and the guys join Hellfire and maybe he might let me DM sometimes but if he finds out that you helped make up most of them well...
So you're kicking me out to save yourself the apparent humiliation of a girl being better at D&D than you are" he flushes pink and glares at you.
"Whatever. We'll be fine without you. Good riddance" he storms off by that point leaving you alone and tearful. You're just so pissed that you have to leave the group, leave something you love playing.
There's a gentle pressure on your shoulder and you find Robin looking at you concerned. "What was that about? Did he do something to hurt you? I could ask Steve to kick his ass, unless you want to kick his ass yourself which is great and all and...
She stops talking when she sees one silent tear run down your cheek which you wipe away furiously, nope you will not cry because of that gargoyle Ethan.
"Robin breathe, and yeah I'm okay. I mean I will be" you explain everything that happened and by the end Robin is as angry as you are.
"He can't just kick you out, what a douchebag, how exactly is he going to explain away the fact he has no amazing ideas for campaigns without you there?
You should talk to Eddie and join Hellfire yourself, he's actually a nice guy well according to the Steve's child/brother friend. The dingus is jealous of Eddie which is kind of sweet and hilarious..." She cuts off her rant at the growing smile on your face.
"Oh no, I know that look" you grin widens and you link arms with Robin. Yes you'll join Eddie and expose Ethan for the slimy ass that he is.
With the idea in mind you decide to ask Eddie before Hellfire starts but instead find yourself walking into a session which is in full swing. Well shit. Way to make a good impression...
Eddie stops talking, he's in the middle of the campaign, just at the part where a group of rogue trolls have invaded the party and turned the gathering of friends at a tavern into a fight for survival.
"Yes... Uh cheerleader tryouts are the other way sweetheart" You scoff and raise your eyebrows at him.
"Do I look like a cheerleader to you? I'm sorry to interrupt. I wanted to catch you before you started the session, I was wondering if I could join Hellfire?"
You know Jeff from being in drama with him and he's the first to say, "Uh aren't you in that group with Ethan and George?" You shake your head.
"I was. Until they kicked me out" Eddie's big brown eyes widened and the annoyed expression was wiped from his face, he ignored the complaints of some of the freshmen and motioned you to explain.
"Ethan kicked me out because he's an arrogant, sexist troll" one of the freshmen groans and gestures widely to Eddie.
"Dude, can we hurry up and continue with the session" Eddie holds a hand up to quieten him and stares at you his eyes filled with grudging curiosity.
"Why did he kick you out?" You frown and the anger returns at Ethan and his betrayal.
"Because he wants to join up with you and impress you with his amazing DM skills which are a load of shit. He didn't even organise the last three campaigns, I did. He liked to use all of my ideas but won't have me blow his chances of pretending he's something he isn't" there's silence and Eddie looks impressed.
There's also something else in his expression that makes your stomach feel like it's doing somersaults but you can examine that later.
"So you're here to join instead before the little weasel does. Beat him at his own game huh sweetheart?" you nod and he smiles, all dimples.
"Well yeah basically, I love D&D but I also want to annoy the hell out of the asshole as well, he's just pissed that I came up with a campaign for Vecna and doesn't want me showing you how much he doesn't do for his own group" you finish your rant and wait for his answer.
Eddie's smiling by the end of your rant and gestures you over to the group.
"I like you, you can sit in and watch this session because we're more than halfway through but I'm happy for you to join the group and our next meeting. You can tell me about your stats and character after the session is over"
Thrilled you walk over to the table and Eddie barks at one of the guys to move so you're standing right beside him.
It was so not time for your heart to be doing its own version of a mini-marathon at the mere sight of Eddie's big brown eyes capturing yours. Fuck, you did not have time for whatever this was. You were here to battle dragons, defeat trolls (in real life as well) and be a badass.
Crushing on Eddie Munson would have to wait.
Eddie is definitely planning on killing Wheeler's character in the next session. He glares as Mini Wheeler finishes his rant about last night.
"You know it's so gross the way you were mooning over her all night right? Make it more obvious that you have a crush on her dude" he whines and Eddie scowls which seems to snap Mike out of his constant whining.
"I was not mooning Wheeler. I was impressed with the way she knew what she wanted and went for it, she will be a valuable asset to Hellfire"
Gareth hides a laugh as he continues eating and Eddie redirects his glare to his friend. "Anything to say Gareth the Great?" Gareth stops laughing at once but still looks amused.
"Dude, you were totally mooning over her, I think someone's in love" Eddie can feel the heat rise on his cheeks and scoffs, how dare Gareth make such an idiotic assumption.
"Love? I don't believe in love dude. This heart is far too cynical for any of that shit. I was just intrigued that's all" he's ready to fully rant when he sees you and his heart skips a beat, argument dying in his throat and his knees turn to jelly.
"Yeah be more obvious Munson" Jeff sniggers which causes Gareth to nearly choke on his sandwich.
Okay, scratch that. He's killing Gareth and Jeff's characters too.
As you walk into the cafeteria the next day you avoid your usual table and head straight for Hellfire.
You wave cheerily over at Ethan and the guys and smirk at their thunderous expressions. Eddie snorts but when you look at him there's no trace of his previous amusement as he mentions the next Hellfire session will be tomorrow.
You're distracted by Ethan glowering in your direction, his arms folded as he snaps at Dean. There's a soft pressure on your hand and you look down to find Eddie's hand touching yours, it gets your attention immediately.
"We can go over your character tonight yeah? There's a spark between the two of you, it lingers in the air and your heart kicks up a notch as Eddie lets out a little groan.
He clears his throat and moves his hand away, you hide how flustered you are as he begins to talk about the new campaign but every so often his gaze meets yours and the same level of intrigue is in his gaze as you feel for him.
"Lady Emmeline is an elven princess who ran away from her duties when her parents tried to marry her off to a vile prince, she's proficient with a bow and arrow but her real talent is swordsmanship, she's intelligent, brave and bold but can be impulsive and hotheaded if provoked" you read out to Eddie who nods.
"Was she your character in your old D&D group?" Eddie asks and you nod, leaning closer to him as he pulls out his notebook. It's chock-full of ideas for campaigns and drawings, being so near Eddie is playing havoc with your concentration.
He smells like leather, the faintest hint of smoke and whatever cologne he's using. It's woody and smells divine. The softness of his usually loud voice and his big Bambi eyes are distracting. It wouldn't bother you so much or at least you'd try to avoid it but the way you catch Eddie looking at you sometimes makes you melt.
It's ridiculous because you've never felt this way before about anybody but now it's happened it's overwhelming and intense.
"Nice tattoo" you murmur and he smiles as you nod to the bats and the Wyvern. "I have more" he pulls down his Hellfire shirt and you can see a black widow spider and a glimpse of a demon.
Very gently you trace a finger over one of the bats on his forearm, Eddie's breath hitches and you curse yourself for possibly freaking him out. "Sorry," you murmur and chance a peek at his expression. It's filled with longing.
"Don't be sorry princess" he's hesitant at first but then after a moment you feel his fingers trace soft patterns over your hand. The feel of his fingers on your skin is amazing and it makes you shiver in a good way.
His eyes drop down to your lips and the two of you move closer instinctively until you're both mere inches apart.
And that's when Dustin barrels in speaking a mile a minute and you and Eddie jump apart at the interruption.
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jasi-jx · 3 days
˙✧˖°📷 ⋆。˚꩜ 𝗙𝗔𝗩𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗘 (ft. gen narumi)
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𝗴𝗲𝗻 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗶 𝗰𝗿𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 !
tw: swearing, bad language, people being bad with feeling, kinda fem!reader but boys can also be girlbosses, gen being egotistical and cocky (are we surprised?), mentions of sexual acts, reader is a girlboss,
author’s note: Third crushing post in a row lets gooo. I decided to make it a series. You can find all of them (for kaiju no.8) under #jasi-jx favorite.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ This guy…he has standards. If he is crushing on you, you probably do fit those standards
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Said standards being, strong, can give it back to him. So a general girlboss.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ In fact does not polish his sarcastic and cocky personality for you in the beginning
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ I like to imagine when he first saw you he legit went “Is she single? No? Imma make her my girl”. Bro thought he could have you right then there
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ The whole “I want someone strong” came to kick him in the ass when he realized you weren’t easy
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ That day, he read all of your files, asked about you to literally everybody
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Now you have unlocked, gen narumi, the strongest, trying (in his own way) to woo you
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ There are two sides to this. Him openly flirting with you outside of work, and him acting badass on the battle field (he folds if you praise him after)
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ As for you, you’re like “He is a manchild…but he is hot when he fights…what do I do…”
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Wore his hair slicked back like he does in battle 24/7 when you told him he looks better like that (still love his bangs)
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ He is going around bragging and talking about you to anyone and everyone, as if you are already dating.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Taught you how to use his weapon whether you asked him or not.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ If you went on a mission with him, he was not off your ass. He was like “get behind me!”. Bro was heavy on protecting you no matter how powerful the kaiju is.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ You were like “Huh?!”. He worded his need to protect you in a way that made it seem like he didn’t take you seriously.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ If you ran past him and defeated the kaiju on your own, he definitely fell for you all over again.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ On the topic, he loves watching you fight. The only time he is ever like “Nah, I’ll just watch.” when there is a mission.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Would step in if he felt like you were in danger though.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ One of the rare moments where he leaves his games is when you’re training
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Did legit fantasize training with you and pinning you down, having a whole ass sexual tension moment
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ If that did happen, he thought about it moment for a week
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ If it didn’t and you kicked his ass, he still thought about it for a week. Only this time he swore to himself next time he would turn it around.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ If you game, he somehow convinced you into playing with him.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ In the end, either you folded and asked him out, or he got impatient.
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Impatient Gen, walked up to you, pulled you in, gave you a half sloppy kiss.
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moonselune · 3 days
How do you think the BG3 companions would be as parents or aunties/uncles? I personally headcanon that Shadowheart would be a very doting mother but would be the fun aunt.
OOoooOOOOoOO yes I'm doing this for all of them, no character can escape me now
As an aunt:
She is definitely the auntie that comes round and the children just band together trying to take her to the ground
"Get Auntie Karlach"
And how auntie Karlach puts up a fight, she is swinging children around throwing them onto soft furnishings, tickling them.
Eventually she will relent and let the children pin her to the floor, pretending to 'die'
Though she has done this too convincingly and it too you half an hour to calm your child down, assuring them that auntie karlach was not in fact dead, and this was their aunt and not a zombie.
If there's just one child, you know that when they hear auntie karlach is coming round they are using al of their free time strategising on how to get her
Karlach will sometime take them as their hostage and refuse to let them go when they are hugging and just carries them around till you agree to her terms
Which is either a later bedtime for you (because at this point you have joined forces) or extra cake.
As a mother:
Mama K !!!!
So caring and doting, nothing is too much for her
She would move mountains for her kid and support them regardless
They want to be a bookworm? She wants to hear all your favourite stories
They are more sporty, she will beat them at every game and only occasionally let them win
Is honestly a big kid herself so I can so imagine, you having to call them in for dinner and they are both pouting saying that want to play outside for longer
definitely the less strict parent, they could probably get away with anything
as long as it doesn't mean they get hurt
as soon as they get hurt, mama k is not letting them out of their sight for a WEEK
As an aunt:
Not my kid, not my responsibility attitude
you want a dagger? Sure here's how to hold it properly
you cut yourself on it, that's too damn bad learn to hold it better
definitely buys them a ridiculous amount of expensive gifts but she doesn't really realise it
think of the vibe of "What can one banana cost? ten dollars?"
as soon as they get messy or are dirty they are not coming within 10 feet of her
Snot bubble? That child is getting yeeted across the room
Very much this
As a mother:
I have so many thoughts about this
I think because of her exile she would look at the drow matron system much differently
Instead of raising children to be pawns and agents of her plan there would be a deeper level of relationship meaning a deeper level of loyalty.
Loyalty is a big thing for Minthara and what is more loyal than the unconditional love of a child
so she is going to nurture and tend to that relationship, make that bond between her and her child incredibly strong, they want the child to adore her and respect her, so she will adore and respect them back (that's what she tells herself, in reality she loves her children dearly)
She will dote on them, ensure they only have the best, this is her child after all
Very possessive of the child, and very overprotective
Would definitely guilt the child
but that's probably the worst part of her parenting overall I feel like she would be a very fair and good parent in general (especially compared to normal drow mothers)
As an aunt:
aunt? more like coach.
she is training them to be the best warrior or whatever they want to be ever
will she drag your child out of bed at the crack of dawn so they can practice
will then tell them Gith stories when the child starts to fall asleep on them afterwards
carries them with care and tenderness
is so bad for contradicting you
parent said no? Well auntie Lae'zel says yes so lets do it
not allowed this thing? here's ten of them
As a mother:
I actually think she would be rather laid back
she wouldn't fret over them and trust that they knew what they were doing
though as soon as they don't know what they are doing she is there right away to hover over them and help
slightly protective but only because she doesn't trust others
teaches them self defence at the youngest age possible
tells them the best bedtime stories in extremely graphic detail to the point where you have to step in
but the child doesn't mind
in fact how did they manage to get to sleep so easily
her kid is better than the rest, can do no wrong, bad grades? More like bad teacher.
