#Why am I awake right now. Due to the later actions of Edge
sbnkalny · 11 months
Why am I laughing? Apologies, my friend. It's just that as an INTJ, these illogical actions of yours…well, I find them to be amusing.
What's that? A free sample of your store's new crispened potato snacks? Not necessary. I've already calculated its flavor in my head. Mmm…perhaps a little more Sodium Chloride next time…
Why am i alive. In the Later actions of edge, Azel and the Seekers, the tower of worms. You're the last shred OF human events it becomes necessary for one free man, report him. civic deeds do not go. However, we Calculated that adding all that glunk. He had a contrary idea to make a little more time with US
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percabeth4life · 4 years
Nico and Percy
Okay so I’ve received a lot of asks about Nico and Percy and how Percy treated Nico and someone else sent me a link to a post that had more stuff.
90% of the stuff I’ve seen is either inaccurate or taken out of context.
Lets start with the choking scene.
This scene happened right after Nico lied to Percy to trick him into coming to see Hades so that Nico could learn more about his mom. They were meant to go to the Styx in order to give Percy the Achilles Curse so they had a chance at winning the war. This resulted in Percy being locked up by Hades.
Nico did not intend for this to happen, but he did knowingly lie to Percy. Percy understandably did not trust Nico after that.
The mountain of darkness loomed above me. A foot the size of Yankee Stadium was about to smash me when a voice hissed: ‘Percy!’
I lunged out blindly. Before I was fully awake, I had Nico pinned to the floor of the cell with the edge of my sword at his throat.
‘Want – to – rescue,’ he choked.
Anger woke me up fast. ‘Oh, yeah? And why should I trust you?’
‘No – choice?’ he gagged.
I wished he hadn’t said something logical like that. I let him go. (The Last Olympian page 60).
As you can see, the initial action was taken before Percy was even awake. After he was awake, and got through his initial anger at the betrayal with Nico’s comment, he released Nico and they escaped.
He acknowledged silently later that he didn’t trust Nico anymore and Nico was aware that his actions meant he wasn’t trusted.
So the choking scene: not Percy being unreasonably cruel to Nico.
Threats is another common thing I see people bring up and... I’m genuinely baffled by that one. The closest I can think of is the scene I quoted above? But that doesn’t seem to fit? Anyone want to quote some threats Percy made to Nico? Because I don’t know any.
Next up! The claims that Percy said they should leave Nico to suffocate. Funnily enough he actually says the opposite, multiple times.
Percy stared at his jelly donut. He had a rocky history with Nico di Angelo. The guy had once tricked him into visiting Hades’s palace, and Percy had ended up in a cell. But most of the time, Nico sided with the good guys. He certainly didn’t deserve slow suffocation in a bronze jar, and Percy couldn’t stand seeing Hazel in pain.
“We’ll rescue him,” he promised her. “We have to. The prophecy says he holds the key to endless death.”
Is this first time kind? Not necessarily. But it’s certainly not saying to leave Nico. For multiple reasons, he didn’t deserve, Percy didn’t want Hazel to hurt, and (what he says outloud) Nico is an important figure in the war.
Percy also makes a comment later when they feared they’d be too late
The vision zoomed in again. Inside the jar, Nico di Angelo was curled in a ball, no longer moving, all the pomegranate seeds eaten.
“We’re too late,” Jason said.
“No,” Percy said. “No, I can’t believe that. Maybe he’s gone into a deeper trance to buy time. We have to hurry.”
Funny, this doesn’t sound like someone advocating to leave Nico to die. In fact it sounds like someone almost desperate to save him, or at least hoping strongly that they’ll succeed.
Interestingly there were comments about leaving Nico, but not from Percy. They came from Jason and Leo.
“Uh…” Leo shifted in his chair. “One thing. The giants are expecting us to do this, right? So we’re walking into a trap?”
Hazel looked at Leo like he’d made a rude gesture. “We have no choice!”
“Don’t get me wrong, Hazel. It’s just that your brother, Nico… he knew about bothcamps, right?”
“Well, yes,” Hazel said.
“He’s been going back and forth,” Leo said, “and he didn’t tell either side.” Jason sat forward, his expression grim. “You’re wondering if we can trust the guy. So am I.”
Hazel shot to her feet. “I don’t believe this. He’s my brother. He brought me back from the Underworld, and you don’t want to help him?”
Frank put his hand on her shoulder. “Nobody’s saying that.” He glared at Leo. “Nobody had better be saying that.”
Leo blinked. “Look, guys. All I mean is—”
“Hazel,” Jason said. “Leo is raising a fair point. I remember Nico from Camp Jupiter. Now I find out he also visited Camp Half-Blood. That does strike me as… well, a little shady. Do we really know where his loyalties lie? We just have to be careful.” (Mark of Athena page 125)
How interesting that they’re the ones making comments about leaving Nico...
Next of course I’ve heard the wonder bread brought up? And I had to key word search wonder bread in the books to figure out what that was about and it appears to be a single thought Percy had while they were trying to rescue Nico.
Nico started to crawl away, groaning. Percy wanted him to move faster and to groan less. He considered throwing his Wonder bread at him. (Mark of Athena page 357)
Percy did not actually throw the bread for anyone wondering, and I hardly see how the panicking thought of trying to get them all out of there and keep Nico from being noticed by the people he was escaping from is even something for you to hold against him.
Finally the thing I hear the most, Percy calling Nico creepy and spreading rumors.
Creepy is used in MoA 5 times, in HoH 2 times, and BoO 8 times.
In MoA it’s used by Percy once, and that time is describing Persephone’s garden, not Nico. This comment is also only made in his thoughts, not outloud.
Funnily enough Leo does mentally refer to Nico as creepy in MoA
Nico and Hazel shared a look, maybe comparing notes on their Hades/Pluto death radar. Leo shivered. Hazel had never seemed like a child of the Underworld to him, but Nico di Angelo—that guy was creepy. (Mark of Athena page 396)
In HoH it is used once by Jason in regards to Nico, not at all by Percy.
Nico gave him a thin, creepy smile. ‘Ah … that legend.’ (House of Hades page 164)
In BoO it’s actually used by Nico about himself.
By now, Will Solace realized just how creepy and revolting Nico di Angelo was. Of course, Nico didn’t care what he thought. But still …  (Blood of Olympus page 317)
And once by Reyna about Nico
Reyna had stitched up the gashes on his biceps, which gave Nico a slightly creepy Frankenstein look, but the cuts were still swollen and red. (Blood of Olympus page 140)
So uh, no Percy did not call Nico creepy. And I have found no evidence of Percy spreading rumors so like with the threats, feel free to find me quotes proving that claim.
Concluding all of this I will point out that prior to book 5 (TLO) Percy was doing everything in his power to find Nico and protect him. After book 5 Percy only had one physical altercation with him (when he was half asleep and right after the betrayal occurred) and otherwise did not hold it against him beyond having his trust broken. As time went on we know from Percy’s thoughts that he doesn’t trust Nico, but he makes no comments saying such and agrees to help rescue him and does everything he can to do so.
Their conflicts are understandable due to their history. Percy’s feelings on Nico are complicated but understandable and he has not let it interfere with their jobs, if anything it interfered in a negative way making them risk the quest to save Nico (though Nico was a key figure needed to succeed in the end).
Overall I don’t know where these claims come from beyond people wanting to find issues with Percy (to the point they make stuff up).
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minniepetals · 4 years
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❥⋆。˚ anon said:  Nap + Jellyfish!reader PLEASE DJAJZKAKZAJ - Jellyfish Pumpkin
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[ nap ] for a muse to fall asleep on another
genre: sea!au, sea witches!bts, jellyfish!reader
pairing: bts x reader
word count: 1.3k
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Seokjin sits on the cushioned bench of his private study room, his face grim and serious as he reads the scrolls before him, unbothered by anything else around him. He likes it this way, the peace and quiet with no one to disturb him since the past three hours in order to focus on his studies of black magic. He likes his alone time above anything else and prefers it this way rather than being bothered by people who like to take his time away.
Suddenly he feels a head fall right atop his shoulder and when that takes his attention away from his scrolls with furrowed brows, he freezes for a split second upon realizing it has indeed been way too quiet and the fact that no one has disturbed him for two hours straight was quite an odd thing.
All because the main reason why he can’t get much peace and quiet is fast asleep right beside him, unable to disturb him.
He chuckles softly to himself, remembering why you were in here with him in the first place. Seokjin had made you the only exception to remain by his side because he wanted to use your light in order to read his scrolls. He doesn’t like the light in his study room, feels it’s much too bright for his own comfort and prefers reading with a dim source of light. Due to the fact that you can control your own glow as a jellyfish, he asked you to stay with him.
He remembers the way your eyes had light up when he had asked you and gave you permission to walk into his study room. After all, Seokjin doesn’t often let people in his office so knowing you had been an exception made you so happy.
It’s quite amusing knowing the little things can please you so much but he smiles at the fact that that is so much like you.
Stirring a little, he watches at the way your hands seem to search for his arm, finding it almost immediately and happily inviting yourself to snuggle up against him while holding onto his left arm.
He softens at the sight as your face seems to relax at the action and goes on to take your body and pull you right into his arms so that you’re lying right on top of him. Satisfied with leaving you right there, he returns to reading his scrolls once again.
But not long before there is a knock at his door, disturbing his peace.
Seokjin’s face falls with displeasure but does not look away from his reading as he answers in a low voice. “Enter.”
The servant swims in with a hurry. “Master—”
He holds you closer to him upon your slight stirring at the sudden loud voice and hushes you softly before he gives the servant a death glare that instantly shuts him up. “Do not disturb the Queen.”
The servant is quick to lower himself on the floor and hang his head. “F-Forgive me, Master.”
Seokjin stares at him for a few seconds before he returns to his scrolls while mindlessly stroking your hair. “What do you want?” He demands.
“There is a disturbance at the border, master.”
“Have the other masters arrived yet?”
“Yes master, they call for you.”
He lets out an exasperated sigh before dismissing the servant. For a moment he just sits there, staring at the floor before him before looking down at your peaceful sleeping figure. He hates this, having to leave you. It would be a lot more efficient if you were awake for you to know where he would go but to leave you while you are asleep is another story.
You won’t like it when you wake up with no one by your side, he knows, but what other choice does he have? He doesn’t wish to wake you up now, you look way too peaceful and he doesn’t have the heart to do so.
So Seokjin picks you up with no effort and transports the two of you to your shared private chambers and settles you onto the bed.
Yet just as he is about to leave, your hand is clutching onto his sleeve, refusing to let him go.
He sighs and sits on the edge of the bed and leans in so that his face is just inches away from yours. “Be a good girl, will you?” He says in a gentle tone. “I’ll be back soon, you don’t have to worry so much, you clingy little jellyfish.” He gently pinches your nose and shakes it side to side, causing your face to reflectively scrunch up, making him chuckle lightly. “Sweet dreams, dear one,” he says and presses a soft kiss to your lips and the fingers that hold his sleeves before he has to force your them off in order to leave for his duties.
It was after a few hours later do they finally finish what they have to deal with and return to the sound of your voice resonating gently in the hall of their sanctuary.
“Have you seen them?” They hear you ask, already knowing there is a pout forming upon your lips as your voice is still a little croaky, probably from just waking up. You don’t like waking up alone and they’ve always spoiled you with the idea that you’d always wake up with someone by your side. “Was there an emergency somewhere? Surely they know not to leave me alone when I am sleeping and all of my guards are down. I mean they’re the ones always so protective of me in the first place so why—”
“Well then, we are very sorry for leaving you all alone, my love.”
At the very moment you hear Namjoon’s voice, your color lights up in an instant, matching the sparks in your eyes as your pout is replaced by a bright beam.
Oh how they adore that face.
“You’re back!” You’re quick to swim on over, greeting them with enthusiasm and arms wide open as you fall against Namjoon who catches you without effort. “I was getting worried because I couldn’t find any of you and the last thing I remember was dozing off while Seokjin was reading his scrolls.”
“An emergency was called,” the oldest one affirms your theory from just a few seconds before as he reaches out to tuck your hair behind your ear.
“You’re not hurt, are you?”
“Please,” Yoongi scoffs, “surely you don’t believe anyone can actually harm any of us that easily, right?”
“Just because you’re powerful creatures does not mean you cannot get hurt. I mean look at me,” you say, spreading your arms wide open as you spin yourself around as demonstration, “jellyfishes scare a lot of creatures away but I get hurt too, you know.”
“That’s because of your naivety and the desire to always make friends with everyone around you,” Taehyung states.
“What’s wrong with that?” You ask almost as a way to deflect his criticism, knowing how right he is but not wanting to admit it.
“You know exactly what’s wrong with it,” Jimin tells you with a pointed look and causing your lips to purse together because once again, they’re right. “But,” he goes on a little gentler this time with a hand reaching over to caress your head, “that part of you is one of the many reasons why we love you. Why we came to love you in the first place.”
“Your kind nature can be very harmful to your own self, letting yourself allow creatures that do not deserve you right into your heart. But to tell you to stop doing that wouldn’t be right. Instead,” Jungkook slides an arm around your waist and pulls you right against his chest with a squeeze to your hips, “we’ll be the ones to stop any of them before they can do anything to you. After all, not only are we protective but we are very possessive creatures as well.”
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j-runes-stele · 2 years
This has to be a bad dream, right?
TW: Cuss words, passing out, animal dying, and really bad friends. Sorry if I missed any!!
Word Count: 960
Everything seemed to be going wrong for you today, from school to personal stressors. Your teachers assigned three assignments for each class, so you now have over 15 projects due next week. On top of this, your childhood dog just died, and you were being shunned by your entire friend group based on rumors that were not true. To be honest, the lies were so ridiculous that it hurt how easily your friend group believed them. Like, they were supposed to have your back, right??
Anyways, you were walking to Umbitch’s class when you started to hyperventilate at just the thought of her yelling at you like she did last class. You stepped into class and saw only one seat left, next to Cedric Diggory. Great, that is the last thing you need. Sitting next to your enemy, but you didn’t really have a choice. So, you walk over and set your things down. You sit down and get a dirty scowl from Diggory. Asshole.
When he sees you not retaliating with a dirty look, he realizes that something or multiple things are on your mind.
Throughout the class, you felt worse and worse until the end of class. She decided to assign yet another two assignments, and it felt like you couldn’t breathe, no matter how hard you tried. Cedric also noticed this, but he didn’t say anything.
The bell rang, and you started to pack your things up. You stood up, and before you could grab your books, the room began to rapidly spin, with the ringing in your ears increasing in intensity. The throbbing in your forehead was getting unbearable as well. You gripped the edge of the desk as your knuckles turned white, all in an attempt to stabilize yourself; however, that was all futile since not even 15 seconds later, your vision went black, and you collapsed.
You were unaware that once you stood up, Cedric stared at you intensely, so when you started to sway as you grabbed the desk, he jumped up. Fortunately, he was right there, so he caught you before your head could hit the ground. He signaled his friends to get his school books while your best friend collected yours and followed Cedric.
Once he got to the hospital wing and got you into a bed, he sat to your one side while your best friend sat on the other side. She felt so guilty and realized just how much she fucked up. She was tempted to hold your hand; however, she didn’t since she knew you were still mad at her. In contrast, Cedric held your hand, so even though you were unconscious, you knew you weren’t alone. After some time, you woke up but acted like you were still unconscious so you could listen to the argument.
“Seriously, Cedric, what the hell are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Some best friend, huh. Believing such ridiculous rumors so quickly. Did you even notice how stressed she has become over the past few days!” He yells back as you are even more confused.
Has he kept an eye on me? Why? Weren’t we supposed to be my enemy and are supposed to hate me? None of this makes sense. And wait, it feels like he is holding my hand since the sound of his voice is coming from the same direction. This has to be a bad dream, right? Right?? Right???
You decide to finally open your eyes to see a stressed Cedric and a remorseful best friend. Cedric is the first to see that you have regained consciousness and smiles as he makes eye contact with you.
“You’re awake!”
“That I am. What happened?���
“You passed out after the bell rang after DADA. I was standing up and caught you before you could hit the ground.”
“Thank you, Cedric,” you murmur, blushing at his intense stare.
“Y/N, I am so sor—“
“Save it. A single apology is not enough this time. I am incredibly hurt by your guys’ actions. Prove it. 10 words are not enough to earn my forgiveness.” You snap, and your best friend’s eyes widen. She simply nodded and then gently took your books from Cedric and left.
As you are being observed by Madam Pomfrey, little do you know that your best friend gathered your other friends. They went to your dorm and completed every single bit of your homework. Afterward, they cleaned your room.
They also created a pillow fort in your dorm room with all your favorite movies and snacks set up. Your best friend even got you a bouquet of your favorite flowers with a little card to apologize.
They essentially made an effort to show you just how terribly sorry they were, putting their money where their mouth is. Wanting to prove to you that they are actually remorseful.
When you were released from the hospital wing, you were walked back to your dorm by Cedric, his arm snaked around your waist in case you passed out again. You lean your head on his shoulder, feeling safe and comfortable.
You walked into your dorm to see your friends in your room, next to the enormous pillow fort and a stack of movies.
"Aww, thank you, you guys! But I still have to do my--"
“Oh, you mean the homework we already completed for you? Yeah, no, don’t worry about it.” Your bestie says, seeing you now holding Cedric’s hand. You pull him into the pillow fort along with your friends and spend the whole night watching movies. By the following day, you had forgiven your friends, and you even made a new one. One who is an incredibly handsome Hufflepuff, you could not deny.
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petersasteria · 4 years
Not Over Yet - Part 2 (2/2)
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐲 @spideyanakin​ - honey, it was an honor working with you. I’m glad we got to do this x
2.5k words
* * * *
“So what happened then?”
Tom glanced at you before looking back at the papers in front of him. “Well, there’s nothing written on the paper anymore, but I can just continue it for you.” Tom suggested. “Is that okay?”
You smiled and nodded, “Yes, please. What happened next?”
“They were brought to the hospital…” Tom started as his mind flashed back to when both of you were confined.
Both of you were unconscious and it took Tom a day later to wake up. When he woke up, he immediately asked about you and was incredibly hurt to find out that you were still unconscious. Tom wasn’t allowed to see you and he was extremely worried about your condition. No one was telling him anything and it was driving him up the wall.
Tom was released early while you had to stay in the hospital. He asked the doctor if he could be notified if you were awake and alright. Two days later, Tom got a text saying that you were awake and he quickly drove to the hospital to see you. He couldn't take being far away from you anymore.
He quickly entered your room and saw the doctor there. "Hey, love." Tom smiled in relief as he rushed to your side.
You looked at him in confusion. You didn't know who he was and you've never met him in your entire life. You didn't even know why he was in your room.
"Um, I'm sorry. This must be a mistake. I think you're in the wrong room." You said politely.
Tom frowned and looked at the doctor. The doctor motioned for Tom to follow them outside. When they got out of your room, Tom immediately asked, “What happened? Why doesn’t she remember me?”
“Mr. Holland, I’m sorry to inform you that she’s suffering memory loss due to the impact of her hitting her head really hard during the accident.” The doctor explained.
“Will she ever get her memories back?” Tom asked. His eyes were full of hope, but the cold look on the doctor was enough for him to realize that the chances were slim.
“I’m sorry.” The doctor said. “You may see her now.” With that, the doctor left him standing there outside your door. Tom wanted to break down, but he realized that you needed someone to be there for you. So with a heavy heart, he took a deep breath and entered your room.
You were watching tv when he entered and you looked so angelic despite the medical apparatus surrounding you and the cuts on your face. Tom closed the door behind him and sat on the chair next to your bed.
He cleared his throat and you turned to look at him. He gave you a small smile and he introduced himself, “I’m Tom.”
“Hi.” You said softly. “Do I know you?”
“Yes, you do.” Tom nodded.
“How do I know you?” You asked in curiosity. After all, a handsome was right in front of you claiming that you knew him. It was only natural to ask who this handsome man was in your life.
“I’m, uh, I’m your husband.” Tom smiled sadly as he stared into your eyes, silently waiting for you to look at him the way you used to. The longing and loving look. Sadly, he didn’t see that which made him crestfallen.
”Really?! Wow!” You said, amazed. “How was I able to snatch such a cutie like you? Man, I got lucky.”
Tom laughed and shook his head. You may have lost your memories, but at least you still had your humor. It was one of the things he loved about you.
“No, I’m lucky to have you.” Tom gushed. “You’re a really great person, Y/N.”
You looked at him sadly and he frowned when he saw the sad look on your face. Did he say something that offended you or upset you? He hated seeing you sad.
“What’s wrong?” He asked in worry.
“It’s just-” You sighed. “You seem like a really great guy and you seem so lovable and all that. I’m sorry I can’t return everything you’re feeling. I’m such a disappointment.”
Tom frowned even more. He carefully took your hand in his and rubbed it with his thumb, “Hey, you’re not a disappointment. It’s alright. We can make new memories and it’ll be fun. Don’t worry.”
“Really?” You asked him and he nodded.
“You know, your story is really sad. Is there, like, something happy in it?” You asked after Tom finished. Truthfully, Tom didn’t know if there was something happy in the story. After all, it was your story that he was telling.
“I’m not really sure.” Tom said as he got up and put the papers in his overnight bag. “The doctors said you can go home tomorrow. Are you excited?”
Tom was excited that he could take you home. That way, it would be easier for him to take care of you. He hoped that you were as excited as he was.
“I kind of am. I want a different view to see.” You chuckled and Tom laughed.
“Okay. You better sleep now. We’ll leave early in the morning.” Tom said as he kissed the top of your head and helped you adjust on the hospital bed. He decided that it would be appropriate to start slow with you instead of picking up where you left off. He didn’t want to scare you off when he was trying to get you back.
“Okay. Good night, Tom.” You smiled at him and watched him dim the lights in your room. You yawned and eventually drifted off to sleep. Tom sat on the uncomfortable chair and watched you sleep for a bit before falling asleep himself.
The next morning, Tom helped you get ready and signed the papers for your release. You both made your way to his car and he helped you get in which made you laugh because you told him you could do it yourself. To which he replied with, “I know, but I want to help you. I promised that I’d take care of you for the rest of my life, love.”
“You’re so cheesy.” You giggled as you settled on the passenger seat. Tom closed the door and put your things in the backseat. After that, he ran to the driver’s side of the car and got in.
“Ready?” He asked as he put on his seatbelt.
“Yup!” You nodded with a smile.
The car ride home was comfortably silent. Tom was anxious and you didn’t know what to say. So, music filled the car and Tom smiled as your favorite song played.
“This is your favorite song, Y/N.” Tom said softly as he turned it a volume higher. You carefully listened to the song and nodded along. It was a good song, but it didn’t strike you the same way your old self would.
“What do you think?” Tom asked with a bright smile on his face. “Cool, right? You would always dance along to this song.”
