#Wilmon domestic
annefolklore · 3 months
~Wilmon domestic fluff~
feat: Their kids and their cats
They’re cat dads. When they got their first appartement, the first thing they did was to get a cat, he's a male. They named it The Lorax. Then after a few months they decided to get a second one, a female, they named it Willow.
What a surprise it was for Wille and Simon when they noticed that Willow was pregnant, a few months later. They looked at Lorax like this “🤨”
Their suspicions were right when Willow gave birth and the kitten (a female) turned out to look like this. So now, to both their happiness and despair, they had 3 cats. They named the kitten Olive. So yeah, at 22ish years old, they were already a family of 5 lol
Then, they got married at 25/26 and ofc their cats HAD to be there. Maddie and Felice made sure that the cats were dressed appropriately for the event: The Lorax wore a bow around his neck like this, Willow wore a flower crown on her head and Olive wore pink bows on her ears.
A few years after they got married, in their late twenties/early thirties, they wanted to have children. And their two bedroom apartment wasn’t gonna do the job, so they moved in a new house. I would see them living in a house a like this.
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They immediately loved it at first glance. It’s a 3 stories house (basement, ground floor and first floor). 3 bedrooms in the first floor and 1 in the basement.
There is an inground swimming pool in the backyard.
As I said in one of my headcanons, they have 3 children in total. The 2 oldest by surrogacy/egg donor and the youngest by adoption.
When they chose a surrogate/egg donor, they made sure she looked like at least one of them. And they got quite the jackpot because Maria (let’s call her that because I don’t wanna keep writing surrogate the whole time) looks like Simon but with some features that ressemble Wille, like her nose and the same hazel eyes. She’s a beautiful Venezuelan woman with the same tan skin as Simon, curly hair and plump lips.
For their first child, they took a sample of Wilhelm’s spermatozoid (Idk the process of surrogacy/egg donor, sorry). The baby ended up being a girl, they named her Sofia Linda Eriksson. Sofia doesn’t have a lot of Maria’s melanin. She looks like Wille but with curly blond hair (let’s imagine Ludvig was a blond) and the same hazel eyes as him and Maria. She has anxiety like Wille too and he helps her to cope with it and to find great ways to relax. Sofia is the eldest kid by 2 years between her and Valentina, and 3 years between her and Ben.
Their second child was made with Simon’s spermatozoid this time. It turned out to be another girl and Wille and Simon couldn’t be happier. They named her Valentina Pilár Eriksson. She is literally Simon’s twin. She’s just like him, physically and emotionally. The same tan skin with long curly hair.
Simon raised the girls to never be insecure about their hair or ethnical background and to be proud about who she is.
Eventually, they wanted another kid but Maria was already pregnant of her own husband, so they decided to take a different approach on this one. They went to the orphanage and were immediately smitten over a 4 years old boy. The orphanage told them that he was originally from Greece but moved to Sweden with his mom when he was still a baby. Unfortunately, a lot of things happened and she couldn’t afford having him anymore so she gave him up to this orphanage.
His name is Benjamin Niko Bouras. He’s White with curly brown hair. He’s a shy kid and it took him a while to get accustomed to Wille and Simon visiting him at the orphanage, but eventually he warmed up to them.
They prepared everything at home for him. They moved Valentina’s things to Sofia’s bedroom so they could share a room and Ben could take Valentina’s. The girls were more than happy to share, it meant more playtime to them.
When they took him home for the first time and he met Sofia and Valentina, he was really shy to interact with them and would only stay with Simon, Wille or play with the cats.
Wille and Simon quickly picked up on his separation anxiety. Ben didn’t want to sleep in his own bed and always ended up sneaking in his parents’ bed. He hated going to daycare and had full on meltdowns when they’d try to take him there. So eventually, Simon and Wille decided to keep him home if they could.
Ben didn’t like to talk a lot, he preferred to communicate in signs and squeaks. It worried Wilhelm a lot that his kid wasn’t behaving like other kids his age, but Simon recognized this behavior…
It took them a few months before Ben was officially diagnosed with autism. He wasn’t really severe in the spectrum and the doctors assured them that with some speech therapy, Ben would talk more. And they were right, because slowly, Benjamin was more loud. He spoke out loud his wants to his parents. He only stops talking when he’s around people he doesn’t know or isn’t used to.
