#Wellness Tourism Market Size
laxmandige05 · 6 months
As per the report from nova one advisor, the global wellness tourism market size was exhibited at USD 916.98 billion in 2023 and is projected to hit around USD 2.63 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 12.43% during the forecast period 2023 to 2032.
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neha24blog · 1 year
Wellness Tourism Market Focusing On The Basis Of Service, Travel Purpose, Travel Type, Region And Forecast 2030: Grand View Research Inc.
San Francisco, 5 May 2023: The Report Wellness Tourism Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Service (Lodging, Wellness Activities), By Travel Purpose (Primary, Secondary), By Travel Type (Domestic, International), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 – 2030 The global wellness tourism market size is expected to reach USD 2.1 trillion by 2030, according to a new report by Grand View…
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qyresearchmedica · 2 years
The global wellness tourism market size was valued at USD 814.6 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.42% from 2023 to 2032. 
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formulatrash · 13 days
what do you think about formula e seemingly wanting to replace all of their street circuits in the calendar with permanent tracks? it feels like it’s starting to lose its street circuit racing identity already (and, that’s more of a personal opinion, but the permanent track racing feels like it has been much worse, it just doesn’t suit formula e cars at all)
it's very odd, at a point when F1 can't stop adding street tracks specifically to get hype venues and big-ticket promotional races, Formula E is hiding itself further and further away in permanent circuits.
they're sort of doing it for the same reasons, is the funny thing. little circuits will host FE much cheaper than the immense cost and logistics of building a street track and the lower the bill, the bigger likelihood a local business or tourist board will foot it. for F1, the cost of building a new, permanent facility is so staggering even oil states would likely baulk at it now. Yas Marina has cost over $1.3 billion so far, which Abu Dhabi can foot but isn't small change even for them and has led to other programmes being focussed around re-using and extracting value from the facility. (like the autonomous racing thing I was at earlier this year)
not that street tracks come much cheaper but you can build them faster, for an instant gratification on that investment.
F1 can boast massive figures for what a city stands to gain for hosting a grand prix. $449 million additional spending for Miami, for instance. Formula E... cannot throw around those numbers. it's not really a tourism draw and personnel are limited. so to go to a facility that desperately needs events, with an audience reliant primarily on local interest, means it can show an impact. FE claims that it brought an $84 million boost to the Hyderabad economy, for instance but a lot of that will have been in circuit construction.
so the financials add up. but also FE is supposed to be its own, distinct, world championship with a high profile not "F1 but it's electric and goes to lower grade circuits."
if a series does not have a profile of sufficient size, it has no hope of selling out venues. this happened to F1 - Silverstone didn't use to sell out at all, you could walk up to the gate and buy a ticket and I'm talking, like, 2016 not 1994. it took a long pathway of turning its visibility around to reverse that and yes they hit lightning in a bottle with DTS during lockdown but even things like social media had been a huge start in undoing a long, regressive slide into an ageing, shrinking fanbase.
FE cannot be small. manufacturers like Porsche are not in it for it to be small - yes, it is a useful test laboratory for regen but with long periods of homologation for powertrains, the marketing has to be a significant part of the draw. and you also need, reasonably, to be able to succeed: a manufacturer's board will not keep signing off on a racing budget, however small, if there are no or frustrating results on track. and no marketing function.
I know I've been saying this for years but it's still true: FE needs to keep developing itself, keep acting like a startup (since it is one) and continue to grow. ever since COVID it feels as though the championship just said "ah well, this is what we are now" and decided it wouldn't try to progress anything any further. it's a very odd lack of ambition for what could be such a hugely important series both to OEMs and fans.
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trulybetty · 11 months
oct' 31 x trick or treat
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Prompt: trick or treat (something sweet this way comes p.III) Pairing: marcus pike x f!Reader Word Count: 2,524 Warnings: barely beta'd is the name of the game, all mistakes are my own. mentions of baking, a tiny dash of spice, no spoilers here 💕 Summary: maplewood, a small town nestled in northern bc where people flock to see the changing blossom trees and celebrate the fall season. after losing your job you find yourself a part of the community which includes the towns baker who left a less than stellar impression on you. AO3: coming soon
A/N: It's here! The conclusion to this terribly sweet Marcus Pike story and my October prompts!
x. masterlist x. something sweet this way comes part I x. something sweet this way comes part II
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As October inched towards its end, the energy in Maplewood shifted towards an almost palpable excitement. Fairy lights had been strung up between the buildings, ghosts and witches dangled from the trees, and pumpkins of all shapes and sizes sat proudly in shop windows.
You had thrown yourself with full vigour into your job search, declaring that your sabbatical in Maplewood would need to come to an end at some point. So you’d dusted off your resume, worked on cover letters and created many alerts of vacancies between Toronto and Vancouver.
And then, the offer came. A job back in Toronto. On paper, it was everything you had been working towards: good pay, room for advancement, a chance to move back to the bustling metropolis you knew so well.
Just two months ago, you would have snatched it up without a second thought. But things had changed. Maplewood had seeped into your bones; the small-town charm, the sense of community, and the friendships you'd formed had given you a newfound perspective on what ‘home’ could mean.
Adding another layer to your already complicated emotional landscape, was Libby.
“You know,” she said one evening, “the tourism board has an opening. It's in digital marketing,” Libby continued as you both sat in the living room above the bookstore, you with a new mystery novel and her with a cup of herbal tea. “They're expanding their team, and I thought of you immediately. You'd be perfect for it.”
You looked up from your book, “That does sound interesting,” you admitted, your mind racing as you weighed the options.
“Just think about it,” Libby advised, noting your indecision. “You don't have to make up your mind right away.”
But time was not a luxury you had. The job in Toronto needed an answer soon, and the Trick or Treat Parade was just around the corner, a reminder that life in Maplewood moved at its own pace, whether you were ready or not.
And then there was Marcus.
Amidst the excitement for the end of the month Trick or Treat Parade, you had successfully managed to avoid Marcus for the most part since your stint at the bakery.
Whether by luck or meticulous planning, you had kept your interactions brief and formal, a kind of self-imposed exile to protect yourself from... well, you still weren't exactly sure what you were protecting yourself from.
It wasn’t without his efforts either - he’d turned up the afternoon of the Jack-o-Lantern hunt. Libby had been sitting at the counter when she’d glanced up at the store's window seeing Marcus look both ways before jogging across the street. Eyebrows raised, she turned to you, “Marcus is coming over. Do you want me to—”
“Yes,” you interrupted, not even needing to hear the rest, “Libby, you just have to promise me, if Marcus asks for me, say I'm not here, okay?”
Libby chuckled but nodded. “You got it.”
You retreated to the back of the shop, behind rows of bookshelves and out of sight. Moments later, you heard the chime of the front door bell, announcing Marcus' arrival.
“Hey Libby, is—ah, never mind,” Marcus started, seeming to catch himself mid-sentence.
“She's not here,” Libby confirmed, her voice carrying to your hiding spot. “Can I help you with something?”
“Ah, just wanted to drop these off,” Marcus replied. You could almost hear the crinkling of paper, imagining him setting down one of his signature boxes of baked goods on the counter. “For both of you. Consider it a thank you for the help last week.”
“Sure, I'll let her know,” Libby said, slightly hesitant, as if balancing on a tightrope of truth and discretion.
Just as you were thinking you might've pulled off the perfect vanishing act, you accidentally knocked over a stack of newly arrived books with a loud crash. You winced, cursing your clumsiness under your breath.
Back at the front of the store, Marcus raised an eyebrow. “What was that?”
Libby cleared her throat, a little flushed, “Oh, it must be the mice. I've been meaning to deal with that.”
Marcus' voice floated back, laced with a knowing skepticism. “Mice?”
“Uh huh,” Libby nodded.
He gave her a pointed look, “It sounds like a rather large mouse.”
