#Who want Hanzo to be safe
cienie-isengardu · 10 months
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fandomzwriterk · 2 months
Can you do head cannons on the Lin Kuei brothers being fathers and having a daughter with the reader?
A/N: I gotchu fam👍
Bi Han
-> Long before the baby was born, he was so sure it’d be a boy
-> As soon as you started showing, he would not let you do anything he viewed dangerous
-> Note, he had never stopped you from doing something before
-> If he hadn’t betrayed The Shirai Ryu, he would’ve had Kuai and Tomas follow you everywhere whenever he was busy
-> When your daughter was born, Bi Han most likely would’ve had a stroke from the thought of having a girl
-> He was so sure he’d have a boy
-> You both would hear Tomas say to Kuai in the hall “I told you so”
-> Your daughter has your looks but Bi Han’s stubborn personality
-> Lowkey is screaming of joy on the inside that your daughter is just like him
-> Would not let anyone go near you or your daughter
-> Insisted on having him train her so she could be strong, but mostly feared as Bi Han put it
-> He was definitely an overprotective father
-> Wouldn’t let any boys train with your daughter, only Bi Han could
-> Your daughter would call Kuai and Tomas her Uncles
-> I definitely see him spoiling your daughter with everything and anything
-> Lost his shit when your daughter suddenly threw an ice ball at him once
-> Parades your daughter around like she’s the Mini Boss of the Lin Kuei
-> Definitely will make sure his daughter is ready to take up the mantle of Grandmaster, that is if Kuai and Tomas don’t have any kids
-> He picked Xuě as your daughter’s name (snow)
Kuai Liang
-> Fainted when he heard you were pregnant
-> Actually wanted it to be a girl
-> Would immediately go straight to Bi Han or Liu Kang, who else would know about having a baby?
-> Only because Bi Han is older and Liu Kang created the timeline
-> Also had a mini stroke at your baby being a girl
-> When your daughter gets older, she takes after Kuai with looks, but has your temperament
-> Follows Kuai everywhere and he trains your daughter every day to keep her safe
-> Absolutely adores her Uncle Tomas
-> Calls Hanzo her brother
-> After Bi Han betrayed you all, Kuai didn’t talk about him much to anyone but tried to talk about him to your daughter
-> Your daughter is also a pyromancer but she learned it quicker than Kuai
-> Your daughter is Kauai’s pride and joy, aside from leading the Shirai Ryu
-> Sometimes has either Raiden and Kung Lao or Kenshi and Johnny watch after her while you two “go out”
-> Won’t stop watching over her and often talks about her to Tomas and Liu Kang
-> Sends letters to Bi Han to see if he’ll come back and see his niece
-> It breaks his heart whenever your daughter is sad
-> Let’s all the champions watch her, train her, or play with her
-> Aside from Kuai, your daughters favorite people are Tomas, Liu Kang, Hanzo, Raiden, and Kitana
-> The name he chose for your daughter was Yijun (harmony/calm/peace)
Tomas Vrbada
-> It didn’t matter what gender the baby was to him
-> Your daughter was never alone after she was born
-> If you slept, Tomas would watch her
-> When he went out, Tomas took her with him
-> He immediately goes into overprotective father mode
-> Literally only trusts Kuai to watch her
-> If she doesn’t want to train, he won’t pressure her
-> However your daughter quickly learns smoke abilities at age 5
-> Your daughter has Tomas’ eyes and hair, but has your humor, temperament, and compassion
-> She’s basically uses smoke abilities to go anywhere and get anything she wants
-> Scared the shit out of Tomas and yourself when she disappeared right in front of your eyes for the first time
-> Oh but how Tomas spoils his baby girl every single day
-> Not surprisingly your daughter is closest with her Uncle Kuai
-> Everyone at the Shirai Ryu loves her
-> Kitana and Mileena will often take your daughter out for a “girls day” while you and Tomas go out for the night
-> If Kuai is busy, Tomas often trusts Raiden or Kung Lao to watch her and keep her company
-> Tomas named your daughter Ái (love)
A/N: Hope you enjoyed!!!
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
Are you comfortable with writing about the reader and Smoke are expecting a child and Smoke is freaking out since it's their first kid as reader goes into labor?
Calm Down! Everything Will Be Okay!
Prior notes: HOW MANY BABIES HAVE I WRITTEN ALREADY?!!!? Got me paranoid. I don’t claim this energy yet.
Pairing: Tomas x Pregnant! Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: GIVE BIRTH
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How exciting! Your first child with your wonderful husband. A sweet baby girl on the way just ready to melt your heart.
If only your husband Tomas could just relax.
He doesn’t have cold feet, thank goodness. He just wants everything to be perfect and for you and the baby to be safe. The thought of losing you scares him to death. Even though you have been keeping yourself in good health and the doctors said you were in perfect conditions he was still being cautious.
He is baby proofing everything and anything. He has a bunch of books on how to support a pregnancy wife and how to be a good father. He went over birthing plans before the first trimester ended. He wanted to be on top of everything after topping you.
Yes, you were nervous as well. You’re becoming a mother. That is a huge commitment. But you took what knowledge you have gained in life and tried your best to stay steady. Drink some raspberry leaf tea, hum to prevent throwing up, exercise and stretch a little to make labor easier, you have tricks and you will use them. If your mama was able to push you out, you can do the same with that baby girl in your belly. You’re a strong woman, you got this mama!
Your due date is soon and Tomas is about ready to scream.
You sit at the table with Harumi, enjoying your breakfast to the best of your abilities. She’s asking how you’ve been feeling and you tell her the same thing about how your back hurts and your feet are sore.
“Ugh, when is this baby gonna come?” You groaned.
Now, the baby will come now. You manifested it.
In that moment your water broke. You thought you had another accident but then you felt a cramp. No, wait, not a cramp, that’s a contraction. Oh lord that is not pleasant.
Harumi was about to run out but you didn’t want to be alone in that moment. She questioned how you will get help then. Then you started to scream,
That message went out and into the ears of the many members of the Shirai Ryu.
“The baby is coming!” Kuai Liang yelled
“The baby is coming!” Hanzo screeched
“Oh my baby is coming…” Tomas, did it click in yet?
“MY BABY IS COMING!” There it is.
Tomas sped towards the room you were in. He picked you up with ease and brought you to your bedroom. You were the one who wanted a home birth, this will be interesting.
Tomas is yelling at everybody. Get some towels, get the doctors, get some ice chips, by the elder gods his wife is in labor!
He’s yelling but you really just want him by your side right now. You kept doing your breathing practices to help with the contractions. But breathing won’t help with the feeling that hell itself is opening inside you. You call for him, begging him to come near.
“Oh my sweetest, it will be okay. Just breathe and I’ll make sure you are well taken care of. WHERE ARE THOSE ICE CH-“
You yanked Tomas by the collar of his uniform which cut off his scream. You appreciate everything he is doing but he can tone it down on the screaming.
“Listen, I know everything will be alright. Just please stay by my side. Don’t leave me at all. I really need your support.” You begged him.
Tomas was looking down at you. You are the love of his life and you are about to push out his child. You’re already sweating and panting. He can see that you need him and you need him to stay calm in this moment.
“Alright. I’ll stay here. I won’t move at all. You got this.” He kisses your hand.
You would have smile if it weren’t for the contraction that hit you like a son of a bitch. Better start cursing like a sailor because that will be the only pain relief you can afford right now.
You are so lucky. So very lucky that you were in labor for only an hour. This could have taken a whole day. But now you have a wonderful baby girl in your arms.
This was the most amazing sight to see for Tomas. Now he has two beautiful girls that he loves in his life. He is so grateful to see you well. You luckily didn’t need stitches down there. Just six weeks of rest and it will feel brand new down there.
“See Tomas, everything turned out fine. If you consider having a fussy girl to be fine.” You chuckled as you tried to calm down your somewhat grumpy baby.
“Yeah, everything is fine. Everything is perfect actually.” He kissed the top of your forehead before taking another look at the baby.
A combination of you and Tomas in a seven pound body. She’s gonna grow up with the best dad in the world. Tomas is imagining all he could do with her and how he’s gonna treat her like a princess.
Kuai Liang, Harumi, and Hanzo came in to congratulate both of you. Tomas entrusted Kuai Liang and Harumi to be your baby’s godparents which they were honored.
Tomas placed the baby in the crib so you can finally rest after that struggle. He starts brushing your hair away from your face before you all heard Hanzo say something.
“Oh she looks so weird.”
“WHAT!” Tomas tells again before running over to the baby’s crib. Kuai Liang and Harumi run as well. There’s nothing wrong with her.
“You’re looking at her upside down.” Kuai Liang said before grabbing Hanzo by the arm and pulling him to the front of the crib.
“Oh yeah you’re right that is a baby.” Hanzo thinks he’s an inspector now.
An exhausted sigh leaves everyone’s lips. That’s enough for the day. Get some rest, Tomas will take care of things while you are out.
After notes: I love that man. I love that man to death. I love maining that man. That man would be a good dad. I’ll make him a dad…BAYBLADE BAYBLADE LET IT RIP. Adiós!
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dontbesoweirdkira · 29 days
Hey, hi! You have very cool works, I really like reading you and always wait for your works. Please, do not leave us here alone.
I have a question: what can you say about a reader in the Mortal Kombat world (yandere) who has absolutely no emotional intelligence (like me)? Which yandere would be the scariest for such a reader, and which ones are the softest?
