#Who Alex has slept with
niuxita21 · 1 year
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Wake up babe (pun intented), new fave sleeping position between two characters who clearly have feelings for each other but aren’t quite there yet just dropped
#madre solo hay dos#el embarcadero#ana servín#mariana herrera#alejandra leyva#verónica alfaro#shitty screencap posts (TM)#you thought I was done? think again#after I made the connection to el embarcadero I couldn't unsee it#because it's kind of perfect how BOTH couples at the point in their story where this happens#have already had moments that make it very clear that there's something more than friendship going on between them#and are actually on the brink of major forward movement in their romantic relationship#(well in the case of ana and mariana I can only assume but I feel like it's a safe assumption nonetheless)#but they're in denial or pretending like it's nothing and they're actually just good friends#however while they're sleeping and they're not in control of their bodies this is how they gravitate towards each other#not fully spooning or cuddling but also with no artificial distance between#falling instead into this midpoint of subconscious physical contact that is a brilliant metaphor for their current relationship statuses#oh oh AND ANOTHER THING#the fact that the one who is half spooning the other one is also the half of the couple that has one foot out the door#alex thinking about pursuing something with conrado (having already slept with him in the previous episode)#and mariana still thinking about being 'free' of the fake relationship among other things so that she can go back to ferrán#whereas both vero and ana who it could be said would be happy to start a relationship with the other woman if she only said the word#are facing away and keeping their arms to themselves#just... *chef's kiss*#(yeah yeah none of this was intentional probably#but neither were the points of comparison I found in my comparative literature essays in uni and they still gave me As for them so)#anyway don't worry I think I'm definitely done with the unhinged posts about this episode (for now) (maybe)
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pucksandpower · 7 months
Never Have I Ever
Charles Leclerc x Sainz!Reader
Summary: a game of Never Have I Ever leads to revelations your brother wishes he could forget (and half the grid running for their lives)
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“Alright Y/N, it’s your turn!” Lando says, turning to you with an impish grin. “Give us a good one!”
You bite your lip, looking around the circle of F1 drivers sitting cross-legged on the floor of Charles’ palatial hotel suite. It’s a rare night off for everyone during the season, and Charles had suggested a casual get-together for some bonding time. That, of course, led to drinking games, and now here you all are, a few rounds into Never Have I Ever.
“Hmm...” you say slowly, tapping your chin as you think. Your brother, sitting to your left, playfully shoves your shoulder.
“Come on, hermanita! Don’t go easy on us,” he says with a laugh. You roll your eyes but can’t help smiling.
“Okay, okay! Never have I ever … raced in Formula 1,” you declare. A chorus of groans goes up around the circle as everyone except you drinks.
“That was just mean, Y/N!” Lance protests, though his eyes are twinkling with amusement. You grin and give a nonchalant shrug.
“All’s fair in Never Have I Ever!”
The game continues, the questions getting more and more outrageous and personal. Though you’re the only non-driver here, you feel completely comfortable around these guys. You’ve known most of them for years now through your brother, and they welcomed you into the F1 family immediately. It’s fun to sit back and observe their antics and camaraderie.
“Alright, I’ve got one,” Daniel says, leaning forward with an devilish smirk. “Never have I ever … slept with someone on the grid.”
You feel your eyes widen slightly at the implication, but force yourself not to react. Still, you can’t help but notice Fernando slyly taking a sip of his drink out of the corner of your eye. The rest of the drivers turn to look at him in surprise.
“What?” Fernando says with an innocent look. “Have you seen Mark Webber?”
The others burst into laughter at this excuse, the tension effectively diffused. As all eyes stay focused on Fernando, you slowly lift your own glass to your lips and take a subtle sip.
Just as you’re lowering it though, you feel Carlos stiffen next to you. Uh oh. You chance a glance at your brother and immediately regret it at the sight of the shock and anger flashing in his eyes. Before you can say anything, Carlos is on his feet.
“Alright, which one of you was stupid enough to touch my sister?” He demands heatedly.
Instantly, almost comically, Charles, Max, Lando, Pierre, Alex, Oscar, and Logan scramble to their feet and take off running in different directions.
Carlos’ eyes nearly bug out of his head before he takes off after them, yelling Spanish profanities. You sit there stunned for a second before dissolving into laughter. Only Fernando and Daniel remain seated beside you, chuckling and shaking their heads.
“Carlos! Hermano, calm down!” You call after your brother fruitlessly. Still giggling, you turn to Fernando. “I should probably go deal with him before he actually hurts someone, huh?”
“Probably wise,” Fernando says with an amused smile. “Good luck, chica.”
You give him a grateful smile before jumping to your feet and hurrying after Carlos. You find him in the next room, gripping a cowering Lando by the front of his shirt.
“Please don’t kill me!” Lando squeaks out. “It was one time!”
“Carlos, stop!” You cry, rushing over and grabbing your brother’s arm. “Let him go!”
Carlos drops Lando immediately, who scurries away like a frightened mouse. Your brother whirls on you, face still red with anger.
“Y/N, what the hell? You never told me you’ve been with these pendejos!”
You hold up your hands in a calming gesture. “I know, I’m sorry! It just sort of … happened. With everything going on in the paddock, it’s hard to avoid getting close to people. A girl has needs!”
Carlos drags a hand down his face, looking positively murderous. You place a gentle hand on his arm.
“Carlos, listen to me. I’m a grown woman, I can make my own choices. I know you want to protect me, but I’m okay, I promise.”
Your brother’s expression softens slightly as he looks down at you. He pulls you into a tight hug.
“Lo siento, hermanita. I just worry about you, that’s all. The grid is like a family, but still ...”
You hug him back reassuringly. “I know. But you don’t need to go all Spanish Inquisition on them, okay? I can handle myself.”
Carlos sighs but finally relents with a small smile. “Okay, okay. I’ll try to restrain myself from beating them all senseless.”
You laugh. “Much appreciated. Now come on, let’s get back out there and pretend this never happened, yeah?”
Carlos winces slightly but agrees, allowing you to lead him back out to the others. Most have returned to the circle now, shooting your brother wary glances. You give them a reassuring smile as you sit back down, Carlos settling tensely beside you.
“Right!” You say brightly. “Whose turn was it?”
There’s a beat of uncertain silence before Logan clears his throat.
“Uh, I believe it was mine,” he says. “Never have I ever … had a podium finish.”
There’s a communal exhale of relief as the game gets back underway. You catch Carlos’ eye and give him a pointed look, reminding him of his promise. He sighs but gives you a subtle nod and an apologetic smile.
The questions continue on, ranging from silly to risqué, though nothing quite as explosive as before. You’re relieved to see your brother laughing and back to his normal self.
As the night winds down, you’re struck by a feeling of gratitude and affection for this group. Despite the drama and tensions of the season, at the end of the day, you’re all a family.
These guys welcomed you with open arms, and you know Carlos is just looking out for you. You lean against your brother with a contented sigh, smiling around at the drivers joking and chatting happily. No matter what happens on and off the track, you know you’ll always have each other.
“Alright everyone, glasses up! We’re doing this again!”
You grin around at the drivers gathered once more, this time to celebrate the one year anniversary of your first Never Have I Ever night together.
“Who’s starting us off this time?” Lando asks, bouncing excitedly in his seat.
“Ooh me, me!” Alex volunteers, raising his hand eagerly. Everyone chuckles.
“Alright Albon, give us a good one,” Lewis encourages.
Alex strokes his chin thoughtfully. “Hmm, never have I ever … raced in F1 before 2019.”
A majority of the group drinks at that one. “Trying to knock out us old farts, eh?” Fernando jokes, elbowing Alex.
The questions continue on, each one prompting laughs and cheers among the group. You’re filled with the same warm contentment as last year, smiling around at your dear friends.
About halfway through, you clear your throat. “I’ve got one! Never have I ever … been an uncle.”
Most of the drivers take a drink between smiles and coos about nieces and nephews. You notice Carlos doesn’t drink and turn to him with a playful grin.
“Uh, hermano, I think you forgot to drink for that one,” you say pointedly.
Carlos looks at you in confusion. “What? None of my sisters have kids.”
You simply keep staring at him meaningfully until realization dawns on his face. His eyes go wide, flicking down to your still-full glass of untouched alcohol.
“Y/N … are you ...” he breathes in disbelief.
You nod again. “I’m pregnant.”
For a moment Carlos just stares at you in shock. Then his face starts turning red, hands clenching into fists at his sides.
“You’re pregnant?” He repeats through gritted teeth. The other drivers fall silent, exchanging uneasy glances.
“Who did this to you? Who’s the cabrón who touched my sister again?” Carlos demands, voice rising.
You shrink back slightly, smile fading. Maybe you should have told him privately.
“I … Carlos, please, just calm down,” you say weakly.
But your brother is beyond calming down now. He whips his head around the circle, glaring daggers at each driver.
“Who was it? Who permanently defiled my innocent baby sister?”
You open your mouth uncertainly, not quite sure how to answer. Before you can though, Charles abruptly jumps to his feet.
“WellwouldyalookatthetimeIgottagonowbye!” He blurts out hurriedly before turning and sprinting from the room.
“LECLERC!” Carlos bellows, tearing off after him. You can’t help the laughter that bubbles out of you at the sight. Some things never change.
The other drivers are cracking up too. “Think we should go make sure Carlos doesn’t actually kill him?” Lando asks with a grin.
You wave a hand dismissively. “Nah, let them work it out. Charles will tire him out eventually.”
Still chuckling, you lean back against the couch next to Fernando, who has an arm draped casually around your shoulders.
“Those two, I swear. Will Carlos ever stop seeing me as his baby sister?” You muse with a smile.
Fernando grins and shakes his head. “Doubtful, chica. But that’s how brothers are. He’s just watching out for you.”
From the other room, you hear a crash followed by yelling in multiple languages. You and Fernando share an amused look.
“At least he didn’t try to fight the whole grid again,” you point out. Fernando barks out a laugh at the memory.
“Give him time. The night is still young,” he says with a playful wink.
You laugh again, cuddling into Fernando’s side. Even with your brother’s antics, you truly feel so lucky to have this group in your life. Friends turned family.
As you hear Carlos’ angry shouts getting closer, followed by Charles’ panicked apologizing, you think to yourself that there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
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nymphea0 · 1 month
Until Death My Love
Part 4 (END).
Yandere husband x Wife Reader
Warning : mention of fire, chase scenes, and some mature content, mention of sleeping drug.
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Please read the warning before you start to reading this story, might have some bad grammars, correct me if there are any mistakes in the words in the story I wrote. I think to make a special chapter what do you think? Should i make it?. Anyways i hope you all enjoys my story,love.- Neva🦋🦋
Word Count Around : 1679 Word
Story Part 1 : Until Death My Love
Story Part 2 : Until Death My Love
Story Part 3 : Until Death My Love
'Brooklyn, New York.'
It's been a month since you ran away from your house and your husband.
You admit that you are very scared, you believe all of Roana's words that said that Alex, your husband, would kill you because you were caught entering his secret room.
You always knew that Alex loved you very much, but you didn't know that he had even noticed you during school, somehow you felt like he was stalking you behind his friendly smile.
Picture of yourself that were taken secretly, the body of someone who was quite familiar with you. You can't believe that Alex did that, your husband who you always thought was a normal man who was successful working as a coal company CEO turned out to be just a disguise as a mafia associate, you feel like he has deceived you.
This morning you will start your work as a library cleaning staff in the corner of Brooklyn, New York.
The city is quite crowded, the population is quite dense, and it is very easy to find work here. While cleaning the library bookshelves, sometimes you think about going back to Alex, your husband, maybe if you didn't follow Roana's words, you might be relaxing at home right now.
But you are not ready for the risk of what Alex will do if he finds out that you know his little secret.
But the rice has become porridge, you can't turn back what has happened.
The Graze Library, or more like an old bookstore, is deserted and the salary you get is not that big, but at least it is enough to support yourself.
It's been 1 month and 3 weeks that you have been in Brooklyn, you always come home late, because your working hours start from morning to noon, then continue with the evening until 9 pm.
Through the wet asphalt cobblestone roads due to the rain, you don't know .... since when you feel like someone is watching you.
Only the sound of rats and your footsteps can be heard on the quiet streets towards your shabby and cheap apartment.
Trying to avoid puddles of water that could make your shoes wet.
Just as you arrive in front of the door of your apartment building, you hear the sound of a trash can falling.
Either because you are paranoid or you are too shocked, you immediately look back only to see there is only a rat and a trash can that has fallen.
Sighing in relief that it was just a sewer rat busy looking for food.
Opening the door of the apartment building and entering the building. Walking slowly while greeting the male receptionist who is busy playing with his cellphone with a friendly smile.
Entering the elevator slowly, and pressing the button for the 6th floor.
The elevator door opens, you walk slowly in the dim hallway of this cheap apartment building. Even though this building has 8 floors, you can't help but feel afraid to live in this building.
This building rents out apartments at a cheap price, because this building has entered the criteria for an unsuitable building. But what can you do if you only have a little money, no one will rent an apartment building for 45$ for a whole year.
Stopping in front of a wooden door with peeling paint, unlocking the door and entering your small apartment.
Even the sound from the door was more terrifying than your financial condition.
After making sure the door was locked, you walked tiredly to the leather sofa that was even torn to shreds. That night you slept so soundly that you didn't even notice the bouquet of flowers in your bedroom.
That morning ... you couldn't help but worry about what you saw, a bouquet of primroses, fresh flowers tied with a white ribbon.
Looking around the apartment you couldn't help but worry who would even dare to enter someone else's house without the owner's permission?
Primrose or people call it primula flower, a flower with various colors.... has a fairly romantic philosophy, namely passion, love and loyalty.
Who in this world even dares to give it in someone's bedroom? Does the person who gave this intend to seduce you?.
You really want to throw away the flower, but your heart says otherwise, the flower is too beautiful to be thrown in the trash.
That afternoon you worked as usual, you rested and ate a chocolate bar as a filler for your stomach that was screaming for food.
Sitting relaxing under a willow tree, the graze library is on the corner of our Brooklyn, close to the forests. Looking at the river rippling slowly following the flow of the ships that passed by.
After resting, you continued working, tonight you came home above 9 o'clock! . You didn't know that the person who was supposed to be on the night shift today was playing truant and you had no choice but to replace him at work.
It was past 12 midnight, midnight .... a pretty good night for people who want to commit crimes.
That night, Aunt Irene, the old woman who slept in the library said to spend the night in the library, it's not good for a young woman like you to go out in the middle of the day.
But you are stubborn, you want to sleep soundly in your dusty room.
With strong determination you walk faster than usual, passing the willow trees, only accompanied by the sound of mice and also dim street lights.
You feel very watched, you feel like someone is watching you.
Then at the end of the road, you see so many people gathered in front of your apartment building, there you see a beam of fire that shoots wildly in your apartment building.
