#Why is Deidara always the bad guy in my stories?
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recklesswriter · 2 years ago
I'm sorry for being so MIA on here, guys! I think I've said it before, but I have a bad habit of forgetting I have a tumblr until I go to update one of my stories 😅
Anyway, I'm happy to say that after 2 years of it going untouched, I'm finally feeling inspired to write the last chapter of With Friends Like These. I've written half the chapter in the past week, and I'm hoping to get it finished and posted within the next two 😁
Here's the first scene of the chapter given to you early, since it's been so terribly long:
Sasuke runs faster than he’s run in his entire life.
The soles of his shoes slap loudly against the stone floor, the sound bouncing and ricocheting off the walls of the narrow corridor. There’s a sharp, stabbing pain in his side, in the space between his ribs, but he ignores it and pushes forward despite the lack of oxygen he’s managing to pull through his lungs. Despite his pounding heart, a part of it still screaming at him to turn around and go back.
Back to where Kakashi is fighting—his extreme skill and experience rendered practically useless against the likes of Obito Uchiha. There’s no way Kakashi can hope to best him, not without Sasuke to back him up.
He's going to die.
Sasuke bites the inside of his mouth, hard enough to taste blood. He wishes, just for this moment, that he could go back to when he was seventeen—back to when he didn’t care about anyone except his brother. It would be easier, that way. It would hurt so much less.
Sasuke owes Kakashi so much—for everything he’s done for him. But Sasuke has always been selfish, and so once again, he chooses Itachi. He’s always chosen Itachi over everyone else, even when Itachi hasn’t chosen him.
I’m sorry, Sasuke thinks. And prays, by some miracle, that his sensei survives.
He forces the guilt away—shoves it somewhere deep down in his chest where it can no longer influence thoughts and decisions. Instead he focuses on the desperate pull in his chest that is somehow guiding him. The one that’s blaring his brother’s name at him like a siren—
Itachi, Itachi, Itachi, Itachi—
Something has happened. Itachi is hurt somewhere, is dying, and Sasuke can’t explain how he knows this but right now he doesn’t care. All that matters is reaching him.
Sasuke refuses to lose him again. He can’t.
He skids sharply around the corner as he reaches the end of the hallway. He catches a flash of blonde hair and blue eyes widening, but he’s running too fast to stop himself in time—he collides with the person in front of him, a brutal smack followed by a surprised yelp, and both of them are knocked to the floor.
Sasuke catches himself on his elbows, wincing as the impact reverberates through his entire body. He blinks his vision clear.
Deidara is on the ground across from him, also blinking and grimacing in pain. “Ow! What the hell, man? Watch where you’re going!” He glances down at his arm, which got scraped up by the fall and is now bleeding sluggishly. He looks back up at Sasuke with a glare. “Look what you did!”
He shoves his bleeding elbow into Sasuke’s face. Sasuke shoves it away. “Where’s Itachi?” he demands.
The other Akatsuki member scowls at him. “'I’m so sorry, Deidara, for knocking you over. Are you alri—‘”
“Just tell me where he is! The two of you went off together to find Konan!”
“Yeah, and we split off from each other! Like I want to spend anymore time than necessary with that asshole! Seriously, what the hell—”
With a scowl, Sasuke pushes himself to his feet. He ignores the new soreness throughout his body. “Which direction did he go in?”
Deidara looks ready to snap at him again, but he looks at him and something on Sasuke’s face must give away the seriousness of the situation. The indignation flickers, replaced by uncertainty and concern.
“Why? What's happened?”
“I don’t know, but he’s hurt—badly, I think.”
Deidara pushes himself off the floor, wincing slightly and brushing off his black and red cloak. “How do you know?”
“I just do. Which direction?”
Deidara looks unhappy with that answer. Most likely he assumes Sasuke is lying and not wanting to explain, rather than the truth that he genuinely has no idea how he knows. He just does. But Deidara presses his lips into a thin line and nods.
“Alright. Come on, this way. We’ll find him.”
They turn around and begin going in the direction that Deidara just came from. They don’t run, like Sasuke was earlier, and Sasuke has to bite down on the desperation that makes him want to snap at the other man to hurry the fuck up. But they’re walking at a quick, urgent pace, Deidara’s longer legs causing his paces to be bigger than Sasuke’s. Sasuke is forced into something near to a jog.
“What happened to you?” Deidara asks.
Sasuke frowns. “What?”
“Your clothes—they’re ripped. They weren’t before, so it’s not from fighting with Sasori. Did you fight someone else?”
Observant of him. Sasuke clenches his jaw. “Obito knows.”
Deidara’s mouth drops open, panic in his eyes as he jerks to a halt. “What? Oh fuck—”
“Which is why we need to find my brother now! Okay? Because Obito knows he’s a traitor—he knows you are, too—”
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. This is all your fault, Uchiha. You’ve dragged me into your shit—"
“Me? You’re the one that attacked Hidan!”
“You killed him!”
“Because of you—!”
Sasuke cuts himself off as they round the corner. His breath leaves him, a sharp, choked gasp sucked through his teeth. His feet come to an abrupt halt as the blood in his veins turns to ice.
Beside him, Deidara freezes as well. Eyes wide. “Shit. Is that…?”
Deidara’s eyes are locked in the center of the room, where a broken, misshapen shape is barely visible in the dark. It’s Kakuzu, his body so shredded and disfigured that he’s barely recognizable. A bloody heap of flesh, surrounded by scorch marks and discarded weapons that tell tale of a battle.
But Sasuke—
Sasuke looks right past the sight. His eyes are on another body, a bit further into the room and more to the left. His Sharingan swirls to life, allowing him to see clearer in the darkness. Dark hair—purple, bloody fingernails against the gray stone floor—
It takes a second for him to fly across the room, for him to fall to his knees by his brother’s side. Something thick and wet immediately soaks through the fabric of his pants—blood, from the deep wound that’s sliced through his brother’s chest. The metallic, coppery scent is heavy in the air.
“Nii-san,” Sasuke says. “Nii-san!”
Itachi’s face is deathly pale. He doesn’t respond to Sasuke’s voice. Sasuke’s hands shake, his heart hammering painfully against his ribs, as he pulls the ripped fabric of the Akatsuki cloak back to get a better look at where the blood is all coming from.
He remembers two fingers against his forehead. Dragging a line of wet blood down his face.
(Forgive me, Sasuke. But this is it.)
No. No, no, no, no.
He’s on his side. One of his arms stretched out, fingers smearing blood against the floor, like he was trying to drag himself forward. Sasuke shifts his brother’s body slightly, his head lolling against Sasuke’s folded knees. There’s blood on his lips, and it makes another spark of panic go off in Sasuke’s chest.
Deidara drops down next to him. “God. Is he dead? Who did this to him? Kakuzu?”
There’s actually a thread of something close to fear in the blonde’s voice. Curious, considering how many times he’s expressed a desire to kill Itachi himself. Deidara cares, despite how vehemently he denies it, and any other time Sasuke would never let it go without comment—but right now it barely registers.
His trembling fingers shove Itachi’s hair aside to press against his neck. He finds a pulse there—slightly too slow, but undeniable proof of life.
Sasuke releases a breath. “He’s alive. For now. Help me stop the bleeding.”
“With what?” Deidara demands. “I don’t carry a medical kit with me! Fuck, fuck, fuck—"
“Shut up,” Sasuke snaps. Deidara’s panic is only making his worse. The momentary relief that Itachi is alive is quick to fade, the previous fear returning as he takes stock of the situation—of Itachi’s injuries, probably too serious for them to treat even with the proper supplies.
Sasuke strips off his Akatsuki cloak. He balls it up and presses it to Itachi’s chest in a pathetic attempt to stem the blood flow. “Who here knows medical ninjutsu? Anyone?”
Deidara grimaces. “Sasori.”
“That’s all?”
“It’s not usually an issue! Konan knows a bit of battlefield surgery, I think—Leader-sama, too—but this might be too much even for that. And we still don’t know if Ane-san’s managed to get him on our side, so he might be trying to kill us too…”
Great, Sasuke thinks. The only person with the capability to possibly save Itachi’s life in time is the same person that Itachi kicked through one of Sasuke’s portals less than half an hour ago.
He takes a breath. Looking down at his brother and resisting the urge to flinch at the blood on his lips. Unless Itachi bit his tongue or sliced the inside of his mouth on his teeth, that blood meant internal bleeding. Likely a punctured lung.
He brushes the bangs from Itachi’s face. “It’s okay,” he says shakily. “You’re going to be okay. I won’t let you die again, I promise.”
He turns his head to look at Deidara.
“I’m going to retrieve Sasori. I need you to stay here with him while I do.”
Deidara’s mouth drops open. “Wh—Me? No way!”
“It’ll only take a few minutes. I’ll be right back.”
“But what if he dies?!”
“Then make sure he doesn’t!” Sasuke yells back. Leaving his brother is the last thing he wants to do—but unless Sasuke can get him help, there’ll be no saving him. All Sasuke will be able to do is sit here and hold his hand while his life slowly fades away.
No. Itachi will live this time. He has to.
Deidara grimaces. He looks down at Itachi’s bleeding body, then back to Sasuke. “Okay, okay, fine! Just—hurry the hell back, you brat!”
Sasuke slides out from under his brother. His bloodstained hands, holding the wadded-up cloak tightly against Itachi’s chest, are replaced by Deidara’s. He stands up, pushing his hair out of his face and the rings in his left eye whirling as the power activates.
A portal opens up in mid-air. Beyond, Sasuke can see miles upon miles of desert—the same plane of existence where he trapped Sasori. Taking one last glance at Itachi, sending up a prayer, he steps through the portal and leaves the two of them an entire dimension away.
His feet land in the sand. The portal closes behind him.
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saberamane · 2 years ago
I love how people mistake my words as 'loving' a character that I really have no feelings for, make a whole post saying how me saying I 'like' that character under a post of another character is basically invalidating the second character and this persons views, tells me to to write them to discuss it, and then BLOCKS ME so I can't.
So acgames, since you want to make me a bad guy over YOUR misunderstanding, I shall write it here. I can't post my initial response since not only have you blocked me, but my secondary tumblr account can't see my response since I assume you deleted it in your childish tantrum.
First off, here's my response to their tags on the Alexios post, which are (asgames reblogs, Alexios of sparta, Finally someone gave alexios credit he deserved, Everyone who posts alexios content over Kassandra is my favorite person, Alexios fans-you are my fave, assassin's creed odyssey.)
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As you can see, I agreed that Alexios is a great character, but that yes as acgames said, most odyssey posts are of Kassandra. I went on to say that I believe this is the case because she is 'canonically' the 'correct' protagonist (ie. from the viewpoint of ubisoft) And then went on to try and make conversation by saying I have started odyssey and picked Kassandra, not for any 'correct' reasons or anything, but merely because not many games have female lead's, so I like to choose that when it's an option. Not for any other reason. I didn't pick Kassandra because she was the 'correct' protagonist or whatever, I literally thought it had no actually plot point like in Valhalla where no matter if you picked man or woman, the main assassin is called Eivor and that's it. Didn't know Odyssey was going to have a 'the gender you didn't pick is now a 'bad guy' that you will have to spare or kill at some point in the story.'
Now, acgames's post, which I responded to trying to explain the above in a shorter format.
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As you can see, they tagged me in this post where they say "I never mentioned I consider you being wrong for playing as Kassandra." Of which I did not say that...at all. "I have no idea why you feel you have to defend your point about playing as her." Which I wasn't. I was simply stating a fact. I started Odyssey. I picked Kassandra. End of story. "You should play the way you want and no one should tell you otherwise (which I am pretty sure I didn't at any rate.)" No, you didn't. And that's not what I was saying either. You took what I said the wrong way.
Their next paragraph I completely agree with. Kassandra and Alexios are both possible canon protagonists, depending on who you choose at the start. I simply said that Ubisoft basically wrote it as Kassandra being the 'canon' option, if her showing up in Valhalla means anything.
"This is what I expressed: I love people who play as Alexios because of how underrepresented he is. I see scraps of Good guy Alexios story, I show love to that, but at the same time I never throw any shade towards Kassandra players." Which is also what I expressed.
"If story has favored protagonist and underdog protagonist, who "canonically" is villian, I will always prefer underdog, because there so much less content and love shown for them and I just vibe with underdog more." My favorite characters usually are the 'bad guy'. Final Fantasy 9- Kuja. Marvel Movies- Loki (though this is... questionable?? sometimes?) Winter Soldier (Again, questionable, but he is a badass villain.) Final Fantasy 10- Seymour (Honestly love the crazy bad guy hair, and his Aeon which you can also get? Badass) Naruto- Itachi, Sasori, Deidara (And many, many more)
"So why you have to write your testimony towards (I assume) me, it's very weird to me" It wasn't a testimony, it was trying to start a conversation with a fellow AC fan and sharing my own gaming decisions. Not that it actually matters. (My mistake for trying to talk to you.)
Their tags under that post.
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Not once did I try and 'pressure' you into liking Kassandra over Alexios. I was perfectly respectful, you making a passive-aggressive shit post, however, is. Again, I wasn't defending my choices. I was trying to make conversation and simply sharing my choices. I never said you hate Kassandra. Again, I have no preference to either Alexios or Kassandra, I haven't gotten that far in the story yet to really 'like' the main character yet, so you saying I prefer Kassandra over Alexios is literally you putting words in my mouth. I definitely don't see you as my role model. I'm a grown ass woman with a job and a mortgage, not some teenage girl looking for a role model to obsess over. I wasn't challenging your preferences, nor was I being 'serious'. I was making conversation.
I LITERALLY can't write you an ask with any issues I have, as you've blocked me. Very childish. I also wasn't posting my issues with you under other people's posts. I had no issues with you AT ALL until now. You're the one who created issues where there wasn't any.
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In your post itself? Not really. But your tags and these comments after the fact that I can't respond to? Yeah, pretty aggressive. About something that was merely suppose to be a friendly conversation. I wasn't defending Kassandra as a character, simply stating what I chose at the beginning to start a conversation about Odyssey. Which you took issue with.
As for me saying 'You should have dm'd me' in the comments you blocked anyone else form seeing? I meant your apparent issue with me stating simply what I did in a video game. I was being nice, trying to start a convo, you came back with a passive-aggressive post about my 'defense' and 'love' for Kassandra, of which didn't happen and not what I feel for her.
