#What the HELL did you mean by 'Remember this guideline: The Captain is Always Right.'
bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
People honestly portray Tuvok as far too "rolling his eyes, reluctantly going along with Janeway's silly little shenanigans" - he's literally so serious about being right there with her on every decision she makes. Janeway's like "I'm going to stay behind if the ship blows up" and Tuvok's like "I'm staying with you." Janeway's like "I'm going to deliver every member of the Equinox crew into the jaws of death via an alien revenge massacre" and Tuvok protests a grand total of one time before being fully on the bridge assisting her. He was the only one with her when she made the decision to honor the caretaker's wishes and save the Ocampa, dooming them all. He was willing to get court marshalled in order to fulfill a wish she couldn't grant by her own hand: Get them home [no matter what happens to me] <- wherein 'me' is Tuvok. This was the same wish that spurred him forward when he had to leave her on that planet and everyone left thought him cold for trying to fulfill it without her when in his mind it was akin to a dying wish, the last thing she'd ever express to him: Get them home [no matter what happens to me.] <- wherein 'me' is Janeway. He told Seven that the golden rule to follow is that the captain is "ALWAYS RIGHT" <- (His ACTUAL words) and when Seven asks if the captain should be followed even if someone KNOWS she's wrong he says "Perhaps." This man is perhaps the most ride or die dude in the universe about Janeway. Despite her labeling him her 'moral compass' he is by NO means impartial or unbiased. He'd defend her to his last breath. He canonically makes detailed psychological observations about her and has for years. He accounts for her luck when calculating the success of certain plans. It's implied in 'Twisted' that Janeway typically listens to Tuvok's suggestions and follows them nearly without fail - to the point that he's surprised and obviously irritated when Chakotay doesn't. Despite this they've been inside one another's quarters so infrequently that Tuvok can remember each instance. They call each other "Captain" and "Mr. Tuvok" even though they've known each other for twenty years. There's something wrong with them.
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c4pricornc4ts · 4 years
Look how They Shine for you - Sleepybois One-Shot:
Hello everyone! This was a one-shot written for a sbi writing competition on twitter. Forgive me if this post is odd, I am not good with tumblr. You can find more from me here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/C4pricornC4ts
Loosely based on Techno being split from Sbi for MCC. 
It had been a month since he left his hometown to work as crew on a pirate ship. He hadn’t been off the boat at all or allowed to really do anything more involved in fear he’d betray the group, but slowly they had begun to trust him. Even let him spar with some of the more trusted members. 
The masked captain had looked him in the eyes and told him he had so much potential. Something Techno never heard back home. He hadn’t really bothered with learning to read and write, instead focusing his time working on a field and sparring at night. He knew if he stayed home his entire future would be harvesting potatoes and raising his younger brother. 
He felt selfish for wanting to run from that future. He just didn’t want a dull life. Before the captain's right hand man, George, had seen him fighting and offered him a job, he thought he’d have to learn to be happy with a plain life. His dad certainly had. Raising three boys in a house with two rooms and a dirt floor and yet he was always so happy. 
Techno never understood how he was so content to live out his life the way he did. 
Lying down in his cabin, exhausted after a long day at sea, he smiles. Grateful he was shown a different way. Something he could excel at. 
The reason he wasn’t asleep yet was because the place they were headed was back home. Meaning he’d have to face the consequences of leaving. 
Don’t get him wrong, he loves his dad and brothers, but he never told them where he was headed. Just ran off one night, saying he was going to fight with Deo again. Except this time he didn’t come back at midnight like he always promised Phillza. 
He knows Tommy would forgive him, just be happy he was safe, but Tommy was six. Any six year old would just be happy to have their brother back again. Wilbur would be absolutely pissed. He could already hear him calling the brunette a coward and a liar. Wilbur would have every right to be angry.  
Philza, well, he didn’t quite know how his dad would feel. 
They had all already lost their mom, and now the small family had already grieved for Techno. Showing up again just to disappear, and forever this time, would be cruel. Techno wasn’t going to wake any of his family up tonight. He wasn’t even sure he should go. 
“We’re here!” One of the crew shouts. Techno climbs out of his bunk and goes to help them dock. 
This would be an interesting night. 
It was past midnight by the time the captain gave him the all clear to go off the boat. The masked leader, Dream had already told him he was free of his contract. That if he wanted he could stay and never face the seas again. However he also offered that Techno could be one of his swordsmen. 
Techno didn’t need much time to know he wanted to stay with Dream and his crew. The only difficult decision he had made was whether to go see his family one last time. 
If he was quiet, none of them had to know he ever stopped by. None of them ever had to know the boy never really died. 
He walks down the familiar rocky path that takes you throughout their fishing town. Stopping in front of a familiar wooden door. He takes a few deep breaths, closes his eyes and pushes the door open as slowly as he could. 
He sees Tommy curled up next to Wilbur on their pile of blankets they called a bed. Techno smiled at how even though Tommy was quite tall for his age, he still looked like a toddler compared to Wilbur. 
He tsks at the site of messy parchment papers strewn across the floor. Wilbur had a way with words, always writing music to perform at the pier. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Philza and Techno to be cleaning up after him when he falls asleep writing. 
What was out of the ordinary was the fact that Philza wasn’t with them. For a moment Techno fears he had died too, perhaps while looking for him. 
The fear is short lived when he hears a startled voice from behind. 
The swordsman turns around quickly. Philza hurries to set down the firewood in his arms and starts to reach out to him. 
Techno brings a finger to his lips, and nods his head towards where Wilbur and Tommy slept. Philza freezes for a moment, before nodding slowly. He walks outside, Techno follows him quietly. 
“What the hell? How the hell-” Philza grabs his hand, looking at him like he’s a ghost. Techno felt like he was. He wishes he could pretend to be just a figment of his father’s imagination. That felt easier than this. 
“I never went to spar that night.” He begins. 
“I can see that.” Philza goes to grip his face now, checking him over for injuries. 
“This man offered me a job on their ship after seeing me fight. I thought it was a chance to break the cycle, a chance to lighten your burden.” He always felt guilty, he knew it wasn’t easy on the man to try and keep three kids fed. Wilbur was already so good with Tommy. Techno didn’t feel like he did enough for his father.
“You listen to me boy, you are never a burden. If I had felt that way I would’ve ran off years ago.” Techno knows this, he remembers Wilbur’s breakdowns after their mom passed away. Where he’d tell Techno they were gonna be abandoned. 
“I know you never viewed me as one, but I was dead weight, dad. Wilbur takes care of Tommy, he’s gonna marry his childhood friend soon and is loved for his performances. Whether you want to see it or not. There’s nothing for me here.” Philza leans against the stone walls of the house and gapes at him. Techno continues.
“I saw a chance, a place I could finally belong to and I took it. I’m sorry I let you mourn me. Tell Wilbur that too.” He’s getting emotional just as he knew he would. Wiping at the stray tears on his cheeks. 
“What do you mean ‘tell Wilbur’? You’re back now, tell him yourself Techno.” He smiles at the teenager. 
“Dad I-I’m not staying. We’re stopped here for the night, they offered me a main spot on the crew. I’m going.” He tries to sound final but he can’t help the way his voice wavers. He watches his dad crumble. He watches him screw his face tight, and look up at the stars. 
His dad always took comfort in the stars. Insisting that��s where their mother was, watching over them every night. 
Techno knew the stars were nothing more than guidelines for a ship, but he’d let his dad keep his false hope. It was the least he could do. 
“Wilbur will understand this but Tommy? He’s six Techno. He won’t-” He stops abruptly and looks at Techno. They’re both crying. He regrets coming back for a moment, regrets hurting his father all over again. 
“I know I don’t deserve to ask anything of you right now, but please never let Tommy know I abandoned him. It’ll haunt me forever knowing you and Wilbur will know what I’ve done. Please just let him think I died that night.” He shakily reaches behind his neck to unclasp the necklace Tommy gave him. 
“Tell him you found this in the trees, say I dropped it from my spot in the sky.” He’s choking back sobs now, Philza just looks at him with a sad sort of pride. He gently takes the necklace and pulls Techno towards him. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for leaving, I'm sorry for leaving again. I’m so sorry you had to be awake, sorry you have to know the truth.”
“I forgive you, Wilbur will too in time. This is your life son. You shouldn’t have to stay here, no matter how much I wish you would.” The swordsman holds on tighter, trying to remember every detail of this moment. “I’ll respect your wish and keep this from Toms. It’s for the best he never knows.” 
Techno pulls back, his dad keeps a firm grip on his shoulders and smiles sadly. 
“I love you. Tell Wilbur I’ll never fully forgive myself for being such a coward. Tell him I always liked his writing even when I teased him for it.” 
“You’ll be happy out there. I know you will thrive. Wilbur will come to terms, seeing you one last time was more than I could ever ask for.” He laughs to himself before putting on the silver necklace. 
“I’ll hold onto it for a few years, give it to him when he knows not to lose it yeah?” 
Techno smiles and sighs. “I hope you can still find comfort in the stars.” With that he turns and walks back towards the beach. The wind made his coattails go wild. 
He reaches the dock and happily accepts Dream’s hand as he’s lifted up onto the ship. He doesn’t take another glance at the beach, instead he faces the ocean. Watching the moonlight bounce off the waves. 
For the first time in 17 years, Techno feels like he’s finally where he belongs.
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cevansisheart · 4 years
Weekly Meeting
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Hey guys! I am reposting this one because it got taken down because of the pictures I put in here. It violated the guidelines and I apologize for that. I didn’t know that it was already violating the guidelines. So here it is reposted. I just had to repost this because I think this is the first smut I have ever written so it had a sentimental value to me. Hahaha. 
Requested by: @arrowswithwifi 
Request: “Can I request Steve x Reader where they are dating and the reader wants to rile Steve up during a meeting with the team so she wears a short dress with old fashioned lingerie and Steve notices as he is running the meeting. He finds it more and more difficult as the reader riles him up, ending with smut?”
Warnings: SMUT, Unprotected sex
A/N: I actually love this prompt btw. Thanks for requesting. :) There will be a warning before the smut, so you can stop reading if you’re uncomfortable.
A/N: This event occurred after Avengers: Age of Ultron and before Captain America: Civil War. (So meaning, Clint is retired, Thor is back at Asgard and Bucky is not in the team yet. Sorry Clint/Renner, Thor/Hemsworth and Bucky/Seb fans. :( )
Overview: After a year of dating, you and Steve have finally consummated your relationship last week on your anniversary. Steve was such a gentleman with you and insisted that the both of you waited until marriage. He was traditional as hell and you were always sexually frustrated since he refused to ‘disrespect’ you. You have always told him that it was fine with you but he was very determined to wait until marriage; but when it was your anniversary, all the will power that Steve had in him vanished when you seduced him with vintage lingerie. Turns out, there’s something about you wearing vintage turned him very on. Steve was the best sex you’ve ever had and now that you’ve had him, he was like a drug to you. But after last week, Steve thought he was too rough with you since he was a super soldier after all. He was scared that he had hurt you too much and had vowed never to touch you again. You had told him over and over that he did not hurt you but he refuses to believe it. Determined to convince Steve that he doesn’t hurt you, you figured he needed a little more ‘motivation’. Today, you have been given a solo mission. It was to seduce information out of a dangerous Russian mob boss, but before going on that mission, you first have a meeting with the team. It was time for your weekly reports and found it the perfect time to give him the ‘convincing’ he needed. 
“All right is everybody here?” Steve roams his eyes around the room.
Tony gets up from his seat and walks besides Steve, “Let’s make a roll call. Okay everybody, say present when the teacher calls your name. Wanda?” Tony enthusiastically says to the team.
Wanda looks at the team with furrowed brows looking confused whether to answer or not, “Present?”
“Very good.” Tony then diverts his eyes to Nat, “Natasha?”
Natasha let out a sound of non-amusement and rolls her eyes.
“Alright, no gold star for you. Vision?”
Steve cuts Tony off, “Very funny, Tony.”
“(Y/N) is not here yet.” Sam points out.
“I was with her earlier. She said something about prepping for a mission.” Natasha replies as the team looks at Steve for an answer.
Steve raises a hand and gestures dismissively, “Let’s just move on.” He looks at Tony with raised brows, “Tony? If you please?” Steve gestures for Tony to take a seat.
“Sure Cap. Don’t want to steal the attention away from you. People do say I’m a crowd stealer.” Tony adjusts his perfectly tailored suit before sitting down and leaning back in his chair cockily.
Steve chose to ignore Tony’s remark. After years of knowing Tony, ignoring him would always be the best choice.
Steve stood in front of the team, with authority and charisma radiating from him, “Mission reports for the past week states that –”
The door to the meeting room opened and you walked in, making Steve pause and the team look at you. “Sorry I’m late. I had a mission debriefing.” You say to Steve as you enter the room.
He gives you a faint smile, “It’s okay (Y/N), just take a seat.”
Tony straightens in his seat, “So if she’s late it’s fine, but if I’m late I get a lecture on how I’m not taking this seriously? I’m sensing a little bit of favoritism here Cap. Vision, care to analyze?”
“Analysis not required Mr. Stark. It is a possibility that Captain Rogers favors Agent (Y/L/N) because she is his girlfriend.”
Tony looks at Steve triumphantly, “See?”
Steve sighed as he places his hands on his waist, “She had a valid reason Tony.”
“I had a valid reason too.”
Steve furrowed his brows, “Having fallen asleep during your deep tissue massage is not a valid excuse.” He says, making you and the team snicker.
Tony rolls his eyes, “Whatever.” He averts his gaze to you and pretends to cough the words “Teacher’s Pet.”
You ignore Tony and make your way towards the very front seat while loosening the tie of your coat belt. As you reach your designated seat, you take off your coat and slowly sat down revealing your short, tight, black cocktail dress, with your eyes never leaving Steve’s.
Tony whistles, “So that’s the mission you’ve been prepping for. You look good. Doesn’t she look good Dr. Banner?”
Bruce was startled at the mention of his name, “W-why me?” he stuttered.
“You stared at her butt.” Tony says in a straight face.
“W-what? I-I didn’t –”
“You stared at her butt?” Natasha asks Bruce in an amused tone but deep inside she was annoyed.
