#Wild taol
taol-incorrect-quotes · 3 months
Ravio: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses. Wild: This knife is actually a magic wand. Twilight: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel. Legend: cocks gun Magic missile. Sky: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
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the-auras-of-light · 4 months
𖤐 ꒦꒷Chapter One: A Masked Arrival⌒✧∿➳
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Two figures and a beast were trodding along throughout the flowered hills of Hyrule Field, the slight smell of rain filling the air as they fought monsters and enemies all while searching for any clues of where the Princess could possibly be. Link’s weapons were sheathed, his long golden brown hair and the bottom of his blue Champion’s Tunic swaying in the breeze. His blue-green eyes sparkled with life, despite being mute, he was still quite an expressive person, which only added to his personality, his face and body in general covered in scars- both from battle and flames. He was still getting used to his new right arm, and it was slightly freaking him out, although he was glad he wasn’t alone. 
On one side of him stood an imposing figure, she had an air of authority yet it was also an air of fun and chaos. This was Lillian, The Sage of Aura, her large Zonai ears twitching slightly as her long, thin tail that ended in fluff swished behind her. The blue-gray-green fluff on her neck and chest puffed out of her own Champion’s Tunic, although the coloration of her’s was of purple, black and gold, the bottom of it swaying with her fluff. 
On Link’s other side stood a massive wolf, its air imposing and mystical, and Link was sure it was some sort of deity, although he and Lillian had defaulted to just calling it ‘Wolfie’. “What’s up, Champion?” Lillian interrupted his thoughts, looking down at the younger hero with a slight tilt of her head, her bright green-yellow eyes glittering in the light. She still had her intricately designed crystal blade in hand, the tip of it flaming with multicolored hues at varying ranges of heat, from just a bit warm to absolutely scorching. Link looked up at his companion’s scarred yet kind face, dumbfounded for a second before he realized what she meant- he was absolutely terrible with social interactions, despite how close  he and Lillian were. He put his hands up. ‘Nothing much. Just thinking.’ He signed in response, a soft smile on his face. Lillian let out a sigh before looking out on the field, placing her right hand in the air, letting the golden sun rays seep through her clawed fingers. Link knew that the Zonai Sage partially blamed herself for all the chaos in Hyrule at the moment, including the Upheaval, as she’d warned Link and Zelda not to go down to the depths below the castle, and after they’d ignored her, she even went down with them. Link knew none of this would’ve happened if he and the princess had just heeded the Sage’s warning, but of course they didn’t. Their curiosity got the best of them. She blamed herself for being unable to protect the Princess.
A sharp yelp caused all three beings to flinch, Lillian and Wolfie’s ears laying flat against their heads. Link looked around, searching for the source of the yell, before locking his gaze on a thick tree with many bokoblins and lizalfos surrounding it. The hero looked up at his Sage companion, tugging on her flowy sleeve while pointing to the tree. ‘Monsters surrounding tree over there. Someone in danger?’
Link signed in a slightly frantic manner. He didn’t even let Lillian respond(or comprehend what he meant, for that matter), before dashing off towards the tree, leaving a confused Wolfie and an exasperated Lillian behind. The ground slightly squelched underneath his boots, the sounds of the monsters gwarbling and yapping getting louder as he picked up speed. The hero arrived before the tree, and to his confusion, a child was sitting up top, a large tree branch in hand. The kid was Hylian, although he was covered in bruises, bandages and scars, her bright blue eyes glittering with determination as a Kitsune like mask rested on the side of his head. “Get OUTTA here you weird-ass gremlins!! Back off- I have a big-ass stick and I am NOT afraid to use it, ya hear me, jerks????” The kid barked at the mobs, the bottom of his green cap swaying slightly behind him. It wasn’t before long that she let out a noise of confusion as she got hit square in the forehead with a pebble, her fluffy yellow split bangs lifting as he tumbled backwards, his sideburns swaying with her cap and the bottom of her matching green tunic(Link thought it was a tunic, at least. It looked more like a short dress, but he was giving the kid the benefit of the doubt.) Link looked up at the kid, about to sign something when Lillian padded up from behind him, slightly spooking him. “Hey, sprite, you okay up there??” The Zonai Sage asked, raising an eyebrow. The kid sat up, rubbing his forehead with his bandaged and scarred hand as her teal-blue eyes glittered in the light, two thin scars running over her left eye. “Nah, I got this. I don’t need any help” The kid huffed, her pointed ears drooping slightly as he crossed his arms. Lillian didn’t look very convinced, although she didn’t have time to think about that as a lizalfos finally managed to scamper its way up into the tree. The kid let out shriek, scuttling backwards away from the monstrous reptile, his massive tree branch in hand. Lillian and Link looked at each other, their expressions equally panicked. “STAY BACK- STAY BACK, HECKING L-LIZARD- OH DEAR HYLIA-” The kid stammered, her brows furrowing as his pointed ears flattened against his head. She didn’t even have time to think about what to do next when a dagger hit the lizalfos in the back, followed by Link leaping up, stabbing the mob, effectively killing it. Link hopped up into the tree, shoving the dead monster's body off of the top before turning to face the kid. ‘You okay?’ Link signed, hoping this kid at least knew basic sign language. The kid nodded, standing up to fix his tunic’s belt and cap. She bent over, picking up his satchel and a second mask that had fallen off before facing the mute Hero.
