#Welp back to commissions
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screwpinecaprice · 5 months ago
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whatermelown · 6 months ago
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MELOWN COMMS BACK AT IT AGAIN!!! 💃🪅🎀🎊🙌🖼️ (pls read me ;w; 🫶)
⸜(ˊᗜˋ)⸝!!!✨🌻COMMISSIONS SLOTS BACK UP! (pls read me ;0;)
https://bit.ly/WizComms <- getcha order 💁‍♀️🍝🥤
INSERT SALUTATIONS! I'm back and I hope you guys will receive me well once again,,,🤸‍♀️🤍🤍🤍
🎡Even though I'm closer to home compared last year, I'm still struggling to handle more financially taxing things like preparing for materials in class that end up being very costly and I also want to help provide for my family especially now that prices are so high especially the bills it's insane... I'm doing my best not to depend on them for money, and so I'm doing this as my main source of income too. That is why it is my humblest request to ask for your support once again. இ௰இ<33
🎠Like before, my prices have gone up to compensate my growing credibility towards being a working artist (studying art and work experiences). It's still lower than the usual but I'm now trying to price my work in the standards of the ongoing market. Nevertheless, I hope it's still wallet-friendly without compromising my time and effort's worth. ;0;
🎐SO ANY SHOWCASE OF YOUR SUPPORT MEANS A LOT TO ME! From the likes to the shares and especially to the orders, I am immensely grateful!
🛒: https://bit.ly/WizComms
. 👒 ☕🍉
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓🍃🎨✨
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dododrawsstuff-backup · 6 days ago
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February rewards :D I had so much fun drawing these, also, once again I changed the style of the colored sketch tier, thank you for your patience, my lovely members 🙇‍♀️
Clara for @krys-loves-otome she was so fun to draw, her design is gorgeous!
William for @aquagirl1978 I loved the idea so much, he deserved to be covered in kisses regularly
Ellis for @valkyyriia any opportunity to draw Ellis and I'm a happy person, especially with blood >:)
Roderic and Gilbert for @rjthirsty the idea is so cute, and Roderic seems to be enjoying his live weighted blanket
Clavis and Cassandra for @wistfulwanderingone as always, they're so adorable, I loved to draw them, and the idea is so Clavis too!
Gilbert and @welp-back-on-my-bs OC dancing, they are so cute together!
Vic for @scummy-writes drawing Vic was an absolute pleasure, he's too cute!!
Kofi | commission info
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grinnames · 5 months ago
Godbox AU Chapter 0: The Entity and the 0rigin
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It was such a strange feeling. One moment ago, it was so chaotic, so loud. There was a blinding flash that had engulfed him, followed by a split second of white hot pain that swallowed his body before everything became nothing. Now, it was so quiet, so dark, and he felt nothing. What had just happened to him…?
SMG4’s thoughts collected. Before his eyes, darkness spread in every direction. Floating aimlessly around him a random assortment of destroyed objects, all ranging from broken earth, cake, stardust, and bone. He couldn’t feel the ground beneath his feet, and he couldn’t tell up from down.
“Those must be the broken pieces of destroyed universes,” he mused to himself. “Wait a second, DESTROYED UNIVERSES!?”
The revelation came back into his mind. He remembered now. He remembered the overwhelming grief and rage overtaking his soul as SMG0 swallowed Melonie whole. He had grabbed SMG3’s hand, and used anti-memes to create a penetrating blast that went cleanly through the eldritch demon’s head. The sadness within him was so strong that he had forgotten to go mad with power. He was completely in control.
He remembered pulling Melonie out from the bowels of SMG0’s corpse, and making a break for the exit to escape the Godbox.
He frowned. Usually, that meant that they had beaten the bad guy, and that he should be returning home in triumph by now. 
“Oh hey idiot. You’re finally up.”
SMG4 whirled around, finally noticing SMG3. “Dude! You’re okay!”
SMG3 scoffed. What a tsundere. “As much as I’m disgusted by your concern for me, we have more serious things to worry about right now.”
“Well duh!” said SMG4. “We have to find a way to get back home! We’re still floating in the vacuum of the Great Beyond!”
SMG3’s face froze as he took a second to process what SMG4 just said. “SMG4… DO YOU SERIOUSLY NOT REALIZE WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO US?!” he asked incredulously.
SMG3 gave him the biggest “are-you-kidding-me” expression ever, and then his face suddenly fell. He looked… sad? “SMG4… we’re dead.”
“...Eh?” SMG4 couldn’t quite process what he had said. Surely this was just SMG3 pulling a cruel prank?
But SMG3 wasn’t smiling. He actually looked like he might cry. “Look down, man.”
He looked down. He immediately wished he hadn’t looked. There, floating beneath his feet, were two mangled and charred corpses. The one wearing a torn blue shirt and ragged white overalls was missing a chunk of its right side, and most of its limbs were gone, leaving bloody and messy stumps. It had his face, mouth open in an endless silent scream, and one eye missing, leaking bloody tears. 
The other corpse was wearing a dark blue shirt and ruined black overalls. It was missing a lot of the flesh that used to cover its torso, neck and mouth. Its damaged organs were exposed, and the jaw was completely gone. It was also missing most of its limbs.
Finally, he looked at his own hand. It was glistening, almost glowing, and he could see through it. He waved his trembling other hand to it, and it passed right through with no resistance.
“...What went wrong…?” his question breathed out.
“We didn’t escape the Godbox before it was blown up. The lid closed on us suddenly, trapping us all inside.” SMG3 said in a monotone voice. “But if it’s any consolation, before you uh… gained consciousness? I floated around to look for Mario and Melonie. I can’t find their bodies, so I can only hope that they survived.”
“... Welp. Guess I won’t be buried in that giant grave that I bought some time ago, ehehe…”
“You commissioned a fancy grave for yourself?”
SMG4 laughed embarrassedly. “Some strange girl gave me a coupon for it, I think she was the head of the… Sheng Wang Funeral Parlor…? I couldn’t pass up on the deal!”
“Ugggghhhhhhhh, I can’t believe I have to share my afterlife with you!” SMG3 groaned. 
“O h, y o u  w o n ‘ t  h a v e  t o.” whispered a new voice. Despite it only being whispered, the words echoed through the void, and chilled the two SMGs to their very cores.
Multiple red eyes lit up in the darkness, surrounding the two with their stares. A terrifying, looming presence filled the very atmosphere. 
“H-hello?” SMG4 called out into the darkness. “Who’s there?! What do you want with us?”
“Huh… let me guess, are we in hell? Are you the devil?” asked SMG3. Then he smirked, albeit nervously. “Are you here to give me a seat of honor?”