As an aunt:
Wine aunt - it's basically canon at this point, so all of these will be with a glass of wine in her hand lmao
Would be so down to have tea parties with them
prefers the sit down games rather than the running around screaming ones - those are for auntie karlach
Shows you all of her animals and teaches you their names and how to care for them
would definitely give them a pet even if you had already said no
and by the time you realise what's happened your child is too attached to it
definitely would let them mess around, and be like if you hurt yourself its your fault
but as soon as they hurt themselves, she's there healing them bribing them not to tell you what happened
As a mother:
helicopter mom to begin with and then eventually when her child proves to be more robust than expected she relaxes a bit
just says yes to any animal they find and want to bring home
so now there's foxy, ratty, mousey and badgery (Shadowheart tried to suggest names but they were having none of it)
Is always there for you no matter what, you can tell her anything and you feel like you can tell her anything
has a tendency to be a little strict but only for your own good
As an aunt:
she is the aunt of all aunts
gives the best hugs, tells you the best stories
teases you all the time
just constant poking fun
and the day you give it back
she is just so proud
also has that attitude of 'not my kid not my responsibility' but that is such a lie
will love you like her own
As a mother:
we already see what Jaheira is like a mother
very welcoming but has a habit to push them away when there's danger involved or perhaps can be preoccupied with 'the greater good'
I also think that Jaheira is the type of mother to keep everything, every baby tooth, every drawing, everything
She keeps them in a little chest and when she is down she looks at them and she always feels so much better.
As an uncle:
hey kids wanna see a cool trick
blows up the living room
brings them books on just everything
reads to them a lot and teaches them things that they probably shouldn't know at their age
the kid needs an alibi?
Gale is there for it
We've seen his dialogue in the grove, we all know that he supports childhood deliquency and he will so support them in it
As a father:
Thinks their child is the most precious thing in the world
the light of his life (aside from you)
will teach them magic before they can even speak
puts on the most beautiful illusions for the child to sleep to
lives just to see them smile
very overprotective and guilty of infantilising your child
he can't help it, you are just so adorable
PTA Mom, he runs that motherfucker
No stacey, your lemon buns are not acceptable, and no its not because my child detests them, get a grip
he just absolutely adores his child
As an uncle:
Astarion would steal your child to help with his schemes and nobody can convince me otherwise
You think I? With this adorable baby on my hip, would steal your fine jewels? Honestly the audacity
Uses your child as an alibi
How could I do it? I was tending to my dear child
Ser that's not your-
Much like Minthara, loves the child until they start making a mess
Would so make them little outfits and the child's teddies little outfits
As a father:
I believe that Astarion would see the child as his absolute fresh start
he is going to be the best version of himself for the child
he is going to try his absolute best for them
going to give them the world
will definitely teach them to lock pick at a young age
and again uses them as an alibi
You think I, with my adorable impressionable child right here, would steal? Truly your standard of parenting may be low but mine is not.
When the baby is on the way he is just stress sewing, your house is filled with baby clothes, blankets, quilts, hats anything Astarion could imagine that the child might need
your child in not wearing the same outfit twice, not because of fashion, no because there are simply so many outfits
As an uncle:
Would be the best story teller, and does all the voices and personas
Loves to play and mess around with them
Would teach them how to sword fight like he did with the children in the grove
Would spoil them rotten as well and know he was doing it though if confronted he would play so dumb
What do you mean I only got them this wooden rocking horse, I could have got them two - but I didn't !
As a father:
very similar to Wyll as an uncle
but imagine him passing down all of the stories and life lessons that his father passed down to him
but the thing that gets me in the feels
is him teaching the child how to dance
from them dancing on his toes to them being able to pull of a move flawlessly
Wyll would genuinely get emotional when you no longer need his guidance or help
And by emotional I mean sobbing
definitely overprotective when it comes to your potential dance partners and all that
no one will ever be good enough for his child
As an uncle:
would just steal the child
it is his now
so sorry for your loss but this is definitely not ur baby
yes they look identical but this one belongs to the forest
oh gods he would so kidnap the child if you lived in the city
but to him it's not kidnapping
it's rescuing
the city doesn't deserve such a treasure
teaches them how to carve wood and instills an important respect for nature into them
if your child got in an argument with you they would so pull the
"Well fine! I'm just going to live in the forest with Uncle Halsin!"
As a father:
They are so precious to him
When he looks into their eyes the world is just right
Their first word is bear, obviously
Teaches them druidic magic and how to wildshape
as soon as your child figures it out it is chaos
you have a bear and baby bear running riot
very hesitant to let you go out into the city
to go far from him actually
he has just lost so much
he cannot afford to lose you too
apart from that, he is the best
As an uncle:
the BEST
shows them so many cool tricks
definitely gives them spell books that they probably definitely should not have
would so side with them if they argued with their parent, regardless of if the child is in the right or not
he knows how his siblings can be
shows off to the kid all the time
when they were a baby they would tell Rolan he's found his perfect audience - one that can only watch in wonder
but as you grow you always demand that Uncle Rolan shows your his magic
and it warms his heart every single time
As a father:
He would be so nervous bless him
always thinking he is doing something wrong
but he is an amazing father
encourages and supports their ambitions
reads to them
I just have a picture of Rolan with a baby sling, tending to Ramazith's tower, just thinking aloud to them and when they babble back he exclaims how glad he is that they agree with them
very overprotective
he just doesn't want them to get hurt, like ever.
the child could scrape their knee and say they are fine and Rolan would be having a meltdown
Cannot handle you growing up
You will always be his baby
As an uncle:
I can't imagine him being a very doting uncle
Raphael most likely has loads of nieces and nephews and he does not care for a single one of them
unless one of them is showing particular talent, something that he needs and then he is all over them
would definitely get them in a contract
"You can trust me, your dear Uncle, now just sign there.."
As a father:
M y h e i r
So devoted and dedicated to them
But also possessive and controlling I can imagine
He dictates their schedule, their schooling, where they go, what they wear, who they socialise with
they will be spectacular, his little hellfire
though lets say they disobeyed him, they snuck out for a few hours or so
they are not leaving the house of hope for a few months or so
that's how it works
they will obey him, and they will love him, he is their father, their creator
and if anyone hurts his child?
he will drag the offender to deepest pits of hell and make his child watch as a show of his love for them.
I'm so sorry that this was stuck in the drafts for so long but here it is ! These are mainly a collection of my own rambling thoughts but hope others enjoy it too ! - Seluney xox
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dark-fics-4-you · 1 day
Crying in the Country Club ch. III
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Dark!Rafe Cameron x Dark!Reader
Warnings: domestic abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, strangling, choking, gaslighting, self harm (very, very brief and not a recurring thing), drug use, alcohol, age gap crush, obsessive thoughts, controlling behaviors, kinda baby trapping fantasies
You thought that you were imagining it at first, that your wishful daydreaming was making you see things, but after the fourth time you caught him staring at you, you knew that it couldn’t have been a coincidence.
Stretching out on one of the lounge chairs by the pool, you had chosen a light pink string bikini for the day, one that you had purchased with Rafe in mind. Your matching pink sunglasses helped you watch him without looking too conspicuous.
It wasn’t unusual for Mr. Cameron to do yard work, but considering the balmy heat, you were a bit surprised to see him trimming the grass and pulling up roots as you suntanned.
Much to your delight, he had opted to work shirtless, and you snuck peaks of his sweaty, muscular chest when he was looking away from you.
You were grateful as well that Charlie wasn’t even here today. After your golf game, Rafe had texted you, reminding you that their pool was open anytime you wanted.
Getting that text after such a close time with Mr. Cameron had almost made your heart explode. You were certain he was sending you signals that he was interested.
And with the number of times you had caught him sneaking glimpses of you, just today, you were feeling incredibly confident.
The sun warmed you and you felt a bit sleepy and you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering.
You so desperately wished that he would come up to you as you laid face down on the chair with your bikini top undone and pull off your skimpy bottoms before covering your mouth and stuffing his cock into you.
That thought had you squeezing your thighs together and you wondered if he would be able to tell how wet you were if he looked over at you right now.
Flipping over onto your back, you made sure your tits were covered by your bikini before relaxing. When you looked out across the lawn, you say him staring at you again, but he held your gaze for a few moments this time before turning back to the yard work.
A jolt of pleasure ran up your spine and you felt your bikini bottoms grow slicker when you had met his eyes.
Five times in one day couldn’t have been a coincidence.
Mr. Cameron was checking you out, and that thought alone made you feel so much more attracted to him.
You closed your eyes, wondering if he felt conflicted at all, considering his wife, but given how much time you had spent with them, you struggled to imagine that he had any real attachment to her.
He didn’t understand how much you could offer him, how much you wanted to give to him.
His family was a mess, that was true, but why should that stop you?
Once Rafe understood how much better you were than Rebecca, and how good you could be as the mother of his child, you were sure that he wouldn’t hesitate to leave her for you.
You wanted so badly to give Rafe the family he deserved. Someone who would stay at home while he earned the family money, ready to bend to his every demand. Someone put together enough to handle raising a child that would actually amount to something.
But how could you make him see? Doing chores around his house was a good start. You wanted him to see you stepping up where his wife wouldn’t. And to be honest, you wanted Rebecca to feel threatened by the risk of you taking her place.
Rafe deserved someone who could give him all of the things that he needed in life. Someone who was pretty, young, and submissive to his every desire, completely unlike his current wife.
You despised thinking about the fact that they slept together. You hoped that they hadn’t in a long time since Charlie was born, and based on their attitudes towards each other, you thought that may have been the case.
Why would he even want her when you were so close?
At the sound of his deep voice coming from right beside you made you jump.
“How’s the suntanning today, kid?”
Your eyelids cracked opened to see him standing over your chair, and you quickly reached behind you back to tie your bikini top.
“You tell me,” you sweetly smiled as you sat up, pulling the string of your top a bit to the side to show off the contrast of your tan vs the line that had been covered.
His eyes followed your movements, but you swore you saw him also quickly glance at your chest, eyeing the way your perky tits threatened to spill out of the skimpy material.
He hummed in response, his adam’s apple bobbing before he cleared his throat, seemingly shaking himself out of a thought, “looks nice.”
“Thanks!” You beamed, reaching up to remove your sunglasses. “Are you still working on the lawn?”
“I was about to go inside actually, getting too hot out here,” he paused, considering his next words. “You wouldn’t want to share a drink with me before dinner, would you?”
Your heart skipped a beat, but you maintained your composure, shrugging as if you weren’t practically jumping out of your skin at his offer.
“Sure, that sounds great!”
After walking inside, you told him what you wanted before grabbed your bag and walking to Charlie’s room to change into shorts and a pink top that perfectly accentuated your cleavage.
When you walked back downstairs, Rafe was at the bar, mixing your drink and holding his glass of whiskey.
“Thanks, Mr. Cameron!” You took a seat at the bar across from him.
He chuckled at that and shook his head, “Y’know you don’t have to always call me ‘Mr. Cameron’, kid.”
“I know! That’s just what my dad taught me… Rafe.” You giggled as you emphasized his name. “It just feels more polite.”
Rafe finished pouring your drink out of the mixer, and you grabbed the cool glass when he passed it to you.
He watched as you brought the rim of the glass to your lips, taking a sip and enjoying the sweetness.
“What do you think, Y/N?”
“Mmm, it’s really good!” You took another sip, this time tasting more of the alcohol.
Your gaze landed on the sweating glass in Rafe’s hand.
“Could I try yours? I’ve never had whiskey before.”
He laughed, passing the glass to you and you put your cocktail down on the table.
“You’re probably not gonna like it kid.”
You shrugged with a smile before raising the glass to your mouth and taking a small sip.
Rafe was right.
The high alcohol content brought an immediate heat to your face, and the flavor made you gag a bit.
He laughed when your face contorted in disgust, “what did I tell ya?”
You quickly grabbed your sweet drink to wash the nasty flavor from your mouth before giggling.
“Oh my god, Rafe, how do you drink that stuff?” You exclaimed in disbelief.
“It’s not so bad. You get used to it after 35 years,” he chuckled, grabbing the glass when you passed it back to him.
You suddenly realized that Rebecca was absent. She was always the one who cooked around the house.
It was actually very odd that she hadn’t made an appearance today.
“Where’s Rebecca?” You casually asked, hoping he didn’t pick up on the nervousness in your voice.
Rafe frowned, looking at his drink for a moment before taking a swig.
“She hasn’t been feeling great.”
“She’s upstairs sleeping, probably won’t even come down for dinner,” he chuckled, but it lacked humor, and you couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.
There was an awkward silence as Rafe seemed uncomfortably lost in thought. You were beginning to think that you had said something wrong, running over your conversation and thinking about all the ways you might have just fucked everything up, but then the moment passed as soon as it came, and Rafe was smiling at you again.
“So I guess that means cooking is up to us tonight, Y/N.”
You happily set to work with him after deciding on what to make for dinner, chicken pasta in a creamy red sauce.
Chopping the required veggies wasn’t difficult, although Rafe did have to step in to help you cut the onions when you got too teary eyed.
Washing your hands off at the sink gave you more opportunities to sneak peaks of him as he cut the chicken breasts into better portions.
You liked watching the skillful way he chopped up the meat and vegetables. There was something undeniably attractive about watching Mr. Cameron cook.
It wasn’t a sight you got to see very often considering Rebecca usually handled the meals.
Returning to your cutting board of veggies, you started cutting the tomatoes into chunks when a sick idea crossed your mind.
You only hesitated for a moment before placing your finger in the way of the knife’s path, careful to only nick yourself, but you still hissed in genuine pain when it sliced into your skin.
