#White glove shipping miami
axislogisticsservices · 6 months
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Do you feel that logistics management is a tough nut to crack? Wait until you get in touch with Axis Logistics Services. With our potential, breadth of experience, and skill in shipping, we can make things easy for you. Call for services such as Custom Crating in Fort Lauderdale, furniture delivery in Fort Lauderdale, and white glove delivery in Fort Lauderdale.
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esquirelogistics · 1 year
For residential or commercial warehousing logistics, white glove shipping, moving, and white glove delivery services in Miami, call Esquire Logistics at 1-800-439-8744.
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courierbeyond · 1 year
Best Courier Service in Miami- Courier & Beyond
Courier & Beyond is a trusted and reliable courier service in Miami, providing a range of delivery options to meet the needs of individuals and businesses. With years of experience in the courier industry, they have established themselves as one of the best courier services in Miami. Here are some reasons why you should choose Courier & Beyond for your courier needs in Miami.
Fast and Reliable Delivery
Courier & Beyond provides fast and reliable courier services in Miami. They understand the importance of timely delivery and offer same-day and next-day delivery options to meet your needs. They also offer express delivery services for urgent packages that need to be delivered within hours. Their team of experienced couriers ensures that your package is delivered on time, every time.
Flexible Delivery Options
Courier & Beyond offers a range of delivery options to meet the needs of individuals and businesses in Miami. They offer same-day delivery for urgent packages that need to be delivered quickly. They also offer next-day delivery for packages that are not as time-sensitive. Additionally, they offer international shipping services for packages that need to be delivered overseas. This flexibility allows you to choose the delivery option that best meets your needs and budget.
Customized Solutions
Courier & Beyond offers customized solutions to meet your unique needs. They take the time to understand your requirements and offer solutions that meet your specific needs. Whether you need to send a single document or a large package, they can help you find the best delivery option to meet your needs and budget. They also offer specialized services such as medical specimen transportation, white-glove delivery, and more.
Safe and Secure Delivery
Courier & Beyond understands the importance of keeping your package safe and secure during transport. They use high-quality packaging materials and take every precaution to ensure that your package arrives at its destination in the same condition it was sent. They also offer insurance options for added peace of mind, so you can be sure that your package is protected in the unlikely event that something goes wrong.
Competitive Pricing
Courier & Beyond offers competitive pricing for their courier services in Miami. They understand that businesses and individuals need to balance their budget, and they strive to provide cost-effective solutions that meet their clients' needs. They offer transparent pricing and no hidden fees, so you can be sure that you are getting the best value for your money.
Real-time Tracking
Courier & Beyond offers real-time tracking for your packages, so you can see where your package is at all times and when it will be delivered. This feature provides added peace of mind and allows you to plan accordingly.
Excellent Customer Service
Courier & Beyond is committed to providing excellent customer service. They are responsive, attentive, and always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that their clients are satisfied. From the moment you contact them until your package is delivered, they are there to help you every step of the way.
Courier & Beyond serves a variety of industries in Miami, including healthcare, legal, financial, and more. They have experience handling sensitive and confidential documents and packages and understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality.
In conclusion, if you are looking for a reliable and efficient courier service in Miami, look no further than Courier & Beyond. Their commitment to customer satisfaction, attention to detail, and competitive pricing make them an ideal choice for anyone looking for a courier service. Contact them today at +1 305 889 4483 to learn more about their services or to schedule a delivery.
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Ain’t Life A B*tch - Chap 2
Well for me... aint editing a bitch so I’m sorry if there are mistakes but I’m finding it hard to concentrate lately. 36th day in Quarantine!! 
Chapter 1 if you need a refresher or whatever :)
. . . . / 2 / . . .
The next week was spent sorting through forms and getting your new probie up to speed. She was a young buck, raised in New York, father was a cop and mum was a naval officer. So serve and protect was in her blood as she'd say. Alex Edison was her name but she preferred to go by Eddie, a nickname she hated in school but grew to love when she got older.
You managed to video call your other Agent who was flying in from Miami on the weekend. He had to sort a few more things before making the move permanently to DC. Agent Hunter, Ben Hunter, was how he introduced himself and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. You'd met him once when his case brought him to your ship a few years ago. You worked well and was happy when Vance mentioned his name as a candidate for your new team.  
"Ok, Alex. You got the form for HR?" You sighed, leaning back in your chair. You desk was perfectly positioned the next row over from Gibbs Team which meant you heard and saw almost everything that happened over there. They'd been chasing a murderer for over a week now. Everyone was running on fumes. Especially Gibbs and you couldn't help but cringe a few times when he yelled at his team.
Eddie was shocked the first time she heard him yell and you reassured her that it was ok. Her face clearly didn't believe you though.
"Just about." She answered tapping away at her computer, her desk was beside yours. So you could see her screen when you leaned back in your seat. She'd added a few picture frames around her desk, one of her dog, another of her and her mum and the third was an old grey and white photo of her grandparents.
You smiled as she hurried up. "All good, once you've finished that. Send it to HR and if you want we can grab a drink?" You suggest, it had been a paper heavy week and you needed to unwind away from a computer screen.
"Aww, I need a drink." A sad voice piped up from over the divider.
You twirled your chair around to see Ellie standing and looking over at you. You'd managed to chat to her a few times, mainly in the break room when she escaped to get a snack which was quite often. "You're more than welcome to join."
She smiled at your offer but her eyes darted down to where Gibbs mustve been sitting and you shrug. It was almost 1800 on Friday. They hadn't had a break in the case all day, you knew because you caught their huffs and complaints about it all day. "Gibbs?" Ellie said with so much hope, you could tell by the bags under her young eyes that they'd been working longer hours than usual.
"Yeah, there's nothing we can do tonight."
"You can join to if you want Gibbs." You shout and laugh at Ellie's and Eddie's reaction to his invitation. You knew all too well what his reply was going to be, what it always would be in the middle of a case with no leads.
Gibbs stood up, leaning over the divider and smiling down at you. As he said the words, you mimed his answer. "Bourbon, boat, basement." Everyone chuckled at your response. "Why'd you ask?" His eyes were curious. Clearly bemused by you miming and knowing his answer as he said it.
