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foxstory · 6 months ago
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Fond Farewell, a tribute/thank-you to the person who had been my closest and longest-lasting friend in life, when we went our separate ways
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torrick17 · 8 months ago
Something I find to be a crime -
Does no one like a cursed hot super tall ranger elf with a WOLF for a companion?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH Y’ALL. As soon as I met him in my campaign, my Fallen Aasimar Pirate Barbarian, Lessnera, immediately was like ✨I’m gonna flirt the shit outta that man✨
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andypandy160 · 4 years ago
Winterhound howls this Winter
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Emanuel Calderon – better known as Winterhound – often builds his music alone in his bedroom, playing and recording each instrument on his own. However, as the lyrics of “Hang in there” attest to, it can get lonely. Over a dreamy, prog-rock haze, Calderon sings of yearning for someone he can’t seem to find anymore.  The song’s lyrics are simple and direct, but they resonate profoundly – a songwriting gift that has helped cement the 25 year-old heartthrob as someone to keep a close eye on in 2021.
In the face of withering economic woes and natural disasters, diasporic melancholy has become an intrinsic component of modern Puerto Rican music. We’ve seen profound storytelling emerge from the indie world in bands like Buscabulla and Los Wálters, who throughout their careers have reconciled lives on the US mainland with the emotional beckoning of their Caribbean homeland.
The Brooklyn and Cidra/San Juan-based ensemble gave us several high points to choose from, with “Hang in there” standing out as the purest utterance of the artist’s penchant for new experimentation and bold fusions, a collision of dreampop and a softer version of the singer’s more signature sound in his other artistic ventures, screamcore; dare I say, more like a howl. The listening experience has me hearing early Minus the Bear and Radiohead, specifically “Weird Fishes/Arpeggi” in the single. The song also includes a voice recording from his father that has us all grabbing the nearest box of Kleenex and immediately calling our parents. This is definitely a much more mature and stronger direction since the artist’s debut in 2014. Winterhound’s new song tracks (including other new singles such as “Descontento” and “Better than this”) are that of an alert of something to come. Someone is yearning, missing, exploring, and just like a hound in the snow, we must stay alert.
Artist’s Spotify: Winterhound
-Andy O. 🎵
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jaquandor · 7 years ago
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More greyhounds! 😍😍😍 #greyhound #grapehounds #winterhounds
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darkelfshadow · 4 years ago
Session Summary - 102
AKA “Metallic Dragons Arise”
Adventures in Taggriell
Session 101  (Date: 5th February 2021)
Players Present:
- Rob (Known as “Varis”) Elf Male.
- Bob (Known as “Sir Krondor) Dwarf Male.
- Paul (Known as “Labarett”) Elf Male.
- Travis (Known as “Trenchant”) Human Male.
- Arthur (Known as “Gim”) Dwarf Male.
- John (Known as “Ragnar”) Dwarf Male.
Absent Players - Nil
- (Known as “Naillae”) Elf Female. <Controlled by Travis>
- Wealday, 17th Desnus in the year 815 (Second Era). Summer.
- The party begin this session, in the late afternoon, having just arrived at the hide out of Captain Jhessail Greycastle within the occupied city of Phlan. Greycastle is visibly angry at herself for falling for the Cult trap, which resulted in the loss of two of her men. Ragnar attempts to console Greycastle.
- The party discuss what course of action to take. They decide to split up. Trenchant and Naillae keep out of sight and make their way over to the Royal Palace, sneaking past numerous guards and Knights, finally making their way into the lower grounds of Palace. They spend some time exploring some of the rooms, but realise that it would take days to search the entire Palace complex.
- Filling a bag with an assortment of small valuable items, they sneak out of the Palace. As they are leaving the outer compound, they hear the sound of wings and see the large green form of Vorgansharax gently glide down into the inner Palace compound.
- Wasting no time, the pair quickly leave and make their way unseen, back to the Frostskimmr.
- Meanwhile, the rest of the party has made their way through the sewers to the far side of the city, and then exited as close to the Manor of Sir Zern as they can. With Varis’s help, the party time their passage through the streets and alleyways. Under the cover of a Pass Without Trace spell cast by Varis, the party approach the front of the damaged Manor. There are signs of new battle damage, and of a large assault occurring here since the last time the party were here.