"Idk, posting under alexios themed post that you prefer kass because she's female protag... I do not get what dialogue you are trying to make there, because I otherwise miss the point..." You very much have missed the point, and made yourself look like an ass doing so. I NEVER said I preferred Kassandra. I simply said that's who I picked. I can infer you probably picked Alexios then?
I wasn't making excuses to you, I was trying to explain what you obviously misread or misunderstood. Again, I do not 'love' or 'prefer' Kassandra. I really don't give a shit about her. I simply stated I picked a female protag in a game because you don't often get that choice, and you've twisted it into this bullshit. I picked female Eivor too. Are you going to say I hate male Eivor because I chose to play a female protag because I'm also a female?
And as you can see, acgames did hide/block/ or remove my 2 comments trying to explain what my original comment was about.
But that's not all! Acgames continues to go on about me and twisting my words to make themselves a victim! How fun!
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For your information, I touch a lot of grass. I own a farmstead, with vegetable gardens, berry patches, starting on orchard etc. Plus flower gardens. I spend a lot of time outside. I play very little video games anymore. Because I'm a grown adult with responsibilities. In fact, saying I can't take normal discussion? Sorry, that's you. With how often your post's are 'I can't deal with people, I'm gonna be gone from tumblr for a few days.' etc. I am owning it, btw. Your the one throwing a tantrum and blocking me after making several posts saying I should send you an ask or dm about issues. And you only allow messages from people you follow? I can't contact you anyway, so why tell me to? You make all this shit up and then run away?
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"Read the notes to make your own assumptions of our spat." Wasn't even a spat, and people literally can't see my two notes because you removed them. "Some people just want to start the fights..." Wasn't starting a fight, was trying to explain to you how you mistook my words. Now I'm pissed off cause you make these allegations, ask people to back you up by reading everything, then HIDE what I said so people can ONLY side with you. "I am too old for tumblr drama bullshit." But are you?? Didn't you make all of this into drama??
Like you, I am also 28, but one of us is obviously more mature than the other. It feels like there's already some bs drama going on in your life, and you mistook what I wrote and decided I was to be your punching bag. I hope you get whatever help you need, because if this is how you react to people trying to start friendly conversations with you, well... Good luck to you, because you'll never make it through life or work with this kind of attitude. And maybe put my messages back up on that post so people can actually get the full story and not just what you're selling them.
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nejitenforlife · 4 years ago
Mutual Attraction
A NejiTen One-Shot AU
Rating: T
Words: 6,145
Summary: When Tenten is being harassed by someone at a bar, she is rescued by a very attractive - and very familiar looking - man.
I posted this a while ago to FFN and AO3, but I don’t think I’ve posted it on Tumblr, so here you go. Please enjoy.
There were specific reasons Tenten hated parties. Whether they be in bars, clubs, or in someone's house, they were always the same—excessively loud with an almost constant stench of sweat and cigarette smoke permeating the air.
But that wasn't the worst part.
Oh no.
The worst part was in the form of the man standing right in front of her, desperately trying to flirt his way into her pants.
Tenten fought the desire to roll her eyes, her hand gripping her glass of liquor a little tighter as the man—Deidara, he had said his name was—grinned at her, his arms gesturing animatedly as he spoke. He was telling her a joke, having to shout over the loud music, but she wasn't listening. She hated when men hit on her—not that it happened often, but still—as though they were God’s gift to women.
She realized he had stopped speaking, giving her an expectant look that suggested he was waiting for her reaction, and she let out a polite chuckle in response. She didn't want to be here, but she wasn't a bitch. She would be as polite as she could be until she could extract herself from the situation. 
Then she would find Temari and strangle the life out of her blonde friend for dragging her to this damn bar.
Usually, Tenten didn't mind having a drink in a bar with a nice atmosphere, but not tonight. Her friends, Ino and Sai, had finally decided to tie the knot, and this was supposed to be their engagement party. Not the kind of place Tenten would have chosen for a party herself, and she hadn’t wanted to come, despite having been friends with the blonde since college, but Temari had made her.
Everyone was here. Tenten had caught glimpses of Naruto and Kiba playing a loud game of pool in the corner, Naruto's girlfriend, Hinata, sitting quietly as she watched them, a shy but happy smile on her lips. Sakura was sitting in a booth with her boyfriend, Sasuke, the woman talking enthusiastically while her counterpart remained stoically silent. Tenten still didn't understand what the pinkette saw in the moody raven-haired man, but he made her happy, so Tenten couldn't complain. Shikamaru and Shino were sharing another booth in the corner, the pair looking almost as uncomfortable as Tenten felt, and she decided to make her way over and hang out with them for a while, away from the loudness of the bar.
She had barely even arrived and had only gone up to the bar to get a drink, where she was rudely intercepted by this man who still had not stopped talking.
Did he ever shut up?
Unable to hold back the sigh, Tenten took a long sip of her whiskey and enjoyed the way the golden liquid warmed her throat on its way down to her stomach. 
Maybe if she drank enough, she wouldn't feel so annoyed.
“You wanna dance?” The man—Deidara, she reminded herself again—tried to lean closer to her ear as he spoke, but Tenten stepped away from him, making him repeat the question a little louder.
She shook her head, wondering if her face was still impassive or if he could see her impatience creeping onto her features. “No, thank you. I want to go sit down.”
He looked around, his lips turning down in a frown as he noted the full tables. “I don't think there's any spare tables, but we could find a more secluded corner and talk, yeah.” He ended the sentence with a suggestive eyebrow raise, and Tenten had to fight the desire to roll her eyes again.
“Actually,” she started, taking another small step away from the overly friendly blond. “I'm here with friends and would like to sit with them.”
“Oh?” His eyes widened before what she imagined was supposed to be a flirtatious smile graced his lips. “I wouldn't mind meeting your friends. Where are they sitting?”
She had tried to be nice. Hell, she had spent the last ten minutes listening to his attempts of flirtation. But he was getting on her last nerves. 
“Look, I'm sure you're a nice guy,” she said, trying to keep her voice even without letting her irritation seep through. “But I'm not interested.”
“Don't be shy, yeah,” he replied, unfazed at being turned down. “I'm sure you'll change your mind once we get to know each other.”
Tenten opened her mouth to say that no, she would not be changing her mind and could he please leave her before her patience snaps and she punches him in the face, when she felt an arm snake around her waist, causing her to squeak in surprise. A large hand pressed against her hip, pulling her close to a warm, hard body. She barely even had time to register what was happening before the person spoke.
“I am sorry for being late, my love,” the smooth voice rumbled from beside her. “Is this a friend of yours?”
Tenten knew what the stranger was doing immediately, and although she didn't appreciate that he had assumed she needed help, she was secretly grateful for it.
Moving her arm to rest along his back, she looked up with a wide grin, a grin which threatened to falter when she saw the face of the man who had deemed to rescue her.
To say he was handsome would be an understatement. He was breathtakingly beautiful—and yes, Tenten didn't mind calling a man beautiful. He had black hair that rested just above his shoulders, and although Tenten didn't usually like men with long hair, it seemed to work for him. No, she corrected herself. It definitely worked for him.
His pale, lavender eyes met her brown ones and Tenten had to stop herself from gasping. His eyes were mesmerizing, and although they seemed familiar, she couldn’t figure out why.
Deidara took a step back at the appearance of the newcomer, his hands out in a placating manner in front of his body. “I, uh, didn't realize you were taken. Sorry man, I didn't mean anything by it, yeah.”
“No harm done,” the newcomer replied. “But if I catch you talking to my girlfriend again, I will not be so polite.”
Tenten watched Deidara go, relieved to have finally gotten rid of him—though, she supposed the newcomer was responsible for that, not her.
Their arms were still around each other and Tenten suddenly felt very nervous. It wasn't that she wasn't used to guys—she had plenty of male friends—but he was a stranger. A beautiful stranger. She extracted her arm from around his waist and stepped back, feeling every movement of his arm as it fell away from her body.
Was it wrong that she felt bare without it?
No, that was stupid. She didn't even know the man and he had barely been holding her for a couple of minutes. Maybe she was just missing the feeling of physical contact. She may have a lot of male friends, but she hadn't dated anyone in a very long time.
“Thank you for that,” Tenten said, forcing her head up to look him in the eye with a smile. “He would have left eventually, but he was being stubborn.”
His lavender eyes were intense as they bore into hers, and Tenten could feel herself flushing at his attention. “You are welcome.” .
. Neji didn't know what possessed him to help the dark-haired beauty. He had only just arrived at the bar and was looking for his cousin when he spotted the woman, looking uncomfortable as a man with long blond hair tied back in a high ponytail chatted her up. Her fingers were tapping her glass impatiently and her eyes continued to sweep the room, as if looking for a way to escape the man's attentions.
It wasn't in Neji's nature to help others, not really. He had grown up in a wealthy family, spoiled from the day he was born by his parents, and from a young age, he tended to only do things that would benefit him. But as soon as his eyes had locked onto the woman, noting appreciatively the way her jeans hugged the curves of her ass, he was lost. His feet had made their way to her without his brain directing them and before he knew it, he was pulling her close to his body, relishing the feel of her softness pressed against him.
She was staring at him now, head tilted back slightly so her eyes—the colour of warm chocolate—could peer into his, a smile on her pretty pink lips. She was thanking him, he knew that, but he couldn't hear her words, too caught up as he was in staring at her features. Would she mind if he leaned down to kiss her? Probably, given the fact that she had just gotten rid of the last man that intruded into her space. Still, it didn't stop Neji from staring at her lips, imagining what they would feel like pressed against his own.
Absentmindedly, he realized that she looked vaguely familiar. But surely, he would remember a woman as attractive as this one. A frown tugged his lips downwards as he wondered where they may know each other.
He was staring.
Tenten wasn't sure whether she should say something or not. It wasn't like she disapproved of his staring—not like she had disapproved of Deidara’s attentions. But he hadn't replied to her and she was beginning to feel a little embarrassed. Especially when his lavender eyes kept flicking to her lips.
Did he want to kiss her? Tenten was tempted to ask him to do just that, but she didn't think it would be appropriate. He had helped her, yes, but that did not mean he was interested in her.
Besides, she reminded herself, he's a stranger!
Someone jostled her as they walked past, knocking her to the side. The man's arm sprung out like lightning, keeping her from toppling over, and breaking whatever moment they were having. 
“Thank you,” she said again, stepping back from him.
“You are welcome,” he replied in that same, smooth tone. Tenten shivered despite the warmth of the bar, unable to turn away from his intense gaze.
“A-anyway, I should go. My friends are over there,” she pointed in the general direction of where Shikamaru and Shino were sitting while silently cursing herself for stuttering. She had never stuttered before in her life!
The man turned to the direction she was pointing, his gaze lingering before turning back to meet hers. “I have some friends that way as well. Shall I walk you to your destination?”
Tenten nodded her head dumbly. He placed a hand gently at the small of her back and followed her as she weaved her way through the crowd towards where her friends were sitting, all the while wondering if she could convince him to stay with her a little longer. Maybe get to know each other? 
Unless he already had a girlfriend. Tenten stumbled as the thought crashed into her, barely registering as he held her elbow to steady her. She sent him a quick, strained smile before picking up her pace. Why hadn't she thought of that straight away? Of course he would have a girlfriend—how could he not?
Tenten suddenly felt silly for being attracted to him, especially after only just meeting him. She wasn’t the type of woman who could attract a man like this. It wasn't that she was unattractive, but she had enough experience to know that once a man found out how into sports she was—and how much of a tomboy she was—they would be turned off. And this man—this beautiful stranger—looked very much like he hadn’t played a game of sports in his life.
Of course, she had had a few dalliances during her college years—Kiba being one of them—but that was purely out of a bored curiosity on both their parts. They had only ever gotten to second base and had quickly realized how weird—and gross—it was for them to be a couple when they only saw each other as friends.
So yeah, Tenten didn't have a lot of experience with men of this sort of... calibre.
“Are you all right?”
Tenten jumped at hearing his voice so close to her ear. He had leaned down to whisper instead of shouting above the din, and the combination of his breath against her skin and the rumble of his voice had her suppressing another shiver.
“Y-yeah, thanks,” she replied, turning her head towards him only to bite back a gasp at how close they were. His face was mere inches from her own and she could feel each exhale he made caress her cheeks and lips.
Speaking of lips… Tenten licked hers subconsciously and the man’s eyes immediately locked onto the wet appendage. The lavender darkened to an almost violet colour and Tenten stopped breathing altogether as she watched him in stunned fascination.
Another jostle—she really did hate crowded places—this time against her back, had her careening into the stranger in front of her. She was half relieved that her lips didn’t smack his while she fell into his arms, like in one of those silly Korean dramas Sakura made her sit through. But a part of her was also disappointed as well. Why couldn’t she be the heroine of a romance drama, where she is saved by a handsome stranger who falls quickly, deeply, and madly in love with her? Would that be too much to ask?
Of course, if this was a romantic drama, she would no doubt have to fend off a jealous ex-girlfriend and have water thrown at her face by his mother (or grandmother, maybe even both). That was something Tenten wasn’t keen on, and she was glad that real life wasn’t so dramatic.
For the second time in one evening, Tenten extracted herself from the kind stranger, throwing him a brief smile while mumbling a ‘thank you’ that she knew wouldn’t be heard over the noise of the bar. And then, she turned and walked away from him, almost powerwalking the rest of the way to the table.
By the time Tenten made it to Shikamaru’s table, Kiba, Naruto, and Hinata had joined them. Naruto was mumbling something about a ‘cheater’ while Kiba grinned and punched him in the shoulder, looking very chuffed with himself.
“Hi, guys!” Tenten beamed at her friends. Her heart, which had been pounding vigorously since she first laid eyes on the handsome stranger, was finally calming down. She slipped in beside Kiba and he immediately threw his arm around her shoulder, ruffling the hair she had spent all of five minutes brushing and putting into a bun. She sent him a mock glare and shoved her elbow into his ribs.
“We’ve been waiting forever,” he whined. “Where were you?”
Tenten rolled her eyes. “Don’t get me started. Temari wanted to get here ‘fashionably late’ for some reason and when we finally arrived, I went to get a drink at the bar only to be stopped by an overly friendly guy who wouldn’t stop talking. It was almost impossible to get away from him.”
“Damn, I would love to have seen that!” Kiba laughed at what Tenten could only assume was an image of her trying to fend off a male admirer and she couldn’t help but feel irritated by it. Why would it be so funny?
