#Winters is the stand out but i have to give a special shout out to (the unfortunately underused) O'Herlihy as perhaps the most easygoing
mariocki · 5 days
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Larceny (1948)
"No hard feelings, Rick, I'm just doing a job. I had to check."
"OK, you've checked. Now check out of here. And don't let anybody notice you."
"Nobody ever does. I got an ordinary face."
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imaginingbleach · 3 months
Random Assortment of Captains Proposing
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Included: Shunsui, Suì-Fēng, Shinji, Byakuya, Mayuri, Rukia
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Shunsui Kyoraku
One would expect this man to be over the top with his proposal, but you would be surprised to find out it's nothing like you would expect.
Even before becoming head captain, this still held true.
While he believes the world should know how special you are to him, he also wants certain things to be more personal and private.
He can shout how he feels for you to the high heavens, but he wants special occasions to be just between the two of you-- maybe a small group of friends and family at largest.
It would likely happen some quiet evening in the middle of winter when the snow is gently coming down just outside...
The two of you were snuggled up together next to a gently roaring fire.
You didn't need a blanket with how warm he was as he had his arms wrapped around you.
You were starting to lull off into a very soft slumber, struggling to stay awake between the comfort of you boyfriend and the warmth between him and the fire.
He had thought a lot about when and where he should ask you, but the way you looked snuggled up into his chest?
He couldn't stand it.
You were so cute and you looked so perfect there with him...
"Hey, sorry to wake you, but I wanna ask you something," he spoke gently, waking you from your faint slumber.
"Mmf? Wha's up?" You'd slur out, eyes not even managing to open at first.
It was when he didn't immediately respond that you would open your eyes, blinking slowly and looking at him.
"Will you marry me?"
A mix of something between a squeak and a gasp escaped you, his question definitely waking you up.
"I-" your brain was going faster than you could verbally reply-- but his calm demeanor helped relax you enough to manage the simplest and yet most important reply you could give him, "yes"
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She thinks she's being secretive about her plans to propose, but she's sorely mistaken.
Maybe in regards to you
However, her entire squad and the stealth force absolutely know.
In fact, they would be doing whatever they could to try to give her hints.
"Oh, yeah, Captain! I got a new ring from-" not very subtle, but he does like to wear jewelry and the ring doesn't look awful-
Maybe of the members would have casual 'conversations' while conveniently walking past her.
"The cherry blossom trees are beautiful in-" "There's a fireworks festival this weekend-"
The squad knew you well enough to know how to suggest things they thought you might like.
She's a bit too caught up in the moment to fully notice what they're doing...
When she does propose, she chose your favorite time of year or favorite holiday.
It doesn't matter how tall you are, she would position herself so she could wrap her arms around your shoulders from behind.
She would pull a cute little box out in front of your face and simply asks if you'll be hers.
You're shocked for a moment, but gladly accept and turn around to kiss her happily.
Some time after she finally proposed... She realized just what her squad had done.
She's a little annoyed but doesn't punish anyone so long as they don't bring it up. Omaeda.
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Shinji Hirako
Okay... This man is so in love with you it's absolutely fucking ridiculous.
He has imagined and daydreamed about how he might propose to you and how your wedding might go...
It's always the same in his mind so he has idea of a perfect proposal and the most wonderful wedding and...
Something always seems to happen.
It could be big or small, but he just has never been able to get the timing right!
He had it all planned out, he had a ring, he had a spot, even down to what season he wanted it to happen in!
It would have been a beautiful little day together where he would propose at sunset! Or sunrise! That all depended on what happened 😉
Every. Single. Time! Bad weather, you were busy! He was sick! He had duties! There was a war going on!
So, when it finally does happen... It's not exactly the most romantic extravagant over the top proposal...
But it's extremely fitting for Shinji.
You had just woken up, the smell of food enticing you towards the kitchen to eat.
He was sitting there with a cup of tea, watching as you stumbled towards the table with your eyes barely open and hair an absolute mess.
To him; this scene was just pure perfection. It was so domestic... It filled him with warmth.
"We should get married," he would blurt out, smiling at you.
"W... Wha? I, wha?" You were so shocked you had dropped your piece of toast, whining as it fell buttered side down onto the floor. "Shinji... It's too early for jokes," you would grumble; now upset you had accidentally wasted food.
"I'm not joking," he would grin and pull out a little pristine box he had been carrying since the day he bought it.
He would sweetly say your name and open the box to show you the ring, his usual grin soon spreading over his features. "Will you make me the 3rd happiest man in Connecticut and marry me?"
"We're not in Connecticut!!!" You would exclaim through laughter, wiping the tears from your eyes. "Yes, stupid... You're also banned from the Internet."
"Hey, you know you love me~ and it made you giggle, so it's not all that bad." He would wrap his arms around you, cheek pressed against yours and gently putting the ring on.
You both made up a story about what happened because you didn't want to have to explain the layers of his stupid proposal. (You both think back on it fondly, though.)
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Byakuya Kuchiki
One may think it would take him a while to propose, but that would be quite the opposite of the truth.
What takes him a while is allowing himself to open up to you enough to realize he has feelings for you...
He guards his emotions carefully, especially after the death of Hisana...
But when he's in a relationship with you?
He genuinely cherishes the idea of being called your husband.
He would tell you that when you are ready and feel comfortable with the idea, he would be honored to marry you.
He tells you this up front since it's taken him so long to even accept the relationship, so he already knows he can see himself being with you for the rest of his life.
Because of this, you don't get the whole 'surprise proposal', but you do get to do a lot of things together.
When you admit that the idea of marriage sounds like something you'd like, he takes you to get rings with him.
Though he's used to a more traditional Japanese style wedding, he is open to hearing your thoughts.
He likely puts in more work than you do planning, mostly because he wants to make it perfect for you.
A big extravagant wedding? Done.
A small wedding with only the closest friends and family? That's perfect too.
He wants you to be happy, since he's already decided a while ago that he wants to repay the happiness you've given him tenfold.
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Mayuri Kurotsuchi
He is an interesting one to say the least.
His way of proposing is far from straight forward and even those closest to him who understand him might not see it as such.
Of course, being his partner means he comes to you with complaints about his subordinates or how his research isn't going the way he wants...
That's not unusual.
What is unusual, is how he gives you random little strange gifts.
Well, one wouldn't call them gifts so much...
You'll notice something interesting on his table and make a comment about it.
He'll tell you it was something from a failed experiment and they if you wanted it you could have it.
There was no experiment.
He got it because he knew you'd like it.
He can't say that though, right?
Anyway, through some long winded convoluted explanation you would end up with a ring.
You would end up unintentionally giving him answers to all the important wedding planning stuff and you wouldn't even know it.
You end up finding out because you snuck into his office one day to surprise him with something and you saw his calendar.
It definitely came as a mild shock at first, but somehow you weren't entirely surprised.
Instead you decided to continue to act oblivious up to the day of the wedding. You had to have some fun with it!
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Rukia Kuchiki
Rukia's way of proposing is absolutely adorable and definitely reflects a lot of her personality.
It takes her a bit to decide on the best course of action...
She has been gathering all the important information she would need over the years, after all.
She knows your ring size, your clothing size, your shoe size, your favorite color-- the works!
So, the most important part of everything is the how she does it.
She decided on a date: whatever winter holiday is your favorite.
It just so happened to be snowing that day, which she thought was absolutely perfect.
Whether it was a gift giving holiday or not: she got you one and had it wrapped nicely!
When you opened it, it was a pair of stuffed animals hugging.
One was a rabbit and the other was your favorite animal!
They were velcroed in a way that they could come apart, and when you pulled them apart to see, a small box fell out from between them.
Rukia would kneel down and pick up the box, gently holding it up to you before opening it.
"Will you marry me?"
You said yes, but you also laughed and cried. It was so cute you couldn't help it.
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daddypriceugh · 1 year
Special suprise
Another angst story :')
tw: cheating (?)
You always thought that death would be the only thing that could separate your love. Oh how wrong you were.
This naive thinking got you into this position, which seemed to get worse by every second.
Was it something you said? Or done? Were it your parents that wished for grandchildren? Or maybe...no it couldn't be that. He couldn't have fallen out of love...right?
Even if he did, he would have told you. Like he did with everything.
Well whatever it was, it led to him doing the one thing you never thought he could do.
Breaking your heart.
Shattered it to pieces and stepped on it. At least it felt like that.
The way he kissed her was how he kissed you. Passionate and full of love.
His arms held her hips and pulled her  closer to him. Caressing the soft skin that was only covered by underwear.
And you? You were only standing in the doorway not knowing what to do. The takeaway that you held in your hands, was being crushed by your balled fists.
You watched as he broke the kiss to stare into her eyes.
Love. That's all you saw. Maybe even mixed with a bit of adoration.
That should be you. That had been you just some days ago.
How could everything escalate so quickly?
The numbness of your body was beginning to fade, as you realised that it wasn't you anymore that he desired.
It was her. And only her.
Tears began to form in your eyes and your throat closed. You unintentionally let go of the bag of takeaway, letting it fall to the ground.
This seemed to be the moment of realisation for him, that they were being watched. His eyes snapped to yours and panic filled them.
You just shook your head at him, feeling a tear roll down your flushed cheeks.
You saw him trying to push away the girls arms, but that didn't matter anymore. The damage had already been done.
Leaving the bedroom was one of the easiest but also most difficult things you had ever done.
It meant that you have to leave all the memories in there. Memories full of love and passion. Love makings that always filled your heart with happiness. It all would be gone as soon as you step a foot out of the house.
Hearing the frantic steps and shouts of your name, made you jog to the door. He sounded so sad and guilty, but you didn't care anymore. That's at least what you told yourself.
You hand was already on the door handle, when you were stopped by arms engulfing you into a hug.
"Baby please don't leave I'm sorry" his head hung low as he tried to make eye contact with you.
Not wanting to give him that satisfaction, you pried his arms off of you and smacked him across the face.
It felt good. He deserved it.
"Fuck you Simon" your voice was full of hatred.
You didn't let him register what happened as you opened the door to step outside.
The cold winter air hit you as you ran to your car. You stepped inside and turned it on, not wasting a second to hit the gas and drive away.
The anger you felt was replaced by sadness. Why? Why did he do it? Why today...
Your phone rang and you picked it up to read the message. It was a dangerous thing to do, for sure, but you couldn't care less at the moment.
You opened the chat to see that your Mom was the one that texted you.
,,Hello darling! I wish you a happy birthday. Have a nice day with Simon. Heard he had a special suprise for you ;).
Special suprise huh? Well it was indeed a suprise.
You threw the phone on the backseat and looked onto the dark and empty street, preparing for a new beginning.
The idea sounded better in my head :')
Critique and tips for improvements are always welcome.
Anyway, i hope you have a nice day! <3
(English is not my first language so please excuse grammar mistakes <3)
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cosmos-coma · 7 months
I know I’m late, but may I request 16 or 30 from the Valentine’s prompts with Eskel, if you’re still taking requests? Thank you 💕 Your writing is the best!
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The Need to Get Away
A/N: OF COURSE I CAN, ANYTHING FOR YOU. And you don’t even have to ask, because the only Eskel I write for is game Eskel :) (and hopefully some book Eskel as I read through more). Sorry this took so long! It’s been a WEEK, but I really appreciate the love.
Pairing: Eskel x Reader
Words: 2398
Warning: none! Just some fluff! (oh and absolutely CHAOTIC sibling energy)
Witcher Masterlist
Consider buying me a Ko-fi?
It was nearing the end of winter, teetering on the edge of spring and the holiday of love was right around the corner. Most years Eskel wouldn’t bother to celebrate- the path was ever lonely and if company happened to be found, they barely stayed beyond the night. 
But this year was different.
This year it wasn’t a mocking reminder of his isolating work, But rather a reminder that against all odds, somehow he found you.
When he first met you, you had been a radiant hearth in a house he didn’t even realize had gone dark and cold. No matter the day he had you always smiled and laughed when he came back to you with sticks and monster bits in his hair. You’d pick them out, ask him how his contract was, and spend all night in his tender embrace.
You made him feel normal, and for that, he wanted to give you something special- something he felt was worthy of the love he felt he had so unjustly received. 
First, he tried the library. 
He had set everything up perfectly; the fireplace crackled with the warmth of life, the fragrant petals of your favorite flower lay scattered around the stacks, and the warmest blanket in the entire keep was placed over your favorite loveseat. 
He pulled out a stack of your favorite stories and even a few new ones he’d snagged in town before the bitter cold came. He figured you two could have a relaxing morning side by side in the library before you continued on to the rest of his plans.
… unfortunately, it didn’t last for long.
“Eskel, my love, did you do all of this for us?” You grinned as you opened the heavy wooden door. The pleasant smell of fresh flowers and old books swirled around you, its soothing scent enveloping you along with the warmth coming from the room's large hearth. 
“I thought we could start with a quiet morning…” he said as he took your hand and led you to your seat where there was already a steaming mug just for you.
Your grin was so sweet and genuinely excited that even now, Eskel still lost his breath at the sight of it.
You settled down in your favorite loveseat, your legs thrown over Eskel’s lap as per usual as you settled in. 
It seemed like the perfect way to start the day, book in your lap, mug in your hand, until-
You nearly jumped 3 feet in the air when you heard the rumbling explosion beneath you, causing you to spill the contents of your mug into your lap and book.
“Ah!! Hot! Hot!” You shouted as you jumped up to your feet, dropping everything to the floor as you desperately tried to fan yourself. 
Eskel wasted no time jumping up either, trying to pat dry your clothes and blow on them, but there was only so much he could do. Soon enough, thankfully, the entire room let out a relieved sigh as your clothes had finally cooled down, now just leaving you with a soaked, cold lap.
“Well this… could be worse,” you tried to stay positive as you looked at Eskel with a small smile “But What on earth was that? It sounded like it was right below us” 
Eskel sighed, sitting back down as he watched you go stand near the fire to dry your clothes, “it probably came from the alchemy lab… it’s right below us but I don’t know who would be-“
A smaller explosion went off. 
“I meant to do that!” You heard Lambert’s voice yell as bits of rock crumbled and fell from the ceiling.
Eskel sighed, “I really should have guessed… It seems he chose today of all days to test his volatile substances…” 
“‘Volatile substances’? You mean—“
“Oh, THAT'S NEW” Lambert's voice shouted, a mix of excitement and concern…but mostly excitement.
“Bombs.” Eskel finished for you, “precisely.”
“Right…” you said quietly, seeming to be in thought as you  nodded and fanned your clothes before the fire, “… should we not be here?”
“No probably not…” 
Next, he tried the courtyard.
It was warm for the end of winter and the sun hung happily in the clear sky. Though there were still some weeks of winter left, soft green buds mistakenly peeked out of the twigs and branches above you, giving hope of a soon-to-be spring. 
“So this morning didn’t go as planned, but I thought maybe we could spend some time with Lil Bleater?” Eskel suggested, carrying a small pack under his arm. The aforementioned noisy kid bleated up at her two-legged dad as she followed just half a step behind, urgently asking for everything from cuddles to treats to a sparring partner.
You laughed a bit and nodded, “of course… you know I can never get enough of her.” 
As if sensing his intentions Lil Bleater suddenly ran ahead, bouncing around a large tree jutting out of the courtyard. Its roots had pulled up pieces of the stone walkway its many, many years of watching over the keep, but maintained a little bowl that was perfect for sitting. Landing with as much flare as a goat can she turned back to Eskel, yelling at him to set up right here.
“There? That’s where you wanna be? Alright, you’re the boss, Bleater…” your beloved said with a warm smile, unfolding the small blanket with a satisfying fwoosh. 
The mountain of a man let out a sigh nearly as big as he was as he finally sat on the thin cushion of the blanket, “let’s try this again shall we..?” He offered, his notched lip tugging up at the corner as he reached out to you. 
Practically falling into his lap, you wasted no time before curling into his warm embrace, your head resting pleasantly against his shoulder as you tried to take in the peace of the morning once again. Lil Bleater was quick to follow suit, climbing into your lap and nibbling at your clothes until you finally scratched her just right. 
It seemed like everything was finally going right this time… that is until- 
Clang! Clang clang! Ding! 
Eskel groaned, his head knocking into yours as it hung in defeat again. He swore this day was testing him. 
Geralt and Vesemir came round the corner shortly after, swords clanging viciously as they sparred, their mentor holding nothing back as he came at him again and again. Metal on metal rang incessantly in your ears and even Lil Bleater had to protest the unending noise they made. 
“Baaaaah! “ she cried, pushing off of your lap in a rush as she ran swiftly in the opposite direction. 
“Um… “ you muttered as you watched them keep going, even going so far as to wave at you as they passed. You wanted to say something, but this was still not your home, not technically, and you didn’t want to overstep your bounds.
Eskel sighed, he was a very patient man, but it was wearing thinner with every aggressive clang of metal ringing against the stone walls, “Of course they have to do this now-- Come on… why don’t you go in for lunch?” He suggested, his smile much more tired now as he helped you up, “I’ll be in soon, okay? Hopefully, it’s quieter in the hall.”
And then… it was lunch…
Eskel was hard at work in the kitchen, willingly unbothered by the racquet of his brothers as he put the finishing touches on his meal. He had prepared most of it earlier that morning, having already planned ahead on sharing your favorite lunch. “Okay… it’s done,” Eskel mumbled to himself as he looked out the thin window, “and with any luck, my brothers will still be busy while we eat….” 
As Eskel brought out plates for the both of you, looking cautiously around the hall, he had to sigh in relief; his brothers were still out and about.Maybe he could finally have time for just the two of you.
 Thank any and every god that one of his activities was going right. 
Your smile was gentle and patient as he headed toward you, your whole expression graced with a wash of wonderfully stubborn love. Eskel nearly tripped on a raised tile, his eyes lost in yours instead on the path ahead of him, before quickly recovering his footing. 
“Careful there…,”. You warned with a laugh, “We wouldn’t want anything to happen to lunch after all the trouble you’ve gone through today.” 
Your Witcher huffed a small laugh, but refused to jinx it any further
About four bites in the hair on the back of his neck began to rise. Something didn’t feel right. He stopped and looked around the hall. All was quiet, but something still nagged him.
Hm.. it’s not his Witcher senses bothering him, or his medallion would have gone off. No… what was bothering him was his sibling senses. 