"I'm being polite and a nice colleague." You smile, seeing Eddie send off the form so you began to gather up your things.
"Hey Jack!" Ellie beamed, as the other blonde strode into the bullpen and you stilled for a second. Your back was now turned to Gibbs, you could feel his eyes burning into your back, he saw you freeze. You'd successfully avoided Jack all week. Only catching glimpses of her on the promenade and once when she came to help Gibbs team with profiles. Neither of you gave each other a second glance and as much as you were thankful for it, your gut was getting more and more twisted with every glimpse you saw her. Not to mention your subconscious derailing you every night by replaying the break up and the moment outside of MTAC when you came back.
"Ellie, you heading out?" She tried her best to sound up beat but you could hear the hostility in her voice.
You shucked on your coat, slipping on your gloves and packing up your desk. "You ready?" You look over at Alex who is shutting down her computer.
"Yep." She jumps up, stretching and grabbing her coat and bag.
"Hey y/n, can Jack join us for drinks?" The words you hoped you'd never hear but knew it was coming. You knew Jack was close with the other team and why wouldn't she be? She's a friendly, warm - shut up brain. Trying to gather as much composure as possible you turn with the best painted smile you could muster.
"Ellie I'm sure-" You were ready to make up any kind of excuse but as soon as your eyes locked with Jack's you couldn't finish.
Without a missing a beat Jack picked up your excuse. "I'm busy tonight. Just heading out now to go on a date actually." Her eyes look back to Ellie who is now too curious about Jack's date. You on the other hand are trying your best to ignore that stab to the heart that had nothing to do with Jack's words about a date. Or the way her eyes darted to Gibbs and he shared a look when she said date.
"I'm ready." Alex smiles, you can tell she's trying to distract you. Your composure mustn't be as good as you hoped.
You clap your glove covered hands. "Right.. Ellie, we'll meet you there?" You wait a tick to get Ellie's reply, not daring to look at Jack again. Ellie looks from you to Jack curiously. You were trying so hard not to let anyone notice anything between you and Jack, Gibbs didn't count, and it was starting to come through.
"Sure. Devil's?" You nod and follow Eddie to the elevator.
"See you there. First rounds on me!" You shout over your shoulder and hop into the elevator.
"I'm coming!" Nick shouts and you just hake your head with a smile.
The night wasn't as awkward as you thought it might be. No one brought up the moment in the squadroom even though you could see the question on Ellie's lips. You had a few drinks and got to know each other a lot more. Nick even got up and danced when one of his favourite songs came out of the speakers, he tried his best to drag Bishop up but she held on tightly to the post next to your table. It was nice, you felt like you were settling more and more into living and working in DC. Something you thought would take a while.
You and Eddie hung around a while after Nick and Ellie had to call it a night. They unfortunately still had to work in the morning both hoping they'd have a lead or this was going to be an awfully long weekend for them both.
"How are you liking DC?" Alex's eyes wondered to the tv screen above the bar, you could see she was trying to seem disinterested but you'd tried your best all night to avoid your personal life all night. Always flipping it back to the asker, it had worked, Nick always liked talking about himself.
You wanted to be open with Alex, to create a partnership with her more so than being like a boss. You wanted to create that boundary but this job was going to get serious really quickly and you wanted to create a bond that you could lean on each other as well. After all these people were going to be in your life for hopefully many years to come. Drawing in a deep breath you thought about your answer. It was a simple question but it could lead to harder ones.
"Colder than I like but I did always enjoy the snow." A bit vague but you wanted to see where Alex would take it. To see if she was willing to go straight to the question she really wanted to know. "What about you?"
Her eyes snapped back to the table, taking a sip of her drink. "I like the pace of DC. Managed to find a somewhat decent place to live."
"Yeah you mentioned that earlier. Seems like a score for me and being a short drive to work as well." She was really impressive for her age, stepping out and following her ambitions, you admired that.
"You don't have to answer but.." Her eyes shifted nervously, you knew what was coming. "You and Agent Sloane? Did something happen before I came along?" Her eyes flicked to yours, you weren't hiding your feelings on the subject. The alcohol may have had something to do that by now. You'd kept it steady all night and now it was finally taking it's toll.
"Something did.. a long time ago." You shrug as nonchalantly as possible, bringing your glass to your lips and taking a long swig.
"Must've been -"
"We were in a serious relationship and I-" You sigh, dropping you head back. You really didn't want to talk about it, alcohol or no alcohol. Bonding or no bonding, you weren't ready for this admission. Out loud anyway.
"So when does Ben arrive again?" Alex gave you a comforting smile and you relaxed at the subject change.
The night soon came to a close, you made sure Alex had a ride before making your way home. It was nice to have a night together outside of the office. To get to know each other more and with other friends as well. The crisp night air made you shiver and you hugged yourself closer to the wall of the bar while you waited for your Uber.
The weekend you managed to keep yourself busy by shopping and finding things to decorate your apartment with. You managed to find some cute things at the local markets on Saturday morning. Your apartment was slowly filling up with things you liked and you felt content with your efforts. Shopping was never an pleasure for you but you needed to make your apartment feel more like a home. After all you would be staying around for hopefully a long time. On Sunday you managed to find a small dining set that would fit perfectly in your small dining area and a cute, round, wide chair that you thought would be great curling up on after a long days work. Come Sunday afternoon you were all shopped out and curled up on said new purchase with a blanket and cup of hot chocolate, testing the new furniture out.
There was no case come Monday morning however Agent Ben Hunter had arrived and kept you busy catching up and filling out his paperwork for his transfer. "So I filled in the form for payroll and have the other documents are being sent through to HR."
"Excellent." You smiled over at Ben. He was very to the point and full steam ahead. You just hoped that was the same when it came to being in the field and on cases.
You got distracted by the team over the divider. They'd caught a cast late Sunday afternoon and apparently had been going since then. Nick was very loud about the lack of sleep he'd had and Ellie would bite back every so often saying they were all in the same boat.
"Alright team. I have profiles for you." You heard her voice, the pep and energy clearly evident compared to the rest of the team. "Come on. The quicker you look into these guys the quicker you could get some sleep. Or you know, Gibbs. Send them home. They need rest." She was all too blunt and head strong about it and you were waiting for Gibbs' snark remark about it's his team but it never came.