“Yeah I’m good, although I could’ve handled it myself. . .” He huffed, crossing her arms. Link chuckled, looking down the tree as he gave Lillian and Wolfie a thumbs up. Lillian stared up at him in confusion, softly muttering something along the lines of “That helps. . . I guess?” as Wolfie shared a confused expression.
“Hey, my name’s Link by the way” The kid said, causing Link’s eyes to widen in confusion, his ears drooping slightly. This kid had the same name as him? That couldn’t be right. . . right? Link put his hands up, waving them.
‘My name is Link as well???’ The hero frantically signed, blinking a few times. The kid’s eyes widened as well, just as confused as Link was, her own pointed ears drooping as he tilted his head to the side, putting her hands up as well.
“Crap- n-nevermind!- Just call me. . . uhh. . . Mask! Just call me Mask-” He stammered, ruffling the back of her hair, looking down at his feet. He seemed to be a bit calmer, unlike Link, who looked confused and panicked.
“Hey, you two okay up there? Wolfie and I dealt with the rest of the monsters, so it should be safe to come down now.” Lillian interrupted his thoughts once again, her crystal blade’s flames having gone out as she sheathed the blade on her back, using her own Recall ability to retract her dagger from the body of the lizalfos Link had stabbed, with Wolfie sitting there, cleaning the monsters blood off of its grayish brown coat. ‘Mask’ and Link looked at each other, hopping out of the tree. Link got out first, offering a hand to the younger Hylian, who promptly denied his help, his boots slightly clattering against the hard roots of the tree. Mask did let out a slight yelp upon spotting Wolfie, scuttling behind Link with wide eyes as he stared at the large yet majestic wolf.
“Why in the name of Hylia do you have a freaking Wolfos traveling with you??” Mask hissed, her ears flattening as she stared at Wolfie with wide eyes. The mysterious wolf’s ears promptly drooped, its head tilting to the side as if recognizing that the young Hylian was confused about its presence, and for mistaking it for a wolfos. Link, however, didn’t pick up on this. ‘Just Wolfie- what’s a Wolfos?’ The teenage hero signed in slight confusion, receiving a skeptical glare from Mask, who didn’t move from her position behind him. The bigger shock came to Mask after he glanced over at Lillian, stumbling backwards as his eyes widened at the towering Zonai. “Holy Mother of Hylia!-What are you??” He exclaimed, his confusion clear and honestly somewhat amusing, although quite on -brand for a confused eleven-year-old. Lillian let out a laugh, in contrast to Link’s offended gasp. ‘That’s rude!’ He waved with a pout, his ears drooping slightly. Mask rolled her eyes, continuing to wonder what Lillian could be in vast confusion. “It’s fine- I’m Lillian, a member of the Zonai Tribe” She introduced after reassuring the mute hero slightly, giving a kind wave to the green clad pre-teen. Mask slightly approached the Zonai, as if observing her before his blue-teal eyes landed on the  jeweled Triforce earring that hung from one of her large animalistic ears. “. . . are you a Sage of sorts? ‘Cause I’ve never heard of a Zonai or whatever you said you were before” She asked, pointing at Lillian’s earring. He was fiddling with the pendant around his neck, the emerald fitting perfectly in the palm of her hand. Lillian smiled. “You’re a perceptive one, young Hero from the Kokiri” The Zonai Sage replied. Mask’s eyes widened, as did Link’s, but for separate reasons. Mask seemed