#Wesley the damn glowing boy
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miru667 · 1 year ago
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End of year art dump, part 2!! Everything from January to yesterday. xP All of this is Let It Flow AU stuff, read more for descriptions, context and credits!
1-2) Audrey Grace and the friends she made during her first recon mission to Vileville! From left to right: the Cashtea-ler ( @ampreh ), Théodore Wijins, La Rouquine ( @nalak-bel ), and Wesley the glowing boy ( @ampreh ). The last three are Cashtie’s henchmen who all want him dead. 💀
3-4) Cashtea-ler vs deoncelerized Cashtie (aka Cashtiel)
5) Audrey’s outfit for her 2nd recon mission to Vileville. >:D I really wanted to draw her in black just so she could be a little more stealth and a little more goth. Black Lady from Sailor Moon was my inspo!
6) A sketch page of OCs belonging to people from an rp server I’m in. From left to right, top to bottom, they are: Hugo (@butterscorner), Norma ( @crazypotatofan ), Nathan ( @nalak-bel ), Bean ( @lemonine ), Émilien ( @blackcatangel ), Wesley ( @ampreh​ ), Audrey (mine lol), Bét ( @bethanygabrielleart​ ), Théodore (belongs to my friend Alink, no tumblr)
7) RP art from a scene with @rafatello​ ‘s OC, Joan!! xD He pickpocketed the wrong tourist 🔪 (I love Joan he’s great kshfgjk)
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ampreh · 8 months ago
[LIF] Our local survivors doodles 2
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• LIF Survivor doodles 1 Oh boi it's the moment I have to tag and describe *augh* 1&2 • Wall of Shame- - @the-cashtealer , @wesley-the-damn-glowing-boy , Korenthe , Rel | @ampreh 's - Éliot Corbin | @blackcatangel 's - Joan Yuntz-ler | @rafatello 's Originally I'd just put together the two most sexist/macho characters in the game based on their attitude in roleplay, Wesley and Éliot. Then it got out of hand and spread to all the other sexist characters; sorry Joan, your only sin is being too drunk to realize you're in this picture! It's a reference to that meme and I'm waiting for the LIF girl OCs to answer >:^) 3 • Merci aux clients fidèles- - @wesley-the-damn-glowing-boy , @paprika-emberfire | @ampreh 's - Bétanie Collins | @bethanygabrielleart 's - Éliot Corbin | @blackcatangel The two cabaret regulars; one loves ice, the other fire. I also wanted to draw Paprika and her dear friend Bét The title of this one is a reference to that french meme, since Vileville place and its king Cashtea-ler are french. You can translate it by : thanks to loyal customer 4 • Two birds and a moment of rest- - Victorine | @ampreh 's - @benjamin-peter | @lemonine 's While the others are fighting not to die in the streets, Bean is enjoying a good time with his new friend. He's lucky not to be downtown or in the slums of Vileville, and Victorine is looking after him. Very closely. Translation for their book : For Victorine : The quest for the impossible or The impossible quest. Sorry Victorine, there's no happy ending for what you're hoping for. For Bean : Volatile in french is a word for birds but also for someone who isnt meant to stay long. That's also a word for a liquid changing its state to evaporate, since Bean is in a phase of change during his journey
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[LIF] The Cashtea-ler & Wesley (tw)
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[@the-cashtealer & @wesley-the-damn-glowing-boy | @ampreh 's ] Talking to @audtreegrace "[...] She wanted to trap your dear "Cashtea". And… -laughs nervously- and now it's been a good decade since she's floating at the bottom of a well, we know where. Her name was Marie and she was seventeen. When I found out, I was out of control…" "[...] That's just the result of me being a fool for thinking I could win anything..."
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years ago
Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat - Chapter 17
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Summary: Veterinarian Olivia Tran has zero time for bullshit. After becoming a mom at age twenty three, the one thing she wants is a good life for her daughter Vanessa. Her ex didn’t want anything to do with her nor the baby and she decided that man are officially banned out of her life. But then she meets Henry Cavill at her clinic and her ban slowly starts to crumble apart. Henry on the other hand is looking for one thing: a family. And when he meets Olivia Tran, he finds just that.
Henry Cavill x Olivia Tran (ofc)
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 2.4k
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
Henry’s life is slowly but surely becoming what he originally wanted. He adopted Vanessa a few weeks ago and he never thought he could be so emotional. He cried while he had to sign the papers, he cried the entire way back to the car, to a point where Olivia decided it would be best if she drove back to his parents’ place. He sat in the back of the car, right next to Vanessa, who wasn’t crying, but went out of her way to comfort him. He was just so happy that it was official now.
If—God forbids—something happen to Olivia, Vanessa goes right to him. They don’t have to bother with that low life of a Wesley, she is going right to him. They even changed their will. If something happens to the both of them, Vanessa goes to his family.
But right now Olivia is officially thirteen weeks pregnant and it’s getting harder and harder now to hide her belly. Since she is out of her first trimester, she is been feeling a lot better. She told him that during her pregnancy with Vanessa, she puked quite a lot, but that was nothing compared to how she is feeling with this baby.
But right now, her glow is mesmerizing. She was always beautiful, but seeing her in her underwear before she trows on his shirt at night, he realizes that she is a whole different kind of breathtaking now. After she steps into the bed, he lays behind her, wraps his arm around her waist and sneaks a hand under her shirt. He loves feeling her tiny bump. It’s still beyond him that this is happening, that they’ve created an already beautiful human. He cannot wait to see the more definite changes of her body, the further she gets into this pregnancy.
It’s Friday and they are waiting for Vanessa to walk out of the school. Henry wraps his fingers around her hand and pulls Olivia closer to his body. The weather is getting nicer and nicer, making it even harder for her to hide her little bump. She opted for a pretty midi skirt with a large shirt over it, that doesn’t show anything yet.
Today they are not only going to tell Vanessa about the baby when they are at home, but they are going to tell his entire family, since they are having a little dinner at his mom’s. The school bell rings and it doesn’t take long, before Vanessa rushes out of the school. Thankfully she has adopted a new normal by jumping into Henry’s arms, instead of Olivia’s, like she used to do. She presses tons of kisses on his cheeks, before she leans down to give Olivia a kiss.
Keeping this a secret has been the hardest thing, especially since Henry wants to share this with everyone.
