#Wes can see though any disguies
dcxdpdabbles · 1 day
just imagining danny finally finding wes in cassandra's curse all
danny: you have something that belongs to me
wes: damn it fenton! shit like this is why your parents think we're dating
danny: i thought it was your constant obsession with me and the fact you spent months following me with a camera trying to get proof of my identity
tim: *watching his maybe boyfriend flirting with a cute hero*
tim: i can work with this
Given the circumstances, Wes is resting relatively well in his hospital bed. He hasn't seen Tim Drake since first waking up….in a sense. This may have something to do with people's odd reaction to the word "meta."
As far as the people in this world are concerned, Wes is a newly changed meta due to his encounter with Joker.
He isn't sure what that means, as the hospital staff talk about it like he would already know, and he hasn't had much time to find information on the subject. Based on how people behaved, he can conclude that there was a lousy stigma against Metas, and he wonders if it was like the stigma associated with the AIDS crisis.
Some nurses seemed nervous about touching him, and Wes almost felt terrible if it weren't their actual job to have bedside manners.
Wes's days have mostly been filled with watching late-nineties TV shows, doing reruns in his hospital room, and letting the staff check his vitals. He sometimes listens to the radio, but it is only fun if he can dance along to the songs.
It's been about two weeks since his kidnapping.
Whatever the Joker did to him left him feeling weak beyond words, and the most he could bring himself to do without falling flat on his face was wobble his way to the toilet. It took forever to gather enough control to do things like type on a laptop the staff lent him or sat up without flaring his entire boy with pain like the first day.
We could tell this world was different from his own. After living in Amity and surviving whatever new crazy thing happened to Danny, he recognizes portals to other worlds or dimensions.
Just looking outside his window told him how different things were. The cars rolling down the street were less bulky, made smaller, and had smoother edges. The build boards were replaced with giant TV show casting ads, and people walked around with little rectangles resembling buttonless PDAs Tucker was so fond of.
If the more advanced technical devices didn't scream another world, then the fact that his clear blue-sky small town was replaced with towering buildings and grey skies of a large city led Wes to believe he was nowhere near home.
How long would it be now for Danny to find him? He figured he was somewhere close by regarding worlds, seeing as a Clown-Ghost (?) could easily break through the barrier.
He would try calling out for him- as some forms, he had seen online for ghost hunting claimed to say the ghost's name would summon them- but that wouldn't help the secret relationship allegations that the student body had flung onto him and Danny.
At least the nineties sitcom he was forced to get into didn't exist in his world, so they were entertaining when he ignored all the badly aged jokes. Wes sighs, slumping a little in place, trying to ignore the soft ache in his back.
A knock interrupts one of the characters, yelling, "We're on a break!" for which Wes is grateful. He would scream if he had to hear that man complain about his relationship being in on the rocks for not having proper communication. "Come in."
The door flings open to show his favorite nurse. Caroline Hill was one of the few who didn't mind touching or treating him like an average person. She also brought him the laptop, staying by his side while gently encouraging his stiff fingers to type. She laughed when Wes's mind was utterly blown when pressing buttons proved too complicated and flipped the thing into an interactive screen.
She called it a 2-in-1 laptop, but Wes was stuck on the idea that the screen was touchable and that people could use their fingers as a mouse. This world was so cool.
So yes, Wes liked Caroline, so he respected her preference and didn't point out he could tell it was Tim Drake dressed in drag. If she wanted to be known as Caroline and work under that name, then who was he would kick up a fuss about it?
She always answered to feminine pronouns, and the other nurses treated her like any girl Wes, encounter so even if it wasn't simply drag. She was Caroline, and he would treat her as such until she told him otherwise.
"How are you feeling today, Wes?" She asks, voice slightly raspy in the same way that told him she was purposely attempting to make her voice higher but falling short.
He smiles at her. "Same as always. I managed to stand alone without feeling like my legs would give out on me this morning."
"That's great!" She spreads a blanket over his legs, the fabric warm from a heater. He mentions "Gotham" was far too cold for his liking. "What about your meta gene? Any progress?"
She asked a lot about that. Wes wasn't sure what she was hoping for, what the meta was, or if it was safe to admit he had no idea what was happening. On the one hand, it may help him get better treatment if only to earn some respect, but on the other hand, what if metals were targeted by the government, much like the GIW?
He figured it would be better to shrug and act like he was aware but weary of speaking about it. She offered him a small smile, moving the conversation along while checking the machines he was hooked to. He didn't know what half of them did, only recognizing the heart monitor and breathing tank.
On the screen, one of the characters is talking about the betrayal, and he scowls at it. If you sat and talked things through, this wouldn't happen.
Caroline laughs. "But then we wouldn't have a show."
He frowns, "Yeah, but it's not hard to have conversations like that. It's essential in relationships to tell your partner what you expect."
"Speaking from experience?"
Wes flushes, "I haven't dated that much, but my last relationship ended because we wanted different things."
"Well, it's good to know you, and he was mature enough for our age to-"
Caroline pauses, blinking owlishly at him. "Pardon?"
"Her. My ex was my old girlfriend." Wes clarifies.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you liked boys, given that you call out for Danny whenever you sleep. " She looks flustered and babbles a little, which doesn't make Wes feel better.
"Why does everyone say that about Danny and me?" He mutters, closing his eyes and trying not to sink in the ground. "I'm bi, and bi-myself but I'm not that desperate."
Caroline offers him an uncomfortable smile before quickly finishing her visit and running out of the room. It's probably for the best.
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dakotacrisis · 5 years
Transferred (9)
A sick Marinette is a grumpy one too.
“Tikki,” Marinette spoke from the bathroom floor, “Do your powers include necromancy?”
“You’re not dying, Marinette.” Tikki was settled on the cool tile next to her sickly chosen.
“Tell that to my stomach.” Marinette heaved into the toilet once more, “Tikki, find Plagg and please have him kill me.”
“It’s just strep throat. It’ll be gone before you know it.” Tikki assured her, “Can I do anything for you?”
“My powers cannot revive your throat.”
“Water please.” Marinette sighed as she tried to spit the taste of bile from her mouth. Tikki floated down with a little paper cup full of water. “Thanks, Tikki.”
There was a knock on the door and Tikki flew into the medicine cabinet to hide. Marinette’s mom stepped in and put a hand to her daughter’s forehead. “My poor baby, you’re burning up.”
“Mooooooom,” Marinette collapsed against her, “I am dying.”
“It is a good thing I got these antibiotics then.” Her mom pulled out a capsule of pills and handed them to Marinette. “Take these, drink plenty of water, and I’ll bring you some ginger tea and toast.”
“I don’t think I can eat.” Marinette mumbled.
“You’ll only feel worse if you don’t.” Her mom reminded her, “Now, I know it may be hard for you but I don’t want you trying to do a million things today. Forget about deadlines and due dates and just rest. Okay?”