surprised, her ears perking up slightly as the Sage referred to him using such a formal title, indicating the Sage’s recognition. Link, on the other hand, seemed confused. Mask was a Hero? What was a Kokiri? The name sounded similar to the Koroks, although the silent hero was skeptical, and even further confused on why Lillian had called Mask that. “You really are a Sage, aren’t you? What gave it away? My masks, or the emerald? Or was it the scars?” Mask gasped, her head tilting to the side slightly, still fiddling with the emerald pendant. Link still looked confused as ever, the silent hero glancing down at Wolfie, as if asking for answers, although they couldn’t be given to him. Lillian chuckled at pre-teens amazement, her tail swaying softly behind her. “It was your aura, actually, although the fact that your pendant has the Kokiri Emerald was a good hint-” Lillian began with a soft smile, although Link cut her off with waving hands. ‘Possible that you could please explain how we have same name?’ He signed, his gaze still filled with confusion as he looked down at Mask with wide eyes. Mask ruffled the back of her hair, averting his gaze to the side. “I. . . don’t actually know? I’m used to traveling through time and other crap, but this is new to me.”
The green-clad pre-teen shrugged. She was just as confused as Link was. Lillian looked between the two of them, her head tilting to the side ever so slightly. “You two have the same name?” The Sage questioned, her tail flicking behind her softly. Mask and Link nodded in unison, causing Lillian to ponder, placing a hand on her chin. “Well, then we should probably give you two nicknames to differentiate the two of you” She concluded with a wave of her hand. Mask nodded, placing his hands on his hips. “I already told Mr. Silent Hero here to call me Mask, so might as well keep the nickname” She chided, moving her hands in a sort of shrug motion in front of herself. Lillian turned to face Link, her eyebrow raised. “So? What’s your nickname gonna be?” She asked, pointing towards him with a clawed finger. Link shrugged in response, a sheepish smile on his face. ‘Don’t know’ He signed nonchalantly. Lillian’s expression turned smug and mischievous. “Wild it is.” She stated, placing her hands on her hips. Mask and ‘Wild’ looked at her in confusion. “Wild?” ‘Wild?’
They said and signed in unison with equal amounts of bewilderment. Lillian nodded with an amused smirk. “Wild- Hey, don’t look at me like that, it fits you perfectly, you dork.” The Sage retorted as Wild gave her an unamused glare, getting a laugh out of Mask, who then looked at Lillian. “Soooo, does that mean I can, like, travel with you guys?- ‘Cause I have no idea where I am.” Mask ruffled the back of her hair, looking to the side. Before Lillian could respond, Wild looked at her with a pleading look. ‘Can we keep him? Please?’ The silent hero begged, receiving a confused look from Mask as Lillian sighed, her ears twitching. “I- I guess?- We don’t really have a choice, ‘cause we can’t just leave him here, so, uh- Wolfie, what do you think?” She asked the wolf, who simply looked back up at her, nodding in agreement.
“‘Aight, sure I guess” Lillian shrugged. Wild’s eyes widened, hugging Mask with a smile, receiving an annoyed and unamused glare from the small green-clad pre-teen. Lillian sighed, looking down at Wolfie. “There’s gonna be more of them, aren’t there?” She muttered under her breath, receiving a reassuring nudge from Wolfie, its large, fluffy tail swaying as it gazed up at her with its striking blue eyes.
