#Which is pretty much just the server and a few cool people who message me//send me asks/follow me
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knizmokat · 6 months ago
Life Update !!
this is so overdue but i've been crazy busy with college stuff (agh)
okay so you guys (probably) know that i'm in college getting a bachelors in social care and this whole semester (plus my second semester of third year) is work experience/placement.
for the americans and anyone else who doesn't know what that is: work experience is when students get a part-time or full-time job during the semester and shadow staff or professionals to get experience in their field.
my course has two work experience blocks, so i'm on placement for my entire first semester of second year (which is right now) and then also the entire second semester of third year, so i don't have any classes or lectures until January. we have to log 400 hours by the 6th of December so it's roughly 30 or 35 hours a week, for twelve weeks.
i started on the 9th of September and i'm working at a day service (or centre) for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health struggles (mostly the former). and it's actually pretty chill! my schedule is below
Mon to Thurs: 8.30 - 4.30
Wednesday: 8.30 - 12.30
Friday: 8.30 - 3.00
the place where i work always gives students a half-day so they can get more time for college work and lemme tell you, i was so hyped when i found this out because i thought it would be nine to five, monday to friday.
so like i said, it's been really chill, but adjusting to the new work routine has been really difficult because i finish at 4.30 but i don't actually get home until 5.00 and then i have to change and do stuff and it's been a little messy—but we're settling !!
the place is really chill, the service users (that's what the official term is for people who are involved with the social care sector) are all pretty nice. the majority of them are much older than me though, which is a little weird sometimes because i'm essentially in this position of leadership and 'authority' and telling a man who is a few decades older than me to go have his lunch 💀💀
the adjustment, again, has been a struggle because i've never had to create a work/life balance for myself? like when i'm at work i have to be present and focused, so i was on social media wayyy less and literally didn't message some of my friends for days outside of sending Instagram reels 💀 but like i said, i'm finally settling and finding some balance
my supervisor is also really cool, she's very flexible when it comes to missing days and says that i can make the hours whenever, like if i see an opportunity then i take it (if you don't have 400 hours logged by december, you fail placement) and she's always making sure that i'm comfortable and stuff because they haven't had a transgender student working for them before lol
outside of that uhhh not much? has happened?? i've gone through a lot of growth since August and i'm not really sure how it happened but like i'm just more confident now and i'm more comfortable in my sexuality (or should i say asexuality haha) and i've come to terms with a lot of things, been dealing with my anxiety really well (but i also got stress sick this last week because of procrastination and executive dysfunction kicking my ass)
also i got back into roleplaying bc my friend has this server and oh my God it's so good, i went ages without getting to roleplay anything because i didn't really have any partners (excluding reygn yes i see you gorgeous) and just ahh
also i'm back into anime, finally continued my hero academia and restarted jujutsu kaisen, slow going though because i'm fixating on other things simultaneously but holy shit mha season six?? goddamn
but uhh yeah so that's been my life :)
i have two fics in the works but when i'll get those finished is anybodys guess, could be next week could be next year, who knows lmao
i'm gonna try to post more on here—and i mean actually post not just reblogging shit lol
feel free to ask me whatever or leave stuff in my askbox
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sburbian-sage · 10 months ago
Ah shit man if you needed food all you had to do was say, kinda shit texture but i made a fuckton of freeze dried foods and vacuum sealed them and they should be heading your way and arriving around the same time you get this message
(one of my coplayers was a farmer and entered with a whole ass farm, livestock and all) so theres gonna be some powdered eggs, freeze-dried beef and chicken, powdered potatoes and i think i managed to get some freeze-dried tomato powder as well, as well as some powdered milk, and also some canned corn
Honestly there were very few actual aspect abilities used to send you the box of candy which was a kind of test
Sent em over with a jury rigged telepad thing that i rigged up with a lot of bullshit, a bit of denizen magic, and also the mini-paradox skaia off the kings staff that i stole, using your posts as a kind of beacon with my space aspect (witch of space baby)
Tried making a cool infini-tele-staff thing but my alchimeter exploded and killed me so thats probably not gonna work
Honestly ive been just dicking about since I'm pretty sure this is a doomed timeline cause all my coplayers true deathed a while back
As far as I'm aware my denizen says I'm supposed to use this thing to send back some stuff but never bothered to tell me what i was supposed to send and then went and died so who knows
... Man, I feel bad now.
I didn't actually receive any of the candy the other guy sent. In fact, I didn't actually know until just right now that there was an authentic attempt to send me anything. I read "*uses my space powers to teleport a box of candy onto your ship thing in front of you*" as being in the same genre of post as "sends u internet hugs", AKA a nice message that doesn't actually come with any real hugs. I pretended I received the candy so I could play along and make a joke about thinking it was a Saccharine Doppleganger scare. I briefly considered saying "you teleported it outside of the ship and it has tentacles now", but I thought 1) that was too cynical 2) I could segue the joke I did end up using into a fun Knowledge Tidbit. But the consequences of this joke is that two people just teleported two care packages into who-knows-where and I just made everyone in this situation look like an asshole, especially myself.
I'd also advise against any attempts to do this in the future. I'm in the Furthest Ring, which is essentially a non-Space (and I don't think Time works correctly either) the deepest reaches of which do not "exist" in any particular Session. Space abilities can't directly access it (the best they can do is fling stuff in there, as in you're literally throwing them), and technology like Sendificators and Appearifiers can't really have their coordinates set out here, partially because I think they're bound to the universe they exist in and partially because I don't think euclidean space is really "a thing" out here so the numbers wouldn't even work. The fact that the Ring Servers can exist out here and provide a pan-Session online network is nothing short of miraculous, and it's mostly because their existences have been bargained for with the Others (so it's actually demonic power if anything, heh). To put it another way, if you could teleport something from your Session to my position in the Furthest Ring, you could do the opposite, and if you could do the opposite, I would not be here.
Either way, I don't mind that the packages didn't arrive and you shouldn't either. I have a stockpile of "real food" that isn't just staple crops, the Cookalizer does a good job of making them taste like something, and I do have a Alimentator, but I try not to use it too much because that stuff isn't free-use and I can't exactly gather any Grist or resources out here, same reason why I've mostly been saving my Alchemiter for air filters and other low-cost "maintenance" needs. I will survive. You should focus more on your own survival, particularly the "I might be in a Doomed Timeline and if I'm not then I'm the last survivor" and "my Denizen empowered one of my items and asked me to do something important with it" parts.
Also, congrats on the farm. I'm pretty sure those farm animals are Doomed because they're homeworld-originated non-player entities, so enjoy them while you can (as in "they're probably going to get wiped out with a meteor or something dumb and contrived). If you really want to help people with your food, I'd get into Alimentator hacking. Basically you can upload the food you make as a digital .ali file that other people can download and use a jailbroken Alimentator to turn it into actual food. It's really sick, but I know how to do that about as well as I know how to actually cook (and I'm not really in a position to begin learning considering the scarcity of resources). Luckily the Alimentator/Sburban Cooking community might be as big if not bigger than the Gamebreaking community, so there's a lot of resources out there that will help you get started. If you do end up getting into it (and not dying because of your current predicament), once I land in an actual Session I'll be searching through your .ali file upload for my first meal.
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withacapitalp · 2 years ago
🔥 what's your unpopular opinion on stranger things?
I'm about to bring some angry people into my dash I think. I like the way they set up Stancy? It's kind of obvious they're making a return of the love triangle/quite possible it's a revival of Stancy (I mean unless they're about to annihilate Steve's character or somehow resurrect Jonathan's from how weird they made him in s4) but...
Look quite possibly it's just because of how good Joe Keery and Natalia Dyer are at acting and not because of the actual content, but like there was so much fucking chemistry between them this season? And Steve always genuinely loved Nancy. From the start he genuinely loved her, and Nancy wanted to love him but couldn't because she had a lot going on. She thought if she could pretend she would be okay, and then she was angry when Steve's 'pretending' worked, when in reality he just processes things differently than her.
Now they're on more equal footing. Like, the first aid scene, the Vecna scene, the six little nuggets scene (Which I think was absolutely adorable and I find it so weird that people think that means he would want Nancy to be a sahm....literally where did he say that??? Also it's Steve. If anyone is the stay at home parent, it's him) I loved Jancy in s1 and thought they had great moments in s2 but they've died a slow painful death for me, and it would feel really weird for them to be together when he's lying to her and she's not considering him.
I could see Steve and Nancy making a go of it at the end of the story if the writers keep going the way they do, and I won't be mad about it.
Alsoooooooo. (oh boy I shouldn't say this)..if Eddie comes back it's 100% fan service and absolutely wasn't in their plan so I think they'll fuck it up real bad because they can barely manage with the script they somewhat thought out. An entire script for an entire season that includes a satisfying arc for resurrecting Eddie in like months? Nah they can't do it. And if they can't, they should keep him dead
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akabluekat · 4 years ago
I have noticed some particular rhetorical patterns in the recent Tumblr drama, so I made an FAQ because I’m salty.
Q: There is an Elite and Popular group of OC Creators who always reblog each other’s content and interact with each other. This is exclusive and cliquey.
A: What you are describing is people who are friends. Do not be alarmed: this is normal! And the great thing is that you too can have friends if you interact with people instead of insulting them behind anon. You can even be friends with Elite and Popular people. I’m not exactly sure that I’m Elite—I have been accused of being both Elite and a Groupie (an Elite Groupie?), so who the fuck knows—but you can message me if you want to chat and be friends. Current saltiness aside, I’m actually pretty nice when you’re not anonymously accusing me of being a witch or whatever. I have found this to be true for pretty much every person who has been accused of being Elite.
Q: Certain creators are always hogging the spotlight.
A: I mean this sincerely: what spotlight? This is a social media site. There are a lot of conversations happening simultaneously—that’s how it’s supposed to work. If I reblog a post, it doesn’t take away anything from your post and you reblogging another post doesn’t take away from my post. If Tumblr could only focus on one thing at a time, there would be no Tumblr. It’s not a zero sum game.
Q: Someone made a graphic for another creator. This is suspicious.
A: You are describing someone being nice. This is a good thing.
Q: There is a Discord server that is highly Exclusive and Elite.
A: I just joined that Discord. Here was my experience of that process:
I asked @materialkii if I could join because I thought it sounded fun.
She asked the group if that was cool.
I got an invite link.
This entire process took about 5 minutes from start to finish.
Q: Some people were nice to a person who got a bunch of really ugly reviews. They don’t deserve your sympathy and you are a fool for being nice to them.
A: Okay, let’s unpack a few things. One, if people want to be nice to someone, they do not actually have to clear it with you. Two: literally, what impact does this have on you and your life? You’re hiding on anon. Three, people can see the reviews that were left on this user’s account and make their own judgments about whether this person deserves sympathy. They can also make their own judgments about whether the so called “constructive criticism” was in fact constructive (spoiler: I saw the reviews. They were not constructive). Four, you have made it abundantly clear that you have no respect for the people you are attacking, so why do you care so much about who they are nice to?
Q: The OC community is cliquey and has problems.
A: I don’t know that I can take this argument seriously when it is coming from someone on anon who:
A) has yet to offer literally any solution other than “people should only post, write, and interact in ways that I, an anonymous user who cannot be contacted, personally approve of.” That’s not a solution, that’s a temper tantrum.
B) does not seem to recognize concepts such as friendship or being nice.
C) repeatedly attacks or demeans community building and positive initiatives led by people like @ocfairygodmother as “charity.”
D) has not, to my knowledge, made any effort to interact with the people they accuse of being exclusive.
Q: I did not personally say [statement], that was a different anon.
A: Literally, how the fuck is anyone supposed to tell you all apart if you stay on anon.
Q: There are actually many of us who feel this way.
A: Please see the previous answer.
Q: People have been rude responding to my anonymous asks.
A: That’ll happen when you send multiple anonymous messages insulting people and their friends or going after their followers. Have you tried being nice? Have you tried not hiding behind anon? What efforts have you made to participate respectfully in this conversation like a grownup?
Also, I can only speak for myself, but the longer this goes on, the less tolerance I have for bullshit. I was pretty restrained in the beginning, but my patience has worn thin.
Q: The Darkling is toxic and people are promoting toxicity by writing romances about him, what if young girls read this and think this is normal?
A: You are not responsible for curating someone else’s internet experience, especially if that person is hypothetical.
Q: I am merely expressing my ✨Opinion✨.
A: The toxicity of the Darkling is your opinion. Telling people to take down their fics, resorting to personal attacks, wishing harm on them, spamming their reviews, coming into their inboxes to insult them—that’s not an opinion. It’s—dare I say—toxic behavior, which I know you all are deeply concerned about.
Q: None of these were actually questions.
A: Yeah, I know, but I liked the format. Just roll with it.
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cheri-translates · 5 years ago
[CN] Victor’s Patio Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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MC: It’s finally over!
I stretch, basking in the warm afternoon sunlight. 
MC: The air-conditioning in the meeting room was so strong. I almost sneezed...
Victor: That’s why you held your breath till your face turned red?
MC: I did not...
I want to retort, but both our phones vibrate at the same time. 
Curious, I tap and open the message. The sender is Ronan. The beginning of the message reads: “Inviting Mr Victor and Miss MC...”
[Note: If you don't know who Ronan is, check out Victor’s Understanding the Human World date before continuing]
Victor: To attend an appointment on the sky garden of the CR Building, a subsidiary company of LFG, after three days, at 7pm.
Victor softly reads the bottom half of the message aloud - he has received the same message.
MC: I remember that Ronan invited internationally renowned architects to build the film sets for his new movie. It should be this sky garden then? Since he has invited us, could it have something to do with the new movie? 
Victor: We’ll know when we get there.
He looks at the phone in his hand indifferently. Despite his expression, it seems he already has an answer. 
Three days later.
Victor and I reach the CR Building punctually. 
Ronan: The two of you are here. Come, the movie preview is on the top floor. 
Without much idle chat, we exchange greetings, and he enthusiastically leads us to the elevator. 
MC: The shoot has already been completed? That’s pretty fast. 
Ronan: Mm, the shoot this time went really smoothly. Whether in the capacity of a friend, or the biggest investor, I want the both of you to be the first few to see my movie. 
MC: Why did I receive an invitation too...
Hearing my soft confusion, Ronan laughs loudly while he responds.
Ronan: When we were shooting Dévotion, it was only because of your cooperation that I could shoot a romantic and poetic Chinese wedding. Also, the movie this time was largely inspired by the two of you, so inviting you is definitely reasonable. For example, Victor revealed that, to him, you are actually...
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Victor: Often impudent, and require improvement in time management. But once you slow down, your work capabilities have indeed improved quite a bit.
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MC: ...why do I feel like what you told Ronan had nothing to do with my work capabilities. 
I arch my eyebrows, not wanting to show signs of weakness. I toss a grimace towards Victor.
Before phrases in my mind such as “a woman’s instincts are very accurate” leave my mouth, Ronan starts laughing as he watches us from the side.
Along with a soft ring, the elevator halts steadily at the highest level of the building. The exquisite sky garden greets my vision as the elevator doors open slowly. 
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Green trees display their leaves on mid-air platforms, and flowers of differing colours are scattered around, decorating the area.
The course of a river is guided by steel, flowing into a waterfall, gathering into a river,  and slowly flowing around the trees and flowers.
Victor: The movie preview will start in ten minutes. How much longer do you plan to dillydally? 
As though he isn’t drawn to the view at all, Victor simply holds his hand out in front of me. 
MC: Yes, yes. As expected of the Mr CEO who has seen the big world - displaying an unchanging expression even after seeing such a view.
I hold onto his hand readily, and subtly lean against his side a little more.
The corners of Victor’s lips seem to curl upwards slightly. He accommodates to my footsteps, and we head to the venue together. 
The movie preview is extremely successful. 
Summarising the legend of the sky garden, Ronan illustrated a story of the male lead’s struggle at the end of the world, looking for an oasis. 
And the climax of the story occurred at this very sky garden--
Lights and shadows merged with drifting flower petals, the last green leaf, and the last water source at the very end of the world...
Apart from the excellent narrative, the visual effects from the film alone gives one unparalleled enjoyment. 
After the movie ends, I can’t help but give a standing ovation. 
A few members of the audience, who were immersed in the movie like I was, send their cheers to the directors and actors. 
MC: As expected of Ronan’s movie - it’s really brilliant.
Victor: Mm. It’s his usual standard. 
Although Victor says this, he isn’t stingy with his applause. 
MC: There’s a really immersive feeling knowing that we’re in the most beautiful scene of the movie...
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Victor: Let’s go then.
Right after the words land, my palm is already encased in warmth. 
Victor: To look at the garden you’ve been thinking about in your heart since just now. 
MC: Okay! It’s a rare opportunity to walk into the beautiful scenery crafted by world-class directors and architects. If we don’t take a proper look, it’d be such a pity.
Victor: In that case, follow me and don’t let go of my hand again. 
MC: Anyway, no matter where I am, you’ll always find me in the end. I won’t get lost. 
We stand up, and I smile while holding onto his hand tightly. 
He lets out a soft laugh. Maybe it’s my misperception, but the night seems to become gentler along with him.
I hear the sound of gurgling water in my ears, and red corn poppies bloom among the shadows of trees.
My fingers brush against the tips of bushes, and I feel the branches carrying the coolness of night. 
MC: Sigh... it’s a shame that this place would be torn down after a while. And it’s such a beautiful set-up designed by a famous architect...
The more we stroll in the garden, the more I feel sorry for its impending disappearance.
Victor: You really can’t bear to see it gone? 
MC: In the bustling city, such a garden is just too precious. 
The corners of Victor’s lips lift in response to my words. He responds calmly. 
Victor: The garden will be retained, and will become a cafe open to the public in the long-term. 
MC: So in the future... it will also be LFG’s property?!
Victor doesn’t comment. 
Victor: Once the movie preview is over, there will be a gradual adjustment of the layout and decor. 
MC: ...it’s really nice to have money.
Victor: That’s your biggest takeaway after watching the preview? 
MC: Of course not. I have very deep thoughts regarding this movie!
Victor arches his brows, as though waiting for my “deep thoughts” and review. 