With quick steps you head towards the crowd. Ask one of the random people there
"Excuse me, sorry to bother you, why is this building on fire?"
"Miss, are you a resident of this building? If so, it's too bad, a few hours ago there were some people in black suits who forcibly bombed this building, who knows what their motives were, but the police and security forces are still investigating it"
You could only be pensive hearing that, walking unsteadily to the people who were evacuating, you looked around your apartment building which was crowded with people, many firefighters were busy putting out the fire.
You looked sadly at your shabby apartment building that had been completely devoured by fire.
Where will you sleep tonight. Planning to go back to the library only to stop frozen.
There you saw Alex, standing not far from you, looking at you with longing eyes.
You panicked with 1001 ways to avoid danger, you ran away from Alex, who of course he chased you.
Running as hard as you could down the muddy cobblestone streets of Brooklyn was not an easy thing.
You could hear Alex calling your name. You just keep running and running, you can hear clearly, Alex is chasing you with his men.
Are you going to die? Does Alex want to kill you because you know his little secret.
Your breath is very heavy, you can feel that your heart is beating as fast as you are pumping adrenaline to get away from Alex, only to feel your hand being pulled so hard by Alex, your husband!.
"Caught you, my love"
Alex wraps one arm around your waist, the other holds your chin.
"Are you satisfied hmm? Is my love satisfied playing running around?"
You don't know what to do, you can only be silent and frozen.
"Why my dear? Why did you leave me? Did I do something wrong?"
"Answer me love?!".
Alex with his hands that are holding your chin tighter, stares into your eyes sharply.
With a very deep longing and passion, Alex kissed your lips very aggressively, the kiss was full of longing, and thirsty for touch. His lips claimed your lips.
His tongue played with yours, releasing your wild kisses, Alex looked at you who was in his arms.
His leather-gloved hand touched your lips which were swollen from Alex's kiss.
You don't know why but slowly but surely you feel your body limp in Alex's arms.
Damn, you realized too late that Alex slipped sleeping pills into your previous kiss.
Your vision blurred, you could only see Alex smirking at you, and finally you fell unconscious in Alex's arms.
Alex, your husband, he has been watching you his little wife for 1 month, letting you live in this shabby apartment, he really wants to pick you up by force and shower you with luxury and not poverty, how can his love live in poverty, he is not willing.
Following his father's advice, Alex let you enjoy your simple life.
In a shabby and old apartment, working in a library that was even deserted, always eating instant food.
His heart ached so much, seeing his wife live so miserably, but he had to restrain himself, just think of this as a lesson for yourself that you can't live without him, his wife who is so weak and needs protection so much, his stray cat who really likes to find trouble.
His heart ached even more when you smiled kindly at the male receptionist whose face wasn't even that big, how dare you, his little wife, make him jealous, so he would burn down that shabby apartment, he had enough of restraining himself, he had enough of seeing you live in poverty.
Alex looked at you who was currently sleeping soundly in Alex's mansion in New York City.
You were sleeping very peacefully, wearing only his shirt, one of your hands was tied by gold-colored handcuffs combined with a small chain wrapped around the handcuffs.
Walking slowly but surely, Alex sat beside you who was sleeping, brushing your hair that covered your face from his view.
Gently stroking your face, kissing your forehead lovingly, then your cheek, then your nape, until biting your neck affectionately which currently left a love bite mark.
That night your eyes opened, Alex claimed you as his, claiming his very naughty wife, that night, only witnessed by the moonlight shining through the window, illuminating 2 people who were busy wrestling in bed in the pleasures of the world.
How many hours is it? You don't know what time it is, Alex your husband, busy making love to you, busy moaning erotically in your ear.
Busy making sure you are pregnant with his child. Alex, a man who always holds back, he doesn't hold back tonight.
With his possessions united with you, and you who can no longer think rationally, can only follow the rhythm of your husband's game.
That night Alex made love to you like an animal in mating season, very brutal and did not give you a break to breathe.
"Haah .... must make you pregnant yeah ?? My darling must be pregnant ... nghh that way .... you will not run away from me anymore"
Alex held your body that was already limp under his body, kissing your lips passionately Alex said.
"Rest my love, very naughty, my very naughty wife ahh you make me crazy about you my darling, don't expect you can get away from me"
"Even until death ...you are mine..love"
*Source image: pinterest
©️Nymphea0 2024 , OG story . Project Dark Romance Story 1.
Please dont steal my work, or use without my permissions , Always be good people Dear. Much love , Neva🦋🦋.
@snowflakes666 @athena-roy @ayoulookingfine @sirenetheblogger @blurryperrtymoonlight @luminethebest @scenicelixir @n4muqr
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verstappen-cult · 7 months
summary: in which charles has an embarrassing crush on alex's childhood best friend and everyone meddles. content warnings: faceclaim is taylor hill but you can picture her as you’d like! some cursing and a tiny bit of angst because why not.
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TWITTER — JUL 11 & 12, 2023
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Liked by user98, y/n_gossip and 315,886 others
paddockgossip We have some interesting news about Charles and Y/N relationship! They both were at an event last night, but with two different people and (thanks to our insider!) we know that they didn’t talked or crossed paths, they didn’t even looked at each other! Do we know why? Maybe it was Charles’ plus one, who is, if you’ve been following their relationship, the same girl Charles was seen with back in Austria.
Trouble in paradise? We all saw the pictures of Y/N and her ex-boyfriend Andrew Garfield out and about in London just a few days ago. And now we only have this mess which seems to be following both Charles and Y/N everywhere they go.
Is this the end of a relationship that had only just begun?
view all 1,425 comments
user98 i don’t think they’re together anymore. it didn’t look serious from the beginning
user99 Charles deserves better. This girl was on a date with her ex boyfriend a few days ago, I wouldn’t forgive that so easily.
user01 okay but you don’t know what happens behind closed doors user99 I’m just saying what Charles should do. user02 but you’re not charles leclerc, are you?
user03 i’m a child of divorce
user04 I haven’t even got them over my parents divorce and now this happens
user05 They both are being sooo childish
user06 i prefer him dating his friend than this girl
user07 what friend? user06 the one he was with in Austria, i think she’s an influencer, i’m not sure user08 y/n is WAY better user09 Maybe Charles is the problem. Let’s not do this awful thing between women like you always do when shit happens
user10 I hate gossip pages so much.
user11 NOOO I loved them together 😭
user12 that was such a power couple
Y/N’S iMESSAGE — JUL 15, 2023
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📍 PARIS, FRANCE — JUL 25, 2023
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Liked by yourusername, arthur_leclerc and 892,556 others
charles_leclerc A little escapade before flying to Belgium. I haven’t slept in two days, can you see?
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user13 someone teach him how to dress
user14 y/n was doing a good job user13 but then they broke up user15 THEY WHAT
user16 hold on ☝🏻 he’s in france??? in a fashion show?? as in y/n’s walking that fashion show fashion show??
user17 I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING user18 I think you’re onto something
user19 why is he wearing that to a FASHION show
user20 is it true he’s dating an italian influencer?
user21 Charles is dating @/yourusername user22 no they broke up user23 we don’t know that
user26 i’m in denial until someone confirms y/n and charles broke up
user27 you and me both user28 charles is attending the same fashion show she’s in. look at her stories!!
📍 PARIS, FRANCE — JUL 25, 2023
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Liked by jennaortega, florencepugh and 77,480 others
voguemagazine Say hello to our @/yourusername opening this week’s #FashionShow in Paris.
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📍 PARIS, FRANCE — JUL 25, 2023
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Liked by f1gossip_news, y/nnews, and 135,765 others
paddockgossip Alert, Alert! Charles Leclerc and his girlfriend, Y/N L/N, spotted leaving the Fashion Show Y/N walked in just a few hours ago. They’re currently in Paris, a quick ‘escapade’ as the Monégasque called it before flying all the way to Belgium for the final race before the Summer Break.
Remember that just ten days ago we were telling you how we thought things weren’t good between them and were waiting for a breakup confirmation. We were wrong! Let’s hope things are okay and we can see more of Y/N paddock’s fashion in the future. All the best for them.
view all 3,557 comments
user29 oh god no please
user30 I thought we already got rid of her
user31 i don’t like her, she doesn’t seem nice
user32 Mmh this kinda looks like PR
user33 i thought the same but idk in the pics pop crave shared they look v cozy
user34 some people feel too comfortable judging y/n just because it’s charles.
user35 like grow up girl you’re never gonna date him lol
user36 this comment section didn’t pass the vibe check
user37 charles always dates toxic people
user38 i doesn’t seem serious to me
user39 matching glasses, such a power couple
user40 i don’t like her but they look good together
user41 i hate her sm she’s everywhere 🤢
user42 if you don’t know her just search what happened between her and sebastian stan
user43 there’s a pretty long ass thread on twitter with timelines and all y’all should check it out user44 that relationship was so toxic i’m glad my boy found his way out of there user45 she has said in a lot of interviews that she regrets everything that happened between them and that they’re on good terms now user46 besides they both were so young user45 they blame her when he was the one who cheated on her a hundred times
user47 she’s ben through a lot of toxic relationships i hope this one is different
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TWITTER — JUL 25, 2023
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TAGLIST (bold means i couldn’t tag you) — @leclerc16s. @willowpains. @berrnuu. @minkyungseokie. @1655clean. @sassyheroneckgiant. @nessacarty1. @a1leexxa. @storminacloud. @lovstappen. @littlehoneyfreak. @paintedbypoetry. @miakat9. @scott-mccall-could-lift-mjolnir. @thatoneembarrasingmoment. @lyrasconstellation. @rhythmstars. @c-losur3. @apolloxxivmin. @janeholt3. @lovrsm. @gulphulp. @thecubanator2. @dark-night-sky-99. @ssprayberrythings.
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note: oh my god!! hiii <3 sorry for not posting sooner but a few things happened and… well. there’s just only one chapter left! i can’t believe this is ending. like you don’t know that i had such a good time doing this smau. i’ll probably write an extra part, like a blurb or something about the conversation y/n and charles had if that’s something you’d like to read?! please let me know (it would be posted after the final chapter). 🤍
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pinksilkribbons · 13 days
MAMA SAID: Yandere! Jason Voorhees x F! Reader
CW/TW: bullying, sort of stalking (?), ableism, kidnapping, canon divergence, death (not mentioned in detail at all)
i might make a part two if you guys want it idk. also the end is kinda rushed sorry lol. i love jason sm and i really tried to explore his character a bit here, specifically younger jason.
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Yandere! Jason Voorhees who you met at camp.
This was your first time attending and you were pretty nervous. Your whole life you've always been a little shy around new people, and your mother decided it would be the perfect opportunity for you to make some new friends.
No matter how much you whined and begged she was dead set on you going. You even faked a fever, and she still wouldn't budge! And so, here you were: Hot, sweaty, and carrying an overpacked duffel bag.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who has been to camp crystal lake a few times now. Thanks to his past experiences he knows his way around pretty well. He also knows who to avoid and not mess with. Since a lot of people like to pick on him, he's kind of took it upon himself to be prepared for anything.
Thats why he makes sure to hide behind some trees, closely watching the entrance. It's important that he knows what to expect or, in this case, who to expect.
First comes in Mia and her twin brother Mikey. The two of them don't really mess with him much so there isn't much concern there. Next, Terri. Terri was pretty mean to him, but she never got physical. As long as he stayed quiet and out of her way things should run smoothly.
A few more campers who he isn't familiar with walk through. A sick feeling sets in his stomach. The kind that tells you something bad is going to happen. His mother warned him of this. They were expecting far more campers than usual this year...he wishes he could say it excited him.
To his dismay, the last few campers rush through. A terrible chill runs through his body at the sight of his bully. Or, well, bullies. There's a small group of kids who especially get a kick out of messing with him.
Last year they set up a "prank" in his cabin and poured an entire bucket of water over his head while he slept. When he started choking, they just ran off while giggling. If his mother didn't come to help him who knows what could've happened.
Among the group is a new person. A girl, actually. A pretty one at that. Jason zeroes in on the pretty girl as they all walk in together. The leader of the group, Alex, is walking much closer to the girl than anyone else.
Of course, she's probably his girlfriend. I mean, they're pretty young but he's seen a few people claim to be dating anyway. But he's noticed it's a different kind of dating compared to what the counselors do. Kind of weird.
Jason sometimes wishes he could have a girlfriend. Maybe even just a friend. He just wants someone to talk to. Someone to play with. Someone to look at him and not be disgusted or scared.
"Jason! I made your favorite!" His mom calls from a distance.
As weird as it may seem, Jason feels a connection to the girl already. If he worked up the courage, he'd like to speak with her...even if it's just once. He really wanted to stay and watch her some more, but he knew better than to worry his mama. So, he walks through the woods and makes his way towards the cafeteria.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who has been discreetly searching for you. Most campers are near the campfire making s'mores, but you're nowhere to be found. As risky as it is Jason makes a decision. Besides, there's a camp counselor not too far from here so he should be safe.
"Hey, Alex? Can I ask you s-something?"
The blonde swifty turns back and scowls at him. Jason already feels a sense of fear creeping up his neck. "What do you want, freak?"
With a deep breathe he continues. "Uhm...what happened to your friend? The...girl?" The last part comes out as if he's questioning if he saw correctly. If that girl was even real at all.
Alex's face seems to get even more annoyed by the second. He jumps up and hands his friend the pack of marshmallows he was holding. The bully glances around, clearly checking to see if any adults or counselors are within range. The two of them meet eyes and there's an unspoken agreement.
He won't do anything when a counselor is just over there.
A leaf crunches under his shoe as he moves closer. Jason wants to move back, every inch of his body is ushering him to get away, but his fear keeps his feet right where they are.
"Listen to me, mama's boy", his words come out venomously, "[Name] is my cousin and if you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from her." Tears surface near the end of Jason's eyes at the harsh tone. He feels ashamed for even crying anymore. It's happened so many times that he should be used to it by now.
Alex and his friends cackle loudly. Whatever they're saying he's sure it isn't nice. No matter, though. Jason already feels himself cheering up. He speeds up and swings open the cafeteria door, making his mother jump in surprise.
The boy can't help the wide grin taking over his face.
"Goodness, baby! Knock next time. I almost had a heart attack."
His mother's words don't even register in his mind. He may not know where the girl is, but he knows her name now. That's a win in his book!
Even her name is pretty.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who finally sees you again during lunch. A few of the newer campers were calling him names so he ran off with his sandwich in hand. He finally came to a stop once he was a little deeper in the woods, and there you were, sitting against a tree and drawing a sketch of the lake.
A blush rushed to his cheeks and he nervously ducked behind a nearby tree. Unfortunately, you'd heard him and jumped up rather quickly.
"Who's there?" You asked, eyes scanning for anyone nearby. He stayed quiet and hoped you'd just dismiss the sound.