Ben also hates sudden loud noises and hides somewhere whenever he hears one. The first time it happened was during Sofia’s birthday party and 2 balloons popped back to back. Wille looked for Ben in every room of the house, his heart was pounding in his chest with anxiety. Until, when he was in his own bedroom and heard a small squeak sound he recognized coming from inside the closet. He opened the closet door and found his son crying, his knees to his chest and his hands on his ears, shaking from fear. He sat beside Benjamin and comforted him for as long as he needed until they had to go back downstairs for Sofia’s birthday. Benjamin stayed in Wille’s arms the rest of the evening.
One day, Wille was filming Simon and Benjamin interracting and playing together, when Ben called them both Dad and Papa for the first time since he started speech therapy. So he has on tape, Simon crying of happiness while giving their son the biggest hug.
Valentina and Sofia always include their little brother in their games. When they play princesses, he's the knight or the dragon king. When they have tea parties, he's always invited.
They call him Little Ben <3
Ben’s special interest are dragons. His bedroom theme is dragons, his birthday cake is always decorated with dragons and he has a collection of dragons figurines. His favorite show is How to train your Dragon. As he grew up, he started having math as another special interest. It fascinates him how math and numbers can be involved in anything.
When Ben was 12 years old, his parents started giving him more independence, like his sisters, and trusted him to go out by himself. He didn’t go anywhere too far and was always in the same spots: either at his friends’ house, the park or running errands for his parents. But his favorite places in the entire world (his words) is the local library and the bookstore around the corner. He absolutely loves reading because it allows him to explore other worlds in the comfort of his bedroom. His favorite genres are fantasy, science-fiction and of course math. Wilhelm installed library shelves for him to organize his books
When the kids were teenagers, Valentina and Sofia spoke out on their needs of privacy and sharing a room wasn’t for them anymore. So, Wille and Simon gave Sofia the guest room in the basement. She loved it because it was like she had her own appartement, she could now decorate the room how she wanted without her sister’s opinion.
Valentina is a really girly girl meanwhile Sofia more or less interested in those things.
Sofia like purple, Valentina is the pink sister, and Benjamin likes green. There was one Halloween where Simon and Wille dressed them as the chipmunks.
Sofia didn’t want a big quince, she only wanted to go out to eat with her friends and family somewhere.
Meanwhile, Valentina’s quinceanera was really big and really expensive. It was pink themed and she had her bestfriends and her sister as her damas. Benjamin and her few guy friends were her chamberlands.
Sofia plays soccer, Valentina plays volleyball and is a cheerleader at her high school, Ben is in the math club and student council.
Sofia did a lot of sports growing up but her favorite is soccer. Her aunt Rosh is really proud of her for it and gives her tips on soccer.
At first, Valentina hated sports, just like her papa. But eventually she began to like playing volleyball and played it for a few years. But meanwhile, she fell in love with cheer so she quit volleyball for it. She’s a flyer on her team
I see Ben being a math genius, like he’s a walking calculator. He participated in a lot of math competitions as he grew up and always ended up winning or at least on the podium, while his family cheered for him in the stands. He has a lot of math trophies in his room. He hates physical sports, he prefers the mind sports like chess, cards, Go and being a mathlete.
But everyone has their flaws right? Sofia is never bothered. Like to the point where she doesn’t care about a lot of things and it can cause harm to people around her, because she’s not that empathetic. Valentina can be really petty. Meanwhile, Ben can be really selfish and he can say some pretty mean things sometimes without realizing. He doesn’t understand that some things aren’t meant to be said out loud and it got him in trouble at school a few times
Linda often comes to visit them and see her grandkids. She often brings them gifts or money, to Wilhelm and Simon’s despair because they think she’s spoiling the kids too much. So instead, you know how grandmas secretly gives money to their grandchildren like they be drug dealers or something? That’s Linda lmao. She goes into their room to give money to them and say “Don’t tell your parents” before leaving.
They spent Thanksgiving at Linda’s house and she cooks A TON of food. Like, there is a lot of leftovers.
Meanwhile, Wilhelm’s relationship with his parents has healed overtime. Kristina and Ludvig come to visit sometimes and they get to know their grandkids and Simon.
When they were younger, Valentina and Sofia were sooo happy to discover that they’re basically real princesses. Well, they’re not since Wille abdicated but he let them believe that they were.
Simon talks to the kids in Spanish so they can know their heritage. He speaks Spanish to Benjamin too so he doesn’t feel left out. So technically, everyone in the household knows Spanish. The 3 kids + Simon speak it meanwhile Wilhelm understands it really well but isn’t confident enough to speak it.
Most of the time, Simon cooks and Wille cleans.
