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contentcollectivestudio · 2 years ago
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30+ Years Experience in Textiles & Fashion / Luxury Goods, 4th Generation Retailer that understands social commerce, merchandising and taking brands that Last Mile - over and over again. I understand what you need to be visible and have the experience to set the tone and fly! Contact me, there are a couple select openings in the studio - looking for retailers and brands that want to make a difference. Will Works Pin It!
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thisfuckingloser · 2 years ago
Called out of work cause my fucking wallpaper is yellow (my mental illness is getting worse) and then when I go to do something productive (cut my dogs nails) I clip one too short and now he's bleeding everywhere. (He's fine now I wrapped it in gauze and he's on the couch). Just feels like I can't do anything to help people, like I'm just getting worse and bringing others down.
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wirsindkrieg · 2 years ago
Probably the two biggest lessons I want people to learn when it comes to these things are “Question everything,” and “It’s all just tools.”
All of the candles, the incense, even the words, they’re all just there to help you focus on what you’re trying to do. And when you’re a beginner, they can be especially useful as a way of helping you embrace the magical by creating a (often metaphorical) space where your mind can set aside the mundane world and say, “We’re going to do magic now.”
I’ve seen far too many people get caught up in the tools to the point that they forget that they are the the one doing the magic. You see it in complicated spells that call for specific ingredients, or posts about all the magical uses of something (especially crystals and herbs). Remembering that it’s all just tools lets us recognize that substitutions can be made, and more importantly, that sometimes there’s a better tool for the job.
To stretch a mundane metaphor: If I’m putting a nail into a piece of wood, anything heavy and durable enough can do that job. I could use a wrench, or a crowbar, or a particularly dense fruitcake. But it’s so much easier if I just grab a hammer. If you’ve got something hanging around you that you want to get rid of, you could break out the candles and incense and salt and chanting. Or you could go the simple route and say, “I don’t want you here, and if you don’t leave, I have the tools to make you leave.”
tl;dr: It’s so useful to remember that the tools we use in our magic are just that: tools. And the great thing about tools is that if one isn’t doing the job well enough, you can probably find one that works better and easier.
Also, question everything. Doubly so if it’s coming from someone who claims to be an authority.
Y'all ever get the vibes that we're out here seriously over-complicating witch shit
A while back I was in a bit of a pickle. I didn't know how to approach the situation from a magical perspective. A friend of mind said, "hey, not to be pedantic - but have you tried just asking?"
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I did just that. I went out and had myself a little prayer asking for help, and the situation was resolved.
Just the other day a friend of mine had an unwanted spirit in her house. She asked for help on banishing it.
"Not to be pedantic," I said. "But have you tried asking it to leave?"
She did just that and it left immediately.
I think we can forget how simple magic and witchcraft can be.
Perhaps, breaking out the candles and chanting over fancy incense is not supposed to be the first step.
I've been practicing magic for nearly 9 years; not too long, but enough to learn a thing or two. I saw a post last month: "y'all are over-complicating cleansing, just blow on it and brush it off."
Bullshit, I said. If that worked, why am I over here with my damn chants and saltwater.
I tried it, and it worked. No visualization, no incantations, no charmed saltwater.
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It's come into my awareness since I recreated my blog in January that the kinds of things I like to discuss and create content on is not beginner level/101 magic.
I think the kind of stuff I'm into is step 3 or 4, well beyond asking the spirit to leave, and well beyond pulling out the first candle to speak a charm over.
I think at that point, it's alright for things to get technical and complex.
But do you guys ever feel like....
Candle spells aren't supposed to be that complicated.
Cultivating power isn't supposed to be that complicated.
Talking to spirits isn't supposed to be that complicated.
Maintaining spiritual hygiene isn't supposed to be that complicated.
Do you all ever get the vibes that we're out here going nuclear on ourselves and everything around us when we're not supposed to be?
I think maybe I'm a part of that culture. I do label stuff as 101 that I shouldn't be. I think that because my goal is to break stuff down to where anyone regardless of experience level can understand it, I somehow think it's basic, everyday, or beginner level.
When it ain't.
I wonder how many people out here think they're magically weak or incapable because they're doing "simple, basic, beginner" energy work exercises and are actually raising huge amounts of energy - and exhausting themselves.
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I wonder how many people think magic is fake or have given up hope because they started with a "basic, beginner" candle spell "anyone can do" calling for 2 candles, 7 herbs, and the intermediate-level instruction to "visualize and set intent."
I wonder how many people have given up on finding their spirit guides, or been scared away from it, because of discussions on how many skills you need to start.