Carefully he put his fork down, the gentle ding clear in his ears. He looked at you, innocent and unaware of what was yet to come, you were too engrossed in your meal to notice the danger looming all too close. 
“It’s too quiet-” he tried to warn, but it was too late. 
Almost as if it was planned, both Lambert and Geralt came in from different doors and their senses were set on Eskel’s premade food. 
“No, no, no, no..!” Eskel started to stand, yellow eyes flaring as Geralt slid in next to you, and Lambert next to him. 
“Oooh, smells good, whatcha got there big guy?” Lambert asked with a grin as he reached over onto Eskel’s plate, taking a bite of the meticulously made dish, “oh shit, this is good!”
Geralt looked over onto your plate, “Hm? Can I try some?” He asked, tone calm and deceivingly gentle, but Eskel knew his brothers. Lambert was brash and didn’t care about the consequences as he reached for what he wanted. Geralt on the other hand was calculated. As a child he learned quickly that he needed his approach to be smart if he was going to skirt the slaps and jabs Lambert got, so he’d stick his foot in the door. He’d ask to try some, complement the work, and then eventually get YOU to offer HIM part of your meal. Eskel had fallen for it many times.
“Oh, of course,” you smiled pleasantly as you offered him a fork, watching him take a politely small bite. 
“Oh it’s good, Eskel you made this?” Geralt complimented, the slightest smile on his lips as he met the blazing eyes of his closest brother. 
“I did…” Eskel gritted out, pushing Lambert away from his plate as he went to reach in again. 
“Huh, you’ve never cooked like this for us…” Geralt remarked, rubbing his ‘aching arms’ “mm, too bad my arms are so sore from training today to make myself something like this…” 
“Oh… well, would you like some more of mine? I’m sure there’s enough to go around.” You said, offering him a few more forkfuls. 
Geralt grinned pointedly at his brother as he lifted his fork again, “Wow, Eskel… you must’ve brought home the most generous person on the continent….” 
You smiled at the compliment, but the pleasant expression quickly fell as Eskel stabbed his fork into the table, dangerously close to Lambert's reaching hand, and wordlessly walked away. His shoulders were tight and arched, like a threatened animal, and you weren’t sure if it was growling or muttering beneath his breath that you heard. 
“Eskel? My love, where are you going?” You asked as he turned the corner wordlessly. 
“Well,” Lambert said, scooting over into Eskel’s seat as he took his plate with a grin, “If he’s not going to finish it then I guess I should.”
All of this Chaos and turmoil had bubbled and stewed and now you hadn’t seen Eskel all afternoon. Sunset was just a few hours away and you were starting to get worried. 
“Where could he be..?” You mused to yourself as you pushed past the front doors.You had just stepped outside to look for him once again when you heard a familiar, yet excited sound. 
“Bahhhh!” Lil Bleater yelled as she ran toward you, her gait quick and determined as she trampled a path straight toward you. 
“Hey, kiddo. Have you- wait, what’s this?” You asked as you quickly snatched the note she was chewing away. 
‘Meet me at the stables? Dress warm. -E’
You grinned as you saw Eskel’s neat handwriting scrawled across the simple note. With all the speed you could manage you rushed to get your warmest clothes on, a grin plastered on your face the entire time as you raced through the keep and down to the stables. What you weren’t expecting though was to see Scorpion saddled up, packed saddle bags bulging with various items. 
“Eskel..? What is this..?” You smiled, nearly out of breath as you slowed to a stop before the stead-fast stallion. “Are you going somewhere?” You asked, petting Scorpion’s dark muzzle as he leaned his nose in to sniff around your pockets.
“We are,” he smiled, looking at ease once again as he came to your side, “I’m sorry today was- sort of a disaster. I had all of these things planned and just… nothing seemed to go right,” he admitted. “But I think I found the perfect solution…. How do you feel about an impromptu road trip? There’s a little clearing up the side of the mountain that has the most amazing sunsets. 
There’s a big tree in the middle that’s perfect to sleep under, and after we eat dinner-” he knocked on a saddle bag, its noise clanking with the sound of a pot and its utensils, “then maybe we can make a fire and stargaze..?”
His large frame was uncharacteristically nervous, his gaze staring down at his rough hands as they came together in front of him. He hoped you’d be willing to try it all again, It hadn’t been a great start, but he was still determined to see it through for you. 
When he finally looked up from his hands the brightness of your toothy grin was contagious, Eskel’s own lips tugging up into a wide smile.
“Oh, my love… you had me at ‘road trip’.”
Witcher Taglist: @writingmysanity @novigrad--dreaming @madamemelancholysstuff @dark-academia-slut @beardedladyqueen
Did I forget to add you? Do you wanna be added to my Witcher Taglist? DM/Ask me to let me know!!
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rainintheevening · 2 months
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Part I – Part II ... Part XVII – Part XVIII
They don't set out to become the kings of St. Maurice’s School for Boys, it just sort of happens.
Peter's not trying to be a king so much as be King Peter, not trying to lead so much as care for others, but it feels so natural to speak up, to step forward, to give orders and receive respect. He doesn't ask to be called ‘sir’, as the younger boys do when he scolds them, and he feels embarrassed when he hears other boys say, “Here comes His Majesty.” He's not the king of this school, he's not even Head Boy. He's just… Peter Pevensie. And yet, somehow, he knows he's High King Peter too, he remembers being that, and it lingers in his body and mind, sinew and soul altered in ways he cannot take back. He wouldn't take it back even if he could.
It's easier for Peter to see the little things in Edmund than himself: the way he laughs freer and brighter, even as he studies harder and deeper; the calmness with which he takes insults; the concern with which he addresses people in the wrong.
Peter finds himself instinctively turning toward the sounds of shouts and fists, finds himself leaping to either halt or join the altercations, depending on their nature. He's quick to see who's at a disadvantage, quick to pick a side if there's a clear one. Ed has similar tendencies, though he's sharper with his tongue, prefers to break up fights with some pointed words, and only the threat of fists, unless his brother is already embroiled.
Peter's ear seems specially tuned to his brother's voice, easily picking it out of any row, no matter how many boys may be shouting, and he is never surprised to discover Edmund at his side in the thick of it. They look after each other, guard each other's backs as much as possible, fight for each other when they must.
By the end of the winter term, they are both widely accepted leaders across the school, Peter on a level with Head Boy Wollers, and Ed as something similar among the lower forms, who consider him more accessible than Peter.
He picks out a pattern in the whispers: If you want protection, go to Peter; if you want clever ideas, go to Edmund. And it makes him smile, another echo of their kingship and the roles they'd taken while ruling from the Cair.
They stop bullies, and lift spirits, and it's all good, it's right, it's what Aslan would want, Peter's certain.
And then they go home.
Home for the Easter hols, home to Finchley for the first time since they left it in the autumn, when the bombing had only begun, and they sit silent on the train drawing them into London, dragging them out of the near-dream they suddenly know school to have been.
They have to change trains twice, because the lines are knocked out, and slow-rising tension crawls up Peter's spine, works knots into his shoulders.
It comes in flashes between the stretches of unspoiled land: the edge of a city bombed into jagged walls against pale sky, someone's kitchen gaping open to the air like a wound, a funeral procession down a country lane.
Closing in on London in the evening, the ragged grey look of everything increases, and silence settles in their compartment. They come into Tottenham Station minutes before blackout descends, and disembark into the brokenness of patched up walls, and boarded up windows. Their train is late, no one is waiting, they'll have to walk all the way up Tottenham Road to take the Tube from Euston. Even in the station their breath makes clouds before their faces.
Outside, the cab stand is empty, and they say nothing, hoisting trunks up to their shoulders, Edmund his shadow as he turns down the street. The edge of the heavy trunk digs into Peter's shoulder, it is deucedly hard to balance with his suitcase dangling from one hand, but he breathes, walks, one foot in front of the other.
It's hard to breathe, hard to see, they are walking through wounds, great gaping wounds bleeding fire and stone, city skin torn open to vital parts, and Peter does not know this London. He walks as if in a dream, slow and stunned, only the occasional knock of Edmund's arm against his reminding Peter he is in fact awake.
Halfway there, Edmund is forced to rest; he's smaller, not as strong as Peter, but his trunk weighs nearly the same.
Ed sits on his trunk, panting, and Peter says nothing, because there is nothing to say, just stretches his back, trying to stand tall, peering up into the blackout murk, searching for the sky.
Chilly, twilight air hangs heavy with smoke and dust, sharp, angry smells that send memories flickering through Peter's head like a faulty film reel at a picture—smoke above trees, smashed stone walls, reek of blood, red streaked down Rhindon's silver blade, giant's club smashing down on Edmund, shout burning in his throat, Erah's face coated in scarlet dried to rust, stern sorrow for destruction, Ed's pale but smiling face…
“Peter? Pete!” Tugging at his sleeve, and he starts, looks over into his little brother's worried eyes. “Are you alright?”
“It's wrong.” Peter waves a hand around them, ember broke to flame in his chest. An old woman limps past, head down, torch pointed at the ground to see her way. She doesn't even glance at them. “All wrong.”
And he reaches for Rhindon, but finds nothing, his hands are empty, he's in his school uniform not armour, he's a boy alone in the streets of London–
The air-raid sirens blare.
Fear gives them strength, and the world blurs until they tumble down the steps to the underground station, trunks and all.
Packed in with the hundreds of others sheltering there, they surrender the preferred positions on top of their trunks to older folk with bad knees, and huddle beside them on the cold concrete platform, Edmund pressed close enough for Peter to hear his whisper: “I wish we'd never come back.”
A little boy with a sticking plaster on his chin is squirming in an older girl’s arms, querulous with his need for the toilet, and an old milk bottle gets passed over.
Peter is trying not to breathe too deeply, the reek of the sweaty, fearful crowd nearly enough to make him gag. He doesn't know if Ed means back from school or back from Narnia, but he agrees with either.
“I hate bombs.” He rests his head against Ed's, sticks his nose into his brother's hair that still carries a hint of Yorkshire moor mist, closes his eyes. “Rather catapults, or even a dragon.”
The fire in Peter’s heart burns there, gnaws at his breastbone, his lungs. His hands keep clenching into fists, before the ache of his muscles catches his attention and he forces himself to relax.
The ground beneath them shivers, the lights flicker.
A baby cries, a dog whines, someone begins to sing, and Peter feels as if the concrete roof has already caved in on him, he is trapped, squeezed, he can't move, he can't do anything.
Oh, for a sword, an army, for Aslan! But Peter can't imagine the great Lion in all His beauty here, in this dingy foul smelling crowd. He closes his eyes again, wraps an arm tight around Ed.
Ed sings softly with the others: Abide with me, fast falls the eventide…
It's after 11 by the time they drag up the steps of their home, and no light escapes at any window, they cannot tell if anyone is even there. The girls have been delayed letting out thanks to a suspected case of the measles, and sometimes Mother works very late…
A light is on in the kitchen.
In the front hall, Ed drops down on his trunk, wordless, but Peter halts one step into the living room.
The fire in the hearth has burned down low, but there is enough light for him to see the woman lying across the sofa, still in her factory overall, so heavily asleep two boys blundering in with their luggage could not wake her.
Behind him Edmund starts to speak, but Peter turns, grabs Ed’s arm to tow him in his wake as he fumbles blindly into the kitchen.
He thinks his heart is breaking.
He sees the table set for three, supper gone cool, everything waiting for them, she must have fallen asleep waiting, and Peter… he thinks he's going to cry.
He doesn't.
His voice sounds odd and crackly as he tells Edmund, “Go and wake her gently. I'll reheat the soup.”
Peter comes awake in his own bed, sometime early morning, perhaps when he usually rises to go out to the stables, but he lies in complete darkness, listening to mother quietly moving about the kitchen, the door shutting behind her as she leaves to catch her bus to the factory…
And then he hears the air raid sirens very faint and far away, somewhere to the west, and he doesn't know why exactly but he is crying.
He rolls over to bury his face in his pillow, muffle the sobs, but they break out hard and fast, like the wild fire in his chest has become a bird beating its wings against his ribcage, and there is no escape, there is nothing he can do. He is nobody here, nothing, he doesn't count. He is small and trapped, and wild for open sky and the woods and the great moor rolling away and a fresh horse under him.
He thinks of the boy with the sticking plaster, the girl with the glasses, the great jagged wall that had once been a bakery! he suddenly remembered, with the most delicious cinnamon stickies one could imagine. And Mother, oh, Mum, it's not fair, you shouldn't have to work like this, it's all wrong, wrong!
He is weeping, broken open with a kind of hopeless fury for the pain around him, sobbing in the dark.
A patting hand finds his head, his shoulder, and Peter catches his breath, feels Edmund's weight dipping the mattress, a fumbling offer of comfort the way he knows Peter receives it best, and Peter… Peter cannot bear it, he flinches. Sob strangling in his throat, and he jerks back from the touch, curls away from the loving warmth of his brother, covers his mouth with a hand.
He does not want to be seen or heard, not like this, so wrecked and vulnerable, so weak and useless.
Hasty, fierce, he swallows the heaving, stamps out the fire, chokes down the tears, wrestling his body into a trembling, sniffling quietude.
“The only place you're useless is in the kitchen making tea.”
He stiffens at Edmund's hard-edged words, unbalanced by the wondering of how much he may have said aloud, or how much Ed might have guessed.
Edmund stands, moves away. “Come on, it's nearly six, and I'm starving—let's get breakfast.”
And then he's gone, creaking down the stairs, and Peter lies still, a few more tears making their way down the side of his face to the pillow. There is a cold space at his back, he is empty inside, hungry and weary in equal measure.
He does not understand. Any of this. Or so he tells the shadows.
He only understands that it hurts.
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sl-newsie · 10 months
Snow Day (Carlos de Vil x Silvermist Daughter) *Christmas Special* 🎄
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'Can I request a Carlos descendants holiday fic with friends to lovers/everybody knows but them tropes? But the reader is an AK, adopted daughter of Silvermist.’ Here we go!
“No! Cut it out, Elvin!” I shout as I sprint through the icy wind. “You know I don’t like the cold!”
The white-blonde boy behind me jumps up to lean off a lamppost. “What’s the matter? Too afraid to have fun?”
I give an annoyed huff and hug my cape around me tighter. “Just because you’re the son of Jack Frost doesn’t mean you have to make my life a living nightmare with your pranks! Now for the last time, leave me alone!”
In a final effort I let out a water blast that sends Elvin flying into a snowbank, then dash down the street to hide inside Miss Muffet’s Bakery. 
“Oh- Sylvia! Hi! What’s going on-?!”
In my haste I almost run into a familiar face, though this is one face I am always excited to see!
“Shh!” I hold up a hand to silence Carlos. “I’m hiding!”
His eyes widen. “Oh!” He joins me behind the cookie display. “May I ask from whom?” Carlos whispers back.
“Ugh. It’s Elvin Frost. Son of Elsa and Jack Frost, and an icy pain in my side. He’s visiting from Arendelle, and has become the reason why I hate snow days.”
“Hate snow days?” Carlos laughs. “How could anyone hate snow days? I mean, look around!” He gestures to the billowing snow swirling around the window. “It’s so- so…”
Ever since Carlos came to Auradon last summer, I’ve always been fond of his childlike energy. Not many kids in Auradon appreciate the little things like he does, so it goes without saying that we’d become friends. Mom’s always so busy controlling the water elements she didn’t have time to look after me, so she sent me to be adopted by Jack Beanstalk. But like Carlos, I’ve learned to enjoy other things. However, snow isn’t one of them.
“My wings can’t stand the bitter cold. If I stay outside too long, they freeze and wither away. It also doesn’t help that my water powers freeze in the winter. Water and cold do not mix well for me.”
Carlos’ face falls. “Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t think of that.”
I wave it off. “It’s alright.”
“It’s just that… we didn’t get snow on the Isle.”
That’s why he loves the snow. I can’t be mad at him for that. How could he have known anyway? It’s his first Christmas in Auradon, so he wouldn’t know.
“I guess if you’ve never seen it, snow can be very magical,” I attempt a cheerful smile. “I’m glad you enjoy it! You should go play outside.”
Carlos still isn’t convinced. “But it’s not as fun if you’re not there, Sylvia. Would you maybe wanna stay here for a hot chocolate?”
My spirits lift and my wings start fluttering. “That sounds wonderful! I’d love to!”
“Great! Um- maybe we could sit down instead of hiding behind the counter?”
I nod eagerly and start flying to a nearby table, too excited to remember not to use my wings indoors.
“Oh- right.” I flutter down, and my height difference shows. Since I’m the descendant of a fairy, I’ve been short my whole life.
“That never gets old,” Carlos comments with a grin.
I tilt my head in confusion. “What?”
“Your wings. I think they’re beautiful.”
His kind words send us both into blushing messes, so I try to change the subject.
"Where's Dude?"
Carlos chuckles. "He hates the cold, so he's currently sleeping in front of the fire in my dorm."
By now a waitress shows up to take our order.
“What’ll it be, hon?”
I don’t miss a beat. “A large old-fashioned hot chocolate extreme with peppermint dust, whipped cream, and marshmallows, please!”
Carlos’ jaw drops. 
I roll my eyes. “It’s my favorite holiday drink, I don’t care if it gives me a heart attack.”
“It sounds fantastic! I’ll have one too!” He smiles at the waitress, who just nods and walks off.
This snow day just got so much better!
Evie’s POV
“We’ve got to get them together!” I huff as I pace the dorm room.
“But they are together,” Jay states bluntly. “Haven’t you seen them around?”
I roll my eyes. “I mean, they need to know that they love each other, right? It’s like they’re completely oblivious to it!”
Jay lazily gets up from the couch and walks over to the window. “I wouldn’t say they look too upset.”
I dash over and peer through the frosted glass to see Carlos and Sylvia walking hand-in-hand through the snow, each holding to-go mugs.
“Oh my God. Are they on a… date?”
Jay shrugs. “Guess we don’t gotta step in after all.”
I’m still unconvinced. “No, no. It’s been going on like this for months! They look happy hanging out together, but won’t confess their feelings! Come on!” I grab Jay’s sleeve and start dragging him out the door. “I want to see this for myself!”