"I'm serious, Alex. After that stunt you pulled last night you're lucky I didn't tell anyone." You seemed to pause, as if you were waiting for a response. "Hello...Alex? Is it you?"
Jason felt a bit bad when he seen you so scared. You held the sketch book to your chest tightly and your legs were trembling in fear. His mom taught him to always be honest and true so, maybe he should just come out. "Uhm. It isn't Alex..." He said, slowly peeking his head from around the tree.
The two of you stood there awkwardly taking in each other. To his surprise you didn't seem disgusting or scared. Just curious, if anything. He felt a little nervous being looked at so thoroughly. You hated him already, didn't you?
"Sorry about that. I'm [Name]. Jason, right?" You tucked the sketchbook under your arm and reached out with the other, offering him a shake. Jason's hand trembled against your own, yet still firmly shook all the while.
You hadn't spoken with him much, but he has quite the reputation at camp, so you've heard of him. No good things unfortunately. He didn't seem like a bad guy to you though. Just a different one.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who you became friends with ever since that handshake. He introduced you to his mom and she was more than excited to learn her son made a friend.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who you sneak into the cafeteria with at night to steal some sweet treats. The two of you haven't got caught once since the counselors are never doing their job anyway.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who you defend from bullies. Including your cousin Alex. Sometimes it ends with the both of you bleeding, but you don't care about that! Jason is your friend and you're not going to stand by and let him get bullied!
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who loves watching you draw. At night after scoring some cookies, the two of you sit near the lake and he watches you sketch. His favorite was a self-portrait you drew, and since he liked it so much, you signed it and let him keep it.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who can't find you at breakfast time. When he asked him mom she simply told him that she didn't know. So, he decided to go check on you. As he approaches the girls cabin a counselor stops him with a strict look on her face.
"Can I help you?" Jason fails to mask his look of annoyance. Since when did they start caring about the kids around here? "M-my friend [Name]. I couldn't find her at breakfast and wanted to make sure she's okay."
"Oh, her. Yeah, she's sick. For some reason they're making me watch the kid." Her emphasis on 'me' made it seem like it was an insult for her to have to watch [Name]. How stuck-up.
From this alone Jason could tell today would be a rough one.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who suddenly gets ambushed by Alex and several other campers when he walks back near the campfire. They rush towards him and begin pulling the white mask off his face, shouting insults all the while.
"I heard [Name] got sick! Bet he gave her the cooties!"
"Ew, look at his face! I can see why he wears that thing around."
"You're such a mama's boy. Too good to hang out with the rest of us, huh?"
A terrible feeling settles on his chest. He'd been bullied before, but so many people throwing insults at him all at once was a lot to handle. Too much to handle.
With newfound adrenaline Jason runs off, not even realizing that he's nearing the dock. All he can think about is getting away. He just wants it to stop. He hates himself. He hates his face, his personality, he hates all of it. A part of him wishes he was never born.
He just wants to be left alone!
The voices of the campers get louder. They're Approaching. They're getting closer. And suddenly, Jason is right back to that same day.
That day where he approached Alex and asked about [Name]. That same day he couldn't move and was just frozen with fear. He hated how he felt then. And he never wants to feel that way again.
He has to move! He has to do something!!
So... he jumps into the lake.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who misses you more than anything. He misses his mother too, of course, but she was still with him. In spirit at least.
"You should go find her, Jason", his mother tells him.
And He wants to. He wants to find you. He wants to hug you again. He wants to eat cookies with you again. He wants to sit by the trees and watch you draw again. He misses his old life. He misses you.
"So go find her and re-live that life."
If he leaves then who will watch over camp? Forget it. It would be selfish of him to leave their home unattended for his own desires. Anything could happen while he's gone! Besides, there's no telling how long it'll take him to find you.
The voice of his mother laughs a bit. "You're so sweet, my son. I will lead you to her. A quick trip. Here and back."
Jason was still hesitant to agree. But if mama said it'll be okay, then it should be okay. Right?
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who finds your apartment quicker than he expected. Judging by the boxes scattered throughout different rooms, he's assuming you've only just moved in.
He snoops around a bit out of curiosity. Can you blame him? It’s been years since you’ve seen each other. He finds a picture of you graduating high-school in the living room. He realizes then that he’s never met your parents.
Moving forward, he creaks open the door to your bedroom. In the corner he spots a canvas with a few strokes of paint on the surface. He isn’t sure what you were trying to paint, but it makes him happy to know you’re still into art just as much as back then.
Luckily you live alone. He was a little worried about having to kill someone in order to bring you back with him. He didn't want to ruin your clothes with blood or anything like that!
The second he sees your sleeping face he feels a warm feeling hug his heart. It had been too long. You lost all that baby fat and now had a mature, even more beautiful face. Not that he expected any different. You were always so gorgeous to him.
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who grabs you out of bed and throws you against his shoulder. You wake up pretty quickly and start kicking and squirming as soon as you register what’s going on. Who the hell even is this?!
“Hey! L-let me go!!” You start banging your fists against his back but it doesn’t even seem to affect him. He just keeps walking and walking, not speaking a single word the entire time.
Eventually, you begin sobbing. Your throat goes dry from how much you’ve been screaming. It is pretty late, but how come no one is coming to save you? Why can’t anyone hear you?
The cold air is eating at your legs since you slept in a cami top and some shorts. Your captor still has yet to speak. He also has a super tight grip. It would definitely bruise. If you even make it out of this alive.
“Please…” You beg, slowly losing hope. There are no street lights, cars, houses…nothing. He was taking you to a secluded area to do who knows what to you. This was the end. This was how you’d die.
After a few more minutes the man grunts and swings open a door. It’s pitch black outside so you aren’t exactly sure where you’re at. “Please, just let me go.”
He stays silent and lays you down on a bed surprisingly gently. Before you can even blink he’s binding your hands against the headboard with some rope. His hands move fast to make sure you have no chances of running away.
You feel more tears fall down your cheeks. How could this happen to you? Why was this happening to you?
Yandere! Jason Voorhees who feels bad for tying your hands up. He didn’t miss the way you winced in pain. Mama said it would be necessary until you get used to living here though.
When she says it’s time, he’ll allow you to take them off.
“She’s so beautiful, Jason. It’s only a matter of time until she gets comfortable with you again. Until then, she’ll have to stay like this. . .”
He hates this. Jason just wants to untie you and hug you like old times! He hates seeing you so sad, so scared. He feels bad for even doing this in the first place.
He trusts his mama, though. So for now, he’ll stay patient and wait for you to come around.
Just like mama said.
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lexirosewrites · 2 months
Happy Slick Sunday to all those who celebrate!
I've been trying to think about how I would write a modern day au and this idea has been floating a round for a while now.
So basically I'm thinking of Omega Steve who, feeling a little abandoned and aimless after his friends and the kids to off to college, agrees to marry his parents chosen Alpha. He wants kids! And a partner! And since he never got out of Hawkins he thinks that this is the best way to do it since no one else in town is interested in washed up Omega Steve anymore.
So they get married and bonded in the same night and things go alright for a little while. Alex (the Alpha) is fine if a little boring and mostly let's Steve do his own thing. Steve brings up the topic of kids, the one thing he really married Alex for, and he's wishy washy about it. Always with an excuse about timing and work and preparedness and eventually it becomes a Thing. Steve isn't going to let it go and Alex isn't giving him what he wants so they start fighting. And then Alex starts coming home later. And then he starts getting angry and pushy until he finally comes home and they have a blow out and he pushes Steve into the wall, at which point both Steve and his Omega are finally in agreement that it is no longer safe here with his mate.
Omega or not Steve isn't going to get pushed around by his Alpha, so after Alex goes to bed, Steve packs a small bag and loads up his car. He's pissed and scared and has no plan but knows if Alex wakes up and tracks him down he's going to be in a world of hurt so on his last pass through the house he picks up his old baseball bat from the hall storage closet and a handful of nails from the junk drawer. As quietly as he can Steve smashes the headlights on Alex's car and shoves nails in all four tires and then he's running to his car and driving.
He drives until his tank is near empty and then he fills up and drives again for almost 24 hours and on a stretch of road in the middle of nowhere he realizes his front tire has slowly been loosing air for miles. He gets out to check it out and, of course, there's a nail lodged in there.
The road is empty and he's going to have to drag everything out from his trunk to get to the spare and the idea is so exhausting after not sleeping for almost two days on top of the distress his Omega is feeling about their abandoned bond and he just starts crying right there on the side of the road.
Then up comes Alpha Eddie Munson, operator of the rehab ranch two miles East if where Steve's car broke down, on horseback of all things. He was just checking the perimeter of the property and happened to spot the broken down car, not uncommon in these parts and it's always been the facilities protocol to help travelers in a pinch. He calls out, startling the man hunched over by his car, and is met with the most stunningly beautiful man he's ever seen. Hopping off his horse he gets closer and smalls the acrid sent of Omega in distress, causing all his instincts to go haywire.
Without meaning to he let's out a couple little cuffs and crowns as he approaches the sniffling Omega and Steve, who would usually be incensed at this strange Alpha's familiarity chirps back, his Omega desperately needing the care.
Eddie takes him back to the ranch, insisting he rest since it's obvious Steve hasn't slept in a while, and they'll come back tomorrow morning when the light is better to fix the car.
Of course Steve never ends up leaving. Instead, once Eddie learned about why Steve is on the run, he offers Steve sanctuary and work on the ranch for however long he wants it. Eddie runs the rehap facility with Wayne and his mate Benny, but he can always use extra hands taking care of the animals and fields. Steve starts to feel a sense of identity and peace taking car of the animals and feels himself falling in love with the Alpha that brought him here and is always so kind and patient when teaching Steve a new skill. They spend their nights on the porch of the main house talking and watching the stars.
Of course there's the matter of his mating bite still at hand. As Steve gets closer and closer to Eddie he begins to notice his mating glad looking infected. Hot and red and swollen and he begins to feel light headed on the job. When Eddie asks permission to court Steve just two months after his arrival it feels too good to be true, but of course he accepts.
Unfortunately, his condition rapidly worsens until he is forced to confess exactly what's going on to a very concerned Eddie. Steve's body is rejecting his bond, a process that is extremely rare and painful. Wayne has seen this once before, and regrets to tell them that once the rejection reaches its peak it will feel like the worst detox imaginable and will likely last several days. Luckily, Steve couldn't be in a better place to ride it out.
Eddie takes care of Steve throughout his detox. Helpless as Steve writhes and vomits and cries for the Alpha his body is rejecting just to get some relief. All he can do is whisper sweet things in his Omega's ear, make sure he eats and drinks, and help him change out of his sweetly clothes.
Steve, of course, makes it through his detox and after a few days of rest feels lighter than he has in years. Eddie ramps up his courting efforts immediately, instincts on high after so many days of Steve being unwell. He sents Steve obsessively and brings him whatever small babbles he can afford on his meager salary and plays his acoustic for Steve every night on the porch.
After four months of courting, just long enough for Steve's gland to heal completely and his hormones to return to a neutral state, they bond under the start sky.
After that they're insatiable. Messing round in the hayloft, against the side of the barn, behind the old silo no one uses anymore. Eddie is always whispering in Steve's ear about breading him and giving him all the pups his Omega can handle with gets Steve keaning and begging in no time. Not even two months after their bonding Steve realizes he's pupped, and he couldn't be happier.
agahsgdve i think divorce/bond-breaking in omegaverse is so cool! what’s a more fun way to symbolize the end of a relationship than a whole process where your body entirely rejects your mating?🥰
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leclsrc · 1 year
3k celeb toimeee ~_~ darting eyes with pregnant reader and best friends lily and alex please? love u mother
guessing game – ...?
Your two closest friends scramble to guess who got you knocked up.
auds here... hi love u didnt specify who u want the baby daddy to be... so i spun it into something of the sort bahaha
Alex finds the plastic positive test first, on the floor of his bathroom. On instinct, he literally screams for Lily, who rushes over to him and tells him it’s not hers, and for a minute Alex thinks oh Christ, is it mine? It’s only after Lily slaps his shoulder that they begin thinking of who might own it, thinking it’d really only belong to the only other person they love enough to let pee in their flat.
In a flurry of panic, they ransack the place trying to find you (it’s a three bedroom, so not too much ransacking is done, really) and eventually find peace when they peek into the rooftop deck and find you watching the overcast, dreary city with a blank expression on your face. You turn when you hear their footsteps on the cement, features softening instantly.
“You freaked us out,” Lily says, but she’s hugging you tight. “Alex saw it.”
“I thought it was mine for a second,” he says, earning himself another light shove. You laugh, but it doesn’t really hold with your anxiety, your anticipation, your nerves. You know, you can feel their burning questions creeping up on you, but they hold back for your sake.
“Are you okay?” Alex adds, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You sigh, shrugging.
“Sure. I’m keeping it, I guess. I’m just nervous. I haven’t even told the d—” Your voice hitches into silence, and you purse your lips. “Yeah.”
You can tell they’re absolutely dying to ask you who it is, but you don’t want to speak it aloud.
It’s just because when you do, it’ll feel so much more real. So real, so damning, once there’s a name to the mysterious figure, once they know who he is. But they’re your best friends, and just based on their eyebrows furrowing and eyes darting millimeter to millimeter, you can pick up on their inner monologues, their musings, and the theories they will no doubt share to one another over dinner or beer when you’re gone.
“Paul.” Lily says, tossing the stuffed bear to her boyfriend. He takes it and holds it, humming contemplatively. “Alex, it’s him. That’s the last guy she slept with, like, four weeks ago. And they did it twice I think.”
“Yeaaaaah, but. Yeesh. Paul?” He grimaces, face souring as if he’d just eaten a lemon wedge. “He was ugly.”
She laughs. “Then it means our best friend is going to have an ugly baby. Throw me the bear.”
“Oh—aha! Ahhh-ha! It can’t be Paul, she was in California last month, remember?! She had that whole work thing. And he was in Europe. Can’t make a baby over Skype, now can you.” He pumps his eyebrows and throws the bear, satisfied with his rebuttal as he watches his girlfriend stutter for her own. 
“Maybe she had a one night stand with someone in California?” Lily hums. “Did you know anyone who was there last month?”
She pouts to herself, deep in thought. She’s worried for you, above all, but she can’t knock the curiosity out of herself. It seems weird that neither she or her boyfriend are even remotely able to pinpoint the guy’s identity at once, mostly because they both know you so well. Lily especially, because you’re not in the business of spilling hookup secrets to Alex (he gets wind of it via Lily instead), and she had herself convinced she’d heard almost all of it.
“No, I didn’t see anything. Lots of drivers were on off-time last month, so it was all personal trips. But if she got knocked up a bit before L.A., she did go to that gala where a few drivers were hanging out, too.” He makes grabby hands for the bear, but Lily holds it out of reach, still confused and lost in thought.
