#Which would have meant she'd freeze if I put her outside
noahthegrailkeeper · 10 months
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I found a caterpillar at the grocerystore I work at, about a month ago.
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Baby!Reader
Summary: Ingrid's got a secret
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"Skatten min," Ingrid coos to you softly," It's okay. It's okay. Let's try and calm down."
You whine helplessly against her, knocking your head against her collarbone as you suckle randomly.
"Skatt," Ingrid laughs," You're not getting milk out of there."
You don't know any different and suckle a bit harder. It's not exactly ideal but Ingrid's happy that you're no longer crying.
You've been tearful ever since she came home from training, wanting nothing more than to be close to her. Usually, Ingrid would give in to your demands but she'd had a meeting with a media outlet back home so had to put you down.
You whined and cried to entire time and have only now quietened.
You were not the most clingy of babies but now that you had both made the move to Spain, something must have flipped in you.
It was hard going. It wasn't that Ingrid was trying to keep you a secret (it's not like you were really a secret if Frido knew who you were) but it was easier to keep football separate from her private life.
Here, at home, it was just you and her and no language barrier to navigate. It was nice and sweet but sometimes Ingrid missed the companionship of people in the apartment.
Frido came over sometimes, always to see you and try to convince you that she was the cooler Scandinavian but no one else on the team knew about you so getting people to come around without blowing the big secret was kind of difficult.
"You calm now, skatt?" Ingrid teases as she sits down on your playmat and draws some toys closer. You reach out easily for your plastic ladybug, hitting the button that makes it sing happily.
You giggle when it starts to sing, babbling along surprisingly in tune for someone so little while Ingrid sings along to the actual words. It's your favourite toy of all time even though Ingrid hates it because it's always so loud.
It's so loud in fact that Ingrid almost doesn't hear the doorbell ring. It goes twice in a little tune and she gets to her feet.
You screech when she moves away but she soothes you with a fond swipe over your hair and an offer for your dummy. You suck it into your mouth quickly, bobbing it rhythmically before smacking your ladybug again.
Ingrid rolls her eyes at you with a little smile before pulling open the door. She expects it to be a delivery man. Her mother has been quite vocal in her annoyance about Ingrid still playing football abroad when she had such a little baby to look after so she had been sending regular gift boxes to the apartment.
She's already reaching for the pen to sign for the package when she realises that it's Mapi.
She freezes.
Ingrid likes Mapi (maybe more than likes her) and her day always brightens after seeing her but there was no reason for Mapi to be waiting outside of her door.
"Has something happened?"
Mapi looks a bit embarrassed to be waiting outside and she clears her throat, holding up a tin. "I made too many cookies," She says," I was wondering if you wanted any."
The tin looks suspiciously like one you buy at a supermarket and the cookies look completely uniform as well, like they've been bought rather than made at home.
"Oh..." Ingrid's face goes a little red like Mapi's too. "Thank you." She takes the tin, brushing her hands against Mapi's with a small smile.
They stand awkwardly on the doorstep, just staring at each other before Mapi jumps out of her skin as the annoying jingle of your ladybug filters through the door.
You screech your own babble to it before there's a loud crash.
Ingrid turns immediately to investigate and Mapi slips through the door before she notices.
"Skatten min," She sighs," You're not meant to throw your toys."
Your ladybug is sitting upside down quite a way away which is fairly impressive for a five-month-old to do. You're still singing along to it though, clapping your hands to the tune and then getting distracted by the fact that you have feet.
"That's a baby. Whose baby is that?"
Ingrid doesn't realise that Mapi is even there until she speaks. She knows the jig is up now and the number of teammates who know about your existence climbs from one to two as Mapi stares down at you.
"My baby," Ingrid admits as she puts the tin of cookies on the counter. "Mapi, this is y/n."
You recognise your name, turning your head to look at her before going back to inspecting your feet.
"A baby," Mapi says again," You have a baby?"
"Yes." Ingrid knows she's being a little bit rude but Mapi's yet to say anything of substance on the matter and she'd rather go in defensive and be surprised rather than calm and end up in an argument.
"But..." Mapi stares at you. "She's so little." She squats down in front of you and waves. "Hola."
You look at her strangely before bum shuffling over to your ladybug, hitting it repeatedly even though it's upside down and you can no longer reach the button.
"Does she not like me?"
Ingrid has to admit, the pout on Mapi's face is adorable. "She likes no one more than that stupid ladybug."
You've worked out how to flip it over again and finally slam your hand on the button, sending it into a new wave of the song.
"She's adorable," Mapi says, standing," Why haven't we seen her before?"
Ingrid shrugs. She doesn't really have a good excuse so she settles on the one that she used on Frido. "It's a hassle, isn't it? There would be no one to watch her if I took her to practice."
"We can all watch her!" Mapi insist, suddenly looking very excited," Someone's always injured so they can take her! Oh, please, Ingrid! She's so cute! She can be the team mascot."
"I don't know..." But Ingrid does know. She's been wanting to take you to practice for a while now but she'd always chickened out, deciding that it was too late to come clean about her little secret.
"Please!" Mapi begs, already moving away to sit next to you. "I promise that there'll be someone to watch her. We can use her as a weight at the gym!"
You look at Mapi oddly again, confused by this strange girl with pictures on her body. You don't do anything though, just hit your ladybug when the song stops and poking at your own feet.
She starts clapping along to the tune though. Mapi doesn't sing like Ingrid does (mainly because the words are in Norwegian and she doesn't know that) but she still tries to engage with you.
You let her and then clamber a bit closer. You're still occupied by your ladybug but you do sit yourself in Mapi's lap and she takes that as a win.
"I guess..." Ingrid says as she watches the way you take Mapi's hand, forcing her touch the button now. "Maybe next week. And only for a few hours."
"Yes!" Mapi pumps her fist into the air before looking down at you. "Did you hear? You're coming to training soon!"
You ignore her, focussed entirely on your ladybug.
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cobaltperun · 9 months
Lost (12) - You had me from hello
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 4k
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-If I never told you I just want you to know you had me from hello-
Proving that yesterday was a fluke, Tara woke up to the sight of you already up and rolling the dough, which, knowing you, probably meant you were making crescent rolls. Tara stretched a bit, grabbed your pillow and got comfortable. She smiled and just watched you work for a couple of minutes. The years working as a cook really paid off, as you moved in the kitchen with practiced ease and Tara found herself swooning at the thoughts of eating your cooking for the rest of her life. She didn’t even feel like she was rushing with that thought. The two of you went through enough to know for sure that nothing, absolutely nothing, could separate you. And that thought made her smile. She let out a content sigh, humming as she got up and approached you. She hugged you from behind, the same way she did yesterday, only without putting her arms underneath your shirt this time.
"Good morning, Y/N," she said a bit sleepily, she lazily leaned down a bit and kissed you just beneath your shoulder blade, loving the way you went still just for a moment. You heard her even when she stretched, it was the kiss that made you stop for a moment.
"Good morning, birthday girl," she didn't even need to look at you to know there was a grin on your face. She heard you moving a bit, and wiping something before she felt your hands on top of hers. "Great timing actually. What filling would you like?"
Tara hummed at that, it was tempting to go for something sweet, but she'd have her cake later. "How about pizza?" just some tomato sauce, cheese, and ham would be perfect.
You nodded, fake coughing and tapping her hand lightly. Right, she'd need to let you go. "Thank you," you teased, turning around to kiss her cheek before heading to the fridge.
Tara leaned against the counter, careful to avoid dough and flour. "You're making a lot. Are Sam, Chad and Mindy coming?"
"Yeah, apparently we owe them for leaving us alone yesterday. Although, should the three of you be this relaxed about school?" you asked while looking inside the fridge, causing Tara to freeze for a moment and look away. You got everything you needed and came back, a bowl, ham, cheese and a bottle of tomato sauce in your hands, and you were carefully observing her. When you stood in front of Tara you set aside the bowl and ingredients down, took your apron off, and then tucked a few strands of hair behind Tara's ear. "What's wrong?"
You noticed. Not that she was surprised about that. No one knew her as well as you did. "It's been difficult lately," Tara sighed, if she wanted you to always be open with her, she'd have to be the same way with you.
You frowned and she swore she could see gears turning in your head. "Because of what happened?" you figured it out quickly, though it wasn’t that difficult to figure it out.
"Yeah," she leaned into you, seeking the comfort of having your arms around her gave her. And you gave her just that, pulling her in. She rested her head against your chest, listening to the sound of your heart beating. "Promise me you won't go crazy when I tell you," if anyone knew you, she knew you. Even if she failed to recognize you weren't fine for years. She knew how you were when it came to her. She knew you'd get pissed off the moment you heard how things were at school.
Tara heard a reluctant sigh and smiled when she felt you picking her up and taking her to the sofa. You sat down, with her safely sitting on your lap. "I don't like it, but I promise."
"It's either pity or blame. You know, some say they are sorry for me because of what Amber did to me, some say I should have noticed Amber was... the way she was," some went on to say Tara wasn't any different, that she killed Amber, so she was just as dangerous and sick in the head as her now deceased ex. She couldn't tell you that. You'd want the names of those people regardless of what you promised.
She felt you clenching your fists, she felt the tension in your muscles as you held her, she heard the deep breaths you took.
"Y/N," she nuzzled into your neck, hoping she could calm you down with touch, with assurance that she was right there and fine, and that you didn’t need to get into trouble over this. And you would get into trouble if you got involved with this.
"I know, I know. I trust you to tell me if you need me to do anything," that was what she wanted to hear as she caressed your cheek, slowly kissing from your neck all the way to your lips. It was a soft, brief kiss, but it was enough to calm your down.
Tara pulled back first, smiling. "I love how protective you are. I love knowing you are always there when I need you. I still need to handle things myself, you know? I need you to get back to the way you were before I was attacked," back then you were protective, but not to the point of handling any problem she had yourself. You didn't get to that point now, either, but Tara worried you might if she didn't point it out to you right away.
Before you left two months ago Tara absolutely needed you. She needed help moving, she couldn't take care of herself properly and at first needed help with even some of the more basic tasks. That was embarrassing, but you were patient and made sure she never felt like she was an inconvenience. She couldn't do anything too difficult and with the damage to her hand, she'd still need help with certain tasks in the future. That was the physical side of things. Carrying her, carrying things she couldn't, all the things like that, all of that was fine. She knew her limits and she was fine with your help with what she couldn't do. That's how things were before she got attacked as well, only back then they were less intimate.
As for handling issues like the one she currently had at school, well, that was where she drew the line. She couldn't have you solving everything, or getting involved with everything. She needed you to go back to the way you were before. Where you'd only get involved if she asked you to and would otherwise just offer her the support.
"I can still get angry, right?" you asked, relaxing a bit at her words.
"There's not much I can do about that," Tara laughed and leaned down once again to kiss your cheek. “Other than kiss you and hope that’ll calm you down,” she joked kissing the corner of your lips as you smiled. "I have you," she kissed your cheek again. "And Sam, and Mindy, and Chad," with every name she kissed another part of your face, your other cheek, your forehead, the tip of your nose, purposefully avoiding your lips. "I can handle anything this stupid town throws at me."
How she wished she could erase what happened, go to a place where no one knew who she was and what she went through so that she could live a normal life. Hopefully, she could do exactly that once she leaves Woodsboro with you, Chad, and Mindy, and, she hoped, Sam as well.
You got tired of her insistent avoidance of your lips and gently cupped her cheek to properly kiss her. "I know you can. You will. And then we'll leave this damn place and never come back," Tara liked that idea. She liked the slow and gentle way you were kissing even more, the soft caress of your thumb across the side of her face. You separated too quickly for her liking. "Breakfast, Tara" you reminded her.
"Breakfast, Tara" she repeated, dejectedly getting off your lap and sitting next to you with folded arms, and you just laughed. "What?" she asked, surprised by your reaction.
"Pancakes, Y/N," you reminded her, and Tara blinked a few times, realizing she did exactly what you did yesterday.
And so, she laughed as well, jokingly pushing you to get up quicker. You got together yesterday, no one could blame her for being a bit more eager for everything than it was necessary. Besides, you weren't any different. Give it a bit of time and you'll both get used to the relationship, which should, in turn, make you a bit less excited about being in a relationship than you currently were. Twice a day was definitely not a pace either of you needed or could keep up with.
You didn't head right back to the dough, instead, you dug for something in your bag and walked back to her with a small bag. "I saw them and figured your hand might be sensitive to cold," you handed her the package. "Happy birthday, Love," you said, quickly bending down to peck her lips one more time.
Tara, pulled you into a hug, the package still in her hand. "Thank you," she whispered in your ear. The gift turned out to be a pair of rechargeable hand warmers. "I love it," could she tell you? Was it too early? She kinda figured you weren't the most usual couple, between near-death experience and being in love for years. Still shouldn't there be more build-up to those words? A relationship that was longer than thirty hours? "Y/N."