Libby stuttered a response, “I mean, did you see that picture of that rat eating pizza in that New York subway?”
With a departing chime of the bell, Marcus finally left after his conversation with Libby finished, and you waited a full minute before emerging from your hiding spot, guilt written all over your face.
Libby looked at you, then at the box Marcus had left on the counter. “So, what gives? Why are we avoiding Marcus?”
You sighed, finally letting your guard down. “I almost kissed him.”
Libby's eyes widened, her expression shifting from surprise to excitement and then she let out made you wince, “I knew it! I knew you two would be good for each other.”
“Libby, it's complicated,” you said, hoping to dial down her enthusiasm a notch or two.
“What's so complicated?” She nudged the box toward you, lifting the lid to reveal an array of doughnuts and pastries, each more inviting than the last. “The guy leaves you doughnuts, and you're practically swooning. Sounds pretty straightforward to me.”
“It's not about the doughnuts, or the almost-kiss, or any of that,” you said, searching for the right words. "It's about me. I'm confused. I came here to escape my old life, remember? To take a break and figure things out. And suddenly, I'm considering jobs here, thinking about staying in Maplewood, and—”
“Marcus Pike.” Libby finished for you, her eyes softening.
“And Marcus Pike,” you conceded, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders as you admitted it out loud. “Everything was straightforward, come here and take a break, find a job and get back to life, and now? Now it’s like my compass is spinning in every direction and I have no clue what I’m doing.”
Libby moved closer, her eyes sincere. “Look, life doesn’t always fit into neat boxes, and that’s okay. Sometimes the messy parts are what leads us to the most beautiful things.”
“You’re such a romantic, you’ve been hanging around these books too long,” you said, half-teasing but also touched by her words.
“And you’re a realist,” she said with a grin, “That’s why we get along. But sometimes, realists need to let their guard down and see where life takes them,” she replied, pushing the box of pastries closer to you.
You picked one up and took a tentative bite, your thoughts swirling almost as much as the cinnamon in the pastry. As you chewed, you found yourself reflecting on Libby’s words. There was a truth to them that resonated deep within you.
“So, what’s your plan?” Libby finally asked after you’d savoured your bite.
“Plan? Who says I have a plan?” you retorted, a smile creeping onto your face.
“That’s the spirit,” Libby cheered, raising her tea cup in a mock toast.
You clinked your doughnut against her cup.
But as the evening wore on, and you found yourself scrolling through job listings again, your cursor hovered over the tab with the Maplewood tourism board job. What would it be like to build a life here? To become part of this community, to wake up every morning in this sleepy but charming town, and possibly, to explore what it and its residents had to offer?
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It was the night of the Trick or Treat parade in the town square.
The evening air was crisp, filled with the smell of autumn leaves and the sugary scent of candy. The Maplewood Town Square had been transformed into a wonderland of Halloween festivities, with strings of orange lights illuminating the dusk, and tables adorned with pumpkins and fall decorations. Kids in costumes scurried about, their laughter and the chatter of their parents filling the air.
You adjusted your witch's hat, the extent of your commitment to dressing up for the occasion. Libby, in contrast, had gone all out, embodying Where's Waldo with red-and-white stripes and a matching beanie. She looked at you and chuckled, "You could've tried a little harder than just a hat."
“I'm wearing all black. That counts for something,” you said, defending your minimalistic approach.
The two of you mingled through the crowd, stopping at various tables to admire the creativity of your neighbors. Your heart thumped a little harder when you saw Marcus’s booth up ahead. He was standing behind a table, handing out intricately designed Halloween sugar cookies to a line of eager children.
“I suppose,” Libby mused, her eyes scanning the crowd as she munched on a caramel apple.
You felt a flutter of nerves in your stomach. You'd run into Marcus a couple days earlier when you’d both awkwardly bumped into each other at the grocery store. Just when you thought you might be able to say something, Ella, who owned the diner, popped between the two of you, asking Marcus about his glazed doughnuts, and you'd taken that as your cue to leave, losing your nerve.
Since then, you'd been keeping an eye out for him but with the town's festivities in full swing for the end of the month it was one missed opportunity after the other and left you feeling that the universe seemed to be giving you every sign that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't meant to be.
And tonight seemed like it was going down the same road.
Marcus looked engrossed now in a conversation with another parent, and you felt that familiar tension creep back in. Just as you thought of moving on, he looked up, catching your eye. For a moment, it was as if the world paused, his gaze locking onto yours. Your heart picked up speed, a sense of anticipation rising.
And then someone screamed, which was followed by the sound of laughter.
All eyes snapped to the spectacle of the haunted house across the way, the moment shattered. When you looked back at Marcus, he was once again absorbed in his work, handing out cookies to a trio of young witches.
“Damn it,” you muttered under your breath.
Libby glanced at you, then over at Marcus surrounded by children eager to fill their bags with treats, “Come on,” she said softly as she hooked arms with you, “Let’s go get some hot cider.”
As the evening wore on, you felt a series of missed chances piling up. It was almost getting humorous.  Every time you managed to get close to Marcus's table, he, or you were pulled away—including Sarah, who’d shown up with her arm in a sling wanting to know about your week in the bakery, and then by the Mayor, who wanted to thank Marcus for his contribution to the event.
Finally, resigning yourself to another missed opportunity, you told yourself it was for the best. It was easier this way—easier to keep Marcus at a distance, safely contained within the realm of 'what could have been' rather than risk the messiness of 'what could be.'
As the clock neared the end of the evening, you and Libby began the trek back to her apartment above the bookstore. Libby looked at you, her expression thoughtful. “You know, sometimes when the universe gives you signs, it's not to deter you but to test how much you really want something—or someone.”
You paused, letting her words sink in. Maybe she was right. Maybe these obstacles weren't stop signs but hurdles, gauging whether you'd leap or turn back.
Once you were inside, you looked out the window across the street to Marcus's bakery, now dark but for a single light on in the back.
You didn’t stop to think it through.
Instead you grabbed your jacket, telling Libby to lock up and you'd be back and headed out the door.
As you stepped out into the cool night, a newfound resolve settled in. If the universe was testing you, then it was time to pass with flying colours. And with that, you walked towards the bakery, not knowing what awaited you but ready to find out.
Standing outside the bakery door you paused for a moment, if only to take a deep breath before you knocked the door, hoping it was loud enough to be heard out back.
You heard him shout from the back, “I've got nothing left Bill, Frank will have to go without!”
You knocked again.
When the sound of hurried footsteps drew nearer, Marcus appeared with a perturbed look until he saw you standing there. His eyes widened with surprise as he opened the door.
“Hey,” you said, your voice tinged with a nervous energy you couldn't quite suppress. “Do you have a minute?”
“Of course,” Marcus said, stepping back to let you in.
The bakery felt cozy, its lingering scent of baked goods filling the air as you stepped inside, closing the door behind you.
You hesitated, your gaze falling on the miniature decorative ghosts that decorated the now empty display case. “I think I owe you an apology,” you started.
“What for?”
You licked your lips nervously before turning back to him, “For avoiding you.”
He smiled knowingly, “I had noticed your lack of presence every time I happened to come into the bookstore. I think Libby was starting to run out reasons for your absence.”
You laughed, “Despite living and breathing books, surprisingly creativity is not always her strongest suit.”
“That it's not.”
You smiled and continued, “I guess…” you trailed off trying to find the words, “we almost kissed…” you stuttered, still trying to find the right words.
“And why would that be a reason to avoid me? It felt like you wanted to as much as I did?”
“I did,” you admitted, “but it was complicated.”
You chewed at your lip, “Because I've had an offer to take a job back in Toronto.”
“Oh,” the disappointment in his voice was impossible to miss.
“Congratulations,” he started, trying to sound more upbeat, “you've always said it was your plan.”