Sylvia’s POV
Ok, if all snow days involve drinking hot chocolate with Carlos then I want one every day! 
“What’s been your favorite snow activity?” I ask Carlos, who keeps looking at the snow outside as if we’re in a real-life snow globe.
“Definitely making snowmen. Or snowball fights! Wait- have you ever ice skated?”
I let out a carefree laugh as I sip my cocoa. “Yes, it comes very naturally when I can control water.”
“What’s your favorite snow activity?”
I come to a stop in the flurrying snow, remembering how much I used to love winter as a kid.
“I… I liked making snow angels,” I whisper.
Carlos gets an unreadable expression. “Why don’t you now?”
I shake my head and gesture to the frozen ground. “I don’t like risking direct snow contact with my wings. Plus, all the snow that melts under me begins to freeze to my cape.”
The freckled VK looks distant for a second, then seems to get an idea. 
“Wait a sec!” He quickly slides off his own coat and lays it on the fluffy snow. “Now you have a double cover!”
I smile sadly at his thoughtful gesture. “Carlos, that’s really sweet. But I’m not sure-”
“Come on, it’ll only be for a second!” Carlos takes my hand and pulls me closer. “We’ll head straight back indoors, I promise.”
I must admit, Carlos’ pleading eyes combined with the sparkling snow is all too taunting to pass up despite my usual refusals.
With a deep breath, I hug my cape tighter around me and turn around to gently lie down on the soft blanket of snow. The cooler surface is refreshing, flooding my mind with childhood memories. Slowly, I bring my arms out to form the angel, and when I do I feel Carlos lay down beside me.
“Are you having fun?” He asks sincerely.
“Yes,” I answer in a relaxed tone, then seem to rethink something. “Carlos… Do you like spending time with me?”
Carlos doesn’t take more than 2 seconds to respond. “Of course! You’re always so full of fun ideas, and having a water balloon fight with you is one of the best things ever!”
I nod. “Does that mean… you enjoy my company? You like… me?”
By now we’ve both realized where this conversation might be going, but thankfully Carlos doesn’t seem weirded out by it and doesn’t slide away.
“Ok, don’t water-blast me for this,” Carlos takes a deep breath. “Would you be mad if I said I did like you? Maybe… as more than a friend?”
Is this what I think it is?
“So is this a date?” I stand up and my wings start getting excited, threatening to shake loose from my cape. “Oh no- I can’t be out too long!”
Carlos sees my panicked face and stands up with me to dust the snow off my cape. Then out of nowhere, he sweeps me up bridal-style and rushes me across the grounds to the dorm building entrance. We don’t speak, there’s no need to. I trust him not to drop me. Through speaking with actions Carlos shows me just how much he cares, and it sends my spirits soaring. I don’t know if it’s the sugar in the hot chocolate or my dilated emotions, but my heart’s racing like a rabbit!
When we get inside and the warmth engulfs my wings again, Carlos gently lets me down.
“I supposed I did mean for this to be a date,” Carlos admits. “I’m sorry you got too cold.”
For some reason my stubborn eyes can’t leave his cute face. “It’s my fault, I got too excited. I just wish I could stand the cold longer so I could enjoy it with you,” I say in a sad tone.
“I’d keep you warm.” Carlos leans in closer and wraps his arms around me, firm enough to show his affection but not too tight to damage my wings.
Using what courage I can muster, I turn my head up. “I know you will.” And with that, I press a soft kiss to his cheek.
Carlos’ face goes as red as a cherry, and immediately I regret being so bold.
“I’m sorry! God, I’m so bad at this- I just messed everything up- and now you’re mad-!”
Carlos cuts me off by leaning in to kiss my lips and my eyes close on instinct. If it weren’t for my wings going into hummingbird mode, this would be a really tender moment. 
When we break apart to breathe, I hear Carlos let out a surprised gasp.
“Sylvia, um… As much as I love your wings, would you mind letting me down?” He jokes.
My eyes pop open and I look down to find that my wings have lifted us up a good 5 feet in the air.
“Oh! Right. Sorry about that,” I gush as I lower us down, with Carlos still hugging me to him.
“Does this mean we can have more snow dates?” I ask in a timid voice.
Carlos grins. “That sounds fun! I think I just found my new favorite snow activity!”
I mirror his happiness with my own smile and grip his hand. “I think we’ve had enough snow for today, so how about watching a Christmas movie?”
Carlos starts leading me back to his dorm, and when we pass by Evie and Jay in the hallway I swear I hear Evie mutter “It’s about time.” 
God, I love snow days!
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hajimeshoe · 2 years
This one is a special one!
So, if you've seen the lion king, you've seen how the lionesses stood up to Scar.
Especially Sarabi (shout out to my queen bro!)
So I had a thought.
Leona's overblot dealing with a female prefect who hadn't been afraid of him from the very beginning.
Stepped on his tail and was not fazed when he threatened her after thinking she was a boy (cause she hid her gender for precautionary reasons)
Stood up to him when he forced the little magical shift game upon Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Cater.
Basically, she was very outspoken when dealing with him and made her presence known.
Even when he overblotted, she showed no fear and stood her ground, still voicing her thoughts.
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As she should 💅🏾✨️
OOOH!! YES! An outspoken MC would be one that Leona genuinely likes (Either romantically or platonically) because it's unusual for people to actually talk back to him. Ao3 has been going down a lot this past week and I'm ready to cry. I have stories to write on there. Also! Octopuses have no spines...or any other bones.
Leona with Outspoken Fem!MC
Leona's worst nightmare has come to life (Or just come to Twisted Wonderland)
He wants peace and quiet? Not if the Prefect is around
He was expecting the sole magicless student to be quiet and to know their place in this school, but that was quickly disproved on that fated day in the Botanical Garden
"Don't just leave your tail on the path, then!" the prefect had snapped. "While you're at it, go to YOUR room to sleep instead of sleeping in a place where all students are allowed to go!"
Aaaand, he grew an immediate dislike for her
The magical shift game against the Heartslabyul kids? Only hardened his dislike of her
"HARD pass," she had said. "Seeing as you're incapable of winning anything without cheating, or you wouldn't be letting one of your students injure other players."
And then she had the audacity to stand up to him during his Overblot, yelling about how he can't commit murder just because of a family argument.
"Not happening!" He had growled when Jack brought her to Savannaclaw, asking for her and her pet to stay there.
His greatest mistake? Letting Ruggie guilt him into letting them stay in his room.
Those two could not stay quiet for the life of them, managing to whine about everything and even dragging him headfirst into their squabble with Azul.
"You're a girl!?" He growled upon walking in without thinking to find her changing
She threw a dagger at him...how she got one? He had no clue
But finding out she was a girl changed a lot. After all, Leona couldn't throw hands with a girl, that went against everything he had learnt growing up
Does not give the Prefect his bed, even after finding out she's a girl...just wakes up to find her having trouble sleeping and tosses her in the bed while he takes the couch so he can sleep peacefully
Aaaand that just leads to teasing (Cue Leona google searching "How to get a human to filter their words")
Don't be fooled. He does enjoy having an herbivore that actually speaks up and argues back, no matter how annoying it can be at times. After all, he gets to argue for once when he's normally given his way on principle.
Octopunk overblotted. Did MC get some self-preservation instincts and keep her mouth quiet for once? Of course not.
"Get over it, Azul! Bullying is cruel, but it isn't a damned reason to repeat the cycle! Grow a spine- do octopuses have spines? Oh well, grow one and stop fucking whining!"
...Leona is ready to wrap this suicidal prefect in bubble wrap and lock them in a spare room. Savannaclaw dorm has plenty of empty dorm rooms.
Yes, she's grown on him like a leech
By time Winter Break rolls around, he's just glad to have the prefect out of his dorm and have a reason to get away from her for a couple of weeks.
After all he really needs a nap
And if he "dropped" a better phone than the one Crowley got her in Ramshackle before taking off, well, it's definitely not because he doesn't trust Jamil or Azul
Not at all
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antennaed-shidou · 9 months
Winter Weather
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☃︎ Bachira Meguru x f! reader
☃︎ Warning: not prof-read,
☃︎ Misc: Word Count: 600+ 12 days of Christmas special with the Blue Lock Boys. 5/12 days with the bumble bee Bachira Meguru. Hope you enjoy it.
☃︎ In which the weather gets colder and colder.
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The first day of December was the hottest. Bachira wanted to go for a walk with his girlfriend {Y/n}. He begged and begged her with those puppy eyes, and she couldn't say no.
From that day on the two of them went on walks every day. Even if it was really cold. They would bundle up and hold hands keeping each other warm. Even if it was hotter they would hold.
"Today is going to be on the colder side, Meguru. Make sure you dress warm!" {Y/n} yells through the house. Right now she was making lunch before they went on their daily walk.
"Ok!" Bachira hollered back. He was rummaging through his closet trying to find something warm to wear. And right now he couldn't find anything.
"Hurry, Megu," The [h/c]-haired female shouted. She was finished making lunch and was setting up the table for her and her boyfriend who wasn't down yet.
She decided to go and check on him and help him. The woman made her way to their bedroom. When she opened the door she was greeted with clothes all on the floor. Even some of her clothes were scattered on the floor.
{Y/n} walked through the mess making sure not to step on the clothes as she really didn't want to wash them again. "Bachira Meguru, what the hell are you doing making this big of a mess?" She looked a him through the mirror in the bathroom.
Bachira turned around with a big bright smile on his face., "Getting all pretty to see you. But you spoiled the fun." His smile turned into a frown and his shoulders dipped down.
"Aw, Meguru, you were always pretty. Even if you look like a mess." She walked over to him pinching his cheeks making him look at her. "You're so cute when you pout, did you know that."
He puffed out his cheeks making the girl let go. With a swift movement, he fell into her body giving her a hug by surprise.
"I love you, {N/n}
"I love you too, Megu. Now let's go eat lunch before we go on that walk. " {Y/n} let go of the hug.
The two of them walked into the dining room. They sat down to eat their lunch before they got ready for the walk. They bundled up putting on heavy coats gloves and boots.
"Ready, {N/n}?" The ombre yellow-haired asked turning around after zipping up his jacket.
"Just about," She finished putting on her boots before standing up.
"Then Let's go!" Bachira grabbed his girlfriend's hand. He opens the door for them letting her out first.
It was still snowing outside, and pretty hard at that. But they were going for a walk it didn't matter, this was a daily routine at this point and nothing was going to stop that, besides really bad weather.
They would keep each other warm, Even holding hands was enough warmth for them. Their love was enough to keep them warm. The two were such a cute couple it put old couples to shame.
Bachira and {Y/n} walked their normal path. Walking past the local playground seeing kids play and parents to watch. They also walked past the new convenience store.
Bachira wanted to take a pit stop to look at what's inside, but {Y/n} said they could visit it later when they weren't on the walk. They continued walking past the small chocolate store. It smelt so good but {Y/n} kept on walking making Bachira follow along.
They finished their walk and made their way back home. {Y/n} took her boyfriend's jacket to put it in the washer. Meanwhile, Bachira went to the bedroom lying down pulling the blankets over him.
When {Y/n} was done loading the washer she lay in bed with him. The two lay there not talking just cuddling, they had fallen asleep without realizing it.
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a/n: I know. This took me a while. It was busy around Christmas and I timed this series wrong. Along with my main computer not working (still not), I'm thankful for having another computer to use. I also wrote the rest of this series on paper.
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day6source · 9 months
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“We’re back to our seats” DAY6, the first complete group concert in 4 years
by News Reporter Lee Min-ji All photos provided by JYP Entertainment
DAY6 successfully completed their first full-length solo concert in about 4 years. DAY6 held ‘DAY6 Christmas Special Concert ‘The Present: You are My Day’ for three days from December 22nd to 24th at Korea University’s Hwajeong Gymnasium in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul. This performance is the first Christmas special concert in 4 years since 'Christmas Special Concert 'The Present'' in December 2019, and the first full-length concert since 'DAY6 WORLD TOUR 'GRAVITY'' in January 2020. Tickets for all sessions sold out quickly after general reservations opened, and additional seats were also sold out, attracting a total of 20,000 audiences over three days. On the 24th, the last day of the performance, an online paid live broadcast was simultaneously conducted through the Beyond LIVE platform. As it was the time to officially announce the end of their hiatus period after all of their members Sungjin, Young K, Wonpil, and Dowoon were discharged from the military, DAY6 released more than 23 songs for My Day (fandom name), who had been waiting for a long time. They put their sincerity into each stage. The title track of their first full-length album, "SUNRISE," their title track, "I Smile," and their seventh mini album, "The Book of Us: Negentropy - Chaos Swallowed Up in Love," the title track of "You Make Me" and the track "Invincible (ONE)" opened in the dark, signaling a thrilling and touching return.
Sungjin said, "I've been waiting for a long time to perform on this stage. I named the performance to give the impression that it's a gift to you. I have a lot of emotions coming up from the beginning. I'll pour out everything today," adding to his excitement. They presented a variety of musical gifts, including "Zombie", "Love Me or Leave Me", as well as major group songs such as "days gone by," "You Were Beautiful," "Congratulations," and "I Like You." During the encore stage, they selected songs that added heat to their hearts, including "Best Part," "Time of Our Life," "DANCE DANCE," and "Freely." All of the members went around the audience to make eye contact with fans and keep each other warm during the winter. In order to give precious memories to the audience, DAY6 put all their efforts into every element of the performance. In keeping with the saying "Trust and listen in DAY6," the members showed off their solid vocals and musical instruments that did not feel any gaps in the hiatus period. They sang the parts that fans wanted to hear again, building up their emotions, and Dowoon also performed a surprise bit at the ending part of "Zombie." The members filled the concert hall with happy laughter, exuding wit and chemistry with a small choreography prepared by each other, as well as a specially prepared Manitou Mission and entertainment charging game video before the encore stage. For the first time in about four years, Day6 and My Day completed a concert together. In response to Wonpil's words, "A DAY6 concert is a stage until the end of the auditorium, so we need your voice," the audience harmonized with DAY6 by singing in unison, cheering, and shouting to the members' accompaniment. Young K extended his hand towards the fans and became a microphone stand, and Dowoon showed his happy heart by giving a thumbs up and saying, "It's My Day to trust and listen to." In particular, the members' stage naturally began following My Day's unison singing of 'Only' and 'You Were Beautiful', adding a lingering feeling to the 'Gift Con' with their fantastic partners 'My Day Six'. DAY6 shed tears of joy in front of their precious My Day after a long wait. Sungjin said, "I missed this moment so much. I had a lot of worries about whether I would be able to do well in this performance, but the moment I saw My Day, it all disappeared and everything became possible. That's how much I missed you, and now that we are together, every moment we will be happy. You've waited for four years, and let's have fun together,” he said, talking about a bright future. Young K said, "I wanted to show you the best of me, 'DAY6 is back.' I'm glad that you had fun. What's more fortunate is that we have a lot to show you. I'm excited that we'll have so much to do on stage as well as music. Thank you for being with us so far, and let's be happy from now on." Wonpil said, "I feel the happiest and most overwhelmed when I do DAY6 concert. I think the best thing I can do for you who have waited is to approach with good music and performances. I will continue to show great performances. Our youth starts again from now on and DAY6 will continue in the future," he said. "I always think, 'I have to become a better person' while watching My Day. I'll do my best, so please keep an eye on me. I'll make good three happy days and work hard for the next happy time. Our lives are so happy to meet you, and that happiness is ongoing." The scene was filled with smiles until the last moment when the happy reunion performance came to an end, and the concluding words, “Thank you for being with us,” remained in My Day’s hearts as a signal of a new starting point, a new page of youth that DAY6 will write in the future. It made me look forward to it.
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blaxcunicorn · 1 year
Diaboli 's angelus
Chapter 2
Length: 6k words
Content: fem!reader, NSFW warning (soon), racial fetishization, sexual harassment 
Authors note: Heeey, I´m back with chapter 2. Sorry that it took long, I had a lot of uni work to finish. 
Here is part 1
Tag: @okaystopwhore
Eren is standing in front of the mirror looking at the royal garment the maids prepared him. Eren is wearing a black garment with gold embroidery and buttons on it. Three gold medals are sitting on his left chest and hanging around his shoulders is a robe, the sewers believe they show authority.  He resembles his late father which makes him smile while shaking his head. His old man must be smiling in his grave knowing that his stubborn son that refused to interact with other princesses as a young prince is now on his way to find a wife. The maids finished up putting his hair in a loose man bun, and curtsies to their King before leaving. Eren puts on his white gloves and sucks, what if he cannot find a princess that he compliments. He refuses to marry some stuck-up, ignorant princess. Those kinds of princesses make his blood boil, the young king realized that his knuckles went white so he takes a deep breath and exits his chamber.
 He meets up with Armin, who is sitting inside the carriage blushing, while Jean, who is his knight for the ball, claps the blonde on his shoulder. “A-Annie just kissed me goodbye” the blonde stutters out. Eren laughs,  his friend and the Leonhart girl have been engaged for over a year but they still make each other blush every time. “Armin, you are such a-”, Eren stops as he notices Armin's eyes widen in a mixture of shock and nervousness. Jean whips his head to see the love of his life coming sprinting towards the carriage. “Eren, Eren Wait!" They hear Mikasa shout as she is sprinting down from the castle. The black-haired girl catches her breath and grabs Eren´s right hand “are you being forced into this?” Eren smiles at her “Mikasa, come on, I´m the king. No one is forcing me into this.” The Ackerman girl wasn´t fully convinced “Eren, you don't have to do this. You can find happiness here with me.” It didn't seem like the young King understood the big hint Mikasa gave him. “I´m okay Mikasa, I have to do this for the sake of giving the kingdom an heir when I'm gone. On top of that, we do need a princess that can help Eldia with collaborating with other Kingdoms.” Eren turns around to his advisor and knight that give him nervous nods of approval. Mikasa is shaking and tries to come up with an argument that might make Eren stay but she cannot seem to find one. “Eren, I lo-” before she can finish the sentence is cut by a loud Eren wishing her goodbye. The young King jumps into the carriage, “ugh Eren you can at least enter the carriage like a civilized human being” Jean snaps at him. “Do you wish to be beheaded, horse face?” Jean rolls his eyes and stares at a crying Mikasa. His heart aches for her, but at the same time he cannot help but to feel jealous of the young king. He wishes Mikasa would cry over him in the same way, desiring him as much as she desires Eren or more. He breathes out loudly while telling the coachman to start riding. Mikasa stares at the carriage leaving while praying to the Gods that he won't find anyone special. 