Bruce shakes his head furiously, “No! I didn’t –”
Tony lets out a laugh, “Relax Doctor, I was just messing with you.” Tony then looks at Sam, “It was really Sam who did.”
Sam chuckles, “Now now Tony, only an idiot would look at a super soldier’s girlfriend like that. And I for one, value my life.”
Steve looks at you for an explanation. You wanted to laugh right now because his reaction was priceless.
“This get-up is part of a mission.” You say to him.
“Ah, a seduction mission.” Nat says in realization. “I miss those days too.”
Steve clears his throat while trying to avoid your gaze. “Let’s just continue.” His voice was already starting to sound hoarse and you tried your best to suppress a smile.
“As I was saying, mission reports for the past week states that the damage control needed was still very high. S.H.I.E.L.D.’s senior officials once again emphasized the need to minimize critical damage. It’s something about cost control.” Steve states and you smile to yourself. He looked handsome standing in front of the team, and it turned you on even more seeing him full of authority.
“Stark.” Steve says in a warning tone.
Tony purses his lips together, “Stark Industries and Stark Foundations fund the repairs and the hospital bills of the civilians. S.H.I.E.L.D. has no financial obligation whatsoever. They are totally ungrateful. They’re going to be hearing from my lawyers about this.”
“But…” You speak up, getting Steve’s attention as you had hoped. You crossed your right leg over your left making your short dress climb up higher. Steve noticed your actions and couldn’t help but stare at your vintage seamed stockings. When you saw him clench his jaw, you knew you had already succeeded.
“They should give us a little credit since we made a significant improvement.” You continued.
“This is typical of them. They always notice our screw ups but never the success of the missions.” Sam interjects.
You see Steve’s eyes scan your body from your feet, up to your legs, then to your perfectly accented cleavage, lingering on your lips before he reaches your eyes. Teasingly, you wet your lips before biting your lower lip.
Steve can feel the growing bulge inside his pants as he felt the material start to tighten.
“Well, ever since our incident with Ultron, S.H.I.E.L.D. has reasons to keep us on watch. What else did the high officials say Cap?” Natasha asks.
You adjust yourself, purposely bending over a little bit so that Steve could get a quick view of your breasts, on your seat.
“Cap!” Nat says a little louder.
“Earth to Steve, you there?” Sam says.
Steve flinched a little bit and his eyes shot to Sam when he heard his name for the second time.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sorry.” Steve shakes his head in order to focus on the meeting but you were such a damn distraction, he couldn’t remember the rest of the agenda for the meeting.
“So, it’s agreed that we find a way to contact Thor again?” Steve says out of the blue.
A cascade of “What?” emerges from the room.
“Dude, are you high?” Sam asks skeptically as you stifle a laugh.
Steve massages his forehead, “I’m sorry, what were we talking about again?” he gives you a warning look before averting his gaze to the rest of the team. He approaches the table, leans over and places both of his hands down the table. He was trying hard to hide his growing erection and it made you even hornier.
“Damage control on our missions, Cap.” Dr. Banner answers.
“Right, right.” Steve nods, “We just have to do better. Limit the use of powers unless it is really necessary.”
You carefully slid your foot against Steve’s legs, caressing it up and down.
Steve stiffens in his place and you see him swallow a lump in his throat.
“That’s like asking us to crawl when we know how to run.” Tony states but Steve’s attention was not on the meeting anymore.
“Then we better run with caution. Okay, I guess that’s the only agenda for this week. You can all go now.” Steve says hurriedly with a strained expression on his face. He couldn’t take your teasing anymore. He felt that his pants was going to explode.
“Pardon me Captain Rogers but I do believe you said something about Thor.” Vision adds.
“That can wait another time, but for now I’ll have to ask everybody to leave. Meeting’s over.”
“Well guys, you heard the Captain, meeting’s over.” You say while trying to suppress your victorious smile.
The team reluctantly stands up while mumbling ‘okay’ and ‘what the hell just happened?’
“Well I’d say the meeting went well, anybody up for shawarma? I know a new place…” Tony’s voice grew fainter and fainter as he exited the room.
You stood up from your seat and grabbed your coat. You were ready to follow Nat towards the exit door when Steve caught your arm.
“Not you.” He says sternly in a very serious expression.
Nat throws the two of you a skeptic look before finally exiting the room. 
As soon as the door closed you turn to Steve, “Look Steve, I – mmmph”
Steve captures your lips with his and lifts you up abruptly and sets you down the table. His kisses were impatient and fervent. His will power was no more. And like the love-struck fool you were, you responded back eagerly and passionately. 
You interlace your fingers at the back of Steve’s head, grazing his blonde hair as you pulled him closer to you. You parted your lips for his tongue to gain entrance into your mouth and soon, your tongues were fighting for dominance, each not wanting to lose to the other. You felt Steve’s strong hand caress your cheek as his other hand went to your back, unzipping the tight dress that was on you.
His lips left your mouth to trail hot kisses down your jaw and to your neck, sucking and nipping at your sweet spot. Steve’s hands found their way to your straps as he pulled them down. He took a step back as you stepped down from the table and slowly removed your dress by yourself, revealing the vintage red corset with stockings that you were wearing to your mission. 
Steve’s eyes ravaged you hungrily as your short black dress pools at your feet.
He approached you slowly, his eyes never leaving yours. By now, Steve didn’t even remember why he wanted to abstain from you anymore. You run your hand down Steve’s chest and began unbuttoning his polo shirt. Throwing the cotton fabric across the room, your lips collided with his again, and a rough and passionate kiss ensues. He lifted you up onto the table again as he was savoring your taste in his mouth, nibbling on that juicy bottom lip, tugging it lightly with his teeth and rubbing his mouth gently against yours.
Steve was struggling to remove your corset and you giggle at his frustration. Letting out a growl, he tore open the corset, revealing your nakedness.
“Steve! I was going to wear this for my mission.” You exclaimed.
“And now, you’re going to wear your standard S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform.”
“But—” Steve silences you by kissing you again and soon, you didn’t want to argue anymore. You wanted him. All of him.
Leaning your head back, you felt Steve’s kisses go lower and lower from your jawline, to your neck, to the valley of your breasts and down to your stomach. You grab a handful of his hair as you felt his lips on your inner thigh working its way up until you felt his breath on your entrance. You can feel the tip of his tongue lap over your slit, starting at the bottom and ending with the lightest touch on your clit.
His hand caressed your breasts, flicking and rubbing your hard nipples and you couldn’t suppress the moans of pleasure escaping your mouth that just made him turned on even more.
You pulled Steve up and captured his lips. “Please.” You whisper in between your rough kisses.
He pulls away from your kiss, “Doll, after what you did to me earlier, you’re in no position to ask favors.” he says to you teasingly as he plants wet kisses on the sides of your face.
“Steve, please. Just take me.” You shudder as he leaves a hickey on your neck.
You can feel him smile against your heated skin. “Ask me nicely.”
You moan out in pleasure as he rubbed his thumb over your clit.
You regain your breathing as you struggle to speak. “I want you inside me – deep, hard, rough, and fast.” You stutter to say.
With an aroused groan, Steve unzips his pants swiftly and positions himself at your entrance. You bury your face at the crook of his neck letting out a moan as he pushes his manhood into your entrance.
Steve began to move, slowly at first, but eventually picking up speed as he went. You could feel his balls slapping against yours with every hard thrust, and you knew it drove him wild. He quickened his pace stroke by stroke, heartbeat by heartbeat until it made your head fling from side to side, desperate for release. Both of you settled into a rhythm of fast hard strokes, deep, long ones, and grinding ones with your hips undulating against each other. The sounds of the room were filled by your screaming moans of pleasure and Steve’s fervent grunts, not remembering that the door was unlocked and somebody could see you anytime.
You were gasping as you felt your muscle form into knots from so much pleasure. Steve bent his head to suck one nipple into his mouth. Keeping his mouth on your breast, he reached down with one hand and found the sensitive spot on your clit, rubbing it hard and fast. Your breathing hitched as he bit down on the nipple in his mouth, just hard enough to send a jolt to your vagina, and you came with a surprised gasp. Steve trembled and then lunged deep inside and you could feel the orgasm rush through him, hard and wet and disorientating him with its strength. With his cum bathing your insides, it brought the both of you the ultimate pleasure as you joined each other in that mad dive, shuddering upon the pinnacle.
Breathless, Steve rested his forehead against yours while peppering you with gentle kisses.
“I take it you’re not mad at me?” You ask him breathlessly.
“Oh I still am. And you’ll apologize when you get back from your mission.” 
Did the best that I could on the smut. I’m very new to writing smuts so I’ll improve as I practice. Haha. Thanks for the love guys. :*
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A Joint Effort
Description: Sam and Bucky are hesitant and unhappy to fulfill the task at hand.
Warning: None
Queen @jtargaryen18 reached 4k followers! Congratulations Jamie 🎉🎈💃🏻🎊!! This one-shot is my entry for her 4K celebration writing challenge. Click here to participate!
My Main Masterlist
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but Tumblr and AO3, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
"You are Captain America!" Bucky exclaimed. 
"And you are the Winter Soldier!" Sam retorted.
"I was the Winter Soldier! Am not anymore and you know that!" hissed Bucky. 
Sam raised his hands, "I did it last time. I am not going to do it again."
"Sam please," Bucky tried to plead with him, "Please don't make me do this. I was tortured by Hydra for decades."
"So? Dude you wrecked my car!" Sam argued aggressively.
"That was one time! ONE TIME!" Bucky raised a finger, "And my mind was being controlled." 
"Whatever man. You gotta do it," Sam pushed the tools towards Bucky.
He whimpered, "She won't talk to me if I do that to her! Remember last year, when it was your turn? She didn't even look at you for 3 months after that! What if my baby decides to hate me now?" wondered Bucky with a slight pout.
Sam folded his hands in resolution, "Then she will join the long list of people who detest you."
As Bucky kept on grumbling, Sam pushed a book towards him. "Look, I don't want to do this either, but we gotta do it for her. That's what the doctor said last time, remember? He said it's supposed to be an annual thing."
"But she hates it," Bucky tried to urge Sam, "She hates it when we do that to her. I mean just look at her right now, she's sleeping so peacefully."
Both the superheros walked towards the door and gazed into the next room, where a beautiful, graceful, furry feline was peacefully sleeping on the couch.
"How am I supposed to wake her up and give her a bath? Especially when it's torturous for her? Sam, that's inhuman," he feebly tried to argue.
Sam almost melted at the thought. Almost. 
Shaking his head, he squared his shoulders and said with determination, "You need to do this. We have to bathe her once every year. That's what the vet said. Now," he placed a book in Bucky's hand, "There are detailed instructions on how to give her a bath, complete with precautionary steps, guidelines and a blueprint of the tower in case she makes a run for it.'
Bucky squinted his eyes at him, "Your plan didn't work last time Sam."
"Of course it did!"
"Sam, the hospital staff thought you had been attacked by a wild animal," Bucky reminded him. 
Sam scoffed, "Not my fault you brought a cat from Wakanda! I mean, why didn't you just get one of your goats?"
"Gerald didn't want to come because Fiona was pregnant. And he had spent his entire life with Fiona and his parents at that farm, so I didn't want to separate him from his family," Bucky replied sincerely. 
Sam's eyes went as wide as teacup saucers. Slowly, he blinked twice and asked him, "Gerald?"
Bucky nodded, "The male goat, or buck, as they are usually called."
"... didn't want to leave Fiona?" Sam repeated slowly.
"Yeah, his wife, who is obviously a female goat, or a doe, as they are called," supplied Bucky as if it was obvious.
Sam still looked bewildered, so Bucky repeated, this time slowly, "Fiona was pregnant. And Gerald had-"
"No no. I heard you the first time," Sam interrupted him, "I was just having a hard time  processing all that information."
Bucky shrugged in response. Then an idea popped into his head, "I really miss Gerald these days. He was such a nice goat you know? All he ever-"
"Oh hell no! You are not going to emotionally blackmail me with your steel blue puppy eyes!" Sam exclaimed as Bucky gave up in defeat.
"Okay how about this? We do it together. I will lure her in with snacks, and lock the door. You prepare the tub and wash her while I hold her back and keep feeding her treats," suggested Bucky, "What do you think?"
Sam pondered for a moment, "Yeah okay. That could work."
Over the next hour, both the superheros bent over the book, outlining the new plan and jotting down the course of action.
Finally when they were ready, Bucky gently woke up Mrs Marshmallow. The white, soft and adorable feline opened her large eyes and yawned at him, looking a bit disgruntled to have been awoken from her sleep. But as soon as Bucky kept her favorite treats in front of her, she stretched and snacked on them.
Bucky kept placing treats on the ground in the form of a trail, so that Mrs Marshmallow followed him till they reached the entrance of the bathroom. He tentatively placed one last piece of treat inside the bathroom, and as soon as Mrs Marshmallow entered, Sam closed the door and locked it. 
Slowly chewing her food, Mrs Marshmallow looked up at the two of them, then took in her surroundings. 
"Sorry baby, but you need a bath," Bucky told her.
"I know baby, but we have to give you a bath. I am truly sorry honey but we have no choice," Bucky tried to reason with her.
"Meeeeeow! Meeeow!! Meeeeoooww!"
"Okay miss that kind of language will not be tolerated in this house," Sam scolded her as he picked her up and placed her in the tub.
The nightmare that ensued in the next 2 hours will probably haunt Sam and Bucky for the rest of their lives. 
A drenched Bucky opened the bathroom door and out walked a disgusted, and freshly washed Mrs Marshmallow, her tail swishing in annoyance and mistrust as she headed for the door of the apartment.
Soaked with soap and water, Sam went ahead and opened it for her as Bucky followed the pair, limping on his way.
Thanks to the commotion caused in the bathroom, quite a small crowd of people had gathered outside their apartment at the Avengers/Stark Tower.
Fury screamed and jumped aside as Mrs Marshmallow left the apartment and went towards Wanda. "Awww what did they do to you kitten?" she cooed at the feline.
Wanda gasped sarcastically, "Oh my God! Are you serious? We need to talk about this over catnip. C'mon," she led the cat towards her room, laughing all the way as Maria glared at Sam and Bucky.
"Are you kidding me?" Maria asked them, "Both of you are buff superheros. You fight terrorists, aliens and God knows what for a living! And you couldn't bathe a small cat?"