She was so sure it was Paul—he was the only guy you told her about over the last few months. Sure, there were flings, but they were terribly short-lived, and that was only because you’re not one to date for a while. “The timeline doesn’t add up, but. Okay, who was there?”
“Um. Charles, and Carlos.”
“So it might be them.”
“Yeah, but slim chance.”
Grumbling, she tosses the bear back. “You win,” she sighs. “We’ll see. I’m totally blanking.”
“So am I,” Alex responds, evidently bummed.
Yuki hosts birthday dinner with the people on the grid he can “tolerate,” he said, which of course started with Pierre and Nyck, seated on either side of the celebrant. Plus ones are allowed, so Alex brought Lily, too, and Yuki loves you too much to discount you from the guest list, so the three of you are sitting next to each other. Charles, and Lando occupy the last two seats.
“Remember that gala you went to last month?” Lily asks in faux-nonchalance.
“Oh, yeah. Carlos and I had way too much vodka that time, like jeeez.” You make a face of disgust.
Alex squeezes Lily’s hand so hard she has to contain a squeal. They’ve got you pinned.
An hour into the dinner, your eyes begin to dart back and forth, breaths leaving you in quiet little huffs, which is your easiest tell—you’re nervous. Anticipatory. Bumbling. Sometime after the collective effort of teaching Pierre how to use chopsticks and watching the wooden utensil fly away and into the restaurant’s open aquarium, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.
Immediately, your departure sends Alex and Lily into sleuth mode again. 
She extracts a pen from her purse and clicks it a few times, reviewing the facts. One, you haven’t told the dad yet, you said, which means there’s no awkward air between the two of you. Two, it’s someone on the paddock, or someone friends with someone on the paddock (the only clue you told them, and a really useless one considering how big social circles run in racing).
Its Carlos? she writes on a napkin, passing it to Alex.
DUNNO…. Maybe is the response. How bout Yuki? “What’s your birthday wish, Yukino?” Lando asks as she writes; Lily makes an attempt to look engaged but half-fails, eyes trained on her written words.
Are u crazy she scribbles. Lando?
“To travel outside of work,” Yuki says. “Be by myself, or with a friend. Taste food everywhere.” She wouldnt sleep with him if he paid her, Alex writes furiously quickly after paying the driver a long, scrutinizing glance.
“I heard of a cool place somewhere in Vietnam,” Lily chimes in to seem involved, but she doesn’t look up from her writing. Ok… so it’s not a driver?
She passes it to Alex and looks up. “They sell the best pho.”
“If you like Asian food, mate, Nobu is good, too,” Charles offers, smiling.
Alex passes the tissue, now worn thin with the writing, back. Idk. I bet it is tho. Doobius. She reads over it a few times in a cross between amusement and what she can only describe as being totally weirded out.
ITS DUBIOUS, she corrects, and for good measure she underlines the U several times. They’re losing the plot, distracted.
“I only hear the best about that place,” Nyck quips. “What Nobu did you go to?”
“California, in L.A.”
I dont think theres a single word spelled like that Alex
Pierre makes a curious noise. “Los Angeles? I didn’t know you went there, mate. When?”
Ok miss expert comes the funny reply.
“Last month,” Charles says.
Youre such a di
She pauses as she writes, waiting for herself to piece together why his sentence means so much. Nobu. California. L.A.
Last month.
The words register, click in her mind. In unison, Alex and Lily’s wide eyes immediately snap up to Charles’ relaxed figure, and he notices, laughing a bit nervously. No way, they’re thinking. The answer’s dropped right into their laps.
Now visibly stuffy, Charles smiles politely. “What is going on?”
“You—!” Alex raises a finger, ready to make his epiphany verbal in his fit of excitement, but at the last moment spots you walking back in, dabbing your lip gloss in place. He deflates. “Y—you, you—are a fan of sushi?!”
Charles blinks. “Um… sure.”
Lily makes a show of happiness. “That’s great!” she chirps, laughing phonily. “So great!”
Alex nods along. “So great, so great!”
You slide into your seat, smiling. “Hi. What’s so great?”
“Oh,” Lily says, laughing smugly and meeting your eyes. “Oh, you have no idea.”
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bebebelll · 11 months
does anyone know her dad? daniel ricciardo smau (part 2)
pairing: daniel ricciardo x toto's secret daugther!reader / daniel ricciardo x schumacher & wolff!reader warning: mention of slutshaming note: part one here, part three here, part four here
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ynquads never drinking or letting 20+ men into my 2-bedroom place ever again. also yes danny slept on the floor but brought great wine.
liked by susie_wolff, danielricciardo, mercedesamgf1 and 1 834 273 others
maxverstappen1 who threw up in the hallway? because someone threw up on seven pairs of shoes
alex_albon lando. i saw him drunk dancing out there too landonorris OKAY
username they are absolutely fucking username the fuck are your sources bro?
georgerussell63 i would like to apologize for the vase that i broke
logansargeant i will add the sorry for chipping the countertop lewishamilton i took the dog toys for roscoe and i'm not sorry fernandoalo_official i didnt do anything but i would like the recipe for the soup
danielricciardo why would you post just that pic?? i found you sleeping on the kitchen floor in the morning you were not doing any better
ynquads lando stole the sofa, alex slept in the armchair, charles and max were passed out in the tub AND pierre, carlos and yuki were in the bed. i did not have other options at 5 am danielricciardo you shouldve come next to me. we could have cuddled ynquads baby i am literally in your arms right now danielricciardo and i want you with me all the time
username if austin has the whole grid + like four of the old guys get passed out drunk in one small apartment, i cannot wait to see what las vegas does to these men
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danielricciardo love you and also am so scared of your dad. we won't need his permission to marry someday right?
tagged: ynquads
liked by ynquads, maxverstappen1 and 593 837 others
username i love the dichotomy of the pajama pics and the hot evening wear
ynquads get you a man who can do both
landonorris like how you're both ignoring sky news and twitter burning down with the rumours
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ynquads so...you know how the world of motorsports is super small? you grow up with half the formula 1 grid and idolise the other half. sometimes you grow up being mortal enemies and you both get into f1. sometimes you win the title because your teammate dies. sometimes a 27-years-old toto wolff hooks up with michael schumacher's sister katarina. anyway! Lass uns diese Woche zum Essen gehen, Papa! Viel Glück für Onkel Lewis und George! (let's go out to dinner this week, dad! best of luck to uncle lewis and george!)
liked by danielricciardo, mercedesamgf1 and 1 837 364 others
susie_wolff your dad appreciates the first photo a lot! he didn't love the third though
mercedesamgf1 we'll always have a spot and cup of coffee just for you! no need to go to red bull, come home to us ❤️💪(also admin has known this since 2017 and could barely keep their mouth shut so thank you now i can comment)
ynquads mercedes admin really is gods strongest soldier danielricciardo please dont let mercedes just steal you. i need my good luck love charm and kisses ynquads dont worry dan we can romeo & juliet the shit out the red bull v mercedes feud susie_wolff your dad says NO and also do you want to eat salmon on tuesday?
redbullracing sweetheart you don't need to agree to anything. we have red bulls and cake in the hospitality 😅 please stay with us
ynquads what kind of daughter do you think i am? redbullracing we have daniel ynquads you know max and daniel have always been my favourites i could never leave red bull
username yn is 50% schumacher + 50% wolff and daniel 8 wins. imagine the kids they'll get
maxverstappen1 the kid's godfather is also going to have 3 championships danielricciardo 👍
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artistic-cannibal · 4 months
~An Unhealthy Obsession (Stalker Cillian Murphy X Reader) Headcanons!
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Summary: You ended your relationship with Cillian ten years ago due to his toxic, possessive, manipulative, and obsessive behavior; little did you know that he was back again and he was here to make you his forever.
Warnings: smut, stalking, possessive behavior, breaking-in, curse words.
Cillian would regularly call you by an unknown number to which you would answer. When you asked who it was, there was silence; Your voice made Cillian melt.
Cillian got so obsessed with you that he would frequently masturbate while thinking about you, groaning, and sometimes yelling your name as a way to vent his frustration and sexy wants. he developed an addiction, through frequent masturbation and pornography, 
Cillian has been stubborn since he was a child; if he wants something, he will get it, and this behavior did not change as he grew older, because he wanted Y/N, only Y/N, and he will have her no matter what.
 Finding out where Y/N lived, her home address, new friends, the office that she worked at, wasn't hard for Cillian, he had his own way to get information about Y/N.
Cillian would often break into Y/N's house when Y/N was not at home and once he placed hidden cameras and microphones in every corner and rooms of the house. So, while Y/N thought she was at the most comfortable and private place in the whole world, Cillian would notice her every move, from morning when you wake up till late at night when you fall asleep, it was a way Cillian felt he was closer to you. A sense of relief that you were safe was in his mind. Looking at you fall asleep made him fall asleep.
Sometimes he would hide under your bed and sometimes in your closet, till you come back home. He liked looking at you sleep and loved hearing your soft breaths while sleeping. 
Sometimes he would mix sleeping pills in your food so you would faint, and he could have his way with you.
Sometimes you would wake up with a heavy head with unusual bruises and hickeys on the most intimate areas of your body like your neck, your back, your inner thighs, etc. It would even hurt down there.
You never realized you slept so messily, like your bed sheets would all be creased, your bed would look like it was not in the position it was supposed to be. It looked like you just had rough sex with someone.
Once you decided to start dating this amazing guy named Alex, and it was not very long after Cillian got to know about it. His jealousy reached the highest levels and out of anger and love, he would kill Alex in the most terrible way ever.
Even after murdering your date, his anger didn’t lower and he finally decided to teach you a lesson. So one night, when you were fast asleep, he came out of the closet and hurriedly tied your hands and legs with ropes. You tried to scream but he had put his hands over our mouth. There was no way to escape.
“You think you could run away from me, kitten? You thought you could cheat me like this. I will teach you a lesson you will never forget.”
And then everything went black, he fucked you like it was your last day on this earth. Like an animal.
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glitterincandles · 3 months
smiling friends playing minecraft ; ☆
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is the one who thought of the idea in the first place #socialmediamanager
brought it up to mr. boss as a "team bonding activity" LOL
in charge of their minecraft server and mediates any conflict that happens within it
the ultimate gamer actually a gamer GOD
is in the game 24/7, they never stop the grind
definitely the first one to find diamonds
yo glep the typa guy to have his whole house and storage decked out by the first day
has an automatic farm for everything (cobblestone, iron, gunpowder, slime, etc) like u name it they have it for some reason
he doesn't let everyone use them for free though
he makes the others "pay" (read: do something embarrassing, run an errand for him, give him iron or something) to get access to any of his automatic farms of their choosing for a whole day
they can negotiate w them tho
like if one of them comes up to him and they have something that he doesn't find valuable then they DO have a chance to convince him of its value but otherwise it won't work lol
in fact he'll be quite offended
like u think that red dye is enough to get access to my automatic iron farm?! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
undeniably the most powerful person in the server
his minecraft skin is definitely either one of those meme skins with an oddly realistic face on the torso or a skin that looks like some sort of lizard dragon monster thing
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mr. boss
honestly barely knew what minecraft was before glep brought it up
he did assume it was some kind of game when he hears the word
like any other video game, he had to be introduced to it by the ppl around him
despite him approving of the game, he's barely ever joins the server
^^^^ he's more into rhythm games and fps
has no clue whats going on in the server tbh
he just gets bits and pieces based off of what others say to him or around him
because of that he tries to join the server more often but he really really can't get ahold of minecraft in general bc he gets bored very easily and needs outside stimuli
is the type to log into a server he hasn't touched in a hot second and be upset that everyone else is so far ahead
he always spawns in the middle of nowhere every time bc he hasn't made or slept in a bed yet
^^^ because he usually leaves the server within 5 minutes which isn't long enough for the day-night minecraft cycle to commence (minecraft days are 10 minutes long)
when he logs on while its nighttime in the server he literally BREAKS into allan's house (much to his dismay) and forgets to patch any hole he left in his walls or windows
he hits/kills everyone else in minecraft for fun
literally just logs in to cause chaos then leave
^^^ everyone is thankful that he doesn't have access to tnt yet
definitely uses the alex minecraft skin
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allan red
he took a while to accept that they have a minecraft world together
he found it kinda obnoxious (he joined the server anyway)
determined to have the best house in the game
if he had to take any role, he would be the builder
the first thing he did when he logged in was start building a house... like wood enters his inventory, he just makes a fuckin axe then uses the rest of the wood to build his house ;w;
he's actually pretty good at it since he already is very detail-oriented and shit so he can definitely make a fire house
when it comes to mining or combat tho he's so shit
^^^ glep helps in this aspect LOL
only went to the nether for glowstone and it pissed charlie off once
bc theyre already pretty close, glep is more lenient on him and is usually on his side when it comes to any conflict that occurs in the server
not only does he put a lot of effort into his houses, he also puts a lot of effort into the outside of his houses
he just be building shit
built a whole mansion for his minecraft dog once (just bc)
every time he dies in minecraft he's like "ok that means its time for me to log off"
surprisingly has a very healthy balance of play time. he plays just enough to get very far in the game and keep up with everything and ALSO keep his real life stabilized and normal
he has a creative minecraft world outside of the server that he tries redstone in to get lights in his normal minecraft house to work without it looking too bulky and ugly
^^^ he also uses it to make booby traps for anyone entering his house without permission
^^^^ they never fucking work on mr. boss
he made his minecraft skin himself and its just him if he were yassified
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charlie dompler
oh god fucking finally was probably what ran through his mind when he heard the news
he probably joked about it once to pim and was surprised that it actually came true
this guy is second to glep when it comes to gaming
like srsly bro probably has a gaming setup and/or is saving up for one
he was the second to join the minecraft server (second to glep again)
he is the opposite of allan; he hates building and only ever mines or fights mobs
in fact he made his whole minecraft hideout in the side of a cave and it only has like. one crafting table, six fucking furnaces, and like 10 chests full of random drops and bulllshit, then his singular bed in the middle of the room with a big path leading down to a random ass cave
looking at his minecraft hideout would make a minecraft builder CRY their eyes out its worse than u think
would often vc with pim and play with him on the server
spends a concerning amount of time on minecraft bc he always has something to do on it, he just gives himself random side quests
despite the disorganization of his minecraft home he's actually more organized in minecraft than in real life believe it or not
he probably hasn't touched grass since he joined the minecraft server
him and glep duel it out sometimes for fun, or they do like fighting challenges with each other like who can kill the most zombies without dying
extremely attached to a wolf he tamed when he first joined the server
he watched minecraft gaming youtubers and bc of that he enchants everything he owns bc those were his favorite episodes
his minecraft skin is some sort of character from one of his interests, like mr. frog or a random salty's mascot bc he finds it funny
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pim pimling
his poor cheap office laptop can barely run minecraft omfg
when he boots minecraft up, it'd lag so hard and the fans in his laptop would go crazy, then after five minutes minecraft runs "as normal"... like it's playable but not to ppl who are used to 250 fps
^^^ it happens every fucking time he doesn't know how to fix it
he's ok with it though he's like ok give it a sec this happens all the time ^w^
^^^^ was the last person to join the server bc of this
sings a song while he's doing a minecraft chore, like in the silly halloween special episode when he was singing picking up twigs! picking up twigs! that'll be him while getting wood or something similar
he's real careful about how long he plays bc he doesn't want his laptop to overheat
his combat skills r pretty good bc of his experience playing gwimbly's games when he was younger
his favorite thing is definitely farming though
he's at a constant dilemma of using bones for either bone meal or taming another wolf to add to his mini army
^^^ the mini army is only making his lag worse charlie Really doesn't understand
settled down in a village in one of those empty houses and fight to protect them from any raid that occurs
talks aloud to minecraft villagers as if they can hear him
his village house is filled with many animals actually
he is charmed by baby zombies and baby villagers
^^^ he adopted a baby villager in minecraft once
^^^^ she died in a freak accident during a raid
^^^^^ pim was heartbroken for days
he does a lot of side quests with charlie for fun
like charlie, his minecraft skin is a character from one of his interests,, most likely gwimbly or a character from that game
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earl-grey-teacake · 4 months
Awww I love your baby loscar au so much!
