#Willow Mellark
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buggiebite · 8 months ago
The Mellarks
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a family of bakers, hunters, and everything in between.
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deadboydoodling · 10 months ago
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I could be a good mother... and I want to be your wife. And yes, that's a primrose in her hair.
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littlemarianah · 1 year ago
Katniss is canonically an doting mother.
She has no problem carrying them as many times as they ask. Never ignore them when they are crying and never get angry when they're acting like children. She doesn't care about wet beds or glasses of juice spilled on the table.
Peeta finds it a little strange at the beginning. He was raise with punishment for the smallest accidents. His parents were never very affectionate with any of their children.
One day Katniss is tying Willow's shoes and he says something like "It's time to do it yourself, young lady"
"Take your time, Willow" Katniss say.
Which makes Peeta reflect. It reminds him of all the times he walked to school with his shoes untied because no adult wanted to tie them for him. It reminds him of how he used to be punished for his dirt-stained shoelaces when he came home from school.
When Rye wets the bed at almost five years old, Peeta's first instinct is to warn him, but Katniss says it first:
"Maybe we should drink less water before going to sleep"
Which reminds Peeta of how angry his mother would get when he wet the bed. The first time he remember being physically punished was after an incident like this . Remember how after that he tried to hide the wet bed with blankets and pillows and never spoke to anyone again.
And how Rye, in contrast, would wake him up in the middle of the night saying, "Daddy, I did it again." And Peeta let him sleep between him and Katniss instead of him lying in the wet bed like Peeta did when he was a child.
He shares some of these feelings with Katniss and she makes and he realizes how dysfunctional his family was. And how difficult it is not to repeat the same mistakes.
Peeta felt triggered when one of his children cried... He remembered how much worse it was for him if he cried. But Willow was only six years old and it was normal to cry like that, Peeta learned to wipe away her tears and teach her to regulate her emotions.
One day he caught her stealing some coins from the bakery's cash register. He stopped in complete shock looking at her. He felt fear spread through his body. He remember that it was for this reason that his mother beat his older brother. She took a wooden spoon from the kitchen and hit his hands fourteen times. The number of letters that are in the phrase "I shouldn't steal".
She made Peeta and his middle brother watch. Remember Bran's face turning red as he held back tears and spelled "s-t-e-a-l". When his father came home and saw Bran's hands red at dinner time he didn't ask what happened. Remember hearing Bran cry at bedtime that night.
He felt afraid for Willow.
"What are you doing?"
"I just want to buy some gum on the way to school" she said innocently, not seeming to realize the problem.
"You shouldn't take the coins from there. These money are from the bakery. If you want money to buy something you should ask me or your mother"
She returned the coins to the cash register and nodded.
One day Peeta realized that his children saw no other purpose for a wooden spoon other than stirring the food in the pan.
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fantasy-nerdddd · 8 months ago
Just imagine Willow Mellark's reaction (the girl toast baby, fanon) when she was learning at school about her parents' story. I think that they would have procrastinated for years because it was such a horrible story, and the school teaches the kids way too early regardless, so she would start learning at school. I think she'd have her textbook and read ahead so she'll be kind of mentally prepared for what's coming, but at school she'd be like:
"Holy Shit. The Games are cruel."
"Woah, that's that little blonde girl in our living room? I always assumed she was related to dad."
"So Haymitch was an even worse drunk?" (I feel like his drinking got way better post war)
"Hell, I'd be screaming in my sleep too if I had to witness a guy being eaten alive by mutts."
"Well I never expected to be that thankful towards a handful of berries."
"Oh so they got in the arena twice? And why didn't I ever hear about that?"
"A fucking clock?"
"Idiots. I know my mother and I know that she wouldn't cooperate without dad. You're just stupid."
"What was the Capitol doing to these people? I know I don't know anyone but still it hurtssss!" (This is the description of Capitol torture to people Willow doesn't know by name. Darius and Lavinia were definitely on there.)