I clear my throat, temporarily tossing aside my feelings towards capitalism. In my mind, I start recalling the images from the movie. 
MC: In Ronan’s movie, the lead keeps searching for an “oasis” in order to settle down and have sustenance. Every person needs his own “oasis”. It’s only when one has a foothold and a place to rest can he continually move forward. 
Victor: Looks like you really watched it seriously. 
MC: Which is why I’m very surprised by your decision to retain this garden. Perhaps it can become an oasis for busy people in this bustling city. 
Victor: If it’s possible, that would be best. 
MC: You don't think such an idea is overly vague or idealistic? 
Victor: You can only move forward with some resources. This is the same for everyone. Moreover, it’s only when you have a goal in mind and know where you’re heading towards, can you walk far, and walk steadily. 
I run a few steps in front, then turn around to stick out my tongue at him.
MC: Are we here to participate in the movie preview, or to do an inspection with you? 
Victor: Watch where you’re going.
Slightly resigned, Victor pushes aside some branches sticking out along the path. He reaches out and pulls me back to his side. 
Suddenly, a different view from the slender and delicate poppies enters my vision.
MC: Roses!
I blink. In one corner of the garden, in replacement of poppies, crimson roses bloom warmly under the moonlight. 
At the side, there are even a few bean bags and a small coffee table. 
In the luxurious and majestic garden, the roses, while sharing the same colour as poppies, add a different style to the courtyard. 
My thoughts drift to the rose-scented town I had once taken a slow walk with him in.
[Note: This is a reference to Victor’s Magnificent Date] 
I can’t help but smile and ask Victor a question.
MC: Is this one of the methods to attract visitors and raise property value? 
Victor: Yes.
Victor admits it matter-of-factly, but there’s a smile in his eyes. 
Victor: Ronan’s team insisted on adding different understandings of this theme in order to portray a richer definition of an “oasis”. Since they asked for my opinion, I naturally gave them my view.
Standing under the warm yellow street lamp, Victor’s expression looks exceptionally tender. 
Victor: From what I see, the result isn’t bad. 
There is a subtle sweet aroma of roses in the air. I sit comfortably on a bean bag, asking Victor with a grin:
MC: What other adjustments will be made?
Dressed in a well-ironed suit, Victor is also half-lying on the bean bag, looking somewhat languid. The aura surrounding him has become much more gentle. 
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It’s as though we aren’t at a bustling movie preview, or a sky garden on the top floor of a building.
It’s just a normal weekend evening, in a small courtyard belonging to us, as we shed off the week’s worth of fatigue.
I can’t help but think of the afternoon he slept in front of me, and remember the day he had revealed an almost imperceptible state of relaxation to me. 
[Note: This is a reference to Victor’s Return Home Date]
Victor: You look like you have a lot of thoughts? 
MC: Of course I do! I’ve been to various shooting locations, and have met mature producers with differing styles. Apart from that, I’m also a contemporary member of society with a delicate mind and good aesthetic sense. Which is why I’m clearer than anyone else about what a stressed worker needs most in terms of external care. Just look - even my house is very warm, right?
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Victor: If you can change your habit of leaving things lying around, it might be considered a “warm” house. 
MC: This is called “integrating with the masses” - it’s a small beauty in life.
Recalling the earlier topic, I stand up, pulling Victor as we head to the inner area of the park.
MC: For example, I think this place could have a few more elegant seats.
I point at the hanging rattan chair underneath the flower stand. 
MC: That way, visitors would be more comfortable when sitting down. Also, this path we walked on - although it looks very pretty in the movie, it’s easy to get hooked by bushes at the side. If it weren’t for your words just now, I would have definitely bumped into it. Also...
I look towards the trail lined with trees on both sides, leading towards the centre of the park.
MC: Maybe this is just my selfish thought, and has nothing to do with increasing practicality or comfort. However, if I had a choice, I would change these trees to Platanus trees. 
Several strands of shock flash across Victor’s dark eyes. Then, he opens his mouth to ask in slight amusement:
Victor: Why is that so? 
MC: Legend says that the Hanging Gardens was created by the king of Babylon for his wife who was suffering from homesickness. 
[Note: Platanus trees were part of the Hanging Gardens. Platanus trees, also known as Oriental Plane Trees, are a frequent motif featured in Classical Chinese poetry as an embodiment of sorrowful sentiments due to its autumnal shedding of leaves]
I walk along the small trail, staring at the poppies swaying in the wind. 
I wonder if that king, all those thousands of years ago, carried such a heart - wanting to give such a luxurious gift to the person he loved. 
MC: No matter what others may say, I also wish to leave the best things to the person most important to me. To build an oasis within his sight and touch where he can have a peace of mind. You’ve left a corner of the camellia garden for me, so I also wish to give you a small trail lined with Platanus trees. 
[Note: This is a reference to Victor’s Maze date, which is available in EN]
I raise my head with a smile, not caring that my cheeks have already heated up. I observe Victor’s dark coloured eyes carefully, and tell him what’s in my heart calmly and sincerely.
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Victor pauses for a moment. Apart from surprise, his eyes also contain an undercurrent of a deeper and heavier emotion. 
Victor: With so many ideas, not letting you write a proposal to collaborate with the design team would be a waste of talent. When exactly did you learn to say such things? 
In the end, all his emotions culminate into his usual ridicule, which is more tender than usual.
Curling his fingers, he taps me on the forehead with some affection. 
MC: If you feel happy, you can just say it directly, really. 
Victor: And when did you hear me say that? 
MC: I felt it!
While laughing, I step onto the stairs, looking at the blooming poppy flowerbed. 
The flowerbed, which is suspended in mid-air, is the highest point of the garden. It is held up firmly by chains above the pool.
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MC: Do you feel like I’m especially thoughtful and especially cute right now? 
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Victor: I only feel that you’re especially childish.
While Victor says this, he walks up to the stairs and holds onto my hand. 
Victor: And that you’re truly a dummy. 
It is only when he draws nearer that I can clearly see the upward curve of his lips. 
Apart from the faraway lights and the water under us, his eyes also reflect my brilliantly smiling face. 
The flowerbed sways back and forth in small motions. 
Sitting here, I not only have a panoramic view of the garden, but can also overlook the entirety of Loveland City.
In the distance, the city lights are scattered around, artificial light sources forming another galaxy on earth.
MC: Victor, you once said that you would look at Loveland City from a height whenever you’re in a bad mood. I think I can understand something I didn’t think of before!
Victor: What do you understand this time? 
MC: This garden on the top level of the building, where you can overlook Loveland City, is perhaps your oasis. Now that I think about it, everything I said just now was unnecessary, right? 
Recalling my eloquent suggestions to Victor earlier, I start feeling slightly embarrassed.
Victor: Looks like you still don’t know anything.
MC: Tell me - what should I know then?
Supporting myself on the flowerbed with one hand, I grin, turning around to ask him.
The suspended flowerbed sways violently from my sudden movement. Only then do I remember that there are only a few fulcrums holding up the flower bed. 
With an unstable footing, I subconsciously reach out to clutch onto Victor, trying to maintain my balance. However, I still fall against the flower bed, hurting my shoulder blade.
Victor: You’re being impatient again.
[Note: There isn’t a direct translation of the phrase used here, 毛毛躁躁 (”mao mao zao zao”), but it conveys the idea of doing things hurriedly and inattentively]
His voice resounds very close to me. I open my eyes, and directly meet his line of sight.
Because of my sudden movement, Victor has also been pulled towards me. 
One of his hands is wrapped around the back of my head, preventing me from hitting it. Another hand is at my ear, holding me steady. 
Right now, this action seems to be imprisoning me between the fresh flowers and himself. 
MC: S...sorry, I’ll pay more attention next time...
I stammer, my heart rate speeding up. 
Victor: You said this the last time as well. 
The heat from summer has not fully dissipated. Humidity lingers in the air. 
The poppies in the garden bloom quietly, and the night is warm. It’s as though everything I see and feel have become gentle. 
Even Victor’s eyes and outline grow blurry from the light and shadows, encasing him in a layer of tenderness. 
Our sudden proximity causes my heart rate to accelerate, and it feels like my thoughts have been stuck in place. 
I avert my gaze, slightly guilty. I raise my palm to put some distance between us. 
MC: We’re about done with the viewing. The dinner is about to begin, so we should head down... I remember it’s one level below? 
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Victor: ...do you know that your ability to change the topic is very poor. 
Victor sighs softly, then gently shifts his hand away from the back of my head. 
When the warmth belonging to him vanishes, a sense of longing floods my heart. 
It’s as though I have awakened from a charming dream surrounded by warm currents, returning to reality once again.
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But in the next second, the warmth I’m most familiar with envelops my wrist.
Looking into his dark eyes, I think I must have truly misunderstood. 
Whether it’s the Babylonian king from thousands of years ago, or any other ordinary person, the thing people truly want isn’t the view from their memory. It’s the person they want to share the view with. 
Victor: I’m going to answer your question from just now. Listen carefully. 
Victor: The words you said are not unnecessary. 
Victor: And I am indeed very happy.
Victor shifts upwards, encircling me in front of him again. 
He is so close that the entire world seems to be condensed into his pair of eyes. 
The fountain spurts at regular intervals, shattering the calm of the water. Water vapour floating in the air refracts light, caging us in a colourful curtain of light. 
Victor: Just now, someone eloquently mentioned wanting to build an oasis within my sight and touch. And now you’re so anxious - where do you want to run off to? 
Perhaps the temperature of the evening is overly gentle, and the light from the water is too fine. I’m unable to see what emotions lie in Victor’s eyes. 
As the distance between us closes, I can clearly see every gentle quiver of his eyelashes, and can feel the heat from every lingering breath from our noses. 
His lips move slightly, as though wanting to say something to me. 
Before he can speak, the fountain spurts again. This time, the cool water happens to spray onto us. 
MC: Ah...
I want to hurriedly straighten up and dry Victor, but a gentle yet irresistible pressure pushes me back down. 
The water columns from the fountain change, forming into different heights and shapes. Scattered droplets of water patter on us like light rain.
Victor’s hair, which has always been tidied meticulously, droops slightly because of the water droplets. 
The slender poppies beside us sway slightly. Water vapour condenses on the flower petals, dripping down along the body of the flower. 
Victor: No need to care about that. Having you here is enough. 
His slightly hoarse voice brushes against my ear along with his breath. It circles past the nape of my neck, evoking a certain numbness. 
Victor’s body temperature continuously travels to my wrist, entering my heart. 
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Victor: My “oasis”... has already belonged to me since a very long time ago.
Phone Call: here 
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votederpycausemufins · 4 years ago
And this is the end of the story. Sort of. I’m going to do one or two more ‘chapters’ that are more just... you guys send me asks about the story and I’ll compile them into a chapter or two. it can be stuff like ‘i didn’t fully understand this’ or ‘can you tell more about that’ or ‘what if X happened instead.’ I’m also doing this on the Ao3 side since more people have been commenting there, but you can still use my inbox or leave messages on this post itself, whatever works for you.
Of course, all this is possibly due to the Hermit!Tommy au being created by @petrichormeraki
Mumbo groaned as he woke up, most of his body aching for some reason. Looking around, he was glad to see he was in his own bed at least. Next to him, curled up in the covers was Jrumbot who seemed to be hooked up to his redstone chargers. Mumbo patted his son’s head before pushing himself up so he could look around.
Grumbot was propped up in a nearby chair, also asleep and charging. The door to the room was cracked open and Mumbo could hear voices coming from somewhere behind it. His eyes were then drawn to an item frame with a mask of his robot skin. At least it seemed to be similar if not exactly the same. Most likely Grian had hung it up because he sure didn’t himself.
Mumbo dragged himself out of bed and walked towards whoever was talking. Getting closer, he could recognise Tommy and Grian’s voices, but there seemed to be a third person there as well. It was probably someone from Tommy’s old world, so Mumbo wasn’t too worried.
Before he could quite tell what exactly they were discussing, they stopped as Grian noticed Mumbo walking their way. “Mumbo! You’re awake!” The avian went over and hugged Mumbo before pulling him over and using the redstoner as something to lean against, nearly pushing him over in the process. “How are you feeling?
“Like I got crushed working on a redstone project with pistons. What are you wearing?” Mumbo saw Grian’s Watcher mask, not having seen it before.
“Oh this? Well… uh, you hit your head pretty hard back there, what do you remember?” Even though the mask covered Grian’s eyes, he could tell that the avian was sending glances to Tommy and the other person in the room.
“I remember up to confronting Dream after we got you back. But much after that is a bit fuzzy. I still remember bits and pieces of course.”
“Told ya.” The unfamiliar voice spoke and Mumbo finally got the chance to turn and look where their guest was sitting. He almost drew his weapon when he saw them, but he held himself back.
“Why’s Dream here?” Mumbo hazarded a glance back to Grian, hoping for an answer but Tommy was the one to answer instead.
“Not Dream, this is Drista. She’s Dream’s sister but she’s cool.” Mumbo accepted that answer as he could see the resemblance with their taste for similar mask styles.
“Yep, sorry about that. You panicked and attacked and I clocked you over the head.” Mumbo frowned at her cheerful tone but then Grian spoke and drew his attention away from the girl.
“As for the mask, while I’m mostly fine, there’s still some stuff I’m recovering from and the Watchers panicked since someone was able to mess with me and gave me a prescription for these. I might even keep them because it helps me not go crazy when in a Watcher State.”
Mumbo nodded, glad for the explanation. Then he turned his attention to Tommy. “Tommy? I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. I wasn’t in a good headspace at the time. I of course can’t recall everything I was thinking at the time, but either way, I want to apologize.”
Tommy just rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Grian told we what shit was going on since he talked with you. It doesn’t fucking matter.”
Mumbo started to open his mouth to reply, but Grian stopped him. “Can you go wake the kids? They’ve been charging for a while and I think they’ll want to be up now that you’re awake.” The Redstoner hesitated, but did agree and headed back to his room. Once he was far enough away, Grian sighed. “That was close.”
“I’m sure he won’t have a complete mental breakdown if you bring up the VGs.” Drista said, leaning back against the wall behind her. “If anything happens, just slap the mask back on and then pull it off, it should pull it away.”
Grian crossed his arms, wings folding tightly behind him. Even though they couldn’t see his face well, he still looked down to the ground. “It still doesn’t feel right. He essentially is always going to have one part of his life he can’t remember.”
Drista gave an exasperated groan. “Oh stop complaining! He wanted this because he wanted to stay with you for whatever reason. He can always just stay a Vault God and you can never see him again. How’s that sound?” Grian was quiet. “That’s what I thought. Welp, now that we know he’s fine, I’m out of here.” And then she was gone.
Tubbo didn’t stay with Crumb and Sparklez for too long, needing to get admin training from Xisuma with Ranboo. Xisuma would not admit to a single person how many times he needed to take something for the headaches he got from teaching the two of them, but after interacting with the other smp members, he was perfectly fine with the current pair.
The smp island didn’t last long as members griefed it so many times that Scar finally threw his hat down and said he wouldn’t fix it anymore. He tried two more times after that, but it was the principle of the matter. The area was moved further away to a larger chunk of land that wasn’t too close to anyone’s base so that way the smp members could still have a place to start in Hermittown but also have areas to expand to. Most people went back and forth, though Philza seemed to be taking up a permanent residence in the town. 
Grumbot went to visit his grandpa once, but he quickly was given the rule of not being able to go alone after that when he immediately tried to set up an election for mayor of the town. Techno tried to attack him, but he forgot the details of Grumbot being a robot, specifically one that had extensive knowledge of political figures, and Techno being both a former prince and an anarchist, the bot had a good idea of how to defend against the warrior. He still needed repairs when Grian arrived to scold him, but no one died.
After Tubbo had learned enough from Xisuma, he went back to traveling around with his dad and Crumb. It would never be longer than a week, but it was painfully obvious when he was gone as Tommy would seem down. At the very least there were a few times that Tommy was able to go along with Tubbo to see the sights.
Tommy and Mumbo eventually warmed up to each other again, mainly because Grian forced them to do more things together. They finally seemed to officially be on good terms after dragging a few smp members into Hermit Challenges together.
Grian attempted another war, which started poorly as the smp members jumped to conclusions and escalated on their own. Tubbo and Ranboo had to step in to stop it for the hermits to give them a rundown of how wars worked on the server. There were a few hiccups after that, but for the most part, things went well.
After Hbomb had first gotten a tour of the server and had seen Cub’s base, he ended up mining a large amount of ancient debris and making a wall of it on the smp side as a social experiment. It lasted longer than he thought, but still didn’t last all that long. After a few weeks he made a second one and was pleasantly surprised to see it stand longer than the first had.
With Dream gone, things started to calm down for the smp members, but a number of them still tended to wake up thinking things were back how they used to be. Mumbo ended up buying a space close to Odea and making a therapy shop which did quite well. He was also pleasantly surprised to see the Odea store suddenly getting sales as the smp members seemed to actually want the services.
Grian sat on the railing on the balcony of his mansion, right under the large G. Next to him was Tommy and they looked down at the two teams of four people doing a barge box quest. Grian specifically wanted two hermits and smp members on each team for a better balance and he had even reduced the prices for the smp members specifically. Sure it was a competition, but really Grian wanted the two worlds to get along.
“Didn’t Scar say you did this in the last one?” Tommy looked over at Grian who didn’t take his eyes off the people below.
“Hmm, sort of. It’s a little different. They’re placing blocks instead of putting them in the chest. Mumbo helped with the redstone for it. It cycles placing blocks inside so you can’t just take them all out and not do anything. There’s a delay once the last block is out so after a short bit they’ll get their note saying where to fly to next.”
Tommy nodded, glad Mumbo wasn’t the one telling him this and making it sound even more complicated. “How’s he doing by the way? That war got a little crazy near the end.”
“He’s fine. I made up some excuse for the mask. Accidentally overcharged it with Watcher magic so only for extreme emergencies.”
“Sorry for being busy end-busting.”
“Not your fault. It sounds like it was fun.”