“It’s nice, but I don’t like it that much.” You said truthfully. “I’m sorry. Maybe I should listen to it all the time and maybe I’m wrong. I’ll get my music taste right soon, don’t wo-”
“It’s okay, Y/N. It’s okay.” Tom assured you. He was in shock that you didn’t like the song you used to love. It kind of hurt his feelings because he realized that he would never catch you dancing to it while you’re cooking.
You arrived at your shared home and you gasp at the wonderful house. It was just the right size and it was great. Both of you got out of the car and he grabbed your things from the backseat while you walked to the front door. Tom grabbed the bags, locked the car and immediately jogged to the front door where you were waiting. Tom grabbed the keys from his jean pocket and unlocked the door.
“Welcome home, my love.” Tom smiled as you walked in. You looked around and explored the place. Tom walked in after you and closed the door with his foot.
“Want to check out our room?” Tom asked as he pointed at the stairs. You looked at him and nodded, “Sure.”
Tom smiled and led the way to your shared room. Tom opened one of the doors and settled your bags near another door. Your eyes scanned the room as you entered.
“Do you like it?” Tom asked nervously. “You designed it and everything because you said you wanted to design at least one room in the house and you picked this room.” He added.
You made a face and shook your head, “What was my past self thinking? It looks...unpleasant. Like, it’s so tiring to look at.”
Tom’s heart dropped. He’s never heard you say those words before. He thought you would like the room and he hoped that by seeing the room, you would remember at least one thing.
“Can I change it?” You asked sweetly.
“Sure.” Tom nodded. “You can change it next week, but you can start planning.” He wanted you to be happy and if changing your room’s interior made you happy, then he’ll let you be. Tom opened the door next to where the bags were set down and revealed a gorgeous walk-in closet. He grabbed the bags and quickly took out the clean clothes to put it back in the closet.
“Um, Tom? I have a question.” You said shyly as you sat down on the edge of the bed.
“Ask away, darling!” Tom called out as he put the used clothes in the laundry basket.
“Do we, um-” You stuttered. Tom walked out of the walk-in closet with the laundry basket resting on his hip, “Do we what?”
Do we have kids?” You asked. Tom stood up straight and fixed the way he was holding the basket, “Oh, um-”
“You don’t have to answer. I was just curious.” You quickly said.
It wasn’t that Tom didn’t want to answer and it wasn’t that he didn’t have an answer. He had an answer and he wanted to answer. He just didn’t know how to answer. After all, how was he supposed to tell you that prior to the accident, both of you were trying for a baby? In fact, if the accident didn’t happen, both of you would either still be trying or would celebrate the fact that you’re pregnant. It was a lot and Tom didn’t know how to tell you.
“Oh my god. Did I have a miscarriage?” You asked sadly.
“No! Heavens, no!” Tom quickly shook his head and denied that. “We don’t have kids, but we’re trying for kids.”
“Oh.” Was all you said.
“If the accident didn’t happen, we’d probably still be trying…” Tom trailed off. You nodded in understanding.
“So how will we do that now? Should we- y’know, try?” You awkwardly asked. You didn’t want to do anything, but you thought Tom was expecting some sort of baby-making action later.
“Um, do you want that?” Tom asked. “It’s your choice, love. Personally, I don’t want to try unless you’re a hundred percent sure.”
“Good because I don’t want to!” You exclaimed.
Tom chuckled lightly and said, “Okay, then we’re not doing anything. Make yourself comfortable and most importantly, make yourself at home. I’ll do the laundry, alright? The remote is on the nightstand if you want to watch tv.”
“Okay.” You smiled and watched him leave the room. “Thanks, Tom!” You shouted so he could hear you.
“No problem, Y/N!” Tom shouted back which made you smile and got yourself comfortable on the bed. You grabbed the remote and turned on the tv and picked a channel to watch.
It’s been two months since you got home from the hospital and your relationship with Tom was progressing. He could now hug you and kiss your cheek. You weren’t comfortable in being kissed on the lips just yet and Tom was very understanding. You were so lucky to be married to him.
Tom was slowly introducing you to the people who mean a lot to both of you. You weren’t comfortable to be around ten people in one room, so Tom introduced them in pairs which made you super comfortable and happy. Tom loved seeing you happy.
Tom was still trying to accept the newly designed shared bedroom because he wasn’t used to it yet. But he sucked it up because he loved you and because you’re trying to adjust your whole life again.
To be fair, Tom was adjusting to the new you too. Aside from not liking your favorite song and not liking your own design, you now loved the food you used to strongly dislike. That surprised Tom because he never thought you’d eat the said food.
Your feelings for Tom were slowly progressing. You were at that stage thinking to yourself if you liked him or not; you weren’t sure. Were you supposed to like him because he’s your husband? Or do you genuinely like him? It was confusing you.
This made you decide that you want to move away for a while. You told Tom and he was hurt, but being the great actor that he is, he hid it.
“Thanks for allowing me to stay with my sister.” You smiled softly at him. “I’ll only be gone for two weeks and then I’ll be back.”
“Why are you going?” Tom asked with a pang of hurt. “Are you not comfortable here? Are you not happy with me anymore? Please tell me. Should I change? What will I change?”
“Tom, I just need to figure myself out for a while.” You said.
“Do you want a divorce?” Tom asked in fear.
“No.” You shook your head. “I just- I need to sort my feelings out. I don’t know if I like you for you or if I like you because I have to. If I like you because I have to, that’ll be unfair to you and I can’t do that to you, Tom. So, I need to go and figure it out without seeing you.”
Tom sighed and said, “Before you go, I just want to tell you that I love you, okay? Even if you don’t remember anything at all, I still love you. I’ll always be here for you and I’ll help you adjust to everything.”
“I know you will.” You said softly.
“I also want to say that I wish things between us would get better soon because I really want to start a family with you, Y/N. But I don’t want to start if you’re not ready. We’ve been married for two years now and it’s been the best two years of my life. I can’t wait to have more years with you.” He said.
You smiled, “Thank you. I should probably pack now.”
“Yeah.” He nodded and watched as you grabbed your suitcase and entered the walk-in closet to pack your things.
Tom didn’t know what the future held and he didn’t know about your true feelings, but something tells him that you would be back and that your feelings for him were true and not because he was married to you. For now, he just has to let you go for a while.
“Will you be okay while I’m gone?” You asked nicely.
“Yeah.” Tom nodded and smiled. “I’ll be okay. We’ll be okay too.”
* * * *
𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland @poguesholland @superheroesaremytea @marshxx @buckys-little-hoe @harryismysunflower @ella-whyte @buckys-little-hoe @harryismysunflower @hollandsrecs @slytherin-chaser @quaksonhehe @lil-mellow-bunbun @turtoix @badreputationlove @swiftmind @sovereignparker @nerdyandproudofitsstuff @pearce14 @xfirstfemale-marauderx @cherthegoddess @justanamesstuff @chewymoustachio @cocoamoonmalfoy @peterspidey​ @givebuckyhisplumsnow​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell @justasmisunderstoodasloki @rubberducky-jrr @allyz​ @osterfieldnholland @miraclesoflove @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @drie-the-derp​ @hollands-weasley​ @itstaskeen @call-me-baby-gir1 @the-panwitch @iamaunicorn4704 @geminiparkers​ @holland-styles @calltothewild @fancyxparker​ @herbatkazmiloscia @whatthefuckimbisexual @justanothermarvelmaniac @unsaidholland @musicalkeys @lost-in-the-stars03 @hufflepuffprincess24 @hollanddolanfangirl @parkerpeter24 @bellelittleoff @agentnataliahofferson @aqiise @lexirv​ @blairscott​ @hi-im-maddie
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crowleyellestair · 4 years
The Point- Witcher Lambert OS
Warnings: mention of blood, injury and swearing
Summary: Y/n wakes up after suffering a wound in the heat of battle, and her lover, Lambert hadn’t been handling it well
 AN// Welcome to the idea of a 3 am, sleep deprived brain
When Y/n woke up, it wasn’t a jostling scene. At first, she blinked softly, then rubbed her eyes as she usually did when she woke up. The last thing she remembered was crystal clear, though she was highly aware that much time has passed. She knew moving wasn’t going to be easy, as her last thoughts had only been about Lambert and how lucky she was to have enough adrenaline to not feel the gaping hole through her chest.
The room she was in was quite familiar, as it was the one she shared with Lambert at Kaer Morhen. When she had first made a home with him there, the room had been bare. Eskel had stacks of books, practically making a labyrinth of text, never knowing how to get to his bed. Geralt had small trophies and nick-knacks from grateful contractors who didn’t necessarily have enough to pay, yet were still grateful. The young witcher had said it was because he had never wanted to have to lug items around till winter, though she knew it was deeper than that. When she had moved in, he had a single item that showed life was present, and it was a small plant near the window. He had said it was to make the place ‘lively’ so she would feel comfortable. There still wasn’t much in it, but there had been notebooks on the new desk he had built, and clothes usually disorganized throughout the closet. One plant had become three, and there were portraits amateurly hung over the mantle of the small fireplace.
Now, all of those small things that made it their own, were strewn everywhere. Two of the smaller plants had their pots smashed and the leaves wilting. The fireplace had charred stains outlining the hearth, as if someone continuously casted Igni into it. The papers where strewn everywhere, laying on the floor next to the clothes that seemed to be hastily ripped from the closet. There was a chair next to the bed, blankets layered over the back.
Worry and comfort both flooded through her as she knew Lambert was the chair’s previous occupant. The questions though, that sent ice through her veins, pertained to where he was and why their room is in such a state.  While knowing that a larger amount of time had passed, it was hard to approximate. The leaves were wilting, which meant Lambert probably hadn’t watered them since their return. If the plants, happily named Sir Green Leaf and Planty, had only wilted, it seems she might not have been out long.
The woman’s eyes dart to the opposite end of the room where the door opens. She had yet to see who was behind the door, but she knew by the lack of rush that no one knew she was awake. Eskel walked through the door, putting the broom he had in hand down, and propped against the wall. His hands fly over the papers and journals on the ground, being gentle, yet quick enough as to not be able to read anything. It brought a small smile to Y/n, knowing that Eskel wouldn’t break their trust, even if now would seem like the most opportune time. The witcher straightened his back, placing what he had collected back onto the desk.
“Not snooping?” She had a grin and a sarcastic tone, but both were wiped away after she heard how gravelly and rough it was. Eskel’s head snapped to look at her, and a smile spread over him. He swiftly made it to the bed, grabbing the waterskin on the floor.
“Through your stuff? The only info I’d have to gain from that is theories on medicine.” Despite her voice, she was excited to see her brother.
“At least I have some. I know Dandelion loved the place, but those medical professors are doing Jack-all to try and fight terminal illnesses. I mean, really, we already have headache medication, we don’t need a new strain.” Eskel’s smile never fell, and only grew when his hand fell to her shoulder.
“This is why I didn’t snoop to begin with.” Y/n smiled back, then looked to herself. Her favorite fur had been thrown over her torso, so she had yet to see the damage. Her eyes flicked back to the witcher she had considered a big brother since falling in love with the youngest in the wolf pack.
“Would you mind helping me sit?” Eskel’s face fell, and his brow scrunched. His hand flew over his scars, immediately telling her how uneasy he truly was with it.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” Y/n’s hand grasped the fur, holding it up to peak at herself. If anyone could decide her state, it could be her as a medical professional.
Her shirt had been rolled up to rest just under her breast, giving her a great view of the wound on her lower abdomen. She remembered being with Lambert when he had to fight with some Giant centipedes. One time, he had thrown the bomb and it landed right into the hole the worm receded into, and the explosion was massive. Dirt debris flew everywhere, and it was much like how her wound looked. There was the initial puncture wound of the large lance that had flew through her like butter. Then, there seemed to be a second cut made, presumably when the handle broke while the weapon was still lodged in her side. It seemed that there were extra cuts made from the initial wound, probably due to whoever operated on her. The edge to every cut made was ragged and there were remnants of stitches from before the new set she now dawned. The impact was on her lower right side, but bruising painted her whole chest. The cuts were red and puffy, but it seemed that there was a very watchful eye on it, and the stiches were beautifully done to allow some movement.
“It will be fine. It’s doing nicely.” Eskel let out a shaky breath, but placed a hand on her lower back and upper chest, trying to force her to keep herself straight as she sat. Once he helped her slide, and rest against the headboard, he looked to the door.
“I should go tell Lambert. He’ll be upset I didn’t rush to get him sooner.” The medic rolled her eyes and huffed.
“He won’t have a chance to. Planty and Sir Green Leaf deserve an apology first.” Eskel’s lip twitched, but the grin didn’t last.
“The room was an accident, by the way. Geralt had been worried about him, and it had been about a week since Lambert truly left this room. He dragged him out of here only an hour ago, and he didn’t go without a fight. Though, I’m sure you’ll be grateful,” his smile finally returning. “As he smelled worse than the stables after Dandelion forgot to clean it last year.” Now it was Y/n failing to return the smile. Her hand gently reached out and grasped his, giving a small squeeze. The action carried a lot from thanks to worry.
“Would you mind getting him for me?” He gave a nod and headed to the door. Her hands flew to the wound feeling a small ache. She knew she had a numbing agent on it, or she would be in immense pain, but it seems that shifting started a reaction and her body started to release fluids. Gently, she called out knowing the brunette would still hear even in the hall. “Would you also bring a bowl of water and fresh bandages, please?”
One would be alarmed by how calm Y/n has been. Though, Y/n was above all grateful to have opened her eyes, and could see no reason to make a big deal of it. There had been an attack on the fort. The witchers and some allies had to migrate back to Kaer Morhen in early autumn to try and help Dandelion. There had been a large price on his head, and the poet was apart of the family, no one was to harm him. A large militia of hired swordsman had attacked, though had been defeated. Y/n, despite being told to stay by Triss and Yen, decided she wouldn’t leave Lambert’s side. She had walked the path with him for years, and the two fought in tandem. There had been a group that flooded the back path where the two had been held, and she noticed the lancer before him. Knowing the casting time of Quen, she knew Lambert wouldn’t be able to throw it in time. Y/n hastily threw herself against the witcher, who casted the shield as he felt her body. It had been too late, and he knew it the moment he felt the tip of a lance on his hip. The weapon had speared through her so far that it still scathed the man. The shield had broken the handle, splintering the lance, and making her would worse. In that moment, Y/n had decided that Lambert was more important than she was, though she knew it was also selfish, as she wouldn’t be able to live without him. Being awake new has just been a blessing.
Fast footfalls could be heard bouncing off the halls. There had been a moment where the sounds had faltered, and a loud curse followed. The running started back up, and moments later, Lambert slid into the room, out of breath. It seems that he had just been in the hot spring, only a pair of unlaced trousers being donned. Steam rolled off of his skin, and his hair dripped everywhere. He had been panting, and his eyes were frantic- more frantic than she had ever seen them. Large bags fell under his eyes and his lips looked pale, and those were the only attributes she could use to tell how he hadn’t been treating himself properly.
He pushed himself to the bed once they had made eye contact, though he stopped himself moments before wrapping himself around her. His hands flew to hers, pulling both to his mouth, his eye closing, and letting out a shaky breath.
“Lambert.” He let out another breath, but his eyes remained closed. Her fingers griped his, pulling his hands closer. Y/n dropped her tone to a whisper, and seeing him so broken started to affect her. “Lambert, look at me.” Eyes that she knew were made of the sun peered up at her, glass covering the relieved gaze. “Please hold me.” The young witcher’s gaze flew to her stomach and he gave a small shake of his head.
“I don’t think that’s-.”
“You can either hold me, or I can start lecturing you on how you haven’t been taking care of yourself.” His brow raised and she gave a fond sigh. “I’ve been resting. It’s not like I’ve forgotten how to read you, and trust me, I have a few words.”
“A few words, huh?”
“Yes.” Lambert huffed, yet he still crowed her into the headboard. Only their shoulders were pressed together, but his arms tightened themselves as much as he thought was safe. His nose pressed itself into its usual spot under her ear, and that’s where he remained as his body started to shake. She could feel the wetness of his tears start prickling her skin.
“I actually have a few fucking words, Y/n.” She could feel him start to fist her rolled shirt.
“No. What you did was unforgivable.” There was a long moment where nothing was said, and the only movement was the man’s sharp intakes of breath and Y/n’s thumb moving in small circles.
“Letting you get hurt would be unforgivable.”
“I would have been fine. You, on the other hand, have been laying here. There were times…” He took a long breath. His tone hardened, but was still quiet. “Y/n, there were times where I thought your heart stopped. Hell, I think it did the second day.”
“My heart would have stopped if yours did.”
“And what would I have done?” His voice grew in volume, and his arms held on just a little tighter. “Centuries? Without you?”
“You wouldn’t be without me. You have my heart and soul.”
“And you have mine. Don’t you get that? I can’t live without you here. You are the only thing in this world that keeps me going.”
“That’s not true. You have the rest of our family here.”
“What was the thing you said before I asked you to move in?” Y/n smiled at the memory.
“You mean told me to move in.”
“What was it?” Lambert pulled away, his hands moving to cup her neck. His eyes were torn between sorrow and love.
“What’s the point of going on if you can’t enjoy it.”
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lo-55 · 4 years
Shattered Chains of Fate Ch. 7
Fourteen Days to Conspiracy
Ichigo sits by the river again. The day is dawning, pink in the east.
He can’t see the sword any longer, not since he stumbled back into his body from his inside. His inner word, Zangetsu had called it.
Even still, he can feel it’s phantom weight, familiar and comforting in his palm. It feels like all he has to do is wrap his fingers around it and pull and the sword would be in his hand, gleaming and ready to swing, to block, to guard him.  Holding Zangetsu had felt like coming home.
Despite that, it had also felt like there was something missing. Like his other hand was empty.
Was that what Diarmund had felt whenever he put one of his swords or spears down?
He could  hear all of Achille’s dumbass bisexual jokes at his expense.
Ichigo leaned back on the damp grass, drawing in steady breaths, one after another. Up the incline he could see people waiting for him. Elmelloi, and a happily familiar face and pale hair.
Waver Velvet, or Lord Elmelloi II and his apprentice, a phenomenal mage and prodigy Flat Escardos. Waver had said there was something strange about the town, and now Ichigo has to wonder if he’s not partially to blame. Because of his fight with Uryu and massive monster had tried to crush the city. Because of him and Rukia some high class shinigami had come to visit and started causing trouble.
Ichigo wants to help. Really, he does.  He likes Waver even if he is grumpy. He’s one of the few people Ichigo knows who’s just as shit at actual magic as he is. Waver, like Ichigo, makes due with other means.
He’s an alchemist, and a detective. With no magic lineage to fall back on, and no innate talent for mage craft he uses outside forces to get things done. He draws his power from ores and reagents and uses reason to puzzle out what the best course of action is. Without the ability to fight head on Waver relies on other people for combat, and merely acts as their guide and support.
The one thing Waver truly excels at is teaching.
It takes him no more than a glance to understand how a spell is cast, and minutes to figure out how to teach someone with the right type of circuits how to use it as well. And how to strengthen and improve it.
Waver cannot perform his own magecraft, but he can strengthen and support others.
He, above all others, is one person who understands Ichigo’s abilities.
They are peas in a pod, and it’s almost scary.
Ichigo lifts himself up from the banks of the river and picks his way up to the pair. Flat is as exuberant as ever. Even in snow, surrounded by recovered corpses of Chealdeas, he’d been delighted to be there.
What a weirdo.
“Hey,” Ichigo raises his hand to them. Waver grunts. His long red scarf shifts when the wind changes direction. The breeze comes with the smell of smoke and cardamom.
“Ichigo. You disappeared.”
“Sorry,” he’s not, “Something came up. I’ll be gone for about a month.”
Waver scowls at him.”We need you here. We’re investigating changes of ley lines around the city.  Your city. And you know how I feel about this place.”
Yes, he does. Ichigo’s never gotten the full story, but he knows ten years ago something happened that left Waver embittered to the entire country. The fact that he’s standing on japanese soil in the first place is frankly bewildering.
Ichigo doesn’t say so out loud.
“A friend of mine needs help,” he says instead. “So I’m sorry, but I need to go to her first. I appreciate your help with the house, but this is important to me.”
Waver frowns at him, and even Flat’s smile tilts sideways, like he’s not sure he understands. Ichigo doubts that he does. This child is a freaky innocence that isn’t innocent at all. Somehow he can look at pain and suffering and still thing its ‘cool’.
Ichigo does not envy Waver.
Waver must know Ichigo well, for he looks at him and his stubborn jaw and his hard eyes and he grunts irritably.
“Fine then. There’s no changing your mind,” he knows. “We’ll handle this matter. You help your friend.”
“Not like I needed your permission anyways,” Ichigo points out, but it’s not really angry. For all he’s a cantankerous old guy in the body of a man not even thirty Waver is good natured and nurturing in his own way. Even when he was summoned a servant (and Ichigo still doesn’t understand how exactly that happened) he’d been the same. Maybe that’s why Ichigo is so biased towards him.
“Good luck,” Waver says instead of anything else.
Ichigo nods to him, ruffles Flat’s hair, and makes his way to the Urahara shop as promised.
By the time he comes too, Ichigo feels less like a mage and more like a pile of recently tenderized meat.
The sky is burning pink and purple and night air is slow to fade to day. There’s dew settled into his bangs that glistens when the newborn sunlight hits it.
It would be lovely, if it wasn’t for the fact that ichigo could barely lift his head to shake the moisture off.
It’s a bone deep ache.
A lightness in his body that makes him feel like if he isn’t careful he’s going to go flying off into the sky, an empty void of a man.
Mash’s worried face poked in from the side of his vision.
“Master?” her voice is terribly soft, tumultuous with worry. Worry for him.
Ichigo pushes himself up slowly, only his own pride and stubbornness keeping him from falling right down back into the dirt.
Mash rushes to him to help, and her strong arms around him help to ground him back down. He still feels drained and hollow, but the warm hands that hold him steady are a help. They make his body feel more reel. And less like he’s not tethered to reality.
“Hey Mash. How long was I out?” He can’t quite remember what happened. There was a swarm of demons, and Kyo couldn’t handle all of them. Ichigo had-
What exactly had he done again?
Right, he’d shoved all of his reishi into Kyo, so he could cast a spell and destroy the monsters that had been coming at them. Where is Kyo, anyhow? Where are any of the others?
“Mash?” Ichigo asks, touching her side. “Where’s everyone else?”
“Oh,” Mash slowly lets him go, looking off to the side. “We got a cart to carry you in, since we can’t really stop right now. We’re in that now, and the others are laying down outside.”
Ichigo looks down to see that it’s not dirt he would have fallen into, but a scratchy brown blanket.
“How long was I out?”
“The rest of the day and all of the night. About eighteen hours in total. Nightingale wasn’t happy,” Mash grimaced. “She couldn't do anything to help you. No one could.”
Mash suddenly scowls at him and tightens her hold to the point of pain. “You could have been hurt! Master, you need to stop being so reckless!”
Another voice joins in. “Master is awake?!”