You paused, “Well, it was.”
He cocked an eyebrow in confusion, “Was?”
You offered him a bashful smile, “You're looking at the newest digital marketing coordinator for the Maplewood tourism board.”
“Congratulations again,” he laughed.
“Thank you.”
Another silence fell between you, the tension in the room palpable.
Marcus looked at you, his eyes full of something you couldn’t quite put your finger on, but it felt like hope. “So, where does that leave us?”
You took a step closer. “I think that leaves us at the beginning of something. Something I’m willing to explore, that is if you are?”
Marcus closed the gap, his hands finding your face, his touch warm and grounding. “Then let’s start at the beginning.”
As your lips met, it felt like the answer to an unspoken question, a missing piece slotting into place.
And as you kissed, soft and tentative, as if both of you were testing the waters, the uncertainties and what-ifs seemed to melt away, leaving only the palpable sense of a new chapter unfolding.
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indiatriangletours · 2 months
How to Choose the Best Golden Triangle India Tour Packages?
India Triangle Tours - Mystic India Tourism
Embarking on the Golden Triangle India Tour is a journey through the rich cultural tapestry of India, offering an unparalleled experience of history, architecture, and vibrant traditions. Choosing the best Golden Triangle India Tour Packages can elevate your travel experience, making it memorable and hassle-free. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you select the ideal tour package for an unforgettable adventure.
1. Understand What the Golden Triangle Tour Entails
Before diving into the details of selecting a tour package, it’s essential to understand what the Golden Triangle encompasses. The tour covers three iconic cities:
Delhi: The capital city, a blend of ancient history and modern marvels.
Agra: Home to the Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage site and a symbol of love.
Jaipur: The Pink City, known for its majestic forts and palaces.
These cities form a triangle on the map, hence the name Golden Triangle. Each city offers unique experiences, from Delhi’s bustling markets and historical monuments to Agra’s Mughal architecture and Jaipur’s royal heritage.
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2. Determine Your Budget
Golden Triangle India Tour Packages vary widely in price, catering to different budgets. Decide on your budget before starting your search. Consider factors like accommodation, transportation, meals, entry fees to tourist attractions, and additional activities such as guided tours or cultural shows. A clear budget will help narrow down your options and ensure you get the best value for your money.
3. Choose the Right Duration
Tour packages can range from a quick 3-day trip to an extensive 10-day exploration. Determine how much time you have and what you want to see. A shorter tour will focus on the highlights, while a longer one will offer a more in-depth experience, including visits to lesser-known attractions and more leisure time to soak in the local culture.
4. Look for Customization Options
A good tour operator should offer customizable Golden Triangle India Tour Packages. Customization allows you to tailor the itinerary to your preferences, adding or removing destinations and activities based on your interests. Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, or a shopaholic, a customizable package ensures you get the most out of your trip.
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5. Check the Inclusions and Exclusions
Carefully review what is included in the tour package. Key inclusions to look for are:
Accommodation (hotel ratings, location, amenities)
Transportation (type of vehicle, comfort level, driver’s expertise)
Meals (number of meals per day, type of cuisine)
Sightseeing tours (entry fees, guide services)
Any special activities (cultural shows, workshops)
Also, check for exclusions such as personal expenses, optional tours, and tipping. Knowing what’s included will prevent any unexpected costs and help you plan your budget better.
6. Read Reviews and Testimonials
Customer reviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into the quality of the tour packages. Look for reviews on trusted travel websites and social media platforms. Pay attention to feedback about the tour operator’s reliability, quality of service, and overall customer satisfaction. Positive reviews from past travelers are a good indicator of a reputable tour operator.
7. Evaluate the Tour Operator’s Experience and Expertise
Choose a tour operator with extensive experience and expertise in organizing Golden Triangle tours. Experienced operators like India Triangle Tours - Mystic India Tourism have in-depth knowledge of the destinations, ensuring a well-planned and smooth travel experience. They can provide valuable insights, tips, and recommendations to enhance your trip.
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8. Consider Group Size and Travel Style
Tour packages can be group tours or private tours. Group tours are more affordable and offer the chance to meet new people, while private tours provide a more personalized and flexible experience. Decide which travel style suits you best. Also, consider the group size for group tours – smaller groups often provide a more intimate and enjoyable experience.
9. Check for Safety and Support
Ensure the tour operator prioritizes safety and offers reliable customer support. Look for packages that include travel insurance, well-maintained vehicles, experienced drivers, and knowledgeable guides. Reliable customer support is crucial in case of any issues or emergencies during your trip.
Selecting the best Golden Triangle India Tour Packages involves careful consideration of various factors, from budget and duration to customization options and safety measures. By following this guide, you can find a tour package that aligns with your preferences and ensures a memorable journey through India’s iconic Golden Triangle. For a seamless and enriching experience, consider India Triangle Tours - Mystic India Tourism, a trusted provider with a reputation for excellence in Golden Triangle tours. Happy travels!
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luke-r-gillespie · 4 months
May 17 - Odaiba / Barbecue / Teamlab
Today I woke up at 7:30 to another pop quiz (lucky me,) fortunately I had done the readings the night prior so the quiz wasn't too bad. I skipped Edoya breakfast.. again (I will go tomorrow though) and got ready for our morning meeting. After our meeting, we prepared to leave for Odaiba. Odaiba is a manmade island island in Tokyo Bay that is a popular entertainment and shopping district. Our first stop in Odaiba was the Fuji Television "Museum" which turned out to be a glorified gift shop. Racing up the eight flights of stairs outside the gargantuan building was the highlight of the "museum" for me (I won but I was out of commission for at least thirty minutes afterwards.) After the Fuji Television "Museum," the class left for an outdoor barbecue place where we had three grills and all the meat that a boy from Florida could dream of. I was the grill master for my friends and I and I took great pride in my work (I cheffed up some good meats.) The view of Tokyo Bay from the Barbecue restaurant was probably the highlight of the meal for me.
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Following lunch, we walked by DiverCity Tokyo, a massive mall with an even more massive Gundam outside (think of a Gundam as a Japanese transformer that a person has to pilot.) The size of this piece of fiction was so impressive that I had to come back later on in the day to buy a model kit to build a (much, much) smaller version of it.
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Our final class destination for the day was Teamlab Planets, an interactive art museum. Upon arriving we were instructed to remove our shoes and socks before entering, as many of the exhibits involved walking through water or some other type of sensory input for your feet (basically Corinn's worst nightmare.) As a whole, Teamlab Planets was pretty cool, and walking around the art museum with my friends was a lot of fun. My favorite exhibit was one where they had living flowers hanging down from the ceiling, all the way down to the floor that you sit under and look up at.
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After our final excursion, Noah, Rich, Griffin, Zachary and I returned to DiverCity Tokyo to play some arcade games and walk around. We headed back to hotel Edoya after a while where I am now doing laundry before getting ready to go out tonight for Griffin's 20th birthday!
Academic Reflection
Odaiba was first constructed in the 1850s with Japan's defense in mind. However, the manmade island was repurposed in the 1990s to become a major commercial area, pandering to Japan's emerging tourism market. Upon visiting Odaiba today and once earlier in my trip, this commercialization was extremely apparent. The towering Gundam, one of a kind architectural marvels, and wide passageways that traverse the city were obviously designed with tourism in mind. When compared to the other cities and prefectures that I have visited in Tokyo and Japan thus far, it is no surprise that Odaiba is frequently compared to a theme park. It felt like walking around City Walk, Orlando with the exception of having no rollercoasters painting the backdrop skyline. Acknowledging this, I also do not find it surprising that Odaiba is frequently criticized for ignoring local history. Odaiba began as a trash dumping site as well as a location where feudal weapons (guns) could be taken for repair. Odaiba's origins are not felt or seen at all when walking around the city and this modernization and gentrification within Japan is not a problem exclusive to Odaiba. When large corporations like Fuji TV take root in locations like Odaiba, to grow their "digital content factories," the rich history has an unfortunate tendency to die out.