“Okay.” Marinette didn’t have any energy to move let alone argue with her mom.
She texted Aurore and Wayhem to let them know she wasn’t going to make it to the movie tonight. They were understanding and hoped she’d get better soon.
Unfortunately for Marinette that was just day one. Turns out her sore throat and nausea wasn’t some simple strep throat. Oh no. She was in full on flu time. Which meant that this sickness was here to stay for a while longer. It had been going around the city and it had come for her. The only sights of the outside world she saw was when her friends would drop off her homework and the feel better soon texts she got from the others.
Even Alya had posted a get well soon comment on Marinette’s picture on Instagram. That made her feel a little better.
Marinette had fitted her bathroom to be as comfortable as it could get during her sickness. Blanket and pillow on the floor, medicine, a full glass of water, some crackers, phone and charger, some books and magazines to read, and of course a soothing Tikki nesting on her head.
Her phone beeped and she looked to see who texted her. Adrien.
I’m sorry I can’t come and see you but my father has forbidden me from being anywhere near you while you’re sick.
Marinette texted him back.
It’s not a problem. I don’t want to get you sick and I especially don’t want you to see me like this
He texted her again.
Nothing a hot shower and long rest can’t fix I’m sure. Has anyone been to see you though?
Just Nanette and Quinn. Wayhem came by with soup but I was asleep.
I guess Kagami’s mother won’t let her out to see you either. I figured as much
Why’s that?
Cause there’s this arts fundraiser coming up that we both have to go to and if we catch the flu our parents will literally kill us
Well we can’t have that. I prefer my friends alive
I do too. We’ll do something when you feel better
I’m holding you to that
As well you should
I think I’m gonna take another nap. Nightie night
I’ll let you rest. Feel better soon!
Marinette dragged herself from the floor and dropped herself onto her chaise, it was too much work to climb up to her bed, before promptly falling asleep.
She had a dream where she was running across the rooftops of Paris but she wasn’t Ladybug. She was dressed in her big ballgown she designed and the world behind her started to turn to night as she ran. “Marinette,” someone’s voice called from the roof next to her. She looked over and saw someone running alongside her. She couldn’t make out their face but what they were wearing kept changing colors. Black then white then red then pink.
“Marinette” they called again.
What did they want? Were they trying to catch her?
The person glowed a bright yellow that blinded Marinette and shocked her awake.
“Marinette!” Tikki was tugging on her earlobe.
“Whasswrong?” Marinette slurred as she gently shooed Tikki away from her ear, “Medicine time?”
“No. I’m so sorry but there’s an akuma.” Tikki looked devastated but not nearly as much as Marinette felt.
“Please tell me it’s just Mr. Pigeon again.” Marinette really didn’t want to get up. Her body ached and without the solace of sleep her stomach started to roil again.
“No. It’s a new akuma and you’re really not gonna like it.” Tikki showed her the footage from the Ladyblog. The akuma had sickly green skin and bleach white scrubs. Across their back was what looked like a giant syringe filled with mucus yellow liquid. At random they would pull it from their back and shoot at citizens coating them in the slimy goo.
“Gross,” Marinette’s stomach churned even more. “What does the goo do?”
“Makes the person really sick. Seems Hawkmoth is taking advantage of someone who really doesn’t like being sick.”
“Me.” Marinette pushed herself up, “And we’re positive that we can’t just let this slide until I’m better? It’s not like they’re causing property damage. They’re just making other people sick.”
“Marinette, I know that you feel terrible but it’s not like superheroes can have sick days. Swallow it down and get it over with quick. Then you can come home and relax.” Tikki told her.
“Fine. Tikki, transform me.” Marinette was in her Ladybug get up now. She took a deep breath and launched out of her room to find the akuma and beat them.
At first things were fine. Marinette was tired and weak but she could keep moving without puking.
“Hello, my lady,” Chat Noir was vaulting after her, “I was wondering if you were gonna show up.”
“I really didn’t want to.” Marinette sniffed.
“Did Flu-demic get you?” Chat Noir looked her over, “You look horrible.”
“That’s their name? Flu-demic?” Marinette wanted to crawl back into bed and die. “Also, that’s the first thing you have to say to me? I know I look like a wreck. I don’t need any reminders.”
“Someone’s grumpy when they’re under the weather.”
“Chat,” Marinette warned him, “I am struggling to function right now so if you don’t want me to projectile vomit on you I suggest focusing on beating the akuma and less on teasing.”
“Noted. Just leave it to me, Ladybug.” Chat Noir saluted before vaulting ahead to where the akuma was wreaking havoc.
As much as she wanted to lie back and let Chat Noir deal with this akuma Marinette knew she would feel guilty later. She had to at least try even if she felt like the gunk that gets scraped out of gutters.
She launched herself at Flu-demic again and again in an attempt to subdue them to break the giant syringe where the akuma had to be located. Chat was avoiding the shots of sickening goo left and right. Marinette wasn’t too worried. Not like it could make her more sick than she already was.
Chat was distracting Flu-demic while Marinette went in for a surprise attack from behind.
“Not so fast, Pukey-bug” Flu-demic whacked her in the stomach and sent her flying back.
She crashed through a wall and landed into someone’s living room. She wasn’t able to hold it in anymore and puked all over the poor resident’s hardwood floor.
“Ladybug?” someone approached her, “Are you alright?”
Marinette tried to get up but all fight had left her body. She couldn’t move. Everything hurt.
She looked up to see whose house she had crashed into. “Kagami?” Marinette squinted at her friend.
“What’s happened?” Mrs. Tsurugi rushed into the room. “What’s going on?”
“The akuma sent Ladybug into our living room.” Kagami informed her mother. “She doesn’t look like she’s doing well.”
“I’m not” Marinette started to sob as all the pain hit her. “I can’t--I can’t--”
“But you have to!” Kagami knelt next to her, “You’re Ladybug! You always win.”
“Yeah,” An idea struck her, “Ladybug always does and she will.”
“That’s what I thought--hey! Where are you going?” Kagami asked as Marinette dragged herself into the bathroom and locked the door.
She took off her earrings and Tikki popped out. “What are you doing?” Tikki stressed in a whisper. “Chat Noir needs Ladybug to cleanse the akuma.”
“I know. But I can’t do it in this state, Tikki.” She held out the earrings. “Take them to Kagami.”
“Kagami? Are you sure? This isn’t like any of the other miraculous, you can’t just hand it out to anyone.”
“Kagami is a skilled fighter and a loyal friend. I trust her. Paris needs Ladybug to save the day but it can’t be me today.” she put the earrings in Tikki’s arms. “Go on and explain what’s happened. I’ll be here when you’re done.”
“Are you sure about this?”
“Positive,” Marinette eyed the toilet, “Not like I’ll be able to move from here anyways.”