The cart rocks and Ichigo finds himself being shaken back and forth by hand so strong they could break his shoulders. “What did you do that for! You could have died! You fool!”
“Me-du-sa. Can’t. Breath.” Ichigo choked. She didn’t loosen her hold but she did stop shaking him so he could catch his breath. He put his hand on her elbows and looked at those ethereal golden eyes. “Sorry. I’m not going anywhere, promise. I just got overzealous. Are you okay?”
“Are we-?!” she bristled. “We’re fine! You were the one that almost shoved your soul out of your body!”
Ichigo blinks at her.
“I did what?”
“You almost shoved all of your reiryoku, your spirit energy, into me.”
Ichigo looks to the side, where Kyo is perched on the edge of the wagon. His dark eyes are fathomless, searching for something in Ichigo that Ichigo isn’t sure he has. There’s a light in them too, one that Ichigo can’t for the life of him decipher.
(Years later he will recognize it as hope.)
“Okay,” Ichigo takes Medusa’s hands from his shoulders and guides her to sit next to him. She looks into the seemingly empty air, but they are all beyond questioning him when he talks to nothing. “It still worked, didn’t it?”
Kyo’s brows furrow minutely. “It did… It was still reckless. I’ve never seen someone do something so utterly foolish in my life. You could have more than died. You could have destroyed your own soul doing that. Feeding your energy into spirit beings is dangerous, there is a reason it isn’t done. Even these heroic spirits contracted to you are a risk. Whether drawing on your life energy or your spirit energy, you put yourself in tremendous danger.”
“I know,” Ichigo tells him truthfully. Kyo is closer than he ever has been, like some wall he’d set up is starting to crumble. His mask is cracking. “I know it’s dangerous. Everything we do is dangerous, but if I don’t do it then everything will end. Everyone will die. All of my friends, all of my family will be gone. I can’t fight on my own. All I can do is strengthen others, even if I have to pay a price for that I will.”
“That’s very noble but-”
“Don’t make me into a saint,” Ichigo cut him off swiftly. “I’m not. If you want one of those you’re in the wrong singularity. I’m doing this because I want my sisters back. I’m doing this because I want to stop fighting and go home already. Every motivation I have is entirely selfish, Kyo.”
Medusa smacked the back of his head.
“He may make you into a saint but you make yourself a sinner!” She snapped. “In Fuyuki we were on opposite sides of a war. You should have killed me. Even if we weren’t enemies I was, am, darkened by the cursed mud of a corrupted grail. In stead you told me to stop being a lunatic and poured your power into me, so I could stand at your side. You trusted me with your back when I could have easily stabbed it.”
“No! You may not be a saint like Jeanne but you’re a good, stupid man!”
Ichigo is so stunned by the fact that Medusa of all people has called him a good man that he doesn’t even notice the fact that she has heard Kyo as well.
It tops as one of the weirdest days of his lives.
* *
Ichigo finally finds himself standing in front of the Urahara shop, the old sign hanging above the doorway. It’s out of the way, stuffed between two towering modern buildings. If one didn’t know what they were looking for they would never find it. It was just an old shop tha hadn’t been converted yet. They’re not common but they’re also not so out of place that anyone would bat an eye if they happened to see it while out and about.
It’s exactly how mages run things and not for the first time does Ichigo wonder just what in the world it is that Urahara is. A mage? A shinigami? Something between? Ichigo can’t get a good read on him, but to be fair he hasn’t really been looking.
He knows his half hidden eyes and he knows he’s willing to help Rukia and help Ichigo. That’s enough for him for now.
He raises his hand and knocks firmly on the door. On the third knock the door slides open, revealing the tall man from before. Tessai.
Ichigo can’t get a good read on him. His glasses bar him from seeing his eyes and the eyes are the window to the soul. Never the less, Ichigo can still see his strength. A hundred times stronger than Ichigo, and now that he’s of a clearer mind when he looked past the man to Urahara he realizes that he’s stronger still.
They aren’t as strong as someone born in the Age of Gods, but they’re at least on par with weaker servants.
How had he missed that before?
Whatever. It doesn’t matter now.
“Hey. I’m here for my training.”
They let him inside. Underneath the shop there happens to be a massive chamber, stretching out in all directions. A mockery of the sky spreads across the ceiling, painted with fluffy clouds that almost seem to move across the sky.
Whoever this man is, he’s not a mage. A mage would never have something so cheerful in their home. Mages were creatures of darkness and shadow. Lonely beings of solitude.
Urahara was no such thing.
He had children, for one thing, and his assistant (husband?) seemed utterly devoted to him. He did not have the cold air of a mage obsessed only with legacy and the enhancement of his crest. No. For all Urahara reminded him of Merlin, he was certainly not a mage.
“So. What do we do first?” Ichigo asks, turning his sights from the sky to the man in front of him. His hat shadows most of his face, save the strange smile beneath that darkness.
“First, we would need to return your shinigami powers to you-”
“Yeah. I already did that part. What’s next.”
Ichigo was treated to the sight of Urahara tilting his head and blinking rapidly at him. It’s the only real sign of surprise on his face.
“You… already did that?” he repeated. He lifted his cane, exposing the flaming skull on the underside, and drives it into Ichigo’s chest.
Ichigo pops out the other side, in a familiar shihakusho with a sword strapped to his back. Zangetsu is actually less of a sword and more of a giant cleaver as long as his body. The curve of the red mark that sits above his heart just barely crests over the white folds of his clothes  
Urahara’s mouth opens but no sound comes out for a few long seconds. Ichigo scowls at him.
“You said I needed to get my shinigami powers and I did. Now hurry up already. We’ve only got ten days before I have to go save Rukia. So what’s next, huh?”
Urahara recovers (not very) gracefully, clears his throat and stands straight.
“I see. So you managed to do that all on your own.”
“Not really,” Ichigo isn’t one to brag, or take undue credit. He touches Zangetsu’s hilt lightly, fingers running across the bandages. “Zangetsu helped me out.”
“You know his name as well? Then I suppose we can skip three whole lessons.”
Ichigo doesn’t like the sudden, calculating look in Urahara’s eyes, but he can’t say anything about it. He understands he’s just done something expected, but doesn’t he always? He’s used to the staring, to the incredulousness of people who are just meeting him.
He misses the familiar presence at his side, at his back. Guarding and guiding him. But with Zangetsu in hand the void where his friends had once been is lessened, even if it’s not entirely gone.
Zangetsu has always been with him. That’s what he’s said, isn’t it?
“Then we’ll move on. Ichigo, your first task is to knock this hat off my head.”
“...huh?” Seriously? What kind of bullshit is this?
Ichigo squinted at him while Urahara drew a sword from his cane and pointed it towards him. A straight blade, thin and deadly he can feel the barely restrained bloodlust from here.
“Awaken, Benihime.”
The air sings with danger and a thrill shoots up Ichigo’s spine. Red light flickers, bloody and dangerous, across the blade until what’s left is no cane but the unmistakable sight of a zanpakuto. The hamon is straight, the tip is sharp and straight instead of tapered.
“There’s no timelimit. So try as hard as you can to knock this hat off with your sword.”
“That sounds like a good way to loose an eye, and if you do I can’t fix that,” Ichigo warns even as he pulls his sword from his back. The ribbon flutters off, wrapping drawing back to reveal the deadly curve beneath. It’s not the type of sword ichigo is used to holding. He’s used to something shorter, but the blade is as light as his own arm in his grasp. Is’t a part of him, he knows for certain. His instincts flare and he dodges just in time, avoiding a strike that leaves a deep gauge in the rock behind him.
“You should really be worrying about yourself,” Urahara says. His voice is deceptively soft, his smile is just as mild, and the shadow of his hat hides his eyes.
As if that would hide from Ichigo the singing his sword does for his blood.
“Fine,” Ichigo adjusts his grip, bounces on the balls of his feet and swings.
Their swords come together in a clash of metal against metal and power against power. Ichigo is raw strength poured forth and an unbending will, straight forwards and unyielding.
Urahara is swift and sharp and takes jabs at any opening, no matter how small. He is powerful, stronger than Ichigo, and when he’d released his sword that strength had more than doubled. There’s no doubt that he could go toe to toe with Diarmuid.
That’s fine. Ichigo meets him blow for blow.
He doesn’t run. He won’t wear scars of shame upon his back. He can’t go backwards now, not when he’s set his sights on his goal. Not when Rukia needs him.
Even with all that, he’s not winning.
He may not run but he’s being force back, further and further with Urahara taking every inch given for his own, eating the ground as he cuts at Ichigo’s defenses.
Ichigo keeps an eye on his unused hand. He knows these men are tricky. He knows shinigami can use kido, and he won’t be taken by surprise again.
Urahara shifts his stance and Ichigo lunges for the opening. Too late he realizes it’s a trap.
He takes a hard blow to his side, and blood drips down into the white fabric beneath the black.
Ichigo jumps back, a hand on his side, and hisses with the pain. It’s shallow. Not even enough to pierce into anything important. When he looks to Urahara he sees not the man but a predator stalking towards him. He’s not even close to running out of energy. Neither of them are, but now Urahara has drawn first blood.
Ichigo remembers red. He remembers the red of Fuyuki, the terror of the grail and the fallen kings. He remembers the blind desperation of the fight with Lev, and barely keeping Olga Marie from being dragged into the red earth. Red was raw destruction, blood and death.
Ichigo is beyond being afraid of it.
“Zangetsu,” the name comes to his lips. Zangetsu. He’s always known it. He’s always had this sword at his back, and now a phantom hand lays upon his shoulder. His partner. His weapon. The means by which he will protect all he loves.
“Forget fear,”  his words echo, and a second hand touches his on the hilt, “  Look forward. Walk forth. Never stop. If you look back you are lost. If you are afraid you’ll die. Swear, Ichigo.”  
He does.
“I’ll never run. I’ll never be afraid. Even if I have to tear the heavens apart, I will win! Zangetsu!”
Power swirls around his sword, Zangetsu squeezes his shoulder and falls into the blade, still crossed with Benihime. They sing together, a song of the hunt and a refusal to die. A cat and the moon, Ichigo pushes everything he has into the sword. Into Zangetsu. He trusts him.
Silver light rips out of the blade. He can see the moment of Urahara’s briefest panic and the last-second switch of his sword. From offense to defense, but it’s not enough to save his hat from the wave of raw energy that shreds from Zangetsu.
Ichigo catches the hat as it falls to the ground, a good sized chunk now missing.
He can’t help the grin that splits his face when he sees the land past Urahara’s red barrier has been torn into a fissure that stretches all the way out to the seemingly endless walls of the room, and cracks it’s way up towards the ceiling.
He lays Zangetsu back along his back and walks over to Urahara, twirling his hat around one finger. It feels good. Fighting with his own power, nothing has never compared to that. Nothing ever will.
Ichigo eyes the cracks and crumbling edges of the red shield Urahara has erected to guard himself, and eyes the sword in his hand. The bloodlust isn’t gone, but there’s something else in it. Ichigo touches that blade, drawing Urahara’s attention away from the new canyon in his basement. The touch is all Ichigo needs for a proper reading. Confusion, curiosity, and off all things hope.
There’s definitely something weird going on here.
Urahara pulls his sword back from ichigo delicately and sheathes her again. “You should be careful,” Urahara warns. “Benihime isn’t nice.”
If zanpakuto reflect the soul of their wielder, does that mean Urahara is also ‘not nice’?
Ichigo hands him his hat. “I think I passed your little test.”
Up close, Urahara isn’t nearly as old as Ichigo first thought he was. He almost looks young, somewhere in his later twenties. Most questions, no more answers and no time to ask them.
“I’d say you did,” Urahara takes it from him, futility knocking dust away from it. “Ichigo, you are one scary kid.”
* * *
“Do you know where you are?”
“Are you going to ask me that every time?”
Ichigo isn’t surprised to see where he is tonight. There’d been a creeping dread that had begun crawling up his throat the closer and closer they came to the day he was to leave.
Merlin toys with a strand of Ichigo’s hair. It’s finally grown past his shoulders these days, and Merlin seems to take some small pleasure in the tactile sensation.
If Ichigo was trapped at the edge of the world for over 1500 years he’d probably be starved for new sensations himself. Or even something as simple as the presence of someone familiar.
He is reminded again that he has sworn to free Merlin from his prison, even if he has no idea how he’s going to do that. He’ll figure it out.
“Perhaps. It’s consistent if nothing else.”
“Everything here is consistent,” Ichigo retorted. “You’ll stop once you get tired of Westworld.”
“Maybe I’ll start with the Game of Thrones references then,” Merlin teased. Ichigo shot him a scowl.
Merlin laughed it off easily.
“Okay, something else then. In the meantime, how has your training been going?”
“My training? It’s fine. It’s mostly been Urahara fighting me. He hasn’t taught me much of anything, but I’m catching up to speed with my new sword at least.”
“Ah yes. And how does he fight?”
“Urahara? I dunno. Sometimes he moves like Kojirou, sometimes like Mordred.”
“Those are very different fighting styles,” Merlin mused, tapping his fingers along his staff. Ichigo nods his agreement.
“It is. More than anyone though, he reminded me of Okada,”  and you .
“A man slayer?” Merlin pretended to startle. “A man equally capable of saber and assassin techniques. What a terrifying concept.”
Merlin didn’t know the half of it.
“Do you fear him?”
Ichigo paused. “Huh? No. I probably should but… he doesn’t mean to hurt me, or my friends.”
“My, my. You always have had a knack for judging people.”
“Don’t make it sound like I’m some kind of mind reader,” Ichigo groans, falling back into the flowers that perpetually bloom aroun Merlin. It really is a very pretty prison.
His gaze wanders to Merlin’s staff.
“Those ribbons,” he says suddenly. “Are they soul ribbons?”
“Hmm?” Merlin follows his gaze and delights. “Aha! No, not quite but they are very close. They’re designed to keep my staff from being stolen or abused. I suppose, in some ways, they’re the essence or the soul of my staff. They work a bit like command seals.”
Merlin was being weirdly forthcoming.
That only happened when it was something Ichigo really needed to know. Why would he need to know that much about Merlin's fancy magic stick?
If he tries to ask, he’ll just be brushed off, so he doesn’t. Instead he engages Merlin in a game of twenty questions, to pass the time until he must leave again.
“Are you worried?” Merlin asks abruptly, breaking their game and starting a new one called ‘try to get Ichigo to talk about his feelings’.
“Why would I be?” Ichigo replies, narrowing his eyes.
Merlin holds up his hands placatingly. “This will be the first time you go alone into something like that. I would think you would be frightened.”
“I’m not alone,” Ichigo says evenly. “I have my zanpakuto, Zangetsu. Besides. This way I don’t have to be so careful. I won’t be leading anyone except for myself, and anyone who inevitably joins along while I’m there.”
“Your charisma is the stuff of legends.”
“I’m not charismatic!” Ichigo argues, scowling again. “People just like to glue themselves to me, it’s not my fault.”
Merlin laughs and Ichigo shifts uncomfortably in his seat, crushing more flowers around him. They’re replaced in second by yet more.
“Will I see you while I’m in the soul society?” Ichigo asks, peering at his friend.
Merlin considers this. “Most likely not. It’s a different world, and the realm of the dead at that. I don’t think I can reach you there.” There’s sadness hidden in his eyes. Ichigo scowls at him for a long moment before he gives in and hugs the grand mage.
Merlin stiffens in his grasp, his air leaving his lungs for the long seconds before Ichigo starts to fade away, back where he’s come from.
If he doesn’t come back, he won’t have Merlin doubting their friendship.
* * * *
Seven days. Seven days, and Ichigo is on his way out of the house.
There had been a festival earlier, and he’d wanted to go with his sisters and give them one last memory, before he potentially ran off and got himself killed on a rescue mission for a girl they didn’t even remember exists.
The fireworks stopped him.
He’s already on edge, already gearing up for a fight, for an infiltration (for a war). He doesn’t want to know what the sound of the sky cracking open and lights and fire roaring over his head will do to him at a time like this.
Instead he’d waited for them, and tucked them in when they’d been too exhausted for anything else. He left breakfast in the fridge so Yuzu didn’t have to worry about it in the morning, and when Urahara’s creepy ass blood message came through the window he switched bodies with Kon and was on his way.
Along the way, he bumps into Orihime.
And at Urahara shop Chad is waiting.
Uryu shows up last and when the door opens he grabs Urahara by the collar and drags him inside. The door shuts soundly behind them.
Ichigo spins them around and shoves Urahara against the wall, baring his teeth at the man. “What the hell are they doing here?!”
Urahara is completely unaffected, and it kind of pisses him off.
“What do you mean? They’re you’re friends, they’re here to help you. Isn’t that obvious?”
“Yeah, I know what they came. I wanna know why you let them?! I’m not letting them come along. They’ll be in danger. I’m not taking them with me!”
“Then what was your plan?” Urahara asks, his playful voice overturned with one that Ichigo has never heard. Dark and serious, with the same edge as his blade. The hat tilts and Ichigo can see his eyes. Old, and intelligent. He’s reminded, once more, of Merlin.
“They’re not strong enough for this,” Ichigo insists. “I would have made friends while I was there to help me. At least three.” Usually closer to ten or twelve.
“That’s the most naive thing I’ve ever heard. Why would anyone turn their backs on their home, on their captains and friends, to help a stranger like you?”
Ichigo bristles. “I don’t know.” But they always do, for some reason. “Rukia has to have friends. I can’t be the only one who thinks this is wrong and people will fight for what’s right if you push them to it-”
Urahara catches his hands and pushes him back. “You can’t rely on a strategy like that. You can’t count on peoples ‘better natures’ or you’ll always be disappointed. Your friends have come to help you, and they are stronger than you’d expect. Likely they’ll be the ones you can rely on. Do you understand?”
Ichigo narrows his eyes at Urahara. “I’m relying on you, aren’t I?”
The air crackles with tension between them, until the door slides open and his friends step inside. They freeze at the picture; Ichigo looming over Urahara, who’s got pinned to the wall.
“Uh.” Says Ichigo eloquently.
“Oh dear!” Cries Urahara, snapping his fan in front of his grinning face. “Whatever shall we do, now that we’ve been caught. Oh Ichig -ow!”
Ichigo elbows him in the side and lets him go. Fine. They were already here, and Ichigo can see their own stubbornness. Chad and Uryu aren't going anywhere, and Ichigo knows even Orihime can fight. He’d been there when Tatsuki was training her. Even with her ability, her personality will be the biggest problem.
Already he feels himself shifting. This is no longer just about him. This is the team he’s been given, and he reads over their strength as best he can. It’s not as clear as a servant, but he’s working on it.
Chad he knows is a brawler, brute strength and fierce dependability. Close rang, and he’s got an insane pain tolerance and durability. He can tell by looking, Chad is stronger now than he was even a week ago. Fine.
Uryu is an archer, through and through. Long rang, he’ll be at a disadvantage if they have to fight up close and personal. He also knows basic first aid. He’s maybe the best person to counter Ichigo, to bring with him. The biggest problem might be his hatred for shinigami. People do stupid, impulsive things when they’re filled with animosity.
  Your anger keeps you warm now, but it will leave you cold in your grave.  
“Orihime,” he speaks to her for the first time, startling her out of whatever daydream she’d been having. “What exactly can you do?”
“Huh? Oh well I guess I’m pretty good at math, and I get good grades in gym class too. I won a volleyball game last year and-”
“I think he means your powers,” Chad corrects quietly. Powers. Good god, what have they gotten themselves into?
“Well?” Ichigo presses. Orihime touches her hair clips, the ones she always wears.
“Well um. I can make barriers that bounce things off of them. And I can shoot Tsubaki at people like a laser light beam. And I can heal too!”
Ichigo doesn’t know who or what a Tsubaki is. He doesn’t know what powers Chad has.
Fuck he hates this.
But healing and shielding are something he can work with too. That’ll make Orihime their third tier, a support class.
Damn it.
And damn Urahara for not telling him about this!
“You need to calm down,” says someone new. Ichigo looks down, and finds the cat from before peering up at him. Golden eyes, and black fur.
“...Oh. You’re  Urahara’s familiar.”
The cat shakes her head. The masculine voice throws him off for a minute.
“No. I am Yoruichi. Kisuke is just an old friend of mine, and asked me to train your friends. The only person here who might have a familiar would be you, Ichigo.”
“I see,” Ichigo says. He looked at the other three, stronger than he’d ever seen them but so inexperienced. He doesn’t want to bring them to this. He doesn’t want them to have the paranoia, the nightmares, the noose around their neck that comes with constant fighting and desperate attempts to win. But there’s no going back now. They’ll follow no matter what he says.
Ichigo bows shortly to the cat.
“Thank you for helping them, then, Yoruichi.”
The feline preens and licks at her paw. “Don’t thank me yet. Thank me when we get back with Rukia.”
He still doesn’t know exactly what he’ll do once she’s safe with them. Probably he’ll have to call in one of those favors from the clock tower. So be it.
“Okay,” he shot one last look at Urahara. “Let’s go.”
Urahara leads him down into the training grounds. The fissure Ichigo had created has been fixed by now, leaving the ground flat and dusty once more. There are conspicuous stitches across the ‘sky’. Everyone else is to busy marvelling to comment.
Tessai goes to get a large square of hollow stone set up in the corner, while Ichigo’s friends watch on. He can feel Urahara come to stand behind him. He’s good, but he’s no King of Assassins.
“You seem to be thinking awfully hard there, Ichigo,” Urahara says. If he expect Ichigo to jump, he’s disappointed.
Ichigo presses his lips into a line before he answers.
“It’s heavy,” He says at last.
“The weight of their lives.”
Urahara is silent when Ichigo leaves him behind to stand at Chad’s side.
* * * * *
Ichigo is confined to the cart for the rest of the day, regardless of how he’s feeling or how stubborn he is. No one can outstubborn Florence Nightingale. Not that even Ichigo is stupid enough to try. Not after Medusa offered to chain him to the cart if he didn’t behave himself for her.
He was at the mercy of the nurse. Rama looked smug at the fact that it was finally someone other than him that she was fussing over. When Nightingale’s back was turned Ichigo made sure to flip him off.
The only person who rides with him is Kyo, his legs cross with a his sword in his lap.
Ichigo eyes is speculatively.
“Why don’t you draw your sword when you fight?” he asks at last.
Kyo looks up at him, his brown eyes startled. “Well,” he considers his words, “Mine is not a sword for combat.”
“...what the fuck does that mean?”
“My sword, this zanpakuto, is capricious, and not always friendly towards those that are even my allies. My Kido serves me well enough, and if I’m honest I try to keep her abilities a secret.”
“Oh,” Ichigo says, looking down at the sword. He can’t help being curious. Kyo is such a walled off person, even if he pretends to be friendly.
“It isn’t that I don’t trust you,” Kyo says suddenly. “You’ve proved that you’ll go to great lengths to help me, even if it to save your own skin. And whatever you say, I can tell you’re loyal and your morals are rigid.”
