#Why do I have the urge to eat flowers that's not normal
the-heaminator · 2 years
From what I remember:
Poisonous: foxglove, nightshade, devil's trumpet, moonflower, oleander (iirc moreso the sap than the actual flower but I could be wrong), lily of the valley (fun fact it was even used to poison someone in one of my favourite mangas), wisteria (the seeds, but the flowers can be poisonous in large amounts), daffodil, buttercups (mostly I hear about horses being poisoned, elderberries
Not poisonous: elder berries, as long as they're cooked and strained.
Not sure about iris, and not sure what you ate, but a few of these are okay-ish in small doses (maybe headache, pain, etc but otherwise okay), but you might want to see if you have superpowers.
I've so far eaten oleander, daffodils, buttercup wisteria and fox glove???
How the fuck am I not dead yet, I feel like my friends have been trying to kill me or I have a far too high poison tolerance.
Like I actually like daffodils they're very moist and crunchy, bit bitterbut goodwith salt, and they're fucken poisonous???
I sound like a horse but they ddoacc taste good and I do think the foxglove made me feel kinda dizzy but in the too much coffee way and not the oh shit I'm boutta die way.
And I never knew raw elderberries are. poisonous i just eat them when I find them and nothings ever happened.
Can someone pls confirm bc this is weird.
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suiana · 6 months
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(yandere! sweetheart x gn! reader)
You've seen him around. Seen how he talks, how he acts. And you're certain of one thing.
He's not what he looks to be.
Others might say you're paranoid or something, say you're just jealous of him and how everyone seems to adore him. But you really aren't. You just... You're just scared of him.
You're sure of it. It's his whole vibe and aura. It fucking creeps you out and you just can't understand why no one else can feel that. But you suppose it's because he looks like just another guy who's awfully sweet.
His eyes, lips, they all tell a different story as compared to the eerie vibe he gives off. Normally the eyes would be able to tell if he was just acting but... Even his eyes show that he's just a sweetheart.
You've rethought your opinions on him several times. Maybe you're just mistaken. Perhaps you're thinking too much about it.
But no matter how hard you've tried to see him in a positive light, your stomach churns with an indescribable fear. And your gut has never once lied to you.
Which is why you're currently trying to leave this scary situation which your best friend has put you in. She had brought you out to eat for a hangout and out of nowhere, this guy popped out and your friend invited him to join you two without caring about your opinion. You really wanted to punt her after she did that.
Anyways, she's in the toilet right now which means that you're left alone with him.
You didn't know what to say. You honestly just wanted to avoid him if you could. But he seemed to have other ideas.
"So! What have you been up to? I've been volunteering and helping around town, planting flowers and accompanying old granny-"
You tune out his words, staring at him with a slightly unnerved expression. Shit, he really does look like your average cute guy who's just a sweetheart. You can't help but feel bad about ignoring him but... even now, you're on edge. How could this be? You don't even sense any malicious intent but you're worried?
"Hey! Are you not listening?"
You snap out of your daze, blinking several times as you gulp nervously.
"Ah... apologies. I was just... tired, yeah."
He hums, still smiling at you as he props his hands on the table and rests his chin on them. You figut the urge to look away from him as he stares holes into your skull. Shit, when is your friend going to return? You can't handle this anymore...
"Say, darling, do I scare you that much?"
He suddenly mumbles, catching you off guard by the petname and his words. What? He knew that he scared you?
"I knew that you were different. That you could see something others couldn't. Which is why I was interested in the first place. But it really hurts me to see you blatantly ignoring me more and more each day."
He complains, pouting at you as he continues to stare straight into your soul. You feel a shiver run down your spine as your mouth runs dry. Wait what? What is going on? Why did he say that? He knew? Darling? Did he like you?! What the hell?
"You're really special to me. I really don't want you to be scared of me."
He reaches one of his hands out and places it above your trembling ones. He smiles warmly, though you can't help but feel chilled by the action. Damn boy! Stop! You don't like this!
"W-what are you-"
"I am completely in love with you. And I apologize about my... condition that has scared you."
He admits, cheeks flushed as he continues to stare at you, eyes unblinking. You have no response to him. Who knew that the town sweetheart that scared the shit out of you had fallen for you? And condition? Oh shit, was he like, a devil or something?
You gulp nervously, lower lip trembling as you freeze in your seat. Cold sweat decorates your forehead as you pray for your friend to hurry her ass up.
"Ah... I had planned to just take you, you know? But I don't want you to be too frightened of me... It hurts. Truly."
He sighs before removing his hand away from yours, looking at the direction in which your friend was walking from. Thank god! What was she even doing for so long?! She was gone for five full minutes, damn!
"Your friend is back, let's cheer up a bit, hm?"
He chuckles lightly, stirring his coffee as he finally breaks the prolonged eye contact which made you feel naked. Whew, finally that was over. You felt molested by him even though all he did was say some creepy shit.
But... condition. Hm... You'd need to do more research about him. Maybe then you could finally understand why you felt so unnderved by this guy.
And perhaps even try to get rid of the constant stress in your mind. Which would be him, obviously.
He seemed to know so much about you yet you know almost nothing about him. This was really not an optimal position for you.
"Haha! Did you see a ghost or something? You look scared as shit!"
Your friend jokes, taking her seat beside you as she goes back to eating her cake.
Yeah, she was right. You did just see a ghost. And this ghost was sitting right at the table together with you two.
Damn it, this was really the worst.
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tinandabin · 1 year
Guys. S4 EP1 Kny. Let's insert reader there because YESSSSSSSS!!!!!! im SO EXCITED TO BE WIRITNG FOR KNY AGAINN!!!!!!!
updated a/n: y'all, it's me, tina except now kny has s4 ep8. wow I forgot about this draft lemme continue it.
Yandere Muzan x Reader ( I hope this is yandere )
You were summoned in the infinity castle, well not really summoned, just teleported to a different area since you quite literally live in the infinity castle. All because of stupid Muzan being love-sick over you. Like bro, find a new obsession or something. Stop being a creep.
"[Name], come here. Stand beside me." Muzan said without looking at you, sensing your presence as soon as you were here. He was mixing some chemicals, since when did bro know chemistry?
You obeyed nonetheless, it would be futile to resist. So you got up and stood beside him, like a dutiful pet. You couldn't help but look at all the different chemicals Muzan was mixing, like bro, tell me the atomic mass of barium!!! You had this sudden urge to poke the chemicals, so you did. "Darling, don't do that." He chided you softly, as if you were some child. Did you listen to him? No.
Soon, all of the uppermoons were summoned and Muzan went on and on like some boring professor lecture. You almost fell asleep, almost.
"Ne ne, Muzan-sama, who's the new guest?" Douma, sitting in a criss-cross position, pointed a finger at you, staring at you menacingly. You stared back, more menacingly. Soon, it turned into a staring contest between the two of you before you decided to jump down the platform where Muzan is also standing, because why not? You have free will!!
Muzan glanced at you before sighing, irritated. "Don't do it." He warned. You looked back at him, smirking. "What if I did?" You replied in a snarky tone. Muzan looked fed up with your bullshit while Douma only merrily laughed in the background, finding it amusing that someone was able to challenge the demon king. A mere human, at that.
"Don't," Muzan said, not bothering to look at you again. "What's the magic word?" You wiggled your eyebrows at him. Really, all of the uppermoons were just waiting for you to get your skull burst open because who in their sane mind tells the demon king to say the magic word? Psh, as if he will- "Please don't." I kid you not, the uppermoons let out collective gasps. "Are you a witch?" Daki muttered, looking very surprised.
You only laughed and decided to not jump off the platform. Maybe another day. It was comical seeing the oh-so-feared demon king listen to the demands of a tiny human. That, my dear, was a normal day with the feared demon king. Just some uppermoon meetings, where you got Muzan to do something polite, effectively shocking the uppermoons to their core so much that they might just go into a coma. They all have concluded that you must be some type of goddess to be able to get Muzan to say, 'please'.
"Moo-zan." You poked Muzan's cheek as he read some boring ass book about flowers. He looked at you out of the corner of his eye, humming.
"I'm bored."
"And? That is not of my concern."
"I'm bored."
"I still don't understand how is that my concern."
"I'll eat your books."
"Would you like to go to dinner, tonight?" Muzan felt threatened. He knows you won't be beyond eating his books.
Silly little threats always work, guys. Try it out! Sponsored by [Name].
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
id love to know ur thoughts on non yandere chrollo. i have a presumption that this man is physically incapable of a normal relationship whether that be due to his childhood trauma or overall cringey and erratic behaviors… but id really like to know what u think hed be like besides forcing thigh highs into ur closet and not-so-secretly secretly watching u in ur sleep
i've thought about it a Lot because it does feel so funny to me. what is he doing. he'll be committing an international heist that makes worldwide news then carry your bags at the mall the next day. it feels like one of those things that'd start as a way to burn time, but when his thoughts turn to you when he's away for just a few hours, he's like. uh ohhh.
he's definitely weird but he hides it so well. he'll talk to pakunoda about this development over drinks, psychoanalyzing himself and what this could possibly mean... only for paku to look him in the eyes and say something among the lines of,
"boss... is it possible you just like them?"
and it's a genuine epiphany for chrollo. a no strings attached arrangement where you can't supply him with a nen ability to steal or be used to aid phantom troupe activities. you're just you, texting him silly pictures throughout the day and reminding him to eat well or you'll throw his car keys into a river. you got him. hook, line and sinker. he's charmed, starting wistfully over the horizon like a maiden awaiting her lover to return from the war. there's this lightness in his chest that he hasn't experienced since his childhood.
chrollo in a normal relationship is still rather possessive, he is a thief, after all. but he would rather not risk the dynamic of your relationship by scaring you away. so the homicidal urges get turned down a notch.
he's a bit cheesy but he relishes in it. his first love... why should he care if others think it corny to send you bouquets of flowers, chocolates, poetry quotes, and stuff to that effect? he was robbed of innocence in his youth — you're giving him the chance to live a life he never know he needed.