"'robably right Jack but we gotta get this guy. Grab a coffee and we'll follow up on the profiles." He grunted and you heard his chair squeak meaning he'd gotten up and you watched as he and Jack walked around and waited at the elevator.
You sunk further into your chair, hiding slightly more behind your desk as you watched Jack and Gibbs walk into the elevator turn around and Jack was laughing at something with a smiling Gibbs. Your gut twinged and you grunted at it to shut up. The elevators door shut and you went back to the emails you were following up on.
"Everything alright y/n?" Ben spoke up, clearly noticing your reaction to Jack's presence.
"Fine." You tried to smile but doubted it came across as convincing. You shot a look at Alex not to say anything, not that you thought she would. "Going to get a snack from the break room. Want anything?" You looked between your teammates.
"Good, thanks Boss." Alex smiled at you then returned to her computer.
"Can I have a kitkat? I'll pay ya back when I have cash." He dug into his top draw to find some money but only came up with a few coins.
"It's fine." You genuinely smile at his efforts. "Think I can handle it." You wink at him and he chuckles.
"Thanks Boss." You shake your head at the name. It was still very new to you. Being the leader and in charge but Boss did have a nice ring to it, even if you and Ben were around the same age. You walked around the bullpen, coming up to Tim's desk.
"Nutterbutter right?" The sound of his favourite snack snapped McGee's face from his computer screen.
"Right." He beamed and you just kept walking. Same old McGee.  
You're in the middle of bashing the vending machine after the nutterbutter gets stuck, Tony probably did something years ago to the machine to annoy McGee, when your phone rings. "Agent Y/n. Yes, ok, we'll be there." You give the vending machine one last bang and the nutterbutter falls free. You walk, pick up your coffee and snacks and exit the room.
Gibbs is back, you hear him before you turn the corner. The site of the older blonde almost has you miss a step but you don't. You've got a murder to solve. "Timmy!" You shout, drawing everyone's attention and McGee beams as you chuck him his treat in passing. "Good catch. Gibbs been giving you pointers?" You wink at him, trying your best to not seem effected by Jack's presence.
"Nah, having two kids, you learn quickly how to juggle." You both share a laugh and you continue onto your team. "Not to mention years of avoiding Tony's antics."
"We still need to have that dinner Tim. Maybe after our cases are solved." You say over your shoulder, doing your best to avoid eye contact with Jack. She's been looking back and forth between you and Tim the whole time. Mainly looking at Tim. At least that's what you could see without looking at her directly.  
"We got a case boss?" Alex pipes up as you walk around and grab your sig and badge out of your desk, slipping into your NCIS jacket. It fit like a glove, it was several years old but there was no way you were letting Vance give you a new one. This one had seen you through most of your Agent Afloat adventures.
"You betcha. Dead Petty Officer downtown. Grab ya gear." You straighten up and look over at Gibbs who is smirking, you ignore the blonde beside him and give him a wink. "Old habits. Let's go." You were probably too eager about getting a case, it was exciting, your first case with your own team plus you were itching to get out of the office with your beautiful ex standing right there.
Is that what she'd become an ex? Like obviously she was an ex but to be just another number in a very short list of relationships? You never wanted to add her to that list but she'd ended up on it all the same.
. . . . / 2 / . . . . 
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shipfurniture · 3 years
Your effective and Fast Moving Company
Ship Smart specializes in moving and shipping solutions for small shipments near Miami and the surrounding areas. If your move is under 2000 lbs, our company offers white glove packing and shipping services for your small move. Now shipping furniture, household goods and high value items like artwork and antiques is both simple and safe. With over 20 years experience as the top rated small mover and furniture shipper in the moving industry, you can be confident that your items will be treated with respect.
Visit: https://www.shipsmart.com/small-move/miami
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axislogisticsservices · 6 months
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Furniture Assembly in Miami
Furniture buying can be a hassle-free option if the assembly is also smooth. We at Axis Logistics Services ensure that your furniture assembly is clutter-free to the core. Learn more about our services, such as furniture assembly in Miami, furniture delivery in Miami, and white glove delivery in Miami.
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esquirelogistics · 5 years
If you are pretty familiar with the concept of production you would understand how essential warehousing management is. Production process is facilitated by good flow of resources such as finances, raw materials, information and finished products between agents of production.
Read more: Importance Of Warehousing In Production, Supply Chain And Logistics Management
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esquirelogistics · 5 years
Having concerns about starting a network and management-oriented business, such as a courier company, can be a concern for you. If you are not very familiar with the delivery industry or employed by a courier company and are considering to have a start-up of your own in the same industry, we bring for you the most effective and proven tips to help you sustain your business and overtake your competitors.
Read more: How To Start A New Courier Company?
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justjessame · 4 years
Diamonds Are A Boy’s Best Friend Chapter 38
Ike was more than ready for my most decadent tastes, and he promised, as we both earned an exhaustion that might terrify my midwife, that we were just getting started.  I was curled into him, using his body to cradle the bump that housed our baby, enjoying the feel of his skin against mine and the crashing waves we could hear through the crack in the sliding glass doors leading to the patio when I brought up the subject of our bedroom.
A tired chuckle, coupled with the slide of his fingers down my bare arm was the first answer I received.  “After all that exercise, you want to discuss redecorating?”  I smiled against his bare chest, feeling the delicious ache of my own muscles.  
“If not now, when?”  It was an honest answer.  Between the running of the resort, my plans to meet with Klein, then another meeting with my father, presenting the divorce papers to Vera with hopes she’d cooperate, then a civil ceremony so our baby would come into the world in better standing than it was created in, when precisely did we have time to discuss it?
He sighed a little, but tempered the sound with a gentle kiss on my forehead.  “Tell me what you’d like, and I’ll toss in my own ideas.”  Fair, and so I did.  I wanted to keep the beach feel, but make it a little less glitzy and a little more ship durable.  Dark four poster bed with mosquito netting curtains, more substantial looking furniture.  I’d seen the bed as Lauren and I drove past an antique furniture store downtown.  
Ike nodded, his fingers still tracing my arm.  “I like the image I’m getting.  What if we add steamer trunks?”  I waited, letting him paint his additions onto our visual canvas.  “One at the foot of the bed, with extra blankets and pillows?  Smaller ones for end tables, like that?”  