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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“Once in a blue moon” is now, as the moon waxes toward its second full phase of the month. The energy in the shimmering moonbeams is tangible, and as the moon grows in the sky, the crystals that erupted from the cracks in the ground around Wicked’s Rest are hungrily drinking in its light. They’re even taking on a bluish glow as they absorb more of the moon’s energy. 
Already, tourists are flocking into town to see the town alight in a cool glow, and businesses are looking into the profitability of the crystals themselves, selling shards to tourists and locals alike. The closer it gets to the full moon, the brighter the crystals seem to glow. Night by night, throngs of people gather around Serpent’s Flat Viewing Station and other high points in Seven Peaks to watch the glimmering crystals light up the night. The fact most of the viewers leave with an array of newly developed erratic behaviors seems to be going unnoticed by the tourism board. Whether it’s the same afflictions people got by touching the crystals before, or something entirely new, you might find familiar people acting in unfamiliar ways. While the tourism board is marketing the phenomena as a must-see to make Wicked’s Rest the end of summer destination, the crystals seem to be growing in power and size. 
Ordinary humans becoming erratic may prove dangerous enough, but the effects of the blue moon extend to all living things in town. Werewolves are powerless against its might, growing more aggressive and beastly. Vampires struggle against their urges, and the trickery of fae grows more deadly. Spellcasters may find their fingertips overflowing with strange magic. Animals roam in hordes and pets and livestock may now bite the hand that feeds. Even the plants feel the change in the air, their leaves shedding too early or their roots twisting up and strangling themselves.
Reports of missing persons and violent crimes have both skyrocketed since the passing of the new moon. The already unpredictable happenings of the town seem to be growing even more strange, and while they seem to be crescendoing toward the upcoming full moon, some suspect the effect the moon is having on the crystals may make this a longer-lasting problem. Many have reported seeing figures in the crystal's lights while others have grown especially on edge and paranoid. As the glow intensifies through the month, so do its effects.
As for what comes after August 30th? Probably not relief. 
Those with supernatural abilities may find them becoming unpredictable as the full moon at the end of the month approaches, even now, before it technically begins. The haze from the glow of the crystals is making the effects of this full moon more far-reaching than just werewolves and rangers. Balam might find their claws always wanting to come out to scratch someone up and lamia may never be sated; vampires might not be able to control themselves when they heart a heartbeat, and nymphs will do anything to serve their element, losing themselves to it. This seems to affect some people more than others. [AKA, we’re not forcing anyone!]
During the upcoming full moon, werewolves especially will be sensitive to the energy radiating from the blue moon. These shifters will be especially strong, bloodthirsty, and aggressive during the upcoming full moon. Rangers, in turn, might have a sudden surge of strength that’s more than they’re used to. While this can be life-saving it might lead to a lot of busted doors and broken cups.
While the full moon is on August 30th, we want to allow people to use this plot prompt longer if they want. The moon’s energy is stored in the crystals, so if a character has some contact (even not physical contact) with one after the full moon, they may continue to have ongoing effects.
Now that it’s relatively well-known that volmugger acid will cure those who are turning to crystal beasts, some sellers are taking advantage of desperation and marketing fake cures that aren’t true volmugger acid. There has also been an increase in demand for the real acid, which has resulted in a lot of volmugger bounties being posted. Both supernatural hunters and ordinary but brave souls might delight at this.
Individuals who were impacted by touching the crystals during our last POTW may still be suffering from its effects. This can also still happen to anyone new who touches one.
Golden birds known as alicanto have been rumored to be popping up around town in more isolated places. They seem to really want you to follow them into the mines. Will you discover something incredible and have it pay off, or will the bird chitter with amusement as you fall to your death down a dark shaft?
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lionellistuff · 1 year
May 28, Asakusa
Today we went to the Asakusa area of Tokyo. This area is known for the sensō-ji temple which we visited. I was shocked at the size of the temple and the size of the crowds which were visiting. Gaggles of girls in rented Kimonos decorated the streets in droves. Market vendors hocking their wares gave a lively aurs to the area. The experience was magical. Afterwards, we visited the Edo Museum which houses a life-sized recreation of a typical peasant neighbourhood in 17th century Edo, now Tokyo. Later we visited the Tokyo SkyTower and got a view of the city, the largest in the world. I was particularly awed by the scope of Tokyo. From the top of the tower, the urban landscape stretches as far as the eye can see.
Academic Reflection
The sensou-ji temple is the Oldest temple in Tokyo and the most frequently visited religious site in the world. As outlined in today’s readings, many Buddhist temples in contemporary Japan act as sites for tourism, pilgrimages, fortune telling, in addition to worship. This particular temple is so frequently visited (and crowded) that it does not seem to need to create income from the most common way Buddhist temples in Japan remain financially stable, funerals.
Our readings indicate a decline in the influence and social sway of Buddhism in contemporary Japan. The lack of reverence or any spiritual guidance in today’s visit to the temple tells me this may be true. The temple lacked the solemn and heavy aura that I have felt visiting cathedrals and basilicas, as well as Hindi temples. However, the popularity, and approachability of the temple tells me that Buddhism still occupies an important space, even in an increasingly secular country.
Later in the day, we visited the Edo museum. This museum gave me a glimpse into the daily life of townspeople in the 17th century. I was surprised at how plentiful the lifestyle seemed for a premodern society and the urban lifestyle stood in stark contrast to the indigence of the farmers as described in the readings. The merchants of Edo appeared to live a truly middle class life free from the strict regulation of the farmers. They seemed to have s varied diet from the vegetable and rice merchant stores I saw there. From what I have read, the poorer subsisted on rice, pickled vegetables and green tea. This was a great first day in Japan.
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dwagom · 2 years
"airbnb used to be good"
the arc of a company's lifecycle, especially when that company is tied to one or multiple speculative areas (in this case tech, tourism, landlordism, real estate) has been trodden hundreds of times at the level of high capitalisations under post-GFC neoliberalism. the template for this sort of company is well-explored, modellable, given enough size a company will not only game the system (let alone flourish) but end up shaping the system as well. if airbnb wasn't formed around the time that this body of knowledge was already formed (the GFC led to QE which was a major systemic change), then it lasted long enough to both see it form and make good use of it. which is to say that airbnb had plans for being complete shit from the start, it was baked into the model as one of the central operating assumptions in the plan of the game, and that it seemed both cheaper and better than hotels was part of that arc as well. the quality was a chekhov's pretense, and a chekhov's pretense must be dropped by act III. the main idea was to give retail housing speculators a means to subsidise HODLing real estate through using short-term leasing to cover mortgages, taxes, other expenses, but also to gouge rents by reducing vacancy while setting a high rent floor. it had the position of a crown jewel in the regalia of the housing bubble in a perverse sort of a mutualistic feedback loop, and the reason why airbnb is reportedly so shit as compared to before is because the housing market has peaked, it's no longer sexy, the central underlying incentive has weakened, and in all the real estate markets that matter airbnb is well past its peak because those markets are past their peak, because the hypercommodification of everything is past its peak because people have been squeezed dry and now interest rates are rising too, and the atmosphere is one of a standoff between buyers and sellers in a particularly tense moment where buyers think that they'll get the sellers to crack, and sellers think that they can hold on like this forever without cracking (it's the buyers who have the correct judgement). all in all a fucking ghastly situation with 0 decent people involved, and to boot, now the guests have to renovate the fucking place if they stay there because there's increasing costs to be passed on in a falling speculative market, so when times get bad they only stay good should you pass the bad on, and the landlords are making the guests and tenants swim against the current for them even more than before. the worst of casinomics accelerated to a fare-thee-well. what that means is that right now the RE markets are fucking parasitic, but at a certain point (on a gradient, i must add) they become visibly fradulent as well, and it's that fradulence (ineluctable according to bubble dynamics if not undergirding the bubble from the start) breaking through to the surface which at last both signals, causes, and accelerates the market bubble's popping
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healthcare-domain · 2 years
Infertility Treatment Market Scope of Current and Future, Key Players Analysis by 2026
According to the new market research report "Infertility Treatment Market by Product (Equipment, Media, Accessories), Procedure (ART (IVF,ICSI, Surrogate), Insemination, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Patient Type (Female, Male), End User (Fertility Clinics, Hospitals, Research) - Global Forecast to 2026", published by MarketsandMarkets™, the global Infertility Treatment Market size is projected to reach USD 2.2 billion by 2026 from USD 1.5 billion in 2021, at a CAGR of 8.1% during the forecast period.
