#White Mounatineering
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havenshop · 7 years ago
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White Mountaineering FW17 
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digidyllic · 2 years ago
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jus-incase · 5 years ago
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Went backpacking for 5 days in the western part of Sequoia National Park. The area is called Mineral King. Every night we slept by a lake and ate freshly caught fish and of course the essential packet of Ramen. I’ll be posting a lot of photos from this trip. I’ll space it out by day and lake. Hope you enjoy! 
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colorsperceived · 7 years ago
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Roads were made for journeys not destinations. -Confucius
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darling-with-no-probs · 8 years ago
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desiderataaficionado · 7 years ago
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i-windwater · 6 years ago
Feng Shui tips for increasing Power and Authority
Feng Shui tips for increasinig your power and authority
Besides your hard work and experience, Feng Shui can help you increase your power, status, and authority too. We are going to show you some simple tips you can apply to enhance your power either at home or at work.
Watch the video below
Balance your dragon and tiger
You have probably heard of the 4 celestial animals in Feng Shui. When you stand in the house and facing the front door, your right side is the White Tiger, left is the Blue Dragon, the back is the Black Turtle, and the front is the Red Phoenix. They all represent different energy.
Dragon is the Yang or male energy and the tiger is the Yin or female energy. To increase your power and authority, make sure the left side is higher and the right side the lower. Depending on the industry you are in or the customers you have, you can increase the female energy too for the right balance. The rule can apply to your house, office, or even a desk. When you sit down, is your dragon side taller, brighter, and more active than the right tiger side?
2. Check the front phoenix for futue achievement and ambition
The front view should be open and beautiful. Is there a way you can create a clear and open view in front of your house, office, or desk?
3. Check your Turtle in the back of the house for support and stability
The back of your desk, house, or office should be stable and solid. A mounatin or tall shelf is good for support.
The backyard is also related to your offspring and your relationship with them. Create a beautiful and organized backyard to enhance the luck related to your kids and grand kids.
4. Nothewst is the power corner
Northwest is related to the most yang energy and highest status in the Ba Gua (trigram) map. To take advantage of that, you can use the space as your office or an important room. Use the Northwest space frequently to increase your authority and status.
Alternatively, place a symbol of power such as a dragon or horse on the Northwest corner of your desk or office.
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tempest-in-the-storm · 7 years ago
Literally have been thinking of Narnia's battle song as the jam to listen to for the battle against the white walkers, with Arya pulling an Eowyn and sneaking into the ranks with Nymeria and her wolf army, and the WW final trailer for the badassness she'll wreck upon King's Landing, taking down the Mounatin, and the Queen and etc. Actually just all the amazing choreography in general from Wonder Woman to be used by Arya in the final season. And when I'm feeling angsty, Arya taking out the Night King but collapsing only, for Jon to pull an Éomer and give out that heart wrenching cry as he discovers Arya's (alive or not) body on the battlefield. you know, stuff that likely will never happen (unfortunately)
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oooshinyphotography · 6 years ago
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Mt. Morrison, partially snow dusted, under blue skies and white clouds.
Taken on 3-11-19, at Forsberg Park in Lakewood, Colorado.
#CanonRebelT5 #Canon #Rebel #T5 F/11 41mm 1/500s ISO-100
#MtMorrison #snow #blueskies #clouds #ForsbergPark #Lakewood #Colorado
#oooShiny #oooShinyPhotography #mounatin #mountains #bluesky #sky_captures #cloud #nature #naturephotography #hashtagcolorado #viewcolorado #coloraodolove #coloradoshared #coloradotography #coloradocollective #colorado_creative #coloradophotography #coloradophotographer
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myangstybullshit2018 · 5 years ago
Fort Fartblossoms
Absinthe woke me with a knock on the floor. I rolled over and stuck my head out seeing that everyone had settled in for the night. Isabelle and I grabbed our gear and headed out. So this is a touchy point at the moment. Isabelle is mine, Micah’s... and If Kitty is the original, then I came from her. Anything not made by Kitty is a chibi, and Isabelle was much more detailed and... big to be a chibi. At her full size, she would be a 6-foot rabbit woman, dressed in cyber gear battle armor... she is part of the bunny brigade. Wow... Back story.