Tikki nodded and zipped through the door with the earrings. A minute later there was a knock on the door. “Yes?” Marinette sighed.
“Ladybug, I can’t--”
“Kagami,” Marinette interrupted her, “I am puking my guts up in here and unable to move. Paris needs someone to save it and I have total faith in your abilities. Tikki will explain everything and you’ll have Chat Noir to help you.”
“You can do this, Kagami Tsurugi. I’ll be waiting here when you’re done so you can return my miraculous to me. Understand?”
There was a moment of silence. “Tikki,” Kagami said, “Transform me.”
Marinette watched the sparkle of pink light filter from underneath the door. “I won’t let you down, Ladybug.”
“I know you won’t. Good luck, Kagami.” Marinette melted into the floor as she was finally able to relax. Kagami rushed out of the house and into the fray.
Marinette spent the next couple minutes laying on the floor groaning and puking and overall trying not to die on her friend’s bathroom floor. There was another knock on the door. Could it be Kagami already?
“Miss Ladybug,” No. It was Mrs. Tsurugi.
“Yes, ma’am?”
“Will you open the door?”
“I’m sorry but I don’t have my disguise. I can’t--”
“I’m blind, child.”
Oh. Right. She wasn’t too keen on letting someone in when she was in civilian form but it’s not like Kagami’s mom would be able to recognize Marinette. She debated for a moment before unlocking the door.
Mrs. Tsurugi stepped in with a small tray holding a glass of water and a warm bowl of oatmeal. “You should keep your strength up.”
“Thank you ma’am” Marinette took the tray and sipped at the water. It felt good to have something in her rather than rocketing out of her.
“Do not let your sickness discourage you.” Mrs. Tsurugi said, “You still fought valiantly despite it and with a stronger body you may have succeeded.”
“I know.” Marinette took a couple testing bites of the oatmeal, “I feel bad having to ask so much of your daughter so suddenly.”
“Kagami is a fierce warrior with a tactical mind. She will not let you down.”
“I am sure of that.” Marinette sat a little straighter, “You’ve trained her well.”
“Of course. Even with my own disability I have never hesitated. Never backed away from a fight I could not win. I want the same for my daughter.”
“But I feel it is important to remember that she is also young. She is already plenty strong but she should also be allowed to have moments of weakness like the rest of us. To be strong all the time...to never want to rely on others...no one should feel that helpless.”
Marinette could practically hear the scathing remark Mrs. Tsurugi held on her tongue. She may only be holding it because she was talking to one of the heroes of Paris.
“Meaning?” Mrs. Tsurugi snipped.
“I mean I’m one of the heroes of Paris. The one thing that stands between justice and the destruction of this city and even I can’t be on top of everything all the time. Today is a prime example of that.”
“Hmm,” Mrs. Tsurugi hummed.
Several more minutes passed and Mrs. Tsurugi left Marinette alone to wait for Kagami’s return. The water and oatmeal had helped her feel more like a human being.
“Ladybug.” Kagami was back at the door now. “I did it. Flu-demic was defeated.”
“I knew you could do it.” Marinette was relieved to see Tikki fly through the door with her earrings. She gave her a bite of her leftover oatmeal to fuel her back up before transforming again and leaving the bathroom. The living room was back in one piece which was nice to see.
“Thank you for undertaking this task for me.” Marinette thanked her, “You really helped me today.”
“I did my best. Thank you for having faith in me.”
“Was Chat Noir at all surprised that a different version of Ladybug showed up halfway through the fight?”
“Yes. I assured him that you were alright and that you asked me to handle things from then on since you were sick.”
“The important thing is that Paris is safe.” Marinette yawned, “Now if Hawkmoth can wait until after my flu is gone to send another akuma that would be great.”
“Wait, that wasn’t because of the akuma?” Kagami started to back away from her.
“Afraid not.” she smiled in apology, “You may want to make sure you take some medicine or at least disinfect your body if you don’t want to catch what I have.”
“I’ll go do that now. My mother will murder me if I’m too sick to attend the fundraiser coming up.” Kagami sighed. “Feel better soon, Ladybug.”
“Thank you for everything, Kagami.” Marinette finally was able to return home and collapsed onto her bed.
“Sleep.” Marinette almost moaned as she sunk into the warm familiarity of her bed.
Then her phone rang. “UGH!” she reached for her phone, “Hello?”
“Hey, Marinette,” It was Nanette. “I’ve been trying to call you for half an hour now. Did you see the news on that akuma?”
“Yup.” Marinette knew about it all too well, “What about it?”
“Turns out it was our very own Quinn.” Nanette giggled, “I should have known this would happen. Quinn never gets sick but when they do then they have a tendency to blow it way out of proportion. They’re such a hypochondriac and not to mention a terrible patient if you ever try to take care of them.”
“Quinn is sick?” Marinette hadn’t heard this. “Oh no, did they catch it from me?”
“Probably. We both know they’re terrible at keeping themselves tidy what with using their arms as a planner all the time. They probably had a reminder written on their hand when we dropped off your homework a couple days ago and then didn’t wash it after so not to lose it.”
“That does sound like Quinn.” Marinette made a mental note to bake them some get-better-soon cookies when she wasn’t sick anymore. “You haven’t gotten sick too have you?”
“Nope. I keep my hands washed.” Nanette laughed. “Now that I’m on the phone with you I realize that I must have woken you up when you’re not feeling well. I’ll let you rest and see you back in school when you’re better.”
“Not a problem. Talk to you later, Nani.” Marinette hung up and turned off her phone. No more distractions today. Only sleep, medicine, and more sleep.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (10)
@immatureidiot101 @lady-flora-of-slytherin @ladylb
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fedonciadale · 4 years
The Phoenix Potion - chapter 56 - Family trees
The Granger-Malfoys are trying to find a possible heir.... It doesn’t look that good. Also on AO3.
“There was hardly any work left. You did so well” Colin could hear that his mom was impressed, and it made him proud.
The headmaster’s office was a real mess, books were everywhere, some closed, some opened, but in the middle was a huge family tree, Rina, Colin and Lizzie had prepared. They had glued several leaves together and it was about the only thing that looked tidy. The reason it looked tidy was rather frustrating though. They had gone back to the time of the conquest, when the Malfoys had come over from France with the wizarding counsellor of William the Conqueror and there were only five possibilities.
“To be quite honest, our grandmother had already covered everything up to the 1750s.”, Lizzie said.
“Do you know, when this whole pureblood rubbish started?” Colin asked. “Judging from the family trees and how the sacred 28 intermarried so often, I would say, that it goes well back into the 15th century. Before that there are different names, at least occasionally.”
Mom shook her head. “I have no idea, Colin. I’ve always concentrated more on dismantling pureblood ideas than studying them. Your dad might know, but then listening to purebloods you would think they practiced their traditions since Adam and Eve.”