“Fuck-” you cursed, not even having to fake your reaction as your voice wobbled. “Mr. Cameron?”
You turned to him, showing him the cut on your finger as blood began dripping out of it. Tears pooled in your eyes, threatening to spill over.
“Shit,” his arm came to your back as he led you to the kitchen sink, turning on the warm water and testing it for you first. “I’ll get a bandaid.”
He rushed to the bathroom as you let the water run over your finger, watching the crimson seep out from the cut. Your lower back tingled where he had touched you.
Rafe returned, grabbing your hand gently and examining it before wrapping the bandaid around your finger.
The close contact with him made your heart thump harder in your chest and your cheeks flushed when he looked into your eyes with a concerned look.
“Is that better?” His voice was quiet and tender, and you felt your heart melt a bit as he held your gaze.
“Yeah,” you responded breathlessly, leaning in just a little bit more.
Several moments passed where the two of your stared at each other in silence. Rafe’s pupils flicked down to your lips before finding your eyes again and a chill passed through you.
The air seemed to crackle with tension around you. Your heart was thundering in your chest.
Was this the right time to make a move? Hasn’t he been giving you signs all night?
Everything you had seen so far was undeniable.
He wanted you, and you were beginning to think that he wanted you to know that.
The sound of a door closing upstairs made both of you jump, and Rafe took a step back from you, clearing his throat as he turned away before twisting the knob on the stovetop back on and staring down at the pan.
“Rafe?” Rebecca’s voice called out as she descended the stairs.
You grabbed your cocktail, taking a large gulp to try to calm the anxiety that was quickly spreading through your body.
“Yeah Becca, I’m in the kitchen. Making dinner with Y/N.” He responded, his head swiveling to the kitchen door when she entered.
“What time is it?” She asked, her voice shaking a bit before her eyes fell to you, examining your outfit.
You picked up your phone to check the time, “it’s 6:52.”
At that, you noticed her tense, and when she pathetically apologized for sleeping in so late, again, you had to bite back a giggle, keeping your face as neutral as possible.
It seemed Rebecca Cameron was slacking even more than you thought.
No wonder Rafe had been so obviously struggling to hold himself back.
In comparison to his mess of a wife, you must have seemed heaven sent.
Rebecca and Rafe exchanged an unreadable look for several seconds, but Rafe was the first one to interrupt the silence.
“Y/N, could you set the table? We’ll finish up dinner in here.” He didn’t break eye contact with his wife and you mumbled out an “okay, Mr. Cameron,” before grabbing a stack of plates, silverware, and napkins, and carrying them out of the kitchen.
As you set the dining room table, making places for four people in case Charlie showed up (though you doubted that would happen), you could just barely hear Rafe and Rebecca’s muffled voices from the kitchen. You strained to listen in to them and your eyes widened when you heard your name.
“I’m just saying, sometimes it seems like Y/N’s here more than Charlie is recently.”
There was a long pause.
“What are you saying, Becca?”
Another silence. You crept closer to the door to listen in.
“I mean, don’t you think it’s just a little strange that she’s not off hanging out with other college boys with Charlie more often?”
“We’ve always let her come over to use the pool if she wanted, the Y/L/N’s don’t have one,” Rafe replied with unfamiliar gruffness.
“She’s been walking around all summer in little- little fucking bikinis and short shorts, Rafe! I don’t think it’s appropriate.”
Rafe scoffed before chucking humorously, “you slept in until almost 7 o’ clock today, Becca, I don’t think you’re really in the right state of mind to be making wild accusations like that.”
They were arguing about you!
Your pulse was racing with excitement. Was this the first time this had happened? Even Mrs. Cameron, who was an idiot, could see your flirtations with her husband.
You clearly made her insecure, and that thought alone made you feel incredibly gratified.
Their voices had quieted down so you sat at the dinner table waiting, and there was about a minute of hushed whispers, before Rafe finally stepped out of the kitchen.
Your heart fell when you saw what was clasped in his hands however.
“Hey kid,” Rafe nervously shifted on his feet, looking down at you before offering you the leftovers containing with a generous serving of pasta inside. “Becca’s um- not feeling great again, you know how her illness can be. I think it’d be best if you went home now.”
You frowned, incredibly disappointed that Rebecca was robbing you of enjoying a meal with Rafe. You and him had worked hard on it together.
You had literally bled for it!
Not wanting to upset Rafe, although sure that his wife forcing you to leave had pissed him off, you reluctantly grabbed the container before standing up to leave.
You looked up at him, silently willing him to make a move, to tell you what he was really feeling, but his stoney face revealed nothing.
Gathering your backpack and purse, you said goodbye sadly before opening the front door and walking to your car.
You slapped the wheel in frustration, wiping away the angry tears falling past your lashes before pulling out of their driveway.
Rafe stood inside the house, watching you through the window as you drove off.
He sniffed, jaw ticking as he stalked back into the kitchen to find his wife.
Becca was still in the kitchen, leaning up against the counter looking frustrated, but she jumped a bit at his appearance.
“I sent Y/N home.” She could tell by his voice that his anger was simmering just beneath the surface and his words sent a pang of anxiety through her chest.
He walked past her to the empty counter space, pulling the bag of coke out of his pocket, arranging the white powder into a long line and leaning over to snort it.
Rafe stood up again, his twitchy knuckle rubbing under his nose to brush away any extra residue as he turned to her.
“Don’t fuckin say shit,” he snapped after her lips parted and she looked at him with a mix of fear and judgement.
The taller man approached her and with the counter behind her back and nowhere else to go, she shrunk in on herself as he harshly glared down at her. She knew that he’d only be more pissed off now.
“I wouldn’t be doing this if you didn’t make me so goddamn miserable all the time.”
His hand shot out, gripping her small wrist tight and she cried out in pain as he looked down his nose at her in disgust.
Rafe never laid a hand on Rebecca in front of other people, which is why she had felt confident enough to talk back to him when she knew someone else was at home, when she assumed that she would be having dinner with her husband and another person.
But now she was so very alone.
He twisted her wrist painfully and she whimpered, tears quickly coming to her eyes. But her husband had much less sympathy for her tears than he did for yours.
“I’ve been getting really tired of your shit, Becca.”
She struggled against him, trying to escape his hold, but that only made him more engaged.
His large body caged her in, easily allowing him to wrap both of his hands around her throat.
Rebecca’s fearful eyes widened, and she managed to choke out his name before her cut off her wind pipe.
Rafe’s veiny fingers tightened around his wife’s throat, ignoring her as she desperately scratched at his hands and arms.
Her face grew more and more red as she hopelessly gasped for air. Rafe slammed the back of her head against the cabinets before throwing her to the ground.
Rebecca took a panting breath before sobbing in pain and cowering away from the blond, but he was just getting started.
“I don’t want you to bring up Y/N anymore.” His voice was scarily even. “I think your obsession with her is getting unhealthy.”
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l0tt1emy · 2 days
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Warnings; Separated, Sex, I wrote all as fem!reader but you can imagine however you want!!
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Tashi knows that she doesn't always have enough time with you, she is always busy with work, having to train art and all her commitments, but she is a woman who is constantly praising you with words of affirmation, especially if she is your coach, always telling you how proud she is of you even when you make something wrong, Words of affirmation for her are the way to say she loves you.
As much as Tashi likes or wants quality time, she doesn't have it, she almost never stops at home, making this difficult, but she always takes you to all her games (stanford) and takes you to see her practicing art or anything else stupid so you can be with her but in the few moments she spent with you, you would spend 2 hours straight on her lap, while she told you how stressful training art was.
But she's also a big fan of giving gifts, it's not like that would put a dent in her pocket, sometimes she comes home with an outfit that you've wanted for so long but never even mentioned to her, but she noticed by the way your eyes lit up, sometimes gifts aren't so humble, like one time she was traveling around the world a lot she literally bought you a private plane so you could go out with your friends whenever you wanted, she could literally be poor if she buys gifts and things whenever she thought you deserved it.
Tashi doesn't know how to do acts of service that well, she doesn't have that much experience with her, but for you she makes an effort, Before you wake up, she prepares a morning coffee for you or at least tries to (she tells Lily's nanny to make it and say that she made it) or takes you to a restaurant and tells them to do something specifically for you, and as much as you like how she tries to do some things for you, you think it's better not to let her try to do things for you, last time she spent more than 10 eggs in a cake, just for you, and you can't say that this woman has a daughter like that.
Tashi is not a big fan of physical touch, but she doesn't hate it with you, she doesn't mind hugging you or anything, she just thinks she doesn't know how to do it right, but cut this woman some slack, she patted your shoulder after you've done something right in front of her daughter and she spent the whole week talking about you.
In other cases, she unconsciously puts her hand on your thigh and gives you a gentle squeeze to warn you about something or just because she's bored, and the last time she hugged you out of her own free will was when you were feeling really bad and she hugged you, she was all stiff and looked like a statue, maybe she needs to learn more lmao.
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Art loves both giving and receiving words of affirmation but I truly believe that he becomes so silly and idiotic when he is praised or any small thing that you praise him for, he gets so blushing and laughs like a child, he always texts you after you two seeing each other or after you see each other for a short period, things vary like:
How did you play so well today?! it can't be the same person haha :)
you were so beautiful today💗
( It is canon, art uses Heart and smiley emojis, I don't make the rules)
In the same way as Tashi, he is always very busy whether training or dealing with commitments for quality time, but when this man has holidays he is so cute that you feel sorry to refuse him, he invites you to his house, for picnics or invites you to the most luxurious restaurant in the world and says "I'm sorry for taking you to this, I don't know if you liked fancier restaurants" when in fact this was the most expensive restaurant you've ever been to.
He called you every weekend to his house so you could be together and supposedly watch a "new movie" (you and him fucked)
Damn, this man loves giving gifts that sometimes you feel like scolding him in all honesty, he buys everything and you don't even ask, every week that you see each other he has a bag from a brand that you know is worth more than the salary of 10 men together, and have you ever tried to tell him to try to do something by hand and he made a bouquet with money?????
Surprisingly or not, but he is so good at acts of service that you think surprising. whenever you sleep with him, you wake up with him in the kitchen preparing breakfast, and talking about acts of service and about gifts I faithfully trust that the gifts from him vary over bouquets or anything else cliche and again I don't make the rules.
Oh my god, are we really talking about Art Donaldson if he doesn't like physical touch? This man is like a puppy always wanting your attention, whenever you are walking and you are a few centimeters in front of him he hurries up his steps and grabs your hand like a child.
Every minute he's hugging you, his hand is always on your wrist when you're doing something and you can't hold his hand, and when you're having sex it gets worse, he puts his face on your neck while giving sloppy kisses on your neck and he never wants to take his hands off your waist or your thighs, and after sex it gets worse, he falls on top of you and simply sleeps with his face in your neck😭
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Patrick is a man who loves to tease you, he don't mind praising you, and he loves words of affirmation, but he's not direct, he's an idiot, like, when you do something he's proud of he teases you by saying "Maybe you made it good, but it could be better" But he is so proud of you that it hurts, but he will never admit it!
This guy is an idiot and won't leave your side for even a minute, He is intentionally obsessed with quality time, always insisting on going out with you to stupid places and art is always there, Your house/dorm looks like his too, he just comes in to be with you.
He's definitely not the most romantic type in the world, so he doesn't know how to give giving gifts, but he does what he knows, He doesn't have the best conditions in the world so he doesn't buy anything that expensive, but the things he does, no matter how cliche they are, are from the heart.
This guy is really good at acts of service, He loves doing things for you, sometimes he asks art for help, he never told you that but one time he called you to his and art's dorm and made art stay in a closet for 2 hours straight so he could show you something what he did.
He's not like art but he's not like tashi either, he loves to hug you but he's not obsessed with physical contact, he always has a hand on your ass or on your wrist, He also loves being with you on top of him, whether it's just talking to him or even having sex, he just likes to feel you on him.
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Chapter Ten || Hitchhiker || The Proxies
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tw: mental decline, depression discussed, toby’s a real creep in this one sorry, stabbing, blood, brief descriptions of gore, murder
It was not hard to see you were distraught. You stayed curled in your comforter, the safety of your bedroom the only source of comfort you could truly find. The boys tried to provide as much warmth and care as possible, going as far as to take shifts watching you sleep. Even with their watchful eyes guarding you, it didn’t make the nightmares go away. It didn’t make the static go away. It didn’t make the paranoia go away. Anywhere and everywhere you felt like you were being watched. You had disappeared off of the face of the planet, ignoring your job and Nova. The only two other people that cared about you.
You refrained from leaving the apartment, the fear of running into The Operator making you into a recluse. Toby knew there was no stopping it. The damage had already been done. The Operator had a fixation on you, there was no doubt about it. He toyed with the idea of how exactly he would come find you, with you living in a crowded apartment and all. The more Toby thought about it, he tried to put himself in his shoes. If he couldn’t get you out, what else would he do? As Toby’s gaze circled around your bedroom it hit him. He would lure you out.
There was no debate Toby didn’t like Nova. There wasn’t a tiny piece of him that felt any different. But he knew that The Operator would use her as a pawn in his game of chess. He slid off of your bed, his fingertips pushing some stray hairs out of your face. “I’m going to fix this. I-I’m going to fix you,” Toby whispered. You were fast asleep, your slumber only guaranteed for maybe another couple of hours. The insomnia you began to develop was becoming as bad as Tim’s. Toby slid out of your bedroom, tapping Brian awake from his slumber in your recliner. The blonde stood up, yawning briefly. “Where are you going kid?” He asked curiously. Toby grabbed his axe, slinging it over his shoulder.
