#Will Rai ever learn to maybe tone down the excessive un-asked for commentary? We may never know
raiswanson · 7 years
Ten Facts
Tagged by @helenpowers thank you very much! :)
uhmmmmm well as far as I’m aware this is a “ten general facts about you” meme buuuuuut this is my author blog so hey let’s see if we can come up with ten book-y facts about me :D This can definitely go wrong in no way.
1. As of right now I’ve completed first drafts of two books, The Dancing Sands and (newly titled) The Dragon Totem. The former I completed last NaNo and the latter was my first NaNo. Neither could even dream of publication at this stage (I’ve barely touched them since finishing) but hey man. They’re written.
2. I’ve been making up and telling stories since I was super young (as in as soon as I learned to talk. Surprisingly the general theme of my stories has not changed very much. The Fantasy and SciFi is strong in this one) but didn’t get the idea in my head to seriously go “Hey, what if I wrote a book and published it? Wouldn’t that be wild?” until I was about to graduate high school and came to the startling realization that it was what I wanted to do with my life. (Prior to that I’d spent my entire life wanting to be a veterinarian. And I still do, but not nearly as much as I want to dedicate myself to writing.)
3. I have way too many favorite books to ever provide a comprehensive list but my tops contain the Wings of Fire series, the Ranger’s Apprentice series, the Dragonback series. the Black Jewels trilogy, and pretty much any book written by Jonathan Stroud.
4. I have WAY more stories saved in my files and rattling around in my head than I will ever be able to reasonably write and though this fact distresses me greatly you can be assured that I’m going to do my damnedest to get to as many of them as I can.
5. I have a serious problem with writing anything that doesn’t ultimately tie back in to at least one of my other books. Usually in form of cameo appearance by another character paired by a few hints and tidbits of info about said cameo character’s own story. While this does not trouble me on principle, it’s a bit bothersome when my INTENTION was to write something entirely unrelated. Hooray for universe-hopping dragons.
6. Against all writer stereotypes, I despise the taste of both tea and coffee, and am definitely not a big drinker of any form of liquor. My writing fuel is in fact Dr. Pepper. I know. I’m a sham. *dramatically falls to ground*
7. As I have recently realized, I have the odd habit of including something about cooking/baking/etc in everything I write, be it an actual recipe walk-through, in-depth praise of a particular dish or cooking style, or some basic knowledge spelled out and explained (ex: in my current book I had a character go into lengthy detail as to what “punching down bread dough” means, and why you do it.) These instances are never planned and tend to just...happen. I do not however have any intention of omitting them.
8. Another thing I realize I have a tendency to do is break my book up into two  parts, first being introductions and worldbuilding and for the most part normal book things, and second taking a sharp left turn to focus on one primary romance arc as well as closing off sub-plots in rapid fire. I also really like my punchy epilogues. Like. A lot.
9. I have a deep-rooted dislike of any story that paints an entire species of creatures (primarily dragons. oh my god. if a book opens up with “there’s a dragon and they’re evil monsters we must kill them” and there’s no indication of a “oh my gosh some dragons are chill”, then I’m closing it immediately) as wholly evil and in need of “heroic slaying”. I mean, you do you, if you want to have some stupid mindless species that kills and attacks and violently murders just because, go ahead. Some people dig that. But I won’t be reading your story.
Same goes for stories where an entire species of INTELLIGENT AND THINKING creatures are 100% evil for no reason other than they somehow as an ENTIRE SPECIES decided that sounded like a fun time. (in this case I do have an exception; the inclusion of dissenters that go “hey I don’t like this how about I be good or at least neutral instead”. It’s mostly the idea of an ENTIRE SPECIES being of one mind and mannerism [hive minds excluded] despite supposedly having the capacity to think and have a sense of self that kills my interest. Like. C’mon. That’s just... C’MON. You can’t have individuals without people being...individual!!!)
10. I have no idea what I’m doing but despite this I’m always happy to give out advice and encouragement as though I were an aged scholar of my craft. :D
Sorry this got so long I have no self control, and as for tagging othersssss: @tundra-tiger @authorloremipsum @otramble @universalfanfic @brynprocrastinates @tenaciousgentlemanlycloud @throughthemarshes @crispyninjadonut
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