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The decline in the fertility rate, increase awareness about the availability of infertility treatment procedures, rising number of fertility clinics, increasing public & private investments and growing technological advancements are expected to drive market growth in the coming years
The infertility treatment market include major Tier I and II suppliers of infertility treatment equipment, media & consumables are The Cooper Companies Inc. (US), Cook Group (US), Vitrolife (Sweden), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (US), Esco Micro Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), Genea Biomedx (Australia), IVFtech ApS (Denmark), FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific (US), The Baker Company, Inc. (US), Kitazato Corporation (Japan), Rocket Medical plc (UK), IHMedical A/S (Denmark), Hamilton Thorne Ltd. (US), ZEISS Group (Germany), MedGyn Products, Inc. (US), DxNow, Inc. (US), Nidacon International AB (Sweden), Gynotec B.V. (Netherlands), SAR Healthline Pvt. Ltd. (India), and InVitroCare Inc. (US). These suppliers have their manufacturing facilities spread across regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific.
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COVID-19 has impacted their businesses as well. Logistical issues, managing patients with the disease, prioritizing patients with comorbidities and pre-existing conditions, and protecting public & hospital frontline workers from exposure to the COVID-19 infection are the major challenges faced by healthcare systems across the globe. One in six reproductive-aged couples experiences infertility, and many turn to treatments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), which require in-person appointments to complete.
The fertility rate worldwide is declining steadily owing to various factors, such as the growing trend of late marriages and increasing age-related infertility. Global fertility rates are projected to decline to 2.4 children per woman by 2030 and 2.2 children per woman by 2050. This declining fertility rate has led to a significant increase in the demand for infertility treatment products that determine the fertility window in males and females.
The rise in number of fertility clinics to support the market growth during the forecast period.
Significant rise in number of fertility clinics, coupled with the decline in the fertility rate across the globe. Along with this growing focus of players and government towards the launching and acquiring new fertility centers across the globe is likely to contribute towards the growth of the segment. The expansion of fertility clinics equipped with advanced technology is anticipated to increase the accessibility of infertility treatment devices among infertile couples.
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Asia Pacific likely to emerge as the fastest-growing infertility treatment market, globally
Geographically, the emerging Asian countries, such as China, India, Japan and Singapore, are offering high-growth opportunities for market players. The Asia Pacific point of care market is projected to grow at the highest CAGR of 9.1% from 2021 to 2026. Expansion of healthcare infrastructure and increase in disposable personal income, rising medical tourism in Asian countries, increasing healthcare expenditure, and growing awareness among people about infertility are supporting the growth of the infertility treatment market in the region.
Prominent players in this market are The Cooper Companies Inc. (US), Cook Group (US), Vitrolife (Sweden), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (US), FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific (US), Kitazato Corporation (Japan), and Hamilton Thorne Ltd. (US), among others
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kenresearchcompany · 2 years
The Edible Oil Market In Vietnam Is Now Growing At A Steady Rate, With Palm Oil Dominating The Industry: Ken Research
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Farm Mechanization: Although Farm mechanization in Vietnam is still in its nascent stages, it is now seeing a sudden rise due to favourable and targeted government policies. Lack of access to farm power is one of the primary reasons for the slow uptake of farm mechanization and hence the non-intensification of farm productivity, particularly among small and marginal farmers. Moreover, the sector faces critical challenges in terms of a large share of small and marginal farmers, declining land holding sizes, high cost of farm machinery and equipment, inappropriate technology, undeveloped markets, complex operations, maze of legislation and insufficient policy framework. A steady change has been witnessed in recent years with farmers being able to access farm machinery on a rental basis. Furthermore, Substantial public investments including those in agricultural R&D and irrigation infrastructure, as well as the acceleration of the economic transformation in the county, are likely to stimulate the demand for machine use.
Lifestyle Changes: As urbanization increases in developing countries, dietary habits and traditional meal patterns are expected to shift towards processed foods that have a high content of vegetable oil. Vegetable oil consumption in Vietnam is, therefore, expected to remain high due to high population growth and consequent urbanization. Inclination towards processed food has also been exaggerated by a busy lifestyle & a decline in the desire to cook meals at home. On the other hand, people who are health conscious are expressing their desire to purchase & consume healthy meals containing healthy & nutritious oils. This has led to many people purchasing premium products thereby increasing the demand for high-quality edible oil.
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Rising Disposable Income: With the annual income increasing, individuals are expressing their inclination towards better quality food products including edible oils. This can also be attributed to them having extra money to save or spend which compels a person to go ahead with premium products in every sphere. Moreover, a rise in income is also the root cause for a person trying to maintain a certain lifestyle.
Covid Impact: Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam has seen an increase in the production and consumption of refined vegetable oils, especially rice bran oil. Moreover, palm oil exports have also increased manifold even though there was a decrease in the imports of the same in 2021. According to TDM, in 2020/21, Vietnam imported 915,000.0 tons of palm oil, down 9.0% compared to the previous year due to COVID-19 restrictions that impacted the food service, food processing, and tourism sectors. Palm oil accounted for about 92.0% of the total vegetable oil imports in 2020/21 due to its low price. The two main palm oil suppliers are Indonesia and Malaysia.
Analysts at Ken Research in their latest publication, Vietnam Edible Oil Market Outlook 2026F– driven by Rise in Disposable Income, Prevalence of Health Problems and Increasing Inclination towards Healthy Lifestyle observed that the market will experience a steady uptick in the upcoming years. Rising income levels & demand for high-quality oil are expected to be the main growth drivers in the upcoming years. Growing disposable income, an ageing population, and a preference for healthier lifestyles are some of the factors driving the market’s expansion. It is expected that the Vietnam Edible Oil market will grow at a CAGR of 7.7% (2021-2026) for the foreseeable future.
Key Segments Covered: –
By Type
Palm Oil
Rapeseed Oil
Soybean Oil
Coconut Oil
Others (Rice barn oil, Sesame oil, Peanut oil, sunflower oil and olive oil.)
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By Volume
Palm Oil
Rapeseed Oil
Soybean Oil
Coconut Oil
Others (Rice barn oil, Sesame oil, Peanut oil, sunflower oil and olive oil.)