“I’m g-going to fix this. Like I s-s-should’ve done a long time ago.”
Toby wasn’t nervous as he strolled up to Nova’s office. He knew it was vacant. He knew Nova was working late. Not only based on her beat up Toyota in the parking lot, but he also considered her consequential work ethic. For someone as paranoid as Nova, he would’ve thought she would’ve had better protective measures.
Nova sat in her office, worn down and exhausted. The desk lamp was the only thing keeping her awake, the excessive light blinding her sight from most of the room. In her hand sat a worn out pencil, the graphite scribbling the proxy symbol on a sheet of paper. “I used to draw those too you know,” Toby chuckled. He sat crouched on the windowsill, inviting himself inside once Nova’s gaze landed on him. She reached for her gun, shocked to find her secret spot empty. Toby held it up lazily with one finger, his eyes narrowing. “L-looking for t-t-this?” He questioned. He tilted his head to the side, before tossing Nova her python. Nova had no idea you stole it, her mind raveling as she tried to pinpoint when Toby broke in and took it. Or when he even had the opportunity to.
Immediately Nova held Toby at gunpoint, shutting off the safety without a second thought. “I was right all along. I knew it. You can’t have her Tobias,” Nova growled. Toby raised his eyebrows. “Yeah that’s right. I investigated all of you fucking freaks. Timothy Wright. Brian Thomas. Tobias Rogers. I know it all,” Nova spat harshly. Toby’s neck twitched, a giggle escaping his lips. “You know about The Operator then I ass-u-u-me,” Toby suggested. Novas eyebrows furrowed, as if she could’ve believe what the brunette was saying. Casually he strolled up to her desk, rummaging through the papers. Drawings of The Operator, ominous phrases, and eerie proxy symbols littered the pages.
“Oh b-boy. He sure does like you,” Toby mused, chuckling to himself. Nova readjusted her grip on her gun, brushing her hair out of her face. “How do I get rid of him? Explain yourself. Explain it!” Nova demanded. Toby let out a low whistle. He rocked back and forth on his heels, shaking his head. “There isn’t any e-escaping him. From the l-looks of it he’s embedded himself right in that brain of yours,” He concluded. He leaned forward, poking Nova’s forehead. Nova swatted his hand away, pointing her gun directly at his head. She rounded her desk, placing the metal right under his chin. “It’s not like it m-matters anyways. You’re not really the one he wants,” Toby informed her.
“What’s that supposed to mean you ticking time bomb?”
Toby seemed unnerved to have a gun pointed under his chin. He knew Nova’s trigger finger was growing heavy, yet he seemed unbothered. “Who else knows about us besides you? That’s t-tied into our l-little rebellion,” Toby questioned. Nova’s facade fell, her face growing pale. She lowered her gun. “Fucking hell. Why does he want y/n? Why does he want me?” Nova asked. Toby tilted his head to the side, shoving down his face mask. He delivered Nova a wicked grin, soaking in the fear that radiated off of her once she saw the side of his face. It was chewed straight through, the flesh absent and poorly healed. “I-I’m n-n-not sure. Why don’t y-you eat one of the blueberry muffins I m-made you and maybe it’ll jog my memory,” Toby suggested.
Nova cringed as she looked over at the trash can, piled with discarded papers. But on the very bottom, sat the untouched blueberry muffins. They had been sitting there for over a week, her stomach churning. She collected herself, glaring at Toby. “I don’t think so Tobias. You don’t get to win,” She hissed. She pushed the head of the gun harder against his chin, surprised the brunette had no reaction at all. “Y-you kill m-m-me you don’t get answers,” Toby chuckled. Nova frowned, knowing he was right. Even if she killed him off, thing one and two were one for vengeance. She cringed as she looked at her trashcan.
“I take a bite of the muffin, you give me answers right? Who’s to say you’re not lying?” Nova questioned. Toby shrugged, giving her a sly shit eating grin. “I guess that’s a chance you’ll have to take,” He snickered. Nova huffed as she trudged over to the trashcan. She threw her old coffee cups and crumpled papers aside. She cringed as she dug out the plate of blueberry muffins, the tinfoil now pulled back. Toby watched calmly as she took the paper wrapper off of one, her fingers shaking. “Y-you c-c-can’t possibly be t-that grossed out. You investigate corpses for a living,” Toby said sassily, rolling his eyes. Nova glared at him, shooting daggers in his direction. “I investigate homicides of innocent people you ticking fuckwad,” Nova snarled. She sighed, forcing herself to think of you as she took a bite of the expired food.
Toby took great joy in watching Nova’s face curl into disgust. She could taste droplets of the coffee she had drank days ago. Toby’s grin grew wider as she slowly chewed on the muffin. “Go o-on. Swallow it,” He purred. Nova contemplated shooting him right then and there, deciding against it. Oh, if only you knew how much she adored you. She forced herself to swallow, gagging on the taste as it traveled down her throat. “That wasn’t s-so hard. W-was it?” Toby taunted. Nova wiped her mouth with her sleeve, trying to get the taste out of her mouth. “Get on with it Tobias. I played your game. What does he want?” She questioned.
“What he’s doing to you is very different from what h-he’s doing to y/n. H-he just wants y-y-you to go crazy and kill yourself. But I see you’re a o-one tough cookie,” Toby praised mockingly. He went to grab her cheek tauntingly, Novas hand quick to swat his away. “B-but with her, he sees s-s-so much potential. The w-way she’s willing to die f-for us,” Toby explained. Nova’s eyes widened, her rage clouding her judgment as she repositioned her pistol. She pointed it at Toby’s face, pulling the trigger. Nova was stunned as nothing happened, her Python useless. Toby broke out into a mechanical laughter, one that only enraged Nova more.
“What the fuck?” She muttered. Toby grinned as he took the bullets out of his pocket, tossing them into the air. They scattered across the wooden floor, Nova quick to drop to her knees to collect them. With shaky hands she tried to reload her gun, Toby quick to squat down to her level. He gave her an egotistical grin, watching as she struggled to put the bullets in her python. “There’s a-a chance we can stop The O-Operator’s influence. B-but we can’t do it alone,” He said. This made Nova stop in her tracks, her chocolate eyes wondering over to him. Looking at him made goosebumps roam across her skin, his lack of a right cheek unsettling the closer he got to her.
“S-she’s going to need-d-d you. Even if we dont understand it,” Toby concluded. He rose to his feet, satisfied that he got his point across. Nova swallowed as she rose beside him, her gun now loaded with three shiny bullets. “What do I need to do?” She asked. Toby gave her a wicked grin, waltzing towards the open window. He grinned over his shoulder, sliding his mask back on, “Come with me.”
“I don’t wanna do this guys. This is so stupid,” You protested. Hoodie and Masky had succeeded in getting you dressed up and ready for a nice dinner. What they had failed to account for was your protest. Despite their protection and consistent surveillance, it didn’t subside your paranoia. However, they couldn’t recall the last time you had a decent meal. Additionally, they couldn’t remember the last time they had seen you smile. They didn’t like Nova either, but between her and seeing you go insane, she was lesser of the two evils.
“You’re just going to have to trust us. This’ll be good for you,” Hoodie encouraged. You sighed, looking through the window of the fancy restaurant. Soft golden chandeliers lit each table, a thick white table cloth covering each one. The silverware looked like they were actual gold, each individual inside looking like a million bucks. You nervously tucked your hair behind your ears. “Okay fine. Just this one dinner. Then let me lay in bed for the next ten years,” You huffed. You stormed into the restaurant, Masky and Hoodie close behind you. “They should be here somewhere,” Masky muttered. You were under the impression you were only meeting Toby. “Who else is there? Guys I don’t want to meet anyone new,” You protested. That’s when you saw them.
Toby waved, a bright smile spreading across his lips. He wore a neat jet black tuxedo, his curls bouncing with life. Beside him sat Nova, a dark sapphire dress decorating her caramel skin. Her lips were dark red, smiling just as bright as Toby’s. You practically ran to her, attempting to not trip over your own heels or run into any of the waiters. You threw your arms around her in an embrace, soaking in her coconut scent. “What are you doing here?” You asked. You hadn’t seen Nova since you had ditched her at the hospital, stealing her python before dashing into the night. “Tobias invited me. I think it’s time the five of us have a serious discussion about The Operator,” She said firmly. You glanced at the boys for affirmation, Masky giving you a nod. “You know?” You whispered. Nova nodded, giving you a sad smile.
“You’re not the only person that slimy fucker has been terrorizing,” Nova chuckled dryly. The five of you sat down, your mood feeling evaluated for the first time in forever. You didn’t ask too many questions about Toby or Nova. Or why they both felt possessive enough to sit on either side of you. Toby’s hand sat on your upper thigh, Novas hand holding your own. You felt like you were missing something. Like something happened and they wouldn’t tell you. Masky and Hoodie were strangely transparent about their existence. “So you both only exist due to a series of unfortunate supernatural events that traumatized Timothy and Brian so much they developed you two?” Nova questioned. She poked her fork back into her pasta, swirling it as you nervously chewed on your steak.
“Thats about right,” Masky agreed. He kept his gaze on his own steak, cutting the meat with a sharp knife. “And what about you?” Nova questioned. She pointed her fork at Toby, who was thoroughly enjoying his chicken tenders and fries. “What about me?” Toby hissed. Nova squeezed your hand under the table. “You don’t have an alter so you’re insane right? You had a pretty extensive length of mental disorders according to your record,” Nova shrugged. You shot Nova a dirty look. “Hey lay off of the kid,” Masky intervened flatly. Hoodie quietly nibbled at his salad, watching the whole scene unfold.
You caught his gaze, the blonde subtly cocking his head towards the window. You almost missed what he was referring to, a streak of white dashing out of sight once you looked. “I don’t think I will. They have decent excuses but you don’t Tobias. So, explain it to me,” Nova spat. You removed your hand from hers, feeling Toby’s fingers dig into your thigh. “Nova that’s enough, it’s not your business,” You hissed. She refused to glance at you, her cold gaze still centered on Toby. “Considering he’s been making himself quite comfortable between your legs, I think it is,” She argued. You audibly scoffed, your patience running thin.
“It is not your fucking place to mother me-”
Your spitfire was cut short by Toby interrupting, “The only thing you need to k-k-know is that i’d never h-hurt her. But don’t think-k-k you’re in the same position.”
The table fell silent, your heart pounding as you stared down at your dinner plate. A wave of nausea washed over you, your face going pale. “Hey hey are you good?” Hoodie asked, changing the tables topic. You could feel your stomach churning. Masky rose to his feet. “He’s nearby. We need to go,” He said firmly. He threw a wad of cash on the table, uninterested in the social construct of waiting. You were more important. The five of you hurried out of the restaurant, Nova slinging your arm over her shoulders. Toby followed suit, the two of them helping you follow Masky and Hoodie.
“Staying in town is a negative. We need to leave as soon as possible,” Hoodie told Masky. Masky dug in his slacks pockets, searching for his beloved box of cigarettes. “We need to ditch the car. Too traceable. There’s a train down east street. We can go down south from there,” Masky suggested. You could faintly hear static, your head beginning to spin. “I don’t think she’s going to make it to the train. We need to stop by her apartment. Or mine,” Nova interrupted. Masky and Hoodie shared a look, both of them reaching in their suit jackets and sliding on their mask. It was unusual that someone were to interrupt their planning. Whether they liked it or not, the dynamic of the group was changing with Nova’s addition. You felt faint, gripping onto Toby for support.
“I’m gonna be sick,” You groaned. You tried to hold back your nausea, swallowing when you felt yourself gagging. You could hear Masky and Nova bickering, their voices growing more dull. “Her apartment is a death sentence!” Masky growled. Nova let your arm down, getting in his face. “So is having her get on a goddamn train when she’s five seconds away from passing out!” She snarled. It was then you noticed it, the flash of white from earlier. You tilted your head to the side. Was this an illusion? Was the person you were seeing real? The white was so blinding to you. Why wasn’t anyone else noticing?
You glanced up at Toby, whose attention was focused on Masky and Nova arguing. You tried to understand what you were seeing, your eyes finally able to make out a mask. It was a human shaped figure, running towards the five of you. You tried to make sense of who the target was, realizing that the persons gaze seemed to be centered on Nova. Its head hadn’t cocked in your direction once, despite you looking right at the person. In the dim streetlight you were able to see a flash from a blade, your mouth falling open to say something. Anything. Your body sprung into action before you could warn anyone, your veins pumping with adrenaline.
You shoved Toby away, pushing Nova out of the way as the attacker trudged forward. It all happened so fast, you hardly had time to process the flash of hot white pain that electrified your body. You fell forward, your knees hitting the pavement. The sharp pain lodged into your stomach, your eyes widened so large you feared they were going to pop out of your head. Time seemed to slow, your hand shaking violently as you touched your wound. A kitchen knife was lodged into your stomach, the blood soaking your dress. Your vision became spotty, your gaze finally looking upwards. Toby and Masky were on the attacker in the blink of an eye.
