[ // artistic nudity ]
them!! made anthro models for Timber and Whisper ^^ gonna put them in little outfits
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: a subtle, continuous undercurrent of communication that occurs parallel to or within a larger, more overt conversation, characterized by its quiet, intimate nature.
: a profound, often unseen connection between souls, transcending physical and temporal barriers.
: an intimate exchange of feelings or thoughts, resembling a telepathic link, often experienced between soulmates or deeply connected individuals.
See also, a long overdue conversation between an angel and a demon
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aru-art · 4 years
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some attacks for arcadeVHS and Coffeeslip on art-fight!
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mushroomshine · 2 years
Warrior names for the young cats in River
I saw a video on YouTube by Mapletail of Riverclan where she gave the kits and apprentices warrior names. I haven’t watched the video yet because I wanted to do it myself first, but I’ll definitely watch it after this.
Because I’m basing this off of the cats who are kits or apprentices at the end of River, there could be spoilers. You have been warned.
TunderClan:  Let’s start with ThunderClan’s only litter, the one of Spotfur. For Bristlekit the names that came to mind immediately were Bristleshade (Bristlefrost’s death in the Dark Forest), Bristleleaf (Stemleaf) and Bristlelight (Bristlefrost’s a light in the mist).  And though they sound nice, I wasn’t very happy with them. Because Bristlekit already has a legacy-prefix I didn’t want her to also have a legacy-suffix.  So I started thinking of other names like Bristlepool, Bristlecloud or more basic suffixes like Bristlestripe or Bristlefur.  In the end I like Bristlecloud the most. 
For Graykit I started with names fitting his appearance like Grayspots or Grayspeckle. Then I also have some legacy suffixes in Graylight or Graymist (y’know, lights in the mist).  Other names I like are Graystorm or Grayhaze.  The ones I like the most are Grayspeckle or Graystorm.  Stemkit is next. Stem- is a hard prefix. I only found appearance-suffixes like Stemstripe or Stemfur, or some more nature based suffixes like Stembloom, Stemflower or Stemblossom.  I like Stemflower the most.  ShadowClan:  Next up are the also legacy named kits of Dovewing. For Rowankit I found Rowanstripe as a cute basic name and Rowanshade because of his dark pelt color.  Other than that I found two nature-names in Rowanleaf and Rowanbloom.  I think all four of them are really really cute and I can’t pick a favorite.  For his brother Birchkit I only found two names. Birchlight for his light brown fur and Birchleaf as y’know … trees. I know, I wasn’t very creative with those two.  Anyway, I like Birchlight the most.  Next we come to Cinnamontail’s kits. For Firkit I found a name very easily, because I have an OC who was named Firlight, before I had to rename her. Her new name Firmoon could also fit. But of course I don’t just want to give Firkit the names of my OC, so I also have Firstripe, Firpelt or Firheart.  Because I’m biased I like Firlight the most.  His sister Streamkit is a hard one, because it’s a new prefix. After a very long time I found the names Streamshine, Streamfur and Streamclaw.  Streamshine I like the most. 
Bloomkit also has a new prefix, I think. But I found it easier to find names for her. I have Bloomnight and Bloomshade for her black pelt, or Bloompetal or Bloomstem as a nature-suffix.  But I also have Bloomheart, Bloomfur and Bloomshine as random names.  I like Bloomnight or Bloomheart the most.  The last one in their litter is Whisperkit. For his first name I stole his sisters prefix to make Whisperstream.  But I also like Whispercloud or Whisperfur.  Whispercloud is my favorite. 
SkyClan:  SkyClan is the first Clan on this list with apprentices, so let’s start with them. For Beetlepaw I only found a few. Beetlespeckle for his appearance, Beetleflight fitting his prefix or Beetleshine.  I like Beetleflight the most.  His sister Beepaw has a better prefix. At least for findig suffixes. I have Beesong or Beeflight fitting the prefix perfectly. Beestripe or Beefur are also cute names.  Beesong is definitely my favorite.  Next up are SkyClan’s kits. For Ridgekit I found many pretty names. Some fiery names for her pelt color like Ridgeflame, Ridgefire or Ridgespark.  Some others are Ridgeclaw, Ridgenose or Ridgepelt.  My favorite is either Ridgeflame or Ridgespark.  For her brother Duskkit the names Dusklight, Duskshine and Dusksky immediately came to mind, because they were so perfect for his prefix.  I really like all of them.  WindClan:  Whistlepaw will probably get her medicine cat name soon, but she doesn’t have it yet, so I’ll tell you my ideas. My favorite is definitely Whistlenight, but I also thought about Whistlestripe or Whistlefern. 