By Mode of Sales
By type Of Sales Channel
Super Market
Grocery Store
Convenience Store
Local market
Specialised Store
Key Target Audience
High-Income Individuals
Local Stores
Online Stores
Convenience Stores
Time Period Captured In the Report:
Historical Period: 2016-2021
Base Period: 2021
Forecast Period: 2022P-2026F
Companies Covered in Vietnam Edible Oil Market
Vinacommodities Corporation
Vocarimex (Calofic)
Kido Nha Be
Tuong An
Voe ( Vegetable Oil Extraction)
Quang Minh Corporation Joint Stock Company
South America Vegetable Oil Joint Stock Company
Otran Viet Nam Corporation
Vegetable Oil Trading JSC
PVN Oil ltd
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Key Topics Covered:
Vietnam Edible Oil Market Outlook
Market Size of Vietnam Edible Oil Market, 2021
Forecast of Vietnam Edible Oil Market
Historical Data and Forecast of Vietnam Edible Oil Revenues & Volume
Vietnam Edible Oil Market Trend Evolution
Vietnam Edible Oil Market Drivers and Challenges
Vietnam Edible Oil Import Export Trade Statistics
Market Opportunity Assessment By Type, application, distribution channel
Vietnam Edible Oil Top Companies Market Share
Vietnam Edible Oil Competitive Benchmarking By Technical and Operational Parameters
Vietnam Edible Oil Company Profiles
Vietnam Edible Oil Key Strategic Recommendations
For more insights on market intelligence, refer to the link below: –
Future Outlook of Vietnam Edible Oil Market
Related Report by Ken Research: –
India Edible Oil Market Outlook to 2022
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
New Space / Commercial Space Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
The Global New Space/Commercial Space market size is forecast to reach $23.6 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 11.2% from 2021 to 2026. The market growth is attributed to technological advancements creating demand for more cost-effective space operations. Moreover, the expansion of private investment from new space investors has been also positively impacting the growth of new space/commercial space market. Rapid evolution of space sector overtime have eventually raised the transformation bar in space ecosystem, driving more space related exploration and research activities, which in turn also impact its market growth. In addition, emerging space economy is increasingly dependent on data with varied impacts on space technologies as well as markets along with military or strategic innovations around space and others is set to drive the market forward in the long run.
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Report Coverage
The report: “New space market– Forecast (2020-2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the New Space market.
By Equipment Type: Communications Satellites, Earth Observation Satellites, Launch Vehicles, Others.
By Solution Type: Satellite IOT, Communications, Geospatial solution, Others.
By Application: Navigation/Agriculture, Surveillance, Earth Environment Monitoring, Space Tourism, Asteroid Mining, Others.
By End Users: Civil, Commercial and Military.
By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, U.K, France, Italy, Spain, Others), APAC (China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia and Others), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Others) and ROW (Middle East, Africa).
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Key Takeaways
Satellite IoT segment is analyzed to witness the fastest growth in the new space/commercial space market during 2021-2026, due to growing development of IoT based satellites.
Military sector will grow with the highest CAGR during the forecast period 2021-2026, due to military investments on space exploration.
North America had accounted for the largest share in 2020, due to growing demand for small satellites, rise of space observation mission and others.
New Space/Commercial Space Market Segment Analysis - By Solution Type
Satellite IOT segment is anticipated to grow with the highest CAGR of around 7.5% in the global new space/commercial space market during the forecast period 2021-2026. Satellite IoT facilitate surveillance of the environment, agriculture, maintenance of public utilities and many others relevant to remote sensing within a large area. Availability of low-cost and low-power global networking would also help in increasing the overall number of linked sensors, thus improving precision of data-based predictions and developments in a variety of global environmental, social, manufacturing, agricultural and logistical applications. A new wave of start-ups exploring recent developments in smaller satellite technology which offer low-cost, low-power access would challenge traditional satellite providers, aiding its market growth. IoT-focused satellites can be a great way to improve profitability, especially in relation to the rising broadband and satellite communications market. Some of the companies in the upstream satellite IoT market include OQ Technology, Astrocast, Kineis, Hiber, and many more. In 2019, Quilty Analytics had revealed about two dozen companies seeking to enter the satellite IoT market in the coming time, including both new entrants as well as incumbent players like Iridium Communications, Inmarsat, Globalstar and Orbcomm. In March 2020, Eutelsat announced about its plans of developing a nano satellite IoT constellation on the same side, set to be launched between 2021 and 2022. This will further help in serving emerging space economy advancements, driving its market growth in the long run.
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New Space/Commercial Space Market Segment Analysis - By End Users
Military sector is analyzed to witness the fastest growth in the global new space/commercial space market with the highest CAGR of around 6.3% during 2021-2026. Rise of military security threats have been eventually raising the need for increasing satellite communication services as a part of ensuring intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance application areas. This further add up to the demand towards space crafts, launch missiles and many others in order to improve service and security standards within the military & defense sectors. Moreover, defense or military organizations support deployment of different types of satellites including communication satellites, surveillance satellites and many others towards tracking or monitoring of future security threats, thereby impacting the growth of new space/commercial space markets. In May 2021, the government of United Kingdom had revealed about a space program plan for its military towards investing on new technologies with a major focus on increasing space capabilities. Through this program, responsive launched small satellites in low earth orbit constellation will be adopted ensuring direct utility for the war fighters, causing faster response and resilience of the space networks. Such factors are further set to assist the growth of new space/commercial space market in the coming time.
New Space/Commercial Space Market Segment Analysis - By Geography
North America region had dominated the global new space/commercial space market in 2020 with a share of 33%, and is analyzed to witness a significant growth during the forecast period 2021-2026. Growing demand towards commercial communication or satellite imaging services, collaborative efforts from government and private sector towards space exploration projects have attributed towards the growth of new space/commercial space market in the region. Increasing demand for small satellites, rise of interplanetary space observation missions as well as investments on launch missiles, spacecraft and related space equipment to improve space ecosystem have also helped in boosting its market growth overtime. In addition, strong support for start-up firms from U.S government over the years, with SpaceX being the most prominent, through awarding with NASA launches have also helped in driving new space prospects in the region. Well-known venture capital firms including Sequoia, Khosla Ventures, RRE Ventures and others have invested in several promising companies such as Earth, Orbital Insight, and Spire in American New Space, as a part of uplifting the bar in exploring as well as designing accessible space technologies. In June 2021, the U.S Space Force announced about setting up an office in order to assess and secure commercial services ranging from traditional satellite communications to satellite imagery, further impacting the market growth of new space/commercial space.
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New Space/Commercial Space Market Drivers
Evolution of small satellites
Emergence of smallsats, a satellite which weights as much as a few hundred pounds anywhere from one ounce, act as a major driver for the market growth of new space/commercial space. Usually, satellites weighing about 1 and 10 kg are made with off-the-shelf components and assembled in only a couple of days, thus lowering the entry barrier complexities, scheduling as well as cost viewpoint for commercial companies. This in turn help in pushing a new paradigm led by private corporations dedicated towards making space more available and inexpensive for non-governmental and military organizations. In November 2020, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) had revealed about its plans of gearing up the launch of small satellite launch vehicles utilizing satellites which weight less and have limited launch options. This small satellite evolution towards meeting the needs of emerging global small satellite launch services market, will further drive the growth of new space/commercial space market.
Growing investments from public as well as private firms
While private equity projects have captured most of the headlines in recent years, interest in the public sector have also increased significantly. In August 2019, Trump Administration had established a U.S. Space Command as a part of increasing U.S. military capabilities in space. Additionally, in May 2020, NASA announced about launching a manned flight to the International Space Station on a commercially developed rocket, making it the first time after U.K’s shuttle programme withdrawn in the year 2011. This further remarks a significant landmark in the collaboration between private enterprise and government in the area of space, thus aiding the market growth towards new space/commercial space.
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New Space/Commercial Space Market Challenges
Regulatory barriers
Global regulatory barriers or conditions remain a significant challenge for businesses seeking to launch or have assets launched into space, irrespective of active technical progress and a momentum for privatization in the post-SpaceX age of developing space markets. Operating licences for LSPs (Launch Services Programs) remain a sluggish process and laws being not yet in effect to support new modes of service. The lengthy delays required to gain regulatory approval have been adversely impacting the development of space companies. The S2E (Service-to-Employee) section, especially for spacecraft without de-orbiting capability, may be further affected by new space debris regulations. This is poised to hamper the new space/commercial market growth in the long run.