“It had to be done! She’s the target and you know it!” The attacker hissed. Hoodie grabbed her by her hands, shoving them roughly behind her back. Masky delivered a sharp uppercut to her jaw, knocking her mask off of her face. Toby knew Kate to be obedient to The Operator, but he never would’ve imagined she would’ve done something like this to them. You fell forward, choking on your own spit as Nova tried to hold you upright. “Dont touch it. You can’t pull it out,” Nova rambled. She grabbed your shoulders, laying you on your back. She held you against her chest, tears welting up in her eyes. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” She whispered. She brought her hand to your hair, stroking it as you watched the seen before you unfold.
“I’ll fucking kill you Kate! I’ll fucking kill you!” Masky roared. Black spots began to appear in your vision, each movement you tried to make only sending a wave of pain up your spine.
Masky delivered sharp and powerful punches to Kate’s face, a sharp snap echoing throughout his ears. Her jaw hung loosely, blood traveling down her nose. “This is the way it has to be! You know better than this Masky!” Kate argued weakly. She was no longer thrashing under Hoodie’s grasp, instead struggling to stand on her own. Masky grabbed her face, a painful whimper escaping her lips as he glared down at her. “You are so lucky my girl is watching, otherwise i’d gut you like a fish,” He snarled. He lifted his mask, spitting in her face. He struggled to keep his composure, fighting the urge to beat her to death.
“W-wait so you won’t kill me?” Kate questioned. Masky turned around, his devious gaze meeting Toby’s. The younger brunette had taken out a smaller axe he carried on his person, twirling it in his hand. Masky sighed, looking over at you for confirmation. He never wanted this for you. But as the blood pooled around your body, he shrugged off any feelings of remorse or reconsideration. “I won’t, but he will,” Masky replied plainly. He walked past Toby, the boy quick to raise his axe. Masky relished in the sound of the sharp blade connecting with Kate’s skull, another loud crack sending sadistic pleasure down his spine.
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totaly-obsessed · 14 hours
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➳ Nika Mühl x reader
➳ Happy late Birthday to me, let's hope 21 will be better than 20...
➳ You're casual until you're not
➳ based on this request
➳ Word count: 1.510
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My friends call me a loser 'Cause I'm still hanging around
“You are such a loser, it’s sad to see.”
You knew your friend was right too. Sitting in the crowd of a UConn Huskies basketball game, watching your, whatever she was. Certainly not your girlfriend, she likes to make that one quite clear.
“I’m gonna say it - she’ll never love you back.”
“You don’t know that.”
Just a second later Nika made a huge block, sending the ball to Paige and it didn’t take much longer until they scored the next points. The filled-to-the-brim Gampel Pavilion was on its feet, students celebrating the great play left and right. Meanwhile, you were still sitting, staring at the brunette on the court, who seemed to feel it. That goddamn cocky smirk on her face as she blew you a kiss.
“She’s just fucking with you.”
“Maybe. But it’s fun.”
You said, "We're not together" So now when we kiss, I have anger issues You said, "Baby, no attachment"
“You’re already leaving?”
Nika had just come back from the bathroom, throwing you a towel before turning to the door, hand on the handle. “We’re not together.”
Her back was still to you, hiding the saddened expression, desperate to hide it from you as long as she could. Hand still shaking from the work she had put in, before covering you with a blanket and rushing to the bathroom.
“I know. I just thought -” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before she turned around with a deep sigh. For a moment she just stood there admiring you as you were still in bed. Three long strides was all it too until she was back right in front of you, your noses touching.
“Baby, no attachment.”, you could feel her warm breath hit your face, as your eyes shut. This hurt. You knew that the Croatian didn’t want attachment, but damn this hurt more than you thought.
You thought she would just leave you, afterall she wanted no attachment. But then her soft lips were on yours, and it must have been the most passionate kiss shared between the two of you, as she straddled your hips, much like she had been a couple of minutes ago. Breathless and panting you tried chasing her lips as she pulled back.
“I have to go now.”
I know what you tell your friends It's casual
“Just tell her Nika.” 
You didn’t want to, but couldn’t help listening into the conversation between Paige and Nika, who sat behind you in a lecture you were mostly sure the blonde didn’t even attend. She had snuck in, and they had sat down right behind you.
While you did not feel Nika staring at you, Paige certainly did. But her whispering skills left much to desire as she was speaking in what would be a normal tone for everyone else.
“What do you want me to tell her? That it’s casual? She knows that.”
The brunette guard saw you flinch at her harsh words and immediately regretted them. Sure she wanted you to hear her, different to her ‘twin’ She actually knew how to whisper, and she knew that you knew that as well. The number of times a ‘come to my dorm after this’ had been whispered in your ear after a game was far larger than you wanted to admit.
“Keep telling yourself that.”
It's hard being casual When my favorite bra lives in your dresser
Usually, Nika had the dorm to herself at this time of the week, so seeing Caroline open the door really had been a shock to you. She didn’t even question why you were there, opening the door further to let you in.
Fuck the whole team was there.
“What do you want?”
KK’s head snapped around, looking at her teammate “Damn Nika, you could be a bit nicer.” The only reply the freshman got was a shove back as the Croatian made her way over to the door, an iron grip on your wrist as she dragged you to her all too familiar room, “Shut up KK.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know they’d be here.”
Nika nearly didn’t hear you, she was way too focused on your MakeUp before letting her eyes wander to your outfit. “What are you wearing?”
“It’s a dress.”
If you hadn’t been so annoyed with her you would have found the way her eyebrow shot up and her pissed-off face incredibly hot. 
What were you talking about? It was incredibly hot.
“Why are you here?”
The Croatian tried to figure out if you were there to surprise her, all dressed up, or if there was a different reason. Either way, she certainly wouldn’t complain about having you here looking like a goddess. Especially not after practice had gotten under her skin today.
“I’m going to a party and I think I might have left my favorite bra here. Have you seen it?”
You didn’t wait long until you started ‘searching’ her room. Looking under the blanket you knew was soft and warm, and in every corner, Nika could have flung it. “You’re going out?”
The sharp glance you threw her was enough to shut her up. Something that slightly surprised you, as well as her. With an annoyed tut at the mess you were making, she walked to her dresser, pulled the bottom drawer out, and pointed at it. “Right there.”
The drawer was nearly empty, except for your favorite bra, a pair of fluffy socks you were missing, and some of your work papers you must have forgotten here.
“Damn Nika. It almost looks like you care. Storing all my things, and I am sure you washed them as well.”
Ignoring your quip at her, she watched as you took your stuff out, before putting it all back, except the bra. It lifted a bit of the burden on the brunette's heart. It meant you were coming back to her room.
“Who are you going out with?” You had just come back from her bathroom, changed into the newly acquired, very nice smelling, bra - and Nika could see why it was your favorite. Stunned, she watched as you went back to the drawer, placing the one you had just worn in there.
“Have to leave you something for your fantasies, don’t I?” But Nika didn’t even listen to you.- “Who are you meeting?”
I try to be the chill girl But honestly, I'm not
Your plan had backfired.
Well, it worked and then backfired.
Just as you had planned Nika dragged her friends to the club you would be partying at. It had only five minutes until she had kissed the information out of you.
But instead of you making her jealous, it was Nika making you jealous. If she wanted to or not, but the pretty little redhead getting closer and closer to the Croatian, until she was pretty much sitting on her lap, was your worst enemy in the world.
“Girl you gotta be chill.”
Your friends had been amused at first with how pissed you looked, but with every passing second the probability of you actually going over and committing a crime got higher, so they stopped finding it funny.
“I’m trying.”
“Gotta try harder then.”
You swear you could feel bile rising in your throat, after hearing a squeaky voice go “Your hands are so big!”, louder than anything you had heard before. You didn’t hear Nika’s reply, but you didn’t try to as you made your way to the bathrooms.
“Your hands are so big.”, you mimic in the mirror as you were washing your face, pulling faces of disgust, not noticing a certain someone behind you. Until hips met your ass, and you knew these hips.
“Don’t you agree with her? Aren’t my hands big? Hmm?” You could feel said hands gripping your hip before making their way down to your thighs. 
“Shut up. I’m not coming home with you today.”
“That’s what you always say.”
And she was right. You did join her, on her way home, in her bed, and in her shower before going back to bed.
I hate that I let this drag on so long, now I hate myself Hate that I let this drag on so long, you can go to hell
Your head was resting on Nika’s chest, a very comfortable position if you had to admit, her hand going through your hair as you were listening to her heart.
The stabs to your heart were ignored for just a couple of minutes of peace with the girl you had inevitably fallen in love with. you had taken hit after hit coming from her, just to lay on her chest and take her in.
“Have you ever thought about making it more than casual? You know, us? I think about it all the time.”
She had to be kidding.
Putting you through hell and back, laughing at you when you got jealous, telling you ‘We’re not together’ and ‘Baby, no attachment’.
“Fuck off Nika.”
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I have an idea if you accept💕
What would the romantic and scary version be like? From the nun! Alastor with reader, where the 7 years that Alastor disappeared in hell, for some reason he was summoned by someone (probably teenagers doing stupid things) and because of that, he was trapped in the radio, of course he took advantage of this to haunt everyone who bought the radio ... Until the Human! reader bought the radio, but what Alastor didn't expect was that he fell in love with her after a while... Just like in the horror film Valak, apart from the romance part, it's obvious! (film: The Conjuring).
Note feel comfortable could be a yandere alastor? If it can't be normal....
Wicked Woman~
Alastor X Reader
(I love this concept, especially if, later on down the line, the reader dies and remembers her life with Al. Please let me know if you would like this as a part two. I followed closely to what you asked but put my spin on it. Hope you all enjoy.)
TW: Dark themes, Murder, Death, Yandere Type Tendencies, Stockholm Syndrome
Alastors POV
Hell was everything I could ask for it to be. After my untimely death by those damn dogs, I vowed to continue my pursuit of power and strength. I entered hell unfathomably powerful, and I will take hell over with this power. I was feared and revered even by the highest class of demons that walked among us. Thousands of poor, unfortunate souls rested in my claws. Even in this prey-like form, I was purely a predator. 
How my name ended up in those damn demon books up top was beyond me; it probably had something to do with the one I sold my soul to for even more power—a damn trick to make me suffer for having power that rivaled those in all of hell. Yet, no one was brave enough to fully summon me or try and control me. I was elusive and would scare anyone who wanted to open ties with me on the mortal plane. However, that was my biggest downfall. In hopes of showing off my immense power and strength, I allowed those up top to know more about me in the end.
Ironically, children sought to summon me more than any damn adult; hell, I even thought cult leaders would call upon me more than this. That fateful day, though, when I was trapped in the radio, was due to some pesky teenage punks looking to harm some poor young girl. I hate people like that, those who prey on the weak, just like my father. 
It was quick work killing those teens off; the world was probably thousands of times better off without them. Yet every time I tried to go back to hell, I was stuck, some weird plan of reality; I was there on earth, but I wasn't. This had to be another twisted game my master was putting me through. It was another joke to show how I was still just below them on the food chain of power.
I knew showing my demon form would be unwise in this place; enough people tried calling on me as it was. While deciding my next plan of action, I heard the sirens coming close to the location of the slaughter. Sighing, I absorbed myself in the radio, hidden from sight and out of mind. Watching the clean-up was entertaining, but scaring the wits out of the police and cleaning crew was far superior. 
Once all was said and done, I learned this cabin was in the middle of the woods, once owned by one of those teens' parents. After the gruesome murders and odd occurrences around the house done by yours truly, they sold it off. This left a gorgeous cabin in the woods empty for me to enjoy. Being so secluded, I could come and go from the radio as I pleased; no need to fear that someone would see me.
This cabin reminded me so much of my home in the bayou with my mother. The woods resembled that of where my father took me hunting, resembled where I ended his life, and countless other horrible humans that got in my way. This place felt like I was living my human life once more with less killing that is.
For a year, I had tried going back to hell countless times. However, I realized till my master needed me, I was trapped here on the mortal plane. Accepting my fate, I decided to give up on hell and take this nice vacation. Who knows, maybe with my time away, I could have new ladders to climb upon my return. Plus, no one would dare to buy a cabin in the middle of the woods after a gruesome murder, where it was deemed haunted. 
I was dead wrong, however, when I heard the noises outside the cabin door. It finally happened on the day that marked the first year of my purgatory on the human plane. Someone had bought the cabin in the woods. I was shocked and almost pleased with this person's brazen stupidity. It's probably another punk kid wanting to do rituals or someone running away from their misdeeds. 
Yet the biggest surprise was the young woman who entered the house with the first set of boxes. She was lovely, kind, and vibrant. She wore a large black hat even though the skies were cloudy gray. Her voice sounded like bells from a chapel, and her smile radiated the sun's light. If my undead heart could beat, it would be beating faster. 
I swore off love at a young age, only courting women when it allowed me closer to targets that I needed to kill. Once in hell, I just killed to kill, no need for love or emotions. Yet this woman lit something within me that was to be feared and hated. 
As the days passed, I watched her unpack her boxes. I learned she was a Wiccan, finding joy in the dark and light of all things. I knew she knew I was there. She could feel me lurking in the shadows and hovering around. No matter how often she saged the house, I stayed, an entity far surpassing her mortal purities and spirituality. However, I would hand it to her; her spiritual prowess was strong.
I tried relentlessly to scare her off; I had a rule about killing women: unless they were evil, I would never lay a hand on them. So, all I had going for me was scare tactics and horror. Convincing her, I would eventually kill her. A few cuts and bruises here or there from a broken floorboard or a throwing knife. She never budged, though, a smile on her face as she said a prayer and went on with her day like I hadn’t just hung knives above her head. 