I don't mean that the reader will be cruel or heartless, but he is simply not in tune with emotions and cannot understand what others are feeling. As someone who suffers from this, I can say that I often don't notice how someone falls in love with me, and sometimes this leads to awkwardness
P. S. Who is your favorite fighter, if it's not a secret?
A/N: aww thank you for requestinggg. This is so camp. I struggle with empathy and similar things too. I went a little more broad with it. Alsooolo between mk11 and Mk1 there’s a big personality jump with a lot of characters so my answer is different depending on the game. Hopefully I did this request some justice.
(P.S. Kung Lao is my 1 fave and then Johnny. For female characters it’s Mileena and then scarlett. I like them crazy lol.)
Characters: I only did the ones I actually care about lol.
Warnings: This is purely my opinion based off of my interpretation of yanderes. Please bear in mind that when I write Yandere, it’s at extremes.
Requests: always open
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Safe Zone
Mk11 Fujin, Kotal Khan, Night wolf, Kuai Liang, Jax , MK1 Reptile, Raiden, Smoke, Baraka, both Liu Kang, Kenshi, both gerases
While you maybe aren’t intentionally trying to discard them or hurt their feelings, it doesn’t seem like it at first. Why are you so blank? How can you just shrug off a confession like that? Do you hate them?
Once they get to know you better by studying and observing your habits, they realize that this is simply the way you are. They are compassionate enough where they don’t really let it bother them anymore.
They have not only a legitimate love for you (under their deranged behaviors), but a lot of emotional intelligence. At their core, they have a bit more maturity on things like this compared to their counterparts. Especially Fujin and Kotal Khan, they’ve been here for ages and have dealt with many different personalities before. You’re not really the first person who has been emotionally shut off like this. Besides, it’s not like you’re showing someone else more love or attention than them so..whatevs
(If you do discard them for another person tho, they will raise hell about it and retract their compassion.)
They will be more direct and intentional about what they want and their feelings so it's not so confusing for you. I can also imagine them guiding and helping you understand them more by maybe taking a different approach towards empathy? Emotional intelligence can be improved and I think they’d be rather good at this. You might not be fully there on everything (depending on where this is stemming from) but you’d have a better grasp at least.
I will say though that at times they might get sad when you don’t initiate affection or respond emotionally how they’d ideally picture it. Especially if there’s absolutely no improvement after a while, they’d get manipulative. They’d make you believe you feel something that you actually can’t. Also might get a bit frustrated by your impulsivity, outbursts and isolation.
Danger Zone
Mk11Shang tsung,Kano,Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Erron Black, Hanzo Hasashi, Kabal, Dark Raiden,Baraka, Noob Saibot, Shao Khan MK1 Bi-Han Johnny Cage, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, General Shao, Kuai Liang, Kung Lao
They. Do. Not. Care.
All of these men have a massive ego that needs to be stroked and inflated by you. They want praise, love and affection. They want 100% of you. Yes, that includes emotionally.
They really don’t care what the reason is for why you are ignoring their advances, you will reciprocate. Their demands will be met and you are in love with them. Fake it good!
I hope you’re a quick learner because you have to pick up on their cues. You should know exactly what they need and when they need it. Your words should be ever so carefully chosen and your actions should have much enthusiasm.
There is no room for your mistakes and accidentally offending them, you will be punished for it. Mood swings and impulsively can result in reactive behaviors on their end.
Don’t make any of your interactions with them awkward in front of others. It isn’t funny to embarrass your “lover” like this.
No. you can’t be self centered. They are the center of your life. No. You cannot hold grudges against them. You should always forgive their actions. Aaaaand no. You really cannot ignore/not listen to them. How dare you.
Wait…it almost sounds like they are just as emotionally immature. Nahhh. They’re worse.
Yeah there’s no room for your Low EL, they need you to be a stable sounding board or else this relationship is going to be far more toxic than anything you’ve ever seen.
They’re completely far gone, no amount of explanation can save you. They will use any means necessary to get something out of you that isn’t even there in the first place. You are going to be everything they imagined you to be and more.
Conflicting feelings
Ngl kinda wanted to put Mk11 Johnny up top because I just am stuck on the fact that MK1 Johnny is a far worse Yandere. Like MK1 Johnny is older, mellowed out and is very mature at this point…but then I remembered his younger self. His mk11 younger version would be far more menacing than MK1. Mk11 Johnny Cage’s younger self would come out of him during his obsession. He can’t help but be an absolute asshat and forget all about his growth when it comes to you. Once a playboy always a playboy.
Kinda wanted MK1 King Lao in the top category aswell but…do I have to further explain. He’s definitely not as cocky and arrogant as his MK11 counterpart but he’s young, immature and impulsive. I don’t think he’d understand your low EL. It would drive him insane thinking that his darling isn’t reciprocating. He’d become rather aggressive and an egotistical monsterrrr in the process.
Kotal Khan really got me too because like he’s absolutely a lover boy but his heart isn’t as warm as it used to be.😭😭 debated putting him in the danger zone because there is so much potential for him to be cray cray but rewatching him and Jade interacting with each other made me choose the softer route. I think once he realizes you are just emotionally immature he’s just unphased by you. Like I can’t see him being that upset by his darling or something like that?? He’d be patient and understanding. He might’ve once been just like you but with time and age, he changed. So can you. Maybe I’m just being too generous?
Dark Raiden. I mean Raiden himself isn’t very intelligent when it comes to emotions. He’s goal and logically focused so I think he’d understand you. BUT what made me change my opinion was that dark! Raiden is completely corrupted and so is his way of thinking. He’s twisted and probably can’t really register your low EL. I think he’d perceive it as you being purposefully defiant towards him.
Mk1 Kuai Liang. People make him super soft and cuddly but Idk I feel like if I’m putting Bi-Han in the danger zone that it makes sense for his brother to be. They grew up in the same environment and Kuai is shown having similar or even worse traits to him. I don’t think he’s a saint. Smoke stands out more to me as someone who’d be softer. His voice lines and personality reflects that.
How do I even tag this 😩
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yandereunsolved · 4 months
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🦂 ✧ Yandere Hanzo Hasashi (MK 11) ✧ 🦂
"Get over here!"
You are trying to escape him. He gave you everything after he took away your freedom. He gave you a cozy cabin in the woods, a crystalline stream running along it, and a flourishing garden for your amusement. It was like something out of a dream. It was the one place where both of you could be safe. He made sure of it. He killed anyone who stepped within a ten-mile radius of this place.
You look so adorable when confused. He can't believe that your confusion cuts his own kunai into his heart. You look so scared of him. You are scared of him. You're the only person he doesn't want to scare.
"You cannot escape me, darling."
You can't. You won't. He needs you. He may just lose himself again if you ever leave his side.
"Mhm, let me go!"
No, no, no, no, no. Never. He can't.
"I finally have you back in my arms. You can't escape me. You can never escape me. I won't let you."
"This isn't normal, Hanzo. I just wanted a normal life!"
So did I. I just want this life with you.
"This is your normal life, darling. I love you more than words can tell. I have had everything stripped away from me again and again. I just need to keep you safe. I love you. You'll love me. You just have to give it some time."
I'd destroy the Netherrealm and Earthrealm if it meant I could hold you in my arms even a second longer.
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wisteriaiswriting · 8 months
I have a quick question if you don't mind me asking. Can you please do one where a gender neutral reader is a secret singer? Like they walk on stage and their partner recognizes them even with a costume and makeup. Can I please request Hanzo, Genji, Moira, Lucio, Ramattra, Zenyatta Junker Queen, Junkrat, and Roadhog to be the ones who are the partner who figures out that they're dating a popular singer.
𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕖𝕕 ℂ𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪
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Words: 476
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It’s likely he found one of your costumes while searching for something, so he looks up who wears it.
Lets you confess when you’re ready, not wanting to push you.
When he finds out one of the first things he does is search for your music and start listening to it.
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He was already a big fan before he found out who was under the mask.
Will use his ‘connections’ for some free merch. Repaying you in kisses and cuddles, anything you want really.
Please let him try on one of your costumes. It has been a lifelong dream of his ever since he found out about your songs.
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She has never been one to care about music or singers, so Sombra will be the one to tell her about it.
While she won’t actively confront you about it she’ll drop hints, quoting lyrics, costumes. Letting you tell her at your own pace.
She’s honestly choosy about her music taste, so if she enjoys it that will be that only thing she’ll listen to
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Lúcio is unnaturally quick to notice, finding some quirks and habits that match exactly.
No matter the type of music you sing he will want to collab.
Please let him help you come up with songs and future costumes! He is surprisingly good at fashion sense, he’ll make matching ones.
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He’s never been a fan of music, normally complaining about it as he sees no use of it.
Looks into you when other omnics talk about your music. But that doesn’t last long as he notices quickly.
He will confront you about it, but he won’t stop you. Just makes sure you’re safe by sending omnic guards, filling most roles with them.
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She will brag, there's no way around it. How the queen of junkertown is dating the most famous singer. (Don’t tell her otherwise please.)
But it’s highly likely another junker will have to tell her as she’s busy with running the town.
She’ll want to make you a costume. Just… don't let her make it, she can help but never let her make one.
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When he notices he won’t be able to shut up about it. Everyone will know soon enough.
As much as he wants to help you with show lights please don’t let him, something will happen and go wrong.
He’ll raid many places just to find a radio or something similar, when he does your songs will be played constantly.
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 At first he’ll be quiet about it, unsure if you want people to know. If you do, he'll start mentioning it in conversations.
If you need help he’s one of the few people that can help, although some tasks might be difficult to impossible with his hands.
If you have merch he will want some, especially if it’s on the cuter side.
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queer-overwatch · 5 months
Can I get one of OverWatch where the reader is the S/O of Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Roadhog, and Junker Queen? Like, How would they react to a reader who has a sword that looks normal at first but when their S/O sees their partner in danger, the sword reveals itself as a cursed sword where the blade changes color and their S/O changes into a demon form (whenever the curse takes effect) to protect their partner and change back once they're safe.