- Labarett observes an obscured watcher from one of the upper windows, a Dragonwing Enforcer. Under the cover of the shadows of Varis’s Spell, the party enter the Manor, accidentally setting off a bell alarm but the bell does not make any sound due to Varis’s Spell. The party sneak upstairs and capture the single Dragonwing Enforcer, who was waiting by an open window, watching for the return of Sir Zern.
- Failing to obtain any useless information from the zealot, they kill the Dragonwing Enforcer, and then depart back to Greycastle’s hideout. The party inform Greycastle that Sir Zern has been injured by the Cult and is now on the run. She informs the party she will get her scouts to keep a look out for Zern, but he’s likely to find a hidden spot and stay low for a while.
- The rest of day and night passes.
- Oathday, 18th Desnus in the year 815 (Second Era). Summer.
- The morning comes with Trenchant and Naillae waking onboard the Frostskimmr realising the rest of the party have not returned. Alone Trenchant, disguised as a merchant, heads off the ship but runs into two Knights Of The Tears Of Virulence. Trenchant has to quickly backtrack and duck out of sight from the pursuing Knights, but the Bard uses magic to Levitate unseen over the buildings to the other side and then he quickly leaves before the rest of the twenty five Knights nearby start searching for him.
- Trenchant goes to Mentor’s Library and finds the rest of the party speaking to the Lord Sage, who has made a new and working protective barrel to safely hold the recovered liquid from the Pool Of Radiance. The party decide to leave Phlan, now that their objective is done, and most of the party take the barrel, via the sewers to outside of town. Trenchant, once again sneaks back avoiding the Knights, to return to the Frostskimmr. He instructs Captain Lerustah to leave port and head a few miles south of Phlan, where they find the rest of the party waiting with the barrel.
- Securing the barrel in the ship’s hold, the party head off on the six and half day voyage back to Crescent Moon. During the voyage Maccath The Crimson identifies the cloak the party retrieved from Kranun, and it a a Mantle Of Spell Resistance.
- Wealday, 3rd Sarenith in the year 815 (Second Era). Late Summer.
- The Frostskimmr arrives in Crescent Moon and party quickly make their way to the Royal Palace. None of the Council members are present, except for Winterstalker Delaan Winterhound, who has been waiting for the party’s return.
- The party quickly exchange some of the recovered treasure they have secured and Ragnar obtains a single gem incrusted gold bowel, needed for one of his more powerful spells.
- Delaan and the party obtain riding horses from the Palace and head straight out into the nearby wilderness, and after a ten minute ride arrive at a large clearing with a small campfire and four people seated around it. There are no tents, horses, or wagons but there are three very large sacks laying on the ground.
- Delaan introduces the party to the leader of the group, Elia, a beautiful woman with a strong presence about her. She is very annoyed at having been made to wait for so long. She moves off to the side of the clearing, well away from the party, and she begins to glow. The air moves around her as her glowing form enlarges, two long outstretched wings form from the figure, which now towers well above the stunned humans below. As the glow fades, standing before the party is an Ancient Silver Dragon.
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- The Dragon instructs her companions to take out the harness from the large sacks and place it upon her so the party may ride her to their destination.
- As the preparations are being made, Delaan speaks to the party, “Remember you have been given full authority to make decisions for and on behalf of the Alliance and the Council of Crescent Moon. All members of the Council will abide by your decisions. You speak now not just for yourselves, but for Kingdoms. Good luck.”
- The party mount the Dragon, with the Dragon showing obvious disdain when any Dwarf climbs atop her. Elia explains that this flight would normally take four days, but she shall use all her magic to speed the flight, and it shall take only a single day.
- The Dragon takes flight and leaps into the air and begins the day flight to the east. During the journey the party are able to see the various Kingdoms from above and the effect the war is having on them. The Kingdom of Asalea is in ruins and its people now imprisoned by the Cult. Much of the Elven forests are burnt, and the destroyed villages of Northern Tyriba, from the initial Cult assaults a year ago, still lay vacant.