Tommy laughed. “Yeah, Tubbo only tried cheating once. Xisuma noticed almost immediately and called him up to scold him. I didn’t even realize he was doing it in the middle of a fight.”
“Speaking of, why didn’t Tubbo bring you back when he teleported home to deal with things?”
“So we could continue once he was done with that. We want to kick back and relax, not get in another war.”
“Oh, I see how it is. Our wars are too good for you!”
Tommy and Grian laughed until Grian noticed one group start flying off, the second group not that far behind. “Alright, time to head to the third checkpoint. You want a head start before I beat you there?”
“Hey Big G, that’s not fair. You got those fucking wings of yours.”
“That’s why you get a head start.” Grian smirked, making Tommy realize what was about to happen and he immediately jumped off the balcony and used a rocket to propel himself in the direction of the next checkpoint.
“See you later bird boy!”
“Not if I get you first!” Grian yelled back. He would give Tommy a few minutes, but then the gloves were off. He loved how grumpy Tommy looked when he carried the blond while flying. And any chance to make a little game of it was something Grian liked. “Alright, that’s enough time.” And then he was in the air, flying off towards his brother.
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spacebunnywrites · 5 years ago
Fenk8- Denki Kaminari x Male Reader
After hours of having to rewrite this piece, another half hour of tumblr simply not co-operating, and a few minutes of needing to convince myself that my piece wasn’t trash... I present to you my submission to the BNHA Server Collab. Our prompt was plain and simple, Pen Pals.
Pairing: Kaminari Denki/ Male Reader
Rating: E for Explicit. And C for Crackhead Energy
Kinks: Cyber Sex, Semi-Anonymous Sex, Penpal Sex, Dom!Denki, Daddy Kink, Premature Ejaculation, Cum Eating Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Flexibility, Dumbasses in love
Word Count: 2930
QUICK NOTE BECAUSE I AM A DUMBASS- Paladin is our boy Icyhot... dumbass needed a real Hero name and in a fic I enjoy that is the one he chose. And Flashpoint is our favourite boy Touya Todoroki AKA Dabi. I made him a damn hero because baby deserves it.
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His username had been Fenk8, of which you weren't certain why. The penpal website was known for people seeking out more adult interactions, but you hadn't been looking for that. Not at first, really. Charming messages such as, "Hey sweet thing" and "If we were the alphabet I'd put U and I together" changed that slightly. The message that made you laugh the most had been the U and I joke. Corny pickup lines were the way into your heart. Of course you had to respond with your own corny pickup line, "Did you just shock me, or was it your electric personality?" Of course he freaked out a little at that, which you didn't understand. Fenk8 got a little wiggy when anything mentioning electric personalities was brought up. So you tried to avoid it. But you couldn’t help that he sparked your interest.
>>Hey sweetness. Birthday cake can be any flavour. But birthday cake is a flavour
>>What is up, hot stuff? The opposite of waterfall is firefly.
>>My sugarcube, the oldest person alive was born with an entirely different set of humans around.
>>Technichally… if we made everything legal the crime rate would be zero. I'M JUST SAYING!
>>Woah, sunshine… if we can't see air… can fish see water?
>>Orange is the only colour you can taste. I'm just saying.
Every conversation started with something random. Something that had you scratching your head, or made your eyes go wide because holy fuck he wasn't wrong. It was chaotic, but you loved it. He also tried out different pet names most of the time. Your favourite was Sugarcube. It was cute and different. You loved talking with him, it was like talking to your best friend. Only you didn't know your best friend's name, or what he looked like. Or what he did for a living. But Fenk8 was your best friend, nonetheless. The friend that had the nerve to ask you who put the alphabet in alphabetical order. But still your best friend. Days of talking turned into weeks. Weeks into months. The two of you had yet to share photos of yourselves yet, and that was fine. He sent you pictures of dogs he saw on walks, of beautiful flowers, and occasionally the most beautiful sunrises. He worked strange hours, often all over Tokyo and surrounding cities. But it just meant you never got the same scenery twice. Once he had been in the same area as you, sent photos of the bakery you worked at. He didn’t know you worked there, just sent a picture of a little pastry you had made. Said it reminded him of you. That same day Chargebolt had come in and bought one of your pastries. The two of you were excited for different reasons that  day. Him because he found out that you made pastries, you because your favourite hero had bought something you made and even came up after and said it was delicious. You hadn't told him about that, you did tell him that you had a small obsession with the electric pro hero. Your potential friend(?) didn't need to know that your favourite sleepwear was an oversized t-shirt from the very first line of Chargebolt merch.
>>Hey sweetheart! Saw the cutest little dog today, thought you would love him as much as I did. His name was Chowchan!
>>How was your day??? I hope you didn't work too hard! I've missed talkin' to ya. Sorry I've been so busy, sweetcheeks.
Attached to his messages was a picture of the most obnoxiously fluffy Chowchow curled into a ball at the feet of… holy fuck was that Pro-Hero Dauntless!? Fenk8 got that close to the Number One hero, got a picture of his dog, and it looked like they were having a casual conversation based on the flush covering Dauntless' cheeks and the adorable pikachu bag you knew belonged to Fenk8 sitting beside him. Just what did Fenk8 do for work that he was chummy with a pro!? Reporter? Maybe he was a PR agent? Or a personal assistant? The last two would make a lot of sense, given that he travelled a lot for work.
<<you even got Dauntless out of his hero gear, sitting still… a god. You're a god.
After a few moments of silence, your phone dinged with another notification.
>>I guess Dauntless is your favourite pro then? Makes sense, he is pretty hot.
<<No? Chargebolt is my favourite. He's been to my bakery a few times, compliments my pastries. Sure, his quirk has a pretty big drawback… but over the years he has really gotten good at controlling his output. Did you see his most recent thwart of a bank robbery!? He got the emergency backups back up and running using his quirk! And when he let himself be the backup generator for the children's hospital last winter…
<<Sorry… rambling. I just… Chargebolt is the best. Some are born for greatness, others have to work for it. He works for it. He said my Lemon Puffs are his favourite, which is good because he inspired them. The popping candy in the dough represents static electricity! I can't believe that Chargebolt likes my sweets… sorry. I'm sure you don't want to talk about pros.
>>Honestly, reading you so passionate is amazing. I can't believe that someone would be so vocally passionate about a hero only in the top fifty. Ground Zero, Dauntless, Flashpoint, Paladin… even Uravity and Froppy. I hear so much about them. But never someone so excited about Chargebolt. 
<<He is an amazing hero. I watched his first Sports Festival… all of his Sports Festivals really. I really love him as a hero. But ue never does press events, not like the top ten. And I work when he does patrols. So I've never interacted with him outside of work… but man what I wouldn't give to meet the man. I'm sure you have a favourite pro?
>>Honestly, I do. Red Riot is one of my favourites. Ever heard him sing Karaoke? I'll have to send you a video I have of it. Guy goes all out. 
<<Red Riot is pretty cool. But Chargebolt will always be my favourite. 
How had you gone off on a full rant about a pro hero? Especially to your internet friend. He was going to think you are such a weirdo now. But apparently he didn't, because he requested a faceless video call for that night. Something about needing to get off, and hoping you would help. Sure, he was a little more smooth than that, but all you cared about was actually getting to see part of Fenk8. You two had only done something similar once, and it had been through text alone. Now you got to attach a voice and a faceless body to Fenk8. You only hoped you still found him sexually attractive after this. What if he was too muscular, like Red Riot. Or covered in deep scarring like Flashpoint. Not that you didn't find them attractive, but with Chargebolt as the man in your fantasies anyone else would pale. He was your number one fantasy, could you really be blamed though? It didn't occur to you that Fenk8 could be a creepy old man, or a murderer or something. Surely the man who seemed chummy with Dauntless couldn't have even an evil bone in his body. Dauntless was too pure to be friends with someone who was genuinely bad.
So when the evening rolled around you found yourself in just an oversized fleece sweater and a pair of black boxer briefs. Your already straining erection begging to be touched as you looked over the thin yet very toned torso before you. Fenk8 was built just like you imagined Chargebolt would be. Lean and just toned enough to show he worked out. You noticed a faint glimmer in his nipples, holy fuck Fenk8 had them pierced! A tiny barbell in each dusky nipple, catching the light just right every time he moved. Below that was a navel piercing, man did he have a lot of piercings apparently. Because he had mentioned his tongue, and webbing in an earlier message you guys had shared.
"Like what you see, Sugarcube?" You could hear the smirk in his words. And the chuckle he made when you whimpered an affirmative was divine. "Why don't you take that sweater off, I had a long day at work and watching my Sugarcube stroke himself would really make my day." The man already stroking himself. A nice thick cock in his hand, nestled nicely beneath a cute nest of blond curls. Faintly you wondered if you would ever get to sit on it, positive that it would be a perfect stretch. Quick to comply you pulled the sweater over your head and let him see your chest in its entirety. A deep blush staining your chest, lower lip pulled between your teeth. Removing your underwear took a little more courage, your member was not as nice to look at as Fenk8's. You would call Fenk8's cock attractive. Thick, long, nicely curved. You would probably call yours cute. It was smaller than his, and looked smaller beneath your curls that were a little darker than the rest of your hair.
"That's a good boy. Now why don't you stroke yourself for Daddy. Let me hear you whine and whimper for my cock to stretch you out." You imagined a wicked smile on his face as he spoke. Eyes locked on the cock in his hands, mouth falling open when you finally noticed the glimmering bits of metal. A three piece bottom ladder, a two piece scrotum ladder, his lorem, a King’s Crown and an Albert. Eight piercings in his dick alone. Was there anywhere he didn't have pierced?! 
"Y-yes, Daddy." Finally spoken as you wrapped a hand daintily around your length and began to softly stroke. A soft whimper ringing out before you could stop it. You had been pent up all day, ever since the message he sent asking for this call. Already your body threatened to betray you and make Fenk8 think you were some pathetic virgin. Which you weren't! And even if you were… it was no one's business.
"F-fuck!" You whined out and tensed as you came. Embarassed that you finished so quickly. But it wasn't entirely your fault. Fenk8 got you so worked up earlier. White ropes splattering your chest and stomach as you tried to hide your face from him while slowly slumping down.
"That was so hot baby. A few strokes and you're already cumming for Daddy. I'm so proud of you for wanting to make me happy. Want your reward, Sugarcube?" His voice was thickened, dripping like honey as he spoke to you. Opening your eyes you saw his hand lazily stroking over his length while the other reached toward the camera to adjust it. Raising it and- HOLY FUCK. Fenk8 is Chargebolt.
"Hey, Sugarcube. Heard you have a favourite pro." His charming smile on full display, the hand that had adjusted the camera shooting you a finger gun. Your eyes went wide and he licked over his lips. That tongue piercing you dreamed of, the one positioned a little off to the left, darting out and teasing you. The blond kept amber eyes locked on your frame while keeping the slight motion of him playing with his dick.
Never once did you think that Chargebolt would be a dominant. Or have a daddy kink. Nor did you think he would ever call you cumming in less than thirty seconds hot. Yet here he was with a straining erection, his plush tip glistening with pre, demanding you call him Daddy. Honestly, you had never been more aroused either. "Ch-char… holy fuck." Your own words stammered and stuck in your throat. The blond chuckling warmly as you seemed awestruck.
"Don't be like that, Sugarcube. Your mouth has better uses. Clean yourself up. Scoop all that cum into your cute little mouth. Show Daddy how badly you want his cum." Instructions you quickly followed. Two fingers sliding through the mess on your belly and bringing it to your waiting mouth. Lewdly moaning to make sure your dream man had the best show in the world. You wanted him to never end this, and if happily eating your own cum was what he wanted… it was what he would get. Your tongue pushing apart your fingers to clean between them before you repeated the action. Another scoop of your own cum dancing on your tongue. Fuck, were you already getting hard again? You supposed that was the best part of cumming so quickly anytime you got into it, you were always ready to go again real soon. Apparently he noticed you growing hard too, because your next instructions followed not long after.
"Sugar cube, you're going to cum directly into your own mouth this time. Lay on your shoulders, and bend those pretty legs over to rest at your head. Use the wall to help support you if you need to. I just wanna watch you get all cute and cum drunk on your own cum. Can you do that for Daddy?” His instructions weren’t hard in theory. But actually maneuvering your body to make it work was actually kind of hard to do. But after a few minutes, and comments from the man about how juicy your ass looked, you managed to get the position perfect. Your tight asshole on display as well, but Chargebolt wasn’t looking for that yet. He wanted you to eat your own cum. Tentatively you began to stroke your length again, at least you would last longer than thirty seconds this time. You hoped so at least. It would be pretty fucking embarassing if you only lasted less than a minute again. You might as well just end the call, move away from Japan, change your name., and start a new life as a Norwegian sheep farmer or something if that happened. Premature ejaculation wasn’t cute, no one would want you if they knew you only lasted a few seconds. Your soft moans filled the air, and you felt something bubbling in your stomach. Only a few strokes in and already you were getting closer by the second. 
“Cum for me, Sugarcube. Open your mouth and cum on that pretty tongue of yours for Daddy. I love how quickly you cum. I can already hear how needy you are. Just like last time, you get so pink when you need to cum. And look at all your precum dripping onto your pretty lips. Perfect lips for wrapping around Daddy’s cock. Cum for Daddy so he can cum too.” Honeyed words low and sultry. If you opened your eyes you would see his hand flying furiously over his length. The blond trying to cum at the same time you did. But he wouldn't get there before you did, already you were spilling down into your waiting mouth. Groaning at the slightly sweet taste blossoming over your tastebuds. Legs collapsing by your head, your body almost falling off the bed as you tried to right yourself again. 
It was amazing the sight you saw. The blond man, basically a twink in his own right, completely debauched. Chest covered in his own spunk, a dazed look on his face, both thumbs sticking up as he blinked a few times as his only response to you asking if he was alright. Did he always overcharge when he came? Was this normal for him? Part of you wanted to try and contact someone to check on him, but the better part of you knew to just give him a few minutes to recover. Grabbing a tissue from your bedside table and cleaning your chest off slowly, keeping an eye on the man filling your laptop screen. Making sure he didn’t like, die or something. Could you die from cumming to hard? Was it possible for his quirk to completely fry his brain? But then you heard him say something other than whey. At least he wasn’t brain dead. That was good.
“Denki. S’my name. Use it… Kaminari Denki.” Words slightly slurred, but clearly understandable. He was giving you open permission to not only use his name… But his given name. Holy fuck. Of course you whispered back your own name. Letting him know he was free to use yours. The two of you had a good connection, and continued this on for a while longer.
“So… Denks. Why the ever loving fuck did you choose Fenk8?” It was Kirishima that asked that while you all lounged on your couch. The entire squad knew how you and Danki got together, apparently he never shut up about you in the beginning. Always mentioning the really cool baker guy that made the best sweets. It was actually Bakugou that stole Denki’s phone and made the request for the video call that night. Tired of hearing the electric blond complaining over how awesome you were.“Heh… Funny story. It was supposed to be Denk8, but I misspelt it while signing up and didn’t notice. Cn’t change your username, even if you’re a pro apparently. If you said it out loud it was supposed to sound like my name. The 8 was for my di-” Cut off by a pillow thrown at him by Hanta while Mina died laughing. You even couldn’t help the laughter as you heard what was shouted through the pillow over his mouth. “-CK PIERCINGS! BECAUSE I HAVE ONE FOR EACH INCH OF MY COCK!”
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lnarizakis · 4 years ago
hey, everyone! a few days ago i hit 1k followers and i’m so excited to share with you all this news! it’s been six months of writing, posting, and making new friends, and i’ve recognized the results of all of my efforts. thank you to everyone who’s been with me on this journey, even if i met you in march, or just yesterday!
i acknowledge that in the past i’ve been selfish and self-conscious about that number, but everyday i’m grateful that i have a growing number of people who have my back, supporting me, even if it’s through a simple like or even an anonymous ask telling me they really enjoyed a particular work of mine.
and, with everything you do in life, you encounter people who will support you, make your life better, and just know how to help you up when you’ve fallen: friends. that being said, i want to write a letter to all the friends i’ve made on here since i don’t know when i’ll be able to get the next chance to . . .