New Space/Commercial Space Market Landscape
Partnerships and acquisitions along with product launches are the key strategies adopted by the players in the new space/commercial space market. The top 10 new space/commercial space companies include Blue Origin LLC, Masten Space Systems, Stratolaunch LLC, Virgin Galactic, XCOR Aerospace, Inc., Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX), Northrop Grumman Corporation, ORBCOMM Inc., Orbit International Corporation and Orbital Sciences Corporation (Orbital ATK) among others. 
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nevernevadahq · 2 years
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The Brothers of Ichor bleed for their community, and despite the chill their presence brings even on the hottest of summer nights, their devotion to the city of Las Vegas has sprung sweet blossom. All members are devoted to local business and prioritize the people left behind in the blinding glamour of sin city and its tourism. Hosting a farmer’s market every year, all corners of Las Vegas gather beyond the gawking of a sin gone wrong or to point fingers at victim or foe. 
In the name of the harvest, the need to collect necessity for impending storm and starvation still remains even in this century. The families established not by blood but by oath in Las Vegas appear for more than just spiced sweets, but to weed out threats and solidify the grasp on alliances. Autumn is the time for the strongest to survive, and it will show who can prosper in the darkest hours to come. 
SUMMARY: Supported by the Brothers of Ichor in order to promote local business and bring harvest to the desert, the 21st annual Autumn Harvest is in full swing for a week in-character. Many local businesses from store fronts to bars to coffee shops put their best foot forward to welcome a new season even if the heat is still heavy. It’s an opportunity for residents to gather fresh produce and the community to come together, but more importantly, the chance for all organizations to scope out new members. Months have gone by and alliances shift, and it’s time to test the loyalty of current members and search for new ones. 
Autumn is a state of mind in Las Vegas. The heat is very much present but at least there’s no more rainstorms. 
In-character, the event will last from October 9th to October 18th, with the market opening at 9 AM and closing at 9 PM. 
Participating businesses are their services are the following
Cytherea Gallery has some art work on display specifically by local artists who are present to discuss and sell their work. 
Styxs is selling ale and other spirits with donations for local foundations as the Brothers of Ichor are heavily invested in their community. There is also a beer drinking contest that will allow participants to be bet on. 
Caesaries Salon is selling beauty products and all-natural elixirs. 
Daedalus Studio is offering discounted piercings and palm size tattoos. 
Rousseau’s is offering grilled food and has vintage motorcycles that the mechanic shop has fixed up on display for sale. 
Killer Cupcakes is selling autumn themed baked goods. 
Ambrosia Cafe is selling autumn themed coffee drinks.
Arlsan Bakery & Tea Room is selling tea and tools to make the best at home tea, as well as traditional Turkish baked goods. 
Chef Tian’s is giving their own spin on autumn themed cuisine, as well as selling their infamous soups and smaller meals. 
Vermillion is taking donations of clothing and household items to be given to local shelters. 
Elysian Market is selling flowers and other greenery, as well as promoting plants that will thrive in the season to come.
Gerovit House is taking donations and offering dinner deals at the restaurant to those in a raffle. 
Toddy Leash’s Ice Box is bringing the cooler season to onlookers with a pop-up ice bar. 
Vicky’s has its infamous Vixens dressed in costume as witches and autumn nymphs to perform and promote the burlesque club. 
Three Fates Diner is doing walking samples and providing access to their drive through menu right in the midst of the market.
The following organizations have tasked their members with the following..
BROTHERS OF ICHOR: The Brotherhood has tasked the majority of it’s members to hold security, as well as avert attention away from the train tracks following the festival. They are looking to mask stealing cargo from in-coming shipments with the busy crowd in order to make a faster getaway and bribe law enforcement where they can. 
ASENAS: Members are encouraged to solely become social and mingle, expanding connections. After their swift recovery, they are given the chance to practice the mundane–– but it doesn’t hurt to reel in someone who needs more than a sprinkle of cinnamon for philanthropy. 
THE WHITE SNAKES: It is time for initiation, and all prospects will be tasked by current members to prove their loyalty. This is the first integration into the White Snake Society, where members reveal their roles to prospects and their responsibilities in conjunction with wherever the prospect finds their place. The tasks at hand are collecting supplies for their own initiation banquet such as peaches, tea leaves, jade from other local businesses, and other fruits to complete a basket. 
THE FOXES: A gathering in the community is a red flag for the Foxes, but they must show face in order to show their support and turn away rumors of their selfish endeavors as nameless tycoons. The family is on display to show harmony and all members are set to work as security and avoid any threats. With so many people present, snakes should find it hard to slither in the grass without being trampled. All members are told to be weary of the cases they have under their arm, and make sure it doesn’t interfere with the day’s proceedings. 
All muses are required to attend, with any in-character reasoning muns can come up with.
At least two event threads per muse is required. 
The event will take place out of character from October 11th to October 19th, with this part officially ending at 11 PM on October 19th.
You may continue non-event threads during this time, but event threads should be prioritizing for the impending plot drop following this mini event. 
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dynamicsofthecity · 2 years
The Commodification of Koreatown and Benefits of Tourism: “Old” and “New” Style Restaurants
Suha Cho
“Old” vs “New”:
Out with the old and in with the new? Or if it isn’t broken, why fix it? These are the questions asked when looking at the restaurants Koreatown, Los Angeles has to offer. From traditional style dishes to Korean-Italian fusion, Koreatown now has restaurants with “new” and “old” style options. The restaurant highlighting Koreatown’s “old style” cooking or better labeled as Korean traditional style cooking is Mapo Kkak Doo Gee. Mapo is a hole-in-the-wall restaurant that serves Korean comfort food and classic dishes such as Bibimbap (Mixed rice) and Budae Jjigae (Army stew). Although the interior is small in size, with seating for only 30 people, their menu offers a wide variety of traditional dishes with 37 options in total. Each order comes with eight different side dishes or Banchan, which is a staple in Korean dining. The customers consist of mostly elderly Korean people, ages 40 and up, and the workers are all Korean immigrants as well. With all factors included, this restaurant has many aspects within its interior, exterior, plating, and design that categorize under the traditional Korean style. The restaurant that represents a “newer” style of Korean cuisine within Koreatown is called Hanchic. Hanchic is a Korean-Italian fusion restaurant that serves dishes inspired by Korean and Italian recipes combined, with menu options ranging from Bolognese Mandu and Bulgogi Risotto. The restaurant is fairly new, opening in September 2020 and opening indoor seating in early March 2021. Similar to Mapo, Hanchic has seating for around 30 people but has seasonal menus that include their popular dishes year-round. Their demographic consist of the younger generation along with non-Korean individuals, fitting under the category of “new” style Korean cuisine.
Commodification and Tourism:
Despite the differences in style, both restaurants can be seen commodifying their cultural space, marketing within their diversity, and benefiting from the tourist industry. Looking at Aytar and Rath’s writing called “The Transformation of Ethnic Neighbourhoods into places Leisure and Consumption,” the writers focus on tourism and its inclusive benefits, offering job opportunities to a wide range of people within the community. This includes natives, immigrants, skilled, and unskilled, males, and females. However, they emphasize that not every individual involved in the tourism industry is automatically benefiting from this business, considering its high risks. Relating back to Mapo Kkak Doo Gee and Hanchic, the difference in style between the two restaurants and the gap in customer demographic affect the way each of them make business. For example, in an article called “A tale of two Koreatowns: Hip spots thrive while older businesses struggle amid Omicron” by Jeong Park, Mapo Kkak Doo Gee is mentioned for their struggles during COVID; “‘The cost of ingredients is also going up. But raising prices is difficult when customers are already staying away,’ said Beak of Mapo Kkak Doo Gee.” On the other hand, Hanchic took advantage of the COVID situation and signed a lease for their restaurant, later popularizing it all over social media. The owners of Hanchic have been putting the benefits of tourism to use, attracting tourists to Koreatown through social media, using the slogan “not so traditional Korean,” and using fusion-style dishes to attract non-Korean customers. In an article called “Hanchic: Where Bouillabaise meets Bulgogi” by Hadley Tomicki, the owner explains, “I wanted to portray Korean flavors in an aspect where I can meet in the middle with people that don’t know Korean food.”