You take a deep breath and take in the smell of wet wood. The three of you have been in the carriage for what felt like years. Johan and the coachman were having conversations but all you can hear is mumbling as you are trapped within your thoughts. The pressure of representing not only your brother but the whole Capri Kingdom is causing you stomach pain. The last thing you wanted to do was to let everyone down by not finding a husband. Your streaming thoughts get cut by Johan´s excited voice “and we are here!” You turn your head and see the big old palace that is glowing like a sun on this cold winter night. You feel your heart drop to your stomach as you nervously try to exit the carriage. Johan meets your shaken self and reaches for your right hand to help you out of the wagon. “Thank you,” you say gratefully to the coachman and he responds with a nod and a warm smile “good luck your Majesty”. Johan sticks out his arm as an invitation for you to hold it. You both walk slowly towards the entrance of the palace, you subconsciously grab his arm a bit harder as you feel your anxiety rise. “You know, you don´t look that ugly tonight” Johan cracks to ease the tense atmosphere you are creating. “Oh shut up” you laugh as the two of you enter the palace. Two guards are standing next to the entrance of the room, one of them has a horn, they both bow and the horn starts blowing. “We announce you, Princess Y/n of Capri”, you hold on to Johan for your dare life as the two of you enter the ballroom. The room has you in awe, it has vaulted ceilings embellished with paintings of the different goddesses of love. The floor is of glossy hardwood and thick burgundy velvet drapes over large French windows. There are curved observation balconies on the upper level which match the overall elegant floral arrangements. You can hear the small orchestra play waltz music and see the different royal members swirling on the dance floor. “I don't think I can continue being your knight with just one arm”, you whip your head and see that you are still holding Johan´s arm tightly. “Oh, I'm so sorry,” you say embarrassed, which is responded to with a goofy smile from Johan. 
“Isn't this our favourite Caprian princess” you hear from the back. That familiar voice made you feel more at ease. You turn around and see your two beautiful childhood friends, princess Ciara of Okosian and Catherine of Pumore. You let go of Johan and give them both a big hug, “I didn't know that you guys were also attending”. Ciara rolls her eyes “I was dragged here against my will” remembering back to how four of her royal guards had to drag her into her carriage. You and Catherine side-eye each other before holding back your laughter. “That sounds so like you,” Catherine says giggling behind her folding fan. “If you ladies will have me excused, I'll be heading outside to watch the premises with the other guards.” Johan bows before whispering “I´ll be right outside if anything happens” in your ear as he leaves. Ciara blushes while staring and you and Johan. “Ugh, are you sure that man isn't your secret lover Y/n?” Your eyes widen and you stutter “w-we are just friends” you feel your face burn in embarrassment. 
All three of you look at an approaching Prince Sosuke, the youngest Prince of Hizuru. “My majesties, sorry to interrupt your conversation but may I dance with princess Y/n?” he gently lifts your right hand and kisses it. “Y-yes,” you say embarrassed as he whisks you away.  You turn around to see your friends waving and throwing thumbs up. “If Y/n does not have a line of proposals after tonight, then something must be wrong with the men in this room,” says Ciara to her other best friend “you are indeed right.” Prince Sosuke bows and you curtsy before he takes your hand and spins you around. “You look stunning tonight, your highness”, the compliment throws you off a bit as you were focused on not stepping on his feet. “T-thank you,” you say looking down, if his dancing was as good as his charm wouldn't you have to be tiptoeing while dancing with him. You dance for a bit more before you are getting spun into the hand of Prince Felix of Cruthia. You dance with him with no words exchanged between the two of you. His eyes are on Charlotte the whole night as she is shyly hiding behind her fan. Those could not have broken their eye contact even if they had all eyes poked out. You feel like an awkward third wheel in their romance at this very moment and then you are spinning again, which you thanked the Gods for since that dance felt like an eternity. 
This time, you are met with a smiling King Nicholas which makes you anxious. Not only because he is a man with more power than the rest in the room but also because you have heard rumours about him being a big pervert. He is 10 years your senior and has still not been able to find a wife, it is rumoured that all the princesses he has proposed to declined because he made them feel uneased. “You look lovely tonight”, he whispers and places his hand on your back, which sends chills down your spine. You try to take a step back but are pulled back by him. “Your majesty, you make me slightly uncomfortable” you try to force out nicely. "Why? Women of your kind love being touched” Your eye widens “not all darker-toned women are the same,” you say aggressively, before he could respond he was cut by the horns of the guards.
 “We announce you, His royal highness King Eren Jaeger of Eldia”, everything stops for what felt like a whole minute. The different royal members are whispering among themselves “the devil is here” you can hear one say, “the most powerful man in the world is going to be attending the ball with us?” you hear another. You could not help but turn to Nicholas whose eyes widened in shock, it looked like his eyes were few seconds away from falling out. You feel your heart pound, who is this Eren Jeager and why is everyone worried about his presence? “Y/n, with the Eldian kingdom becoming the hegemon, the political climate is quite unbalanced at this very moment. We are unsure if we can still rely on our allies, with the current growing fear of the Eldian kingdom” you recall your brother telling you in the meeting. You try to swallow some spit but your mouth is as dry as the Medivian desert. Calm down Y/n, nothing bad will happen as long as you are not bothering him, you tell yourself to calm your nerves. “Ugh, finally a  fine man with money and power” you accidentally overhear Princess Charlotte from Nedia bluntly say as she pushes down her dress to show her cleavage. She seductively waves at Eren but is unfortunately ignored as he walks up the stairs to one of the observation balconies. He takes the stairs up to have a view of the situation which is a military tactic he was taught from being at war. 
The music starts again and the dancing couples are finding each other, when you realized that you tried to slowly move away from Nicholas but he grabs you around your waist. It was as if he knew that you would run away, you are now pressed against his chest. Alarm bells are ringing in your head and you push his chest to create space between you. “Am I making you  uncomfortable, your highness?” Nicholas says grabbing your right hand to pull you closer and laying his other hand on your lower back. Your whole body is shaking, ugh where is Johan when I need him now you think to yourself. You look around to see if anyone is looking, if you can have eye contact with anyone in this room you are saved. Unfortunately, everyone was in their heads focusing on their dance. However, you felt compelled to look up to the balcony and you meet two green eyes looking at you. You nervously look down as he is the last person you want to bother about this.
 “Eren, I made an overview of all the princesses and ladies attending tonight. Hopefully, it will make it easier for you to pick a couple of potentials” the advisor says organizing the papers. The Eldian King responds with a small thank you and looks bored at the dancefloor. “You know, this is not too bad, if we narrow down the list it might be easier to pick some of them out and we´ll also save a lot of time…” Armin cut himself by noticing how his friend´s bored eyes turned surprisingly interested. “Armin, who is the beauty in the pink and white dress? She is way too beautiful to be dancing with that tramp of a King” looking at his advisor. Armin chuckles at his rudeness, he looks for the paper with your name on it in a rush. “That is Y/n L/n, Princess of Capri. She is also known as et Angelicus Princeps, the angelic princess by her people” he reads from the paper. “I can tell why, she damn sure looks like an angel” Armin shakes his head “no, it's because of her love for the Capri citizens and the charity programs she has organized for years…” The advisor stops reading as he can bet a finger that  Eren is gone, he looks down on the dancefloor and sees him marching towards you. He smiles for himself and wishes his best friend good luck. As Eren is walking towards you Princess Charlotte pops in front of him out of nowhere which makes him jump a bit. “Oh hey there your highness, didn´t see you. Keen on a dance?” The Princess squeezes her boobs to make her cleavage appear more. “Sorry, I'm kinda busy” he looks at her with bored eyes, “but come on your highness, I can make you happy” stroking his left arm. Eren looks disgusted at her “what don't you understand, I am not interested” he hissed, his eyes are cold and terrifying which sends shivers down her spine. “I-I'm sorry, your highness” she curtsies, Eren nonchalantly walks past her. 
In the meantime, you were still struggling to get away from King Nicholas. “I have heard that women of your kind are quite soft and big backs” he whispers, his breath smelled like some strong booze not that it gave him any excuse. He is lowering his hands further down your back, and your consciousness leaves your body for a second when you are back your hand is tingling and looking up you see a red mark on Nichola´s face. You try to control your breath as it seems like your body forgot how to breathe. Your whole body is shaking as you are terrified of what the consequences of your actions might lead to. “Oh, you are one of the aggressive types,” he says nonchalantly, which brings confusion to you. “Eh?” is all you can respond, he tries to take your arm once again but is stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist aggressively. “Hey, she and I are in the middle of something and I'd recommend you to let us be if you know what´s best for you” Nicholas responds, not looking at whose hand it is. You almost felt dizzy when you see who your saviour is, the attention from almost everyone on the ball did contribute to anxiety. 
“Well, for me it looks like the princess doesn't want anything to do with a tramp like you” You can't help but chuckle, both men look at you which silence you immediately.  “See, she agrees little Nick” Eren coos, which makes Nicholas's eyes widen “E-Eren?” he stutters. “In the flesh” Eren grins, “M-my apologizes your highness,” he says bowing, before embarrassingly jogging off. Which then leaves the two of you alone on the floor. “T-thank you so much for the help your highness and sorry for disturbing your time here.” You curtsy, looking down as you cannot bear to look at him. “No, don't apologize, I was just doing my duty as a man. However, you can make it up to me by asking me for a dance” he grins. 
You look up and meet his green eyes up close which takes you back to when you were reading in the garden with your mother as a child. It was a hot spring day and the grass was greener than ever, it made you feel safe and warm. “Will you give me the honour of dancing with me your majesty?” you almost giggle out. “I would love to, however, let´s cut the formal crap  I´m just Eren to you.” You give a slow nod before taking his hand, you could not help but feel nervous dancing with him as everyone was whispering and talking about the two of you. What did they say about you guys? Maybe you were not good enough for him? Maybe it's your dress, it might be too bright for the theme. “Cut that,” Eren says as he is a wizard able to read your mind. “Just focus on the two of us, okay? They don´t matter” he says, lifting your chin up which makes you look him in the eyes. That touch sends goosebumps all over your body, and you start breathing quite slowly. “You really caught my eye Y/n, you are indeed the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on”  he whispers in your ear. Your cheeks are on fire and you feel your hands turning clammy which makes you pull them away from him in humiliation. “M-my apologies, I'm not much of a dancer and I get nervous quite easily as you can tell.” You say try to make up an excuse for your foolishness. “Oh I see, so you are not much of a ball princess?” he responds tilting his head a bit to the side. “No, I am not a huge fan of big balls like this one, that the money used on the ball could have been spent on helping the less fortunate,” you say passionately.
 A smile creeps out of Eren and he grabs your hand and starts walking. The two of you are holding hands while passing everyone on the floor, you have no idea where this man is taking you, but then you see the balcony at the end. The air was a bit chill, however, the air was fresh and you have never been more relieved tonight as the ballroom is as hot as a sauna.  Eren lets go of your hand which made it feel empty as he walks up to the rail of the balcony and you follow him standing to his right. The sweat from the ball and the chill air made you a bit cold. “Here, hot right?” Eren says wrapping his robe around you. “N-no, your hi…” you are cut trying to refuse the gesture “ no formalities between us”  lifting his index finger. “Eren, this is your royal robe you shouldn't give it to anyone?” He shakes his head “You are not just anyone, princess” that comment makes you wanna pinch your arm. “Why did you abduct me out here?” you say a bit playful. “Well, our beloved princess doesn´t like balls and I wanted to stargaze,” he says looking up to the sky. “The stars are indeed beautiful tonight,” you say amazed, “they indeed are” he responds looking at you. “So, what´s your story?” you give him a confused look “my story?”  Eren gives you a similar look back to mock you a little “yes, your story. Who is this princess of Capri?” You giggle a bit, Eren´s carelessness made you feel at ease, it was like talking to an old friend like Johan. 
“Well my story starts 18 years ago, I was the second and youngest born to the Great King and the Queen of Capri. Having an older brother I always knew that I wouldn't get the throne, but I was always fine with that since it was never my dream.” Eren was quite invested in your story “So what is your dream?” He leans his arm on the rail. “I am not a big dreamer unfortunately, however, I have a small wish to read as many books as I can in my lifetime but my biggest wish is to devote my life to helping those in need. I grew up fortunate but also quite sheltered. I have never experienced real struggle but I can imagine it being unbearable. What are your dreams?” He heard everything you said however Eren is mesmerized, not only by the beauty his eyes physically saw but also by the beauty of your mind. His heart feels warm and he knows for a fact that he has hit the jackpot. What he saw in you, in your eyes was a wife, a companion, someone who can raise the future ruler of Eldia and most importantly someone who is devoting herself to taking care of her kingdom.
 “Eren?” you say confused as it seems like the young king zoned out. “Sorry for drowning you in boredom” you felt embarrassed, maybe you spoke too much uninteresting nonsense. “I might sound crazy or even maybe selfish, but no other man in this ball but me is meant to be yours.” He says softly, Eren picks out a deep red camellia flower from a small tree that is decorating the balcony and places it on your ear. You are speechless at both his words and his actions, you could hardly tell what you were feeling. Shyness? Excitement? Embarrassment? Joy? It was the first time a man has ever spoken to you in that manner. This must be how princesses in the books your mother read for you must have felt and who would have thought that it would ever happen to you? 
Bravery washes over you all of the sudden, you must be drunk on those emerald eyes. You move closer to him and gently lay your hand on top of his. “If you move any closer princess, I might disgrace you” he breathes out. Curiosity clouded your mind, you wanted to know what he meant by that. You felt a strange tingly sensation between your legs and your breathing is so heavy that you start breathing from your mouth. You stare into his mesmerizing green eyes “I want you to disgrace me.” Eren is taken aback as the shy girl he met on the dancefloor is shedding her skin. This drives him wild and his desire for you grows intensively. You were also surprised by your actions, that man has you in a trance and brings something or someone unknown out of you. Eren starts leaning in and you automatically close your eyes, you feel his breath and your body are criminally close. The moment is stopped by the sound of the horn, and both of you jump a bit at the loud sound. “The ball is officially over” you can hear the guard announce. 
You were brought back to reality, if someone saw you alone with him rumours might spread which will destroy any other political marriage opportunities if Eren might change his mind. Eren will survive this since he is a man and a powerful king, you on the other hand will be destroyed and that will negatively affect Capri. You feel overwhelmed “I-I have to go, my guard is probably wondering where I am” you lift up parts of your dress to your ankles which makes it easier to speed walk. You are now reminded of the robe you are wearing “Oh, your robe” you are trying to take the robe off but your shoulders are met by his gentle hands. “You can keep it until we meet again, your guard is waiting right?” you mutter a small thanks and you speed walk out of there to find Johan. You find him standing outside of the palace waiting for you “did you find anyone handsome?” his little joke made you blush. “I am excited to meet him” he smiles as he escorts you to your carriage.
 Eren is walking back and forth on the balcony smiling, he rubs his face thinking about how insane you are driving him. He was seconds away from potentially declaring war on Capri which on one hand scared him as he forgot about his duties and roles as a king but on the other hand excited the young man in him. Eren spots something white near the door, he walks towards it and picks it up. It is the white choker you wore, must have fallen off as you tried to take off his robe in a rush. He smiles at your carelessness, “there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!” His thoughts are disrupted by his stressed-out advisor. “Hey” he responds while still looking at the choker which makes Armin confused at first before clocking what was going on. “I guess you found the one huh” he grins at his friend. “Yeah,” Eren says calmly, “then I must help you prepare your proposal to the Caprian King then '' Armin grins as the comment makes Eren blush a bit. “I guess we have found a potential match, her rumoured kindness can bring stability to the Eldian Empire and most importantly Capri is a wealthy nation that most countries are dependent on. We can benefit enormously economically from both trading with Capri and also by making them help us to put economic sanctions on threatening nations as the Princess is the King's beloved sister.” The council members nod in agreement with the young advisor.  Erwin is the first to speak “Well done the two of you” Nile turns to his King “are there any other princesses you wish to see as a potential Queen?” He shakes his head “no, I have found the one.”
It has been five weeks since the ball and Eren has left a mark on your mind. You have kept the camellia he gave you in a small vase in your room, just looking at it makes you filled with butterflies. Does he also think about you, the way you think about him? That question roams your head every time you are reminded of him. His robe was cleaned and hidden in your closet. Avery asked about the robe and you told her everything about the night, well maybe not everything since you subtracted the almost kiss that happened between you. If she found out she would have gone all mama bear, which is the last thing you need right now. Speaking of mama bear, she has been stressing the maids the whole day about finding you the right dress for this afternoon. 
Today is the day you are going to receive the marriage proposals, which makes you surprisingly excited. “Well, someone is in a good mood, are the proposals that exciting?” Christine says, putting you in a navy blue dress with golden flower embroidery on. “It's not the proposals, but the proposal she is excited for” Avery gives you a blink and you look down in embarrassment. “Wait, you have met someone? Who is he?” Christine stops laying your edges down in shock. “Well…ehm” you start fidgeting your fingers “King Eren Jeager” you manage to squeeze out. The maid stares in shock “that devil?” you were confused but the two of you were disrupted by Avery´s cough “Your ponytail all are done, Christine why don´t you finish up her edges so that she can attend the meeting.” Christine finishes up your edges, they had braided down your ponytail which is waist length. You hear a knock on the door and it is Johan that is waiting to escort you. Christine gives you a big hug and wishes you good luck before sending you off. Johan and you link arms as you are walking to the throne room. 
“Why are you wishing for our dear Y/n to marry some devil?” she looks fuming at Avery who is pulling out a chair.  “It's not like I'm thrilled about it either, however, we should not influence or cloud her judgment when she is doing this for the interest of the Kingdom. All we can do is be by her side when she needs us, that's our job anyways” Avery says sitting down in defeat, praying for her princess. “Hopefully, the handsome man you met at the ball is proposing today or else royal assassination might happen.” You try to hush him down as you were stressed that someone might overhear. “I´m joking relax Y/n, well here we are the throne room.” 