"What?! I cannot stand hearing about torture on strangers, let alone my own fucking father."
"That's how Aunt Prim died? Oh you're assholes, 13." (No she didn't comment on Finnick. Sorry couldn't find anything fitting)
"YES MOM! I knew you have balls of steel!"
Note: every single day she returned home, first thing she did was to hug Katniss and Peeta, because she knows no matter how much affection she shows them it will never suffice for the things they've been through.
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feluccylunatic · 1 year ago
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Hubiera amado ver a Katniss y a Peeta teniedo a su primer Bebé, habria sido algo magico de ver
I would have loved to see Katniss and Peeta have their first baby, it would have been something magical to see. 🏹🥖🍼🌼
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not-feeling-the-aster · 11 months ago
Her favorite uncle
Another short story about teenage Willow Everdeen Mellark, but this time at her home in District 12. She sneaked out to have some fun with her friends at night, and now she must face her parents. But no worries, uncle Haymitch is there to save the day, well kind of. I just wanted to write something about Haymitch being an old uncle/grandpa figure to Katniss and Peeta's daughter. In my mind she can be quite rebellious and impulsive, while still loving her family and wanting to make them proud. But she's also young and wants to have fun. I like thinking that between her and Haymitch there is a special bond, he listens to her and tries his best to guide her. And she trusts him deeply. Also, Willow and her brother (Rye) do get along and love each other, I just didn't develop their relationship that much this time. tw: mentions of underage drinking
The treacherous keys slip from my hands and hit the ground. I curse under my breath. At this pace, there’s no way I’ll get in the house without making any noise. Great. My head’s killing me and now I’ll have to come up with an excuse to explain my night out. I can see my parents’ face already. I think about my brother, biting his tongue, acting like he doesn’t know anything about me sneaking out. He’d never snitch on me, but I know how much he hates secrets. In this family trust is everything, and I respect that. But I just wanted to have some fun with my friends. Is that so wrong?
Under the night sky, I struggle to see the keys, and the drunkenness doesn’t help much. I finally find them and continue on my way, dragging my feet. I'm about to resign myself to the consequences when I notice light coming from Haymitch’s kitchen. Could he be awake at this hour? Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me. Curiosity drives me to stealthily approach his window and when I take a peek inside, I jump back startled. Sitting at the table, drinking something hot, is my old uncle Haymitch looking at me without an ounce of surprise. Mi mind is still somewhat confused, but if one thing’s for sure, is that I’m in trouble. And he knows it too. He points at the door with his thumb and his eyes leave no space for refusal.
As I enter the kitchen, I'm enveloped by the smell of coffee. With his back to me, he's making a second cup. I sit down and place my head on my arms.  
"So, tell me, did you have fun, little one?" he asks handing me the drink.
"How did you know?" I mumble with my eyes closed.
"Your brother called me" I lift my head so fast I get dizzy.
"Hey, you know it’s not his fault. He’s just worried about you. You should be thankful he didn’t tell your parents, honey" and he’s right. I can’t blame Rye for anything. I’m the one who broke the rules.
"What about you? Why didn’t you say anything?"
"I think you’re old enough to fend for yourself. But if they find out, I won’t deny anything, you hear me?" he declares with an accusing finger.
"Thank you Haymitch" I offer him one of those smiles I use to soften him. They always work, even if he denies it.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now drink your coffee and tell me what you’ve been up to over there"
There’s no point in hiding anything to him, he can read my mind without trying. So, I tell him all about the laughs, the dancing, the drinking and the gossip. We keep talking until dawn, and, even though he doesn’t judge me for my juvenile adventures, he asks me to be more responsible next time. Especially with my drinking. At times like this I wonder how his life used to be before I was born. Even if my family tries to be as honest as possible about their past, I know there’re things that are just too hard to explain. I understand that, so I don’t pressure them, but sometimes I can’t help but think about it.