"Small cat?!" Fury looked at Maria with shock and fear, "Did you see the size of that monster?"
"Mrs Marshmallow is not a monster," both Sam and Bucky said in unison.
Maria rolled her eyes, "Just because one cat clawed out your eye that doesn't mean every cat is a monster."
"Wait…" muttered Bucky.
"WHAT?!" exclaimed Sam.
"Maria!" Fury said in a threatening tone.
She smirked and walked away, leaving the three men in uncomfortable silence.
"Sooooo-" Sam started to say, but Fury cut him off. "Not. A. Word. Am I clear?" Fury growled.
As soon as he left, both the men doubled down giggling, but immediately regretted it. 
"Let's head towards the med bay," Bucky suggested, limping towards Sam.
Sam nodded, "What do you know about Fury's eye?"
"All I have ever heard are urban myths and rumours," admitted Bucky, "It is said that back when he was still an agent at S.H.I.E.L.D, he met Captain Marvel and her pet cat, who was an alien. Giant tentacles would come out from the cat's mouth and swallow entire vehicles, jets, and even people! Some people say that it was the same cat that scratched out his eye."
"I wonder if any of it is true," Sam thought. 
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2 WEEKS LATER, Mrs Marshmallow was still sour with Sam and Bucky. Both the gentlemen tried to shower her with her favourite food, toys and what not. Still, there was no swaying the feline. Unknown to them, she was seeking revenge.
And so one night, when Bucky was fast asleep, Mrs Marshmallow entered his room stealthily and looked for his vibranium arm. He often removed it before sleeping and kept it on the chair besides his dresser. She slowly went towards the arm, and opened her mouth. Large, thick tentacles emerged from her mouth and grabbed the arm. The tentacles retracted back in her orifice as she swallowed the whole vibranium arm without flinching her eyes. 
She then turned towards Sam's room and swallowed the compact bag that contained his giant metal wings.
Bucky woke up a few hours later and immediately noticed his missing arm. "Sam! SAM! Where is my arm?" he shouted as he looked for him in the apartment.
Sam emerged from the kitchen with a bowl, whisking the pancake batter, "What's wrong? You need a hand?" he snickered. 
"Yes I need my hand!" Bucky showed him his shoulder stump, "Where did you hide it?"
"Hide what?"
"My arm! Ugh! Sam I am not in the mood for games!"
"And I am not playing any!" Sam defended himself, "I know I have hidden your arm in the past, and I know I have even laughed at you about it for days, because it's always hilarious, but-"
"I am checking your room," Bucky snapped and entered Sam's room. 
He came out a few minutes later, "Sam, even your wings are gone."
Sam dropped the pancake he was about to flip, "WHAT?!" he exclaimed in shock.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y was there an unauthorised entry last night in our apartment?" Bucky asked the AI.
"No Mr Barnes," came the prompt reply.
"We need to inform Fury about the robbery and secure a perimeter," Sam supplied as they prepared to leave the apartment in a hurry, worried about a potential breach in the security system.
Both the superheros kept food and water for the cat and left. Mrs Marshmallow gladly ate her imported tuna mush in peace, relishing every bite with leisure without a care in the world.
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This fic was inspired by this beautiful image created by @muffinshark 😍😍😍
Permanent tag: @donutloverxo @notyourtypicalrose @just-one-ordinary-fangirl
Taglist for Bucky: @loustan90
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atinymars · 5 years
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a/n: +2,2 words of pure nonsense. it’s not edited nor proofreaded (if that word even exists) or whatsoever. also, i’m not a native english speaker so, bear with me. this is just me vomiting words about hongjoong here.
You were sitting in the shore, feet playing with the sand, the cool sea breeze caressing your hair, the sun bathing everything without being uncomfortably hot. You let out a satisfied hum. A soft drowsiness came upon you, so you laid your back in the sand and wiggled your boy until you found a comfortable position, moving the sand around and making a spot for yourself, putting your jacket as makeshift pillow.
You were content. You can’t remember the last time you had a moment for yourself since you started this journey: sleepless nights, confrontations with other crews, running from the law, illness ... you were used to all of it, it all came with the life you chose so, so many years ago, but that didn’t mean you were stupid enough to not appreciate these little moments of tranquil.
Sometimes you thought what would have happened to you if you'd never joined your crew. Would you be married? Would you have children? A lot of questions danced around your mind when you felt curious and let yourself entertain those ideas. Would you be happier? That was the one question that made your heart flinch a little. Not once in your life had you regretted becoming a pirate. Above all, you were free. You did what you wanted, without questions. But sometimes, you wondered.
You sigh, lost in thought. You shake your head with too much spirit for your taste, hoping it would get rid of the ugly feeling from your body and mind. The sound of the waves crashing has always relaxed you, so you try to focus on them. Then, you hear a small chuckle beside you.
“You look like a worm squirming like that” you sigh again, much louder this time, letting your speaker know that he’s not welcomed.
“Right now, it’s me time so please, fuck off” you say, not bothering to open your eyes. “Not in the mood for your bullshit”. You hope your harsh statement makes him go away. To your dismay, not only doesn’t he leave, he sits by your side after sinking a paper umbrella over your head, protecting you from the sunlight. You sigh and he clicks his tongue.
“Please stop sighing” he sounds tired “You sound like a fifteen-year-old in love”. You scoff.
“Joong, please don’t start. I was okay until my mind went to those places you know I don’t like going” Honjoong just smiled to the skyline. You trusted him. You trusted him with your life so of course he knew about your little concerns. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, you opened your eyes, turned to your side facing him and propped your head on your arm. He was glowing in the sun. More often that you’d ever admit, you surprised yourself admiring him, sometimes from afar, sometimes closer. You thought he was one of the most beautiful people you've ever met. He wasn’t particularly tall or muscular, but boy he had a face made to charm his way in life and he did not once hesitate to use it to his advantage.
“Stop staring. It’s rude.” You didn’t even bother to deny it. Yes, he knew that too. Your ship may be big, but not big enough. And you all find any excuse to party and spent too many nights drinking alcohol, sharing every little aspect of your lives just to make the journey a little bit easier and a little less lonely. “And creepy.” He added the last bit almost whispering, but loud enough for you to hear. You smacked him playfully in the ribs. “Ouch, don’t hit your captain or I’m gonna accuse you of assassination attempt and throw you overboard”. You snorted at that comment and propped yourself up, grabbing the umbrella and scooting next to him, covering you both with it. “If it upsets you this much, why don’t you try stopping the thoughts before they attack you?” It was a genuine question, full of concern. You shifted your gaze to the horizon, trying to find the spot he was looking at.
“Most of the time, I’m able to stop before I’m triggered. But sometimes, depending on how...” You pause, struggling to find the words.
“Strong you feel?” You nod without looking at him. He softly hums. “I see.” You wanted to say something, but there was no need. He got you like nobody has ever done in your life. “You could always try it” You frowned and looked back at his face, just to find him widely smiling at you. “You know, leaving the pirate life. Settling. Marrying. I would support you. Hell, every single soul on that ship would support you. We wouldn’t see each other much but if it makes you happy, that’s what matters in the end.” He nodded, mostly to himself, proud of his statement. You were bewildered. Full blown eyes open at his statement.
“Are you serious?”
“Of course, I am. I mean I’d be sad; I’d lost one of my gunners...”
“Your BEST gunner”
“You’ll have to discuss that with Yunho but yeah...” He said that while playing with the sand. He looked like a kid. Pure, innocent, carefree. At that moment, you knew he was joking. Nothing specific gave him away. You just knew simply looking at his eyes.
“You’re so full of shit Honjoong! I hate you!” Your voice a mixture of frustration and laugh.
“Me? I’m the one full of shit?” Now it was his turn to scoff. “Please, you fucking love this life: the freedom, the thrill, doing whatever the fuck you want, being whoever you want. No rules. I still don’t get why after all these years you still get these weird doubts. It’s not like anyone forced you to join us.” He shrugged. “Anyway, it’s not like you’re and old hag…I mean you’re pretty old but that has never stopped you fro-HEY!” This time it wasn’t a playful smack, it was a full force punch to his shoulder. “Ma’am, it’s gonna bruise!” He whined brushing his shoulder.
“Don’t call me old”.
“You’re old…er” If looks could kill, he would be dead. So he shut his mouth and let out a small laugh. “Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that you have time. And if you ever decide that this is not for you anymore, we’ll drop you wherever you want. As sad as that would be.” In the outside, he looked calm, but you knew he was nervous because he started playing with your sleeve mid-sentence. You wondered what he meant. Sad? For who? For him as captain because he would be missing a crew member or sad for him as your long friend that would miss you deeply.
“I know Joong. I guess I get restless when we spend months in the ocean, as much as I love it, it’s exhausting.” He nodded again, agreeing with you. You noticed he never stopped playing with your sleeve, the tips of his fingers softly brushing your arm. Sometimes, usually when you two or some of his closest friends were together, he became a soft mess, all touchy-feely and cuddly. He wasn’t your typical pirate captain: he always tried to get parleys instead of fighting, he was not a violent man and he tried to teach some standards to his crew. He treated everyone with respect, never mistreating anyone unless it was deserved. But don’t misunderstand: if he had to be ruthless, he was without hesitation. He was the perfect balance and his crew respected, trusted and believed in him with their lives. You reached his ear with your hand, putting a few strands of hair away from his face. He smiled at you and subtly leaned in your touch.
“That’s because the last few times we had a party you didn’t join us” He pouted a little and you laughed at his child-like behavior. “We missed you, you know?” He looked at you with raised eyebrows, a look in his eyes you knew too damn well.
With long time spans in the sea, it’s just natural for things to happen in a crew made up of men and women. When Hongjoong started recruiting women into his ship, a set of guidelines had to be made to ensure the ship could keep working properly: any personal business that could potentially make the environment of the ship awkward or uncomfortable, had to be cut off immediately and, if the person wasn’t able to get rid of these business, they were invited to leave the ship. So yeah, a lot of fucking went around. Maybe it came with the life, but you all were pretty chill with what happened within your ship. The younger boys said you were boring just because you’re pretty loyal. You have your to go man and that’s Park Seonghwa and it works perfectly for both of you. Also, for you Seonghwa is safe. You know your thing with him it’s just physical and that puts both your minds at ease.  
Sometimes you play with the rest of the crew: smacking their butts or a playful kiss here and there while dissolving in fits of laughter. With Honjoong you’re scared. You only dare to touch him when you’re too drunk for your own good, giving him heated sloppy kisses, making obvious you want more but never in all your years with him, not once, have you had sex with him. You missed his touch. You missed his lips all over yours, even if the kisses were wet and messy, you loved them. You craved him. But you knew that you two weren’t a good idea so it had been a while since you had made peace with that fact and tried to simply enjoy him in every single way you could.
“I know you didn’t miss me that much” You put special emphasis in the “you”, retracting your hand from his face, he whined at the loss of contact, and you softly flicked his forehead. You let him know that you knew about his…night adventures and teased him about them every single time you had a chance. “I’m pretty sure even the monkey boys missed me much more than you” He was deadpanning. He hated when you dismissed the things he said to you, taking away importance to them. Suddenly, he pushed you the ground, tossing the umbrella to the side and straddling you. He was not a big man, but his aura was immense. He was hovering over you, a hard look in his eyes. You laughed a little, visibly amused with the situation. He growled at you and shushed you. “Uhh, the scary, scary Kim Honjoong is here. It’s been a while.”
“Don’t try me” His voice was low and, have you not know him, you’d be legit scared. “You know I hate when you diminish me or what I say. Or what I feel.” He almost looked embarrassed to say the last bit. You looked him in the eyes. There was fire, as always. That passion that drove him, making him who he was. Raw desire. But not for you. For life. He was determined to live his life to the fullest, experiencing everything he was offered. People unconsciously drifted to him, by his looks, by the way he spoke. He was magnetic. A true leader.
You hear someone calling Hongjoong’s name in the distance. He tilted his head, following the sound to see Yeosang making signals, meaning that everything was ready to weigh anchor. He sighed. Deeply, like letting out the air was going to lift some burden from his shoulders. He got up with a swift movement, tending his hand to you. Gladly, you took it. You were brushing the sand from your clothes when decided to spare a look to Hongjoon. He seemed deep in thought, so far away from you. You gave him a small kick in the butt and he looked at your general direction.
“Thank you, Joongie. For always supporting me, even when I’m obnoxious and go over the same things over and over again” You grinned at him. He shook his head and moved towards you, extending his arms, inviting you into a hug. You happily pounced to him, almost jumping to the hug. He was warm. He smelled like salt and wine. His arms rounding you by the shoulders, tightening the hug. You were happy. You were at home.
“I’m always here for you. We all are here for you. We are family. Even when you think I’m far away, I’m next to you. Never forget that”. You nodded into the hug, brushing his ear with the tip of your nose. “Oh, but I’m so, sorry”. You frowned but before you could ask, Hongjoong broke the hug and violently shoved you by the shoulders, effectively throwing you to the sea. You lost balance and fell to the water with your butt, getting soaked from head to toe. You could kill him right now.
Still sitting, you just looked at him laughing at you. You knew the moment you got up he would run back to the ship, asking someone to protect him from you. So, you just waited. Your clothes were sticking to your body, the salted flavor of the water in your mouth. All that was a little price to pay to hear Hoonjong’s laugh.  You simply smiled, blinded by the man-child your captain was and his antics.
To you, his laugh was the most beautiful sound in this whole world.
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agent-kihyun · 6 years
How To Get A Girl (Chapter 1)
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★ ★
The three students sat in Principal Greene’s office, all feeling shame, embarrassment and in Joel’s case, overconfidence.
Principal Greene sat behind his desk, not even sure where to begin.
“Okay. One of you tell me how this...situation transpired. And why it ended in our previous Rockefeller statue being knocked down.”
The three teens began talking at once, overwhelming Principal Greene.
“I said one at a time!” Greene exclaimed. “You! You start.” He pointed to Joel.
“Me?” He pointed to himself.
“Yes, you. Start talking.” Principal Greene crossed his arms.
“It started with a book,” Joel said casually. Levi looked at his best friend and shook his head “no”, begging him not to go into depth about the book. Perrie raised an eyebrow at Joel in confusion.
“Continue,” Greene said.