So awhile back, maybe a year, probably 9 months, Kitty got a one-eyed bunny from the thrift store. Her name is Margot and she is kind of badass. She has an eye patch because she had to sell her eye to a fairy to save her child and became the general of this army to go against the fairies... so anyway Margot moved in and this little group started to form. Margot started teaching Isabelle how to fight and then BunBun, then people who weren't bunny's started joining. Anyway this army was formed that was to protect the city, the castle, everything.
So kitty wanted me to create the bunny brigade in honey select and when we were piecing things together there were some new parts in the game that I didn't realize had downloaded. They were mech pieces and there were sets and one of the sets looks like a bunny. So I made these bunny mech suits for each member of the bunny brigade so now we all have a very clear idea of what they look like if human... ok getting off track. Point is I thought Isabelle should be able to come with us on our trips and Kitty thought that she should have stayed back there is some kind of "bullshit" that happened when they were on a mission together earlier IDK, they won't tell me exactly what happened. Point is I brought her without asking and when she's not a stuffie she's kinda... garish in the areas we were traveling so she would pretty much have to be a stuffie the whole time unless there was a fight so it was fair to bring her and blah blah ... I think she is just mad because I made something that came from her world more interesting... the point is there was an argument but we settled on each one would get to come out for a little bit but they would stay small most of the time.
I pulled the map out and spread in on the table. With very little discussion we had decided on going to the caves in the hope of finding a mine cart.
I thought there had to be another way to go to the mountains than to follow the same old path we take for everything. We were getting our gear together and I started looking around. It amazes me how much I can miss because as I stepped out the door of Micah's treehouse I looked behind me to see a giant tree shooting up to the sky and the roots were the more solid parts of the ground like under Boomhut. That was when I realized there was a portion of the area surrounding the treehouses I hadn't really explored.
Normally when you step out of my door it is a slightly convoluted straight shot to stonewall which is the main road for started out, everything from my treehouse to stonewall on the left side is Atminta, the memory holes. some of these are mind-boggling large, like a sublime moment of panic-and-awe large and some are the size of a rabbit hole, but the whole area is full of them. But from my treehouse back to the left had not been explored. So we got to use the climbing spats that Kitty stole from me a couple of months ago...
All of a sudden i realized that The House where the council is, in the root system of the giant tree, so there is this whole like the universe is connected moment cliche stoner moment and everything is like the bigger view I guess, like with the stars and vastness of space and stuff. Anyway, I realize that the roots are also making up a good portion of the land in the area which answered a ton of questions we had. so it was like emotionally and psychologically productive for us.
She finally made it down after her hippie moment, I did not get to experience that, and we were in this area that rose up between the giatnts roots that seemed more like mountains in certain areas. It was very lush and green, hilly, it was very peaceful. Looking around we also realize this was the view from the kitchen WIndow of the House. A creek was off to one side and for a long while we walked in silence enjjoying the beauty and the peacefulness of the place. There was a drop off ahead. She seemed to have seen it as well asn was cautiously approaching. From my backpack I hear "That's a first" and I ask Isabelle what she  means. I get the usual harumph and then silence We start to follow behind and Kitty disappears. I bolt for the edge and breathe, The drop off isn't drastic, but it is far enough you could get a broken ankle. So I got irritated with her, tht's when I heard isabelle laughing "oh it's funny when it's someone else" I jump down with kitty and I sit the backpack down. I told isabelle to get out now and tell us what is going on. Kitty walks up and stops me.
That was why I didn't think she should be there, I knew she was mad at me and probably didn't want to be around me but I didn't know how to say that and just ignored it.... like I do. 👉👈
Then We hear out of the bag "I am sick of her bullshit" and we both sit back because she's gonna unleash. She jumps up to her full height, gear all neon and stuff and just lays into kitty for being dangerous and taking chances and running into things blind
I don't do plans, plans hate me, you guys know this. It's not new. I have to go with my gut and my gut saidit would be fine. *big ass sigh* ok fine. When we went on the mission I knew I wasn't gonna get hurt, I knew we weren't going to get hurt. It was a group of monsters who needed jobs and it was easy work gaurding a building but there wasn't any real loyalty or anything yet. It was fine. So I kinda just went.... not a lit of stealth or anything, and just kinda found what I was there for pretty easily. I mean in the end it was mine anyway.