‘Ready to go home, sunshine?’ Henry asks her and she nods. While he carries her to the car, she keeps on talking about how wonderful school was. Though he doesn’t quite understand that she likes school this much (especially with the witch that calls herself miss Sue in front of the class), he likes her stories. He could listen to her for hours on end and not be bored for a second.
Henry helps his official daughter in her carseat and while he drives back home, he holds Olivia’s hand. Once they are home, Olivia pulls Vanessa with her and the two of them sit on the couch.
He leans against the doorframe, wanting to see everything that is going to happen, but also allowing them to experience this. He might be officially Vanessa’s dad now, it’ll take a long time before they will have the bond that Vanessa has with her mother. Their bond is so tight, it’s mesmerizing. ‘Vanessa, sweetheart,’ Olivia says, ‘I have something to tell you.’
Vanessa looks at her mom with a frown between her brows. ‘Okay… What is it, mommy?’
Olivia takes Vanessa’s hand and places it onto her stomach. ‘Mommy is growing a baby in her stomach right now,’ she says in a soft voice. ‘And that means you are going to be a big sister.’
Henry had looked online on how to tell your kids that they are going to be a brother or sister. He saw all those sweet and funny videos online, with cakes, balloons and other stuff, but when he showed Olivia, she simply frowned and said that she just wants to tell Vanessa.
And now when he sees this moment happening in front of his eyes, he knows damn well that it shouldn’t happen any other way than this one.
Vanessa’s eyes light up, as her hand rests on Olivia’s bump. ‘I’m going to be a big sister?’ she asks, just in case.
‘Yes, sweetheart.’
And for the first time since he met Vanessa, she is crying happy tears. They drip over her cheeks, yet a smile is evident on her face. ‘I’m doing the happy tears thing,’ she sniffles.
‘Oh sweetie,’ Olivia says, a few tears in her eyes as well. She pulls her daughter closer to her body and presses kisses on her cheek. She ushers Henry over and he walks over to his two favorite girls.
He takes place on the other side of Olivia and looks at the two of them and he can’t hide his smile.
‘Daddy,’ Vanessa says, looking up, ‘I’m going to be a big sister.’
He wipes the tears from her face. ‘I know, sunshine. You are going to be a wonderful sister,’ he tells her.
She takes his hand from her face and places it on Olivia’s bump, just like her own. ‘Are we going to tell grandma, grandpa and everyone today?’
‘We are,’ Olivia says, stroking through the soft hairs of Vanessa.
‘We do have to tell you something,’ he says to Vanessa.
‘And what’s that?’
He clears his throat. He really wants to tell her this, because he thinks it’s important. He talked about this with Olivia and she agreed to it. ‘We love you so much and we always will, sunshine, but you have to know that a new baby is hard work. Both me and your mom will be pretty tired. There is also a chance that we will not have as much time for you as we usually have.’
Vanessa nods. ‘I know,’ she tells him. ‘Bettie’s mom is usually pretty tired too, when she is pregnant and when she just had a new baby. I can help around the house and otherwise, I can sleep at grandma’s place. I think she and grandpa want to babysit, so you can maybe sleep in.
How is he going to be an excellent father, if Olivia has managed to do this by herself? He is so lucky that this amazing woman is going to be the mother of their kids.
‘Then we have nothing to worry about,’ Olivia chuckles, kissing Vanessa’s cheek. ‘You are such an angel.’
Vanessa smiles. ‘So when is this baby going to be born? Bettie’s mom always knows, but she said something about a flu date?’
Olivia chuckles. ‘Due date, sweetheart. The doctor can guess a little bit. So the due date for this baby is the twenty first of November.’
‘That’s near my birthday.’ She smiles even brighter than before. ‘I kind of hope that the baby will be born on my birthday. That means we are going to have an even bigger party.’ Vanessa looks at Olivia’s stomach and asks: ‘When do we know if it’s a boy or girl?’
‘Somewhere in August,’ Henry says.
‘How can they know?’
Olivia gestures that she should stay put, as she walks over to her purse. ‘The doctors have a machine and what that one basically does is that it can make pictures from what’s inside my stomach.’
‘Oh,’ Vanessa says, ‘like the pictures daddy makes?’
Olivia chuckles. ‘Absolutely not.’ She plops back on the couch and shows Vanessa the picture of the ultrasound.
‘I don’t get it. There is nothing on here.’
Henry places his arm on the back of the couch and explains: ‘This little bean right here,’—he points to the same spot that the doctor showed him, because if he is being fair, he can’t see it—‘is your brother or sister and when we go back there in August, the baby is a little bigger. Right now he or she is as big as… what was it again, sweetheart?’
‘A lemon, so there isn’t much to see yet.’
Vanessa nods. ‘When you go to the doctor to see if I get a baby brother or sister, can I come with you?’
Olivia nods. ‘Of course you can,’ she says.
Vanessa leans down, pushes up her mom’s shirt, as she whispers against the tiny bump: ‘When you are older, you and I are going to eat chocolates at night, but don’t tell mommy and daddy, because I don’t think they’ll allow it.’
Henry is insanely nervous for meeting his family. He knows that they will love it, he is absolutely sure of that. Though it doesn’t stop him from being nervous though. His family definitely knows how babies are made, but exposing the fact that they have been having sex and now she is pregnant…
He holds onto Olivia’s hand so tightly, that she has to whisper that he needs to chill, because he is hurting her.
And he never wants to do that of course.
Olivia came with the idea to involve Vanessa in the reveal to his family and he honestly couldn’t agree more. Vanessa was and will always be his first baby and she means the absolute world to him. The fact that she was already thinking about how she is going to be the best daughter in the world to them, how she is going to help not only her mom, but also himself out whenever she can, speaks volumes about how she is going to handle this big sister thing.
They walk around the house, to enter the garden and everyone seems to be totally happy that they have finally arrived. Vanessa continues to look at Olivia, waiting for the right moment. ‘Everybody,’ Olivia finally says. ‘Our little Vanessa has a little surprise.’
‘Little princess, what you got?’ Charlie says.
She unzips her vest and shows everyone her shirt. ‘I’m going to be a— Oh my God!’ Belle screams, running towards Olivia. The rest is further away from Vanessa, so they haven’t even read it yet, by the time Belle has pulled Olivia in a hug. ‘I’m so happy for you, babe.’