When the phone rings, Haymitch tells my mom I had agreed to help him with his geese that morning. Apparently, I was so excited with the task that I had woken up extra early to enjoy breakfast with my favorite uncle. I doubt she bought it, but she didn’t ask more questions. Later I understand that she just wanted to laugh at my disastrous attempt to deal with those wild animals. Well, at least someone’s having a good time. With that said, I think I won’t drink again for a long, long time.
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maadilin · 7 months ago
this has been done to death but here are my opinions on katniss and peeta as parents and what the victors/their friends were like around them
peeta- peeta, obviously, would make sure to give the kids a childhood he never had. he would spoil them but also make sure they learnt things, and he would be really patient and sweet with them. he would almost never raise his voice, and only be stern when he had to. he'd teach willow how to bake, rye how to make art, and both how to do camouflage.
katniss- i feel like katniss would be a mixed bag, she'd be sweet and caring, but also a bit strict, and would be stricter compared to peeta. i feel like she'd, in a way, see prim in her kids and she would make sure that they knew their aunt primrose was a wonderful girl. i also feel like she'd be a bit of a troublemaker with them sometimes, and if they got in trouble for something stupid she'd defend them. she'd teach willow archery and how to shoot, and teach rye how to hunt, and taught them both plant identification.
haymitch- haymitch would try to appear presentable and sober around the kids, but sometimes he'd fail. the kids would find him hilarious, not understanding everything, and it'd make him crack a smile. he's not good at showing affection but the kids would still love him anyway.
effie- effie would be very bubbly and kind to them, and they'd match eachother's energy. they would all play dress up and the kids would try on effie's wigs.
johanna- johanna would loosen up around them, and she'd be like the cool aunt. when the kids got into trouble, she'd talk to them but secretly give them a fist bump if she thinks the kids did the right thing. she and katniss would be really close, and she'd be a frequent babysitter. she loves the kids.
annie- annie would be very sweet and would engage them in conversations, and bring her son over at times. (my hc for his name is either teddy or fin.)
i feel like katniss and peeta would be very affectionate, always, acting like they were 17, 18, 19, even when they were in their mid 20s- early 30s. katniss would always be really anxious about them and be a bit overprotective, but peeta would always calm her down. he'd be protective of them too, but i feel katniss would be more like that than peeta.
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ev3rl4rk · 1 year ago
okay i know that katniss and peeta have two kids but is the older one the girl or the boy?😭
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zenkor123 · 7 months ago
Peeta's Mental Breakdown pt 8
and noticed that the white slime was within her as well, she also felt all the pain of Peeta's hijacking all in a short amount of time. She wanted to kill snow for creating this bottomless void. But Katniss realizes that there was no escaping Peeta Mellark either. She had sealed this when she destroyed Peeta's portal, and the wound reopened just like it did when Peeta made that remark. Katniss walked over to Peeta and sobbed into his shoulder... and chest. As she lifted Peeta up Peeta vomited his arms and legs flailing. Peeta was in a dream like state from The morphling and thought it was a dream. Katniss noticed Peeta was bleeding from the broken glass on his hand layed flat on the pavement, she called a medic who also removed glass from his arm. Hijacked Peeta had not known that Katniss was suffering to this extent and assumed that she was fine with Gale, even if Peeta wasn't sure if he was asleep or not he did hear Katniss sobbing on him, but Peeta wondered to himself about why she was crying. Katniss did this even as Peeta was having a morphling withdrawal, mental breakdown and an episode. Katniss helped wrap the bandage. As the hours passed the Morphling left his system. The ground was filled with broken glass, morphling liquid and Peeta's vomit. When Peeta mentioned Katniss going back and forth about wanting to kill him he was referring to the shot at the morphling. Peeta wondered if Katniss did care for him, she risked her life and cried on him as Peeta was at his most dangerous but did she or was this a dream and if not why? Peeta also wondered if Katniss also was dead inside as well, and relate to himself more then he thought. Peeta had been lonely, and a part of him wished this was real, perhaps they could at least be friends. Peeta fell to sleep. When he woke up, he was forced to face Katniss, he wanted his memories back, to learn about the person, the capital murdered, or at least to try. But Peeta could not think of an opening that wasn't hostile and he was angry about Katniss destroying his morphling bag. No one wanted to enter the mess so Katniss continued her shift in the rotation longer then her allotted time not wanting to leave Peeta’s side.