TRIS , i remember seeing you appear in the comments of almost all of my posts and i just want to thank you personally for always supporting what i have. you don’t realize how much every little comment means to me, really! it always puts a smile on my face to see you comment something and it feels like i’ve accomplished something, so thank you. @tris-does-stuff
HANA , you really don’t know how happy you’ve made me when you told me you were a fan of mine. it just... shocked me? to know that i have people out there that genuinely support what i do? we only really started talking for a couple of days but i feel a strong connection between the two of us (it really may be our matching mbti types, too!) and i’m so glad to be able to call you my friend. you didn’t hear this from me, but i constantly look back at the #anon makes me happy tag and read through those anonymous messages you sent me. i love them (and you) very much! @wansseul
ELLIOT , i know you as one of my biggest supporters for coaches don’t play, and i find that really heartwarming to see that even after, what, two months since i’ve updated, you reblogged it with the tag #thank you for updating! ! i was so happy to see that, and you even proceeded to send in an ask about it afterwards too! i know we don’t really talk often—but i definitely think we should— but i know that you’re so incredibly sweet, especially after i was having that rough slump of mine i think last month. you were so kind to tell me that you’d always be here if i need to talk with someone, so thank you very much. i’m very grateful to have met you! @keiyoomi
JJ , hey, jj!!! i know we haven’t talked in a hot second, but look! i’ve reached 1k followers! i remember you were around during my coaches don’t play days, and that you always sent an ask after almost every update. sometimes i fiind myself looking back at them and smiling, knowing that you were enjoying what i wrote, so thank you very much! i want to say another thank you for being there for me when i was feeling really down in the dumps, and for taking the time out of your day to write me a message on discord. i’m so grateful that you did so, and i hope life treats you well. also! i began reading the great gatsby for school, so we should talk about it sometime hehehe. @kunimwuah
DOVE , aka uvogin anon, dovey lovey, my favorite inbox invader! i . honestly don’t know how we met. like one day u just appeared in my inbox and BAM ! we started talking! and i don’t regret every single thing i send into your inbox (even beany cock) . i always look forward to whenever you send things in my inbox and i really mean it when i say you’re my favorite inbox invader >:) it makes me so happy to see you active on tumblr and to see what you bring me everyday. i am very grateful you’re in my life, and i hope we continue to talk more and more! @fantasiesofdreams
SAL , i remember the first time i talked with you! you liked one of my posts and i was like oh she seems cool, i’m gonna follow her and congratulate her on 400 followers. and soon enough, we started tagging each other in those tag games and later we just grew closer and closer! i’m so happy that we got really close and it always brightens my day to see you on my dash; you never fail to put a smile on my face. thank you so much for being my friend and always being there when i need a good laugh! @sugaanoya
AI , ai, ai love you! i remember following you for your “be my boyfriend” series, and i hope it continues on your new blog (no promises, of course!). i also was there during your blank kita era, and it was honestly something that made me laugh out loud. i’m pretty sure i turned on notifications for you at that point because i was so invested with this drama. you’re just an insanely nice person whose kindness rivals your love for suna (or is it sakusa? your disloyalty, tsk... just kidding!!!). i know that we haven’t talked a whole lot lately but i will be sure to hop in your inbox and stay for a while some time soon. thank you so much for being my friend and i hope you stay happy and healthy! @wiintiier
KAI , aka caca wife! i remember when we started talking on rircus, and at first i didn’t really know who you were, until one fateful night when the conversation about caca happened. at that moment i knew we had similar senses of humor and i remember that i couldn’t stop laughing. it was the caca madness! if i’m being completely honest, i look up to you as a big sister that i’ve never had and i really appreciate you for that, so thank you for being in my life! @lcaita
NAOMI , aka newmie! i remember we first started talking in rircus and i want to thank you for welcoming me so kindly in the server, and especially during the first night we talked, which is when i had a problem and you helped me out immensely. i just want to say thank you for every time that you’ve helped me, talked to me, and made me feel better when i felt less than okay. i’m so glad that i’ve met you and i hope you accomplish great things in your life. @kuraomi
MICKIE , probably one of the only people on discord whose mesages i find myself laughing at a lot. you’re always brightening up the mood wherever you go, and i always find myself looking towards what you have to say today. thanks for that! i also think about that (may i say, really funny) exchange between the two of us on here when you went: “oh god i can’t believe HE’S almost dead ahhh” and i have no idea who you were talking about so i went “omg it’s sero,” and you went on this LONG RANT and it was just so funny to me!!! thanks for always putting a smile on my face. and also! thank you so, so much for suggesting that i get curtain bangs, a decision i really don’t regret! i was afraid i was going to hate them, but i find myself looking in the mirror a lot and thinking: “wow, that is a whole different person.” in a good way! so thank you very much. @tokyoghoose
GERE , aka my ex-wife... sorry about that :( . i never got to say sorry for that but the caca bond runs strong, i hope you understand. i just want you to know how much of a kind person you are, and especially how welcoming you are, too. i was so glad to be welcomed so kindly in your server and it’s become one of my favorites to talk in. i also want you to know, that especially with current times, that things will get better and i’m so glad you’re staying positive with everything going on recently. i love you for you, please remember that!!! @t-amajiki
ISSA , omg, girly pop. hahahaha!!! issa, you’re such a genuine person and i remember meeting you for the first time on rircus. you welcomed me with open arms and you were just the kindest person i met on there. you’re someone who’s just so beautiful inside and out, and the way you’re so large and in charge with your feelings is something i really admire about you. i know we don’t talk so often, but i hope we do. i want to thank you for being my friend, and especially always making me laugh! i love you very much, issa! @indigohitoshi
KYLIE , kylie!!!! the co-founder of our son, iwaizumi hajime. this was literally peak popularity and i knew i was never to get as many notifications as i did in that moment. of everyone i could have shared the account with, i am so glad that i was able to do it with you because we were able to grow closer because of that. now we have this weird inside joke that our son gets mad cooch, and that every day we must think of in another life. where are the daily in another life tiktoks??? of course, our son isn’t the only thing i associate with you. you’re such a kind, hilarious, and genuine person, and to be honest, sometimes i really worry for your wellbeing. get some more sleep, kyl!!! you deserve it. i want you to be grucchi, not tired and wanting to die. thank you so, so much for being my friend, and i am so happy that i met you! @peppermintkiddo
TO, LIKE, EVERYONE FROM RIRCUS , the best people i could ever meet. i’m sorry i couldn’t write an individual letter to all of you, since we haven’t interacted so often for me to pick out one specific memory that i could hold and cherish, but know that every time i come on rircus and talk with you, it is a moment that i will always remember! thank you so much for being my friends and i love you all so, so incredibly much. @kaoyuuuuu @reogou @haikyuu-but-low-iq @yooooooooooomi @samdwich @kenmauwus @shirasusgf @macaronnv @king-kawa
TO EVERYONE THAT CONSTANTLY LIKES, REBLOGS, OR COMMENTS ON MY WORK , you know who you are. i know who you are. i can literally tag you right now. but i think i’ll prefer to keep the anonymity. thank you so much for sharing my work, giving me feedback, and everything. it mean so much to me, especially if there’s a comment attached to the reblog. you make me do a little happy dance!!! i love you so much for what you do and i hope you continue to support me in every way possible!
MEL , hi mel! i’m not very sure if you will read this, but i am so happy that i met you and that we began talking. i remember we began talking after i asked for people to send in memes for that meme war against my sister. i told you i won, right? well, i did. ahhaha anyways, i am very sad that we sort of grew apart and i hope that we can begin talking again soon. you were the highlight of my spring semester. i enjoyed talking with you so much. but i hope that you and your family are currently doing well and that you stay happy and healthy! i miss you very much, melon, thank you for being a part of my life!
RAENAH , hi rae! i think meeting you was a blessing, to be honest. i can’t remember a time when i was utterly annoyed by your presence, nor was i ever mad with you. you are such a kind person with such a pure heart, and during your time on tumblr you really showcased it for everyone to see. you were literally with me from literally the very beginning, during the “my name is...” days, and all i can say is that i am blessed to have met you! thank you so much for lighting up my life, talking to me whenever you made the time, and especially playing minecraft with me. it was so fun, even if it was for a short while. i hope you had as much fun as i had! again, thank you so much for supporting, befriending, and getting to know me because i will never forget you on tumblr dot com. i hope you stay well and make sure you rest often, especially with uni! @a-kaashi
MIYU , where has miyu gone? just kidding. i know you’re there. i hope you read this because i don’t want to tag your new blog. anyways, i just want you to know you make my dash ten times better. it’s literally so boring without you spicing it up, with you talking with anons and your mutuals. i definitely think i should invade your inbox more, what do you think? when i was starting on tumblr, you were a very big inspiration to me and i am very proud of all the works you write. you still are someone i look up to as a writer, because you have such a creative spirit and it makes me so happy you’re able to showcase it for everyone to see. i hope you are staying healthy and well right now, and thank you so much for being my friend!
GIGI , poop. i genuinely miss you very much, but i know that school takes a priority for you. i hope you’re doing well with your classes and that you find the man of your dreams. hopefully it is not the skater boy because you deserve someone as insanely hot as kurapika. no cap. i remember during my chrollo pfp guy craze you were there to deter me away from liking him, but let me just tell you, we’re getting closer tbh. ;) . just kidding, we really aren’t, but we’ve been talking quite a bit. i also want to tell you that you’re someone who’s made me smile with everything you say, and i find myself sometimes typing the way you do. you’re an influence, gigi! please stay happy and healthy and make sure you get lots of rest during your time at school! @gigiwrite
MARS , best for last, am i right? i’m not really sure when i first saw you on my blog, but i remember you’ve been here for a very, very long time. i think it was back in july when we first started talking. you were 🦊 anon, and it made me so happy to read that you felt comfortable enough to reveal yourself! from there, i knew we had a bond from the way we interacted with one another. you’re just such a kind person and you show that to everyone you meet. it’s a quality i wish i had in myself and i really look up to you for your genuinity. sometimes i feel like i don’t thank you enough for how kind you are to me, but just know that with every time i talk i’m always grateful that you’re in my life and that i’ve met you. i know you’re someone i can always lean on and i hope you see me the same. thank you so much for being in my life; you’re someone who means a lot to me. @maru5hka
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 1K!!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. i am so grateful for each and every one of you; you guys are so hot and sexy. i am so grateful to have met you all, even if it was just a simple “you’re added to the taglist!” or a “thank you so much!” i count it as you being my friend and you interacting with me. you guys aren’t my followers; you’re my friends. thank you so much for being my friend and being here for all of my weird shenanigans i have up my sleeve, whether it be my meme war against my sister, my obsession for blue lock, and my huge crush on chrollo pfp guy. well, here’s to me for being sappy and here’s to many more!
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pretty-rad-arson-dad · 5 years ago
Hey guys so, about the whole situation that had happened with me being fasley accused of being a pedo, I said I'd make a post telling our side of the story (cause this involves so much more than me and them) and involves about 10 other people.
Also, ahead of time, sorry if this is messy, I just really don't know how to make these kinds of posts to clear things up? Explaining things like this is not something I'm good at. I was also going to post this sooner, but stuff in my persona life happened, and I've also received threats from this person's friends if I tried to come forward with my side of the story (or more like made anymore posts about it, as there's already a whole call-out post about them on Instagram, which I'll be showing later). After some debate, I actually realized it would probably be best if I actually did, just to get a warning out, even though I know there's a chance this won't be recieved well cause this is fucking Tumblr... And again, I'm just trying to tell our side of the story and warn others so the same doesn't happen to them. Also because I do believe this guy might have a Tumblr account and might try to seek out more people to abuse. I sure as hell know one of his friends who helped stalk us have a Tumblr though.
So, the person making the accusations was someone who joined my discord server, and at the time of joining, he was saying that he was of age. Several members on the server can vouch for me when I say this. Of course, in regards to him telling us he was of age, this is apparently something he failed to mention when he decided to make that callout conveniently enough. I'm still unsure of what his actual age is, wether he actually lied to us about being an adult when he joined the server or if he was lying when he claimed to be a minor in his callout. 
Anyways, sometime after he joined the server, he started to become a problem. Me, being an idiot and feeling bad for him, allowed his behavior to slide, though I didn't know the full extent of what he was doing til a bit later.
He would constantly talk about how he was being abused and we'd try and help him with advice, which he never really listened to, and if anyone on the server mentioned that they had done something fun or had a great time doing something that day, he'd go off and make us feel guilty for having fun, cause his at home life was shit and apparently if he wasn't happy, we couldn't be either. He actually tried to pull some shit while I was celebrating my birthday with my family. This kinda becomes a bit important later? Or at least the day becomes important later.
He's also known as kind of a pathological liar on the server, claiming that they one of the official FNAF artists (one who doesn't exist, btw), and start rumors about YouTubers and other people we liked, and whenever I'd ask for proof, they'd get all defensive. This itself isn't a big deal, except he also has the tendancy to start rumors that people are pedos if he gets into a heated argument with said person. It's actually happened when one of my friends said he didn't feel comfortable with people shipping things between adults and children. This caused a giant argument to erupt and I had to temporarily boot said friend from the server. At this time, my accuser then decided to make accusations that the friend of mine was a pedo because he... Didn't like people shipping adults and children.... Of course, we told him to cut the bullshit and stop causing rumors.
Now, keep in mind, they got upset over someone being grossed out by shipping adults and children.
This becomes a bit important later.
We ended up having a few other problems with them as time went on, them critizing other members AUs (well, more along the lines of bullying them for their AUs and projects), more guilt tripping and at one point, even bragging about pushing someone to suicide (at least that's what 2 of the other server members are telling me, I can't confirm this, as it seems it happened during a period I had no internet, and there's a good chance they might have deleted it, but do feel free to take this with a grain of salt). 
Eventually, he actually ended up leaving the server for good because of Tupperbot. Adding the stupid bot was the second best decision I've ever made in regards to him, honesty.
However, for a lot of us, the main tipping point was the roleplays and private DMs.
He loved to roleplay some pretty fucked up shit with a lot of people on the server. We've actually had one member as young as 11 come forward and say he had tried to do shit with them too. Keep in mind, he told us he was an adult when he joined. He would love to roleplay all sorts of weird, incestous and pedophilic shit with us, and would force it on us out of the fucking blue. Another thing worth mentioning, me and a few others are victims of childhood sexual abuse and rape. He CONSTANTLY put this shit in most of the roleplays he did with no regard to how triggering it was for some of us. We never even got a warning or an ask if it was okay to have something like that put in a roleplay. Some members spoke to him about their discomfort involving the shit he was putting in the roleplays, but it was disregarded and he'd continue to do it. Some of us were even so scared to say anything about it, as we were afraid he'd lash out at us and threaten us, so we just put up with it. 
Aside from the roleplays were the really weird direct messages he'd sometimes send. There were times someone would be venting (this would happen in the server as well) and he'd respond with that they had no reason to be upset and that he's been through much worse. There would also be times when someone would be feeling depressed, and he'd make these private little group chats to try and "intervene" by inviting a few of us in there with the said person. This would be fine on its own, but he always made it a point to invite one person that we've REPEATEDLY had to tell him not to invite. I'll call this person Wah, cause I don't want to cause them any more stress by exposing their account name. Wah was someone we've told him not to invite because she was, at the time, experiencing a lot of suicidal idealations and we were worried putting her in a situation like this where one of her friends was feeling like killing themselves and her having to help to talk them down would be the sort of thing to set her off into hurting herself. We obviously didn't want that, so we made it a rule not to ever get Wah involved. Accuser knew this and went and always invited Wah anyways. And would shrug it off whenever we'd go off and remind him of Wah's own mental health issues. There has also been at least one instance with them and another user, who was feeling suicidal. They mentioned they had been wanting to kill themselves and accuser went off about how if they killed themself, accuser would kill themself too. This obviously scared the shit out of this person and made them feel more awful.
And there of course, is the shit they did to me. They'd sometimes randomly flip out on me in my DMs out of literally fucking no where, and purposely trigger my PTSD.
There's more, but I can't remember all of it because just so much went on.
Anyways, sometime after they left the server, people began coming forward with their experiences with accuser, telling all that he'd been doing in DMs, and mentioning his prior behavior on the server. We started venting about the way he had been treating us in the vents chat because well, we figured if we couldn't try to talk to him about his behavior, at least we could vent amongst ourselves. Apparently he had actually made a few friends on the server and they let him know we were talking about him.
Fast forward to my birthday celebration and I'm getting DMs from him. They start our fine enough but eventually he suggests we start a thing where we mention one positive thing that's happened to us each day. Cool, a fine idea on it's own, but as I've mentioned above, he's had the tendancy to make us feel like shit for having anything cool and fun in our lives, so of course me, and a few other people who apparently had received the same message, were hesitant.
I left him on read to think about it and also because, again, I was celebrating my birthday and I was about to blow out the candles on my cake and open gifts.
I don't remember all of what went down, and I don't seem to have access to the Instagram DMs anymore since I have him blocked on there too, but eventually, I received a message of him flipping out because he knew about our vents. I believe I might have ended up calling him out and telling him exactly why we were doing it, but I can't remember. This happened back in May so the memory is a bit fuzzy and I don't have the DMs anymore.
All I know is that most of the members of the server decided to cut him off.
After that, he tried to tell Wah I wasn't who I seemed to be and attempted to ruin our friendship, made several accounts to stalk the Instagram accounts of serveral other of the server members and I, and then we ended up having to kick a few of their friends from the server cause they were starting to cause trouble.
Then there was silence for a bit.
And then there was the incident. They had gotten a (at the time former) friend of ours involved by lying and manipulating them into believing I was doing all sorts of nasty shit. The friend, who I'm going to call Pasta, ended up bringing that stuff over to Tumblr, unaware that they had been lied to. I'm not sure if it was Pasta who reached out to us, or if it was one of us who reached out to Pasta, but we ended up telling them what was going on, and somehow, accuser found out, and accused them of being a traitor and freaked out on them. They admitted that accuser was responsible and we ended up making up.
I've also since then had some of accusers former friends come to me and tell me about the call-out, further confirming that it was them who started all this as a way to try and get back at me.
And, since of course some obligatory proof is required, I shall provide these call-out posts with some screenshots. And you can even see in the comments we're far from the only ones who have dealt with them.
These aren't the only things from them, obviously, but considering the fact that we've all now got them blocked and some of us have even deleted the DMs (because tbh, most of us thought that cutting them off would be the last of it), this is what we currently have.
Anyways, thanks for reading this long ass mess. Hope y'all stay safe.
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jamielea81 · 5 years ago
Chapter 1 
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Description: You accompany your friends on a day trip to Animal Kingdom Theme Park where you meet Scott Evans by chance. This one afternoon leads to a year long friendship with both Chris and Scott over text messages and phone calls. 
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing
A/N: Welcome to my new series! If you’re new here, thanks for stopping by, if you’re a returning friend, you know right off the bat this will be a slow burn. That’s just how I roll. There will be lots of flirting, cuteness, snark, and some angst. I recommend looking up a ride through of Expedition Everest if you’ve never been on it. A cast member is what Disney calls their employees. I think that’s all you need to know for now. Tag list is open, please send an ask. Likes, comments, and reblogs are wonderful.
“My feet hurt,” you whined, sticking out your bottom lip for added affect. “Go on without me. Just promise me you’ll remember me always.”
“So dramatic. Go sit down, you big baby.” Jana said, giving you a light shove.
The two of you were just outside of Pandora at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park waiting for her husband Brooks to use the restroom. It had already been a long day. You rarely visited the parks during the day anymore unless family or out of state friends were in town. After moving to Florida from the Midwest for college, you decided to stay. The heat was something you never truly got used to, but with so many career opportunities in the Orlando area it was hard to pack up after graduation. Twelve years later and you were still here.
Jana and Brooks had a rare weekday off and begged you to join them at the park. Because of the heat and the crowds, you generally avoided the parks. Unfortunately, their idea of a park day started at park open. Today the park happened to open at eight in the morning. You compromised and told them you’d meet the two of them at nine. There was slight protest from Jana but she was happy you were even going.