Genji,Hanzo, JQ, Junkrat, and Roadhog w/ a plant sword and demon powers
Sorry it's all headcanons -Xor & Frisk
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Junker Queen
❦ ════ •⊰♔⊱• ════ ❦
Also lowkey jealous bc thats so cool???? If she could she'd yoink it but since it's your's she won't
She would totally say your sword and Gracie (her knife) are besties
Finds your demon form so incredibly cool
Would absolutely try and fight you while your in it, just to see how it'd go
She can handle herself so it probably wouldn't happen very often
But when it does she's lowkey so into it bc yeah, fuck shit up bbg
It's hard to impress this man .
Even harder so for him to get into danger he can't handle.
Seeing you use your sword for the first time absolutely left him keeling.
He was so lost for a moment because who in junker town uses a sword when most people have ranged weapons.
He was surprised at how well you handled yourself , especially with your short temper.
Watching you transform was something else , he half expected something else
But a demon that's something else
Left him speechless more speechless than normal
100% let you know how much he appreciates you afterwards.
Actually make that 200% with a side of approval and cuddles
⫷════ •⊰♨⊱• ════⫸
he's been trying to steal your sword it was why he got with you before he fell In love
the moment he sees what that can do he just wants it , he wants to hold it and tell you , that you've found something gorgeous
He completely forgot the danger for a second before a junker grabbed him by the throat
He was littleraly in awe watching you cut them down, until one of them managed to get the upper hand.
Immediately made the comment that he picked a "feisty one"
100% asks you to show him how you did all of that
Tried to bite your sword afterwards and chipped a tooth
:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::[]==()
At first he's generally a little startled he never expected you to hold so much potential when Null Sector cornered him .
He loved watching the vines and flowers wrap around your sword it seems so cool and he definitely wanted to try it .
After you'd gotten hurt and decided as a last sitch effort to I leash your demon is he was worried about how the fight might go.
You were very injured at the end but watching you cut and claw down the massive robot he made sure you got the medical treatment you deserved
100% he teaches you how to defend yourself he doesn't want you getting hurt like that again
He also begs to try out your fancy sword , he lets you use his in returns
Bro does not know how to feel
Flashbacks to his brother
Also finds it interesting though in more of a "watching from a distance" way
Also isn't in danger too often though its more likely for him
Out of everyone would probably ask the most logical questions like where your sword came from, how it does all that cool shit, can he try it- etc etc
Would also probably wanna try fighing you though just to try and train for if he ever comes into contact with someone who had a similar ability
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blakeswritingimagines · 3 months
Yandere Hanzo Hasashi MK11 with a crush
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As a yandere with a crush, he would be completely fixated on the target of his affection. Obsessing over you 24\7, he can't stop thinking about you. He'd go to any lengths to keep you safe and happy. He'd be incredibly jealous of anyone who dared to spend time with you or even dare to be close to you. He'd want you all for himself. Every fiber within him would scream to make you his.
He would be clingy, constantly asking for attention, and always wanting to be around you. He would be incredibly attentive and protective. He’d memorize every small detail about you. Anyone who dared to hurt you or make you sad better pray they aren’t within his reach. If you were his, he would make sure you were marked and branded only by him, so anyone who looked at you knew, who you belonged to.
He'd constantly want to be around you. He'd look for excuses to be next to you, hold your hand, or any other physical contact. He'd spend all his time gathering information about you, learning everything, and I do mean everything you like and don't like. He'd memorize every detail of your personality. He'd keep any and every reminder you gave him, lockets, hairpins, or any other item. Anything.
He'd follow you everywhere, watching your every move. He'd memorize your daily schedule and routine just so he can know what you're doing and where you're going. He'd be protective, sometimes overly so, he'd want to be near you, all the time, just to make sure, nothing bad happened to you. He'd do anything you ask of him. Anything, as long as it makes you happy. He wouldn't even need to have you love him, he'd do all this, with or without your feelings.
He would give you as many gifts as you could ask for. From small little gifts to extravagant ones. He'd listen to you whenever you spoke as if it was God's will. He'd cook for you, clean, and do anything you’d ask for he'd be extremely clingy, constantly wanting to be near you, holding you and kissing you, being intimate with you all the time. He'd get jealous whenever another person would spend time with you. He'd hate everyone that wasn’t him, basically.
He'd be very obsessive with you, always wanting to be with you, and make sure that you’re safe. He would constantly think of you wherever he was, he’d have drawings/photos of you hidden in his room so when he felt lonely, he'd look at them. He would kill anyone that would do you any harm. Without hesitation.
Let’s see…he would probably keep a lock of your hair in a box under his bed. He’d want to hear your voice whenever he was alone, he'd probably save voicemails of yours, and keep them in his pocket. He'd probably watch you sleep at night without you knowing.
He could act out, or have angry outbursts to get your attention, he’d also try to impress you with his feats. As in, he'd want to show you how skilled and strong he was whenever he got the chance.
If anything, the most important thing that he'd crave is your affection and reassurance, he'd probably beg for it.
He'd be very touchy, wanting to hold your hand and constantly be near you, he'd probably randomly come up behind you, and place his chin on your shoulder, and his arms around your waist, wrapping them around you and pulling you close to him. He'd probably play with your hair and kiss the nape of your neck.
He’d compliment you, calling you sweet names like “darling”, “dear” or “sweetheart”. He’d call you other names like “pretty”, “beautiful”, and “lovely.” He’d probably find any excuse to touch you, brushing your hair or your cheek, and he’d definitely get very close to you whenever you were talking, and probably make sure to keep eye contact. He’d play with your hands as well.
He’d tease you a lot, and he’d probably find it very entertaining. He’d probably stand close to you, or pin you against a wall to tease you more often than not. He’d probably lean in close to your ear to whisper something to make you flustered, and then, he would pull back to watch your reaction with a smirk on his face.
He’d make sure to look his best for you, he’d wear clothes that you like, and he’d also make sure he smelled nice, wanting to look good and smell good for you. He’d want to spend as much time with you as possible, and if you let him, he’d probably follow you to every place you go, just for some time together. He’d definitely shower you with gifts as well.
He’d probably try and act as if he’s asking you out as friends, asking you to hang out, just “as friends”. He’d constantly be suggesting things you can do together all alone with just the two of you. “It’ll be just us two.” He’d say, “We could go do something for the day, alone.” It’d be very obvious, it’d almost seem like he doesn’t want anyone else joining you, almost like he’s asking for a date.
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qdbs-writes · 1 year
I see request open yay!
Please write HC with Fujin, Scorpion, Kuai Liang, Rain, Smoke, Kung lao, Hotaru and Raiden with an s/o that isn't very expressive about their true feelings and hides behind fake smiles? Tysm ❤️
MK Lads x S/O Who Hides Their Feelings Behind Fake Smiles
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Is very sad that you think you have to hide your feelings and wants to see you express yourself more, even if it's a negative feeling. Fujin wears his heart on his sleeve and he'd prefer it if you didn't wear your own on your cheek.
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Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion)
He appreciates wanting to hide negative emotions to protect other people but thinks that you can't let your fear of these feelings control your life.
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Kuai Liang (Sub Zero)
He would understand wanting to hide all your negative emotions but worries that you feel like you can't express your feelings safely if you hide them all the time.
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Would be a little offended that you think you have to hide your emotions in front of him. Like what, do you not think he can handle it? Has he not mentioned that he's an extremely powerful god?
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Tomas Vrbada (Smoke)
At first, he might take your fake smiles at face value, and assume that everything is alright and that you're happy. It won't be until you fully drop the mask that Tomas is horrified that you never thought that you could confide in him.
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Kung Lao
Is initially worried that because you've been hiding your emotions you've never actually found his jokes funny and have been laughing at them for his sake.
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He would understand why you would hide your feelings and would expect you to put on a fake smile if it meant maintaining order and stability in your life.
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In his long life, Raiden has come to know the power of pretending that everything is fine. But he knows you well enough to realize when you're pretending, and what hurts the most is that you're hiding your true feelings from him.
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ya-zz · 1 year
Bro, a request. Listen, I fucking love angst and drama that ends with shocking!!revelation and then happy ending so, listen up! I'll give you three choices (Hanzo, Genji or Cassidy), you pick whoever you want to write the most at the time/fits the request the most! Character breaks up with reader because they don't want to endanger them, but a year or so later they bump into reader and oh my god!! She has a little baby. And it's clearly theirs, exact copy of them. Cute, fluff, but also the angst that they left, guilt, who knows? Have fun with it! You can change it as much as you want!
Decided to do something a little different with this one. I couldn't pick between the three of them, so I wrote a small piece for each ♥
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He planned it, and it hurt. He wanted it to be easier for you but the guilt was proving a little too much. All he wanted to do was hide away, to avoid the entire situation, but leaving without saying anything would only cause more issues and pain to arise. So, he planned the entire break up, noting every tiny detail, your possible reactions, everything he could think of. 
However, when the day came, he practically fumbled with his words, something he rarely ever does. It pained him deeply but he had no other choice. He didn’t want to see you hurt physically, but his job now had put a target on his back. He feared your death, it kept him awake at night as he watched over you, wanting to make sure you were safe and out of harms way. 
When he sat you down, voice low and almost shaky, he just came out with it, ripping the bandaid off, so to speak. He noticed your face drop, features saddening as he kept speaking, listing off the reasons as to why breaking up would be the better option for the pair of you. Hanzo knew that you loved him dearly, he always did seeing as though you were dedicating your time to making this work, and now he was breaking it to keep you safe. His hand embraced yours, fingers locking as he squeezed gently, wanting to reassure you that you were going to be safe, a lot safer without him. 