"Yeah?" you looked taken aback when you looked her in the eyes.
"It's just, I-" she was sure of what she felt, she just feared you might think it was too soon.
You smiled. "I love you too, Tara," her jaw dropped.
"Wha- How?" she jumped to her feet as you laughed and went back to making crescent rolls. "Y/N!" she scolded you with a pout on her face.
"Eyes are the window to the soul, right? Well, no one has eyes quite as expressive as yours, Tara. Besides, we've been through so much together. Saying 'I love you' feels more like stating the obvious, rather than a huge declaration," you shrugged while you began grating the cheese
Tara wanted to be annoyed, but, frankly, she couldn't be. You just had to be right, didn’t you? Tara did have to admit most people didn’t go through what the two of you did. There certainly wasn’t a book about when to say ‘I love you’ if you and your partner survived a couple of crazy killers trying to kill you. "You're right. Let's redo it. I love you, Y/N," she said and your smile morphed into a wide grin.
"I love you too, Tara."
About an hour later Tara got a text from Sam that her, Chad, and Mindy were almost there, and just in time as you were just done setting the table. The crescent rolls smelled absolutely divine and if they weren’t fresh out of the oven Tara would have tried them already.
The two of you heard a knocking on the doors and Tara jumped to unlock them.
“Sam learnt her lesson,” you teased as Tara walked past you and she just grinned at you, blushing slightly at the reminder of what nearly happened yesterday.
The moment she opened the doors Sam burst in, hugging her tightly. “Easy Sam, I was with Y/N,” Tara laughed, hugging her sister back.
“In more ways than one,” Mindy quipped shamelessly.
“Mindy!” Chad, luckily, chastised her before Tara could.
But Mindy just smirked, patting Tara on the back. “Early birthday present? Seeing stars without getting punched?”
Tara knew her face was as red as a tomato, she felt the heat in her cheeks as she looked away, of course Mindy would keep teasing her even now that she got together with you. “That’s… It’s not,” damn it, why was she so embarrassed? The two of you were in a relationship, of course you would…
“Damn it, Mindy, we’re supposed to have breakfast,” Sam complained as she let go of Tara.
“Exactly, and leave Tara be,” Chad jumped in to defend her as well.
Mindy just smirked, and while she stopped talking she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively causing Tara to groan. “Well, I had my fun, happy birthday, T,” Mindy finally went and hugged her. “Also, seriously, about time you two!” she exclaimed loud enough for you to hear her as well, but considering the way you were looking at them, with your jaw dropped, you definitely heard everything that came before as well.
“What the dingus said, I mean the about time thing,” Chad grinned and pulled Tara in for a hug. “Happy birthday!”
“Thanks, all of you,” Tara smiled, and just for a moment, for a fleeting second, she expected to see three more faces there. As if what happened was a horrible nightmare, as if Wes and Liv were still alive and Amber was alive and not a crazy murderer. But they weren’t there, they were all dead.
She tried to keep the smile on her face as she the three of them inside. All five of you sat down and Tara snuggled as close to you as she could, seeking your warmth and trying to push those thoughts away.
You always had a sixth sense for her distress, and you wrapped your arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
“So, world champion?” Chad awkwardly patted you on the shoulder.
Ever since Tara told the three of them of your retirement, they weren’t sure how to approach the subject, and that was with Tara. Now you were right there, and that awkwardness came back like a boomerang, and it was only slightly eased by the fact that you won. Well, depending on how you looked at it. Chad, personally, thought that you winning made it even worse, since you wouldn’t get the chance to defend your title and dominate the women MMA. He looked it up, you were the youngest women’s MMA world champion in history, and by a lot, especially in your category.
“Until the next title match, yeah. Anya will probably take it right back by beating up whoever her unlucky opponent ends up being,” you weren’t bothered though, not even a bit and Tara trusted you were honest.
“I bet, that woman hits hard,” Sam agreed, wincing slightly when she remembered how much Tara was panicking while they were all watching your fight.
You chuckled. “Tell me about it,” and just like that the tension was gone. Tara eased her worried mind by leaning into your touch, and you eased the worries of all your friends by being fairly chill about the retirement. For a brief moment Tara even chastised herself for ever doubting you in the first place.
Later that day you were washing the dishes while Tara and the twins choose how to pass the time. That was when Sam approached you.
She leaned back against the fridge, not quite looking at you, instead she crossed her arms and looked at Tara. "So, you and Tara," Sam began a bit awkwardly.
"Yes?" you couldn't help bit smirk a bit, but when you noticed Sam’s nervousness and the fact that she chose to keep her tone low, your smirk dropped, and you dried your hands. You were done anyway.
"You're official?" there was the question, honestly, you expected it a bit sooner, but you guessed there just wasn’t a chance for Sam to ask. And you guessed she was a bit conflicted.
You should have been annoyed by her demeanor. And maybe you were a bit annoyed. She was gone for five years, came back only when she had to, and while you were thankful she came back, you didn’t exactly appreciate the fact that she was tethering on the edge of protecting Tara from you of all people. But you did understand. Tara went through a traumatic experience, and she jumped into a relationship with you the moment you came back. Not to mention the circumstances surrounding you leaving weren’t the best either. Sam couldn’t know that you and Tara completely talked it out, before you got together, and then during the rest of the day, you just talked it all over. Or at least the most important topics.
So, between understanding where Sam was coming from and the excitement you felt over being with Tara you couldn't wipe that stupid grin off your face as you glanced at Tara debating with Mindy on which movie to watch was enough of an answer on its own. "Yeah, it kinda just happened," you then quickly raised your hand. "Before you give me protective older sister speech, I know. I get it. If I ever hurt her, you're free to do whatever you want," of course, after you chose your own fitting punishment.
Sam nodded, smiling at your reassurance. "Honestly, if it had to be anyone, I'm glad it's you," she looked at Tara, at the grin on her face that mirrored your own when she glanced toward you. "She's happy with you."
You smiled, that was all you wanted. To make Tara happy and be happy with her.
"Sam, Y/N, come on!" Tara said, interrupting the conversation you had with Sam, still, you doubted there was anything else left to say. Sam approved, even if she was justifiably concerned for her sister.
As the celebration began coming to a close the five of you were left sitting, just chilling in your and Tara’s apartment. Mindy and Chad were on the couch and Chad was eating his second slice of cake. Sam and Mindy refused the seconds, but you and Tara were sharing a piece, since Tara was already full, but craved something sweet and you weren't about to turn down extra cake. Sam was sitting at the bottom of your and Tara’s bed, while you sat cross-legged on your bed with Tara sitting on your lap. You had one arm around her waist while holding the plate in the other. Tara was the one with the duty to feed either of you.
"Hey, what should we do when we leave Woodsboro?" Chad suddenly asked as he took another bite of his cake.
"Go to university, get our degrees, you know how it goes," Mindy didn't seem too interested in the topic. She never was the one to complicate things, she knew what she wanted to do, and she would do it, thus talking about it in detail felt unnecessary to Mindy.
"Well yeah, but I'd like us to stick together. You know, after what we went through," he said and you couldn't help but feel relief at his words.
You glanced at Tara, seeing the hopeful look in her eyes. This clearly wasn't something they talked about before.
"I don't think I can trust other people easily, after what Amber did," Mindy admitted. "And I really care about you two," she said to Chad and Tara. "No offense, Y/N, Sam."
"None taken, I get it," Sam immediately assured her and you just grinned.
You and Mindy were friends, you were on good terms, you could see she was happy for you and Tara. You also fully understood it was a friendship that relied on your mutual connection to Tara.
"Well, I care about all of you," Chad was, for the lack of a better description, much more open to caring about people than Mindy. Granted, you had more in common with Chad than Mindy, so that may have had something to do with the closer friendship the two of you had.
"How about we pick the same university and rent an apartment together?" Tara went for the best-case scenario in her head.
Mindy immediately crossed her arms in an X shape. "No way, university yes, but living with you two? No, I can't handle how stuck together you two are," she immediately shut it down.
Tara laughed, jokingly smacking her shoulder. "We're not that bad!"
Mindy just looked at Tara blankly and shook her head. "T. We know what you did yesterday, a day, actually scratch that, hours into your relationship, by the way," Tara and you got embarrassed at that. It wasn’t even hours, it was more like minutes. "Also, kind of hard to believe you when you haven't left Y/N's lap for longer than a minute the whole night."
"She got you there Snuggle Bear," you snickered, pulling the embarrassed girl closer to you, despite not doing much better than her.
Tara pouted and untangled herself from you, so she could go to Sam who happily accepted the role of hugging her sister.
"There, there, don't worry about it," Sam smoothed Tara's hair and pulled Tara to her right side. Tara eagerly leaned into Sam's embrace.
"See! This is what I'm talking about! As if being sweet with Y/N wasn't enough, there's Sam as well!" Mindy laughed and honestly, given the situation, you and Chad couldn't help but join in. "It never ends, and I worry it might be contagious."
Tara just turned around and stuck her tongue out.
'We're all just touch-starved, aren't we?' you couldn't help but think as you shook your head slightly.
"No, look at it from the brighter side, at least she's going from one to the other," and Chad had to say it.
Tara immediately perked up and looked at you. "Y/N," she said sweetly and made a 'come here' motion with her hand.
"No!" Mindy and Chad jumped to grabbed onto you.
"Duty calls," you smirked, getting up to shake the two off and get closer to Tara and Sam despite the two trying to pull you back.
"Stay with us Y/N! She has you wrapped around her little finger!" Mindy laughed.
"How does Tara hold you back and pull you around all the time?" Chad complained as he relented and gave up on trying to hold you back.
Looking over your shoulder you saw Mindy looking at Chad with an 'Are-you-serious' look on her face.
"I let her," you shrugged and dropped down next to Tara. "Yes, Tara?"
Tara glanced down at her left hand, resting on her thigh. Then she glanced at your own hand. Okay, you could figure that one out. You leaned back and slid your arm around Tara's lower back so you could reach her left hand from behind. "Like this?"
"Just like that," going by the smile on Tara's face she really enjoyed the moment. Sam having her arm around Tara's shoulders and you hugging her at the same time.
"See, it's like she has two guard dogs now," Mindy's laughter suddenly stopped. The reminder of Amber's nickname for you hanging in the air like an uncomfortable weight on everyone's shoulders. "Shit, sorry, Tara," she apologized.
"No, don't worry about it," Tara got up, but before you or Sam could go after her Mindy got up and pulled her into a hug.
"I'm really sorry. For teasing as well, hug them all you want," Mindy dropped the tough act just for a few moments.
Tara returned the hug and you saw her shoulders relaxing before the two girls separated.
"Uh, I'd like a hug too," Chad grinned sheepishly, prompting Tara to hug him as well.
If there really was a group of life-long friends forming between the five of you there was no doubt in your mind the heart and soul of that group was Tara.
A/N: The gift is an idea from Anon's headcanon, I didn't even know those were a thing until Anon mentioned them. Thank you, Anon!
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noirofhyrule · 1 year
Bravo 7-2
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Hello there, the first mission for Wynter bby 🥰🥰🥰
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“This is Bravo 7-2, I'm in position”.
Wynter spoke from her radio, lying on a hill in cover; aiming a sniper from afar, watching Ghost through the sights of her weapon, covering her back in case something might happen. The familiar scents of wildflowers covered the oil scent of his weapon.
“Copy, I'm in”. 
It was an easy, infiltration mission. Or so it seemed. 
They would get in, Ghost would use the USB while the girl hacked the system from her laptop, and after collecting all the invaluable information they needed, the USB would install a lethal virus that would burn all traces and get out. 
It was simple, wasn't it? 
The deaths caused by Ghost could be heard over Zero's radio, which she had clutched behind her back as if it were an intrinsic part of her, a bit broken and covered by tape. 
Eventually, she caught a glimpse of Ghost through the window, smiling. 
“I've got you in my sights. You can move around the outside of the house. There's an open side window”. The girl said, with a hint of excitement and pride in her voice. 
However, someone was behind Ghost, who tried to grab him as he climbed out of the window. Wynter fired almost instantaneously, hitting the enemy's head, very close to Ghost's. 
“Check your bloddy fire!” He complained, scolding his sergeant who had merely tried to save his life. 
“I didn't shoot you! Just... close”. 
Wynter was embarrassed, she usually didn't warn once she fired, her hand moved by instinct, so she had felt sorry for being scolded in the middle of the mission. 
“Lt... will you tell Price about this?” she asked, a little frightened. She'd been with Task Force 141 for three months. If she kept up the good pace, she would take her rank of sergeant, which she had previously held within the Mexican Special Forces. 
“That shouldn't matter to you" Ghost replied in a curt voice, fed up with the girl's constant doubts. He quickly entered the window, where there was a room with a man, whom he ended up killing mercilessly, connecting what the girl had given him to install the lethal virus. 