“Oh god I don’t wanna go to helllllllllllll….” moaned SMG4.
“I am the entity that calls itself the END.” 
SMG4 piped up. “Uh-”
“Your friends have destroyed my vessel. Gone, blasted to smithereens. I will miss my old box.”
Their souls ran cold. The thing they were speaking to, the thing that had them at their mercy, was the Godbox. Well, what used to be the Godbox.
“Be not afraid. I will not take my wrath out on you.”
“However, in order to continue my purpose, I need new vessels. Your bodies, despite being made to combat my power, were also perfect conduits of channeling it.”
SMG4 felt his stomach plummet. He and SMG3 really had wielded the power of the anti-memes. It felt so seamless, so natural channeling that wild, untamed force with a clear mind. And now they had caught the attention of the origin of that power.
“You are worthy replacements to that box I once resided in.”
SMG3 suddenly shouted, “Waitwaitwaitwait hold up! You just can’t take our bodies like that! What’s going to happen to us?! What are you going to do with our bodies!? If you’re taking our bodies, we deserve… uhhh… compensation! Y-yeah! You… four-million eyed eldritch freak!”
“What are you doing?!” SMG4 whisper-shouted.
“I’m trying to stall!” SMG3 whispered back. 
“I suppose you have the right to know.”
“Oh it actually worked-”
“Ever since I came into existence, I had one purpose. I corrupt and consume. Soon you will also corrupt and consume. It will be the new purpose of your bodies. Your minds. Your souls.”
In a flash, the two souls were impaled upon jagged crystals of black and red anti-meme energy. SMG4 cried out in shock, and SMG3 hissed in pain.
“Not only will your bodies fuse with my essence, but your souls will be devoured as well. It will be my first meal, to mark my rebirth.”
The jagged, pulsating darkness began to crawl across the very culminations of their beings, gnawing and eating away at their essences. They tried to scream, but what came out instead of their own voices were primal, unnatural howls. 
“I must have perfect vessels. I intend to become you, in body, mind, and soul. And you will become me, in body, mind, and soul.” 
Red strings dragged their writhing, corrupted souls back into their ruined bodies. The entity funneled the rest of itself into every nook and cranny, entering its new home. Black, glitchy flesh began to seal their wounds, and replace what was lost.
“As for your compensation, I will return you two home, safe and sound.” 
Man I really hope I don't think of something cooler than this later, this origin story took so long to decide on!
Seriously I have five other origins written out and I was spiraling trying to think of the best one-
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wroogymoony · 1 month ago
Guys, I'm crazy or something like that
I really have only two types of favorite villains. I mean Hook and Bill. And I watched The Amazing Digital Circus this week. Caine catched my eye and I realised he somehow mixes few traits of Hook and Bill.(even when Caine is not entirely a villain) Made a little something too. (click for better quality)
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Welp I just realised I wrote 'tophead' instead of 'tophat' but I'm too lazy to rewrite it. Sorry. And also forgot to mention that Caine and Bill both can float/fly.
also here are close ups of these three lovable idiots.
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You can't hate them. (I'm beating Bill with hammers)
Hope you like them. Also commissions and requests are closed but you can support me by tip on ko-fi. (for info I am not able to give you your money back. So be mindfull I don't want problems)
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pussypinkdoll · 2 years ago
payback’s a bitch.
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don’t forget to dm me for commissions <3
summary: in which y/n birthday comes but is slightly ruined but still comes out great, y/n takes this as the chance to get payback on eren after last time.
warnings: a bit of dom y/n, slapping, fighting, choking, reverse cow girl, missionary, mature scenes over all, a bit of sub eren, dom eren, etc.
part 1
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“y/n wake your thick ass up !!” yelling into you ear while giving you a slap to the ass eren got up so he could be able to change into an outfit so you guys can go head to your college. “I’m up nigga… damn.” waking you stretched your back while getting up to go do your daily routine. taking off your bonnet and unhooking the rollers in your to let down your now curled and layered jet black lace with blonde highlights.
slipping on your outfit for the day and getting your stuff to head out you headed towards eren who was waiting in his car for you. sliding into the passenger seat with a slight limp and putting your stuff down in front of you. “aww why are you limping sweet mama?” rubbing your cheek while saying so with a damn smile like he doesn’t know the reason.
“nigga- drive before you get beat up.” slapping his hand away from face while he laughed as he started the car and headed to the destination. upon arriving eren held hands with you. this gave you the time to take on his outfit which he was basically matching you but different shoes. “happy birthday mamaa” he whispered in your ear while handing you a Pandora bracelet with y’all initials on it. “thank you so muchhh !! it’s so pretty” slipping it on you hugged him while he gave you a kiss on the forhead. “anything for my favorite lady.”
“awww that’s so sweett~ is that pandora?? I could’ve sworn eren gave me the same thing for my birthday~” turning around while still hugging you turned around to see historia with her little groupies. eren sighed and rolled his eyes, all you did was size her up then looked up at eren “you better get that bitch before I do because I’m really trying to be holly jolly today, I really am.” letting him go you turned to look her way. “historia what is you fucking problem bro? you and these fucking lies.” eren stood in front of you just in case something happens so he can deescalate the situation. “eren why are you acting like this? you were just with me a couple days ago.” you knew she was lying because you with eren all week but she still had you fucked up.
“you know what” taking off your beanie and tying your hair up quickly, you moved around eren and punched that bitch right in the face. not giving her anytime to react you continued to land blows while getting on top of her. one of her friends tried to jump you to which eren pushed her out the way “uh uh ! y’all not finna jump shit cuz I’m ready to fight bout mine, who want it ?!” making sure no one jumped eren let you keep going till it was enough so he broke y’all up and held you back.
“what tf I’m bleeding !!” historia got up a bit shaky with her hair all over the place and blood on her face (bars). laughing at her because there was not a scratch or wrinkle on you, you still looked the same after you got out the car. grabbing erens hand and your stuff you continued your day like nothing happened.
“girl tell me why your ass is all over social media for beating historia ass” looking down at your friend ximora’s phone to see what she was talking about. “welp that’s what tf she gets cuz she tried me.” you were currently hanging with your best friend because eren wanted to get his house ready for your birthday before he takes you out.
heading towards your closet you changed into your going out outfit while letting your friend do your makeup for your birthday. she eventually gave you a gift which was a small heart necklace and flowers. you guys hugged then you got a message from eren telling you to come outside. walking slowly because of your heals you headed towards him as he took in your beauty. “damn mama you look.. gorgeous” walking to your side he kissed your cheek while opening his car door for you letting you get in as he closed the door to drive you guys to the restaurant.