“It’s fine,” Ichigo waves his hand in dismissal. “If you don’t want to tell me, don’t.”
“It’s fine,” he says ago. “You’re not in the wrong. Everyone has secrets, and you’ll only know us until we return to our own time. In 2018.”
“I’ll still be around then, if I’m not killed,” Kyo tells him swiftly. “Shinigami age much slower than humans. At least a tenth as fast, if not slower than even that.”
“That’s great,” Ichigo says, “But honestly it won’t matter if you’re alive or dead. Truth is, you won’t remember us.”
“What?” Kyo’s brows furrow and he sits up straighter.
“You’ll forget about all of this,” Ichigo says again, “When we set the world to right, everything that we’ve done here will be erased from history. Including your memory. There’s nothing we can do for it. We’ve seen it in people we knew before. We met Nero when she was still alive, but as a servant she’s forgotten all about us. The same will happen to you.”
“No,” Kyo shakes his head, narrows his eyes. “No. I won’t! And if I do, you must remind me!”
“How would I do that?” Ichigo asks, leaning back lazily. The idea makes his chest clench and ache. No one will ever remember him or Mash. They aren’t in this for glory. They won’t find any. All that will happen if they succeed is he will return to his family and Mash will return to Chaldeas.
“Find me. Tell me.”
“Tell you? Tell you that I’m a time traveller and I met you two hundred years ago but you can’t remember because we stopped the apocalypse?”
He doesn’t say aloud that if they fail it won't matter. Kyo won’t remember them because Kyo won’t even exist anymore.
Kyo narrows his eyes in thought. He runs his fingers through his curly hair, brushing it away from his face where a single strand likes to fall nearly to his chin.
Finally, he snaps his fingers.
“I’ll tell you something no one else knows,” he announces abruptly. He leans forwards, grasps Ichigo’s hand and brings it to his blade before he whispers into his ear a truth that Ichigo will not fully comprehend for centuries.
Not until he stands on a cliff and looks upon his once friend, flanked by a man with silver hair and a person whose eyes are hidden with thick glass.
* * * * * *
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oxhaven · 4 years
Worth Saving pt. 4 / hybrid!au - Hoseok
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1. 2. 3. 4. | Jungkook | Taehyung | Yoongi | Seokjin | Jimin
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The key turned the lock open, allowing you access to the now familiar home you’ve been accustomed to. You peeked your head in, eyes darting straight to the kitchen area in search of your noisy roommate. The apartment was silent and bare of any human in the living room area, a relieved exhale passing your lips as you carefully entered the home with bags of groceries on your arms. You closed the door behind you gently and clicked the lock back into place before scurrying over to the kitchen to set the bags carefully on the table counter. You would set out in the early morning before the birds would wake up, doing a little shopping for the apartment now that it was occupied by two. Hoseok never really kept too much in the refrigerator until you came along, but you wanted to keep yourself busy and help out where you could. 
For the first week you kept yourself locked in the house, afraid to step outside due to the trauma of being caught by hybrid control. You were like a scared little pup, keeping to yourself and exploring your surroundings when Hoseok would leave for work. You familiarize yourself with everything in the house so you wouldn’t have to continuously rely on him, stuffing your nose in every garment and object taking a big whiff. You found whatever cleaning products he had hidden underneath in the cabinets and closets and cleaned the house from top to bottom. You managed to whip something up in the kitchen whether it was simple sandwiches or miso soup, all in time to scurry back over to the couch and pretend you were asleep when he arrived home. You wanted to keep yourself scarce, but he was still so full of energy when he came home from work to bother you. No, it was more like he still managed to wear a smile on his face when he came home all to greet you and stay by your side. You realized he was breaking the line you set out between you two, trying in his own way to get you comfortable in your new profound home. 
You kept your haunting thoughts at bay as best as you could. When Hoseok wasn’t at home to distract you you could hear the whispers of doubt in your head, battling with your nerves to keep yourself calm. You had to keep reminding yourself that you were in a safe place, but at some point you would have to leave. So when you would sneak out at the crack of dawn to shop, you also spent the time job hunting. First step was to earn money, have a steady income to save for the future. So you found yourself right on track when you returned home, a light breeze of air tickling the back of your legs.
Your sharp ears picked up the sound of movement coming from the bedroom. Hoseok was finally stirring awake, the sound of the mattress creaking underneath his body. You kept at your task in front of you by putting the groceries away while listening to Hoseok in the other room start his morning routine. His bare feet would touch the cold floor and he would groan, stretching his limbs in the air with a yawn. He would get up and make his way to the adjoining bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, trying to hurry himself so he could come out here and greet you. You caught on to his small little actions, growing used to them and understanding his intentions. It was hard to admit that he was rubbing off on you, the pull at the corner of your lips evident. 
“Good morning.”
His tired voice greeted after the drag of his feet into the kitchen, your body spinning around at the counter as you felt the light swish of your tail.
“Morning, I went shopping again.” 
“Mmm, I told you to wake me up so I can go with you.” The grumble in his voice made your body tingle, your ears flattening back as excitement bubbled in your throat.
“Guess who found a job.”
He paused from rubbing his eyes, peeking one open and raising his eyebrows at you. “A job?”
You bounced your head happily, your hands holding the edge of the counter behind you. “Yes. It’s a bartending position. So I’m going to be making tips along with receiving a paycheck.” 
The glee in your voice died with every word, picking up on his expression as he listened to you carefully. You knew Hoseok to be bubbly and jumpy whenever you shared good news, but there wasn’t a smile on his face. He wore a serious gaze, pulling away to think it over in his head as he hummed. “Okay. I would like to see this-”
You instantly asked the question, almost retracting back when his eyes perked up in surprise at you. You didn’t mean to cut him off or ask why to his request, you wanted to know why he wasn’t excited for you. A yearning pulling at your heart strings, frustrated that he didn’t show a bit more enthusiasm for you. 
He let out a breath, a hand coming up to scratch the back of his head. “To know what area you’re in and if I ever need to pick you up or-”
He paused to glance at your face, reading your expression as he quickly changed his tone with an apology. “You don’t have to tell me. I’m just scared if something happened to you I wouldn’t know where to find you.” 
You held your breath, the sound of his voice caressing a whine to spill from your throat. He was only worried for you, and here you were already on your guard. You took a breath in, exhaling it through your nose and took a step forward with a soft smile growing on your face.
“It’s okay. I’ll write down the address for you. I’m really happy that I got a job and I’m really grateful that I found it because it’s hybrid friendly. Meaning I don’t have to hide my-”
You didn’t even get to get out the rest of your sentence, already in his arms and holding on tight as he swung around in a circle with his noise of excitement mingling in with your giggles. His body was warm against yours and his scent flooded your senses. It was like you found the source of all of the things in the house that you spent sniffing and familiarizing yourself with. It was a comforting smell, soft and earthy and...all things wonderful that you still couldn’t but a name on. Or maybe you were still afraid to.
He set you down on your feet, arms still wound around you tightly as you tried not to melt in his hold. He pulled away a moment later with hands cradling your face, the smile on his face matching yours as he gave a toothy grin.  
“I am so very proud of you, and I’m happy you’ve found a job that makes you feel good to work at.” The sound of his voice caressed your ears, your white tail hitting the back of your legs as he continued. “I’ll support whatever decision you choose for yourself, Chaesol. Always.”  
Your eyes casted downwards, nodding in understanding as a weight tugged at your heart. “I need this job to get out of here.”
“You don’t have to-” 
Soft brown eyes blinked up at him, watching as he thought his words over in his head. He sighed, the pads of his thumbs tickling the top of your cheeks. “Leave. You don’t have to go anywhere, you can stay right here with me. And I’ll take care of you.” 
You realized it then and there, not wanting to admit the feelings that had been created between the two of you. It felt like you’ve been here for too long but then it felt like you needed more time to stay. You were more than grateful for Hoseok, but there was so much more that he didn’t understand. This internal battle that you were facing everyday by being here, all the while trying to move forward with yourself and strive for more. He didn’t understand that it was you, the problem was you, and you weren’t going to ruin him. 
You placed your hands on top of the ones on your cheeks, pulling them down and grasping them with a squeeze. You breathed in through your nose and forced the best smile you could muster on your face, one that wouldn’t worry him. And took a step back. Drawing the line once again.
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purplellamanator · 5 years
Oh my god! I can’t believe you open your ask again \(//∇//)\ If it is not much, can you do hero/villain with shinran? It is good to see them on the other perspective. By the way,I love all your stories for DCMK. Thanks for writing the stories to us! And make people smile 😊
A/N~ Thanks so much for the request and your kind words! I hope you like this! This one is a slight twist to canon where Ran is in the BO being the villain and Shinichi, the detective 💜
6. Hero/Villain~ Person A is a Hero. Person B is a villain. And both have an undeniable attraction to each other
She's a fool. This can all only end badly. She knows that much. Yet . . . she's done it again. And again. And again.
And again.
One night in a week shifted to three times in a week. Every other day was slowly turning into every single day. And it was her fault. She was the one that sought him. She was the one that was in control of when and where they would meet- of if they would even meet. She could try to spin it on him. That he was just as dense as her. That he should tell her to leave and not to come back. But he doesn't.
So they were both guilty.
The repercussions for if they were found out would be damning and irreversible. He could lose his job and she . . . probably her head- not that he needed to know that. If he ever knew what would happen to her- what Gin would do if he found out about them, he’d never spare her another passing glance. So selfishly, she refrained from telling him. Why should she? It was clear that neither wanted to go without the other.
It was ridiculous really, how this all started. He had been chasing her, trying to arrest her. She shouldn’t of looked back when she heard his call of distress nor should she of panicked when the railing stopping him from falling over the edge of the fire escape gave out.
It was all so stupid but it’s what she did. In a flash she had been standing over him and using one hand to grip the shoulder of his coat tightly before realizing she’d need both hands. She had almost toppled over the edge with him due to the grating being slick with the still pouring ran but after he got over the shock of her helping him, he quickly gripped what was left of the railing beside her and helped to tug his body up.
After and he was sitting beside her breathing heavily from the adrenaline rush he must’ve just gotten along with the realization that he almost died, he stared at her with an unreadable expression. Swallowing, she just sat equally frozen only now, petrified that she just royally screwed herself over. He’d arrest her and with his handcuffs, a bullet in the back of her head wouldn’t be far behind once Gin found out.
The abrupt cracking of what sounded like a radio had them both jolting out of whatever staring contest they had been locked in.
“Kudou, anything in your end?”
Her eyes went wide again at the reminder. He was chasing her. Just because she had saved his life, it was still his job-
She blinked rapidly and in confusion as he continued to speak into the radio.
“It looks like she got away. Pull everybody in, we need to regroup,” he ordered, the entire time his stark blue eyes were connected with hers. Afterwards and once his partner replied that he got the message, the air between them became tense as neither one made a move. It looked like neither wanted to explain their actions first.
When he realized that she would not be saying anything, he slowly leaned towards her.
And instantly she recoiled sharply, her hand bracing her side protectively.
His eyes flit down to where her palm was pressed firmly into her side. “You’re hurt,” he said simply as if stating a fact.
That was an understatement. She was quick but even for her dodging a spray of bullets was practically impossible. Still, she had managed to do it. Each one missed her except for one. And now she was beginning to feel the affects of blood loss.
When he pressed forward, as hurriedly as her sluggish movements would allow, she scurried behind her almost repeating the incident of sliding over the edge. “Do not touch me,” she warned carefully but really, the threat was an empty one. What could she honestly do in her state? She was mere minutes away from passing out. The rush from the chase as well as his almost deathly fall had worn off and now she was beginning to feel the pull for sleep. Which she knew would not be the kind she’d wake up from.
Ignoring her, he moved forward again and when he reached out to grab her and force his help, she slapped his hand away roughly. “I can do it myself,” she snapped angrily. It was his own officers that did it anyway and gingerly, she cradled her side defensively like a wild animal.
His hand gripping the arm that bore the limb that slapped him, suddenly pulled her towards him. Doing everything she could just to stay awake and aware, all she could do was growl furiously while to struggle like an infant.
Finally, when even his patience must’ve worn out, his eyes snapped back to hers angrily. “Let me help you.” The words came out tense and she was sure was meant exactly as it had sounded- like an order.
After that, she couldn’t remember much of anything else. At some point she must’ve either passed out or stopped fighting but when she came to, she was hooked up to monitors. At first, she thought she was in a hospital and instantly panic gripped her heart so tightly. But looking to her side and around the room, she realized that that wasn’t the case at all. She was in a . . . house?
“How are you feeling?”
The sudden intrusion to her thoughts jolted her so badly that one instinct, she sat up straight in the bed. Forgetting her injury and just what helped lead up to this position, a searing pain shot through her side and she pressed a hand to it delicately.
“Shit!” She heard the curse before suddenly the man from the other night filled her vision. His blue eyes that she could remember so clearly were staring at her with concern and he tried to force her to lay down once more. Seeing that was clearly in no position to fight, she slowly rested her head against the pillows.
“Why am I here?” The question was said without any real emotion behind it and she didn’t bother to even look at him as her eyes rested firmly on the ceiling above her. There was no point. She couldn’t fight or defend herself. She was at his mercy.
For once the man looked confused and it was such an odd look to see on his face. “You were dying,” he said as if she were an idiot for asking.
Jaw clenching she heaved a sign. “No. Why am I here and not a hospital?” Was was she here and not in jail? Surely if he had taken her to the ER she’d be cuffed to the bed right now.
Her question was only answered by his silence and when she thought he must’ve left with her knowing, her gaze flit over time find him staring at her with that same expression from last night.
“Why did you save me?”
His words caught her off guard. She hadn’t been expecting him to respond with a question of his own but once it registered, her gaze moved back to the ceiling.
“You were dying,” she said simply, repeating the words he had given her just a little bit ago.
Based off the way his breath heaved out of him, she could tell her answer only frustrated him. “But why would you of all people care?”
His words made her mad. He said them as if he knew who she was- what kind of person she was. And he didn’t. “Maybe I’m not as evil as you’ve made me out to be,” she replied easily. It was the truth. She had done a lot of wrong in her life but she never took the life of someone that didn’t actually deserve it. And when she did, she didn’t enjoy it. She wasn’t like the others in the organization and she knew that’s what was upsetting him the most. Because he knew that if she had been any other member of the BO, that night would’ve been his last.
Her words had left him quiet and she realized it was because they had him thinking. After that, things had been odd with him. At any second she was expecting the Japanese Police Force to come busting through the windows and roof to arrest her. But it never happened.
He never did tell her why he took her here nor who and how he saved her life. She didn’t bother asking because she knew that he wouldn’t tell her anyway. Probably because she wouldn’t tell him why she saved him but honestly, she didn’t have a reason for that either other than that in her eyes, he didn’t deserve to die. He wasn’t a criminal or crook. Simply just someone doing their job- someone trying to live.
It was unspoken, but a mutual understanding of trust blossomed between the two that night. She would always act as if she were on guard around him but it was undeniable how safe he made her feel. For once she could actually sleep a full night without worrying that she’d be killed off in her sleep. She didn’t want to leave, but after a week passed, she knew that it was time. The others had to be searching for her since she never checked in. If she stayed any longer, this stranger’s life would be in danger.
The first time, she had left when he was away. She wasn’t sure if he’d try to stop her and also, she didn’t know exactly what to say even if he didn’t.
But that had not been her last night with him. Two weeks later, she came back. She didn’t know what had gotten into her. Breaking into a detective’s house, she was practically delivering herself to the jail. But she couldn’t deny the undeniable urge she had to speak with him again. She claimed inside her head that it was to finally get him to explain why he saved her but she knew that was all a lie.
It wasn’t till the third time she returned to him that she was able to finally understand. She had been waiting for him. Sitting at the end of his bed with her legs extended and crossed at the ankles. She knew he was home the moment she saw the lights reflecting through his blinds. He had been startled by her presence that night. When he asked why she was there like he did each the two times before, this time she didn’t dodge or give a snide remark in return. This time she spoke honestly.
“Because I want you.”
Her response had surprised him even more than her sudden presence but oddly, a gleam of understanding and . . recognition? . . came through. He felt the same.
The truth had been just as mind reeling for her as it was him. It was only after they lay in his sheets, bare and pressed to each other, his hands leisurely brushing along her back as she rested on his chest, that why she wanted him so much hit her. His touch. It was so kind and gentle. Even when it was pulling her closer for much more carnal reasons.
No one had ever touched her like that before. No one had ever looked at her like that before and for the first time in years, she cried.
And so a pattern began. Her visits had been sporadic in the beginning until finally they became regular. No longer was he confused to find her sitting on his bed when he got home from work. It was something she knew he expected now. And so long as his life wasn’t in danger, she wouldn’t disappoint.
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noona-clock · 5 years
Untitled - Part 9
Genre: AU/Fluff
Pairing: Junmyeon x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10  |  Word Count: 3,003
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Trish and Jongdae had decided to get married fairly quickly. Not for any particular reason but just because they didn’t feel like waiting.
And that was totally fine with you.
You would much rather focus on fulfilling your duties as maid of honor than focus on when or if Junmeyon would propose. There was absolutely no evidence that he was going to ask you to marry him anytime soon, so why even worry about it?
Besides. If you really wanted to get married in the very near future, you could always ask him.
But, like I said, there was no need to think about it right now. You had a wedding vlog to film! And a bridal shower to plan! And a bachelorette weekend to attend! And a dress to find and buy and get altered!
Since Junmyeon was Jongdae’s best man, he was busy with his own duties, as well. And on top of that, he was still traveling and uploading to Instagram and YouTube like he normally did.
Suffice it to say, what little time the two of you did have together was spent working on the wedding vlog.
In about five months, you and Junmyeon had vlogged picking out Trish’s dress, visiting a few venues, the cake tasting, the bridal shower, both the bachelor and bachelorette parties and finally, the rehearsal dinner.
Each of you had also sat down to film a confessional segment, talking to the camera about your relationship with the bride and groom. You had also filmed one together because the two of you wouldn’t be together if it weren’t for them.
The night before the wedding, Junmyeon stayed up until almost two in the morning adding the rehearsal dinner footage and putting on the finishing touches. You tried to stay awake to help him and keep him motivated, but you (pretty typically) fell asleep just after midnight.
Since you were due to be at the venue fairly early, you woke up and got ready before Junmyeon. You tried to be as quiet as possible to let him sleep for as long as he could, but you also couldn’t resist sitting on the edge of your bed and leaning over to press a goodbye kiss to his forehead.
Junmyeon let out a soft groan, stirring slightly as his eyes fluttered open. “Y’leavin’?” he asked sleepily.
“Yeah,” you whispered. “I’ll see you there in a few hours.”
“’Kay,” he sighed. He pursed his lips for a kiss, and you happily obliged.
“You uploaded the video and everything? It’s all good to go?”
Junmyeon nodded, humming positively in response to your question, and your lips curved into a grin as you bent down to kiss his forehead once more.
“All right, I’ll see you later,” you whispered.
Junmyeon’s smile was sleepy but radiant, your heart fluttering and skipping a few beats at the sight of it. “I love you,” he murmured. “I can’t wait to walk down the aisle with you.”
While you knew he meant to walk down the aisle as best man and maid of honor, you wondered if-- actually, you were quite certain -- he was also referring to walking down the aisle... at your own wedding.
Whenever that may be.
Again, you weren’t worrying about that right now.
“I love you, too,” you replied. “Text me when you get there.”
“Am I supposed to see you before the ceremony?” he asked curiously.
A quick laugh bubbled up in your throat, and you rolled your eyes at his innocent question. “That’s only for the bride and groom,” you pointed out with amusement.
“But we’ll be getting married one day, too,” he replied with a gently furrowed brow.
“Oh, we will?” you asked teasingly. You held up your bare left hand and tilted your head. “I don’t see any evidence of that.”
A very soft, almost unnoticeable flush overtook Junmyeon’s cheeks, and he moved one hand to pat your thigh. “All right, get going. I’ll text you when I get there.”
You chuckled lightly before pushing yourself off the bed and heading for the stairs. You grabbed your dress which had been hanging in a garment bag on your coat rack, and with one final call of ‘I love you!’ you exited through the door.
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The rest of the morning went by in a blur. You spent most of it with Trish in the bridal suite getting your hair and makeup done (and also reminiscing and trying not to cry), but when Junmeyon’s arrival message came through on your phone, you hurried out to meet him.
You were already dressed and ready by this point, and when you spotted your boyfriend in the lobby, a smile immediately curved on your dark purple lips.
Junmyeon, who had been heading toward the groom’s suite with his suit draped over his arm, froze when he saw you.
“Hey,” you greeted, beaming at him as you approached.
“Wow,” he breathed. He opened his arms to accept your hug, though he embraced you carefully and delicately. “You look... amazing.”
“Thanks,” you blushed. “I bet you will, too, in that suit.”
Junmyeon simply lifted a hand to cradle your cheek, though he just barely touched you so he wouldn’t disturb your makeup. He gazed at you, his eyes searching your face as a soft smile pulled at his lips.
“What?” you whispered.
“I just... I feel like it’s our first date all over again,” he admitted with a bashful chuckle.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re making me nervous.”
“Why am I making you nervous?” you giggled, standing on your toes and rubbing the tip of your nose lightly against his.
“Because you’re so beautiful,” he said softly, his voice filled with a sense of awe and wonder. “But it might be even worse now because I know you’re just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.”
“Oh, come on,” you blushed. “You know how dorky I am.”
“Exactly. That’s exactly what I’m talking about.”
A soft chuckle escaped your lips, and you couldn’t hold back from kissing him any longer. You quickly pecked his lips, pulling away to make sure your lipstick hadn’t ended up on him.
“I love you,” you told him before kissing him again, letting your lips linger a bit this time.
“And I am so grateful you do,” he murmured back. “I love you more than I ever thought --”
“Come on, Lovebirds!” Jongdae called out from the doorway of the groom’s suite. “It’s not your wedding day!”
Junmyeon’s cheeks flushed, and his typical embarrassed smile spread across his lips. “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” he replied to his friend.
“Go put your suit on,” you whispered before stepping away just a tad. “Don’t outshine the groom, though. Try not to look better than him.”
“That’s going to be tough,” Junmyeon replied with a furrowed brow and a frown.
“I know, but you have to try.”
Junmyeon took hold of one of your hands, bringing it up to his lips and saying in quite the dramatic tone, “I will do anything you request of me, my lady.”
“Junmyeon!” Jongdae whined, and you reached out to gently push your boyfriend away.
You returned back to Trish’s bridal suite, and apparently, the look on your face was too obvious to ignore because Trish immediately began teasing you.
And you let her just this once because it was her wedding day. What are friends for?
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When the time finally came for the bridal party to make their way out to the ceremony, your heart began to race. You grabbed your bouquet and let out a deep sigh as you turned to face Trish.
“How nervous are you?” you asked in a shaky voice.
A smirk appeared on Trish’s red lips, and she lifted her shoulders into a shrug. “I’m not.”