“Ready, you are connected. Proceed.” Said Ghost with an icy tone.
Wynter nodded, put down his weapon and opened his combat computer, typing at a hellish speed to hack into the enemy system and download all the crucial information. 
“Shit, this is full of..." Seeing his own picture next to his mother, he felt his blood freeze in his veins. He kept downloading as much information as possible, despite the tearful surprise, until he finished and installed the destructive virus. 
Ghost would have wanted to ask about the picture of her with the older woman, he was curious to know more about Zero's life outside of missions, but he knew he should keep quiet. More so when they were trying to take everything down and erase any traces. 
“I..., Lt. I care”. Wynter confessed in a whisper.
“What do you mean? What are you talking about?” Did the girl not trust him to do his job right? asked Ghost angrily, not knowing what she meant. 
“Price is trusting me... that I can do it, that he doesn't regret letting me join you. After all, Alejandro told me to follow my heart”. She replied, referring to his close shot earlier. She just wanted to watch his back. 
She blushed a little, it wasn't time to propose. It never would be. However, after Ghost saved her life when Graves betrayed them, something inside Wynter began to grow more and more, realizing she was in love with her lieutenant. 
“That metaphor may someday lead you to your death". Ghost said dryly.  “The only thing that keeps you alive is your reason, not your heart”. Ghost growled inwardly. He didn't even know if he had said that to her, or to himself. 
A sigh was heard on the other end of the radio, Ghost could sometimes be very cruel with his words. 
“I'm sorry, sir. You're right. Feelings aren't meant to be on the front lines” discouraged, she finished eliminating any trace of all the information that had been able to sneak through the enemy, looking at the window again. 
“That was my mother, the one in the photo. She's still alive but... I haven't known about her in years. And the truth is that I don't want to either”. 
Ghost decided not to say anything else, getting out of there quickly. 
“Mission over. I'll see you at our rendezvous point. Ghost out”. 
Wynter smiled a little and began to calmly move from his position, grabbing his rifle so he could move to where his extraction point was, where he almost reached it. 
“Sir!” spoke the girl, however her happiness went away when she heard a shot very close to her. In a quick act, she dropped through the weeds and the dirt made her slip a little on the ground, covering herself as much as she could again, trying to go unnoticed.
“Zero? Give me your position, Zero!” When he had no answer he decided to go in search of his partner, it was the first time that something like this happened. Once he was close to where the shot had been heard, he waited, until he noticed the flashlight of an enemy weapon. 
Had she been shot, had she been hit? 
He could not control his overwhelming thoughts that something had happened to his sergeant, causing some hidden anger to come out of his body, moving towards that soldier who was stalking Zero, until he finally got close enough to the enemy and stabbed him, killing him. 
His eyes popped out in surprise when he didn't see Wynter's body there. He had heard her, he had to have hit her and yet she was alive. 
“Oh my, it was close, is it all clear?“ asked the girl trying to sound calm, though inside she was trembling. 
Turning to look at her partner, she saw that his eyes were downcast and his fists were clenched. For an instant, Ghost had thought he had lost her.
“Ghost... I'm sorry, I thought there was no one left to…” He didn't finish the sentence, continuing on his way in silence. 
Wynter swallowed hard, feeling terribly relieved and embarrassed at the same time. Her partner had saved her life.
“Thank you.” Whispered the girl, closing the distance between them and walking beside him. 
Ghost nodded with an almost imperceptible gesture, continuing on their way. The mission was over, now they had to return to their headquarters.
The walk to the extraction point was silent but not uncomfortable. Ghost seemed to have accepted their apology, although he was more distant than usual. Probably still annoyed by their constant doubts and questions. 
As they reached the helicopter that would take them back, Wynter felt some apprehension. Price would be evaluating them and her performance left much to be desired. She had gotten nervous, made mistakes and ended up being saved by Ghost at the last second. 
During the flight, Ghost seemed deep in thought. Wynter barely dared to glance sideways at him, blushing instantly. She could still feel his piercing gaze on her, silently judging her. 
Upon landing, they stepped off the helicopter with the other soldiers. Price called them into his office, waiting for their report. Wynter bit her lower lip, nervous.
“Infiltration done as planned. The mission was successfully completed". Ghost reported in a professional tone. 
Price nodded, satisfied. 
“Very well. You are dismissed". he conceded, taking his leave.
As they left, Wynter sighed in relief. She had feared being reprimanded for the trouble, but Ghost had covered for her.
“Thank you for standing up for me in there," she said gratefully, smiling at him. 
"Do your homework and there will be no need for it" Ghost replied earnestly, though his eyes had a different gleam in them. 
Wynter nodded, understanding. Her place was secure, and she would probably gain more weight on the team. She had been saved by none other than Ghost, one of the most experienced members.
“I'm glad to know I won't be kicked out". She confessed, relieved. It would be hard for her to admit it, but the thought of losing her position in the Task Force terrified her. 
“Your courage is proven. This will only make you stronger". Ghost said with comforting words, albeit in his usual dry tone. 
Wynter smiled, thrilled. Not only had she been defended, but her partner seemed to truly believe in her. She had discovered that day how much she meant to Ghost, even if he tried to hide it behind a mask of indifference. 
And so, back in her quarters, optimism took hold of her. Her place was won, and next to Ghost, nothing would make her waver. She was ready to move forward.
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kierancampire · 3 months
I've been in and out of therapy basically all my life, it's been a very long time. And this has been the longest I have gone without it, and sometimes I wanna go back, I wanna go back to Jayne even, she was one of the best therapists I had. But this is why I don't. It's these memories. This didn't happen just this once, there were so many bad situations I was in that Jayne told me I should just be grateful for something no matter how I was treated, she got angry at me for using simple terms, she got angry at me for using certain words, she got angry at me for naming things, she got angry at me if she thought I was self-diagnosing. There was so much of it.
Like I have had a life long condition where I can't fall asleep, stay asleep, and will wake up early, and it is only marginally helped by heavy meds. A whole life time of being unable to sleep. Have I ever been diagnosed with insomnia? No. But it sure as shit is clear I have it. 28 years of being unable to sleep. Yet Jayne got mad any time I called it that. She got angry at me for using terms like "agoraphobia", when not only is that a basic term many people know, but I did bring this up to her once, you can't expect someone to be in and out of therapy for around 15 years, yet not pick up on any therapy things. Like Jayne even commented herself when I first started seeing her that I was masking with therapy and giving her the therapy side of things, so she knew herself and once commented on how I picked up therapy terms and techniques and would use them to my advantage, yet later on I suddenly wasn't meant to know any of this stuff?
But it really was this main issue. It didn't matter how mum treated me, I had to be grateful she gave me life, a home, and other things. It didn't matter that Kirsty was abusive, it was a really bad coercive control relationship, and everything she put me through, I had to be grateful she gave me a home and a job (which to stress, at separate points in my time seeing her she did tell me to be grateful to mum and Kirsty, even knowing what was going on). It didn't matter the toll Swan took on me, which I still haven't recovered from, the hell they put me through the years, the state of my flat, the fact I was freezing to death in winter, didn't have functioning doors and windows, my flat was over run by mould, the extreme mental and physical toll this all took on me, they gave me a form of a home and I should just shut up and be grateful.
But then in that same breath, Jayne spent forever working on me saying no, standing up for myself, that I deserved better, that I deserved kindness, respect, the bare basics. Yet any time I did what she told me, she got mad at me and told me I don't deserve better, I should just be grateful for what I have. I don't deserve an apology for bad treatment, I should just be grateful for what I have. I shouldn't stand up for myself, I should just be grateful for what I have. Even if that was this flat or an abusive relationship. I left so many sessions crying and angry. Sometimes a part of me feels I need it, and I want to see her, I knew her for years, we had so many shared moments that were great, and outside of 3 family members, Jayne was the only other person I got to see in life, losing her made me lose 1/4 of the people in my life. But I just feel her messages became harmful, she was fighting me, weighing me down, and hurting me when I really didn't need that, and frankly she was trying to stop me from growing.
Just to quickly vent about another thing. I remember one week I went to see her, I was in such a bad state she called my doctors under a crises case, she was that concerned about me and my welfare, that was the first time she'd ever done that, which given everything I went through while seeing her, that shows how bad things were. Then literally the very next week, all of a sudden she was trying to pressure me into working, saying I was fit and stable enough for a job, my life was at that point I needed to work, and would not stop hounding me on it. This is without getting into what started this was me opening up to her how everyone was pressuring me to work at the time, and the severe distress that was causing me on top of everything else I was going through. Which again wasn't a one time thing, Jayne did that multiple times where I opened up to her about a way people were upsetting me, then she'd instantly do it herself. But yes, how do I, in the span of one week, go from incredibly unstable crises case, to work ready and being stable/secure for a job? In one week?
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crescentblossom66 · 1 year
How about bow and empress going shopping how will that go?
I'm sorry that it took me AGES to come up with a story for this request, but I finally sat down and wrote one. I hope that this little one-shot made up for the long wait.
Bow Kid's New Dress
Bow Kid jumped up and down excitedly. She had been waiting for this day the whole week! The Empress had finally enough time to spend an afternoon going shopping with her. The young girl waited patiently outside the jewelry store until the tall, gray cat emerged with a ring of the bell on the entrance.
She locked the door and activated the security system, not that anyone would normally even DARE steal from her, the whole metro knew that that was practically a death sentence, yet it was better to be safe than sorry. She left one of her most trusted associates with leaving an eye on the store, just in case.
“Come on, let's go! I can't wait!” Bow Kid wanted to reach for the paw of the cat, but only grabbed air when said cat pulled her hand back.
“Not in public, Bow, I have an image to uphold.” Showing weakness and attachment in her business was like inviting your enemies to take away your loved ones or capture them for ransom or to make an example out of them by killing them. She had done so herself more than once...something young Bow didn't need to know yet. She would soon enough...but not now.
The first place Bow wanted to visit was the clothing store, where she wanted to try out, and maybe buy, the latest summer dress before it was sold out. Bow walked down the street, stopping to wait for the cat occasionally. Her mentor walked at a slower and more alert pace, while still managing to look elegant while doing so. They reached the clothing store and Bow Kid stormed inside, looking at the various accessories at the store's entrance first. She put on a pair of over-sized sunglasses that almost obscured half her face and struck a pose with her tongue out. The small chuckle and the awkward glance from the Empress seemed to be all Bow actually wanted to receive from her silly stunt as she placed the glasses back and put on a straw hat next, which she seemed to not fancy too much, but when her eyes lit up and she clapped happily after jumping and putting the hat on the head of her mentor, who froze at the sudden sensation.
“I think it looks really good on you, nice and casual.” Bow Kid smiled. Her smile turned to am expression of discomfort the moment the gray feline narrowed her eyes at her and slowly pulled down the hat...only to give her the hint of a smile.
“Your skill at observation are getting better, little one. I might just consider buying it.” With buying she obviously meant threatening the owner of the shop, if they don't already give it to her for free.
“Yay!” Bow Kid joyfully went on through the aisles, happily humming to herself. The tall cat couldn't help but smile a little and shake her head at the carefree behavior. Life would be cruel to her later on, she'd know pain soon enough, for now, she decided to let Bow Kid have her fun and be happy.
They soon came to the dress that Bow Kid wanted and the young girl showed it to gray cat with her eyes sparkling, before her expression turned somber. Confused and a bit concerned, the Empress spoke to her while bending down to get on her level. “What's wrong, Bow?”
The Kid sniffled a bit, “They don't have my size...It's sold out.” The cat stood up straight again and took the dress that was obviously too big for the girl, before turning around.
“I'm sure they have your size in storage, I'll be right back.” The store clerk started to fidget and sweat the moment she saw the gray feline make her way over to her. That glare that the cat gave her made her blood run cold and freeze in her veins.
“H-How can I h-help you, ma'am?” The cat put the dress on the counter her eyes locked on the eyes of the poor clerk.
“I'm sure that you have this dress a size smaller.” She deliberately showed her sharp claws by placing them on the counter and making her claws tap the wood.
“S-Sorry, ma'am, we don't have it smaller anymo” She was cut of by a low chuckle.
“You don't understand. You will give me a smaller size of this dress...-” Her eyes narrowed and the voice of the gray cat turned sinister, “-or I'll shorten something else.” The clerk scrambled to the back of the store while the Empress waited patiently for her to return which she did after five minutes, a smaller size of the dress Bow Kid wanted in hand. “Thank you, miss, I'm glad we came to an understanding.” She returned to Bow Kid whose eyes sparkled once more upon seeing the dress in the paws of her mentor.
“They really had it smaller. Awesome! Thank you!” Bow Kid put on her new dress and the cat had to say that it suited the girl rather well. They ended up 'buying' the straw hat and the dress, both leaving the store rather happy.