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old-danmei-fan · 7 months
Holy crap, I wrote this way faster than I thought I would. It started as just some Shino drabbles and morphed into a kinda fic? I'll get it rewritten into a fic with better dialogue since I didn't have any in the first half lmao
Anyways, no warnings besides a little bit of alcohol and bets. It is also sfw. I tried to make it gender neutral and there's no description of the reader's physical appearance. I am open to feedback so please let me know if you've got tips or suggestions for me!
Enjoy ☺️
When you meet as kids, shino is standoffish. He figures you're going to be grossed out or scared of his Kikaichū so he's a little shocked when you don't run away the first time you see them.
You keep coming up to him to just stand next to him and talk even though he doesn't respond much or volunteer any info of his own. You figure he's not telling you to go away so he must not mind your chatter.
You'll tell him about the most mundane parts of your day, about the flowers you saw starting to bloom, or even how you're craving a certain treat your mom made when you were a child. Shino will just stand or walk quietly with you, absorbing every little detail you give up to him.
You only realize Shino is actually listening and not just humoring you when he brings you your favorite treat after he notices you're having a rough day.
After that, you become inseparable from each other outside of missions and other duties. When you aren't training with your team, you go find Shino to train with and vice versa. Whenever you both have time, you'll go grab something to eat together when you're done with training.
Now that you two are friends he doesn't stop talking as long as you show interest in what he's saying. He still makes sure to pay attention to you when you're talking as well and will now interject with questions to keep you talking, no longer making you have a one way conversation.
As you get older and become older teens and even young adults, Shino becomes more and more protective of you. He's not sure why he feels the need to do so, but he figures it's because you're his best friend and that's what friends do.
Realistically, he knows you're a skilled and strong Shinobi, so why does he always feel the urge to step in for you when he knows you don't need him to?
All of your friends can see how close you and Shino have become over the years. They all know you two aren't actually dating, but there are most definitely bets going on about when it will actually happen.
When the Konoha 12 get to go out together, you two find that you gravitate to each other. Even when you drift away in separate conversations, you end up next to each other again eventually.
Shino is always the one that makes sure you get back to your house and in the door safely. As soon as your door starts opening he tells you to have a good night and off he goes.
He really wants you to ask him to stay so you can just hangout together and talk more outside of the noisy bar, but he doesn't want to be rude and ask you to come in.
One time while you're away on an extended mission, Shino and the rest of the of the 12 still in the village, go out to their usual bar for drinks. After a few rounds, Kiba decides to do a little light hearted goading and ask Shino if you two have decided on a date for the wedding.
Shino is more confused by this question than any other question in his life. Why would you two be getting married? You're best friends and he's positive you don't see him that way since no one else in the village ever has.
Kiba apologizes and explains everyone has just assumed you were dating since you're always together and have never shown romantic interest in anyone else throughout the years.
The rest of the night continues on like normal, Shino staying sober and keeping an eye on the rest of the group as they continue drinking. It's not as rowdy tonight as it normally is though so Shino finds himself thinking about your friendship over the years.
He thought about how he always looked forward to your training sessions together, walking you home everytime he could, the way he could tell you were having a bad day by the look in your eyes and how you slightly slumped your shoulders, the way he knew that surprising you with some chai or pastries would bring a smile back to you face.
A face that he just now realized that he misses terribly when you or he are away on missions. A face that brightens his day when he sees you crest the hill leading to the training grounds.
It's like a lightbulb goes off and Shino's eye grow wide behind his glasses with the understanding that not only are you his best friend, you are also the only person in his life that he ever really wants to see. That he has ever really cared for besides his clan. That he is in love with you and never knew it.
While Shino is completely oblivious to the conversations going on around him, Shikamaru leans over to Kiba to ask "Did he really just now figure out he's in love with them?"
Kiba with a smirk on his face responds "He sure did. I bet you 20 he'll be waiting by the gate when they return from their mission."
With that Shikamaru reaches his hand out to Kiba to shake on it.
A few days later as you're starting to see the gate of Konoha, you notice a tall figure leaning against the wall. As you get closer you notice it's Shino and your breath hitches since this is the first time he's been waiting for you at the gate.
As you reach him you frantically start asking what's wrong and if everything is ok since it's not normal for him to be waiting for you. Shino let's you get everything out before telling you nothing is wrong and that he simply missed you and wanted to see you.
Your blush is immediate and you stammer a little as you think of what to say. You've always harbored a crush on your best friend but never thought anything would come of it. Shino never showed any sort or interest or attraction outside of friendship.
As you start walking together you think about how he doesn't spend as much time with anyone, outside of his team of course, as he does with you. You abruptly stop walking and as Shino stops and turns to you, you ask him why.
"Why what?" He responds with a look of confusion on what little you can see of his face.
"Why after so many years of us being friends do you decide to wait for me after this mission? It wasn't particularly dangerous. There was no need to worry yourself over me." The question you really want to ask doesn't come out though.
Shino is quiet and contemplative for a moment before he says "Because I have come to the realization that I want to be the first person you see everytime you return from missions." He paused to grab your hands and his voice is a little softer when he continues. "Because after years of you being my best friend, I have come to the conclusion that I'm in love with you."
You stare wide eyed at Shino, extremely surprised, but elated at his confession. You squeeze his hand as you say "Shino, I have been waiting for you to say that to me since you let me talk your ear off as a child."
With that shino surprises you even more as he lifts you from the ground in the tightest hug you've ever experienced. As he puts you down, he grabs your hand to walk with you to give the mission report. "Let's go get dinner after your done giving your report." Shino says as you start the walk to Hokage Tower.
Neither of you noticed Kiba and Shikamaru in the shadow of a near by building watching you walk away. "What a drag" mumbles Shikamaru as he pulls a 20 out of his wallet to give to Kiba.
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fxckn-sxck-fr · 5 months
could we see some romantic yandere Scott summers x reader. I have been obsessed with the x-men lately and I need more content
!!! Controlling behaviors, mentions of PDA, slightest bit of possessiveness, Scott doesn’t believe in boundaries, scary Scott, manipulation, delusions, mentions of murder.
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Oooooooh, this one got me to think a little. I honestly haven’t written a purely romantic yandere in a while, so let’s see what we’re dealing with.
First off, forget about personal space. That doesn’t exist when you’ve capture the affection of a man like Scott. Expect there to always be an arm around your shoulders or waste, a hand on your back or thigh, and a shit ton of kisses. He’s not afraid of PDA, so be prepared to be absolutely disgusting to everyone around you. It’s more cuz he can’t fight the urge to touch you than to show that you’re his, but he’d be lying if that last part wasn’t a bonus.
If it was up to him, you’d be wearing his clothes 24/7. You just look so cute in his shirts and jackets, not to mention your scent being left behind on everything, too. He absolutely steals your dirty clothes just to smell them. Especially on the off chance you’re on a mission without him. It’s like he has withdrawal symptoms when you’re away, so expect him to practically attack you as soon as you’re back. Will kiss and cuddle for hours on end, don’t you dare test him.
Absolutely controls everything about your life. What you eat, what you wear, who you hang out with, what you can and can’t do... if it’s within his power, he’s taking over. He sometimes acts more like your parole officer than your lover, literally acting like you broke the law if you cross him. And honestly, in his book, you have; what he wants is basically the law. How can you do this to him, huh?!
Oh my god, please don’t keep secrets from him. Not only does he always find out, but he is absolutely terrifying when he’s pissed. You may find yourself fearing for your personal safety when you get into fights, with how he yells or roughly grabs you by the arm. Don’t worry, though. The last thing Scott wants to do is hurt you… unless if it’s absolutely necessary, but you’d have to really fuck up for it to come to that. Once he’s calmed down, he’s back to the docile cuddly Scott that’s way less scary. He also has this weird “it’s my fault that it’s your fault mentality,” which basically means that every argument is your fault, but he blames himself for not properly conditioning you to follow his every command, so part of it is still his fault, too.
A big part of Scott’s delusions surrounding you is that you’re the picture perfect couple. He’s always wanted to live the picket fence life and is a big lover boy at heart, which is why he likes to do romantic gestures like buying you flowers, picnic dates, candlelit dinners, murder, leaving little notes around the mansion for you to find… wait a minute. One of those is not like the others. Oh, yeah! Scott would totally kill for you if needed. It runs counter to the morals of the X-Men, sure, and in any normal circumstance, killing is a no-go. But he prioritizes you over anything and everything else, so if there’s even an inkling of a threat to your safety, he’s going in with fists clenched and visor blazing.
Two of the biggest advantages of having yandere Scott as your lover is that he’ll do whatever you want (as long as it fits within the parameters of his rules) and you’ll forever have scary dog privileges. While you might not have a lot of personal freedom, there are some loopholes to getting your way. You just gotta shower him in your affection and talk sweetly enough. Compromises will probably have to be made, but it’s better than nothing.
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dead-air-radio · 5 months
Sigh thinking about cults. And my religious truama tw.