Simon is the spider-killer of the household because Wille and the kids are all afraid of spiders. Particularly Valentina, like don’t even talk about them while she’s there because she’ll throw a fit. They’re called the “s word” in the family.
They have family board games nights almost every Friday and it’s so funny and entertaining. Valentina and Simon cheat in every game, Ben gets upset because they won’t play by the rules, Sofia flipped over the monopoly game because she was mad of always being the first one to go bankrupt, while Wille tries to keep everyone at peace (he fails lol)
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enjoythesilentworld · 1 month
💜 wilmon;
"Baby, what if I want you for breakfast?"
"Baby, what if I want you for breakfast?"
Simon squealed and rolled away from Wille’s tickling fingers, but then immediately rolled back because that part of the bed was cold and it was much warmer next to Wille, even if his boyfriend was trying to suffocate him by tickling him to death. 
“You can’t– Aye! You can’t have me for breakfast!” he gasped out between giggles, trying to capture Wille’s hands in his to stop the attacks, but Wille’s hands were so much bigger than his, and Wille had gotten so much stronger since he started going to that boxing gym, that Simon was effectively powerless. 
Wille climbed over Simon and forced a punch of air out of him as he dropped his full body weight on top of him, pinning Simon’s hands back to the mattress and leaning in to nip at his neck. 
“Why not?” Wille asked, grinning into Simon’s skin as the man squirmed under him, still giggling and trying to escape. “You’re so delicious.”
“We spent all that time baking that brioche last night!” Simon whined, managing to get his hands free and wrapping his arms around Wille’s waist, pulling him closer, and then using some momentum to roll them sideways, which backfired a little bit, because he only managed to say, “We can’t let it go to wa–!” before they went tumbling off the side of the bed. 
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ireneaesthetic · 2 years
To make breakfast for simon will become one of wilhelm’s fav habits. it’ll also be part of the many reasons he loves being the one who wakes up first.
He’ll always take time during his morning routine to enjoy the sight of simon asleep, before getting out of bed, and to make sure breakfast is ready before he wakes up. for the oversleeping days he’ll put it on the nightstand instead, next to the cheesiest "you're beautiful when you sleep, i love you" type of good morning note, for them to be the very first things simon smells and sees when his eyes will open. because it feels like home.
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wilmon-endgame23 · 21 days
For the Young Royals Drabble Challenge Week 2024 and the prompt Alarm ⏰
Simon wakes up to the sound of his alarm, reaching instinctively for Wille beside him, only to find his spot empty.
He sighs, wishing Wille weren’t such an early bird. He really treasures their morning cuddles and pillow talks, wrapped in their own little bubble.
Slowly, he gets out of bed, following the rich aroma of coffee to the kitchen. Wille is already there, setting the table with two mugs and a plate of arepas topped with avocado.
“God morgon,” Wille says, meeting him with the warmest smile. They both move closer, leaning in for a sweet good morning kiss.
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willestears · 2 years
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just wilmon spooning ❤️‍🩹
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wilmonssun · 2 years
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youngroyals-hc · 1 year
The boys are at Simon's house, lying in bed after some particularly enthusiastic sex. Simon knows they've dirtied the sheets and he'll need to wash them but he can't bear the thought of moving just yet. Not when Wille is clinging on to him so tight, drawing patterns on his chest and blinking sleepily as he follows his fingers. Eventually, he finds the energy to check the time. His mum will be home on a couple of hours, so if they put the sheets on to wash they should have time to put them in the dryer and redo the bed without her noticing. He sighs softly and kisses Wille's forward who practically keens and snuggles impossibly further into Simon's shoulder.
"Baby, we need to wash the sheets now if we have any hope of getting them done before Mama comes home."
"But Simme, I am so comfortableeee"
"I know, so am I mi amor, but do you really want Linda asking why we are washing the sheets when I haven't been sleeping in this bed the past week?"
"... Okay, you present a very convincing argument."
"How about I go make us some hot chocolate while you put on the sheets as a reward for being so responsible?"
Wille perks up at that and starts searching through the bedding for some underwear, grabbing the first pair he finds and chucking them at Simon (Wille had been wearing them earlier but they were originally Simon's, and he knew he should be weirded out by their habit of sharing underwear but he couldn't help but love it and the domesticity it implied).
They dress and Simon goes to the kitchen, leaving Wille in the laundry with the sheets and humming to himself as he prepares the drinks. He walks back into the laundry five minutes later, only to find Wille cautiously inspecting all the buttons on the machine. He had placed the sheets carefully into the basket and was now desperately trying to work out where to put the washing powder. Simon places the drinks on the bench before stepping to Wille's side and brushing his hand of the small of the Prince's back. He feels bad having left him; he had momentarily forgotten who his boyfriend was and the fact that he'd probably never had to use a washing machine before.