This would be the start of a new, chaotic adventure. ⟡┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈𖥔 ⟡ 𖥔┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⟡ ↻ ◁ Prev. II Next ▷ ↺
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reblip-reblog · 30 days
Linked Universe Instrument Guide
(All of the Instruments in the Games)
•Goddess's Harp (SS)
•Ocarina of Wind (MC)
•Fairy Ocarina (OoT)
•Ocarina of Time (OoT/MM)
•Deku Pipes of Awakening, Goron Drums of Sleep, Zora Guitar of Waves (MM)
•Horse Call (TP)
•Horse Grass/Hawk Grass (TP)
•Howling (TP)
•Ocarina (HW)
•Hand Whistle (BotW)
•Humming (BotW)
•Kass's Bandoneon (BotW) Link is only shown playing this in the art for the LoZ Concert 2018
•Korok Leaf wind on Warbler's Nest Stones (BotW) sort of
•The Wind Waker (WW)
•Ocarina, from Flute Boy (ALttP)
•Ocarina, from Dream Shrine (LA)
•Dimitri's/Moosh's/Ricky's/Strange Flute (OoS/OoA)
•Harp of Ages (OoA)
•Bell (ALBW)
•Recorder (LoZ)
•Flute (TAoL)
Instruments played by other Links:
•Spirit Flute (ST) unless you count this as Wind
•Golden Lute (CoH)
Instruments not played by Link in-game:
•Grim Creeper's Whistle (LA)
•Instruments of the Sirens: Full Moon Cello, Conch Horn, Sea Lily's Bell, Surf Harp, Wind Marimba, Coral Triangle, Organ of Evening Calm, & Thunder Drum (LA)
•Sheik's Harp (OoT)
•Ganondorf's Organ (OoT)
•Guru-Guru's Crank Organ (OoT/MM/OoS)
•The Indigo-go's Bass, Piano, (Guitar), & Drums (MM)
•Happy Mask Salesman's Piano (MM)
•Sea Ukulele (OoA)
•Medli's Harp & Makar's Violin (WW)
•Skull Kid's Horn (TP)
•Cello, Biwa, Timpani, Drum, Flute, and Shawm of the Lokomos (ST)
•Monster Horn (SS)
•Swordsman's School Gong (SS)
•Milk Bar Flute & Guitar (ALBW)
•Kass's Bandoneon (BotW) Link is shown playing this in the art for the LoZ Concert 2018
•Hestu's Maracas (BotW)
•Hyrule Warriors Instruments: Sheik's Harps, Medli's Rito Harps, Skull Kid's Ocarinas, Marin's Bells, Zelda's Batons
•Cadence of Hyrule Instruments: Glockenspiel, Oboe, Maracas, Bass Guitar, Bongos, & Synth (CoH)
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I have the sudden urge to Info dump. . . about my favorite trio in TAoL excluding Lillian, Riri and Wild- THE TIME TRIO I have three heroes of Time. Ocarina(OoT Adult); she's the oldest of the trio, being 18, and she's a trans girl and a bisexual disaster- Time(OoT Manga); He's a dumb teenager, being 16(Navi's like "wHaOh LiNk YoU'rE aN aDuLt NoW"- fuck you mean?? He's 16???? Not considered an adult????) not much decided about him yet Mask(OoT Child, MM, HW); My favorite Link- WHO SAID THAT my child. He's the youngest at 11, he's bigender, she's a simp for Green, she's got a cat named Mido, hes a stubborn brat, and probably the most characterized Link- hes also a short and scrawny lil guy but bro is SPEEEED. and she bites. be wary of your ankles They have like. . . a sibling relationship. They balance each other out Mask is sassy, stubborn and a troublemaker, and overall a little shit Ocarina is a bit shy, the responsible one, although the most prone to panicking Time is a bit oblivious, headstrong, and level headed, AND THE ONLY ONE OF THE THREE THAT CAN READ One thing I love about this trio is how nobody expects that the smartest in terms of strategy and battle technique to be Mask this kid can TUMBLE It was a lil headcanon I'd had for a while, but after replaying OoT my headcanon wasn't too far off cause this kid can do a BACKFLIP I'd imagine fighting style wise, Time would prefer closer combat, Ocarina would use a mix of the Goddess Magic and close combat, while Mask would use a style similar to Sheik's in SSBU, being a fast and hard hit-and-run, swapping between close quarters and long range. Mask would probably use handsprings and flips to create distance between herself and the enemy, and I've written her a few times using a move where he pulls a back handspring, and during the rebound he uses her slingshot. When she does fight close quarters, he hits hard and fast, which works with any sword, depending on if he's using the Kokiri Sword, or the sword she uses in HW. She's also small and scrawny, so he's hard to grab and hit. Ocarina is the most skilled with magic of the three, with the Goddess Magic, so using a combination of Din's Fire, Nayru's Love, and Farore's Wind all while fighting close quarters would be her ideal fighting style. If anything, she's the healer/support of the trio- She can cover the other two if they need it via Nayru's Love. Time probably hits hard, and I'd imagine the slowest of the three. Y'know how much slower Wild is when using a claymore in BoTW and ToTK compared to using a standard blade? That's how slow Time is. I'd imagine he'd be more of a glass cannon, so he and Ocarina would stick together during a battle, while Mask causes collateral damage.