I know it can get complex, and at a certain level it's very wise to have certain skills before you progress...
I just can't help but feel that not all of it is supposed to be hard, most of it should be easy, and the things that help people commonly everyday should be easiest of all.
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kalosdyke · 2 months ago
today !! i willwork on the rest of the prolego profile things... :)
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retroactivebakeries · 1 year ago
notes from a d&d heartbreaker in which each class is based on the mechanics from one of the weird 3.5 classes:
Mystic/Warrior/Expert: "Passive" classes, where your powers are either always on or just things you can use whenever, as much as you want (although maybe borrowing resets from the swordsage and warblade). Mystic is modeled on 3.5 warlocks and dragonfire adepts, while Warriors and Experts split the difference on the various non-casting classes, and the non-casting parts of guys like rangers or bards. The simplest classes, intended as an easy entry point into the game.
Mage: For each level of spell, you can cast a certain number of spells each day. Modeled on 3.5 sorcerers and other spontaneous casters. The next-simplest class down from the passive classes.
Channeler: Similar to the mage, except instead of divvying up spell uses by level, you have a single pool of resources that's used to cast all your spells, with the cost scaling with spell level. Based on 3.5 psionic classes.
Chaos Adept: Each round, roll to randomly determine which powers you can use that round. Modeled on the 3.5 crusader.
Living Grimoire: You have to prepare your spells in spell slots of the appropriate level in advance of casting them. Modeled on D&D wizards/clerics/druids, but drawing more from the weird, pulpy roots of its inspiration, the writing of Jack Vance.
Pactbroker: Make pacts with multiple puissant supernatural beings, each with its own set of powers—but you can only use one at a time (at least, to start out with). Modeled on 3.5 binders and vestige magic, and to a lesser extent, dragon shamans' auras.
Willworker: You can cast spells as often as you like, but have to succeed on a roll to do so, with failure meaning you can't use that spell again until some 1/interval reset. Modeled on 3.5 truenamers.
Demiurge: Instead of spellcasting,you have a set of magical devices, construct servitors, and other neat stuff, gaining more or upgrading existing items as you gain levels. Modeled on 3.5 artificers, but without the infusion part.
Gifted: Similar to the passive Mystic class, but not all of your abilities are constantly on—you have a limited number of points to allocate between them, requiring you to choose your power load-out in advance until you get time to reallocate. Modeled on the 3.5 incarnum classes.
Some classes will need a specific set of unique powers—probably the passive classes, chaos adepts, the gifted, demiurges, and pactbrokers.
For the rest, instead of class-specific flavor/spell lists, you'll largely customize the classes' flavor by picking from one of a couple sets spell lists—maybe something like, Earthsea/Gandalf-style wizardry, Thulsa Doom/Elric-style pulp sorcery, cleric-type miracle working, psionic powers, and wuxia-style cinematic action that may not technically be magic.
Some classes may have a handful of spells that are unique to them, primarily ones that play off the unique quirks of their casting mechanics.
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midnight-blue-blood · 2 years ago
I don't know their intention. I'm not supposed to know they're coming at all.
The long run. Distance is best.
Why is an Archon coming to the domain? This is hardly devolved to the point of their attention.
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ghoul-mortician · 1 year ago
The horror in Mage: The Ascension
From Guide to the Technocracy page 24
Let’s begin be re-examining the foundation of the whole game. We can sum up all the mystic mage philosophy presented so far in four words: Reality is a mess. Some people believe that reality is guided by consensus. If that’s true, then this reality, as we experience it, is defined by the combined will of billions of humans. Collectively, the human race creates a dominant paradigm for the world, one based on simple, reasonable ideas: gravity works, truth is proved through logic, two plus two always equals four and so on. A few isolated groups rebel against these notions, but the general consensus still creates what we see and experience. For the most part, our world is the one humanity has chosen. There’s one complication, though: Although humans form the most populous society in the world, they’re not the only one present. If reality is a tapestry woven by mankind, then someone or something is starting to snap the threads. Fringe groups, occult societies, monstrous creatures — all of these terrors hide within the warp, woof, and weave of the world, straining against the accepted fabric of reality. The insanity of the supernatural world is tearing reality apart. Some creatures are even more dangerous. They drastically alter reality itself to fulfill their own desires. By their will, so is it done. Call them whatever you like — willworkers, magi, mystics, shamans, Reality Deviants — in a word, they’re mages. They do not share the reality of the Masses. Instead, they place themselves above and beyond it, pursuing their own dangerous dreams. Through their power, any madness can be made manifest. ... Think, for a moment, of the horrifying reality of that statement. Through the mind of a mage, all things are possible. Any dream, any nightmare, any lust or desire can be realized. Any base urge can be fulfilled through sheer force of will. The darkness in a wizard’s soul calls out for meaning to define the mysteries of his existence. Offer him a mythos of primitive gods, and he’ll summon them into reality. Tell him lies of death and resurrection, and he’ll tear the veil between life and death asunder. Speak to him to him of spirits and the unseen, and he’ll release them into the world. Such is the madness of primitive magi.