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—— (time skip past the restaurant that’s too much explaining.)
“thank you baby dinner was amazing and thank you for all the gifts.” taking off your makeup and outfit and switching into a pink laced thong and white crop top. “you’re welcome mama you know I’d anything for you.” getting up to hug you while giving you a rub on the ass. “eren..” “hm?” “I wanna fuck.” looking up at him while saying so all he did was smile and pick you up taking you to his bedroom while each others clothes off and kissing each other.
“spread them legs for me ma” he rasped out while rubbing your thighs, eren watched as you slowly opened your legs as far as you can while spreading your thick folds with your index and middle finger. “you nasty bitchhh” rubbing his thumb on your clit while watching you let out a pleasurable sight and grip onto his hand. “you want it mama?” he asked knowingly, grinding his dick against your cunt while leaning over you and kissing on your neck. “yess~ give it to me ‘ren” pressing a kiss on your lips and guiding his dick into you slowly he held onto your hands as he spoke sweet nothings and threw in some dirty words into your ear.
“oh shit~ right there rennn~” wrapping your hands around him you felt out of it. he was thrusting so deep and slow it felt like he was digging you out. “you like that? huh?~” eren groaned near your ear while rubbing and tugging onto your nipples adding more to your pleasure. “m-more, harder~ please eren~” sliding one of your hands onto his ass, gripping it while forcing him to make his hips go harder into you. “y/nnnn~ fuck you feel so good, this pussy is all mine~” rubbing your clit into rough circles eren watched as you went through your first orgasm of the night.
blink. blink. blink. blink.
turning to the side your look to see what was making those sounds and looking to see it was eren’s phone blowing tf up. “ignore it mama~” going down to suck on your nipples continuing with his strokes. you moaned loudly when he kept pounding into that one stop while gripping his hair.
blink. blink. blink. blink.
“bro fucking get your phone~” watching him pull out and groan he reached for his phone while laying down next to you to see who was blowing his phone up. covering your chest with your forearm you sat on his lap and took his phone when he was taking to long to check what was going on.
“you can’t be serious? eren why do you still have historia on social media.” scrolling through the messages she was sending to see what she was saying. she was saying things along the lines of ‘I miss you’ ‘come back to me’ ‘come fuck me’. “bro I don’t she just keeps making accounts and adding me to text me on some bull.” huffing irritatedly eren went to go sit up but you pushed him back down with your hand around his throat chocking him. “let’s send her a video.” looking at him after giving the suggestion your met with eren looking at you shocked “y/n- are you for real?”
eren was surprised you made such a suggestion because he’s asked before if he can record which you would turn down but you asking for it now as a way to spite historia made him even more horny. “you gone let me fuck you and send it to her?” rubbing the side of your thighs eren licked his lips while staring at you. “oh- no you’re not fucking me, I’m fucking you daddy.”
“y-y/nn~ fuck s-slow down~” eren was holding his phone while recording you riding him reverse cow girl, and you weren’t letting up ! you was snatching that niggas soul, he done cummed three times already but you were still going.
“nahh ain’t no slowing down~ remember the other day how you did me? paybacks a bitchhh~” taking his dick out and slapping it repeatedly onto your clit to give the camera a show, you went and switched positions facing eren and choked him while sliding back down and went back to fucking him ruthlessly while making eye contact. “ouu this dick is so good daddy~ should I keep fucking you~?” eren whimpered into you ear while gripping onto the sheets with his hand that wasn’t occupied. of course eren had the strength to flip you around and fuck the shit out of you, but the way you were laying that pussy on him had him paralyzed and overstimulated.
“fuckk~ mamaa~ my dick is sensitive pleasee~ give me a break o-okay~?” biting onto his lip after letting out a loud groan when you started grinding onto his lap and bringing one of your hands back to squeeze onto his balls. “you’re gonna continue taking this pussy baby, what’s my name?”
throwing his head back into the bed while shaking his legs from going through another orgasm. “m-mommy~” …
Video has been sent.
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she-whatshername · 7 months ago
Hold up
Did I miss it in both books; Xaden gives Violet the saddle for her Tarin, but Bodhi said he’d make the adjustments in the second book before they fly back to Basgiath.
Does that mean that Xaden commissioned Bodhi to make the saddle and Xaden just designed it? Did they work together? Omg brother group project
Does that mean Bodhi is like a craftsman of some sort? Leatherwork? Blacksmith?!
*Proceeds to spiral
Aww, did they do crafts together as kids and make a build a bunch of weird stuff together each summer at Riorson house? Is that why Xaden and Liam were so close because Liam also makes stuff like wooden figurines?
Omg, Have I been sitting on a Tyrrish men headcanon that these guys are artisans of some kind???
Welp. This theory is getting typed up this week
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writingoddess1125 · 12 hours ago
Crocodile Beauty and Beast Effect
<<< Masterlist
Welp this one won by a damn landslide! Hope you enjoy!
Crocodile x FemReader
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⚠️ WARNINGS: ⚠️ Obsessive/Possessive Behavior, Murder (This is Crocodile afterall..), Sexual Harrassment (Not from Crocodile), Sexual Inuendo (From Crocodile-)
• Crocodile is not know to me a man of affection or kindness. Seen as a Cruel man who murders on a whim and will laugh in the face of any he strikes down. Heartless to the core..
• However he does have a heart-
• You. His Dessert Rose-
• His Wife
• The one he hides from the world as his most precious of treasures. Something worth more then any diamond or even the One Peice itself.
• However while most would expect some locked up princess or women tied to some bedpost crying to be free-
• But I think his spouse wouldn't be some damsel, It would get on his nerves too damn much and hed probably lash out- Or someone who yells back at him, that would just end up with someone dead.
• You however are perfect-
• A quiet women, dressed in comfortable but luxury clothes often found reading or writing- Listening to music and humming along to yourself.
• No extreme dresses, having full authority of the home(s) you occupied and as much freedom as desired within reason-. Often venturing to the market or making trades with locals to get something that caught your eye.
• Truthfully the only thing that would really indicate you were of a super high bracket was the fat ring on your finger that you were sure cost more then a few islands put together.
• Sure you found it a bit- Gaudy (It was tacky as hell) but you knew your husband was proud of it so you wore it with pride.
• You're a author by trade, You also repair rare books and a avid collector of antique literature.
• A fairly lucrative trade, which earned well before you got married to Sir Crocodile. However due to his well.. impressive wealth your was rendered now a nice well paying hobby-
• Still you did it often advertising when you were in town, and you did your trade incredibly well. Even if Crocodile insisted you didn't have to work and he would take care of your needs-
•Which was mainly him wanting you to stay by his side and spoil you rotten.