“It’s almost lunchtime. We could make a break and discuss the possibilities with dad,” Colin suggested. He wanted to squeeze in a question of his own that had nothing to do with the Malfoy family.
“Do you want to go to the Great Hall for lunch?” Mom asked. She looked around and decided not to disturb the books, they had leafed through in the last hours, but sat on the ground. “If you’d rather not, we can always sneak down to the kitchen and ask Prudy if she’ll get us something.
“We can’t do that, mom,” Lizzie said. “My housemates will have my head, if all these questions remain unanswered.”
“There are more questions? You want us to sit with the Hufflepuffs again? Your father is going to have a fit about all these private questions.”
“If he does, I am bound to win a lot of money.” Lizzie smiled smugly.
“You bet on dad going off on some of the questions?” Colin could hardly believe his little sister.
Lizzie giggled. “I had to swear that I would not interfere though. Did you not bet at all?”
Colin flushed. “Just about what mom and dad would answer to the ‘Dumbledore or Snape’ question, and I obviously won that one. I didn’t bet any money, though, but I will brag about being right about mom’s answer. I can’t believe you bet money!”
Lizzie stuck out her tongue.
“I had no idea that the students would be that curious about us.”
Lizzie and Colin looked at each other and shook their heads. Sometimes mom could be strangely oblivious to her own fame.
Seeing that his mom had settled down comfortably, Colin fetched the book on elves from his bag, the book that he hardly ever left behind, because the riddle had hooked him well and fast.
He showed the book to his mom. “Mr Fillingham told me, that you were the last person to borrow ‘Customs and Conventions of the Common house elves’ from the library. Have you any idea, which language this is? I have tried to find out, but I’ve had no luck so far.”
He showed her the strange spidery script, and the gibberish. Mom frowned, took the book, and looked at the cover.
“I remember reading that book in third year, when I was on my S.P.E.W. spree. If I remember correctly it was nothing but rubbish, how elves love to be slaves and all that.” She snorted.
She opened the book again. “The cover looks the same, but this is not the book, that I read, I am sure. What does Prudy say?”
“Prudy just had a look at the cover, and vanished.”
“If you had some secret information on elves, it would be a good idea to hide it in a doublet in a library.” She tapped her lips in thought. “The writing looks so strange. Maybe it is not another language. Maybe someone disguised their writing and wrote code.”
She handed the book back to him. “You could try to unlock possible spells on the books. And maybe ask Mr Fillingham if you can take the book with you. We can search in the British library for a language that might fit, and you can ask Luna the next time you see her. Luna and Blaise know many languages.”
“That is a good idea.” Colin was excited. He would not ask Mr Fillingham though. He would just take the book. Better ask for forgiveness later. Mr Fillingham was very possessive about ‘his’ books and Colin doubted that he would allow him to take it out of Hogwarts.
Colin had just put away the book, when Professor Greengrass, Rina, uncle Neville and aunt Pansy entered the headmaster’s office.
Rina had a spring in her step. “That must have been the best DADA lesson, I’ve ever had. Not to smarm up to anyone present, but there were so many more students who managed to cast the scutum than in Dawlish’ lessons.”
Rina went to mom and in an unusual show of affection gave her a hug.
She raised her hand. “Five”, she said, bursting with pride. “And five points to Slytherin. We still might make it this year, Colin.”
Mom smiled and gave Rina a thumbs up and Colin shrugged. Gryffindor had a rather comfortable lead this year, but he didn’t care as much as Rina anyway.
Dad scrutinized the family tree.
“I’m not sure, if I should be impressed by all the work you have got done or gutted by the fact that this does look far too tidy to be promising.”
He gave mom a quick peck on the cheek. “Care to give me the intermediate results?”
“Where is Professor Flitwick?”, professor Greengrass asked.
“Fled,” mom answered. “Leaving us with the portraits who have long started snoring or who have fled as well. Genealogy is really a very boring subject.”
She walked around the spread papers. “So, no younger brothers to the heir up to the 1750s, and before that up to the Conquest the cadet lines always died out after a generation or two, apart from the one time, where the older heir died in a quidditch match without issue, and the younger brother continued the line”
Dad scoffed. “Makes you wonder about brotherly love, inheritance squabbles gone awry and the pruning of the family tree".”
Mom did not comment on that. Colin wondered why dad always suspected the worst.
“That leaves the women, not too many of them either, there is Euphemia Malfoy who married a Theodore Nott in 1788. There is Xanthippe Malfoy who married a Perseus Black in 1681, Lysistrata Malfoy and Frederic Greengrass in 1562, Lucille Malfoy and Earnest Abbot in 1438, Ludmille, not be mixed up with her twin Lucille who married Stan Sloane twenty years later in 1458, and…. “ she made a dramatic pause, “there is an Adelaide Malfoy who married an Aethelwulf nicknamed ‘the Weasel’ in 1071.”
Uncle Neville laughed. “Weasleys on the side of the Anglo-Saxons, and Malfoys on the side of the Normans. Did you know it went that far back, Draco? I bet that marriage was a disaster.”
“You’ll hear no objection to that theory from me,” dad answered.
Mom chided them. “You don’t know that. Adelaide might have been a French ethereal beauty who tamed the Anglo-Saxon, who was uncouth but honest. Even you might like that story, Malfoy.”
“Hermione,” dad said.
“Yes, honey?”. She smiled innocently. “We still have to double-check these, of course. Nott is the best option. Not only is Theodore quite often the name of the heir, but it’s also the closest in time.”
“And Theo desperately needs the money on top of Nott villa and his meagre earning from the books he writes.” Dad commented wrily.
“We have to check if Perseus Black was the Black heir, but the Black heir today is obviously Harry.”
“Potter is also in desperate need of money I hear,” Dad joked. Colin was not sure, if he really thought it was that funny.
“But Potter is not the biological heir,” Rina put in.
“I doubt the magic would accept him,” Aunt Pansy argued. “Harry is at the Manor occasionally, and he never said anything about a magical connection. He would feel that, wouldn’t he?”
“Potter visits the Manor occasionally? Occasionally?” Dad’s voice sounded quite irritated.
“I do as well, Draco, ever since January, since I learned about the curse, as does Luna. A curse you never mentioned, I might add. So, your mother is well-informed about you and your family. As well as we all are able to.” Aunt Pansy shook her head at dad.
“We wrote her on behalf of the Hogwarts students to thank her for the donation to the library.” Rina put in. When she saw dad’s eyes widening, she added. “without giving names obviously.”
“Will you stop talking so openly about this,” Professor Greengrass interrupted, her voice raised.
She took a breath. “I mean we’re at Hogwarts, in the headmaster’s office, still, just be careful. One could think you’re bloody Gryffindors.”