I can't stop thinking about how you said Logan is a more nervous baby and gets over stimulated at the races and I've just got the image of his first GP and George and Alex are kinda optimistic because he's been quite an easy baby so far but they barely make it an hour into media day before Logan has the worst meltdown ever! There's too many people around, its noisy and he gets too warm in his onsie and is just screaming! Poor George and Alex get flustered which obviously only makes Logan worse
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you love it! Sorry it took so long to reply! 😅
If anyone has ever taken or seen a baby at their first crowded event, it's a lot. It's like taken a newborn on their first flight. They're in pain and uncomfortable and the parents are so panicked that it scares the baby even more. I have all the sympathy in the world for them.
Logan is taken to his first GP 1.5 months after they adopted him. They wanted him to get situated and comfortable with them and the teams in Grove and Brackley before attending a GP. When asking team members, they were given a variety of advice. Some said their child slept the whole time and was unaware/uncaring about the crowds while other's said they couldn't bring their kids since it would be too much for them.
Logan was also nervous with the teams but he quickly got used to them. However, the caveat for Logan was that his parents were in eyesight. So going into media day, it was Logan, Alex, and George. They had also hired a nanny in case. The cameras and reporters crowded them, obviously all curious about the newest little addition to the paddock. Logan just hid his face in George's arms as they walked through.
It was a hot day and babies don't have the greatest temperature regulation so he is slowly heating up. however, they get into the hospitality before Logan can get too fussy. Logan is left at Williams and the nanny takes over. At first it was going fine, the baby was fed, changed and nap and Alex is back and forth watching him.
It isn't until an hour before media commitment that Logan has the mother-of-all meltdowns. Alex, George and Logan were having lunch outside when the noise, and heat, and just the presence of other people sent Logan into a fit of crying.
Screaming, wailing, refusing to be soothed. It was all there at the two, who thought they had been doing so well were unable to comfort their child. At some point, Logan's cries would die down into a coughing fit before starting again. Alex is starting to panic and George genuinely thinks there might be something wrong and they have to go to the medic tent immediately.
There's about 15 minutes left before both of them have to make it to media commitment when the nanny takes over and sends them to wash up. Alex needs to splash cold water on his face from how red and puffy his eyes are and George needed that and a change of clothes.
The pair spent the next 2 hours of media duties the most anxious they have ever been. Alex isn't as talkative and George is fumbling over words, both concerned with the baby they left behind. By the time they get back, Logan is in new clothes and had been put down for a nap.
After this, Logan spends most of his time in the drivers room or just with the Williams team. They limit the amount of time he is outside and tend to eat lunch in their own driver rooms or motor homes. It was mainly through practice and Jenson Button's kidnapping attempts that helped Logan be more comfortable around people. They also pair him up with Oscar in hopes of making certain places easier for both babies to get used to.
Thank you for sending the ask🥰
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cod-dump · 8 months
Do you have any sexuality headcanons for the characters???
For some. I’m no expert on official labels or whatnot, fair warning
Laswell: Lesbian or perhaps bi. Either way I think she started out dating men and had one evening with a woman and went "I'm gay now". Now she has a wife and is happily married. Definitely would sleep with her male friends if circumstances lead to it, but she’s very monogamous and wants her wife only.
Farah: She gives off a very woman loving bi but is dating Alex because he’s not like other guys she’s dealt with. The only other guy she would consider dating is Gaz, but she otherwise considers herself gay. Alex just happens to be the one type of guy she’s attracted to.
Valeria: This woman does not care about the gender of her bedmate. She’s very popular with the ladies and men think they can ‘sway’ her only for her to ruin them. She calls herself gay because she is not attracted to men in a straight way.
Alex: Straight, was so straight until he met Farah. Now he has no idea what he’s attracted to or who, just that suddenly a lot more people are attractive. Farah is his sexual awakening and he has no idea why or what she has done to him.
Ghost: Says he’s gay, proudly. Has slept with women before and will do so if circumstances lead to it, but he’s very gay. Closeted for a long time before he finally felt safe and comfortable enough to be himself.
Soap: Bisexual with a recent awakening. As soon as he realizes he’s attracted to men, he sees hot guys everywhere and is a mess. He’s a mess, can’t handle suddenly being attracted to almost everyone around him.
Gaz: He seems very straight at first but is actually very much pan. Attracted to every gender but just calls himself gay because he has more fun with it. Had an early realization and has had time to find himself and be confident. It’s no doubt he can charm anyone, he has done so unintentionally. No one is safe from his charms.
Price: He’s dated women in his past but he’s very attracted to men. Has had years to get himself together but can be downright embarrassing if he’s on friendly terms with someone he’s attracted to.
Alejandro: Bisexual, equally attracted to any gender. Once in an official relationship he’s loyal to a fault and possessive (in a tolerable manner). If he sees someone he’s attracted to, he’ll say it.
Rudy: Bisexual but leaning towards men. He’s very sweet towards people he’s attracted to but also is a blunt asshole to people he’s not. And when he’s very comfortable with someone he’s attracted to? Blunt asshole who can be a sweetheart.
Nik: He doesn’t care for labels. If he finds someone attractive, he finds them attractive. It’s that simple. He’ll sleep with pretty much anyone regardless of their gender identity. Calls himself gay just to satisfy people when they ask him what his sexuality is.
Graves: Gay with a very recent awakening. Always thought he was ace or aro or both in the beginning because he never was attracted to his women partners. Then he realized he was gay and now he’s insufferable. He understands now, and now he’s trying to get every experience he can as quick as he can.
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queen-of-reptiles · 9 months
description: Lauren runs through the same park everyday, at the same time everyday, but when she is an hour later one day, she finds her routine changing, so she can get one more look at the beauty hidden amongst pages of notes.
lauren hemp x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously
warnings: so much fluff omg, so much fluff, fluffffff
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y/n just posted
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liked by, y/f/n1, y/f/n2, and 388 others
y/n man fuck whoever told me to study law 🤓
view 103 comments
y/f/n1: girl ik, I've just eaten a tub of ice cream, cried and banged out an essay on civil justice in the 80's. 😝
y/n: lmao loved the add on of cried 😌
y/f/n1: felt like it was needed ☺️
y/f/n2: I don't get how you make everything look so aesthetic??? 😩😩
y/n: because I am deffo failing this course so might as well make it look good ! 💙
y/f/n3: Didn't you get an A in our last test? 🤨
y/f/n4: I am a drama kid, and even I know she's fucking dramatic 😭
y/f/n3: Such a drama queen this one!
y/n: I hate both of you stfu 🙄
y/bff/n: That's my best friend, she real bad bitch, she don't got no money, cause at law she's shit... 😏
y/n: how long did that take you? 🤨
y/bff/n: too long honestly...
y/n: 😭😭
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Lauren was running an hour later than usual, they had quite an exhausting game yesterday, so on her day off, she usually slept in until half eight ad was running in the park by nine.
Today it was ten am, and as Lauren jogged through, music pushing her through, she paused in shock. The most beautiful girl she had ever seen was lying on a picnic blanket, basking in the warm summer sun.
Rings littered her thin fingers, as well as several necklaces which hung from her neck and over the notebook she was writing in. Jeans and a sweet flowery top covered her, the mom jeans hanging on her body.
She had wired headphones in, which Lauren found odd, but the girl didn't seem to notice her as she stared, too focused on writing whatever she was writing.
Lauren briefly though about going over, but then she realised she was messy haired, red faced, and sweaty and thought better of it. So instead, she jogged on.
But suddenly Lauren found herself changing her routine, and every day off she had, which changed, she went to the park at 10am, and every time, other than Thursdays and Tuesdays, the girl was there, buried in pages.
lauren_hemp just posted on her close friends story
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lauren_hemp just posted on her close friends story
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y/n just posted on her story
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After Lauren's complete fail, the next day off they had, Chloe, Alex and Jill came with her to the park, the four in relaxed outfits and hoping to sit and relax together, as well as help Lauren with this painful crush.
As they got there, the mysterious girl was already there, writing out pages and pages once again, and Jill let out a light whistle, nodding at Lauren in agreement.
The girl was hot. Chloe and Alex both sat down near her, dragging the other two with them, y/n looked up and she waved nicely at Lauren, who waved back with a smile.
Chloe sighed in relief that Lauren had at least reacted normal to that, and as y/n went back to studying the four friends started a conversation as they relaxed in the sun.
Eventually the group got up to play some football, y/n having not moved since the turned up, Chloe had hit the ball slightly hard and Lauren blanched as she ran.
The quick blonde, only manged just to get to y/n, pulling the girl who had stood up to stretch out of the way of the incoming ball the football instead hitting one of her notebooks and sending loose pages everywhere.
"Oh my god." y/n gasps.
"Sorry!" Chloe calls. "I am so sorry!" She adds again, but y/n waves a hand kindly.
"Luckily I have my guardian angel!" y/n calls, smiling at Lauren gratefully, who blushes at the sweet nickname. "Thank you." y/n adds as she bends down to pick at her papers.
Lauren kicks the ball across to Chloe who restarts their game of up, with the other two, but Lauren stays by y/n leaning down to help pick up her scattered papers.
"Oh you don't have to." y/n starts but Lauren smiles and shakes her head.
"I want to." Lauren promises as she hands the girl her papers. "Do you maybe want to get coffee sometime?" Lauren suddenly asks, as if she had been forced to say it.
Truth is, if she hadn't of said it then, she never would have. y/n looked up at her and furrowed her brows slightly, as if trying to figure something out.
"Like a date?" She asks and Lauren nods.
"Unless you don't want to." Lauren adds.
"No I want to, I was just trying to figure out why Lauren Hemp is asking me out." y/n admits and Lauren winces.
"You know who I am?" She asks and y/n shrugs.
"My best friend is a city fan, though I am more partial to Arsenal I must admit." y/n teases and Lauren pretends as she's been shot dragging and heart-breakingly beautiful laugh from the student.
"How could you?" Lauren asks jokingly and y/n laughs again.
"Quite easily, I suppose I will have to make it up to you." y/n hums. "How about a date tomorrow, after coffee today?" She asks and Lauren grins.
"Uh, yeah, yeah that would be great." Lauren smiles, a bright gleam in her eyes.
"Cool, well can I get your number then?" y/n asks and Lauren jerks forward, quickly tapping her number in and sending a message to herself.
"Do you want to go get coffee now?" Lauren asks, y/n sighing in relief and nodding.
"Please, I look at anything else about civil justice proceedings, my brain is going to self-destruct." y/n says and Lauren chuckles and looks up to tell her friends.
However, she finds no one, the three having dispersed with shared grins as Lauren and y/n started talking, finding no reason to interrupt they left.
y/n packed away her notes, throwing her highlighters into her pencil case and standing up, she smoothed out her summer dress, the article stopping just below her knees.
"You're so pretty." Lauren said without thinking, and even though she had just said it aloud, it sounded so calm and meant.
"Charmer." y/n blushed, smiling softly as she held out her hand. "Come on." She smiles and Lauren takes her hand.
lauren_hemp just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on their story
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lauren_hemp just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on their story
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twitter/ X
username1: has anyone seen Lauren's story???? 🤨🤨
username2: YES - is she out on a date?
username3: it looks like it !!!! 😏😏
username4: Lauren and a girl have been seen out in Manchester!!!
username5: She is in my class at school!!! 😱😱
username6: her @ is @y/n - She is so pretty! 😊
username7: nahhh she's not 🙄🙄
username8: yeah what if she is just using Lauren??? 😡
username9: stfu it aint our bsuiness! 🖕
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lauren_hemp just posted
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liked by, chloekelly, leahwilliamsonn, and 487, 288 others
tagged y/n
lauren_hemp So proud of you baby <3 you deserve this after all the sleepless night and pages of notes! Also happy one year love - best WAG I could have asked for!
view 13, 711 comments
username1: has it been a year already??? WOah !!
username2: feels like just yesterday we were hunting her down ...
username3: who would have guessed how much we would love her too! ☺️☺️
leahwilliamsonn: Well done y/n!!
y/n: Thankooooo xxx
y/bff/n: SOOoooooooOO PROUD! 💙
y/n: love youuuuuu 💙
y/f/n1: It seems like only yesterday you were crying with dominoes saying you were going to drop out. 🥹
y/n: what a time, what a time. 😊
username4: This is all just so cute! 🥹
chloekelly: This happened because of me just so everyone knows 👏👏
lauren_hemp: yes lets all thank Chloe for nearly knocking out my girlfriend 🙄
y/n: thanks Chloe! Thought she would never come and talk to me. <3
lauren_hemp: I would have! 😶
chloekelly: nahhhhhh ☺️
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loved this one as it is just cuteness honestly !!
Queenie xx
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ilguna · 10 months
Can you do finnick with the number 13 ?
☼ too close pt1 (Finnick Odair) ☼
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warnings; swearing,
wc; 2.6k
prompt; 13. fake engagement au
notes; made this a modern au as well. also, too close by alex clare was the first thing that popped in my head... but it’s not a songfic!!
part two.
At this point, you think that setting yourself on fire and standing still while the skin melts off your body would be less painful than the conversation you’re having with Finnick, Annie and her boyfriend, Rain. At least then, Finnick might pay attention to you.
In the past fifteen minutes, you don’t think he’s taken his eyes off of her once. He won’t even look in your direction when you speak. It’s like she’s the center of his room, all the time. You thought that when they broke up a year back, he’d change, figure out the world doesn’t revolve around her. 