Just imagining being super depressed and very emotional and having someone come into my life that is so normal and unassuming at first. Slowly they become a part of my everyday life and their little gestures make me trust them more and more and they are so caring that I become so codependent on them so when they start asking for weirder and weirder things I don't think anything of it. They start managing my diet but I assume they're just trying to help me and they know I want to lose weight even if they feed me weird things.
Or they start having me wear a certain thing almost as a claim. Before it turns into me being so dependent on them I'd do anything and so when I get so sad and sleepy but have the urge to cut I don't see it as a problem when they offer to do it for me. Slicing at my legs before kissing them. At this point they're so friendly and guiding they love to brush my hair and give me things and do things I'd usually do by myself like bathe me. Until I'm just some little lamb for them.
I'm so trusting of them when they say they have smth for me I think nothing about why I need to dress in the white gown they got me and all the jewelry they got me in the past as well as eat a piece of bread thay hes me woozey. And how they want me to wear bows in my hair and be bathed in a certain soap they like until we get into their car and they blindfold me for the surprise it's already Evening when we leave and once we get their they carry me to the surprise.
At first I assume we are just having a little romantic fire in the woods. I can hear the crunch under their feet from the leaves and the birds and other wild life. And the crackle of fire and the heat as we walk past it and I'm placed on smth like stone. When my blindfold is taking off I'm on an altar of sorts and there's a fire ahead of me as well as a bunch of people in masks. Of course I'm frightened holding onto the person I came with arm before they shush me. There's candles and statues around me as well as flowers and by the atlar is a bowl for offerings. The person sits beside me unphased as I cling to them, scared of what's happening. And they address the people. Not realizing he's a leader of the cult and all the jewelry and clothes they've been giving me are actually not only from them but his people as well. All their followers have known a out me for a long time giving them offerings to give the cult leaders little pet, his lamb. When he's done speaking to them he turns to me telling me to lay on the altar stone as he gets on top of me as the watchers look on. He cuts open my wrists while I whimper and shake and push against him confused. He cuts his wrists as well mixing his bleed with mine before licking at his wrists and he puts his wrist by my mouth for me to lick up as well.
Some of the followers that are dressed differently go on to give a spot of sermon as if I'm not whimpering behind them as the leader continues to assualt me and push up the white gown. The sermon is about needing to view the leader take what's his and have smth resemble the lamb and religious symbol of their cult and how I'm the image they should look up to cause the leader has chose me as his lamb to mark infront of them to make me his forever. Him cutting me open by carving his name into my stomach as he fucks me on the altar while his people watch
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lfghughes · 1 year
Breathe pt 3
a/n: third and final part but we got our happy ending like promised. also forever thankful for you guys and all the nice things yall say
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When Jack said he was going to work on himself he didn’t mean it as an excuse. This wasn’t his way out of the relationship in hoping of letting her down softly. This was him knowing he needed to genuinely work on himself so he could be the best version of himself because he didn’t want to give her anything less than she deserved. So working on himself was a promise so that way they could hopefully be better together. Jack at first wasn’t sure how or when he would know he was ready but months down the road he had done everything he needed to get to a healthier place in his life. There was still work he needed to do and he planned on doing it but he was in a good place. A good enough place that he planned on reaching out.
Reader P.O.V
Life without Jack wasn’t easy. Since the night you had gotten drunk you have managed to resist any urge to contact Jack because you knew he needed his space to work on himself. It worried you every day that you two would never be able to find your way to each other again but at the end of the day you wanted Jack to be happy. His happiness mattered the most to you.
When you got home from work you were surprised by the flowers that were on the mat by your front door. You quickly opened up the note on it and a small smile spread on your lips as you read the words on it. ‘Meet me at the place we had our first date -J.H’ In most cases you would question this but in this case you were going to go exactly where the card told you to. You placed the flowers inside and quickly got changed before heading to the bowling alley.
As you pulled into the parking lot you saw Jack was already there, a smile on his lips when you showed up and you wondered to yourself if he thought there was a possibility that you wouldn’t come. There wasn’t a single universe out there that you didn’t show up in. “Do you remember why we picked bowling for our first date?” He asked and you nodded your head. “Because we couldn’t decide on what to do or what to eat but I told you there was no way you could beat me in bowling.” You told him, thinking back to that first date.
“And then what happened?” A small smirk grew on his lips. “And then you won because you’re good at everything and it’s annoying.” You shrugged with a laugh. “Rematch?” He asked and you quickly nodded your head at the challenge. Inside you both got set up for the game and you enjoyed the light heartedness of this. It was like your first date in the sense it was fun and not serious at all but it was also so different because those first time jitters were gone. This time around you also played a lot better and Jack didn’t win. You refused to believe he would let you win.
“I actually have one quick stop for us. We can ride together in my car and then we can pick up your car after.” You nodded your head at his plan and followed him to his car. You had no clue where you were going but when you pulled up to the rink he practiced in you raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m not that creative when it comes to date things but I pulled some strings and this gives us some privacy.” That you definitely didn’t mind. You followed him inside and you immediately noticed a pair of skates that were put to the side.
Jack had put a lot of thought into tonight even if it had been simple things. You sat down on the bench and like normal Jack knelt down in front of you, helping you with your skates before you even tried to do it on your own. You carefully stepped out onto the ice and he took your hand. You couldn’t help but notice just how different he was in the best way possible. There was a different glow to him and you could tell he was just happier. This was all you had wanted for him and your heart was so full.
“I know things have been rough and it’s not like everything is better. I also know I don’t deserve an immediate yes because I hurt you. But I’m willing to work for it.” His words made you want to cry but you held it back. “Jack..” You started and he shook his head as he continued. “I know you’re going to tell me it’s okay but it wasn’t but I’m going to make it okay if you let me. I love you more than anything. I’m going to be the person you deserve if you let me into your life like that.” His eyes looked down at yours and you could see some worry in them that you would say no. Your hands cupped his cheeks as you nodded your head. “I’m so proud of you. We can work on us and we’ll get there baby.”
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lollytea · 8 months
Ok ok insufferable hunlow headcanons... you know there are some couples who are quite private. If they're in public they'll maybe hold hands at most. If they're fighting u won't even know about it until after they've broken up or it's resolved. Well, with their close friends, Hunlow are the OPPOSITE. even in their situationship when they're trying to be subtle. Their friends know so much about their relationship against their will because they're too obsessed with each other to shut up. (1/2)
YES EXACTLY!!! I remember seeing a headcanon once that Hunter and Willow would be way more low-key about their relationship and prefer to keep their love relatively private, as opposed to Luz and Amity who are very open about it. Everybody has their own interpretation, but I personally cannot picture that at all.
I think they are as LOUD and OBNOXIOUS as any teenagers who are experiencing their first romance. I think they are so mushy even while out in public that it makes other people nauseous.
(Never forget Dana's art with Hunter happily melting in Willow's hand. I am getting heavy implications that they are not in a private setting. They are doing that gay shit in front of people. Unbelievable.)
I think it's a sweet idea that provides a sense of catharsis for both characters.
Willow is stated by Dana to be a person who tries not to brag about things. It's the reason why not a lot of people knew that she regularly worked out. Because she barely talked about it. I personally see it as a form of corrective behaviour where she irons out characteristics that she views as unlikeable, in her efforts to be more palatable to the people around her. Because, as shown in HMH, Willow does possess a boastful streak and has the petty urge to show off every now and again. I think it would be nice for her to express a bit more teenage immaturity in circumstances where its harmless for her to do so. Like at school, where she is so childishly giddy to have a special boy all to herself. I love the idea of Hunter's presence being something that influences Willow to act her age in an easy, lighthearted way.
Who cares if it's annoying? Who cares if it's untastefully braggy? Who cares if she looks blushy and sappy and ridiculous? She's calling her boyfriend a gigglebug in the middle of the goddamn hexside hallway and teasing about how she could sweep him up Princess style and he's eating it up. She's never felt so alive.
MEANWHILE! Hunter is a person who feels love so intensely and passionately while also being a hopeless chatterbox who's incapable of keeping things to himself. AND ALSO he's never gotten the opportunity to really express how deeply he loves. Belos starved him of affection and isolated him from other people. He had to hide Flapjack's existence during the stage where Flapjack was becoming the most ardently adored creature in his life. Hunter has all this love constantly pouring out of him at all times and he can barely handle it. He's bottled it up for far too long. He died and came back to life with a vengeance for living ferociously. He's not going to subdue himself anymore. He wants to be held!! He wants hugs!!! And kisses!!!! He wants someone to caress his face and stroke his hair!!!! He wants to squeeze the people he loves so tight that they leave an imprint on his flesh. Let him be loudly and annoyingly in love with Willow with no idea how to be normal about it. Let him gleefully announce "Willow brought me a bouquet of flowers!! 🥰" In the hexsquad group chat every damn day. And let nobody tell him to shut up. Please, he needs this.
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Okay! Nosferatu lore
Nosferatu 1922 is based on Dracula the book and all tha,t so the basic plot is the same, but it has some differences that make it its own thing.
Firstly, Count Orlok. He's some sort of a demon, a manifestation of human sin, created as punishment for mankind, who feeds on blood and whose "spell" can cause someone to "lust after blood without reason" (we'll talk about that later). He also shares many characteristics with a rat and has a bunch of rats, who he uses to spread the plague (we will also discuss the plague, maybe). I've had a previous theory, based on two lines which may or may not have been a slight mistranslation, about him being a human who died during the Black Death and reborn as a vampire. But, not sure if that is quite it. Maybe some mix of the two. The script also mentions portraits of his ancestors, which, I don't think demons really have those. What matters is, by the start of the story he poses as a Transylvanian Count, who wishes to purchase property in Wisborg (made up place) in Germany (real place).
