#Witch E ramblings
What I wish to do to Mother Gothel for stealing WALL-E's plant, deeming it worthless and calling his house a "dump".
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total-fandom-tr45h · 2 years
I'm about to write something so fucking chaotic-
All of the Suns, Moons, and Y/ns of my aus meeting in one place.
This is going to be fun.
I should probably include the Eclipses too, don't want them feeling left out-
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scrawnytreedemon · 2 years
Time to sift through all the memories.
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americanmoths · 2 years
is there anything worse than good art with lukewarm liberal politics
this is a subtweet of the american theatre
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gaylos-lobos · 2 years
Five episodes into my TOH rewatch and it’s comical how often they say that ‘humans can’t be witches’ and how ‘there has never been a human witch’ and stuff like this, especially during covention, like girl the emperor of the isles is literally right there
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curious-chaosmagiic · 6 months
i originally made this blog as a way to share myself and maybe find community, but thinking about it now
i think that should be my secondary goal, i want this blog to be a offering to Lord Tithonus, to myself for being curious, to those around me who find this blog
i am making this without a care for who finds it, as it should be
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feathered-yelloweye · 9 months
About Oktavia von Seckendorff
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There's a lot to say about Oktavia (personally I'd say it's the easiest to find interesting stuff about her out of all the witches) but here's some stuff I've been thinking about.
(I'm aware that most of this has probably already been pointed out by someone at some point, I just want to ramble)
Her name
Oktavia is more obvious. Oktavia -> Octavia (latin, "the eighth"). In music an octave is an interval of eight whole tones (it's the same note in a different pitch, I don't know if people who don't care about music know this stuff).
Sayaka and Oktavia are both music themed I don't have to explain the connection, but I also find it interesting to note that Oktavia's first appearance is in the eight episode of the anime.
The interesting part is von Seckendorff, I know. Karl Siegmund von Seckendorff (26 November 1744 - 26 April 1785) was a German poet and composer (and military officer, which doesn't seem relevant right now but considering the knight elements in Oktavia's design that might have played into it?).
I'll be completely honest, he has very few creations and I cannot get access to any of them (he really was not relevant enough, I suppose) but Wikipedia lists one of his works as Das Rad des Schicksals, oder die Geschichte des Thoangesis, which directly translates to the wheel of fate, or the story of the Thoangesis(??). I do not know what is in that text, I can't even get an e-book of it. However, the title alone reminds me of the many wheels in Oktavia's labyrinth and other depictions of her.
This is going to sound like I'm reaching but the name von Seckendorff can also be connected to Kriemhild Gretchen (Madoka's witch). Karl Siegmund von Seckendorff found inspiration in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, translated one of his novels and composed music for some of his poems. Goethe's Faust seems to inspire aspects of Kriemhild Gretchen, and considering the inherent connection between Sayaka and Madoka I feel like this is worth mentioning. (I might elaborate on this separately but the basic connection between Madoka and Goethe's Faust is: girl named Magarete loses her innocence/purity and becomes trapped and destroyed — from that point on is referred to as Gretchen. Being a witch is loosing your innocence freedom etc, being a witch turns Madoka into ((Kriemhild)) Gretchen.)
Von Seckendorff was never really successful when pursuing the arts, by the way. (I mean, people barely know him.) There's something to be said about Sayaka's whole story, about her being destined to always turn into a witch and never "succeed".
Her design
Most people are somewhat aware of the whole little mermaid thing, but I'll mention it again just in case. Sayaka's story greatly resembles that of the little mermaid (not Disney), which could explain Oktavia being referred to as the mermaid witch (and literally being a mermaid, she has a tail) as well as the general water/ocean theme both her and Sayaka have. You can read it yourself if you're interested, but long story short the little mermaid wants a human soul and a prince's love and exchanges her tongue (yeah) for legs with a sea witch so she can be on the surface, though she can't speak. (So still similar to the Disney version) The Prince does not fall for her, she dies of a broken heart and jumps into the sea, dissolving into sea foam.