He can find other things—other people to invest in.
You didn’t realize just how much he loved her, especially when he was so casual about it. He wasn’t compelled to spend every waking moment with her. They’d make plans, of course, but it wasn’t as frequent as it could’ve been. In fact, he spent more of his time with you.
It has something to do with how long the two of you have been friends. Ever since you’ve graduated high school, there’s never been a time where either of you have gone somewhere and the other didn’t follow. If there’s a pair of people on this dying planet that are attached at the hip, it’d be you two.
While you thought Finnick would be hurt when Annie broke up with him, you were under the impression that it wouldn’t bother him much. Not with how sparsely they’d been seeing each other in the weeks leading up to it. It was partially his fault, because he stopped making time with her, but that happened because she’d shoot down every attempt.
And then she did it. Finnick told you that she showed up at his apartment, on an evening where they’d planned to have dinner, wanting to talk. She started by telling Finnick that he was amazing, and the best boyfriend she could’ve asked for, but they didn’t share the same interests, and she needed someone who was more like her.
She wanted to see other people, and she couldn’t find herself committing her life to Finnick, knowing that they weren’t a perfect match. It was harsh, and brave of her. Personally, you think that it was a stupid decision, because they’d been together for over a year and a half. 
She didn’t give Finnick any room to talk, canceled the dinner, and left. 
The next time they saw each other, you were asked to be there as a mediator, per Annie’s request. It was a little odd, because she knows full well that you care more about Finnick than her. Though, over the time of them dating, you’ve grown to be better friends with her.
You felt a little bad for Finnick, but with how long you’ve been rooting for their downfall, it was like your prayers were answers. 
Finnick’s reaction to the whole ordeal took you off-guard. You knew that he’d need recovery time, you just thought that he’d bounce back after a month or so. That’s what he’s done with his girlfriends in the past, you had no reason to believe that this time would be different.
Well, she rocked his world, hard.
And it’s clear that it was selfish of you to think that you could pounce on him. That’s why you were punished about three months later. When Finnick came to you in the middle of the night, sobbing because Annie had announced a new relationship. It tore you to pieces, listening to his feelings, how he thought she didn’t wait long enough.
The next morning, you found him wide awake on your couch, eyes puffy, bags beneath them. You opened your mouth to ask him if he’d even slept, when he told you that he’d come up with a plan, and he needed your help.
He wanted to make Annie jealous enough to leave her new boyfriend, Rain. The issue is that she’d never had a problem with any of his girl friends before. Except you. He said that there had been a few times where she mentioned how she wished she had a better connection with him, like you have.
The more he spoke, the worse it got. And when he asked if you’d be his fiance, you couldn’t help the way you looked at him. It was nothing close to adoration, it was resentment, because you’ve dreamed of him asking you plenty of times before. In those fantasies, you were actually together because he loved you. Not because he couldn’t live without another girl.
You knew he was desperate, he’d mentioned it before. You never thought that he’d ask you to do something like this. You were sure it was a joke, one that you couldn’t bring yourself to laugh at because you were too stunned to move. When he looked at you and you saw the expression on his face, you realized that you’d given him more credit than he deserved. 
Finnick begged you for an hour straight, telling you that he couldn’t trust anyone else to do something like this for him. You’ve been best friends since you were teenagers, you knew that he wouldn’t ask you if it wasn’t important to him. When you didn’t agree by the time he left, he told you to think about it.
And it ate you up inside. Every last word of his. The look on his face. The years you’ve been waiting for an opportunity. And so, you stupidly thought to yourself, “Well, maybe this is how I get a foot in the door.”
You texted him later on the next day, thinking that this pretend engagement couldn’t possibly last longer than a month. If Annie had a scrap of love left for Finnick, and as much jealousy as he was saying she did, she’d come back. It wouldn’t be immediate, but she’d come and prove that he was still hers, even if they weren’t together.
When Finnick told Annie that he’d gotten engaged to you, after discovering a slumbering love, she had the opposite reaction than what you thought she would. The smile that spread over her face lit up her eyes, she was genuinely happy for the two of you.
You knew from that moment forward, it would be like swallowing poison everyday, because you’d have to lay it on thick in order to convince her. A part of you didn’t believe her happiness. It had been three months and a week since she and Finnick broke up, and you were suddenly engaged to him? With no prior mention of the two of you dating?
If you were her, you think you’d be more worried about him cheating the entire time, because that could explain the quick ring. Finnick thought of that, too, telling her that the two of you have been around each other so long that you skipped the dating stage.
You wanted to do this for him, though. You wanted to still be the person he could trust the most, afraid that he’d pull away if you denied this request.
And so long for sticking your foot in the door, because eight months later, he hasn’t shown an ounce of affection toward you. He’s stuck on Annie, and that’s where he’s going to stay, because she’s not budging, either.
“So, (Y/n), have you decided what season you want to get married in?” Annie asks, she’s got her eyebrows raised, looking at you between the pasta on her face.
You give her a smile, even though you’re growing tired of the questions about the wedding. You have to come up with reasonable answers that you’ll have to write down later to keep from forgetting. She’s caught you a few times. 
“We were thinking about spring.” You tell her, reaching over to place your hand on top of Finnick’s, trying to make it convincing. “Isn’t that right, Finn?”
Finnick turns his attention to you, finally, gazing into your eyes with a dimpled smile. If you didn’t know that this was for show, you’d say that there’s something more between you than just air.
“New love and all.” He murmurs, fixing your hands so he can hold yours to squeeze it.
A flurry of butterflies rise in your stomach, swirling around your heart.
“Spring?” Annie echoes, a little surprised. Despite wanting to stay here forever, you tear your eyes from his to look at her. “I’ve always said that’s the perfect season to have a wedding.”
I know, you want to tell her, because Finnick told me.
“Really?” You ask. “Well, I hope there’s no hard feelings if we use it first?” You ask.
“Of course not.” She waves her hand, “I wouldn’t want to come between the two of you.”
Finnick’s hand loosens around yours, something you were prepared for.
“I’m sorry, (Y/n),” Rain starts, “Is there any way we could take some of this home? It’s getting late.”
“Of course.” You slip your hand from Finnick’s, rising to your feet. “I have the rest in the kitchen, if you want to come and tell me how much you’d like.”
“That sounds amazing.” He nods, leaning over to press a kiss to Annie’s lips, before getting to his feet, too. 
You glance at Finnick, hoping that he’s looking at you. He’s not, his attention is completely set on Annie. You place a hand on his shoulder while you move around your chair, causing him to reach up to grab your fingers. Almost a natural reaction, if it wasn’t planned. 
You move your hand before he touches you, heading through the dining room doorway and into the kitchen. The stove is on the far side, the pots and pans still sitting on top. Rain follows behind you, you can hear his footsteps on the tile.
“I’m not really one for leftovers, so please take as much as you’d like.” You tell him, opening one of the bottom cabinets to grab a container. You sit it on the counter, as well as the lid.
“What about Finnick?” He asks, you shake your head, closing the door. “He’s got his own food, at his apartment.”
“That’s right.” Rain says, grabbing the noodle scooper, taking off the lid on the pot. “I forget that the two of you aren’t living together yet.”
“It’s because of his lease.” You shrug. “It’s coming to an end soon, though. We’ve agreed he’ll move into my place.”
Rain lets out a laugh. “I would too, honestly. You’ve got such a nice house. Your parents bought it, right?”
“Yup, and gifted it to me when I moved out here. I was supposed to share it with Finnick in college, but he wanted an apartment so it wouldn’t be weird when he brought girls around.” You tilt your head, looking off to the side.
“Now look at you two.” Rain smiles. “You’ll get to share it, after all.”
“Yeah.” You murmur.
Once he’s loaded the container, and promised that he’ll bring it back to you next week, you two join Annie and Finnick back in the dining room. The second you step inside, you can tell that there’s something goin on, but Rain must be oblivious, because goes to take his coat from the back of his chair.
“Well, thank you for the dinner, (Y/n).” Annie says, joining Rain. “I’m excited to see what you’ll cook next week.”
“If you have any requests, let me know.” You wink at her, she rolls her eyes.
Finnick walks them to the door, while you begin to pick up the plates from the table. You can hear the door shut, and that’s when the air begins to get heavy. With them no longer here, there’s no need to keep up the act. Which means that Finnick will go right back to talking about her.
“I think I had her for a moment.” Finnick says, coming in with armfuls of plates and glasses. “When you went into the kitchen, she told me that she missed me. That was a great idea, (Y/n).”
You bite your tongue, back turned to Finnick as you turn on the sink.
“At this rate, I think she’ll leave him soon. She told me that they’re not as happy as they look.” He sets the dishware next to the sink, pulling out the trash can to scrape away the waste. “I’ll get her back in my arms, soon.”
You lean over the sink, closing your eyes while you take deep breaths. An ache is forming in your throat, tears appearing in your eyes. You grit your teeth, trying to tell your body to knock it off, because now’s not the time to cry. You save it for when Finnick leaves.
This isn’t right, it’s not healthy to be doing this to yourself.
“Then we can go back to normal.” Finnick says, bumping you with his shoulder. “I owe you, (Y/n).”
You back off of the sink, reaching for the engagement ring that’s been passed around his family for generations. The one you thought that would one day belong to you. You grab his wrist, turning his hand over, and placing the ring in his palm. He looks down at it for a second, before at you.
“You know I don’t need this back, I trust you to keep it safe.”
“I can’t do this anymore.” You tell him, throat closing in.
His eyebrows twitch. “No, (Y/n), we’re almost there. Just a few more weeks—”
“I don’t have a few more weeks in me, Finnick! It’s killing me!” You burst, throwing a couple plates into the sink. You shut off the water, walking out of the kitchen, shaking your head. “I just—when I agreed to do this, I thought, ‘this won’t be so bad’. I thought this couldn’t last more than a month, yet here we are, still going.”
“I told you it’d take time.” Finnick says, following after you.
You lead him to the front door, stopping next to it, hand on the handle. “I thought my feelings for you would go away if I gave myself a taste of what I could have.” You admit, Finnick’s face drops, skin paling. “It’s fucking ruined me. I can’t do this with you anymore, because you don’t love me. And I want to throw up my heart each time I see you look at her like that.”
You open the front door, shoving it open. A fall breeze blows through, pushing a few golden leaves into your house.
“(Y/n), why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because it’s written all over you.” You motion at him. “You love Annie, and there’s nothing that I’ve done in the past eight months that have made you change your mind.” 
Finnick stares at you, shaking his head.
“If I leave right now, you won’t talk to me ever again.” Finnick tells you. “You said that nothing would change between us if you did this for me. You said it wouldn’t ruin our relationship.”
“I lied.” You tell him. “Now, go.”
He sighs through his nose, “I’m going to come back.”
“Doesn’t mean I’ll open my door.” You push his shoulder. “I’m serious, leave.”
He doesn’t say anything else, stepping onto your porch. You take a few steps toward the door, reaching out to grab the handle, face beginning to contort, body having enough. Finnick turns around in time to catch the first tear fall, before you slam the door in his face.
You turn the lock, head dropping as the first sob leaves you.
this was part of my 3k celebration!! also, you didn't specify a list so i went with the mystery list :))
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myteavsricochet · 9 months
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Favorite firstprince fanfics, another incomplete list:
(Part 1)
Come Let Me Love You
Henry always struggled to have a good night's sleep. Alex made it easier over the years they had been together, but little cries in the middle of the night always woke Henry.
A little glimpse into a future where Alex and Henry are doting fathers to a beautiful little girl.
Obliviously Devoted
She looks at him in the way only June can. She's the only one he'll allow it from without a fight. "I don't know if you're ready to have this conversation or not."
His fork clatters to the plate in front of him. "What is that supposed to mean?"
June sighs a sigh of long-suffering and pinches the bridge of her nose, before she looks him dead in the eye and sets his world upside down. "You know you and Henry are dating, right?"
Alex gapes at her. Mouth hung open, eyes blown wide. "W-what?"
"I say this with all the love in the world," she says. "But sometimes, I swear, you are the most oblivious idiot on the face of the planet."
Tags: idiots in love, oblivious acd, best friends to lovers, alternate universe - roommates/housemates
(even though you want to) please try to never grow up
“You better have a good fucking reason for sending me to voicemail, Hen.” He glares at the phone for one second before he actually sees the screen, and then his face melts into something Henry can only describe as fond. “Oh,” he whispers, dropping his mug of coffee onto the counter so he can lean in closer to the phone. “Look who’s there.”
“Yeah.” Henry keeps his voice so low he isn’t even sure Alex can hear him. He doesn’t seem to mind, eyes taking in the picture in front of him with parted lips, the edge of his finger covering the camera when he undoubtedly reaches to caress his daughter’s head.
Or, Alex misses his daughter when he goes back to work after a long paternity leave.
tags: domestic, tooth-rotting fluff, family fic
Let Me Wash Away Your Worries
Alex has had a terrible week. Henry is right there to take care of him.
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Smut, Bath Sex, Cuddling & Snuggling, Romantic Fluff, Praise Kink, Alex Claremont-Diaz Needs a Hug, Worship
ephemeral enchantments
in which Henry is an overworked barista with a tendency to embarrass himself in front of everything that breaths and Alex is charmed from the first time he met him.
Tags: Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Awkward Flirting
Three fights Alex and Henry never had
Yes, Alex and Henry got their Happily Ever After. But that doesn't mean everything was just automatically perfect when they moved in together...
Tags: Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff
am i homophobic? (URGENT) (PLEASE HELP)
Now, it might be pretty early in the morning and Alex’s brain functions might not be working as quickly as they normally do, but he can still put two and two together. There's a strange man in their kitchen. Henry is shirtless, rumpled, and holding two pairs of boxers. Henry and this Sam guy slept together. Which… obviously is fine because Alex is not an asshole, but he’s definitely feeling something about this development that he will examine at a later date. But of course, instead of saying something normal, you know, like a normal person would, he says, “Ohh.” Like a fucking weirdo.
or: the "am i homophobic?" roommate au that no one asked for
Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Sexuality Crisis, Mentions of homophobia, no one is like actually homophobic though, Idiots in Love, Explicit Sexual Content, Unsafe Sex
The shape of your lips bruising my heart
So, that neck-kissing scene in the bloopers? Yeah, that one. Well. I wrote it.
In which Alex has a hard time leaving the hotel after their night in Paris.
you’re leaving (now i’m left amongst the living)
Six years since they've been together, Alex and Henry were now a far cry from the lovestruck couple they once were when their history began. If you ask Alex, all of it was Henry’s fault. If you ask Henry, he’d agree and say that Alex was right.
But before Alex could ever find out why Henry does not seem like the man he once decided to spend the rest of his life with, he already walked away from it all. Now, Henry was alone, left to deal with whatever shattered remains he could salvage from his life.