You take a deep breath as the doors open and you enter the room. You haven´t been here since your father passed away but it remained unchanged with gold decorations everywhere and with paintings of all the rulers of Capri including your brother and his wife. At the end on top of a small staircase sits your brother on his throne. He smiles at you as you are walking up to sit next to the councilmen. 
One of the guards introduces advisor Kenzo from Hizuru, the man walks in and bows to both you and your brother. “Princess Y/n, our beloved prince wishes to take you as a wife and has brought you gifts,” the advisor gives you and your brother boxes of tea and snacks from Hizuru. “Thank you” you smile at the advisor which makes him blush. “Thank you, we´ll discuss the proposal and come back to you in a bit.” your brother interrupts.  The advisor bows one last time before exiting the room. “Hizuru is a wealthy nation and a long-time ally however, they are in the same position as us and cannot provide us proper military assistance” senior member Wilfred states. Everyone nods in agreement which kind of makes you relieved as it gives Eren now a bigger chance. 
Next in is the advisor of the prince of Gobin, you never spoke during the ball but he found you stunning. He offered you chocolate and coffee, you snuck in a bite and it was the best you have ever tasted. Council member Filip argues that Gobin´s economy is unstable and is on the brink of collapsing so it wouldn´t be safe to marry you off to them. The argument wasn't receiving any challenge so everyone must agree you thought.
 Then the advisor of King Nicholas arrived, your heart dropped and your hands are shaking. “Our majesty, King Nicholas wishes to marry princess Y/n of Capri. As he believes that it will benefit both countries economically and militarily.” The advisor announces “No gifts?” Council member Filip jokes which make the advisor slightly nervous “n-no, his majesty didn´t believe it was needed for gifts.” You roll your eyes at Nicholas's audacity, it is royal tradition everywhere to bring some kind of gift and he has the audacity to believe that it isn't necessary to bring your brother some out of respect. The advisor bows and says “I´ll let you discuss the proposal in peace” and leaves. “Well although bringing no gifts isn´t ideal, it seems like we have no other choice since they are the last proposal. The King´s argument is valid as his kingdom got an advanced military which is what we need.” Your brother argues, which they all agree on. Your heart drops as you heard that, did Eren change his mind? Was it because you were acting too brave with him? Most men like innocent girls. Maybe he found someone better and prettier? 
The door opened and they announced advisor Armin Arlert of Eldia. Armin is breathing heavily and looks red like a tomato, he bows quickly and starts by apologizing. “My apology your highnesses, we lost our way to the kingdom.” Armin felt like a sinner in church, knowing that you were Eren´s only choice the advisor knew he could not mess this up. However, everyone was shocked to know that the King of Eldia the devil himself wishes to take your hand in marriage. Armin lets out a little cough to gain some strength “Our majesty, King Eren Jeager of Eldia wishes to take Princess Y/n to be his bride. As he believes that the two of them will be a fitted match as well as it will benefit both nations extremely. He also brought you both gifts.” Armin holds two large boxes, he starts by giving you and your brother each your gifts. Your brother opens it there are golden rings and a silk robe, but there are also gold earrings as a gift to the beloved Queen. Everyone including you stares in awe as it shows the wealth of Eldia. You open yours there are two poetry books filled with love poems, a smile is printed on your face as he must have remembered that you love to read. You pick one up and on the first page, it's written “Carla Jeager” who is Carla? Did the books belong to his sister? You weren´t sure, nor did you mind as the gift was thoughtful. You look further and find a red camellia flower and a gold ring with a diamond on it. The advisor seems impressed by the ring while you were flattered by the beautiful flower, it was larger and more colourful than the one he gave you on the balcony. Lastly, there is an envelope written “To princess Y/n”, which makes smile and you open it in excitement. 
To my princess, 
I haven´t stopped thinking about you since the night of the ball, I knew there and then that you were the one for me. Our meeting was short, however when I laid my eyes on you. Seeing you in that beautiful pink dress, I knew it was love at first sight. I hope that you desire me, the way I desire you and accept this proposal.  
Your beloved
You were speechless, it was the sweetest gift you have ever received. “King Eren also requests that the King comes to Eldia for a visit so they can meet and discuss the requirements of Capri. He also requests that the wedding is to be held this coming spring as it is Eldian royal tradition.” Armin finishes before he bows and exits to let you guys discuss. “We have no other choice but to obey King Eren´s wishes. He has the world's strongest military which solves our problems times two in addition to that saying no might indicate to him that we are not interested in building relations with Eldia which can be a threat to our peace. Lastly, our Y/n  has the potential to become the most powerful woman in the world which will give Capri military protection but also huge political influence.” Senior council Wilfred argues strongly, he then looks at you, you do not even notice as you are blushing over Eren´s letter. What caught your attention was the protest from Filip “but he is a devil, haven´t you heard the stories from the nations that have gone to war against him. They have crumbled into nothingness. Do we want to send our princess to marry a beast like him?” 
You are shocked to hear what came out of his mouth, but then Christine´s shocked face came into your vision and the whispers on the ball “the devil.” This all confuses you, a devil? The same sweet man that wrote you this letter and has given you two beautiful flowers. He has treated you with nothing but kindness, so you shouldn't judge him immediately. “Silence!” your brother shouts “For the love of the Gods, you are brawling like a bunch of drunk commoners in a pub” your brother massages his temples. “I have to say that I am agreeing with Lord Wilfred and I am going to agree to meet up with the King to discuss our requests.” Council member Filip nods in defeat as he knew better than to argue against his king. Your brother smiles at you as he could read that Eren was your favourite out of all of them. “Bring in advisor Arlert”, the guard walks out and immediately brings the blonde. “We will set out to meet up with King Eren in three days.” your brother announces. He  gives you a nod,  “I, the princess Y/n of Capri accept King Eren Jaeger's proposal.” The blonde is smiling from ear to ear and bows to his future Queen.
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chimcess · 2 years
Solstice || pjm
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin   Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Fluff, Angst (Very light), Flashback Special, Winter!AU, Holiday!AU Word Count: 9k Synopsis: It was a night during Yule when Y/N first saw Park Jimin.
Part of the Birdie Shoppe Series: || Birdie Shoppe Masterlist || While you can read this as a standalone, I do highly recommend reading the series first. It will make more sense and give everything the context it needs.
Chapter Warnings: Fluff, some angst, Jin and Yoongi are sweeties, Yule celebrations, in depth talks about wiccan/pagan traditions, Krampus and Yule cat mentioned, possession, adoption mentions, talks about death, annoying nicknames, these spirits are a bit sus, underaged drinking (Like a sip), We love Wendy, Jimin is cute, This is super PG, Young reader, Young Jimin, I can’t think of anything else so just let me know! A/N: I couldn’t help myself. We’re starting to get flashbacks! I thought it would be fun to dive into the Holiday season in Bangtan, so here we are. This has been roughly edited so I could have missed things. I will hopefully get around to fixing her up when I get more time. I hope you enjoy. Happy holidays!
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The pine scent invaded the air, a sharp, resinous bite as I forced the evergreen through the narrow door of my cottage. Auntie’s bark echoed from within, a rough, grating sound that bounced off the walls, but I’d learned not to let her snarls get under my skin. Jin stood beside me, stiff as a board, but I kept my cool. Auntie’s voice was as predictable as the sunrise—unrelenting and loud.
“Almost there!” came Yoona’s cheerful cry from the other side, a sweet note against Auntie’s harsh cadence.
The tree finally cleared the threshold, and Yoona’s triumphant shout merged with Aldara’s instructions. I rolled my eyes at Jinnie’s usual, overly sensitive grumbling. His father had taken Yoongi out for firewood and fruits, leaving Seokjin’s mother to slave over the stove. The other witches pitched in, but I hadn’t bothered to keep track of who was responsible for what. Auntie, of course, was focused on the Wassail—the best you’d ever taste, or so she claimed.
Once the tree was awkwardly lodged in its stand in our living room, we began the sacred ritual of decorating it. This was my favorite part of Yule—the centerpiece of our tradition. No matter how the covens celebrated, the tree was always there. This year, our families had gone all out. I dove into the baskets of ornaments with a sense of glee, eager to deck out our tree.
Seokjin, Yoongi, and I had been inseparable since childhood. Our families had celebrated Yule together for generations, and we had no intention of breaking that tradition. Tonight, my friend Wendy and her coven would join us for the bonfire. They were an all-women group, and anyone who didn’t fit in with them ended up elsewhere.
I sifted through the box of decorations and grimaced at the sight of last year’s dried orange garland. Thankfully, Hoji had made fresh ones. Taejin, Jin’s father, had helped us craft julbock goats each year—symbols of rebirth, according to Auntie, though I never quite understood the full significance. The hay ornaments with red ribbons seemed more whimsical than profound, but Auntie was the wisest witch I knew. Her word was law.
Jin, as usual, headed into the kitchen to help his mother with the feast, savoring the preparations as much as I loved decorating the tree. Auntie and Yoona were at the dining table, busy with their smudging rituals. We always did smoke cleansings during Yule. Auntie preferred pine, juniper, and sage, while Jinnie’s mother favored rosemary and cedar. Wendy’s coven avoided burning altogether, choosing ivy for their decorations—a tradition that always struck me as peculiar.
“Did you make anything new this year, Bibbles?” Yoona’s voice broke through, warm and inviting, as she tied off another smudge stick.
“Of course,” I replied, digging out my latest creations. “See?”
I proudly displayed my pinecone ornament, a hedgehog fashioned from a pinecone body and dried cranberry features, secured with a red ribbon. Auntie, who usually critiqued my character creations, had surprisingly taken a liking to this one. As I revealed more forest creature decorations, Yoona’s excitement grew.
“Bibbles,” Yoona said warmly, “You’re the best at Yule.”
“Isn’t she?” Hoji chimed in, wiping sweat from her brow.
“The only one who enjoys getting the tree ready, that’s for sure,” Auntie muttered, her focus still on the smudge sticks. “Speaking of, Rae, you should get started. Cordelia will be here soon.”
Cordelia was the high witch of Wendy’s coven. I always assumed she was Wendy’s aunt, though Auntie had warned me against asking such questions. Apparently, it was impolite.
“Is Thelma coming this year?” Yoona asked.
“I’m not sure,” Hoji replied. “She just had a baby.”
“She didn’t have a baby,” Auntie corrected. “She found one.”
“What’s the difference, Aldara?” Yoona inquired.
I tuned out after that. Thelma, a witch from the swamps of Bangtan, had never quite sat well with me. Auntie had a soft spot for her, exchanging letters daily, though I found her loud and off-putting. I would never understand their friendship, and Auntie’s reasons remained a mystery.
Just before sunset, Yoongi and Jin’s father returned, having set up the bonfire. It needed to last twelve days, and more wood was required. The boys would head out again tomorrow morning for more supplies, and I might tag along if Auntie allowed. Sometimes she kept me behind to help with additional wassail preparations.
The grand feast was an abundance of food—meats, desserts, and every seasonal vegetable we could find. Guests would bring their own dishes, adding to the spread. The bonfire lighting would follow the feast, with dancing and songs to celebrate. Auntie would watch from the door until she shifted and joined us outside, sticking close to Hoji, one of the few who could understand her in bird form. Jin and I were the others, and honestly, who wanted to spend the night with twelve-year-olds?
As I decorated the tree, humming Auntie’s favorite nursery rhymes, I thought about how witches celebrated Yule differently from the wolf pack up north, who celebrated Christmas—one day in December, believing in Father Christmas rather than Krampus. Their town was abuzz with preparations, and I had sent peppermint bark as Auntie requested. I was always good at making treats.
“Auntie?” I called, shaping a tree topper from leftover sticks and boughs.
“Yes, darling?”
“What is a Santa Claus?”
“A nicer, less real Krampus,” she chuckled. “What’s on your mind, little raven?”
I continued decorating the topper, using red ribbon and gold paint to add the final touches. Yoongi glanced at me from the couch, still struggling with his goat ornament.
“I just don’t understand,” I confessed. “Don’t they believe in the Goddess?”
“Then why don’t they celebrate her?”
“You see, little one,” Taejin interjected, friendly and familiar from his years of service to the Foxglove wolves, “Some in the pack celebrate something like Yule, while others observe Christmas. Some celebrate nothing at all. They aren’t too concerned about uniformity in traditions.”
“Celebrate nothing?” Jin shouted from the kitchen. “Then what do they do?”
Taejin laughed. “Other things, son. It’s between them and Lilith. We have no right to judge.”
“Stupid tradition,” Yoongi muttered.
“Min Yoongi!” Yoona scolded, holding a freshly baked plum pudding.
“Sorry, mom.”
“You’d better go to your altar tonight, young man.”
“Yes, mom. Sorry, mom.”
“I swear,” Yoona continued, “Kids these days! Why can’t you be like Twitch? She adores Yule!”
I flushed, using a bit of magic to place the star atop the tree. I had many nicknames. Yoona and Yoongi knew me well, but Auntie had always been wary of Jin’s family. Taejin might have guessed my true name, but I never asked. Still, each person had their favorite nickname for me—Yoona’s “Twitch,” Taejin’s “Crow,” Hoji’s “Bibbles,” and Auntie’s “Rae” or “Ravioli.” Jin called me “Birdie,” and Yoongi used my real name when we were alone.
Yoongi joined me on the floor, sensing my unease. I knew he struggled with social gatherings, which was why he avoided big parties. He held my hand as we admired the tree, its beauty and fragrance filling the room. This was the best part of the year—being surrounded by those I cared about.
“Did you make anything this year?” I asked softly.
“Yes, did you?”
“I always do,” I smiled. “What did you make?”
Traditions varied among witches. Auntie created altar items for everyone, tailored to perfection. Taejin and Hoji made candles and sage bundles for the adults, while the children received sweets. Wendy’s coven brought salts, purified water, and crystals from afar. Jin, true to form, contributed nothing except for Yoongi and me. Yoongi enjoyed cooking and made jams and preserves with his grandmother, Gran, who preferred solitude during the holidays. I, on the other hand, crafted jewelry.
Auntie adored my necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. This year, I had even made anklets for Wendy’s coven, hoping they would appreciate the gesture. Each piece was crafted with care, reflecting the spirit of Yule. I didn’t want to offend anyone, especially not Krampus.
“Apple, orange, and cranberry preserves.”
“Three kinds this year?” I was surprised. Yoongi usually stuck to apple, his favorite.
“I wanted to try something new,” he explained. “I liked them all.”
“And I tried making anklets too,” I added.
“Wendy’s family is weird.”
“Yeah, but so are we.”
The aroma of the food was intoxicating. Yoona had just pulled the turkey from the oven, and Yoongi was most excited about the ham. Auntie would sip wassail all night and indulge in sweets. She never ate meat, unlike Griselda, who was the same. It never stopped me from savoring a large slice of turkey breast. I exchanged knowing glances with Jin—we were both thinking the same thing.
Shiloh’s chatter with the birds outside was a familiar background hum. She would stay outside tonight, where she felt most at home. I found her amusing, especially since she only interacted with us when necessary.
The evening dragged on, and the bonfire’s crackle resonated outside. Auntie’s laughter mingled with the other witches as they joined the celebration. Her persistence never waned—she made the most of Yule, braving the cold and the crowd. Her resilience always filled me with pride.
As I readied myself to dive into the chaos of our Yule celebration, a warm wave of contentment rolled over me. The tree, a proud sentinel in the corner, gleamed with the fruits of my labor. Yoongi’s hand in mine was a grounding presence. Despite the strangeness of our traditions, the sense of unity in our gathering was palpable.
“I see Cordelia and the coven!” Taejin’s voice cut through the hum of anticipation, his face alight with excitement.
The house exploded into action. Everyone scrambled to set the table, Auntie collecting presents with her usual flair, while Hoji and Yoona wrestled the Yule log into the fireplace. Yoongi fussed over the last-minute details of the food, and Jin and his father cleaned up as if their lives depended on it. I murmured a quick prayer to Lilith for a blessing and a brief winter, knowing Auntie trusted me to handle this with precision. Just as I finished, a loud knock echoed from the door.
The party was underway, but Thelma’s absence was a small silver lining. Her son was a handful, and she’d decided a quiet night at home was best. I was secretly relieved, though I promised to bring her gifts and food the next day. I wouldn’t be joining Yoongi, but that was a small price to pay.
Plates of food and clinking glasses filled the cottage. Wendy’s coven had contributed a smorgasbord of dishes and their own version of a Yule log—more cake than firewood. Wendy explained their tradition involved sticking candles into a log and burning them, due to fire hazards. Despite the unconventional twist, the cake was a hit.
“What time’s the bonfire?” the blonde girl asked, her hair bouncing with every word.
“After dinner and gift exchange.”
“Oh!” Her eyes brightened. “I’ve got something for you and Yoongi!”
“And Jin?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
She waved her hand dismissively. “I’m not fond of him.”
This wasn’t a surprise. Jin’s complaints about Wendy’s “sour attitude” were well-known. I suspected there was more to it—some kind of love triangle. Wendy seemed to like Yoongi, who didn’t reciprocate, and Jin had a soft spot for Wendy. I kept my theories to myself, as Auntie warned me against meddling. I agreed; involvement could be uncomfortable.
“I forgot,” I said, taking a hefty sip of wassail.
“Do you think Yoongi will like it?”
“What's the gift?”
Wendy put down her fork, looking more grown-up than me. She’d recently mentioned wearing a bra, while I was still in kids’ clothes. It made me self-conscious. Wendy, with her beauty and popularity (except with Jin), made me feel like a shadow. Auntie said inner beauty was what mattered, but I knew better. Yoongi’s indifference to Wendy seemed foolish.
“A new pot I bought. He likes cooking, right?”
“He’s a kitchen witch,” I replied. “He’ll appreciate it, if not for its utility, then for the gesture.”
That seemed to calm her. Yoongi might have preferred something more personal, but he’d find practical use in the pot, especially during Yule. As I glanced over, Jin’s scowl was hard to miss—likely Wendy’s doing.
I looked out the window. The sun had barely set, and it was time to start the party. I set down my plate and headed to the gifts. Auntie, ever perceptive, saw me and began rallying everyone for the exchange. Despite the cramped cottage, the festive spirit filled every corner. We hoped for a bright spring, but with the warmth around us, I felt reassured.