• "You do not have to work- You are more then welcome to lounge and do nothing" Crocodile said calmly as he watched you gently repair the endpaper of a antique book someone had commissioned.
"No, I enjoy this" You say simply, dipping your brush in more glue. Not even looking up to Crocodile.
Then making him growl in annoyance.
"What if I demand you to quit- You wouldnt be able to stop me if I did My Flower" He chimes, giving a dark almost sinister grin down at you as he took a huff of his cigar.
You calmly set your brush down, Looking up to him with a sharp gaze and narrowed eyes.
That ended that conversation fairly fast as he allowed you to do as you pleased.. if not grumbling about it under his breath.
• You didn't take shit from anyone let alone your husband.
• However you don't need to scream or yell, A sharp look and a tight frown are all is needed to make him stop- at least enough to listen to a opposing opinion
• Besides if you do raise your voice it's for a damn good reason-
And for Crocodile he'd make sure you only need to raise your voice saying his name in the bedroom
• The man however adores you- head over heels, He loves you in every which way imaginable.
• Just as Much as you love him- He may be gruff and crass but you love every bit of him, No part of either you is unloved.
• Especially on Crocodile side- in a very perverted sense.. He is fast to strike if he sees you bend over for paper, or fast to lift your skirt if it's short enough- Paired with using his sand to his advantages
• Sand does like to find itself in crevices- Much to your annoyance.
• Despite this he does deeply respects you- Your thoughts, Your feelings- He takes what you say into consideration.. Even if he has to swallow his pride.
Sir Crocodile paced in his office, Face twisted up in that crooked smile of his as he layed out his next plan of attack on the Marines always telling you what his next moves would be in full detail as he knew youd provide the best feedback.
"It is perfect, I know it is my Flower, What are your thoughts?"
He said proudly, looking to you seated on his desk right were he had placed you. Your eyes however down cast to some paper next to you as you wrote something down.
You silently hold out what you had been writing, Crocodile raising a brow as he snatches them and looks them over-
There you had written a more polished version of his plan, making his face twist up in confusion as he read over it.
"You changed the timing, and location of the attack. Why?"
"The area you're planning is prone to storms that time of year so it makes sense the Marines will use a different route to avoid it- Paired with when they head out. It allows you to also use that channel to the left which flows fast, Letting you have control of the situation"
He looked to you now thinking it over.
"How would you know something like that?-"
"We were talking about the weather over there last week since I had to wait to ship one of the commissioned books I was telling you about-"
You say plainly, smiling softly as you see your husband face twist in a fake frown at you.
"I hate it when you do that-"
You can't help bit giggle, watching as he leaned over and placed a kiss on the top of your head in a silent thanks.
• It was often you two would share moments like this- You having him read over your manuscripts and you reading over his plans.
• While he was prideful and stubborn- You were the thing to help curve that and force him to listen to reason.
• Somwhat-
• You know deep down he is possessive and obsessive- He likes to keep what is his, and sees you as such. While you are free to do as you please, you know in the back of your head if he truly wanted you'd be locked away forever-
• Always seconds away from being snagged in his jaws and never see the light of day again.
• If it wasn't for your nature and you suspect his respect he has for you- You doubt you'd be in the position you are in to have the level of control or freedom you possess.
• Crocodile may act as the Head. However you are the neck that turns it- Or in your case the mild winds that can change the direction of a Raging storm.
• While Crocodile does not like to bring you to the eyes of others- But he does take you with him.
• He didn't like the idea of keeping you too far away having a desire to keep an eye on important things-
• If he is on a mission he will stash you on a island far enough from any real damage but at least a short sail away.
• It always does tickle your funny bone watching how he does this- Sort of reminds you of a paranoid squirrel.
• Looking in different spots to hide resources before digging it back up to hide in a different spot.
• But you never minded, Honestly preferring to stay more to the side lines- hidden away in his hiding spots to stay safe.
• You'd heard second hand how, unkind the pirating world could be so knew that if you were exposed it wouldn't be a very good experience.
• However fate seemed to say nope to your plans to stay to the side.
• It took only one incident to bring you to the forefront unfortunately..
You had been brought to the Cross Guild, seemingly Crocodile having deemed it important enough and somewhat safe to bring you here- You assumed it was due to the time he needed to be here.
Already silently choosing to stay in more private quarters- There was a lot of people, loud ones at that.. Having heard the crowd and feeling like the large bed and nice room was good enough..
Till you got hungry-
And by the noise with even with how far your room was from the main building you could hear how rowdy it was. Assuming anyone working in the kitchens wouldn't be able to assist for some time.
Truthfully from the noise alone you hoped those poor kitchen workers got paid well.
But no matter- You had no problem getting something yourself anyway.
It was a rather long walk to the main Guild, having easily been able to follow the flow of the hallways to where the main kitchens would be.
Having only briefly paused by a large archway when you heard that signature cackle-
Taking a peak through it was incredibly packed it seemed, You could see your husband not far off. A smile playing softly on your lips as you saw him there cackling and drinking, tormenting a blue haired clown it seemed for his own amusement, shaking your head softly at his antics- Stepping back as you went to continue your task at hand till you bumped into something.
Looking up as a rather dumpy looking pirate, a drunk one at that stared down at you.
"Woah! You're a pretty one- I thought they only had ugly whores here"
The smell of liquor on his breath made your nose wrinkle, finding him rather disgusting even in talking paired with his appearance...
"Im not an escort... I'm heading elsewhere- Excuse me" You say, Attempting to walk past him but he moved fast blocking your path fast.
"Hold On! I wasnt done- how much?" He asked, now a bit more aggressively.
"Im not a escort.. Let me through-" You say sharply. A peg of worry now going through you as he seemed to he blocking your main points kmof exit- Just large enough you could tell if you tried to move he would grab you fast.
"Still, You gotta have some sort of price, I'll make it worth your while" He sneered before grabbing your wrist hard pulling it up above your head forcing you closer to him- Your chest now touching his body to your disgust.
"HEY! Let Go of Me!" You scream out, trying to pull your wrist from him-
Feeling his free hand drift far too close to your hip-
Before you felt what could only feel like bloodlust fill the air almost choking you out.
There all hell broke lose, a slam of sand hitting the man as his hand felt like it almost dissolved from around your wrist-
Your eyes closed tightly as a yelp left you from the force as you heard the grinding of bone, wet flesh not far from you and noises you'd never want to hear ever again from a living creature- Squinting your eyes only slightly to see what was visible of your husband.
His body was nothing short of a storm with only specks of his body visible, other innocent people also getting pelted by the storm now in the building.