Months had passed since she joined me in this cabin; she cut firewood early in the morning, would come home, shower, cook food, go out to the town an hour away, and then come home and relax or pray to her deities. She did not care about my existence; the more I became attached to her, the more she didn’t care or fear. She took to calling me Shadowy, a stupid name but chosen purely due to me refusing to show her my proper form. I lurked in the shadows, only allowing that to be seen. Sure beat her first name for me, Radioy; humans suck at naming things.
Sitting at two years trapped in the mortal realm with a woman I was growing fond of wasn’t my ideal step in the process of unlimited power. However, I was more content trapped here in this cabin as long as it was with her and her alone. She would bring men over, enjoy their company, and send them on their way. They never made it far, though, having accidents as they returned to their place. Even when she left the house for the night to see them, I knew exactly who they were. 
By year three, she had stopped dating, growing frustrated with my senseless killings. The police had shown up at our door countless times to question her involvement, only for them to fade from existence as well. She stopped going outside much, only cutting firewood and grocery shopping occasionally. As much as it pained me to see her light diminishing, it also fueled a sick, sadistic part of me. 
I enjoyed watching her more; now that I didn’t have to worry about others popping up, I began showing her my proper form. A slight sense of pride swelled in me as she became pleased to witness my deer-like looks. Though I hated my looks, how she fawned over me, almost forgetting all my misdeeds towards her, was pleasing. I allowed myself to indulge in daily life with her, I stopped trying to scare her or kill her, and we fell into a semblance of domestic life. 
Once year four came around, she was tied to the house after interacting with a hunter in the woods. I would go out and kill her meat and anyone on our land. I would bring her wood and sustenance with my face covered in the blood of those who dared to try me. Eventually, she, too, became okay with this method of mine, and I was thrilled. I had my perfect human right here just for me. 
I taught her how to dance and cook meals my mother once taught me, showing her the joys of good Southern cooking. Though I could not process the cooked meals I showed her, I knew feeding her and making her strong was all that mattered. I gained plenty of sustenance by killing off anyone who came close to her. I gained sustenance by watching her fall more into me and my spell as I fell more into hers.
 Year five came around, and I had her clung to me; she was mine and mine alone. She gave up on her deities and only worshiped me. Fueling the God complex I already had, I swore to make her mine; no other man or demon could take her. She was powerful spiritually, and she would be vital in her death when she joined me. 
I began teaching her how to kill and maim those who entered our woods. I taught her how to murder and never be caught. In the beginning, she was horrible. I had to end a lot of police lives, yet she grew stronger as time went on. Soon, she was as notorious of a serial killer as I once was. The woods covered our tracks, ensuring we were hidden from the eyes of others. Oh, how I wished when I was alive that a spirit would assist me like this in my kills. 
In year six, I knew she was as strong as I was when I fell to hell. I made her so perfect, molding her to my ways. I knew when her time came in death, she would find me; my Doe. She used her spiritual powers to assist me in breaking my binds to my master. Though nothing ever seemed to work, she was persistent. I was proud; I understood why pride would be such a sin. Watching her work her powers and drain herself for me was delicious. 
This year was the year I finally claimed her. I took her and made her mine, not just in thought or word but in mind and body. I would not allow anyone to ruin my hard work. She was perfect, and she deserved me as I did her. We were bonded in a way that transcended soul bonds or mortal relationships. We were unstoppable.
This knowledge alone is why, come year seven, I felt the shift in my presence. I knew it was coming to my departure from her world. My master was calling me back to hell, threatened by the perfect morsel that I had created. My master knew I would be unstoppable if I followed my plan to convince her to die, to join me in the afterlife as one. This alone is what sent me back to hell, the fear I struck in the one I had controlling me.
I knew when it was my time to perish, she would join me here, and we would rule hell side by side. No one would stop that—no contract, no princess, and certainly no king. Though I enjoy the hotel and the people I have met there, I know my power only has room to grow. My doe would make quick work of anyone who dared to take her from me. She was left on earth to grow stronger and stronger to benefit me in her death. To help me rule all of hell. I would be unstoppable and grow immensely in all dimensions and planes of reality.
Oh, and my power will grow; it will grow when my wicked woman joins us in this fiery blaze…
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artssslut2 · 2 days
“You Just Have to Copy Everything I Do”
Art x Patrick x Reader
Summary: Patrick finds out some big news and looks to his best friend for advice.
Dad!Art + Dad!Patrick
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A lot had happened since Lily was born it had been about five months. Patrick had purposed to y/f/n last month. It was soon but when he knows something he knows it. Patrick was crazy about her. You and art also loved her of course. The four of you would often spend time together, go on double dates or hang out at your house, they both adored Lily, you couldn’t blame them.
Tonight you had a little get together planned with Patrick and his fiancé just dinner and maybe a card game or a movie after Lily was down for the night. Art was finishing getting Lily I’m her pajamas and rocking her to sleep when you heard the doorbell ring, it was a little early but you didn’t mind you went to answer but it was only Patrick. A pale distressed looking Patrick, leaning against the doorframe. Before you could say anything he opened his mouth
“Hey, Um can I talk to Art?” He said a little shaken up. You didn’t ask any questions you just hoped he was okay this was weird
“Yeah he’s with Lily let me go grab him” you said
“Wait I mean if he’s putting her to bed I can jus-“
“Patrick it’s okay I’ll go get him.” You smiled, you knew this was serious, you could finish your daughters night routine.
You walked into the nursery and saw Art in the rocking chair with Lily fast asleep in his arms with a blanket and her pacifier.
“Babe Patrick’s here he needs to talk to you.” You whispered to not wake the baby
“He can wait a minute” Art said looking down at his daughter peacefully. This was Arts version of heaven
“Art you should go now I think he needs you” you told him, Art looked up then got the message. Standing up taking Lily with him
“Alright but I’m taking my baby with. We didn’t get our full cuddle time” he said leaving the room quickly kissing you in passing as you chucked at him.
Art came out into the dimly lit living room where Patrick was sitting.
“This better be good” Art said sitting across from his best friend, adjusting Lily so she was laying in his arms. He expected Patrick to say something stupid
“She’s pregnant.” He said immediately staring at the wall. Arts mouth opened in shock
“Y/f/n?” He asked knowing the answer. Patrick nodded slowly
“And are you guys… happy?” Art carefully asked a little shocked. Patrick looked at Art then Lily then back at Art, he waited a minute
“I don’t know. We’re getting married, and I love her. I really love her. I just- I don’t-“ he tried to find the words but couldn’t
“Your terrified.” Art finished
“Yeah. I mean we talked about having kids in the future but I didn’t think it would be right now” Patrick breathed out “we aren’t married we don’t have a house we haven’t talked about what to do when the baby is born” Patrick fell back leaning on the couch his hand on his eyes
“You guys will figure it out. Pat you’ve never really been a traditional guy and you love her and she loves you that’s all that really matters. As long as you have each other’s backs it will be fine” Art told him
“I don’t want to mess this up Art. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me you know? “
“Yeah I do. It’s scary. I know it was a little different with me and y/n but Jesus Patrick I was scared shitless” Art said letting out a small laugh thinking back on the time he first found out he was gonna be a dad.
“Are you still scared?” Patrick asked looking at the sleeping baby
“Cmon of course I’m still scared. Everyday. But Patrick trust me it’s all worth it, when they look at you and grab your finger, it’s like nothing else matters. It’s scary but you figure it out as you go. Just the other day Lily had a cold and we had no idea what to do. We had to call my mom and she almost flew in because we were so freaked out… I know you don’t have the best relationship with your parents but me and y/n are right here. We’ve already done this we can help.” He told his best friend meaning every word. Patrick smiled at Art “I’ve known you forever and I know your gonna be fine. You’ll be a great dad Pat… mabye not as good as me but good.” He joked making Patrick chuckle.
“Thanks man.”
“You know this will kind of be fun our kids can be best friends and grow up together now.” Art said relizing that this might just be perfect.
“Yeah I guess so. Lilys gonna have a new best friend pretty soon” Patrick smiled looking at his niece. Patrick stood up and Art followed
“You just have to copy everything I do don’t you Zweig” Art smirked. Patrick rolled his eyes smiling.
“I gotta get back to y/f/n.” Patrick said heading for the door.
“Yeah remember it’s scary for you but it’s a lot more scary for her” Art told Patrick, patrick agreed then left Arts house. Art smiled to himself thinking about how much he and his friend had grown up, now they were both gonna have kids. He didn’t know if Patrick would settle down but now he’s having a baby and getting married. Art looked at Lily and laughed a little
“Uncle Patrick is giving you a friend champ, can you believe it” he kissed Lily’s head and brought her to her crib.
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lee-laurent · 2 days
The Past - John Marino
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Summary: The timeline of John and Tori's relationship
notes: This is like a prequel to 'Done Trying!' You don't have to read this part, but it gives background on John and Tori's relationship. How they got to where they are in the fic now. The part after this will be a continuation of 'Done Trying' so look for that in the next few days. Also, I do not want to hear any negative criticism about how I've written her depression. I have depression myself and this is how it manifests for me. It's different for everyone, so I don't want to see any hate. Your experience may be different than mine, but every mental health experience is valid.
content: angst, fluff, unplanned pregnancy, break ups, anxiety issues, arguments, birth (not super graphic), mentions of sex but no actual smut, depressive episode, body image issues, mentions of abortion
Tori wasn't drunk by any means, just a bit tipsy. Her fake ID had worked and she was enjoying her night out with her friends. The bar wasn't particularly busy, but the girls were managing to make it feel like a party.
The group of girls all turned to look at the door as a group of rowdy men entered. They were all cheering loudly and patting each other on the back.
"Was there a hockey game tonight?" one of Tori's friends asked.
"I think so," she shrugged, downing the rest of her rum and coke. "I'm going to get another one."
"We'll be here!" one of the other girls giggled.
"Hi, could I have another rum and coke, please?" she grinned at the bartender.
"Sure thing," the man returned with the drink a few minutes later, placing it in front of her, "That'll be 6 dollars."
She reached into her back pocket, when a voice beside her stopped her, "I've got it."
She turned, looking at the man next to her. He was significantly taller than her five foot frame, with tan skin and unruly, dark curls he brushed from his eyes.
"Oh! Thank you," she grinned, taking her drink from the counter.
"I'm John."
"You come here often? Sorry, I know that's cliche as fuck."
"Ha! No worries, my friends and I come here some weeks. It seems your group of friends is making it a bit more lively."
"Hope we're not interrupting your night."
"Not at all. We were the only ones making noise before you guys showed up. You from around here?"
"I'm from Massachusetts. But I moved here for work. You?"
"Pittsburgh born and raised," she smiled, raising her glass up before taking a sip.
The couple continued talking for the rest of the night. Tori wasn't the hookup type though, so instead of going home with him, she gave him her number. Leading to a long line of dates, until he finally asked her out officially.
The world had locked down. No more hockey. No more school. No more work. Tori had subsequently moved into John's apartment so that they would be able to spend time together during the pandemic.
"What're you making?" John asked, wrapping his arms around Tori's waist, tucking his face in the crook of her neck.
"Oatmeal cookies."
"Smells good, baby."
"How was your nap?"
"Relaxing. Would've been better if you were there."
"You know naps make me feel like shit."
"I know... but the bed feels so empty without you."
"God, you're cheesy," she grinned, lifting her hand up to run through his mop of curls. "You want me to trim these?"
"Mmm, not today. I like them long. Why? Do you not like them?"
"I love your curls, Johnny. So sexy."
He grinned, pressing a kiss to her neck.
"I'm going to play 'chel with the boys. Call if you need anything."
She nodded, turning back to rolling the cookie dough into perfect balls. She'd taken up baking during the lockdown. John kept telling her he was going to be out of shape for the next season if she kept it up, but he continued to taste test everything for her nonetheless.
Another month into the lockdown and Tori wasn't herself. She wouldn't leave bed, she was taking naps, and John could barely get her to eat. She claimed she was fine, but he didn't believe her in the slightest.
"Come on, baby. I made mac and cheese, your favourite," he tempted, sitting on the bed and running a hand through her matted hair.
"Not hungry."
"You've gotta be hungry. You haven't eaten since yesterday morning. And all you had then was a couple crackers."
"I'm not hungry. Let me sleep."
"You've been sleeping all day. Can you get up and take a shower for me?"
"Too tired."
"Tori, baby..."
She just rolled over, hiding her face in the duvet. He sighed, leaving the bedroom and going to eat the food he'd made... why let it go to waste.
"How's Victoria doing, love?" John's mom asked through the phone, worry lacing her voice.
"I can't get her to do anything except sleep. I'm trying, Mom. She just..."
"Do you know if she has a history of depressive episodes?"
"Yeah, one when she was in high school. But she said she learned skills to cope."
"Just be there for her, John. That's all I can suggest."
"Thanks, Mom."
Two hours later, Tori emerged from the bedroom. She was wearing the same clothes she had been for days and her hair desperately needed a wash to rid it of grease.
"Hi, baby," John smiled softly.
"Hi. Will you come take a shower with me?" she whispered.
"Sure, but first can you just eat a few bites of the food I made?"
"I... I don't know."
"Please, Tori. Just so I know you're eating."
She sat on his lap, picking at the bowl of pasta in front of them.
"Five bites and we can take a shower."
It took her 20 minutes to take those five bites, but she did it. The couple stood under the hot water of the shower, embracing the time together outside of their room. John helped her wash her hair and brush out all the knots. She forgot how nice it felt to feel clean. She turned in his arms, squishing her face into his torso.