“Alright, alright fine…”
★ ★
Part 1: Joel
First of all, let me go on record and say that I would have never done this for Levi if I didn’t think he could do it. Levi thinks he’s not “cool”, but he’s actually cooler than most people at this trash dump. I guess he just means he’s not suave, which actually is true.
For as long as I’ve known Levi he’s always had a hard time talking...to girls. He always gets nervous, but he never has a reason to be. I’ve gotten a few ladies asking me for his number. He just ends up blowing his chance. I don’t blame him though. My boy, Levi, is a socially awkward person.
So I crafted him a book. A playbook, to be specific.
“A playbook?! What the hell, Levi?!” Perrie interrupted.
“Hey, I’m talking here!” Joel looked at Perrie. Perrie rolled her eyes and huffed.
Anyways, I wrote a playbook for him. Just a bunch of guidelines to help him talk to girls better and not choke.
Levi sighed and buried his face in his hands in embarrassment. Perrie stifled a laugh and covered her mouth with her hand.
“Would you please let me tell the story? Without interruption?” Joel asked.
“Go ahead.” Perrie gestured.
This whole “thing” started about 6 weeks ago. First week of school. Perrie had come back from summer camp and just like always, she was glowing.
Levi, I’m sorry man, I have to say this for the sake of the story. Levi...has liked Perrie since middle school.
Perrie widened her eyes in surprise. Perrie, Levi, and Joel were seniors. Levi had admired Perrie for over four years. Wowza.
Now, he has every reason to be. Perrie is kind, charming, beautiful and badass. That’s the whole package. Been that way for as long as I can remember.
Perrie blushed and awkwardly looked off to the side.
She’s not my type though. And besides, even if she was, I wouldn’t try to flirt with her. That would break one of the bro codes.
“I’m right here, you know.” Perrie scoffed. Joel ignored her and continued.
So anyway that first week of school, Levi and I were at our lockers and Perrie skipped on by with her friends, like usual.
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Levi closed his locker gingerly while Joel slammed his.
“Do you always have to be violent, man?” Levi asked.
“Yes,” Joel made finger guns at his best friend. Levi sighed but perked up when Perrie strolled by with a friend.
“Per-Perrie! H-hi…” Levi waved at his classmate as she passed.
“Hey Levi,” she responded casually.
“She actually said hi,” Levi smiled to himself once Perrie was out of earshot.
“Of course she did, you guys are Forensics lab partners. Calm down,” Joel put his sunglasses on.
“Sunglasses? Inside? Isn’t that overkill?” Levi asked as he started down the hall.
“Nothing is overkill, my man,” Joel roughly slung his arm over Levi’s shoulder and smirked charmingly at a random girl in the Hall.
“No sunglasses inside Mr. Casey,” a teacher passed by and chided Joel. Joel rolled his eyes and took them off.
“So are you going to ask Perrie out?” Joel asked.
“What? No. I can’t. She wouldn’t say yes. And besides. Trevor is probably going to ask her out anyway,” Levi responded.
“First of all, she would say yes. And second of all, Trevor Harding is a grade-A asshole and you know it. Perrie knows it. The whole school knows it. Please.” Joel took his arm off Levi’s shoulder and stuck both hands in his jacket pockets.
“She wouldn’t say yes. She’s so awesome, I mean she’s the captain of the archery team, she does kickboxing, plays guitar in a band. I can’t...I can’t imagine she’d accept my date request,” Levi shrugged.
“Never say ‘date request’ again. That’s a reason for her to say no. Listen. I got you. Let me show you how to get a girl. It’s easy. She’ll be begging you to take her on a date by the time I’m done with you. Trust me.” Joel patted Levi’s back a bit harshly before heading off to his homeroom.
“See ya man. Good luck. Just act natural,” Joel saluted his best friend.
“Later,” Levi took a breath before heading to his calculus class.
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And yeah that’s it. That’s how it started.
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“Enlightening,” Principal Greene mused.
“At least you’re right about Trevor. I’d never say yes to him,” Perrie nodded. “As for ‘begging him to take me out on a date’...mmm probably not, though I wouldn’t be opposed.”
Joel lit up and faced Levi. “Progress!” He held his hand out for a high five. Levi just awkwardly looked at the floor and didn’t high five back. He was happy that Perrie technically said yes but it wasn’t under the circumstances he wanted it to happen.
“Mr. Posen, please, would you care to continue?” Greene asked.
“Not really,” Levi rubbed his temples.
“Let me rephrase that: continue, please.” Greene raised his eyebrows while Perrie looked at Levi expectantly.
“Well, you see…”
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The Big Small
Did you know that each size in clothing has a range? For example, the small sizes for women in Europe usually range between B 82-89 cm, W 65-72 cm and H 90-97 cm; meaning that a woman that has 89cm bust, 72 cm waist and 97 cm hips are still a part of the small size category. But we don’t see that. What the media usually portraits is women with 82 cm bust 65 cm waist and 90 cm hips or even portraits someone who is slightly below that and are usually tall and when you’re shopping online they say in the description of the model “Our model is wearing a size S” well they’re not wrong, so what is the problem? You see there has been a trend recently which in my opinion is really empowering that clothing brands have to represent “Plus-size models”, which means someone who is above the L size (B 98-107 cm, W 82-90 cm and H 105-112 cm). Brands post pictures of “regular” models on their Instagrams and the feedback is amazing, some people are leaving rather sexual comments and others are jealous of the model and on the other side when a brand posts a picture of a plus-size model the feedback tends to be in 3 categories 1. People that are “concerned” for the health of the model due to them being “overweight”  2. People defending the model saying that they’re beautiful no matter what body shape they have and that they can be healthy even though they’re “fat” 3. Very rude and offensive people leaving mean comments saying that such models shouldn’t exist, that they’re not models and that they’re showcasing obesity. 
What is my problem you may ask, you might tell me that sizeism is over now that the brands are shining light on “large” people! Let me answer you with two questions that I later will clarify.
Where are the 89cm bust, 72 cm waist and 97 cm hips models? Where are medium-sized models?
I’m a 19-year-old middle-eastern girl that fits the description above; I call my size the Big Small. I’m 166 cm in height and I wear a size small in women’s Europian clothing and never have I, in my entire life, seen someone with my body type represented in a model. As if, if you’re not the Small Small you’ll be seen as obese and fat. No one ever believes me when I tell them that I am in fact a size small. When I was younger I went on a diet because I was a fat teenager, I hated every second of it and I thought to myself that when the diet is over I will begin to love myself, that I can finally see myself represented in media. But I clearly remember to this day that when I measured myself on the last day of my diet I perfectly fitted the small size, but I asked myself why the hell I don’t look like the lady in the picture? And the body dysmorphia continuous.
Even though 3 years have passed since my diet, I still cannot eat like a normal person. I measure myself every day, look at myself in the mirror with disgust and I had a habit of weighing myself every 2 minutes which I have thankfully let go of due to my parents destroying the scale. Body dysmorphia has caused depression and anxiety but since it doesn’t seem like such a big problem to others - I mean no one is chopping off my arm, it’s just in my head, right?- no one takes me seriously when I have an off day when I mentally cannot do anything but lay in my bed and checking my body every second in my phone camera and crying, so often thinking about killing myself. So why is representation important?
It is 2019. Blacks, women, plus-sizes, disabled people, queer people and in general so many minorities are being represented and you will not understand the power of representation until you’re a part of a minority. You will complain about why they are making Captain America black and why Captain Marvel is so important? And why Captain Marvel isn’t wearing a sexy suit to please you? You will bash out to people commenting about how happy they are that a minority is being represented and you will always look for your looking-glass.
What does looking-glass mean? Let me introduce to you this theory that Virginia Woolf once beautifully portrayed: 
Women have served all these centuries as looking-glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of a man at twice its natural size. Without that power probably the earth would still be swamp and jungle. The glories of all our wars would be unknown. We should still be scratching outlines of deer on the remains of mutton bones and bartering flints for sheepskin or whatever simple ornament took our unsophisticated taste. Supermen and Fingers of Destiny would never have existed. Tsar and Kaiser would never have worn crowns or lost them. Whatever may be their use in civilized societies, mirrors are essential to all violent and heroic action. That is why Napoleon and Mussolini both insist so emphatically upon the inferiority of women, for if they were not inferior they would cease to enlarge. that serves to explain the necessity that women so often are to men...how is he to go giving judgement, civilizing natives, making laws, writing books, dressing up and speechifying at banquets unless he can see himself at breakfast and at dinner at least twice the size he really is. 
Now do yourself a favour and replace any woman/her/she with the minority and every man/him/he with the majority that complains.
People are afraid that once they are equal and not superior, they’ll cease to exist. They will insist on everyone following their specific guidelines and morals so that they can rule everyone by teaching one how to behave. Hitler just had his own way. If you don’t exist in a certain way, you do not exist at all. Believe it or not, we're still at war with the Hitler mentality only difference is, this time it’s in our minds. We’re our own little Hitlers. No, we don’t want to go and kill other people, but we’re willing to kill ourselves if we don’t fit in the standard that we have created for ourselves with the help of the media! [Do you know why people like violence? It is because it feels good. Humans find violence deeply satisfying. But remove the satisfaction and the act becomes hollow - Alan Turing, The Imitation Game (2014)] 
The conclusion is that we shouldn’t beg for representation at the same time that we should beg for representation. That no matter how small it may seem one hate comment might end up killing someone. That as cliche as it sounds it’s time to stop hating ourselves and hating other people. Not to be confused with disagreeing with someone or arguing with the agreement of all participants to reach a conclusion. If we don’t have something nice to say about a person -again not to be confused with their opinion- we shouldn’t say anything at all and maybe look for a fresh pair of eyes.
-Negin Hamesh
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valentineblaze · 5 years
Endgame Spoilers
Listen up people I am here to rant.
Tony Stark is effing amazing and I love every second of his gilded trashbag life. But this was just a killer. Dad Tony was everything I wanted and more let me tell ya. I love you 3000 is freaking heartbreaking. I have no issue with his arc in the movie at all even if the end does cause me to break out into back breaking sobs because fuck you. If Tony is going to die by gauntlet then you had better be damn sure everyone he even peripherally gave a damn about is going to make it through this fight. Natasha, Gamora, Loki, and every single Asgardian Tony could remember would have been brought back because that man is the definition of all or nothing.
What I have issues with is the sheer lack of world building we get in this movie. Honestly its the Snap and the only glimpse of this Post apocalyptic world is group Therapy and Remembrance walls. As well as several miscellaneous flashbacks to Hawk-eyes surprise family? That not even comic fans are super attached too because they were literally made up probably for male man pain. Where was the atmosphere? Where was the drama? Where was the angst? Post snap was quite honestly not heart wrenchingly rendered into a suitable level of grief. It just wasn't. I expected break downs and rage. All I got was three seconds of Natasha tears as she has let someone else tracking down her soulbro. And a Tony Stark screaming at Captain America. This movie just told us what was happening didn't show us what was happening. It was piss poor story boarding.
Then there was the character development. Like wow. We get all these new and amazing side characters in which you could have fleshed out and made us root for and you just throw them to the sea like chum. -Captain marvel is just not there at all, she gets a gratuituous girl power scene which was random and then she gets slapped to the ground never to get up? Right after she take a head butt without a single flinch. You can small Thanos's fear right then. -Rocket gets to slap Thor? Thats it thats his most memorable moment other the holding Nebula's hand. -Rhodey has some of the best lines but no development or follow up. -Nebula there is so much happening off screen that it physically hurts me. She is amazing. I adore her. I want a series of her. Nebula is my bitch bea. I found a new hoe to die for and it is she. She is my new ride or die. Found family and redemption arcs come at me. -Sam and Bucky both get maybe two lines a piece and that just irks me.
Time travel... yes bitch I am always there for time travel hijinks and drama but honestly five minutes of a single episode of leverage had more heist feels then this three hour train wreck. It might have been the lack of a great soundtrack but it just wasn't that compelling to watch. I'm also really confused about the time travel thearory in this shit because they kept going back on thier own writing through out the movie (cough cough STEVE cough) I'm a fan of we rewrite the future by affecting the past. Butterfly effect is my Jam. This alternate reality thing is fun yes but it can't really be that because they may create alternate realities okay? then if there was the need for pym particals for time travel to occur how did Thanos's big ass army get enough to travel through time to the future? Because the avengers were out or at least low regardless of Steve's thievery and Nebula only had the one from my understanding. Also if changing the reality makes a new reality how the fuck was Steve in this reality.
Bruce , Bruce, Bruce. My beautiful green rage monster and yoga doctorate what have they done to you. What is going on. Why are you so cheerful. Why are you at peace. I hate to say it but go back. Why are we still doing this Nat/Bruce ship? It is so random. I just can't see it. Fandom can trick me into it for a few chapters but not forever.  Ya'll should have taken a hint from Ragnorok give me that personality and it would have been a win. Shock and dismay was my only emotions when it came to this mess.
My constant rage with this series is pick up an effin comic book. Sit down watch a cartoon. If anyone is going to become a human disaster post Snap its going to be effin Hawkeye. Like yay Ronin cool but what the actual fuck. Why did you come at me like that? Hawkeye is not your edgy overlord. He probably would have died ages ago with out the female influences in his life. He has regular dates with dumpsters.  I'm sure he even has a ranking system for prefered dumpsters to end up in after a beat down. Yes he is startlingly competent but even he doesn't know how he does it half the time. He eats food off the floor and thinks expiration dates are guidelines.
Thor was a new one. They threw me for a loop. One this man needs a hug. Two, why is no one hugging him? His rampant depression and weight gain shouldn't have been the butt of jokes. There should have been some honest concern and meaningful conversations with the living not the dead. Thor never doubted his mother's love. That was never up for debate. Thor is not to blame for the snap. Thor will give no fucks if he messes up the timeline if it means his family is alive and together. Especially post Ragnarok. Also I could have sworn Thanos killed every asguardian on his ship at the beginning of infinity war? How is Valkyrie alive? Why would Thor decide to go to space?
I’m not even gonna touch on the Black Widow for this one. I’m just not gonna go there. Blind rage doesn’t even cover it.