He kissed your forehead, muttering his finally goodbye before he left, the words feeling a knife into your heart, but you knew he was right. He had to leave, he wanted to protect you. If he was true to his word, he would come back. You trusted him, never doubting his words or actions. He will come back… 
Almost a year had passed since he had left, and while the target was still plastered on his back, he had outrun his enemies, eventually finding his place back in the hometown he resided with you in the previous year. It wasn’t planned by any means, maybe something had pulled him back, he wasn’t too sure, but returning home brought back a pang of guilt. 
Your teary eyes and puffy face was the last thing he saw before he left as he wandered the streets, a keen eye on watch just in case. While he may have outrun those chasing him, he could never be too sure. 
When a quick scan of his surroundings came back clear, his shoulders relaxed a little as he made his way over to a cafe he frequently visited with you, and to his surprise, you were seated in there at the table the pair of you sat at almost every visit. Hanzo’s heart pounded, stopping in his tracks as he looked over you, noticing a small baby seated next to you.
He knew he couldn’t stay long, only wanting a quick break before going back on the move again, but he wanted to stop and say hello first, and that’s what he did when he was handed his order. 
His steps were shaky as he approached, feeling as though he was falling for you once again as he stopped just short of the table, a welcoming smile on his face as you looked up at him, eyes widening at the sudden appearance. 
“Hanzo…?” Your voice was quiet, tears pricking your eyes as you watched him sit in front of you. 
“[y/n]...” His head cocked to the side slightly as he looked over at the baby, noticing the look was quite similar to his. Dark eyes and black hair was the first giveaway, but they looked softer, how he did whenever he looked back on his family photos. His eyes stayed glued onto the small girl before she looks over at the larger man, gently giggling and reaching over towards him. Hanzo sighed happily before looking back over to you, hand reaching for yours. 
“I am sorry…” He muttered, gently stroking the top of your hand, the guilt only rising within him. He knew now that he had another choice. Keep running, or be a father. 
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The Shimada brother wasn’t exactly the best at break ups, usually leaving his partner and moving onto the next one without saying anything. You, however, were different. You had been with him for awhile now and he watched himself mature, no longer playing around with other people as he settled down with you. 
However, as the years went by, threats started emerging, and while he shook the majority of them off, he couldn’t quite let the threats to you go. He wanted to keep you safe and if leaving you was the way to save you, then he was going to do just that. 
The guilt was only rising the more he wrote. He couldn’t do it face to face because he knew that the moment you started crying, he’d never want to leave you, so instead, he went old school, writing a letter and leaving it on the bedside table for you for when you woke up. 
He hated it, he hated leaving you, but he had no other choice. He kissed your cheek before you left, standing to watch you sleep peacefully for a moment before he took off, heart breaking as he left you behind. If this was the only way to keep you safe, then he was sure he made the right choice. 
After a year or so had passed, the threats surrounding Genji and you had died down and the ninja believed it was all over, so he made the trip back, heart racing as he boarded the plane. For once, the Shimada brother was excited to see a friendly face, one whom he loved dearly. 
As he stepped foot of the plane a few hours later, he practically rushed back to the apartment, begging the taxi driver to floor it as if it were an emergency. Only when he was mid way there did he realise he was bringing nothing but a bag, so he made a quick pit stop to grab a bouquet of flowers, yellow and red tulips bunched together as the drive continued. 
Genji felt his heart flutter the closer he got, the excitement overpowering the guilt he felt for leaving you so suddenly, and when the ride came to a halt, he overpaid and ran out of the car, not wanting to waste anymore time. He caught a quick glance of himself in the passing window as he slowed down, fixing his shirt and hair, giving it a slight ruffle before he calmed down and walked to the door. 
His heart was practically beating out of his chest as he knocked, standing there waiting, flowers close to his chest. When the door clicked and opened, he was greeted by you, eyes wide as you looked over him while a single tear fell down your face as you hugged him tightly, not caring about the flowers. 
He was taken aback, but managed to pull his arms free and hug you back, a feeling of relief rushing through him as he knew you were safe. When a small noise caught his attention, he let go, looking down at the small child who was trying to escape between your legs. 
You pick them up, cradling them in your arms as you look up at Genji, smiling softly. 
“He’s yours, you know…” 
Genji was practically in shock, heart nearly stopping at the sound of the baby being his. He looks at the child, cocking his head slightly as he holds out a finger, a smile embracing his face when the child holds onto him. 
“Looks just you…” You say. Genji nods in approval, slowly seeing his own features within his son. With another smile, you invite him inside, wanting to catch up with your run away partner, hoping he is willing to stay this time.
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“Listen, doll, we need to talk…” His voice was low as he spoke, hand gently holding yours as he pulled you over towards the sofa. 
“Cass… What is going on?” A panic started to rise within you. Everything was going so well with the man, hell, it was next to perfect. Every bad and hurtful scenario crossed your mind as you sat next to him, fingers loosely holding his, eyes scanning for something to ease what was about to happen. 
The cowboy hesitated, eyes looking everywhere but at you, his shoulders were heavy as he took in a shaky breath. “I think it would be better if we separated…”
“What…? Cass what’re you saying?” A disbelief coursed through you, hand clasping around his tightly but he didn’t return the gesture. 
“I can’t keep you worried like this. With work takin’ me out of your… our lives… What if I never come back? Baby, listen,” he paused, sucking in another breath. “I don’t want this to end, I promise you that, but… I can’t shake that feelin’ of leavin’ you behind…” 
He locked eyes with you for a brief moment and that’s when you knew where this was heading.
“No… Cass…” Holding back tears with your breathing catching in your throat, you pull back your hand. “Please…” 
He looks away, knowing it was hurting you greatly. “I’m sorry, honey… I do love you, I just- I can’t keep you in this unknown cycle of stress. Believe me, I don’t wanna do this…”
All you could do was nod, not knowing what else to say as the tears fall down your cheeks while you choke back a sob. 
It pained him, maybe more than it pained you. He knew how much he meant to you, everything was next to perfect in your relationship and he just had to go and ruin that. Nothing could’ve prepared him more, but he was glad there wasn’t much of a scene. He knew you understood, but it still hurt him. He had the choice, and perhaps he chose the wrong one…
Both hearts broke that day, even more so the following week when he separated, focusing more on work, without much worry of leaving someone behind. Cassidy felt he moved on too quickly, but with work constantly making him move around, he didn’t think much of it as time went by, eventually forgetting the most important thing to him. 
As the months went by, gradually turning into a year, both parties were going about their lives, neither one expecting to see each other again, so it came as a sudden shock to Cassidy when he spotted you walking down the street, a baby in your arms while he was mid mission. 
While he couldn’t break his role, he watched from afar. At first he did wonder if it was actually you, but the way you walked was the first sign. Only when you turned your head, looking back at some noise behind you, did he feel like he fell in love all over again. His heart hurt as he stared at you from across the street, wanting nothing more than to run over to you and to embrace you, to apologise for leaving you back then. 
Just like back then, nothing could’ve prepared him for when you got closer, crossing the street and pointing at different items in windows as your kid looked around, a bright smile on his face. His laughs were audible from where Cassidy was standing and he felt his heart melt. When you got even closer, the cowboy was almost in awe until he realised something. The kid with sun kissed freckles on his cheeks, hazel eyes and light brown locks, looked just like Cassidy did when he was younger. Then it hit him fully.
That child was his. 
He didn’t say anything as you passed, but the three of you gave a gentle smile, Cassidy tipping his head slightly while the child looked back over your shoulder towards him, a hand reaching out for him as if he knew who he was. 
While he knew he was no longer in your life, Cassidy felt some form of relief that the child you carried was his, a little reminder, soon to grow into a big one, that he was always there with you. Part of him knew what his next move was to be. After this mission, he was going to try and get you back, to be there to support you and the little one, no matter what it will cost him.
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mktrashheap · 8 months
Lin Kuei trio x single father headcanons. Bonus Liu Kang.
He's the least judgemental person.
Being an orphan, he is unfortunately familiar with how families can be torn apart.
He's happy your children have you to rely and that you're present.
However, unless you're already involved in Kombat, he doesn't want to drag anyone into this life, much less children.
He is welcoming and will protect them.
He'll also train them if you so allow and they'll grow to be deadly fighters. He's not master of stealth for nothing.
He'll also teach morals and honor. He has a good heart and doesn't want them to be corrupted.
Honestly, he's the best. Even if you two weren't together he would care for your children.
He's judging. Hard.
He won't say anything upfront, but given his troubled relationship with his father, he'll be very judgemental of yours with your children.
It's not even that you have a past and children, his clan isn't entirely strange to outsiders getting into it, it's honestly his own daddy issues.
If you're cold and harsh with them it's an instant deal breaker for him. If you're warm and loving, it It might be too much for him.
This man seriously need to work on his issues.
He'll be distant. He doesn't do or say anything to be mean to them, nor does he have any ill feeling towards them, but he's distant.
It can legit be the reason you two break up.
I don't see him being good with children, at all. Adopted or his own. If he isn't going to train them, then he's at a loss.
If however everything works out well and your children display some magical talent and inclination for combat, he'll be open to train them, if you so allow. He might even be the one to offer it and will be very offended if you refuse.
Like, he loves you and there isn't anyone better than him in combat but you refuse? He'll be pissed.
Kuai Liang:
More children?! Sure.
He has Hanzo, as long you can accept that, he's game.
He probably has a lot of other children under his wing since forming a new clan, so he isn't that phased.
He wants to know about how you ended up as a single dad and what you want for your and your children future's.