“What?! I’m nervous! How are you not?!”
“Because I’m just happy!” she chuckled. “I’m about to marry the man of my dreams. But I’m sure on your wedding day, I’ll be nervous.”
“You have got to stop,” you laughed, shaking your head. “I give you full permission to bug me about a wedding after today.”
“Okay, okay,” Trish relented. You held out her own bouquet, and she took it gingerly before picking up one side of her dress and following you out of the room.
Since Jongdae was already waiting at the end of the aisle, only his groomsmen were there to greet the bridal party.
And when you saw Junmyeon...
You suddenly related to the way he reacted to you earlier this morning.
You froze, your eyes widening and your mouth opening to form a small ‘oh.’
Because damn.
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Wowowowowowowowowow. Wow.
“I clean up nice, huh?” he murmured once you got close enough.
“I told you not to outshine the groom!” you hissed, looking very distressed. And he most definitely did! He looked more handsome than anyone you’d ever seen before!
Junmyeon simply beamed, looking very pleased with your comment.
You honestly had to gather yourself before the two of you slowly strolled down the aisle behind the other bridesmaids and groomsmen, and you also had to stop yourself from letting out a whine of despair when you had to separate at the end of it.
All throughout the ceremony, you kept leaning over just a tad and making eye contact with Junmyeon. You paid attention to what was happening, of course, and your eyes filled with tears as Trish and Jongdae were saying their vows.
You let out a very watery cheer when they kissed, and before you knew it, you met up with Junmyeon to walk back down the aisle and get started on taking pictures.
But now that the ceremony was over, your nerves transferred from that to the reception. 
Namely the toast.
Junmyeon tried to ease your worries as the bridal party took all sorts of pictures in various locations around the venue, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to truly relax until after the video toast had ended.
Thankfully, once the whole bridal party had joined the other guests in the reception hall and got settled, Junmyeon took action and tapped his fork against his champagne glass.
You stood with him, reaching for his free hand and grasping his fingers for dear life.
“Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention for just a few minutes,” he called out. And when the room had gone silent, he continued. “My name is Junmyeon, I’m the best man, and this is Y/N, the maid of honor. In lieu of giving our own separate toasts, we decided to do something a bit different. Trish and Jongdae mean so much to us, and we knew we wouldn’t be able to express that simply using words. So, if you’ll direct your attention to that screen over there...”
He nodded to the DJ, and the lights dimmed before the video began.
Your face popped up on the screen, and you almost covered your eyes because you were so embarrassed. But the delightful, uplifting music Junmyeon had added in the background made you smile instead.
You watched as you and Trish picked out her dress, as the four of you toured a venue, as Trish and Jongdae tasted some cake. And then Junmyeon came up on the screen and started talking about how he’d met Jongdae. He inserted some old pictures of them together, eliciting some laughs from the guests.
His face reappeared, and you noticed his cheeks had turned a bit pink as he smiled. “Jongdae also introduced me to my girlfriend, so... I definitely owe you big for that one, buddy.”
You squeezed Junmyeon’s hand as the guests responded with a collective “awwwwwww,” and you felt some eyes turn toward the two of you.
It was your segment next, so you hid half of your face behind Junmyeon’s shoulder since you knew you were going to start crying as you spoke. You’d filmed this part over and over and over again, but you’d eventually had to just accept the fact that you were going to cry. Trish just meant that much to you.
And, guess what? You cried again as you listened to yourself.
Junmyeon turned and placed a kiss on your wet cheek before reaching up to wipe away as many tears as he could while the video continued on in the background.
You heard both of your voices, then, and you knew the video was almost over. Junmyeon had added in the footage of both of you talking about Trish and Jongdae near the end, so in just a couple of minutes, you would be able to breathe easy.
When the ending music faded and the lights came back on, the whole room erupted in applause and cheers. Junmyeon held up his glass and called out, “To Trish and Jongdae!”
You lifted your own glass, clinking it with his and taking a sip of your champagne.
And now you could relax and actually enjoy yourself.
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If you hadn’t already known before, seeing Junmyeon at Trish and Jongdae’s wedding would’ve made you realize that you needed to see him at your own wedding, too. As the groom.
But you had already known it before, so it’s not like you had experienced some huge aha moment or anything.
The fact that you wanted to marry him just became more cemented in your brain, if anything.
But the two of you had just spent quite a few months dealing with all sorts of wedding stuff, so it felt like you would be going overboard if you brought anything else up to Junmyeon. You could imagine him saying, “I’ve had enough of weddings for a while, let’s wait and get engaged later.”
So, you pushed back all of your marital thoughts, letting them simmer on the back burner for the time being.
Junmyeon didn’t bring anything up either, so you simply assumed he was on the same wavelength. Truly, you weren’t expecting a proposal from him anytime soon.
But then. One afternoon just a couple of weeks after the wedding... You received this text message:
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Your brow furrowed in confusion... but you still grabbed your purse and headed out to the nearest subway station.
You caught the next train downtown, getting off at the museum stop and looking around when you arrived at the entrance. You didn’t see anyone you knew, including Junmyeon, so you simply went inside.
The two of you had purchased membership passes not too long ago, so you simply showed your card to the attendant and headed to the first exhibit.
You walked quickly through, examining each painting briefly as you tried to find the one in the picture. It wasn’t one you recognized instantly, so you weren’t even sure where it might be.
After about ten minutes of looking, you finally stumbled upon the piece. But before you could even look at the plaque next to it...
Trish appeared at your side.
“These are for you,” she said with a beaming grin, holding out a pair of headphones for you.
“Wha -- Trish, what are you --”
“Check your phone,” she added.
“What in the --”
Another message from Junmyeon popped up on your screen, and when you opened it to see what it said... It was a link. To a YouTube video.
You took the headphones then, plugging them into your phone and placing each earbud in carefully. After taking a deep breath, you clicked the link.
The video started out with the very first vlog footage from yours and Junmyeon’s first vacation together.
“Junmyeon and Y/N! Hello!” 
And then multiple clips from that trip played in quick succession, all of the two of you together. A version of the song “Fools Rush In” you’d never heard before began playing in the background, and you found your brow had furrowed without you even realizing it.
Junmyeon had edited just about every single video clip of the two of you together into one video, including clips from Trish and Jongdae’s wedding vlog, all set to that beautiful song. Your eyes were filled with tears by the time the music was fading away, and then Junmyeon’s face popped up on the screen.
“Look up,” he said in the video.
Your head jerked back a little, and you slowly looked up, incredibly confused and extremely emotional.
Junmyeon -- the real one -- was now standing in front of you, and you quickly pulled the headphones out of your ears.
“What’s going --” you began, your voice choked with too many emotions.
“I swear to you, I’m not going to get nervous and panic and run away this time,” he began, standing close to you so he could speak softly.
A watery chuckle bubbled up in your throat, and you nodded, pressing your lips together to keep from crying.
“Do you remember this painting?” he asked, turning around to glance at it. “It’s the one that finally broke your resolve and made you admit how annoyed you were with all of the untitled pieces.”
Oh, my goodness, he was right. You hadn’t even remembered!
“You’ve been a lot of things to me,” he continued. “But you’ve never been untitled. You’ve been the girl I had a huge crush on. You’ve been my girlfriend. You’ve been my traveling partner. You’ve been my letter-writer. You’ve been my Instagram Wife... And now, I’m hoping... you’ll be my actual wife.”
Your heart began to pound, and a tear slipped through, rolling down your cheek slowly. You watched as Junmyeon reached into his pocket and revealed a sparkling, beautiful ring.
An engagement ring.
“Will you marry me?” he asked with the most adorable, hopeful smile on his lips.
“Of course,” you answered immediately. You nodded quickly, lifting your hand up and letting him slide the ring on.
You heard someone clapping in the background, and then Trish and Jongdae appeared, huddling together in a group hug.
Well. So much for not expecting a proposal anytime soon!
Part 10
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v-hope · 6 years
Taking care of their newborn
Pairings: Kim Seokjin / Min Yoongi / Jung Hoseok / Kim Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: "Could you do a reaction where bts is taking care of his newborn baby like trying to feed at burp them or cuddle with them? Thank you so much 😊"
A/N: Took me a while but the hyung line part is finally here! You can find the maknae's one in my masterlist. I hope you enjoy!
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Kim Seokjin
“I'll get her” Jin's voice came out hoarse due to the lack of use, as he had just been woken up by your baby girl currently on her cradle.
You just nodded, instantly falling back asleep; knowing whatever she was crying about had nothing to do with her being hungry, for you had breastfed her only one hour ago. Whatever it was, Seokjin could take care of just fine.
Getting out of the cozy bed, he lazily walked to the other side of the room to pick his daughter up.
“What could you possibly be crying about now, huh?” he spoke to her in a soft voice once he reached the cradle.
It was when he finally had her in his arms, that she stopped crying, earning a quiet laugh from Jin, who rocked her for a while before he decided to just take her back to bed with you – leaning against the back of the bed and lying her down on his chest. And, as he gently caressed her back so she would fall asleep again, what he got instead was the little girl to stare at him with wide eyes, almost as if she was hypnotized by him.
“Yah, don't look at me like that” he whispered and playfully pointed a finger at her, knowing well enough she didn't understand him at all, “it's too late for you to be awake, missy”.
He jumped slightly up at the sound of your chuckles by his side, letting him know you were once again awake and willing to laugh at his nonsense.
“Should I sing her a lullaby?” he asked you this time.
You shrugged, with your eyes still closed as a yawn escaped your mouth. “Or you could tell her one of your terrible dad jokes” your taunting smile had him rolling his eyes in a heartbeat.
“There is a chance she'll find them boring and get sleepy, right?” he considered it.
“Jin, don–”
“Okay, so” he cut you off, looking directly to the baby already staring back at him on his chest, “do you know what they call–”
You whined loudly so you wouldn't have to listen to him, which honestly was like some kind of fuel for both his laugh and his puns that were now being told one after another.
You had brought it upon yourself.
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Min Yoongi
“No, don't cry” you heard your husband's soft voice coming from his studio after having been looking for him all over your house.
Walking over there, you caught the door slightly open, which allowed you to peek inside the room – your heart melting at the sight of your baby resting on Yoongi's chest, with her head on his shoulder as she kept on crying, whilst he so gently rocked her.
Your daughter had been crying non stop, at the top of her lungs, for the past twenty minutes. It was the first time it happened in her three weeks of life, and neither you nor Yoongi knew what was going on, which is why you had left him with her in your shared bedroom so you could call your doctor; apologising over and over for bugging him at two in the morning, but you were desperate at this point.
So now that you had a possible answer, you had gone back up to your room, only to find the two of them in the studio instead.
You were about to make your way inside the room to help him when you heard him speak up again.
“Please stop crying, baby” he pleaded once more, “it breaks my heart” a pout made its way on his lips.
Glancing around his studio, his eyes fixed on his piano, and a light bulb immediately lit up on his head.
“Hey, look” he spoke to her, going to sit in front of it.
Holding her tightly, he removed her from her previous spot before he rested her back on one of his arms, making sure her head would securely lie on his elbow as his free hand went to the instrument.
“You used to get so happy when you were inside mummy's tummy and I played this for you” he reminiscenced with a smile the way she would kick back then, playing the exact same song he would always play for her.
Much to your surprise, only a few notes were all it took for her to finally calm down, and you tried not to get too emotional as you finally walked over to them, wrapping your arms around Yoongi from behind.
“She inherited your love for music, I see” you rested your chin on his shoulder, causing a gummy smile to appear on his face before it turned into a taunting smirk.
“And your amazing lungs, apparently”.
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Jung Hoseok
Hearing your husband shouting your name from the room had you rushing towards there in a second; multiple tragic scenarios running through your head.
Five minutes. You had left him alone five minutes to change your son for his first doctor appointment after one month of being born and he was already calling for you.
“What happened?!” you demanded to know as you pushed the door to your bedroom open, making his head snap towards you out of reflex with furrowed eyebrows at the surprise, later giggling at your preoccupied face.
“Nothing bad” he assured you, “have some faith in me, angel”.
You let out the air you didn't notice you had been holding, smiling at the view in front of you of your husband sitting on the edge of the bed as your baby boy lied on his lap, being already completely changed into new clothes that perfectly portrayed Hoseok's taste in style.
“So w–”
“Come here, quickly!” he ordered, patting twice the spot by his side. “Look at this” he glanced over you when you complied, before his eyes went down to the baby on his lap.
Lifting his hands above the baby's tummy, he started softly poking it – with each poke, a high pitched ‘boop’ sound coming out of his mouth. As that action of his continued, you watched your son's lips part and a smile form on his tiny face; letting out a small breath that made it seem like he was trying his best to laugh. For the first time.
Looking back at your husband, you couldn't help but mirror his bright smile, feeling your eyes water helplessly. “He has your smile, I'm so happy” your wiped one tear away.
“Hey, no, don't cry” Hobi pouted, kissing your temple. “He likes this, too, look!” he immediately tried to make you smile again, this time mixing a few of his usual adlibs as he made finger hearts to your baby.
You let out a giggle at the sight of your little one doing his best to move his arms up in excitement, as his previous happy expression took over his factions once again.
With a dad like Hoseok, you were sure you'd be seeing his beautiful smile quite often.
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Kim Namjoon
“Lastly, you fold this one first and then these two on top to keep it in place” you explained your husband, folding the diaper only midway so that he could do it properly after you.
Although he nodded understandingly, he bit his lip, becoming uncertain when you undid your previous job and handed him the clean diaper for him to do it all over by himself.
“Knowing me, I'll mess up once you're not here to help me” he mumbled under his breath, instantly having you throwing your head back as a laugh escaped your throat.
Namjoon had wanted you to show him how to change your son's diaper as soon as you arrived home after giving birth, because not only did he feel it was his duty as a father, but he wanted to be prepared just in case you were either busy or not there at all to do so at some point. So you had, and so far he had done great… it was the diaper, which you considered to be the easiest part, the one he had been struggling with for a few minutes.
“It's literally the same every time” you giggled, amusingly watching his knitted eyebrows, and smiling happily as he seemed to finally get the hold of it.
“I mean, I guess, but you know how clumsy I am…” he sighed, “I can already see myself breaking more than one diaper”.
You kissed his shoulder tenderly. “Come on, you're doing great so far” you reassured him. “See?!” you celebrated once he was finally done, loving the way his dimples showed up along with his shy smile, “that was pretty good”.
“That wasn't that bad” he chuckled.
“Just make sure you don't take too long” your piece of advice had him frowning in curiosity, “I'm sure you don't want him peeing in your face” you explained with a shrug.
He stared at you blankly for a few seconds. “He wouldn't”.
You shrugged once again, this time letting out a dramatic sigh as your eyes focused on your baby boy. “I wouldn't bet on it”.
Namjoon's eyes went to your little boy as well, gently picking him up and laying him down securely on his arm so he could look at him. “You wouldn't do it, right, bud?” his finger softly poked his son's nose.
The two of you laughed at the same time when, after a few seconds of your baby staring at your husband, he moved his small head to the side in a way you knew it was a mere reflex, yet both of you agreed looked like a shook of head.
“Like I said, I wouldn't bet on it” you teased.
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ohgoddard · 4 years
Fist of Fire.2.19. The End pt.1
“......progress is coming along remarkably in the…”
Eyes begin to move in the darkness. Ears start to pick up voices.
“...yes sir, she has been injected with the blood. No, we don’t know if the process will..”
Every vein bulged with effort to move, paining with each centimetre shuffled.
“.....Yes, sorry, yes we will have her ready by tomorrow. Thank you, Lord.”
The sound of an old analog phone being hung up with a loud thunk fills the black nothingness that is Jade’s reality.
Bright lights start the make their way into her eyesight, only to be filled once again with pure tar.
The voice that she heard earlier was now hovering over her, the warmth of their body being so close to hers would have made her cringe if not for the restraints and liquid ice she felt in her veins.
“No, no you can’t be awake just yet. Just a few more days until you are all ...swapped out.”
The voice was of a German accent, but that was all Jade could recall as the touch of pointed steel stabbed into her skin and once more she was gone.
The airplane cabin vibrated with a constant drone. It was the fourth that Joseph Ellington had been seated in during the last five days, and he has been growing angrier every hour. Not only because of the general garbage experience of airplane flight in business or coach, but because he had to use this method at all.
The night that Jade was taken from him, he had Omegaman take him immediately to the hero agency center in the city. And he demanded he be allowed to go get her back. And for the first time in his hero career, he was laughed at. The admin had looked at Joseph and laughed at him. He said that they would send someone when they had the chance. That a single kidnapping was not the biggest deal of the agency at the moment. And, for icing on the cake, they would be sure to send someone who could walk. They could do a better job than the broken man before him.
Omegaman had to physically hold Joseph back from the attendant, who very quickly realized after a quick lookup of his name who he was talking to. The only respite that Joseph had in that moment of unrestrained rage that only the number 1 in the nation could hold him back was seeing the color drain from the admin’s face. 
His condition and previous violations of property laws had meant not only was his Hero License revoked in its entirety, he couldn’t have gone even if it wasn’t. Omegaman had promised Joseph he would make this top priority. He looked him in the eyes and said, “I will not let her go, Joseph. I will not let Emesh take her from you. And I will not let injustice continue.” After that, Omegaman shot into the sky, presumably in the direction of Emesh’s hideout.
There has been zero contact since that night. 
Of course, Joseph was not going to follow any directions. The night he was laughed at and rejected, after Omegaman shot up and away, he wheeled himself alone to the home of Mary Laurens. She opened the door to him and asked if Jade was at Riley’s, as she was not with him. Joseph’s silence at her question answered more than she asked for. A grieving mother, worried about her only child’s life, was another weight put upon Joseph’s mind. No, no he would not follow the orders of any administration. He had only done so once, and that was to a great man. There were no good men in bureaucracy. 
And so that night, while the weeping and sobbing of a mother hurt filled his ears, Joseph Ellingston packed his bags. Clothes for the night, clothes for the Desert. For stealth. Gear for protection.
Clothes for her. 
As his bags were packed, and he was about to roll out the door, a knock came.
He opened the door, bags slung across the back of his wheelchair, to see Riley standing before him. Still dressed in her white undershirt and dress pants. Still blood on the front. Carrying a bag in her off hand, and a long box in the other.
“No. No you are not going.” Joseph knew what she was here for instantly, and he would not allow it to happen. “I am not going to lose two students. I am not going to let you throw your life away on this, It is illegal for you to accompany me on this, you know that right? What will your parents think? They are going to be terrified when their daughter doesn’t come home for who knows how long.”
Riley just stood there, staring down Joseph. Her face stayed bold and determined, though she said nothing.
“I know how you feel Riley, but this isn’t going to happen. You are still a student. You don’t even have your provincial license yet. What you are doing, if you are caught, could send you away for life. Not even to mention how dangerous it is. Do you even know who we’re fighting? Because I don’t. It certainly isn’t Emesh, like everyone thinks it is. I should know. It's someone far worse.”
Riley still just stood there.
“Riley , if you don’t move right now I will call your parents, the school, the police whatever. You will not come. There is nothing you can do or say that will convince me otherwise.” Just as he said that, Riley tossed him the long box under her arm. It landed with a heavy thud at the bottom of his wheelchair. He gave it a curious look, before returning to the determined eyes of Riley. His own were fighting a battle of will. For even though he wanted all the help he could get, he could not rely on any other for this. Especially not a child.
But then she spoke.
“My father works for the medical field. He created personalized devices. You were my favorite hero growing up, and in doing so I made him a fan of yours as well. I went to all your signings you did when you came down here. When I told him who the new Hero combat teacher was, he almost cried with enjoyment. He was devastated at your death, relieved at your survival, but crushed again at your immobility.” Her eyes darted to the wheelchair quickly before returning. “So he got to working, thinking. And eventually, he made this. He was planning to give it to you after a few bugs were worked out. However, I took it from his lab a few minutes ago.”
Joseph, face still set and stern, was turned curious as he listened. He looked at the long box, and thought to himself. This couldn’t possibly be…
He bent over and threw off the top of the box to reveal…
“The only stipulation of you keeping these is that I come with you.”
Joseph Ellington looked up at Riley, but his face had changed from its former aggression to one of shock. And a small grin at the edges.
“Atleast get changed first.”
That had been five days ago. Riley sits next to Joseph on the plane, though she is asleep. Joseph on the other hand stays awake, to think. How is this plan going to work out? Are they really just going to walk in and leave with Jade? How deep does it go? He remembers Omegaman’s info, about the caverns of space they have below them. Jade could be held in theoretically any crack in the wall. No, they would need information first.
Joseph’s hands rubbed his knees, the phantom pain still there from months ago when his legs were shorn from his body. But that won’t hold him back anymore. His body aches when thinking about the upcoming battle. Even though he hopes for a clean entrance and exit, deep down he knows that is nothing but a pipe dream. The years have finally caught up to him, going on more than twenty straight years of nail biting action and tough ground work, the strain on his body was acceptable due to his quirk. But the months of inactivity has finally allowed all of that to return. 
His final fight approaches, and this time there won’t be a miraculous survival if he dies.
But that doesn't matter right now. He needs to focus on saving Jade. Like he promised to do.
A couple of hours later, after Joseph had been thinking long and hard on the approach, Riley awoke to the plane beginning it’s touchdown. She was dressed in pure sweats and a pair of black converse shoes. She still groans when she sits up, migraines becoming a common visitor in her head after being hit in the head. “We’re here. The final stretch. Riley, this is your last chance to turn back.”
She doesn’t turn to face Joseph. “I owe it to her. I need to do this.”
Joseph didn’t say anything, but Riley saw out the side of her eyes that he nodded.
The Pilot’s voice came over the intercom announcing their arrival to the McCarran International Airport, Nevada. Riley stood up to grab her bags from the overhead storage as the other passengers began to stand and leave for the door. “Do you want me to get your bags?” Riley asked.
“No, I can get them myself.” And at that Joseph stood up and grabbed his duffle bag from the overhead, and walked with Riley to the hatch out of the airplane. She looks down at him,”Are they working out well for you?”  Joseph and Riley were walking down to the front of the airport, walking to a rental car center that was nearby.
“It's like I never lost them.”
Jade Laurens woke up to freezing cold water being poured onto her face. The sharp change in temperature and suffocation shocked her brain into throwing her into the world of the awake and living. The sudden bringing about brought an assault of color and noise into her senses. High pitch wails and blinding chromatic orbs of light was all she could feel. The same icy pain was felt in her veins, and any movement brought about a pained response from her body. Her mind was too clouded and drugged to even bring about a response to anything. Which, unbeknownst to her, was a blessing. For when her vision finally cleared, her situation became very apparent.
Chained to a cave wall with iron cuffs, like a prisoner. Her clothes were gone, replaced with a prison jumpsuit. There were no bars infront of her, but why would there be? She has nowhere to go. Her eyes darted from one wall to another, and upon each was filled with more and more fear.