“Neji! You’re here!” Hinata jumped out of her seat, rushing over to greet the person whose name sounded vaguely familiar to Tenten, though she couldn’t remember why. She turned in her seat to see who her friend was greeting, curious, and her mouth dropped at the sight before her.
The dark-haired beauty had stopped at the table he was heading to. Not only had she stopped, but she sat down and chatted with them as though they were old friends.
That was unexpected. But finally, her face came to his mind—a photo Hinata had sent to him when she first started college five years ago and met her new roommate. She had told him the roommate was very nice, though a little louder than she was used to, but they got along well. He recognized the face now. She was a little older, of course, and her hair longer, but it was definitely her.
What had Hinata said her name was?
“Neji!” His cousin moved around the booth to fling herself into his arms. It was uncharacteristic behaviour, but he supposed she had been living out in the world for a few years now, so it was only right that she would grow as a person and not be that shy, quiet little girl anymore. The realization hit him hard—she was a woman now. A woman who had a boyfriend, going by her last email to him before his flight back to Japan a week ago.
He smiled as he briefly returned her hug before setting her back down. He noticed the booth full of people watching him, though the blond didn’t seem jealous of their interaction. No doubt Hinata had told her boyfriend that her cousin would be coming tonight.
What did surprise Neji, though, was the flare of jealousy he felt as he watched his dark-haired beauty cuddled up against another man. Her eyes were wide with surprise—no doubt she hadn’t realized he was heading to the same table as she—and the man beside her prodded her shoulder with his free hand, leaning close to her ear to whisper something.
She blushed, a pretty pink that spread over her cheeks, and bit her bottom lip at whatever he had said to her before turning to jab her elbow into his side again.
They seemed very close, but he wasn’t certain whether they were together or just friends. Surely, if he were her boyfriend, she would have told the jerk at the bar and he would have left her alone a lot sooner. Maybe, despite her appearance, she liked the attention of other men on her?
But… no. That didn’t seem right either. She had genuinely looked frustrated when the blond at the bar was flirting with her.
Neji lightened, thinking that perhaps they weren’t a couple after all, though he still sent the guy a glare when he tucked Neji’s dark-haired beauty closer to his side.
“Come and sit down, Neji,” Hinata said, pulling on his hand. “I want to introduce you to my friends. Some of them, anyway. The others are somewhere here, but I’ll introduce you to them later.”
Neji followed her, a little too eagerly if he were to admit it to himself. Not because he cared to know these people. He had enough friends—one friend really, but it was plenty enough for him—but he was curious to learn about one person in particular. And he was more than delighted to find himself sitting directly across from her, her cheeks still flushing prettily as she tried to disentangle her friend’s arm from her shoulder.
Tenten couldn’t keep the blush from her face. Especially not after what Kiba had whispered to her. Now she was desperately trying to move away from him so that Neji—Hinata’s cousin, she finally realized, remembering some photos she had seen of him over the years—didn’t think they were a couple. Was that too late already? They looked pretty friendly together, but that was just because she had known the canine breeder since they were in high school.
She stole a glance at the lavender eyed man across from her as she took a sip of her whiskey while Hinata introduced him to everyone at the table, but he wasn’t looking at her. Instead, he was glaring very pointedly at Kiba, who seemed to think it was quite amusing, and he squeezed her shoulder in response to the newcomer’s stare.
“Stop it,” she hissed, turning to send him a glare of her own. She thrilled to think that Neji could be jealous of the attention Kiba was giving her, but she also hated the thought that he might believe they were dating.
Kiba grinned at her attempts to push him away, leaning closer to her ear again. “This is so much fun, Tenten,” he chuckled. “He barely knows you and he’s already this jealous. Should we see if we can make him hit me?”
“He won’t need to. I want to hit you already.” She stood abruptly, pulling him up by his collar as she went. “Go dance or something.”
The pout he sent her way usually had her caving in seconds, giving in to any of the crazy schemes that he cooked up in that brain of his, but she wouldn’t be swayed this time. She really liked this guy—despite having only just met him—and she didn’t want her idiot of a best friend ruining any slim chance she might have.
His pout turned into a grin, as if he could read her thoughts, and he sent her a wink, causing her blush to reignite as his words rushed back to her head. Damn, Tenten, he had whispered. He looks like he’s undressing you with his eyes. You gonna go home with him?
She most certainly would not be going home with him, but she couldn’t deny that Kiba’s words—and the idea that this extremely handsome man found her attractive enough to imagine her naked—had heat curling through her belly that had nothing to do with the whiskey.
Tenten was glad to see the back of her infuriating friend, and she sat back down with a sigh, forgetting to even try and look graceful. She inwardly winced, but then decided that it shouldn’t matter. If he wasn’t going to like her for who she was, then he wasn’t worth it.
Deciding it would be best to distract herself, she turned to face Shikamaru, who hadn’t said a word since she had taken a seat at the booth. “You aren’t with Temari tonight?”
Shikamaru replied with a roll of his eyes, but she could see the hurt in their depth when he looked at her. “I’m surprised she didn’t tell you. I’m in the doghouse.”
Oh. Tenten thought back to when they were getting ready for the evening. Temari had seemed a little more subdued than usual, but Tenten hadn’t thought anything of it. Now she felt like a cow. “What happened?”
“She said I forgot our anniversary.”
“What?” Tenten stared at him in shock. “You forgot your anniversary? Don’t you realize how special anniversaries are for women? Especially your first!”
“I know,” Shikamaru replied, practically growling as he glared at her. “And I didn’t forget. She’s the one who got the dates wrong.”
Tenten almost spat out the whiskey she was sipping, partly due to her friend’s words and partly because of a foot that had started to make its way up her leg, caressing it. She sent a wide-eyed glance at Neji, who remained impassive at the conversation going on around him as he stared back at her. She felt her face heating again and determined to concentrate on Shikamaru and his tale of forgotten anniversaries. That was much easier to deal with than a very handsome man playing footsies with her under the table.
“Why do you think she got the dates wrong?”
This time a sigh accompanied his eye roll, and Tenten could read his lips as he muttered a quiet ‘so troublesome’ under his breath. “One year ago today, we went on our first date, but I didn’t officially ask her out until a week later. So technically, our anniversary isn’t until next Saturday. But she is being too stubborn to even listen to me.”
That made sense. Tenten wasn’t sure what she would think in that situation. She could understand both sides of the story, and despite feeling sorry for Shikamaru, it was also amusing.
“If Temari is refusing to listen to you, why don’t you send her a message saying what you just told me. But leave out the ‘being too stubborn’ part. I’ll talk to her tomorrow as well and let her know about the misunderstanding just in case she refuses to read your message.” Tenten reached over to pat her friend on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, Shikamaru. She’ll forgive you in no time. Just… make sure you make the anniversary day extra special for her, okay?” She glanced to the other side of Shikamaru. “When did Shino leave?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. When we were talking, maybe. Anyway,” he stood up from his seat, taking a moment to stretch his arms over his head. “I’m going to go. I’ve already said congratulations to the happy couple, and it’s way past when I usually go to bed.”
“Drive safely. And don’t forget to message Temari.” Tenten called to his retreating back.
She had forgotten about the foot sliding up and down her leg during her conversation, but now, as she realized it was only the two of them left at the booth, it was the only thing on her mind. Despite her jeans and Neji’s shoes, Tenten still managed to shiver from the contact, and it took her far too long to build up the courage to meet his enchanting gaze.
“Hi,” she said, loud enough for him to hear but not so loud that she was yelling.
He smirked in response, and she wasn’t sure if it was because of her sudden shyness or the fact that they were finally alone together. “Hi,” he replied easily, his smooth voice warming her body far better than any glass of whiskey could.
Tenten hadn’t realized she had a weakness for voices until she met Neji. Or maybe it was just his voice she had a weakness for. “So, you went to a college overseas?” She knew it was an asinine question to ask, but she had to say something.
Neji stood slowly and Tenten felt a pang of hurt that he was leaving after she had asked him a question. But no, he wasn’t leaving at all. Instead, he made his way to her side of the booth and slid in beside her, his arm resting casually against the back of the bench behind her head.
He leaned in until he could speak without having to raise his voice. “It is a little frustrating having to talk over the noise. You do not mind this, do you?”
Mind it? Tenten was afraid she was about to swoon by being so close to him, while a part of her—a wild, reckless part that she hadn’t even known she possessed—wanted to crawl into his lap and sift her fingers through his hair. Would it be as soft to touch as it looked?
She managed to nod a response and watched as that smirk touched his lips again. And damn if she didn’t find that extremely hot.
“To answer your question,” he continued, settling back against the bench as though he owned it. “Yes. I went to college in Sydney, Australia.”
“Wow, that’s cool! Did Hinata ever think of going overseas to study?” Tenten couldn’t even imagine how expensive an overseas college life would be, but she was also jealous that he had already travelled so far despite being so young.
“Her father tried to pressure her into going, but she was too shy. She would not have handled another country very well.”
No, she wouldn’t have. Tenten remembered her first meeting with the woman. Hinata had barely spoken two sentences to her, and Tenten had to pry even those out of her. She had truly come a long way in five years.
“What about you?” he asked. She felt a lock of her hair being twined around a finger and blushed but didn’t comment on it. Unlike the man from earlier, Neji didn’t make her feel uncomfortable at all. “What was your major?”
Of course, he had to go and ask that. The one question she was embarrassed to answer. Not usually, of course, but for once, she had wished she had chosen a major that was a little more attractive. “I majored in Physical Education.” She couldn’t look at him as she said it, her eyes finding a pile of crumbs on the table and staring at that instead. “I like sports and I want to teach kids to enjoy it as well.”
“That is commendable,” he replied, shocking her. What shocked her more was when he tucked a finger under her chin and lifted her head to look at him. “But why do you look like this is something to be ashamed of?”
“I-I’m not ashamed of it. I just,” she bit her lip, working it with her teeth until his finger pried it out of her mouth. His finger lingered on her lip, smoothing soft lines against it as if to erase the damage her teeth may have done before letting his hand drop. “Guys don’t seem to like the fact that I’m athletic. I think they’re intimidated or something.” She shrugged, eyes once again breaking contact with his. “I’m not one of those girls who just does Yoga or Pilates to maintain a healthy body. Ever since high school, I’ve competed in a variety of different sports, and I join a lot of marathons each year.”
He was silent for some time, long enough that Tenten began to regret saying so much. Her eyes found his again, unable to take the silence any longer, only to find him staring at her in serious contemplation.
“And men find this… unappealing?” he asked. She would have thought he was mocking her, except he had voiced the question with such seriousness, his eyebrows drawn low over his eyes as though he couldn’t quite understand.
“Yes. They say they’re fine with it, up until they see me actually participating in some form of sports.” Tenten snorted, unable to help herself. “They especially don’t like it when I beat them at something. Apparently, it hurts their manly pride.”
“Ah.” He leaned back slightly, his eyebrows lifting as he took in her words. Part of her wondered if he was just like every other man she had known, but he was still twirling a lock of hair around his finger, and he seemed to have moved his arm so it was resting over her shoulders instead of the back of the bench. Surely, that was a good sign, right?
He was still staring at her as well, and Tenten was beginning to squirm under his scrutiny. “Anyway, that’s me. Tell me about yourself.”
Instead of replying to her question, he asked one of his own. “You are not dating that… Kiba, was it?”
Tenten couldn’t help laughing. They had tried a few years ago, but it had felt wrong to both of them, and they realized they were better off as friends. “God, no. Kiba is a good friend of mine. We’ve known each other for years, but that’s it.”
Tenten’s eyes widened in shock at his admission. Neji sent her a smile, looking uncertain for the first time that evening until she smiled at him in return.
He untangled his fingers from her hair and pressed his hand against her neck, drawing her closer to him. Tenten’s breath caught at his boldness, unused to men being so forward with her. Well, there had been that guy at the bar, but she hadn’t been interested in him at all. This man, however, made her feel weak at the knees and she didn’t mind one bit when his intense gaze never strayed from her face.
Was it possible to melt into a puddle by just a look?
Neji’s gaze flicked to her lips briefly before meeting her eyes again. “I find a strong woman very attractive,” he admitted, no trace of embarrassment on his features at the confession.
“You do?” Her voice was barely a whisper, but they were so close now that she knew he would hear her. Her heart pounded in her chest at his words, both elated and suspicious at the same time. How did she know he would stay true to them?
Fingers caressed a path along her cheek, and her entire vision was filled up by him. It was as though the loudness of the bar faded into the background and it was just the two of them alone, and Tenten decided she very much liked that idea.
Neji couldn’t get over how beautiful Tenten was, and for the first time, he regretted not visiting more often over the years. If he had—and if he had taken an interest in learning his cousin’s friends—he could have met Tenten a lot sooner. The knowledge that she had been here this whole time without his knowledge caused a blinding need within him. Not just a sexual need—though he couldn’t deny that was part of it—but a need to make up for all the time they had lost by being separated. Now that he was living here permanently again, he would make that happen. If she was willing, of course.
“Most definitely,” Neji replied, his voice dropping to a seductive purr as his eyes once again found her lips. He was dying to kiss her, but not until she was convinced that he was telling the truth. Would she mind if he told her that her physical prowess turned him on? “Besides,” he continued. “There is only one particular physical activity that I care to excel in.”
His smile widened a notch at seeing that pretty pink flush cover her cheeks as his words sunk in. He could see her mind working as she pictured just what sort of physical activity he was referring to. He couldn’t stop his own mind from wandering there, and he felt blood rush to his loins at the images that ran through his mind.
He couldn’t possibly have been referring to sex, could he? But even as Tenten tried to dissuade herself of the thought, she knew that had been exactly what he meant. “Do you?” The question was out of her mouth before she even had time to ponder it, and her face flushed anew as the desire to bury herself under the table consumed her.
“Do I?” he repeated, an eyebrow cocked as he tried to piece together her meaning. She knew exactly when he had, a slow smirk forming on his lips as his eyes turned violet once more. “I assure you, my chocolate-eyed beauty, that I am very adept at that form of activity.”
Tenten feared that he would be able to hear the pounding of her heart as he moved closer, until their faces were inches apart. Was he finally going to kiss her? Her eyes locked onto his lips and her tongue reached out to wet hers in preparation.
A low noise rumbled from the back of Neji’s throat. “You are teasing me, Tenten.”