“I think we’re getting there,” another kiss on his chest and we talked colors.  White linen would be stunning against the dark wood.  And the rest would lose the luster glow that seemed to be on every part of the penthouse.  Which for now, I was fine with.  “A vanity, near the patio would be nice.”  
“As dark as the rest of the furniture?”  He asked, growing into the conversation like I knew he would. 
“The one in my bedroom in-”  I shut my eyes thinking about my father’s house.  “Ben’s house, would do.  I liked it, even if my time under the roof wasn’t pleasant.”  
“It’s yours, so I can have someone pick it up and bring it here.”  He offered and I smiled.  “Are there any other things that you want from the house.” And with a rush I remembered the piles of money.  Damn it.
“Ike, there’s something I forgot to mention.”  And laying in our bed, late at night, after making love and talking about redecorating our home, I told Ike all about the money and what we should do with it.
The next morning, over breakfast in the penthouse, Lauren was excited by the prospect of redecorating her room.  After promising that I’d help her, I also had to beg off from doing it immediately.
“I have to go downtown,” I felt Ike’s eyes on me, the part of my day he wasn’t excited about.  “I have an appointment with-”  I stopped, not wanting her to worry.  “A lawyer about my grandfather’s estate.”  
She nodded solemnly, but her dad mentioned that he thought they had some magazines that would help her until I had the time to have a look raised her spirits back up.  
I was dressed, like the day before and I had a feeling every day from here on out, by Ike’s hands.  Skin to heels and gloves, he made sure I knew how precious he thought I was and I knew he was making me promise without words to be careful and safe.  I had the ledger in a huge handbag that I’d bought during the shopping trip with Lily, and with him at my side, made my way downstairs.  He helped me into the car himself, telling me that I should call him if ANYTHING went wrong and with one last lingering kiss, I told the driver where we were going and we were off.
I’d never met Mr. Klein during my first stay in Miami.  I hadn’t a single clue what he looked like, or why he thought he could intimidate Ike.  All I knew was the building I could find him in, and I hoped that my name alone would force him to take the meeting with me.  
My driver looked uncomfortable letting me enter the huge building alone, but I could also sense his unease at the thought of going with me, making me wonder how deeply he’d been entwined in Sy’s business dealings before he came into my service.  I assured him I would be fine, but also told him that if after an hour I still wasn’t out, to call the Miramar and tell Ike.  Then I stepped out of the car, into the oppressive heat, and carefully took the steps into the building.
Asking the front desk where to go, I took the elevator to the floor I’d been directed to, and then I was in front of Mr. Klein’s guardian of the gate.  My name.  That was all it took, and within a moment, before I could second guess my decision I was led into a conference room.  I noticed the board with photos of Ike, his sons, me, and Ben.  I saw Sy, Lily, and even Bel.  Al was gone, crossed out, but there were other faces that I knew by sight, but not name.  
“Miss Diamond,” I was startled by Mr. Klein’s appearance.  He reminded me a bit of a weasel or some other rodent type animal.  Gesturing toward one of the many empty chairs around the conference table he took the one at the head of the table.  Sitting down as carefully as I’d taken the steps, I noticed his eyes on my obvious condition.  “To what do I owe the pleasure?”  
I smiled.  “I had heard, once upon a time, that you wished to speak with me, Mr. Klein.  It was unfortunate that I was called away on family business.”  I let my hand fall to the top of my bump.  “However, I’ve returned, and I wanted to give you the opportunity to finally have the audience you were so desirous of before.”
He studied me, hands templed in front of him, knowing that I wouldn’t be in his presence and clutches if I didn’t have a winning hand no doubt.  “And so you just thought you’d pop in and let me ask you the questions I had before?”  I tilted my head, but said nothing.  “You and your father aren’t exactly close, are you?”
I snorted.  Was it a dignified sound, no, but it was warranted.  “No, we’re not close, Mr. Klein.  How could we be?  I was raised overseas, after all.”  I waited for his next attempt.  
“And he never visited?”  A shake of my head had him moving on.  “No calls or postcards?”  
“Oh, he called, and there were occasional cards,” I waited, he couldn’t honestly assume that Ben “The Butcher” Diamond would have put down all his illegal dealings in a letter to his daughter when I was barely old enough to read.
“But no visits?”  Another shake.  “Why did he invite you to come to Miami?”  Ah, the heart of the matter.
I smiled and took off my gloves.  “My father invited me to Miami for the same reason you first wanted to speak to me, Mr. Klein.”  He was staring as I folded my gloves carefully and set them aside. “He wanted to use me to trap Isaac Evans.”
“I didn’t expect you to-” I held up a single finger and he stopped talking. 
“Trap Ike?  No, but you wanted to use me to trap Ben, didn’t you?”  I tilted my head and studied him.  “What if I told you, Mr. Klein, that I am willing to hand my father over to you on a silver platter, with a little red bow?”
He was smirking as he answered.  “I’d ask you what you expected in return.”  
And that really was the heart of the matter, wasn’t it?  What I wanted versus what he wanted from me.  As I pulled Ben’s ledger from my bag, I had a feeling that we’d both get what we wanted, but my father would be feeling very put out, very soon.
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janicecpitts · 6 years
Home Renovation
Easy diy projects
Commercial grade floating dock
Coronado historic home
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Several characters in “Home Improvement,” the title of this week’s funnier-than-normal episode of The Magicians, deal with some concept of home. First, there’s Fen, who does whatever she …
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Florida Lobster Got a Break on China Tariffs. Then Came Coronavirus.