What does that have to do with anything? They had Spot, they could have hurt hm
No they couldn't, he's fine. He can get out of anything. Listen, I'm sorry I don't really do things your way, but I enjoyed working with you. You are great support. I will try to be more careful.
Isabelle went back in the bag without saying anything else. I guess she used her one time to come up and yell at you.
Yeah, I guess so. Welp, lets keep going.
Turning around I saw the cutest thing I had ever seen. A group of otters, all walking on their haind legs and wearing very propoer clothes were watching us. ALl around there was small white cattages dotting the landscape, quaint gardens with bamoo fenscing flowers filling every available space. It was one oft he ebst places I had ever found. It as beautiful and peaceful and adorable. The otter people were very nice, we could stay in a cottage if we wanted, there was food and drink. The only worry was the edge of the town ran into Atminta, so with memory holes  potentially close you had to be careful not to get too close to that side.
We stayed there for awhile, playing, eating fruit, walking around. we had some little cakes and tea, there wer tea parties everywhere, and everyone was dressed in these cute little suits. I thought about how funny it would be to see Isabelle in this setting. Then got sad cause she was mad at me. Then went back to being ok.
So it turned out that we didnt really cut any time off our trip, or get any closer to the mountains, we just avoided stonewall, which I know was fine with kitty. We had to exit through Atminta.The Otters gave us food for the road and a thermos of tea.
Since I was the most likely to be affected by the memory holes Micah decided to carry me on his back, and I would carry both backpacks and he ran. That area is really large so it took awhile but when we finally rounded the corner  and coule see the ruins and the city and the intersection he jusy collapsed. I asked Spunky if he would come help us and he agreed. I laid my pack down and sat beside micah. Spunky came out his normal size at first then started stretching slowly chnging size. I heckled him, come on old man, what's wrong your bones ache? He just ignored me at first, at one point I started yelling different yoga poses at him. He started getting smaller again. What are you doing
I do not have to do this.
I was on a roll for pissing people off today. I told him I was sorry and we climbed on. He ran us from the dirt mountain up past the ruins, up the middle road int he five points interesction, past ma's house and the water park and straight to the mountain caves. He turnd back to me and I was certain he was gonna yell at me too then he smiled and laughed at me for being such a pansy and caring about stuff.
The next part was long and boring and exhuasting. We had to climb this carved satircase into the side of the mountain and it was long and basically vertical. It was worth it though. We did not find a mine cart but we did find something awesome. The inside of the mounatin was a infinitely clear lake. You could see to the bottom, and it looked as if you could reach in and touch it, but the bottom was so deep we couldn't reach it. On the car side of the cave sat a old rusty boat that was half buried in the side of the mountain. I dove in to swim over and Everyone screams at me.
You don't know if it's poinsoned, or hot, or cold, or anything, you just jumped in!
Yeah *shrug* it's fine I make it to the boat and it is solidly stuck I call everyone else to come over. Spunky is already climbing aboard. Kid you got to try a little harder than that.
Why the hell do I have to? I then got a lecture from spunky about the nature of freindship and people caring about each other and stuff. It took awhile but eventually everyone calmed down. The boat was really cool and had some different rooms, lots of thigns to fiddle with, and plenty of room. What is we made this our fort, like you and me our fort. We could fix it up and name it.
Lets name it first
We spent the next hour yelling random words at each other until we settled on Fort Fart Blossom and the SS Fart Blossom. We had a little 80's make over montage, that was fun. Then it just looked really nice and we had a fort.
THen I decided I wanted to go somewhere else for a bit, they asked why, and I said to be able to come back to our fort later. It made sense to me. But when I got up I realize we had never made a dry way into and out of the boat. So this led to a super interesting conversation that everyone got in on including spot who had been silent this whole time. Some said tentacle monster tthat responds to your voice, someone said rocks that rise from the water, someone else suggestedthe invisible bridge, a lot of suggestions were made but we ended up just going with a zipline and a swinging rope. Nothing too complicated.
I feel like we sang at some point
Also I feel like there was something in the lake. Merman maybe, but not sure.
But this is where it goes blac other than the "female" presence. I remember saying we wer going to leave the boat and setting up the ropes but nothing else.
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