In doing so, he reaches out via a very cryptic letter full of unintelligible symbols to a house agent. People call him Knock. What is going on with Knock is unclear - one thing we know for sure, he has some sort of a connection with Orlok. He and Orlok have known eachother before we were introduced to them, since Knock knows how to read that weird mess of letters. Later, Knock becomes the renfieldddddd. Goes mad, starts eating bugs, establishes a psychic connection with Orlok and senses his approach, all that shit, you know how it is. Thing about Knock; Orlok can't really turn people into vampires unlike Dracula, so Knock probably doesn't inherit the other guy's motivation of becoming a vampire. That's where the "spell" line from before comes in. Many have theorized that Knock has been brainwashed into serving Orlok, that seems like a viable explanation to me. Knock is much more devoted, I'd say, even if he's not that useful. He stays loyal until the very end, and either dies or becomes sad when Orlok dies. It's possible that he has been brainwashed and turned into a servant, very likely in fact. I choose to ignore it, excuse the "spell" as love or some shit, and Knock going mad and eating bugs is just how gay people get sometimes when separated by a long distance. We've all been there.
Back to the beginning; Knock hands the task of selling the house over to Thomas Hutter, his employee, a man whom I shall not call a twink but still have the urge to. Thomas Hutter is a very unsuspecting man, probably numbed to it all by the long-term effects of working for someone like Knock, a giggling lunatic (i say this lovingly). Oh. Did I mention that the Hutters are shown to not have the most wealthy lifestyle, and Knock is described as "paying his employees well", and he also tells Hutter that he might get quite a lot of money from the deal (at the cost of just a bit of blood)? I think you can see the themes here. Well, Hutter takes up the journey. Instantly regrets it (I mean, not really instantly. It took him long enough. As I said, a very unsuspecting man). Enough about him let's talk about his wife. He loves his wife, that's what he would have wanted, trust me.
Ellen Hutter! Introduced as Thomas Hutter's wife, indeed, she is. She is a kind woman, I'd say, extremely so - the first line we hear from her is her "Why did you kill those beautiful flowers?" in response to Hutter bringing her a boquet. Normal reaction, don't worry about it. The two are shown to have quite a happy life, they love eachother; that is, until Orlok sees Ellen's portrait, compliments her neck and decides to go to Wisborg to get the blood. When he tries to drink from Hutter, we see that Ellen also has some sort of a telepathic connection, either with Hutter or Orlok, who knows, thing is, she calls out to Hutter and wards Orlok off. So, we've got two telepaths tied to some men. We'll come back to that later. Both Hutter and Orlok arrive to Wisborg; Hutter has a book from which he learned about Orlok (also called Nosferatu), but refuses to let Ellen read it. Not sure why, maybe he thinks that everything he saw was just a hallucination created by the book after all? Anyway, the Plague from Orlok's rats sets in. Ellen has no choice but to investigate; in doing so, she finds out that to destroy Orlok and earn redemption, a willing sinless maiden must sacrifice herself and let Orlok drink her blood until sunrise, until Sun gets him. Ellen, unlike Hutter, instantly knows what she must do. And she does.
ooo :3
i mixed up the names but i’m somewhat sure orlok is the … ratty looking one ??? i think knock is the sorta round fella
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animebltches · 7 months
okay spills about tgcf post “golden prince of xianle and the beginning of (?) the human face disease saga”
1. i was in pain for 95% of that arc no exaggeration! xie lian constantly being ridiculed even as he tried every single method mortally and heavenly available to help his people kept sending me CLEAN over the edge. truly i understand little hua cheng’s frustration at all these backstabbing devotees who not only gave up on xie lian but who actively started hating him! CRUEL.
2. xie lian’s fatal flaw being loyalty (the way some of my other favourite characters’ have loyalty as their fatal flaw 👁️👁️) makes me want to burn my own house down because WHY AM I ALWAYS DOWN BAD FOR THE BABIES WHO CANT PUT THEMSELVES FIRST??? anyway xie lian’s loyalty to his kingdom is what ruined his heavenly status and his actual kingdom in the end. but it is what will save him. purely because hua cheng will be the thing he bounces that loyalty back into. mark. my. words.
3. i am severely like severely unwell about the ENTIRE “poisonous lust flowers” saga. what the actual fuck do you mean hua cheng was THERE when xie lian was forcibly over come by poisonous scents that filled him with only primal urges of the things he suppresses most: lust and murder. DO YOU KNOW HOW SEXY THAT IS? let xie lian go insane! LET HIM! LET HIM! anyway that entire scene where hua cheng was trying to find xie lian’s hair and he kept brushing his hands against xie lian’s chest, and the apple of his throat, and the nape of his neck and all this golden prince could do was whimper and moan and gasp as he was drowning in the lust he’d suppressed for so long, that’s the scene of all scenes. god fuck if you saw the way i was clutching my steering wheel you would have had me arrested for unsafe driving GODDAMN (disclaimer i was very safe and no one was in any danger while i was on the road). anyway drugging kinks my beloved <3 anyway corruption arcs my beloved <3 anyway sexual tension through the fucking heavenly gates my most beloved <3
4. and on the topic of hua cheng finding xie lian’s hair: THE MYSTERY OF WHY HUA CHENG WEARS A RED STRING AROUND HIS MIDDLE FINGER HAS FINALLY BEEN ANSWERED! in the scene xie lian ties a piece of his hair around one of hua cheng’s fingers for protection while hua cheng guards the cave from the spiteful flowers-turned-woman, and now hua cheng wears a red string (like the string of fate because they’re fucking fated) on his middle finger where xie lian had once tied that strand of hair when hua cheng was still a teenage soldier. maybe if i eat glass i’ll feel more normal???
anyway in conclusion that entire storyline made me want to dig my own grave because xie lian was hurting so much and suffered so much. but also we ate SO good with hualian that i have to reserve 5% of my emotions for “FUCK YES!”
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arthurlightstar · 26 days
🌻🌼🐥✨ hey i got arthur some flowers
OKAY this took me awhile but here we go ^.^
🌻 (sunflower) - What’s something your character has grown out of? Did it happen gradually or was it a drastic change? What caused this shift?
He would reflexively scratches his Orin-lobotomy-tadpole-scar a lot. It’s usually hidden by his haircut. Shart pointed it out to him 1 time and then he immediately stopped doing it forever. (Still does it if nobody’s watching or just Astarion is around)
🌼 (blossom) - When a stranger meets your oc, what’s the first thing they notice about them? What kind of vibes do they give off? Are they friendly and open? Cold and standoffish? Is the first impression people get accurate to who they actually are?
Arthur gives off a very friendly and warm vibe. He’s that stranger who like stops you in line for coffee and is like “hey by the way I love your outfit!!” Occasionally too overly friendly Midwest American vibes.
Is the first impression accurate to who they are? Yes and no. He is someone who is extremely friendly and genuinely enjoys smalltalk with people. He also enjoys lying 2 people for fun.
🐥 (baby chick) - How does your oc feel about parenthood? Do they have children? If not, do they want any? Why or why not?
Alright so if vasectomys exist in Baldur's Gate 3 Arthur definitely has gotten one. (Normal way 2 start this answer out) Post campaign he bolts wide awake at like 3AM one night freaking out because he realizes it's extremely possible that he has kids (and the more he learns about Bhaal, probable!)
He isn't interested in the responsibility kids would entail. He wants to live his life for himself and he doesn't want to owe that responsibility to someone. Also? If we’re talking biological kid he would be extremely worried about a baby bhaalspawn urges and what that all would entail :/
Arthur is also not great with kids. He doesn’t know how to relate to them (in part bcs he doesn’t remember being a kid so he can’t draw on that experience). He can muddle through interactions okay with them but tends to overshoot and ends up in annoying-patronizing-parental-figure-territory and watch me babytalk-talk-down-to-you.
Karis on the other hand is GREAT with kids. He’s especially really good the kids in his church (caveating this with when I say good I mean he understands how to talk to kids, but like obviously he’s the head of like the worst cult in the world and keeping them & his other cultists trapped here LMAO) but desperately does not want his own. This is actually what makes him try to get tf out of Bhaal’s church, but more on that later.
✨ (sparkles) - What gives your oc confidence? Is it something physical or more emotional? Do they inspire confidence in others? Why or why not?
Anything that makes him feel smart. He’s very susceptible to flattery (big shocker how he ends up with Astarion).
Gortash gasses Karis up a lot about what a respectable normal intelligent bhaalspawn not succumbing to his urges Bhaalspawn he is and badly pretends not to fall for it (but he eats it the fuck up.)
The specific brand of flattery that gets him is telling him he’s really intelligent and a smooth-talker and cunning.
He’s very good at inspiring confidence in others! He’s really good at figuring out what people want to hear and telling them that. He’s kinda just very good at reading social cues which helps a lot w this.
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ampheenix · 2 years
Sunflower Week 2023 Day Two: Valentines Day
“YUM, icing sugar!!” Kel grinned, quickly licking his finger so he could stick it in the mixing bowl for a taste. “Mmm mmm, delicioso!” He said with his eyes closed in bliss, turning towards the others.
He stopped for a moment, noticing Hero staring at him as if he had just murdered his entire family, face contorted in horror.
…Kel sensed he had made a mistake of some kind.
 …What’s up? You guys want some too?”
Sunny wrinkled his nose, whilst Hero shook his head slowly, letting out a world-weary sigh and leaning heavily against the counter as he mopped his brow.
“Why on earth did I agree to this...”