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littlemarianah · 10 months ago
can I pretty pretty please with a cherry on top get middle age everylark at there kids graduation or wedding, I've been desperate for happy everlark
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cutest idea on earth i love a toastbaby
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buggiebite · 11 months ago
Questions from a Curious Child
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and there was a tickle fight…the end.
this reblog has lived in the back of my mind for a bit and it inspired me to make this, so thank you @thesweetnessofspring
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homosherb · 1 year ago
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littlemarianah · 1 year ago
I truly believe Katniss helps at the bakery. A bakery is too complicated to work alone, Peeta even hires someone to help, but it's Katniss who is his other half.
She works at the counter and keeps the kitchen organized while Peeta prepares the bread and heats the ovens.
Katniss is extremely resourceful and finds a way to learn.
When the first baby is born, Katniss takes some time off and Peeta tries to spend as little time at the bakery as possible. After the war, victorious tributes no longer receive any type of financial aid. So they can't actually close the bakery.
When the girl is old enough, Katniss brings her to the bakery in the morning and puts her to sleep in the storeroom while they both work. The babies learn to take naps in the middle of flour sacks like Peeta did when he was a baby.
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humptymp3 · 1 month ago
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im a katniss and peeta have a third baby truther btw . also one thing suzanne did wrong truly was give them a son. three daughters for them. katniss and peeta are both girldads at heart.
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mellarked-katnisseverdeen · 8 months ago
Sweet and sad headcanon: Willow, as she is really young and growing up and only beginning to make sense of the family she has that has passed and when her mother talks about Prim, she whole heartedly believes she has an older sister who no longer is around.
She is too young yet to understand but the way Katniss talks about her, with such love and care, the only thing she can compare it to is how her mother loves her. Any pictures of Prim show a blond hair, blue eyed girl it's easily to believe is related to her Daddy. So it just makes sense to her 2 or 3 year old brain that she was her sister.
This goes on for a bit until she decides she wants to make a drawing of her sister and present it to mommy, and draws her whole family with Primrose amongst her namesake flowers in the front of her house, labeled with the word 'sister' in soft baby blue above her. Proudly presenting it to her parents.
Katniss, try as she might, has to hand her off to Peeta and go into the forest for the night. Peeta explains, as gently as he can, that Mommy is not mad or upset at her, she is just missing Primrose.
It's hard on her, when Katniss comes back and they sit her down and explain. That Primrose wasn't really her sister, though her Mommy cared about and loved her a lot. That instead, she is her Aunt, and has passed away a long time ago.
But she can't shake how similar the love she sees her mother still have for Primrose. When Rye comes, though she loves her brother to the moon and back, she can't say it's the same. She eventually comes to remember Primrose as her sister eventually, after hearing the story of her parents Games and the Rebellion. It connects them, the similar way they are loved by Katniss. And though they may not be sisters by blood, they are in that way.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 days ago
So many characters aren't canonically black that should've been.Percy and Nico from Pjo,Gwen from Spiderverse including her comics,Amity and Willow from Toh,Adora from Spop,Jason and Stephanie and Bernard and Kon and Cissie from DC,Jinx and Vi and Isha from Arcane,Kevin from Ben 10,Double D from Eene,Alexis from Cotc,Nicky from Pepper Ann,Princess Zelda from Well You Know,The Powerpuff Girls,Peeta from Thg and many,MANY other such cases.They are to me though,i can see truth.Those are niggas
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