Or, the one where Henry’s sick and Alex only finds out two years after they've broken up.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Lawyer Alex, Writer Henry, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Angst and Humor, Fluff and Angst, Graphic Depictions of Illness, Hospitalization
Fifty First Dates
Henry has used a dating app exactly one time. Predictably, the date turns out to be terrible. The bartender, however, is not.
A cute stranger’s solution to Henry’s woeful dating life is to set him up on fifty first dates.
Most People Exist
Henry Fox is a nurse at the New York Cancer Center. He’s happy with his job, content enough with his life, but it all gets turned on its head when he connects with a patient with a brain tumor—Alex Claremont-Diaz.
Henry is a nurse, Alex is a patient.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Hospital, Cancer, Nurses & Nursing, Minor Character Death, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, They will end up happy I pinky swear
i want your dreary mondays
“You little menace,” a voice says from the door, entirely too fond to be anything mean. “I told you to wait by the car, not go inside.” The man steps inside, shaking the rain from his hair, and Henry is treated to the sight of the most beautiful man he’s seen in his entire life, standing in the middle of his shop with clothes dripping to the floor and raincoat bundled up around him. He notices then the umbrella clutched in the little boy’s hand, the innocent wide eyes watching his father, and the picture forms in his head.
Or, five times Henry makes a piece of art for Alex's son on his drinks, and one time he does it for Alex himself.
It's Nice to Have a Friend
Two boys meet on a beach, build a sand castle, write letters, and fall in love.
Tags: Alternative Universe - Childhood friends, Friends to lovers, Slow Burn, Growing up together
Leave A Message
"This is Alex Claremont-Diaz's phone. If it's a business matter, I don't know how you got ahold of this number, but if you have my number that means you probably have Zahra's. Call her instead. If you're friends or family, just text me. If you're anyone else, I'll call you back as soon as I can."
Or: Alex's voicemail message over the years, and the messages people leave for him.
I must tell you what you will not ask
Henry's lower lip wobbles, and a fresh tear rolls down his cheek. Alex watches it track down to his chin, and wonders if Henry would mind him wiping it away. “I really was looking forward to seeing them.”
Another tear escapes, and this time Alex can't help but lean forward and brush it away with his thumb. Henry's breath catches, and he looks at Alex, wearing an expression he can't quite parse. “Come home with me,” Alex blurts out.
Henry's plans for Christmas fall through, so Alex invites him home for the holidays. They're best friends, strictly platonic roommates, so why does everyone think they're dating?
drive-thru mornings
“Would you like to pay cash or by card, sir?”
Alex startles, but recovers quickly and smiles charmingly at the girl in the window. Maggie, her tag reads. “By card, darlin’,” he says. “Actually, could I pay for the man behind me, as well? I have no idea what he ordered, but he’s strikingly handsome, isn’t he?”
Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Dorks in love
you turned a moment (into forever)
Sharing an apartment with Alex had seemed like a good idea at first. They’re best friends, prices in Brooklyn are absurd, and they had both been in urgent need of residence – it only made sense.
Except for the small, tiny, teeny, barely there fact that Henry has been in love with Alex from the first moment he laid eyes on him. And the fact that Alex doesn’t know, and can never find out.
Or, as coffeecatsme so eloquently put it: Roommates AU where Alex has insomnia and slips into Henry’s bed every night because it’s the only way he gets a good night’s sleep.
You Can Hear It In The Silence
At the Lake House, Henry doesn’t run when Alex tells him he loves him. But he can’t say it back; too afraid of the consequences it would have, no matter how true it is. But as the truth settles in, Henry decides Alex is worth fighting for. So he does.
A Long Way From the Playground
Henry and Alex were best friends growing up until they went to separate colleges and they grew apart. When they see each other again as adults, against the odds, both living in the same city again, will it be a joyful reunion or will the pain of the years apart get in the way? How do you become friends again when there is so much of the past in the way?
The man starts to cock the hammer of gun, and Alex squeezes his eyes shut, his lower lip trembling almost imperceptibly.
“Stop!” Henry shouts, his voice cracking. “I’ll give you whatever you want, I’ll do anything…just please, don’t hurt him.”
Alex’s eyes fly open, shooting Henry the same incredulous look that he gave him in the hallway, and Henry knows he’s shown too much of his hand, revealed a part of himself that he’d sworn he would take to his grave, but he’s too full of fear and desperation to feel self-conscious about it now. He can deal with the consequences when they get out of this.
If they get out of this.
What if the moment in the hospital wasn’t a false alarm and the publicity surrounding the forced bromance between Alex and Henry had the adverse effect of them being kidnapped together?
Confidential Memorandum
"Hello, Mr. Fox-Mountchristen's office. How may I help you?"
"Hello, can I speak to Mr. Fox-Mount-krishen, please?"
Alex blinked. After two weeks of hearing nothing but the voices of snooty men and frazzled secretaries calling in, the person on the other line now sounded decidedly neither snooty nor male nor in any way adult.
It was a little girl.
"Mr. Fox-Mountchristen's unfortunately in a meeting right now,” Alex began slowly, “but I could take a message?"
"Oh." The girl paused. "You're not Mr. Hunter."
Alex starts a new job as Henry's new assistant. Henry's daughter keeps calling the office and leaving him messages.
we thought we ruled the world
Alex stares down at his latest text from Henry. A link to an article he’s seen about ten versions of so far. He’s managed to resist clicking on any of them, but now Henry is sending it, so he supposes he should at least give it a skim.
How Prince Henry’s Relationship With FSOTUS Lost Ellen Claremont The Election
Or, what would have happened if Ellen lost.
Run, Don't Walk
Henry loves sex. He loved sex even before he was with Alex, although there's something to be said for the level of precision and intimacy acquired through years of learning each other's bodies. He's liked being filled from the first time he ever experienced the feeling, and he doesn't think he'll ever love anything quite as much as he loves getting fucked.
But this? This is giving him pause for thought.
Tags: Porn without plot, Marathon sex, Henry loves sex, and Alex, and sex with Alex
london bridge has fallen down
Alex can feel the eyes of the room on him as Shaan approaches his side. Then, Shaan quietly murmurs in his ear. They’re words he’s thought about before, distantly wondering about what might happen when they were finally uttered. How their lives might change. There’s nothing that can prepare him for the reality of it though, nothing that can prepare him for how his breath hitches when Shaan speaks.
‘London Bridge is down, Sir.’ 
Queen Mary is dead. Henry doesn't know how to feel.
Screw Your Courage to the Sticking Place (and forget macbeth is a fucking tragedy)
"You don't owe me anything."
"Of course I do. If you have time now...there are things I'd like to say."
Alex hesitates.
"I know I don't have any right to ask you to listen," Henry adds. He sounds so hopeful though.
A little closure doesn't sound like a terrible thing. Agreeing to go with Henry, alone, to Kensington Palace sounds like returning to the scene of a crime.
It's been over a decade since their breakup - Alex is now a single dad forging his career as a lawyer, and Henry's finally getting the courage to stand up to his grandmother. In finding themselves, can they also find their way back to each other?
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mrsevans90 · 8 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 11
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Y'all, this GIF is down right SPICY but it fit the smut in the story so well I had to ☺️
Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: SMUT, Emma getting an attitude, Sy yelling, detailed PTSD flashback, bodily function/embarrassment, self-deprecating talk, language
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 10
I wake up still in the same position that I fell asleep in, on Emma’s chest and notice that my body feels incredibly stiff. Her gentle breathing and steady heartbeat are comforting even though I’m incredibly embarrassed and just want to pretend last night never happened. I have a feeling this is going to be a very long day. I notice the amount of light cascading in from behind the curtains must make it late in the morning, but considering I had a very active night I’m not surprised that I slept in. I carefully lift my head to see if Emma is awake and am startled when I see her big beautiful eyes staring down at me. 
“Good morning.” She says quietly.
“Mornin’.” I reply.
“How are you feeling?”
“Stiff. What time is it?” I ask her somewhat brusquely.
“It’s 9:38.” She answers after looking at the time on her phone.
I sigh and sit up so that I’m faced away from her. 
“Let me make us some breakfast. I’m hungry.” She quickly gets up and goes to the restroom to take care of her morning routines before she exits and walks to the bedroom door.
“Come down to eat after you’re done in the bathroom please.” She says quietly while I’m still pondering my next move as I sit on the edge of the bed. The tension and embarrassment oozes from my body as I sit there attempting to contemplate how to handle this. I haven’t been in this situation before. Alex has seen me have a small flashback at work once, but we didn’t have to talk about it. My grandparents certainly don’t know the extent of my PTSD because I purposely keep it from them. They don’t need to know how mentally damaged their loving grandchild has become. Aika is really the only one who has ever witnessed the extent of my depravity and luckily, she can’t talk or judge me for it. She’s just a silent witness who snaps me out of it with a bark or licking my face. Emma is the only person to ever see how badly it really is and I just don’t even know what to say to her. I force myself up and relieve myself in the bathroom before brushing my teeth and getting myself ready for the day. I look at my reflection in the mirror and wonder just how I got this screwed up before heading to the kitchen. 
Emma is humming to herself as if nothing has transpired as she flips pancakes on the stove. She has coffee brewing in the pot and has sat out my favorite mug that has a picture of a donkey on it with the words, “Do I Look Like a Jackass?” written across it. It was a gift from one of my warhorse buddies, Harper. 
When she hears me approach, she turns and silently fills the cup with coffee before handing it to me with a shy smile. Seems the poor thing is also trying to figure out what to say and coming up blank.
“I hope pancakes sound good to you. I also made some bacon and saw there’s some fruit in your fridge but I’m not sure how old it is.”
“That’s more than enough. Thank you.” 
I drink my coffee while she turns back around to work on the breakfast. Once it’s made, I set the table and refill our coffee cups while remembering to add the coffee creamer that I now buy specifically for Emma since she likes hers sweet. Just like her.
We sit down and I’m aching to avoid the subject but I know I just need to get it over with.
I clear my throat. “Breakfast looks really good. Thank you.”
“Anytime, baby.” She replies and I want to smile.
“I um… I’m really sorry about what happened last night. You shouldn’t have to see me like that or put up with it and I just want to apologize.”
“There is nothing to apologize for. I’m grateful you opened up to me a little bit, honestly.”
Unwillingly, I think to myself. I take a deep breath.
“Maybe, this thing between us is moving too fast.” I blurt out.
“By this thing, you mean our relationship? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought we were exclusive after our conversation the other day. Is this you trying to end things with me?” She says angrily.
“I’m just no good for you. You shouldn’t have to deal with a grown man who has nightmares.”
“I think that I should be the one to decide who or what is good for me. I’m a grown woman who has plenty of my own baggage and I’m not going to allow you to throw this away because you’re embarrassed or trying to protect me from the one person who doesn’t pose a threat to me.”
“I absolutely pose a threat to you!” I yell and slam my fist against the table. “Wasn’t last night enough to show you? I was wielding a rifle dreaming that I was back in active war. Damnit Emma! Don’t be naïve. I could have shot you, or hit you. I could have thought that you were the enemy and there’s no way you would have been able to fight me off! I should have ended things before it got to this point and I’m sorry that I didn’t. I was being selfish and wanted more time with you but I realize now how dangerous that is.”
“NO.” She crosses her arms and straitens her back defensively.
“No?” I repeat in quiet shock.
“No.” She stares at me with a look of fire like a mother chastising her child and even though she’s so tiny I feel myself cower back a little.
“You are ruining the best thing I’ve ever had because you are scared, Austin! And I understand how scary it was, believe me, I was there watching you fight a battle in your own mind. But I’m not afraid of you and I never will be. You need to understand that we both need each other and I am good for you whether you choose to believe it or not. You’re jumping to a conclusion either to punish yourself or me because you’re embarrassed that I know this about you now and I will not tolerate it. Last night, you protected me from what you thought was danger even in your flashback. You will not hurt me and I know it.”
I sit there for a minute stunned by what she said.
“What do you mean?”
“I’d be happy to tell you everything from my perspective if you could stop trying to dump me and actually have a vulnerable conversation with me like an adult.” She snarks.
Damn, she’s throwing some verbal punches this morning and it’s kinda sexy.
“Alright, I’m listening.” I announce and she takes a deep breath before speaking.
“I woke up to the sound of the bedroom door slamming shut and you running down the stairs. Aika jumped up and seemed concerned so I took her with me as I went downstairs, turning on lights as I went since you still had the house completely in the dark. I heard the backdoor slam open against the wall as you ran out and I held Aika back so I could shut the door until I could determine what was going on. When I turned on the patio lights I saw you run by with a rifle in your hands. I figured you might have heard an animal or intruder or something so I waited for a moment looking through the window before I heard you yelling. It was pouring rain so I struggled to hear you but you didn’t seem to notice the rain. You ran up against the backside of the house and were yelling different words, military lingo I guess, and aiming your rifle around the corner. Aika was going absolutely nuts barking and I almost let her out to get you but I wasn’t sure if your gun was loaded. Instead, I carefully made my way over to you and kept repeating, “It’s Emma, you are safe.” But when I got to you I could tell you were still actively dreaming, if that’s what we are going to call it. Your eyes were almost glassy but when I touched your shoulder, you immediately put your arm around me from behind to protect me and told me to get down and cover my head. You kept placing your body in front of me. I tried talking to you but you just kept asking me if ‘Lowell and Waites’ were still alive. I wasn’t sure what to say but I remembered the conversation that we had the first time I stayed here. I couldn’t get your attention since you were so absorbed in your mission, until I finally grabbed your face with my hands. That’s when you started to come back to me. You protected me from whatever threat you saw, not the opposite.”
I take a steadying breath and try to calm my heart rate. Hearing her talk about something I’ve done during a flashback is strange, because she’s the first to actually witness it and tell me what I did. I guess it’s like sleepwalking, or undergoing anesthesia where you remember specific events but they are different to what actually happened.
“I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“I’m not. I hate that you had to go through that in real life, and again in your flashbacks but I’m glad that I was there to see it. I think I understand you a bit more and I want to be there for you.” She says earnestly.
“If you want to apologize for something, you can apologize for trying to dump me.” She says moments later with an attitude.
I can’t help but crack a smile at her gumption. She is something else.
“I’m sorry for trying to dump you.” I whisper and she stands and comes over to sit in my lap. 
“I accept your apology.” She smirks.
“Thank you for refusing to be dumped.” I look intently into her eyes. She kisses me sweetly before tapping my forehead.
“Let me in here. I can handle it, I promise. I want to know everything about you, even the bad stuff.”
“I just… I’ve never let anyone in.”
“Okay, imagine this. What if I kept all of my trauma about Colin from you. I know it’s not the same, but just imagine I didn’t tell you about him stalking me, or why I am the way I am about things. You’d be pretty pissed, right?”