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coloursfalllikesnow · 2 years ago
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finally got around to doing some quick headshots for a few of the NPCs in my Hunter the Reckoning game. got a few more to do but here’s some for now.
Gabrielle & Destiny: Newly moved to the West Virginia town of Bone Ridge after the mysterious death of Gabrielle’s ex-husband and subsequently inheriting a house in the area, these two were the reason the cell came to the town in the first place. The House of the Basilisk discovered some posts online where Destiny showed a photograph of a creature she stumbled on in the abandoned mine in the area, which, as the cell learned when they arrived, apparently tracked her down and attacked her while they were en route. After the cell ended up bungling their assignment to protect Destiny from the monster, the girl vanished from the home after another attack from the creature - and, based on some deductions and a photograph of a large wolflike monster escaping the house, became one of the mysterious Lycans.
Lousia: Encountered for the first time outside the mine as they were investigating it, Lousia didn’t start off with a great first impression of the cell, but things warmed up. Lousia is a member of the Riese family, known locally for living on the outskirts of the town and being strange and a bit reclusive. Louisa is a kinfolk to the Bone Gnawer tribe, and she and her family are under the impression the cell are also kinfolk, due to their ability to see spirits and apparent immunity to the Delirium... which is thanks to their Sight.
Ozzie: Louisa’s uncle and a Bone Gnawer Ragabash, Ozzie assisted the cell in clearing out an infestation of strange, mutant animals. He’s a jovial, friendly fellow, and enjoys jokes, as well as teasing the “kinfolk.”
Patricia: Louisa’s grandmother and Ozzie’s mother, Patricia is a powerful willworker as well as a Garou elder - she’s the one in charge of their tiny sept, and is keeping a very close eye on the newcomers.
“Jack”: That’s probably not his real name. This enigmatic figure has a canny knack for appearing and disappearing wherever pleases him, and seems to appear as a void under a Hunter’s Sight, and that can’t be a good sign. But he’s been helpful so far. Maybe. It’s hard to tell.
???: It’s probably fine, don’t worry about it.
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apocrypha-of-darkness · 1 year ago
In the Beginning...
Simultaneously the most important and least impactful place to begin, how everything got started. How the clock towards the end of all things got rolling.
As despite the modern age theoretically being utterly divorced from these events, beyond mythic remembrance, it sets the stage for all that is to come.
Lo, hell, hello.
In the beginning was a great bang
In the beginning was six plus one days of toil and rest
In the beginning was a corpse which would become all that exists
In the beginning was a roiling sea of chaos ultimately given form from the formless
In the beginning was a dream.
A choir and a host worked, at the behest of another, hand in hand to construct an Immaculate Machine so that this dream could be made manifest. Whose soul was made of three component, each less than its sum, each with the capacity to see all that was wrought turn to ash. Nestled within the branches of all that could be, drinking deep of the well of that which could not be, it came to be known as Gaia. The Wyld tide nourishing the Weaver while the works were devoured by the Wyrm.
The first cracks appeared in the eternal engine when the Host and Choir moved on to other endeavors, turning their gaze to other works with which to occupy themselves in the formation of all.
The next would appear with the Age of Wrath, as the Host forsake their duties to take up arms against their brethren. The Immaculate Machine, even still before it could be truly brought to awaken, resonating with the sorrow of what was to come.
The Age of Wrath came to an end, followed by the Age of Sorrow: though for those not trapped within a torment-pit beneath all of existence it was an Age of Legend. Where god-kings ruled over miraculous lands, where Atlantis enticed the first of the willworkers to gather, to learn.
Until it came crashing down, when those unable to escape the deluge were swept away when the heavens burned in the wake of the Exarchs.
so it fell apart at the end there, but good first try and formatting it like this I'd say!
put more plainly, drawing from the oWoD for the origins of the world.
Where similarly to Demon the Fallen, the world was constructed by the Elohim- one of their many names- and things existed in a more or less 'stacked' set of realities. Many simultaneous truths that did not contradict.