“S-sorry, I’m not meaning to.” She darted her gaze away from his lips to rest on his shoulder.
“We just have one last item left to discuss,” he rumbled, and Tenten’s eyes flew back to his face, confused. What was left to talk about? He seemed tense, as though it was taking all his effort to stay completely still and not close the small gap between them. “Are you looking for a temporary companion, or a long-term one?”
“If you’re meaning whether I want a one-night stand,” she replied, finding the strength to maintain eye contact. “The answer is no. I don’t do one-night stands. But I also don’t have sex on the first date, either.”
Neji’s eyes sparkled at her words. “Then it’s a good thing this isn’t our first date. Or are you imagining that it is? Should I ask you to be my girlfriend now, so that there is no confusion when the anniversary comes around?”
Tenten laughed at his reference to Shikamaru and Temari’s dilemma. She didn’t think he had been paying attention, and her heart warmed at the thought that they could be together long enough to have an anniversary. Tenten’s eyes closed to half-mast and she could hear the sultry tone to her voice as she answered, “I don’t think it would hurt leaving it until tomorrow.”
“Good,” came Neji’s whispered reply a moment before he finally closed the gap and kissed her.
It looks like I might just be going home with him tonight, after all.
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goddess-of-green · 3 years ago
I saw your akatsuki kisses post! I loved it and now i wonder if you could do one about cuddles? Or maybe just hugs pls 🥺
Warnings: GN!Reader, language, mentions of blood
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◙ Tobi
‣ Cuddles with Tobi can go two ways
‣ You have sweet boi just wanting to be held by you, and hyperactive manchild spinning you around and squeezing you so tight you can't breathe
‣ But we love both ok, stan whatever the fuck Tobi is
‣ Tobi likes to lay his head in your lap and wrap his arms around your waist, snuggling into your tummy while you run your fingers through his hair and he tells you about his latest shenanigans with Deidara
‣ He likes to be the little spoon, please don't make fun of him
‣ Obito likes it when you sit in his lap and snuggle into his chest, it gives him palpitations
◙ Pain
‣ Pain lowkey loves to cuddle with you
‣ Be careful though
‣ If someone happens to walk in on you two he has no qualms with shoving you out of his lap and acting like the big bad boy he thinks he is
‣ Please wrap your arms around him after a long day and just kiss his piercings and let him know how much you lust for love him <3
‣ He prefers to be the big spoon fragile masculinity he weighs like 50 pounds guys but if he had a long day or he's just being needy he'll have you wrap your arms around him and run your fingers through his hair
‣ Konan caught you two cuddling once and never let him live it down (she approves)
◙ Itachi
‣ Cuddling with Itachi is very peaceful
‣ And sometimes sad for no reason??
‣ Everytime Itachi sees you he acts like it will be his last time
‣ If he trusts you, he'll tell you about his baby brother, Sasuke, while you lay in his arms and squeeze his midsection when he starts to get sad
‣ He savors your touch and runs his fingers through your hair, while you hum or tell him stories about your life before you joined the Akatsuki
‣ You try to keep the sad parts out of your stories, and Itachi does the same, you can both agree that cuddling should always be happy
◙ Kisame
‣ He could literally just wrap his entire body around you and suffocate you if he wanted
‣ Big boy, big pillow, big cuddles, big comfort
‣ big
‣ You like to just,, lay on him when he comes back from a mission and he'll wrap his arms around you and squeeze you tight enough for you to know that he fucking loves you
‣ He'll occasionally let you be the big spoon if you can manage to wrap your arms around his monster torso
‣ You love the feeling of him enveloping you in his arms while you two just, lay together, close enough for you to smell the sea salt on him <3
◙ Kakuzu
‣ Honestly, is cuddling even an option with this man??
‣ Depends on how whipped he is
‣ But if you look up at him just right and give him those eyes then...well, how could he say no?
‣ Acts like he hates it but holding his love safely in his arms makes him feel warm inside, all five of his hearts flutter
‣ Will let you go if he so much as senses someone else nearby
‣ If you happen to fall asleep on him he would never push you off
◙ Sasori
‣ Prolonged hugging? Why? Why would he willingly give up the mobility of his hands just to touch you?
‣ But then he tries it, because damn it his love always gets what she wants
‣ And oh, you are very warm and ew he loves the way you feel against him
‣ Snuggling into his neck was the last straw
‣ "Ah, love. You always find ways to rope me into your odd displays of affection. Sometimes I wonder if you are more clever than I am."
‣ He'll have you sit in his lap, keeping him warm while he adjusts his creepy corpse puppet weapons
◙ Deidara
‣ As long as he minds his hands, you guys are pretty much always cuddling
‣ Or at least wrapped up in each other in some way
‣ You were laying in between Deidara's legs, his arms around you and Tobi asked if he could join the cuddle train
‣ He likes it when you run your fingers through his hair, (it makes him blush when you compliment it)
‣ Sometimes he'll just..take you out on his clay bird and you'll lay in his arms while you guys watch the sunset
‣ You tried to be the big spoon once but you practically ate Deidara's hair, you are forever little spoon hahahaha
◙ Hidan
‣ Will just wrap his arms around you if the desire strikes him
‣ He likes to come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, putting his chin on your shoulder and licking kissing your cheek with a smirk
‣ It hurts his manly ego to be the little spoon but real men like the feel of their women's arms around them he tells himself
‣ Can't help but genuinely smile when he sees you cuddled up to him, half-asleep and completely peaceful
‣ Tries very hard to not melt when you run your fingers through his hair
‣ Will sometimes just come up behind and hug you, waiting for you to realize that he's covered in blood and now you are too :)
◙ Konan
‣ oh my god she will suffocate you with her adorableness alone
‣ She has a huge rack so you can feel her up against you when she's the big spoon oops
‣ She gets really shy and will blush if you even suggest cuddling in front of others
‣ please just hug her, snuggle up to her and wrap your arms around her, make her blush
‣ Lay on her thighs, they are nice squish
‣ She smells like tea and rain and ohmygod don't tell her she will blush so h a r d
◙ Zetsu
‣ Cuddling might be a little difficult at first with Zetsu, he has a venus flytrap and two different personalities??
‣ Black Zetsu completely dismisses the idea at first, he is too good for gross human affection
‣ But White Zetsu really wants to try it and you're pouting and god dammit it's like the world wants to watch him burn
‣ "Ugh, come here, brat. Before I change my mind." "Yay!"
‣ He will never admit it but he finds he likes how warm and nice you feel in his arms
‣ White Zetsu blushes a lot and Black Zetsu insults him even though he's blushing too and you just can't see it
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wing-ed-thing · 4 years ago
Too Bad (Deidara x Civilian Reader, Part II: Never Ever)
Synopsis: You didn’t know what he did, but it certainly couldn’t be too bad. He was still a kid and so were you.
Word Count: 492
Tags/Warnings: None, @brokennerdalert​
Part I: Show Me Again Part II: Never Ever Part III: The Rescuer
Notes: Bare with me guys finals is kicking my ass.
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You screamed and at a volume where Deidara thought that he’d have to cover your mouth. But even if he did, you’d surely fight him tooth and nail before his hands touched you. A playful smile overtook his lips and he held his hands up in surrender.
“What?” he asked, a glint of mischief in his eyes as the tongues on his palms hung far down to his wrists. Your nose crinkled in disgust as they began to wiggle at you. “Do you not have mouths on your hands?” You crossed your arms and took a preemptive step backward.
“I think you’re the only one who I’ve even seen with mouths on his hands,” you mumbled, glancing at the gaping teeth that still hung open, “Put them away. They creep me out.”
Anyone else and Deidara might have been offended, but something about spending time with you felt refreshing. You were a civilian who hardly knew what a shinobi was let alone what they did. You treated him normally. Deidara never got to talk to people his own age and boy did he love the awe in your face whenever he came to visit.
“Never seen an artist with tools like this?” That was the story he went with. A traveling artist. You seemed to buy it too since you never questioned why a ‘traveling artist’ stopped by your village so often. But whenever he snuck off from Sasori to meet you in the field you stood in, your spot, you were always waiting for him without fail. Every time.
“I have never, ever seen anyone like you…” Something in your words struck a chord in Deidara’s chest. A sort of longing that he would never admit to tugged on him.
You stared into his baby blue eyes and Deidara found it funny how easy to read you were. Genuine amazement widened your eyes as he stepped closer, the retracted tongues on his hands long forgotten as he held a palm up to cup your cheek. Whenever he came to your village it felt like a fairy tale. You could tell that he traveled and he had the stories to prove it. You could lay in the grass with him for hours listening to his adventures and watching the little displays of magic he would do to humor you. A traveling artist. You never really believed that, but he was so charming and goofy and handsome. Surely whatever he did couldn’t be too bad.
Deidara closed the gap between you. You balled your hand up in the apron of your dress as you shook the slightest bit as you tensed in his soft grip. He leaned down. You had never been kissed before. And just as you closed your eyes you felt a long, wet stripe across your cheek. Deidara stepped back, snickering as you wiped the saliva from his hand-tongue off of your face. You screamed and Deidara found it funny.
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senseitiddy · 4 years ago
Hush || Chapter Two
Note: I’ll try to get this story on a schedule. Even if it’s just a few people reading I still feel so grateful❤️❤️
Warning?: Hidans being a perv, I just wanna put a warning Incase it triggers someone
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Eyes trailed the girl from her toes to her head, a ‘hmph’ came from one of them. Rai stood in front of the group, starting to get anxious. No one was saying anything except taking her image in.
“So we’re just going to hire girls whenever now?” Sasori said looking at Pain.
“Sasori, I don’t think you realize who this is,” Kakuzu shook his head.
“Rai Zuki” Hidan bit his lip looking her up and down. “The last of the Zuki clan” Now this guy was making her nervous.
“It’s not settled if she’s staying yet, she has to show us if she’s worth it or not” Pain shook his head and walked out.
‘Stupid emo ginger’ Rai thought to herself. “Y-Yeah I’m Rai Zuki.” She glanced at everyone. They were such an array of people.
“Hidan, I should show you to my room,” He introduces himself, going to grab her side but Rai shuffled away from him.
“Hidan leave the girl alone!” Konan smacked him on the head causing Rai to chuckle. “That’s Sasori, Hidans pervy ass as you can see, Kakuzu, Kisame, Itachi, Deidara, and that’s Tobi”
The man with the orange mask was getting too giddy and jumping all over the place. He was almost like a child, “Hello Rai-senpai! Tobi welcomes you to the Akatsuki!” He said in his childish voice.
“Chill out, idiot. She just got here un.” Deidara shook his head at him.
“Hello Tobi” Rai smiled waving to him and he started giggling. “Hello everyone, it’s nice to meet all of you”
“You’re too cheerful.” Sasori rolled his eyes and walked out of the room
“What’s his problem?” Rai grumbled. “Stupid redhead. It’s always the gingers.”
Konan chuckled, “You’ll fit right in. Don’t worry about it. Now, we have another member, Zetsu. But you won’t see him that often. I’ll get someone to walk you arou-“
Rai let out a yelp and felt the stinging on her left ass cheek. She whipped around to see Hidan just biting his lip. “Do you not know boundaries?” She snapped
“Oh come on darling, I just can’t help it. Hey, you’re new, it would be nice to get you comfortable” Hidan went to grab her ass again but Konan smacked it away
“Leave her the hell alone. Stop harassing her.” Konan would NOT put up with watching a member harass/assault someone.
“Oh come on-....” Hidan stopped talking and everyone looked at him confused. “Ow. What THE FUCK MY DICK” He screamed in pain looking down at it.
“Hidan have some respect for her un. She’s new she doesn’t wanna hear about your dick” Deidara glared at him annoyed.
“No wait guys...I don’t think he’s got a boner” Kisame nodded over to Rai.
Rai’s brown eyes now have turned to a bright blue, and she was glaring at Hidan. “Touch me again and I’ll actually break your dick” she snapped while Hidan fell to the floor holding himself.
“What did you just do?” Konan looked at Rai in shock. Rai deactivated her eyes but someone cut her off when she was about to speak.
“The third eye is a dojutsu that belonged to the Zuki clan.” Itachi finally spoke up. He was quiet most of the time, but this really caught his interest. “It looks quite similar to the sharingan but it’s blue.”
“What’s it do?”
“Its used as like a genjutsu. She can make the opponent feel any amount of pain without there actually being any.” Kakuzu spoke now. “She messes with your brain last psychological abilities.”
“In other words, don’t fuck with me.” Rai turned her attention back to Hidan and glared at him. “Or you’ll regret it”
“Little do you know you make my boner raging hard” He smirked looking at her. Rai kicked him in his chest and he went back down to the ground.
“Anyways, Tobi would you like to show Rai around?” Konan smiled looking over at the overcheerful man.
“Tobi would love to show Rai-senpai around!” Tobi grabbed Rais hands and dragged her away. “Tobi thinks your third eye is so cool!”
“Thank you Tobi” Rai smiled trying to keep up with how he was running. ‘He seems to be such a hyper man. He talks in a child’s voice, it’s kind of cute’
“This is the kitchen! Tobi hasn’t seen anyone clean this place since last month” He pointed to the dishes all over the place. “It was supposed to be Deidara-senpais job but he never did it”
“Oh...it would look pretty in here without that.” Rai said looking at the pile. It was stacking up to the ceiling. How the hell could they just let it get this bad? Rai had dishes like this, but she had an excuse.
“Ooo let Tobi show you to the rooms! You’ll have to share a room with Tobi because Pain hasn’t got another one set up yet.”
‘Great. He could be a pervert like Hidan too’ Rai thought to herself and just followed the man around.
“Rai-senpai! Look this is the room!” It was surprisingly very tidy. It wasn’t exactly what Rai suspected, she thought there would be stuff all over the place.
“It’s very nice in here, Tobi.” She smiled looking around. She could get used to this place, it looked so nice here. Sure there were a few people she didn’t like, but this place is somewhere she might be able to call home.
Her second home.
“Tobi wants to know what Rai is thinking about” Tobi places his hand on her face to get her to look at him. He was a little worried, she was looking around all sadly. “Why is Senpai upset?”
“I’m fine, Tobi. I’m just a little emotional, this is the first place I’ll be in with people other than by myself” She forced a smile on her face to keep him from asking. He didn’t fall for it.
“I am here for you Rai.” Tobi smiled. He didn’t even talk in third person this time. “As a teammate I shall be here for my other!”