On one end she saw a wall of computers and equipment, organs floating in jars, rows upon rows of gun racks, dozens of people walking around the huge cavern carrying various boxes and specialized equipment. But none of it mattered compared to what she saw in front of her. 
A giant ring of metal, easily almost a hundred feet in diameter and height. The ring floated effortlessly in the air, suspended by nothing. In the center of the ring was, by all accounts, a disgrace to natural biology. It looked humanoid, but its attributes were far beyond what man was meant to have. It’s body was small. Too small. It pulsated with the movement of the heart and other organs within. It had too many tubes to count pumping unknown liquids into it. It’s head was the most discomforting though. Long, ballooned into a great size and expanding on what used to be the human skull but was now something more. This was no longer human. This was a brain with a vestige that resembled a person.
“Ah, so you see why I have brought you here. My magnum opus.”
Jade turned her head, the pain shooting within her, to see the golden haired boy who had tried to take her from the games. He stood before her in a baby blue suit, and a yellow neck tie. And in his hand was a cane, though he did not need one.  No, this suit was meant to mean something. He drops a bucket to the floor, a small amount of water leaks from the bottom.
“And not a moment too late. Don’t you think it's beautiful?” He turned from her, and gestured to the ring and its occupant. “I do not mean to be so prideful, but so much time and effort it seems a shame to not at least revel in some of it. Of course, you would understand wouldn’t you? Oh wait.”
He flashes her an evil smile.
“You have nothing to be prideful of.”
The boy’s face was no longer sporting the injuries Jade had inflicted upon him at the stadium, looking as if the fight never happened at all.
“So, I expect you’d want to know why you’re here, hm?”
Jade opened her mouth to speak, and was only barely able to speak before being smack across her face with the cane. Her teeth hurt.
“I didn’t want you to really ask it, you know. Your voice annoys and irritates me. Just like your father’s.”
Jade, bruised, looked at the boy with a look of confusion on her face.
“Ah! Yes, you don’t know me in this form. Well,” the boy took three steps backwards and spread his arms wide,”We are Emesh.”
In tandem, all the people moving in the cavern stopped at once and dropped what they were doing. They all turned to face Jade, chained to the wall, and spoke in unison “We are Emesh.”
The Golden Boy laughed, clapping like a giddy child.
“Yes yes! See all those years ago when your father and his team of disgustingly loyal lapdogs foiled my DC plan - oh foiled is such an evil person word! - I had to begin planning a magnificent return! So I hid myself away while Tapout ruined all my connections in the world. But he missed me the whole time.”
The Golden Boy snaps his fingers and all the workers begin moving once more, a well oiled machine. The monster in the ring groaned, shaking the cavern and causing dust to fall upon Jade’s face. The Golden Boy simply brushed his suit off and continued.
“My Research was hidden away, far from the prying eyes of one Victor Laurens and his crew of do-gooders.  Oh, I am NASTY with these cliches aren’t I? No, It was too important to keep around them. And for good reason. It allowed me to avoid the same fate as Victor, but oh at what a cost!” He spoke at the end with a fake air of sadness and played it up like a middle school play.
This man has lost it. Jade thought.
“I had to sacrifice so much to keep what I had here, but it worked out in the end! True, my body is no longer what it was then, now only a hub of activity and psychic power. But my mind is the only thing that mattered. My mind was the only thing I needed. I could live without life as it were. My consciousness grew beyond myself!”
It was then Jade realized with a horror what the monster in the ring truly was. It was the decrepit and shriveled body of The Planeteer. He had abandoned his humanity and turned himself into something awful. But why?
“Why? I’ll tell you why!” He spun in a little circle, laughing. “Oh my how I’ve missed this! The body of a young boy really is just pouring out with energy. So much potential here. Of course, the same cannot be said for you. Victor was the peak of heroism, you have barely even scratched the surface of what he could do. This boy was grown to be me, and I must say he works perfectly! That other me? A prototype not worth keeping any more. But why do you ask? Why go through all this?!”
He skipped forward to Jade, did a small hop, and then smacked her face across with his cane once more. Jade then found herself yanked forward by the air itself and facing him. Time and time again he hit her with his cane, making deep bruise markings all over. And each time he laughed a bellowing laugh that shook the cavern.
“BECAUSE”another hit”YOU ARE WHAT REMAINS”a slash across the head”OF THE MAN I DESPISE!”  He lets Jade fall back into the cavern wall, a small drop of blood falling from her mouth. The Golden Boy, Emesh, stands there heaving and tightly gripping his cane. “That's why..I will destroy all that he made. In you resides the last of his blood, both real and figuratively.”
He stands up, and spits on Jade. “I replaced your blood with his, to finally get a bit of Revenge on all that remains of him. Sure i killed him but look at me!? Have I not suffered enough that those fucking garbage divers cannot leave me be? No, no this has been a long time coming.”
Jade could hang there in horror as he walked away from her, laughing into the open cavern.
He can turn anyone’s mind into his own. He’s immortal...
A tear rolled down her face as she stared into the lifeless and hollow eyes of the being that used to be The Planeteer. That used to be a young man named Quientin who saved the world countless times. The thing that had killed her father. And now..
“I’m..gonna die here..” 
The Golden Boy stopped his retreat, and cocked his back at her.
“My, you’re smarter than I gave you credit for.”
“Is the car stashed?” Riley nods at Joseph, who looks back through his binoculars.
The desert had turned from its boiling orange sky to its softer and now freezing purple and black. Out here, far from the lights of Las Vegas, the stars peek out from their hiding. They along with the full moon provide ample lightning. Joseph looks at the biker bar at the side of the road, the place Omegaman had spoken of. And he sees the two guards outside, just as he said there would be. He lowers his binoculars and shimmies down the hill he had been laying on.
“Alright, we are going to need to be absolutely secret about this. A quiet entrance, a quick exit. We can be loud when we have her, but until then… silence.” Riley nodded. They duo had changed from their traveling clothes to pure camouflage, desert camo. Underneath were black suits that would allow them to more easily fall into the shadows. Joseph’s pant legs did not fully cover his new legs, so he wrapped his prosthetics in electrical tape.
The two slinked from rock to rock, ever slowly approaching the two guards. Eventually, after crossing the street, in a mad dash when the two armed men outside weren’t looking. Now hiding behind cars in the parking lot of the bar, Joseph turns to face Riley and gives a quick nod. Instantly, she disappears and so do the two men standing in front of the bar. When she returns she looks tired but unhurt.
“How far away?”
“90 miles. Took their phones and their communicators as well.”
Joseph smirks and slowly approaches the bar entrance. As he slowly opens the door and enters, he sees that there is no one in the place. All that is present is an empty and unstocked bar counter, several unoccupied tables and stools, and a silver elevator.
Joseph turns his head to Riley.
“Going down?”
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witchfire00 · 5 years
I won’t Fall for You!
Summary: Salem was dealt with and now Cinder has to adapt to her new life. Closely guarded by her so called soulmate Pyrrha Nikos, she is coerced to amputate her Grimm arm in order to appease the masses. Yet the act renders her sick beyond belief and Pyrrha is forced to make a hard choice. [Fallenverse AU]
Pairing: Salem x Cinder x Pyrrha
Genre: Angst; Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 2k
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Manipulation, Sickness
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Author‘s Note: Writing request from @hoepunkausta ^^
The last time Cinder had been sick, she had hidden herself away. Showing any kind of weakness that was due to her body’s very own incompetence was beyond disgusting to her, but this time it was different. This fever was beyond anything she had ever to endure. Everything hurt, was aching with cold and exhaustion…and yet she felt like burning up.
She tried burrowing herself into her pillows, but it didn’t help.
A painful moan escaped her lips, as she struggled to breathe in deeply.
Why had she ever agreed to this stupid amputation in the first place?
This is your chance at freedom, Cinder…
Think of it as a fresh start.
They both knew it had been an ultimatum for trying to rehabilitate her.
Now she was here, back in Mantle…and oh how she wished she could just burn it to the ground after all.
She whimpered pitifully, as she tried to curl up into a ball, thinking back to a time when being sick hadn’t been that bad.
When someone had hugged her close and kissed her forehead just right…had kept her warm and safe…secure…
‘I want to go home.’
“Cinder, you didn’t even touch your food.”
The concerned voice sounded way too grating to her poor ears.
Pyrrha just couldn’t leave her alone, could she?
Hovering over her like some sort of overprotective nurse, advocating for her freedom at every step and making her decide on how Cinder wanted to live her life now.
She should have killed her on top of Beacon tower…she should have…and yet…at the last moment her fingers had slipped, missing her heart and letting the redhead survive her onslaught.
Not that Ruby Rose had cared for that, blasting her with those godforsaken eyes.
Ultimately it didn’t matter now…now that everything was over…that Salem was…
Whatever may happen, don’t forget, you hold the key to our victory.
A sudden cool touch on her forehead ripped her from her sluggish thoughts, making her groan a bit.
“Your fever rose again.”
‘You don’t say.’
Cinder wasn’t really in the mood to think too much. It was hard and exhausting…and Pyrrha’s presence made her head spin even worse.
Her right arm wound tightly around her midsection.
Her orders had been clear.
‘Stay alive!’
How disappointed Salem would be if she saw her right now.
She whimpered quietly when Pyrrha withdrew her hand. Another sigh sounded through the otherwise silent room.
“Cinder…please”, the maiden could hear her plead, “you need to eat something.
Drowsily Cinder turned her head and immediately cursed herself for doing so.
The honesty behind the redhead’s emerald green eyes was overwhelming.
It’s what tied them together.
An unbreakable bond predetermined before both of them were even alive.
Cinder hated it. The power it had over her.
She knew Pyrrha felt it as well. This pull.
That was probably even the reason she tried to rehabilitate the maiden in the first place.
It was disgusting really!
She didn’t need some heroic savior, especially if she came with a blonde dimwit who wanted to play Huntsman.
Yet…the dark haired girl couldn’t help but to answer, her voice sounding raspy and weak even to her own ears.
“I’m not…hungry…”
Well…that wasn’t entirely the truth, but she was in no mood to explain to Pyrrha that she hadn’t been able to contain any food she brought her inside.
She’d rather not eat at all than throwing it up all over again.
That had never happened when Sa-
Don’t go there!
I need to endure this!’
Oh by the gods!
Why did this girl refuse to take a hint and leave already?
Cinder groaned again. This time more from the pain than any real annoyance.
She just wanted to be left alone and be able to sleep.
Instead, she found Pyrrha sitting on the edge of her bed, taking the bowl of soup the maiden had ignored into her hands, stirring it quietly with a stern expression on her face.
“You need your strength”, the redhead said firmly, holding a spoonful of the warm substance under her nose, as her eyes softened and her tone became almost pleading, adding a soft: “Please”, at the end.
The smell of the soup was overwhelmingly strong and made Cinder’s stomach churn unpleasantly.
Her eye widened comically, as she had to abruptly sit up, the horridly sweet taste in her mouth making her nauseous. Heaving heavily, she did her best to fight against this horrible feeling, ignoring Pyrrha’s panicked expression, who had jumped from the bed in a hurry.
The spoon hit the floor with a loud clang, only accompanied by the sound of retching when the dark haired girl vomited the rest of the meal she had been forced to eat last.
Tears shot into Cinder’s eye.
It hurt so much…
She just wanted it to end already…
A hand rubbing her back helped to ease the cramps wrecking her body, allowing her to catch her breath.
“I will get the doctor to check on you tomorrow.”
It was probably meant to show how much the redhead cared about her, but it did nothing to quell the sudden horror that gripped Cinder’s hard like a tightly wound snake.
Ripping herself away she stumbled backwards, glaring at the persistent girl that dared to call herself her destiny.
“I- I’m fine…”, she wheezed out in between gasps.
This outburst had cost her way too much of her remaining energy. Drained, she wavered back to the bed, almost immediately curling up under the blanket again.
She felt hot…feverish.
Her eye so heavy that she couldn’t keep it open any longer.
With that Cinder had fallen into a restless sleep, drifting in and out of consciousness, sometimes shivering madly from the cold, sometimes from the heat, sometimes even from…very weird shaky motions rattling through her body as if she was being carried far far away, but what really roused her from her slumber was a…familiar smell.
A feeling of…warmth.
Her golden eye flew open.
Through her blurry vision she was able to make out…nothing?
Or to be accurate, she seemed to be buried against someone, obscuring her view, making it appear just as dark.
It was strange. Cinder should be panicking right now.
Who knows who got a hold of her and where she was hauled off to?
But…something about this felt…comfortable.
Even her fever seemed to have gotten down a bit, making everything so much more bearable.
“Is she going to be okay?”
The voice was rather muffled, but she was still able to recognize it as Pyrrha’s.
Did she drag her to a doctor after all?
A pang of fear rushed through her body, making her shiver violently.
She couldn’t-
They couldn’t find out…
“Maybe you should have asked yourself that before separating her from an integral part of her body.”
Cinder froze.
It couldn’t be…
There was no way…
“This horrendous arm you gave her had to go.
It was making her sick!”
Pyrrha sounded beyond mad at this point, but the dark haired girl was still too shaken, subtly straightening her back to make sure she hadn’t imagined the other voice in the…room?
“Are you so sure about that?”, the other person sighed, an action that Cinder could feel very well through her whole, tired body, along with a familiar hand caressing her dark hair.
“In the end it does not matter. The damage has already been done.”
The maiden’s heart skipped a beat.
Shifting against the person holding her, she entangled her right hand into black, soft fabric, possibly alerting them to her, but she didn’t care.
She needed to know.
To see…
“What are you even talking abou-?”
The hold on Cinder’s hair slackened, as she was coaxed out of the deep embrace, finally laying eyes on the one she craved in her dreams above all else.
“How are you feeling, Firefly?”
It had been so long since she last had heard that nickname.
“Am…am I…dreaming?”
Cinder’s voice was raspy and almost inaudible and yet lying in the arms of her beloved master was making that fact completely irrelevant.
“Cinder, you’re awake!
I’ve been so worried.”
She heard Pyrrha’s words, the relief in them almost palpable, but she couldn’t stop staring in disbelief at the person sharing the bed with her.
All of Salem’s followers had been separated, not allowed any kind of contact between them, let alone knowing what had happened to their master…outside from being aware that she still had to be alive.
It was all part of their punishment and rehabilitation.
But here she was, Salem, her master, her…
With a knowing smile, Salem placed a hand against her cheek, caressing it lovingly.
“I was told you were being unwell, Firefly.”
Cinder’s hand flew to her stomach almost on its own accord, the redhead’s presence all but forgotten for the moment.
The more her consciousness returned to her, the more she also felt the addled pain it brought along, the burning of her eye and what was left of her left arm, the pounding in her head, the overall aching and sore throat…
“My arm”, the maiden managed to croak out, clinging to Salem for dear life, “they took my arm and they will take it too.”
Her voice became more and more frantic, as her mind began to paint gruesome pictures.
“They don’t care.
They’ll never understand.
We have to protect our-”
With a gentle finger on her lips, Salem stopped her jumbled chatter, making her roll on her back with a soft nudge. Turning her head to Pyrrha, she motioned at something Cinder couldn’t quite make out.
To be honest…now that she stared at the ceiling…she didn’t even know where she was.
A nagging part inside her chided her for not paying closer attention to the details around her so she could use that knowledge at a later time, but she was way too drained.
“Hand me that vial, girl.”
Hesitating shortly, the redhead did as she was told, stepping closer to the bed to give Salem what she asked for. She seemed rather uncomfortable to be here, her gaze flitting from Cinder to the vial and back again with very apparent concern in her eyes.
Did Pyrrha bring her here?
If so…how?
‘And why?’
Before Cinder had the chance to voice her questions the now opened vial was placed against her mouth.
“Drink, child, this will make your pain more endurable.
It will combat your fever and give you back your strength.”
Pulling herself up with her right hand, the maiden gulped the liquid down to its very last drop.
It strangely tasted like simple water, nothing special about it…and yet she immediately felt somewhat better. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Pyrrha narrowing her emerald green ones.
It was curious how contrasting they were to Salem’s.
Warmth flooded through her body, as pain ebbed away, making her sigh out loud contently.
She sank back against the pillows she had been laying on the whole time, robbing towards her master, seeking her warmth.
Salem would be able to fix this. Her trust in her was absolute.
She understood them, her, like no one else could.
Her vision clouded, as sleep tried to claim her once more.
Do you believe in destiny?
Red hair and green eyes flashed through her inner eye.
The invincible girl…who tried so hard to give her another chance at life…
Her soulmate…
She would never admit it, but…she felt safe in the redhead’s presence.
Cinder reached tiredly for Pyrrha’s hand, tugging on it weakly.
Following her wordless invitation, Pyrrha crawled onto the bed as well, running her thumb over the back of the dark haired girl’s hand carefully.
Managing a weak smile; Cinder whispered a breathless:
“Thank you.”
Before drifting off into a light sleep.
She only heard snippets of the following conversation, as she slipped away completely.
“What did you____?
And how? Did ____ ____ the consequences?
Was it even____?”
“I believe that is quite irrelevant, isn’t it?
We all know what will happen if the secret is revealed.
The real question is…what will you do about it, Pyrrha Nikos?”
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Flower Road pt2
I have something important to say! This is part of a bigger universe...
For more information; click here! (I heavily recommend reading these first)
Warnings: Mentions of violence, kidnapping, alludes to sex
     Sunlight filters into the quiet room where the two people lay entangled in each other's bare limbs, half-awake but still happy. Jiyong's fingers trail over the puckered scar on your side, where months ago you had nearly died in a back alley. Flowers still bloomed from the two of you, baby's breath for small cuts and bruises, peonies for mortal wounds, though those were few and far between.
“Do you want to go out with me today?” He asked softly, trying to preserve the perfect moment. You simply nod, shifting your arm to card your fingers through his frazzled locks. He grins at the action, eyes fluttering closed as he presses his head further into your hand. 
“You're like a cat.” You giggle, he responds with a small hum, grabbing your hand. He pressed a gentle kiss to the inside of your wrists, trailing his lips up your arm slowly. You're liking where the morning is going until you both hear someone running towards your room. In the split second before the door bursts open, you both grab the guns hidden under your pillows and sit up, ready to defend yourselves.
Daesung picks himself off the floor where he had landed after tripping on the rug just inside the doorway, dusts off his pants, looks up at the pair of you and screams, slapping his hand over his eyes.
“Oh, there is so much more naked than I was expecting.” He cries. You let out a sigh, putting the safety on your gun and pulling the sheet over your bare torso, shifting it enough to cover Jiyong as well.
“We're covered, what do you need to bad you had to barge in?” Jiyong asks, clearly annoyed his plans were ruined. Daesung peeks from behind his fingers, giving you both a once over before clearing his throat and dropping his hand.
“CL is in on the phone, something has happened to Miss Park.” He informed his leader, who swore under his breath. “TOP hyung is distracting her while I get you.”
“I'll be there in a few minutes, go.” The switch from sweet Jiyong to leader Gdragon was always a bit of a shock, but hot nonetheless.
The shift from your previous life to the one you lived now was nothing short of sudden. Three days after your attack you had finally been allowed to go home and Lisa made you quit your job the following day. The look on your shit boss' face when you strolled into the building in a new pair of Louboutin's and slapped your resignation papers on his desk before walking away in the arms of his biggest competitor, that's something you could never forget. Ji gave you a job that day, having you begin work as his personal stylist once you were more healed, which was really just an excuse for you to see him undressed, not that you were complaining. During the past few months, he had also been educating you on the ins and outs of his less than legal life and having Seunghyun teach you a variety of weapons.
Daesung left the room and you let out a small huff, more than a little disappointed that your morning plans were effectively canceled. Ji noticed your expression and leaned towards you, pressing light kisses to your cheek.
“I will make it up to you, we'll go out as soon as possible.” He promised, pressing another kiss to your cheek before climbing out of bed and beginning to dress. “Meet me in my office in a bit, yeah?”
“Of course.” You assured him, accepting a proper kiss as he left the room.
You took your time getting dressed, checking your phone, and cleaning up the clothing that had ended up strewn across the room due to last nights, activities.
The house was already in a rush as you made your way to Ji's office on the other side of the large manor. Youngbae was speaking rapidly into the phone as he paced back and forth in the living room, Dae was nowhere to be found and you were pretty sure it was Seunghyun in the gun range. It didn't take long to find Dae, running into him and Ji when they burst out of Ji's office.
“Babe, what's happened?” You asked, confused at the frantic looks on their faces.
“A friend of ours is in the hospital, we're heading over there now,” Jiyong explained as you joined him, catching up with his pace, and following them towards the garage.
“Which hospital?” You asked, wanting to know exactly where he was going, just in case. Ji stopped once the three of you had arrived at the garage, letting Dae go ahead and get the car.
“Busan General, room 1554.” He set his hands on your shoulders, looking you directly in the eyes. “If I don't call you in an hour, I want you to take your car and go there.”
“Why would I-”
“Bang Hyuk put my friend in the hospital. Had his ex beaten until she was on the edge.”
“And you think he's using her as bait.” You realized, to which he nodded.
“If something happens to me, I want you to visit her, and when she's able to, I want you both to go to Incheon.”
“No.” You immediately decided. He chuckled, dropping his hands and shrugging.
“Didn't think so. But promise me you'll listen to the boys?”
“Absolutely not. They're idiots.” He let out another laugh.
“Yeah, but not entirely stupid, they'll know what to do. Okay? When in doubt, contact a man named Kim Mingyu, he owns a cafe, Meanie's Nook, at the border of the northern district. He'll help you.”
“Mingyu in the north district. Okay.” You nodded. “Just promise me you'll come back.” He offered you a grin, cupping your cheeks to press his lips to yours once more.
“I always do, don't I?”
You were beginning to understand why Tae paced so much. Only 15 minutes had passed but you still paced Jiyong's office as though he had been gone for days. You wondered if this was how he felt when you were still unconscious from your attack.
“They're fine.” You murmured, your grip on the tv remote tightening as the news played out behind you. “They still have plenty of time.” You tried to reason. “You just need to calm down.” You flopped down in his desk chair, opening his drawer to find the bottle of scotch he kept there for moments like this. Pouring yourself a glass you resumed your pacing, the booze burning its way down your throat. You had just swallowed the last of the drink when pain erupted across your body.
The glass fell from your hand, luckily not breaking, as your head pounded and your shoulder ached. You could feel the telltale burn of flowers blooming, a similar sensation to the drink you had just finished, combined with the pain of the actual wounds. On shaking legs you stumbled to the mirror on the wall and ripped off your shirt, finding Baby's Breath blooming in patches on your arm, and in a large clump on your temple.
A moment later Seunghyun was throwing the door open, Youngbae and Hyorin behind him, all three with guns raised.
“Y/n? Why'd you scream?” You turned to them, chest heaving and shirt clutched in your shaking hands.
“Find Jiyong. Now.”