“Some of us are, Astoria.” Uncle Neville sounded amused. “Luna could ask Hannah on Earnest Abbot and his issue,” he suggested.
“Why don’t you ask her yourself. I thought you were on speaking terms.” Dad wanted to know.
“Yes, but nobody ever denies Luna.” That was true enough.
“No chance at approaching the Sloanes,” mom said. “Even Luna couldn’t do that. But we tackle that, after we have checked the other options.”
“Could you ask the Weaselette to look into Perseus and possible issue as well as the uncouth Anglo-Saxon?” Dad had turned to mom.
Mom licked her lips. “That sort of stretches our usual arrangement, but she owes me for Luna’s party. I’ll write her.”
“I can cover the Greengrass marriage,” the charms professor said. “I’ll ask my sister. I wanted to ask a favour anyway and you might kill two birds with one stone that way.”
The Professor fidgeted in such a manner, like Colin had never seen her do before.
“Daphne wants to meet Ellie, and she invited us for tea, the day after Easter, when Ellie has a bank holiday and we don’t have school. And I wondered if you would want to come as well, that is you and the children, so that Ellie doesn’t feel overwhelmed by all these strange wizarding people.”
“So, Ellie would get some kind of semi-muggle backing and we can have a look at the Nott and Greengrass connections? Tit for tat? But would they want us? I haven’t seen Theo since Pansy’s and Neville’s wedding.” Dad frowned.
“Only if Nott swears on his honour that he has disenabled all Muggle, Muggleborn and Half-Blood traps in the house.”
“He’s done that ages ago.” Professor Greengrass shrugged. “That shouldn’t be a problem.”
Dad and mom exchanged this look they had when they seemed to discuss something just by glances.
“We’ll come and give you a car-ride. That way Ellie won’t have to side-along or floo or something that might stress her.”
“Is there a library at Nott villa?” Colin wanted to know.
Dad laughed. “Always asking the important questions.”
“That is not true,” Lizzie complained loudly. “The more important question is, when we will finally go and have lunch.”
“You go on,” Dad said. “I’ll stay and try to chat with Severus Snape and join you later.”
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shoeandseok · 5 years
ATEEZ as Bodyguards Fic: The Element Part 1
Synopsis: You get invited to a nightclub for the first time, but nothing is easy when you need personal security 24/7.
This is part of a Bodyguard AU series, which I recommend you read first for context (if you haven’t already). Thanks!
Part 2, Part 3 (Final)
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You were anxious as you made your way to Hongjoong’s office. For being the head of your security detail, he was remarkably accommodating when you wanted to go somewhere. But you were worried that this time he’d refuse. You understood the necessity of having a bodyguard whenever you went out in public, but that made it hard to do normal things like seeing a movie in theaters, visiting a public beach, or going clubbing.
You looked at your phone again, at the message from Nina Sikora. Because of who you were and the work you did, you had few friends, but you were hoping she might become one of them. Nina was a rising pop singer who you met weeks ago at a charity event. You had been charmed by her down to earth friendliness, and now she was asking you to join her and her friends for a girls night at a club that weekend. You practically squealed when you read it. You immediately wanted to say yes, but your thumb had hovered above the screen. You couldn’t yet, not until you got permission from Hongjoong.
You knew as you walked to his office that this was going to be a hard sell. Nightclubs were crowded, full of strangers and substances that were regarded as high risk by security teams. You reached Hongjoong’s office door, knocked, and opened it when he gave permission.
“Oh- Miss (Name). What can I do for you?”
Hongjoong probably hadn’t expected to see you at this late hour. He was busy reviewing information on a businessman you were working with, making sure his background checked out.
“Do you remember Nina Sikora?” you asked. “Well she just invited me on a girls night out this weekend, and I really want to go...”
“Where to?”
“The Element. It’s a nightclub.”
Your words hung in the air. Then your security head released a sigh. “Miss (Name)-”
“-I know,” you cut him off. “There’s a lot of variables you can’t control.”
“There’s a lot of people I can’t control,” he said seriously. He leaned back and ran a hand through his long hair. “Do you know what types of people go to clubs? There’s pickpockets, con artists, drunks- all sorts of predatory behavior.”
“Yes, but there’s also people like me who just want to go dancing,” you pointed out. “And the guard will be around to protect me.”
He locked eyes with you and you stood your ground, letting him know you were serious. Something in your face made him soften. “Do you really want to go?” he asked, searching your eyes.
“Yes. I’ve never had the chance to do this before and I might not again. Please, Hongjoong.”
He held you in anticipation for a moment, then leaned back in his chair. “Well, you’ve made up your mind.” He smiled, shaking his head. “I can’t stop you now.” You smiled back.
“However,” he held up a hand. “I have some rules. You are going to be disguised, and you can only have one drink.”
“Deal.” You didn’t get to drink much anyways, at least not in public. “I’m sorry I’m giving you so much work.”
“Just repay me by being careful, Miss (Name). You said this weekend, right?”
You spent the next few minutes going through details with your head of security. You thanked him before you left.
After you left Hongjoong made himself a to do list. He needed to do a background check on Sikora, every friend she was bringing, and the club itself. Since this was going to be undercover he couldn’t ask for floor plans, so he’d have to send a pair of guards this week to investigate the layout, memorize faces of the staff, and evaluate the behavior of patrons. He also wanted to acquire several types of drug testing strips for drinks. He wasn’t taking any chances.
The next day, after a night of little sleep, Hongjoong addressed the bodyguards at their morning meeting. They reviewed the day’s itinerary and received the next day assignments, which included a recon task for Jongho and San, listed at the odd time of 10pm. When Hongjoong was asked about it, he braced himself and took a breath.
“This weekend Miss (Name) wants to go to a nightclub with some friends.”
“A nightclub?” Wooyoung gasped.
“You’re lying, boss doesn’t have friends.”
“Jongho!” Seonghwa snapped at his junior.
“What? We’re like friends,” Jongho grumbled back.
Yunho shared a glance with Yeosang “A nightclub sounds pretty dangerous,” he voiced.
“I agree.” Yeosang said. “Sir, there are too many variables.”
“And creeps,” Mingi added.
“Just tell her no.” San calmly spoke up, still resting his chin on his hand. 
At that everyone went quiet, looking to their captain for a response. San’s words gave Hongjoong pause. Why didn’t he tell her no? Then he remembered a promise he made to himself when he first became a security head. He would never make his client feel unable to requesting something. Bodyguards have certain stories they tell, and one of those stories is the tale of clients who escaped from their security detail to do something they didn’t think they’d get permission for. Something like visiting a club.
Hongjoong opened his mouth, the thought forming as he spoke, remembering your conversation from the previous night. “I haven’t seen her want something this much in a while.” The room was silent at that.
“Well, captain?” Seonghwa broke the silence. “What’s the plan?”