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MARATHON, Fla. — Like other commercial fishermen along the east and west coasts, Ethan Wallace had been waiting 18 months for China — the world’s largest importer of live lobster — to lift its crushing retaliatory tariffs on American seafood that had whittled down his profits.This week, that moment came: Beijing started allowing Chinese businesses to apply for tariff exemptions. But for Mr. Wallace, it no longer mattered.Tariffs or not, no one in China is buying. The coronavirus outbreak meant the Lunar New Year banquets and wedding parties that feature a fresh lobster on every plate, a symbol of good fortune, were canceled. In several cities, restaurants are shuttered and public indoor gatherings are prohibited. And even if they weren’t, many of the planes that ferry live lobsters aren’t flying to China.“Boom! Coronavirus,” said Mr. Wallace, 28, after he had steered Piece of the Pie, his 43-foot Torres boat, into the Keys Fisheries marina in Marathon. Although the season continues through the end of March, he and his crew that day took home more lobster traps than pounds of lobster from the Gulf of Mexico.“Normally I would still be out there fishing for the next 15 days or so,” he said as two mates unloaded wooden traps laced with brown garlands of seaweed that hung like tinsel. Even though the catch trails off near the end of the season, the premium price that buyers are willing to pay for live lobsters that can be shipped to China — $11 to $12 a pound when the year started — was worth the effort.In January, when the Chinese government closed the live-seafood market in Wuhan, the price of lobster in Florida fell overnight by as much as $5 a pound. Because they will now have to be sold for frozen use, the lobsters aren’t worth as much.“To not catch very much and have no price, it’s hard to leave your gear out,” said Mr. Wallace, who had already beached most of his 3,200 lobster traps. Between fuel and wages for his crew, a day of lobstering can cost him more than $1,000. “Once they dropped the price down, everybody made a beeline for the dock.”All around the wharf, spilling over into the parking lot, on the grass and even, in some spots, along the Overseas Highway that traverses the Florida Keys, lobster traps are stacked.The makeshift skyline of slatted wooden low-rises and high-rises is one emblem of how far and fast the coronavirus outbreak is reverberating throughout the global economy. Production and distribution chains, travel plans and social gatherings have been disrupted in Asia, Europe and North America. The effects are rippling out to the supply of Apple phones and demand for hotel rooms and lobsters.“The effect of the coronavirus has been a shake-up across the entire lobster supply chain in the U.S. and Canada,” said Annie Tselikis, executive director the Lobster Dealers’ Association in Maine, where four out of five American lobsters are caught.Now is a slow time for fishing and sales in the state, she said, so the damage has been limited.Compared with those in Maine, the annual landings from the Florida Keys are tiny, about six million pounds. But half of the catch goes to China, the largest single customer.Over the past decade, China’s demand for live lobster — a sign of wealth and status among the country’s rapidly growing middle class — has transformed Florida’s lobster industry. The clawless spiny Caribbean lobsters caught off its coast tend to be more prized in China than Maine’s pincered ones.Known as dragon shrimp, they could be shipped out of Miami and arrive — alive — in China 40 hours later. As prices headed past $20 a pound in 2014, more and more fishing boats, processors and buyers redirected their operations to sell to Asia. Lobster is now the most valuable seafood product harvested in the state.“The Chinese market has upped the quality of our life,” said Ernie Piton, 55, who was repairing traps outside his garage. He, too, ended his season early. About 10 years ago, he switched to selling live lobsters directly to Chinese buyers who waited on the dock in Key Largo for his boat and then picked through lobsters as they were unloaded. “We’ve been able to put more money in the bank,” Mr. Piton said.D&D Seafood, which handles more than one million pounds of lobster a year, has a facility five minutes from Miami International Airport to speed shipments. “The virus has knocked out 100 percent of our live business to China,” said Dennis Dopico, the vice president. When the market shut, he got stuck with about 5,000 pounds in the tanks instead of the 15,000 carried on an average day. “We just got lucky,” he said.For Florida’s fishing industry, the health scare is the latest in a series of unfortunate events. In 2017, Hurricane Irma ripped through the region, wrecking lobster traps and boats and reducing the commercial fishing harvests, said Gary Graves, manager of Keys Fisheries, one of the state’s largest seafood processors and distributors.In 2018, a trade feud with the United States prompted China to impose an additional 25 percent tariff on American lobster imports — payback for tariffs that the Trump administration had slapped on Chinese goods. Last summer, just after lobster season started, another wave of tariffs from the White House prompted the Chinese to retaliate by further raising import duties on American seafood. Exports of live lobster to China plunged 42 percent from 2018 to 2019, from $148 million to less than $86 million, according to the Maine International Trade Center.Maine was hit the hardest by the punitive tariffs. Buyers could easily pivot north to Canada, whose waters breed the same species of clawed lobster.Sixteen hundred miles south, in the Keys, anglers and distributors still sold live lobsters to China, but prices were down. “The tariffs cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars,” said Mr. Piton, the Key Largo fisherman.He had hoped to make up some lost ground during new year celebrations in China, when pumped-up demand raised prices. “You hope for a good pull right at the end of the season,” he said. “Then the market crashed.”Mr. Piton lives down the block from Key Largo Fisheries. Last week, a lone lobster boat, Hanna Katherine, arrived with something to sell.Stepping off the deck, John Greco said he had already taken out about a third of his 2,600 traps, but figured he could earn some extra money since most everyone else had given up for the season.“It sucks that the price dropped,” he said, as a couple of lobsters scrambled out of the bright blue crates that had been hoisted onto the dock. “But if you don’t go out, you don’t make anything.”Mr. Greco, 34, and his brother have been trapping lobsters since high school. That morning they had motored out at 5:30, pulling up and emptying about 250 traps throughout the day.Inside the fishery, a half dozen cutters in white rubber boots and thick gloves wielded long fillet knives, quickly dissevering tubs of yellowtail. Heads went in one plastic-lined cardboard box; skeletons that could be used for chum in another. Nearby, a purple tub was crowded with bonito, often used as bait. “It has a scent to it that fish just adore,” said Rick Hill, a co-owner of Key Largo Fisheries.The lobsters were weighed in batches, and then dumped into a stainless-steel vat filled with ice and freshwater, a quick way to kill them. Some would probably end up in one of the fishery’s enormous warehouse freezers, which are set at 20 and 30 degrees below zero Fahrenheit.The final tally: 365 pounds of lobster, worth just over $2,500.“I’m not complaining,” Mr. Greco said, but noted that if the Chinese market hadn’t collapsed, he would have earned at least another $1,000 for the day’s labor.For the U.S. commercial fishing industry, the tariff exemption is a huge relief, but because of the virus, it is still unclear how long it will take to revive trade with China.In Marathon, the season is winding down, but it reopens in August. “Next year’s right around the corner for us,” Mr. Wallace said.Keith Bradsher contributed reporting from Shanghai. Read the full article