Now let’s come to Larkwing’s kits. Stripekit was also a hard one, because not many suffixes seemed to fit. So I just went with the obvious choices of Stripefur, Stripepelt and Stripetail.  I think all of them are kinda boring, but Stripetail is the best one.  Brookkit wasn’t easier, I just found one name: Brookstream.  RiverClan:  Now we have the litter of our new Protagonist. So let’s start with Frostpaw. For her I had many ideas. Some legacy names are Frostfeather (Curlfeather), Frostclaw (Jayclaw) and Frostshine (Willowshine).  I also like Frostlight and the last one is Frostsight, based on her special connection to StarClan.  I like Frostfeather or Frostlight the most.  Her sister Mistpaw has the same legacy suffixes in Mistfeather and Mistclaw. But for her I also like the names Mistsnow or Mistspeckle.  My favorite’s Mistsnow.  Last but not least we have Graypaw. He was difficult because I wanted to have different suffixes for him than for Graykit. Of course we have legacy names Grayfeather and Grayclaw.  But I also found some cool RiverClan sounding names like Graycloud, Graysplash and Graystream.  I like Graysplash or Grayclaw the most.  If you read all of that, thank you. Those names are just my personal opinions and you can argue with me if you want. I would love to hear your thoughts. 
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shadestride · 5 years
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a few hours later many ctrl Zs and here we are. this Whisperstream an old oc of mine now revamped.
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wc-golden · 6 years
Sparrowstar: Handsome dark-gray tom with a white chest, orange eyes, and ears that curve inwards. Mate of Duskwhisker.
Blueblaze: Dark blue-gray tom with orange eyes.
(Apprentice: Smokepaw)
 Medicine Cat
Emberhaze: Tortishell she-cat with dark amber eyes and extra toes on her front paws. Mate of Shadestorm.
(Apprentice: Scuffleleaf)
Scuffleleaf: Lean, dark brown tom with tabby-striped tail and face, and amber eyes.
 Warriors (Toms and she-cats not actively engaged in kit rearing)
Shadestorm: Dark-gray tom with inwardly curled ears, and blue eyes. Mate of Emberhaze.
Swifttalon: Blue-gray she-cat with inwardly curled ears, and blue eyes.
Darkfoot: Black-and-white she-cat with amber eyes. Mate of Stumpheart.
Charredfur: Large light black tabby tom with deep black stripes, and pale-yellow eyes.
(Apprentice: Laurelpaw)
Ashstorm: Solid dark gray tom with green eyes.
Blazetuft: Dark ginger tom with orange eyes and a prominent tuft of fur on his forehead. Mate of Thymefur.
Cindercloud: Light gray she-cat with amber eyes. Mate of Blackpool.
Blackpool: Black tom with a thick ruff of neck fur, and amber eyes. Mate of Cindercloud
Tansyleaf: Solid gray she-cat with green eyes.
Browntail: Solid dark-brown she-cat with green eyes.
Stumpheart: Large red tabby tom with dark amber eyes. Mate of Darkfoot.
Cricketsong: Small, sleek, solid blue-gray she cat with green eyes.
(Apprentice: Burntpaw)
Boragetoe: Black tom with a twisted front paw, and amber eyes.
Cherryclaw: Brindled tortishell she-cat with amber eyes.
Chestnutear: Solid brown tom with darker fur on his face, ears, legs and tail, and amber eyes.
Vinestripe: Dark gray she-cat with thick black stripes and green eyes.
Volewatcher: Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes.
Smokepaw: Solid gray she-cat with thick neck fur, and amber eyes. Daughter of Cindercloud and Blackpool.
Laurelpaw: Small black she-cat with amber eyes. Daughter of Cindercloud and Blackpool.
Burntpaw: Very dark brown tom with amber eyes. Son of Browntail.