The mermaid makes a great sacrifice for her wish and the love she desires and ends up not gaining anything from it, instead loosing her life as her soul withers away in the sea. Very Sayaka.
Okay this one seems weird but I thought of it when rewatching the series again.
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In the first episode Junko (Madoka's mother) notes that pink ribbons will attract affection/attraction from men. Sayaka only became a magical girl in the first place because she desired Kyōsuke's love (and Octavia is destined to appear in every timeline that Sayaka makes a pact with Kyubey in, so you could argue that the desire for love is a direct reason for Octavia's existence.) (Oktavia is stated to be all about love/falling in love so I guess that's canon.)
I think the ribbon could just be there because of the school uniform, but I don't think that's the case (or at least not the only case. Design choices can have several inspirations) When witches take inspiration from their respective magical girl's designs it's usually about the actual magical girl clothes and not casual/school clothes. So yeah, I like to think it's meant to represent Oktavia's desire to love and be loved.
There's probably a lot more to say about her but these are some of my thoughts :3
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goodluckclove · 4 months
On the Autonomy of Character (Or: How I Fucked Up and am Now Fucked)
Hi! It's me. It's Clove Gardener, the writer who was diagnosed as schizoaffective at age 12 but 15 years later was informed that they would've likely been entirely neurodivergent if not for the severe C-PTSD that those doctors in their childhood missed at the time. Oops. Turns out I just have a big imagination, and that's going to come across strong in what I have to talk about today.
I'm a big proponent of character autonomy in writing - always have been, always will be. I don't outline more than a loose conception of what I'd like to happen, but as I say that I know there's a chance that i might not. Because what I hold highest in my work is my sense of character, which often results in my characters being the ones that get to control what actually happens.
I hear a lot of writers allude to this in posts on here, but they don't go into detail. I'm going to try and explain what that means to me in an attempt to make the process make more sense to writers who prefer a bit more control and structure.
(edit: this is a ramble be warned)
For the most part it's not too obtrusive. I'll use my novel Blind Trust (E-Book available now, paperback hopefully coming out next week) as an example. There's a point in writing it that Edgar, our befuddled initial narrator, learned some information that would really come as as a shock to his love interest Scott.
Well, okay, I mused as I wrote it, he would want this to be a secret. I'll have to navigate that.
Counter to that thought, Edgar ended up telling Scott immediately. Literally, as soon as the two of them were alone. Because by then, even though I knew it would make more thematic sense, I had enough of a grasp on Edgar's character to know that he would not be able to keep this to himself.
That's usually what it looks like. Small ripples that change the current, but ultimately keep the boat riding easily. Then, a solid 100k into the sequel Migration Patterns (Also I just realized I hit 100k yay me), my cast made the biggest executive decision of the story so far.
Let me explain. Where I'm at right now, Katy Delaney and her brother are in Nebraska, and they have to drive a few states over to Oregon. The problem is that Katy is currently having her brother's house patrolled constantly by guards from Stillrush Outreach Center, the closest witch town. This includes three birthrights, one of which being Fern, a deaf ex-Navy Seal.
So that was my problem. These guards are tasked specifically to keep Katy safe, meaning they aren't going to want her to fuck off for no good reason. She needed to escape, right? That's what I thought. That's what Katy and her brother thought too. So after some brainstorming with my wife I ended up devising a ploy for them to fake a fire that would allow them to escape in the following chaos.
Here's the thing, though - and this really centers on the fact that Fern is causing me a lot more trouble than I expected for a character that was meant to be a one-off escort. The plan was to make enough smoke in a trash can fire to trigger the alarm and call a truck - but of course the guards would see it too.