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Marlins full sweep at hand Phillies seventh consecutive loss
http://tinyurl.com/y47ufsen The Miami Marlins accomplished a collection sweep because the Philadelphia Phillies suffered their seventh consecutive MLB defeat. Though the Marlins are final within the Nationwide League East standings, they swept the second-placed Phillies 3-Zero over the weekend. Miami topped Philadelphia 6-Four on Sunday and dominated on the plate, outhitting the Phillies 16-Four as eight Marlins gamers recorded at the least one hit. Garrett Cooper, Brian Anderson and J.T. Riddle all hit residence runs for the Marlins in a whole crew effort. “[I] cannot say sufficient concerning the hitting,” Cooper mentioned. “Hitting is contagious and everyone got here by with massive hits.”   Arraez a shining mild in Twins defeat Second baseman Luis Arraez went 4 for 4 within the Minnesota Twins’ 6-1 loss to the Kansas Metropolis Royals. Justin Verlander recorded 9 strikeouts in seven innings because the Houston Astros took down the New York Yankees 9-4. Brandon Woodruff mowed down 12 batters within the Milwaukee Brewers’ 7-5 victory over the Cincinnati Reds.   Vlad struggles however Blue Jays win Third baseman Vladimir Guerrero Jr. was hitless in 5 at-bats, however the Toronto Blue Jays nonetheless topped World Sequence champions the Boston Pink Sox 6-1. Anthony Rendon went Zero for 5 within the Washington Nationals’ 4-Three loss to the Atlanta Braves.   Gurriel denies Holt Brock Holt tried to out run Toronto’s Lourdes Gurriel Jr. It didn’t finish effectively for the Pink Sox infielder. San Francisco Giants second baseman Joe Panik didn’t want a glove to make this play in a 3-2 loss to the Arizona Diamondbacks.   Sunday’s outcomes Toronto Blue Jays 6-1 Boston Pink SoxMiami Marlins 6-Four Philadelphia PhilliesAtlanta Braves 4-Three Washington NationalsCleveland Indians 8-Three Detroit TigersHouston Astros 9-Four New York YankeesPittsburgh Pirates 11-10 San Diego PadresKansas Metropolis Royals 6-1 Minnesota TwinsMilwaukee Brewers 7-5 Cincinnati RedsChicago Cubs 5-Three New York MetsTexas Rangers 7-Four Chicago White SoxLos Angeles Dodgers 6-Three Colorado RockiesTampa Bay Rays 8-2 Oakland AthleticsSeattle Mariners 13-Three Baltimore OriolesArizona Diamondbacks 3-2 San Francisco GiantsLos Angeles Angels 6-Four St Louis Cardinals   Mets at Phillies New York and Philadelphia are each going by robust instances, however one in all these NL East squads should get again on monitor. The Mets will ship Steven Matz (5-5, 4.28 ERA) to the mound whereas the Phillies will counter with Zach Eflin (6-7, 2.83 ERA). Source link
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carsafestorage · 6 years
The Company You Keep: Expensive, Vintage, Exotic, and Rare Cars Reside at Carsafe Storage
The Company You Keep: Expensive, Vintage, Exotic, and Rare Cars Reside at Carsafe Storage
Whether you’re living the high life in your latest convertible or sporting a luxurious sport utility, you want your car to mirror who you are. If you’re seeking a storage facility to keep your vehicle, you want the company to have a clear understanding of your needs and expectations too. With Carsafe Storage, you get the first-class service to match your lifestyle.  We've become internationally known as the best place to store your vintage, exotic and rare cars in Miami.
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All aspects of your car’s care are conducted in a highly secure, climate-controlled environment to protect your car. Considering southern Florida is susceptible to tropical weather events every now and again, Carsafe will shield your vehicle against the elements.
We offer a destination spa for luxury vehicles and ensure that you’ll feel better driving your car the next time you take it for a spin.
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We can also arrange for your car to be delivered to you via complimentary flatbed transport or via enclosed transport. If you need your car overseas, worldwide shipping coordination is available as well. Carsafe goes above and beyond because we’re car lovers too! We’ll make sure your vehicle stays in top shape whenever it’s with us.
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With each service, you and your car are treated with exclusivity and importance. Don’t trust your luxurious car with anyone but the experts at Carsafe Storage
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demitgibbs · 6 years
Q&A: Pam Ann Talks ‘Flight Attendant Star’
Logo TV founder Matt Farber’s Outlandish performance series continues on Saturday, Feb. 9 with comedian Pam Ann performing a new show, “Flight Attendant Star” at the Sunshine Cathedral in Fort Lauderdale.
Iconic international celebrity airhostess Pam Ann has evolved since first jetting out of her hometown of Melbourne 20 years ago.  Pam — the alter-ego of Australian comedian-writer-producer Caroline Reid — has developed a cult-like status both here and overseas with her masterful portrayal of an international air hostess.
Pam’s barbed wit has seen her fly many a risky route and negotiate even the most politically incorrect flight path with her blisteringly funny take on the world of airlines and aircrew. Nothing is out of reach of her pristine white gloves, strutting up the aisle with a trolley full of beautifully unpredictable, acerbic airline satire. There’s not much Pam hasn’t seen or done – from crewing Elton John’s private jet at his express request, sharing a stadium stage on a tour of the UK with Cher, and counting Madonna in her legion of devoted fans worldwide.
It was, once again, a pleasure to sit down with both Pam and Caroline for this exclusive Hotspots interview.
What has happened in the last years since we last spoke?
I’ve started DJing. I play disco and disco house. It’s been so great learning a new skill and going out of my comfort zone after 23 years of comedy. So far I’ve DJ’d at my favorite place in the world, the Standard Spa Hotel Miami. My Standard family actually gave me my first ever gig, and I was delighted to be asked to DJ at the SAVE LGBT Halloween Ball here in Miami Beach. It meant so much to me, it’s the first time in years I felt part of such a loving, caring, diverse community. Over Christmas, I DJ’d on the Intrepid for TPG Awards (The Points Guy) which was insane spinning on an aircraft carrier surrounded by jets and space ships. It’s been so incredible so far and I’m thrilled and excited to announce I will be DJing in Stockholm Pride for the closing party, so watch out bitches, DJ Pam Ann is going international! Don’t worry, though, I’m not giving up comedy anytime soon, but I am looking forward to this new chapter in my life. 