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da3drat · 1 year
Okay this is silly but i keep seeing people post their fic with a link to ao3 but also in the text of the post, and somehow that had never occurred to me. So. i'm doing that. Last repost of this fic i prommy lol.
Palla, Pygmalion, Meridian
In which the Nerevarine discovers complicated feelings regarding the one woman on all of Nirn she should be avoiding at all costs.
The long, long walk to Ebonheart had left Meridian exhausted and irritable. Arriving in town well after the sun had set, she had been in no mood to track down transport to Mournhold and had taken a room at the inn instead. This had been a mistake. Not two hours later she had awoken just in time to dodge a dagger arcing toward her throat. The scuffle with the Dark Brotherhood assassin had been loud and bloody, and she had been promptly asked to leave.
Now, as she shivered and stewed outside the Six Fishes, she figured her only course was to head straight to Mournhold and give those gods damned assassins a piece of her mind. If she was feeling particularly contrary on arrival she may even demand compensation for all the cleaning fees she'd owed after dispatching her would be murderers.
She stalked through the freezing night air and considered that this Asciene Rane who was meant to provide her transport would likely be asleep at this hour. Had Meri been in a less foul mood she may have considered camping outside the city until the sun had risen, but as it was she had no qualms about finding this woman, waking her, and insisting upon teleportation that exact minute. It was lucky for Asciene then that she was tucked away in a locked bedroom and would not be found by anyone until she awoke at dawn. It was not lucky for Meri, whose lack of sleep and growing impatience grated on her by the minute. When the two finally met in the Grand Council chambers one glowed from a good night's sleep and hearty breakfast, while the other could have been mistaken for a scrawny, ill-tempered spriggan from a distance.
All the same, Meri was a fine actor and put on a relieved smile as she closed the distance to Asciene.
"Oh, I've been searching for you all morning! I need passage to the mainland and was told you could help me, it's a bit of an emergency."
Asciene gave her a suspicious look, and Meri took the cue to up the pathetic fawning.
"The Dark Brotherhood is hunting me," She said in a sorrowful voice. "Even last night at the inn I was attacked, and in my sleep no less. Please, my only chance is to get help in Mournhold."
"The Dark Brotherhood?" Asciene's eyes widened. "Oh, Matius told me you may be by. Poor thing. Yes, I can get you to Mournhold, but you're likely to be even less safe there than here."
The corner of Meri's lips quirked upward involuntarily at being called "poor thing", but she did her best to cover it by giving her a thankful smile.
"It's the only chance I have," She reiterated. "Thank you so much for helping me."
"I can send you now if you're ready. Talk to the argonian Effe-Tei if you need to come back."
"Yes, I'm ready. Thank you."
Asciene put a hand on Meri's shoulder and she closed her eyes, soon feeling the pins and needles sensation of teleportation. When she reopened them she fell lithely out of the air and into the Mournhold Palace's reception area.
Scowl returned and mockingly muttering "poor thing" under her breath Meri marched out into the courtyard without bothering to take in her surroundings. The 'City of Light' did not interest her- she had eyes only for the good night's sleep that awaited her at the end of her quest. She caught the arm of a guard and managed to get some information out of him; if she was looking for the Dark Brotherhood she should investigate the Bazaar sewers. Simple enough.
Meri rolled her eyes as she made her way through Mournhold Plaza, of course the den of assassins was set up in the sewers. It felt cliche to the point of poor planning, shouldn't they at least have a codelocked safehouse? Though maybe she should take it as a warning, if they were that blatant it was because they felt safe. Her mind drifted to a checklist of pre-expedition errands as she walked, but she didn't make it far before she felt a prickle on the back of her neck that made her hair stand on end. Was she being watched? She slowed to a stop and turned, scanning the plaza for the source of her discomfort. Her eyes landed on the large ceremonial statue in the center of the square and a shudder crawled up her spine, her feet suddenly glued to the ground. Almalexia's masked gaze seemed to pass through her vanquished foe and onto Meri- and it pinned her in place like a startled deer.
She was suddenly aware of how little she had considered the Tribunal since arriving on Vvardenfell.
The Three had always stayed at the periphery of her thoughts, never breaking through the daily focus of travel or investigation. Too many nights she had collapsed into a fighters guild cot and been sucked into sleep before she could recount the events of the day, much less think ahead to the future. But now the statue made her wonder. She wondered what kind of people - what kind of gods - they were. If she was the Nerevarine, would they know her? Would she know them? What were their stories? Their teachings? She knew nothing. She had learned the proper way to make friends with the ashlanders, to predict cliff racer attacks, even memorized the alchemical properties of near every ingredient in Morrowind, but she knew nothing of its gods. Mostly, consumingly, she wondered about the color of Almalexia's eyes.
She had considered the Tribunal very little, but faced with the visage of Almalexia in her war mask she now found herself unable to consider anything else. She approached the statue slowly, resisting the urge to reach out and touch with a greedy hand. It depicted Almalexia locked in a moment of victory over Mehrunes Dagon, her blade plunged through his abdomen as he recoiled in horror. Even in stone, the instability of the moment was evident. Long claw marks along Almalexia's side, her stance powerful yet faltering, but it was Dagon's face that was twisted in shock and agony.
Etched in stone and larger than life, Almalexia looked every bit a god.
An old, old ache awoke in Meri then. One she had squashed so many times in so many ways, only for it to return tenfold in it's own time. She wondered if Almalexia would abandon the people of Morrowind the way Meri's gods had abandoned her. No. No, she could see it even in the statue. Dedication, love, divinity, power. A living god, one you could see and touch, whose loving hand you could feel in the flesh. Desire and curiosity bloomed in her chest in equal measure, taking her beyond wonder and dangerously close to tunnel vision. She needed to find a book, a priest, anything that could tell her about the goddess in the statue.
Somewhere in her a small voice of reason tried to draw her away. It insisted that whatever she felt now was dangerous, that following it would end in tears if she were lucky and blood if she wasn't. But Meridian had never been a woman of reason, nor was she particularly fearful of her blood being shed. And the voice was not loud enough to distract her from the expertly carved coils of hair that fell loosely around the slope of Almalexia's neck, nor the defined musculature of her arms. She pulled her journal and charcoals from her backpack; her hands were itching with inspiration and she was not one to deny them. She would sit and sketch as long as she was able and then she would be off to find an inn, a temple, and a bookshop.
The Dark Brotherhood, she decided, would have to wait one more day.
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fict1onallyobsessed · 3 years
One bed
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary - Being sent on a mission with someone you were massively crushing on wasn't the worse thing that could happen, but having to share a bed was...Right?
Not my GIF!!
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You pushed the door open and immediately freeze. The bag on your shoulder, only containing the necessary clothing for a day, dropped to the floor. Natasha walked in behind you, stopped to look around the room and sighed. Just like you did to your bag, she let hers drop to the ground.
"You're sleeping on the floor." She announced, walking further into the room just to collapse onto the only, single, bed in the room. Letting out a sarcastic laugh, you kneeled on the floor to open your bag, taking out a towel and some clothes for the night, since you both were still in your suits.
Your mission was hours from New York, so instead of waiting for a jet to come pick you up in the rainy weather outside, you decided to rent a room for the night in the closest and the sketchiest motel ever.
"I'm showering and you're sleeping on the floor." You heard her scoff, but nothing else was said as you turned on the shower.
It wasn't that you and Nat hated each other. The main reason why you didn't want to interact with her was because of the feeling that surfaced when you were around her. You had no idea why she was so mean to you, but you didn't care. That way, you wouldn't have to be reminded that you were absolutely in love with her.
You finished showering and put on your clothes, folding your suit neatly to put in your bag when you left the bathroom.
"Took your time." Nat mentioned, picking up her bag and locking herself in the bathroom as well. You were about to say something back when you realised that you had the bed to yourself, which meant you'd get to pick who slept on the bed. Smiling to yourself, you put your hair up and jumped onto the bed, taking in the next 10 minutes of silence before Nat would come out the shower.
"Absolutely not." Nat shook her head when she saw you on the bed.
"Absolutely," You smiled from under the covers. She didn't seem amused. Crossing her arms over her chest, she seemed to think for a second. She shrugged and started walking towards you.
"What are you doing?" You asked, leaning your body up with your elbows.
"Well I'm not sleeping on the floor so you'll have to share." She lifted the covers and climbed beside you, squishing you between her and the wall.
"Watch it." You huffed, moving annoyingly to get yourself comfortable, making sure to knock into her. During the night, she'd constantly elbow your side. You weren't sure if it was on purpose, but it pissed you off to the point that you physically ripped the cover off of her just to piss her off. You were convinced she was taking up all the space despite knowing how small the bed was.
"(Y/N) I swea-"
"Don't elbow me then." You grabbed the cover even tighter, prepared for her to rip it out of your grip like she did the previous three times. But to your surprise she remained still. Furrowing your eyebrows you turned so your body faced her, but the second you turned and she saw you weren't holding the cover properly, she grabbed her end and covered herself, leaving you cold. She held it tight so you couldn't rip it from her anymore.
"Romanoff-" You started but was cut off when she moved. Her hand reached under the covers and over your stomach, pulling herself over you and staying there. You froze, your arms kinda floating upwards because at was literally laying on your stomach, between your legs.
"What are you doing?"
"Stop complaining and go to sleep." She responded, laying her head on your chest. You couldn't really tell if this was a trick, but this way she wouldn't elbow and both of you would have the quilt that lay over Nat and you at the same time.
"Your heart's racing." She didn't fail to mention. You could hear the smirk in her voice as she said it.
"Stop complaining and go to sleep." You mimicked her words a minute before and then it fell silent. You remained awake until she fell asleep. Her breathing became shallow and even, her hold on you relaxed a bit and she melted into your touch.
With a bit of hesitation, you put your arms on her back, your thumbs rubbing up and down when she flinched in her sleep at the contact.
Sometime later after your heart rate decreased to normal again, you also fell asleep, scared about how awkward it will be in the morning. Upon waking up, you found yourself hugging Nat again. This time, you were on your side with your head on her chest while she lay on her back on the bed. Her hand ran up and down your back but stopped when you stirred.
"You awake?" She asked, feeling her eyes burn holes onto the top of your head.
"Yeah." You whispered, closing your eyes again. You felt Nat shuffle a bit and then something land next to you.
"Someone called you." Your eyebrows creased and you grabbed the phone, scrolling to your recent calls. Nat saw what you were doing since you were still laying on her. Fury's name popped up and you both tensed. You internally questioned why he didn't call Nat first. She seemed to have the same question because you felt her stretch to reach her phone.
"He didn't call me." She said, throwing her phone on her stomach beside your hand. "Check your voice messages. You did as she told, eyes half opened because you were still half asleep. Putting it on speaker, you let your phone lay on Nat's stomach and you both listened in.
"I called you and not Nat because she'd freak out and I don't know what you're doing at 11 A.M. but the jet we sent to you is late because Rogers broke the controls. Sit tight for another couple hours." Fury's voice got cut off.
You checked the time on your phone and was almost choked on air. 12:34 P.M.
"That explains why he didn't call me," She huffed, not seeming to care about the time. You simply hummed, and leaned more against her side.
"Why would you freak out? Am I that bad?" You asked, rubbing your face in hopes your tiredness would go away. She didn't immediately respond, instead she tensed again and she threw her head into the pillows behind her.
"You're not bad.…at all." She finally said after minutes of silence. Your hands fell to your side and you furrowed your brows.
"No? Thanks for making that clear." You said sarcastically, looking to the side in attempt to see her. When it didn't work you decided to completely twist so you laid on your stomach, an arm over her stomach as you waited for a response.
She kept staring at the ceiling, sighing deeply before she looked down at you. You raised an eyebrow, a little confused without an explanation. Her eyes remained on you, scanning your face before she huffed out a breath of air. She picked her body up with her elbows and shimmied down into the bed, making you push yourself off of her for a second before her face ended in front of yours.
"I'Il just show you." She leaned in, connecting her lips with yours. To say you were shook was an understatement. You'd never gotten the vibe that she was into you. A damn good spy. The kiss lasted a couple seconds before she pulled away, scared of moving too fast or scaring you off. You just looked her in the eyes when you she pulled away.
She seemed nervous. The kind of nervous you'd never seen on her. You didn't think twice. You reached up and cupped her cheek just to bring her lips into yours again. You felt her smile into the kiss, and after a couple of seconds she shifted slowly so she could move on top of you. You both knew you didn't want more than this, not for now anyway, but the pure comfort of having her close was enough. She laid on your body while her lips got more confident, legs tangling with one another. She pulled away, staring into your eyes, she smiled.
"I wanted to do that for a while." She admitted, laying her head next to yours on the pillow beside you. Your noses almost touched with how close you were laying, making you smile too.
"Me too."