Two Academic witches don't pose too much of an inconvenience - they're rule followers, they know to wait for authority. Even the two less-experienced birthrights would wait for orders before trying anything. Fern, though. Jesus Christ. Fern had years of training and an immense knight's complex, so before the firetruck even had a chance to get there they burst through the front window in case she needed to be rescued.
I didn't plan for this, but it made sense. Birthrights aren't typically bad people - they aren't all perfect, but birthright magic is typically used in the name of either social services or community good. So if someone needs help, a birthright helps - it's just a part of the culture. It definitely clashed with my plans to have Katy escape and get on the road.
And it also immediately made Katy feel like a total asshole, because of course it did. She typically gets itchy and uncomfortable around shows of heroism and goodness, even though at her core he is very much a good person. So now Clove, the writer wants Katy to book it and go on a fun road trip with her brother. But Katy Delaney sees someone who got hurt trying to save her from a danger that she made up, and she immediately thinks "well fuck, now i have to help".
So she helps Fern out of the house, and once they get themselves patched up and Katy meekly explains the weird prank and the situation it was trying to solve (Trying to keep the spoilers at a minimum), Fern is silent for a long time. Then they make a very simple conclusion.
I'm coming with you, they say.
Now Clove, the writer, the one who brought these people into existence, is like "NO. I DID NOT PLAN FOR THIS. I HAVE TO WRITE TWO MORE BOOKS AND YOU WERE NOT GOING TO BE IN THEM, FERN. WHERE DO YOU GO NOW? YOU'RE JUST GOING TO OREGON?"
But Katy feels guilty. Katy feels tired. Katy's very disorientated by how much she's suddenly feeling.
But Fern feels obligated to Katy. Maybe she reminds them of someone they used to know. Someone that they failed in the past and refuse to fail again.
It's too late, though. Clove is weaker than Fern and as much of a bleeding-heart as Katy insists she isn't. Katy agrees, and now I have two and a half books that now must at least make reference to an ex-military witch who's quick with a gun and canonically loves ska.
I don't have an inspirational ending for this. I truly don't. I'm gonna do it, because I know it's what the characters would do, and shoving them in a mold that does not fit just to appease my false sense of ego would turn storytelling into masturbation.
So yeah, guys. Fern is here. They don't have a first or a last name or any real appearance other than tall and I think tattooed, but fuck it. Fuck it. Whatever, guys. You win.
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spideronthesun · 19 days
Write/Share Last Line Tag
Thank you for tagging @cain-e-brookman (x) and @illarian-rambling (x)
Nikolas threw his head back and let his doubt break free. “I want to see how you explain that to the attorney general. We couldn’t contact the accused for questioning as he resides above in the clouds, making it physically impossible for us to deliver a letter to him.” Ugnius rolled his eyes only slightly from long practice. “Yet, all the victims are in their late twenties to early thirties. All wearing a similar distinct handcrafted necklace with artefacts of antler on them,” Ugnius said. “Those women are all witches.”
Tagging @mrbexwrites @satohqbanana @addomfarm-ogf-updates & anyone else who wants to do it!
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moonlightflower-queen · 3 months
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Welcome to the post where i ramble about my fan design of Macaria for Hades game because i like rambling and you clicked on the link so you did this to yourself.
Anyway i did some research first, not very in depth mind you because my brainrot goes deep but not deep enough to look for primary sources. My source is wikipedia. There's a daughter of Heracles who has the same name so i decided to take some stuff from her story and make this Macaria the goddess of blessed death and sacrifice (also so she doesen't overlap with Thanatos too much.)
Then i sketched her traditionally. I'm not good at letting loose when drawing digitally.
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I wanted her to look really demure, kinda tired so it makes her look gentler. I imagine she's not very independent yet and is kind of a doormat. I wanted her to have a very different body type than her siblings. She is considerably taller than both of them (still mortal sized but a really tall mortal) and is very thin (kinda like Chronos but nobody will tell her that). I imagine she doesen't like fighting and works in the house of Hades. Does a lot of paperwork too, lol. She grew up in a more peaceful time unlike Mel so she wasn't trained to be a killing machine. She doesen't like to do it anyway unlike Zagreus. She can use her claws to tear people apart, she just rather not.