He was enraged- His face was twisted up as he had even dropped the cigar that usually hung from his lips, his face a twisted up growl.
"Stop" You say through the storm before you, hand reaching out gripping on the gold hook you could make out from the swirls of sand.
What could be seen of Crocodile head snapping down to look at you as you stood to his side your hand raised to block the sand blowing on your face and body. The winds picking at your clothes as you struggled to even stand.
However just like that the sand dropped- Going from a Raging sand storm to almost soft sands on a beach around you- his large form once again visible.
"... (Y/N).. You alright my Flower?"
He said rather softly, looking to you as the sand slowly started to return to him and leaving your clothes and hair- While he placed a large hand on your shoulder as his eyes darted around you, seemingly checking you over to make sure you weren't harmed by the drunk pirate.. or himself.
"Yes.. Was just a bit startled is all"
You admit, Coming down yourself from it all having not felt the force of Crocodile so angry in a incredibly long time-
You turn a bit to look behind you where you had heard what used to be a man however Crocodile hand moved fast from your shoulder to touch your cheek to stop from turning. His eyes saying it all..
This was not something for your eyes to see.
"What brought you down here Love?"
"I was just coming to grab dinner and-"
"Next time Come straight to me- I'll handle it all, Now I thought you were working on that latest book of yours?"
He cuts you off quick started to guide you back to the room with a hand on your lower back making his coat cover you from prying eyes- You can see he is still upset and know it's for the best to put him to ease speaking about your writing so far to him and staying close to him.
Crocodile listened closely, waving to servents to clean up his mess and bring the two of you dinner- before he gave a single glance back at the whole Guild as if silently threatening them all continuing on his way with you to your shared Quarters.
All of the guild now dead silent and watching- Even Buggy and Mihawk both sharing a look of- well concern...
Having never thought they would see the day someone stopped the very very short tempered Warlord with a single word.
It was frightening-
Also seeing that Sir Crocodile was angry enough he hadn't even bothered to dehydrate the poor man like how he normally did-
He had shredded him and leaving a bloody mess on the floor. A gorey and gruesome fate most would never think he was capable of-
It was there they all thought the exact same thing. Each member now terrified to get too drunk as they all looked at the bloody mess.
There was a person who was both held captive by the beast as well as controlled it.
And she wore a big gaudy ring-
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numbetdullington · 1 month ago
I used to plan on making animations for Countryballs back then even til now. But since animating takes a long to time to make, it kinda reduces my interest. I do really wanna make one. But Imma focus on practicing myself on drawing for the upcoming art commissioning.
Sigh*... I hate doing art commissions, but since I'm broke... Oh welp
And also, garsh darn I animated that ramrod so dull
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writer-kermit · 1 year ago
sweet like candy.
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❥ WORD COUNT: 1.2k
ঞ~SUMMARY: It's the night of Halloween. And your lover Nanami Kento is certainly in for a treat.
ᰔ KERMIT'S NOTE: I LIVE! I HAVE RISEN BACK ONCE MORE! I like to apologize for my lack of posting. I've been really busy with work and I lacked motivation for the past few months. As a celebration of TickleTober, I've decided to create this fic. I will try my best to write more. And thank you to the people who stuck around! If you want commissions, DM me or visit my Ko-Fi. If you want, I'm also drawing commissions too! Thanks for the support!
P. S: I had no specific prompt I just did all of them (almost)
ʚ WARNING: NSFW, Sensual biting, Teasing, Erotic Tickling, Overstimulation, MINORS!! PLEASE GO AWAY.
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It was that time of year again—the year when children would wear their most flamboyant costumes and wander around the luminous and chilly neighborhood. The children would knock on each home, hoping to receive something good to eat. Upon their next home, they would meet a particular house that wasn’t fond of trick-or-treaters. That house was none other than the Kento’s residency.
The house looked empty and eerie. You could’ve mistaken it for an actual haunted house. Those who were cocky enough to knock on the door will meet with a surprise.
A go-away sign? Welp, better luck next time kids; Nanami Kento doesn’t celebrate Halloween.
Ah yes, Hallow’s Eve. Nanami’s least favorite holiday. Not because he’s an envious adult, but because he hates the obnoxious noises he’ll have to endure until late at night.
You, however–enjoyed the thriller nights. You’d gaze at the children running along the neighborhood in search of some candy. You missed the times you’d trick-or-treat with your friends and family. As you slowly closed your bedroom window, you turned to your lover Nanami, who was too busy watching the latest horror movie.
“Oh Kento,” you sighed, “don’t you miss trick-or-treating as a kid?” Nanami flicked his eyes at you before quickly peering back at the television. “I don’t like Halloween that much.” He stated. “And why is that?” You asked, now sitting beside him. “There is no reason. I merely enjoy the alluring night when Halloween comes to an end.”
"I knew you’d say something like that.” You chuckled. “I guess you’re right,” Nanami smiled. “But there is one thing I like about this holiday.” A cocky smirk curved on your lips. “I bet it’s the candy, right?” You gestured. Nanami looked at you casually. He then pulled you into bed, making you lie down.
“You’re correct. How did you know, dear?” He asked. “Hehehe… You’re always a sucker when it comes to sweet things.” You replied. Nanami chuckled at your comment. “I will admit that,” He hummed, “But there is this one rare candy that I’m fond of nowadays.” As Nanami says that, he gets on to of you, making you anxiously giggle. “I wonder what this new candy is called,” You replied. “It’s called the [....] special. It’s currently my favorite.” “Oh yeah?” “Yes. And I’m dying to know the flavor.”
Wasting no time, Nanami pressed his lips against yours. He kept your tongue preoccupied as his hands crept under your shirt, his fingers gently caressing your tummy. He then pulled back from the kiss leisurely, awing at the feverish look plastered on your face.
“Mmm… Just as I thought,” Nanami husked. “You are sweet like candy.” He then kissed your neck, making you gasp in surprise. You moan softly between his kisses, almost tickled by his lips against your skin. A shy giggle escaped your lips as he gently tugged your skin.
“W-wait…” You whispered. “Ken…that tickles…” Nanami’s ears rang to know you were ticklish. A small smirk curved on his lips. “Is that so?” He teased. “Would you like me to stop then?” “N-no! I don’t hate it or anything. It’s just that this feeling is unusual.” You said. Nanami gave you a reassuring kiss. “Shall we sort out this unusual feeling together?” He asked you. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t hesitate. However, you couldn’t help but nod for the thrill of it.
You watched Nanami as he pinned your arms above your head. “Keep your arms up. You can do that for me, right?” He asked you. “That depends on what you’re gonna do.” You remarked.