Brooks had been your friend for the last seven years. Taking a job at the Orlando Sentinel was unexpected, but it turned out to be quite the dream job. On your first day, you managed to get turned around and ended up on the floor that held mostly sales and advertisement employees. Brooks took pity on you which you took for flirting until his girlfriend called while he was walking you to your cubicle. That girlfriend later became his wife and your best friend, so it worked out for the best.
“You know I’m scared of that ride anyway. It goes backwards for Christ sakes. Backwards,” you muttered again shaking your head.
You’ve only ridden Expedition Everest twice and that was more than enough. Disney has great theming, but even a great attraction can’t make you want to ride it. It’s first flaw is how high the coaster goes up. The second flaw is at one point it goes backwards. And the third and final flaw is the huge drop. Yeah, your stomach did not agree with riding it. The wait time was posted for seventy-five minutes and you had no desire to stand in line that long for something you didn’t want to do.
“Y/N, your ridiculous. It’s a roller coaster. At Disney. Children ride it,” Jana said.
Brooks caught up to the two of you, intertwining his fingers with Jana.
“She doesn’t want to go?” he asked.
“That’s a big nope,” you replied popping the p.
The three you walked across the bridge leaving Pandora and into Discovery Island. Tiffin’s was a nice restaurant on Discovery island, but a little on the expensive side, so you hadn’t dined there. But Tiffin’s had a bar called Nomad Lounge with an outdoor covered patio that you very much had visited. Several times to in fact. With its dark wood floors and ceiling, billowy curtains that were always only partially tied back, large wicker couches with colorful pillows and small intimate tables that lined the patio railing looking out into a sea of trees, it was your favorite spot. Over the last year it had become increasingly popular, but you still loved it and visited it for a drink on every outing to the park.
“You two go ahead and stand in line for over an hour. I’m going to sit my butt here,” you said pointing to the lounge. “Let me know when you’re done and I’ll meet you.”
Brooks rolled his eyes at you, pulling Jana along who kept turning back to give you sad eyes.
When they were out of sight, you walked onto the curved patio looking for an open table. You passed an open couch, but you always felt selfish taking one up for just yourself, so you continued on. Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be much else open, being that if was after two and most people had the same idea as you in needing a break. Turning yourself around to head back to that couch you passed near the entry, a couple stood up from a small table. You waited patiently for them to grab their backpacks and bags before quickly sitting down on one of two chairs pushed into the table. You picked up the menu quickly passing the selection of beers. deciding it was more of a cocktail afternoon. A Hightower Rita with its mixture of tequila and watermelon sounded perfect.
You set the menu down on the table, grabbing your phone from your jean shorts pocket, to post a few pictures of the day onto Instagram. When the server had not stopped by to clear the table and take your order, you opened your e-mail. A few sales ads, a forwarded e-mail from your mother. People still send those? And a new assignment. The Jonas Brothers at Amway Center next month. You actually liked a few songs off their new album, so you were pretty excited for this concert.
When the server still hadn’t been by, you let out an annoyed huff. Sure, Jana and Brooks were still in line with a long wait to go, but at this rate you weren’t going to be able to finish said drink by the time they were done.
You stood up and looked around from your spot, not wanting to stray too far from the table and lose it to the vultures circling the patio for a spot of their own. Not seeing a server in sight, you huffed out loud again before plopping yourself back in the chair. At least it was padded so it didn’t hurt with how fast you dropped.
You heard a slight chuckle from the sectional couch that sat against the restaurant’s outer wall in front of you. Choosing to ignore it because the lounge was packed, it was really none of your business what was happening at other tables.
“You’re at Disney, smile,” you heard a man’s voice say.
This time you did look up and sure enough, a man sitting across from you was looking directly at you. He was sitting with two other guys who were in a loud conversation and completely ignoring what was apparently happening.
“I’m sorry?” you asked. You couldn’t help the bitch face you were apparently sporting.
He laughed again. “No, I’m sorry. I just can’t help noticing the huffing and puffing that’s going on,” he said.
You took a breath and tried to relax. “It’s fine. I just hate when people say smile, as if life stops just because you’re in a theme park. I just really need a drink and for whatever reason, the server is on break or quit or whatever.”
He laughed again before standing up. “What do you want?”
“Huh?” you asked a little puzzled as to what this stranger was doing.
“I asked what you would like to drink. I’ll go grab it for you.”
“No. No, no. You don’t have to do that. I’m sure he or she will come back at some point this month,” you said, slouching in your seat.
“Just tell me. I’m going to get one anyway.” He crossed his arms and tapped a foot.
It was your turn to laugh. “A Hightower Rita. And thank you,” you said offering him a small smile.
This was quite the surprise. Generally, strangers weren’t nice for no reason.
A few minutes later he was back, placing the drink in front of you. Reaching into your packet to grab out a ten dollar bill, you heard him clear his throat. You looked up to see he took the seat next to you. His very own Hightower Rita in front of him.
“My treat,” he said, giving you a wink.
“Thank you, really,” you replied. You offered him your hand. “Y/N, by the way.”
“Scott,” he offered, shaking your hand as well. “So, do you normally come to Animal Kingdom in a grumpy mood?”
What a smartass.
“I haven’t been grumpy all day, I’m just tired. And thirsty,” you replied.
You lifted the glass and held it out to Scott. The two of you clinking your glasses together before taking a generous sip.
“I’m not on vacation, I live here. My friends dragged me out of bed to come with them, so it’s been a long day.”
“So, a local huh?”
“Yeah, by way of Minnesota. Came for college and never left.”
He nodded his head in understanding. “And where are these friends of yours?” he asked.
“In line for Expedition Everest.”
“You don’t like roller coasters?”
“I do. Just not that one. I’ve ridden the others several times. Big Thunder Mountain is one of my favorites. I just can’t handle that one.”
“Scott! What are you doing? Leave the poor woman alone,” one of his friends from the table shouted.
“I’m making new friends. Mind ya business,” he replied.
You chuckled at him shaking your head.
“What do you do here, Y/N?” he asked.
“Here in the park?”
“Really?” he deadpans. “What do you do for a living?”
“My apologizes,” you laughed. “I’m a writer. A little bit of everything, but mainly I review entertainment in the greater Orlando area. Theme parks for instance.” You waved your hand around. “Like a new ride opening or a hotel or restaurant. Also concerts and events that come to town. I pretty much can make up my own schedule that way. Every once in awhile I’ll write a piece for me, like a think piece that I’ll send out and if I’m lucky, various magazines and newspapers pick it up. That’s what I prefer to do, but it doesn’t pay the bills as well.”
“That actually sounds like a lot of fun. My family and I love coming to the parks, so it would be cool to be invited to grand openings,” he said.
You nodded your head in agreement.  “What about you?”
“I’m an actor. Nothing exciting,” he says shrugging his shoulders which enlists a laugh from you.
“Obviously,” you tease. “Are they your family?” you ask pointing to the two guys sitting on the sectional. Both have ballcaps on backwards that you almost asked if the bros were his family.
“Yeah, that’s some of them. It’s a big group, they’re around somewhere. I got stuck with the weak links,” he jokes. A small smile tugging on his lips. “I’m having way more fun talking to you.”
Shaking your head at his comments, you take a peek at your phone to check the time. It had only been about a half an hour, so you had plenty of time to relax.
“Let’s do a shot!” he exclaims out of nowhere.
“What?” you ask. But he’s already out of his seat, heading back inside before you even get the word out.
Scott’s relatives give you a look and all you can do is quirk your mouth and shrug your shoulders.
A minute later he’s back sans shots. “They’ll bring them out,” he mutters as he sits back down.
The allusive server appears a few minutes later with a tray of two shot glasses, limes slices, and a salt shaker. She sets the contents on the small table and asks if you need anything else. You ask for a water and she promises she’ll be right back.
Scott picks up his glass and holds it up. “To new friends.”
“To new friends,” you repeat before downing the tequila in one go.
You quickly grab a lime slice and suck on it before grabbing another. You hadn’t done a shot in so long; you feel way out of practice.
The server does return with a couple of glasses of water shortly after you’ve taken the shot. When she asks if we need anything else, Scott starts to order another round of shots but you cut him off.
“One and done, buddy.”
He laughs and tells your server the two of you are set. As odd as this day has been, meeting this new “friend” has been a welcome change.
“Scott! Let’s go do something.” One of the bros calls out. “I already texted Sarah, she’s on her way.”
He waves him off and turns back to you. “Let’s go ride Expedition Everest.”
You look at him like he’s crazy. “No way. I already told you, I don’t ride that coaster.”
“You’ve got liquid courage now and you’ll be riding with me. I promise you’ll have fun.”
Shaking your head, you look back at your phone. “My friends are probably still not on it. The wait time is posted at seventy-five minutes.”
“We got an in,” he says so casually that you have no idea what he’s talking about.
Out of no where, a plaid wearing Disney cast member appears asking the other two guys where’d they like to go.  
“Expedition Everest. Please.” Scott interrupts.
“That works,” the bearded bro says, getting up and flipping his cap around.
“And we’ve got one more joining us, Sarah,” Scott said.
Bearded bro raises his eyebrows and Scott just smiles.
Before you know what the hell you are doing, your walking with Scott, Sarah, and the two bros. Weaving in and out of crowds as she leads. You make it to Expedition Everest and enter through the exit because apparently Sarah can do that. The four of you are ushered into the last two rows to wait for the next train to arrive. Just as it pulls up, Scott moves behind you, getting out of the waiting row.
“I can’t ride in the very back. It makes me sick. Chris, switch with me.”
Chris groans, but comes to stand right behind you.
You’re on the verge of a panic attack as you look over to Scott in the next row.
“Y-you were supposed to be my ride bu-buddy,” you barely manage to get out.
You didn’t want to go on this damn ride anyway and now you weren’t even sitting with your almost friend. Now you’re stuck with a stranger who hadn’t even spoke to you yet.
“You’ll be fine. This is my brother, he’s a good ride buddy. I’ll be right in front of you anyway,” Scott says. He reaches over the barrier to squeeze your hand but it does little to comfort.
The train car pulls up and you’re climbing inside your seat pulling the lap bar up and pushing it into place. You pull on it at least three times to make sure it’s in place.
You look over to Scott’s brother who you know can tell you’re freaking out. He offers you his hand and you shake it.
“Chris,” he says.
“Y/N,” you reply.
He smiles and it suddenly dawns on you who you’re sitting with. Why Sarah escorted your group through the park. Why you were able to enter through the exit and get on the ride almost immediately. Chris is Chris Evans. Actor. Movie star. Whatever you want to call him. You’re pretty sure you follow him on Twitter.
In your line of work, you’ve met plenty of celebrities before. Some at various Disney grand openings, others have been musicians for concerts and albums you have reviewed. But this is different. You take a breath and try to go back to freaking out about the ride rather than about who you are sitting next to.
The coaster takes off, winding around a grass and tree lined path. All too soon you are ascending up “the mountain.” You keep your gaze straight ahead at the back of Scott’s head rest. Every few seconds he looks back and gives you a smile. You’re too frozen to return it, but that doesn’t deter his. It’s honestly a smooth ride and it doesn’t take long to get to the top where the “broken tracks” are. You hear the train switching tracks right before your hurtled backwards down the track into darkness. You can’t help but scream the whole way while you hear Chris laughing next to you. The train comes to a stop again, this time in the dark and you see the shadow of the Yeti against the interior wall. The train starts to move forward and you see the outside light in the distance. You death grip the lap bar and try to reach for the side of your seat with your other hand, but instead you grab Chris’ hand. He gives yours a squeeze back and doesn’t let go.
“I’ve got you,” he says just as you hit the big drop.
Your eyes are plastered closed and all you can do is scream. You don’t dare open them until you start to feel the coaster slow down. You let go of Chris’ hand and hesitantly look over at him. He’s smiling at you with a big cheesy grin.
“I’m sorry about the whole grabbing your hand thing.”
Your face feels like it’s on fire and you’re sure your hair is a mess.
“S’no problem. Really,” he replies.
The two of you climb out of your row and find Sarah waiting for you. She leads the four of you out of the ride, stopping off to the side to see where they would like to go next.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Scott asks.
“Dude, I’m never going on it again. No chance.”
He laughs and throws his arm around you. “Just drink more next time.”
“Not even then.” You shake your head. “Listen, I should probably find my friends. I want to say thanks, but I don’t feel like I should.”
He starts to laugh and it’s pretty contagious that you can’t help but join in.
“It was nice meeting you, Y/N,” Scott said.
“You too.” You give a wave to the three of them. “Enjoy the rest of your vacation,” you call back as you start to walk away.
 You were in the middle of writing an article about for the Sentinel when your phone rang. Generally your phone only rang during business hours and even that was rare. E-mails and text messages were pretty much standard in your day. Seeing that it was Jana that was calling was even stranger. She probably hadn’t actually called you in five years. You mind instantly goes negative thinking something must be wrong. Maybe Brooks was deathly ill or they were in a car wreck.
“Jana?” you answer, trying to keep your voice as even as possible.
“You bitch!”
What the fuck?
“Excuse you,” you reply.
“You fucking met Chris Evans and on top of that, you rode Everest!” Jana shouts.
“Oh yeah, that. Um, how’d you find out about that?”
“It’s on Twitter. I just tagged you in it.”
She did what now?
“Tagged me in what exactly?”
“The ride photo. It’s of you and Chris holding hands on the ride. What’s that all about and why didn’t you tell me?”
You sighed. “It’s a long story. Can I tell you tomorrow over coffee?”
“You better. I’m still mad at you. I thought I was your best friend,” she muttered.
“And you are. I promise I’ll explain tomorrow,” you said.
“Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
 It had been three days since your trip to the park where you met the Evans brothers. You were surprised that photo even made it on the internet. You were also surprised Jana even saw it.
You opened your Twitter app and searched Chris Evans. Sure enough, one of the top trending stories was that ride photo. It was a mix of “how is she related?” to “is that his new girlfriend?” You didn’t dare click into any of the tweets because you knew they would be full of negative comments about you. It didn’t help that your face was super scrunched up with your eyes closed. Leave it to your best friend to recognize you.
Within a matter of minutes, your notifications started to go off like crazy. You had gained at least one hundred new followers, but one stuck out the most. Scott Evans. You added him back, remembering how nice he was and the drinks he bought you. You closed the app, not wanting to deal with the notifications any longer. Besides, that article wasn’t going to finish itself.
Right before climbing into bed, you checked your Twitter account and saw that you had another 100 followers and one new direct message. How people quickly figured out it was you in the ride photo, just by Jana tagging you in one post made no sense. You updated your security preferences so that people would have to request to follow you instead being able to do so automatically.
Clicking open the message, you were surprised to see it was from Scott Evans. Sure, he added you, but he was messaging you now?
Scott: “Hey grumpy Disney girl. How’s my drinking buddy?”
Why did it feel like life was about to get a whole lot more interesting? Or is complicated a better word?
Chapter 2
Tag list: @tanelle83​ @pinknerdpanda​ @allaboutthebooz​ @estillion14​ @panicfob​ @patzammit​ @heartislubbingdubbing​ @collinsstanharbour​ @twittytelly​ @thefandomzoneisdangerous​ @linki-locks11​ @mywinterwolf​ @ab-baybay​ @rda1989​ @impalaimages​ @mustangshelby04​ @bellaireland1981​ @carolina-thiell​ @sullyosully @straightforwardly​ @torntaltos​ @denise1605​ @mcuclintasha​ @southerngracela​ @iam-cj @humandasaster​
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penhaligon-publishing · 4 years ago
@theasteriae wrote:
It’s gaudier in here than things are at The Asteria ( signs in pink cursive, lights the same colour illuminating the central bar, where there’s a precarious tower of champagne glasses and a constant flow of the drink through them ), but the atmosphere makes a nice change. Conversations interspersed with laughter, instead of the whispers that plague corners of Aidan’s club even now, two years after he’d reopened. And it’s nice to move through the crowds rather than feeling them part on both sides of her like the red sea under the cold grey eyes of her husband. Queuing at the bar, while a novel experience these days, would have been less enjoyable, but luckily, there are servers on hand with trays of champagnes, and when offered one, she takes two, in case they don’t pass by again.
She had come here with Ram and Cecelia, but somewhere in the press of bodies, she’s lost track of them. He’s probably at the bar, making trouble if he can’t find it organically, and she—Electra scans the room again—Cee’s over six foot tall in heels, she should be easy to spot, but Lex can’t see her anywhere—was probably accosted on her way to the same place by someone she knows. Or someone who knows her. It’s happened to Lex a couple of times too, a hand coming out of nowhere to catch her by the elbow, bland smiles and small talk she can barely hear over the music until they move on, and she finally realises where she’s supposed to know them from, if she does at all. That’s the trouble in their line of work; people think they know you because they know your face, while you’ve never seen them before in your life.
The focus of the evening is ostensibly the watches, which are being showcased in glass display cabinets on a platform at the end of the room, under a set of hot, bright spotlights. She lingers there, thinking maybe her brother or his girlfriend ( her best friend ) will wander over before too long, and snaps a couple of pictures. When she unlocks her phone, she sees a message from Fitz.
Having fun? x
He gets a selfie in response, the gold sequins on her dress glimmering when the camera flashes at them. Around her, other people are also taking photographs, but there’s one woman just standing there, scrutinising the watches. It’s a look Lex has often seen on members of the press who are called in to report on these events. She looks down at her wrist where a diamond encrusted Raymond Philippe watch is glittering under the neon lights of the nightclub. A present from Aidan for her last birthday. Then she looks at the watches on display, the price list, and the woman again as she speaks.
“To most of the people here,” she answers. Herself included. Her lips curve upwards at the corners, not quite amused, but getting there. “If you want my advice, drop the tabloids and start blogging instead. Then they send you them for free."
Emma surveys this woman. Does she recognise her? Why does she feel as if she knows her? Emma's mind flits between sources as the woman's cool gaze slides over her: one of Charlies' friends, a news reporter, actress, model...? Ah, of course. The woman's words click as her mind settles on her true identity. @MrsFitz.