Wille says in a small voice "you must think I'm so pathetic. I don't even know to put bedsheets in a fucking washing machine."
Simon turns to him, and Wille's eyes are downcast so he gently reaches out and holds Wille's chin, turning his head until their eyes met. He strokes over his jaw as he speaks. "Mi amor, why on earth would you know how to use a washing machine? You have never had to use one. Yes, it's a little unusual for most people of our age, but it's not like you've had the most typical upbringing. I promise to never get upset about this kind of stuff Wille. You didn't choose this life or your upbringing. All you can do is ask questions and learn now, and that is enough for me. What do you think?
Wille closes the gap between them, kissing Simon firmly, cupping his hand around his neck.
"Every day, I feel so, so lucky that someone as incredible as you chose to love me." Wille stays close as he says this, staring into Simon's eyes with his intense eyes, the look that could pin you against a wall it is so strong and focused.
"I'm just treating you how you treat me Wille. You never chastise me about not knowing what fork to use or not knowing how to engage in small talk with the princess of Thailand." And Wille grins at the memory of walking up to Simon and the princess only to find he'd just asked her what she thought of the new Zelda game.
"Okay. Thank you Simme."
"Always, Wille. Now, watch closely."
And Simon goes over all the steps, showing Wille exactly what buttons to press and why, and where they keep the washing powder and how much to put in, and Wille listens with the same focus as if he was being briefed about a national emergency. When the machine sings it's little song, they jump off the bed where they have been playing a computer game and Simon shows him how to set the tumble dryer and explains how long different items generally needed.
Later that night they are chatting with Linda at the dinner table when she asks if either of them have dirty laundry as she's about to do a load and Wille quickly says "Oh, we'll do it!" And Linda tried to protest but Wille just tells her he wants to learn how to help out and she can't argue with the precious boy sitting in front of her, so earnest to be liked and accepted. So she lets them do it, Wille practically bouncing as he picks up the basket full of the family's clothes and Simon follows behind him, throwing a smile back at his mum as they leave.
(Wille remembers everything that Simon says, and asks how he should sort the clothes and does he use the delicate setting for this load or is a warm wash okay? And Simon smiles more than is appropriate for laundry.)
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theydonthavenames · 2 years
Can I just quickly point out how Netflix and the rest fucked with us with the stills and trailer they released. They showed us everything yet we knew nothing and made us believe in exactly opposite of what happened. Have a look.
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Didn't we all think here shit oh shit Simon is so happy vibing with his new bf at the party. RIP Wilmon, let Sircus reign. Well in the exhibit above the petty little gay bitch is making his almost-ex boyfriend intentionally jealous af and he was winning at it (or rather loosing as we found out later). And that smirk? Nothing to do with Markus, sorry not sorry.
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Awww such a cute bff moment. Pahahaha. Little did we know we were about to be hit in the face with the biggest cringe moment of the season. I remember one or two souls saying well they look a bit sus cuddling on a bed like that, and the rest (including me) shouted noo! beauty of platonic friendship! We were played my friends. Lol. Just lol.
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Look at this sequence. We thought first day back at school? Reunion moment? What is Simon smiling like that for? Well he's about to break our hearts in two and mend us again at the same time. That includes Wille, actually. We had no idea. Neither did Wille. 
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The speech makes me lol as well. I don't think anyone was too excited about it. Everyone thought yeah another princely thingy, some shit speech, yawn, whatever. My ass! Who cried at the shitty boring speech? I'll go first 🙋‍♀️
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Look at them, some dirty villain-to-half villain deal about to commence. The only dirtiness that commenced was in August's bedroom. And it was actually cute and fluffy af. This must be my most favourite twist this season.
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Blue lights in the mirror? Finally August is about to be taken by the police!!! Yeah, party police. Let's move on.
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Ohhh Sara baby what's wrong? Are you sad? Is Hillerska treating you badly? Are you having anxiety attack? Did someone hurt you? Listen people, she was horny. For August. Out of all the people. Seriously, wtf Netflix?!?!
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I was obsessed with this pic. Aww Wilmon having such a cute couple moment, they're out and proud at Hillerska, not a secret anymore. Nope. Simon just momentarily forgotten he doesn't love Wille anymore and is supposed to move on but then he remembers it and jumps away coz he probably saw Markus looking at them like ???? Still a cute little moment.