Nanami didn’t reply to your response. Instead, he let his calloused fingers do the talking. He slowly rubbed the palms of your hands, radiating a ticklish feeling.
His fingers slowly descend, now getting dangerously close to your underarms. You tried squirming away without pulling down your arms. But Nanami was quick to straddle you. His fingers scribbled across your poor armpits without warning, forcing you to pull your arms down.
“Ehahaha! W-wait! Wahaihaihait!” You squealed. “Wait for what?” Nanami cooed. “Don’t tell me you’re backing down so soon.” “N-not true!” You recoiled. “I just wasn’t ready! That’s all.” “You don’t have to be ready, sweetheart.” He replied. “Now, keep those arms up. Don’t even think about pulling them down.”
“Nn…” You whined, slowly putting your arms back up–only for Nanami’s fingers to attack you again. Scribbling and scratching against your poor ribs. You arched your back almost instantly. Your head turned from side to side as the tickling was unbearable.
“AHhnn! Kentohoho wait!” You pleaded, clenching your fist together. “I’m sorry baby. But I already lost my patience with you.” Nanami hummed, nuzzling against your neck. His hands slowly spider across your sides and back. “Nooahahaa! P-please, slohohow down!”
Nanami found peace through your whines and pleading. He dipped his head down to your stomach, planting tiny kisses and nibbling across your sensitive skin.
“I love this cute tummy…” Nanami muttered, his hot breath grazing your skin. “It’s soft and warm like baked bread. Wouldn’t you agree [....]?” Your words became inaudible. A mixture of laughter and moans escaped from your lips.
Nanami chuckled at your state, enjoying the lovely noises you made for him. He continued teasing your tummy. His hands clawed on your hips to keep you in place. Suddenly, his tongue slipped inside your navel, tickling you in a frenzy of hysterical laughter.
“HEEHAH!” You shrieked, right before covering your mouth with your hands. “And this adorable belly button,” Nanami teased, “It’s sensitive hm?” You only giggled and shook your head. “You liar….” He cooed, gently blowing at your navel. As he went further down, he stared at your twitching sex.
“[....],” Nanami sang to you, “don’t tell me you’re getting aroused just from me tickling you.” “Hehehe! N-no!” You panicked, pressing your legs together. “I-it’s not like that at all…” “It’s not? Then why so shy love?”
Nanami slowly spread your legs apart, revealing your aching spot. You let out a squeaky moan in surprise when Nanami’s fingers stroked you lustfully. You watched him hazily as he peeled your remaining undergarments.
“It seems like the [....] added a new flavor.” He joked. Nanami then grasped your inner thighs as he leveled his head at your sex. His breath only inches away from you. He then looked up at you again, taking detail of your shallow breaths and heated face. “Thank you for the treat….” He rasped.
Nanami then wrapped his lips against your sex. His tongue was light and gentle. Yet the sensations rushed through your body. You moaned happily as he growled and moaned against your sex. “Ahahaha… K-Kento… Kento…” You moaned, bucking your hips repeatedly. Nanami let out reassuring hums as he massaged your hips, stimulating you further.
“Your flavor…” Nanami grunted, “It’s so enticing. I want more of it… I want more of you…” He kissed your lips with hunger, and you melted into the kiss almost instantly. You then felt something poke your thigh. You then had an idea.
“Oh Kento,” You sang, “did you know that there’s a new candy in stores?” “Hm? What’s it called?” Nanami asked. “The Nanami - Delux. I assumed you heard of it.” His lips turned into a curt smile. “Suppose I have,” he replied, pulling out his leaking cock. “Are you willing to take responsibility?” You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Perhaps. I’ve been dying to know your flavor.”
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fallen-w1ngs · 3 months ago
pairs: teen!hawks/keigo takami x reader
warnings: none!
word count: 1.9k
stuff to keep in mind: red text = keigo's thoughts, also this is like my first fic that im writing cause i had an idea :D! also this is prolly ooc ToT
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Keigo Takami, age 15, has never gone to a party and barely has any friends out of the commission. Only has one friend, and that's just out of sheer, dumb luck, Rumi Usagiyama.
And today... She's taking him out to a friends party!.... great.
Despite all of Keigo's faux confidence, he was a real nervous for this. He knows how to use his quirk to save people! At least in theory, he hasn't exactly saved anyone yet.. BUT I DIGRESS! This will be easy! Just some random teens.. He doesn't know... At a loud party...
Oh God, what am I doing??
"Okay, birdy brain," Rumi stretched her arms as the two stood in front of the house. "We'll stay as long as you want, unless it's past 2 am, don't wantcha grumpy for your trainin!"
As she said those words she pinched his cheeks, recieving a groan and his wings swatting at her as she laughed.
"You sure this is a good idea?"
"Yeah of course, I mean you're cooped up in training rooms or your dorm"
"... It's not that bad."
"It's pretty bad, birdbrain"
Rumi rolled her eyes as she lead them both into the house. The music wasn't as blaringly loud as Keigo thought it would be! Nor was there too many people.
Man, maybe this will be better than i thought, Rumi was just being drama- PERSON!
Keigo's eyes narrowed as someone, well, he'd assume was one of Rumi's friends came up to her, or practically running to them.
Keigo stood there motionless as they watched the two ramble on to eachother about.. Well he didn't really know. It took a good 2 minutes before the other noticed Keigo. Once registering his presence they made a small "o" with their mouth as they rubbed the back of their neck, backing away from Rumi and him. Oh my god, how do I talk to this person???
"Uh, hi, I'm y/n!"
Oh my god thank you for talking first.
"I'm Haw-" Rumi elbowed him before he could finish. SHIT! Keigo's been so used to being called Hawks. "Haaaaaawww.... Kato."
... Rumi looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Hakato? Really? Cute name, but it's not yours, Keigo. "Hakato?"
They gave a small smile as they tapped their chin. "It's nice to meet you then, Hakato!"
"Yeah, nice to meet you too, Y/N"
Get a grip Keigo, you're more awkward than two people who don't speak the same language.
Keigo was about to say something before-
They let out an exasperated sigh, physically deflating as they heard someone call them.
"Sorry about that! Those people can wait, uh- how do you kno-"
They let out a small groan as they ran a hand through their hair, giving a weak smile. "Sorry, I guess I gotta head over there, bye Rumi! Bye Hakato!"
Y/N gave a sheepish smile as they ran over to the other room. They weren't in trouble, it was just their friends calling for them! Probably cause they broke something, or needed to find something.. Or all of the above.
Once they were out of hearing distance Rumi smacked Keigo's arm, a confused look on her face.