Henry watches as the rest of the family has yet to catch on, but his mother is the first to notice. She starts to tear up and Henry quickly walks over to her, to engulf her into a tight hug.
While his brothers and father are the first to congratulate Vanessa, giving her big hugs and saying how she is going to be such an amazing big sister, he hears his mother sniffle: ‘This is wonderful news, my dear.’
Since he officially adopted Vanessa, he realized that his mother was finally getting what she wanted. A big family, where she would be the grandma of the entire clan, a role that she had been wanting ever since his brothers and he reached the age of twenty. She never pushed them to get married and to have kids, but now she is finally getting the larger family she always wanted. It’s long overdue.
The fact that Olivia already had a wonderful daughter and him being really serious about having kids, made it easier for them to get pregnant, though it wasn’t necessarily planned. A couple like Simon and Belle are not even thinking about children. Well, they are, as in: we don’t want them right now.
After everyone gave him one hug, Vanessa at least two and Olivia a big hug and a kiss on her cheek, he can finally stand next to his beautiful girlfriend again. ‘Can I?’ he asks, letting his hand hover over her stomach.
‘You can always do that,’ she whispers, pressing a kiss on his jaw.
He gently places his hand on her tiny bump and she places her hand on top of his. ‘God, you are so amazing,’ he chuckles.
‘Don’t forget to give yourself credit, Henry,’ she says. ‘Remember, you are going to be a wonderful father, I just know it. You have already proven how much of an excellent dad you are with Vanessa.’
‘Can I take you with me for just a second?’ he asks, looking over at how Piers and Niki are showing off their football skills, though Vanessa doesn’t seem impressed at all.
Henry carefully pulls Olivia with him, until they are inside. He clears his throat and asks: ‘Should I share this with my fans?’ It has been a question that has been running through his thoughts for quite a while now.
Since he met Olivia, he posted pictures of course. After he first met her, he took a picture of Kal on the couch, looking a little sad and he wrote in the caption: Thanks to the greatest veterinarian who did pick up at three in the morning, Kal is all okay now after he vomited over my new carpet, though I was informed that he was kinda fat, so I have to work on that.
After that he posted pictures of Kal, of the Christmas tree and the cookies that he attempted to make for them. But he kept both of them out of the picture and since Valentines Day, he didn’t post anything.
Olivia smiles before she nods. ‘You can, as long as my face or Vanessa’s isn’t splattered on the news.’
Henry scoffs. ‘You think I’d allow that?’ He leans in to press a kiss on her forehead. ‘I just feel like I should tell them that we are expecting.’
‘You should tell the whole story,’ she tells him, grabbing his hands. ‘That you have a girlfriend, adopted Vanessa and that we are expecting.’
‘Are you sure?’ he asks. ‘I mean, I know that you two didn’t ask to be in the spotlights like that and I don’t want to force it on you.’
She pulls him closer and gives him a long kiss on his lips. ‘I am one hundred percent sure, sweetheart.’
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kieralee: sooooo, we are getting Dad!Henry content? because i’m up for it!!!!
julia5487: hold up… he adopted someones kid and now they are having a kid on their own? wth happened?
muziarealm: I really want to see the lucky ass lady who is giving him babies.
kittycat421: OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME?!?!?!?!?!?!
ursula_9903: HOLY CRAP!!!!!! congratulations are in order!!!
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spot-has-a-phaser · 3 years ago
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I posted 704 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 114 characters
#if i ever got to wear alien prosthetics i too would take the opportunity to scare the crap out of normal civilians
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It’s been a while since I posted art so here’s a comic I dashed out this morning
89 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 18:50:07 GMT
Okay but genuinely who the fuck thought it was a good idea to kill off Lal? You know how much more I’d enjoy the show if Lal popped in every ten or so episodes like Alexander? You know what I’d give to see Lal interact with Timothy in Hero’s Worship? Data learning to love his daughter in his own special android way while he helps her navigate life, Lal helping Dr. Crusher with patients in sick bay because humans fascinate her as much as they do her father and she finds healing them fulfilling, Riker being incredibly awkward around her the first couple of interactions he shares with her before loosening up and teaching her the trombone. She had so much potential, she could have furthered so many other characters. They threw that all right out the window. Who in their right mind would do that?
113 notes • Posted 2021-11-26 20:49:36 GMT
The Star Trek production team really just woke up and chose violence when they decided to have Brent Spiner play every single male Soong character in multiple shows, didn’t they? Like, when Dr. Soong first showed up, they easily could have found a generic old dude to play him and disregarded the plot point that Soong make them in his image. Instead, they chose to put Brent in complicated prosthetics to keep up the bit, a decision which I applaud them for, simply because it paints Soong as the kind of man who puts his own face on his inventions which I find wildly entertaining. But then they did it again with Soong’s actual child and his ancestor on Enterprise. Just thinking about basic genetics, it’s nearly impossible that Altan Inigo Soong would end up looking so damn similar to both his father AND some rando ancestor from two hundred years ago. it’s astonishingly amusing that they decided regardless of the show, they would find a way to include Spiner, no matter the cost. And honestly, who can blame them?