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porrokin · 4 years
i have actually never posted anything like this on my tumblr - i'm kinda nervous ngl.
below you can find the blurb and entire first chapter of the fantasy novel i'm writing! 🤎 i'm so incredibly proud and wanted to share it with you :)
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Andy was almost an adult now, not once in the past decade had she been entirely sober. This hadn't been a choice of her own; she didn't get many of those anymore after becoming a permanent resident in the Institute. She'd been permanently deprived of direct sunlight ever since her sixth birthday, on December 30th.
Meanwhile, her best friend claims to speak with his deceased parents and the Keepers found her newest ally before she did. They've been forcing him to use his powers for their selfish winnings, cruel violations like this could go unseen since the Warden disappeared.
Escaping the Keepers is one thing; they're still worlds apart from getting home - considering there's anything to come back to in the first place.
story : all rights reserved ; @porrokin
don't copy or claim this in any way; it is my work and belongs entirely to me.
Never once during the past decade had Andy been entirely sober, that fact would, however, become even more disturbing when you considered she was barely eighteen years old. It hadn't been a conscious choice, at least not one of her own.
Ever since her sixth birthday - almost precisely twelve years ago - Keepers had taken the freedom of making decisions away from her. What she ate, where she slept, who she talked to, and whether or not she took her meds four times per day - which she did, much to her disliking.
The Keepers no longer informed Andy of their plans for her, they used to back when she was still enrolled in the program. Christiano was, though she wasn't sure if she always believed him when he talked about what he did during those three hours every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday. Nine hours each week, that's how much time they did want to spend with her roommate. She was on her own, once again.
The line scurried along. Andy hesitantly followed as she took in the newly arrived smell of potatoes and spinach. Lunch must start soon, meaning the clock could say 12:55 am anytime now. The rest of the world outside was sleeping, in contrast to this place - heavily lit by beaming, quietly zooming tubes. The grey ceiling was covered in them, leaving nothing to go by without catching the eye of at least one Keeper. Andy didn't know why they lived during the night, rather than when the sun could cast real and natural light into the long, empty hallways. Probably to keep the public from asking much-needed questions about this place, or perhaps they did know but couldn't care enough.
Another name was called out - not hers. The girl in front of the line had been injected, she swiftly turned around and started walking in against the direction of the line. Back to her room, she went, another day of the same, mundane routine. Day after day, twelve years before you got away.
Long ginger hair draped over her slim shoulders, curls bouncing up slightly with every step she took. Her face looked tense; not unusual for this place, but it was rather strange to see from this girl. When their eyes met, Andy was surprised to see an almost luminescent light grey shade. The girl's eyes were once green but now reminded her of the colour of freshly polished silverware reflecting in the light.
As she walked past her spot in line, electricity seemed to flow through Andy's spine; causing her entire body to shiver. Her eyebrows shaped themselves into a slight frown, for a moment she glanced behind her to look at this girl for an extra second. She wasn't allowed to speak to anyone in white but her roommate, though by now she'd been here long enough to recognize who slept in the same hallway and who didn't.
A loud crackling sound disrupted the silence, a moment later the automated voice began to talk through the speakers. Same time every day, the same voice at exactly five minutes before 1 am. 'Ten minutes before lunchtime, those who have not yet received their injections will be expected back in Hallway 162B in exactly 45 minutes'.
In a matter of seconds, their plan was about to be set in motion.
Right away, rummaging sounds rose from the back of the line. 'I need Andy!', a familiar voice shakily called out. 'My roommate, Andy Donahue!'
'Not up to you, get back in line or I'll make you.' Andy recognized his voice as the heavier Keeper with the bushy, unmanaged moustache. He sounded calm, he'd been quick to tase someone in the past and would most likely have his beefy fingers wrapped around the device already.
She raised her hand and started walking towards the back of the line, her body shaking entirely as if it was freezing and she walked into the cold without any clothes on her limbs.
Without expecting it, she was forcefully yanked back from behind. Before Andy even had time to blink, her arms were locked firmly behind her back, wrists pushing hard against her spine.
'You too, now? Don't think you're an exception to the rules.' Captain Keeper; not because he's the leader, but he sure did like trying to boss the others around. She didn't answer him right away but rather tried to stretch her body and spot Christiano in the hallway. She couldn't.
'I'm his roommate, that's Irvine. Sometimes he freaks out in the presence of many people-' A sweaty hand roughly pulled her head back by her hair, causing her to face the ceiling. Her body alarmed her of the pain this caused to her neck. The bright lights made her eyes tear and she struggled to swallow.
'Did I tell you to open your mouth?' Clammy Hands scoffed.
She attempted to reason with him: 'Let me take him to our room so he can calm down.'
'Get back in line. Otherwise, I'll make sure you don't get out of solitary until snow melts.'
She managed to free her arm from his clammy grasp. 'I can ensure you-'
He reached for her, his face caught between anger and frustration. He was getting impatient, little was he aware that this was exactly Andy's will. She stumbled backwards to avoid him this time, successfully, both of them were surprised by it.
'Christiano will throw up. Do you want that to happen when..' She ever so slightly raised her chin, dramatically pausing for a moment as she raised her boney finger.
Andy continued. 'About six hundred kids still need their injections in this hallway? That seems to be a big inconvenience — if I am allowed to voice my opinion.'
'Sir.' she added. The encounter would surely have been more entertaining would her head not be pounding, the shakiness of her knees increasing by the second. She knew her body needed the meds she managed to rid this morning - she would deny this dependence at any cost if someone were to ask.
He sighed and resultantly nodded in Christiano's direction. 'Go. I'll know where to find you in five minutes.'
She did as told, anxiously searching the hallway for her roommate. So far everything was going just as she so meticulously planned; she was okay.
By now she imagined the time creeping closer to 1:00 am, breaks for the Administration would start in ten minutes; she only needed three. The two minutes after that meant for racing back to their room, in case Captain Keeper was indeed determined to stick to his earlier promise.
Something as cold as ice grabbed her hand, effortlessly disrupting her thoughts. Chocolate brown eyes met hers, a feeling of relief washed over Andy's body. Squeezing his hand, they swiftly disappeared behind the corner at the end of the hallway.
'You got the key?' Andy hushed her voice. Administration breakrooms were still in the same hallway as their offices. She wondered whether they got as little sunlight as the kids here did.
'I do. Traded my last blanket for 15 minutes of borrowing the thing, this place leaks of greedy bastards.' He grinned, accentuating his sharp facial structure.
'If you're right about the Bidding we'll be out of here soon enough anyway.'
'I am right.'
'I believe you.' She extended her hand for him to hand her the key. 'I want to prepare for everything, that's all.'
While Andy gained access to Ad 348H, Christiano leaned nonchalantly against the drinking fountain, his finger push-ready on the button. If she caught the sound of water running, she needed to hide. Christiano would have to sneak her back out after their lunchtime. Not the desired option, as this would be too close for comfort with the Administration break ending at the same time.
Thanks to Christiano's contacts she knew immediately which cabinet to find; about twenty seconds had passed already. Her hands rummaged through the several files and envelopes, one of the many drawers containing surnames with "D" as their starting letter.
She gasped audibly when finally skimming across her own, "Andy Donahue" it said. As she attempted to pull it out, the cardboard folder ripped on one end; the contents spilling out like jelly beans at an overwhelmingly disorganized children's party.
She cursed to herself as she attempted to fish for whatever just got lost within the mass amount of documents and belongings. A soft texture brushed against her finger and with some effort, she managed to grab onto it.
Her journal! Andy's heart skipped a beat, who knew they would've collected this in here after confiscating it years ago. Without hesitation she dropped it into the neck of her jacket, holding it against her stomach with her other hand. What else did she need? Her file was too big to ever sneak out in its entirety and to take this heavy notebook was already a reach.
A loud cough echoed into the room as if she had her fingers in her ears this whole time to block out the noise. Finally, the sound of splashing water seemed to reach her. She slammed the cabinet shut, somehow getting her black sleeve stuck in the process. No, no, this was bad - this was so awfully bad.
While securing the journal with her other arm she put her body up against the heavy metal cabinet and made a desperate attempt at freeing herself from its hold.
'Yes!', slightly too loud.
Within a moment she smoothly turned around, slamming herself against something and stumbling onto the cold concrete flooring.
'We really don't have time anymore, why didn't you come out when I signalled for you?', Christiano grabbed her free arm and hurriedly pulled Andy back up on her feet.
'I'm sorry!'
She followed right behind him, both came to a sudden stop once they'd realized what was waiting behind the walls of Ad 348H. At least six Keepers surrounded them in the hallway, pointing that same amount of stun batons in their direction.
Captain Clammy Hands was the one to break the silence: "Such a shame, Donahue."
© PHOTOGRAPHY : @/k_reckd [ TWITTER ]
to read more, check out my story on wattpad @/porrokin [ same as on tumblr ]
© PHOTO - MODEL : @/iiphugs [ TWITTER ]
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The Best Things ~ J.V. (part 8)
A/n: This part is super upsetting. Character death, graphic violence, I dare even say gore. Homophia, which I should have been warning a while back I am so sorry for that. Things are gonna get HEAVY- I am so sorry lol.
Word Count: 3800+
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"Nah, you're not crazy," Harleen giggled.
"Says you," Y/n teased, rolling his eyes. "You may have a doctorate, but you're also bias."
Her smile widened. "Okay that's fair." Y/n sighed, sitting back in his chair. He looked down at his hands, smile small as he got lost in thought. "What's on your mind?"
"Harleen is kind of a mouthful," Y/n told her. "Do you like the name?"
She tilted her head, as if considering. "I never did. When I was younger I had a friend who called me Lee, but with things happening-" Y/n's face scrunched up and Harleen snorted. "Exactly. Name's already taken- and it would be even weirder if I went by Dr. Lee, so I scratched it."
Y/n nodded. Then he sat forward, his elbows resting on the table. "So you've never had any other nicknames?" She shook her head and then shrugged when Y/n donned a surprise expression. "Well I have to give you one then. That's what friends do, right?" She grinned at Y/n's words and he watched the room get a little brighter. She was magic like that- as if she was made of sunshine. Her happiness was contagious, and she made the world a little better. She was accepting and also calm, making him feel safe as well as loved. She was his best friend and he was hers and they gave each other something they couldn't get with anyone else: unhindered fun with absolutely no expectations. It was an odd place to find real friendship in, but here they were anyway. "What about... Leena?" She immediately shook her head and he chuckled. "Uh... I mean, there's always Harley."
She considered that. "You know what, I like it." She crossed her arms. "Harley Quinzel." She nodded. "I'll allow it."
Y/n rolled his eyes. She was only like four years older than him, but had far too quickly fallen into a rhythm of acting like an adult talking to a child every once in a while, as a joke. Whether she was flaunting the years she had over him, or the schooling, Y/n wasn’t sure, but he refused to acknowledge it and it had become an unspoken inside joke between them. "What about you? I have to give you one now."
Y/n shrugged. "I don't like nicknames."
Harley tilted her head, the bottom of her blonde ponytail brushing her shoulder. "Why not? You like giving them."
"Well, yeah..." He bit his lip. "It's just, every bad guy has a code name, you know? Oswald Cobblepot goes by Penguin. Edward Nygma is going around as Riddler. Then there's Mr. Freeze. I just feel like if I take an alias, it'll be official you know? I'll be as crazy as the people I associate with and as evil as everyone says I am."
Harley hummed. "Okay, that's fair." She sighed, raising her hands to rest her chin in her palm. "Speaking of people you associate with. You and Jerome..."
Y/n's mood darkened. It had been a while now and Oswald was gone and Jerome still hadn't made an appearance. "I think he's mad at me." Harley tilted her head in confusion and Y/n shrugged. "I left with Alfred because Bruce needed me. Didn't give him a heads up, and then went missing for, like, months..." He shook his head. "Maybe he thinks I've gone back to my old life, or that I've left him behind. I just feel like he's avoiding me and one doesn't usually do that for no reason, so I figure-"
"What if he's just busy?" Harley proposed.
Y/n snorted. "With what? Reading a really good book series?"
Harley pursed her lips. "I guess you have a point."
"Why do you even care?" Y/n asked, raising his hands to knit his fingers behind his head.
Harley stared at him silently for a long time. She had the look on her face she always does when she'd trying to read Y/n's mind. When she's analyzing everything she learned in school and looking at the actions and words that he was currently giving as context, as well as past ones, and then somehow putting it all together to figure out the secrets sometimes even he didn't know. The same magic that made Arkham home also gave her the ability to read minds- Y/n had determined she was a proper superhero.
After she reached some kind of conclusion - she always nodded after she'd done the reading and then switched which leg was crossed over the other - a little smile teased her lips. She was trying to hide it. And failing. Y/n tried not to be curious. Usually when Harley didn't tell him something it was because he wasn't ready to hear it... but that smile. It was too late. He had to know. "What?"
Once he asked, the gate broke and she grinned. "You're in love with him."