Fusion and Gentrification of Asian Cuisine:
The topic of fusion restaurants, however, brings in concerns that authors Aytar and Rath mention in their writing about how immigrants are not always on board with the transformation of their space turning into tourist attractions, considering many of the shops could have been established with the intention of catering to the needs of the in-group only. The owners of Mapo Kkak Doo Gee are immigrants from Korea, while the owners of Hanchic were born here in the U.S. While Mapo uses traditional Korean styles and can attract Korean people along with tourists looking for authentic flavor, Hanchic’s fusion may attract more tourists rather than people within the community. This also brings into question the topic of fusion restaurants and the act of gentrification within cultural cuisine. In an article called “The Gentrification of Asian Cuisine,” the authors Katherine Ly and Manisha Wanniappa talk about the rise in popularity of Asian cuisine through social media. They emphasize the white-washing of Asian foods through Westernized Asian dishes, fusion restaurants, and food trends. However, the article fails to mention the question of whether or not Asian fusion restaurants owned by Asian people, are partaking in an act of gentrification of Asian cuisine. Or is this considered a way in which they are using recipes authentic to an Asian style of cooking and adding a twist? If so, who then are they trying to appeal to when serving fusion dishes, and does it positively or negatively affect the cultural space within the community? Despite these aspects, Mapo Kkak Doo Gee and Hanchic are both commodifying their cultural space in different ways with the benefits of tourism within Koreatown, Los Angeles.
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blocktour · 3 days
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Bhutan’s Bitcoin Boom: $780 Million Jackpot
Nestled in the scenic shadow of the Himalayas, Bhutan—a picturesque landlocked country between India and China—is making headlines for an extraordinary reason. With a staggering Bitcoin reserve now valued at over $780 million, Bhutan's foray into the world of cryptocurrency has captivated the global financial stage. This impressive Bitcoin haul constitutes nearly one-third of the nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), making Bhutan's state-owned stash the fourth largest globally, as reported by on-chain analytics platform Arkham.
Bhutan: The Hidden Gem of Cryptocurrency
Bhutan, often celebrated for its stunning landscapes and unique cultural heritage, is now gaining international attention for its unexpected embrace of cryptocurrency. Known for prioritizing the well-being of its fewer than 900,000 citizens over conventional financial metrics, Bhutan is only the second country to hold Bitcoin, following El Salvador officially. This bold move is spearheaded by the country's state-owned investment arm, Druk Holdings.
A Deep Dive into Bhutan's Bitcoin Holdings
Bhutan's Bitcoin reserve is impressive in size and significant in its contribution to the country's economic landscape. With its holdings constituting a substantial portion of Bhutan's GDP, it underscores a remarkable national financial strategy shift. This reserve places Bhutan among the world's top Bitcoin holders, reflecting a bold and strategic investment in the digital currency.
The Role of Druk Holdings
Druk Holdings, Bhutan's state-owned investment arm, is at the forefront of this cryptocurrency revolution. Unlike many nations that acquire Bitcoin through law enforcement seizures, Bhutan has opted for a more proactive approach by mining Bitcoin directly. This strategic move is part of a broader investment plan to diversify the country's economic base.
Bitcoin Mining in Bhutan
Bhutan's rise in Bitcoin holdings is closely tied to its burgeoning mining operations. The largest of these facilities is located on the grounds of the now-defunct Education City project, highlighting Bhutan's innovative approach to leveraging its resources for cryptocurrency mining. This mining initiative represents a significant investment in the future of digital currency for the nation.
Partnership with Bitdeer
A pivotal element in Bhutan's Bitcoin strategy is its partnership with Bitdeer (BTDR), a prominent player in the cryptocurrency mining sector. In 2023, Bitdeer, headquartered in Singapore, partnered with the Bhutanese government to establish cryptocurrency mining operations in Southeast Asia. This collaboration secured over $500 million for the project and marked the beginning of a transformative phase in Bhutan's digital asset strategy.
Expansion Plans for Mining Operations
Bitdeer's initial 100-megawatt (MW) mining facility is just the beginning. By April 2024, Bitdeer plans to expand Bhutan's mining capacity to 600 MW by 2025. This significant expansion underscores Bhutan's commitment to becoming a major player in the global cryptocurrency market.
Economic Context of Bhutan
Despite its enchanting natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, Bhutan's economy remains relatively modest, with a GDP of just under $3 billion in 2022. This is approximately half the size of the Maldives' economy. Traditionally, Bhutan relies on hydropower, tourism, and agriculture sectors. However, the country's foray into cryptocurrency represents a bold step toward economic diversification.
Economic Diversification and Digital Assets
Druk Holdings is leading Bhutan's efforts to diversify its economic portfolio. This strategy requires a focus on digital assets, including cryptocurrency. This tech-driven approach also encompasses investments in hydropower and emerging technologies like the metaverse, aiming to position Bhutan as a forward-thinking player in the global economy.
Recent Bitcoin Wallet Activity
Recent activity in Druk Holdings' Bitcoin wallets reveals a dynamic and evolving strategy. Arkham's tracking indicates a flurry of deposits and withdrawals, including a notable transaction where over $25 million worth of BTC was transferred to Kraken, likely for sale. This active management of Bitcoin assets is a testament to Bhutan's strategic and responsive approach to cryptocurrency investments.
Global Implications and Reactions
Bhutan's Bitcoin venture has not gone unnoticed in the global cryptocurrency community. The country's substantial Bitcoin reserve and mining operations spark discussions and reactions worldwide. This bold move is seen as a significant development in the ongoing evolution of global cryptocurrency trends.
Challenges and Opportunities
While Bhutan's Bitcoin strategy is promising, it has challenges. The country must navigate potential regulatory hurdles, market volatility, and technological risks. However, the opportunities for Bhutan in the global crypto market are substantial, with the potential to enhance its economic standing and influence.
Bhutan's impressive Bitcoin reserve and mining operations are remarkable for this small yet ambitious nation. As Bhutan continues to embrace cryptocurrency and explore new economic avenues, it is poised to make a lasting impact on the global financial stage. The future looks bright for Bhutan's cryptocurrency journey, and the world will watch closely.
What prompted Bhutan to invest heavily in Bitcoin? Bhutan's investment in Bitcoin is part of a broader strategy to diversify its economy and leverage its resources for future growth.
How does Bhutan's Bitcoin reserve compare to other countries? Bhutan's Bitcoin reserve is one of the largest globally, ranking fourth in total holdings.
What is the role of Bitdeer in Bhutan's Bitcoin operations? Bitdeer has partnered with Bhutan to establish and expand cryptocurrency mining operations, significantly contributing to the country's Bitcoin reserves.
How is Bhutan's economy affected by its Bitcoin holdings? Bhutan's Bitcoin holdings represent a substantial portion of its GDP and are part of its strategy for economic diversification.
What future developments can we expect from Bhutan's crypto investments? Future developments include further expansion of mining operations and continued exploration of digital assets and emerging technologies. About blocktour Block Tour brings you the most comprehensive coverage on Web3 and Blockchain. As the latest Web3 news updates platform, Block Tour ensures you stay ahead in the digital innovation space. Our platform offers expert insights and real-time news on key topics such as decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain technology. Discover the Block Tour difference with our Best Web3 News Platform for Daily Updates, keeping you informed about top projects, trends, and upcoming events in the world of NFT, Metaverse, smart contracts, dApps, play-to-earn, and DAOs. Trust Block Tour for all your Web3 and Blockchain news needs.
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