- - -
“Look, Sunny’s a nerd. You’re a nerd. You’re both total fuckin nerds, which is why you’ll be great together.” Aubrey huffed, folding her arms as she leaned back in her plastic chair. “You gonna eat that?” She nodded at the piece of pizza on Basil’s plate, and he nodded faintly, pushing it over to her.
“Y-you can have it… I feel a little unwell.” Basil said weakly as he hunched over slightly, looking even paler than normal. He fidgeted with the hem of his sleeves, butterflies swarming in his insides… how… how on earth was he going to do this?! It looked so much easier in the romcoms!!
Aubrey’s tough expression softened slightly. “Hey…” When Basil didn’t respond, she rolled her eyes, snapping her fingers loudly in front of his face.
He straightened up instantly with a small yelp, looking disgruntled. “Wh- what was that for?!”
“You weren’t paying attention.” Aubrey smirked, grabbing the last slice and biting into the heavenly greasy pepperoni and cheese. “Mmm, that is good.” She munched in bliss for a for a few seconds, noticing that Basil started spacing out again.
Ugh, he had that constipated expression on his face that meant he was overthinking something stupid… seriously, anyone with eyes could see that he and the dweeb were made for each other.
“Hey!” Aubrey leaned over the table, waving her hand in front of Basil’s face, irritated. She wasn’t gonna just sit here and be ignored, thanks very much. “Look, I’m actually trying to give you solid advice here for once, alright?”
Basil perked up instantly, looking at her with eyes that were practically shining. “P-please!! I have absolutely no idea what to do, I… I already know I’m gonna mess it up and Sunny’s gonna hate me forever…” He whispered nervously, bowing his head before Aubrey.
“Jesus, calm down.” Aubrey huffed. “Look, the flowers are a lovely idea and all, but why not step it up a little? It’s the day of love, might as well wrap ‘em up in a bouquet or something. Sunny’s gonna appreciate the effort gone into it more than anything, he’ll probably have an aneurysm when he finds out how long you’ve been planning this anyway.”
“Bu-but…” Basil’s voice cracked pathetically, and Aubrey resisted the urge to snort- now was not the time, even if this was kinda hilarious- “What if… what if he doesn’t feel the same way, and… and I lose him?”
Aubrey deserved a fucking award for how hard she was trying not to smack Basil upside the head right now, because, SERIOUSLY?!
“Basil, with all due respect,” Aubrey said, teeth clenching in some semblance of a smile, “How fucking stupid are you?!”
“Wh-what?” Basil asked anxiously, glancing up from his lap in shock. “What do you mean??”
“FUCKING-” Aubrey stopped, taking a deep breath, in and out as her therapist had instructed. Lord, please give her patience in these trying times. “Look, let me just say that there is absolutely no way in hell that Sunny doesn’t like you back, alright. His face was literally hot enough to fry eggs on when you tripped over him the other day.”
“But… N-no, you’re just saying that…” Basil said with poorly veiled hope.
Jesus Christ, these idiots were so oblivious. As soon as she realised she liked Kim, she told her, Kim returned her feelings, and they started going out. It’s really not that hard?!
“C’mon Basil don’t insult me, there’s no universe where I would lie just to be nice.” Aubrey rolled her eyes, sweeping her hair over one shoulder as she held up her phone, double-checking her reflection to make sure there was no sauce around her mouth.
She pushed her chair back, getting to her feet as she fired off a text message. “Anyways, I have a hot date with my amazing girlfriend now. Good luck, my little gay pupil.” She grinned maniacally, reaching over to ruffle Basil’s hair like one would a pathetic little dog before sweeping out of the restaurant.
 Basil remained for a few more minutes, gazing into the melted ice cubes of his diet pepsi as he ruminated on Aubrey’s words. Maybe… maybe he did have a chance, after all!
He instantly dropped his head on the table in defeat, internally facepalming because Goddamnit, he was about to ask out the guy who’s eye he stabbed like a year ago, and whose sister he faked a SUICIDE of for…
And Mari… would she even approve of him trying to make a move on her younger brother?
Well, it wasn’t like she was around anymore to give a shovel talk, either way…
Basil scrubbed away a stray tear threatening to escape with his sleeve, determination renewed as he strode out of the restaurant.
He was going to DO this.
- - -
Hero found himself soon questioning his existence. How had things gone so horribly, horribly wrong?
It had been fine a moment ago, with Sunny making Kel wash his hands after the momentary sugar disaster, and soon the recipe for chocolates was going along smoothly.
But then, in a flash of genius,Kel had decided to put the metal bowl of ingredients in the microwave.
Because, quote unquote, “the sugary bits weren’t melted enough yet! I was just givin’ em a helping hand, that’s what friends do, right?”
To which Hero had responded with, “I hate this fucking family.”
So, now they stood rather despondently as they gazed down at a charred mess of what was once a tasty, tantalizing mixture of ingredients…
…Before Kel had set it on fire.
“Uh.. No sweat, sunny, it’ll be fine! I’m sure Basil will still lo-” Kel was cut off by Hero’s hand slapping his mouth. Kel eyes darted over to his brother’s in confusion, and Hero stared daggers at him with a tight smile.
Hero and Kel sweated for a few moments under the boy’s questioning gaze, before Sunny shrugged and turned back to the mixing bowl (full of something that looked and smelled like roadkill but was probably just burnt cocoa).
“Well… uh, Sunny, do you want to try again?” Hero attempted, smiling encouragingly. “I’m sure we’ll get it this time if we boot Kel out!” (“HEY!”)
Sunny appeared to ponder this for a few seconds, glancing from the noxious substance in the bowl, to a guilty-looking Kel, to his brother’s bright smile. Sunny looked uncertain, but slowly inclined his head forward in acquiescence.
“Well, I guess I get why you don’t really want me here… I’m not that great at cooking, you might have guessed!” Kel shrugged lightly, grinning. “I’ll be outside with Mewo if you need me!”
“Wow, you’re bad at cooking? I never would have guessed!” Hero smiled poisonously, understandably still salty about his precious child being blown up and now resembling roadkill.
Predictably, the sarcasm flew right over Kel’s head, and he gave them a big thumbs up before heading out the kitchen.
“…Alright.” Hero said with determination, turning back to Sunny. “Let’s make the best goddamn chocolates your valentine will have ever tasted.”
Sunny’s eyes widened in excitement, and he nodded vigorously.
Hero smiled winningly, as now with Kel out of the room, surely they’d actually make some progress, right?
- - -
Mando looked up from the counter tiredly as some blonde kid walked in through the door, raising an eyebrow as he noticed the guy muttering to himself anxiously. Oh well, none of his business.
“Hi, welcome to Fix It…” Mando said, resting his chin on his hand lazily. “Where you can buy stuff and Fix It yourself. What can I interest you in?”
The kid jumped as he started talking, glancing around wildly as if he’d forgotten where he was. He seemed to relax soon as his eyes landed on a faintly amused Mando.
“U-uh.. Um, hi there, I wanted to… to uh… to b-buy…” He stumbled over his words, flushing from embarrassment to the point where Mando actually felt kinda sorry for the guy.
“…Flowers?” Mando said dryly, eyes following the kid’s gaze which was resting on the assortment of scarlet and pink roses, mainly set out to attract simps for Valentine’s Day. He sighed, feeling rather depressed all of a sudden; of course some 14-year-old had more game then him, yeesh. 
“O-oh! Uh, yeah!” The kid said with a small smile, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Um, for V-valentine’s day, haha…” Mando let out another small sigh, corner of his mouth ticking up in a rueful smile. 
“Well, good luck I guess. What type of flower, and did you want a ribbon to go with?” He asked, scrounging up some ribbons from below to counter to wrap them in. There’d already been like ten orders for flowers today, and all of them roses, so most likely- 
“Tulips? Uh, pink tulips, if you have any!” 
…Well, that was new. Tulips for Valentine’s day, huh? 
“Sure thing, we probably have some in the back if you’ll wait a sec.” Mando said, a bit curious despite himself. “So, who’s the lucky lady?” 
The boy froze, looking very uncomfortable as he fiddled with the flower in his hair. “Uh, um, a white ribbon by the way, please… it’s his favourite colour…” 
Oh shit, whoops.
“Ah sorry, my bad.” Mando shrugged, making idle talk as he went through the assortment of coloured ribbons “So, what’s the lucky guy’s name? Maybe I know him, it’s a small world here in Faraway.” 
“Uh- um… well, hi- his name is, it’s… S-su… Sun…” The kid was a full-on tomato at this point, looking as if he was about to have an aneurysm.
Mando tried and failed to hide his smile, finally locating the cream-coloured ribbon in the messy pile (he really had to reorganize them at some point, yikes). 
“Alright, I’ll head on back and find those tulips for you.” He interrupted the kid’s spluttering, pushing the ribbon up on the counter with some amusement before he turned to go investigate the storage. 
“U-um, th-thank you!” Basil called after him, and as soon as the clerk had disappeared he facepalmed, groaning into his cupped palms miserably as he tried and failed to will the heat from his cheeks. “Ugh, what was I thinking… if I can’t even t-talk to an employee, h-how am I gonna be able to talk to… to Sunny about this?!”  
Reluctantly, Basil lifted his hands from his flushed face only to be abruptly jumpscared by the huge girl quietly standing in front of him. He startled, letting out a small yelp as he stumbled a few steps backwards.
Steeling himself, he dragged his gaze from the floor to see…
He hadn’t really talked to her since… well, since… 
(Since she and the others had stood on the sidelines as Aubrey beat the shit out of him, even as he begged them to stop her, none of them had even been able to meet his eyes.)