Yoongi gifted me apple butter—my favorite, not marmalade. Jin, true to form, gave with one hand and took with the other, making us swap sweaters. I gave necklaces to my two best friends—pressed flowers for Jin, healing crystals for Yoongi. Wendy was thrilled with the anklet, immediately donning it.
Wendy’s gift for Yoongi was as expected. He appreciated it but wasn’t ecstatic. She’d given me a painting of a magindara, a type of merfolk. It was my favorite gift of the night, though others—bath products and altar supplies—were nice too. In no time, we were outside, prepping for the bonfire.
Auntie had to excuse herself to shift and soared onto Hoji’s shoulder. She was as indispensable to me as Yoongi. We huddled by the fire, watching Wendy and Jin bicker. Jin stayed close to his mom. A tap on my knee made me look at Yoongi.
“Are you going to be alright?” he asked.
I nodded. My gifts were unique— connected to the forest and spirit realm. I could speak to animals and use scrying, but my most significant gift was mediumship. Auntie said it was rare, the only other known recipient having less power. I was the only one who could speak to spirits before my ascension. However, I struggled to control it, often blacking out and waking in the forest. That’s why Yoongi was worried, especially during the full moon.
“You sure?” he pressed.
“I... don’t know,” I admitted. “It’s hard to say. I think I’m fine.”
“Let me know if you start feeling off.”
The conversation ended there. Taejin’s annual speech commenced, and I cheered where expected. The bonfire, though, unsettled me. The flames, a stark reminder of something I couldn’t quite place, made my hands tremble.
“Y/N,” a voice whispered on the wind.
I shook my head, pleading for silence. I wanted to enjoy the fire, the company of friends and family.
“Can this wait?” I thought back, hoping for a reprieve.
The silence that followed felt like an answer. I sighed in relief and grinned at Yoongi. He laughed nervously, still holding my hand. We sang songs, the group joining in.
“Hark!” we cried. “Hear the children sing!”
Yoongi spun me around, and I found myself in Jin’s arms. We jumped and sang with the others.
“He is here this Yuletide time! A-dancing in the home-fire flames!”
I looked up, smiling at Auntie, who flew in joyous circles above. Her clear voice soared above the rest. We danced for what felt like hours, the laughter and singing echoing through the forest. I imagined Patteo, my closest bird friend, watching from his perch, waiting for the day we could soar through the night together.
“Aye, Snatcher!” Cordelia’s voice rang out, waving a large mug.
That nickname brought back memories of my mischievous past, stealing shiny stones from her garden, leading to a week-long punishment. She still remembered.
“Yes, Miss?”
“Could you make more wassail? We’re out.”
Of course. That was why Yoongi disliked Yule. We barely had any wassail before Cordelia and her coven drank it all. Beside her, Yoona rolled her eyes. No one liked that part. Hoji offered to help, but I was the only one who knew Auntie’s secret recipe.
I went to the kitchen, gathering apples and oranges. Auntie had made a large batch of cider, but I needed more apples to flavor it. Wassail, like mulled cider, required heating with spices, and Auntie’s recipe was the best.
As I worked, a shiver ran up my spine. I was attuned to spirits, and their presence was unmistakable. Closing my eyes, I resigned myself to whatever awaited me.
“I’m sorry...” a gentle voice whispered.
I shot up, my vision a swirl of color and chaos. The world around me was cloaked in silence, pierced only by a relentless, deafening ring that seemed to claw at my eardrums. A violent shiver wracked my body, and I struggled, disoriented, to pull myself off the ground. Through the haze, I glimpsed fleeting shadows, their forms slipping away before I could fully grasp them. The acrid stench of smoke and burning flesh mingled with the sharp, metallic tang of blood. My head throbbed with a relentless, pulsating agony, and I cried out, clutching it and curling into myself like a child seeking comfort.
“What’s going on?” I barely heard, the voice distant and muffled.
“A girl, obviously,” came a second, equally distorted voice.
The deafening ringing began to fade, but my hands remained clamped around my throbbing head, unable to move away from the searing pain. I could feel hands—insistent, probing hands—touching me, but I lacked the strength to push them away.
“Call mama,” urged the first voice.
“No way,” countered the second, “She’d tell Chief Ahn, and he’s a real bastard to outsiders.”
“Then who do we call? She needs help.”
I whimpered, the intensity of my pain escalating. I had no clue where I was or how I’d ended up in this nightmarish place, and fear gnawed at me. I could only hope I was still within Bangtan’s boundaries. If Auntie found me missing from the forest, I was lost beyond reach. The thought deepened my terror.
“Oh! We can get my big brother!”
“Namjoon would tell Chief Ahn, Nayeon,” the second voice said.
They sounded like children, far younger than me. The second voice was that of an older boy, while the first—Nayeon—was a girl. Shivers rippled through my body, and my teeth began to chatter. The stench of blood grew more potent, its freshness almost suffocating.
“What about your brother, oppa?” Nayeon’s voice was almost hopeful.
The boy gasped. “Hyung!”
I heard the patter of small feet racing away, their footsteps growing fainter. My eyelids drooped, heavy as lead, and despite my effort to stay conscious, they fell shut again, pulling me into a dark, uncertain abyss.
“Don’t worry, miss,” Nayeon’s voice was soothing, her tiny hand gripping my little finger. “Oppa is getting help.”
I jolted awake, gasping as the cold of the forest floor seized me like a vice. The world around me was a chaotic blur of shadows and muffled sounds, the sharp, penetrating ring in my ears drowning out all other noise. My head throbbed with a relentless ache, and I struggled to push myself up, only to collapse back down. Fear and despair gripped me, tears spilling from my eyes as I began to sob.
Memories of my auntie flashed through my mind—her warm, dimpled smile, and that bright orange turtleneck she always wore to bring a touch of festivity to her otherwise blue wardrobe. I remembered how we’d made matching tops this year, and the thought of my once-pristine, pumpkin-colored shirt now smeared with dirt and grime made me cry harder.
Something wet nudged my hand.
Through my blurred vision, I saw a massive silver wolf sitting before me. Its eyes were dark and penetrating, too intelligent to belong to a mere beast. This was no ordinary wolf—it was unnaturally large and exuded an aura that spoke of more than animal instinct. I stared back at it, heart pounding, waiting for it to make its move. When it only gazed at me with an unsettling calm, I shut my eyes again and wept.
I had to be in Foxglove Village’s territory. Auntie always talked about the wolves and their pack politics, but I’d never paid much attention. The wolves had taken over after the foxes had left, and now they were the strongest pack in the region. Auntie had said something about shifting and hierarchy, but I’d always tuned out.
Another wet poke, this time with more urgency.
When I opened my eyes again, the wolf had laid its nose gently on my hand. Its eyes roved over my face, and I examined its features—its long, unruly fur and imposing size. It was a wolf, unmistakably, but with something more. I instinctively flinched away and cried out weakly, my voice breaking into pitiful squawks that mingled with the night’s wind. The gust that followed made me shiver uncontrollably.
The wolf immediately pressed its body against mine, offering warmth and shelter from the wind. I reached out, tentatively patting its head, and it nestled closer, radiating a surprising comfort.
“Thank you,” I murmured, my voice trembling.
The wolf nudged its nose against my head.
“My name’s—” I hesitated. “I’m Birdie.”
It felt strange to use the name, like an ill-fitting coat. Auntie Aldara was the true Birdie, and I was still just an apprentice, waiting for my turn. The animals in the forest knew me by name, but the shift hadn’t happened yet. Still, I had to be careful; nothing in this forest stayed secret for long.
The wolf nodded.
“Can you turn into a person?” I asked.
It shook its head.
“Please? I really want to go home,” I pleaded.
The wolf simply settled back down, ignoring me. Frustration welled up inside me. It was one thing to be rescued; it was another to be left with no way to get home. Wolves and their ilk were notoriously uncommunicative, and this one seemed no different.
“Fine!” I snapped, pushing myself up despite the pain. “I’ll find my own way back!”
The wolf followed alongside me, its steps matching mine. My irritation grew as I quickened my pace, only to find the wolf effortlessly keeping up. It rubbed its nose against my shoulder, but I shrugged it off, determined to be angry.
Suddenly, the wolf stopped. I looked around, but the forest offered no answers. A cold breeze sent a shiver down my spine. I called out for the wolf, my voice trembling with fear.
“Wolf! Wolf!”
The wind howled in response, and I spotted a ring of mushrooms on the ground nearby. My heart sank as I recognized it as a fairy circle. I took a cautious step, hoping the wolf was still nearby.
“Wolf,” I whispered, “We need to be careful. We’re close to fae territory.”
“Yeah, I know,” a voice replied.
I spun around, nearly tripping over my own feet. A boy about my age stood there, his eyes glowing with a strange, predatory gleam. He was tall and impeccably groomed, his silver hair catching the moonlight. As I looked at him, recognition dawned, and a wave of relief washed over me.
“Wolf!” I exclaimed, rushing into his arms, tears of relief streaming down my face.
The boy did not embrace me in return.
“That’s not my name,” he grunted, pushing me away gently.
“Then what is it?” I asked, confusion mingling with my relief.
“Park Jimin.”
I wracked my brain, trying to place the name. Auntie had spoken of the pack, but I had tuned out most of the details. Standing here now, face-to-face with one of them, I felt a pang of ignorance. I resolved to learn more once I was safely home.
“Is that important?” I asked, hoping he wouldn’t be offended.
“Not really,” he smirked. “So, what are you doing out here?”
I remembered the smell of wassail and the chill of the forest. I had been possessed, but the details were a blur. The voices of the children from before came back to me, and a deep fear gripped me. Something terrible was coming, I could feel it, but I couldn’t grasp what it was. My vision was clouded by red eyes and a trembling lip.
“No,” Jimin said, rushing to my side. “Please don’t cry again.”
“I want to go home,” I wailed, longing for Auntie’s comfort.
Jimin remained silent as I cried. The memory of the red eyes haunted me, and I desperately wanted to be with Auntie again. I needed her more than ever.
“You’re the Birdie, right?” Jimin asked suddenly.
I looked at him, puzzled. His question was so blunt it felt like a slap. I shook my head.
“But you said you were,” he said.
“Well, that’s my name—almost, anyway.” I sniffled.
I laughed, finding the situation absurdly humorous. I knew we weren’t supposed to talk about true names or their significance, but his confusion was oddly endearing. I wiped my tears and smiled.
“It’s complicated. Let’s just say I’m next in line.”
Jimin nodded, though he still seemed puzzled. My fear began to wane, replaced by determination. I knew these woods better than anyone, and I was confident I could find my way back if I knew where I was.
As we walked, I tried to catch a scent of where we might be. The forest was quiet, and I knew we were far from the swamps or the shore. The west side, near Foxglove Village, was our best bet. The path would be long, but not impossible.
“We’re west, if you were wondering,” Jimin said.
That was useful. The west side was closest to Morla’s cave, near the Pixie Coves. I wasn’t in the mood for pixies tonight, not with Jimin’s presence. The thought of bringing a boy into their territory was like inviting trouble.
I mulled over our options. East was out—too many fae and fairies. South would take too long. North seemed the only viable route, though it would mean battling through thickets and potential dangers. Jimin’s presence might complicate things, but I couldn’t let him down.
“You’re thinking very hard about this,” Jimin said.
“Yes,” I replied. “I know these woods well, and I don’t want either of us getting hurt.”
“We could go further west and around,” he suggested.
“Ha! The pixies wouldn’t let you leave,” I said.
Jimin hummed thoughtfully. “And east?”
I explained the dangers, and though Jimin wasn’t entirely convinced, he followed without argument. I didn’t need to prove myself to him, though he seemed to be an important figure. Still, I sent a silent prayer for his safety and well-being.
As we pressed on, thorns and branches tore at us. I winced with each step, cursing under my breath. Magic was the only way to ease the pain, so I began to sing, conjuring a small, lively flame that danced on my palm. Its warmth boosted my spirits, a stark contrast to the forest’s chill.
“Woah,” Jimin whispered in awe.
I grinned, showing off my flame. Magic reflected its user’s nature—mine was lively and playful, unlike Auntie’s creations. The light illuminated a small clearing, and I guided Jimin through it. We emerged on the other side, where the forest’s sounds grew louder. I chuckled, imagining Jimin sending every animal running.
“Jimin,” I asked, “Do you ever feel lonely in the forest?”
“No,” he said. “Why?”
“I just thought,” I said, looking ahead, “It must be sad to have the forest run away from you.”
Jimin was silent for a while. The thickets were dense and unforgiving, but we pressed on. I admired his determination, knowing he was brave despite his youth. I sent another prayer for his protection.
“Birdie,” Jimin said, catching up to me.
“Jimin,” I said with a smile. “What’s on your mind?”
He hesitated before asking, “What kind of bird are you?”
I laughed at his embarrassment. It was a simple question, but his reaction was endearing.
“I’m not really sure,” I said. “Maybe a raven or a sparrow.”
Jimin smiled. “Then we have a lot in common.”
I felt a flicker of warmth in the cold forest.
As the night deepened, we trudged through the underbrush, our steps muffled by the fallen leaves. The forest was both a haven and a maze, offering challenges and comfort in equal measure. The journey was far from over, but with Jimin by my side, I felt a glimmer of hope.
I shut my palm, snuffing out the flame that had been flickering across my fingertips. My fingers, having danced with fire long enough, needed a breather. The flame, a small, ephemeral joy, had pranced on my skin like it was born for the stage. “We don’t shift until the old Birdie kicks the bucket,” I said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“Interesting,” Jimin said, nodding thoughtfully. “Wolves always shift, but our wolves don’t really reveal themselves until the ceremony.”
I gave a perfunctory nod, masking my confusion. The concept of my bird being a separate entity, yet intertwined with me, was a riddle wrapped in a mystery. I assumed Jimin was referring to his own transformation—what kind of wolf he’d become. Looking at him now, it was hard to believe he wasn’t destined for something grand. The kid was practically branded with alpha potential. Anyone who thought otherwise was clearly delusional.
“Do you have any inkling about what kind of wolf you might be?” I asked, my curiosity piqued.
Auntie had spoken highly of the wolves and their families. I knew the Jung family and the East Kims—regular suppliers of goods for the pack, always courteous. Though I’d only exchanged pleasantries with them, Auntie seemed to hold them in high regard. Aside from Jimin, this was my first prolonged interaction with a wolf. He was a majestic silver creature, and I could only imagine the weight of his pack’s expectations.
“Probably a beta,” Jimin said, a trace of uncertainty in his voice. “My family has never had an alpha or a male omega. I doubt that will change.”
I bit my lip, knowing he was probably right. But deep down, I sensed he was an alpha at heart. It was a feeling I couldn’t quite put into words, a sense of something vital and powerful. Jimin was destined for greatness, even if he didn’t see it yet. Feeling a surge of protectiveness for my new friend, I silently asked Lilith to watch over him, to show the world his true courage.
“It looks like we’re getting close,” I said, spotting familiar symbols on the trees.
We were in Seokjin’s territory now. The walk would take no more than fifteen minutes. I glanced at Jimin, who was already looking at me. I offered him a gentle smile.
“Birdie,” he said.
I stopped and turned around.
“I don’t think I can go any further,” he confessed.
I tilted my head. “Why not?”
“Chief Ahn said—”
Jimin stumbled over his words, outlining the rules his Chief had imposed on them. He seemed to genuinely believe he wasn’t allowed to approach witches, even though I was a landowner beyond their city walls. Frustration bubbled up. Chief Ahn’s control issues were getting on my nerves.
“Chief Ahn doesn’t rule these woods,” I snapped, hands on my hips. “Now move it, so we can make sure Auntie hasn’t had a heart attack.”
Jimin, taken aback, looked both amused and resigned. He made no further objections. I knew Auntie would give me an earful later, but that was a trade-off I was willing to make. I liked Jimin. I enjoyed his company, and I wanted us to finish this journey together. I wanted to show off our yule log and dance around the fire with him.
We reached the clearing sooner than I expected. The party was still in full swing—laughter and chatter filling the air. Yoongi, Seokjin, and Wendy were nowhere in sight, but three figures were frolicking in the field behind the house. I was startled no one had noticed my absence. The moon was high; hours had passed since I went missing, and yet the festivities continued unabated.
“Only Aldara,” the wind whispered.
Either Auntie had covered for me, or the spirits had altered everyone’s memories. I hoped Auntie wasn’t too worried and that Lilith had assured her of my safety. Regardless, I had to get back to her.
“That looks like fun,” Jimin said softly.
I shifted uncomfortably. “Yeah, it is. I love Yuletide.”
“We celebrate it at our house too,” Jimin said, smiling. “We burn our log in the fireplace. It’s not as grand as this.”
I laughed. “Sounds nice. I thought your people celebrated Christmas.”
Jimin scoffed. “We don’t. A few humans do, but they don’t speak for us.”
I nodded, the pieces falling into place. We sat in silence, watching the fire blaze. Jimin would need to leave soon to make it back before dawn. I hoped he wouldn’t encounter too much trouble.
“Tell the two kids who found me that I’m grateful,” I said.
“I will,” Jimin promised.
Auntie’s voice called my name. I turned to see the large white owl, her eyes gleaming with concern. I rushed to her, enveloping her in a warm embrace. The familiarity and comfort were overwhelming. It wasn’t until I released her that I realized I was crying.
“Let him know I appreciate him,” Auntie said, perching on my outstretched arm. “I’m so glad you’re safe.”
I relayed Auntie’s message to Jimin. He bowed deeply in gratitude—a gesture of respect from a wolf. Auntie returned the bow, her expression softening. Jimin rubbed his neck shyly, and a pang of sadness hit me. I wished he could stay.
“He needs to get home, Rae,” Auntie said gently.
I nodded, feeling a sense of finality. Auntie nuzzled me one last time before soaring back to the fire. Heji’s joyful exclamation filled the air, and I smiled. Yuletide was magical, and I wished it could last forever. Though Auntie would eventually become a forest spirit, I cherished the four years we had left together.
“Thank you for helping me,” I said to Jimin.
He smiled sheepishly. “Anytime, Birdie.”
I chuckled sadly, wishing I could share my real name with him. I shook my head and extinguished the flame dancing on my fingers. Time to repay his kindness. Rolling up my sleeves, I prepared for a spell that would get him home.