A real bright smile crept its way up to Rais face. “Thank you Tobi. The same goes for you” she smiled
Tobi smiled under his mask and grabbed her hands again. “OOO LET TOBI SHOW YOU HIS COOL ACTION FIGURES!”
Rai could already feel herself enjoying the Akatsuki. This is her new family.
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excitedlysuffering · 5 years ago
Hey y’all back at it again :p I’m living for the picture below🤣😭 (but it’s not mine!)
Meeting Again
After that fateful meeting with Naruto (who’d emptied your wallet), you two had agreed to go out again a week later. Of course, you told Naruto that he had to pay since there was no way you were paying for him to eat six bowls of ramen ever again.
That brings you to the present, as you sat down next to the blonde ninja. “I hate that guy! He thinks he’s so great with his duck butt hair and tragic backstory.” Naruto whined sullenly. You laughed at his antics, wondering if this Sasuke was as bad as he sounded.
“Well, you guys are on a team now, you have to get along or else your team will fall apart.” He crossed his arms with a huff. “Tell him that! He’s always trying to make me look bad, believe it!” You stifled a laugh, you felt bad at the genuinely upset expression he had.
You placed a hand on his shoulder. “Forget about him, you’re eating ramen! You can’t be upset while eating ramen, it just doesn’t make sense.”
He snickered, digging into his third bowl. “You’re right! Now tell me about your team!” You had skipped the last year of the academy, so even though you were the same age, you were a year ahead.
“My teammates are (guy friend name) and (other guy friend name). We make a pretty great team, even though they can be total idiots.” I finished my bowl of ramen, completely full.
“Lucky,” he pouted, thinking, “I have an idea! How about we hang out a few times a week so we can relax after a long day of dealing with idiots?” I giggled, but that actually sounded like a great idea.
Even though the two of you had a lot in common, you balanced each other out perfectly. He was impulsive and loud, while you was more level headed and quiet.
“Sounds good to me! Say, after this, we should prank Sasuke. Are you up for it?” His evil grin matched yours. “Definitely! Should we dye his hair pink?”
You and Sasuke had easily fallen into a routine. You’d spar and train together as the sun begins to leave the sky, then the two of you would watch the stars for a while. Sometimes you would talk about things that neither told anyone else and other times you would spend it in silence. Today was not one of those days. Sasuke had asked you to tell a story of when you ad Deidara were young. He didn’t give you a reason but you were happy to indulge.
“Deidara and I didn’t really have a happy childhood, our parents made sure of that… but sometimes, when he would earn enough money by selling sculptures, he would take me places.” You smiled wistfully at the memory.
“Where?” You shrugged. “Anywhere I wanted. Out for dinner, a candy store… he bought me a kitten once. Tell me a good memory of your brother.” For once Sasuke’s face didn’t harden at the mention of Itachi if anything, it softened.
“He used to do this thing, a forehead poke… I’d ask him something and if he couldn’t answer or was too busy he’d say sorry, poke me and say next time.” You turned to him, curiously. “He would just… poke your forehead?” Sasuke chuckled quietly.
“Just like this.” He took his middle and index fingers and all but jabbed them into your forehead. You grunted, rubbing your head. “Ow,” You pouted. The Uchiha just shrugged. “Yep, it used to bother me too.”
It was quiet for a moment, the two of you just watching the stars. “You said your parents didn’t want you guys to have a childhood. Why?” You looked at him for a long second. “They hated us. Hated Dei’s hand mouths, hated my forehead tattoo, hated our need to blow things up…” He scrutinized you for a second. “Forehead tattoo?” You nodded but didn’t move to show him. You just weren’t ready yet. Luckily, he seemed to understand that.
The two of you didn’t stay for much longer, but it had been a good night. Sasuke and you had a lot in common, and it seemed to form a bond between the two of you.
Somehow you’d let Ino and Hinata drag you to the mall. They had assured you it’d be fun, light shopping and then you’d all go out for sushi afterward. You knew you’d regret it, but you loved hanging out with your friends, so you agreed. You were right, of course, the second Ino and Hinata stepped into the first store they had made it clear they were going for a whole new wardrobe.
You, on the other hand, had a specific agenda in mind. You just wanted to purchase a few hair accessories. Hairbands, clips, and the like. But, no, the girls insisted on dragging you everywhere.
“(Y/N), we’re going to try these on, we’ll be right back, ok?” Ino grinned, already halfway in the dressing room. “Yep…” They were already gone as you sat down knowing you had to wait. This was the sixth store and you were already more than a little irritated.
“Bored, (Y/N)?” You whipped around, already knowing who the smooth voice belonged to. “Neji? What are you doing here?” You didn’t even try to hide your smile. It’d been a week since you’d met him ad you were hoping you’d get to see him again.
“Hinata dragged me here, but I escaped. I didn’t know you would be here though.” You sighed. “Lucky. This is the sixth store they’ve dragged me to! I don’t think I can handle much more.” You whined dramatically.
Neji smirked, holding a hand out to you. “Let’s escape. I know the perfect place to go.” You looked back towards the dressing rooms. “You don’t think they’ll be mad?” He shrugged, as you put your hand in his. “They’ll get over it. Now let’s go before they catch us!”
~~~~~~~~~Time Skip Sponsored By Neji’s L’oreal Commercial~~~~~~~~~~
The two of you found yourselves at the food court, surrounded by vendors with tons of different kinds of food. “Neji, you read my mind.” He smirked. “They bribed you with the promise of food too, didn’t they.” You laughed. “It was the only way.”
The two of you looked around, the number of options overwhelming you. “That sushi place sounds good, what do you think?” Neji suggested. You grabbed his hand, dragging him over. “Sounds perfect to me!”
After ordering, the two of you find a seat away from all the other patrons. “So, how’d the shampoo work out for you?” Your eyes lit up as you thought of the way it practically rejuvenated your hair. “It was amazing! I’m so glad I ran into you. Is that the one you use to?” He nodded, putting his chopsticks down. “Yes, it’s my favorite of all the ones I’ve used.”
“Neji?! (Y/N)?! Why’d you leave?!” You saw an angry Ino and Hinata rushing after you. “Uh oh, time to dip!” Grabbing Neji’s hand you pulled him out of the mall, both of you laughing all the way.
Despite your plans to meet up with Shikamaru, it’d been about a week since you’d seen him and you’d spent a lot of time at the spot you’d met him. You brought your notebook every time, but you never ended up using it. You just watched the clouds, although it wasn’t as enjoyable without him.
You began to feel a little foolish, staring at the sky by yourself. Dejected, you stood up, grabbed your stuff and prepared to leave. “Leaving so soon?” You stood up from where you’d bent down to grab your things and was met with the boy you’d been waiting for.
“Shikamaru? You came!” He grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, it took so long, I had to go on a mission, but I’m glad you waited.” You giggled. “It’s alright, I’m just happy you’re here now.”
You both sat down next to each other, just like the first day you met. “We agreed that you’d show me the wonders of writing… what better way than by reading to me?” You instantly flushed at the suggestion.
“The stories not even finished yet…” You mumbled. He shrugged. “Oh, c��mon! Just show me what you have. If you don’t read it to me, I’ll just have to look at it myself and that’d be a drag.” You laughed at him despite yourself at his catchphrase.
“Okay… I’ll read some. But don’t laugh!” He gave you a small smile. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” You began to read your story, the tale of a girl named (name of protagonist) who only dreamed of two things; freedom and power. She ran away from her town, with enough supplies to last her few days-
“Why would she do that? Her parents loved her, she had friends and… everything was great…” Shikamaru interrupted quietly. You smiled softly. “Sometimes our goals can drive us to do foolish things. Now listen!” He pouted. “Geesh, woman, so demanding.” You snickered before starting where you left off.
As you finished your story, Shikamaru looked disappointed. “That’s it?” You gave him a look. “I told you it wasn’t done yet.” He groaned. “How troublesome. When you finish it, I want to hear the rest of it.” You smiled, flattered that he had liked it. “You’ll be the first one to know. Doesn’t that cloud kinda look like a pineapple?” He gave you a weird look before looking at the cloud. “Um, I guess so-” You smirked mischievously.
“It reminds me of you!” He scowled. “How mature, (Y/N),” He muttered, but you kept laughing. “Okay, it’s not that funny, geez, woman!” You only laughed harder.
Ever since that movie night, Kiba seemed to frequent the Nara home; not that either of you minded, he was great company. Per usual, the three of you were in Shikamaru’s room, bored out of your mind. You were laid out on the bed, your head dangling off the edge, while Kiba sat on the floor, his head next to yours, and Shikamaru sat at his desk chair, staring at nothing.
“Guys, I’m bored.” You groaned. Shikamaru sighed. “How about I go grab some things from the basement. I’ll be back.”
He immediately rushed off, effectively stunning you both. “Was that really our Shika? Cause, he would’ve complained about you being troublesome and a drag and would’ve made us go.” Kiba stated in shock. You nodded dumbly. “Yeah… he’s up to something.” You didn’t miss the cute smirk on his face, nor did you miss his eyes full of mischief. “Wanna prank him?” You grinned deviously. “Let’s do it.” The two of you scrambled to your feet, going straight to the closet to grab supplies. “So what’s the plan, dog boy?” Clearly choosing to ignore your nicknames, he handed you a button. “What’s this? Wait a second, you’ve been planning this?!”
He grinned. “I wanted it to work. It’ll beep every time it’s pressed, but it’s not very loud, just shrill. Go ahead and try it.” You did and immediately winced at the high pitched whine.
“We’re going to put it under his pillow.” A slow grin spread across your lips. “A tired Shika is a Shika who won’t bother to check his pillow. This is genius!” I regretted the words as soon as they left my lips. There was no way Kiba’s smug expression was going anywhere now.
“C’mon! We don’t know how long he’ll be gone. We have to hurry.” You dragged him back to Shikamaru’s room, snickering as you imagined your best friend’s reaction.
“You can play it cool right? You won’t be laughing all night or something?” You huffed at the question. “Of course not, I’ve played plenty of pranks on him. But this is a pretty good one.” Kiba chuckled as he stuffed the small button inside the pillowcase.
“Perfect. Now act natural before he gets here.” You both laid on the bed, playing with Akamaru, who barked, excited at all the attention he was receiving. Just as you were about to mention his pillow, you heard the door slam.
“Hey, guys, come down here.” You and Kiba shared a look before rushing downstairs. “Blankets and pillows…? What’re you doing?” Kiba asked. “You two are watching a movie in a pillow fort, so I can take a nap!” You and Kiba sighed. “He’s such a chivalrous host, isn’t he?” Both guys laughed, but Shika was already up the stairs.
We both watched as he left, excited our plan was working so well. “Do you think he’ll fid it?” You asked. Kiba grabbed a blanket. “Nah, he’ll be pissed though.” Snickering you guys built the pillow fort. Five minutes later you heard Shikamaru yell a few… obscenities.
You walked up to the sand sibling’s door, excited to meet up with your friends for a day of shopping. You knocked on the mahogany door, hoping all three of them were up and ready. They told you 8:30 and you were perfectly on time.
The door opened revealing their redheaded brother. “Hey, Gaara! Are you guys ready?” He sighed opening the door for you. “Hello, (Y/N). I am, but when I came down, Temari and Kankuro were still sleeping.” You facepalmed. “I really should’ve expected this… this is the fourth time!” Gaara smirked. “Want to wake them up? I’m sure we can find something loud.”
You rubbed your hands evilly. “Can I play the piano?” You pointed to the grand piano in the corner, already forming a devious plan. “Yes, of course. I didn’t know you played.” You blushed, sitting down on the bench. “I don’t usually tell people… but this is one of my hobbies.” He flashed you a small smile, as he sat down next to you. “What are you going to play?” I placed my fingers over the keys. “Dissonant chords. They’re harsh and loud and will surely wake them up!” He nodded once in approval and you began.
Your fingers flew over the keys, the sounds of a jarring and mournful wail poured out. You both winced as you played the notes as loud as possible. It took a few minutes, but you heard the stomping of footsteps.
“What is going on?!” Temari and Kankuro, both looking half asleep. “Oh, hey (Y/N), what’re you doing here today?” Kankuro asked, yawning. Both you and Gaara stared at them, unimpressed. “We were supposed to go shopping today.” Temari blanched. “Shoot! You’re right!” They rushed back up the stairs, leaving you and Gaara alone once again.
“Can you play me something else?” Gaara whispered, awkwardly. You were beaming as you positioned your hands over the keys. “I’d love to! I’ll play Swan Lake, it’s my favorite.” (A/N Yes I know it’s not anywhere near the era or location but just bear with me XD) The familiar tune wafted all through the room and you smiled at the calming music.
“Would you ever be willing to teach me to play?” You paused, a delighted smile on your face. “Next time I come over, I’ll teach you everything I know.” His cheeks reddened slightly, matching yours.
“Thank you… I’m looking forward to it.”
After your spar three days ago, which you had very nearly won, you and Kakashi had decided to take a stroll around the park. You were both outdoorsy types so it worked perfectly for both of you.
“So you were ANBU Black Ops Captain before you got a Genin team right?” You nodded thinking of your team, Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru (screw Kurenai no one needs her). “Yeah, it’s been quite the transition,” You laughed.
“What made you change?” You sighed. “It was great being in ANBU, but I’ve been doing that since I was 15. I… guess I wanted to pass on my own ninja way if that makes sense.”
He gave you a closed eye smile. “That makes perfect sense, in fact-“
“Kakashi-sensei!” Three teens that you recognized as Team 7, Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto, ambushed the silverette, with angry expressions.
“You were supposed to be at training four hours ago! That’s late even for you, Kakashi-sensei!” Sakura exclaimed. You gave the man a look. “We could’ve hung out another time, Kakashi. Go train your team.”
Three pairs of eyes settled on you. “Heyy… you’re Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji’s sensei! What are you doing here?!” You flushed as Naruto pointed at you. “Ah, yes I am. I didn’t know he had somewhere to be, sorry guys.” Sasuke gave Kakashi a sly glance before addressing you.
“Tch. It’s not a problem. Kakashi should’ve just invited you to our training session. I’m sure you could help.”
Both you and Kakashi blushed, but you smirked right back at the Uchiha. “That’s a good idea! I’ve heard great things about you guys!” The masked man groaned but didn’t protest.