 Queens (Expecting and nursing she-cats, and toms and she-cats who take care of clan kits)
Duskwhisker: Sleek blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes. Mother of Sparrowstar’s kits
(Kits: Jaykit: Dark gray tom-kit with white tail-tip, inwardly curled ears, and blue eyes. Lichenkit: Blue-gray tom-kit with white chest, and blue eyes. Batkit: Black tom-kit with inwardly curled ears, and amber eyes)
Thymefur: Dark brown tabby she-cat with green eyes. Mother of Blazetuft’s kits.
(Kits: Thrushkit: Brown tabby tom with orange eyes. Redkit: Tortishell she-kit with orange eyes.)
Yarrowstone: Dark brown tom with sleek fur, darker face fur, and amber eyes.
 Elders (Retired warriors and queens)
Burrwhisker:  Solid dark-brown she cat with very pale, blind yellow eyes. Oldest she-cat in Fireclan.
Shorttail: Small black tom with a tuft for a tail, and blue eyes, oldest tom in Fireclan.
Whisperstream: Dark gray tabby tom with green eyes.
Territory description: Foothills of the mountains where forest fires are common occurrences.
 Clan specific skills: Short, sleek fur that enables the cat to ‘dive’ through fire, and thick, insensitive pads that are resistant to burn pain.
 General body type: Medium sized cats, angular and sleek, but heavier than their size makes them look.
 Fur colors and length: Short fur of generally darker pelt colors; gray, black, and dark brown are very common to blend in with ash and burnt forest, most cats are solidly colored. Tabby pelts are rare. Dark gray is the most common pelt color; white fur is the rarest pelt color.
 Eye colors: Amber is the most common eye color; blue eyes are the rarest. This is the only clan where orange eyes occur, but it’s uncommon.
 Cat breeds: American shorthair, Russian blue, Burmese cat, Bombay (American curl with the introduction of Sparrowstar’s bloodline)
 General culture: Fireclan is not the most family-oriented clan, they are borderline ‘professional’ in comparison to the other clans, being efficient is what they’re best at. Positions of authority are most respected here, and hard work is valued over natural talent, because forest-fire burns indiscriminately and only the hardest-working cats can survive the flames.
Fireclan is very ‘old-fashioned’ compared to other clans, it wasn’t until Sparrowstar and Duskwhisker started having kits that toms taking part in their kits lives became a common thing, in fact Yarrowstone is the first tom in Fireclan to be a queen, which is common practice in the other 4 clans.
 Strongest relationships: Friendships are the strongest here, relationships that start in before/during apprenticeships rarely ever fall apart. Romantic relationships and/or monogamy are not commonplace, kits born out of necessity rather than romantic love is more common here than in other clans. Cats will usually have kits only with cats they respect, however.
 Interesting facts:
Unlike the other clans Fireclan regularly eats insects such as prey mantises, roaches, crickets, grasshoppers and beetles, especially fire-beetles. Fireclan eats fire-beetles believing it makes their fur resistant to fire, but insects in general are consumed because the frequent fires make regular prey scarce. Bird eggs are also a part of their diet to retain sleekness of fur, but this is more of a treat than a common prey item so the bird population isn’t affected too much for the future. They have been known to steal chicken eggs from Twoleg farms.
 It’s a misconception that Fireclan cats are immune to fire, when, in reality they adapted through technique to quickly ‘dive’ through fire; they will quickly leap, and then roll in the dirt to take out any fire their fur may have caught.
 They have selectively bred and adapted over time to hold their breath for long periods of time, and unknown to them their organ systems as a whole can function in low-oxygen environments for longer than most cats, but prolonged smoke exposure is fatal to them just like any other cat.  
 It is believed that in a few generations curled ears will also be a common feature, as it started with Sparrowstar from his kittypet mother, but he has many kits.
 Spinal defects occur in Fireclan more than any other clan (due to the genetic predisposition of the Burmese breed)
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bastardash · 10 years
The first draft of anything is shit.
Ernest Hemingway
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queer cats queer cats!!!
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theyre queer and disabled because I'm queer and disabled
pngs(might shade these later idk check th)
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ocs: Hollybreeze, Mossfly, Whisperstream
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working on some anthro!timberwhisper btw 👍 timbermoth is a nurse and whisperstream works at home in tech support. none of this is relevant to what I'm writing but I just thought I'd throw it out there. I love writing/drawing them so much! comfort characters, they are soft
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shadestride · 6 years
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finished the thing its a revamp of an old oc I have whisperstream 
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