"Hakato??? Really?? Why didn't you just say," She put her arms up, waving them at the side of her hips, mocking him. "Hey, I'm Keigo Takami! I don't know how to talk to people, meehh!!"
"I don't!" He pushed her face away with the palm of his hand, pouting slightly "I don't sound like that... And plus! It was gonna sound weird if I said Haw-Keigo!" Rumi rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips as she lazily put her arm around his shoulders, leading him to the room y/n went through.
"Welp! Looks like you're going by Hakato now!"
The two went into the room, the lights were all off with a few led lights glowing. It was a nice atmosphere, it wasn't too loud, but it could definitely become a bit much after a few hours. Thank goodness Keigo and Rumi were going to leave soon...
It was 1 am. This party started at 10 pm, and more people came, it got LOUD. Keigo just wanted to go back to the dorm rooms he stayed at, if he didn't get to sleep soon he'd be sloppy during the day. Being sloppy meant bad training, bad training meant bad hero, bad hero meant bad life.
Oh god I need to get home.
Keigo looked around the house one more time, accidentally finding more than two couples making out.
Gross, where the hell is Rumi.
He kept looking for a good 10 more minutes then just gave up. He didn't wanna try sending out his feathers to look for her, that would just end up with them getting trampled or something.
.. These people are Rumi's friends.. Yeah they are, plus there's no alcohol here so she'll be fine. Plus she can beat up literally anyone.
Keigo justified his reasons as he walked out of the house, stopping at the doorstep and texted Rumi.
"im leaving the party, im tired as shit"
What the?
Keigo looked around, he heard some rustling. Maybe he shouldn't look, maybe it's just another couple making out, but something just made him wanna at least know what made that noise. What can he say? It was the hero in him.
He turned the corner, to the sides of the house. Y/N! y/n?
They were curled up in a ball covering their ears and on their phone, seemingly rushing to text something.
Y/n turned their face towards the sound. It was Keigo snapping on a branch.
Great, good going government stealth training- Oh shit are they crying?
Y/n quickly rubbed their eyes and stood up, giving a weak smile as they stepped closer to Keigo. Their cheeks stained with a few tears and their face a little red.
"You okay?"
"Uh, yeah! I'm okay, sorry bout this-"
"No! No it's all good! You uh, wanna talk about it?"
"Oh, no it's okay! It's stupid"
"I don't mind."
The two stood there awkwardly for some moments as y/n played with the ends of their sleeves. God kill them now, this was not a good first impression, er, second.
"Just got loud is all," They gave a small shrug as they walked past him to the front of the house. They rubbed their eyes and nose with their sleeve as they sat down at the stairs to the porch. "I'm not good with people."
"O-Oh, yeah no, I get that," Keigo followed them and sat beside them, letting out an awkward sigh as he shuffled around getting comfotable. Damn these giant ass wings. "I'm bad with people too."
The two sat in.. Less than comfortable silence, it wasn't too bad. At least there was music playing in the back from the house. It was blaring music, but better than like, some classical or some shit.
"Sorry, this is a really weird impression, I promise I'm not that much of a crybaby!" Y/n chuckled as they rubbed the back of their neck, keeping their eyes away from Keigo's.
He shook his head swiftly.
"No! This- isn't the worst impression I've had with a few people," he thought back at the events of the party. ".. So many people making out.."
"Oh my god, right?? Like- like go home at that point!"
"At least some people are trying to hide it though, some people are just makin out on the couch!"
"My heart goes out to the houses owner"
"Oh god I didn't even think of that!"
They both burst into small giggles, y/n's eyes fully dried from tears and the awkward tension lifting, at least 2/3rds of it.
It took a second for Keigo to register that they were talking to him.. He'll have to explain the name thing later..
"Uhh," Y/n fiddled with their sleeves, looking out to the road. "How're you getting home?" "Wings."
Keigo nodded as he pointed to his wings, y/n making the same "o" then before.
That's kinda cute
Keigo gave a small grin, an awkward looking one but it made y/n giggle.
"I'm waiting for my brother to pick me up, if you want I can ask if he can drop you of-"
"that's okay!"
How does one.. Even explain that he doesn't live with his parents, nor really any guardians. But a dorm with a few other kids for some private hero-training shit?
Y/n nodded at that, a little surprised at how quick he responded but didn't question it.
"How uh, do you know Rumi? I don't see you around school"
"I'm uh- homeschooled"
It wasn't a complete lie! He was schooled with the commission... At that was practically his home.. So.. IT MAKES SENSE!!
Y/n nodded. Wow these two nod a lot. Makes sense, they're awkward teenagers.
"Yeah makes sense, I-I think I've heard Rumi talk about you once? Big red wings and all!"
They let out a small chuckle, finally glancing over Keigo, his wings shuffling a bit behind him.
Did their eyes always look this nice?
"Haha! Y-Yeah that was probably me, good ol'" He stumbled through his words a moment "Good ol' Hakato!"
Y/n laughed again as they heard a ding from their phone and glanced up to the street. A nice black, convertable with someone who looked like y/n.. Ohhhh, their brother.
They quickly got up and dusted themself off before putting their hands in their pockets, giving a small shrug.
"I gotta go- my brothers-" "Oh yeah no, all good!"
"You sure you don't want a ride?" "Nah nah, thanks though!"
Y/n gave a small wave as they walked towards the car, leaving Keigo to watch them get into the car and wave at him through the passenger seat. "Bye Hakato!"
They yelled as the car started and Keigo got up. He flapped his wings and got off the ground, giving one more wave towards them before he started flying towards the dorms.
He had fun! More than expected. It was tiring, and a lot of new people, but some of them were nice! Majority were nice, and plus it was good for Keigo to make new friends his age! Everyone at the HPSC was all older than him.
Soon enough, Keigo snuck back into his room, shutting the window behind him. SUCCESS! He successfully snuck out, went to a party, made new friends! Oh hey, and Rumi texted him back! "rude! coulda given you a ride back birdbrain"
"haha, its fine, i like flying"
"such a damn bird..."
He put down his phone as he changed into his pj's, thinking back to the night... Y/n. Could be a good friend of his! Yeah he could...
He dove into bed and quickly texted Rumi.
"lol someones down bad"
"they seem cool, and wud be a good friend"
you gotta work for it"
"ill think about it and text you tomorrow morning"
"it's 2 am, its already tomorrow morning"
"touche, ill give the terms and conditions when i wake up LOL"
.. left on read.
Keigo sighed and put his phone down as he snuggled into his bed, maybe he can text y/n tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow.