- The party’s flight leaves the continent of Taggriell late in the afternoon and flying over the waters of the Golden Channel the Dragon flies into the large Island of Kucrea, most of which is controlled by the mysterious and elusive Empire Of Nekar. Flying into the large Nether Mountains the Dragon begins to descend towards one large peak.
- As the sun begins to descend into evening, the deepening shadows reveal the outline of a large stone circular amphitheatre. Rows upon rows of stone seats ascend the structure, large enough to hold two thousand people. Seated within are four waiting Dragons: Gold, Brass, Bronze and Copper.
- Elia flies to the outside of the structure, where a massive 80 feet high open archway reveals the inner site and the waiting Dragons. Carved around the archway are Dragons and Crowns, but what catches the eye of the party are the nearly two thousand carved Knights on the outside of the structure. Labarett and Gim look closely at the carved Knights and each has a strange symbol on their shield: a circle surrounded by protruding points, and within a Dragon Head on a Shield. Labarett remembers that the outer circle symbol is a much older symbol representing Pelor, though that particular symbol isn’t used anymore. Gim also recognises the inner Dragon Head symbol as that of Bahamut. When Gim and Labarett tell the party of this, the story of how Pelor and Bahamut fought together to overcome and imprison Tiamat into the Nine Hells comes to mind.
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- The party ask Elia who the other Dragons are and she informs them that there is (Gold) Protanther who leads this Council Of Dragons and is the only original member of the past Council in the last Dragon Wars two thousand years ago. Also present are (Brass) Ileuthra, (Bronze) Nymmurh, and (Copper) Tazmikella.
- Elia warns the party to choose their representatives wisely, and send only those forward. The party send forward Trenchant, Labarett and Ragnar. Protanther takes an instant dislike to Trenchant. So too Elia (who’s real name is Otaaryliakkarnos) takes a dislike to one of the Dwarves being sent. Tazmikella also shows an instant distain towards Trenchant.
- The party discuss with the Dragons to join the Alliance but Protanther does not trust the humans and believes the Dragons have a better chance to succeed on their own. The discussion goes back and forth for some time. Concessions are made by the party, which slowly start to sway most of the Dragons, including Protanther over to their side.
- During the discussion the party learn that this amphitheatre once held two thousand Knights Of The Radiant Breath, sworn to both Pelor and Bahamut, whom were granted extraordinary arcane items forged of great power, made with the combined assistance of the Metallic Dragons and the greatest Wizards of the ancient times. Plate, shield and sword bonded to the Knight and granting them great powers. The Knights had existed for two thousand years, being formed in the first Dragon Wars, of which little is known as it occurred four thousand years ago. Each Knight handed their Oath and bonded arcane items to a new Knight when too old to continue, and thus the Order preserved, until it fought once again in the second Dragon Wars, which occurred two thousand years ago. But for some reason unknown to the Dragons, and which causes them much anger and resentment, the Knights all vanished en mass after the last Dragon Wars. The Knights forsaking their vows, and vanishing with their powerful arcane items given to them by the work of the Dragons, is a point of deep contention within the Dragon Council.
- Eventually the party convince the Dragons to join forces with the Alliance and with the business done, the Dragons leave the party, informing them that Elia shall return them to Crescent Moon the next morning.
- Oathday, 4th Sarenith in the year 815 (Second Era). Late Summer.
- In the morning Elia returns and after the party once again mount onto her back, she flies them to Crescent Moon. The journey takes all day once again, and when they arrive at the port city just as the sun is setting, the party arrive at the Palace to eat and sleep. Elia, now joining the Alliance to represent the Dragons, stays at Crescent Moon.
- Fireday, 5th Sarenith in the year 815 (Second Era). Late Summer. “The Eye Of Athair”
- The party awake and spend the day taking care of a few matters before the evening when the Council Of Crescent Moon is called to session. The party learn what has been happening in the war effort, including news that the Cult has possession of the White Dragon Mask again. When this is news is read out, everyone’s expression is grave except for Rain Nightshade, representative of the Zhentarim who looks unconcerned out the window.
- The party update the Council on how their last three missions went. Then the Council informs the party that the Cult’s plan are nearly complete, and they have little time before the Cult attempts to bring Tiamat into the world at a still unknown location.