You were pacing again, although this time it was for good reason. You still hurt, though it had lessened to a dull ache, but this meant that Jiyong was hurt. Youngbae and Seunghyun had already left the manor, leaving you and Hyorin to your own devices. Which translated to you pacing and monitoring the news, still only in a sports bra, and Hyorin sitting at Jiyong's desk trying to calm you down.
“I'm sure it was just a minor accident darling, you shouldn't worry yourself so much.” She cooed, and you were sure in any other circumstance you would have agreed, but this time you couldn't. Something was wrong and you didn't like it.
“Hyo, you and Youngbae, you're soulmates, right?” You had stopped pacing and turned to look at her, fingers playing with the flowers on your shoulder.
“Of course.”
“What's your connection?” She tilted her head in confusion, reminding you much of a puppy.
“Our marks would appear on each other.”
“Was he doing this,” You gestured vaguely to the room, “When you met?” She nodded. “Then you must know how nerve-wracking it is, seeing his pain, and not being able to do anything. But you, you didn't see the pain at the moment, you didn't feel every time he was shot, or punched, or hurt in some way. I can. I feel everything, from broken bones to gunshots, all the way down to a paper cut. I know.” Your eyes were brimming with tears now, scared and worried for him. “I know the pain he's in right now, and knowing what he does, I'm scared.” You confessed, and the first tear escaped your eye, making you huff and wipe furiously at your eyes. Hyo was hugging you an instant later, a motherly embrace you slightly envied Youngbae for.
“I'm here. We, mafia wives have to stick together, otherwise, we'll worry ourselves into early graves.” She spoke softly. “Our boys are strong, they're thick-skinned and thicker skulled, don't worry too much about them.” You nodded, trying to quell your tears. “And don't you cry for them, they're big boys, we are too pretty to be crying every time they get themselves into trouble.” You nod as she steps away from you, “Dry your eyes, sweets, let's fix your makeup and know this; as Jiyong's soulmate, command is yours when something happens to him.”
“Really?” She nods, patting her fingers under your eyes.
“Yes ma'am. So chin up, and chest out, your the leader's girl, the Dragon's wife. Be strong.”
“You're right.”
“Always am.”
“There's no time for tears,” You nodded again, taking in a deep breath. Your phone ringing made both of you jump.
“It's Seunghyun.” She announced, handing you the device. You closed your eyes briefly, collecting your thoughts.
“TOP,” You greeted, “Tell me you have good news.”
“Good and bad.”
“Explain.” You ordered, seating yourself in Jiyong's chair. Hyo watched you from the other side of the desk, a proud glint in her eyes.
“We found Dae, from what I can tell the car was flipped into a ditch.”
“But no Jiyong.” You sighed. “Of course not. What's Dae's condition?”
“Conscious, but barely.”
“Bring him here. And get the car out of the public eye.” You glanced at Hyo for confirmation and she nodded, motioning for you to continue. “I want you all home asap.”
“Taeyang's getting him loaded into the car now. He's got a wound on his shoulder, possibly a gunshot. A friend with a tow truck is on his way, should be here in a few minutes.”
“Have Tae bring him home now, I want you to confirm the cars moved somewhere safe.”
“Hyorin told you about Ji's policy about his soulmate didn't she.” His voice was a lot softer as he noted this.
“How am I doing?” You asked, shoulders slumping slightly.
“Acting like a natural leader. Trucks just up the road, Tae is leaving now, should be home in 15 minutes or less.”
“Make it less.”
“Yes boss.”
“And if you're gone for longer than an hour, I'll hunt you down.” You could practically hear him grin at your words.
“Yes boss.” You let out a breath as you heard the click.
“How'd I do?” You asked the older woman.
“If I didn't know better, I would have thought you had been doing this your whole life.” She praised. “You're doing great.”
“With any luck I won't be doing it much longer.” You stood from your seat, debating getting another glass of scotch. “But I see why Ji drinks the way he does.”
“Oh it'll only get worse from here. If Ji is gone-”
“Ji is gone. I'd bet my left leg Bang Hyuk or one of his little fuckers has him.”
“So what will you do?” Hyo leaned forward, chin resting delicately on her hand. You stopped a moment, trying to figure out your next course of action.
“I want to know what Dae saw. And what the boys know about this situation. Ji left me some instructions to follow and I'm going to follow them.” You nodded, mostly to yourself. “I need you to stay here, get Dae patched up, and call me when he's coherent.” You ordered, walking out of the office.
“Where are you going? You should stay here where it's safe.” You stopped just inside the door of your bedroom.
“Hyorin, you saw what happened at these marks, what do you think is going to happen if he gets shot?” You questioned, “Nowhere is safe while he's missing and with god knows who.”
“But where are you going?” She asked when you spun back around to grab a shirt out of the closet.
“Ji asked me to do something, I'm going to go do it. You'll be fine. Youngbae should be here in a few minutes, and Seunghyun not long after. Tell them to call me if they need me.” You pressed a quick kiss to her cheek, before grabbing your keys and dashing off to the garage.
“Hi, how can I help you?” The receptionist greeted you, eyes darting from your baseball cap to your face mask and back to your eyes.
“I need to go to room 1554.” You almost didn't recognize your own voice, there was an edge to it, a similar one to what Ji's took on when work happened.
“Do you know the patients name.” The young man asked, looking down at his notebook.
“Last name Park.”
“One moment please.” He offered you a painfully fake smile, picking up the phone to call someone. “Hi, this is the front desk, I have someone to see patient Park in room 1554, can I send them up?” He nodded along to what the person said, “Alright, thanks.” Hanging up he offered you another false smile. “If you go down this hall and hang a left, you're looking for elevator G.”
“Thank you.” You dashed down the hall quickly, the combat boots you had stolen from Jiyong thumping loudly against the floor with each step.
The 15th floor was mostly empty when you arrived, only one nurse greeting you as you walked by. 1554's door was closed, but the lights were on, so you knocked, gently but loud enough to be heard.
“Come in.” A feminine voice called. Steeling your nerves you swung open the door and the sight in front of you stopped you in your tracks.
Lying in the bed, a cast around her leg and impressive bruising across her face, was Park Bom, your college roommate.
“I think you have the wrong room.” She dismissed you, waving a well-manicured hand your way.
“Park Bom.” You started, looking down and pulling off your mask as the door swung shut behind you. “Do I-” She stopped herself as you looked up, a small gasp escaping her, “Y/n? What are you doing here?” She held out her hands towards you, beckoning you towards her. You stepped up next to the bed, taking her hands once you had removed your hat. “What happened?” She trailed her fingers across the flowers on your temple.
“It's a long story.” You deflected. She pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow at you.
“I'll show you mine, you show me yours?”
“Alright. Explain how you ended up working in the underground then.” She stared at you shocked, making you laugh slightly. “A lot's changed since school.”
“I see that.” She laughed, wincing slightly from the pain in her ribs. You sat down next to her in the chair beside the bed. “Well, it’s pretty simple, after I finished my business degree, I moved to Incheon and opened my club-”
“2NE1. I know, we went for drinks when I was in the area.”
“Well, an old friend from high school-”
“CL?” Bom tapped the side of her nose, confirming your suspicions.
“She came to me asking if she could use my club to hide out. After a few failed robbery attempts and being held hostage, she brought me into the underground.”
“And Bang Hyuk?” Bom sighed, shaking her head.
“I was an idiot. He was so dreamy.”
“I know,” You sighed, “We met.” You grimaced.
“I'm surprised you survived, he wanted to distract CL. Cut a friend of ours off from his allies.”
“G Dragon.” Your fist clenched on your lap, hating how you had all played right into this man's trap, again.
“You know him?”
“Better than know him.” You sighed. “Ji's my soulmate.” If you thought Bom's eyes were big already, they seemed to grow about twice their regular size. “Did CL tell you about the party YG hosted a few months back? The one that ended early?”
“I was the reason it ended. A friend invited me to the party and when she went off to dance, well, I went back to what I did in college.” Bom nodded in understanding.
“Drinking alone. Got you.”
“Exactly. A handsome stranger comes up to me, starts flirting. I don't think much of it, cause I don't know shit about all this. I'm just thinking I'm about to get laid, and that was what mattered.”
“You did not get laid?”
“I did not get laid. He asked if I wanted to head to his place, I accepted, he takes me to the ally out back and one of his goons stabs me.” You lift your shirt slightly, showing her the scar. “Ji's there, he saves me, and we find out we're soulmates the next day.”
“So now you know about all this?” You nod slowly.
“Most of it.”
“But you didn't know I was the one here, did you?” You simply shook your head.
“Jiyong was supposed to come see you.”
“He never showed.”
“I don't know the details, but these bloomed less than half an hour after he and Dae left to come see you. TOP and Tae pulled Dae out of his wrecked car as I was leaving. He told me to come here if something happened and he didn't call within an hour.”
“Because he knew I'd tell you what you needed to know to sort everything out. I know the Dragon Contingency plan.”
“Dragon Contingency Plan?”
“If something happens to him, like his untimely death and or kidnapping, his soulmate is supposed to take over Big Bang and put an end to Bang Hyuk and the Chimera Corporation.” You let out a small huff.
“It would have been nice to know everybody else knew about this.” You grumbled. Letting out another breath you looked up at your friend, “Alright then, tell me what happened to you.”
“One of Bang Hyuk's lackeys, a man called Lee Daehwi, not his real name, he broke into my hotel room and did this.” She gestured to her face. “Not fun. Unfortunately, that's really all I know. He could have gone back to his part of town but he might not have. Did Ji tell you anything else?”
“He told me to find someone called Kim Mingyu, at Meanies Nook. Know him?” Bom nodded.
“He's a member of SVT, they run the northern district. They're on the younger side, but smart and have some good resources.”
“Why does Ji trust a bunch of kids?”
“From what I know, they're smart, like creepy smart. If Ji trusts them, it's for good reason.”
You opened your mouth to answer but your phone ringing interrupts.
“Is he awake?” You greet.
“More or less. He says he needs to talk to you asap.” Seunghyun tells you.
“I'll get back soon.” You stood, putting your hat back on and hanging up. “Sorry, darling. I'll come visit, promise.”
“I hope so. I want updates.” You kissed both her cheeks, before grabbing your mask and leaving.
You may have violated a few traffic laws as you sped through the town, arriving back at the manor only 10 minutes after you had gotten the call. You found Seunghyun smoking as you pulled up out front, leaving your car in front of the steps as you stormed up to them.
“How did-”
“Park Bom is an old friend,” You explained as he opened his mouth to ask. “I'd like to stop being left out of the loop.”
“Yes, boss.”
“Yes, boss.” You led the way, not noticing the way Seunghyun smirked at the newfound badassery emanating from you.
“Oh good, you're not dead.” Youngbae greeted.
“Shut it.” You snapped, glaring at him for a second before turning to Daesung. “Talk to me.”
“Someone took Jiyong Hyung.”
“I know. Probably Lee Daehwi.” You told him. “Tell me something I don't know.”
“It was definitely Daehwi. He shot me in the arm. I saw him in the car.” You sighed.
“Great. So we know who took him, fan-fucking-tastic. How do we find him and get him back?” The boys exchange glances, finally looking towards Hyorin who sighed.
“We,” She gestured to the boys and herself. “We can't do anything. Bang Hyuk knows us, all of us, and so does Daehwi.” You stared at them, not believing what you had heard.
“You can't help me?” You start. “All this power and you can't help me get your leader back?”
“Look, Y/n, if we could-”
“But it would start a war.” Hyorin cuts off Dae.
“Hyorin don't tell me you wouldn't do whatever it took to get him back, but you can't help me?” Hyorin looks away, shame etched onto her features.
“I'm sorry.”
“Be sorry. I'm going to get him back, and I'll do it without you.” You decided, turning on your heel and walking away, again.
“Where are you going?” Seunghyun demanded, moving in front of you. “What are you going to do?”
“You said you can't help. Jiyong told me who could. Move.”
“We may not be able to help publicly, but please let us help.” Seunghyun nearly begged. “Jiyong is my best friend, he gave us orders not to do anything that might start a war, but I'm not going to sit by while he gets tortured or worse.”
“Fine, you can drive me.” You decided, “We're going to the north district.”
Meanie's Nook was far too quaint to be connected to a mafia group. The outside was a simple brick building with purple and green awnings and a plate glass window out front. Snow was beginning to fall as Seunghyun pulled up outside.
“Stay here, if I'm not out in 10, come get me.”
“I still don't think you should go in alone.”
“And I still think I don't care, so leave it.” You tugged your cap down a little further, jamming your hands into the pockets of the leather jacket you stole from Jiyong.
The bell above the door jingled, making both the purple-haired person leaning on the counter and the young man behind the counter look up at you.
“Hi, welcome to Meanie's, can I get you anything?” He asked, completely ignoring the purple person. You glanced at them, but they waved you off.
“I'm looking for Kim Mingyu.”
“Why?” The purple one spoke before the boy, whose name tag read Seungkwan, got the chance to.
“Sora.” He chastised. You stared Sora down, finding them to be glaring back at you with a similar intensity to your own bubbling anger.  
“So he's your boyfriend?” You figured.
“What's it to you?” Their defensive stance, the way they positioned themselves in front of the smaller boy, it was a clear sign that the boy didn't know the truth behind Mingyu, but Sora did.
“I know what he does for a living, and I need his help.”
“You work with YG, don't you.” Seungkwan asked, making both you and Sora look at him. “I'm sorry, I'll call Gyu. Go ahead and find a seat.” He motioned towards the rest of the cafe and you nodded, waving Seunghyun off as you passed the window. He remained in his position of leaning against his car, cigarette in hand.
You sat by the window, close enough you could see each other but not directly in the view of everyone. A man in a purple suit sat across from you a moment later. His hair was neatly coiffed and his skin was tan, but his smile, with those sharp canines, made you uneasy.
“I'm told you called for me by name, how may I help you?” He greeted. You scoffed.
“Kim Mingyu is one of the most common names in Korea, I could have walked into any store and asked for your name and someone would have come running.” You stated, leaning back in your chair, arms crossed over your chest. “So tell me what makes you different from the others, what makes G Dragon trust you, of all people?” His fake smile was replaced by a more sincere one.
“I see, you must be the Dragon's Wife-”
“We aren't married.”
“Not the point. I'm sure my boss would love to speak with you, but you'd better tell me why I should set the meeting, or I'm sure your friend over there isn't going to be happy about being jumped.” He pointed a long finger out the window to Seunghyun as a car pulled up behind his.
“Jump him, I guarantee they'll regret it.” You examined your nails pointedly, glancing at the four boys that exited the car. One stayed leaning on the hood of his car, staring right at you. You offered both him and Seunghyun a wave and watched Seunghyun pull his phone from his pocket.
“Do I kill them?” He asked, you looked back to Mingyu who was staring at you confused.
“That's up to my new friend here. I'm not currently opposed to a few bruises, but try not to damage my car.”
“Stay tuned.” He set his phone on the hood of the car, taking another drag of his smoke. You set your phone on the empty table in front of you.
“I'm looking for someone. I need some help.”
“Can't you use Big Bang?”
“Not without starting a war.”
“That's not going to work as an answer.” Mingyu shrugged, leaning back in his chair, which must have been a signal.
“Well, its the answer I've got.”
“You're really going to let him get beat up like that?” Mingyu asked as the three boys surrounded Seunghyun.
“Mingyu, do you know who that is?” You asked, still not caring about the so-called “ultimatum” he was attempting to establish.
“Not a clue.” He smirked, probably thinking he had won. You noted the way his phone lay on the table and knew he was trying to play some game, but you were going to make the rules.
“Have you heard the name TOP, from Big Bang?” You whispered, loud enough so as not to alert the other civilians in the room. Mingyu's eyes went wide.
“Liar.” You snorted, and lift your phone back to your ear.
“Ma'am.” He was still only leaning on the car.
“Hit the middle one.” You watched him flick the last of his smoke into the street and blow the cloud above his head. Then he punched the middle one square in the nose. You looked back at Mingyu who was clenching his fists on the table. “I'd schedule that meeting, or I can't guarantee the safety of those boys.”
“Call him off,” Mingyu demanded.
“Call your boss.” People were beginning to gather at the windows, but it seemed everyone knew better than to interfere.
“TOP, break his arm.” Mingyu jolted, head turning to look outside when he heard the shout. You simply smiled, shocked at your own sadistic side. “Call your boss.” The man in front of you said nothing, so you picked up the phone again.
“Wait.” You paused, tilting your head, silently asking him to continue. You heard the thump of someone hitting a car and saw Mingyu flinch. “Call him off, please.”
“Call your boss, schedule the meeting and he'll get back in the car.” You were surprisingly calm, but you could see Mingyu's facade slowly cracking.
“Look I can't-”
“TOP, I don't like the skinny one.”
“Jesus Christ.” Mingyu gasped at your words, immediately looking out the window. “Stop him!” Someone outside screamed.
“You know my rules.”
“How could he mean so much to you that you'd let someone else die to find him?” He nearly shouted. You let out what could only be described as a growl and ripped off your hat, yanking out a few of the flowers on your temple. Your own blood began trickling down your face from the rip, adding to your crazed look.
“I would let everyone, every single person, die before I let him go.”
“That's enough Mingyu.” Sora declared, storming over and handing over their phone. “Here, call him off, please.”
“Thank you, Sora.” You accepted the phone. “Stand down,” You spoke into your own device before setting it back on the table.
“You're something else, G Dragon's the only other person I've ever seen use TOP like a dog.” The man on the other end of the phone declared as Seunghyun brushed off his jacket and climbed back into the car. “I'm known as S. Coups, tell me what's happened.”
“Someone's been taken from us, but my boys at Big Bang can't help without starting a war. I hear you're a new ally of G Dragon's” You explained.
“I am. And who are you?”
“I've been called The Dragon's Wife a few times already today.”
“Did it make you feel better to hurt my men?”
“A little bit.” You shrugged, “What were their names.”
“Dino and The8 were the ones he targeted, Hoshi was collateral and Moonhui was just there to watch.” He didn't seem very broken up at what had happened. “Who took him?”
“A man known as Lee Daehwi. Know him?”
“All too well.” S. Coups huffed. “He's holed up in a warehouse in my part of town. I can give you a few of my men to help storm the castle.”
“I just want to get my man back and kill someone, can you help me do that?”
“They'll be at your manor in an hour. And when you get Jiyong back, tell him he owes me for nearly killing one of my men.”
“That's a debt I owe. Thank you.” He hung up and you handed Sora back the phone. “That was easy now wasn't it.” You smiled, putting your hat back on and standing. “Next time, don't doubt me, or I won't call off my dogs.” You glared at Mingyu, before smiling once more at Sora and Seungkwan and leaving.
“Why are you bleeding?” Seunghyun immediately worried you shook him off, smacking his hand away from your face as you dropped into the passenger seat. You were glad to see he only had a few bumps and bruises.
“I'm fine. This was my own mistake. S. Coups is sending us some backup. Daehwi is holed up in his territory.” Seunghyun looked over at you with a grin.
“Look at you, you really are Jiyong's soulmate.” He teased.
“Shut up and drive, Seunghyun.”
~~ You were in Jiyong's office again. Hyorin had cleaned off the wound on your head and now you were sitting in the mostly dark room, drinking more of his scotch. Maps of the city were spread across the desk, showing the different regions and all possible warehouses Daehwi could be hiding in. New flowers had begun to blossom, mostly Baby's Breath, which now circled your wrists and one of your eyes, and a cluster of Peonies had exploded across your ribs. Pain echoed throughout your body and worry flooded your nervous system.
“Hey, Boss.” Youngbae's voice drew your attention to the now open door. “They're here.” You nodded, motioning for him to let them in. 5 individuals entered the room, one of whom was Sora, now in a tight black shirt and similar pants, complete with a thigh holster. The others, save one, were dressed similarly.
“Hello again Sora.” You greeted. You knew they were all staring at the flowers, and it made your rage bubble a little hotter.
“Boss,” They greeted.
“So, G Dragon really is out of commission?” The smallest of the bunch asked.
“That's for me to know.” You retorted.
“I know better than to dig. I'm Woozi, SVT sub-leader. These are the second-best fighters on the team, seeing as your dog beat up the others.” He gestured to the group before you and you recognized the one in the vest.
“You're Moonhui.” You realized, and he simply nodded, “Sorry about that, Mingyu insisted on a dick measuring contest.” You shrugged, making Youngbae, Sora, and the man next to them snort.
“Sounds like him.”
“You already know Sora, that's Wonwoo, and the kid in the suit is Vernon, he's in charge of comms and a few other things.” Woozi finished. “So what's the problem them?”
“Someone had been taken by Lee Daehwi. I want to kill him and get the person back.” You explained.
“Lee Daehwi?” Sora asked. “How do you know it's him?”
“He put one of my friends in the hospital and shot the other.”
“I get the final shot.” Sora decided, making you raise an eyebrow at them.
“I get to kill him, for what he did to me.” They snapped. “I get to kill my husband.”
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wolf-555-writer · 5 years
Still Breathing Part 7
I really did a number on your patience with this one I think ;p. But here it is, the final part. (That’s the intention at least, who knows what will happen in the future). Anyways, thank you all for reading the story, especially if you made it till this one! :) Enjoy! 
Read part 1; part 2; part 3; part 4; part 5; part 6
Alex Danvers x Reader
Word Count: 2,643
“Talk to you later Danvers”, you breathe out, closing the door behind you and leaving Alex her apartment in shame and guilt. She sighed agitated and squeezed her eyes shut at the sound of your footsteps fading away. Being aggravated as hell while still seated on the couch with her arms crossed in anger.
“I definitely need something stronger than coffee…”. Alex grabs a bottle of wine and pours herself a glass. Or two. Maybe even three. It’s already a total mess at the DEO, with Colonel Hayley parading around, watching over the Director’s every move, and now THIS!? DEO Agents beating each other up, fighting over absolutely nothing. Alex has a soft spot for you, considering you both confessed your long-lasting feelings to one another in front of the bar earlier. But that doesn’t mean she can’t be mad at you. Maybe the alcohol will help her relax from this long, intense day.  
Trying to ease her mind while sipping the red liquid at a reasonable speed; more or less. Finally… some peace and quiet, when suddenly her phone buzzes. The screen lights up and Alex takes a quick peek to see who it is. It’s your name on the phone display. A deep sigh followed by a dramatic rolling of the eyes as she drops back, burying herself in the couch again. She doesn’t even think about picking up. You’re probably calling to apologize, or beg for forgiveness. Why can’t you just let it rest. Alex is not in the mood to handle anything else today. The phone buzzes again. “Ugh, I’ve had enough”. She grabs it from the table and turns the phone off, whereby the silence kindly returns.