~~~Time Skip Brought By Team 7 Reading The Icha Icha Books~~~
That’s how you ended up watching Naruto and Sasuke spar, while Sakura practiced her medical skills. “You know, you never did get to finish your sentence earlier.” He thought back to the moment for a second.
“Ah, yes. I was saying I felt the same way when I left ANBU… it’s a great position, and very important, but there’s more to being a shinobi- to life- than endless missions and the like.” You watched the Naruto narrowly dodge a kunai. “Couldn’t have said it better myself. Plus I wouldn’t have gotten to meet you, and even though we haven’t been talking long, I enjoy your company.”
You could just ake out the grin under his mask. “Same for me. We should hang out more often. Preferably when our students aren’t around to bother us.” You giggled. “Well, actually you were supposed to be with them four hours ago!” He waved a hand. “Technicalities.” You both laughed, silently agreeing that Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura could handle their training for a day.
“That’s the girl? She looks pretty harmless, Leader-sama…” Your eyes opened a bit, hearing voices not far from you. “I didn’t bring you here so you can tell me what she looks like, Kakuzu. She stole my ring and I need it back.”
Your blood ran cold. That Pein guy was back for you and he had brought help. You had been sleeping in the corner of an alleyway. As of now, there was only one way to escape. There was a hole that you fit through perfectly that led down to catacombs you could hide in.
You stood up, leaping for the entrance. “Oh, no you don’t kid.” Just as you reached the hole, something wrapped around your waist, restraining you. Stitches? The man, who you assumed was ‘Kakuzu’ had grabbed you with the stitches that encircled his body.
“We ought to kill you, but had I not wiped off my hand, I wouldn’t have noticed you’d even stole my ring- enough Kakuzu, stop laughing- and then you’d already disappeared. Your expertise could come in handy.”
Just then you noticed their cloaks. Oh god. You had stolen from the Akatsuki. Your blood ran cold. “Y-you want me t-to join?” Pein nodded walking closer. He roughly grabbed your wrist and snatched his ring back. “Tch. Stealing from a God.” His hand struck out, hitting your pressure point, causing you to go limp.
~~~Le Time Skip Brought By An Akatsuki Outing To The Nail Salon~~~
You woke up with a splitting headache and with itchy wrists. Your eyes blinked open, trying to rub your head, but your wrists were restrained in shackles. “W-what? Hello?! You can’t keep me here!” The orange-haired jerk came into view, causing your eyes to narrow.
“You’re right. You can’t stay here; that’s why I’m giving you two choices. Become a member of the Akatsuki or die.” Your jaw dropped. “I’m not even a shinobi! What-” He held up a hand.
“You will be a spy and gather information for our organization. Now, what is your choice?” You hung your head, knowing you had no choice but to accept your new fate. “I’ll join.”
You searched the shelves of the art shop, looking for very specific items. The blonde artist you had met the day before had inspired you to try something new. You were going to do something of an explosion exhibit. You had already bought mini fireworks, now you just needed (favorite color) spray paint and colorful smoke bombs.
“Fancy seeing you here, (Y/N), un,” Chuckled a low voice from behind you. You spun around, coming face to face with the very man you were thinking of. “D-Deidara! What are you doing here?” Your surprised face turned into one of happiness. It’d been less than a week since you’d seen him, you weren’t expecting him to visit so soon, not that you were complaining.
“Well, I needed more clay, and I heard this place had good quality materials, yeah.” You nodded eagerly. “They do, this is the only place I’ll shop at.” His head tilted to the side a bit, and you glimpsed a piece of metal where his eye should be. Before you could ask, he was peering into your basket. “What are you doing here, un?” Heat colored your cheeks as you explained.
“Well… you kinda inspired me the other night…” His eye lit up. “What are you planning and can I help, hmm?” You grabbed his arm, pulling him along. “That’d be great! I just need two more things. While I do that go grab your clay and we’ll meet up front so I can explain everything!”
It didn’t take long for either of you to find your supplies and you hurriedly paid. “Okay, so I had the idea to plant colored smoke bombs all over town square and set them all off, along with some flares.” He was beaming at you as you both left the store. “Spoken like a true artist, un! I can set off the mini bombs while you do the flares, hmm?” He suggested.
“That’s perfect, we can do one at a time, one bomb for every flare?” You two quickly finished planning and agreed to meet up in front of the store at dusk so you had time to set up.
~~~Time Skip Brought To You By Deidara, Sasori, and Hidan Having A Fashion Show~~~
The sun was just starting its descent when you snuck back to your and Deidara’s rendezvous spot, flares and matches in hand. “Psst, (Y/N), psst!” You looked to your left to see Deidara dragging a clearly unwilling Sasori toward you. “Hey! You guys ready?” Sasori crossed his arms. “I didn’t agree to this.” You pouted. “Please?”
He rolled his eyes with a huff. “Fine.” You cheered quietly. “Okay, here’s the plan. The square will become real busy with night activities in the next fifteen minutes. We need to set up the bombs three per corner.” Sasori looked at all the different colors.
“Should we mismatch them?” You shrugged. “I’m not picky, whatever you guys decide you like to do. I’ll set up the flares.” The time flew as you guys hurriedly set up all your explosive materials.
A small bird landed at your feet, signaling that Deidara and Sasori were ready. You let out a shrill whistle and the first three bombs went off in a small pop! Purple, red, and blue smoke drawing the attention of bystanders. You set off a flare that lot up into the night sky in response.
The ‘show’ had been a huge success, drawing crowds from all over. It had lasted a good amount of time as well.
“That was beautiful, un.” You threw your arms around the blonde, startling him. “I couldn’t have done this without you, thank you!” His arms wrapped around your waist.
“You’re welcome… maybe we can do this again sometime, yeah.”
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peepingtoad · 5 years ago
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO / 50-50 (There’s a lot of love and a lot of hate, but I think many are actually pretty neutral on him too!)
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / 50-50 (I’d say he may be an... acquired taste? Of course a lot of people I know here find him sexie so it’s hard to say for certain, heh. We may just be the weirdos of the fandom :P )
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO
Are they underrated?  YES / NO (Not in terms of ability, but underrated for just how complex and multi-layered he is, I’d say)
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO /
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL (I honestly think he’s a man of many reputations, both in canon and in fandom :’D)
How strictly do you follow canon?  —  I’m very much a ‘use the bones of what we got in canon and do my best to flesh them out’ kinda roleplayer. There are some things that can be taken too easily at face value that I see fit to build upon. For example, I think Jiraiya’s feelings on the prophecy and his relationship with Konoha is something that could be too easily played off as simplistic, or like they were immovable constants. But that’s unrealistic for a man of his years and many experiences, so I try to put myself in his emotional setting at various points in his life, and trace how his feelings and behaviours change, if that makes sense? 
I try to avoid saying that any of the writing was straight up wrong because it’s disrespectful to the creator. But especially for Jiraiya, who had such a significant role to play in the narrative that it sometimes took precedence over his actual character, I do find some of his actions, and the way some interactions were handled in the canon to be a little OOC... so I’ll work with it and try to spin it in a way that I feel fits how he was characterised.
Basically, I’d say that I follow canon, but I like to enrich it in areas that were lacking detail or a nuanced view that took in all the surrounding events of the time. After Jiraiya’s canon death, of course, that’s when more divergence comes in to my portrayal... otherwise I wouldn’t be able to play any post-war scenarios! But the essence of his character is the same, which I try to keep as close to canon as possible.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.   —  A man of many experiences! You can bet that any topic that comes up, he’ll have some sort of amusing anecdote to share, or be able simply to talk shit about it. He's seen so much, and has a sensitive soul enough that he’ll give anyone a chance; he’s very open-minded and non-judgemental, and honestly is a humanitarian that wants to help those in need. Might leave your muse a little baffled as to how he could hold the status of ‘legend��, only to show it when they least expect it. You never quite know what you’re going to get with him: he’s generous and selfless, yet has many vices that seem selfish at times; he’s both a lover and a fearsome fighter; he’s immensely resilient at the same time as incredibly vulerable and damaged; he’s a himbo and a bit of a jock with the soul of a poet. Love him with no restraint and invite his love in return, and you’ll get not only a lover, but a devotee. Wears his heart on his sleeve... or does he? Chip away at him and find out!
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  The pervy, flirty, jokey schtick could get grating, or come across as disingenuous. In romantic situations, he’ll keep quiet about putting a label on whatever it is, and beneath his overall sweetness and devotion there may be an underlying reek of commitment issues and a fear of admitting he is afraid. He also has a habit of deflecting negativity in general, and playing things off as if they don’t matter or they’re a joke, making him actually rather a difficult person to get to know the heart of. One might feel as if they’re getting nowhere with him...
... Either that, or they get the complete opposite. Yes, as equally as he can be guarded, he can overshare like crazy, and has a tendency to become codependent with those he gets attached to, which is inconsistent with his free-spirited nature, and how adept he is at keeping others at arm’s length from his less sunny side. This inconsistency might make him seem unreliable—if the fact he’s always off who-knows-where doesn’t do the trick already.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  I’ve been a big fan of the Sannin ever since I first read the Deadlock, but being a very young person at the time I perhaps couldn’t relate enough to people who had experienced so much to do them justice in my teenage fic-writing endeavours, so I remained on the sidelines enjoying content by other people (there may also have been a little bit of ‘what the fuck, why do I dig the old dude so much’ denial in there haha). I’ve picked up and dropped my obsession with the series several times over the years, and my love for those three seemed to grow each time. They really are ‘the lost generation’, and as the sole survivors—alongside having a huge impact on the plot, how the shinobi world is shaped, and the three main protagonists—there’s a lot of juicy material there, a lot of emotional background, along with decades of history that basically goes untapped in the canon. 
Anyway, I digress. Coming to the Naruto RPC for the first time around this time 2 years ago at the age of 25, I made this blog and my Deidara one on a whim, but focused on the latter at first. Villains were always comfortable territory for me in my other RP experiences, and I think it made me doubt that I could possibly do someone who is frankly a lovely guy any justice, no matter how much I loved him. I even had the intention of making him fully Akatsuki/Missing-Nin AU at first. Yeah. That’s how stuck in my villain/anti-hero zone I was! But, I think in the end, the fact he actually isn’t a two-dimensional typical ‘hero’ was something I chewed over and realised would be incredibly enriching to write, worth stepping out of my comfort zone for. And being a little more mature and less angst-ridden myself by that point, I found I could resonate with his feelings and ideals in a way that I know I couldn’t have as a teen... but I was still tentative. 
Anyway, after leaving his blog empty for a bit (with its placeholder URL ‘frogdaddy’, which sadly got hoarded by someone else), I cosplayed the old bastard, along with my partner as Orochimaru. We’d been stanning that particular ship and talking about how great the Sannin are in general for quite some time by that point, but being casually in character for fun while drunk off my tits at a boat party, was a bit of an epiphanic moment. Not long after that, I threw myself right into writing this chaotic-good old bastard with gusto, and here I still am :’)
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  Taking breaks to recharge as and when I need to. Seriously. The death of all my other blogs has been pressure (mostly from myself) to be there and force myself to put out regular content, so I went into this not thinking that way and it’s really helped! 
Of course, there’s also the fact that there simply seems to be no shortage of areas I can delve into with this guy. Again, it’s his age and all the missing years in canon... but I think it’s also how much love he has and his genuine eagerness to engage with others that makes him one of the most naturally bountiful muses I’ve played. Because honestly? Most of my villain muses wanted people to just fuck off :’D this guy is open to everything.
That aside, I guess I just gel with him more than I ever expected to. I’ve changed a lot as a person and gained more confidence since various areas of my life got better, and I really just vibed with this chill, funny, romantic, pervy, big-hearted energy. I enjoy angst, but my real love is peppering the serious and heartbreaking with romance and comedy—and isn’t that just befitting of him? Writing through his eyes also helps to keep my outlook positive, so that keeps me stuck on him as much as the seemingly limitless content potential. 
And this is without even going into my cross-fandom AU ideas I have on the back-burner. Honestly, they’re there but I want to put a real effort into them while keeping his essence the same, which for some, involves brushing up on my lore!
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO / RARELY. (depends on whether I get a flash of inspiration—which mostly comes with random asks that happen to stir up an idea for a scene, such as this one (NSFW warning))
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / 50-50 /NO. (I tend not to take things personally but am also very passionate—call it my innate Leo-ness!)
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  Hmmm. I haven’t actually had any critique on my portrayal, so I’m not sure haha! I’d say if it’s constructive, then I’ll take it into account and consider it, especially if it’s a case where it helps me realise I’ve perhaps not gotten across what I intended to very well. But I’m also quite fond of my portrayal in its essence, so I may end up just thanking the person for their opinion and carry on as usual :P
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  Absolutely! I’ve had some wonderful ones recently and it’s exactly the kick I need to get ideas out, some of which I’ve had on the back-burner but not had a framework within which to write it without it getting derailed. I definitely appreciate a question that will keep me at least a little on-topic, otherwise if I go off on my own volition I really tend to... well, go off! Even if a question is a similar topic to something I’ve already done, it’s a good exercise for me to go back to the similar headcanon and see if I can build further on it, deviate, and link it to show what past thoughts I’ve been working with. A great way of keeping some consistency in my portrayal while making improvements, I find! And then of course I’ve had some questions that are entirely new morsels for thought, and it leads me to something new and fresh, which I greatly appreciate.
Basically, any questions at all, fire away! I may take a while but I will get to them eventually!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Yeah. I mean I think it’s just polite to present a reason as to why not, instead of just being like ‘this is wrong/a bad take’ or whatever. Source material is down to personal interpretation, so if I draw different ideas from it to another person after discussion, then we can simply agree to disagree on it. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  They are welcome to disagree with me I guess? So long as they’re respectful and don’t then treat me as if my interpretation is ‘AU’ or talk about ‘canon Jiraiya’ as if he’s obviously a different entity to my own, then disagree away. But if prompted enough, know that I will most likely defend my portrayal with what I consider to be justification from the source material :P I did pay close attention to it, after all, and I do consider my portrayal to align well with it.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  Depends on the nature of it and the conduct, really? Like, people are allowed to dislike characters. I myself find a couple of characters pretty annoying or don’t particularly care for them (granted, usually it’s in a love-to-hate or simply a ‘this character doesn’t interest me’ way), but that doesn’t affect how I behave towards the RPer of a character. It’s just manners, really. People tend to RP characters because they like them, so why would you take negativity right to their doorstep, in this space they’ve made as an expression of enjoyment for, and to develop said character? 