Emma might not have much time for social media (far too much world-building, very little of it genuine), but she does have time for the odd Glamour Magazine in the bath when Charles is at his sqash club. She has seen those glossy caramel curls tumbling across several spreads in its pages, always accompanied by excerpts from her social media and paparazzi shots.
"Maybe I will," Emma responds. Her highlighted cheekbones lift as her expression glosses into a smile. She holds out a ringed hand to shake the woman's, both politely laughing as her companion is forced to juggle two champagne flutes in one hand to complete the act. "Emma Robertson, London Journal, although it's not exactly exclusive. I do bits and bobs for a few places, nothing really seems to settle. Too much to write about, and not an ounce of it interesting." Not that one can find anything 'interesting' when one's brain is numb from anti-depressants, but she won't mention that.
Her hand lingers a moment longer in Electra's before she drops it. Her thumb notices the smoothness to the back of her hand as it is withdrawn - what is that? A hand cream?
"Beautiful tattoo," she comments, flicking an eye to the constellation she has noticed inked delicately on the back of Electra's other hand. "Does it have a significance? I'd like to say mine do but truth be told they're just pretty symbols I saw in the back of a hippy shop in Kathmandu." She wiggles her ringed fingers so the Hindi symbols below her inner two knuckles catch the lights from the display cabinets.
More twenty-something influencers are pushing their way to the watch cases behind them. Emma sinks the remainder of her champagne. "There's a booth over there. Shall we sit? You can tell me all about your tattoo and what brings you to this...sparking... event. Please say it's not just to sell watches?"
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votederpycausemufins · 4 years ago
I’m tired and I’m not really sure how to write Fundy, but here you go. BTW, i already have a solution planned for them getting in, so if anyone can send me an ask on what they think the solution is uhhhhhh idk you get a cookie or something.
Grum was just finishing up the first floor of their new base when someone approached him from behind. “Hey there, haven’t seen you around before.”
Grum didn’t turn to face them, just continuing to build, though he did catch what looked like a fox tail in the corner of his vision. “That would make sense. I am new to this world along with my brother.”
“Is that so? Met many people yet?”
“Three people. No wait, four. The admin of this world of course visited us due to us being new arrivals. There was a ghost that first greeted us upon our arrival. A Sheep hybrid named Puffy has been giving us temporary housing until this place is complete. Finally we met with a man in a creeper mask known as Mister Sam who assisted us with a redstone issue.”
“I’m sorry, ‘Mister Sam’?”
“Correct. I wish to not upset my brother as the stories he has heards from bzzt about bzzt leave the association with the name do sometimes cause problems.”
“I’m sorry what the fuck was that?”
Now Grum turned to look at the person, wondering what the problem was. Immediately the person jumped back and Grum could see they were a fox hybrid which was clearly on display from their fur being extremely puffed up. Obviously, they were scared of something, so Grum looked around and found nothing. “You seem frightened. May I ask what is causing your concern?”
“What’s up with your face?!”
“You mean my monitor? That is because I am a robot. Unlike what I assume would be everyone else on this server excluding my brother, I was not born but built. Or perhaps you are referring to my small stature and voice seeming to belong to someone young while I have the bzzt of my bzzt.”
Slowly the fox hybrid was calming down, though Grum could tell he was still on edge. “Uh so, you just met with Dream, right? You’re not like… he wasn’t the one to create you?”
“No. My creators are bzzt and bzzt. They made me for bzzt bzzt but after that was over, they bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt until bzzt bzzt and thus took my brother and I to bzzt and made our bodies.”
“Are you doing okay? Is your wiring fine or…?”
“I believe it should be fine. I could allow you to take a look if you wish.” The hybrid seemed to be much calmer now and his tail swished in minor excitement. “I will go to a place to turn off so you can safely look at my wiring. Please do not cause any damage…. I am sorry, I did not catch your name.
“The name’s Fundy. What’s yours?”
“My name is Grumbot.”
“Cool. That stand for anything?”
“Correct, the name of course comes from me being a robot, but it is also a combination of bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt.”
“...Good to know.”
Grum walked inside the barely finished building and sat on his bed next to the charger before turning himself off. He was slightly worried about something bad happening while vulnerable to this Fundy person, but they just seemed a bit curious which was perfectly fine.
When in sleep mode, Grum had dreams, but never really while completely powered off, which was odd when he had one. He was playing a game with someone who was getting more and more frustrated that they didn’t know the password he had thought of. They tried his name, his server name, Jrum’s name, his dads’ names, a lot of names. But then also things he liked, like building and making music and hearing his brother talk about redstone.
“Did you see anything in there?!”
“No! No I swear I didn’t see anything that would give us any answers!”
Grum laughed, they were getting so frustrated. And it seemed like now there was a bet going on for who could figure it out first. He wasn’t sure what the first person would get out of it, but it sounded like the second would get a phone call with a famous redstone person. Maybe Jrum knew who it was.
“Please! I’ll keep trying to figure it out. Maybe he’ll be able to tell us once he’s awake or something just please let me have the communicator!”
Once who was awake? Who were they talking about? A third person who wanted to join the game? Well, perhaps they would continue the game until they arrived. It didn’t seem like these two were getting close to the answer at all. He asked if they were going to keep guessing.
But then he woke up. He was no longer in bed, Grum assumed he was moved when Fundy was looking at him. The admin was also here. “Oh, hello there Dream. I am sorry if I was unavailable. Fundy was worried I had an issue and wanted to make sure I was doing well.
“Yeah, I saw. Asked Fundy to check something for me too. We ran into a small issue, but nothing major.”
Grum tilted his head. “What was the issue?”
“Well, we tried to access something and it completely locked us out.” Fundy answered, Grumbot wondering why the hybrid sounded nervous.
“The only things that should lock you out are my files, and only the most important files. Ones that could cause me great harm if they were messed with. I ended up locking them away after meeting bzzt again, but I made sure that they can be accessed during emergencies through a password.”
“What’s the password?” Fundy asked, before quickly adding on a clarification. “Uh, y’know in case uh, it’s like one of those ‘too weak’ passwords.”
“Oh, I do not believe it is. While there is potential for it to be too weak, it is something that those I am close to would know, thus making it a perfect password since if you were someone who knows the password, I would know it would be safe for access.”
“Riiight. Hey anyway, Dream. Does this mean I-”
Dream threw something at Fundy. “Knock yourself out. One call for every time you help me with this.”
Grum tilted his head, curious about why Fundy seemed so on edge. “If it is an important call, you can take it here. I would not mind. I also do not have to pay attention if it is a private call as many of my functions will be focused on building this starter base.”
“I’m sorry, starter base? This is already pretty huge.”
Grum looked back at the single floor he had built. “Correct. I would like for it to have ample room for the resources my brother and I collect.”
“Ah, right. Forgot about the… two of you thing.”
“That does remind me that I should contact him to see how he is doing. He likes to get himself into trouble and I would not like for him to find a way to lose another life.”
“I’m sorry, another?! You guys have been here how long and he’s already lost one?!”
“There was an issue in our creation. Both of us have lost a single life in attempting to be recognized in this world. So theoretically, we both started with two lives.”
The hybrid looked like he wanted to say more, but didn’t until starting to walk inside. “Uh, I think I’ll take your offer on going inside to take this call.”
“Very well.” Grum nodded and then he pulled out his blocks, ready to continue building.
“Grian stop! You’re just hurting yourself even more!” Mumbo held Grian’s arm, trying to pull him back to the ground while also dodging the flapping wings.
“No! I… There’s… know that… I’m…I know there has to be a way in there! I’m a Watcher! I can get in there!”
“Mate, just let us go in there.” Phil spoke up. “The four of us are supposed to be in the SMP. If you can’t get in for some reason, I’m sure we can.”
Grian shook his head. “Those two are Mumbo and I’s kids! If anyone is going in there to bring them home, it’s going to be us!”
“And so what? We can just go in and at least fix whatever Dream did so you can get in.” Tubbo suggested.
“Absolutely not!” Grian finally landed to directly focus on Tubbo. “I am not letting any of you back there after the horror stories so many of us here have heard! Especially not Tommy!”
“Aww come on big man! We all know what the fuck we’re getting into. Besides, we haven’t been gone that long. Well I have, but I’ll just stay in the shadows or something.”
“That’s even more of a reason for you not to go!” Grian shouted before looking at Phil. “You have to agree with me on this, right?!”
“Are you sERIOUS?! We have gone over this already. I’m sick of hearing you being a sucky parent. I don’t need to see it too! Especially after Mumbo said you were going to try and fix it!”
“Tommy was able to get through all of that and he’s willing to go back to help you. He may not be officially an adult, but he’s not an absolute child.”
“Hey Grian?”
“Not now Mumbo. He didn’t get the chance to be a child because of everything the people there put him throu- I said not now!” Grian whipped his head around to look at Mumbo who was looking quite serious.
“Grian. Stress sent a message. Iskall got a call from someone who they’ve had complete radio silence from for a few months now. Someone that has come up in a few discussions.”
“If it’s not the boys, I don’t care.”
“It’s Fundy. And he’s trying to get help from Iskall on some redstone wiring that is my design. Specifically what I used for the boys.”
“Oh that’s not fucking good.” Phil said first, while Grian was in too much shock.
“G, please, we need to fucking go there. We don’t have any fucking time to wait for you to find a new solution!”
“N-No… If you go there… then…”
“We’re going there whether you want us to or not. Only reason we’re not gone yet is because you’re holding us up.” Techno spoke up, crossing his arms. “Leave Tommy here if you want, but send the rest of us.”
Grian looked conflicted, but Mumbo put a hand on his shoulder. “Look, I don’t like it either, but I don’t like any of this. We said we’d be there for the boys, and right now, us being there is not being there and using up more time to try and find a way in, okay?”
Grian hesitated, but eventually sighed and relented. “Okay. I’ll send you guys over.” And he uses his Watcher powers to send the group of three into the- “Wait.”
“What’s wrong now?” Techno asked, rolling his eyes. “We don’t need you changing your mind now.”
“You can’t get in either.”
“We what?!” Tubbo asked, half shouting from confusion.
“I mean you’ve also been blacklisted. It doesn’t make sense. I… why would you three get blacklisted?”
“Are you saying that none of us really can’t get in?”
Grian hesitated. “Well, obviously yes. I-”
“You haven’t tried it with me yet.” Tommy spoke up.
“No! You are the last person who should be going there alone!”
“But I can get in, can’t I? Dream’s always been obsessed with me. I won’t be blacklisted. I can guarantee it.”
“Absolutely not! What happened to you always saying you never wanted to go back?”
“It’s gonna be one time and it’ll be quick. And I can get back out, I’ll just do what I did last time!”
“Tommy you don’t know what you did last time!” Grian ruffled his feathers angrily. “You are not going and that’s final!”
“Then what the hell are we supposed to do?” Tubbo asked. But Grian didn’t answer.
Iskall and Stress were flying towards the coordinated Mumbo had given to Stress. As they flew, she did her best to help make sure Iskall didn’t crash into anything as he continued the conversation they were having with Fundy. “Are you absolutely sure he doesn’t have a mustache or anything?”
“Yeah! It’s just a fucking smiley face like Dream has!”
“Okay and you still haven’t seen Jrum?”
“No. I’ve tried asking this guy but he won’t stop building and I sort of don’t want to press his buttons too much.”
“Can you contact anyone else about him?”
“Uh… lemmie check with Puffy. Fuck I hope this doesn’t mess things up with you.”
“Look, if he takes your comm away again, Grian can find a way into your server. My only surprise is he isn’t there already.” Iskall looked up, glad they did so at the right time to straighten their flying. “Any idea if Mumbo isn’t with Grian?” 
“I messaged both o’ them love. And I doubt they’d be apart right now. Somefink must be up.”
“Hey Iskall, don’t want to worry you much more, but I’ve also been told to try and find this kid’s password to his important files. I know It’s probably not wise to mess with those, but at the same time, that could be the only way to fix him.”
Iskall sighed. “I wouldn’t know that. That’s gotta be something only Grian and Mumbo know. They haven’t told us much about that, Stress and I especially.”
“That’s- oh shit!”
“What?! Fundy what’s going on?!”
“The kid. Fuck. what the fuck’s going on with him? I… Is that the password?”
“Fundy!” Iskall shouted, getting the hybrid’s attention this time.
“He suddenly fell off the area he was building. His face is going crazy. Like it's how I’m seeing it, then how you describe it, then it’s just a big heart, and he’s just repeating the word gorgeous.”
“He’s what?!” Iskall was so startled they nearly had their elytra close from how they jerked in surprise. “Fundy you need to turn him off and open him up. We’re almost to Mumbo so he should be able to help walk you through it.”
“Okay I-” Fundy’s voice cut out.
“Fundy? Fundy?! Dammit!”
“Try calling him back?”
“I’m trying!” Iskall shouted in frustration. “It’s not going through!”
“Well I see everyone up ahead. I’m sure they can fink of somefink.”
“I hope so.”
Jrum was humming as he walked towards where the charger had been placed. He took a slight detour on the way there to play in a pond, but now he was almost back. He could even see what Grum had been building from this distance. It would be a nice place to stay while they tried to get home. Or waited to be brought back home. It wasn’t like no one was trying to rescue them. They had lots of people who loved them. Even if they had been left alone for a while… Him stuck in the shopping district… not completely sentient during that time… and his brother left in a box…
Well, he shouldn’t dwell on that. He was almost to the house and he would use the furnace and cook some clay he had gathered. Jrum may not have been the best builder, but he liked to help with accents here and there. And there was clay in the pond so they could have some flower pots. Jrum had even found a nice little sprout in his inventory that he hadn’t remembered picking up, but it was very pretty!
“Gruuuum! I’m back with lots of stuff!” There wasn’t an immediate answer so he yelled again. “Gruuuuuum! Stop building and look at what I-” He finally got past the doors and found Grum in bed with a fox person who had opened his repair hatch and was looking through it. “Hi there! Who are you?”
The fox looked up and at Jrum. “Oh thank god you have a mustache.”
“Uh, yeah? Did something happen to Grum’s?”
“Yeah, you could say that. He’s got a password on some important files and I think I need to access those to help him. Please tell me you know what it is.”
Jrum rubbed his chin before nodding. “Yeah! I can put it in for you! But you need to turn him on enough for me to use it.”
“Right. Fuck… what did we do before. Uh…” Fundy did something and Grum turned on. “Okay yes! There we go!”
Jrum looked at his brother whose face was fuzzy. “Hi Grum! We need to get to your important files because you’re a little sick or something. Can we see them?”
“Those files are protected and require a password to access.”
“Well I have the password!” Jrum said before leaning in to where Grum’s ears were, getting right near the pinhole opening of a microphone. He made sure to be very quiet so that the fox person couldn’t hear him since hybrids like that usually had better hearing. “The password is Mumbo4Mayor.”
Jrum leaned back as Grum processed what had been said. “Password has been accepted. Files can now be accessed.”
Jrum watched as in front of the fuzzy image of his brother’s face, files and programs appeared like his monitor was the desktop of a regular computer. It made Jrum wince a little, just another reminder of what they were. Maybe that was why no one had shown up. They could just be replaced. They-
“You okay there?” Jrum looked up to see the fox person looking at him.
“Yeah! Thank you for helping my brother!” The bot held out his hand for a handshake. “What’s your name?”
“Uh, I’m Fundy.” He shook Jrum’s hand, having some trouble as the sort of lego esque hands and his paws made the whole thing a little difficult.
“Fundy? And you’re a fox hybrid?”
Fundy nodded. “Uh, yeah. Sort of obvious.”
“And your dad is named Wilbur and your grandpa is named Philza?” Jrum continued to question.
“Yeah, who told you about that?” The hybrid narrowed his eyes skeptically.
“Grum! He knew ‘cause of grandpa having been a king or something.”
“Okay? How does that fit into knowing that?”
“Because Philza’s my grandpa too!”
Fundy’s mouth opened in shock and he stood there for a few moments before finally speaking. “... He’s what?”
“So. W-What do you do for fun here?”
“Think of things I’ll do once I get out, get myself killed sometimes to see if I can glitch myself out, yell at my dad over and over again and hopefully annoy him into giving me company. Usually he doesn’t because I think he’s still scared I’ll try to kill him again.”
“Isn’t he like, literally death itself or something?”
“Yeah! And the fact that I can actually probably kill him scares him!”
“Alright… uh, what else do you do?”
“Hmmm… sometimes I like to scream until my throat is raw, other times I try swinging around, uh, then there’s messing with food delivery when it comes.”
“Wait shit, you’re supposed to be here! What if I starve because I don’t get food delivered to me?”
“Eh, technically I could let myself die to send you something, but I probably won’t.”
“What? Why not!”
“Because hopefully you die and respawn at spawn so you can come and free me!”
“What?! I don’t know if I’ll even respawn, much less out of this place. I don’t really understand all this hels dimension bullshit so I might not even respawn if I die here.”
“Oh you will. I have tried multiple times to kill your kind and it never works. Though I suppose EX was admin and NPG’s a robot or some shit.”
“So I still might die and not come back? I don’t want to end up stuck like the bots are!
“Oh stop complaining, it could be worse.”
“How? How could it possibly be worse?”
“I’ve been in here alone for a couple years now. You at least have company. I have to keep yelling for Death to show up.”
“Wait. Wait maybe he can let me out! He comes If I call him!”
“You’re not his son.”
“I mean, technically I am. Here. I call the angel of death. … Oh come on Phil! I call the angel of death! … Phiiiiiiil! I call the angel of death! I call the angel of death! I call the angel of death!”
“Oi, can you stop that?”
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best-science-dad-tony · 6 years ago
Are you all still active? And do you accept oc rp accounts or only canon based ones?
((Oh boy.
So here’s the thing...I’m probably not going to give these blogs quite the attention I did in the beginning, and I should explain why because you all deserve that.
At first, I didn’t think these things would go anywhere. I figured they’d be fun to play around with, banter, get some jokes in and see a few likes, maybe a reblog or two. But then they started gaining traction, and before I knew it, people were invested in my silly little accounts.