How did you create Pam Ann?
She was born out of a bottle of Absolut vodka. I had a James Bond themed birthday party back in 1996 (Sean Connery Bond). He only flew Pan American, so I went dressed to my birthday as a Pan Am 1960’s air hostess. Over the course of the evening everyone was getting more and more drunk and started calling me Pan Am. The drunker my friends got, the more it sounded like Pam Ann. Try it: say Pan Am ten times in a row BOOM PAM ANN is born. Plus, my love of everything 60’s design and airlines created what Pam Ann is today. Seriously I never thought I’d end up in comedy, I actually wanted to be a department store window dresser… before Pam Ann I actually used to sell mannequins at Mei & Picchi in Fitzroy Melbourne.  
Did you ever expect this level of success and how did it change your life?
I never try to have expectations period. I’ve always lived my life and career organically and followed my heart and passion. Success is a weird word; it’s all in the mind what you perceive. I just try to be as authentic as possible and I don’t think about success.  I feel like I haven’t even started yet and still have a long journey ahead. Pam Ann has gifted me the opportunity to live a carefree life and travel the world doing what I love, I couldn’t be more grateful to her. I’ve met so many incredible friends along the way. I’m a High School dropout so for me Pam Ann has been my university in life. I am now the Wikipedia on airlines, flight attendants, cultures and global travel. My US green card to me is one of my greatest achievements, it’s my college degree … Pam Ann got me into the USA.  
You have worked with so many superstars, who are your favorites and why?
Elton John and David Furnish are my favorite superstars and people in the world. Not only do they support and encourage new talent they have raised so much awareness and money for HIV and AIDS; they are my heroes. I love them both so, so much… and damn, they know how to throw a great party. 
Is there one gig that was your favorite and if so why?
One of my favorite shows was in Paris at the beautiful Alhambra theatre. I love Parisians and I love performing in Paris. My bar is set high to achieve and do the best I can for the Parisians. (Comedy is like a drug your always chasing the perfect show) So this one particulate night in Paris I’d performed what I thought was an ok show in my mind. I went off stage and said to my tour manager Esther (who’s been with me for over 12yrs and knows me so well) damn that wasn’t good enough. I went to my dressing room took off my wig and threw off my Chanel pumps … Esther then came running into my dressing room saying they won’t leave … I said who? She said the audience. They are stamping their feet and demanding you come out for an encore. I was in shock, and I went out barefoot, wig in hand completely confused …they all stood on their feet and shouted BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO! I cried and thanked them as they hugged me with their hearts. I’ll never forget it, it was my Edith Piaf moment. I love and adore the French so much and even though I can’t speak French, they feel it from my soul. That’s why I love what I do, for these precious magical golden rare moments. 
Now that you live in the states, do you miss Australia and how often do you get back down under?
I love Australia, my family and my best friends live there. I’ve had friends in Oz for over 30yrs who are all part of my DNA. Pam Ann was born in Melbourne through the encouragement of so many darling friends of mine, without them Pam Ann might never have been. I miss everyone so much I wish we could pull Australia over and join it to Miami. IMAGINE Miami with kangaroos! I try and go back 2 times a year of course flying the Qantas, the flying kangaroo. 
How do you keep your material fresh for the audience and for yourself as an artist?
I never do the same show….ever! I tailor my shows to what country I’m in and talk about their national airline and what is currently happening in their world that we all can relate to. I improvise the first hour or so of my show and I work on the fly so to speak. I don’t write I just tell my stories though my real life experiences and observations (I have an incredible Wikipedia library in my head). I have brought back much more audience participation to my shows once again, which I love. I stopped doing it for a while …long story all I’ll say it involved glitter and a homophobic couple. But rest assured I’m back in full swing so watch out Pam Ann Frequent Flyers. 
 Describe Pam Ann is three words?
 Honest, funny and ‘plane’ filthy  
What should the South Florida Audiences expect from your show “Flight Attendant Star”?
Lots of inappropriate banter—which clearly should not be said in church! Sunshine Cathedral and everyone who volunteers and works at the church are so kind and awesome, it’s my favorite place in the world to perform and I am not just saying that. Plus, you don’t get a gayer, more fabulous audience than you do in Fort Lauderdale. If I could work monthly in Fort Lauderdale, I would never leave Florida. And yes, this a shameless plug for a club in Wilton Manors to book me, please! I just LOVE you all so much!
Do you have a warning for the virgins of your show?
Turn your f*cking phones off!
What does the future hold for Pam Ann and for Caroline?
I hope to spend much more time at home in Florida working with the LGBTQ community to help bring more LGBTQ tourism to Miami Beach and raise lots of money for SAVE LGBTQ and many other charity organizations. I hope the future holds new opportunities for both me and Pam Ann. 
Tickets are now on sale for “Flight Attendant Star” at https://www.outlandishfl.com/.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/01/31/qa-pam-ann-talks-flight-attendant-star/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/182450751775
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esquirelogistics · 5 years
The expenses include more than living costs and differences in geographic expenses have leveled out as of late. Organizations frequently end up compelled to bargain between staying near to target markets and picking the lowest-cost facility.
Read more: Relocation Of An Entity Worth Positive Growth Of The Business
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cynthiajayusa · 6 years
Q&A: Pam Ann Talks ‘Flight Attendant Star’
Logo TV founder Matt Farber’s Outlandish performance series continues on Saturday, Feb. 9 with comedian Pam Ann performing a new show, “Flight Attendant Star” at the Sunshine Cathedral in Fort Lauderdale.
Iconic international celebrity airhostess Pam Ann has evolved since first jetting out of her hometown of Melbourne 20 years ago.  Pam — the alter-ego of Australian comedian-writer-producer Caroline Reid — has developed a cult-like status both here and overseas with her masterful portrayal of an international air hostess.