"I've got you, baby. I've always got you. I love you so much."
"I'm sorry, John," she sobbed, "I've been a terrible girlfriend."
"Shh, no you haven't. You're just struggling right now. It's okay. We'll get through his together."
"I love you. I'm sorry."
"No need to be sorry. I just want what's best for you. And rotting in bed isn't."
She leaned up and pressed a soft, loving kiss against his lips. When she went in for another one, he turned his head, her lips landing on his cheek.
"Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry," she cried again.
"No, no. I just... I'd feel like I was taking advantage of you. I love you so much, but I can't... do anything until you're yourself again. Okay?"
The next day, John helped Tori find a therapist online. Even going as far as to join sessions to learn how he could help her to help herself.
Now that lockdown restrictions had been lifted slightly, Tori was thriving. She was going on daily walks and working on new coping skills to use when she felt that numbness creeping back in.
John was back to playing hockey and finally their lives had back some normalcy. A normalcy that had formed itself into a very... intimate love life for the two. There didn't seem to be a day that the two weren't having sex. Tori was pretty sure roadies were the only days they weren't falling asleep naked.
It was amazing, until it all came crashing down at the end of December. Tori had been feeling like shit for almost a week now. She felt sluggish and the sent of John before he showered after practice had her sick to her stomach. The idea of being pregnant though wasn't even a thought that crossed her mind. She had an IUD. They were safe. Surely it couldn't be...
"Do you want me to pick up a test, just in case? I know you said it's like almost impossible," John asked as he walked to his car at the arena.
"Sure, if it'll make you feel better. Pick up two, just in case one is faulty."
"Sounds good, babe. Be home in 20. Love you."
"Love you too, Johnny."
The couple stood in the bathroom, re-reading the instructions for the tests.
"I think it's self explanatory, John."
"I just want to make sure you're doing it right!" he swatted her hand away as she tried to grab the paper from him.
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes, sitting on the toilet with the stick.
"Yeah, just piss on it. Then we've gotta wait 5 minutes."
"Sounds good. You stayin' in here while I pee?" she giggled.
"I'll be right outside."
Peeing on the test was harder than she thought. It was like she couldn't get herself to pee, she was so nervous. After a couple minutes though, she'd put the caps back on and placed them on the counter.
"Come in, John. But I'm telling you, I'm not pregnant. Trusty old IUD keeps your sperm outta there."
"Maybe I've got really persistant sperm."
"I-" the timer rang. "You ready?"
At the same time, they flipped the tests, the plastic clattering against the sink as Tori dropped it.
"They- They must be faulty. False positive, right? Right, John?"
"I- is that a common occurance? I'll google it," he typed on his phone quickly, spelling half the words wrong, "There's less than a 1% chance of that, Tori."
"So? Maybe we're in that percentage. Did you even get good ones?"
"They were the most expensive ones! I just grabbed them!"
"They're wrong."
"Don't 'Victoria' me! They're wrong! I'm not pregnant! It's just a cold."
John rolled his eyes, "Can you at least go to the doctor? Get meds for your cold then."
"Fine! I'll make an appointment right now!"
"Perfect. I'm going to make dinner."
"I'm not pregnant," she whispered to herself as she typed in the number for her doctor.
"Is there any chance you're pregnant?" the doctor asked, staring into Tori's eyes.
"I have an IUD."
"I've seen it happen. Would you mind giving us a urine sample?"
Yay. Peeing into more things.
It didn't take long for the results to come back. The doctor entered the room holding a stack of paperwork.
"So, the urine sample came back positive for high levels of hCG. Which means you are pregnant."
"That's not possible."
"I know this is probably a lot to take in right now. I've written down some suggestions for a few OBs I reccomend. As well as some supplements we reccomend for the early stages of pregnancy. From the test, I'd say you're about three weeks."
"Shit. Um, sorry. Thank you. I'll, uh, call these numbers," Tori forced a smile, rushing off to get home.
"So? You are pregnant?" John asked, his eyebrow quirked.
"Yes. I just-"
"Okay? That's all you have to say?"
"What do you want me to say, Tori? 'Yay! I'm so excited to be a dad at 24!' Cause that'd be a lie."
"Stop acting like this is all my fault!"
"I never said that! I just... we've never even talked about having kids! This is all very sudden."
"How do you think I feel?! I'm the pregnant one! Now I have to tell all my friends and family that I got knocked up at 22!" she threw her purse down on the counter.
"You told me the IUD would work fine."
"Why are you blaming me? God, John! Grow up!"
"I should grow up?! You're the one yelling at me!"
"You're fucking infuriating!" she shouted, stomping off to their room. The door shut with a harsh slam, making the pictures on the wall swing.
"Fuck me," John muttered, grasping at his hair.
John slept on the couch that night, not wanting to deal with being yelled at again.
"We should talk about this, Tori," he offered at breakfast.
"Why? I'll just get the pregnancy terminated. You don't it."
"Tori... can we think about this? Make a rational decision."
"Why? Is getting an abortion not rational?"
"Not what I said. I just think you're still angry about yesterday, so you're not think rationally. We need to make a decision together here."
She rolled her eyes, "You made it clear how you feel."
"Did I?"
"Yeah, I think your words were 'I'm not excited to be a dad at 24!' So, there's our answer. You won't have to be," she sassed.
"Victoria, sit down."
"You're not my fucking dad."
"Stop acting like a child! Sit down!"
John rarely yelled at Tori, so the tone of his voice had her sitting right back down.
"Thank you. Listen, I'm not thrilled to be a dad right now, but I'm not telling you to end the pregnancy. I- we can make this work. I want you to make the final decision, but I won't be leaving if you decide this is what we're doing. I love you. And I support whatever decision you make. I will love that baby unconditionally."
"I... I need time to think about everything," she nodded, her lips pursed.
"I understand. But I really don't want to continue this arguing. I want us to enjoy our trip to Massachusetts. Not dwell on this and see our family."
"Okay, I have another appointment in January. You can come... if you'd like. I don't want to tell our families yet."
"Of course... I love you."
She sighed, "I love you too. No more fighting?"
"No more fighting," he nodded.
Tori knew that nobody in the waiting area was judging her, but she felt judged. Her leg was bouncing, her nerves getting the best of her. She was filling out the paperwork that they'd given her. John placed a comforting hand on her thigh, trying to calm her.
"They're removing the IUD today. I don't know if you wanna be in there when they do it."
"I'll stay for moral support."
"Are you sure?"
"Why not," he shrugged.
Tori opened her mouth to respond when her name was called.
"Is your boyfriend coming with us today?" the nurse smiled.
"Yes, if that's okay."
"No problem! The doctor will be right in. We're going to start with the IUD removal. So if you could just strip from the waist down, she can get started."
"Do you want me to turn around?" John asked, taking a seat on the chair in the corner.
"No? Nothing you haven't seen before."
She sat down, throwing the sheet they'd.given her over her legs.
"A bit. It hurt to get in. People say it's worse coming out."
"Want me to hold your hand?"
"That'd be nice," she smiled.
There was a knock at the door, "We all ready in here?"
"Yep. Come in."
"Hi, Victoria! I'm Dr. Reese. It's nice to meet you!"
"Hi. This is my boyfriend, John."
"Nice to meet you as well! We're going to start with the IUD removal, then we can start chatting about baby. Sound good?"
"Yeah. Is it okay if John holds my hand?"
"Of course! Alright, scooch, scooch. Perfect. Take a deep breath for me."
Tori inhaled, squeezing John's hand. Her eyes screwed shut. A pained breath escaped her mouth. Even John squinted, watching as the doctor pulled on the little strings.
"And done!"
"Thank God," Tori whispered.
"I'll step out! You can throw your clothes back on and I'll be back in a minute with the ultrasound machine."
"You ready?" Tori asked John, buttoning up her jeans.
"Yeah," he shrugged, sitting back down.
John and Tori had discussed things the day before. They were keeping the baby. It was an emotional discussion. Talking about the logisitcs of the whole thing. Especially with her still in school and John playing hockey.
"Ready to see baby?" the doctor smiled brightly.
"Alright. I warmed up the gel, it shouldn't be too bad," Dr. Reese moved the wand over Tori's lower abdomen. "And here is baby."
It looked like a little blob, but it still made John's eyes water.
"So, you're about 6 weeks. Measurements look good. I'll want to see you again around 18-20 weeks. You can schedule that on your way out. Congratulations, again."
"You alright, babe?" Tori asked, noticing how quiet John had gotten.
"Hm, yeah. I just... I didn't think I'd be this emotional. Especially over what looks like an alien."
Tori laughed, "Don't call our baby an alien!"
"I'm sorry," he giggled, wiping his eyes, "But it does look a little like an alien."
"Okay... maybe just a little."
The couple left the doctors' office laughing quietly to themselves, their hands intertwined.
Six Months Pregnant - May 2022
It was three in the morning and Tori was sobbing, "You don't understand, John. We're out of pickles."
"I heard you. I just... I don't understand why you're crying."
"I need pickles, John," she cried.
"I- I don't know where to get you pickles at 3am. Everything is closed."
Tori pulled herself out of bed, storming into the kitchen. She dug through the fridge and freezer, trying to find anything that would help her cravings. She pulled a bowl of watermelon out of the fridge, digging in.
John sluggishly joined her in the kitchen, wiping the sleep from his eyes.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'll get you pickles in the morning."
She just nodded, taking another forkful of melon. It wasn't as fulfilling was a jar of mini dill pickles, but it was helping. She couldn't even count how many jars of pickles she'd gone through during her pregnancy, but this was the first time they'd been out. It felt like the end of the world to her pregnancy hormones.
John loved Tori to bits, but the emotional rollercoaster of pregnancy was beginning to make him tired. He knew it wasn't fair and that she was going through much more, but lord was he exhausted.
"Do you want me to stay here? Or should I go back to bed?"
She shrugged, shovelling more food into her mouth. John sighed, coming around the counter. He placed a hand on her waist and one on her growing stomach.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Do you want to go back to bed?"
She hummed, taking one last bite. They shuffled back to the bedroom, Tori hugging onto her pregnancy pillow. John fucking hated the thing, but Tori couldn't sleep without it, so... he'd deal with it for the next three months.
August 2022
John had just been traded from Pittsburgh to New Jersey and now... it was time for their baby to enter the world.
"Ah!" Tori gripped her stomach. She was walking around the hospital room, waiting to be fully dilated. John was being supportive as possible, getting her more ice chips when requested and holding her hand when ever she felt a contraction. "Is it time yet?"
"The nurse said it could be a while, because it's your first."
"It's going to be our only. Holy shit! Why did you do this to me?"
John laughed, "I'm sorry, baby. You're the strongest woman I know. You've got this. Do you want to use the yoga ball again?"
"No! I just want the baby out of me!"
"And they said that the yoga ball will help that."
"Fine," she groaned, squatting down on the blue yoga ball. John smiled, watching as she bounced up and down, her cup of ice chips in her hand.
"They'll be back with the epidural soon. Then it'll be smooth sailing," he comforted.
10 hours later and she was finally pushing. She was squeezing John's hand so tight he thought it might break. But he tried to be supportive nonetheless.
"One more big push, Mama," the doctor smiled.
"I can't do it."
"You've got this, Tori," John whispered.
"I can't do it."
"Just one more push and our baby is here, love."
She braced, feeling the pressure one last time. She pushed and a wail filled the room.
"And here's baby boy."
"It's a boy?" John was smiling so wide, it hurt his cheeks.
"It is. Want to come cut the cord, Dad?"
He nodded excitedly, watching as they gave his son his first bath.
"Here you go, Mama," they placed the baby on her chest.
"Hi, baby," she was too tired to cry, but her son was so beautiful. He had a head of dark hair which explained the heartburn she'd had during the pregnancy.
"We'll be back in a bit to help you get him to latch. And then they'll be in with the name paperwork."
"Here," John smiled, unbuttoning part of her gown so she could do skin to skin.
"Riley Alexander Marino."
"It's perfect, baby. Here, I'll hold him. You get some rest."
December 2022
Things were falling apart. The couple was arguing almost every day. Tori was struggling. She hated the way she looked and that feeling of numbness was starting to creep back in. But she wouldn't allow it, she needed to be there for Riley.
John was going through the hockey season and adjusting to a new team. He was barely home. And when he was, he was beyond tired. Not being much help at all. Night shifts were nonexisitant. It was always Tori getting up to get their son. John either "slept through it" or "was too tired from hockey."
Everything came crumbling down a week before Christmas.
"You're not any fucking help! Ever!" Tori yelled, throwing the burp cloth down on the counter. "I haven't left the apartment in days! I haven't been able to take a shower in days! All I do is take care of Riley!"
"Your his mom! Did you think you wouldn't have to take care of him?!"
"God! That's not what I meant and you KNOW it! Your his dad! When are you going to step up and actually do some fucking work?"
"I'm providing for us, Victoria! Would you rather I quit and we have no income?!"
"That's it. I'm leaving!"
"You're leaving?! Where are you going?"
"Anywhere that you aren't, John. I can't fucking deal with you right now. Call me when you've grown the fuck up and decide you actually want anything to do with your son," she stormed off to the bedroom, throwing things into a duffle bag.
"Victoria! You can't just leave! Talk to me!"
"I can leave! I can do whatever the fuck I want!"
"You- you can't just leave with Riley!"
"Sure, I can! Not like you parent him at all!"