Two days later you, Wooyoung, Yunho, Mingi, and Yeosang were listening to Jongho talk about his visit to The Element. You were in the car (Mingi was driving) as you headed to a meeting.
“It’s pretty classy, they don’t let just anyone in,” Jongho bragged. “Honestly they let San and I in because we looked the part and we weren’t being obnoxious.”
“Was San wearing that purple cheetah print shirt?” Mingi spoke up from the front.
“The what?” you asked, intrigued.
Wooyoung turned around in the passenger seat, grinning. “San has a button down shirt with cheetah print on it. Yeosang, you’ve seen it in his closet, right?”
“And it’s purple?” you turned to your quiet bodyguard.
“Yes. He rarely wears it.”
“Yeosang, what are you wearing to the nightclub?” Yunho asked, grinning.
His brows furrowed. “I assumed I could just wear my regular suit..”
“No, you’d look too boring,” Jongho shook his head. “You wouldn’t be let in, and then where would we be?”
Hongjoong determined having bodyguards with you at the club would draw too much attention, so you had to be disguised. Your security would have to go in disguised as regular patrons as well. Yeosang looked distressed. “I don’t think I have anything.”
“Why don’t you just buy something?” Mingi asked.
You lit up. “Can I take you shopping?”
Yeosang looked taken aback. “I don’t want to inconvenience you..”
“Nonsense, I want to. I think it’d be fun, right?”
He felt the pressure of everyone looking at him. “Yes, Miss (Name).”
You easily got permission to take Yeosang to the mall you frequented. You brought along Seonghwa, since he was the closest thing you had to a style expert (and he could help you with men’s sizing). San was your guard on duty. This mall was a fairly safe place, but you always needed someone to keep an eye out.
You figured out early that Yeosang was a man who didn’t think much about style. His suits and shoes were always well kept, but looking back you realized that his off duty clothing mainly consisted of athletic wear in neutral colors. Comfort and functionality were his priorities, so he looked out of his depth as you and Seongwha began hunting in the upscale store.
“Do you like the blue or the stripes?” You held up two options before him.
He looked vaguely stressed. “Which is less expensive?”
“Nonsense, Miss (Name) said she will be paying for it,” Seonghwa assured him, checking the fabric labels of the shirts. “Ooh, silk.”
“It’s my treat, Yeosang. Which do you like better?” you asked again.
“Uh-” He looked between the two, worrying that whatever he chose would be the wrong choice somehow. He wasn’t used to being pampered, especially by his boss, who was still waiting for him to answer. “Um..”
“I’d say the stripes are a bit too much,” San commented cheerily, still surveying your surroundings.
You took a second look at the stripes. “You’re right, I think it’s too loud. San, what did you see guys wearing in The Element?”
Yeosang breathed a sigh of relief as you talked with San. Seonghwa and you made the decision that he’d wear his regular black suit, just with a different shirt and no tie. He endured trying on several things for you two until you reached a white dress shirt with a pattern of little blue diamond shapes. When you encouraged him to look in the mirror, he found he actually didn’t mind it. He balked at the price, but money was no object to the boss. He thanked you for your generosity. To his surprise you thanked him for the fun excursion.
On Friday, Hongjoong called a meeting with you and your away guard. Your security was made up of two teams: the home guard, who kept your residence secure, and your seven person away guard, who went with you when you ventured out. 
Though in charge of both, Hongjoong usually had more prep work to do for the away guard. You were much closer with your away guard anyhow, since they spent most of the day with you and were off duty once you got home in the evenings.
You joined all eight of them in the meeting room, and once everyone was assembled, Hongjoong began detailing the plan for Saturday night.
“I have secured a place on the guest list for all of you, so there shouldn’t be too much trouble getting in. However, since we’re undercover, you will enter staggered in pairs or small groups. Yunho and Mingi, you’re the exception to this. You will be joining Miss (Name) and her friends for the night. We can’t go entirely undercover because Nina Sikora has seen several of you in a bodyguard capacity, so Miss (Name) has informed Miss Sikora that her guard will be present but disguised.”
You nodded. Nina was on board with the idea. In fact, she thought it was exciting to be in on the secret.
“Yunho and Mingi will be posing as friends of Miss (Name), while Seonghwa, Yeosang, Wooyoung, San, and Jongho will be posing as patrons. As “friends” you two will be with the boss. I don’t expect you to be as focused as normal, since you have to act like friends, but don’t lose sight of what’s happening around you. Think of yourselves as a deterrent.”
They nodded. The unspoken part of that was they’d be a deterrent for anyone trying to bother you. Having bodyguards had it’s perks.
“Miss (Name) will only have one alcoholic drink for the night. Yeosang, I’d like you to offer to buy her one, then covertly test it for drugs once you receive it. You’ll have to memorize the charts that come with them.”
You wondered if any of your guard thought this was too much. If they did, they didn’t voice their opinion.
“For the rest of you as patrons, you can order things, but no drinking on the job. You will get in the club before the girls arrive with Yunho and Mingi, so take that time to get familiar with the staff and other patrons. Take note of anyone who looks suspicious or like trouble, and always keep yourselves spread out. Once Miss (Name) is ready to leave, Mingi will get the car and Yunho will escort her out. The rest of you will filter out to your separate cars.”
He paused for the ones who were taking notes, then set down his papers. “Throughout the night I expect all of you to show careful judgement. We don’t want to prematurely remove Miss (Name) from the evening because of an incident that doesn’t affect her. If things are safe for her, then there’s no reason to leave, regardless of what might be going on elsewhere in the club.” 
He let that sink in for a moment, then straightened up. “Yeosang, your turn.”
You learned that since the bodyguard were going undercover, they couldn’t have their regular earpieces to communicate, and Hongjoong recruited Yeosang to solve that problem. The device Yeosang introduced was a set of watches he had found and modified. They each had a concealed button, and when it was pressed a little red LED light would flash on the faces of all the watches. Your seven bodyguards tried them out, and were told to only use it if there was a definite emergency. 
You regarded Hongjoong for a moment as they tried out the watches. He wasn’t going to The Element with you and the away team. He looked tired, and you felt a bit guilty for all the extra work you put him through. You made a mental note to thank him again later. 
The away guard was still busy with the watches, learning how to deactivate the light. Looking at them, a strange mix of emotion came over you. All of them had to put in so much effort, so much planning, just for you to safely enjoy a night out at a club.
Saturday night you spent extra time getting ready. The short, fun dress you never got to wear came out of your closet. You had a few wigs for disguises. Most of them were picked to look average and help you blend in. There was one fantastical wig, however, that was an ombre mix of vivid color. This seemed like an occasion to wear it. 
Your maid helped you get it on securely, and the two of you determined what makeup would compliment the look. Last was a few careful accessories and a clutch. The final person in the mirror seemed like an alternate universe version of you, from a world of glamorous partying. You felt awesome.