Howard Stark. Wow just wow I thought I was having some weird ass delusion. That man is scum. Comic canon scum. One of the smartest men on the planet yes, revolutionary war hero technically yes, great father and overall good human being? Hell to the no. Tony literally named his A.I. after Jarvis, cried over the death of J.A.R.V.I.S,  I would have expected a quiet chat about fatherhood and marriage and how it can make the best out of any man (he hopes)  before I got a conversation with dear old dad.
Why can’t Tony and Steve have one friendly conversation? A sense of camaraderie? Anything? Why is that so hard?
Steve "fight me" Rogers what has MCU done to you? I'm supposed to believe that you would have left Bucky Barnes to Hydra's hands for over 70 years. Im supposed to believe that you would have been in the past and had no interactions with Howard Stark. Im supposed to believe that the you married the Director of Shield and you didn't wax poetry about the amazing woman that diegned to marry you every damn day of your life? This woman on her deathbed told you she lived a long and fulfilled life and that you should move on to have the same happiness as she and you did what? That he wouldn't have dismantled every last bit of Hydra. That he would just let Natasha and Tony die because of that shitty delusional grape? The disrespect STEVEN the disRESPECT! I am a Stony stan for sure but hell if I don't respect Peggy Carter. So yay steve gets his happy cis gendered ending but what about the rest of em?
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epicstuckyficrecs · 6 years
Tbh I think it’s really annoying when people ask for help finding a fic or a tag or anything and all you do is tell them what to type into the search bar. I highly doubt they didn’t think of that before asking for help, like damn would it kill you to just search it up and then add in a link for them? They clearly can’t find what they want themselves and you have the knowledge to help them which is why they asked in the first place.
Tbh half of me just wanted to delete this ask and not bother arguing, but whatever. This seemed like a good opportunity to remind everyone how I work here. 
First of all, I wanna start by saying that I have absolutely no obligation to answers asks. Like, at all. I could only rec fics on this blog and close my ask box. I’m a uni student. I’m busy. The time I spend on this blog is time not spent studying, doing sports, seeing my friends, or, like, actually reading fics. So if you’re not happy with the way I answer asks, just go somewhere else, I don’t fucking care.
So let’s go through your points one by one. I’ll try to answer with examples when I can (no offense intended to the people who sent said asks).
Tbh I think it’s really annoying when people ask for help finding a fic or a tag or anything and all you do is tell them what to type into the search bar. 
I would refer you to my Ask guidelines, #4: “I’m a big believer in the « teach a man how to fish » mentality. So I might just tell you how to find your fic instead of finding it for you :)”
Anyone can learn to use the search tools on ao3. I understand not knowing about every single detail and trick, hell I don’t know and use all of them, but some things are really easy. 
Exhibit #1: is there a tag or list of fics which are shrunkyclunks but Dom Bucky Sub Steve?
AO3 has a Captain America Steve Rogers/Modern Bucky Barnes, a Dom Bucky Barnes tag, and a Sub Steve Rogers. So anon can easily find what they’re looking for by searching for the Shrunkyclunks + Dom Bucky or Shrunkyclunks + Sub Steve tags.
Exhibit #2, that I think is especially relevant here: I am looking for two five: one that I thought was called sweet metal taste that I now can’t find in which Steve says Bucky’s trigger words in his sleep (...)
When I started my research to help this anon, of course the first thing I did is search “sweet metal taste” in the “Search within results field”, just to be sure, but I didn’t expect to find anything since anon said they couldn’t either. Lo and behold, what did I find? A fic called sweet metal taste by werebird tagged with Bucky Barnes's Trigger Words. In the Search tab on the top of the page, you can also specifically search by title. Since I wasn’t going to read a 47k just to confirm the one thing anon was looking for, I presumed it was the right one and thought they might get back to me if it wasn’t ,which hasn’t happened. Anon had the title of the fic they were looking for. If I can search for it, so can they.
I highly doubt they didn’t think of that before asking for help, like damn would it kill you to just search it up and then add in a link for them?
Yeah, sorry, I usually presume that people looking for a specific trope for which there exists a specific tag have not made any research... or else they probably wouldn’t be in my ask box.
Exhibit #3: Hey! You got any teacher au’s????
I would refer you to #3 in my ask guidelines: “PLEASE look at my tags page before asking me a « can you rec XYZ type of fic? ». I probably won’t be enclined to answer your ask if it’s too easy to find.”
I have a Teachers tag and ao3 has a few teacher-related tags that anon can easily find just by searching “teacher” in the “Other tags to include” field.
To quote yourself, would it kill them to just look for the tags themselves? Except I’m a bit more polite than you and didn’t answer them so rudely.
They clearly can’t find what they want themselves and you have the knowledge to help them which is why they asked in the first place.
If we forget the beginning of your ask and focus on just that part, then yes, you’re right. You see, those are the types of asks that I like to answer. When people are looking for a specific fic that they can’t remember the name of or can’t find for some reason. Then I like to use my knowledge and my searching skills to help them.
Exhibit #4: Hi, I was reading a stucky au a while ago where Steve is a shield agent, and bucky is the recently captured winter soldier. Bucky is forced to be on Steve's team and break in to a hydra facility full of rabid mutants. Do you have any idea which fic this is? Thankyou
See, this anon is really looking for one fic. From their ask, there isn’t a ao3 tag that stands out that they could have searched for in order to find this fic. Fortunately, I knew which fic this was, so I linked it to them. 
Exhibit #5: Hi, hopefully you or someone else can help me. I have been looking for this fic where Steve and Bucky are competing hitman or something who keep running into each other and killing each other's targets. They end up flirting. Steve works for something like Shield but Bucky, Natasha and Clint work for themselves. I remember Thor is a tailor and Tchalla and Sam were in a relationship too. They join together against Hydra. Thank you!
When I answered this ask, I pointed out which ao3 tag might be relevant, and after looking at the search results myself, I pointed out which fic might be the one anon was looking for.
Exhibit #6: I'm looking for a fic where alpha!Bucky is pinning after artist!Omega!Steve. He starts wearing Steve's clothes so Steve will smell like him. Theres this one part I specifically remember, where they hug and Steve is breathing his scent in and Bucky kinda just has a mental frak out over it. That might not help find what I'm looking for, sorry. 
So in this ask, there are a few obvious ao3 tags to search for, which I did. Unfortunately, it didn’t allow me to find the fic anon was looking for with certainty, because the author’s tag and the tags you’re searching for don’t always match ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. So I left the link with my research in my answer so that anon could take a look themselves. 
Finally, I may not receive as many asks as, say, the stucky library, but I do receive a few of them regularly. Answering asks is time-consuming, and I’d rather use my time to answer people who are really looking for a fic they’ve forgotten and can’t find, rather than someone who’s looking for me to rec them fics according to their tastes.
(Also, now I’m thinking. You say You think it’s really annoying when people ask for help... meaning you’re not actually complaining about the way I answered one of your asks, but just the way I answered other people’s asks. Which tbh just makes you even more irrelevant in my eyes since I haven’t received any complaints from people I’ve actually replied to?)
So if you’ve got any other objections to how I run my blog... go ask for help elsewhere, or at least talk to me more nicely :)
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popculturespiritwow · 6 years
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Definitely a cover that reads “Everything is going to be okay.”
Suddenly here at the end of Super Hero Fight Time, Lady Voltron vs. Audrey II, we get narration. And of all people, it’s coming from Woden.
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It’s a great decision, because Woden really is in the middle of everything going on here.
And at the same time, once again I would like to lodge my most vigorous protest about being asked to see things through his eyes, let alone find him funny, because I had already decided that he is awful.
We also get, from Angry House Mom Cassandra, that classic super hero fight moment, Why are We Even Fighting Each Other?
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The This was a Misunderstanding moment, such a Brady Bunch move in super hero fight stories, and yet necessary, because otherwise somebody would eventually get hurt, and then what kind of super heroes are they for you to look up to?
What you have to love about WicDiv is how it plays out that trope, right down to the Big Dramatic Moment where one hero can’t let go of what’s happened and wants to Do Something About It, but then gets talked down from there by Someone Who Knows She’s Better Than That and/or Murder Changes You and You Don’t Want That.
Then the hero cries, while everyone looks on. And it’s over.
(A fun game: read that scene between Baal and Laura from the perspective of issue 36, and what we know now about Baal. On the one hand, yeah, he most definitely knows what murder does to a person. On the other, HE MOST DEFINITELY KNOWS WHAT MURDER DOES TO A PERSON.)
So then of course Kieron and Jamie blow the whole thing up. Which of course is what we really wanted and what the super hero fight narrative actually promises and then refuses to deliver for reasons that have nothing to do with character or story and everything to do with IP and Editorial Guidelines. Captain America doesn’t kill.  (Really? Have you ever seen how hard he smashes down the edge of that shield?)
So, just like the Pantheon themselves, our creators give us what we want. Isn’t it great?
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 Everything really is going to be okay now, isn’t it. Most def.
This issue begs so many questions about these two. Many of which, by total and crazy coincidence, were answered just two days ago in issue 36.
So, fire away!
Are Ananke and Persephone always linked?
Yes. It would seem that every 90 years, for the last 6000 years, a Persephone has arisen. And almost every time Ananke has almost immediately killed her.
Well it’s not actually killing, is it? I mean, she just steals her head.
That seems like a really strange take on what I just said. 
Are they always enemies?
But always tho?
Actually, no, sometimes they hug and talk about how much they’ve missed each other.
So sometimes they’re friends then.
More like sometimes the Persephone is too caught up in the moment to realize what’s going on.  And the Ananke steals other people’s heads instead. Seriously are you actually reading this book?
Has any other Persephone ever killed an Ananke? Because that seems REALLY terrible.
Worse than spending 6000 years forcing kids to become gods and then murdering them within the next two years?
You know, you’re right. That sounds really terrible. Poor Ananke.
I just...
So no other Persephone has ever killed an Ananke?
No, it’s happened. Not for a long time, though. And honestly, over the millennia Ananke has set up some pretty solid defense mechanisms. Which for some reason she did not use here.
That’s because that horrible Persephone surprised her, right?
“That horrible Persephone”?
Well, yeah. Think about it. Every 90 years the poor old lady has to kill her as soon as she ascends. Persephone must be pretty bad.    
Um, could I get your name again, and what organization you’re with?
Also, look at what Ananke says at the end to them all, what she’s had to do all these centuries.
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Ananke’s in Hell, y’all.
This would be just after where she says she’s murdered “thousands of years of you.” And tried to murder a 13 year old girl.
That is such an unfair characterization. She didn’t murder Minerva, she just readied her to become a receptacle for her goodness.
Like a sock puppet, you mean.
Okay, well what do you think then? Who is Persephone to Ananke? And why are they so often at odds?
Stay tuned.
Every time I read this issue two things really stay with me: that last image of Laura telling them now they can’ do whatever they want, while covered in blood. The How Did We Get Here of it all.
And Jenny: a character that has no lines in WicDiv, is seen I think twice. And yet she’s just as real and important as Laura’s parents, Luci or anybody else.
Refrigerating is the act of taking a female character and turning them into a motivation for a guy, via their murder.
For me, one of Kieron’s great gifts as a writer both in WicDiv and elsewhere is his insistence on doing the reverse. He takes characters who are just objects, events or tropes and gives them flesh and blood.
I realize that’s an odd connection to draw here. Jenny is the definition of the cipher that motivates the hero. But it doesn’t read that way on the page. Laura remembering her – and not just as a thing that existed but as a person who had wants, wants that can never ever be determined any more – brings her into life.
And so I leave the issue not just thinking about the wreckage of Laura, but about that kid sister, a unique and precious person that has been irrevocably lost. 
Kieron and Jamie do Super Hero Team Fight—so so fun! Right guys?
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slurrmp · 6 years
ᴋᴇᴇʟᴇʏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇs ᴛʜɪɴɢs → meep - this is set during Acquisition, the one where                                         we see trip in his underwear for like half of the ep &                                         the ferangi shove porthos into a crate. this is going                                         to be possibly three parts, because i want to see if                                         i can write the whole ep and with original content &                                         stuff so yeah. enjoy x
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ → 2558
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs → tanaka matheson ( original character ), charles ‘trip’ tucker III
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢs → none. sibling pairing though.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs → slight swearing.
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It had become apparent to her that the decon chamber was the only thing from the 22nd century that Ana really enjoyed. It was like the beginning steps towards a sonic shower, though of course, nothing would ever beat a good old water shower, there was just something about spending almost an hour away from everyone after an away mission and getting clean.
The Australian Lieutenant was lying on the floor, her head resting against Chuck's stomach, Chuck was also Ana's nickname for Trip - he gave her a name that hardly anyone else uses ( unless you count River. Which at the time and place, Ana didn't ) so she decided she would do the same. Green eyes closed and hands rested against her own stomach - as she remembered that mornings events and everything that happened from then to where they were now. It hadn’t exactly started off the way she had thought it would.
What with sneaking out the Captain’s quarters.
That most certainly wasn't something she thought she would be doing - Man, she must really learn to keep it in her pants. Shifting slightly on the ground, Ana frowned at her own thoughts, before she sighed and started back at the beginning. It was literally about two hours before Archer was due to start anything remotely Captain-esq. Ana didn't exactly want to be caught sneaking out of his cabin when the Alpha shift started their rotation, at least the night workers were few and far between. However, Ana knew that Malcolm would have a heart attack if he found her anywhere near the Captain quarters as well as being out of her own. The evening beforehand was a little blurry, but Ana was certain that there hadn’t been any kind of alcoholic substance present - also that NOTHING was meant by the action that had occurred. It was sex don't worry about it, but it was still PRETTY awkward to wake up in your Captain's quarters with his dog perched in the middle and his head laid upon your stomach. It still wasn’t exactly allowed in Star Fleet to start fraternizing with the crew, even if one was a time traveler 100 years his senior, she was still his crew member and he was still the captain.
So NOTHING did happen. None that Ana could remember that is.
With only her legs through the uniform onesie and the rest of it tied around her waist ( leaving Ana in only her black tank top ), she placed a kiss on the top of Porthos' head and scratched him behind the ears. A last lingering look on Archer, before Ana physically shook her head and then made sure to check that no one was out and about at this end of the ship at about four thirty in the goddamn morning. Fortunately for Ana, there wasn’t. Well - none that she could see anyway.