Then i decided to design her face first.
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I played around while keeping her parents appearance in mind. I decided to make her a witch too (I like putting moons on the characters i design and no one can make me stop) and gave her dove imagery for the whole sacrifice thing. I considered giving her Demeter's hair color and experimented with wacky anime genetics too. I first wanted to give her Persephone's face structure similar to her siblings but then decided i really liked design number 3 where she has a cleft chin and bent nose like Hades does.
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The lighter hair color Demeter has didn't work for the color scheme i had in mind. It ended up being too light and the light streaks made the upper part of her design too complicated so i decided not to. As someone pointed out, the Olympian gods don't wear pants but Chthonic gods do. It's a design decision that emphasizes the cultural difference between them so i gave her pants. Also my shorthand for shy character in character design is having them show very little skin.
At this point i was hitting my heads on walls since i didn't want her to look too similar to Thanatos. That was why i gave her the sacrifice symbolism in the first place, so i'd have more imagery to work with. I still think they have a lot of similar elements and don't like that but i also spent too much time on a fan character design already and didn't want to spend more. It's okay for them to have design affinity right, they are both gods of death?? (I'm coping can you tell)
I decided her main color would be white and she'd have a lot of accent colors pointing to her family (Red for Zag, orange for Mel, Green for Persephone and the sigil of the dead for Hades), to symbolize she isn't very independent. I decided to give her talons because bird and because i thought blessing someone in death would require her to be much more emotionally involved, so a weapon that required her to get close and touch mortals to claim their souls seemed logical. The lantern is there because light and blessings seemed similar to me. (I almost modeled her lantern in Blender because i'm horrible at drawing objects but stopped myself at the last second.)
I didn't design her as a main character of a Hades game. I imagine she'd be a helper Npc probably. Like she'd give you a ''blessing'' for your next run when you die. If i turned in this design as a main character of a game where the mc needs to run around, use 6 different weapons and dodge many projectiles and attacks the animators would put my head on a pike. There's a reason boss characters in hades wear clothing with not much to animate. (Hecate takes her hat and skirt off when you fight her even) A design like this would be horrible for clarity in a game where your character model is tiny.
I wanted to give her a shawl around her arms for an unique silhouette. but it made her design too busy. So feather cloak it was.
Anyway this much rambling was enough. I really need to draw my webcomic because i want to launch in August and i want more buffer but i don't think that's happening considering the severity of my brainrot. Uuuh thank you for reading!
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batrogers · 4 months
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LINK, CHIEF ENGINEER Spirit Tracks, Tri Force Heroes, Hyrule Warriors
[From my Link's Meet AU, That Broken Promise]
GENDER: Agender (amab) PRONOUNS: Any/None HEIGHT: 4'9" AGE: 27 [29] HEALTH: Severe chest scars from acid, shrapnel scars
WEAPONS: None ITEMS: Steel wrench, Whip, Spirit Flute, Medical kit SPELLS: None
On the day Chief went to see Zelda to receive his formal train conductor license, the young Princess Zelda begged his aid. They were ambushed on their way to check on the Temple of Spirits, and Chief travelled with Zelda’s spirit to reunite her with her body. They banished Malladus with the help of the Lokomo scattered across the land, but at severe cost for Zelda’s health. Chief stayed by her side for several years, helping the healers and engineers learn the tracks he’d rebuilt before Zelda threw him out to take a break once she was stable again. While at sea, his ship was forced to stop in a country whose Princess was cursed by an evil witch. With the aid of two other heroes past their own quests, they are victorious and all return safely home. Chief trains as a healer himself, but only a few years later he’s dragged through a portal into a massive, on going war in a world not his own alongside someone he met before in Hytopia who does not know him yet. He sees the war through and returns home, exhausted, to a life handling more the mundane, familiar problem of his trains.