“Obviously.” I tell her. “But that’s because I want to protect you.” 
“Exactly. I feel the same way. Now imagine if I told you that I kept it from you because I just didn’t think you could handle my drama.”
I roll my eyes.
“I never said you couldn’t handle it.”
“But you’ve thought that. Haven’t you?” 
“Maybe” I mutter petulantly.
“You’d be livid with me.” She smirks at me knowing she’s made her point thoroughly.
“Alright. I get it.” I put my hands up in surrender.
“I can handle this and I want to know everything about you. Even the stuff you keep locked away for whatever reason.”
“It’s pretty dark, Sugar. I don’t like thinking about it and I don’t like the idea of you thinking about it.”
“Again, not your decision to make.” She says.
“I decide what’s best for me and what I can handle. I promise you, I can handle this and if you just get that through your thick skull and let me be there for you, we’ll be good as gravy.” She said while thumping my forehead.
“Ow, woman!” I say before I tickle her sides. 
“Fine. I’ll be better about opening up. I just might need your help and your patience because I’ve kept all of my shit buried away essentially my entire adult life.”
“They teach you to do that in the military?” She asks with an eyebrow arched.
“Pretty much.” 
“Well, I’m going to help you undo that.”
“I don’t know that I’m going to like that process.”
“You’ll be fine.” She says before kissing me gently. “I’ll use my sexual prowess if I have too.”
“Seduce me to learn my secrets? You little minx.” She giggles at my joke and I breathe a sigh of relief that we can joke about it at this point.
“Do these flashback episodes happen often?” She asks.
“Nah, this is the biggest one I’ve ever had. I’ve had a few small ones, but nothing this involved before. Maybe once or twice a year before this. It’s usually triggered by something when I’m really tired.”
“What do you think triggered you last night?”
“If I had to guess, I’d say the storm. Likely the thunder was similar to an explosion or something in my dream.” I say quietly and she just nods and strokes my cheek.
“Do you have Nana’s brunch today?”
“Nah, she’s got some clothing drive thing at the church that she’s doing. I’m glad because I don’t need her scrutiny today.”
“Does she know about the episodes?”
“Not really, just always told her it was nightmares. I think PawPaw likely has an idea having been a veteran himself, but he keeps it to himself which I appreciate. I don’t need Nana trying to convince me to join some VA group to talk about my problems.”
“What’s so bad about those groups? I only ask because I have no frame of reference.”
“Nothing, those things are really good for some people but it’s just not for me. I tried once or twice after I retired and felt worse after them. Just not the type to get up in front of strangers and talk about my issues.”
“Survivor’s guilt.” Emma mutters and I glance at her somewhat annoyed.
“Think you’ve got me all figured out then?” I ask haughtily.
“No. Not at all as a matter of fact. I know there’s a lot more that you haven’t shared with me. That’s fine, for now. Just don’t get mad at me for being here for you. I don’t deserve that.” 
My iciness cools immediately and I agree with her. She’s just wanting to be here for me in a way nobody else has ever been.
“I’ll do my best, Darlin’.” I admit while tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“That’s all I can ask for.” She kisses me sweetly.
“What do you want to do today, Sugar? That is if you want to spend the day with me.” I ask her.
“Shut up, of course I do.” She says as she rolls her eyes and I growl at her. 
“Mmm.. I need to go to the grocery store and do some meal prep, but other than that I’m open to whatever.”
“Want to go to the store together? Hell, it certainly wouldn’t hurt me to bring my lunch a few days rather than eatin’ fast food all the time.”
“Ohhh! I love that. I can prep lunches for both of us.” She says excitedly and I can’t help but smirk at her.
“You don’t have to do all that work.” I say, thinking that I can cook my own.
“I really don’t mind. I have to cook mine anyway.”
“Alright, how about this. I buy all the groceries for us, and you cook the meals.”
“No baby, I’m offerin’ to cook for you. I don’t need you to buy my food.”
“Nah, that’s the deal Sugar Pie. Take it or leave it.” She arches her eyebrow at me and I can’t help but chuckle and smack her round little ass.
“Fine, but I’m not happy about it.”
“Military negotiation training continues to pay off.” I chuckle at her reaction. She attempts to tickle me, but I gently grab each of her wrists effectively handcuffing her hands by her sides. 
“Geez, Sy, I knew you were strong, but damn.” She says as she attempts to wiggle out of my grasp. She doesn’t realize that she’s also wiggling her ass against me and in a matter of moments, she’s going to feel what it’s doing to me.
I let go of her wrists and she acts like she’s done playing before she turns around quickly and shoves her fingers against my ribs. I jolt from the chair sideways as she laughs freely at what she thinks is winning this game.
“Oh, ya wanting to play?” I say with a smirk and when I reach for her she jumps up and takes off running. Before I even realize it, we are giggling like school children as I chase her up the stairs. The dogs are barking wildly and poor Aika has Mills jumping all over her in an attempt to start wrestling. They slowed me down by getting between me and Emma so she got a little bit of a head start. Eventually Aika gives in and the start playfully wrestling in the hallway. I catch her at the top of the stairs, my long legs being no match for her short but fast stature. Emma squeals exuberantly when I pick her up from behind and haul her over my shoulder. She’s panting and I realize I might’ve played too rough so I gently slide her down my body, taking care to be intentional with where I placed my hands.
“Shit! I didn’t think about your period. I didn’t hurt ya did I?” 
She smiles before shaking her head, “it ended last night. You didn’t hurt me baby, but thank you for checking.”
“Well in that case,” I say as I haul her back up on my shoulder, “I’m going to finish what I started.” She squeals again before smacking me on my butt.
I slap her ass that’s now exposed since she was still only in my shirt and grope it gently before throwing her on the bed on her back. I lay beside her on my back as we catch our breaths from our little game of cat and mouse.
“That was fun.” She giggles.
“Sure was.” I turn to her and smile. 
“Now what?”
“Well, I don’t think I’d let you go to the grocery store without pants on, so as much as I hate to, I suggest you get dressed.” I respond as I gently rub my big mitt against the soft skin of her leg.
“Mmm, maybe later. I don’t think I’m done playing.” She admits seductively before gently placing her hand delicately against my clothed cock.
“That so?” I ask her and she nods. My heart starts beating quicker as she begins rubbing against me.
“Right now, I think I’d like to get you undressed.” She says seductively before her hand slides under the hem of my shirt. I lean up and quickly pull it over my shoulders tossing it somewhere in the room. I’m about to lean over on top of her when she pushes me back and her hands slide under the waistband of my shorts and boxers. She grasps my erection firmly before pulling at my shorts and boxers to remove them, so I lift my hips to assist her. Once those are off, Emma begins kissing across my abdomen while simultaneously jerking my throbbing erection. My hands are everywhere and nowhere at once, like an overwhelmed kid given free range in a candy store.
“Fuck, Sugar. What brought all this on?��� I rasp as I grab a handful of her ass.
“You trying to dump me.” She says and I pause and look at her concernedly. 
“Gotta remind you what you’d be missing out on.” She smirks before pulling my t-shirt off of her body and exposing her flawless breasts. She immediately pushes them against me and my responding growl has her grinning. Her warm, soft skin rubbing against my torso has me aching to take control and flip her over. Emma’s tiny hand still pumping my cock has me frozen and her gorgeous body, now only clad in a little pink thong has me hypnotized. I can’t stop myself from humping further into her hand as I feel her warm breath slowly making her way up my torso before sucking on my neck.
“Sugar, you’re playing a real dangerous game here.” I warn as she bites and sucks a hickey right above my collarbone. At the same time, I’m so hard that it’s painful and beads of precum are continually leaking from my slit as she uses it for further lubrication towards her ministrations.
Emma sucks on my earlobe before lightly whispering in my ear, “Ah, I like playing games with you.” Goosebumps erupt all over my skin and that’s when my resolve breaks.
Without thinking, I flip Emma over and tear her tiny thong to shreds as I rip in from her body. She gasps with either surprise or overwhelming need but I don’t pay attention as I pull her in for a brutal kiss. She starts to try and take control back by grabbing at my forearms, but I quickly trap both of her arms above her head using one of my hands to secure them. 
“Now who’s in control?” I ask her smugly as I take in her beauty. Her breasts, peaked and heaving from the excitement are so sexy that I ache just from looking at them. Her little belly ring shimmering in the sunlight that streams in from the window somehow makes me even harder.
“Still me. I say stop and I know you’ll immediately discontinue what you’re doing.” She smiles triumphantly.
I smirk at her, because she’s exactly right. She holds all the power here, and I’m damn glad she knows it. Seems she wasn’t able to have that in her last relationship and I’ll do everything in my power to see that she knows she’s in control. 
“You’re exactly right, Darlin’.” I say with a smile and her returning grin stuns me.
“Lucky for you, I like it when you take control and toss me around.” She divulges as she squirms under me and I can’t help but rut against her legs.
“That so?” I ask and she nods dumbly.
“Well ask and you shall receive.” I say before capturing her lips in a messy kiss. I trail my other hand slowly down her body before inserting my middle finger into her core and keen as she moans in pleasure at the intrusion. I pump a few times before adding a second finger and her body arches pleasantly off the bed.
“Fuck, Sy!” Emma shouts as I curl them in search of her g-spot. I grin victoriously when I know I’ve found it based on the reaction of her body. I start worshipping her titties that are so conveniently pressed right in front of my mouth and that seems to spur her on. I’m leaking all over her thigh as I’m so turned on but I need to get her there first.
I’m still holding her arms above her body and that’s how I keep her still as she squirms and moans exuberantly once her first orgasm washes over her. I observe the pure bliss ease across her facial features as she reaches her climax and I can hear the audible squelch of her arousal each time I pump my fingers into her core. After I’m sure to help her through it, I slide my fingers out and wipe the juices along my shaft, squeezing it to release a little bit of pressure as I do. I look at a completely blissed-out Emma as I pump myself a few times before I hear her quietly request, “Fuck me, Captain Syverson. Fuck me hard.” 
I groan before capturing her lips in a filthy kiss before I flip her over. I lift her hips up off the bed and am appreciating the view of her perfect little peach and round delicious ass in the air before she shakes it at me. I smack her ass before sliding in and barely giving her time to recover as I slam into her. 
“Y’okay?” I ask after she gasped loudly and she nodded before pushing herself further back on me. 
I groan and she does it again so I stay there perfectly still for a few moments as I watch the erotic way Emma fucks herself on my cock in doggy style position. Her back is perfectly arched and she flips that mane of hair over her shoulder as she drives herself back on me again. Fuckin’ hell. I can't help myself when I wrap her hair around my fist as I fuck her harder.
My hands are in tight fists as I’m trying to keep from busting a nut so soon after we started but I know I’m not going to last long. I grab ahold of her hips and drive myself into her sopping wet core and focus on getting the angle right. I know I’ve gotten it when I feel her flutter around me. 
“Yeah? Ya like that? Takin’ Sy’s cock all the way up in your tummy? Mmm, mmm, mmm, you look so fucking good like this, Sugar. This perfect ass slamming against me as I fuck that sweet, juicy peach.” I tell her and her moans get louder.
“Tell me, Darlin’. Tell me how it feels.” I probe her.
“Ah! Fuckkk! You feel so good, baby. So big and… and full and deep. Fuckin’ me better than I’ve ever had.” 
“Yeah? This is easily the tightest, tastiest little peach I’ve ever had before. You were made for me. Made to take this cock.” I say and she moans. I slide my hands from her hips and grope her ass before putting my thumb around her tight little ring of muscle.
“You gonna let me in here one day, Sugar?” She clenches all around me and I almost blow my load.
“May…maybe.” She says as I continue to rut into her. I add a bit more pressure with my finger and feel her clamp down on me as her second orgasm ravishes throughout her body. 
“Fuck, Sugar, you’re squeezin’ me so tight. I’m gonna cum.” I tell her and she moans as I piston in and out of her at a quicker pace to reach my high. My balls are heavy and full and I grunt as they tighten to my body when my orgasm washes over me. I still as deeply as I can in her wet heat as I paint her insides with ropes of cum and gently drape myself across her back that is now limp on the bed. 
Emma whimpers as I remove myself from her and I quickly push the leaking cum back into her when it starts to leak out. 
“Y’alright, Sugar?” I ask as she doesn’t move.
“Mmm.” She replies and I don’t know if that’s a yes or a no.
“Fucked you speechless huh?” I chuckle as I stand up and turn on the shower. The sweat dripping down my chest makes me want a cold shower, but I know Emma won’t have that so I get the warm water running before I go back to get her. She’s still completely spread out on the bed on her belly like I left her. I roll her over gently before lifting her up bridal style and carrying her to the bathroom. I set her on the toilet and am shocked that she pees without making me leave the room, but I don’t comment on it. She shuffles over to wash her hands before pulling her hair up into a messy bun. I wash my hands and check the shower temperature before she wraps her arms around me. I’m sweaty but she doesn’t seem to care as she rests her cheek against my chest. I aim the water on us and soap us up cleaning the sweat and the remnants of our tryst from both of our bodies. I kiss her forehead gently and she just smiles and nuzzles further into my chest with her eyes closed. After our shower, I quickly dry her off as well as myself before I clean up the clothes thrown around the room. Her little panties are in shreds and I remind myself to offer to pay for them as I throw them in the wastebasket. 
“You’re awfully quiet.” I voice aloud and she smiles.
“I think I’ve been asleep while standing up that whole shower.” She replies and I chuckle.
“You must’ve been. Didn’t even make me leave the room when you went to pee.” I joke and her eyes snap open in realization. 
“Oh my god, I didn’t. You saw me pee.” She says as she places her face in her hands in embarrassment. 
I laugh loudly because she must’ve not even notice me pee after her while she was washing her hands.
“It’s alright, I won’t tell anyone. I peed while you were washing your hands if that makes you feel any better.”
“It doesn’t. I’m so embarrassed. I didn’t even think, your sexpertise made me almost comatose. I claim insanity.” 
“You know I don’t care about that. You could even fart in front of me and I bet it would be adorable.” Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say.
“ABSOLUTELY NOT. That would be mortifying. I would have to move out of the country.” She says dramatically and I laugh.
“You really think that we could live a whole life together, married with babies, grandbabies, and even great grandbabies and I wouldn’t see you pee or hear you fart?” I ask her seriously and am surprised when she shyly smiles.
“You think about us living a whole life together?” Truth time.
“Honestly, yeah. I’ve thought about it a few times. I know it’s early on, but it’s nice to think I’d be capable of having a future like that, and it’s even nicer to imagine it with you. Plus, it’s kind of hard not to when Nana is practically marrying us off in every phone call I have with her.”
Emma’s cheeks blush pink and I’m glad I was honest with her.
“I think that sounds amazing.” She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me and I swear my heart beats for this woman.
Part 12
Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood
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