During this time they created what would become known as Gaia, with the Triat existing in a state similar to the subsidiary(?) souls from Exalted. Each a part of Gaia, yet independent in their own right. Whatever strength the earth may have had being more than a little hindered by the destabilization dear old Weaver would see to in her ironic pursuit of ultimate stability.
The Fallen paved way for the Exalted the era of Atlantis from Mage the Awakening, alongside pieces of, well, yes, Exalted as well as the pre-flood world as presented in Days of Fire. Where the First City coexisted alongside human kingdoms that warred with one another, and magic flowed freely. With the biblical flood coinciding with the Shattering of all things following the oopsiedaisy of the Exarchs yanking up the Celestial Ladder.
Both as a result of direct manipulations (Thank you Gate exarch) and Gaia being unable to truly keep the Abyss at bay, this directly led to the Fallen World as the supernal-touched know and love it. (I won't go in depth about it now, but similarly the drained-ocean of the Underworld from New World/Chronicles in my mind is the result of things shattering. Where once Stygia and the Underworld connected properly, there was now just a gaping pit that everything slowly drained out of; starting with To The Strongest and only going down from there)
Though the werewolves, fae, and others would still need a bit more time before their equivalent disasters strike. Bet 5$ mages will be behind that too.
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Ai do nott sink so
me when i realize my moots do not, in fact, have a canadian accent
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straightyuri · 1 year ago
oh wait maybe alex's mobs willwork now
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a-celestial-dream · 1 year ago
If my future man doesn’t propose to me with THIS ring in particular:
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I probably won’t say yes.
This is literally my dream ring because it looks like the midnight sky is trapped in a stone.
(Ring belongs to Willwork Jewelry)
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neotrances · 2 years ago
ok i’m stopping for now i did two other things but willwork on them more before posting eh
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cranberrybogmummy · 10 months ago
This is inspiring me to do more cheese based ttrpg campaign ideas!
I had an idea about dwarfs making and cave aging cheese? Well this could tie into it some shady willworker/magic user faking dwarven aged cheese with forbidden dairy magic but then the spell used mutates those who eat the cheese in odd and terrible ways! Possibly aging them supernaturally!
Thank you so much for posting this it’s inspiring!!!
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like the idea of unnaturally aged cheese. making my gouda old using dread magics forbidden by the college of sorcery
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the-firebird69 · 6 months ago
We have reason to believe that these people are going to try and do things to our son today and they're going to try and ding him all day long that's the whole bunch my son is laughing I also understand is what I said our son is what I said and not the other two sentences we are watching you mess around with us too and we're going to get rid of you you should see it coming but you're very stupid We're having us do in space as you call it it's ridiculous less than childish crap and we're making a pay well where do you have a dream do that brian how are we pushed you to it in Westborough near another fruitcake and forces will be eliminated with ease you have so much arrogance and confidence and you just turd it have to say the trump in the end realizes he needs a laser that actually works instead of his mouth so gonna go after you and make quick work of you I'm going to get ready to go do the stupid laundry at the stupid laundry mat cause you stupid **** insist we don't have any patience for you before your dumb routine we're gonna make this suffer regret that you called us this morning we're also gonna take you to town and we're also gonna take you to court and we're gonna make sure that you never do anything to anyone ever again
Thor Freya
We have around 10 lawsuits and they're forming up rather nicely here in town and they're against multiple parties course you know about it you're suing each other you say but we have a team of lawyers on a couple of them all of them and you still can't figure out who people are so we're gonna go in there and we're going to take care of business and go after you and it is today. There are two cases today they're coming up this morning and we are going to go after you because of that now we noticed that you as a people were obeying the law for quite awhile and now you're all miscreants and you're losing all your stuff and you made the wrong decision to do so and we're making the right one to stop you associated with the lawsuits are criminal charges and somebody will be going to prison today and you will knock it out and you'll die and we are going to make sure that you die we have tested it we can get people in and out even though you say it's a lock and we're going to make sure that you understand what we're talking about and Trump is having to offer proof says that he has to kidnap our son and he says it all damn day and night because these juvenile loser and we're going to hold you guys responsible for him too all I can say is we're going to come in there and straighten you out
Bitol and Goddess Wife
we use this they are sscoffing blabbing and laughiing we hit them now. leadership is down yes. four point ninne mac morlock six point seven psuedo empire and clones are at 22. soon all three are out. the masses will not follow orders. and your attack on ours much weakened. it will take seconds for you tosee it but really only when it counts. and we shall ready as if it willwork so we do se why your so arrogant
Thor Freya
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throatslug · 8 months ago
I am here because if I try to meet other willworkers in the city, I get stuck with choristers! Ha!
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