392 notes • Posted 2021-11-19 12:53:12 GMT
I love how kind Data is to everyone around him. Like, yeah, his ethics programming prevents him from doing anything to harm anyone, but no one is making him say “good for you!” to Wesley after he tells him about the prank he pulled on a classmate. That programming doesn’t force him to call out a trader on his rude behavior towards Kamala in The Perfect Mate. He always laughs at his friends’ jokes, and even if they don’t sound natural, they are the most sincere laughs I’ve ever heard. In Hero’s Worship he could have left Timothy alone after he rescued him, but even before Deanna asked him to stick around, he let this poor traumatized boy hold his hand in the sick bay while Dr. Crusher performed his checkup. In Pen Pals, he beams down to the planets surface to rescue the little girl who was communicating with him, brought her back to the ship against orders, and kept her from getting scared while she was there. He didn’t have any logical reason to do any of these things. They weren’t part of his programming. He makes a conscious effort to ensure others are comfortable and safe before he thinks of himself, and I adore him for that
465 notes • Posted 2021-11-22 12:57:17 GMT
I find it objectively hilarious that it was revealed that data literally glows in geordi’s eyes, and this was pretty much never brought up again. the symbolism in this statement, how light is associated with innate good, and as such, how geordi sees more in data than most around him, and especially how geordi just assumes that everyone else around him sees data just as extraordinarily as he does, how fucking gay is that and they tossed that away. It boggles my mind
1380 notes • Posted 2021-11-16 04:17:28 GMT
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collectorscorner · 6 years ago
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Robinson), $3.99 Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #8 (Cover B Adi Granov Spider-Man Iron Spider Suit Variant), AR Heroes Reborn Omnibus HC, $125.00 Magnificent Ms. Marvel #4 (Cover A Eduard Petrovich), $3.99 Magnificent Ms. Marvel #4 (Cover B Gerald Parel Spider-Man Cosmic Suit Variant), AR Major X #6 (Of 6), $3.99 Marvel Comics Presents #6, $4.99 Marvel Comics The World Outside Your Window HC, $50.00 Marvel Previews Volume 4 #24 (July 2019), $1.25 Marvel Rising #4 (Of 5), $3.99 Marvel Visionaries Stan Lee TP, $34.99 Marvels Poster Book TP, $24.99 Master Of Kung Fu Epic Collection Volume 2 Fight Without Pity TP, $39.99 Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur #44, $3.99 Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur Volume 7 Bad Dream TP, $15.99 Mr. And Mrs. X #12, $3.99 Not Brand Echh The Complete Collection TP, $39.99 Peter Porker The Spectacular Spider-Ham The Complete Collectection Volume 1 TP, $39.99 Runaways #22, $3.99 Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover A David Lafuente), $4.99 Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover B Ron Lim), AR Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover C John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover D Armstrong Hidden Gem Variant), AR Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover E Animation Variant), AR Spider-Man Reptilian Rage #1 (Cover A Todd Nauck), $3.99 Spider-Man Reptilian Rage #1 (Cover B Ron Lim), AR Star Wars #67 (Cover D Bill Sinkiewicz), AR Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Darth Vader #1 (Cover A Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson), $3.99 Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Darth Vader #1 (Cover B Tommy Lee Edwards), AR Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Darth Vader #1 (Cover C Mike McKone Puzzle Piece Variant), AR Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Darth Vader #1 (Cover D Artist Concept Variant), AR Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Darth Vader #1 (Cover E Gabriele Dell'Otto Greatest Moments Variant), AR Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Darth Vader #1 (Cover F Movie Variant), AR Star Wars Doctor Aphra Volume 5 Worst Among Equals TP, $24.99 Star Wars Galaxy's Edge #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Tommy Lee Edwards), $3.99 Star Wars Galaxy's Edge #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Caspar Wijngaard Hondo Ohnaka Variant), AR Starjammers TP, $29.99 Superior Spider-Man #8, $3.99 Thanos #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Jeff Dekal), $3.99 Thanos #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Pyeong Jun Park Variant), AR Thanos #3 (Of 6)(Cover C Nick Bradshaw Spider-Man Worldwide Suit Variant), AR Thor #14 (Cover A Michael Del Mundo), $3.99 Thor #14 (Cover B Yasmin Putri Marvels 25th Tribute Variant), AR Tony Stark Iron Man Volume 2 Stark Realities TP, $17.99 True Believers Marvel Tails Starring Peter Porker The Spectacular Spider-Man #1, $1.00 True Believers Spider-Man Spider-Man Vs Mysterio #1, $1.00 War Of The Realms #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Arthur Adams), $5.99 War Of The Realms #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Giuseppe Camuncoli Connecting Realm Variant), AR War Of The Realms #6 (Of 6)(Cover C Victor Hugo), AR War Of The Realms #6 (Of 6)(Cover D Irina Nordsol), AR War Of The Realms #6 (Of 6)(Cover E Luke Ross International Connecting Variant), AR War Of The Realms #6 (Of 6)(Cover F Michael Del Mundo Young Guns Variant), AR War Of The Realms #6 (Of 6)(Cover G Terry Dodson Spoiler Variant), AR War Of The Realms #6 (Of 6)(Cover H Arthur Adams Black & White Variant), AR War Of The Realms New Agents Of Atlas #2 (Of 4)(Gang Hyuk Lim 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 War Of The Realms New Agents Of Atlas #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Woo Dae Shim), $3.99 War Of The Realms New Agents Of Atlas #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Leinil Francis Yu), AR War Of The Realms Punisher #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Juan Ferreyra), $3.99 War Of The Realms Punisher #3 (Of 3)(Cover B John Mccrea), AR War Of The Realms Uncanny X-Men #3 (Of 3)(Cover A David Yardin), $3.99 War Of The Realms Uncanny X-Men #3 (Of 3)(Cover B Ivan Shavrin), AR West Coast Avengers Volume 2 City Of Evils TP, $17.99 Wolverine Exit Wounds #1 (Cover A Ryan Stegman), $4.99 Wolverine Exit Wounds #1 (Cover B Sam Keith), AR Wolverine Exit Wounds #1 (Cover C Rob Liefeld), AR Wolverine Exit Wounds #1 (Cover D Becky Cloonan), AR X-Men Eve Of Destruction HC, $100.00 X-Men Grand Design X-Tinction #2 (Of 2)(Cover B Ed Piskor), AR X-Men Milestones Dark Phoenix Saga TP, $24.99