He won't be judgemental of your past, but will be of how you treat your children.
He doesn't have as many daddy issues as Bi-Han, if any, so it's much easier to adapt.
He's a warm person, so he'll be welcoming to your children.
He lets them come to him in their own time.
You can leave your children with him and rest assured they'll be safe.
He'll be very happy if they want to learn how to fight and will teach them. They'll grow to be fierce warriors under his wing.
With Kuai building a new clan and the influx of people, days are longer and things can get loud and chaotic rather easy but he would have it no other way.
Bonus Liu Kang:
Single fathers unite.
As creator of the whole timeline, he is also a father in a way. He even sounds like one tbh.
You don't have to tell him anything. He knows it already.
Adores that you're loving with your children, he wouldn't want to be with someone who isn't.
At times he's more like a grandfather. He'll spoil your little ones every once in a while.
He would do more but he's busy.
Dad jokes. All of them. You two bond over them. Good thing embarrassment doesn't kill.
He's old, let him be silly.
'Go ask your dad' loop.
All silliness aside, he loves your little ones with all his heart and will teach them to be good people.
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yandere-genji · 2 years
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💎Yandere Yakuza Hanzo Headcanons
• Yandere Yakuza!Hanzo owns the streets of Hanamura, often patrolling with his crew late at night. He has the most important people of the city in his pocket or working alongside him. The Yakuza has infiltrated practically the whole city. 
• When you first arrive in Hanamura, you very quick learn this. You were wise to heed the warnings to stay away from anything related to the organization. 
• But the Yakuza scouts any new residents, anyone that lives in the city is apart of their property. And Hanzo’s men are always eager to talk about a new pretty face that shows up in their territory. Often he pays no mind to them, more occupied by his duties than in chasing a shiny new toy. But once he does catch sight of you, he is fascinated by what he sees.
  • He is on duty every night, yet still finds the time to keep a close eye on you. You’re smart, you don’t hang about the usual places he and his crew would frequent. Many newcomers are quick to dismiss the influence of the Yakuza, but you knew better than that. Still, you couldn’t escape him. 
• You sparked his interest, something most people would kill for. He wanted to absorb you into his organization and gain full control of you. It began with infiltrating your workplace. New hires would try to entice you to joining the Yakuza with all its benefits. But you would respectfully decline and try to avoid any more interaction with them as possible. 
•When that didn’t work, he would send men to bestow you gifts on his behalf. It was certainly a shock, you didn’t know what you had done to receive anything from the Yakuza boss himself. But word quickly spread around the city that he had claimed you, all before you had even seen him yourself. 
• People grew distant from you. Some were taking precautions, others had received unsavory warnings. Before you knew it, everyone in the street stared at you as you walked by, whispering to each other as you passed. It upset you, and you started asking around about Hanzo to anyone who wasn’t afraid to speak to you. Those being people who were already affiliated with the Yakuza themselves and it would not be long until Hanzo caught wind of your curiosities. 
• In the dark of night, you were pulled into an alleyway by a group of well-dressed men. You were panicked, though you already knew you were living on borrowed time. They brought you to a marvelous adorned tea house, pink petal blossoms peppering the gardens. And there was Hanzo, dressed handsomely in western attire as he kneeled beside the table. 
• It was the first time you had seen him, and he already left a memorable impression. You heard stories about how vicious he was, and you could see it on his face. Even in his most relaxed state, his eyes were always angry and alert.  
• Many of your meetings with the Yakuza boss would be like this. When he was not preoccupied with his clandestine operation, he ushered you into a private room (though the privacy was soured by the entourage of men patrolling the perimeter) and the two of you spoke while he enjoyed a cup of tea.
•Declining his invitations wasn’t an option for you. You couldn’t escape him, you were both aware of that. Still, he wanted you closer. What good were you by yourself, you had to be by his side where he could keep you safe. Make sure no one in this world would hurt you and you would always be taken care of. 
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MOREEEEE i need more angsty subscorp au you just wrote. What would happen if hanzo finally realized kuai liang gone through many shitty things. i need more info about this au plssss
So, they meet again at the tournament when Kuai Liang goes to kill Hanzo for killing his brother (In this au Bi-Han didn't actually die, Hanzo just faked it so he could get the deal from Raiden without pissing off Quan Chi, but Bi-Han was still very injured so Kuai Liang doesn't know that)
The Cyber Lin Kuei don't intervene but at the last moment Kuai Liang recognizes who Hanzo is and stops, walking away instead. Hanzo is confused by this until he overhears Raiden calling Kuai Liang by name and is shocked.
Hanzo goes to confront Kuai Liang, finding him packing to go on the run.
Hanzo: Were you ever going to tell me?
Kuai Liang: Tell you what? And when, hm? It's not as though you've given me many chances to explain myself.
Hanzo winces
Hanzo: That you were Lin Kuei.
Kuai Liang freezes, shoulders dropping with a sigh
Kuai Liang: I honestly thought you knew. It's not as though I worked very hard to hide it.
Hanzo: I didn't know. Things would have been different, if I had known, I-
Kuai Liang, bitterly: Right, yes, you would have killed me on sight had you known I was just another piece of "Lin Kuei scum" how foolish of me to think otherwise
Hanzo: That's not-
Kuai Liang, exhausted and resigned: What do you want, Hanzo?
Hanzo: I know you. Lin Kuei or not, you don't spend seven months loving someone and not know who they are.
Kuai Liang: You don't know the first thing about me, that has become abundantly clear
Hanzo: Then why not kill me?
Kuai Liang:..........
Hanzo: I thought I'd lost you that night you disappeared because you were bored, because you didn't want me anymore. Is that true?
Kuai Liang: No
Hanzo: Was I a mission?
Kuai Liang: What? No! How can you-?
Hanzo: Then why did you leave?
Kuai Liang: I didn't have a choice! If I didn't go back, they would have tortured Bi-Han as punishment for my rebellion, and if they found out about you-
Kuai Liang cuts off, fear in his eyes.
Kuai Liang: I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye, I didn't- It wasn't safe.
Hanzo: Then why did you come back?
Kuai Liang:.......
Hanzo, softer: Why?
Kuai Liang: I thought I'd found a way out. A mission went bad, enough that they would think I was dead and I-.....I didn't-
Kuai Liang turns his gaze to the floor.
Kuai Liang: I wasn't thinking, I just....wanted to see you
Hanzo sucks in sharp breath, dread pooling in his stomach
Kuai Liang: It was stupid and it no longer matters
Hanzo: Of course it matters, why would-
Kuai Liang, shoving him and screaming: Because you didn't want me! You sent me away! I would have been happy just being at your side, just getting to see that you were loved and safe and happy. I wasn't trying to take you away from her, or- or intrude and impose, I just wanted to be near you
Hanzo tears up and stumbles backwards.
Kuai Liang, crying: You didn't lose me, you sent me away. There's a difference.
Hanzo: Kuai Liang, I-
Kuai Liang: But that wasn't enough for you, no, you had to murder my brother-!
Hanzo: Bi-Han is alive.
Kuai Liang:.....what?
Hanzo: I made a deal with Raiden and faked his death. He's in the Wu Shi's quarters so that he can heal. He's alive.
Kuai Liang stares at him for another moment, gaping wordlessly, before grabbing his bag and storming out of the room, leaving Hanzo on his own.
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
I had this idea based on Tomas's intro with Ashra about having nightmares about demons, that Tomas would have nightmares on the enenra but the nightmares would also include the reader getting hurt and fearing for her safety that something might happen to her, Tomas would keep his distance and avoid the reader as much as he can to try to keep her safe even going far as talking to other female warriors to make the reader think he has no interest in her which would leave her confused and heartbroken where she struggles with training and shuts down a lot leaving Hanzo, Kaui Liang and Harumi worried about the reader enough to send her to Wu She Academy.
Kuai Liang finally gets answers from Tomas and sends him to the academy to have Liu Kang help Tomas with his issue. Upon arrival, the reader does everything she can to avoid Tomas who feels extremely guilty, chases her down until they are in a room alone together and he breaks down to the reader.
The Pain You Made Me Face
Yip notes: It appears that we don’t want peace WE WANT PROBLEMS
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: Angst
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“The worst are the Enenra,” that’s what Ashrah told Tomas once. He found her words to be true.
For many nights he has experienced the horrors of demons that were made of pure smoke and darkness. Malevolent beings that only the purest of hearts could witness. Yet they decide to infect his dreams with their retched forms.
With mouths as their heads and claws for hands, they’ve come to cause harm to the one he loves the most. You.
A low, continuous groan is let out. There is a slight wheeze to it like the body it’s coming from has little to no air left. Tomas’ eyes turn to look for the source of the pained noise. His eyes land on your body as you lie on the ground.
He doesn’t want to believe it’s you but it seems too real. The cuts on your back are as fresh as could be. Your clothes were sunken into cut flesh. It looked like a ravenous beast ambushed you. Tomas wanted to run to you and help you, he needed to know who attacked you. The moment he took a step towards you a figure manifested behind you. A hunchbacked monster stood above your body. Its body waved like smoke off of a flame.
The Enenra started to shift and change its body. It slowly morphed into a more human shape. Tomas was frozen in place, forced to watch the Enenra become something else. It was changing itself to look like Tomas.
It was the shape of Tomas, but it was not him. Its body was still made of black smoke. Its hand reached down and grabbed hold of your hair. You didn’t make a sound. You were too tired to make a sound. You’re not gonna survive through this. Their other hand came around and showed that it was holding Tomas’ karambit. It gripped it tightly like there was rage involved. The hand lifted with the intent to strike your head with the sharp blade.
“NO!” Tomas yelled as he ran towards you.