Chief is passionate about his work both as a mechanic and a trained healer. He can come across as strict or standoffish if someone catches him in the middle of a task or who is being unsafe, but he relaxes into being very playful and goofy. He likes people, and likes to be helpful, and does his best to get along with everyone which often works surprisingly well for him.
Chief speaks when required, rambles when stressed, and is silent when comfortable. He is literate, and knows some sign language from his time in Hytopia. Glossed as BSL.
Chief is demisexual, and would not consider someone interesting unless they are as into trains or similar as he is. He is going to have a moment at some point with Hateno.
CURRENT MEDIA: Half-Conscious, rated G, cw for near-drowning Who Hurt You, rated G, discussion of trauma Mouthful of Flesh, rated E for graphic torture All My Fault (I Failed You), rated T, torture aftermath Coming Home, rated T (backstory fic) Unwise, Unknown, and Forbidden, rated E They Held The Sky Suspended, rated E (And its art!) Running the Switch, rated T Fluff Dump, G-T rated short fiction Linkship with Hateno art [updated character design]
Linkship Stimboard by a friend, @triforce-of-mischief
Relevant songs from the playlist for Chief: Steampunk Music: The Gear, by Michel Kuhn Barbie Girl Instrumental, by Tazzy Clockwork, by Aviv Yeyni Deadwood, by Really Slow Motion Crystal Clocks and Music Box, by TheOfficialAOE
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Hello! I just wanted to say, that I don't think I'm as well read in shoujo/yuri as you seem to be. Ever since RGU changed my life ~2 years ago, I've been trying to fix that! If it's not too much trouble, I'd love to know if you have any particular recommendations (both for things that are very good, or critical reads/genre defining stuff).
Cheers, and I hope this isn't too vague an ask!
hiii! I mostly read shoujo/yuri (or as I call it, proto-yuri) from around the 70's, a lot of it isn't very good in a traditional sense, especially if you don't have a taste for melodrama and tragedy, but I find it deeply interesting and valuable nonetheless.
right now I have a list of proto-yuri I'm working through reading: https://www.tumblr.com/dregs-leftovers-parsley/748591148718833664/aries-no-otometachi-1973-satonaka
a lot of these are japanese only but some of them have fan-translations (namely sakura namiki, shiroi heya no futuri, maya no souretsu, utsukushiki kyuketsuki, oniisama e, and sakura no sono) I would highly recommend checking out sakura namiki, oniisama e, and sakura no sono (and its 1990 movie adaptation) especially.
if you want to look into some of the many works that have had an influence on revolutionary girl utena. I'd recommend oniisama e (again, read oniisama e), rose of versailles, heart of thomas and its movie adaptation, summer vacation 1999 (1988), kaze to ki no uta (be sure to check the content warnings on this one first), and sukeban deka (both the original manga and the ova series), specifically the witch hunt arc from ~volume 9
as for stuff I just personally enjoy consider checking out tokimeki tonight (long series), saint rosalind by watanabe masako, the hanshin anthology by hagio moto, the visitor by hagio moto (prequel to heart of thomas) and wata no kuni hoshi by oshima yumiko
I don't even have an excuse for saint rosalind it's not very good I just find it very endearing for some reason
thanks for letting me ramble ^_^ I'll turn you loose now
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hopeful-puffin · 3 months
Thoughts on 164
Guess I'm continuing this weird habit of rambling thoughts after giving myself time to process. Apologies as, again, one of these is a major stretch.
God. Where do I even begin? I think it's safe to assume we are all worried for this little guy. Heck, maybe some of you are like me and really upset about him leaving Siren on his own after upsetting him? But I don't necessarily blame Kappa for reacting that way either. Trauma makes us all rract in strange ways. Speaking from experience, some tend to revert back to the person they were when the trauma hit us. Assuming Kappa was 8-10 at the time of the Vaquita prophecy, running away isn't as extreme of a reaction. I touched on this as a comment on Webtoon itself (Psycho Koneko), but they have a strict character limit I was previously unaware of.