“This might feel a bit strange,” I said, “but it’ll get you home in no time.”
“Are you using magic again?” Jimin asked, eyes wide with wonder.
“Stand still,” I instructed.
I began to sing the incantation, picturing the forest floor where I’d been lying. I recalled the trees, the grass, the chill in the air, and the direction of the fairy circle. I wove these elements into a perfect mental image and drew a door with my fingers, pushing it open with both hands.
Jimin’s jaw dropped, his eyes wide with awe. It was clear he’d never seen true magic before. I gestured for him to go. He stepped through the door with a final, “Happy Yuletide!” before it vanished.
The clearing was alive with noise—Taejin singing with Yoona, Heji laughing at Auntie’s antics, Wendy and Seokjin bickering. I smiled, feeling content. I stepped from the treeline and into the heart of the celebration.
Jin dashed past me, laughing uproariously. Wendy followed, fuming and shouting. She saw me, raised her arms in victory, and halted her pursuit.
“Tell this brainless nitwit,” she glared at Jin, “to give me back my sandals!”
“Finder’s keepers,” Jin said with childish glee. “You know the rules, Wen.”
“I’ll show you ‘the rules’!” Wendy growled, charging at him.
Jin dodged her with ease, shooting off like a rocket. Wendy screamed after him, threatening him with Krampus. Jin responded with a playful yule cat threat.
“Are you alright?” Yoongi asked, his expression neutral.
I looked at him, feeling a wave of relief. “I’m okay, just a little confused. Did anyone notice I was gone?”
He nodded. “Aldara told them you were visiting animals. I didn’t buy it for a second.”
“Definitely wasn’t Patto,” I said, shaking my head.
Yoongi hummed. “What team are you on?”
I grinned. “I’ll be team Wendy, so she has a fighting chance to get her shoes back.”
Yoongi chuckled. I felt a wave of calm wash over me, the red eyes fading into the background. I patted Yoongi on the head before sprinting off after Seokjin. Yoongi was right behind me, letting out a loud yell as he tackled me to the ground. I shoved him off, spitting out the midnight locks of his hair.
“Wendy!” I called. “I’m on your team! Yoongi’s a traitor!”
“That scurvy dog!” Wendy shot back, outwitted by Jin’s athleticism once more.
“Enough with the pirate talk, Ningyo,” Jin retorted.
“You can’t even spell that!” Wendy fired back.
With the cold wind tousling my hair and the scent of pine filling my senses, I ran. Everything felt right, even with the lingering dread of those red eyes. I tilted my face to the sky, laughing as snowflakes began to fall. I hoped Lilith had heard me, hoped Jimin had made it home safely.
“Happy Solstice, Jimin,” I whispered into the night.
Wendy’s shout cut through the air. “Birdie, get him!”
I managed to tackle Jin, both of us laughing and grinning. Wendy reclaimed her sandals with a few well-placed whacks before collapsing beside him. Yoongi settled next to me. We laughed and watched the snowfall, the New Year just eleven days away.
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Taglist: @greezenini @jimin-neverout@adventures-in-bookland @canarystwin​
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© chimcess, 2022. Do not copy or repost without permission  
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denim-mixtapes · 2 years
Nice List jim hopper
Hiiii thank you for requesting Hopper!! I haven't written anything for him yet because I wasn't sure if there was a demand, but back before season 3/4 he's the only person I read fic for in the ST fandom so I'm happy to get the chance!! I don't really know where this lines up with the canon. Probably somewhere in season 2 but??? Let's just pretend that canon doesn't exist anyway.
Picking out a Christmas Tree with Jim Hopper w/c: 676
Join the Christmas Party!
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“Are you gonna tell me why you dragged me all the way out here, Hop?” 
You wring your cold hands together, willing away the shiver that follows as Hopper digs in the back of the pickup truck. 
“You said,” he grunts, fighting with something in the bed, a fierce metallic clunk interrupts his sentence. Pulling what you now recognize as a hacksaw free from the clutter, he huffs and continues, “you said you’ve never had a real Christmas tree.” 
It’s all you can muster. Your heart cracks at the gesture, the fact that something small you mentioned in passing a few days ago led here, to the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of Hawkins, surrounded by rows and rows of evergreen trees.
“Yeah, oh! Now come on, ’M already freezing.” 
He guides you up the first row of trees with a firm hand on your lower back. Something you’ve learned in your time living with Jim Hopper is that he’s a man of few words. He never has too much to say, and even when he does he struggles to say it. But that doesn’t mean he can’t find other ways to make his feelings known. In small gestures; a fresh pot of coffee before he leaves for work, or throwing your towel in the dryer so it’s nice and warm when you get out of the shower. Or in larger, more grand ones like this, he never fails to make you feel loved. 
“Do you have decorations already?” You ask, lacing your fingers with his and tugging along toward a tree that caught your eye. “I don’t remember you ever having a tree in the past, real or not.” 
He huffs a single, clipped laugh and shrugs, “I think I’ve got some lights out in the shed. Maybe. It’s, ah, been a while since I put one up, you’re right.” He didn’t need to tell you that the lights were leftover from Joyce’s predicament last year, or that the few ornaments he does have aren’t meant for the tree. Not anymore, they’re too special, handmade little things from Sara’s daycare and elementary school holiday parties, a My First Christmas ceramic teddy bear that he can’t bring himself to throw away. You can see his expression go blank at the thought, his hand tightening around yours ever so slightly, but don’t dare mention it.
Humming thoughtfully, you notice that the one that caught your eye has a bald spot in the back and move on. “Well then we’ll just have to start our own collection from scratch!” 
The smile that takes over his features is still a little guarded, but it’s warm despite his apprehension. “Yeah?” He asks, voice thick with emotion, and presses a kiss to your temple. His whiskers tickle against your hairline, cold nose pressing into your skin and sending another shiver down your spine. “I like the sound of that.” 
As you turn the corner to the next row of trees you spot the perfect one, and without thinking you drop his hand and run for it. “This one!” You shout, turning in place and bouncing on your toes. Your excitement is contagious, only encouraging a wider, joyous smile onto his face as he jogs to catch up. “This is it!” 
It’s picture perfect, almost as wide as it is tall, standing just a little taller than your head. The branches are full, evenly spread, and if you didn’t know any better you would say it was store bought. Fresh snow dusts it evenly, glittering in the winter sun.  
From behind Hopper engulfs you in his embrace, thick arms wrapping around your waist, careful of the blade in his hand. He rests his chin on your shoulder, “looks like a winner to me. This the one you want?” 
You don’t give a verbal response, only lean heavier back into his hold and nod. 
With another quick kiss pressed high on the apple of your cheek, he releases you and twirls the saw in hand with a flourish, “then it’s yours.”
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urfavouritegirlie · 1 year
Chapter 6
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(Part 6)
**The present**
Aaron POV
I recall on the memories of me and Maya from the old picture I have. The conversation I had with Miles has me really thinking about her. I really do wonder where she is now and what she could be up to. Since I have no job to do I had ordered a pizza and decided to be lazy for the night but then my phone starts buzzing. To my shock it's Jeff. I leave it and silence it. Minutes later my pizza finally arrives. I pay the delivery man and slump on the couch. My phone rings again. Him again. I sigh and pick up.
"I called 5 times."
"And I watched ring 5 times."
"Why are you like this?"
"Cuz I'm your lil bro. Why'd you call?"
It's been a while since the two of us had talked. The last time wasn't so good either. It was about Miles being around me because I'm a bad influence to him because Jeff knows what I do.
"Rio wants you to come over on Christmas. We're gonna have a party and people are gonna be there."
"What your cop friends or sum?"
"No, family Aaron. Just be there man. Rio's been nagging me. Don't say I said that."
"Aight fine. Can't make promises tho."
Then the line cuts. Tsk. Man, this sucks. Maya would've dragged me without a doubt. Damn you Maya, why can't you just leave my head. I just miss her.
**Christmas Day**
I stand outside their apartment complex.
Miles shouts from his bedroom window. I nod at him. Such a funny kid. I walk in and walk to their apartment. The door was already open with kids running in and out the place. I let myself in.
"Aaron hi, glad you could make it."
"Uh yeah, thanks for the invite Rio."
Miles almost tackles me to the ground from the side.
"Aye wassup lil man."
"Im 11 I ain't little no more but I'm good."
"All the guys are on the roof preparing the BBQ."
I walk up the stairs with Miles behind me. I open the door and there are more kids and grown adults. Downstairs was were the females were. Cooking and gossiping. The men on the roof talking, things that we talk about I guess.
"You actually came."
Jeff. I turn around and hook my arm around his neck.
"Well I can't miss a special Christmas invitation from my big bro."
Despite the distance between us, I will always love annoying the hell out of him. He shrugs his shoulder to remove my arm from him. He walks ahead with a bag of charcoal to bbq stand.
"Who's dumb idea was is to have a bbq in winter, in New York?" I ask so loosely.
"It was mine." Jeff so kindly replies;
"I figured that much."
I help out on what needs to be done, against my will. Honestly I didn't want to be here but Rio doesn't take no for an answer.
"You talked to Maya?"
I freeze for a moment and look up and shrug my shoulders.
"She calls me and Rio ya know. She's always asking about you."
I hesitate to ask but ask anyway.
"What did she say?"
"Maybe if you picked the phone you would know."
Here we go. Unwanted advice from my big bro. I roll my eyes and sigh.
"You know I can't do that."
He gives me a look and shakes his head.
"Maya is a good person, a great person even. Don't tell me you're gonna throw it away because of what you do. I know you didn't ask but I suggest you quit working for that man before something bad happens."
He's right, I can't lie, but the thing is I'm in too deep. I can't quit now because there are people who want me dead and out their way but I can't tell anyone that, not even Jeff. Being in contact with Maya would probably put her in danger. Having Jeff and his family close is a risk itself.
Jeff stopped the life of crime when we were younger, after mom passed and after we both spent a night in jail for robbery. I started hanging around with the wrong people that got me connected to Wilson Fisk. And now, I can't go back.
Maybe if I had continued that business me and Jeff had I wouldn't be in a predicament.
The party started and the music was flowing. Children of different ages playing and running around without a care in the world.
Maya had always talked about families. She used to have immense baby fever when she moved in with me. She would stare at every kid she would come across. She loved Miles like he was her own. She brought up the conversation of kids and I panicked. It was a not so good conversation. It ended in slamming doors, sleeping in the other room and tears.
How can I explain to her that bringing a child would be dangerous because of my job. That's a route I didn't want to go down. What if she would leave me for good. Even after all that she respected my decision. I honesty don't deserve her.
"Hola everybody, thanks for coming. Isn't it nice to have family for the holidays. I have a Christmas gift for everyone today. You're gonna love it."
This got everyones attention. What could she possibly have that everyone would love. Money? Nahhh.
She walks down the fire escape and small conversations emerge again. She came back as fast as she left. Everyone is now confused because she comes back empty handed.
"Well where is the present?" someone asked.
Then everyone notices another figure behind her. Then the world stops completely. Ain't no way.
"MAYA!" Everyone is rushing over to her and greeting her. She knows everyone here. No surprise. She's so likeable and approachable. Everyone loves her, well including me.
The atmosphere is filled with excitement as people are still talking to her. She lights up the room, well air with her smile. Her dimples haven't faded at all. I'm stood so still like a literal statue. Until I feel someone nudge me back to earth.
"I said go talk to her."
She's talking to people as she walks over. She's talks to someone and makes a brief glance at me with a smile. I'm not ready. I try to make an escape by turning around to get a drink or something but Rio is in the way. Giving me a look. A look with her arms crossed and shaking her head.
Without a word she turns me back around and shoves me forward and into 'lo and behold' into Maya. She seems surprised to bump into me but I catch her out of instinct. She looks up and I look down. I'm so speechless I look like a fool.
"Uhh hey."
She attempts to hold a laugh but completely fails. She has me acting like a fool.
"Hi Aaron, how have you been?"
"Come on man don't stuttering on her now lil bro." Jeff mocks him.
"I'm doing good."
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luna-redamancy · 2 years
Sorry I'm late, but I just saw that requests were open, and I am in dire need of fluff.
So, either Sauron or Morgoth, your choice. Christmas/winter holiday fluff. Female reader takes some time off to go see her favorite person, and get some well deserved rest. One of her parents has been pestering her about getting her life together, but on their timeline instead of hers. This leads to a lot of tension and aggravation.
So, to help relieve some of that tension, and to put reader in a much better mood, the decision is made to make the holidays special for her.
Totally not based off the fact that my dad and I had a big fight/argument right before I left to see the rest of my family for Christmas.
Where is your dad located- I just want to talk- that's all, just a chat.
On a serious note, I am very sorry you had to deal with that, coming from a not so kind family myself I understand how horrible it feels. I hope this brings somewhat joy? I set it in a modern AU. Please let me know if you need anything- whether it's talking or another comfort fic!
“Why can’t you just be happy for me?” You cut off your mother, a disappointing frown on your face as you took in her annoyed expression. It was the holiday season and your employer was so kind to agree to your week-off request from the shop you worked at. 
You thought this year would be different- no, you yearned for this year to be different. To have what your coworkers did, where they discussed how kind their mother was to make their childhood favorites and their fathers weren’t too expressive but they were kind and gentle when it came down to it mattering. Why couldn’t you have that? 
“Why can’t you just say ‘(Y/n), I’m happy that you found happiness even if it’s not what I would’ve done,’ - Huh? Why?” You blinked back tears, angry ones, not the sad kind. 
“You need to be getting your life together, you can’t just waste it away staring at the wall!” Your father argued, never one to turn down an opportunity to be ‘right’ - and by ‘right’ he simply means to get the last word in or argue until you can’t deal with him anymore. 
“I’m not wasting it away, I’m doing perfectly well for myself!” 
“Other women your age are getting married, having kids for heaven's sake, and look at you. What’ve you achieved? Nothing.” 
Pausing, you looked up at your father. Instead of replying with a wicked tongue like how he thought you would, you simply shook your head. Taking the embroidered napkin out of your lap, you threw it over your dinner plate. Your chair screeched as it shoved backward whilst you stood. 
“Happy holidays, mother, and father,” You muttered as you exited the home, briefly pausing to grab your coat off the hook and slide your boots on your feet. You blocked out the sounds of shouting and cutlery slamming against the oak table as you exited into the winter night. You were so hopeful. 
“‘M home,” You softly announced, taking off your coat and placing it on your designated hook. You crouched down to take off your boots, your heart feeling heavy as you put them in line with Sauron’s. 
You could hear him humming to himself as he made a cup of hot chocolate, and the thought made you nearly grimace. Who were you to ruin his night? 
“(Y/n), is that you?” Sauron called, pausing in his steps back toward your shared bedroom. 
“Just me,” You called back, your voice sounding sadder than you wanted, making you wince. The last thing you wanted was to worry him. 
Standing back up, you brushed your leggings off, mentally giving yourself a pep-talk to keep it together until you got into the shower. There you could release all your frustrations without worry and it’ll be -
“You don’t look too good,” Sauron muttered, mostly to himself as he approached. You couldn’t deny the laugh that left your throat at his utterance, shaking your head in amusement.
“The visit didn’t go well, I’m guessing,” He spoke softly as he pulled your scarf from around your neck, hanging it right next to your coat. 
Sauron pulled you from the foyer, guiding you further into the warm home you two have created. 
Sitting you on the couch, he pressed a kiss to your temple. 
“Wait here,” He spoke against your flesh before disappearing back into the kitchen. Looking at the side table you realized he never made it to the bedroom with his hot chocolate, the whipped cream slowly melting and the cinnamon that was delicately sprinkled on top was now just brown blobs. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t mean to-” You were cut off by a fresh mug of hot chocolate being thrust in your face. It was made similar to Sauron’s, although rather than cinnamon on top it was an extra bit of the hot chocolate mix- sprinkled on the fresh whipped cream. 
“No need to apologize, arimelda (Dearest),” Sauron would’ve scoffed if it was anyone else, but not you- never you. Instead his expression was soft, “Especially when it comes to expressing your feelings.” 
Sauron’s presence was like a warm blanket, wrapping round you and providing you with a serene feeling of safety and security.
Simply nodding, you accepted the warm beverage and out of the corner of your eye you could see him grin when you took a sip. 
“Now, how about we settle in and watch a movie?” Sauron grabbed a blanket off the blanket ladder, your favorite one, bringing it over to the couch and wrapping it around you before handing you the TV remote. 
“Or we could watch whatever you want, I have no preference” As long as I’m here with you. Catching onto his unsaid words, your heart fluttered in your chest. 
“You mean it?” 
“Of course, when would I lie to you?” He settled in next to you, his arm swinging over the backside of the couch, gently rubbing your shoulder as you began to search through the latest releases on your streaming account. 
Your holiday season may have gotten off to a bad start, but no way was Sauron going to let his beloved feel like dirt and not get to enjoy themselves. 
Forever Tag
@lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck  @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18 @raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection @ladylouoflothlorien @ten-tenya-iida @legolaslovely @bthtallmadge2 @abesottedlass @wilhelmyna @tigereyesf @aspookybunny @keijibum @moony-artnstuff @sirkekselord @guardianofrivendell @fluffymadamina @izbelross @fandomhoe101 @acahope311 @kitkatd7 @mooseetx @themerriweathermage @elvish-sky @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @laurfilijames @frequentlychangingfandoms @cameronsails @linasofia @starryeyedrogue  @shethereadinghobbit @beenovel @onlystarshere @fckmini @spidergirla5 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @myselfandfantasy @strange-old-worlds @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @broken-ghost @mbruben-stein @tschrist1 @hai-kbai
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Troupe Event Translation - Sunny Blanc (9/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Hisoka: …
Homare: *Snore, snore*…
Tasuku: Zz, zz…
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Azuma: …Zzz, zzz.
Guy: …
Hisoka: (Everyone slept together…) (Come to think of it, something like this has happened before… Back during our 6th play.)
Tsumugi: …Hm? Rise and shine. I see you’re awake.
Hisoka: …Good morning.
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Tsumugi: Were you able to get a good night’s rest?
Hisoka: Yeah… I slept well. …I told you I had a request for you. Do you remember?
Tsumugi: Yes.
Hisoka: …I want you to play my co-lead.
Tsumugi: Me?