I wrote down a quick sketch of a plot and some ground rules for myself, rules that I intended to follow. I essentially wrote a post-Endgame story before Endgame after I saw Infinity War incorporating the elements I wanted to see in the next movie. At the time I was one person. No one was helping me. I knew I wanted to tell a story you all could participate in and enjoy, and to do that I thought it was best if I laid out a groundwork for myself on ways to do that. Things like resolving to answer every Ask, even if it was just to warn the person to stop what they were doing. To adopt every kid (at first that wasn’t on Anon but then I gave in). To give you guys Milestone rewards as thank yous, because even when I just hit fifty subscribers on Tony’s blog, I was ecstatic and appreciated you all so much, and felt like you deserved something so I could show you my gratitude. Unfortunately, before they went up...someone forced me to use one I wasn’t expecting. Literally right after I had made the rule for myself.
I told myself that if anyone found an Infinity Stone, it would be the one Tony had.
The Soul Stone.
I needed the Soul Stone for the plot to work, but I needed Tony to have a safety precaution around it too since Thanos was (is?) still alive. I told myself that if someone found out Tony had the Stone and wasn’t supposed to, he would have a way to protect it. So I had to use the solution I gave him: FRIDAY sending the Stone to an unknown planet with one of the Iron Man suits and promptly wiping her databanks of its location so Thanos or anyone else would be unable to find it. 
So someone found an Infinity Stone...and it was just...gone. Before I’d figured out how Tony would get it back.
My fellow Admins all know this. I can’t begin to tell you how many discussions I’ve had with them trying to write myself out of this hole. Usually, I’m pretty good at getting characters out of seemingly impossible situations...but I haven’t come up with anything that feels believable, that I feel like justifies the plot I have in mind or really respects the characters and who they are.
Normally I would have just gotten rid of the plot point of the Soul Stone being lost completely...but this isn’t an unfinished chapter in my Google Docs. It already happened. I can’t change it.
I don’t know if you guys have read Mercy by Stephen King or watched the movie, but it makes an excellent point that I strongly agree with:
Annie Wilkes : When I was growing up in Bakersfield, my favourite thing in the whole world was to go to the movies on Saturday afternoons for the Chapter Plays.
Paul Sheldon : [nodding]  Cliffhangers.
Annie Wilkes : [shouting]  I know that, Mr. Man! They also called them serials. I'm not stupid ya know... Anyway, my favourite was Rocketman, and once it was a no breaks chapter. The bad guy stuck him in a car on a mountain road and knocked him out and welded the door shut and tore out the brakes and started him to his death, and he woke up and tried to steer and tried to get out but the car went off a cliff before he could escape! And it crashed and burned and I was so upset and excited, and the next week, you better believe I was first in line. And they always start with the end of the last week. And there was Rocketman, trying to get out, and here comes the cliff, and just before the car went off the cliff, he jumped free! And all the kids cheered! But I didn't cheer. I stood right up and started shouting. This isn't what happened last week! Have you all got amnesia? They just cheated us! This isn't fair! HE DID'NT GET OUT OF THE COCK - A - DOODIE CAR!
Paul Sheldon : [long pause]  They always cheated like that in cl... chapter plays.
I don’t want to cheat you all. As arrogant as it might sound, I think I’m a better writer than that. And you all certainly deserve better than that.
When I went to see Endgame (in full Tony Stark cosplay, might I add), I hoped to find inspiration to continue. And let’s just say that ending killed a part of me and I’m still dealing with nightmares and panic attacks over it. My mom asked me if I wanted an Avengers cake for my 22nd birthday and I burst into tears. I just...I can’t handle it right now.
But I recently got my inspiration back for this plot. I remembered how much I loved my ideas, the little timeline I had laid out for myself. I remembered how much fun it was for Tony and Stephen to interact with their kids, for Thor and Loki to talk to Midgardians. I remembered how much fun it was to use obscure ships. And I want to do it. For those reasons, I want to come back to it. I want to see that plot through to the end of the line, whatever that may be.
So I’ve added some elements, and I’ve decided to go in with firmer rules than I had at the beginning, where I would let anyone tell Tony and Stephen “yeah, so...I’ve been stabbed, ‘sup with you guys lol”.
The catch is...it won’t be on these blogs.
It would mean going through everything on them and pretending it didn’t happen, which hardly seems fair, especially when so many people still like and reblog some of my more popular posts. It doesn’t seem fair to just throw all of that away.
Like I said, I don’t want to cheat you, and doing that feels like cheating to me.
So instead I’m starting over. I’m in the process of setting up new blogs, a new Discord server, and I’m working with my Admins to put these new blogs into place.
The other big twist is...I won’t be advertising them here.
I don’t want you all to think I don’t value and appreciate all your kindness and support.
But I don’t want you all to join those new blogs just because I made a joke on Bucky’s account (in this set of blogs) that you liked. I want you to join because you’re invested, because you enjoy the interactions, because you like my writing for what it is and not just because it’s me typing it. It’s the same reason I have a separate AO3 account I never share.
I feel proud when people come to these blogs and see Tony confronting Steve and find out I was writing both of them, not bouncing off a fellow Admin.
I hope I don’t sound ungrateful. I’m swear not. But I want the new blogs to earn their following just like these did. You all saw something in these blogs, whether it was a joke, some advice; something that meant something to you. Maybe you saw family. Maybe you saw a friend. I don’t know. But I sincerely hope that whatever it was, I earned that follow from you. That I earned those likes and reblogs of my own volition.
All I ask of you is if you want to see where these new blogs will go, if you want to follow them, if you find them, please, don’t spoil what will happen for any newcomers who join the ranks. Certain plotpoints will carry over. I want any new fans to be as invested and surprised as you were.
Maybe one day I’ll tell you where the plot moved if you can’t find it and you want to know the big picture. Maybe you’ll just unfollow me or ignore the fact that I’m working on something else.
But I’m not going to just up and abandon these blogs. For a long time, they meant something to me, and at least to some of you. They’ll stay up, and I’ll answer your asks and engage with you. I can’t speak for the other Admins. But with me, you’ll always have someone to message, even if I take forever. But no more nitty-gritty plot. We’ll say Thanos got tired of holding Quill prisoner and fucked off somewhere. These blogs are now just for lighthearted family fun.
This is a long-winded rant to say that yes, I am still active in some ways, and I’m not in others.
As for OC accounts, they have always been welcome, but they don’t get put on the Masterlist or get OC-centric plots. Just be sure to follow certain rules- like Tony having no biological children.
I’m sorry for the rant.
TL;DR: I’m making new blogs to write this plot as I originally intended, but these will stay up and you can message them (at least mine). Also, OCs are cool and always welcome. ~Admin Chara))
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readbeneaththelines · 6 years ago
Giving Him Control Pt.1
and here we begin! THis is a smutty kinky series! Dom!Ravi is my favorite to write!
Characters: Ravi x Reader, ofcs
Genre: Dom/sub!AU, Smut, angst fluff
Warnings will go up for each chapter
Word Count: 2287
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 How did you end up with him? Even if you tried to explain it to someone, they would find it hard to believe. You couldn’t quite believe it yourself, but here you were, with him, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
It all started several months ago after the worst week of your life. You had found, your now ex-roommate sleeping with your now ex-boyfriend, in your apartment. You kicked them out, only to come back to a nearly empty apartment. To top that off, you were moved to a position at your work, in which you had no idea whatsoever what you were doing. You were exhausted, mentally spent by the time Friday arrived.
“C’mon Y/N! You need a night out! After your shit week, you need to unwind and just forget everything.” your best friend, Haeri, whined.
“Hae, after this week, I just want to curl up on this bare floor and watch Youtube videos on my phone.” you whined back in response.
“No way in hell am I letting you do that! Now, hold your pretty little head up and get ready.”
You tried arguing with her, finally giving in when she grabbed your hand and half drug you to the bathroom. You had to admit, the steaming hot water eased your tensed muscles. You showered while Haeri sat atop the commode explaining what she had planned for tonight.
“First off, I am treating you to dinner, then we are going to Octagon and get plastered and dance our cares away. Chenyeol and Minhee are coming too.”, her voice filled with excitement.
“I don’t know if I am going to be much company.” you sighed.
“I will make sure you have a blast. Now, finish your shower so we can get you dressed.”
Once you dried off and wrapped your hair in a towel, both of you headed to the closet. You held up different clothes, Haeri either nodding or shaking her head to your selections. At last, you settled on black skinny jeans and a silky purple cropped top. To complete the outfit you wore your thin-strapped silver heels, bringing your short stature up a few inches. Once you had put makeup on and styled your Y/H/C, putting it up in a loose bun with a few strands framing your face, you both headed out the door.
Octagon was one of the most famous clubs in South Korea, always having a line outside waiting to get in. Luckily, you were friends with the bouncers and were able to get in with Haeri promising to get him a table at her restaurant. She was the owner and head chef at a popular Ramen restaurant in town. Once inside, the music attacked your ears, the lights distorting your vision with reds, greens and blues swirling around the building. You settled at a table to the back of the club, far enough from the dance floor so everyone didn’t have to scream at each other to converse. Chen and Minhee came about thirty minutes later, of course matching each other.
You had to admit that you were a tad jealous of their relationship. They had met in Secondary school and had been together ever since. He treated her like a queen, looked at her like she was the only person on the planet. In turn, she adored him, all the time finding ways to compliment him or make him smile. They were set to be married early next year, and you knew if any couple would stand the test of time, they were that couple.
Hugs went around the table, the couple saying how sorry they were about your crappy week. Haeri order the first round of drinks, making sure to tell the server discreetly to make yours a double. By the time it came around for you to order the round, you were quite inebriated. Your friends headed to the dance floor, leaving you behind to wait on the drinks. You were glad too, not wanting to get crushed by a mass of sweaty bodies. Scanning the club, your eyes settled on the front doors. 
When he stepped in, you froze. Silvery-blonde hair, styled in the perfect messy look, long legs carrying him across the floor. His holey black jeans appeared to be painted on his lower half, holes placed strategically. His white shirt was half-tucked, accentuating his narrow hips. Buttons undone just enough to show his smooth caramel chocolate skin. He headed straight for the bar, stopping momentarily to greet a few people. You were brought back to reality as the server brought your drinks over. Thanking her, you quickly looked back at the bar, immediately disappointed that he was now gone. You looked around, searching for the distinct hair color amidst the crowd. Turning in your chair, you came face to face with him. 
“Were you looking for someone?” he asked, voice deep and dripping with honey.
“I-I, uh, um, no. I was just looking for my friends.” you were a terrible liar.
“Really? Cause I am pretty sure you were staring at me a few minutes ago.” 
Man he’s is one confidently brazen man, you thought to yourself. You didn’t notice him looking your way when you were checking him out.
“No I wasn’t. Like I said, I was looking for my friends.”you replied in a shy soft voice.
“Okay, if that’s the story your sticking to.” he smirked as he watched your cheeks get redder by the second.
At that moment, your friends returned from the dance floor, stopping to look at the man standing in front of you.
“Hello, there handsome.” Haeri winked as she addressed him.
“Hey.” was all he said as he grabbed your wrist. Pulling you from the chair, he led you through the crowd, everybody moving as he passed by. Once he had you at the center, he spun around, pulling you into his body. A hand wrapped around your waist, holding you against him. You could feel his muscles through the thin material of his shirt. His eyes never left yours as you swayed in synch to the music. Everyone and everything disappeared around you, the two of you the only ones dancing. When the music stopped, he took your wrist once more leading you away from the floor. 
All eyes were on you as you approached the table. Before stepping away, he leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“You do not leave here tonight unless it’s with me. Understand?”,the tone, one of command.
You simply looked up at him through your lashes, nodding slowly. He placed a chaste kiss to the top of your head, then turned to walk away.
“Oh my god, Y/N! Who in the hell was that greek god?” Haeri screamed over the music.
“I don’t know, I never got his name. One minute, I’m sitting here, then next I am on the dance floor. Next thing I know, I’m back here at the table.” your confusion had you a tad unsettled.
“You mean to tell me you never got his name? Yet you danced with him like nobody’s business. You should have seen how you two moved together. Like you knew each other’s body so well.”
“We did? I guess I kind of zoned out. He kept looking at me and, I don’t know.”, you were blushing again recalling the way his eyes pierced to your very soul. When he looked at you, you were entranced.
You grabbed your waiting drink, downing it in a quick gulp. Your hand shot up to order another, much stiffer, drink. When it arrived, you once again downed it in a hurry. Feeling your nerves relax a little, you joined in on the conversation your friends were having. They even convinced you to join them in dancing. As you made your way to the center of the crowd, you felt eyes on you, the hairs on your arms standing on end. You glanced quickly around, but you were unable to see him anywhere. You shook your head, clearing any thoughts and just let the music take you over. Not once did anyone try to dance with you, bump into you, or lay any hands on your body. 
When you had danced through three more songs, you motioned to Minhee that you were heading to the table for a drink. She nodded then told the others who were next to her. You weaved your way out, slumping into your seat at the table. You were way over the drunk level and you were beginning to get tired. You decided to send Haeri a text, telling her you were leaving and you would talk to her later. After sending the message, you grabbed you purse from the coat-check room and was about to head out. Suddenly you remembered his command about not leaving without him. You did agree, even if you didn’t see him again after he left. 
That’s when you felt a familiar grasp on your wrist. Spinning your head around to quickly, you began to stumble, your body landing firmly along his tall frame. Arms were instantly engulfing you to keep you upright and steady.
“I thought I told you not to leave unless I was taking you out of here. So, where were you going?” again the deep voice carried it’s controlling tone.
“I-I just didn’t, didn’t see you around. I’m way past my drinking limit and was going home to sleep it off.” you were suddenly sounding guilty, for what though, you didn’t know.
“Well then, I guess I’m leaving too. Stay right here, I’ll be back in a minute.’ then he was off again.
The lady at the door to the coat-check was glaring at you, making you lower your head and avert your eyes away.
In barely a minute, he was back, keys in hand. This time instead of grabbing your wrist, he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you beside him. Blindly, you walked with him, noticing many women staring at you as you walked past them. Other men were greeting him as he passed, he returned every greeting with a nod. Finally you both stepped out into the cool nighttime air. The crisp breeze brought your senses back to you. You looked to your side, staring at him as you stood still at the street.
“Umm, can I ask you something?” you tugged at his arm, noticing the hint of a tattoo under the rolled up sleeve.
“Go ahead.” he said without looking at you.
“What’s your name? If I am leaving here with you, I think I should at least know your name.”
“It’s Wonsik, but everyone calls me Ravi. I already know yours Y/N.” he said looking down at you.
“How? Who told you?” you looked shocked, but weren’t really surprised.
“I have my ways.” was his only answer. 
He started walking again, crossing the street to a parking garage. Taking the keys he held, he pressed a button on a key fob, causing a large metal door to rise up. Behind the door was a black Audi R8. Clicking another button, the doors unlocked. He led you to the passenger side, opening the door so you could slide in. Then he was quickly around to the drivers door. As he settled into his seat, the engine purred to life. The top was down, the radio playing some popular song. Looking over at you, he suddenly reached across your body, his eyes rolling as he took hold of the seatbelt to buckle you in.
“Are you taking me home?” you asked simply.
“Do you want me to take you home?”
“Then where else would we be going?” you retorted, sounding braver than you were feeling.
“I’m not sure yet. I thought about taking you back to my place, but evidently you are in no shape to continue a private drinking party for two.”
“I said I was past my drinking limit, never said I was too drunk to have more drinks!” you raised your voice slightly, then lowered your head when he stared back at you.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.”
“That’s better. Now, shall we go to my place or yours?”
“I live alone, but my place is kind of empty right now. Long story.”
“Then your place it is.”
He put the car in drive, heading out of the garage. After a few turns, you realized you hadn’t told him where you lived. But, here he was, taking every turn as if he had taken them a hundred times. You just looked at him, wondering how he knew who you were, let alone where you live. You were just about to ask when he pulled into the parking lot of your complex. Turning the car off, he got out and came around to open the door for you.
“How-” you started.
“I told you, I have my ways.”
“But this is stalker level knowing.” you chuckled when you realized what you had said.
He walked beside you this time, not taking a wrist or holding your waist. He followed you up the stairs, waiting as you fumbled for your keys.
Once inside, you were suddenly ashamed of how bare your place was, as you watched him look around.
“So, you said it was a long story, wanna tell me?” it was more of a statement than a question.
You proceeded to spill your story out to him, he would simply nod or raise an eyebrow as you spoke. When you finished, you took a deep breath, exhaling slowly.
“And that’s how I ended up at the club tonight.” you ended the story.
@yoongiiii-af @hakyummy @beautifulseoulliar
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feelingfredly · 6 years ago
Tea for Two
The joys of loving a mad scientist.
Or as Socrates said...  I drank what?
I wandered into the UraIchi Discord server and stumbled over a discussion of the absolute *crime* that there was no tag for "Consensual Tea Drugging."  The rest, as they say, is...  somebody else's fault. LOL
                “What does this one do?”
Kisuke peered around the corner of the cabinet and tutted.  “Telling you would skew the results of the experiment.”
Ichigo looked into the muddy depths of his teacup and muttered, “Like you’re not already skewed.” He sighed, “So, I just trust you and drink it?”
Kisuke paused for a moment.  Put like that he could understand Ichigo’s concern. “I suppose I could…”
A second later Ichigo was behind him, his front pressed against the planes of Kisuke’s back, and handed him the empty cup. “You should’ve just said. I’m going to go settle down on the futon with a book in case I get dizzy. You want to come take notes?”
Kisuke looked at the empty cup and then watched Ichigo as he wandered back towards their bedroom.
 Notes.  Right.
“Wheeeeen the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amor-aaay.”
Ichigo’s singing voice was quite nice, although his choice of song was suspect. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to lie down, Ichigo-kun?” Kisuke asked. He was fairly certain that not-tea-drugged Ichigo would prefer to keep his vocal abilities to himself, even if they were terribly entertaining.
Ichigo spun on the ball of his foot—the tea clearly didn’t affect him physically as much as mentally—and shook his head. “No way!  I feel great!  I feel so great that you should send a message to Grimmjow and tell him that I want to pound his ass.”