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This is not a stretch to me for Kappa’s brain to revert to being a child. This struck me because his tail IS THE SAME COLOR. Even in his horrified vision on Siren’s lap in the present, his hair is also good and the background is back to being gray. I'm positive Ms. Martin did this on purpose. To really dig in how Kappa’s reverted mentally back to being a terrified child. I believe she said Worm didn't come into Kappa’s life until after this, but Worm was Kappa’s only source of comfort as a child.
I'm with everyone (and Kappa) that he should have said something sooner. But talking about trauma is difficult. Love the little dude, but you've GOT to talk to somebody, Kaps. I don't care if it's any of the witches or Siren. Just talk to one of them about what's going through your head. Yes, I would prefer it to be Siren (just like most everyone else I'm sure), but Mucku and Neth are also safe places for Kappa.
2. "Prophecy" Stretch:
I strongly believe the Flyfin screwed around and made a prophecy. What confuses me regarding that is the prophecies come from the Surface God, right? If they're not talking to Kappa or the Whales, why did they answer the Flyfin? My initial thoughts were it's an automatic system, which means the negligent Surface God ain't running these through a critical thinking filter before accepting those prayers, or this prophecy was granted by someone other than the Surface God. This in of itself is a stretch.
Not to mention the scroll states:
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What constitutes a castle anyway? Fizz made it sound like they were the only Flyfin left in the Kelp Forest. But Fean made it out like Fizz had to return to their colony. Ignoring that (since I can't trust a word she says), Fizz implies it's just the three of them waiting for the Whales. Are three mers e ough to constitute a castle? Or are three mers gathered enough to garner the Surface God’s attention. I don't know.
Regardless, what if I had a theory so stretched it might just snap?
What if the prophecy has been there this entire time, but Kappa just didn't realize it? Not until the witch's heart inside of him accepted Kappa as its new vessel that is.
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If it has accepted him, what if it stopped suppressing his ability to perceive the prophecy for the Whales?
Why then though? Because Kappa accepted that he has messed up and "the person I love most," was hurt as a result of his actions. I'm not saying Nethimir has not ever forgiven herself for something. But, since she's never viewed someone the way Kappa views Siren, she's never had to forgive herself for hurting the one she romantically loves.
What does that imply? That Kappa's heart has accepted him? That he's suddenly going to have a lot of potent magic he can't control? I don't know. Again, this theory is a MASSIVE stretch.
Just quickly dumping this here. Might come back and rewrite some sections if people are interested and want my disconnected mind to try stringing thoughts together like some unhinged axolotl on drugs.
Send help.
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eternal-moss · 2 months
its fanservice when women, super important when its men is ur takeaway from the summer event
Help the way I got one singular like and one hate comment for that post 😭 it’s fanservice when it’s fanservice dude. I found Scara’s behaviour annoying and cliché (“hehe ur kinda cute” [please leave me alone]), as well as laying on Nilou’s lap.
(The rest of this isn’t really me responding to you but just rambling about Alice, Rhine & the Hexenzirkel because it’s midnight rn and witches yeaag)
I’m a massive Hexenzirkel fan! I’m just annoyed that still after so long we haven’t gotten a single bit of reference to what Alice looks like so I can’t draw fanart of her. Like seriously, are we going to have to wait until Snezhnaya to finally see her?? I’m happy for any kind of Alice content but I’m always sad it’s mainly crumbs.
She’s an incredible inventor, she literally made both the gramophone & telephone. I want her to be super super overpowered, her strength is already alluded to by her seeming to have comparable power to Venti (changing Mondstadt’s landscape) but I want it to be m o r e.