“U-um, hi there… Charlene…” Basil attempted awkwardly, unable to meet her gaze.
An uncomfortable pause followed. He scuffed his shoe on the floor, internally begging the employee to please hurry up.
“So uh… haha, how’ve you been?” Basil tried again, but received no response.
He nibbled at his lip nervously, eyes darting around the room as the heavy silence weighed down on him, feeling like ten tonnes for how oppressive it was.
He swallowed, eyes on the floor. This was all too familiar… it reminded him of how horribly awkward it had felt when he saw Sunny after four years, for the first time since… since…
Neither of them had any idea how to communicate with each other anymore back then, and the relief at finally seeing Sunny after all this time had been overshadowed by paralysing dread at what the other boy had to think of him now… after what he had done…
“…S-sorry.” A voice said softly above him, shaking him from his sombre thoughts, but before he could even try to process that there were a pair of arms wrapping themselves around them and lifting him into the air.
“I-I, wh… what?!” Basil said confusedly, before he was crushed into a tight hug. To his even greater confusion soon he felt droplets of moisture landing on his hair.
“Uhm, th-there there…” Basil managed to get one arm free to awkwardly pat her on the shoulder as tears rolled down her face and onto him.
He finally met her watery eyes, his own widening because…
Her pools of grey gazed into his with a guilt, a horribly familiar guilt he had seen reflected back at himself every day in the mirror for four years. So heart-wrenching he couldn’t get out another word through the lump in his throat, and he swallowed weakly.
“Charlene… you-you don’t have to cry, it’s… it’s okay…” Basil managed to choke out, voice cracking pathetically-
“Woah, who died?” A dry voice cut through their exchange instantly, and his head whipped around to see the employee now standing back at the counter with a slightly bemused expression.
Basil looked at Charlene confusedly, and then back at the employee, and back to Charlene again with the beginnings of an existential crisis on his face.
“…So did you want these, or…?” The clerk said as he held up the bouquet of rosy tulips, looking tired, and Basil startled.
“Uh, um, yes please!!” He said frantically, and turned to give Charlene a comforting pat on the shoulder before jumping down and rushing over to where the clerk leaned against the counter.
“That’ll be two dollars.” The clerk said as he rang up the register, and Basil’s mind raced as he scrabbled for the change in his pocket.
“Um, thanks! Have a g-good day!” He said gratefully to the clerk, who shrugged in response.
“Good luck with your valentine, little dude.” He said, leaning his chin against his palm lazily.
Basil turned back to- oh.
Charlene had already started shuffling back to the inside of the shop, but as if sensing Basil’s gaze, turned around and gave him a small wave.
Relieved, Basil smiled weakly, giving her a small wave in return, before walking out of the shop with a quiet “ding!”
…And then proceeded to freak the fuck out, because what just happened.
Basil snorted to himself, shaking his head slowly as he walked back home. More likely than he’d thought, apparently.
- - -
Hero was currently losing his mind.
“Sunny.” He said pleasantly, brushing down his apron as he resisted to urge to stab Sunny with the bloody steak knife he was holding. “With all due respect, WHAT THE FUCK?!”
Sunny blinked at him innocently, scarlet dripping off the blade and into the bloody bowl. Somehow, it resembled roadkill even more than before.
Hero hadn’t thought anyone could be worse than Kel at cooking, let alone SUNNY. Sweet, kind Sunny, who followed instructions maybe too well considering what happened to Mari and DIDN’T completely suck ass at cooking.
Oh, how wrong he had been, Hero lamented. He left for FIVE MINUTES.
…Well played Satan, Hero’s eye twitched, well played.
Sunny stared at him quietly, glancing from him to the bowl and back as if he didn’t quite understand his friend’s distress.
Silently, he turned back to the counter where he continued chopping up the microwaved steak, rivulets of blood-juice staining the chopping-board and running down into the mixing bowl-
Hero rushed over to where Sunny stood, staring with desperation at perhaps wasn’t a completely lost cause-
What was a beautiful, fragrant bowl of chocolate mixture now had pieces of fat bloody steak strewn all through it, staining it a horrifying shade of scarlet. And it stunk.
Hero tried very hard not to scream at the top of his lungs.
“Haha, Sunny.” Hero said. “Hahaha, Sunny. What’cha got there.”
It wasn’t a question.
Sunny turned to look at him, paling significantly as he noticed the dead inside look of his friend’s eyes. Sunny started to shake his head, shaking like jelly as a chilling smile spread across Hero’s face, cocking his head to the side as he opened his mouth.
As Sunny gazed into the gaping black cavern, he thought it oddly resembled the eternal darkness of Hell itself.
“What’cha got there, Sunny.”
A blood-curdling shriek echoed through the house.
- - -
“Huh… what was that noise?” Kel wondered to himself from the living room armchair, before shaking his head with a grin. “Oh well, probably just my imagination!”
Around the corner, the eyes of a crazed chef who’d been pushed too far shined the same scarlet of the cow’s blood staining his apron.
“Hi there, Kel.”
“Hero? Oh yum, is that steak I smell?!” Kel grinned. “That’d sure go well with the chocolate-”
A second blood-curdling shriek echoed throughout the house.
- - -
Basil resisted the urge to skip as he walked the way to Sunny’s house, quivering with nervous energy that made him want to spontaneously do a huge jetè across the pavement. Anything to stop his hands from shaking so much… at this point, he’d drop the bouquet.
(Basil did a little leap, instead.)
He really had to thank that employee later, the ribbon really finished off the flowers beautifully! Sunny would love them… right?
He had spent so much time cultivating the perfect, creamy white tulips in his garden, after all… and pink and white was a kind of romantic colour, right?
…Was it too late to play it off as a platonic Valentine’s Day gift? People did those, right??
Wait, what?? WHAT?!
Basil sweated, fear in his eyes as he stood in front of the Suzuki household, gripping his bouquet in a deadly embrace, but not for the reason he had expected.
A third scream echoed out through the day. The birds sang merrily as Hero smiled, a maniacal look in his eyes.
“ALL BAD COOKS… SHALL BE PURGED!! MWAHAHAHA!!!” He cackled evilly, hands outstretched to the heavens as he revelled in his latest victim’s gruesome death.
All of a sudden the laughter cut off and Hero looked towards the camera, towards you.
…Yes, you.
He walked towards you with a neutral expression, blood spattered over his face and hair. A rivulet of scarlet ran down his chin, falling with a small ‘plop!’ on the ground.
He ignored it.
He walked right up to you, staring into your eyes dully.
He blinked slowly, before leaning in.
Hero’s face splits open in a massive, insane smile.
“…Having fun?”
His teeth are stained with crimson as he lifts his blood-crusted steak knife.
“Because you’re next.”
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moonlightpirate · 2 years
That Unwanted Animal
Okay anon and @tastyfiddle here it is! Jaskier is red riding hood off to visit his grandmother who is sick in bed! Geralt is the hunter who warns him about a dangerous wolf in the woods. Can Jaskier avoid the wolf? If not can Geralt save him? Ao3 link here masterlist for other fics featuring jaskier and Joey here
"Now Jaskier, your grandmother is stuck in her cottage in the woods and is very sick. I need you to take these food items to her please." Jaskiers mother said.
"Why do I gotta do it mom? The woods are a scary place! Can't dad do it?" Jaskier groaned.
"You're going in the daylight you will be fine. Just make sure to wear your red cape and….?".
"Don't stray from the path I know." Jaskier sighed in defeat. 
"Good boy. Now off you go your grandmother is probably starving.". 
She tied the cape around his neck and handed him a basket of food before gently pushing him out the door and planting a kiss on his cheek. It was late afternoon when Jaskier reached the edge of the wood and the path to his grandmother's house. He shuddered as he heard a wolf cry. 
"Sure it's daylight, I'll be safe….. or not. Why must grandma live deep in the woods?" Jaskier sighed as he slowly made his way into the woods. 
He hadn't gotten far when a tall strong looking handsome man with hair white as snow crossed his path.
"Have you seen a wolf sir?" The man asked.
"Hello, uh no I haven't yet. Is there one here?" Jaskier stuttered.
"Well it is the woods they usually are filled with wolves. But yes this particular one has been avoiding me for some time now.So be careful with wherever it is you're going.". 
"Well um I'm going to my grandmother's house in the woods and if there is a scary wolf creature out there it would be nice to have a very strong hunter nearby!". 
"Yes, I'm sure it would be beneficial." The man said, turning away. 
Jaskier looked at the path he was supposed to be following and then looked back up at the strange man who was walking away from the path deep into the woods. The urge to follow him was strong; he seemed like he would be a safe man to follow. He sighed and continued on the path. As he walked he would occasionally sneak a few bites of food from the basket his mother had made up for his grandmother. 
"Hello handsome. What brings you so deep into these woods?" A rough male voice said. 
Jaskier looked around nervously, "who is there?". 
A tall man with short dark hair sauntered out from the woods, "Names Valdo Marx. Pleasure to meet you.". 
Jaskier gasped as he noticed the wolf's ears and the long tail. 
"You're ……you're …..you're a wolf!" Jaskier stammered backing up against a nearby tree.
Valdo let out a low growl, "It's fine I'm not dangerous I promise handsome. So what brings you into these woods?". 
"I'm really not supposed to talk to strangers so I'm just going to be on my way." Jaskier said slowly backing away from the wolf and putting his hood over his head.
"It's such a beautiful day though why waste it. Is that a lute I see on your back? Do you sing? I'm something of a singer myself. Let me hear something of yours.". 