man I had a response all typed out an’ everything and tumblr FUCKIN ate it 😭
but anyways, to summarize what id had: i think this is really cool! i love how they fit together and have their own strengths that work well with the other’s. is there a specific reason you made them three different characters 👁️👁️?
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syl-stormblessed · 2 years
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raviothebunny · 3 months
New Tag System
Ocarina of Time (#oot)
Majora's Mask (#mm)
Wind Waker (#ww)
Spirit Tracks (#st)
Phantom Hourglass (#ph)
Skyward Sword (#sksw)
Twilight Princess (#tp)
A Link Between Worlds (#albw)
Breath of the Wild (#botw)
Tears of the Kingdom (#totk)
Age of Calamity (#aoc)
Hyrule Warriors (#hw)
Minish Cap (#mc)
Four Swords (#fs)
A Link To The Past (#alttp)
Link's Awakening (#la)
Oracle of Seasons (#oos)
Oracle of Ages (#ooa)
Tri Force Heroes (#tfh)
The Legend of Zelda (#tloz)
The Adventure of Link (#taol)
To filter out spoiler tags, just add the word spoiler after the main tag. For example, spoilers for Ocarina of Time would be #oot spoilers
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thiefxking · 6 months
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Just some random Link (multiple Links) hcs and Timeline hcs.
Please note, before reading any of this, that this is just an idea of mine and I am not going to cling to it for anything. This is mostly just me trying to make sense of things and sharing what I thought of. I blame my doing this on having drifted her from the Tolkien fandom... this stuff happened there all the time in rp and not.
The Links
Sky is not the First Link but he is the one who started the Curse and that nonsense. First, the actual First Link, is Sky's ancestor (possibly his grandfather but definitely not his father). Sky is also the ancestor of the rest, and is where some of them get Dreams from.
Minish (possibly the Hero of the Four Sword but possibly not) is not related to most of the Links but is Wind and Spirit's Ancestor.
Time is the ancestor to Legend (see the Fic I have yet to write), Wind (see a different fic or hc that I have yet to write) and Twilight. He is aware of this but only when in a different time period because the Goddess of Time (who shall be named eventually... i hope) doesn't want time to be messed up more than it already is. He is actually alive but came close enough to dying that the part of his being that was the Hero's Spirit moved on. (He was in the twilight realm for a while and is now a spirit wolf wandering)
Legend is the Hero of Hyrule's ancestor. Legend is actually two different Links in a red robe with an extra side of trauma for flavor. He eventually found Marin again (thanks to Warriors) and she was his wife (I have more ideas but that's all for now for him).
Twilight is Four's ancestor (FSA) and Warriors' ancestor (HW) before eventually becoming the ancestor and travel buddy of the Hero of the Wilds, he copies Time with that and either somehow travels there as a Spirit and is a wolf, or he 'dies' somehow and is there (See yet another fic or hc that I have yet to write).
Wind is Spirit's ancestor.
The Timeline
First's time through Minish (who probably forged the Four Sword but idk yet since I haven't finished that game much less played FS) is one solid time period.
Time's time period is where things get weird and the Timeline breaks and breaks and the Goddess of Time whines about certain others not paying attention. The first break is where Time dies (obviously) and we all know that runs down to the Hero of Hyrule (loz and taol). The second break is obvious as that's how we get Wind and Spirit.