More about Alice bc I love her. I love writing her into fics (especially crossover ones because she CANONICALLY TRAVELS WORLDS. WHY IS THIS NEVER BROUGHT UP.) and just one-shotting the antagonists with the full force of the sun lol. I really want to learn more about the Genshin ‘elves’ too because they’re just thrown in there without much explanation. (Layla literally never mentions it, or Nahida…)
RHINE TIME!!! I love Rhinedottr & all her fucked up children (although I wish we knew more about her past). I love how her motivation genuinely seems to be joy in her creations, and it ‘just so happens’ that most of them turn out to be catastrophic in some way 😭. I hope she’s more cold and reserved, but secretly a bit insane like Alice. I also really like the two of them romantically paired together, shout out to the 7 other Rhinealice shippers out there.
I like daydreaming about them going to magic school together or some kind of study (a la Farcille. Thank you Farcille for existing to fulfill my Rhinealice fantasies), and how they’d respond to Khaenri’ah’s fallout? Are they still in contact? Does Alice know if Rhine is alive? When was Albedo given to her? HOW OLD IS ALICE BRO 😭😭
In terms of physical features, I see both of them as being greying & looking in their 50s (only partially to spite the fact that 90% of the Genshin cast appear in their early 20s or younger. Xianyun’s the closest thing we have to an older woman. Playable Madame Ping when⁉️)
The Hexenzirkel is genuinely one of my favourite parts of the Genshin lore and I really hope they do it well. I enjoyed their teaser so much, and I hope we get to see more of that, as well as Venti’s allyship with them, something that was referenced as far back as the first summer event where Venti leant (lol) Dvalin for Klee to travel, presumably because he and Alice are friendly with each other.
I’m obviously interested in the other members of the Hexenzirkel (and other witches!!!! Like Lisa and Rosalyne!!!!) but we really don’t know that much about them, aside information from Mona who I don’t have.
Alice & Rhine are basically my OCs at this point, and when their designs are inevitably very different from my imagined versions of them, I might as well make them OCs lol.
So no, my takeaway is not men=interesting women=boring. My favourite Genshin character is Kokomi and I’m extremely sad they’ve given her little to no allusion to her lore for the past 3 years 🥲
I think it’s a bit rude of you to come into my asks saying something like that on anon, but I won’t deny I found the first 3 parts of the event excruciatingly boring, as someone who is slightly interested in Sumeru, and barely interested in Fontaine. I’ve always loved Mondstadt and Liyue the most, so of course I was interested for Mondstadt lore. AND DRAGONS. I LOVE DRAGONS DUDE.PLEASE CAN SOMEONE LET KOKOMI HAVE HER DRAGON LORE I BEG.
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hiswitchcraft · 2 years
Hi, I have been going back and forth in starting my craft, I’m mostly studying because I’m not ready for spells, but I learned that sigil magic is one if the easiest for me to do.
I usually charge my paper sigils by fire or sunlight but I’ve noticed a lot if witches sew sigils in clothing, how does one activate and charge a sigil like that? Every time I try to research this I only get “charge with your energy” what if I’m not good that? How would I charge a sigil like oh e that?
Hello! That sounds like a good start for you. One of the first spells I wrote was basically just sigil magic with a lil flair actually.
I suggest you do learn to manipulate energy yourself. It's investing in a skill that will generally make a lot of things easier and help tune you into the world around you and yourself which is very valuable, but sometimes that takes a while and maybe you wanna try this method now. I get you. I think I can help.
How Do You Charge a Sigil That's Sewn?
I think you first should check out my rough guide to enchanting post because I go over a ton of ideas there that are relevant to this question.
In the same vain as that post, you've got options here. It's a very customizable concept and you can make it as simple or as complicated as you want.
A lot of the methods there could be used once the sigil has already been sewn to charge the sigil but I think the best one for you might be using magically charged water to trace the sigil that's already on the garment and let it dry. This won't be very complicated or take too long. You could also use smoke that corresponds to the intent of the sigil for example, but personally I don't like my clothes to smell like anything so that wouldn't work me, still, it's a simple option.