"Normally I would but I really need to go see my grandmother because she is very ill. So maybe another time.".
"Oh the poor woman! How about you pick some flowers? I'm sure she would love them! I will guess she's in that house deep in the woods?" Valdo smirked. 
"She does like flowers, perhaps I should." Jaskier said, wandering off the path and beginning to gather flowers. 
"Excellent.", Valdo whispered to himself as he turned and strutted off into the woods, "first those crisp old bones and then something juicy and meaty. I'll be eating well today!".
Geralt had been hunting this Valdo Marx wolf for weeks now. The old lady had complained about him harassing her and had hired him to kill the wolf. If she was the sick grandmother that man told him about earlier then he knew she probably wasn't safe. He slowly made his way towards her house making sure to be aware in case the wolf were to attack him. As he got closer to the cottage he noticed the door was open and could hear shouting. Quickly Geralt ran towards the cottage. The wolf had the woman and the man he met in the woods earlier backed against the wall.
"Oi wolf get away from them." Geralt shouted.
Valdo turned around with a blood thirsty look on his face and a grin that would send a shiver down any normal person's spine. Geralt grinned right back at him.
"Guess I'll be eating real good tonight. Once I'm done with you I'll finish off the old lady and that wimp." Valdo sneered.
Geralt looked up at them behind Valdo, "Get her out of here." He yelled at the strange man. 
"Oh I don't think so. You're all mine." Valdo chuckled.
Jaskier put a hand on his grandma and knew the hunter was right he needed to get his grandmother out of here and fast. But he wasn't sure how serious this Valdo was about them not leaving. He waited and watched until the hunter had distracted the wolf again before he and his grandmother made their way through the kitchen towards the other exit. 
"What's the rush?" Valdo growled, rushing in on all fours and blocking the door, "I told you that you aren't leaving."  
"And I told you that you aren't hurting anyone here." Geralt shouted storming in. 
Without a second thought Jaskier pulled his grandma under the table. He cowered afraid to even try to watch the battle happening. Out of nowhere a clawed hand reached under the table and dragged him out. Valdo was smiling down at him. Before Jaskier could even scream the hunter grabbed the wolf and stabbed him. Valdo went limp as the hunter removed the sword from his body. Jaskier helped his grandmother out from under the table before standing up and facing the hunter. 
"Oh thank you! You have saved me!" Jaskier exclaimed. 
"Thank you Geralt I knew you could get him. Anyway you can get rid of the body as well?" Grandmother said 
Geralt cocked an eyebrow and held out his hand. After receiving his payment he made his way out of the cottage with the body of Valdo Marx on his shoulder. 
"Oh wow grandma that was insane! How are you feeling?! I set food in the living room for you! Who was that man?". 
"Jaskier, I appreciate the food and everything you have done today. Tell your mother I'm feeling better and she doesn't need to send more food. Now go chase after that hunter he needs some comoany. His name is Geralt."  
"Thank you grandmother!" Jaskier gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before he ran out the door and immediately began searching for the man. He reached the edge of the woods with no sign of him and sighed, "Oh I wish I could truly thank you sir. Perhaps a ballad of your heroic acts today will be thanks enough.".
Jaskier spent the rest of the walk home strumming on his lute trying to come up with a song fitting for his savior. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
I dont know if someone already asked this, but.. reverse hanahaki!AU where people with unrequited feelings have urges to eat flowers whenever they see their crush. A strain attacked everyone, it's harmless so everyone glossed it over. Only until the next day we got fushimi bewildered that everyone seemed eat flowers whenever he approach them (so yea basically fushimi harem XD)
RIP Scepter 4's decor :P Fushimi probably still manages to be clueless even as everyone around him is munching on flowers, like what is wrong with all of you idiots (luckily Fushimi didn't get hit, flowers are too close to vegetables for his liking). So say the Reverse Hanahaki Strain happens to be causing mayhem at flower shops all around Shizume and S4 all go out to hunt the Strain down. During one fight Fushimi attempts to attack the Strain on his own, he's nearly hit but just manages to escape. At that moment Munakata and the alphabet squad all appear to help and the Strain reverses their attack at just the last minute so that everyone else gets hit with the power except Fushimi.
In the aftermath everyone seems okay and normal so they decide that there's nothing to worry about. Fushimi does start to notice that some weird things are happening though, like he went to deliver a report to Munakata and Munakata suddenly started munching on his bonsai (hey it's a plant it counts). He goes back to the office to compile everyone's mission reports and weirdly enough every alphabet boy he visits is eating some kind of flower, like he runs into Hidaka in the garden and wants to discuss the mission and Hidaka's suddenly like 'sorry, Fushimi-san!' as he grabs a handful of azaleas and stuffs them in his mouth. Hidaka's all embarrassed like 'I...guess it's obvious now, huh?' and Fushimi clicks his tongue all why would I care about your diet. He leaves and goes to find Akiyama, who is making tea and also grabs a daisy out of the vase in the kitchen and starts chewing on it while delivering his report. Doumyouji has the unfortunate luck of only being around the fake plastic flowers in the office and he's just chewing on a plastic flower petal and crying as he asks if he can do his report later. Even Fuse's gotten in on the flower eating, angrily munching on a rose as he complains under his breath while Fushimi stops by to pick up his own report. Fushimi decides that this must be some strange new eating fad and he wants nothing to do with it (he decides to go do some solo information gathering in the city and runs into Yata, who's just had a run in with a Strain and who starts grabbing flowers off the ground and putting them in his mouth the moment Fushimi walks by, Fushimi decides not to even ask).
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hulijingemperor2 · 1 year
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Next day, in Dongying 📍
A-Yao's hunting ground📍
Rusong: I'm here!
Jingyi: hey dude!
Rusong: where's Ling gege, Jingyi?
Jinling: hii Song'er.
I was just putting up some nets.
Rusong: oh cool.
Jingyi: did you guys save some food?
Rusong: of course. We'll go grab some lunch after.
Jingyi: right. Do you have your sword?
Rusong: yea. In my pouch.
It's a foldable sword.
Jingyi: wowwww.
Jinling: I took A-Die's sword while he was sleeping
Jingyi: savage, lol
Jinling: I just like his sword. And A-Die is too busy being a diva. He doesn't need it.
Rusong: haha, you have a point.
Jingyi: ah, let's go see what we can trap! It must have some unique types of Youkai here.
Rusong: yup. But please, don't hurt the Kitsunes. You know, they always tend to take their fox form and roam the forest for leisure purposes.
Jingyi: ahh sure bro.
Jinling: Song'er, if he does something stupid, feel free to beat him up.
Jingyi: why are you so violent!!
Jinling: Jiujiu says that you got to knock some sense into someone sometimes.
Jingyi: you keep listening to the grape!
Jing Manor 📍
Team Dimple's office.
Su she: *hiccups*
Xue yang: morning simps! And yes, those Jiggies almost destroyed me, and sucked my masculine energy up.
Su she: it was so blissful. We have been partying two days straight with them.
Mo xuanyu: guys, do you see any h....*whispers* hickeys? I tried to cover it up with white makeup.
Su she: you're good. I don't see it.
Xue yang: I'll love to show off Jiggy's love bites.
Su she: lol. If someone sees mine, I'll just say that it's the hundred holes curse.
Xue yang: smart.
Mo xuanyu: that lipsy got a whole lot of love too. Yao gege is really savage.
Su she: and super hot.
But where are they anyways?
Mo xuanyu: team D forgive me, but I let them go to Lan lips. Because we can't function properly with them here, as we'll start simping.
Su she: you got a point. *hiccup*
Xue yang: yea. I would have the urge to pester Jiggy, then make out with him.
Mo xuanyu: exactly. Also we can't say no to our boss! Yao gege does what he pleases, and always gets what he wants. We're all his harem members after all.
Su she: yea, A-Yao slays.
Xue yang: I wonder how is that horny Lan making out with those hot Jiggies.
Mo xuanyu: oh my.
Meanwhile, in Huan hall......
Xichen: *laying down and laughing uncontrollably, as he was spending time with the Yaos.*
Yao #1: *rests his fox tail in Xichen's face* is it fluffy, er ge?
Xichen: yes yes, very.
Yao #1: sniff it. It smells like flowers.
Xichen: *pressed his nose on it* hmmmm it does. *kisses it* I think I'm high.
Yao #1: heehee. But don't eat my floof. I need it. .
Xichen: for what, Foxy?
Yao #1: to look cute, duh!!
Yao #2: *laying down next to him, only wearing undergarments, Lan outer robes and a hat*
*caresses Xichen's face with a fan* Er ge, why are you red?
Xichen: because you're too cute.
Yao #2: awwww. Do you want to kiss my dimples?
Xichen: yea.
Yao: #3: *rests his leg on his chest* do you feel intimidated?
Xichen: yes yes. All powerful A-Yao!
Yao #3: lovely!
Xichen: is it normal to feel drunk? When didn't have any alcohol at all.
Yao #3: definitely is, my love.
*pulls Xichen's clothes, revealing his shoulder* you know. I wanted to do this to dage when I captured him during my Wen days.
Xichen: how hot! I wish that was me.
Yao #3: *undressing him* that's what I'm doing, my love.
Xichen: *blushing* oh gosh. A-Yao.
Yao #4: *stretches out hand for Xichen to kiss*
Xichen: *kisses his hand*
Yao #4: I'm the hulijing emperor.
Xichen: ah yes yes you are. You're my precious emperor.
*kisses* your majesty.
Yao #4: aww. How charming.
Yaos: *hugs him for a bit*
Xichen: oh gosh, I hope I don't die of cuteness or qi deviate.