Y/n snorted. "No. I'm not." The coy curl of Harley's lips added to her raised eyebrows to make Y/n doubt himself, even though he could feel his feelings and knew that it wasn't... he didn't... no way. "He's important to me," Y/n gave. "I care for him. But... love..." Y/n shook his head. "I don't know about that. There's been too much going on- I haven't had enough time with him."
She nodded, expression serious, as if this was a very important discovery. "I call Maid of Honor at the wedding though." They locked eyes as Y/n went to tell her off, but then a slow smile rose to her face as he realized she was joking. They both busted up into laughter.
"Whoever I marry, the position is yours." He winked at her and she flipped her hair, both of them giggling.
A timer went off. Harley stood, gathering her stuff and sighing. "That's my cue. Same time tomorrow?"Y/n nodded then stood.
He draped his arm around her shoulders. "You know, you make this place bearable. You're a real friend to me." He kissed her forehead. "What would I do without you, hm?"
She rested her head on his shoulder for a second before they began walking and it got too awkward to coordinate. "Probably the same thing I'd do without you. Be alone and miserable." She popped up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. He pretended to gag and she fell into a short fit of soft giggles. "You're an idiot."
"Ah and yet what I lack for a brain, I make up with a big-" He cut off and she groaned. "Heart," he enunciated. He smirked and she rolled her eyes. "I have quite a large heart, full of love for my favorite gal." He shook her slightly, making a point that said gal was her.
"Every lesbian deserves a best friend with as little brains and as big a heart as you," Harley joked.
"And every gay deserves a best friend with as much brain and just as much heart as you." He finally let her go as she moved to the door that would lead outside. This is where they parted- her, to home, as he was her last patient as per usual. Him, further into the Asylum where he would have dinner then return to his room to be alone and sleep. Goodbyes were the pair's least favorite part of the day. "Until we next meet, Madame," Y/n initiated, pulling away to bow deeply.
Harley grabbed her doctor's coat lightly, pulling it out as if it was a dress as she bowed back. "I shall count the seconds." They laughed one last time, waving before she turned and left. He watched her go until she disappeared. She turned back several times to wave yet again, until she couldn't see him either just by turning around.
The second she was out of sight, the world lost a little color. It was a little darker. His smile got smaller and Y/n's shoulders sagged. He shoved his hands in his pockets before turning back to the hallway that lead to his room, beginning the trek.
A hand on his shoulder stopped him. People rarely touched him. The only person that touched him like this was one that Y/n hated so much that his hands curled into fists in his pocket, his face suddenly cold and empty as he stared straight ahead, halfway through a step- his foot on the ground and extended, but not carrying him forward as it had been intended to. He took a deep breath through his nose. Unfortunately, in all the chaos and people getting booted from Arkham after beating on Y/n, the one person that meant the most hadn't been caught because everyone refused to rat him out.
The man who'd started it all.
"You and her..." The older guard mused, a nasty smirk on his ugly face. "I thought you were gay." He said it mockingly, like he'd caught a child who hadn't said they weren’t hungry sneaking food when everyone seemed to be asleep.
Y/n rolled his eyes, forcing his body to relax as he faced the man. The monster. "Not every girl in the world was born solely for men to shove a dick into them, Jameson." The older man glared and Y/n smiled, getting satisfaction. "As a matter of a fact, Harley and I are just friends."
"You're pretty affectionate for just friends," Jameson argued. Y/n still didn't know the man's first name. He didn't care enough too. He didn't want another name that tasted bitter in his mouth. He already had his fingers crossed he'd never meet a cute boy with the last name Jameson, because the name alone would ruin Y/n's chances before he'd even taken a shot. No reason to make it even harder for himself.
"We're comfortable around each other." He rolled his shoulder back once, slightly stiff from sitting so long. Jameson wouldn't attack, knowing that Y/n would report him instantly- especially in such an open space, with cameras and the chance of someone rounding the corner any second - but one could never be too safe, just in case. "She gets me like no one else does. But, as you so wonderfully pointed out, I'm GAY." Y/n enunciated the word, going the extra mile by taking a step closer to stress it even more. "Girls aren't my thing."
Jameson looked like he wanted to deck Y/n. The younger boy's lips curved into a mocking smile in response. Now the guard was the one who had to control himself. "You guys have a lot in common?"
Y/n shrugged, too caught up in his casual gloating that Jameson couldn't act out like he wanted to- like he used to be able to. "Enough. We talk a lot. She's cool." He relaxed thinking about Harley. "She doesn't think I'm crazy. It's nice." He cleared his throat, focusing back on the enemy in front of him... only to immediately be confused by the very odd expression on Jameson's face. "What?"
"Nothing," the man dismissed, moving to leave. "I've heard enough. You're both a waste." He shook his head as he left and Y/n glared at his back until he was gone. Then the boy turned back toward the cell and finally made his way.
Man, why did he have to be surrounded by such assholes? Why couldn't Harley be around all the time? Why couldn't he be free? They could get an apartment and talk all the time. Help each other get through life and protect each other from unwanted attention. Be themselves all the time. Make jokes and exchange irritated expressions when idiots like Jameson said stupid shit like he always tended to.
Tomorrow. He'd see her tomorrow. That wasn't too far away.
He could wait until then.
Y/n's knees gave out from under him and he fell, cracking them on the cement. He didn't even feel it. His attention was being completely held by the TV, which was turned onto the news. It was a small screen that had been installed in one of the Day Rooms recently. They were rarely ever allowed to watch the news, though. In places like Gotham, far too often the news held very upsetting content that set inmates off- either into panics, or into violent rages. Y/n had stood to turn it off when he'd realized what news was being shared. Someone had been murdered. Old news. This was Gotham. Then he'd heard the name.
"23-year-old Harleen Quinzel was found dead earlier today. Her body was badly beaten, with words carved into her stomach. It was the cuts on her wrist that were the cause of death, though it's been determined that none of this was self inflicted. We received a photo of the body recently. Beware: what you're about to see is not for the faint of heart."
Suddenly the screen was showing the broken body of Y/n's best friend. The sunshine girl with the bright smile and the contagious laugh. The girl who was going to be Y/n's Maid of Honor. Y/n's better half. She was limp and unmoving, her eyes wide and empty. Her skin was pale, nearly white, except for where dark, huge bruises and blood discolored it. Her hair had been cut off, the blonde locks left next to her head but clearly detached. Her shirt had been rolled up to letters on her stomach- carved as promised.
There was an L next to a G, in a circle and crossed through once. Underneath the symbol read: Sinner.
Someone was talking, but Y/n couldn't make out what they were saying. A hand in his shoulder and he looked over to see a concerned guard. A woman. She knelt next to Y/n, but she wasn't the one touching him. No, that hand belonged to Jameson, who had a sick expression on his face- a cross between smugness and victory, muted as if he was trying to hide it, badly masked by some version of concern that was so unconvincing that Y/n ripped his shoulder out of the older man's hand.
He was on his feet again and running. Out of the room and to his cell- despite all the people who kept asking him what was going on, and someone in the very back changing the channel as the news reporter announced, "If you have any information, please contact-" Y/n ignored the rules. He ignored the people yelling at him. He ignored the people trying to stop him. He just started running and he didn't stop until he was in his room, where he opened the door and closed it behind him. His heart was ramming against his chest and all he could hear was the rushing of his blood in his ears. He saw black spots and felt an emotion bubble up that he couldn't even begin to put name to. All he knew was that it was dark and twisting and it was very quickly consuming everything good.
Something in him broke. It snapped off. Something vital. Y/n was aching, but he didn't know what it was or where it had fallen to as he lost it. He just knew there was suddenly a gaping hole where something very important used to be, and he felt absolutely terrible with it gone.
On the upside, he could finally breathe. His chest loosened and his body relaxed and as the door opened behind him, he turned to see the person with complete calm.
"Jameson." The word was not a greeting, but more of an observation. No. It was an accusation. The older man smiled and Y/n's insides began to twist and boil- less like a tightening of anxiety and more like a snake, seconds from attacking. "Why?" He stepped forward. "She was innocent."
Jameson scoffed. "You think you two are subtle? You two act like you're together and then talk about how you're not- you just 'get' each other." Jameson shook his head, cracking his knuckles. "You're spreading your sickness, Y/n." The snake coiled tighter, hissing and spitting. Y/n felt his calmness very quickly drop, perfectly placed with rage. His body didn't move, he just suddenly had a bunch of energy and he was waiting for the perfect moment to use it. "You two aren't quiet either. Strutting around here acting so out of line, in front of me. Acting like you're not being evil." Jameson scoffed. "You're evil, Y/n. And if they wouldn't let me punish you here, I'd have to get more creative. Even if you don't see it, you're in love with her. What you think you are is unnatural, and I knew if you could see how you really feel-"
Y/n's hand was around the man's throat. Jameson tried to push the younger boy away or claw his hand off, but Y/n just rammed him into the wall behind him. Jameson's head cracked against the grey wall, his efforts suddenly becoming useless. "You think I'm dangerous as a disease? You're so desperate to cure me. You're about to find just how very dangerous I am, Jameson. All on my own, with just my two hands." And then he began to squeeze. Jameson writhed and fought and clawed but when he started to get strong, Y/n would smash his head again or ram his knee into the man's junk and the efforts died down once again.
It took longer than Y/n thought. Jameson started to change color, his eyes bulging and his lips moving desperately but nothing coming in or out. Just when the man seemed about ready to pass out, Y/n let him drop to the floor. He gasped, clawing to try and get away. Y/n smiled, toeing the door gently closed. Jameson squirmed away, features taken over completely with terror. Y/n felt amazing.
"You will never hurt another person, ever again." Y/n squatted down, taking the man's thin hair in his hands. "Me however?" Y/n giggled. "You've helped create a monster. Know that every person I kill in the future is on your hands. Every injury is your fault. I'm not a violent person, Jameson." He snorted. "Well, I wasn't. But it seems you fuckwads only answer to violence, so..." Y/n shrugged casually. Jameson shook his head, choking out pleads for his life. Y/n snapped the man's neck and he stopped begging. It was so easy... The silence was wonderful. Y/n felt a weight lift off of his shoulders. "I'm done sitting idly while assholes run Gotham." Y/n stood, not even bothering to do anything but leave the door wide open as he walked calmly away, grinning like an idiot.
Something had been broken and lost indeed. It was Y/n's self control. His moral compass that kept him grounded and toeing the line between good and bad. It was the thing that kept reminding him he was a Wayne. That he was a good person. That he had a family that depended on him, in some way or another. That he had Alfred and Bruce, who he did want to visit even if he also wanted a life outside of them. That he had Oswald, who most often found solace in Y/n's sanity and depended on his restraint to reel him in when people were trying to set him off; Oswald needed Y/n's sense to balance his emotions. And, overall, Y/n was driven by pure spite not to let those damn reporters be right. He would be good and successful and he would show all of them that he could be more than the black sheep of the Wayne family. The disappointment of Gotham. The failure, always in the shadow of the Golden Boy younger brother Bruce Wayne.
But those people who Y/n cared about so much had let people like Jameson walk around, unhindered and unchecked. They had let him get beat up for a very long time before he was nearly killed and their hand was forced. They had let evil people run around and control things while they locked up Y/n for being gay. For being attracted to a man even though he wasn't a woman. There were murderers running wild, with super powers and incredible genius, but the problem people were deciding to focus on was that Y/n was gay.
Well, he was done with the lot of them. He was going to get out and prove to all of them that he was more than a Wayne. More than a mistake. More than a shadow. More than evil or good. More than Bruce's older brother. More than the one dude who had feelings for Jerome Valeska. More than one more gay plague on the face of the planet.
They wanted a monster? They would get one. And Y/n wasn't going to stop until he was satisfied, even if it meant all of Gotham had to die.
"Knock knock."
The door opened and Y/n looked over, his face finally showing emotion as his surprise rose. "Jerome?"
The redhead smiled, striding toward Y/n as if he has a tasty treat to share. "My little lover boy." Jerome hooked his finger under Y/n's chin. Y/n yanked his face away. Jerome frowned. "Are you mad at me, pretty boy?" Y/n glared at him. "I'll take that as a yes." He leaned backward. "What have I done, My Darling?"
"You've been avoiding me. We haven't talked in, like, months Jerome. What the fuck?"
"A tad dramatic," Jerome hushed. "And not totally fault." Y/n opened his mouth to argue but Jerome gently grabbed Y/n's throat, pressing his fingers gently into the skin. Their faces were suddenly very close and despite himself, Y/n suddenly felt a thrill to finally feel their skin touch as cheek brushed cheek. "I've been busy planning our escape, if you hadn't noticed." Y/n's eyes drifted to see a nervous Jonathan Crane and Jervis Tetch. "Come with me, won't you? I think we've been apart long enough."