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Wille on the table, Wille on the table! They all cheer because all Hillerska ship Wilmon too! Not quite. All they ship is their own asses and maybe some heteronormativity. (Is that even a word?) Ugh.
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Who's that???? Oh shit that's Markus. Must be Markus. Wille bumped into him at Simon's house 😱 Wille looks sad. I'm so stressed!!! Chill out people, it's only Simon. And Wille's just about to announce he can give up the throne for him. Nothing exciting, you know, just some domestic couple stuff.
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And this moment? Looks serious. Simon looks sad? Is he comforting Wille? Has someone died? Well the only person who died at that moment was me okay?
They fucked with us. Or our clowning backfired. Decide for yourself.
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peacestew · 8 months
💜🌼 You're amazing! Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful (if you want to x)💜🌼
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Aww thank you so much, sweet @earlgrey-lateatnight! This was so lovely to receive. Sending you some domestic Evak (manifesting this for Wilmon in YR Season 3 🫶)
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grapehyasynth · 2 months
Need more Wilmon IKEA fics. Strangers in an IKEA doing a speedrun from flirting in the parking lot to playing domestic in the different display rooms. Friends who haven't seen each other in years and deep dive into all the missed time while they wander through the furniture maze. Nervous first date in the IKEA cafeteria because it's a halfway point between their locations
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oppositewilmon · 6 months
for my mental health i'm gonna need edmar to cosplay as wilmon once a year and reenact a domestic scene
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Constant PDA this, domestic Wilmon that. Give me a side character (my money’s on Ayub) referring to Wilhelm as Simon’s boyfriend and Wille losing his goddamn mind.
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kruemel8 · 6 months
People were like, ‘Why are we doing this baking scene? It serves no purpose in the story’. I was like, ‘I just need them to bake! I’ve just got it in my head now.'”
Well thank you Lisa for having had this in your head and making it happen. A glimpse into domestic Wilmon - no matter how short - was very much welcome!
And we got the sensual dough kneading. 🔥
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if there was a season 4 I would like to see wilmon as a domestic couple, working out their issues as adults, also Simon seeing a therapist and working on his trauma and Simon having a relationship with Micke again. Also interactions between Wilmon and Wille's parents and Wille's parents being more aware of that they actually still have a son and that they care more for him and listen to him.
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willestears · 2 years
I just want domestic wilmon for s3, i need to see them doing normal teenage stuff: playing videogames, pillow talks, hanging out in each other's rooms, listening to music, watching movies, cooking, just them enjoying being in love
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runin-reads · 1 year
Wilmon headcanons
Minor season 2 spoilers
After announcing their relationship to the world, I imagine Wille would be way more touchy/clingy in public. He’ll gravitate towards Simon at any given time now that there’s nothing to hide.
When they walk together they’re almost always touching, whether it be holding hands, Wille resting a hand on Simon’s waist or back pocket etc.
Wille knows basic Spanish thanks to his previous school and surprises Simon by speaking it, much to Simon’s delight.
Simon’s mother, Linda, LOVES Wille and will always say yes to having him over.
As a result Wille ends up loving Venezuelan food. He asks Linda for her recipes and then sends them to his chef back at the palace.
An ideal date for them is just staying inside, cuddling in bed, talking and doing domestic stuff like cooking together. But if you Wille what his ideal date is he’d just say “whatever Simon wants to do”.
Wille doesn’t really like horror movies but he’ll watch them for Simon’s sake.
They go viral on the internet all the time. Their most viral moment is when a tiktok user posted a clip of Wille trailing behind Simon with the “walk him like a dog” audio
Seriously, they’re the IT couple of pretty much the entire world, not just Sweden.
The royal tailor gifts Simon an entire new wardrobe so he can wear those clothes at important functions as Wille’s plus one.
Simon uses the newfound fame to release some songs he’s been meaning to post. They all go viral of course, especially after Wille mentions it to the press
Simon doesn’t like exclusively being known as the Prince’s boyfriend, but he prefers that over not being with Wille
If Wille ever visits Venezuela as part of his royal duties, he’s definitely bringing Simon along. It’s the best trip of their lives so far. Wille loves seeing Simon look around in wonder, speaking Spanish and meeting his other relatives.
Simon sings a song he wrote himself at Wille’s coronation and it’s so touching Wille has to stop himself from crying
When they’re older, Wille attends Simon’s concerts
Wille tries to teach Simon dining etiquette. Key word: tries. They’re so unserious they end up laughing and using their hands
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