The third possible break is less obvious since it may have been just a dream, that's in MM where no obvious heroes follow him since he completely left that timeline. I have become fond of seeing this as another break because it, in my mind, explains why Hyrule sort of backslid technologically. In TP and WW we know they had cannons and so likely firearms of some sort but in ALttP and the past era in TotK we don't see any of that technology. Further in OoT the soldiers all had metal armor, something that also seems to be the case in FS and to a lesser extent SS where the academy students all seemed to wear some sort of chain mail. Ultimately I want to say that the past of TotK was in this timeline set before the timelines converged (something I like attributing to HW) but not long before since Zelda was there after and all the locations in BotW had names from people or places in all three timelines.
The last timeline is obviously the one with Twilight and the most direct path, in my mind, to the Era of Breath of the Wild.
... I am not an expert on any of this but it's the best I can some up with to explain some of the stuff we see in all of that.
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fi-wardsword · 5 years
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Various Hyrule Bound sketches
I felt like being productive but I also didn't have the motivation to do anything so here's a pile of things I didn't post before, mostly because I don't like how a lot of these turned out.
@themisadventurescrew 💜💜💜
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fatefulfaerie · 4 years
What is your history with The Legend of Zelda? 😊 love your blog!!
Thank you!
Whew okay umm where to start
I was born into a gamer family in 2000, so I basically grew up with an N64 and a gamecube at my disposal. The first game I ever played was Super Mario 64 and I additionally played Ocarina of Time and The Wind Waker but let’s be honest I was a toddler and I never knew what I was doing. At that age, the real joy came from watching my parents play video games. Sometimes after they played I would just watch the Windwaker opening crawl and as a kid I was obsessed because the music and the storytelling in those two minutes like *chef’s kiss*. Of course I didn’t know that’s why I liked it.
However, since I was a kid who didn’t seem to have the patience for playing Zelda games, I grew up playing Mario games, mostly the galaxy games and Mario kart wii. And, of course, the 10/10 perfect outstanding amazing stupendous breathtaking game titled Pikmin 2. I would also play lego games with my dad and Super Mario Bros with my family so you could say I was gradually getting better at the coordination bit.
Skyward Sword came out when I was eleven years old and it instantly rekindled my love for the Zelda series from there on out. From the age of 11, I played and finished every Zelda game I could, and some at the same time. tloz, taol, alttp, oot, mm, tww, tp, ph, st, ss. Not in that order but you get the idea. So by, the time breath of the wild came out I was definitely a seasoned Zelda fan, with almost encyclopedic knowledge of the series. (not to mention a pretty good platformer because I kept going with Mario games and Giana Sisters and eventually being amazing at Celeste but that’s besides the point)
Played botw, albw when my friend loaned me her 3ds, played la and coh when those came out in 2019. In October of 2019 I was hired by the website Zelda Dungeon to be a writer and editor. In April 2020 I was promoted to Associate Editor and in September 2020 I was promoted to Senior Editor.
*takes swig of water*
Now the fan fiction thing. Started in August 2017 when I was inspired by a piece of fan art and I only have my fans to thank for how much I have grown. I have written fan fiction for nearly every Zelda game I have played except for coh and I honestly cannot wait for botw 2.
I know that I am extremely lucky to be born into not only a family of gamers but a family with two working parents and no siblings, and thus we could afford these games and consoles. I am lucky for the welcoming ZD team and my oddly nice fans who have been with me every step of the way.
So, yeah...I mean you asked for a history lesson and honestly this is the condensed version. Luckily there won’t be a test.
Thanks for the ask! I love getting asks!
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My About Page!
Welcome to A Bit Too Much of a Zelda Fan!
Firstly, the name’s Cooper, or Francis if you’d like. I use he/him pronouns. Hi! I created this blog on November 24th, 2017. At the time, I had exactly one friend in real life who enjoys Zelda, and I thought it was cruel to unload all my ravings about the series on him. I posted a screenshot of Phantom Hourglass on my Instagram, but it didn't feel right there. I used tumblr a few years back as just a reblog dump for things I liked, so I knew the platform well. I figured "why not make a new blog there?" Here we are.
Here's what you can expect here: My own screenshots and commentary (just photos of screens because I don't a capture card), analyses of the Zelda series, fanfics of @jojo56830 ‘s amazing @linkeduniverse AU and Zelda at large, and various things I reblog. That'll be mainly fan art, screenshots, gifsets, and other Zelda/Nintendo stuff I like.