Kisuke’s lip quirked a fraction and Ichigo paused, rethinking what he’d said.
“Not like that,” Ichigo let out an undignified snort, “although have you seen his ass?  I mean, I know you’ve seen his ass, but have you seen it?” He sighed a little dreamily and Kisuke wondered just how much of Grimmjow’s ass Ichigo had seen. “I meant that I wanted to pound his ass into the ground, not the futon.”
Ichigo paused again and Kisuke could almost hear the wheels turning in his head as a sly smirk spread across his face.
“Now your ass is another thing entirely.”
Kisuke made a note in his journal.
The water pelted over them, Kisuke’s wet samue clinging to him as he washed the traces of sickness away from Ichigo’s pale face.
“This wasn’t what I signed on for with the whole ‘consensual tea drugging’ experiment.” Ichigo’s voice was rough, his throat raw from hours of expelling what seemed like everything he’d ever consumed in his life.   “Although the shower part is nice.”
Kisuke ran his hand down Ichigo’s flank, long soothing strokes, and hmmm’d. “I didn’t expect this reaction, either.  The tea was supposed to make you sleepy.  Possibly knock you out.  I bought a Sharpie to draw a mustache on you and everything.”
Ichigo let out a watery laugh.  “Only you would tell me that to try to make me happier with you.”
Kisuke wrapped his arms around the smaller man and held him, the memory of his recent misery an uncomfortable lump in his stomach.
“I am sorry, for what it’s worth.” The words were soft against Ichigo’s bare shoulder.
A quiet rumble answered him.  “It’s worth a lot.”
“I am absolutely positive.”
Ichigo stared into the teacup doubtfully.  “Is this like ‘normal people absolutely positive’ or ‘mad scientist absolutely positive’?”
Kisuke tilted his head to one side. “You do realize that as a mad scientist I can’t actually answer that question any way but the latter, don’t you?”
The redhead rolled his eyes. “You do realize that that kind of logic only applies when you’re avoiding the subject, Kisuke.”
That was true enough.  Kisuke shrugged.
“Let’s go with mathematical rather than interpretational, then. I am 95% certain that this tea will not allow me to analyze the contents of your stomach first-hand.  The +/- 5% takes into account any previously undiscovered intolerances, allergies, or hollow/reiatsu reactions.  Fair enough?”
Ichigo had swallowed the contents of the cup before he’d finished his explanation.
“Why quibble if you were just going to drink it anyway?”
Ichigo smirked. “Keeps you on your toes. Anyway, tastes better than the last kind.  Either going down or coming back up.”
Kisuke nodded. “I added a few things for flavor.”
Brown eyes met his. “I recognized the cinnamon and I thank you.  You know I like the taste of that.”
“Yes,” Kisuke said, gently guiding Ichigo out of the kitchen and down the hall. “I used cinnamon, star anise, and cardamom…  to hide the curare.”
Ichigo stopped stock still in the middle of the doorway. “Curare!?!”
Kisuke smiled and bussed him on the cheek.  “I love how smart you are.  You know curare? It’s surprisingly bitter and taken orally you must use a lot to get any effect.  It was quite the puzzle.”
He pushed Ichigo into the bedroom and down onto the futon that he’d rolled out earlier, just for this.
Ichigo looked around a little wildly at the made-up bed. “What’s all this?”
Kisuke watched him try to raise his hands. It wasn’t working very well, which meant the tea was.
“This,” he said, pulling Ichigo’s hands up and crossing them over his navel, “is a way for me to see how long the tea’s effects last.”
The redhead gave him a look, and Kisuke was pleased to see that neither his breathing nor his pupils had been affected.  Good.
“Lying here paralyzed is going to get pretty boring.  For both of us.  I hope you brought a book.  I’ll probably just sleep.” His words were a little slurred, but he was clearly coherent. Kisuke stood and started removing his clothes, pleased to see Ichigo’s pupils reacting to that at least.
“Oh, I had a better idea than a book.  You see, something that has always puzzled me is how intention changes the effect of certain drugs.   Someone with enough motivation can push through a lot of things, and it’s important to test these things under suitable duress.”
Naked now, he stood just in Ichigo’s line of sight. He trailed a hand languidly along the centerline of his abdomen, a track that the other man loved to trace with his tongue, and finally down to his slightly stiffening cock and then further to cup his tightening balls.
In the time they’d been together there had been many discoveries, but almost none had pleased Kisuke more than the fact that Ichigo loved, absolutely loved, to watch him touch himself.  His eyes would widen, and his breath would shorten, his lips would shine bitten and red as he forced himself to wait, wait, wait…  until he couldn’t wait anymore and would launch himself like a starving man at Kisuke, his hands everywhere, mouth hot and demanding, and then, only then, would Kisuke allow himself to come, preferably buried deeply in Ichigo’s beautiful body.
This time, though, Ichigo couldn’t pounce.  The tea would keep him still longer than his willpower ever could, and Kisuke couldn’t wait to see what happened.
He pulled a cushion over beside the futon and relaxed cross-legged, his cock now at half-mast, barely an arm’s length away from Ichigo’s face.
“Fuck, Kisuke.”
Ichigo’s eyes were all pupil, blown wide with desire as he forced the words through slack lips.  That gave him so many ideas. He gripped himself a little harder and played with the fold of foreskin that protected the sensitive glans.
“That will have to wait, Ichigo-kun,” he said with a soft laugh, “the tea, you know.”
Even drugged Ichigo managed a scowl. “You’re enjoying this.”
Kisuke looked down into the wide brown eyes and let his desire show. “Oh yes.  Yes I am.”
His fingers were cool against the heat of his cock, and the friction was enough to slow his stroke.
“You know,” he said, eyes drifting shut as he teased them both, “there’s a healing kidō that the Fourth uses.  It stops muscles from reflexively tightening and I’ve always wondered if there weren’t other applications for it.”
Kisuke reached across with his unoccupied hand and stroked along the length of Ichigo’s throat.
“Can’t you just imagine? I could totally remove your gag reflex. There’d be nothing to stop me from just fucking your mouth, and you’d be unable to move, unable to do anything but feel me.”
The groan that hung in the air could have come from either of them.
“You’re a bastard, Kisuke,” Ichigo said and Kisuke laughed, his hand stopping mid-stroke.
“That is not a surprise to either of us.”
He leaned forward and reached into the drawer of the bedside table, the ubiquitous hiding place for lubricant throughout three worlds, and pulled out the little stoppered jar that lived there.  He smiled softly at the gasp he heard as Ichigo sucked in a breath, watching as his cock bobbed mere inches from his face.
Kisuke warmed the handful of oil and gripped himself again with a sigh of satisfaction.  “Is this more what you had in mind when you agreed to my drugged tea experiments?”
He knew he was poking a dragon, but he couldn’t help himself.  He loved to hear it roar.
“More, yes,” Ichigo answered, frustration and hunger clear in his voice, and then a blaze of his reiatsu flooded the room, burning away the effects of the tea. He lurched upright on the futon, his hand snapping out to imprison Kisuke’s wrist, holding his fingers where they circled the base of his throbbing cock, a manacle of flesh and bone. “But not nearly enough.”
Kisuke smirked and allowed himself to be pulled forward and rolled under Ichigo’s hot body.
 Tea effects cut by 85% under duress.
Kisuke ran through the house, dodging occasionally thrown items, grinning like an idiot.
“Spots, Kisuke!” Ichigo yelled. “How did you ever think tea that caused someone to be covered in spots was a good idea?”
The blond stopped and turned. “I thought it would be useful if I could create a kind of biological camouflage.  Honestly…”
Ichigo cut him off with a growl, “They’re pink!  How the fuck would that be camouflage?”
Kisuke shunpo’d off again, grin firmly back in place.  Who cared if he got caught?  The pink was totally worth it.
“I think half the experiment is just to see how many times you can drug me.”
Kisuke paused in pouring the tea. “You mean like a trust experiment?” he asked.
“Maybe trust,” Ichigo shrugged, taking his cup.  “Maybe stupidity. I mean, how many times can you hand me something, tell me “this is going to do something to you, but I’m not telling you what” and expect me to do it? At some point you have to figure that I’ll say no.”
Kisuke looked at him thoughtfully. “That isn’t…”
Ichigo raised his cup and drank. “Don’t worry about it, Kisuke.  I mean…  I know you’d never agree to something like this, but it’s okay.  I don’t mind.”
The blond stepped forward and rested his hand on Ichigo’s wrist.  “You’re wrong.”
Ichigo shivered and looked down at the hand touching him as if he’d never felt anything like it before.  Apparently, the tea was working faster than his calculations indicated.
“Wrong?” The question came out strangled, like Ichigo was struggling to focus on the words.
“Yes,” Kisuke pulled his hand back leaving only one finger resting against the pulse stampeding through Ichigo’s wrist. “I’d drink anything you gave me.  No questions asked.”
Ichigo was staring at the spot where their skin was touching, fascinated.
“What does this one do?” he stuttered the words out.
Kisuke leaned forward, mere inches from Ichigo’s ear, to answer. “Hypersensitization.”
The keening sound that escaped Ichigo’s mouth was breathtaking.
Shunsui-san had a lot to answer for, calling him in for an emergency that basically entailed him saying, “No, I don’t want a Captaincy” fourteen different ways.  That might be an emergency for him, but it was decidedly less important to Kisuke.
“Long day?” Ichigo was standing in the kitchen as he made his way up from the basement. At least the Captain Commander wasn’t putting up a fuss about his senkaimon. Not that he could really do anything about it.
“After dealing with Kyōraku all day, I almost feel sorry for the people who have to deal with me.  All that duplicitous smiling.  It’s exhausting.” He leaned in and kissed Ichigo swiftly. The small affections were something that he still hesitated over, but Ichigo appreciated them, and that made them worth the effort.
“Tea?” Ichigo raised the pot and Kisuke nodded.
“Please.  And use the good white.  I need something subtle after a day of being beaten over the head constantly.”
Ichigo hummed his agreement and they pottered quietly around the kitchen while the tea steeped.
“So, are you going to take him up on his offer?”
Kisuke slanted a look across the kitchen.  Of course, Ichigo would know what Kyōraku was up to.  They were surprisingly close for men born a thousand years apart, and he’d seen the older man’s eyes resting on the redhead more than once.  It might be concerning if he didn’t know that Ichigo was as loyal as the day was long, but until the young man woke up and realized he’d hitched his wagon to the wrong horse, Kisuke wasn’t going anywhere.
“No, I don’t think so,” he said finally, reaching out for the beaker of pale gold liquid with a smile of thanks.  “I find that I like my current arrangements too much to go messing about with something like a new Captaincy.”
He sipped his cooling brew and caught Ichigo staring.
“You disapprove?” He took another sip, and yes…  there was something there. Something under the soft notes of the white tea.  Why that little sneaky…
“No,” Ichigo said, with a shake of spiky orange hair.  “I find that I, too, like your current arrangements.”
Kisuke raised an eyebrow and tilted his cup, and Ichigo’s lip quirked a fraction in its own question.  A challenge then.  So be it.  He raised the cup, and never dropping his gaze from Ichigo’s, drained it dry.
“How long do I have?” he asked, and Ichigo laughed.
“Long enough, although you might want to take your good robe off.  Wouldn’t do for it to get messy.”
Kisuke’s mind traveled through all the ways that messy could happen like a bullet ricocheting inside his skull.
“Messy, hmm?”
Ichigo chivvied him down the hall as he shrugged out of his sleeves.  “Yes, massage oil tends to get that way.”
Mmmmm, massage.  That sounded nice.
“You knew what Shunsui was going to ask.” It wasn’t a question, but Ichigo murmured an assent.
“He asked me what you’d say.  I told him to ask you.”
Kisuke thought about that for a minute.  “Thank you.  For not answering for me.”
Ichigo pushed him face down on the futon—all made up already, look at that—and reached for the bottle of massage oil. “Not my place.”
Something warm curled in Kisuke’s belly.  It must be the tea.
“Still,” he said into the pillow that had somehow found its way under his head, “it’s nice to not be managed.”
Warm hands slid up his back and he could feel a chuckle through them.
“You’re much happier being the manager, aren’t you?”
Usually that was true.  Right now, though, he was fine with letting Ichigo be in charge.
“That’s good to know.” The chuckle got louder.  He must’ve said that out loud.
“You said that out loud, too.” Ichigo dug one of his thumbs into a tightly corded muscle.  He really should tune up this gigai.  With Ichigo around he was putting a lot more strain on it than in the past hundred years or so.
Ichigo laughed out loud, his scowl completely gone for once. “That tea was much more effective than I expected.  Maybe I should use less Diazepam next time.”
Kisuke considered the light and floaty feeling he was experiencing. “This isn’t so bad.  For being drugged.  With tea.  Really.”
Ichigo flipped him over and straddled him, rubbing the massage oil into the muscles just under his collar bones. “At least you aren’t covered in spots.”
“No,” Kisuke nodded, “no spots.  Just a little fuzzy around the edges.”  It was nice. He was safe. Warm.  This was much nicer than some of the tea he’d fed Ichigo. Although the hypersensitization one looked fun, even if Ichigo swore he’d never let him touch his cock again after that.  Kisuke knew he didn’t really mean it.
“That’s what human drugs will do to you.” Ichigo leaned forward and kissed him gently.  “I wanted you to be able to relax for a while.  I know the business with Seireitei is stressful.”
Kisuke groaned when Ichigo hit another cluster of tight muscles.  It felt so good for something that hurt so much.
“You’re too good to me.”
“You say that now,” Ichigo said with a laugh, hands still busily digging into muscle, “I doubt you’re going to be saying that later.”
“Why not?” Kisuke’s floaty feeling was beginning to tingle. Hmm.
Ichigo leaned down to whisper in his ear, his hands sliding suggestively lower.  “Because Xanax wasn’t the only thing I put in your tea.”
Kisuke shivered and made a note to himself.  This is what you get when you poke a dragon.
 Isn’t it wonderful?
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haikyuu-philia · 6 years ago
Could you maybe do a “reader walks in to watch a game and the boys get hella distracted bc of how pretty she is/her outfit” for oikawa and karasuno? ❤️
My first request, yey! Thank you so much ❤
Since it’s a lot of people you asked for I will split it into three parts (first years, second years and third years) - I hope you like it!
Random fact: Hinata somehow was the easiest to write and Kageyama the hardest XD
The second years | The third years
~ If they got distracted by their s/o watching their game ~
(Part 1/3)
Headcanons/scenarios for Karasuno and Oikawa!
• Hinata Shouyou
It started as a normal match - Then someone decided to point out that you are standing in the audience that is cheering for Karasuno. Maybe it wasn’t your best decision to wear the orange shirt, but he absolutely adores the way you look with it.
Knowing that you are there to watch him spiking or blocking he is filled with even more energy than usual. For him everything is fine! On the other hand the ones that are suffering are his teammates. At least every second sentence includes either your name or the phrase ‘my girlfriend’ and he turns out to be a bit too excited about your presence. Nothing else is on his mind anymore.
So it ends up as only being a matter of time for receiving a ball with his face. While he is laying at the ground with a slight nosebleed he tells the other players: “She is sooooo pretty. I mean, have you seen her? Sooooo pretty!” Because he doesn’t know whether it is a concussion or just Hinata being Hinata, Coach Ukai decides to take him off the court. You definitely need to practice with him to stay calm during a match, even though you are there.
• Kageyama Tobio
The second set has sucked out a lot of the player’s energy so far. Everytime their opponents scored a point, Karasuno mostly got the next one. And vice versa. Kageyama desperately tries to toss at his best to spare the spikers a little bit.
Meanwhile Hinata tries to brighten his friend’s mood by pointing at random people in the stands and saying something like “Isn’t that your girlfriend?!” Of course he gets that the orange-haired boy is playing pranks on him. But he doesn’t have the breath to scream at him, so he plays a long.
Maybe that’s not the only reason. Maybe he would love to really see you standing there. Maybe this is why he keeps looking anyway. Though, he would never admit that. His glance follows Hinata’s finger for the 21st time now. The setter is about to insult the smaller boy for being distracted too much. Only that this time his eyes meet yours.
When Hinata has a look at his face, it’s completely red because of his friend’s intense blush. The only thing that is able to bring him back to reality happens to be the combined yelling of Daichi and Ukai. Afterwards Kageyama asked to be replaced for Sugawara - He needs to cool down again.
• Yamaguchi Tadashi
Focus, Tadashi. Focus!
Karasuno is playing the third set, which is fastly coming to an end as they only need two more points. Then victory would be theirs. Therefore he takes his place as the pinch server to score as many points as possible. Under normal circumstances he would be used to the pressure since he was able to gain much experience in the past. But today isn’t normal: You are watching him.
For the first time since you two got together you are cheering for him during an actual match. And you decided to wear the headband that he had given you as your birthday present and which you looked even cuter with. Completely lost in thoughts he shrieks at the sound of the whistle - A habit he had lost many months ago.
He tries to focus within the given eight seconds, but to no avail. Somehow the ball manages to score a point anyway, he doesn’t really have a clue how that worked since he was thinking about your beautiful eyes instead of the match. He totally needs to work on focusing with you in the audience.
• Tsukishima Kei
Beforehand he is quite aware of the fact that you had announced to join today’s game. During the warm-up Tanaka joins him to ask who this 'cute girl’ is that is talking to his brother Akiteru. Of course he thinks of a sarcastic reply, but the moment he sees you he can’t talk anymore.
Noticing his stare you smile and shortly wave at him before continuing your conversation. Tsukishima is at a loss for words. Meanwhile Tanaka thinks that he broke his teammate. After he few seconds the blond is back to reality: “Don’t dare to touch her.”
Without any addition he goes back to the court, leaving a confused Tanaka behind. The middle blocker forgot that you would wear casual clothes instead of your school uniform. He definitely wasn’t prepared for that pink dress with white lace and the bow in your hair. God damn feelings!
Little reminder: The requests are open! Just send me a message if you want to read a specific scenario, headcanon, imagine or whatever - I’m looking forward to writing it!
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