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Series GeGeGe no Kitaro Kitaro PVC Figure, AR Game Of Thrones Drogon Deluxe Action Figure, AR Girls Und Panzer Movie Maho Nishizumi 1/7 Scale PVC Figure (not verified by Diamond), AR GPX Cyber Formula Knight Savior 005 Model (Metallic Version)(not verified by Diamond), AR Gudetama Hula Skirt 9 Inch Plush, AR Harry Potter Charms 3 Inch Style Figure, AR Harry Potter Hedwig Neck Pillow, AR Harry Potter Hermione Granger Year One Figurine, AR Harry Potter Hogwarts Clear Tote With Cinch Bag, AR Harry Potter Ron Weasley Year One Figurine, AR Harry Potter Sorting Hat Paper Weight, AR Harry Potter Train Station Book Ends, AR Harry Potter Year One Figurine, AR Invader Zim Gaz With Video Game Pin, AR Invader Zim Gir Popsicle Pin, AR Invader Zim Pigeon On Head Pin, AR Invader Zim Professor Membrane Pin, AR Invader Zim Sleeping Zim Pin, AR Invader Zim Zim's Robot Parents Pin, AR Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon Ais Wallenstein 1/4 Scale PVC Figure (Bunny Version), AR Is The Order A Rabbit Chiya Nendoroid Action Figure, AR James Jean Mickey And Minnie 90th Anniversary Trading Figure 6 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Johnny Bravo Beat Up Johnny Pin, AR Johnny Bravo Johnny Popsicle Pin, AR Johnny Bravo Man I'm Pretty Quote Pin, AR Justice League Bruce Wayne MAFEX Action Figure, AR Kantai Collection Kancolle Suzuya Kai-II Figma Action Figure, AR Kizuna Ai Nendoroid Plus Keychain 6 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Labyrinth 7 Inch Jareth Dance Magic Action Figure, AR Living Dead Dolls Friday The 13th Part II Jason Voorhees Doll, AR Marvel Black Panther Iconic 16 Ounce Tumbler With Lid, AR Marvel Deadpool Iconic 16 Ounce Tumbler With Lid, AR Marvel Gallery Avengers 3 Hulkbuster Deluxe PVC Figure, AR Marvel Gallery Carnage Comic PVC Figure, AR Marvel Heroes Dark Phoenix Previews Exclusive Navy T-Shirt LG, AR Marvel Heroes Dark Phoenix Previews Exclusive Navy T-Shirt MED, AR Marvel Heroes Dark Phoenix Previews Exclusive Navy T-Shirt SM, AR Marvel Heroes Dark Phoenix Previews Exclusive Navy T-Shirt XL, AR Marvel Heroes Dark Phoenix Previews Exclusive Navy T-Shirt XXL, AR Marvel Spider-Man Iconic 16 Ounce Tumbler With Lid, AR Masters Of The Universe He-Man 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure, AR McFarlane Toys MLB The Show 19 Bryce Harper Action Figure, AR Mirai Akari Project Mirai Akari Nendoroid Action Figure, AR Monster Hunter Item Mascot Demondrug PVC Keychain, AR Monster Hunter Item Mascot Large Barrel Bomb PVC Keychain, AR Monster Hunter Item Mascot Potion PVC Keychain, AR Monster Hunter Item Mascot Well-Done Steak PVC Keychain, AR Monster Hunter World Female Rathalos Armor Nendoroid Action Figure Deluxe, AR Nerf Mega Fortnite TS Blaster, AR Nightcry Scissorwalker 1/6 Scale PVC Statue, AR Nintendo Legend Of Zelda 4 Piece Lapel Pin Set, AR One Piece Portrait Of Pirates Nami PVC Figure (Limited Edition Version), AR One-12 Collective DC Sovereign Knight Batman Action Figure, AR One-12 Collective Diabolik Action Figure, AR Overlord Narberal Gamma 1/8 Scale PVC Figure (So-Bin Version), AR Overwatch Ultimates 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment 201901 (not verified by Diamond), AR Overwatch Ultimates Reinhardt Deluxe Action Figure, AR Pla-Act Option Series 09 Blades Guns Plastic Model Kit, AR POP Aladdin Live Pen Topper 16 Piece Assortment, AR POP Marvel Spider-Man Far From Home Pen Topper 16 Piece Assortment, AR Queen's Blade Echidna 1/7 Scale PVC Figure, AR Rick And Morty 1000 Piece Puzzle, AR Shazam Symbol T-Shirt LG, AR Shazam Symbol T-Shirt MED, AR Shazam Symbol T-Shirt SM, AR Shazam Symbol T-Shirt XL, AR Shazam Symbol T-Shirt XXL, AR Spider-Man Legends 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment 201902, AR Squirrel Girl Mess With The Girl Previews Exclusive Raglan T-Shirt LG, AR Squirrel Girl Mess With The Girl Previews Exclusive Raglan T-Shirt MED, AR Squirrel Girl Mess With The Girl Previews Exclusive Raglan T-Shirt SM, AR Squirrel Girl Mess With The Girl Previews Exclusive Raglan T-Shirt XL, AR Squirrel Girl Mess With The Girl Previews Exclusive Raglan T-Shirt XXL, AR Star Wars E1 Force FX Mace Windu Lightsaber, AR Star Wars Light Saber Salt And Pepper Mill Set, AR Star Wars Millenium Falcon Crossbody Handbag, AR Star Wars R2D2 Empire Collection Toaster, AR Superboy Might T-Shirt LG, AR Superboy Might T-Shirt XL, AR T.M. Revolution Eriri Spencer 1/7 Scale PVC Figure (Hot Limit Version), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle April O'Neil Pin, AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Metalhead Pin, AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Comic Crouching Leonardo Pin, AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Comic Nightwatch Raphael Pin, AR The Loyal Subjec X Aliens Mini Figure 12 Piece Display Wave 1, AR They Live Obey Tin Tote, AR Toy Story Buzz Lightyear 1000% Bearbrick, AR Toy Story Woody 1000% Bearbrick, AR Toy Story Woody Black And White 400% Bearbrick, AR Uglydolls Feature Sounds Plush Assortment 201901 (not verified by Diamond), AR Uglydolls Minifig Blind Mystery Box 201901 (not verified by Diamond), AR Uglydolls Sincerely Uglydolls Plush Assortment 201901, AR Uglydolls Surprise Disguise Figure Assortment 201901, AR We Bare Bears Nom Nom 9 Inch Plush, AR Wisteria Night Hag Lilith PVC Figure, AR Xenogears Bring Arts Weltall Action Figure, AR
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mysteryshelf · 7 years ago
BLOG TOUR - Strong to the Bone
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DISCLAIMER: This content has been provided to THE PULP AND MYSTERY SHELF by Partners in Crime Book Tours. No compensation was received. This information required by the Federal Trade Commission.
Strong to the Bone
by Jon Land
on Tour December 4, 2017 – January 31, 2018
1944: Texas Ranger Jim Strong investigates a triple murder inside a Nazi POW camp in Texas.
The Present: His daughter, fifth generation Texas Ranger Caitlin Strong, finds herself pursuing the killer her father never caught in the most personal case of her career a conspiracy stretching from that Nazi POW camp to a modern-day neo-Nazi gang.