If it were me though? I think it would be ideal to charge or cast a spell on the thread before you ever even use it, because then you can use a petition to make it so the sigil charges itself theoretically forever and it's low maintenance. Ideal for warding in my opinion! I know you said you like sigil magic because it's easy, and you're not ready for spells, but I wanted to mention it for others or in case you do decide you love this concept and want to use it a lot or take it up to the next level later, y'know?
I'm rambling. Basically you can use charged water or other methods mentioned in the post or just any method used for charging that won't ruin the garment could be applied.
I hope that helps!
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alexsgrimoire · 8 months
Plurality & Paganism: An Introspective
If any of you keep up with my main (@sinfulauthor), you may have noticed this post, along with my new pinned post. In short, I've come to the realization (after burying the thought of it for many years) that we are a Collective.
Now, how does this impact this blog and my craft?
To start off, this blog's content will remain the same. It will still primarily act as an e-grimoire with some additional posts, but the people posting what content will change. Specifically, these people:
-Alex (they/them), the host (hi!). I'll generally do most of the talking/posting. Works with The Signless/Sufferer and Dionysus. ANP that the IRL coven knows. (I'm not open with them about being a Collective just yet.)
-Vaati (he/him), who works with Demise and focuses on divination. Writes solely in cursive and gets VERY frustrated when grimoire notes are in standard print.
-Ghira (he/him), who works with Demise closer than Vaati for Obvious Reasons™️. (Though he generally doesn't do any actual spellwork, just offerings, worship, and altar setup.)
-Karkat (he/they) on occasion, solely because Signless HAS shown himself to him and is very much a Dad™️.
-Toko (she/her) has not yet "awakened." She was a former kin heavily associated with our craft. Taking bets on her being a spellcrafter/writer.
So, now that the roll call is done, onto some other stuff regarding plurality and paganism, the introspection the title mentions. (This will be below the cut as it's not as integral to the "functioning" of this blog.)
So, coming to the realization as a system was... interesting. We first became aware of dissociative disorders through Danganronpa (Yes, Toko's horrible representation. We know.) and related to Toko heavily. At the time, we were heavily involved in the Fictionkin community and had "memories" of those "timelines." However, this relatability on the DID aspect was soon hidden under the guise of "I like to write, and so does she! Also super traumatized like me lmao," and then we didn't think about it for five more years.
Come 2023, we've relapsed for the first time in four years and are going through some pretty traumatic stuff again. At an Esbat in September, an argument breaks out that causes us to dissociate and brings up those really painful feelings from childhood. Nothing felt real, and the rest of the night was foggy. (The people in the argument have since apologized. It was also an extremely stressful night due to our old High Priest being ousted for sexual misconduct not even 4 hours before we started.)
At this point, this whole debacle causes us to realize, "Hey, this isn't really a normal trauma response. There might be something else going on." We have a lot of friends who are systems, and we went to them asking, "Hey, do you like. think we're a system?" and FIVE OF THEM SNIFFED US OUT YEARS AGO AND DIDN'T BOTHER TO TELL US??? Like maybe that would have been useful information, idk (We still love our friends to bits, though)
So, fast forward to 2024. Still in the process of diagnosis but receiving trauma-focused therapy to process things. It's been a long process of figuring out how to live/function as someone with a dissociative disorder, but we're learning.
Thankfully, having a good support network has been a great help. We have an almanac (specifically The Practical Witch's 2024 Almanac by Friday Gladheart) to track our craft/spiritual work, and it's interesting to see the input of everyone in the collective. It's a lot of taking things day by day and seeing how things go, but we feel the energy around us changing.
Anyway, ramble over. If y'all read this to the end, thanks for sticking around. I've got some other posts we plan on making, so keep an eye out for those, too.
Signing off,
Alex of the Magic Collective
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