That feeling dropped once you stepped out of the safety of your bedroom. Suddenly your heels felt to high, your dress felt too short, and your hair looked too wild. As you reached the staircase of your front hall, you saw the figures of Hongjoong, Mingi, and Yunho gathered near your front door. You prayed they wouldn’t see you yet, and focused on making your way down the stairs. Unfortunately for you, when you reached the bottom and looked up you saw all three staring. You immediately looked away, hands tightening around your clutch.
Mingi was the first to speak. “Woah. You look amazing.”
Yunho was nodding. Hongjoong looked like he was about to reprimand his subordinate, but decided against it.
Mingi was still looking at you, awed. “Your eyeshadow matches your dress and your hair!”
“Mingi, the car,” Hongjoong reminded him.
As Mingi hurried out your maid began helping you into a long coat. You repressed a smile, secretly grateful for his honest reaction.
“Remember you can end the night whenever you wish,” your security captain reminded you.
“I remember,” you answered, allowing yourself to be ushered outside. Excitement and dread blossomed inside you.
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snappedsky · 7 years
Fanatics 66.1
Zim, Dib, Pepito, and Squee's class go on a camping trip for the weekend. Previous! Next!
Camping Trip of Doom Part One
           Squee sighs heavily as he flaps the opening of his sweater. “Man, I’m hot.”            “Maybe if you weren’t in jeans and a sweater,” Dib points out, who’s wearing just shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals.
           “The day I go outside in anything less than full body clothing is the day I die,” Squee grunts.
           “So is that what you’re gonna wear all weekend?”
           “No, Devi and Tenna packed me a punch of shorts,” Squee groans, “that’s why I’m convinced I’m gonna die on this trip.”            “Oh, don’t be so dramatic,” Dib smiles, “look, even Zim is wearing camping clothes…er, kind of.”
           Zim is wearing shorts and a tank top. But underneath he’s in a skin tight black suit, along with his usual boots and gloves.            
           The tenth grades are waiting outside the Skool for their bus. From Friday to Monday morning, they’ll be at a nearby lake, called Lake Grim, for a camping trip. They’ll all be doing camping activities, sleeping in cabins, and chilling around the lake.
           “The bus is gonna be here soon,” Dib says as he looks around. “Where’s Pepito?”            “He texted me that he’ll be running a little late,” Squee replies, “slept in.”            “Figures,” Zim grunts.
           As if on cue, they spot Pepito squeezing through the crowd of their classmates. He’s dressed in summer clothes too along with a baseball cap with holes cut just above the lid for his horns to poke through.
           “Hey, guys,” he chimes. He eyes Zim judgementally. “Zim, what the hell are you wearing?”            “I refuse to show off as much skin as the rest of you,” he scoffs.
           “Then why wear shorts and a tank at all?” Pepito asks.
           “It’s the usual human convention.”            He smiles wearily. “Well, at least you got the spirit.”
           The bus arrives not long after. Everyone files on and takes their seats. Zim, Dib, Pepito, and Squee make their way to the back of the bus when Pepito gets tugged back.
           “Pepito, sit with us,” Jessica chimes as she and the other popular girls tug him to their seats.
           “Uh, well, I was-.” He tries to argue.
           “Come on, you don’t really wanna sit with those losers,” Sara scoffs. They force him onto their seat and start coddling him.
           Squee glares at them with annoyance as he sits down at the back of the bus, next to Dib and Zim.
           “Wow, that’s annoying,” Dib comments, “he should just tell them off.”            “He won’t. He’s too nice for that,” Squee says then mutters, “even if they do deserve it. Bunch of harpies…”            Dib looks at him with surprise then starts snickering.
           “What?” Squee questions.
           “Sorry, it’s just there’s not much that really ruffles you,” Dib says, “not like this anyway. Are you jealous?”
           Squee flinches with surprise.
           “Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” he adds, “you have every right to be. He is your boyfriend after all, even if nobody else knows that.”            “It’s fine,” Squee grunts, “Pepito’s nice, good-looking, fun. Of course he’d be popular. But he would never cheat on me. I have nothing to be jealous about.”            “Except for those girls stealing all of his attention,” Zim points out.
           He shrugs. “I get his attention all the time. I can go one weekend without it.”            “I suppose you’re right,” he nods, “Pepito is super clingy. This will probably be a good break for you.”            Squee doesn’t say anything in reply. He just stares out the window silently as the bus takes off.
           The drive is long but uneventful. Most of the kids keep to their own groups, listen to music, play games, or read books.
           Squee tries to write a story in one of his notebooks, but every so often he’ll glance over the seats and spot Pepito acting chummy with the girls. He tries to ignore them but despite his best efforts, it still has him fuming.
           Zim and Dib can see it bothering him, and while it’s amusing on a lot of levels, it’s also slightly concerning.
           “Hey, Squee,” Dib says, catching his attention. “Did you know that the lake we’re going to is home to a monster?”        
           “Really? What kind?” Squee asks.
           “It’s a water monster that dwells deep within the lake,” he explains as he opens something on his cellphone and shows it to Squee. It’s a screenshot of a grainy photo that shows some kind of silhouette floating on water in the distance.
           Squee stares at it then glances at Dib incredulously. “This looks like those fake photos of the Loch Ness Monster.”
           “No way, this is totally real,” he insists, “I mean Nessy is real too of course. But ours is called the Lake Grim Monster.”
           “Ugh, that is such a rehash. Is there any proof? I mean good proof.”
           “Not yet. But that’s why I’m so excited to go. We’ll find some good proof.”
           “Can’t we just leave it alone?” Squee asks wearily, “if this monster is real, it probably just wants to keep to itself.”
           “But what if it’s dangerous?” Dib questions.
           “Has there been any proof that it’s dangerous?”
           “Actually, about twenty years ago, lots of people would disappear in the northern part of the lake. Everyone assumed they were drowning or something so that part of the lake has been deemed off limits and nobody’s gone out there since.”
           “Great, so it’s blocked off. We’ll never get over there on a Skool trip.”            “Oh, that part will be easy,” Dib scoffs, “the hard part will be finding the monster’s lair. I couldn’t sneak on any scuba gear so I hope you’re a good swimmer.”
           Squee winces and looks away awkwardly.
           “Well, count me out,” Zim grunts, “no way am I setting foot near that much water.”
           “Then why come on the trip in the first place?” Dib asks.  
           “Usual human convention.”
           The rest of trip Dib chats with Squee about the monster, the activities they’ll have to do, and generally just tries to keep him distracted. It works, and Squee doesn’t spend the majority of the trip fuming in jealousy.
           They finally arrive to the lake by the afternoon. Everyone files off the bus and lines up in front of the teachers: Mr. Garland, Mrs. Tell, and Miss Sweeties.
           “Okay, who’s ready for a fun weekend in the woods?” Miss Sweeties chimes.