The hand swung down with the point being inches away from your frontal lobe.
And just like that Tomas was back in his bed. His body broke out in a cold sweat. His heart slammed against his chest before realizing that it was just another nightmare. A nightmare that is always the same. Visions of demons that come to attack you. This was the worst of them all. Morphing into him was a foul move. Yet it got him badly.
Tomas has been theorizing that his nightmares were bad omens. They were signs that something bad would happen to you. Why else would you be involved?
But this one really struck a nerve in him. He took a moment to think about what this nightmare meant. The Enenra became him before striking you. Could that mean that…he will hurt you? His heart dropped the second he thought of that conclusion. Even if it won’t be him that hurts you he feels like this demon will harm you because of him. He doesn’t want any harm to come to you. He’d never forgive himself.
This concern has been building up for so long and that last nightmare was the nail in the coffin. He loves you. You’re the one person who he finds solace in. When he’s with you he feels safe. The moment he sees you, the nightmare flashes in his head before he remembers it’s just a dream. You’re alive and well right in front of his eyes. And you look as beautiful as ever.
But he doesn’t want to sit around and wait for something bad to happen. He doesn’t want to wake up one day and find that you are no longer alive. A shiver ran up his spine just thinking about finding you the same way he sees you in his dreams. It’s sickening.
He had to make a choice. Continue spending time with you and risking your death, or distance himself and save you from a painful demise. He preferred the second option.
It’s been nearly a month since Tomas started ignoring you. At first, you thought he was just tired from hunting down Bi-Han and dealing with restless sleep. He told you at some point that he was having nightmares constantly. He never went into specifics of what they were about, he just said they were nightmares. You reassured him that they were probably due to stress.
But no matter how hard you tried to make him relax he always experienced nightmares. You did everything you could, made him food, cheered him on during training, helped out with Hanzo, and much more. It did nothing to ease the tension inside of him. What did that leave you with?
Nothing. You had nothing. Not a thank you or a question if you could do something specific for him. All you got was him ignoring you.
You saw he wasn’t eating your cooking. Alright, maybe he wasn’t craving the dish you made. But then he started training by himself. The moment you’d walk up to him he’d say he just finished and walk off. He always seemed to be in a hurry to leave, like he wanted to get away from you immediately. It broke your heart when Hanzo started talking about how weird Tomas was when it came to you. When you asked what he meant he laid it all out.
“He won’t allow me to practice with you. When I’ve asked why, he says I can but he won’t stick around for it. And when I asked if he could bring you over so you could rewrap my wounds he told me to find you myself. That was rude.” Hanzo let out a huff since he was irritated by his mentor’s aggression.
You immediately reacted to that news. You felt your heart squeeze, it physically hurt.
“O-oh well…let’s deal with your bandages first.” You said softly.
Hanzo could see that you were trying to hold yourself together. You gave him a weak smile to reassure him that things were fine. But the sadness in your eyes says otherwise. He’s not dumb, he understands that something is wrong. Though he can see that you are just as clueless as him. He doesn’t say anything else for the remainder of the time.
Later that day you decided to confront Tomas on his behavior. You needed to know what was going on with him. Was he stressed? Did you say something? Was there an unknown reason? You had to find out. When you found him you were surprised by what he was doing.
He was surrounded by some of the female members. They were acting like lovesick teens who were talking to their crush at school. You could hear what they were saying to him.
“I wish you talked to us earlier, you’re so nice.” “Do you think you can help me practice later? I could really use your help.” “Damn, you’re really strong. I bet you could pick me up.” “You seem cuter up close.”
What is going on? Since when did he become a womanizer?
Your heart shattered the moment you realized what he was doing. He wanted you to see this. He wanted you to hear everything they were saying. How do you know? He was looking at you. Tomas was occasional glancing at you. He knew you were there. And yet he wasn’t giving you the time of day. He was smiling at these girls as they praised and flirted with him.
All went numb. You barely felt your heart pumping. The noises around you became dull as you turned around and walked away. With your back towards Tomas, you missed as his eyes lost any hint of happiness in them. When you were out of sight he excused himself from the girls and walked away. There, it was done. Maybe now you’ll keep your distance.
You did just that. You kept your distance…from everyone. That wasn’t his plan.
You were so confused and heartbroken by Tomas’ actions. You felt like you were being led on this whole time. He was playing with your heart, pulling at the heartstrings before cutting them in one fell swoop. You are left with the remnants of your heart. You tried to put it back together and continue living but it was harder than you could imagine. Everyone could see how you struggled except Tomas.
Hanzo already knew you were in a tough place. He went to check on you the day after he spoke with you, only to hear you crying in your room. He felt in his gut that something bad happened. He’s not good at dealing with other’s emotions, he can’t even control his own, so he walked off. He tried getting your mind off whatever happened by asking you two to train together but that fell flat. He would ask if you could teach him something you’ve been wanting to teach him, only for you to forget what that move was. When you two tried to spar, your arms were in a weak position. It was like you forgot how to fight. Hanzo knew that it was really bad then. He told Kuai Liang about your situation since he could only do so much.
Kuai Liang thought it would be good if Harumi checked in first. It might be a woman issue. One day she came knocking at your door and asking if she could come in. You let out an unenthusiastic ‘sure” and she came in. She thought bringing you some mixed fruits would make you feel better. A fresh bowl of your favorite fruits, how could you say no?
She sat with you and slowly tried to work her way into the issue. She would ask how you’ve been feeling and how training was going. You’d start talking but then just stop. Harumi thought you were trying to think but then you would tell her you forgot what you were about to say. You did the same with the fruit. You would start taking bites then suddenly stop. It’s like you were repulsed by it and would put the half-bitten honeydew back into the bowl. Then a minute later you’d go back to eating. There was certainly a disruption in your mind to be causing these pauses.
Harumi made the mistake of saying something about Tomas. She never knew there was a problem between you two.
“Did you want me to bring Tomas here? I know he makes you feel better.” She gave you a warm smile, thinking that was the right move.
She grew worried once she saw your lips quiver before you bit your bottom lip. You swallowed hard; she could see it was difficult for you to do that. You looked like you were in pain from doing that.
“I’m…feeling tired. I think I should take a nap.”
You didn’t give Harumi time to respond to that. You lay down and curled up. She took the bowl of fruit and said okay. All the progress she made was trashed the moment she talked about Tomas. It did give her an idea that it was him that was troubling you. She said goodbye and to rest well. The moment she closed the door you felt tears slip down your face.
Harumi informed Kuai Liang of everything. Now he believes this is more of a him issue since it’s his brother. He gave you time to nap, or cry actually, and he would talk to you the next day.
The next day rolled around and he saw you wandering around outside. Your movements seemed as sluggish as a zombie’s. You were clearly not okay. He went up to you and walked by your side. He didn’t say anything for a minute, he waited to see if you wanted to speak first. But since you didn’t he would say something.
“I have heard from others that you have not been yourself recently. Is there anything I can do to help?” he asked in a firm but warm tone.
“…no, I’m fine, just tired.”
“Is that so? Are you sure it has nothing to do with Tomas?” he asked bluntly.
You stopped in your tracks. Your body shook as the tears came rolling out. Your loud cries told Kuai Liang how upset you were. He pulled you into a warm embrace in an effort to comfort you. He hears you ask why continuously. There was more that you wanted to say but your tears choked you up. Kuai Liang guided you to a nearby bench to sit on.
He waited for you to calm down so he could ask what the problem was. For a good five minutes, you were unable to say much. You’d cough and stop breathing for a second every time you wanted to say something. You collected yourself eventually and you spilled everything. You talked about Tomas’ distance and how he’s purposely doing it. You saw it with your own eyes and you don’t know what you could have done to deserve this.
Kuai Liang was shocked to hear that his brother was doing all that. He knew how crazy Tomas was about you. He knew he was planning to ask you out eventually. Why would he switch up like this? No one said this grandmaster mess would be easy.
This was a messy situation and he had to organize it. He knew keeping you with the Shirai Ryu would do no good. Having Tomas close by and having people continuously ask you what’s wrong won’t help. He would have to sadly send you away. But he knows a place that will openly accept you.
“I want you to listen to me. I want you to go to the Shaolin at the Wu Shi Academy. They will help with this heartache. I will figure out the problem. But you cannot continue going on in this state. I want you to feel better. Once you are better, you will be with the Shirai Ryu again.”
You listened to Kuai Liang and what he suggested. You knew he wasn’t kicking you out. He only wants you to heal. To heal, you must separate yourself from the situation. The Shaolin will definitely help with that.
You accepted his proposal. He said he would send you off in the morning and told you to pack your essentials. You got up and started packing for your healing journey.
A few days passed since you went to the Wu Shi. That information stayed between Kuai Liang, Harumi, and Hanzo. Only they knew where you were. Word spreads fast however and soon lots of people realized you were missing. That word got to Tomas. His heart stopped the moment he found out you with MIA. His thoughts were interrupted when Kuai Liang asked to speak with him.
Kuai Liang took him to his office to speak in private. The moment the door closed Tomas was quick to ask if he knew where you were.
“Kuai Liang, I’ve been hearing from others that they haven’t seen-“
“Yes, I know. She is fine. I know where she is.” He responded bluntly.
Tomas let out a sigh of relief knowing that you were still alive. Worry set in again once he saw the disappointed look in Kuai Liang’s eyes.
“The reason I had to send her away,” Kuai Liang hesitated to say the last part, “…was because of you.”
“What?! Me? I know I wanted to distance myself from her but I didn’t mean for her to leave the clan.”
“So you admit that you did it on purpose? What is the matter with you? I thought you loved her. You do not drive people that you love away. So tell me, why did you do it?” Kuai Liang’s harsh tone got to Tomas. It made him feel like the bad guy when all he wanted to do was keep you safe.