A sinister movement has emerged from the shadows of history, determined to undermine the American way of life. Its leader, Armand Fisker, has an army at his disposal, a deadly bio-weapon, and a reputation for being unbeatable. But he s never taken on the likes of Caitlin Strong and her outlaw lover, Cort Wesley Masters.
To prevent an unspeakable cataclysm, Caitlin and Cort Wesley must win a war the world thought was over.
“Strong to the Bone is another fine effort by Jon Land, who manages to mix character development with gripping, page-turning plots. This is his best novel yet.” — StrandMagazine
Book Details:
Genre: Thriller Published by: Forge Books Publication Date: December 5, 2017 Number of Pages: 368 ISBN: 0765384647 (ISBN13: 9780765384645) Series: Caitlin Strong Novels (Volume 9) Purchase Links: Amazon 🔗 | Barnes & Noble 🔗 | Goodreads 🔗| Macmillan 🔗
Read an excerpt:
Austin, Texas
“What the hell?”
Caitlin Strong and Cort Wesley Masters had just emerged from Esther’s Follie’s on East 6th Steet, when they saw the stream of people hurrying down the road, gazes universally cocked back behind them. Sirens blared off in the distance and a steady chorus of honking horns seemed to be coming from an adjoining block just past the street affectionately known as “Dirty Sixth,” Austin’s version of Bourbon Street in New Orleans.
“Couldn’t tell you,” Cort Wesley said, even as he sized up the scene. “But I got a feeling we’re gonna know before much longer.”
* * *
Caitlin was in town to speak at a national law enforcement conference focusing on homegrown terrorism, and both her sessions at the Convention Center had been jam-packed. She felt kind of guilty her presentations had lacked the audio-visual touches many of the others had featured. But the audiences hadn’t seem to mind, filling a sectioned-off ballroom to the gills to hear of her direct experiences, in contrast to theoretical dissertations by experts. Audiences comprised of cops a lot like her, looking to bring something back home they could actually use. She’d focused to a great extent on her most recent battle with ISIS right here in Texas, and an al-Qaeda cell a few years before that, stressing how much things had changed in the interim and how much more they were likely to.
Cort Wesley had driven up from San Antonio to meet her for a rare night out that had begun with dinner at Ancho’s inside the Omni Hotel and then a stop at Antone’s nightclub to see the Rats, a band headed by a Texas Ranger tech expert known as Young Roger. From there, they’d walked to Esther’s Follies to take in the famed Texas-centric improve show there, a first for both of them that was every bit as funny and entertaining as advertised, even with a gun-toting woman both Caitlin and Cort Wesley realized was based on her.
Fortunately, no one else in the audience made that connection and they managed to slip out ahead of the rest of the crowd. Once outside, though, they were greeted by a flood of pedestrians pouring up the street from an area of congestion a few blocks down, just past 8th Street.
“What you figure, Ranger?”
“That maybe we better go have ourselves a look.”
Austin, Texas
Caitlin practically collided with a young man holding a wad of napkins against his bleeding nose at the intersection with East 7th Street.
“What’s going on?” she asked him, pulling back her blazer to show her Texas Ranger badge.
The young man looked from it back to her, swallowing some blood and hacking it up onto the street. “University of Texas graduation party took over all of Stubb’s Barbecue,” he said, pointing in the restaurant’s direction. “Guess you could say it got out of hand. Bunch of fraternities going at it.” He looked at the badge pinned to her chest again. “Are you really a Texas Ranger?”
“You need to get to an emergency room,” Caitlin told him, and pressed on with Cort Wesley by her side.
“Kid was no older than Dylan,” he noted, mentioning his oldest son who was still on a yearlong leave from Brown University.
“How many fraternities does the University of Texas at Austin have anyway, Cort Wesley?”
“A whole bunch.”
“Yeah,” she nodded, continuing on toward the swell of bodies and flashing lights, “it sure looks that way.”
Stubb’s was well known for its barbecue offerings and, just as much, its status as a concert venue. The interior was modest in size, as Caitlin recalled, two floors with the bottom level normally reserved for private parties and the upstairs generally packed with patrons both old and new. The rear of the main building, and several adjoining ones, featured a flattened dirt lot fronted by several performance stages where upwards of two thousand people could enjoy live music in the company of three sprawling outdoor bars.
That meant this graduation party gone bad may have featured at least a comparable number of students and probably even more, many of whom remained in the street, milling about as altercations continued to flare, while first responders struggled futilely to disperse the crowd. Young men and women still swigging bottles of beer, while pushing and shoving each other. The sound of glass breaking rose over the loudening din of the approaching sirens, the whole scene glowing amid the colors splashed from the revolving lights of the Austin police cars already on the scene.
A fire engine leading a rescue wagon screeched to a halt just ahead of Cort Wesley and Caitlin, at the intersection with 7th Street, beyond which had become impassable.
“Dylan could even be here, for all I know,” Cort Wesley said, picking up his earlier train of thought.
“He doesn’t go to UT.”
“But there’s girls and trouble, two things he excels at the most.”
This as fights continued breaking out one after another, splinters of violence on the verge of erupting into an all-out brawl going on under the spill of the LED streetlights rising over Stubb’s.
Caitlin pictured swirling lines of already drunk patrons being refused admittance due to capacity issues. Standing in line full of alcohol on a steamy night, expectations of a celebratory evening dashed, was a recipe for just what she was viewing now. In her mind, she saw fights breaking out between rival UT fraternities mostly in the outdoor performance area, before spilling out into the street, fueled by simmering tempers now on high heat.
“You see any good we can be here?” Cort Wesley asked her.
Caitlin was about to say no, when she spotted an anxious Austin patrol cop doing his best to break up fights that had spread as far as 7th Street. She and Cort Wesley sifted through the crowd and made their way toward him, Caitlin advancing alone when they drew close.
“Anything I can do to help,” she said, reading the Austin policeman’s nametag, “Officer Hilton?”
Hilton leaned up against an ornate light pole that looked like gnarled wrought iron for support. He was breathing hard, his face scraped and bruised. He noted the Texas Ranger badge and seemed to match her face to whatever media reports he’d remembered her from.
“Not unless you got enough Moses in you to part the Red Sea out there, Ranger.”
“What brought you boys out here? Detail work?” Caitlin asked, trying to account for his presence on scene so quickly, ahead of the sirens screaming through the night.
Hilton shook his head. “An anonymous nine-one-one call about a sexual assault taking place inside the club, the downstairs lounge.”