Y/n suddenly began to relax. He didn't manage to smile, but he did get excited. "Well... lead the way."
Jerome left an excited kiss on Y/n's cheek, letting his hand fall away from Y/n's throat in favor of shooting into the air in victory as he giggled, turning to his two partners. "And so we all escape! Come now, we don't have much time." Y/n stood as Jerome lead the way, all four of the men finding their way out of Arkham Asylum finally.
The fun was about to begin.
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cyancaddy · 6 years
Cleon hints in the novels
Before I read the novels by S. D. Perry, I was aware that Aeon was as canon as it gonna get for Capcom. In my opinion, the original RE2 offered nothing that could be interpreted as attraction between Claire and Leon...I still liked them together nonetheless. The obsession I have with Claire and Leon first started when I read the novels. 13 year old me was beyond ecstatic when there were actual hints towards a possible romantic relationship between Claire and Leon (which I thought was a 1000 % canon back then, it was Capcom approved after all). Since I now know the novels can be considered as very well written fanfiction, I came to the realization that Ms Perry probably shipped them too. So without further ado, I tried to collect all the Cleon hints from the novels... which are mostly from "Underworld" and "Code Veronica".
Underworld - Chapter One
David's thoughts
Rebecca was unloading clips and repacking the weapons, Leon and Claire sitting close together across from her, not talking. Those two were usually joined at the hip, and were still as tight as they'd been since David, John, and Rebecca had picked them up just outside of Raccoon less than a month earlier, dirty and damaged and reeling from their run-in with Umbrella. David didn't think there was a romantic connection there, at least not yet; it was more likely their shared nightmare. Nearly dying together could be quite a bonding experience. As far as David knew, Leon and Claire were the only survivors of the Raccoon disaster who knew about Umbrella's T-Virus spill.
Underworld - Chapter Two
Leon's thoughts
And what about Leon Kennedy? He'd stumbled into the fight without a clue, a cop fresh out of the academy on his way to his first day at work - which just happened to be with the Raccoon PD. There was Ada, true - but he'd known her less than half a day, and she had been killed just after admitting to him that she was some kind of an agent, sent to steal a sample of an Umbrella virus.
So I lost a job, and a possible relationship with a woman I barely knew and couldn't trust. Of course Umbrella should be stopped... but do I belong here?
He'd decided to become a cop because he wanted to help people, but he'd always figured that meant keeping the peace - busting drunk drivers, breaking up bar fights, catching crooks. Never in his wildest dreams would he have figured on being caught up in an international conspiracy, cloak-and-dagger infiltration-type stuff against a giant company that made war monsters. It was crime on a much bigger scale than he felt he was ready for...... and is that the real reason, Officer Kennedy? At exactly that moment, Claire mumbled something from her light doze, nuzzling her head against his arm before falling silent and still again - and making Leon uncomfortably aware of another facet to his involvement with the ex-S.T.A.R.S. Claire.
Claire was... she was an incredible woman. In the days after their escape from Raccoon City, they'd talked a lot about what had happened, the experiences they'd had both separately and together. At the time, it had felt like an exchange of information, filling in blanks - she'd told him about her run-in with Chief Irons and the creature she'd called Mr. X, and he'd told her all about Ada and the terrible thing that had once been William Birkin. Between them, they'd been able to come up with a continuous story, with information that was important to the fugitive team. In retrospect, though, he could see that those long, rambling conversations had been essential for another reason entirely - they'd been a way to leach out the poison of what had happened to them, like talking out a bad dream. If he'd had to keep it all inside, he thought, he might have gone crazy. In any case, the feelings he had for her now were convoluted ones - warmth, connection, dependence, respect, others that he had no name for. And that scared him, because he'd never felt so strongly about anyone before and because he wasn't sure how much of it was real and how much was just some kind of a post-traumatic stress thing.
Face it, stop bullshitting yourself. What you're really afraid of is that you're only here because she is, and you don't like what that says about you.
Leon nodded inwardly, realizing that it was the truth, the real reason behind his uncertainty. He'd always believed that want was okay, but need? He didn't like the idea of being led around by some neurotic compulsion to be close to Claire Redfield.
And what if it isn't need? Maybe it's want, and you just don't know it yet...
He scowled at his own pathetic attempts at self-analysis, deciding that maybe it would be best just to stop worrying about it so much. Whatever the reason for becoming involved, he was involved - he could kick ass with the best of them and Umbrella deserved to have their ass kicked, big time. For now, he had to pee, and then he was going to eat something and do his best to catch some sleep. Leon gently moved out from beneath Claire's warm, heavy head, doing his best not to wake her up. He slid out into the aisle, glancing around at the others.
Underworld - Chapter Five
Claire's and Leon's conversation
"Cold?" Leon asked. Claire turned away from the window, looking at him. He'd finished with the packs, and was holding one out to her. She took it, nodding in response to his question. "Aren't you?" He shook his head, grinning. "Thermal underwear. Could have used these in Raccoon..."Claire smiled. "How could I have used them? I was running around in a pair of shorts, you at least had your uniform. "Which was covered with lizard guts before I was halfway through the sewers," he said, and she was glad to hear him at least try to joke about it.
Underworld - Chapter 5
Claire's thougts
Leon put his hand on Claire's shoulder. "You up for this?" he asked softly, and Claire smiled inwardly, thinking of how sweet he was; she'd been thinking of asking him the same thing. In the days since Raccoon, they'd gotten pretty close- and although she wasn't positive, she'd picked up on a few signals that suggested he wouldn't mind getting closer. She still wasn't sure if that was a good idea
and now's not the time to be deciding. The sooner we get this code book, the sooner we get to Europe. To Chris.
"As up as I'm gonna be," she said, and Leon nodded, and they climbed out into the freezing night to join the others.
Underworld - Epilogue
With David and John supporting young Rebecca, and Leon and Claire smiling at one another like lovers, the five weary soldiers trudged off the screen and out into the gently blossoming Utah morning.
Code Veronica- Chapter Four
Leon receives Claire's message from the island and tells Chris and Barry about it
Leon had turned out to be a half decent hacker, he was in the next room on the computer; he'd hardly slept since Claire's capture, most of his time spent trying to track Umbrella's recent movements.
With both their parents dead, he and Claire had developed a close relationship, and he thought he knew her pretty well; she was smart and tough and resourceful, always had been... but she was also a college student, for Christ's sake. Unlike the rest of them, she didn't have any formal combat training. He couldn't help thinking that she'd been lucky so far, and when it came to Umbrella, luck just wasn't enough.
"Chris, get in here!"
Leon, and it sounded urgent. Chris and Barry looked at each other, Chris seeing his own worry mirrored in Barry's face, and they both stood up. His heart in his throat, Chris hurriedly led the way down the hall to where Leon was working, feeling eager and afraid at once. The young cop was standing next to the computer, his expression unreadable. "She's alive," Leon said simply. Chris hadn't even been aware of how bad things had been for him until those two words. It was like his heart had suddenly been released after being gripped hi a vise for ten days, the sense of relief as physical as it was emotional, his skin flushing with it.
Alive, she's alive...Barry clapped him on the shoulder, laughing. "Of course she is, she's a Redfield."
Chris grinned, turned his attention back to Leon and felt his smile slipping at the cop's carefully neutral expression. There was something else. Before he could ask, Leon motioned at the screen, taking a deep breath. "They've got her on an island, Chris... and there's been an accident."
Chris was leaning over the computer in a single stride. He read the brief message twice, the reality of it slow to sink in.
Infection trouble approximately 37S, 12W following attack, perps unknown. No bad guys left, I think, but stuck at the moment. Watch your back, bro, they know the city if not the street. Will try to be home soon.
Chris stood up, silently locking gazes with Leon as Barry read the message. Leon smiled, but it looked forced. "You didn't see her in Raccoon," he said. "She knows how to handle herself, Chris. And she managed to get to a computer, right?" Barry straightened up, took his cue from Leon. "That means she's not locked down," he said seriously. "And if Umbrella's got its hands full with another viral spill, they're not going to be paying attention to anything else. The important thing is that she's alive."
Chris nodded absently, mind already working on what he would need for the trip. The coordinates she'd listed put her in an incredibly isolated spot, deep in the South Atlantic, but he had an old Air Force buddy who owed him, could jet him down to Buenos Aires, maybe Capetown; he could rent a boat from there, survival gear, rope, medkit, an assload of firepower... "I'm going with you," Barry said, accurately reading his expression. They'd been friends a long time. "Me, too," Leon said. Chris shook his head. "No, absolutely not." Both men started to protest, and Chris raised his voice, talking over them.
"You saw what she said, about Umbrella homing in on me, on us," he said firmly. "That means we have to relocate, maybe one of the estates outside the city - some-one has to stay here, wait for Rebecca's team to get back, and someone else needs to scout out a new base of operations. And don't forget, Jill will be here any day now."
Barry frowned, scratched at his beard, his mouth set in a thin, tight line. "I don't like it. Going in alone is a bad idea..." "We're at a crucial phase right now, and you know it," Chris said. "Somebody's got to mind the shop, Barry, and you're the man. You've got the experience, you know all the contacts." "Fine, but at least take the kid," Barry said, gesturing toward Leon. For once, Leon didn't protest the label, only nodded, drawing himself up, shoulders back and head high.
"If you won't do it for yourself, think about Claire,"Barry continued. "What happens to her if you get your - self killed? You need a backup, somebody to pick up the ball if you fumble."Chris shook his head, immovable. "You know better, Barry, this has to be as quiet as possible. Umbrella may have already sent in a cleanup crew. One person, in and out before anyone even realizes I'm there."
Barry was still frowning, but he didn't push it. Neither did Leon, although Chris could see that he was working up to it; the cop and Claire had obviously gotten pretty close.
"I'll bring her back," Chris said, softening his tone, looking at Leon. Leon hesitated, then nodded, high color burning in his cheeks, making Chris wonder exactly how close Leon and his sister had become.
Later. I can worry about his intentions if we make it back alive... when we make it back alive, he quickly amended. If was not an option. "It's settled, then,"
Chris said. "Leon, find me a good map of the area, geographical, political, everything, you never know what might help. Also post back to Claire, just in case she gets another chance to check for mes - sages - tell her I'm on my way. Barry, I want to be pack - ing major influence, but lightweight, something I can hike in without too much trouble, maybe a Glock... you're the expert, you decide."
Both men nodded, turned away to get started, and Chris closed his eyes for just a second, quickly offering up a silent prayer.
Please, please stay safe until I get there, Claire.
It wasn't much - but then, Chris had the feeling he would be praying a lot more in the long hours to come.
Code Veronica - Chapter nine
Steve and Claire on the plane to Antarctica, Steve’s thoughts
He looked down at her, at her tousled hair and long lashes, his heart pounding even though he was trying to relax. She moved again, shifting in her sleep, her head tilting back a little and her slightly parted lips were suddenly close enough for him to kiss, all he had to do was tip his face down a few inches, and he wanted to so bad that he actually started to do it, lowering his mouth toward hers... "Mmmm," she murmured, still totally asleep, and he stopped, pulling back, his heart beating even faster. He totally wanted to but not like that, not if she didn't want him to. He thought she did, but she'd also told him a little about her friend Leon, too, and he wasn't so sure that they were just friends. Feeling tortured, having her so close but not his, he was relieved when she rolled away from him a few seconds later.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter Eight- Part Three
Phina didn't know exactly what happened, all she remembered was the smoke, the pain, and then the darkness. Her head throbbed, like she had gotten punched in the temple ten times in a row.
She sat up, holding her head in her hands. She let out a low groan, the pain getting worse from the movement. Phina tried to shift her body, so she could look at her surroundings, which sent a burning sensation throughout her right leg and up her side. She let out a shriek, looking down at her blood covered body.
Four deep claw marks adorned her leg, starting from her upper thigh and ending at her calf.
She looked around her, trying to place where she was. She was laying in the parking lot of the middle school, but, not really. No, she was in the upside down. The scene looked familiar, like, like, well, she didn't know. All she knew was that she had seen it before, and she was willing to bet her reoccurring nightmares had something to do with it.
The Demogorgan must have grabbed her, before bringing her to this place. Why she wasn't dead yet, she didn't know. Clearly, she was bleeding enough to attact it, but if it wasn't interested in her, that meant, their was more blood, more food for it to eat.
"The kids," Phina realizes, involuntarily jumping, which caused her to groan in pain.
She needed to get to her kids, she needs to save them. Phina tries to bend her leg, but endes up screaming out instead, there was no way she would be able to do anything like this, she has to stop the bleeding.
Phina grabbes the shredded material of her jeans, tearing away the pieces until her right leg was completely bare. She places her hands on her leg, where the bleeding was the worst, concentrating on the fire within her.
Normally, flame or heat would not affect her, so she had to make this hot, very hot. Her eyes began to glow golden, her palms heating up. Within seconds, her skin began to burn, the wound cauterizing. She bit her lip, hard, to keep from screaming, blood now pooling in her mouth.