After simmering down, and an entire bottle of wine, she decides to call you back. A thorough, flawless speech thought out, ready to be delivered since you've had more than enough time to think your selfish actions over. She lightly regrets playing ‘hard to get’ earlier, though you kind of made her. You were practically an asshole, so it’s your own fault she ignored you. Alex noticed you left her a voicemail and listens to it first. Best case, you came to your senses all by yourself by which Alex would be relieved of a frustrated outbreak on the phone. She puts the phone to her ear. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops while a small gasp escapes her mouth after she’d covered it with her hand. Without hesitation she jumps up from the couch and storms out of the apartment. It’s as if all the alcohol left her system in a snap of a second and she’s never been more focused -or worried- before. Slamming the door shut with a loud bang and while running she dials a number. Hearing it ring a couple of times, after which a person on the other end of the line picks up and speaks:
“National City General, how can I help you?”
“Am I ...still alive? …still breathing?”. Vaguely perceiving all kinds of beeping noises and a pungent, hygienic smell that’s hanging around makes you feel nauseous. Carefully opening your eyelids as you give yourself some time to adjust to the bright lights. All too familiar with the place you’re at. “Again? How many times is this going to happen?”. No recollection what time it is or even which day of the week ...or month? Different types of wires are attached to you and fluids with medicine is entering your body through the IV. You try to lift your head up and inspect the room, but it’s hard, almost impossible. Your whole body is aching, muscles are sore, and the pain caused you to let out a deep groan.
Hearing the low sound, Alex promptly jumped up, since she had fallen asleep in the chair, exhausted from the constant state of uncertainty she was in. You take in the sight of her, pale skin, red eyes and it seems she hasn’t slept for days. Now standing beside you at the edge of the hospital bed, she takes your hand and clutches it delicately. You try to speak.  
“H-how l-long... “, stuttering with a dry, hoarse throat. “Have I been on life support? On ventilation?”, you think, feeling your trachea burn and having difficulty speaking. Alex is aware of your struggle and answers: “You’ve been in a coma for weeks now. To reduce brain swelling and give your body time to heal.”
In shock, you gape at her as the color drained out of your face and try to point at your neck with your other hand. “They’ve had you on ventilation, yes. Does your throat hurt?” she caringly asks. You weakly nod at her. Alex averts her gaze towards the bleak hospital floor. “It-it was pretty bad… You were in pretty bad shape ...and had stopped breathing. I-I thought…”. She said with a trembling voice, not able to finish the sentence. You grip her hand tighter with all the strength left and press to her, now with a more audible tone: “I’m still here. Still breathing''. You've locked eyes with her again and watch Alex staring at your poor face. You smile at her, and she matches you by showing a faint grin when you notice she’s desperately fighting back the tears that are heaping up in the corners of her eyes. She leans forward and gives you a tender kiss on the forehead while a doctor enters the room.
“I see you’re fully conscious now. Good”, she says as you and Alex turn to her. “Given your history I don’t have to explain everything in detail to you, sadly. I won’t lie, you have a tough road up ahead”.
Knowing it all too well due to your past experience. You have to go through rehabilitation all over again. Only the thought of it makes you feel even more miserable. However, that’s not all. It’s also the feeling of being weak, helpless, not able to do easy or simple tasks yourself since you don’t have the strength for it, yet. You have to start at square one again, and this time it’s your own damn fault. Alex noticed the sad, hopeless expression and strokes your shoulder gently. You look at her. This time you're not alone, Alex has been beside you, from the moment you were brought in injured up till now.
“I’m not going to leave your side, not ever. I’ll be here with you, every single step of the way”. Those words hit you right in the feels as teardrops started to run down your face. You tried to pull her closer with the little power you have in your hand which Alex was still hanging on to. Luckily she understood the hint and moves closer while she cups your face with both her hands. Brushing her thumbs across your cheeks mildly, wiping the tears away. Bringing her lips to yours, kissing you, slow and passionate, as if she thought this would have never, ever been possible again. You taste the saltiness on her lips, since Alex wasn’t able to hold her tears back any longer. By that time the doctor had left to give you a moment alone and to let it all sink in. However, with impeccable timing Kara barged in and rushed towards you, seeing that you’ve woken up. You and Alex being kinda busy, in a legit emotional sentiment, while Kara swoopes in, now at the other side of the bed. She squeezes herself in between Alex and you to make room and gives you a hug.
“Can’t breathe”, you moan, because Kara her hug is obviously too tight, and not to mention the weakened condition you’re in. 
“Oh, sorry! I’m just so glad you’re awake”, she apologizes as she quickly pulled back. Kara straightens her glasses and immediately starts to talk, telling you stories about her Supergirl adventures with Dreamer, who you’ve apparently met before, reporter news, how matters at the DEO progressed, about J’onn and his PI office, and many more. It hurts, cause these are all moments you missed out on. Although you love the distraction, not having to think about the obstacles you’ll need to face, and it’s nice to know that everybody is doing well. Being hesitant at first, and undeniably a little pissed at Kara for ruining the moment back there, Alex joins the story telling later on, seeing you enjoy hearing them. After a while she notices you’re getting tired, knowing Kara can be rather overwhelming. “I think (Y/N) needs to rest for a bit”, she mentions and raised her eyebrows as she’s looking at Kara with a piercing gaze. “Eh, yes. Um- I’ll go. See you later (Y/N)! I’ll tell the others you’re awake!”, Kara responds while leaving the hospital room in a rush. “Bye Kara”, you deliver too late, cause she’s already gone, and you turn to Alex. “Something wrong?”. You’ve sensed a weird vibe hanging around the entire time since you’ve woken up. You can clearly see it in Alex her dazzling, brown eyes. It’s guilt. Alex takes a step back from the bed, thereby letting go of your hand, instantly losing her warm touch. She stays quiet, avoiding eye contact as she’s gazing out the window while biting her lip nervously. “Alex, is it about the phone-”.
“It’s all my fault that this happened. I’m the reason you left the apartment and I-I didn’t pick up the phone and I was too late at the hospital and I said those mean, awful words and I-”. “STOP”, you interrupt, now coughing due to the loud voice you had to use, heart rate spiking which is displayed on the monitor.
“It was my mess that caused this. And that asshole of a DEO Agent of course…”, you mutter. You really hate that guy. "I picked that fight and- Wait... what mean, awful words did you say about me?”.
“Ow, um- no, I said some, like, awful things inside my head. Which I deeply regret now-”, Alex confesses while rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. “It’s okay”, you chuckle, she's just too good for this world and you probably deserved it anyway. “It’s all good”.
“I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to you”. Alex takes a step closer again and pauses. “I thought that ...I was never going to see you again. To speak to you again. To hold you again…. To kiss you again”, she whispers with a quivering voice. “But I’m still here. And you're here. With me. That’s all that matters now”. Meanwhile, you carefully shifted to the left side of the bed, creating some room on the small mattress. Glancing at Alex and making an inviting gesture while tapping on the empty spot with your right hand. You feel her warm body moving closer as she comes lying next to you. Her head resting on your chest and you wrap your free arm around her, wanting to hold her forever and to never let her go. "I've missed you", Alex voices in a softhearted tone and closes her eyes. She’s extremely tired, now finally able to get some well-deserved rest, knowing you’re all right and that everything will be fine.   
“What happened to that DEO Agent anyway?”, you suddenly remember. Kinda hoping he got punished for what he did. “He got arrested for assault and is locked up”, Alex answers directly, her eyes still closed. “Good, he got what he deserved”. It’s quiet again, aside from the occasional sound made by the medical equipment in the room. Breathing frequency becoming slower and slower, relaxing in your arms, dozing off, almost asle-
“Did you guys have game nights without me by the way?”. “Come on (Y/N), you need to sleep”, Alex suggests as she lifted her head up, now staring at you with a commanding expression on her face.
“Copy that, Director Danvers”, you return with a smirk, kinda loving the bossy side of her. She’s right though, you’re completely worn-out and need to recharge. But you can’t help it, wanting to cherish this moment for as long as possible. You grip her tighter, or at least try to, to keep her close, to feel her touch, her warmth, her heartbeat. It doesn’t take long for you both to fall asleep. It’s peaceful and despite the delay, you’re together, at last.
A sudden slip to the right, followed by mean right hook. The muscles in your arms and shoulders are burning. Completely out of breath, deeply inhaling to fill your lungs with oxygen. And exhale again. Sweat is coating your forehead and you wipe it off with your arm. You’re a total mess. Only one round to go and then you’ve reached the goal. Throwing a sprint of punches, as fast as you can, it’s mind over matter now. Stopping at the sound of the timer reaching zero, you’re finished. Removing the boxing gloves to grab a towel from the floor nearby to clean yourself up.
“Okay, that’s enough for today”, you pant, weary from the intense workout on the heavy bag. It's been a rough couple of months, you've had extensive rehabilitation training, needed time to heal and were not spared of the pain that came along with it. Giving up was never an option, but becoming your old self again is highly unlikely. The damage has been done, you can't change the past anymore. But you've made peace with it, well, sort of. Luckily you've had tons of support. Friends visiting at the hospital and swinging by your place frequently once you were discharged. It feels so good to be home again. 
While unwrapping your hands, you hear the doorbell of the apartment buzz. Looking up in surprise, who could that be? You rush to the door while throwing the boxing wraps aside, nearly tripped over them, and unlock it. Standing in the doorway, you feel your heart rate rising again, now for a different reason. Still happens every damn time. A satisfying smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth.    
“Hi, forgot the keys again?”, you laugh, lifting up your eyebrow as you smoothly lean against the door frame. “Yeah... but I brought some take-out with me”, Alex counters, pulling up her right arm to show off the bag which carries a delicious scent with it. It would be outrageous to deny this offer of course.   
“Permission hereby granted”, making a humble bow and a gesture with your arm to invite her in. “Also cause I’m literally starving”. Rubbing your stomach with your hands, only being a little dramatic, and you close the door behind you. "Easy (Y/N), you're not turning into Kara are you?".
“Ha. Ha, funny", you sarcastically return."But I’m gonna take a quick shower first. Don’t you dare eat it all Danvers”. Alex placed the food on the kitchen counter and shrugs her shoulders while raising her eyebrows.
“Well, I don’t know, I guess I need something in return then”.
"You sure? You don't want me to shower first?", you assure, still being kinda sweaty with a specific smell that goes with it. Alex walks to you and throws herself into your arms while you place your hands on her hips, her arms resting on your shoulders. "Absolutely sure". Pulling Alex closer and wrapping your arms around her waist as you press your lips onto hers, giving her a desirous kiss. You have to admit, the years of denying and avoiding your feelings for Alex makes you feel utterly stupid, looking back now. Seriously, you were an idiot. A wide smile appears while kissing Alex, because you've never been happier.  
"I love you (Y/N)", Alex softly speaks after she pulled back. "I love you too Alex". Her forehead is resting against yours. "And I'll never stop, as long as I’m still breathing”.    
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lipstickbisous · 5 years
look at you┃d.j.s.
this is part 2 to “didn’t know it”.
summary; look at you - you’re glowing.
warnings? tears will be shed as they were last time, angst angst angst, rehab!daniel, this starts off pretty abruptly, be ready, i’m not even joking this shit is messed up
request? well...no
tags? @splendidseavey @poutybrock @ijustreallylovethem @whydontwexicons @billieswife @fallingforbesson @sfx-bands @tempus-ut-luceant @mellany1997 @joyus-jack
there were scars.
scars, scars, scars. marks permanently left on his skin, maybe symbols of battle or losing hope. they weren’t ever going to go away. it was as if he’d taken a paintbrush and swiped it across his skin to leave his artwork and a masterpiece.
but it was a masterpiece of his blood. you didn’t know how to react. you felt all sorts of feelings - anger, sadness, hopelessness - but you felt nothing at the same time. you felt numb; like someone had given you a sedative before you discovered the bloody paintings daniel had made.
he wasn’t crying. you weren’t either. you both felt calm.
you held his arm in your hands. you sat next to each other in the bathroom, your backs leaning against the counter. daniel’s head was tipped back as he stared at the ceiling mindlessly. you traced your fingers over his scars. they were obviously old, but there were some that were still slowly patching up. 
he hissed as you rubbed one. daniel pulled his arm away from you, leaving you confused with wide eyes. “i-i’m sorry,” you apologized, cradling him in your hold. “how long ago was this one?” you pointed to a scar.
he sighed. “three months ago.”
three months. you thought. this has been going on for three months.
“what about this one?” you asked.
daniel replied, “that’s also three months.”
you pointed to the one that had hurt him. “this one?”
the blonde winced, thinking you would touch it again, but you didn’t. you only looked into his blue eyes, hoping to see some type of light, but it was to no avail. “two weeks.”
you bit your tongue and nodded. gulping, you whispered, “two weeks?” almost inaudibly. “you’ve been doing this for three months, and the most recent was just two weeks ago?”
daniel shook his head. it hurt him, but he wouldn’t lie. “the most recent was three days ago.”
he pulled up the sleeve of his gray hoodie to reveal his left arm, showing you the true artwork. there was dried blood crusted on the edges of his ripped skin.
the poor boy had mutilated himself.
you thought you heard a chuckle and that set you off. “i’m not laughing, daniel,” you said sternly, moving to sit in front of him. you looked in dead in the eye. “this isn’t funny. you said you weren’t doing this, y-you said you wouldn’t do this because you knew that i couldn’t risk you leaving me.”
daniel was still calm and you didn’t understand why. “i didn’t want to kill myself, (y/n),” he spoke. “i didn’t want to leave you, i don’t want to. it was just a way of making me feel what i deserved.”
you shook your head rapidly, standing up. “n-no,” you muttered, trying your best to seem like the stronger one and not cry. “you don’t deserve this, daniel. you are ripping yourself apart. you are tearing your skin.”
he looked away. he swallowed the saliva left in his mouth, and soon enough, his throat was dry. you shook your head before choosing the actions you’d later regret. “no, no, no, no.” you suddenly opened the door and left daniel alone in there.
keri sat across from you at your dining table. it had only been an hour and a half since you’d seen daniel’s work on himself. you were still in shock, but you knew that she deserved to have knowledge.
“no,” she shook her head, sounding very sure of herself. “daniel’s not suicidal, (y/n).”
“keri, would i lie about this?” keri knew you weren’t lying. you weren’t a liar. she only shook her head and closed her eyes, leaning on the table surface.
“i don’t know what to do,” she sighed, rubbing her eyes and leaning into her hands. “i just don’t know.” she let out a laugh, much to your surprise, and it was then you noticed that she was crying.
“there’s only one to do.” you said, and keri was thinking the exact same thing. she nodded, understanding the point you were trying to get through.
then you heard the clash a few rooms away. your eyes widened; so did keri’s. you were frozen for a few seconds. you pushed yourself from your chair and ran to your bedroom, hearing daniel’s mother’s footsteps follow quickly right behind you.
your hand reached the doorknob, wasting no time in turning it to open the wooden barrier. but he wasn’t there. he wasn’t sitting on your bed, or sitting at your desk, or sitting in front of the window (one of his favorite spots).
but you heard the whimpers. and you knew keri heard them too.
you ran into the bathroom that was connected to your shared bedroom with daniel. there he was. the angel, the saint, the boy you’d fallen in love with and given all your heart to.
he sat on top of the counter, next to the sink. the porcelain of the sink was stained a light red, a slow and gentle waterfall pouring from- it was daniel’s arm.
he leaned his head back and took a deep breath, gulping. he opened his eyes and looked at you desperately. he had a bottle of bourbon sitting next to him and it was half-empty. there were bags under his eyes and his lips gently quivered.
you heard keri gasp once she noticed it as well. her son’s blood was spilled over his bathroom, and he looked at her with nothing but need.
“please help me, mom.”
i don’t know why i’m doing it. i don’t want to. it hurts, it really does, i’m not a sociopath, i can feel pain. and it’s not a habit, but i can’t break it. i can’t stop, and i don’t know why. i hate not knowing why.
you wanted to see him. to hold him. but right now, the love of your life sat in a cold room in a place that he didn’t call home. 
he wrote you letters once every week. if he could, he would write them every day. all he wanted was you, that was it. you were the only person he wanted to be with in the middle of the night, but they locked him up and hid him away.
i know it’s cause it’s good for me. it’s going to help me, at least, it’s supposed to. i want it to help me but i don’t like how they’re doing it. they’re not very nice here. it’s sort of scary. some of the people here are for drinking and they’re the scariest people ever.
you remembered everything.
you’d woken him up at 2 am. he had been a week clean, but that was because you, keri, and jeff had kept a close eye on him - meaning he was never alone. that night had been a nice one; you two had watched a few movies, had snacks, cuddled. it made you feel like a teenager again.
but it only made you feel worse for what you were about to do. you gently shook your boyfriend awake. you felt awful; he finally, finally looked so peaceful and you were disturbing him. 
his eyes slowly opened as he groggily woke up. “baby?” he whispered. he leaned his forehead on your shoulder from how tired he was. “what’s wrong?”
you sighed and slowly got up from your bed, gently pulling daniel with you. he whined and rubbed his eye like he was five. “what are you doing? where are we going?”
you only placed your index finger on your lips to politely shush him. “is everyone else still sleeping?” you didn’t want to lie to him, so you shook your head.
he ripped his hand away from you. “then what are we doing?”
you walked to stand in front of him and hugged him lazily. “it’s okay, baby,” you sighed, resting your head on his chest. “you’re okay. we’re just going for a drive, me and your parents wanted to go for a drive.”
“a drive where?” he questioned.
you smiled warmly, feeling extremely bad for how easily you were lying. “just out,” you whispered. “just to have some time together.”
you weren’t a good liar, and daniel knew this. so you found it surprising when your boyfriend only shrugged and followed you into the living room. he squinted and rubbed his eyes due to how bright the room was. keri and jeff sat together on your couch, immediately going quiet once they noticed their son had entered the room. 
“mom? dad?” daniel said, still squinting. his voice was hoarse and raspy and you felt bad to hear him so desperate. “what’re you guys doing here?” he sent a small, innocent smile and you could practically hear keri’s heartbreak.
when’s daniel’s hand reached up to his eye, his sleeve rode down his arm, revealing just two of his many scars. it was then that jeff saw the harm daniel had put himself through.
he didn’t say anything. he remained quiet. he only slightly gasped and left the topic to be talked about later on.
it hurt so much. it hurt you so much to leave daniel like that. you remembered the look in his eyes when jeff pulled up to the rehab center. he furrowed his brows and asked only one question.
“you’re leaving?”
but today, you were going to see him. you were going to see your boy. you wanted to help him in a way that didn’t involve rehab. but it was the only way. he wasn’t going to die, even if he wanted to, but the fact that he was ripping his skin to the point where he could die? 
you couldn’t live with that.
“be excited, (y/n),” anna smiled, sitting next to you in the car. she held your hand and you set an unsure look while viewing the outside.
you read the note in your hand.
i’m so excited to see you. it’s been so long and i’ve been waiting so patiently! they keep telling me that i can’t see you, i can’t see you, i can’t see you, but guess what? now i can. you’re all i’ve wanted these past months.
you felt a tear slip out and you quickly wiped it away before you thought anyone could notice. of course, anna notices anything and everything. but she said nothing.
maybe she was right. from the way daniel had been writing his letters previously, he seemed to be a lot happier and satisfied with himself and his life. and that was all you wanted. 
before you knew it, you were at the doors of rehab. the last time you had been at the building was when you were dropping off daniel. there were countless times when you were this close to visiting him, but you just couldn’t. and you didn’t know why.
you sighed, opening your door and stepping out of the car. “i guess it had to happen sometime.” you shrugged, trying to sound optimistic. anna sent you a small smile, hoping it could make you feel better. but it didn’t.
when walking into rehab, the sudden cold drift of wind hit you suddenly. it made you bite your tongue and you realized how much you didn’t want to be here. but why? you’d been waiting so long, crying over sleepless and lonely nights without daniel. why didn’t you want to see him?
“um, we’re here for seavey, daniel,” anna politely and quietly spoke to the lady at the front desk. she smiled and typed something on her computer before looking at you. you sent her a smile but you were sure it came out tight-lipped.
the lady, whose name tag said JUNE, looked back at her computer and smiled before gasping. “oh, yes! daniel! he’s a sweetheart,” she read a post-it note that had been stuck to the frame of her computer. “he’s actually already here for you! he’s very good at being early,” she laughed. “he’s in the viewing room of the garden!”
“where is that?” anna kept her timid tone.
the lady reached over her desk. “just down the hall. you’ll definitely see it.” you nodded and thanked her before following anna. 
you felt cold. it wasn’t as necessarily as cold as before but you caught yourself shivering. 
the room was pretty. there were lots of windows, and you saw why it was called ‘the garden room’. outside of the glass panes were trees and flowers and bushes and all sorts of beautiful plants. there were people walking outside to take in the fresh air and sunlight.
there were chairs and tables in the garden room, and there were only a few people inside on such a nice day. there were couches and bookshelves and cabinets with games to play.
but there was daniel. he must’ve pulled up a chair to the window because he was sitting inches away from the glass when the rest of the chairs were farther away. 
you could only see the back of him. his blonde hair was still the same, the back of his neck looked a little tanner, and he wore a blue t-shirt with grey sweatpants. anna cleared her throat as she stood next to you, gathering daniel’s attention.
“anna?” he asked as if it were unbelievable she was here. anna had been visiting daniel as much as possible in the past few months. the same couldn’t be said for you.
daniel turned his head over to you. “(y-(y/n)?” daniel stuttered. he stood up. you took the sight in.
he looked much healthier. his eyes were brighter and happier and they had a sort of enthusiasm that you had missed. his skin was clear, the eye bags were gone, and his eyebrows were even groomed.
you looked down at his arms, and you could feel the frown when you did. you had noticed that the scars were slightly faded although they’d always be there. you caught his eyes on yours.
“hey,” he breathed out, sending you the small smile you had longed to see. you cupped a hand over your mouth and slowly walked to him, surprising him by wrapping your arms around his torso, tucking your head into his chest.
“oh my god,” you gasped, hugging him even tighter. you heard a laugh that you hadn’t heard in a while; it was genuine and real. 
daniel wrapped his arms around you. “i missed you so much,” he said, holding you as close as humanly possible. his hand was in your hair as he kissed your forehead.
anna had pulled up two more chairs so you could sit down. you sat across from daniel with anna at your side.
“why didn’t you visit before?” he didn’t really sound hurt, just confused. it was like he understood what you did but not why you did it.
you shrugged, letting out a sigh. “i don’t really know,” you spoke. “i don’t know if i was scared, or angry, or just hurt. i wanted to see you, i really did, but after seeing what you did to yourself, i just couldn’t bring myself to do it. i couldn’t see you hurt like that again.”
daniel nodded, playing with his thumbs. “you’re here now.” he smiled warmly, causing you to blush and nod along.
“and i’m glad i am,” you smiled, holding his hand. “god, daniel, you were a mess, i’m gonna be honest. you always looked so tired, you barely ate. but now look at you. you’re so healthy and lively now. i can tell you’ve gained weight, you have that spark in your eye, and- just look at your smile.”
hearing those words, daniel let out a small grin, and you felt your heart flutter. “this is all i’ve wanted for you, daniel,” you sat back. “just for you to be happy. and look at you now.”
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