“And you didn’t go inside?”
Hilton turned his gaze on the street, his breathing picking up again. “Through that? My partner tried and ended up getting his skull cracked open by a bottle. I damn near got killed fighting to reach him. Managed to get him in the back of our squad car and called for a rescue,” he said, casting his gaze toward the fire engine and ambulance that were going nowhere. “Think maybe I better carry him to the hospital myself.”
“What about the girl?”
“What girl?”
“Sexual assault victim inside the club.”
Hilton frowned. “Most of them turn out to be false alarms anyway.”
“Do they now?”
Caitlin’s tone left him sneering at her. “Look, Ranger, you want to shoot up the street to get inside that shithole, be my guest. I’m not leaving my partner.”
“Thanks for giving me permission,” she said, and steered back for Cort Wesley.
“That looked like it went well,” he noted, pushing a frat boy who’d ventured too close out of the way, after stripping the empty beer bottle he was holding by the neck from his grasp.
“Sexual assault victim might still be inside, Cort Wesley.”
“Got any ideas, Ranger?”
Caitlin eyed the fire engine stranded where East 7th Street met Red River Avenue. “Just one.”
Austin, Texas
Four firemen were gathered behind the truck in a tight cluster, speaking with the two paramedics from the rescue wagon.
“I’m a Texas Ranger,” Caitlin announced, approaching them with jacket peeled back to reveal her badge, “and I’m commandeering your truck.”
“You’re what?” one of the fireman managed. “No, absolutely not!”
The siren began blaring and lights started flashing, courtesy of Cort Wesley who’d climbed up behind the wheel.
“Sorry,” Caitlin said, raising her voice above the din, “can’t hear you!”
* * *
The crowd that filled the street in front of Stubb’s Barbecue saw and heard the fire truck coming and began pelting it with bottles, as it edged forward through the congested street that smelled of sweat and beer. What looked like steam hung in the stagnant air overhead, either an illusion or the actual product of so many superheated bodies congealed in such tight quarters. The sound of glass braking crackled through Caitlin’s ears, as bottle after bottle smashed against the truck’s frame.
The crowd clustered tighter around the fire engine, cutting off Cort Wesley’s way backward or on toward Stubb’s. The students, their fervor and aggression bred by alcohol, never noticed Caitlin’s presence atop the truck until she finally figured out the workings of the truck’s deck gun and squeezed the nozzle.
The force of the water bursting out of the barrel nearly knocked her backward off the truck. But she managed to right and then repositioned herself, as she doused the tight cluster of students between the truck and the restaurant entrance with the gun’s powerful stream.
A wave of people tried to fight the flow and ended up getting blown off their feet, thrown into other students who then scrambled to avoid the fire engine’s surge forward ahead of its deafening horn. Caitlin continued to clear a path for Cort Wesley, sweeping the deck gun in light motions from side to side, the five hundred gallon tank still plenty full when the club entrance drew within clear view.
She felt the fire engine’s front wheels mount the sidewalk and twist heavily to the right. The front fender grazed the building and took out a plate glass window the rioting had somehow spared. Caitlin saw a gap in the crowd open all the way to the entrance and leaped down from the truck to take advantage of it, before it closed up again.
She purposely didn’t draw her gun and entered Stubb’s to the sight of bloodied bouncers and staff herding the last of the patrons out of the restaurant. Outside, the steady blare of sirens told her the Austin police had arrived in force. Little they could do to disperse a crowd this large and unruly in rapid fashion, though, much less reach the entrance to lend their efforts to Caitlin’s in locating the sexual assault victim.
She threaded her way through the ground floor of Stubb’s to the stairs leading down to the private lounge area. The air felt like it was being blasted out of a steam oven, roiled with coagulated body heat untouched by the restaurant’s air conditioning that left Caitlin with the sense she was descending to hell.
Reaching the windowless sub-level floor, she swept her eyes about and thought she heard a whimpering come from a nest of couches, where a male figure hovered over the frame of a woman, lying half on and half off a sectional couch.
“Sir, put your hands in the air and turn around slowly!” Caitlin ordered, drawing her SIG-Sauer nine-millimeter pistol. “Don’t make me tell you twice!”
He started to turn, without raising his hands, and Caitlin fired when she glimpsed something shiny in his grasp. Impact to the shoulder twisted the man around and spilled him over the sectional couch, Caitlin holding her SIG at the ready as she approached his victim.
She heard the whimpering again, making her think more of the sound a dog makes, and followed it toward a tight cluster of connected couch sections, their cushions all stained wet and smelling thickly of beer. Drawing closer while still keeping a sharp eye on the man she’d shot, Caitlin spotted a big smart phone lying just out of his grasp, recognizing it as the object she’d wrongly taken for a gun. Then Caitlin spied a young woman of college age pinned between a pair of couch sections, covering her exposed breasts with her arms, her torn blouse hanging off her and jeans unbuttoned and unzipped just short of her hips.
Drawing closer, Caitlin saw the young woman’s assailant, the man she’d just shot in all likelihood, must’ve yanked them down so violently that he’d split the zipper and torn off the snap or button.
“Ma’am?” she called softly.
The young woman tightened herself into a ball and retreated deeper into the darkness between the couch sections, not seeming to hear her.
“Ma’am,” Caitlin said louder, hovering over the coed while continuing to check on the man she’d shot, his eyes drifting in and out of consciousness, his shirt wet with blood in the shoulder area from the gunshot wound.
Caitlin only wished it was her own attacker lying there, from all those years before when she’d been a coed herself at the Lone Star College campus in West Houston. Some memories suppressed easily, others were like a toothache that came and went. That one was more like a cavity that had been filled, forgotten until the filling broke off and raw nerve pain flared.
Caitlin pushed the couch sections aside and knelt by the young woman, pistol tucked low by her hip so as not to frighten her further.
“I’m a Texas Ranger, ma’am,” she said, in as soothing a voice as she could manage. “I need to get you out of here, and I need you to help me. I need to know if you can walk.”
The young woman finally looked at her, nodded. Her left cheek was swollen badly and one of her arms hung limply from its socket. Caitlin looked back at the downed form of the man she’d already shot once, half hoping he gave her a reason to shoot him again.
“What’s your name? Mine’s Caitlin.”