The trip back to her own quarters was a bit like a stealth game. She had to make sure to continuously check around every corner before she darted to the next wall - with the engine being so loud, it was hard to hear footsteps over the humming. Causing Ana to have to strain her ears a little more than usual. She had to freshen up, once she reached her quarters - otherwise, Chuck would want to know why she looked so dang disheveled and like she had the best sleep of her life all at the same time. Having a quick shower, Ana made sure that she didn’t exactly smell like the captain either ( that was a distinct smell that she was certain his friends would be able to guess ) and slipped into a non dirtied uniform properly this time. Ana was now presentable as she left her quarters tying her hair up into a ponytail, too meet Chuck in the shuttle bay by 6:30.
Though if Ana was being honest, there was no need for a nurse to tag along on this away mission, but Ana made a rather good point that it was never known when a nurse could come in handy - especially when there was only one person for the away team. Reluctantly, the Captain had agreed for Ana to go with Chuck - and well that was almost a week ago, now Ana had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that something wasn’t exactly going to go well - but she brushed it off as she made her way into the cargo hold, which was essentially their shuttle bay. Though the other reason she wanted to go was that there was no holodeck, Ana knew she had been royally spoiled while spending time on the third Enterprise classed ship - very spoilt. It gave the meaning cabin fever a whole new meaning.
Who knew that being privileged with a holodeck was something Ana would miss a hell of a lot when she was thrown back to this time.
“Why the heck are you up so early?” The voice from below her almost caused Ana to jump. Maybe she was still antsy that someone would realise where she was for most of the night. There was always that sense of relief that Daniels was her original bunkmate and that no one had been assigned to share her quarters. Green eyes narrowed at the southerner, who was now making his way to the set of steps and looking up at her, a shitting eating grin crossing his lips.
“I woke up early. Thought we could leave and then get back quicker.” The lieutenant watched as the Commander raise a brow and his grin continued to stay in place, moving the padd that was in his hands underneath his right armpit and grab onto the rails, before pulling himself up the steps.
“You? Waking early? That sounds kinda far-fetched.” Chuck then had to quickly jump out of the way, as Ana moved rather quickly to whack his arm with a closed fist. He may have outranked her - but when no one else was around, they were just two best friends. Best friends that really liked teasing the shit out of each other. “Hey, I know you, Matheson. You are not a morning person.” he continued as he moved back to stand next to Ana, blue eyes suddenly focused on the couple of crewmen that had arrived and started working on looking over the shuttle. “That’s always why Phlox puts you on the afternoon shifts.”
A roll of green eyes confirmed Chuck’s suspicions that something must have come up. For Ana to be up and coherent this early meant that something happened the night before and it must have kept her awake. “No - it’s because Phlox has his pets to feed and there is probably no way in hell he would let me feed them. Again.” the last time hadn’t exactly gone to plan. There was a lot of yelling ( from Phlox ), laughing ( from Travis ) and cursing ( from Ana. )
“Right.” Ana wanted to reply to his one sentence answer, but she forced herself to stay silent when she heard the shuttle bay door slide open behind her. She really didn’t have to turn around to figure out who had just stepped through, the brunette could tell by the way Chuck straightened his posture and his lazy smile, got a little less lazy. “We’re all ready to go, Captain.”
“Good - you be careful.” Archer’s voice almost caused a shiver to run down Ana's spine. Oh boy - this wasn't good ... this really wasn't a good thing. Maybe she should call Q to take her home, away from this timeline. But then that thought came crashing down when Q HAD tried and she had just appeared back in her quarters. The Continuum had a tight grip on Ana and she didn't know whether she should be thankful or rather worried that they were trying this hard to keep her away from Q. Focusing back on the Captain, Ana realised he was still tired. Her hands came to rest on the railing in front of her and she tried to tune out their conversation ( where T’Pol interjected with a few guidelines; rules mostly, for the pair of them to follow. )
“Don’t worry about me Captain, I have one of the best nurses on board to help me if I get into trouble.” Chuck had tried to pull Ana into the conversation, his hand resting on her arm. When she didn't exactly turn around or even acknowledge she had heard the conversation, his grip tightened on her arm. “Matheson?” There was a silent moment. Chuck didn't exactly miss the sigh that left the Captain's lips, and nor did T'Pol who rose a brow in response. "Annie?”
This time Ana did turn around, a large and bright smile pulling across her face. “Sorry - I was kinda making sure I had checked off that mental list that I usually make..." Oh, and she was going to start rambling if Chuck hadn't squeezed her shoulder again. A faint blush appeared on the apples of her cheeks and Archer couldn’t help the small smile that crossed his lips.
“You be careful as well,” he said - brown eyes hardening ever so slightly as they looked over Ana. Who in turn, placed a hand on her hip and let her smile grow into a grin. “I mean it, Ana. You’re very easily distracted.”
Chuck dropped his grip on Ana's arm and turned to T’Pol, as they both shared a look, before turning back to watch the Captain and the Lieutenant. Chuck had made a mental note to ask her what the hell that exchange was about a little later on.
There was a sudden jerk of Ana's head, which caused her to be shaken out of her dazed memory rehash. Eyes snapped open and Ana's brows furrowed as she turned her head to looked up at Chuck. "Doc, isn't our time up yet? You said twenty minutes." Chuck called out from his position. He was met with silence and Ana's brows bent downwards even more. There was suddenly that unsettled feeling in the pit of her stomach again, radio silence was never a good thing.
Especially when you were in space. That is usually a bad sign.
"How long has it actually been?" Ana questioned before she rolled off Chuck and sat on her bottom.
"An hour - at least," Chuck replied, a brow then shot up on Ana's forehead. "Like I said it's been at least an hour, we're getting a little well-done in here." Chuck raised his voice a little more for that last part and yet - still silence. Chuck stood from the floor before he held his hand out towards Ana. She took it in her own and was pulled to her feet, the decon chamber usually caused the Lieutenant to become rather limp, that was a funny FIRST experience. Chuck then moved his body to face the door, when Ana shuffled a little bit closer towards him, her hand still gripped onto his.
"Doctor?" Ana tried herself - though she wouldn't understand why Phlox would answer her and not Chuck. Oh boy, Ana didn't like this - not one bit. The brunette pulled her hand from Chuck's and wrapped her arms around her stomach and watched as the Southerner tried to pry open the door, but it was sealed shut. Chuck moved to the panel on the side of the door, he pulled the panel off the wall and short circuited the power - causing the door to open slightly and Ana to flinch. The pair of them moved to open the door wide enough so that they could squeeze through it. "What the hell could have happened in the hour we've been in there?"
"I don't know Annie, but I really don't like this." Chuck spotted something in front of him and it caused Ana's green eyes to widen. Crew members were passed out on the floor - it looked like they all just dropped in the middle of whatever they had been doing. Chuck rushed over to two crewmen and knelt down beside them and pressed two fingers to their neck. "They're still alive."
"Oh thank god." Ana breathed and placed a hand on her chest and she didn't particularly want to explain sudden ship-wide death to Star Fleet. The two of them then made their way around to sickbay - only to notice that Phlox himself was unconscious. "Doctor?" Ana called before she knelt down beside her coworker - she looked up at Chuck and nodded her head. He was just unconscious as well, she was about to say something when Chuck's head snapped towards the sickbay doors and his fingers come to rest on his lips. It was a couple of seconds later, that Chuck reached his hand out towards Ana again.
The Australian took it and they rushed to find a hiding spot. It didn't take them long, to find the access ladder at the back of sickbay, Chuck forcing Ana up first before he followed. They managed to squeeze into the tight spot - just enough that they had the ability to look down the tube and into the sickbay. Their backs rested against the wall and Ana took a deep breath, before holding the breath when they heard the doors sliding open and the sound of footsteps entered the sick bay. A language neither of them could understand filled their ears, but somehow it sounded vaguely familiar to Ana. Chuck shifted and moved his body so that he could look at what was happening beneath them, only to sit back up again before he shrugged his shoulders as he looked up at Ana. Her teeth ended up biting down on her bottom lip before she maneuvered herself and looked into the sick bay.
Only this time, a gasp escaped Ana's lips.
She knew that coloured skin and the shape of those ears, she would be able to pick that species out anywhere. "Holy shit, Ferangi," she mumbled until she quickly dived back up the ladder when she felt the gaze of one of the Ferangi shoot their way. Chuck looked at her with a confused expression and Ana replied with a wave of her hand, which only meant she would explain later. The sickbay doors opened again and then closed - the pair waited a couple of seconds before they jumped down from their hiding spot.
"Who the hell are they?" Chuck asked her, as Ana managed to straighten out her top, which had ridden up her stomach. Green eyes focused on Chuck before she moved forward and grabbed his hand. This time Ana pulled Chuck after her and out into the corridor again.
"We have to follow them," she mumbled and looked back up at Chuck. "Just trust me, when I say I'll explain who they are later. We have to make sure they don't steal anything else." Thieving bastards probably have half the ship on their own vessel by now - Ana had a feeling that this wasn’t exactly going to end well.
For the Ferangi that is. It was also going to be another long day.
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unfolded73 · 7 years
This Graceful Path (16/19)
Summary: Emma has just moved in with Mary Margaret and started working as a deputy in the Storybrooke sheriff’s department when she meets Killian Jones, the town’s introverted harbormaster. When a prominent Storybrooke resident is found murdered, Emma tries to juggle solving the case with new friendships, parenthood, and romance. A Season 1 Cursed!Killian AU.
Rating: Explicit per CSBB guidelines (violence, sex); more of an M on unfolded73’s scale. The sex, when we get there, is not extremely graphic in nature. Same with the violence.
Content Warning: This fic contains two major character deaths, one canon and one not. (You’re already past them.)
Total word count: ~ 75,000
Acknowledgements: Thank you to @j-philly-b for betaing this monstrosity. Thank you to @caprelloidea  for all of the read-throughs and cheerleading; not sure I could have written it without your excitement early on. Thank you to @teruel-a-witch for the original prompt on tumblr which sparked this fic. Thank you to @pompeiiablaze for the wonderful art which accompanies Chapters 3, 9, and 16. Thanks to the CSBB mods ( @sambethe in particular, who had to look at my check-ins) for your support and for enduring my neuroses.
ART! The third and final of @pompeiiablaze‘s fantastic art pieces accompanies this chapter and is included below in the text. Go give her some love.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 – AO3 Link
Chapter 16
Emma looked at Killian, doing her best to harden her heart against the feelings she harbored. He was still in the same black jeans and black button down shirt he’d been wearing the day before, boots still on his feet. Two empty fifths of rum lay on their sides on the floor. “Jesus, Killian, did you drink all night?”
“Funny thing about being the Dark One,” he said, heaving himself up into a sitting position. His hair was a disheveled mess, as if he’d been unable to keep his fingers out of it. “Dark Ones don’t sleep. Also, apparently, they don’t get drunk.” He kicked one of the bottles, sending it spinning across the floor until its progress was arrested by one of his bookcases.
“Bummer. Look, I don’t mean to interrupt your… whatever this is, but I was hoping you would help me.”
He laughed a full-throated chuckle. “Why would I do that?”
“Because I think you still care about Henry’s well-being. The first thing you asked me after the curse broke was whether Henry was okay, and I believe you really meant it.”
He twitched, running his hand through his unwashed hair. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to the lad, that’s true.”
“Then help me with Regina.” She stepped closer. She knew she should be afraid that he would hurt her; he could probably kill her with a thought, but for some reason, she trusted that he wouldn’t. Perhaps only due to his lingering interest in Henry’s well-being, but whatever the reason, she trusted him that far.
“I get that what happened between us is over,” she said, keeping her voice remarkably steady, given the way her stomach was roiling. “But you’re the only person in this town that can stand up against Regina without getting a fireball in the face. I need to make sure she isn’t going to hurt anyone I care about, but also, Henry misses her. He doesn’t want to admit it to me, but I know he does.”
“Children can have complex feelings about abusive parents. The desire to please them doesn’t go away just because they beat you.”
Emma eyed him speculatively; he seemed to be speaking from experience. “Okay, but I don’t think she ever did anything like that.”
“Was she not gaslighting him to convince him that there was no curse?” Killian asked.
Emma sank onto the armchair next to Killian’s sofa. “Yeah, she was.” She put her head in her hands. “Look, if this was the regular world, I’d sue her for custody, and I’d take him as far away from her as I physically could. And it would be hard for him, and he’d probably grieve for her, and then he’d get better. But in this fucked-up fairy tale situation, that isn’t really an option. I don’t know what else to do. If he wants to see her, if he wants us to share custody, and I can be certain that he’s in no danger…” She shrugged helplessly, thinking about how sad it was that even after getting her heart broken, her instinct was to open up to Killian, to trust him.
He was looking at her with the same softness in his eyes she used to see before everything went to hell. It made her stomach swoop. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Swan. I’ve yet to see you fail.” He twitched again and looked angrily over his shoulder. “Get out of my head!” he shouted at the wall, his voice ragged.
His hand was in his hair again, his eyes flickering with madness. “The darkness. It’s always there, whispering. Plaguing me.”
“You never wanted this, did you?” she asked softly, wanting to reach for him but resisting.
“I was hardly in my right mind when I killed Rumpelstiltskin,” he said. “Not able to make a conscious decision to take on the darkness. I had always hoped…” he trailed off.
“I spent so many decades in Neverland because I wanted to find a way to kill the Dark One without the darkness transferring to me. Immortality was never my goal. Power was never…” He whirled again. “Begone, imp!” He picked up the other rum bottle and flung it at the wall, the glass shattering like a bomb. Emma jumped.
“Forgive me,” he muttered, waving his hand and making the shards of glass disappear in a puff of smoke. He turned to her again. “I will help you with Regina. Just tell me what you would like me to do.”
Regina opened the door to the library cautiously, the paper still covering the windows preventing her from seeing what she was walking into.
Emma Swan stood in the middle of the floor, her arms folded across her chest. Captain Hook, the Dark One, sat on top of the circulation desk.
“What the hell is the one-handed wonder doing here with you?” Regina asked.
“I’m here to as an impartial observer to this parlay, your majesty. Don’t mind me,” he drawled, his boots kicking against the desk.
Emma cleared her throat. “You tore my family apart, Regina, because of a mistake that my mother made when she was a kid. I spent my whole life alone because of you, assuming my parents abandoned me. Can you just tell me why?”