He gave in. He told his brother the truth. He explained the dreams about the Enenra and how you always got hurt. He explained how traumatic the last one seemed to him and it was his breaking point. He felt like he would be the cause of your pain or even your death. He could never live with himself if he saw the signs and did nothing about it.
Kuai Liang saw how erratic Tomas was acting. The guilt and fear were eating the man alive. He found Tomas’ actions to be idiotic but he knew he would make a mistake himself if he were in the same situation. If this Enenra issue was truly a cause for concern he would have to fix it immediately. He can’t help his brother but maybe Liu Kang could. He’s a god, why wouldn’t he deal with demons?
“Tomas, you need to fix this, all of this. Go to Liu Kang to see if he can help you. If not, the Wu Shi could definitely do something for you. While you are there, I want you to apologize for what you have done.” He left it at that.
Tomas was a bit confused by the last part but he understood that he needed help for this. He agreed to leave in the morning to see Liu Kang at the Wu Shi Academy. After that, he will make everything right with you. That’s if he can fix your broken heart.
Tomas was at the academy by the next day. He urgently asked to see Liu Kang but the monks informed him that Liu Kang was in Outworld right now. They told him he would return in a few days. They let him know he could stay in a spare room until Liu Kang returned since they could see Tomas was a mess. He was in desperate need of the fire god.
He settled down quickly and thought about finding Kung Lao and Raiden to catch up with them. When he went around looking for them he was surprised to see a familiar face. It was you. You were with Kung Lao and Raiden. You were sparing with Kung Lao who was going easy on you since you were still recovering. What Kuai Liang said before now made sense to Tomas. He needed to apologize to you. He walked up to you which stopped Kung Lao in his tracks. You were confused until you turned around to see the man who broke your heart. Your expression turned sour quickly.
“Hey…” He said softly.
“Hey…I gotta go.” Without letting him speak you walked away from him. It didn’t matter if you weren’t finished with your fight, you needed to leave.
You left Tomas stunned as Kung Lao gave him a disapproving nod. He would be experiencing that until Liu Kang returned.
Tomas wanted to apologize for his actions. He wanted to say he was sorry for hurting you and explain why he did it. He knows his fears are not an excuse, but you still deserve to know the reason. But every attempt was a failure. You treated him like he treated you.
You walked away and acted like you had somewhere to be. You spent your time around Raiden and Kung Lao, almost using them as bodyguards. You would meditate for hours with the other monks to prevent Tomas from disturbing you. You pulled a reverse on him.
Every failure made his heart hurt. He sees that what he did was stupid and did more harm than good. He learned his lesson and he wants to beg you to give him a chance. The guilt inside of him will drive him insane. Even if Liu Kang helps him with his Enenra problem the guilt will stay with him forever. He’s made everything worse by being a fool.
It got to the point that Raiden and Kung Lao had to confront him. Raiden was more passive while Kung Lao was giving him a mean eye. They told him to back off. They said they knew what happened and don’t think it’s a good idea to make amends now. Tomas begged them to help him out. He explained everything and Raiden actually grew concerned about the Enenra problem.
Although they understood, they told him they couldn’t force you to accept an apology right now. They will be easier on him but they won’t force you to do anything. Tomas was still on his own in this situation.
It would still be another day till Liu Kang returned. If Tomas is gonna make it up to you he has to do it now. He had patience and waited for nighttime. You’d be pretty tired by the point so it’d be easier to catch you. The moment he saw you walking into the building you were staying in he followed you.
You didn’t see Tomas once and you thought he took the hint to leave you be. But when you went to close the door to your room it was stopped by someone. You looked back to see Tomas who did not look like the same man you loved before. His eyes were tired like he hadn’t slept for days. There was no sparkle to them. It’s just a void of guilt left behind. For a second you wanted to forget the pain he put you through and hug him. But to deny what happened won’t fix anything. He has to live with the consequences of his actions.
“Please, I know you are mad at me but I want to make this right. I’m sorry.”
“Sorry is not gonna cut it. Just leave me alone already.” You tried pushing the door but he was much stronger than you. He pushed his way in and shut the door behind him.
“I know it won’t but I’ll make it up to you. I never meant to hurt you I swear. I just wanted to keep you safe.”
“Safe? From what exactly? You’re not making any sense!”
“I’ll explain everything if you give me a chance! Just please believe me when I say I never meant to harm you.” His voice cracked as he struggled to keep himself together.
Your eyes widened after hearing him speak. His eyes grew wet and soon you heard him take deep, shaky breaths. Tomas ran up to you and hugged you tight. He hugged you as if he were to lose you again. He let out all of his emotions. Tears streamed down his face and droplets fell onto your back.
“I’m…so sorry. You’re the best thing…that’s ever happened to me. I’m an idiot for driving away the woman I love.”
Your arms slowly went up as you decided to hug him back. It was by instinct; your mind was more occupied with what he was saying.
“I just couldn’t imagine finding you dead one day…because of me. I saw it happen so many times I couldn’t take it anymore!”
“Tomas!” You had to yell to get his attention, “You’re still not making any sense. Breathe, we’re gonna figure this out right now.”
You pulled away from him so you could guide him to your bed. You had him lie with you. You waited for him to calm down and gather his thoughts to tell you why he was acting up. Once he did, he explained the whole situation. The nightmares, the Enenra, your death, and the mimic. He told you how scared he would be in his dreams and when he’d wake up. He talked about how he thought it was a bad omen that would eventually happen and it would be his fault for not doing anything.
“Tomas…why didn’t you tell me from the start?”
“I didn’t want to scare you. I was scared myself.” His eyes shifted down as he struggled to look into your eyes after saying that.
You took hold of his head and forced him to look at you, “Even if I was scared, I’d know you would never hurt me. I would have done everything to help you figure out what was wrong. I love you too much to let you go through this alone.”
Your vision blurred as the tears came up again. It’s fine, Tomas has the same blurred vision since he’s about to cry as well. You brought his head closer to yours and gave him a gentle kiss. It was a kiss that told him that everything would be alright and you loved him.
He brought you close to him and held you in his arms. He wanted to have you close after distancing himself for so long. He wanted to smell your scent and have his fingers play with your hair. He wanted you.
Emotions are quite draining. It sure made you two sleepy. The tears died down and the only emotions left were relief and love. You held each other and slowly fell asleep. Your once weakened bond was now strengthened.
That was the first night Tomas had no nightmares.
Morning came and Tomas told you that he had to see Liu Kang immediately. He let you know that he wanted to ask the god for help. You two walked hand in hand to find Liu Kang to sort out this situation.
The fire god was surprised to see you two here. He immediately knew something was wrong when he looked at Tomas’ tired expression. Once again he went over the whole Enenra problem which Liu Kang took seriously. He asked Ashrah for help to deal with this pesky demon. The duo got to work as you stayed by Tomas’ side.
For hours they tried to figure out where this all was coming from. And although there was an Enenra messing with Tomas’ mind, that’s all it did. It could do nothing else to him. It was only there to weaken him into an unhealthy state. It wanted to gain a hold of his physical form. Seeking out Liu Kang was the right decision since the task became unworthy to the demon.
So in the end, the Enenra failed. Those nightmares were purely nightmares.
“See, told you they were just dreams.” You said.
“No need to rub it in.”
Yap notes: So when I first started writing this I was watching As Above, So Below cause I'm a sucker for Dante's Inferno stuff. Tell me why they threw a smoke bomb in the movie. Where do you just casually get one? It was in France so things could be a little unorganized. Also I'm too emotional sometimes. I want to sleep now. Adiós!
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roselyn-writing · 1 year
Please ignore last submitted post >_<
Kaui erron hanzo liu and kung lao happily married with a babe on the way when the reader is killed (assasinated or revenge killing)
A/N: Sorry for keeping you waiting! Here’s the angsty you asked for, I hope you like it <3
Tw: mentions of blood, death, grief, dismemberment.
Kuai Liang ❄️
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Kuai Liang and His wife were strolling down in a snowy forest. Both were laughing, both were enjoying their time in this forest.
“What do you think of this forest?” She asked him.
“It is as gorgeous as you,” Kuai Liang cooed.
“Awwww~” She expressed, “Thank you for your sweet words,”
Kuai Liang only giggled in response to his wife's comment, Kuai Liang always tells himself that he is lucky to marry such a delicate, beautiful woman as his wife.
He would be damned if anything happens to her and he will lose himself and his mind if such a thing happens to her.
Kuai used to see himself as a flawed man until she came into his life and changed the way he sees himself. Now he sees himself as normal human being.
His wife walking towards a frozen tree. She expressed her fascination for it, but Kuai was thinking about something else. He is thinking about when they will finish the trip so they can return to the temple safely, To do stuff in their bedroom.
Then the unexpected happens, an armed man with a dagger came out of nowhere and stabbed his wife in the throat, Leaving a bloody mess on the white snow-covered ground...
He didn’t stand there frozen, he immediately takes action and killed the guy who stabbed his wife brutally, He killed him by performing his signature fatality “Spine Rip”
Kuai Liang grabbed the guy’s neck and tears out his spine and skull, The guy cried in pain as he witnessed his skull and spine being torn, then Kuai Liang formed an ice spike impaling his torn spine and skull on the ice spike.
After that Kuai rushed to his wife he knew that she is dying it is too late...
“Honey… I.. uh... I love you so much..” she murmured to him.
These were the final words of his wife. Then her glistening orbs dimmed, meaning, she is no longer alive.
“No… No…. NOOOOO” Kuai Liang cried, “No... Please... Please come back! I need you in my life!”