   The smell of her own burning flesh made her want to puke, she bit down on her lip harder to prevent it. The blood begins to slow down in that area, almost completely cauterized. Phina pauses for a breath and then she is sending even more heat into the wound.
It stops bleeding completely, and Phina spits out the blood in her mouth, breathing deeply. She gritted her teeth and stood up, screaming out as many curses as she could. In answer, she heard the shriek of the Demogorgan. It was inside the school, screeching as it slammed itself into a wall, over and over again. Phina limped towards the noise, trying her best to block out the pain, but she could feel every agonizing step of it.
Phina turned the corner, into the hall of which the Demogorgan's shrieks came from. A portal, like the one her and Nancy had crawled through in the forest, opened on the wall, and the Demogorgan forces its way through it.
Phina sees her chance, and she boltes, the adrenaline keeping the pain of her leg at bay for the moment. She hears gun shots being fired from the other side as she neares the portal. As she dives through it, they go quiet, the only sound she can hear is the Demogorgan's shriek.
Phina falls to the ground, watching as the Demogorgan jumps on top of a man. Phina gets to her knees, watching the monster, waiting for it to see her. Then, she freezes, not because of the Demogorgan that was feasting away upon its dinner, but because of the man who was the feast, Dr Brenner.
Memories that have been locked away for 11 years slammed into her, and she felt no need to save that man, none whatsoever. No, not with the things he put her through, not with what he put Eleven through.
Her eyes fill with tears, a low, aching sob passing her lips, Brenner lookes up at her, the pain in his face as the monster ripped into his stomach turning into agonizing confusion.
"One," he whispers, "One, help me."
Phina let out another quiet sob, "papa," then she was running.
Tears streamed down her cheeks, but she didn't turn back, she just ran. Every memory her brain had suppressed flashed through her mind like a movie. Going backwards through the painful memories, until it landed on her earliest one, Dr Brenner, the man she had once known as, papa.
   He had raised her for the first five years of her life, and she lived in pure agony. She was tested on, experimented on, cut open and analyzed. She was a specimen of which they had never seen before, the birth of their crazed obsession with gifted individuals. Then she got away, killed her way out as at only five years of age, yet not a child, not even close.
When the gunfire starts up again, Phina followes the noise, pushing her past back into the corner it had been hiding in for all of these years. She runs faster, turning down a hallway, seeing the kids running towards her almost instantly, Dustin carrying El in his arms.
"Phina," Mike shoutes, confused, but relieved to see his sister, with her here, that meant they had a protector, and he knew Phina, she would make sure they were safe.
She cries out to him, "Mike!"
She runs towards them, towards their shared goal of a classroom to hide in. The kids ran into the room, Mike waiting for his sister to get in before slamming the door behind her. They didn't stop to reunite, just followed Dustin to the back of the room, where he and Lucas lifted El onto a table.
Phina almost sobbed when she saw how weak the girl looked, she looked near death. El clung to Mike, like he was her life line, which might of very well been true.
"Just hold on a little longer ok," Mike pleaded with El, "he's gone. The bad man's gone. We'll be home soon. My mom, she'll get you your own bed. You can eat as many eggos as you want.
"And, we can go to the Snow Ball," Mike smiles.
"Promise," El shakily asks, her voice breaking.
Mike looks at her, "promise."
They smile at each other, and Phina smiles at them. Phina feels weak in that moment, the adrenaline coming down from its high. She places her hand on Dustin's shoulder to keep from falling over. He looks up at her, seeing her incredibly pale face, then down at her leg, his own face paling.
"Holy shit Phina," Dustin yelled, "what happened to your leg!"
"I'm fine," she says, but almost falls right after she says it.
Lucas and Dustin support her, letting her lean on them.
She lets out a breath, "just a little dizz..."
Shrieks and gunfire sound from just outside the door, the lights flickering worse than before. Dustin yells out a little and Phina pulls him and Lucas into her sides, ready to protect them. They all watch the door, Phina pushing the boys behind her. The gunfire stops, and everyone glances at each other.
"I-is it dead," Dustin stutters.
After a few moments of silence, Dustin gets his answer. The Demogorgan slams through the door, breaking it from its hinges. The boys freak out, Phina pushing them backwards.
"Get the wrist rocket! Get the wrist rocket," Dustin screams.
Phina shares a look with El, one that speaks a thousand words. As the boys freak out, firing rocks at the monster, Phina and El silently say a million words to each other, each a different variation of I Love You Sister.
Phina helps El from the table and takes her hand. Lucas fires a large rock at the monster, hitting it in the chest as El uses her power to make it fly back into the front of the room. The boys stare at it, shocked, as Phina and El push their way in front of them. They walk forward, towards the monster.
"Eleven, Phina, stop," Mike shouts, running after them, only to be thrown backwards by El.
Phina, with her new found memories, uses her power to grow a cage of green vines around Mike. Her power, was more than just the fire she knew she had, it was all the elements.
The girls continue towards the Demogorgan, it's painful whimpering the only noise. As the wall cracks behind it, dark purple vines from the upside down crawl outwards, wrapping around the monster, adding to the crushing weight of El's power.
As the girls came to a stop in front of the monster, they turned back to the boys. Phina's heart broke as she saw her crying brother, and the distraught boys standing on either side of him.
"Goodbye Mike," El says, then looks to Phina, "you don't have to."
Phina looks at the girl, confused, before realizing what she was saying. Phina started to rapidly shake her head.
"No. You are not doing this alone," Phina says assertively, "do you understand me!"
Before El can even answer, Phina is turning back to the monster, raising her hand towards it. El follows her lead.
"No more," El tells it.
   Phina hesitates one more moment, looking back at her boys, "I love you boys. I always will, don't worry, all will be well."
Phina turns forward, and she releases a stream of fire from the palm of her right hand, her left reaching out to grab El's. The monster lets out the loudest roar she'd ever heard, she ignores the pain that eruptes in her head.
Phina vaguely hears El begin to scream, and her own scream begin in answer. Her senses slowly begin to fade, her hearing, smelling, tasting, and then her sight. She is left with just feeling, the heat of her fire at her palm, the tight hold El had on her hand, and the shaking of the Earth beneath them as the sister's release themselves upon it.
And then she's completely in the dark, no longer feeling El's hand. Phina falls, El screams louder, and the world takes a shuttering breath.
-1736 words-
Probably on of my favorite parts to this story. And finally, Phina gets her memories back, and along comes new powers. I know the whole "controlling the elements" thing is a little over done and is used basically everywhere, but hey, I'm cliche and I don't give a damn, it's cool. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, this is about the last of the intense action so I hope you aren't disappointed.
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Weekend Fun
Clare: giggled. "Yeah well it's tiresome having people think of you as a saint." Of course Clare was a little scared she was going to get kicked out anyway because of her parents. Even though Christians were supposed to accept everyone, it didn't take much for some of them to turn their back on you. Back when the group called themselves Friendship Club, they had tried to take Darcy's purity ring away because people got the wrong idea when she'd been raped. Clare smiled and nodded. "Good to know. My family used to go church together at least two or three times a week but we've been missing services lately." Part of her wondered if God was mad at them. Her smile widened when Dakota told her a secret in return. She reached for his hand and gently squeezed it. "Ignore them." Clare murmured when his brothers seemed to find it hilarious that he was blushing without even knowing the reason. "You do know that's nothing to be ashamed of right? Please don't be one of those guys who wants to get a girlfriend just so he can have sex. I think you're better than that." She whispered. As Clare said it, she realized she really meant it. Dakota had girls throwing themselves at him all the time. If he was desperate to lose his virginity, he would've already hooked up with one of them. "I'm glad her mom was brave enough to help them get out of that situation. But even if they are safe now, what's going to happen when her dad comes back?" Clare asked soberly. No wonder Dakota's friend had been clingy, it didn't sound like she had anyone else to rely on or comfort her. Home was the one place were you were always supposed to feel loved and cared for. "You'll have to teach me if we have to clean. Even my mom doesn't do that thorough of a job. I just clean my room and help vacuum, mop, and dust. She does the rest." Clare turned red. "That isn't going to help me! Even they had different birthmarks, I wouldn't be pulling down their pants to check." She squeaked. Clare had already ruled out Dakota having more muscles as a telltale because she wasn't about to ask if she could feel his abs whenever she wanted to make sure he was the twin she was talking to. She laughed as Stacy explained about the video. "Oh wow, that is really cool! I haven't been swimming in awhile because it's still freezing outside." Clare pointed out. Her bikini tops didn't fit anymore either. She followed everyone into the kitchen once Dakota set the pizza on the table. Her stomach growled as the delicious smell wafted through the air. "Okay." Clare sat down and told Dakota which soda she wanted. She smiled at Dallas and Dakota. "Yeah, I think it's great." Clare bowed her head and put her hands together, saying the prayer along with everyone else. Once she had a couple of slices of the hot pizza on her plate, Clare immediately started eating it. "Mmm." She hummed appreciatively.
Kota: listened to Clare talk about home and church, he didn't say anything because they were in front of his family and he didn't know if Clare wanted them to know about her situation. He nodded when she told him to ignore them and listened to her whisper. "I know there's not. Ash and Dom are virgins too. Dallas isn't." he whispered honestly. "We just don't like everyone to know." he assured. Hearing Clare mention their dad coming back, he smiled at her. "He'll be gone for a year, when he does come back it'll be for the summer, she'll be here and sticking to me like glue because of the guys and her sister will be at her friend's for the summer." he explained. "After that he goes back and he already knows if he comes here I'll beat the crap out of him because I almost did. He tried to slap me and I caught his hand, then flipped him onto his back with my foot on his throat telling him not to mess with a black belt. he left after that." he explained. "I'll help you." he said honestly and laughed when she mentioned their birthmarks and pulling down their pants. "Sorry, it was a bit funny the way you said it." he apologized and listened as she mentioned not swimming in his while. "We went swimming on Christmas. Our pool and porch are both heated so we can go whenever we want. Emi, however is afraid of water so we're bringing her to the public pool in the summer." he explained. As they started to eat, he sat down and smiled as everyone conversed and looked over to Clare. "I'm glad you like it. This was supposed to be dinner." he admitted with a slight laugh. After they finished he watched Emi run and carry out his guitar. "May, May." she said handing it to him. "Stacy, join?" he asked taking it off her. He put the guitar strap around his neck and took a chair with him as Stacy did the same and everyone gathered on the couch and love seat. "Whole song?" Stacy asked. "No, not suited for Emi. It's too depressing." he said and started to strum a fast beat. "And s the sun went down we ended up on the ground. I heard the train shake the window you screamed over the sound, as we owned this night I put your body to the test with mine. This love was out of control 3, 2, 1.. where did it go." he sang and strummed slower. "And she said." he sang. "If you were me you'd do the same. I can't take it anymore, I'll draw the sades and close the door, everything's not alright and I would rather..." Stacy sang and Kota strummed for a few moments picking up the beat. "And as the sun went down we ended up on the ground. I heard the train shake the window, you screamed over the sound and as we owned this night I put your body to the test with mine. Our love was out of control, tell me where did you go." he sang as he strummed and soon stopped. "I was forced to take an elective in middle school and I was sick when we were picking them so the school automatically chose mine. Obviously I took guitar for the entire year. My mom walked in on me one night strumming on a guitar one night that I borrowed from school and heard me singing and immediately enrolled me in voice lessons saying there needed to be a singer in the family and since she wanted us to be talented in multiple things to make it easier to decide what we want to be when we grow up I didn't fight her. She's always telling us we can be whatever we want and no matter how many times we tell her we want to be something, enroll in a class and drop out because we don't like it, she smiles and tell us that it's ok. We don't need to have that profession. Our sister Kelly, she does ballet, tap, is a makeup artist, plays the violin, and figure skates." he said honestly. "As you already know Dallas and I can both do stunts, mixed martial arts, gymnastics, and karate. I skateboard which I taught myself it, play guitar, sing, and cook which my mom is teaching me." he said honestly. "Dom and I take art, there's a lot that can come out of it and we are quite sure if we're going to do anything with it, we both also take computers. I want to learn computer programming where as Dom right now wants to hack and do computer forensics which we both need to be better typists which we think everyone is a typist because in middle school our second elective was computers. The whole school had to learn how to type without looking at the keys everyone had it until they graduate. We want to continue it. We both also know hip hop dancing. I like playing sports though. Kota plays with me some times, but I like it more than he does, he just sees it as a work out." Ash shrugged. "I also like video games. Sometimes I'll play all night on the weekends to see how long it takes me to beat a game, then write the company about how they can make it better. I once got paid one summer to test out a video game. I beat it in a day." Dom shrugged. "I want to learn about medicine so I might take that in college." Dallas explained as all of them opened up to Clare.
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