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SMILES this was prolly badly written and super ooc, but im eepy and wanted to get this idea out. TEEHEE!
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crim50n-r8er · 4 months ago
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Welp, sorry for not getting to this yesterday, but I have my own fankid AU!!
It’s called “Khaos Kid,” and this is the first fankid I’ve ever designed across my time on the internet. Say hello to Khaos the Hedgehog! My Sonadow kid!! If you wish to read more about him, his lore will be shown below.
Otherwise, I do like how I made this guy. The first time doing a custom quill design like this was very annoying, and it was the same with color-mapping the shoes. But, I got it done in the end, and I couldn’t be any prouder.
Khaos was born not of a scientific background like sayyy… @/emthimofnight’s Stellar the Hedgehog. But instead of Chaos Energy from the Chaos and Master Emeralds on Angel Island. Why? Well, the Chaos Emeralds are also known as the “miracle gems,” so what would be more of a miracle than the miracle of life?
You see, in this AU, the Chaos Emeralds are…“alive” in some way and from how Sonic has protected them from getting into the wrong hands and using them to save the Earth over and over again, they have deemed Sonic as their protector. Think of it as Knuckles being the protector of the Master Emerald or Blaze with the Sol Emeralds.
Also within this AU, there seems to be an occurrence when someone comes into contact with Chaos Energy. For some reason, it can mess with their genetic makeup in unknown ways. This often leads to, with the victim’s first exposure, to be universally adaptable to mate with any biological being, creating completely healthy hybrids as a result. At least, that seems to be the most common result. And, as you would guess, Sonic has seen the brunt of this radiation-like energy by going Super with all seven of the Chaos Emeralds and using a fake emerald to use Chaos Control (I would count the events of 06 in these examples, but in all intents and purposes, those events got erased from time.)
This all came to ahead when he went against Eggman one last time in Green Hill Zone and defeated him. But sadly, with all cards played, Eggman met a tragic end by the hands of the collapsing machinery of the mech he used and the Eggmobile. Eggman had died, Starline style. Sonic could have saved him, but this couldn’t happen when a sudden pain shot through him from his back that caused him to go into a rolling wipeout just meters away from the wreckage.
What’s wrong with Sonic? Well apparently, Sonic is aging at an accelerated pace compared to the rest of the Sonic cast, but it isn’t enough to notice at a glance. Regardless of which, after this likely final adventure for the blue blur, the Chaos Emeralds realized that Sonic wasn’t going to be in his prime forever and instead of scattering to the winds, fly off to the Master Emerald at Angel Island to create a being that has the intended purpose for protecting these precious gemstones as well as the world.
There was one problem though, even with all this time being with the blue blur, they didn’t have a perfect shot at making what was essentially a genetic clone, so they decided to fill in the gaps with the DNA of the one who used the Emeralds for good the second-most often, Shadow the Hedgehog.
I’ll leave it there as I do have other things like commissions that I payed for to go over stuff like how Khaos got his custom shoes and his relationship with his parents
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mmx-code-crimpphire · 9 months ago
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welp it kinda did the whole bs of "still processing" thing again so I had to do youtube for this one too. But at least I know my backup for whenever it happened again, which, I didn't think was gonna happen back to back but yeah-
I'm so happy I was finally able to post this one!!
I've been thinking of this one for over two months, and you also have @sueanoi-mmx for this one!!
She initiated an idea of X leading a pride parade or both X and Zero, and I initiated the latter!! As I wanted to make this more of an idea!! I did draw it before, but I made it lok more like a parade here!!
I'm glad I did!! As I have had an image like this too!!
I hope to write the chapter to this p soon!!
Commission me on Artistree donate to me Ko-fi!!
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g00bergoo · 8 months ago
Welp it’s been fun 😔!
Jk, I’ll be going on a bit of a hiatus! I’ll be back in the next two-three weeks. I’ll still be online with the occasional repost, but I won’t be posting much (if at all). Commissions should be back around mid-late August! That’s about it
Au revoir!
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luxqaer · 1 year ago
Happy #MellyMonday
It's time for another Melia commission blog. This time, it is from Soph. Aka @tornadoarts. Check it out!
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I really like Tornadoart's drawings before I commissioned her. I mean, that goes for a lot of artists that I commissioned. But Soph always had this pastel/watercolor feel to her art, and it really made her very unique from other artists I commissioned.
As per usual, she had her commission slots up June of last year, and I wanted to see if I can put a slot in for myself. Of course, the request was made and we went on our merry way.
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There is really not much of anything that is different from the wip to the finished version. But it is interesting looking back on this one as not having a nighttime sky to it.
Going onto the art itself, I love the flair Soph gave to Melia here, especially. Especially when it comes to color theory where Melia and the background are portrayed with cooler coolers. I really love the purple and the purplish redish colors she used to make Melia and her hair shown off. It's just so nice! The pose is great, and the face is charming as well.
The night background is especially nice because of how it contrasts from backgrounds I commissioned in the past. All having to do with the time of day.
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The night version of the background I think looks especially pretty. And I didn't really even ask for that in the commission. I just only asked for a simple background. And the gorgeous stars and fog in the background are done at such a stylish way. Only Soph can very much pull off.
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Soph doesn't have commissions open that often these days. Maybe like once or twice a year now. I hope you do get to commission her one of these days, because her art is very special indeed.
Welp, that's it for today. Next week I will be talking about my last Long Hair Melia commission that I will do for a while. Which I will also be the beginning of a one month hiatus from making blogs. I will talk about it more in my next blog, but look forward to that. See you all then and have a great day!
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doc-davey · 2 months ago
Drumroll please…
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2024 DAVID!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️💞💞💞
Womp womp…
Welp, here’s David’s 2024 redraw, I’ve been drawing him for 7 years, and I’ve stayed the same ever since
I feel like I tried too hard on this one 😭 like compared to my old Davids, I barely put any effort into them lmaoo 😭
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Having been on hiatus last year but now coming back online, and starting to animate again, is so crazy 😩
Again, I’ve met some AMAZING people this year, and I hope we all can make it to another year ♥️
2025 here we come 😎
But if I were to draw this entire year in one picture
It would be me dying.
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I’m so burnt, I need a nap. 🪦
- Make some more animatics/animations (wooo)
- Actually write the Book of Saul
- Drinking water
- Buy a cardboard cutout of Saul
- Work on fixing my commission page/prices (I still haven’t done that, ugh, but imma open my commissions back up again once I do 👀)
- Make a David and Jonathan shrine (THINKIN ABOUT IT… since I have so much Jonavid merch now 😭 I already have my David shrine, but ig I gotta expand it)
- And um, read more
Happy New Years 🔥
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