I occasionally repost stuff from Zelda subreddits with permission from the OP. I also post other things here and there, but I'm really making an effort to make this a bona fide blog with a theme and curated content. I tag all my (newer) stuff so I hope it's easy to find; original posts are tagged “my own" and reblogs are tagged… “reblog”
My profile picture/banner were drawn by the wonderful @pizza-no-densetsu . Give her a follow; she's awesome!
You can find my fanfics on AO3, including my LU fic, Oops! All Links: A Linked Universe Story, under the screen name FrancisDuFresne. I originally posted the first 17 chapters of Oops! All Links here on tumblr, then I put them on AO3 with some significant revisions. You can read the whole thing right here. It’s ongoing, so check back often for new chapters!
I've written several series of analyses. Here are their masterposts. I also have a lot of standalone analyses I can’t be bothered to gather that you should be able to find if you search my blog for #zelda analysis. Be warned: assume spoilers for every Zelda mainline and spin-off title. Enjoy!
Ways Majora's Mask is Completely and Utterly Fucked Up
In Defense of Skyward Sword
In Defense of... The Wind Waker? pts [1] & [2]
Master Sword Length Analysis
My History with The Legend of Zelda:
When I was just about eight, my brothers and I used an Amazon gift card we got from our aunt for Christmas ‘07 to preorder Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It was our first Smash Bros game, and we loved it. After completing the Subspace Emissary, you can replay the forest level and challenge Toon Link to unlock him. After doing so, you also unlock the Ocarina of Time demo in the Masterpieces. My youngest brother, 13 at the time, played it and decided to pay $10 to buy it on the Wii Virtual Console. He liked it, but I fell in love. I think that was the best Hamilton he’s ever spent.
Over the past decade, I've gotten my hands on all nineteen mainline Zelda games. Spirit Tracks, Skyward Sword, A Link Between Worlds, Tri Force Heroes, Breath of the Wild, and Tears of the Kingdom are the only games I got within a year of their initial launch. I got the 3DS and Wii U remasters, Four Swords Anniversary Ed, Hyrule Warriors Def. Ed., Link’s Awakening “HD,” and Age of Calamity when they released as well.
In terms of getting games late, I got Four Swords Adventures, Twilight Princess, and Phantom Hourglass at least a year after they launched, and everything else (TLoZ, TAoL, ALttP, LADX, OoX, MC) on virtual console on my 3DS. Thank you 3DS Ambassador Program for The Minish Cap and the first two!
My other interests include Red vs Blue, RWBY, Metroid, Pokémon, Smash Bros., Halo, Undertale, Star Wars, Soul Eater, and Bionicles (there are some things you just can’t grow out of). I also fence épée. Feel free to DM me about Zelda or any of these things!
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy the blog!
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taol-incorrect-quotes · 3 months
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the-auras-of-light · 4 months
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Got bored and doodled a scene from TAoL
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ravennest1342-blog · 6 years
BTS Witch/Shifter Au
Go read this post HERE before this or you will be extremely confused.
The Elves
Literally the reason this took so long are the names. Names are outrageously important to elves, an elf’s true name has several different meaning according to which of the twelve elvish tribes you are currently in. When called in each dialect you develope a different persona depending on what dialect it’s in. It’s why they go by their human name, only their parents and their soul bonds know their true name.
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Personality — he is an elf, he doesn’t have any memories of his past really (or so he claims — no one can tell for certain) He’s mute due to an accident, someone tried to stab and he kind of lunges forward and it basically destroyed his throat. He was found by Yoongi who nursed him very carefully back to health. He is more powerful than literally any elf Yoongi has met but only uses his powers to spell out elvish words above his head. He is very cheerful and playful in spite of his predicament.
True Name — Taol Sinl (pronounced Tay-ole and Sin-el).
Name Meaning — Taol means literally something else in all twelve of the elvish tribes old languages. The definitions for Taol are as follows — the strong, the brave, the wild, the fearless, the brutal, the fighter, the killer, the protector, the hopeful, the noble, and the child. While Sinl is a universal word in all the tribes and only means one thing; heart. So his true names in each tribe are as follows (Jesus save me)— The Strong Heart, The Brave Heart, The Wild Heart, The Fearless Heart, The Brutal Heart, The Fighters Heart, The Killers Heart, The Protectors Heart, The Hopeful Heart, The Noble Heart, and The Childs Heart. Omg I swear to god that there is a reason for him having so many names I SWEAR. He is now mad Wild Heart in his home tribe.