           Most of the students groan apathetically. Squee sighs and leans closer to Dib.
         “Why does Miss Sweeties have to chaperone us? Honestly I would’ve preferred Ms. Bitters,” he whispers.
           “I don’t think Ms. Bitters can be out in the sun too long,” Dib whispers back.            
           “Everyone follow us and we’ll show you around,” Miss Sweeties orders.
           The kids follow the teachers into the campground and Miss Sweeties explains where everything is. The biggest building is the mess hall, where all the meals will be held. Across from that is the rec center, where a lot of the students will be doing activities, along with the washrooms. Beside that is the lake which is surrounded by forests except for the sandy beach connected to the campground. And further in are seven cabins and a chalet.
           “So first you’ll drop off your stuff in your assigned cabins,” Miss Sweeties explains, “and then we’ll meet at the mess hall for lunch. And break!”
           The students split off into their groups and head to the cabins with their luggage. Zim, Dib, and Squee look around for Pepito and spot him still being coddled by the girls. He’s smiling awkwardly and trying to back away but he’s not trying too hard.
           “Let’s just go,” Zim grunts, “he’ll catch up.”  
           Zim and Dib walk off. Squee lingers a second longer, glowering irritably, before following.
           They find their assigned cabin and let themselves in. It’s rather small with three bunkbeds, one against each side wall and one against the far wall. The only windows are two small ones on either side of the door.
           “I call a top bunk,” Dib exclaims as he races inside.
           “You can take it,” Squee grunts, “I will never sleep on a top bunk.”
           “Zim deserves nothing less than top,” Zim states.
           They drop off their stuff and set up their beds, claiming their territory.
           Squee takes off his sweater and changes from jeans to board shorts. His discomfort is clear on his face.
           “Nice knees, Squee,” Dib comments.
           “I hate showing this much skin,” he grumbles.
           “You should wear a body suit like me,” Zim suggests.
           “Mmmm nah.”
           As they’re finishing up, the door flies open and Pepito falls through. He slams the door closed and leans up against it, panting.
           “Look who decided to show up,” Zim grunts.
           “Sorry,” Pepito sighs, “those girls are driving me nuts.”            “Just tell them off,” Dib says.
           He groans uncertainly but doesn’t give a proper reply as he drops his bag on the top bunk over Squee. He hangs his head, sighing, and glances at Squee. His face lights up immediately.
           “Wow, Squee, you’re in shorts!” he exclaims.
           “Yeah,” Squee groans. “Devi and Tenna wouldn’t let me pack pants.”
           “They look good,” he comments.
           Squee smiles bashfully.
           They leave the cabin and head to the mess hall together. The students are lined up outside the doors. After a couple minutes, the doors open and everyone files inside.
           “Go ahead and pick what you want for lunch,” Miss Sweeties demands. Across the room is a buffet table with a big pot of hot soup, premade sandwiches, and assorted crackers and cheeses along with milk and different juices.
           Everybody grabs a tray and starts filing along the table, gathering what food they want.
           “At least this stuff looks better than the cafeteria food,” Dib comments.
           “Still human food though,” Zim grumbles, “fortunately I brought some actually good food to eat later.”
           “You mean Irken food,” Pepito says.
           “Same thing.”            They start to head to a table when Jessica and Sara pop in from out of nowhere and scoop Pepito’s arms.
           “Come sit with us,” Jessica chirps.
           “Yeah, come on, Pepito,” Sara chimes.
           He stammers uncertainly but doesn’t try to argue as they pull him away. Zim, Dib, and Squee watch him leave and Squee glowers irritably.
           They sit a table, away from anyone else and start eating. Well, Dib and Squee eat while Zim sort of just picks at his food.
           They look up at Kat- Tak’s human disguise- standing beside them. They blink with surprise.
           “Tak-I mean, Kat,” Dib says as she sits down with them. “How long have you been here?”            “The whole time,” she replies like it’s obvious.
           “We didn’t notice,” Squee says.
           “That’s by design because my disguise is actually good,” she states.
           Zim scoffs. “I prefer to stand out.”      
           “I’ve noticed,” she grunts, “so where’s Pepito?”
           Dib hooks a thumb across the room to where Pepito is being swarmed by the popular girls.
           “Hm,” Kat muses and looks at Squee. “That doesn’t bother you?”
           He just shrugs dismissively. “He can sit where he wants.”            “Yeah, but-,” she starts to argue but Zim kicks her underneath the table. She flinches and glares at him. He glares back and subtly shakes his head. Kat blinks curiously.
           After lunch, the students gather in the middle of the campground while Miss Sweeties and the other teachers address them.
           “We’re gonna be going for a walk around the lake,” she explains, “it’s a long walk so be sure to take some water with you. And go to the bathroom if you have to because we won’t be back until evening.”
           Once everybody’s ready, they take off down a trail leading into the trees. All the kids walk in their own groups- Zim, Dib, Squee, and Kat walk together. Pepito is still be crowded by the popular girls. They’re not even giving him an inch.
           The walk is peaceful and beautiful. The bright sun streams through the branches overhead while a breeze rustles the leaves. Birds are chirping in the distance while the lake lapping against the shores can be heard nearby.
           They reach a spot where the trees thin out and the lake can be seen clearly. It’s only a couple feet from their trail.
           “Be careful here,” Miss Sweeties orders, “the water level really rose last spring so stay in the middle of the trail.”
           Dib grabs Squee’s shoulder, stopping him.
           “This is the northern part of the lake,” he says excitedly, “where the Lake Grim Monster lives.”
           “The what?” Kat asks.
           “It’s a monster that lives in the lake, Kat,” Dib groans, “keep up.”
           Squee looks off in the distance. “It’s blocked off by buoys. That’s effective,” he comments sarcastically.            “I wonder if I can see it’s lair from here,” Dib says excitedly as he inches closer to the water.
           “The water’s way too dark to see anything,” Squee points out, “come on, Dib, let’s just-.”
           Before he can finish, Dib’s foot slips in the mud and he slides right into the water.
           “Dib!” Zim, Squee, and Kat cry out.
           Dib gasps as he pops out of the water and crawls back onto the ground. “I’m okay.”
           “What happened?” Miss Sweeties asks worriedly as she hurries over.
           “Dib fell in the water,” Squee replies as he, Zim, and Kat help him up.
           “Oh, Dib,” she sighs, “I said to be careful. Go back to the camp and dry off.”            “We’ll go with him,” Zim states and the four of them head back down the trail.
           They laugh amongst each other as they walk away. Behind them, the other students are laughing for different reasons.
           “What a loser,” Jessica comments while the other girls giggle meanly.
           “Totally,” Sara nods, “right, Pepito?”
           Their laughter falls on deaf ears as Pepito watches his friends walk away, a forlorn expression on his face.
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