Hisoka: …We were living in completely different places, yet we both had special memories of the same flower. If flowers are going to be a part of our play, then I feel like… I want to share the stage with you.
Tsumugi: I see… I’m glad to hear that. I was also hoping to do the same. Although it’s just a coincidence that we hold the same flower close to our hearts, it feels like fate. I guess you felt the same way, Hisoka-kun?
Hisoka: Looks like it.
Tsumugi: Oh, right. I was thinking of giving this to you.
Hisoka: A bouquet…?
Tsumugi: They’re artificial flowers though. They had a spot where you could learn how to create arrangements at Flower Park. I was torn whether to use fresh flowers, but this time, I wanted our memories of that day to last forever. I made it with the hope that I would be able to support you, even a little, as you stand on the stage as the lead in the next performance.
Hisoka: …I’ll let Tsuzuru know my request.
Tsumugi: Good luck.
Izumi: Alright, I’ll hand the scripts out to everyone. (As per Hisoka-san’s request, the upcoming stage is set as a flower shop.) (It’s an ensemble drama depicting the protagonist, a shop assistant, and all the people surrounding the flower shop.) (The story is warm, but tinged with a touch of sadness, which fits Winter troupe perfectly.)
Hisoka: ...Thanks, Tsuzuru.
Tsuzuru: I was a bit surprised when Mikage-san told me to use a flower theme. The main character recalls his precious memories through the scent of flowers, and Hisoka-san was holding a bouquet of peonies. So the idea suddenly came to me.
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Homare: It became a story that suits Hisoka-kun very much.
Tasuku: It’s a role that he can play since he’s Mikage.
Guy: I am sure Mikage’s family will be delighted as well.
Izumi: (He must have come up with that request since he overcame what he went through this time.)
Tsumugi: We have to do our best, right, Hisoka-kun?
Hisoka: Yeah.
Hisoka: *Munch*… *nom, nom*.
Chikage: What do you want to talk about?
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Hisoka: *Nom, nom*…
Chikage: You have quite an appetite for someone who collapsed on the side of the road a few days ago.
Hisoka: …Thanks.
Chikage: For what?
Hisoka: …Director told me to say that.
Chikage: I don’t get you.
Hisoka: The reason I said I would play the lead this time was because I was reminded of the days I spent with together August… …And when I told Director, she explained that August must’ve came to check up on me.
Chikage: That sounds like something Director would say. And?
Hisoka: That’s why I’m going to do my best for my family. And I’d like you to come watch me again… in August’s stead.
Chikage: I’ll be there.
Izumi: Guys, it’s almost showtime.
Homare: So, leader, what do you say to forming a huddle?
Hisoka: …A huddle?
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Homare: The other troupes partake in that, don’t they? You know, where you form a circle and shout?
Azuma: Homare’s not letting that go.
Tasuku: It’s too late for that now, don’t you think?
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Hisoka: …That sounds like a bother.
Homare: The day Winter troupe forms a huddle-like circle will never come at this rate.
Tsumugi: I mean, this is just like Winter troupe too, isn’t it?
Guy: Indeed.
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mccall-muffin · 2 years
Love vs. Hate - Part 6 // Joe Liebgott x OC
Previous Part Summary: Technical Sergeant Olivia Stark knows the military. Raised in a military family, a graduate of military school and OCS herself, she is transferring from the 82nd Airborne Division to the 101st. Between new friends and what appear to be foes, she becomes a part of Easy Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th PIR.
Warnings: Language, Drinking, Shots, a little violence
A/N: Already number 6... And of course, hoping that you still enjoy it ;) xx
Here is my Masterlist
Tag List: @brassknucklespeirs
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February 26, 1943 - Fort Benning, GA After another drill in which Captain Sobel screwed up, I walk the campgrounds with Don, Skip, and Penk. We are told that we will be transferred to Camp Mackall that afternoon. Suddenly, however, I see a familiar face. "You've got to be kidding me," I shout, and the man looks up and then starts grinning big. "For fuck's sake, I didn't think I'd see you again so soon, Harry, or should I say, Lieutenant Welsh," I call out and run up to him before giving him a big hug. "Wow, it's good to see you, Kiddo," he returns and lifts me briefly before putting me back down.
Don, Skip, and Penk stand behind us, confused. "What are you doing here?" I ask Harry, and he grins. "I was transferred here. 101st Airborne Division, 2nd Battalion..." "If you say Easy Company now, I'll scream," I say excitedly, and Harry covers his ears before I yelp in delight and give him another hug. "Oh my god! I'm so excited!" I let go of Harry again. "You're going to love it. Except for our CO. He's... special and not particularly capable, but we'll work it out somehow." "What do you mean not capable?" "He gets all nervous in field exercises and can't read a map."
I take a glance behind me. "Oh, by the way, these are Privates Donald Malarkey, Warren Muck, and Alex Penkala," I introduce my friends, taking a step forward. "Guys, this is Lieutenant Harry Welsh. He's from the 82nd and is with us now." "Sir," the three of them say, and Harry nods. "Do you know which platoon yet?" I then ask, but Harry shakes his head. "No, not yet, but I should meet with the XO now." "Ah, Winters... In there," I say, pointing to a barracks. "Could be you're taking over Lt. Nixon's platoon. He's been promoted to intelligence officer." "We'll see about that, kid," Harry says, then walks away before waving at me again.
I turn to the guys, who all look at me questioningly. "What?" Don raises his eyebrows. "I told you guys about the soldier who was always nice to me, right?" I ask, and the three nod. "Well, that was Harry. He and I were in the same company in the 82nd until they transferred me and sent him to OCS." "Well then. A friend of yours is a friend of ours," Skip grins.
A little later, we get ready to board the train. They are moving us to Camp Mackall. I'm just throwing my bag on the wagon and heading back to Don and the others when Joe Toye waves me over. "Hey Liv... Do you know where we're going yet?" he asks, shaking my head in amusement. "You know full well that even if I did, which is highly unlikely, I wouldn't be allowed to tell you, right?" I kneel down with him, Shifty, Cobb, and Popeye. "Spoilsport," Joe grins, and I smile at him. "I don't think even the officers know where we're going. Except maybe Nixon, but that's his job."
"I hear you know our new guy. Welsh?" asks Cobb then, and I nod. "What's he like?" "As far as I know, he's got what it takes. Better than you know who." "That's not hard, is it, Blondie?" asks Cobb, and I look at him with raised eyebrows. The relationship between him and me is strained. Very different from Liebgott because I have no positive feelings left for Roy Cobb. He's just a dick. "Shut up, Cobb," Joe now interjects. "Ah, you gotta admit, he's got no chance. Either the Krauts will get him or one of us," Cobb says as Liebgott joins us. "Who, Sobel?" I nod.
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"He screwed up one maneuver," Shifty says, and I look at him gently. Good-natured, naive Shifty. "Oh, Shifty... You always want to see the good in everyone, don't you?" I ask, and he looks at me. "Ah, you know, I'm always fumbling with grenades. It would be easy if one went off by accident, you know," Liebgott says, and I look at him briefly.
"Well, now, they must have put him in charge for a reason." "Yeah, cos the Army wouldn't make a mistake, right, Shift?" We're all silent for a moment, and I spot Lipton next to us, who must have heard everything. "Very well," I say and stand up. "I'll see you guys later."
June 23, 1943 - Camp Mackall, North Carolina We have been at Camp Mackall for several months now. Here we have been doing more field exercises, and it is becoming increasingly clear that Sobel is incompetent and will probably get us all killed. At this moment, I'm lying next to Don in a ditch. "Petty. Map. Come on," Sobel calls to Petty. The latter gives me and Don a brief annoyed look. "Oh, Christ." "What is that idiot doing?" I hiss to Don, who shrugs. "2nd platoon, move out," Winters informs us, and I look up in shock. "What?" Muck also asks, confused. "Tactical column," Winters says, and we do as he says. We have to. "Fuck," I grumble and follow the others out of the ditch.
It doesn't take long, and the enemy team in front of us emerges from the bushes. "Dammit," Don grumbles next to me. "Captain, you've just been killed, along with 95% of your company. Your outfit?" asks one of the observing officers. "Easy Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th," Sobel says, and you can tell he's not too happy either. "Leave three wounded men on the ground and report back to the assembly area." "Goddamn it. You, you, you," Sobel says, pointing to three soldiers.
Together, we make our way back. "Jesus, it would be so easy," I whisper to Don, raising my gun ever so slightly. Of course, I know it's not loaded, but it's all about the gesture. Don begins to chuckle beside me. "This man will be the death of us; I'll tell you that," Skip then interjects. "Well, a little birdie told me he probably won't last long if we really jump into action then," I say, and they both look at me. "Better him than us," Don says, and we nod.
September 6, 1943 - Brooklyn Naval Shipyard, NY "Okay 2nd Platoon, listen up," Roush calls to us, and we line up in formation. "We still need certain inoculations for embarkation and seasickness pills. Sergeant Stark, make sure your people have all reported in and everything is orderly," he demands, and I nod. "Yes, sir." He presses a handful of identification cards into my hand. "The medical IDs. They'll have to be carried on one after this. See that the men fill out their medical information, Sergeant." I nod, and he steps down.
"Okay, listen up, guys. Squad leaders on me and get the IDs for your men. You're responsible for ensuring your men are vaccinated when we board this ship, understand?" They nod, and then Lip, Bill, and Chuck come to me. I hand them the identification cards. "Have the men wear these on them. I assume this is a security precaution." The three nod and go to their squads. "Private Bain, Corporal Roe, you're with me." The medic and radioman approach me. "Here." I hand them their IDs. "You'll need to turn these in when you're vaccinated and then wear them on you, okay?" They both nod, and I look briefly at Bill, who nods to me, signaling that we are ready.
Together, we walk toward the rooms where they are administering the vaccinations. Slightly nervous, I sit in the chair and knead my hands. "Are you okay, Olivia?" Gene asks me, and I look at him. "Yeah, why? What should be?" "You seem nervous." "Well... I wouldn't say I like shots, to be honest. Never have." Gene smirks. "Didn't think so now." I shrug my head, then smile at him. "Don't worry; it's just Typhoid, Smallpox, and Tetanus. It's not that bad." "Oh yeah, my last tetanus shot made my arm hurt like ass for a week," I laugh, and Gene shakes his head.
When I'm called on, I look to Gene again. "Wish me luck," I grin at him, and he shakes his head again. I am led into another room where several curtains are hung to shield the soldiers. I continue to knead my hands and then take a deep breath. You can do this, Liv; you're going to war; a little needle isn't going to be a problem.
"Is someone afraid of needles?" I hear a voice and turn around. Liebgott looks at me mockingly. He is also waiting for his injection. I squeeze my eyes shut but say nothing. "What, lost your tongue, Stark?" I turn back to him. "Can't you just let it go for once, Liebgott?" I ask, and he shrugs. "Sergeant Stark?" I am then called. I walk up to the nurse, who eyes me curiously. "Watch out, Stark, if she misses, your arm will fall off," Liebgott calls after me. "Shut up, Liebgott!"
September 10, 1943 - The Samaria - Somewhere on the Atlantic We have been on the stinking ship for four days now—about 5000 soldiers. We are crammed together, and it is just hot. There are not many places of space for yourself other than your own assigned bunk or, if you are lucky, on deck. Most nights, there aren't a lot of soldiers upstairs, so I often get up there and spend a few quiet minutes. Otherwise, if you want to stretch your legs, you have to fight through the men's scramble, which I try to avoid as much as possible. The constant shouts and catcalls are getting on my nerves.
This evening I lie comfortably in my bunk and smoke a cigarette. In the other hand, I have a book that Web has lent me. Finally, Don and Muck return and lie down in their bunks, where Don immediately opens a magazine. "Where have you been?" I ask, and he looks at me for a moment. "Oh, on deck. I needed some fresh air." "Understandable." Discussions keep coming up among the men that we're being shipped to Europe, not the Pacific, as we are now. "Hey, guys, I'm glad I'm going to Europe. Hitler gets one of these right across the windpipe; Roosevelt changes Thanksgiving to Joe Toye Day and pays me ten grand a year for the rest of my fucking life," Toye says, holding up a knife. Above us, Smokey speaks up. "What if we don't get to Europe? What if they send us to North Africa?" "My brother's in North Africa; he says it's hot," Bill now says, lying in the bunk in front of me. "Really? It's hot in Africa?" asks Don sarcastically, and I nudge him.
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"Shut up. Point is, it don't matter where we go. Once we get into combat, the only person you can trust is yourself and the fella next to you," Bill continues. "Hey, long as he's a paratrooper," Toye says. "Oh, yeah? What if that paratrooper turns out to be Sobel?" now George, who is climbing into his bunk, interjects. "If I'm next to Sobel in combat, I'm moving on down the line. Hook up with some other officer, like Heyliger or Winters," Pat, who is lying above me, now joins in. I smile at their discussions. In the end, everything will probably be different than we imagine anyway. "I like Winters, he's a good man, but when the bullets start flying, I don't know if I want a Quaker doing my fighting for me," Bill says again, and I sit up. "How do you know he's a Quaker?" I ask. "He ain't Catholic." "So what?" "Neither's Sobel," Don now says, and I look at him angrily because he just contradicted my statement.
"That prick's a son of Abraham," Bill continues, and I sit up. "Are you serious?" "He's what?" now Liebgott, sitting across from us in an upper bunk, interjects. "He's a Jew." Great, now it's over. I rub my hand over my face. Liebgott's gaze briefly meets mine before he tosses his smoke to the floor and jumps off his bunk. "Oh, fuck. I'm a Jew." "Congratulations. Get your nose outta my face," Bill says, pushing Liebgott away from him, which he doesn't put up with, and lunges. Some men are quickly on the spot and try to separate the two. Of course, I can't help trying to push myself between them. "Are you fucking serious?! You're fighting over Sobel?! Fuck! How stupid can you be?" I shout and push Bill in one direction and Liebgott in another, but they ignore me.
Suddenly I feel a sharp pain on my nose. I stagger backward and immediately grab it. Blood streams down my fingers, and tears shoot into my eyes. "Fuck, Liv!", I hear someone shout, and then I feel Don next to me. "See! That's what you get! Fucking idiots!", Don shouts angrily, and I can only see Bill and Liebgott looking at me in shock. "Shit, sorry Liv!" I hear Bill say. One of them must have caught me.
"Hey Liv, let me see," I hear Gene's voice. He and Don lead me to an empty bunk where I sit down, and Gene examines my nose. "It's not broken, so that's something," he says as he gently puts his fingers to my nose. Then he takes a handkerchief and holds it out to me. "Idiots," Don mutters next to me. "There's probably going to be a bruise, Liv. He got you real good. And you're going to have to change your OD's. They're pretty fucked up," Gene then says, pointing down. I also look down for a moment; all my OD's are full of blood stains. "Great," I grumble. Next to us I can hear the others discussing. "Come on; I'll take you; I have to go that way anyway," Gene says, and I give Don's arm a quick squeeze.
Gene and I make our way upstairs when suddenly Winters and Harry are standing in front of us. "Jesus Christ, Liv, what happened to you?" asks Harry immediately. "Just a little accident, Harry. It's all right," I say, smiling at him. "Doc?" now Winters asks, addressing Gene. "Two of the men got into an altercation and Liv got in the middle of it. An elbow hit her nose, sir, but it's not broken." "I just need new OD's, sir," I now say and Winters nods. "Okay, I'll let Sergeant Roberts know. Wait here a minute," Winters says and disappears. "Who was involved?" asks Harry then. "Guarnere and Liebgott," Roe says, and Harry gives me a knowing look. "Figures... Are you okay, Liv?" I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just waiting for it to stop bleeding." Then Winters comes back with Supply Sergeant Roberts and presses a new top into my hand. "Clean yourself up and any further incidents will be reported to me immediately," says Winters. "Yes, sir," I say nodding to Gene and Harry.
In the restrooms, I change briefly. My nose is still bleeding slightly, but it's not that bad anymore, but there is already a nasty bruise forming beside my nose. Then I go up on the deck and sit against the railing on the floor. It's already fresh, but I don't care right now. I can't go back below just yet.
When my nose finally stopped bleeding, I put the rag next to me, cross my arms, and stretch out my legs. I close my eyes and lean my head against the railing. Suddenly, I notice someone standing next to me. When I look up, I am surprised that it is Liebgott. "How's your nose?" he asks. "It's been better if I'm honest," I return. He takes a deep breath. "May I?" he asks, and I nod as he sits down next to me. "I'm sorry." "What?" "I'm sorry I hit you. That... I didn't mean to." Now I realize that, in that case, it was Liebgott who did it. "You were standing there and my elbow... Well, as I said, I'm sorry."
He lights a smoke and holds it out to me before lighting one for himself. "It's all right. It was an accident." Liebgott bites his lips and looks down at his legs. "It's just... Guarnere's comment was totally out of line." I nod. "I know. I agree with you." "Really?" "Yeah. I mean, why does it matter where someone is from or what their religion is? At the end of the day, we're all here for the same reason, right?" Liebgott says nothing, and we sit there smoking our cigarettes for a moment. Then Liebgott rummages in his pocket and holds out a bottle to me. "Here, as an apology." I take it. "Okay, wow. Where did you get that?" "That's my secret," he says, taking out another beer bottle. We open it and cheer the bottles together.
Silently, we drink our bottles. The stars shine above us, and you can hear the water lapping beside us. I don't think the two of us have been together so long without arguing. I keep catching myself giving Liebgott little glances, but always careful that he doesn't see me.
"Ah, there you are!" Don comes up to us, grinning. "I was beginning to think you'd jumped ship." "Sorry to disappoint you, Malarkey. You're still stuck with me for a bit." As he comes closer and spots our beers, he falters. "Are you fucking serious? You have beers, and you don't say anything!" "Sorry, but this is my apology gift," I say, taking another sip. "Cut the crap and hand over the bottle, Stark," Don laughs and sits in front of us. I hand it to him, and he takes a sip. "Oh, this is just great." He hands the bottle back to me. "Your nose looks like shit, by the way." "Thanks for the flowers, Don. I know... Liebgott did a great job." "Hey, I said I was sorry, okay?!" "Don't get your panties in a bunch Liebgott; it was just a joke. Even though the bruises on my face would deny that."
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