- The party are presented with three more pressing matters that need that attention: a Cult Officer called Iskander has offered to hand over himself and the Blue Dragon Mask to the Alliance. A Rebel group of Red Wizards of Thay wish to discuss defecting to the Alliance. And finally the Lord Harper informs the party that the Cult and Vorgansharax have begun to systematically destroy Phlan and its inhabitants. The High Harper, choking with sadness, tells the party that Olisara Lightsong has died helping many of the locals escape but now three important VIPs are still trapped and need rescuing: Madam Freona, the Lord Sage and Captain Greycastle.
- The party discuss what to do. They decide that they will need better and stronger weapons and equipment if they are to face the coming threats. They decide to use the Teleport Scroll and unearthed symbol to go back to the Serpent Hills and breech the main Yuan-ti Den to uncover the ancient treasure chamber that holds the Yuan-ti’s most powerful secrets.
- Then with these new relics, the party will return one final time to Phlan, to face Vorgansharax and rescue their friends.
<And as the party prepare themselves to enter the unknown dangers of the Den of Yuan-ti, that is the end of the session.>
XP Allocation
Group - Combined (This is equally divided by the number of players who were involved)
Quests (Only quests that are completed or rendered undoable, during this session, are shown here)
- “The first step in avoiding a trap is knowing of its existence” - Thwart Cult’s Trap for Sir Zern = 500 XP
- “Hope” - Deliver Pool Of Radiance to Alliance (XP for 1 Barrel) = 2000 XP
- “Reforge Ancient Oaths” - Secure Aid of Metallic Dragons with Alliance = 5000 XP
- “Like Sand Through My Fingers” - Allow Cult to Recover White Dragon Mask = -1000 XP Penalty
- QUEST MILESTONE - 3rd Council of Crescent Moon = 50 XP
Creatures Overcome
- Dragonwing Enforcer = 450 XP
Individual (This is only given to that person and is not divided amongst all players)
Special Bonus (Outstanding Role Playing)
XP Levels and Player Allocations
Player : Start +  Received = Total  (Notes)
Rob : 135895 + 1071 = 136966
Arthur : 104332 + 1071 = 109948
John : 104332 + 1071 = 105393
Travis : 124750 + 1071 = 125821
Paul : 114233 + 1071 = 115304
Bob : 126072 + 1071 = 127143
NPC (Naillae) : + (536)
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monsterperi · 5 years ago
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Commission for Winterhound on Gaia
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jessicabrookesparkhill · 11 years ago
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Winter is Coming. 318/365 www.jessica365.com on Flickr.
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vvoiddvvoidd · 11 years ago
Very Soon... #winterhound
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altoriego · 13 years ago
I can't
Too good
and only 15
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jaquandor · 7 years ago
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ALERT! THAT MAN HAS A SALAD! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!! #greyhound #grapehounds #winterhounds
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jaquandor · 7 years ago
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So many wonderful greyhounds at this weekend's event! #greyhound #grapehounds #winterhounds
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jaquandor · 7 years ago
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Fruit Yard Winery, Dundee, NY. We loved loved LOVED this place. Raspberry wine! Peach wine! Cherry wine! Strawberry wine! Spiced wine! This place was a BIG hit. 12/10, will go back! #fruityardwinery #wine #fingerlakes #winterhounds #grapehounds
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jaquandor · 7 years ago
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Serenity Winery, Penn Yan, NY. Our second stop. We weren't as enormed of their wines because they focus on dry wines and aside from cooking, neither The Wife nor I like dry wines as much as sweeter, crisper, fruitier wines. Nice operation, though, and worth a visit! (See that cat by the giant vat? He took a swipe at the dee-oh-gee and scratched his nose and drew blood! All was well, though. Cane will live.) #wine #winterhounds #grapehounds
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jaquandor · 7 years ago
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Trip's over! So...THAT happened. Wine touring, it turns out, is an absolute blast. It's also a good way to empty wallets. Fifteen bottles of wine and three of cider purchased in one day...but only seventeen total bottles made it home because we drank one last night. Can't wait for next year! This really was a great trip. #winterhounds #grapehounds
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