Pam’s barbed wit has seen her fly many a risky route and negotiate even the most politically incorrect flight path with her blisteringly funny take on the world of airlines and aircrew. Nothing is out of reach of her pristine white gloves, strutting up the aisle with a trolley full of beautifully unpredictable, acerbic airline satire. There’s not much Pam hasn’t seen or done – from crewing Elton John’s private jet at his express request, sharing a stadium stage on a tour of the UK with Cher, and counting Madonna in her legion of devoted fans worldwide.
It was, once again, a pleasure to sit down with both Pam and Caroline for this exclusive Hotspots interview.
What has happened in the last years since we last spoke?
I’ve started DJing. I play disco and disco house. It’s been so great learning a new skill and going out of my comfort zone after 23 years of comedy. So far I’ve DJ’d at my favorite place in the world, the Standard Spa Hotel Miami. My Standard family actually gave me my first ever gig, and I was delighted to be asked to DJ at the SAVE LGBT Halloween Ball here in Miami Beach. It meant so much to me, it’s the first time in years I felt part of such a loving, caring, diverse community. Over Christmas, I DJ’d on the Intrepid for TPG Awards (The Points Guy) which was insane spinning on an aircraft carrier surrounded by jets and space ships. It’s been so incredible so far and I’m thrilled and excited to announce I will be DJing in Stockholm Pride for the closing party, so watch out bitches, DJ Pam Ann is going international! Don’t worry, though, I’m not giving up comedy anytime soon, but I am looking forward to this new chapter in my life. 
How did you create Pam Ann?
She was born out of a bottle of Absolut vodka. I had a James Bond themed birthday party back in 1996 (Sean Connery Bond). He only flew Pan American, so I went dressed to my birthday as a Pan Am 1960’s air hostess. Over the course of the evening everyone was getting more and more drunk and started calling me Pan Am. The drunker my friends got, the more it sounded like Pam Ann. Try it: say Pan Am ten times in a row BOOM PAM ANN is born. Plus, my love of everything 60’s design and airlines created what Pam Ann is today. Seriously I never thought I’d end up in comedy, I actually wanted to be a department store window dresser… before Pam Ann I actually used to sell mannequins at Mei & Picchi in Fitzroy Melbourne.  
Did you ever expect this level of success and how did it change your life?
I never try to have expectations period. I’ve always lived my life and career organically and followed my heart and passion. Success is a weird word; it’s all in the mind what you perceive. I just try to be as authentic as possible and I don’t think about success.  I feel like I haven’t even started yet and still have a long journey ahead. Pam Ann has gifted me the opportunity to live a carefree life and travel the world doing what I love, I couldn’t be more grateful to her. I’ve met so many incredible friends along the way. I’m a High School dropout so for me Pam Ann has been my university in life. I am now the Wikipedia on airlines, flight attendants, cultures and global travel. My US green card to me is one of my greatest achievements, it’s my college degree … Pam Ann got me into the USA.  
You have worked with so many superstars, who are your favorites and why?
Elton John and David Furnish are my favorite superstars and people in the world. Not only do they support and encourage new talent they have raised so much awareness and money for HIV and AIDS; they are my heroes. I love them both so, so much… and damn, they know how to throw a great party. 
Is there one gig that was your favorite and if so why?
One of my favorite shows was in Paris at the beautiful Alhambra theatre. I love Parisians and I love performing in Paris. My bar is set high to achieve and do the best I can for the Parisians. (Comedy is like a drug your always chasing the perfect show) So this one particulate night in Paris I’d performed what I thought was an ok show in my mind. I went off stage and said to my tour manager Esther (who’s been with me for over 12yrs and knows me so well) damn that wasn’t good enough. I went to my dressing room took off my wig and threw off my Chanel pumps … Esther then came running into my dressing room saying they won’t leave … I said who? She said the audience. They are stamping their feet and demanding you come out for an encore. I was in shock, and I went out barefoot, wig in hand completely confused …they all stood on their feet and shouted BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO! I cried and thanked them as they hugged me with their hearts. I’ll never forget it, it was my Edith Piaf moment. I love and adore the French so much and even though I can’t speak French, they feel it from my soul. That’s why I love what I do, for these precious magical golden rare moments. 
Now that you live in the states, do you miss Australia and how often do you get back down under?
I love Australia, my family and my best friends live there. I’ve had friends in Oz for over 30yrs who are all part of my DNA. Pam Ann was born in Melbourne through the encouragement of so many darling friends of mine, without them Pam Ann might never have been. I miss everyone so much I wish we could pull Australia over and join it to Miami. IMAGINE Miami with kangaroos! I try and go back 2 times a year of course flying the Qantas, the flying kangaroo. 
How do you keep your material fresh for the audience and for yourself as an artist?
I never do the same show….ever! I tailor my shows to what country I’m in and talk about their national airline and what is currently happening in their world that we all can relate to. I improvise the first hour or so of my show and I work on the fly so to speak. I don’t write I just tell my stories though my real life experiences and observations (I have an incredible Wikipedia library in my head). I have brought back much more audience participation to my shows once again, which I love. I stopped doing it for a while …long story all I’ll say it involved glitter and a homophobic couple. But rest assured I’m back in full swing so watch out Pam Ann Frequent Flyers. 
 Describe Pam Ann is three words?
 Honest, funny and ‘plane’ filthy  
What should the South Florida Audiences expect from your show “Flight Attendant Star”?
Lots of inappropriate banter—which clearly should not be said in church! Sunshine Cathedral and everyone who volunteers and works at the church are so kind and awesome, it’s my favorite place in the world to perform and I am not just saying that. Plus, you don’t get a gayer, more fabulous audience than you do in Fort Lauderdale. If I could work monthly in Fort Lauderdale, I would never leave Florida. And yes, this a shameless plug for a club in Wilton Manors to book me, please! I just LOVE you all so much!
Do you have a warning for the virgins of your show?
Turn your f*cking phones off!
What does the future hold for Pam Ann and for Caroline?
I hope to spend much more time at home in Florida working with the LGBTQ community to help bring more LGBTQ tourism to Miami Beach and raise lots of money for SAVE LGBTQ and many other charity organizations. I hope the future holds new opportunities for both me and Pam Ann. 
Tickets are now on sale for “Flight Attendant Star” at https://www.outlandishfl.com/.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/01/31/qa-pam-ann-talks-flight-attendant-star/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2019/01/q-pam-ann-talks-flight-attendant-star.html
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