There’s been some people who admitted to me that they didn’t care much for Jiraiya, but then began to like him more with my portrayal and that’s more than fine; I take it as the highest compliment in fact. It’s also the kind of open-minded attitude I like to have with portrayals of characters I don’t necessarily like or have much interest in, because by and large, people do tend to add more depth and nuance than the busy and character-packed canon allowed.
However, if it’s the type of hate that’s got its own devoted circle of bitter bitches, who seem to use so much energy hating a character... then please, don’t engage me. Doesn’t matter who the character is, don’t expect me to follow/keep following your negative ass if it’s constant on the dash—and if the target character is any of the Sannin then frankly I’ll have probably blocked/blacklisted in a heartbeat. The ‘critical’ views of them tend to diminish them as humans, diminish the context and events that surrounded their choices, and in a way that I find is a gross double standard compared to what people will allow other (read: young, attractive, fandom faves, ‘babies’ or ‘beans’) to get away with and excuse the behaviours of. I don’t need that kinda negative energy sullying my hobby, nor do I need moral superiority that isn’t applied consistently across the board.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  Absolutely! I meticulously fret and check, and cringe when I get a reply and happen to spot errors while rereading what I wrote before it! I edit a lot but don’t always pick up on errors, so I’m more than happy to have it pointed out. Chances are, I’ll be far more brutal to myself about it than anyone else would be!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  Overall, yeah. I’m not possessive or clingy (I don’t think) and don’t expect the world from people, nor for them to focus on or favour me or be super fast. I just expect the same respect in return. Having said that, I will express it when I don’t like something or it makes me uncomfortable, provided we’re familiar enough, because if we’re strangers I’d feel like I was coming across as entitled to your energy and emotional labour. I do my best to be diplomatic about it though, and rest assured it doesn’t mean I’m forever mad at you or turned off in any way just because I have a small grievance. I just find that being honest with each other rather than letting things pile up and fester makes a friendship more solid, and basically more genuine and long-lasting.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by: @dokuhebi​ Tagging: Whoever hasn’t done this yet!
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elenathehun · 6 years ago
Reading is Emotional, part 15
It’s been a whole year since I read through the Konoha Crush Arc!  I know I said I’d be back later in the year...but that turned into a lie.  Sorry guys!  But I’m back, if only for a moment, and it’s time to re-read my unironic favorite story arc in Naruto, the SEARCH FOR TSUNADE!  So, without further ado, let’s begin:
You know, I don’t remember even being that shocked or surprised by Sasuke’s flashback reveal of the Uchiha Massacre?  It was such a shonen trope, even back that.  Re-reading it now is mostly an exercise in nostalgia for the period when Itachi was just a boring character archetype instead of an exercise in bad retconning. 
 As always, the difference between canon!Kisame, who casually offers to permanently maim Naruto before harvesting the demon inside him (which would kill him, just in case anyone forgot) and fanon!Kisame, who is some kind of tragic anti-hero carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, is both staggeringly large and hilariously stupid.
Naruto is so confused by this confrontation between Sasuke and Itachi, and I don’t blame him!  This is honestly confusing!  
Jiraiya appears just in time, so Naruto’s plot armor is still intact.  Fun fact: if Itachi and Kisame were half as competent as Deidara and Sasori, Naruto would be dead.  Think how different canon would be!
Kishimoto’s foot fetish is showing: Itachi has immaculately painted toenails.
Anyway, Itachi and Kisame escape Jiraiya’s trap, which apparently no one has done before.  This is an anti-climatic fight because it feels like it’s supposed to be a boss fight, but we have no prior comparison to earlier fights for these characters.  At this point, I should not really be disappointed - have I liked any of Kishimoto’s staging or writing for his fights thus far?
However, I do like the scene where Jiraiya seals up Itachi’s magic black fire.  That was actually a pretty cool glimpse into the applications of Naruto’s version of magic.  If only he had remembered to pull this out during the real boss fight with Orochimaru...
And finally, at the end of volume 148, we finally get a glimpse of the hero of this story: a drunk louse who abandoned her friends and family and never wins!
And now we get to a teaching arc, which automatically raises my blood pressure.  Kishimoto spends a lot of time talking about the sacred bonds of the teacher-student pseudobond, but most of his teachers are not only bad, but they actively denigrate the act and purpose of teaching.  Jiraiya is the most frustrating because he is actually written as a very good teacher, the kind of teacher who is able to explain things so even the dullest of students understands it, but actively avoids his responsibilities out of some misguided belief that a student should re-invent the wheel for god-knows-what reason.
Case in point?  Naruto struggled for hours trying to figure out how to pop the balloon, only for Jiraiya to explain the key point - the necessity of spinning your chakra with your natural spin instead of against it.  I don’t believe Jiraiya when he says that’s something Naruto should just know - maybe Hinata or Neji should automatically know it, based on their prior training on the family martial arts, but why would Naruto know that? It’s ridiculous, and a waste of time for both student and teacher.  This is piss-poor pedagogy!
As you can see, I have a lot of opinions regarding Jiraiya.  Objectively, he’s an interesting character, rather than a likable one.  It’s hard for me to explain why I feel this way about Jiraiya, but hopefully by the end of this arc, I’ll be able to verbalize my reasons a little more.  Either way, thus ends Volume 17, with both Jiraiya and Orochimaru in pursuit of the greatest doctor in the world...
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fineillsignup · 7 years ago
Taking Chakra Nature to 11: some headcanons
Buckle up because it’s gonna be a long ride.
So one of the things that makes Naruto so attractive as a fandom (as opposed to as a franchise) is that there’s all this tantalizing potential that was never realized, just waiting for someone to pick it up and expand on it. In particular, some writers are worldbuilders by nature and some are just not. (Tolkien would be an example of a extremely worldbuilding-focused writer.) Kishimoto is in the “just not” category.
Chakra nature is a great example of a part of the Naruto world that could be taken up to eleven. Why? Well, there’s the good old “why not” reason, which is sufficient in itself, but also, people just love categorization. There’s a reason why people always want to sort themselves for Hogwarts houses, endlessly prattle about zodiac signs, and why the Naruto databooks include bloodtype. But they don’t! Include! Chakra nature!!!!
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That’s frankly ludicrous. The chakra natures in the corner merely indicate which chakra natures that person can utilize, not which is their own nature; this isn’t very helpful because some people like Kakashi can use all five. Moreover, one of the very major characters of the franchise--the anti-hero, Sasuke--is shown to be fire natured yet to largely prefer lightning techniques, making it clear that chakra nature is not 1-to-1 correlated with someone’s most frequent jutsu.
And it’s not like Kishimoto would have had to do a huge amount of work coming up with chakra nature connections to personality and society, because these five elements already exist as a powerful Japanese cultural concept. 
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He simply needed to connect that to the Naruto world and its characters.
But I guess I need to do all the work around here! :3c
Regarding kekkei genkai--I headcanon that even people with kekkei genkai have a primary nature, but you could also combine two natures instead.
Earth Nature (Earth, Dirt, Stone) 地 and 土
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Examples of Canon Characters: ??? (I don’t think we’re ever explicitly told that a character is earth nature, although many characters use earth release) Examples of Headcanon Characters: Haruno Sakura, Oonoki, Deidara, Suigetsu, Sasori Personality Traits (not all found in each person obviously): Stable, stubborn, inflexible, endurance, short-tempered, wise, reliable, responsible, sense of perspective, patient, centred, literal Common Body Types: Mesomorphic (muscular); may be lean or broad; shorter than average (closer to hell); blunt fingers (but often surprisingly deft and precise) Climate Interactions: Earth natured people tolerate both heat and cold pretty well. When it’s cold they dress warmly and when it’s hot they dress for that too. Sensible. Japanese symbol: square; Naruto uses the kanji 土 rather than 地 for some reason; they both mean earth and the differences are too subtle to go into briefly Why does earth dominate water/water enhance earth? Earth stops the flow of water and can control its shape. Water can imbue earth with more weight and power, including fertile power. What does this mean for the Land of Earth? “That’s the way we’re going to do it. We’ve always done it that way.” The Land of Earth in my headcanon was the last and slowest great nation to centralize/organize, however, slow and steady may win the race as it has had very little internal conflict. Other Notes: Earth nature? In my Sakura? It’s more likely than you think.
Kakashi did the chakra nature test when Sakura wasn’t around and then, as far as we can tell, never even bothered to find out what hers was???? LOLsob. Tertiary materials like games usually make Sakura water natured, but I prefer earth nature for her. She definitely can use earth jutsu. Her personality, strengths and flaws, seems to fall along earth lines rather than water lines. In addition, I just like the balance of Team 7 when Sasuke and Naruto are fire-wind and Sakura is across the circle at earth; most of my headcanon teams follow that kind of pattern.
“Okay, but Suigetsu? Earth nature? Now you’re just fucking with us.” Not at all; I’m going after one of Kishimoto’s own weird choice to constantly remind us that Suigetsu is weak to lightning. Now I’m sure that Kishimoto just meant “if lightning strikes water you’re in for a bad time” and nothing deeper than that, but in the five elements pattern of domination, it’s earth that is weak against lightning jutsu.
There’s no reason Suigetsu can’t be an earth natured person who specializes in water jutsu, anymore than Sasuke’s fire nature stops him from specializing in electric jutsu. Perhaps, and this is all headcanon but it’s fun so just try and stop me, it is Suigetsu’s earth chakra nature that helps keep his body from completely falling apart and dissipating while he’s performing his unique ability to turn into water?
Water Nature 水
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Examples of Canon Characters: Tobirama Examples of Headcanon Characters: Sai, Kisame, Hashirama, Kabuto, Personality Traits: Adaptable, flexible, progressive, curious, reactive, emotional, mutable, gullible, empathic, unstable, resilient, morose, sensitive Common Body Types: Endomorphic (soft, higher in body fat); taller than average; long-limbed with flexible joints; larger hands and feet with tapered digits Climate Interactions: Poor water nature people. They hate heat. They hate cold. They hate humidity. They hate super dry environments. Basically, they are volatile and easily bothered by all kinds of things, including temperature and climate. Japanese symbol: Circle Why does water dominate fire/fire enhance water? Water douses flame, obviously. Fire can turn water into steam, expanding its range and potential. What does this mean for the Land of Water? Oh my God, is the Land of Water ever volatile in canon! This can be bad obviously (hello, kekkei genkai genocide) but it doesn’t necessarily have to be so. The Land of Water went within about a dozen years from mass genocide of kekkei genkai to having a leader with two kekkei genkai (the criminally underused Terumi Mei). There’s no inertia here. You can’t ever relax, but you can potentially really change things, including people’s hearts and minds. Other Notes: none at the moment
Fire Nature 火
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Examples of Canon Characters: Sasuke, Madara, Itachi, Obito, THE UCHIHA Examples of Headcanon Characters: Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Hiruzen (aka gee I wonder if drama will happen here); Guy Personality Traits: Passionate, reforming, self-righteous, ambitious, driven, creative, focused, confident, fragile, extreme, energetic, motivated, tenacious, greedy, proud, idealistic, resentful Common Body Types: Ectomorphic (lean); high metabolism; average height; great skin and hair (because of their great circulation); either super healthy or near death, no in-between Climate Interactions: Fire people are always hot. They are the people who wear shorts all year round and start a revolution with their tiddies out (yes I’m looking at you Sasuke). They are not particularly bothered by external weather. Japanese symbol: Triangle Why does fire dominate wind/wind enhance fire? Fire consumes air and becomes stronger, like canon tells us. What does this mean for the Land of Fire? I headcanon that because of its central location on the map and prosperity, the Land of Fire has the most diverse population in terms of chakra natures, so while fire nature is the majority there are still a larger number of other natures than most countries. (From a meta perspective, this also makes it more fun to write a Konoha-centric story.) However, the Will of Fire and Konoha’s idealism is a definite Big Mood and something that other nations notice. Other Notes: I imagine that this element is most likely to be the chakra nature of those whose bloodline abilities are strongly connected with Yang Release.
Wind Nature (Wind, Air) 風
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Examples of Canon Characters: Y’already know who it is!!! (blaring air horn) Oh and Asuma. Examples of Headcanon Characters: Temari, Baki, Gaara, Chiyo Personality Traits: Free-spirited, distractible, innovative, unorthodox, open, relaxed, compassionate, empathetic, benevolent, charitable, loving, evasive, passive-aggressive, impulsive, withdrawn, avoidant, penetrating Common Body Types: Lean or muscular, average to short Climate Interactions: Throw on a shirt, and then a sweatshirt over the shirt and a cloak around the sweatshirt because wind people are always cold. “Cold hands, warm heart” often applies to them. They like heat and aren’t bothered by humidity or dryness. Japanese symbol: Crescent Why does wind dominate lightning/lightning enhance wind? Well, it doesn’t, because lightning as an element makes no sense. But void, on the other hand, does. Void is a vacuum, and air rushes to fill a vacuum without itself being harmed by the vacuum. What does this mean for the Land of Wind? Wind people have a lot of openness and caring but also voted Most Likely to Sulk for a Hundred Years When Things Go Wrong. The Land of Wind in canon appears to be the least naturally rich in the essentials of life (water, food, etc), and to have the most dickish daimyo, so it’s kind of unsurprising that the Wind leadership collectively got hella depressed after their one bad idea after another failed. Other Notes: They say in canon that the wind chakra nature is “rare” but I’m headcanoning that this just means “rare in the Land of Fire”.
Lightning (Electricity, Void, Vacuum, Nothingness) 雷 or 空
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Examples of Canon Characters: Kakashi Examples of Headcanon Characters: Hinata, Neji, Shikamaru, Darui, Sakumo, Killer Bee Personality Traits: Mysterious, thoughtful, reflective, fatalistic, imperturbable,  spontaneous, quick, detached, aware, intuitive, selfless, passive, negative, wise, analytical, elegant, eccentric Common Body Types: Most diversity in body type Climate Interactions: The least bothered by external temperatures. Aware of them, but probably dresses however regardless. Japanese symbol: Jewel-shape Why does lightning dominate earth/earth enhance lightning? Again, it only makes sense if the element is void or vacuum. While air filling a vacuum is essentially unharmed, earth-y substances don’t handle decompression well. (Imagine if Lightning Release could be used for explosive decompression based jutsu... now that’s scary.) What does this mean for the Land of Lightning? “We’re talking about the issues but we’re keeping it funky” is a line from Flight of the Conchords, but it is also how I imagine a culture that is majority Lightning-nature people best functioning. Other Notes: none at the moment
All of the above is just some ideas to play with! And of course there’s the pondering about how chakra nature is passed on--is it genetic? Epigenetic (traits that can be switched on or off by environmental factors)? Do two people who have children together pass on the more dominant nature? Is that perhaps why Wind nature is rarest in the Land of Fire (because Fire and Wind parents will always pass on Fire)? What are the chakra nature patterns in the little countries?