Elvish Form — (he has a humanoid form and a elvish one — like all elvish) There are two types of elves; Koks, and Augi. Taehyung is a Kok, they sprout from a tree’s essence his skin is a rich brown color with tiny patterns giving it the appearance of bark almost, he has pure golden eyes with no whites and pupils slit like a cats, like all elves he’s extremely tiny both in elvish form and his humanoid form; only about 2’3” which is actually quite tall for an elf. His hair is a soft green that curls back away from his face in a pattern that looks like oak tree leaves from a distance, and he has razor sharp teeth that closely resemble a shark. (Too see humanoid form look at the picture above)
Fun Fact — Taehyung is royalty like my other two main characters. I’m not gonna tell you all the nitty gritty details because I am planning on writing this.
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Personality — he is a healer in the Olik Tribe that was specifically assigned to Taehyung from the first year he sprouted. He actually sprouted late, he would have sprouted the same year as Taehyung but instead of taking his nutrient source from the willow tree he was planted under, he took it from the patches of Azalea growing around the tree. Flower Augi are extremely rare and it slowed his development. He is very sweet and playful and terribly naive. It’s almost painful. He has a very close connection with Taehyung that everyone politely ignores because Jungkook himself is entirely unaware of it. He is currently in the elf lands confused as to why Taehyung has yet to return home after four years.
True Name — Jun Hyon (pronounced Jun like gun but with a j, and He-on)
Name Meaning — his first name has only translations Jun meaning, fixer, or healer. And Hyon meaning ‘of the mind’ and ‘of the soul’. So all his names mean Fixer of the Mind, Fixer of the Soul, and Healer of the Mind, Healer of the Soul.
Elvish Form— He is kind of small, only 1’9” in humanoid and elvish form. He is Augi basedmeaning ground plant. He has a thin body and smooth soft light green skin, his eyes are a shimmering blue and whilst not having slit pupils they also don’t have whites. He has elvish tattoos on his fore arms that are ancient healing manuscripts. His hair is petal like and greatly resembles the flower he sprouted from, it changes from bright baby pink to a dark red depending on his moods.
I’m kind of biased towards Taehyung in this. They’re just so cute you guys. Little babies.
If you have any questions feel free to ask away! I’m hoping someone does! I like questions, they excite me.
This au will be on this Masterlist HERE
My other Masterlist containing my other AU’s is HERE
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
Wind has definitely taught everyone sea shanties and I'd imagine at the worst times physically possible Wind, Mask and Shadow will start singing said sea shanties at the top of their lungs it does nothing to help- it makes the situation worse and makes Lillian want to die even more because she has to deal with 16 people, and only two of them aren't named Link. I need to talk about Lily more I love her so much The Tired Mom™ Dealing with Wild was already chaos enough tbf tho I love her and Wild's sibling like relationship It's touched on in the start of Chapter One of TAoL and I touch on it a bit more in Chapter Two(STILL WRITING IT GODDAMNIT)
ooooh!! nice! this is for some reason reminding me of how me and my best friend would scream that drunken sailor song on our way back home on back roads through corn fields and past old churches at like, 10-11 pm senior year of high school sjdjgfdgj
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taol-incorrect-quotes · 4 months
Legend: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Wild will and will not eat. Ravio: Grass? Yes! Legend: Moss? Yes!! Ravio: Leaves? Ohh, yes! Legend: Shoelaces? Strange but true! Ravio: Worms? Sometimes! Legend: Rocks? Usually nah. Ravio: Twigs? Usually! Legend: Rulie's cooking? Inconclusive! Sky: How did you… test this? Legend: You just hand him stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if he eats it, he eats it. Sky: … I don’t know how to feel about this. Twilight: IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT?
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taol-incorrect-quotes · 4 months
Wild, driving and singing to the Little Einsteins theme song: We’re going on a trip- Legend: In our favorite piece of shit! Ravio: Doing 95! Hyrule: We’re gonna fucking die!
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