Regina felt a swelling of pain in her chest, a feeling that she knew how to quash before it affected her. Today, for some reason, she let herself feel it. She let herself name it: guilt.
“I was blinded by grief,” she said honestly. “I’d lost my first love, Daniel; he was murdered in front of me by my own mother.”
“So why not go after your mother?” Emma asked.
“Oh, she did,” Hook said, cleaning his fingernails with his hook. “Hired me to kill her. Good times, eh, Regina?”
“And why blame Snow? I know she made a mistake, but—”
“Because she never had to suffer the way I had suffered!” Regina shouted. “Everything fell into her lap, without her having to work for it! Her father’s love. Her kingdom. Her true love. She needed to understand what suffering was!”
“Well, I’d say she does now.” Emma stared baldly at her, remaining impassive. “Tell me something else — did you kill Graham?”
Regina looked back and forth between Emma and Hook, cold fear crawling up her spine. If the Dark One was at Emma Swan’s beck and call, then Regina was in danger. “I was afraid he would make you believe in the curse.”
“Or you were pissed that he dumped you, and you wanted revenge,” Emma said.
“You need to understand something about the Dark Curse, Miss Swan,” Regina said. “It didn’t just curse everyone else in this town, it cursed me too.”
“What are you talking about, you remembered everything. You knew who everyone was; you weren’t cursed,” Emma protested. “You’re the curser, not the… cursee.”
“True, but I was also frozen. Stuck. Living the same day again and again, at least until I adopted Henry. Henry was like a spark of magic that came into my life in this land without magic.” Regina swallowed with difficulty. “Even then, I couldn’t really move forward. I couldn’t get over my grief for Daniel. I couldn’t move past my desire for vengeance.”
Emma raised an eyebrow. “And now you can?”
Regina felt tears behind her eyes, barely recognizing the impulse to cry at first. “I don’t know. Right now, I just want to be able to see Henry again.”
“And he wants to see you. He wants us to find a way to compromise on custody.”
Anger swelled in Regina’s chest like a fire suddenly given air. “You gave him up. Legally, he’s my son.”
“And legally, you just confessed to killing Graham,” Emma countered.
“Something you’d never be able to convict me of in the courts of this land. Nor could you hold me for it.”
“I know that. Which is why we need to work out what’s best for Henry in this fucked up situation, regardless of the past. Now that the curse is broken, he wants both of his mothers. But I need some assurance that you aren’t going to try to hurt me or my family ever again. That you’re going to let the people of this town live in peace.”
“The people of this town tried to kill me, if you’ll recall.” Regina could still remember how helpless she felt with no magic and Dr. Whale’s fingers tightening around her throat.
“I think everyone’s settled down,” Emma said.
“And if an angry mob does come after you again,” Hook said, “you can rain fire down on them.”
“No, don’t do that,” Emma said with a glare at both of them. “No one is going to rain anything down on anyone. Peace, remember? Regina, do I have your word?”
Hook snorted, indicating how much he thought her word was worth.
Regina suddenly felt determined to prove him wrong.
“You have my word that I won’t do anything to hurt your family or anyone else in this town,” she said through gritted teeth. She turned to Hook. “You can put it in one of those infernal contracts Rumpelstiltskin was so fond of drawing up.”
He jumped off the desk, swaggering up to her. “I’m not much for paperwork. Just know, Regina, that if you do go back on your word, then I will delight in tearing you apart piece by piece if it’s the last thing I ever do.” Regina looked into the madness in his eyes, and she knew he meant it.
“Okay, good meeting,” Emma said.
Emma’s life began to once again resemble something of a routine. On weeks when she didn’t have Henry, she threw herself into work: dealing with the town’s more mundane, petty disturbances and trying to bring the station’s record keeping system into the 21st century. She even enrolled in an online course in law enforcement, figuring if she was going to be the sheriff, even of a magically created town filled with fairy tale characters, she’d prefer to know more about what she was doing.
On alternating weeks, Henry stayed with her at the loft with her parents, and that added getting him off to school, making sure his homework was done, and ensuring that he ate something resembling a balanced diet to her already busy days. She wouldn’t have traded it for anything though, the hours she got to spend with her son. The two of them invested in an old Xbox which she figured out how to wire up to Mary Margaret’s even older TV, and they killed time on the weekends fighting aliens together and eating popcorn. After all, she couldn’t be a responsible mom all the time.
Gradually, she allowed herself to let her walls down around her parents, as day by day they got to know each other properly. A kernel of resentment that they had given her up stayed nestled deep down in her heart, but weekly meetings with Archie were helping her to accept that sacrificing the happiness of their own family for the sake of their kingdom was who they were.
Her contact with Regina was brief; outside of the weekly handoff of Henry and an occasional professional call from the mayor’s office, they didn’t interact. Still, she saw no evidence that Regina wasn’t walking the straight and narrow, and her parents even grudgingly admitted that Regina seemed to have turned over a new leaf.
Spring began to awaken in Storybrooke. Trees started to bud, and grass began to look more green than brown. Emma felt like she would be happy, genuinely happy, if it weren’t for the way her thoughts strayed so often to Killian. She tried to be subtle when she inquired if anyone had seen him, but all she got in return were knowing, sad looks and shrugs. He hadn’t visited the diner, Ruby told her. He wasn’t living in his apartment, Billy said. There’d been no sign of him anywhere around the docks, said the fishermen. Emma began to wonder if he’d found some way back to the Enchanted Forest, he had so effectively disappeared from Storybrooke. It didn’t stop her from remembering his voice and his smile and his touch with disturbingly perfect clarity.
“I was thinking of getting my own place,” she mentioned to Henry one Saturday morning, as the two of them lazed around in their pajamas in front of the Xbox.
“Well, it’s kind of crowded here, especially when you’re staying over. Wouldn’t you like to have your own bedroom?”
“Sure,” he allowed. “Hey, what about Killian’s old apartment? If he’s not living there anymore, maybe you could live there.”
Her heartbeat sped up. “No way.”
“Why not?”
“It’s only a one-bedroom,” Emma said.
“That’s not why,” Henry responded, narrowing his eyes. “You still have feelings for him. You miss him too much.”
“Who’s suddenly an expert in adult relationships?”
Henry looked smug at that. “You didn’t deny it.”
Emma’s avatar on the screen died in a flash of gunfire, and she set her controller down on the coffee table. “It doesn’t really matter if I miss him or not. The guy I knew wasn’t real.”
Henry rolled his eyes. “Come on, you’ve gotten to know enough people in this town to understand that their cursed personalities and their real personalities aren’t that different. And Killian was nice.”
“Okay, but there’s also the little matter of him having killed someone. And being the Dark One now.”
“I know, but he didn’t mean to become the Dark One. He was confused like Graham was.”
Emma frowned. “How do you know about that?”
“He talked to me about the storybook before he died, remember?” Emma wasn’t sure if Henry knew of Regina’s responsibility for Graham’s death and she certainly wasn’t going to bring it up now, not with the uneasy peace they’d forged. She didn’t think she’d ever let herself forget it, though. “Graham’s memories of the Enchanted Forest were starting to bleed in, but it was all confused and mixed up in his mind. He was, like, going insane.”
“I know.”
“So the same thing was probably happening to Killian!” Henry proclaimed. “I bet he had all these mixed up memories in his head, confusing him, making him crazy. Then he saw Mr. Gold, and the memories took over. It wasn’t really his fault, killing Rumpelstiltskin and becoming the Dark One. He’s, like, not guilty by reason of insanity.”
“How do you know about his past with Rumpelstiltskin?” Emma asked, frowning. “That stuff isn’t in your book.”
“I know. Mom told me. Did you know she and Captain Hook knew each other in the Enchanted Forest?”
Emma felt a stab of jealousy. “Yeah, I gathered. Anyway, he’s gone, so…”
Henry blinked at her. “No, he’s not, he’s in that old mansion at the edge of town.”
Emma sat up suddenly, accidentally kicking the coffee table and knocking a cereal box off of it, the little colorful hoops spilling out across the floor. “What mansion? And how do you know?”
Now he was back to looking smug. “Mom did a locator spell, I think because she wants to keep tabs on the Dark One. I saw the map she was using after she was done. That’s where he is.”
It’s my responsibility as the sheriff, Emma told herself as parked her squad car in front of the mansion. I should know what the resident Dark One is up to. Or do a safety check. Yeah, that’s what this is, a safety check.
There was no response to her knock. Finding the door unlocked, Emma cautiously went inside.
The mansion showed every sign of having been long abandoned, cobwebs in the corners of the sumptuously wood-paneled entryway. Emma made her way into what appeared to be some kind of formal parlor, seeing no sign that anyone was living here. As she turned around to continue her exploration in another room, there was a puff of red smoke and Killian appeared before her.
Pressing her palm to her racing heart, Emma stepped back. “Jesus, Killian, you scared me.”
“That was my intention, Swan. What are you doing here?” His voice sounded raspy with disuse, and he looked terrible. His eyes looked sunken, his skin sallow. He still wore black jeans and a black, button-down shirt as if it were some kind of Dark One uniform. His hair was greasy and unkempt, and it had grown longer so that it curled in little tufts around his ears.
She swallowed uncomfortably. “I heard you were living up here, and I came to check and make sure you were all right.”
“I’m immortal; what kind of danger do you think I would have gotten myself into?” He disappeared and then immediately reappeared on one of the room’s high-backed chairs, one of his legs thrown over an overstuffed arm.
Emma raised an eyebrow. “You need magic to move three feet and sit down?” He shrugged in response. “What is it that you’re doing up here, exactly?”
“Oh, what am I not doing, Swan? Musing on all the mistakes I’ve made in my long, long life. Remembering every time I stabbed that dagger into the Crocodile’s fragile flesh. Remembering my beloved ship, lost to me forever in another realm.” He waved his hand, and Emma felt a sickening tug as red smoke enveloped her. When her vision cleared, she realized they were in another room in the mansion — a library of sorts. Killian stood over near one of the heavy-curtained windows. Books littered the floor and every available flat surface in haphazard piles. “All this power, all this knowledge at my disposal, and there is no way for me to leave this realm and get back to my own.”
“I think you need a more productive hobby,” Emma said. “You need to stop isolating yourself up here, for one thing.”
He disappeared again, materializing at her side. “You don’t want that,” he sneered, his eyes flashing with madness and pain. “You don’t want this darkness anywhere near your family. Anywhere near you.” In spite of his words, he swayed closer to her, like he couldn’t help himself. Emma inhaled, smelling his sweat and the ozone left behind by his magic.
“So you’re planning to stay holed up in his mansion… what, forever? Until someone finds that dagger and stabs you, and the cycle begins all over again?” she asked. His eyes flicked from her eyes to her lips, over and over, and she couldn’t tell if he’d even heard her. “Killian?”
“The darkness lies,” he whispered, as if by keeping his voice down, he could prevent it from knowing his thoughts. “It tells me you used me. That you hate me. That I never loved you.” His hand reached out and gripped her arm. “Why is it so afraid of you?” he asked in an even softer tone, such that she could barely make out the words even as he spoke only inches from her face.
Emma had no idea how to respond. “I don’t know.”
Killian drew closer, his knee bumping into hers, his wrinkled shirt brushing against her breast. “I think of you every hour of every day, Swan.” His breath was hot on her face, his hand trembling where it gripped her arm hard enough to bruise. For a moment, Emma thought he meant to kiss her, but then just as quickly he disappeared again, reappearing at a safer distance away.
“You should go,” he muttered. “You should leave and never come back to this place. This is my tomb; leave me alone to rot in peace. It’s what I deserve.”
Shivering at the hopelessness in his voice, Emma reached into her pocket and drew out the silver chain she’d removed from an old evidence baggie that morning. “I wanted to give you something that we found several months ago near… near where Gold was killed.” She held it out, letting the ring at the end of the chain swing like a pendulum. “I thought it might be yours, ripped off in the struggle when…”
Killian walked closer to her, his eyes focused on the ring. “Liam’s ring. I assumed it was lost forever.”
“My brother.” He flicked his wrist, and the chain disappeared from her hand and reappeared in his. “I wore this from a young age; I believed it was what kept me alive.” His eyes closed, his face a mask of pain. “Since I lost it the day I became the Dark One, I suppose that was true.”
“You’re still alive, Killian. Even with all this darkness inside you, you’re still alive.”
He shook his head sadly. “Goodbye, Emma Swan.” With another flick of his wrist, Emma once again felt a nauseating tug, and the next moment she was standing next to the police cruiser outside, alone.
He sat still in the high-backed chair, as still as he possibly could, as if he could make every process in his body slow and slow and slow until his own heart stopped beating in his chest through sheer force of will. The few streetlights outside he’d extinguished weeks ago, and the moon was new, making the room completely dark. A mere mortal would have struggled to make out the barest outlines of the cold hearth, the dusty furniture, and the lonely man sitting in his lonely mansion.
“Hello, Dearie,” sang a familiar voice. Killian ignored it. It had almost become background noise at this point, like the rush of blood in his veins, the rhythmic beat of his heart, the occasional noisy insect chirping outside the window.
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The avatar of Rumpelstiltskin sat in the twin of the chair Killian occupied as if they were two men enjoying the warmth of the fireplace, but no fire burned. It crossed one leg over the other, propping its head against a gnarled fist, and regarded him impassively.
“Do you think you’re the first Dark One to try to nobly isolate yourself to protect those that the weak, human version of you once cared for?”
“Can’t say as I bloody well give a damn,” Killian said out loud.
“You aren’t. And so I can tell you with absolute certainty, it won’t work.”
Killian clenched his teeth and didn’t respond.
“The darkness needs to feed. It needs suffering and chaos and blood. And you will give it that.”
“I won’t.”
The apparition laughed, slapping its knee in delight. “A pirate who ransacked and whored his way across the realm, the very definition of weak and self-indulgent, is going to resist the pull of darkness that no one in thousands of years has resisted?”
When Killian again didn’t respond, the creature arose with oily, reptilian grace and approached, leaning close to Killian. He exhaled, his fetid breath making Killian want to retch. “The darkness will have you, and you’ll realize that Rumpelstiltskin was a paragon of virtue compared to someone like you. Everyone you think you love, you’ll destroy. You’ll torture and murder and rape until nothing good is left of this town.” It paused, running its tongue over yellowed, ruined teeth. “And you’ll love it.”