Feel free to play with my ideas, expand, change them, whatever! No need for credit if you do.
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sasuke-from-the-uchiha · 7 years ago
Your fellow RPer is making me highly uncomfortable literally laughing off the idea of Sasuke being coerced/his consent being questionable when it comes to Sarada's conception. There's a consistent pattern of people doing that to Sasuke throughout the entirety of the series, and brushing aside his own opinions and desires in favor of their own, and Sakura is not the only one who did that. Just because he's a dude doesn't mean he can't be victim of this - he HAS been during the entire series.
// I’m on your side on this, though I also understand their point (and they confirmed that can happen to guys too). 
If you take the manga at face value, it is legitimate to believe Sasuke was never coerced into doing anything, because it’s what the manga explicitly grooms you to believe. The manga keeps making it look like Sasuke is in the wrong, and that he is selfish and bratty, just like it cleverly makes us look at Naruto as a loser in the first chapter… though, if you re-read that carefully, it explicitly states that Naruto is actually a good student, though very bad at clones. Same with Sasuke: people think he is being selfish, but why does he act as he does?
If you decide to analyse the story through a more “realistic” approach, looking at it as if it was the story of real people and not characters, the result is very different. Sasuke never gets anything he wants: he never gets his father’s approval (that happens when he isn’t present, and his mother could very well be lying to comfort him when she says his father talks about him), he never gets to avenge his clan or surpass his brother (Itachi dies of sickness), he never gets to make things right (he surrenders to Naruto -though at least that’s his own decision). The one thing he gets is to leave alone at the end, because Naruto finally understands him. He gets one friend. One.
But let’s take time to see who Sasuke really is as character through an example.
Why Sasuke “selfishly” leaves Konoha
Face value: Confused and drunk on power, Sasuke leaves Konoha even though he is loved and cared for. He should really have thought about the feelings of the people he left behind. Now he’s the antagonist!
“Realistic” analysis
Itachi threatens the people he cares about
Itachi puts Kakashi, an acclaimed ninja, in a coma without a scratch. 
Itachi goes after Naruto but is repelled by a Sannin. 
Sasuke can thus assume Itachi is stronger than Kakashi but weaker than the Kage-level Sannin that scared him off. He will thus need to be Kage-level himself to beat him. Moreover, Itachi will kill Naruto unless a stronger opponent comes by.
Sasuke feels as powerless to protect his loved ones as during the UCM
Itachi proves he is infinitely stronger than Sasuke by easily putting him into a coma after torturing him by having him relive the UCM. 
Itachi makes it clear Sasuke or his friends will never be safe from him by attacking Kakashi, Naruto and himself.
Sasuke feels like he isn’t making progress. Naruto proves to have grown so strong he can now rival Sasuke in combat, even though Sasuke trains very hard. 
Worse, Itachi himself states Naruto is more interesting than Sasuke at that point. And Sasuke doesn’t know about the Nine-Tails then, so he just feels weak and lame that everyone (Sannin included) would care about “a bad student” over himself.
Orochimaru, who killed the Third Hokage, offers to train him. Sasuke can assume the feared Sannin who is stronger than a Kage would make a better teacher than Kakashi, but also that no-one is safe in Konoha.
He doesn’t feel like people understand him or actually care about him
After being tortured and fighting Naruto at the hospital, where Naruto could have killed him just to show-off his new technique and where they almost killed Sakura, Kakashi binds him to a tree and tells him to suck it up. He compares his father taking his own life to a whole clan being murdered by a guy who also tortured Sasuke and went after his other student. And Sasuke accepts that. He lowers his eyes in guilt, even though Kakashi’s whole attitude is, in my view, unacceptable. Sasuke is just that ready to believe he is the problem, just like he was not good enough for his father or isn’t worth Itachi’s time right now.
When Sasuke decides to leave, Sakura tries to stop him. Which is really sweet of her, because she knows he doesn’t care much about her but she wants to try anyway. However, her telling him that, even though she has a family, she would feel as alone as he is if he left is… At best, insensitive. And she would abandon her family for him? How can you tell a person whose whole family was murdered that you don’t care for your own at all? Of course he leaves her behind, although maybe he does it to protect her from her own stupidity. Because he cares for her, trying to protect her whenever he can and lifting her spirits when she’s down during the Chunin exam.
Naruto, well. You know the drill. Even Naruto admits later on he didn’t understand Sasuke then. But there’s more: even though it’s established Naruto and Sasuke always looked up to each other, Naruto is a complete dick to Sasuke for apparently no reason. At least at first, when they’re kids and Naruto doesn’t want to admit his defeat during sparing, or when he looks upset to be in the same team as him, or when ties him up out of the blue (to impersonate him in front of Sakura). Yet Sasuke gave his life for him in Wave Country, and looked after him when they were training to climb up trees even though Kakashi himself didn’t care at all.
It’s canon Sasuke wants to protect Sakura and Naruto. It’s canon he cares about protecting them more than his own life. And it’s canon none of them understand him at all.
An then, as he barely got out of the hospital and days of torture-induced coma, he gets beat up by Orochimaru’s henchmen. Even with the cursed seal, as they have a complete seal each. Sasuke can thus assume the seal can make him powerful, and that Orochimaru, who is stronger than a Kage, can make him strong enough to beat Itachi, who is stronger than Sasuke’s own teacher but scared by a Kage-level Sannin. Out of all these “friends”, Orochimaru is the one who understood Sasuke the best, confirming that he’s weak, and offering him power. He also knows to manipulate him by reinforcing his belief that his friends are a hindrance, and not posing as a friend but as a means to an end.
Isn’t it contradictory that Sasuke would put his friends aside to protect them?
Yes. But it’s also very coherent. 
Sasuke needs to kill Itachi, else his friends (at least Naruto) will die.
He thus needs to get much stronger, at fast. 
Kakashi isn’t a good teacher (he keeps reading porn and showing up late). However, the Sannin who killed the Hokage could be.
That means Sasuke needs to go to Orochimaru.
Moreover, he was putting his life on the line to protect his friends instead of focusing on getting stronger. They are a weakness to him. He won’t be able to kill Itachi if he focuses on his friends.
Therefore, he needs to cut his friends lose. 
Bear in mind that it is his point of view, not the truth. Sasuke is actually pretty strong at that point of the story, though of course he couldn’t have beaten up trained adults. Also, we the audience know Team 7 truly cares about him. He doesn’t, and they do little to prove him wrong.
“Realistic” analysis: Scared for Naruto and Team 7’s life, realising no-one in the village can protect them from Itachi anymore since the Hokage is dead and Kakashi weaker than him, Sasuke decides to focus on getting stronger. Orochimaru offers power and is credible as a teacher as he was strong enough to kill the Hokage. Sasuke also cuts his friends lose to protect them (Sakura) or because they would hinder his progress (Naruto). He acts to protect others (Team 7) or to please them (Itachi). If he had been selfish, he would have stayed with Team 7, where he was growing comfortable to the point he started bonding with them.
To sum up
Sasuke is strategic, fiercely protective of his own, he gives his life without a thought to the people he cares about, he feels like he’s never good enough, he never feels safe and is always on-edge, he believes people don’t care enough about him to understand his motives (aside from Orochimaru, who cares out of interest, and Naruto at the very end of the manga). He is one of the more unselfish characters in the whole manga (along with Juugo, who’d rather die than hurt anyone, and Haku, who’d rather die than be a burden to his loved one). Sasuke would rather die than lose a person he cares about. And maybe he wasn’t strong enough to take out Itachi… but maybe he was.
So, yes. To me it is very IC that such a self-sacrificial character would do things very unselfishly, to the point that it hurt him. Because that’s what he does all manga long, obeying Itachi’s command to get stronger, then being loyal to a fault to Naruto. He’s very obedient to the ones he cares about, because he tends to think they know better than he does. He couldn’t care less about the others, yes, but these people? These got themselves the most loyal friend one could have.
I think the best example we have of who Sasuke truly is may be his choice of Juugo when recruiting Team Taka. Juugo is… useless. Very strong, but unpredictable, and someone who doesn’t want to be violent. Useless as a tool. So why does Sasuke recruit him instead of leaving him to die in a cage? Why does he promise to protect him if he’s not getting anything in return?
There’s also the fact that he avoids killing anyone, not even Deidara. Or Naruto, although he repeatedly had the advantage over him and he would benefit from killing him.
And, if that doesn’t convince you… What is Sasuke’s main grief against Itachi during his revenge era? That he killed the Uchiha clan, or that he hurt him personally? 
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kunoichi-imagines · 8 years ago
May I ask, what made you like hidan so much?
I’m glad you asked ! This is going to be so long because here’s the full story lmfao sorryyyy 
So, first of all I’ve always been attracted to ‘bad guys’ or at least people who were antagonists (I’m not like that IRL lmfao luckily) in anime. The first time I saw Hidan it was in the Naruto game, I wasn’t even watching Shippuden but I bought this game and like I was with my cousin (who didn’t like Naruto at all but like I forced her to play with me lmao) and then I saw Hidan as a playable character and I was like “who the fuck is this hot piece of ass ?” so I played him and when I saw that he seemed to be a maniac and a psychopath I was suddenly intrigued by him even though my cousin was legit afraid of him lmfaoooo
Anyway, later I watched Shippuden and with the hope that I see Hidan, I fell in love with the Akatsuki itself, Deidara being my #1 crush (he’s still bae). THEN finally. FINALLY. He was there. On my screen. That hot fucking piece of ass just right there. Hidan himself. Here. In front of my eyes. Then I saw that he was indeed a fucked up character and the fact that he’s a loud-mouthed little shit really got me. I found his personality interesting and intriguing and like I can’t even explain why I like him so much ? I won’t say I relate to him but we have some things in common and I feel close to him idk ??? To be completely honest, I was so fucking sad when he ‘died’ I cried for 3 days straight lmao I’m pathetic
I might sound so fucking stupid and pathetic but I can’t explain my undying love for a fictional character, also don’t worry y’all but I know he doesn’t exist and I’m not completely obsessed xD
Then, my love for the Akatsuki came after and I’ve been loving Hidan and the Akatsuki for 3 years already, it might not seem really long but I’m not ready to stop lmao
Sorry for the long post but like I felt the need to explain everything ? Sorry !
-Admin L
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aiuchihashadow · 8 years ago
Naruto Tag Game
Thank you @team7fangirl for the tag I finally got around to do ;)  
I tag @porno-4-saku @conspiracyranting @samanthastar47 @uzumakihyugahinata @i-armina @sasusaku4life @itasaku4llenstar @cheese-squish @thatismyninjawaytoo @behindheremeraldeyes @kakashi-gets-sasusaku @tobiasjc @lovelypairings
Female Character(s): Uchiha Sakura, Uchiha Sarada
Male Character(s): Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Nara Shikamaru, Gaara, Madara, Senju Tobirama
Sensei: Kakashi/Minato
Hokage: Naruto
Kage: Gaara
Village: Konohagakure
Akatsuki: Itachi and Deidara
Jutsu: Susanoo, Fireball Jutsu, Kirin, Chidori, Anything Kyuubi with Naruto and Kurama
Episode/Chapters: Episodes with SS moments, Team 7 episodes and episodes with wild battles/jutsus
Fight Scene: Team 7 vs Haku and Zabuza, Lee vs Gaara (Chunin exam), Naruto vs Neji, Sakura and Chiyo vs Sasori, Naruto vs Pain, Team 7 and Obito vs Kaguya, Naruto vs Sasuke (Final Battle), Naruto and Tsunade vs Kabuto
Fanfiction: I don’t read SS fanfiction, because I really love the real paring
Story Arc: Have to be the final arc
Filler: Anything team 7 as genin related
What is you…
OTP (explain why): SasuSaku for the win! No couple compare to the strength of their bond - real love. The development from young kids love (Sakura’s side) to true love. The way Sasuke always seem different with Sakura from anyone else - I still believe he felt something for her during the genin days, but hatred blinded him, so when hatred finally dissaperred their love could blossom. They give me life!
NOTP (be nice): SasuKarin: there was never any love or connection. NaruHina to a certain point
Crackship(s): Shikamaru x Ino
BROTP: SasuNaru and NaruSaku
OT3: SasuNaruSaku
Crossover Ship: No one
Do you have any headcanons: Uchiha family cuteness overload scenes...just their everyday life and effection for one another
Are you happy with the ending? What would you have done differently?  The ending was everything I hoped for!! I wouldn’t give Sarada glasses either. I would have involved a “Sasuke coming back to Konoha” moment with Sakura and Sasuke. Have Sasuke attend and be Naruto’s best man at the wedding, with Sakura by his side. Naruto not to appear as if he is tired from being Hokage
How do you feel about the new generation? Little Sarada princess is perfect, the lion cup Boruto (I wish he was my son!!) and Chouchou is sooo pretty!!
Say something about your favorite character. Good and bad. It would be a showdown between Naruto and Sasuke, buuut still Naruto helped me be who I am today. I grew up with the guy, he feels like a brother to me.
What would a child between your OTP look like? How would they behave as parents? I love that Sarada calls SS “mama and papa”, I can feel the closeness between them. Sarada is overall perfect, buuut I still wish for a little Uchiha boy ;) SS would adore their child!
Say something genuinely nice about your NoTP. I’m glad NH gave me Boruto
Say something negative about your OTP. I wish we could see more effection from Sasuke’s side. I’m sure he does, but like in a scene or panel to know it is real!
Is there anyway you could be convinced to ship your NoTP? NH maybe, but I really only like it because its Naruto
What would make you change your mind about the pairing? NOTHING in this world could!
What makes you mad about the series? antis
If you could see anything happen in the series, what would it be? Sasuke and Sakura’s travels, wedding, and Sarada’s birth.(you said it @team7fangirl)
What would you say to Kishimoto if given the chance?  Thanks for the years of love, teachings and happiness
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