Yao #3: er ge. *caresses face* I have never thought of hurting you.
Yao #2: *winks*
Xichen: nooooo this is too cute.
Team Dimple's office
A few state representatives came in with some news and reports for team D.
Also some members of the defense force were here.
Officials, can you get this to Huangdi when he comes back. It's shows where his defense force is hidden in my state as well as the East bound area.
Su she: looks good. We'll get it to Huangdi's attention.
Xue yang: anyone I should kill?
Ah, official Xue, don't say it like that!
But I see that there are some disguised Jin Sect members who want to rescue Zixun.
Xue yang: why?!
Su she: Huangdi and Xuan Huangdi control the Jin Sect!
Yea, but that group is associated with Madam Jin, Zixun and guangshan. Madam Jin had paid them a hefty lot to back them up.
Mo xuanyu: how dare they! And I thought they were broke.
They are. She used half of the rent money to pay them.m
Su she: you have maybe spotted them around the South West area, right? As Lanling is South West of Yunping.
Su she: they'll come through another neighboring state.
Xue yang to a few imperial spies: go blind them. And make it look as if they themselves did it.
Will do, Mr. Xue!
Xue yang: omg, you're taking a toll on my age.
Will do, xue gege!
But we're fox spirits afterall. We can possess them and make them rip out their own eyes.
Xue yang: better yet. Then discard the body before they find out that the corpses were once possessed.
Yea we'll be very careful.
Mo xuanyu: *looking at his desk* ahh, I have some filing to do.
Su she: lemme help you.
Xue yang: *eating candy* hard days work!
A-Qing: hey team D! What are you doing?
Mo xuanyu: working. *sips tea*
A-Qing: *laughing* you guys do that?! I thought that you just drool over Jiggy.
Mo xuanyu: that's one of our jobs.
Xue yang: what do you want us to do, if he's smoking hot!
Su she: yea Huangdi does stuff to us.
A-Qing: lifetime simps.
Anyways simps I'm leaving for Yi city in a few days, as I'm missing white gege.
Mo xuanyu: oh no. You're leaving?
Xue yang: leaving your rich boyfriend behind.
A-Qing: he's not my boyfriend!!! And I'll be back team D.
Su she: do you like Song'er?
A-Qing: I don't really know. But I will miss him when I leave for the while.
He keeps pampering me for some reason.
Mo xuanyu: because he cares about you. And he's also a fox spirit. When fox spirits are attracted or attached to someone, they would give them everything they desire.
A-Qing: WHAT?!! for real?!
Oh my, I had attracted a hulijing.
I swear it's the dimples.
Xue yang: it is.
Talking from experience.
Mo xuanyu: and Song'er is really sweet, charming and well mannered.
He knows how to treat a lady.
A-Qing: *runs outside, while blushing*
Dongying 📍
After hunting, Rusong and the rest are now enjoying the banquet with A-Yao. During the banquet, there were live performances.
Yao: what a beautiful culture.
Rusong: *opens fan, while looking at the performance* Yes! I agree.
Jingyi: delicious food too!
Yao: definitely. You'll see how splendid the dinner is here. Room service will deliver it.
Jingyi: room service?!!
Yao: yea! We tend to be tired at night, so the food comes to us.
Jingyi: that's so cool. Most of time we would eat in restaurants and inns, cuz we're always on the move.
Yao: hmm. Reminds me of when i did night hunting with er ge and dage. Well, mostly er ge.
Jingyi: you two are definitely a power couple.
Yao: mhm.
Yao: A-Ling, how was the hunt?
Jinling: it was fun!
I wrestled with a water dragon.
Yao: ah waw. You're very strong A-ling.
What did you do?
Jinling: he turned into a little snake so I put him in a sack. He'll make a cool pet.
Yao: waw. And you remember what I told you.
Jinling: yea! Not to scare A-Die.
He asked his servants to kill my pet scorpion. *pout*
Yao: haha, good boy. And yes, I do remember that incident.
Rusong: A-Die, during the hunt, I used a guqin string technique.
Yao: oh great! I'm so proud of you. Tell me more.
Rusong: it sliced through our prey.
Yao: excellent.
Thereafter, A-Yao and they went out on the town, where Kitsune citizens crowded the streets to meet with their hulijing huangdi. They all gave them flowers and greeted them heartily..
Greetings Huangdi.
Hulijing Huangdi, how are you?
Yao: I'm alright, and you? Anything you need help with?
No Huangdi.
Huangdi, some of our scholar husbands want plots of land to build schools.
Yao: excellent insight. Did you contact the admin?
Yea we did.
Yao: ohh, I'm sorry for the delay. I'll stamp it into agreement.
Jingyi: lol scholar husbands?
Rusong: hulijings and Kitsunes are always attracted to scholars and merchants.
Jingyi: ohh.
Marry me, Huangdi!!
We'll share you with team Dimple!
Yao: oh my. *laughing* well come.
Yea Huangdi!
A group of kitsune ladies: *fawning over A-Song* Dianxia!!!! Omg he's so hot!
Dianxia, why are you so cute!
Rusong: *laughing slighly* I'm flattered. I, I don't know why I'm cute.
It's kind of illegal to be this adorable.
Rusong: well lock me up then. Haha.
Ahhhhh Dianxia is so funny.
His almond shaped eyes and straight brows are so cute.
Do you see his little lips.
What a hottie.
Jinling: chick magnet.
Rusong: no I'm not.
Can you show us your dimples?
Rusong: *smiles*
*almost faints*
Dianxia, do you have a girlfriend?!
If you do, we won't be heartbroken ok We're still in love with you.
Rusong: no I don't have an offical girlfriend, but I do have someone in my heart already.
That's really cute!
Who's the lucky girl?
Rusong: I can't tell you yet. It's a secret.
Not even team dimple knows.
How adorable!
Naughty Dianxia.
Does Jiejie know that you like her??
Rusong: I'm not really sure. She's quite oblivious at times.
I hope she doesn't break your heart.
You're too cute to be sad.
Rusong: don't worry. And it's ok if she doesn't like me back. Once she's happy, I'm happy.
A random minister: Huangdi, Dianxia. We named a village after you two.
Yao: oh, really!
Yes Huangdi, there's lianfang Avenue, and Rusong gardens. Please, let me show you around.
Yao: how lovely. You may indeed.
Rusong: beautiful.
Jingyi to Jinling: ouyang Zizhen will be so jealous, when he finds out that Rusong is the chick magnet in the group.
Jinling: lol, let him be jelly. My cousin is hella attractive.
Rusong: guys, it's not my fault that I attract girls. I didn't ask to be cute.
Jingyi: you're a natural chick magnet.
What's your secret?
Rusong: I breathe.
Jingyi: wow.
Yao: he got it from me.
Jinling: definitely Xiao shushu.
Jing Manor 📍
A-Qing: *in her room, with her maid friend*
A-Qing: where's my lipstick?
Xiao wei: here. Qing meimei.
A-Qing; thanks. Do I look like a mess? *fixes hair* I'm taking mo xuanyu's makeup advice. He may get upset if I get it wrong.
Xiao wei: don't worry. You look superb as always.
A-Qing: thank you jiejie!!
Xiao wei: here's some freshly prepared tea.
A-Qing: ah! Lovely.
*sips* did it ruin my lipstick?
Xiao wei: not at all.
A-Qing: good.
Xiao wei: Dianxia says that is your favorite type of tea.
A-Qing: how does he know that! *sips again* this IS my fav tea. Omg!
Xiao wei: maybe he asked official Xue.
A-Qing: this xue yang keeps busting my files! What if I remove his tongue instead. Hmpf!
Xiao wei: *screams* please don't!
A-Qing: I won't. Xue yang gets on my nerves but I still like him. He gives me candy that's not expired or from the pits of a dumpster.
Xiao wei: aww. Well he seems very caring. And I love the idea of you both bickering with each other.
A-Qing: yea.
Xiao wei: meimei.
A-Qing: mn.
Xiao wei: you are so favored by Dianxia. I think you should become his fiance.
A-Qing: *chokes on tea* fiance?!!! We're not even an official couple!
Xiao wei: well date him na.
Girls from all over the empire have a crush on Dianxia. You should grab him before it's too late.
Grab him before the wealthy girls (tm) come.
Xiao wei: you'll hear a Miss Hong saying I'm Hong Yue from the famous silk factory family. The Hongs. Greetings Dianxia.
I'm Su Meili, I can play the Qin and write poems. Greetings Dianxia.
A-Qing; snap out of it! And where did you get those names from!
Xiao wei: my friends wrote a fanfic about Dianxia and those two girls are the conflict characters.
A-Qing: ah.
Xiao wei: I don't know how are Dianxia and Huangdi so attractive. There are Huangdi fanfics too, but the dimple council is in charge of all of them.
A-Qing: as expected of team dimple.
Xiao wei: take Dianxia while he's available.
A-Qing: *blush* why don't you date him?!
Xiao wei: no, I'm not worthy. Anyways
Some young maids already have a crush on him and I don't want to join those simps.
A-Qing: lol.
Xiao wei: Dianxia is going to inherit the empire some day. If you play your cards right, then you can be his empress.
A-Qing: *picks up stick* are you out of your mind!
Xiao wei: *runs* hahahaha, I'm sorry meimei!!!
A-Qing: empress my foot!
Rusong and his dimples will never succeed.
Xiao wei: oh really! Then why do you still have his coat?
A-Qing: *blush* he told me to keep it. So I kept it. Hmpf!
Xiao wei: *sarcasm* I see!
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