"No! Fuck off!"
The screaming woke Riley from his nap and his wails soon filled the apartment as well.
"Great! Look what you've done!" John threw his hands up in frustration.
"What I did? You're so fucking immature. Stop acting like you're 12 and start acting like the 25-year-old you are!" Tori went to the nursery, grabbing some of Riley's things and putting them in the bag as well. She picked up her son, strapping him into his carrier. John was standing in the door, shell-shocked.
"Please, Tori. Just think about this. Please."
"No. I'll be back for more of our things in a couple days," she shook her head, leaving John all alone in the apartment.
March 2023
It was official. John and Victoria were done. Tori had gotten her own place and Riley went to see John every weekend. Slowly but surely, John and Tori were forming a friendship. They wanted things between them to be good for Riley.
And this friendship leads us to where we are now...
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WHAT IF...? — Soldier Boy/Ben (2)
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Summary: Ben, now as your husband, gives up Vought for good and retires along with you far away from the spotlight and the big cities once you're pregnant with your first child. He knows better than to make the same mistakes his father did.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x female reader
Word count: 900ish.
Warnings: none, soft Ben, OOC!Ben? idk, this is sweet.
taglist is here!
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The way back home was tiring to say the least. You and Ben had a weekend shopping schedule. It wasn’t the best idea John had for a funny Saturday, but you could tell he enjoyed being at the mall. He was six already, full of energy, joy, and eager to discover the wonders of the world.
From the passenger seat you moved slightly just to check on your son. He was already snoring in the back seat, drooling and sleeping peacefully as if it was his own bed. The sight of him just made you smile.
“He had a great time, huh?” Ben asked, giving you a side glance. He got better at driving after you gave birth, which you were so thankful for.
“Yeah, I mean, he’d definitely pick a baseball game instead but this is good for him,” you said back. “He’s been at home too much, don’t you think?”
“Hey, it's school break! Do you really love your kid?” Ben teased with a playful smile, you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up. All I mean is that I’d just like him to have friends and talk to other kids, do the normal kindergarten stuff… That’s all.”
Ben nodded more for himself. There have been a couple of weeks already, and he was more than happy to spend time with the little brat, but he got your point. You didn’t want him to be alone and the teacher at kindergarten had told both of you John was having some trouble with making friends and socializing in general. He was shy, but smart and creative, but even the teacher had some issues when talking to him at first. John wasn’t like that at home and it hurted you just a bit.
“Probably we should call Janine and some of the parents that were there in the last parent conference, you still have their numbers. We can do something for our kids to meet outside school,” you suggested.
“I think those moms were hitting on me,” your husband said, taking a last turn on the highway before heading home. He chuckled as low as he could when you patted his arm. You got pretty jealous at the last meeting when those ladies approached him, almost swooning. Even John’s teacher looked like she’d faint anytime. “What? I’m Soldier Boy anyway.”
“You’re an idiot.”
He parked the car outside your house after an hour of driving. There were some cons of living in the outskirts of the city, but as long as his family got the calm and green life around, driving for so long was not a problem.
You took John between your arms, careful of not waking him up. He weighed more and more each year, reminding you he wasn’t a baby anymore. He was taller, a good talker at least with you and Ben, he liked seeing the squirrels in the trees that surrounded the house, and he was very, very smart.
It felt like a day ago you gave birth to him, that he started babbling nonsense, and mere seconds that he started walking little baby steps… Now, his eyes were bright blue, his hair long and blonde, his cheeks sprinkled with freckles just like his dad…
Most of his factions were just like Ben’s mother, and she was beautiful from the old pictures he’d show you before. You were happy John was like an exact copy of her, you knew how much Ben loved her and how much her death hurted for him. John was like a reincarnation of her spirit, now sleeping in your arms.
Ben started to take out the grocery bags and some other stuff you had gotten yourself from the city, most of them puzzles, board games, and teddies John picked back there. As much as you tried to get him to reason to not buy unnecessary things, he would just spoil John a lot. But you understood why he did it. He was nothing like his father, he had time to learn how to be a better man, how to manage his own feelings and slowly, teach John to be a good man, even at his young age. You felt so proud of him, watching him discharge the bags on the kitchen counter with John clinging to you, deep in slumber, his little arms now wrapped around your neck to not let go.
When finished, Ben looked at you with a soft look on his eyes. You, holding his son, was a picture he’d never grown tired of. He would hit himself to confirm it wasn’t just a beautiful dream; it was real. You and John were very real, and he was thankful for giving up the superhero shit already. This could never compare to anything Vought offered to him before; what he built in there with you was everything he ever needed.
“I’m gonna take him to his room,” you mumbled, but before you could walk up the stairs, Ben approached you.
“I’ll do,” he announced in an equally low voice.
“You sure? I don’t want him to wake up-”
“John sleeps like a trunk, trust me,” Ben said, taking the kid softly away from your arms. John immediately wrapped his arms around his dad’s neck, hiding his face on the crook of his neck. He was so exhausted after the trip.
“Right,” you nodded. “Thanks, I love you.”
Ben gave you a charming smile, one that you never could grow tired of. He leaned down to kiss your lips softly, his new and trimmed beard tickling your skin a little.
“I’ll be here in a couple of minutes to help you,” he said.
You watched him disappear on the stairs to the second floor, John deeply sleeping in his strong arms, hugging each other.
Weekend trips like this were monotonous sometimes, but it was okay because you always came back home with your boys after all.
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Soldier Boy taglist:
@delaynew @k-slla @thesilmarillionblog @onlyangel-444 @mrsjenniferwinchester
@daisy-the-quake @jackles010378 @mostlymarvelgirl @deans-spinster-witch @drasticemotions
@stoneyggirl2 @sapnaploves
@believeinthefireflies95 @demodemo909
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tan1shere · 3 days
Ellie x anxious reader !
A/n: hi my beautiful people, it's currently 3 am.. and I have work in a few hours but we won't talk about that 😍 got this little idea since I'm an overly anxious person. Mine always creeps up righttt when I'm about to sleep, if you're like me. I get you, and honestly I hope some of you are so I don't feel so alone. Or whether you get it any time of the day (ditto, I just get it worse at night.) This one's for you !! Anyways, enjoy :)
♤ Your anxiety came in all shapes, forms, and sizes. Any time, all day sometimes everyday. It's always going to be there, but you've tried to learn to control it. Buttt when that's not the case your loving girlfriend is always there to ease your pesky brain.
♤ It would always happen at night, when you'd get off to sleep, at first you kept silent. You didn't want to bother, nor be a nuisance towards Ellie, but one night she noticed something off about you.
- you were stalling, making up excuses of things you forgot to do that day.
"Shit, the laundry-"
"Bubba, you can always do it tomorrow. Come lay down with me sweetheart."
- her gentle tone soon got to you and you told her.
"What's gotten into you?"
- the look she gave you was pure worry, concerned for your frantic behavior. Then when you kept inhaling these breaths, making then end in slight sighs she just needed to get whatever it was out of you.
- you shake your head, you felt so stupid, you begin to put your head on your hands, she pries them away so softly, getting you to look at her as she placed her soft fingers on your cheek.
"Talk to me. Please? It's hurting me knowing something is bothering you so much."
- you could tell she meant it. You always felt like no one did, feeling silly about your anxiety, as that's what others made you think. That you were just being dramatic. A baby. You let out another breath.
"I get really anxious, about heaps of things, to the point where my brain feels like its on fire and I can't focus on anything properly. It gets worse at night time, so I try to make myself tired, knowing that if I lay down wide awake my thoughts will scatter."
- she listens carefully to what you have to say, she was always such a good listener.
"Why didn't you tell me baby."
"I was scared you'd think I was pathetic.."
- your head lowers but she immediately stops that from happening. Her eyes on yours as she begins to speak in a soft tone.
"You, my girl. Are one of the most bravest woman I know. To have to deal with such a thing all the time is huge, and the fact that I've never even witnessed it shows how truly brave you are. Though I wish you told me sooner, its awful holding such things in."
- her hand never leaves your face stroking your cheek. You melt into her touch, her voice and presence making you sleepy. Maybe that's all you needed? Her?
"I love you, Els."
"I love you so much more angel."
♤ One technique she uses on you is the 5 things game. 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. Which is always water that she gets for you.
- Youd just been having a panic attack, your emotions, your brain going mental. You felt like you couldn't breathe. When she heard something fall in the kitchen she came racing over to you. Your vision incredibly blury with a mixture of tears and whiteness from the light headedness.
"Hey hey, eyes on me."
- her voice was like silk, still in desperate need to calm you down.
"Come on baby."
- she would encourage you, moving your hand to her chest, trying to get you to calm down a tiny bit before she continued.
"5 things you can see."
- you'd take a second to respond not knowing if you could get words out, let alone forming a sentence.
"You.. *gulp* th- that glass.. that I just broke.."
- she didn't stop you rambling, the more words the better. She needed your mind far gone from any other thoughts.
"The counter, the sink. The early morning sky."
"Good good, 4 things you can feel. You got this mama."
- it'd keep going until you got to the last one, your brain was far from the original problem by then, but she needed you hydrated, knowing your mouth was also incredibly dry.
"Last but not least, one thing you can taste?"
- she grabs a fresh glass pouring water into it, giving it to you to drink. You take a good sip, letting it wet your mouth feeling so much more calm now.
"That's my girl."
- she would always say that, making a smile spread across your face, you always felt so safe with her.
♤ Another one she will do on occasion is hold your hand gently, playing with your fingers and or rubbing small circles on your palm. Even when she holds your hand she will rub her thumb on the back of it. It distract you, calms you down. Especially if you're talking to someone, not only are you anxious but you're just genuinely awkward, so sometimes you freak out when talking to people. That's when she will grab it, letting you know she's there with you and there's nothing to worry about.
♤ yawning. You would always yawn when you felt short of breath, whenever you felt uneasy in your chest yawning seemed to help with that. Ellies noticed all your techniques over the years of being with you. Sometimes it made her feel like she couldn't help you in any way and it got to her, you'd assure her that you were fine but she knows that was far from the truth.
♤ so she studied your helping mechanisms, one was something hot on your chest, like a heating pack. It calmed you right down. Ellie even Googled some other things to try help. She once noticed after you had drunk a little bit that the type of alcohol seemed to make you sleepy.
- she was typing away at her computer when she came across something that said some alcohols can get you sleepy.
"Whatcha doin Els?"
- your soft voice was heard as you enter the room, her eyes meet yours.
"Just some research baby."
-she flashes you a smile, going to continue. You return the smile, going out the room to leave her be. As she continues to read articles, she found a home remedy to help with sleep, and anxiety. It was quite simple. Ellie came back downstairs and began to make it in a tiny bottle. She also read lavender was good for sleep, grabbing some oil of the scent from the cupboard, and putting a bit on the heating pack.
-you were in the living room, watching TV when she comes in super happy. Finally she could help you.
"What's this?"
"I made some things to help you sleep. These drops will help, put three on your tongue every night, and this heat pack. Which! Has some lavender oil rubbed into it."
- she ends her explanation off with a toothy smile, feeling so proud of herself. It only made you smile, feeling the secure feeling you'd always feel with her. She truly was your world.
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(Spins in chair dramatically) Tee-hee, beginning of my Johnny thingy because when I think of happiness I do think of family and idk thats just me and ya know-sorry, anyway-
(Jus a lil introduction to...whatever I will be calling the Johnny version of a pre-k verse type universe. :ppp)
“AND NEXT YOU WANT TO FUCKING GROPE A GIRL HOW BOUT YOU TAKE OUT ONE OUT OF THE FUCKIN BIBLE AND GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT-hi, sorry about that, what’s goin on?” You give a small smile to the costumer now standing before you, reasonably his eyes were wide and he looked as if he had been caught in headlights.
Johnny, who woke up this morning relatively easily, got his cup of tea, downed an energy drink, went on his run and only got into the car to realize it wouldn’t bloody start, and oddly enough that was enough for his mood to be completely ruined. So when he walked into the garage, only to see a kind looking woman he may have expected for the day to get better- he was…wrong?
You tusk and then look out to the car he came from, looked good- almost as good as the dumbfounded man in front of you, “Cat got your tongue, pretty boy?”
and the rest was quite literally history.
So currently you were trying to pry him and your very adventurous seven-year-old inside, and you thought it would be an easy task. After all, they had been outside all day, playing every sport and game that the human mind could comprehend. They had drank enough hose water each that you were sure that the problem had some sort of toxic heavy metal within their systems and they both consumed enough sugar via gummies and fruit it would put a person into cardiac arrest- either way as you tried to get them to come inside you were met with:
"But mom 'm winninggg!"
"Aye, I'm bout to beat her!"
You stand on the porch with your arms crossed, having given up at your attempt at a garden last season so you didn't quite mind entirely on how the bed looked like a mud wrestling ground and taking that was the intended purpose...you stared for a long while. "A...best out of what exactly?"
To that your husband stands up, holding the girl by her ankles, "Outta ten, mum."
"Annnd you're on number?"
"I've won five!!" Abigail, or rather Gail as what she had taken to as a nickname, had happily chirped from her upside-down position. A beaming smile across her mud-covered face and her eyes almost closed from how her smile squinted them. 'Here comes Abi trippin over her smile' as Johnny would say.
A nod with a hum is what you gave in reply and you slowly move to turn around, "Shower before you come eat."
(As always, comments and feedback truly make my day and encourage me deeply. Toodles!)
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