“Kelly Ann,” the young woman said, her voice dry and cracking.
Caitlin helped her to her feet. “Well, Kelly Ann, I know things feel real bad right now, but trust me when I tell you this is bad as they’re going to get.”
Kelly Ann’s features perked up slightly, her eyes flashing back to life. She tried to take a deep breath, but stopped halfway though.
Caitlin held her around the shoulders in one arm, SIG clutched in her free hand while her eyes stayed peeled on the downed man’s stirring form. “I’m going to stay with you the whole way until we get you some help,” she promised.
The building suddenly felt like a Fun House Hall of Mirrors. Everything distorted, perspective and sense of place lost. Even the stairs climbing back to the ground floor felt different, only the musty smell of sweat mixed with stale perfume and body spray telling her they were the same.
Caitlin wanted to tell Kelly Ann it would be all right, that it would get better, that it would all go away in time. But that would be a lie, so she said nothing at all. Almost to the door, she gazed toward a loose assemblages of frat boys wearing hoodies displaying their letters as they chugged from liquor bottles stripped from the shelves behind the main bar on the first floor. How different were they from the one who’d hurt her, hurt Kelly Ann?
Caitlin wanted to shoot the bottles out of their hands, but kept leading Kelly Ann on instead, out into the night and the vapor spray from the deck gun now being wielded by Cort Wesley to keep their route clear.
“’Bout time!” he shouted down, scampering across the truck’s top to retake his place behind the wheel.
Caitlin was already inside the cab, Kelly Ann clinging tight to her.
“Where to, Ranger?”
“Seton Medical Center, Cort Wesley.”
Before he got going, Caitlin noticed Officer Hilton and several other Austin cops pushing their way through the crowd toward the entrance to Stubb’s.
“Don’t worry, Officer, I got the victim out safe and sound,” she yelled down to him, only half-sarcastically. “But I left a man with a bullet in his shoulder down there for you to take care of.”
“Come again?”
“I’d hurry, if I were you. He’s losing blood.”
Excerpt from Strong to the Bone by Jon Land. Copyright © 2017 by Jon Land. Reproduced with permission from Jon Land. All rights reserved.
Author Bio:
Jon Land is the USA Today bestselling author of 43 books, including eight titles in the critically acclaimed Caitlin Strong series: Strong Enough to Die, Strong Justice, Strong at the Break, Strong Vengeance, Strong Rain Falling (winner of the 2014 International Book Award and 2013 USA Best Book Award for Mystery-Suspense), Strong Darkness (winner of the 2014 USA Books Best Book Award and the 2015 International Book Award for Thriller, and Strong Light of Day which won the 2016 International Book Award for Best Thriller-Adventure, the 2015 Books and Author Award for Best Mystery Thriller, and the 2016 Beverly Hills Book Award for Best Mystery. Strong Cold Dead became the fourth title in the series in a row to win the International Book Award in 2017 and about which Booklist said, “Thrillers don’t get any better than this,” in a starred review. Land has also teamed with multiple New York Times bestselling author Heather Graham on a new sci-fi series, the first of which, The Rising, was published by Forge in January of 2017. He is a 1979 graduate of Brown University and lives in Providence, Rhode Island.
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BLOG TOUR – Strong to the Bone was originally published on the Wordpress version of The Pulp and Mystery Shelf with Shannon Muir
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ampreh · 1 year ago
[LIF] Ladies of Vileville
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In order : • Audrey de Rosefeuille de Truffulier • Paprika (Spicy Paprika) - @paprika-emberfire • Victorine & Victorine pouting :> Did I say Ladies of Vileville ? Yes yes. Cashtea-ler, and his henchwomen Théodore and Wesley >:^) @the-cashtealer - @wesley-the-damn-glowing-boy
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ampreh · 1 year ago
[LIF] Wesley are you...
A normal conversation between La Rouquine (@nalak-bel 's) and Wesley @wesley-the-damn-glowing-boy (@ampreh 's). Yes his name is Tristan for the non fandom version :^)
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ampreh · 2 years ago
LIF Concepts - Audrey & Wesley
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Some artworks for Let it Flow AU- @audrey-derosefeuille & @wesley-the-damn-glowing-boy are finally here !! >:^) They work for @the-cashtealer in Vileville. What happened to the former children of this doomed ex-Thneedville? We opened a small RP server for this lore !
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the-cashtealer · 1 year ago
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End of year art dump, part 2!! Everything from January to yesterday. xP All of this is Let It Flow AU stuff, read more for descriptions, context and credits!
Afficher davantage
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the-cashtealer · 8 months ago
"I see nothing wrong with that, tss"
[LIF] Our local survivors doodles 2
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• LIF Survivor doodles 1 Oh boi it's the moment I have to tag and describe *augh* 1&2 • Wall of Shame- - @the-cashtealer , @wesley-the-damn-glowing-boy , Korenthe , Rel | @ampreh 's - Éliot Corbin | @blackcatangel 's - Joan Yuntz-ler | @rafatello 's Originally I'd just put together the two most sexist/macho characters in the game based on their attitude in roleplay, Wesley and Éliot. Then it got out of hand and spread to all the other sexist characters; sorry Joan, your only sin is being too drunk to realize you're in this picture! It's a reference to that meme and I'm waiting for the LIF girl OCs to answer >:^) 3 • Merci aux clients fidèles- - @wesley-the-damn-glowing-boy , @paprika-emberfire | @ampreh 's - Bétanie Collins | @bethanygabrielleart 's - Éliot Corbin | @blackcatangel The two cabaret regulars; one loves ice, the other fire. I also wanted to draw Paprika and her dear friend Bét The title of this one is a reference to that french meme, since Vileville place and its king Cashtea-ler are french. You can translate it by : thanks to loyal customer 4 • Two birds and a moment of rest- - Victorine | @ampreh 's - @benjamin-peter | @lemonine 's While the others are fighting not to die in the streets, Bean is enjoying a good time with his new friend. He's lucky not to be downtown or in the slums of Vileville, and Victorine is looking after him. Very closely. Translation for their book : For Victorine : The quest for the impossible or The impossible quest. Sorry Victorine, there's no happy ending for what you're hoping for. For Bean : Volatile in french is a word for birds but also for someone who isnt meant to stay long. That's also a word for a liquid changing its state to evaporate, since Bean is in a phase of change during his journey
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