He shouts from the top of his lungs, He doesn’t care if people heard him. He just wants to express his sadness for his dead wife…
He gently caressed his wife's cheeks he hopes that he gains a reaction from from her but she is already a goner. He kissed her cold lips in a desperate attempt to wake her up like the fairytale the sleeping beauty.
He carried his wife's dead body with a sad face and the tears dampens his beard and face. He carried her weak, dead body near the Lin Kuei temple. Then he went to the sacred cemetery of the dead lin kuei members.
He made a tombstone for her and gently buried her there. She looks peaceful and innocent. He shed the final tears of sadness and grief.
He vowed he would never love again. Kuai Liang goes to investigate this man and who could want to hurt him? He will find out and they will know that revenge is best served cold.
Erron Black 🤠
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Erron and his wife were sitting in a tavern, eating and drinking happily. Erron loves his wife so much and he will do anything for her.
“I wanna learn use the gun!” His wife said, “I wanna be a badass like you!”
Erron only laughed in response to her, he knew that carrying a gun is dangerous and require a responsibility.
“Sure thing,” He muttered underneath his mask.
All of a sudden, the tavern door kicked open, and a group of warriors armed with spears and helmets came.
“We are here for a man called Erron Black” their leader stated.
“He isn’t here,” the owner of the tavern answered.
The people are scared, Erron’s wife is scared too, But Erron, as the brash man he is, He quickly shots those warriors, he got most of them but not all of them.
The people hid under the tables and counters to avoid getting shot. Erron skilfully killed all of them but only their leader remains.
Their leader laughed as he grabbed Erron’s wife by her hair, She cried in pain as he pulled her hair.
“Ouch leave me alone!” Erron’s wife cried
“As you wish!” He muttered as he plunged his spear into her heart killing her in the process.
This shocked Erron but Erron didn’t back down, Erron engaged in the fight with this warrior. Erron used his sand bombs and acid bombs, giving him the upper hand to win and put a bullet into his skull for killing his wife.
“I’m so sorry.” Erron apologized, as he kissed the lips of his dead wife.
Hanzo Hasashi 🔥
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Hanzo and his wife sitting in the fire gardens, Enjoying the garden and the tea.
“The garden is so beautiful and peaceful~” His wife started.
“Yes, It is my firefly~” Hanzo answered, “But my love~ you are more beautiful than the garden,”
His wife giggled, then she brushed a strand of her hair and tucked it behind her ear.
Hanzo is so infatuated with her; One can tell easily that she captured his heart and mind.
“Hanzo~ can you sing for me using your Shamisen? Please?” His wife requested, “I love your singing~”
Hanzo blushed madly at this and he nodded, Hanzo brought his Shamisen and started to sing a traditional Japanese song. Which His wife loves so much.
His wife was listening to him and started to shake her head with the rhythm, she enjoys his singing so much that she didn’t notice a hired assassin lurking behind the orange trees.
Hanzo didn’t notice either because he was singing and enjoying his wife's reaction.
The assassin had jumped in the air and thrown a shuriken into his wife's neck he had hit an artery.
His wife cried in pain she hold her slit throat in a desperate attempt to stop her bleeding but the damage is already done.
Hanzo quickly took action, Hanzo had thrown his infamous kunai into the assassin's eyes then he pulled his kunai with such force that he yanked the assassin. Hanzo didn’t let the assassin recover and soon Hanzo did his fatality on him.
Hanzo throws his spear into the assassin’s chest and starts overheating it. He flips over the assassin’s head and dives into the ground, vertically wrapping the blazing chain around the assassin. As he emerges back from the ground in front of the assassin, Hanzo snaps the chain like a whip, vertically bisecting the assassin’s body.
Then he rushed to his dying wife. “Please hang in there!” Hanzo pleaded, and he sobbed uncontrollably.
“Honey.. no m-matter... I love you..” She murmured.
After hearing those words and his wife is dead, he shouts at the top of his lungs.
His tears stream like a river as reminisces every memory of him and his wife sweet or bitter memories alike. It happens again his second wife is dead.
He holds his wife's dead body, as he brushes kisses into her delicate, cold skin. In a bitter effort to wake her up from her sleep.
“No… Nooooo!” Hanzo Cried, “Please! please.. tell me that I’m dreaming!”
Hanzo carried his wife's dead body and buried her in the fire garden. He knows that the fire garden is her favourite place. So, he buried her there.
“I love you... and... I will miss you..” Hanzo sobbed.
Then Hanzo goes to investigate this assassin, he will find out who destroyed his happiness and he will make them pay for it!
Liu Kang 🐉
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Liu and his wife were walking on the street. They just finished eating dinner in a local Chinese diner, Both of them were talking and enjoying the atmosphere. Then all of a sudden a car collided with his wife's body. Liu immediately goes to see his wife, she was injured badly she is bleeding like a river, and she is losing too much blood.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t see her!” The man apologized, “I was looking at the phone! I’m sorry!”
“Looking at your phone while driving?” Liu Kang seethed at him, he is furious at this man.
Still, the man's useless attempts to calm Liu Kang were futile in calming Liu Kang.
Liu Kang punches the man in the face with his fire abilities empowering him, and the man's head rolled on the ground.
Liu Kang carried his wife and rushed to the nearest hospital in hopes that he can save her.
It all came crashing down on him when he saw the Doctor's face. Liu knows body language and the Doctor’s face tells him that she didn’t make it.
When the Doctor left Liu Kang cried silently, he wiped all the streaming tears from wetting his face.
He remembers Raiden words all heroes suffer from tragic accidents and such.
Liu Kang started to think of dark thoughts to avenge his wife and his destroyed happiness.
He is scared of himself, how can such a bright and pacifist person like himself thinks of such thoughts.. the answer is grief. Grief makes people do terrible stuff.
Raiden comes to him and helps him to calm down, he offers him some new training to calm himself and his aching soul.
Kung Lao 🥟
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Kung Lao and his wife were at a picnic. Both of them started to eat and drink juice. At first, things are fine, but now, it isn’t.
“It is lovely isn’t it?” His wife started.
“Yes, it is my love~” Kung Lao answered.
Suddenly a masked man came and shoot Kung Lao’s wife in the head, her head exploded brutally, and Blood and brain matter are scattered all around. It all happens so quickly, he couldn’t process anything, but he took action immediately for his sake.
Kung Lao shouts in pain as he used his sharp hat to chop the masked man who killed his wife. He chopped his head, his abdomen, and the hand that killed his wife.
“DAMN YOU!” Kung Lao shouted.
Neither the man nor his wife said anything, they just died quietly. In his wife's case, it hurts the most, because she died quietly with a smile on her face, Just like she didn’t know anything. And that’s why it hurts him the most.
“DAMN IT! DAMN, EVERYTHING!” Kung Lao cursed.
Out of anger, out of pain for his broken heart and pain, anyone would excuse him for what had happened to him...
He had buried his wife in her favourite place. That is her garden in her backyard.
“I love you so much... and... I will never forget you!” He sobbed.
I hope you like this angsty chapter! Don’t be shy to ask more! Like and comments are appreciated 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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dragon-watcher03 · 9 months
Genji x Male!Angel! Reader
Note: you are Mercy's older brother (so around 40) and are part omni on your torso, left arm, and head. You started working with Ramattra after he saved and revived you when your parents abandoned you in a burning building. You now work with Overwatch. You look like Angel from Diablo except your wings are black. You can change the armour as well but you gotta keep the hood. Reader is implied to be part omnic
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When he first saw you he kinda was scared shitless. I mean, can you blame him? But he was also kinda intrigued by you, mostly by your wings.
He loves the way you look tho. You have that perfect balance of mystery and grace that makes you so pretty. He knows you have a handsome face even without seeing it.
When he saw you fight for the first time, he was in awe. Your moves were so fast yet graceful and after you would just walk around like nothing happened.
He loves messing with you sometimes, like poking the blackness of your face. Although if it actually does annoy you he'll stop.
He strives to break down that silent and serious facade you put up. But he only wants you to show that side to him, no one else. Ngl he's kinda possessive of you-
When you do finally feel comfortable enough to show your face to him, he decides he should do the same thing as well. So you both take off your hood/visor for the first time since you started dating.
Safe to say he was not disappointed. You were even more beautiful than he imagined, and he kinda just stared up at you in awe for a long time. When you poked his face, he finally snapped out of it and was kind of embarrassed. That entire time he was contemplating whether he should kiss you.
You guys are actually able to cuddle and it isn't uncomfortable bc your human side matches his, plus he likes the coldness of the metal on his cheek.
When y'all are alone, he can be quite clingy. He's very touch deprived, but so are you so it's a win-win. He's always holding your right hand with his left so that you guys can feel each other's skin and for once feel like you're humans again.
Soba loves you (kinda like a dog tbh-), which in the Shimada clan is an omen that you've found your soulmate. So now you're stuck with him. Not that you're complaining. She will often leave Genji and wrap around your neck loosely while smooshing her snoot into your cheek or shoulder, asking for attention (which you noticed Genji also does when he wants attention).
Hanzo is a bit iffy about you and how you're 3 years older than his little brother, but after finding out you were related to Mercy, he relaxed a bit. He thinks you're chill and likes hanging around you. But he tends not to bc he knows Genji can get jealous easily.
Kiriko really likes you. Y'all are like this🤞 It honestly makes Genji jealous with how close you guys are. You guys often rant to each other about some random topic, and by both, I mean Kiriko is the only one who rants while you just listen.
Mercy is happy for you both. She knows what your parents did and just wants you to be happy. She does keep her eye on Genji tho, she wants to make sure he doesn't break your robotic heart.
Damn this was long-
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