Killian reached out with his hand for the creature’s neck, but it dissolved in front of his eyes, leaving nothing but silence and blackness in its wake. Shoulders drooping, Killian bowed his head in defeat.
Chapter 17
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siren-dragon · 7 years
Long Live the King - (Ardyn Izunia x Reader) Ch. 7
I finally finished chapter 7, yay! I do apologize if this one seems a little scattered as it is currently 23:43 PM as I am posting this. -__-
As always, a big thank you to everyone who has been reading this story as both @maty-yami and myself greatly appreciate it. ^_^ And without further ado, let’s get this story started!
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!
You paced restlessly along the balcony of Cartonica Station, waiting for the boys to return after they phoned you of their successful retrieval of the royal weapon. The entire night you spent emptying the box of pregnancy testers to see if at least one of them were lying. Though your hopes were dashed as every single one showed the exact same result: you were pregnant.
It was obvious who the father was, as you only slept with Ardyn; but that was not what worried you. A child was something you did not plan on having again; especially after your previous child was murdered before your very eyes. And if Noctis and the others were to discover that you were pregnant, and with Ardyn’s child at that, they would never trust you again. And then there was Ardyn himself to consider. What would he say, if you told him? Judging from his note, he didn’t want any more connections with you, let alone a child. His departure and your now raging hormones left you angry then depressed, and running on nothing but 2 hours of sleep was certainly not helping.
But as you lay a hand against your stomach, you couldn’t help the small smile that came to your face. Children were a happy occasion to celebrate; regardless of timing or convenience. And it was then and there you refused to lose another child, vowing to protect this one with all your strength…no matter what.
“Hey (f/n)!” Prompto greeted you happily. “I hope you weren’t too bored by yourself.”
“Not in the slightest,” you replied. “I take it we’re off to Gralea then?”
“Actually…we’ll be stopping in Tenebrae for a bit.” Noctis spoke quietly.
You gave Noctis an understanding nod, “we might as well since we’ll be passing through.”
“So long as it helps him move on,” Gladio shrugged.
As the five of you boarded the train once more, you noticed a light change between the four boys. They appeared to walk with more purpose, heads held high despite their journey into enemy territory. It seemed they had finally finished their bickering and have become stronger from their trial, making you beam with pride.
It was just a shame that your trial was only beginning...
“(f/n) ...are you alright?”
You turned to face Ignis, his unseeing gaze focused on the table between you. The train shook and rattled beneath your feet as it pulled you ever closer to Gralea; and to Ardyn.
“Yes, why do you ask?”
Ignis turned his scarred eyes to you, making you shudder slightly. “You’ve seemed rather distracted as of late. I was simply curious if something was troubling you.”
That question felt like a slap to the face. You looked down to the table in shame, knowing Ignis couldn’t see your expression of guilt and anger. What were you to say? How were you to answer such an innocent question?
You felt gloved hands gently, but firmly take hold of your own, causing you to look toward Ignis’ face. “If you do not wish to tell me, then you need not say. But when you are ready to talk…I will be here if you need me (f/n).”
“Thank you, Ignis.” You spoke softly, wishing the serious advisor could see the smile of gratitude that came across your lips.
“Hey guys, morning.” Noctis spoke, coming to sit beside you, “anything I miss?”
“Nothing of any consequence. Though it feels good to ride the rails again. Eager to drive once we are in Gralea?” Ignis replied, expertly switching the subject to your relief.
Noctis snorted, “if they let me.”
“We are fortunate to have the Regalia at all. We owe the First Secretary our thanks.”
“She’d get even more thanks if she gave us a discount,” you sighed.
“Those transceivers are top-notch.” Ignis said, “I recall when the Hydraean raged- in the midst of the empire’s retreat, one conspicuous craft remained behind: The Chancellor’s.”
You frowned, recalling the tale Noctis had told you of his battle with the Hydraean, and the unexpected visitor who murdered Lunafreya. Your grip tightened ever so slightly around the Styrofoam cup in your hands. Oh yes, there was much to talk about…
“The last thing I remember was his ship, heading for the alter. I fell unconscious…and was powerless to stop him,” Ignis admitted.
“I’m just glad you’re alive.” Noctis sighed in relief.
“Oh, is someone else there?” Ignis asked, turning his head to the left.
“Just Gladio,” you answered.
Noctis frowned, “where did he go anyway?”
“On a brief reconnaissance. Something caught my ear…”
“Hey Captain, Lieutenant; mission complete.” Gladio announced, coming to a halt at the table.
“Splendid.” “Thank you Gladio.” Both you and Ignis spoke.
“So, what ‘caught your ear’?”
“Rumors of longer nights.”
“They’ve been growing longer day by day,” Gladio added.
You nodded, “there was talk of it back in Lucis, even within Insomnia. But recently there has been an unseasonably sharp change.”
“Should this trend continue, before long…”
“There won’t be daylight.” Noctis finished.
“Well, it’s not out of the question. The empire’s already slain half of the Six. No wonder the whole world’s in disarray.”
“And longer nights mean more daemons,” Ignis continued.
Gladio hummed in agreement, “seen that with our own eyes.”
“I happened to overhear a fellow passenger discussing this very same phenomenon.”
“So, we sent Gladio to seek ‘em out,” you grinned.
Noctis laughed, “nice police work.”
“Well, don’t want to keep ‘em waiting. You coming (f/n)?” Gladio asked.
You shook your head, “don’t want to spook them with too many people. I think I’ll stay here with Noct for now.”
“Suit yourself,” Gladio shrugged before leading Ignis down the train to the next car.
Noctis looked out the window while you picked up the menu, wondering what to eat when the prince gasped. Following his gaze, you turned to the window and felt your jaw drop at the sight of a massive snow-storm sitting right beside the deserts of Eusciello. There was the sound of a hand smacking the table when Prompto leaned beside the two of you. “Oh, there you guys are. Are you seeing this?”
“Yeah…never seen anything like it…” Noctis replied. “What’s going on…”
“It’s a real mystery,” Prompto shrugged. “But I’m not liking the look of that snow-cloud, kinda gives me the chills. Like who comes up with this stuff? I couldn’t even dream it up if I tried. Heh, it’s a marvelous world.”
You turned to speak with Prompto only to have Noctis to rush toward the blonde, aiming a punch right toward his face. Fortunately, the gunner’s reflexes were quicker and he managed to side step out of the way. “Whoa, what’s going on?”
“Noctis, are you alright? What’s gotten into you?” you asked, confused at your friend’s sudden change in demeanor. “Yeah buddy, you okay?” Prompto spoke, equally as confused as you yourself was.
Noctis spun about to face you both, a look of rage twisting his facial features as he summoned a royal weapon and swung it at Prompto. You both dodged in the nick of time, causing Noctis to embed his blade into the floor before banishing it once more. “Shut up!” Noctis screamed.
“Be careful there!” Prompto exclaimed, scurrying backwards. “Wait…is this for real?”
“Noct, what the hell is the matter with you?!” You shouted, summoning your bow to block Noctis’ next attack.
“Stay out of my way (f/n)! I’m gonna KILL HIM!” Noctis roared, knocking you to the floor.
“Run!” you shouted to Prompto, causing the blonde to quickly climb to his feet and race toward the next car with Noctis at his heels.
You chased after them, watching Noctis rip open a compartment door in anger as he searched the contents within. Coming to a halt beside the prince you put a gentle hand on his shoulder, “Um…Noct are you oka- ugh!” you exclaimed as his fist swung out, slamming against your cheek and causing you to lose balance. Stars danced across your vision as you watched Noctis rush away down the rest of the train. You moved to stand once more before feeling a blow to the back of your head, causing you to gasp in pain and slump backwards into a pair of strong arms that smelt of sandalwood.
“My sincerest apologizes, (f/n), but I mustn’t have you interfere. Sleep well, my dear.” Ardyn whispered in your ear before your eyes closed and the world faded from view…
You opened your eyes and groaned, feeling a slight pain coming from your cheek and the back of your head. Slowly you tried to recall what happened; remembering the train, Noctis losing it and attacking Prompto, and then Ardyn knocking you unconscious. You fumed angrily at having been caught off guard so easily, but the damage was already done. Gently you rose from the bed you were laying on and glanced around at your surroundings with confusion and suspicion.
Wherever you were, it was certainly not the train.
Bunk beds lay in two rows across from one another, each with its own bedside table. On the far end of the room was a row of lockers with a few coats thrown across empty chairs. To the right was a large metal door that was the only exit which currently remained closed. You moved toward the wall where a plaque sat alongside a map and fire-safety guidelines.
“Zegnautus Dormitory, Number 601,” you spoke aloud. “Zegnautus? Wait, I’m in Gralea?”
Riffling through your pockets you sighed in frustration to discover your mobile phone was missing, knowing exactly who took it. Glancing back at the map, you tried to pinpoint a route toward an exit or control room to contact the boys, finally finding one that would lead you toward the communications room that was bound to have an emergency phone line. Memorizing the route, you opened the door and quickly knocked back an arrow before cautiously walking out of the dormitory.
The air was still and the silent, only to be broken by the light tapping of your boots upon the metal floors. Why were there no guards? No researchers? Not even a lost secretary wandering the empty halls. Something did not feel right, and that thought alone made you raise your guard even higher. Taking the last left toward the communications room, you opened the door in front of you and froze at the sight that lay before you. Across the floor lay clothes; multiple copies of the same uniform strewn about the entire room, including shoes. Kneeling beside the closest set, you searched through the pockets and retrieved an ID card, wallet, and keys.
“That’s strange, why would they leave their valuables?” You murmured to yourself, “what in the world could have happened here?”
Standing up you entered the next room, which was filled with metal cages. Clothing was thrown about in this room as well, though broken shackles also laid about within the cages, making you frown. What the hell was going on here?
You moved toward the desk and picked up a stack of papers, flipping through the pages as you read the words written.
“Military Applications of Mutative Plasmodia,” you read aloud. “In light of the large sample size, the test results can be considered conclusive: commonly occurring parasitic protozoa are the are the agents of daemonification. These findings pave the way for the weaponization of daemons, and the first step involves finding a way to control mutated organisms. This report recommends Minister of Research Verstael Besithia submit a detailed budget request for the Deathless Project.”
“A parasitic protozoon….so the daemons are from a disease?” You spoke before a look of horror came to your face, “Then that means, all the daemons…they’re people….”
“Were people; I’m afraid they no longer remember their previous lives.”
You spun about toward the source of the voice, bow drawn and raised in defense. Ardyn stood before you with his hands stretched out in a non-threatening manner, a hint of a smirk drawn across his lips. “Tell me why I should not release this arrow into you right now,” you spoke harshly.
“Because you still have questions that I hold the answers to,” Ardyn replied simply.
You narrowed your eyes in anger before lowering the bow and sheathing the arrow into your quiver once more. “Explain please,” you snapped.
“It is fascinating what one would do for power over their enemies,” Ardyn said, running a hand across the cage door. “All the Empire need was one little push and they were corrupting their own citizens to create their magitek.”
“So, you spread the scourge to Niflheim,” you finished. “Is that why you left? To try to protect me from this! By the Six Ardyn, why couldn’t you just tell me!?”
“I couldn’t get you involved.”
“That’s not an answer Ardyn! Tell me the truth!”
“BECAUSE I HAVE TO DIE!” Ardyn roared in anger, his voice reverberating around the room causing you to freeze in your tracks. “Don’t you understand (f/n)? I have been wandering this world with nothing but these damned daemons, as the ‘Immortal Accursed’! Did you really think I could trap you within that darkness?!”
You watched his sclera turn black as obsidian tears began to fall from his eyes, leaving trails of liquid shadows across his greying skin. Clenching your hand into a fist, you slowly walked toward him and raised your hand; allowing the fist to slam straight into his right cheek. Ardyn yelped in surprise, staggering backward from the blow before looking to you with a expression of pure shock.
“You are a FUCKING IDIOT Ardyn Lucis Caelum!” you shouted. “Did you really think I would turn my back on you again? Did you not think to explain what happened here?!”
Ardyn stared at your outburst in surprise, knowing that curses did not often fall from your lips.
“You destroyed an Empire!” you continued, too angry to care. “Corrupted innocent people into daemons, killed your own descendant and the Oracle; among countless others, and felled gods! And I am furious with you, horrified at what you’ve done! And yet still I....I want to stand beside you.”
Moving closer to him you wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into his chest. “I love you, Ardyn Lucis Caelum; now and forever.”
He remained as still as stone against you before his arms slowly returned the embrace. “You still wish to remain with me, even after all I’ve done.”
“I’m your wife, you fool. I have to inspire you somehow.”
“(f/n)…I cannot give you a happy ending.” Ardyn whispered.
You raised your head to look into his eyes, a small smile coming to your face. “I know…but perhaps I could give you one…. we both could.” You said, moving his hand toward your stomach.
Ardyn stared at your stomach with wide, terrified eyes. But you could see deep within those golden eyes the small spark of hope lingering in their depths. “Are you certain?”
“Positive,” you answered back.
“It seems the gods have not forsaken me,” Ardyn chuckled humorlessly. “Though I will ask you once more (f/n), will you stay with me?”
“If you will have me,” you replied, mimicking his words to you in Altissia.
“Now and forever, my dear.”
9 Months Later:
“Congratulations Madame, it’s a boy!”
You panted heavily as you laid against the multiple pillows behind your head. Your (h/c) locks were plastered to your face by sweat from the labor you had endured. Looking to the bundle within the doctor’s arms, you reached your arms for your child. “May I see him?” you asked softly, your voice all but gone from the screaming you did.
“Of course, Madame, there you go. I’ll go and retrieve your husband,” the doctor replied before depositing your child within your arms and disappearing out of the room.
Cuddling the bundle to your chest you smiled down at your son, laughing at the tuft of magenta hair that was just touch darker than his father’s. Running a finger gently against his hand he grabbed hold of your finger with all his might before a content smile pulled at his lips.
“How is he?” Ardyn asked, the concern he felt evident in his tone.
“Come see,” you answered, moving to show Ardyn. “I would like you to meet Ausel Lucis Caelum.”
“Hello there, little one.” Ardyn smiled, “it is nice to finally meet you.”
And there is the end of the chapter! Stay tuned for the final two chapters, and I’ll try to post them as soon as I can. See ya and good night! ^_^
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